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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and ;;ZAND RAPIDb rUllLIC LI~~AT C{ GRAND RAPIDS. MICH••APRIL 2. 1910 NELSON -MATTER FURNITURE co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ... . .... , :'. :. :'.: :'..::. BED- R00 .~. .i.~..'.:.a'i'i.a..;~J).rN...~'.iN'.:.G.' .~. l.lOMO ~c~~~t.W.BSUi1:ES..:···:·, : in ~Iahogany. Circassian Walnnt and Oak. If you have not one in your store, a simple request ,""'illbring yOu our ma~ni:tict"ntnew-Catalogue of 12x16 inch page groups, show-iull suites to match. With it, even the most IUoderaie sized furniture store can show the best and ne,vest furniture satisfactor:ily. ( \ \ - ....,. L ... WEEKLY ARTISAN 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN • fiuCE---FURNITURE COMPANY ~I I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ! ,I II I I I , ,I ,, , I : I I I ,I II I ,I " I I ~ I I , II ,I , I I # I !II I Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------~ Luce..Redmond Chair Co., Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, 1\1ICH. Our Exhibit you will find on the Fourth Floor, East Section, MANUFACTURERS'BUILDING, North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites 111 Dark and TUlia i'oJa!zor:any Bird J Ey Maplt Blrdl !i!.utlrtertd Oak and ell Ctlfflan If"alnut • C~RAND RAPIDS 26~ PUBLIC L;j~\~~~,j 6 ~ 7 '1))C,l/1 30th Yeai -No. 40 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.. APRIL 1910 Issued Weekly FAIR ADJUSTMENT OF LABOR DISPUTES Written for the April Number of Anl«:"ricanIndustri«:"sby President Kirby of the National Association of Manufacturers. The EIghth "DeclaratIon of LahOl Principles' adopted by the NatIOnal AssocIatIon of Manufacturers reads as follows "The National AssoclatlOn of Manufactul ers cllsapproves db~olutely of stllkes and lockouts, and favors an eqmtable adjustment of all clrfferences between employel" and em-ployes by any amlcable method that wlll pI eserve the rIghts of both parties" It should be noted here ihat, 111 t11le, declalai'l1n the ",ltlonal AssociatIOn of ManuLlcturers disapproves equally of o,tllkes and lockouts, favormg only "an e [tlltable adJuc,tPlent of all chfferences between employers and employes by any amIcable method that wlll preserve the rIghis of both pariies " Could any faIrer plOposition be offered? A lockout is held by many employers to be theIr mhereni r1ght mHIer om laws and unJel ihe terms of the NatlOnal ConstitutIOn For example, an employer is called upon by a union c01nmltiee and lS mfolmed by that committee that unless he complies wIth ceriam demands of the union, hIS workmen wlll be called out on strIke, say, wlthm twenty-four hours The employer, bemg fully conversant wlth his own business affaIrs, for cause e,uffiClent unto himself, is unwillmg to submlt to the terms demanded by the unlOn, and, wlth full knoV\ leclge of the dis-asiJ ou s 1 esults to hlS bu smess in the de~tructlOn of property and assault" on ihe substituted non-union workmen, 111elther the case of a stnke or a lockout, refuses the demands and elects to dlscharge hIS men, tellmg them to report that even-mg fOJ ihelr pay He chscharges them WIthout fm ther parley because the terms thus sum manly demanded al e such, in his Judgement, as to neces~ltate a sevel ance of b11~mess reI a t10ns "",ith them; and this is what lS commonly called a "lockout" It would probably e'Chaust the legal abllity of several Phlladelphia lawyers to explain what IS wrong or criminal in the exerCIse of such a pnvllege on the part of an employer It can therefore hardly be presumed that under such circum-stances, when the employer is placed in a position whel e he must choose between rtwo evils, lockouts, so-called, are dlS-approved of, nor that the disapproval of stnkes and lockouts applles to any and all circumstances m connectlOn therewlth Ordmary common sense and common Justice would of them-selves construe the declaratIOn to apply only to cases in which in presenting demands, from one side to the other, an opportulllty is glven to adjust the same by means other than a stllke or a lockout, wlth ihen inevitable destructive in-flnences, and "that WIll preserve the nghts of both parties" By way of comparison, let us pictm e a condition where a combinat1On of business men adopts the tactics of the labor unions and seeks, by union methods, to compel buyers of ihelr products to accept terms of the sellers thus peremptorily and arbitranly presented to them \Vhat manner of mortal would he be that would attempt to JustIfy such conditlOns? An employer with one or two assistan1s, or hired men, clischalges them WIth impulllty and the legahty of his action lS never quesiioned even by the man, or men so summarily paid off and dismissed. Lalge bodles of employes working in ihe same plant, however, whlle possibly 01iginally conscious of the legahiy and justice of such a rule, are in 1ime indoctri-nated by lahor leaders and othel plofessional agitators with 1he notion tl1at they, bemg the makers and bullders accordmg to the trades union theory of indu"i~ Iahsm, are entitled to all they can get from the employe 1 , by whatever proce'3s, with-out any reference to traditional rIghts or to the profits, losses or balances of the business There is in these days a l2, '-owmg perlllc10Us popular idea that as an employer prospers m hb busmess, he becomes in-creasingly responsible morally, as well as finanCIally, for con-dlt10ns affeci111g the plOspellty and mterests of his employes And by the same token, the employes are proportionately ex-empted from theil proper share of mOlal accountability. The dangerous fallacy of thls doctrIne oughi to be readIly seen by the stllctly conSCIentious and intellIgent employe The mOl e he feels impl essed WIth hIS 0\\ n responslbillty, both as em-ploye and as the molder of hIS own destiny, the more valuable hlS serVlce becomes and the hIgher his wages. The ideal industrial condltlOn IS that m whIch the workel's falthful and efficient servIce demands an increase, and it is this that dispenses WIth the expenslV e and superfluous inter-meddling of walklllg delegates and union agitators. The attItude of the NatIOnal Association of Manufacturers 1;;; that the courts and the pubhc cannot afford to discrimi-nate against the employels merely on the score that they hold the balance of financial power or responSIbility. Even if this theory were correct, there remains the fact that those least reSl)Omible rlepenc1 fOI ~ubslstence upon the others-'the employers The only question that remains, 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN therefore, IS one of moral responslbdlty, the solutlOn of whIch the employmg class would be only too glad to submit to the sense of JustIce of enhghtened reasoners m all CIVI-hzed natlOns, were It not that the} dre confronted b} certaIn other llnportant conslderatlOns Is the sense of Jushce-even among mtellu?;ent men-wholly free from pI eJudlCe, free from fedr, free from the popu-lar craze of selfish mtll est? I think not, and thIs, If true, compeL:, the employ (:'1 s to look after their 0\\ n affair" WIth about the ::,dme sohCltude dS they \\ ould feel compelled to if the forces of civlhzed SOCIety \\ el e umtedly arrayed agalllst Made by Palmer Manufacturmg Co, Detroit, MlCh them They are thth forced to act in defen'ie ot theIr mtel-est for the reasons llltlmated, namely pubhc preJtHhce agam">t capItal, fear of the umon boycott, and the um\ er"al desIre to serve personal end'i at whate\ er 'iacnfice of pnnclple and at whatever con"lderdtlOn pi ombmg to serve the pubhc good And right here comes m the declaratlOn of the d""OCI-atlOn to favor "any amIcable method that \\ III pre"L[\ e the nghts of both partIes" This seems to mdlcat( the plan of arbltratlon But what kmd of arbltratlOn-voluntary or compulsory? As to arbltratlOn \\ hethel \ oluntary or compulsory, I wdl venture to say that both are predIcated on the alleged msufficiency of eXlstmg legal pi 0\ ISlOns and precedents [n his admIrable message to the councd" of Phdadelphla, Hon John Edgar Reyburn, Mayor of that CIty, recently met the stramed sltuatlOn, that IS to say, the threatened genel dl strike, and said in substance that the only logIcal and lawful arbltratlOn m the case of stnke troubles \\ a" that \\ hlch mIght result from voluntary and mutual conceS"lOn" on the part of both partIe" m dispute Beyond thIS, he declal ed, the courts must be appealed to in caseS of gnevances that may justify or demand htlgatlOn Any other fOlm of com-pulsory arbItratIOn IS simply an Impudent usurpatlOn of the functlOn of the courts. Twenty-odd years ago the Hon James Bryce, then a member of the Enghsh Farhament and now the BritIsh ~- I . - ." DO YOU WANT I the PRETTIEST, BEST and MOST POPU-LAR LEATHER FOR FURNITURE. ANY COLOR. WILL NOT CRACK. If so buy our II IIII ,tI III II 1 GOAT and SHEEP SKINS Write for sample pads of colors. OAHM & KIEFER TANNING CO. TANNERIES CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CHICACO, ILL. 204 Lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. . .... ..~ \111 ba ..,::,ador at \\T a 'ihington, published a remarkable work Lalled "The \mencan Common\\ ealth," m whIch the three branche", the executn e, the leglslatlve and the JudiCIary, \\ ere e:x.plamed \\ Ith great clearness and abIlity The work ha'i for a "core of } ear.., been a popular textbook m our publIc ..,cllOols and colleges I t defines the functlOns of the three branches in a way to show that the JudIcial branch IS, after dll, the ldst appeal when It comes to determmmg the validIty dnd con5tltutlOnahty of statute or common law Young Americans, or Amencan workmen, who have been tamted \\ Ith the fdllacles of Soclahsm or the pernlClOtb ex-ample::, of Samuel GU111pers and John MItchell in defymg uur luurb wOltld do well to make a study of thIs excellent \\ orh. The gl eat Enghsh c0111lmoner shows in its Illumi-nat1l1g pdge" the unprecedented WIsdom of the American ::,\"tern The Mayor of Phdadelphla deserves great credIt for recogmz1l1g the courts as the only logical final appeal in all case" that may seem to require compulsory arbitration. Any othe! appeal, unless to the popular ballot, amounts to an do,sault upon the mtegnty of our "ystem. In any matter in \\ hlLh dJffe! ence" bet\\ een employers and employes cannot be "ettled anllcably by the parhes mvolved, eIther by conference or \ oluntar} arbitration, there is but one of two other courses to take, namely Either to declare negotiations off or to go to la\\ And It IS a pretty "ure concluslOn that the party that knows Itself to be m the wrong WIll keep out of the courts unles" forced to appear before that tnbunal The party that hnO\\.., Ibelf to be 111 the nght is equally sure to rest its case and to declare that It has nothmg to be adjudicated It IS proper to say here that when an employer is as- ~aded b} a stnke or a boycott, and IS asked to submit to WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dininu Room Furniture BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture-LIbrary Desks,LIbrary Tables, Library Bookcases, Combination Book-cases, Etc. Our entire lme will be on exhibitionm July on the third floor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. arbItratIOn, and then declares that he has nothlDg to arbi-trate, his refusal may be based on facts relatIng to the case in dispute, or It may be partly influenced by hIS knowledge of the weakness of human nature and the consequent un-certainty of results in such cases, depending as they usually do, on intimidation, polItical or SOCIal, or mistaken and mi~- placed sympathy Too often the public interest in such arb"i-trations is not deemed by one or both parties to be an im-portant factor in the matter, whereas the public is usually the factor chiefly concerned And it is thIS impressIve truth that I desire to drive into the consciousness of all AmerIcan citizens We can only preserve the InstructIOns of the fathers of the republic by adherIng faIthfully to theIr Idea" and to the integnty of the courts The NatIOnal Association of Manufacturers asks for no judicial or SOCIal decisIOn that is not founded on the funda-mental principles of justIce and equity under our laws, but it will contInue to demand the enforcement of law and the adequate protection of all cltinns In theIr rights as inter-preted by the courts and guaranteed by the Constitution Lumbermen Blame Congress. The twenty-first annual conventIOn of the North Caro-lina Pine associatIOn which controls the lumber output of the CarolInas, GeorgIa, VIrgInia and Maryland, was held at Norfolk, Va, last week. In hIS annual address the presl- (lent, E C Fo"burgh of Norfolk saId "I thInk we will all agree that the Indications for an Increased demand and stronger prices whIch looked so promiSIng In October last have not been reabzed to any material extent ThIS, I thInk, can be attributed in no small degree to the contInued agIta-tIOn at Washington which has been keep111g the raJ1roads and other large bus111ess interests in a condItIOn of uncer-tainty as to the future Excepting steel, iron and coal no other Industry In this country IS ,,0 largely dependent upon Made by Waddell Manufactunng Co, Grand RapIds, Mich. the raIlroads for ItS prosperIty as IS the lumber bUSIness PrIor to the 1907 panIC, tlhe raJ111oad" of thIS country were the consumers of from 25 to 30 per cent of all the lumber produced In the Ulllted States Since that L1 chasers have been bmlted to theIr absolute requIrements" E C Fosburgh was re-elected preSIdent of the associ-atIOn thIS afternoon, and R H Morns and ,V B Roper were I e-elected secretary and treasurel, re"pectIvely --------------------., MANUFACTURED BY Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a smalllot; make tests;you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories,Sash and Door Mills, RailroadCompanies,Car Buildersand others will consult their own interestsby using it. Also Barton'. Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnishedin rollsor reams. I ----_._----_._---------------,--------------------------~ [ . . -;:;i-iE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ,---------------------------~ -/- -- 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN ----------------------~._--------------------._---~----- ------------.. I II I I! III I ---~I NO OTHER SANDER I] No. 171 Patented Sand Belt Ma.chlne can possibly do the variety of work that is being accomplished on our machine. Our No. 171 Sander is positively superior to all other methods on flat surfaces, irregular shapes and mouldings. Ask for Catalog "E" WYSONO &- MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C. h-.. . .. ._.~ _ CO~fPARATIV}~ EXPORT PRICJ~S Highe1' on }?arm Products ana Raw ~lateriaIs aud Lower on ~Iauufactured ~\.rticIe",. Cotton at practIcalh I~c a pOl1nd C0rn at 70c a hushel wheat at $109 a bushel, Lacon and laICI at 12c a pound ,111d hay at over $20 a ton, ale the pllce" \\ hlch f01 elgn conntllC'o arc now Wtll111g to pa,. Vv lth frellSh~ added fOl the farm plll ducts of the U111teJ States The C'CpOlt pl1ce tahle ut the Bureau of StatJ~tlcs, Depal tmrnt of C011lJ11UCC' and T ahnl shm\ s that the a, el af;e p11ce pC'l pound at coLtr 11C',-1Jll]ter! 111 Fehruary 1910 was 147c pet POUllel all 1 111 Ta'w1.1' 1-1- 'Ic aga111st 91/oc pel pound 111the c01e~ponchl1~ l11n'l1l1, at l1,t year, wheat ~1 09 reI bushel 1111 CL111a" FJ10 ,nc\ ';1 or:, In January, aga111st ~1 00 pel bushel 111 Talll1an h,t 'lII C'I11 70c pel bl1shel111 FehILtall 1910 ;"1(1 6')c pl1 bl1,hc.1 In T,"lU dry 1910, ag8111st 66Sc pC! bu"hcl111 1,111l1,1, 1 of 18~t ,ell the avelage expOl t pllce of corn 111 'IJay 1909 Jl1\ 111 1 Cl 11 788c per bushel, Tune, 774c, Jul} and i\us;l1st O\CI 7;, f'lour exports 1111ebluall J910 ,lI el a~ cJ ';; n pC! ha 1d aQ,a111st$489 1111eblual v at the ]'1 ecedl11~ Hal ha 1 S.?Oh( I pel ton, 111 Febluan 1910, a~aln'L S1/7] 111 I llll1 \11 ]) I I hops, 2S6c pel pound 111 Fe1J'llal\ 1910 a~a111'L I1/c ]ill pound 111 Febluary 1901) ha, ln~ t'Hl'- 11101e than doubler! 'n the mean time, bacon, 12c pel p01111(1 aga111,t 108c pel pound 111 the cUlleSpon(lm~ 1110nth )a..,t ,eal la1 d l:?c pel pound, agamst 99c pel poun,l 111 the COli e,pol' 1111':;month last yeal, canned beef 114c aga1l1~t J02c m 1 e1J,ull1 lJOq 11l~JJed pork 10 8e, a(,;all'st 86, 111 lebruary of last year, oleo 'lJ!, 11 3c pel pound in Febl ualy 1910, aga1l1st 10 4c per pound l1l 1 ehl uar} of la st vear, butter, 262c pel pound m F ebrual y 1'110 agal11st 241c per pound 111 Febf1lalY 1909, cotton seed )1) c,t1\.e 1 Sc per pound in February 1910, against 13c per 1) l'n1 1111 ['eJ)]U31\ 1909 flax seeel $220 pel bushel tn Feblu- 11I 1910, aga1l1st Sl 43 111 February 1909 Salted and fresh 1 (ef ale sltg-htly less than in FebrualY of last yeal, the J IJ 111 Cl 73c per pound, against 8c a yea 1 earlter, the latter Wc a~allbt 104c 111 February 1909 Y\ hlle these pI ices quoted by the Bureau of Stattstics 1 (' acc01d1l1g to cl statement whIch stands at the head of the t,ll)le "The maltet value of the goods at the time of exporta- 1]on' and tlHl~ nece~sal1ly do not 1I1dlcate the prtce at whIch the goods ale beins; sold by the exportels or bought hy the plOspectn e 1I11POI tel s in the country of conslg-n1l1ent, It may lIe presumed that they are not beinlS exported at a figure be- Inw that II hl,h could be obtained for the merchandIse at the jJort of e'Cpol tatlOn, and that the co"t to the Importer in the count!, to II l11ch the) al c can SIgned IS at lea st the curr"nt 111a 1 tet (II holesale) pI Ice hel e quoted plus the cost of trans- ]IIJ! tatlOn to hIS pal t Cl1llOush the prtces of manufacttlles "how 111 the same 1 1110d 111 many cases a deeltne, and 111 other cases a less ad- ,ance than tho"e of breadstuffs Pig Hon e}..ports, which 111 T'e bl uan 909, II el e quoted at S1808 pel ton, were 111 Febru-al, 1910. but $164-1- pel ton, stl uctural 11 on and steel, whIch n Febl ualY 1909 II a" quoted at $5617, was in February ] 110 quoted at S4908 pel ton, wIre naIls 111 Februaly 1909, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. , WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 WALTER CLARK VENEER GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMPANY You can always get IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 1~20" R. C. PLAIN OAK 1~8", 1~20", 1~24" and 1~28" R. C. BIRCH 1~16", 1~20", 1~24", and 1~28" POPLAR 1~20", 1~24" and 3~16" GUM Direct from our Grand Rapids Warehouses. We solicit your trade. were quoted at 22c per pound, and m FebrualY 1910, at 21c pel pound, copper l11gots m FebrualY 1909, were 139c per pound, and 111 February 1910, 13 1e- per pOi111d lllum1llatm~ 011m FebrualY 1919, 67c pel gallon, 111} ebruary 1910, 6c prr gallon; palaffin, 111 rebrualY 1909, 49c per pound, and 111 February 1910, 4c per pound, lumbel (boards, deals anJ planks) 111March 1909, $223.5 per thousand square feet, and 111February 1910, $21 77 In cotton goods t'he pnces are, of course, higher 1111" ebruary 1910 than 111February 1909, since raw cotton has advanced more than 50 per cent 111the mean time, the export pnce of unbleached cotton cloth hav111g been in February 1910, 74c per yard, aga111st 57c per yard in February 1909, and bleached cloths, 75c pel yal d 111 Febru-ary 1909 \\ h11e sole leather, wire "teel, b11lets, rOS111,turpen- ~1l1e, prmt1l1g paper, starch and plug tobacco also ~~ow Im;her export pnces m February 1910 than in February 1.909 ------ ... - ..--------..,I !fousel ! r-- .. --- ... Morton ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. !fotel Pan tJin d (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. I• II The Noon Dmner Served at the Pantlmd for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. I J. BOYD PANTLIND, P,op. ------------- ..- - . _ ..~ GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. What the Pullman Company Say. The Pullman company of ChIcago, IS probably the larg-est maker of cars 111 the \\ orId ThIS company manufac-tmer" about everythmg m the way of lO11mg stock, from a stJ eet car to the finest sleepcrs, parim cars, d111ing cars, frelght cal s, flat cars, 111fact every k111d of a car WIth the possIble exceptlOn of pressed steel cars N ow one of the most 1l1'portant features of car const! uctlOn IS dry lumber, and 110 manufacturer of cars IS more partIculal than the Pull-man company Several years ago the Pullman company de-cided to test the Grand Rapids Veneer \Vorks process, and after clol11g so they wrote the letter appended herewith It IS needle"s to say that a better testmomal would be dIfficult to write: The Pullman Car Company. Office of the General Manager ChIcago, February 3rd, 1908 '\ 1es:,r" J B SmIth & Sons Strachan & ,!If elhngton A\ e:o, Toronto Gentlemen Your lettel oj Jam1ar} 30th ha" been referred to me, cl11d I beg to c,ay 111reply that "ome httle time ago we re-modeled one of OUI dry kIln" aCLordmg to the plans of the G1 and RapIds Vencer \\ orks, and latel on remodelled seven addItional bIn The \\ 01k pl! fOlmcd by the remodelled kilns is all that the patentee" claIm fm It, and we have no heSItancy in say-mg that the results obtamed are far beyond our expectations \\ e find that all 111kds of lumber can be dned better in one-half the time taken by other bIns WIth which we are familiar, Yours very truly, RICHMOND DEAN. WEEKLY ARTISAN -~---~---------~ These Specialties are used all I Over the World Power Feed Glu. Spreadinlr Machine. SIDgle, Doubl. and Combination. (Patented) (Size. 12 In. to 84 in wide.) 8 Veneer Pre..... different kind. and .iz.. (Patelted) Veneer Presses 61up Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc" Etc, Ne 20 Glue H.ater. Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent penmng.) Many .ty lea and .izea. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies No.6 Glue H.ater. ~--_.-._._--- ~ ..l NEW YORK TRADE CONDITIONS Volum.e of Business is Gradually Increasing in Nearly All Lines. Ne\\ YOlk, viaIch 31-Tlade 1-- gradualh 111Cleas111g111 volume and manufactm el sand \\ holesaler-- m neall) all lllles are domg a good bmllless CollectIOns ale a lIttle ~lm\ hut the ordel s seem to be up to the a\ erage of fO!mer ) eal-- The retallel s do not appeal to be stockmg np hea\ lh 'r he\ are bUyIng mOle often hut not lalge btlls at one tIme The retaIlers are domg a fairh actIve hm111e--s cone!JtlollS ,11 e gradually Imp I ovmg and thIS yeal' s busmes-- \\ III pI e"ellt d good showing on the \\ hole The Kamelman compan) manu factm el ~ of offi~e tn1 III ture at 89 Center stI eet al e arranglllg an e\:tenslOn of t1111(: WIth credItors an de\:pect to pay liahlhtIe-- In full Charles Eflos, fur11ltm e dealer of 1600 -:\Iadl--on a\ enue has been chscharged from hank! uptcy Salah BIrnbaum. 3975 Tl11ld a\emle 1'" m fill,I11l1tl trouble owmg $6,373 and havmr; assets --cheduleel at S1 °72 The :vIerchants' and -:\Ianufactl11 el s· E",han~e ha\ e been conductmg then office \\ 01 k In Herhel t Omperthwalt's office on the fifth f1001 of the Gl anel Centl al Palace htuldmc; Fred Goll & Co \\ ho \\ ere m the hanels of recelver" have been Ie-OJ galllLeel anel mCOlpOl ateel \\ Ith a capItal of $5,000, George E Flo"t IS pre"ldent The Brooklyn furmtm e a\1el Carpet men ha\ e ()\ gan- 1Led a hO\\ Img lea~ue Then aile) IS at '\ldhama a\ ellue and Fulton streets The G J ~Iullel com pam , cabmet makel ". of ';06 Ea--t 1\111th stIeet \\ ho ale 111bank! uptcy, are bem~ closed out by the leCel\e1, \Valte1 J Hnsch \\1 111lam Rothery Ogden, \\ ho \\ as as--I--tant manat;el of the antIque fmmtm e depal tment of J 01111\ \ dllamakcl elleel a short tIme ago G E Schloss, ples1dent of F Schlll"'-- &. Co \\ hll I'" 55 years of age, celeblatec1 hIS blrthda) WIth a receptIon recently Derby & Co, chan manufacturers, \\ III lease out then sales rooms at Canal and MulbellY stIeets and e--tabll",h heael quarters elsewhere m chalge of Flank H Hodgman E G Gyger of the St Jam~'i bmlc1mg, \\ J1l leple"ellt the RIshel factory lInes of \VlllIamsport. Pa. who ha\ e an annual capauty of $500000 \\ 01th of good'i. but he W11l stIll keep hIS old lIne of RItter chaIrs and bookcase'i. James S IrWIn who before had charge of the RI~hel hnes hel e. WIll assIst Mr Gyger Breslop & SIegel, furniture dealer'i of 448 \\~endo\ er ave-nue, the BrotH, have opened a new store at 1770 ThIrd a\entle 1he Kennedy Manufacturmg company of Rochester. N y ha~ been lllcOlplllated \\ Ith a capItal of $25.000, to make \\ al drobe I acb etc. by D Hand B H Kennedy and L H Hamman D PllltO fm1l1tm e dealel has moved flom 172 to 202 Columbu', a\ enue \ Lo\\enstem,s Sons. fm1l1ture deale!'>. have moved flom 38- to 5f<6 FIfth a\ enue LoUl'i Smehl IS a new fmnlture deale I at 72 FHSt ave-nue '\ Kappelman ha'i moved hIS fmmtme stOle from 62 llrst a\ enue, Manhattan to 799 Bload" ay, BIOOkl) n J P \\Tolf \\ ha ha'i been WIth the upholstel \ depal t-ment of Altman's 'itore, has been promoted to the p051t1011 of manag er. RICe & ChambellIn is a new fm nlt111e firm dt 58 l\Ia1n ~tleet YonkelS, N Y H ]-I HIckel son has taken up the lllle of the \thens lurmtUl e company Hem) P,lllack hel" assIgned h1~ plLture f1ame bU"111e'i'o ,It ~08 Sixth it\enue Henry Fll1rlner & Son" ha\ e been sho\\ 111£;some attI ac-tn e Ime'i at the factory on Fa'it P0111 teenth stlcet Frank A Hall exhIbIts 'iome good "e1I111'; 11l1e~"f bl as~ and 110n beds and acceSSOlle'i at 43 E,-t ~"1eteenth "beet }\1:r Rellhmann & Son::" 21 Second ,t\enue. he\e had on ell"'plav 'iome ~ood sellers and ~ome new l111e" al'io Hem \ 1<.,merson has added a Ime c f the Olmoco FUl nl tm e compan) ~ fancy mahogany furmtm e fOI hIS (bsplay here The l~l1Jtec1 Couch Manufactmers' aSSOclat10n has been '1Corporated hv Abraham Helfgott and Hyman Mllstem of T'rooklyn The Bronx Furmture Bowlmg Men's League, meets at the Cyolden Oak BO\\ lIng Club rooms at EblIng's CasIno, Tuesdays WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 r------------ -------_._-_. _._---' - I III IIII - -_. -'-----------l l1.0RTISER I That does not require material to be marked off. Makes each and every mortise accurately and perfectly. Each spindle instantly adjusted by hand wheel. Automatic Spacing Gage. Patent Automatic Stroke Patent Adjustable Chisel. THE ONLY I! I I I I I II I f I II II I I I II I~-------------------_.- ----_._---------_. --------_._--------- - ..._------~ No. 181 Multiple Mot'tlset'. Ask for Catalog I']" WYSONO « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C. brussels rugs Demand f1om the eastern states has been pnnClpally for body hI usse1s, tape"try and wIlton rugs Re-ports from Phl1ade1p111a al e more encouraging, and while de1n ene'l ,,111 be 1atel than expected, it IS hoped that the c;oods "Ill no\V be 1ecen ed m tIme to be of serVIce Considel able talk is now heard among sellmg agents, regal dl1lg the new season Opm1Ons dIffer a'o to the ljue,,- tIon of an ad\ ance In some qual ters It 13 belIeved that cel tam lInes wIll be mal ked up when the fall season opens the filst \Hek m May. Other members of the trac1e express the opmlOn that pnces wlll remam on about cun cnt levels, as they conslder that both rugs and carpets al e hIgh enough The questlOn of raw matella1 supplIes at the mIlL IS also bemg discussed, and predIctions made that many manufacturers \\ III be m the market shortly to 1eplel11sh depleted stocks Very lIttle law matena1 has been pnrcha"ed the fall of last ) ear, whIle the mills have been gnndlllg up large quantitIes. In aJdltion to request.s for carpets and rugs, Jobbers are domg a Vel) faIr business on Chma and Japan matt1l1gs Re-taIlers m all sectIons of the coun try are fillIng m theIr stocks to meet the spring and early summer demand' That stocks on hand al e not over large is shown b) the 1equests f01 plOmpt delIvelle3 of ordel s placed Pnces are vel y steady dnd owing to the SItuatIOn in the markets abroaJ, seem lIkel) to be firmly held f01 some time to come The Im))01 b of maitmgs for the first l110nth of thIS ) ear amounted to S,839,S38 sqllare } ard 'l, a 0 agamst 4,181,904 square yards for 1.he con e'lpond1l1~ month last ) ear. L1l101eul11s and floor oil-cloths ale mm lI1g oteach1v In spIte of the recent advances named CARPET AND RUG MARKETS Western Buyers Forwarding Duplicate Orders ond Southerners Want Prompt Shipments. ANew York review of the carpet and rug business say., that some duplIcate orJers on rugs are stIll COl11l11g forward from western buyers who are anxious to stIll fur-ther round-out the orders they have already placed Taken as a whole, horvvever, the market has qmeted down conSIder-ably. and 1110St sellmg a~enb are nm\ looking £01 \\ at cl to the new season. Many of the largest mIlls al e at present ,',ol,J ahead to such an extent, that they are not in a pOSItIon to accept further orders for delIvery thIS season. Every effort is be111g made at the mIll", to meet delIveries and num-erOllS urgent requests are being receIVed for prompt ship-ment of goods on order. Some complaints are be111g re-ceIved regard111g late delivenes, but as a rule manufacturers are promptly meeting the contracts they have on their books. Jobbers 111this market have 1ecelved qUlte a few addi-tIOnal orders on rugs during the past V\ eek, and the cut order carpet departments have also been busy Southern retaIl buyers ha\ e been forwal d111g reque"ts fOI quick ShIp-ments of goods, and a good demand I,', reported from man} quarters of the south The heav lest business IS bemg done m the west and mtddle vvest, ]udgmg from reports receIved as IetaIleiS appear to have al1owec1 their stocks to reach a loyv pomt before replenishIng. vVIlton, axminster and tape'l-tl y lUgS are being taken for the western trade, while south-ern buyers ale showing mterest in tapestry, WIlton and body . .., MOON DESK COMPANY DESKS OF MERIT MUSKEGON, MICH. ~ •••••••••••••• ._ ••• ._ we .s. •• to WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--_._-------_.__._._.__ ._---- .....-... MAnUrA(IUrtrrt~ or nlon ortADr DrrDIOrrtAIOD~ Zinc-Lined, Porcelain Lined, White Enamel Lined and OPAL-GLASS Lined. Write for our beautiful illustrated catalogue and pnces. I I~._---_._------------_._---- The Alaska Refrigerator Company ExclusIve Refngerator Manufacturers Muskegon, Michigan New York OffIce, 369 Broadway, L E Moon, Manager Buildings That Will Need Furniturl'. Residences-George D Grant, 101 Kirby street, DetrOlt, Mich, $8,000; \\ llham B Maunce, 26-30 Van Dyke court Detroit, $6,500, R S Everett, 54 :,1arston '01.1 eet. DetlOlt $4,5500; Miss Ann Flynn, 2962 Boule\ al ct, \\ e"t, DetroIt $3,500; Wllliam Pollard, 241 Hazelwood street, DetrOIt, $3,- 000; R C Hamley, 103 Gladstone street, Detroit, $3,500. Carleton Cones, 1455 Boulevard east, DetrOIt, $4,500, K S Praigg, 291 VV reford street, Detroit, $6,000; Daniel Sul1Jnn 382 Michigan avenue, $8,500, Gott1elb \V endell, 3428 Bose-worth avenue, Chicago, Ill, $4,500 '\ Danle\. 5-1-30\\ ac,h-lngton avenue, St Louis, Mo , $27,000; Louis DerrL 5209 Old Manche"ter road, St. Louis, $4,500, H T. Taackc, 341-1-,Ic Kean street, St Louis, $12,000, Anton Kuhn. 3810 ,Iaffitt avenue, St Louis, $4,500; Mary Lionberger, 5164 \'\- e"tmore-land avenue, St Louis, $35,000; Mary Hertel. 4306 Compton avenue, St Louis, $4,000; Wllli3Jm Happel, 5200 Lanj"dO\\ ne avenue, St. Louis. $3,950; Mary R Dunlap, 4411 Al co a\ enue $3,600; Dora Robinson, Market and Union street". T acbon-ville, Fla, $3,600; Julian Prewitte, Dora and Jackson "tleeh Jacksonville, $4,000, J J. Banham, 3517 Virgi11la street Kan-sa" City, Mo, $4,500; William Huntsche, 2605 Cl1allotte street, Kansas City, $5,000; J A Fry, 5410 Main street, Kansas City, $5,000; U S G Peabody, 3612 Charlotte street, Kansas City, $5,000; Gllbert E Morton, 4331 McGee street, Kansas CIty, $10,000; Charles Tnbes, 220 COl0111Cstreet, Albany, NY, $4,000; Mary Gressel, Flrst and QuaIl streets, Albany, $6,000; Patrick Keleher, 3210 Oronge street. Albany, $3,500; Mrs Thomas Gallagher, 73 Elm street, Albany, $3,- 000; Paul C Pierce, 303 Delaware avenue, Albany, $4,000, G T. Morgan, 279 Worth street, Dallas, Tex, $15,000, Henr} Lewis, 294 Stonewall place, J\Iemphls, Ter1I1,$7,000 Kan11le E Fatout, 3005 Ruckle street, IndlanapolIs, Ind, 83 500 I Marry C Clauer, 1114 Fayette, street, Indanapolh, S3.000 Herman H Meyer, 6077 Wa"hington boulevard, IndIanapo1Js, $3,000; K. A Pence, Detroit street and Thil teenth avenue Denver, Col , $6,000; W B Struble, Washmgton and Everett street, Portland, Ore, $20,000; Sarah E. Wittaker, Arkansas and South Lincoln street, Denver, Col, $4,000, Frank J Buirgy, 808 Franklin street, Denver, $3,500, Edward Grimes. Arapahoe and Lawrence streets, Denver, $4,500, \V \\- Fleming, Chestnut and Ida streets, Winnipeg, ,,fan, $10,- 000; F. S Parlu, Dundrin avenue and Walnut street,;, \\ 111111- peg, $6,500; David Rlchard, 226 Warren avenue, Youngs-town, 0., $3,000; R. M. Field, 560 Lauderdale street, Mem-phis, Tenn, $3,750; W. F. Hardin, Cooper street and Evelyn avenue, Memphis, $3,000; R R Meyer, Mountain a\ enue, Birmingham, Ala., $5,000; Mrs G L. Cash, Fifty-first street and Fourth avenue, Woodlawn, Birmingham, $3,500, Em-mett Hutton, 2819 \IV ashington boulevard, IndianapolIs, Ind, $4400, George Conrad, 106 North Twenty-second street, Rlchmond, I nel, $3,000; Russell Mc Clelland, 215 College a\ enue, Rlchmond, $3,000, Ernest Bohlender, Liddell place and Gray terracE', Cinc111nati, 0, $9,000; Carrie R. Davis, ,," arren and Middleton avenue, Chfton, Cincinnati, $12,000, J C Bloodworth, 191 Myrtle street, Atlanta, Ga., $5,000; Dr C A Stewart, East Thu"d and Twentieth streets, Duluth, :'lmn, $9,500; E. H. Hugo, Gladstone and Forty-seventh streets, Duluth, $3,500; Mrs. Helen Dickerson, 4915 Du-port avenue, MinneapolIs, Mmn, $4,000, Remgolcl ZeglIn, 3625 Park avenue. Mmneapobs, $4,800; R J Healy, 2105 Irv-mg avenue, south, M1l1neapohs, $5,500; A. B. Owings, Bull and Lady streets, Columbia, S C, $4,000; J W. Mellen, 326 '\ orth Flrst \Vest streets, Salt Lake Clty, Utah, $6,000; Mary E Recoes, 763 Linden avenue, Salt Lake Clty, $3,500; E M. ~_._---- I ---------------_._--_.-.. Grand Rapids Crescent THB WORLD'S BEST SAW BENCH Type "B" Universal. BUIlt with double arbors, sliding table and equipped complete with taper pin guages carefully graduated. This machine represents the height in saw bench con-struction. It is designed and built to reduce the cost of sawing stock. WrIte us for descriptive anformatlon. II CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS ~--------O-F_G.R_AN_.D_._R.A._P-IDS, MICH. ...1 WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 ~--- N p -= ll"r lUll ?:::: ~ h" ~- =:; ·~~.~.."J ..J,I--) \'\ 1)/ I £-- ..-;~:" .... , •.. ~~I .,...~. .: :.e. .:-».:"...:.. .-.:-.... : . ". *" " • <; SILO-KOTE A PIGMENT FIRST COATER One that dries hard as bone. One that lays close. One that requires very little sandpapering. One that is made from a High Grade Gum. One that will not settle or cake hard in the bottom of your bucket. IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRY IT THE LAWRENCE-McFADDEN CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Send for Sample. vVe~t, 501 Seventh East street, Salt Lake CIty, $7,500; Alfred Keller, 531 Twelfth stret, Salt Lake City, $3,500; H. E. Westervelt, 527 North Lafayete street, South Bend, Ind, $8,000; J H. Plat? Broadway and Fellows street, South Bend, $3,000, J D. Vail, 5601 ElIzabeth stret, ChIcago, $7,- -' 500; M J Frederick, 400 South Main street, Tulsa, Okla, $3,800; J. W. Syfert, 184 Carson avenue, Tulsa, $3,000; James GillespIe, 38 Nogales avenue, Tulsa, $3,000; J. F Vrana, 1415 South Fifteenth street, Omaha, Neb, $3,500; C W Erwin, 3519 Leavenworth avenue, Omaha, $3,000; F. \AI. Bender, 1803 Lathrop avenue, Omaha, $3,000; WIllIam A Vhlson, Woodland Heights, Houston, Tex., $10,000; J A Cart-wnght, Acklen and Fifteenth street, Nashville, Tenn, $5,500; J. A Daugherty, VIlla place, Nashville, $5,000, Richard West same address, $5,000, Harry Blough, Eleventh and Seabury streets, Terre Haute, Ind , $3,000; W W. Dibble, 4014 Chest-nut street, Kansas City, Mo, $5,000; W. A Spierman, 2504 Kensington avenue, Kansas City, $4,000; WIlliam Birett, 1801 Perry street, Peoria, Ill, $3,300; Mrs ElIzabeth R. McFie, 1222 West Twenty-ninth street, Los Angeles, Cal., $20,000; J. E. McIntyre, H IghWiay Square, Monw\la, Cal.. $6,000; B V. Collms, Shatto place, Los Angeles, $15,000 Miscellaneous Buildings-Dallas. Tex, ie; erectmg an ad-dition to the Negro high school at a cost of $35,000, exclu-sive of seating. J E Otis is building a four-story hotel at 1301 Michigan avenue, Chicago St. James' society of Hous-ton, Tex., is building a new church and parsonage to cost $15,000. Cobb & Culver will build a $40,000 hotel in San Diego, Cal. H D. Colson and associates are planning to build a ten-story hotel adjoining the Majestic theatre on Broadway, Los Angles, Cal., at a cost of $225,000 Hemet, Cal , is erecting a new high school building at a cost of $60,- 000 Work has Ibeen started on a $60,000 high :>chool building at Roswell, N. Mex. Tuscan, Ariz 15 to have a $50,000 theatre to be completed by September 1. Schrader & Morris will mvest $80,000 in a new hotel at Santa Monica, Ca1., The Latter Day Saints are building a concrete church at Phoenix, Ariz at a cost of $75,000 Laura C. Janes will build a sixty room hotel on Boyd street, East Los Angeles, Cal. New Furniture Dealers. J. A. Ballou WIll open a new furniture store at Roanoke, Va. Oscar Barne', & Co, have opened a large new furnIture store at 72 Nortb Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. W. J. Kestler of Fort \Vayne IS negotlatmg for a lo-cation for a new furnIture store in New Castle, Ind. H. D. GlIckman and hie; brother, H. GlIckman, are to open a new furmture store in the old Gosser buIlding at I330 Broadway, Loram, Ohio. R. S. Parker, Robert D. Hugh and Louis H. Strigel have mcorporated the CalIfornIa Furniture company, capi-talized at $5,000, to open a new furniture store at Baker City, Ore. The Empire State Furniture company capItalIzed at $20,- 000, and incorporated by Arthur W. and Charlotte Schur-berg, \VIllIam and HattIe Rice and George H. Chamberlain, are new furniture dealers at 56 and 58 Main street, Yonkers, N.Y. H. Abrahams has opened a new furniture store under the name of the Modern Furniture company at II8 Essex street, Lawrence, Mass He has had experience in the trade, havmg been a member of the Abrahams-Quinn company of Lawrence for several years. --------------------------------~-- 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN Industrial Training in the High School. "To finish hIgh ~chool at the end of a four year~' cour"e wIth not onl) a vvell balance'l educatIOn 111 the OJ dma!) branches but wIth a tlade lealnec1 so thoroughh a" to make the )oung graduatt read) and fit to tahe It up el" el c,t1IJ11~ 1:0 the new opportUl11t) tl1clt IS l)e111~ otiele 11jt·.il·:1~~.:Utlh.e progressive CItIes of Amenca, Fngland and' G·el.~dn·\·: t<i: t Ji~ bovs and gills of the school,,' sa\s II t:.>:I1J1J1t111~''lI~'fl~i T;chl11cal \\ 011c1 ,[aga/lne (CI11La~o, m:) ."?6ie :lk.~l~li~t:: effected h) an entll eh nC'v plan ot W or1- and stlFi\' , ".: : •• : "1 he 11I:;;h::,chool sll1c1ent" at rltchhurg, ~Ia~, , al e g1\ en the opbon of a C011he vvhlch prov Ides for one week ot ql1d\ and one \\Cek of vIO1k111~at a beHle, 111the actual emplul ot manufactl11cl s 111 the Cll\, altl! neltln~ the"e \\ elh~ or ~tud\ and \v 01h thlOnghont the tnll tllne ot a ,hop ,lppl ent1cc~lJ1p and a hl~h "chool C011r~e 'The mOvement \\hln hlst hU;lln vvelS almost revoln-tional), bnt It has IJeen nnde1 taken In ,chools 111 L) nn Mass, rreepolt, Ill, LlldlO\\ 'lIdS" ,Ianchestel En~land and Lelp'lc, Celmanv In ChIcago one ~L11(Jolha" taken 11p the work as ,1n e,-polment £01 the £11 "t tIme ~1\ 111~ ,chao I elncl shop vv01k 111 dlte1nate pellod" ot t\\O \1 leI,,, eetlh 1he plan va1lC" s1H;htl) 111 these chffel ent CIties, but 111e.,sentlals It IS pral tlcalh the same \ dllOns manufactlll ers 01 the ntles ha\ e optne,1 thell shop, to take 111 Ilo} , ancl :2;111"ot th<- high school unclel the 1egnLu conchtlon, 01 emplO\ ment, pay 111g them the v\al:;es 01 appl entice" and g1\ 111g them e,-- actl) thc \\ 01 k the other leal nu, of t1ade" 11ndc1tdhC 'In 11tchLllrg the plan h to hel\ e all puplb spend the D.1St yeal excluc,1\el) 111hIgh school \\01k \Hel that the manufacturers tahe the boys and gllb 111 pall:" so tl1dt b) alternat111g the\ ha \ eat all tUl1es one of the pall at 1101k Every Saturday at e1e\ en a clock the bo), v\ ho has been ,II school that \\elk, goes to the shop and lea111S all of the pal11- cula1 s on the Job on wh1ch h1S alternate has been \\ 01h1l1~ and how It has heen handlec1 so that the \'Vork md\ he taken up \V1thout delel\ the next ,fonda) mOlnll1g D\ thh method tb e nU111bel of ) oung \\ 0l1~e1c" both 111 shop and :"c11Uol I, kept constant and the \\ ork of the manutactul el" l~ nc)~ h1l1dered 01 dela\ eel b) tbe ab"ence of bov" 01 gllls JUllng the1r ",chool \\ loek Shop \\ 01k and "tU(!\ theref01 e al e carned on plactlcall) together and cach leCe1\ eo, sufficlln cont111uous attentIOn, both to fi'C the le,c,ons on the \\ 01 Lu ' m111d and to mahe 111m realIze the \ edue oj the othe1 1 he boy who works 111the shop one \\ eek and at the hIgh school the ne",t becomes gra,lnall), but certaml) av\ al e of the f"~~~~-;'~Ca~st;eri~CSup Co.'1 2 Parkwood Ave.,Grand Rapids,Mlch IIIII II III• I IIIIII _____ ~ 1I We are now puttmg out the best Caster Cups With cork bases ever offerea to the trade These are fimshed m Golden Oak and White l\laple m a ltght fimsh These goods are admIrable ior polIshed floors and iurn Iture rests Theywill not sweat or mar PRICES $4 00 per hundred 5 00 per hundred FOB errand Rap,ds SIze 2;,{mehes Sue 2X mehes .---TrV-a Sample Order ~._--------------- ---------------~ , I I I I : I : I I I I I I h!...h~,,ii o"!' of oue i :.. • p.0p~l~r· Hu~l chairs. : I. :: ~u~ ~~£r~ a·r.e.found I iri" ::rH= ".the·; leading Hotels in the country. I The line includes a I very complete assort- I ment of chaIrs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dllling Room fl1ll1ltl1le, Reed and Rat tan furniture, SpeCIal Urder furni-ture, etc. THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. CHICAGO A complete lIne of sam-ple. are displayed in The Ford 8 }oLnson Bmldml!, 1433-37 WabasL Ave., 10- cludml! a speCIal display of Hotel Furmture. A II fllrmture dealel s are cordzally mvtted to visit our bUtlding, III II ~- tal thIs prol:;l e% m hfr depends very largely upon the hI eadth of 11lS educatIOn In the expenment., thus far inst1- allec1 111 the va110lh place" mentIOned, boys have received the 111l,1 attention, because It IS the} \'Vho must do the larger pal t 0\ the \\ olk on plact1call) all trades and because expell-ll1Ull ~ al e 11101 e readl1y t11ed v\ 1th them than w1th the glr1<; , 1ltchburg started WIth twenty-two boys workll1g alte1- na td) 111 school and shop Expre::,slOns taken from the"e 1J )\" \\ ho have been t\\ 0 } ea1 s 111 the course, sho\\ the most 1l1ten~e llltellst 1ll the I\olk "hlch they have been domg and 1l1QUl1) j 10111teachers and nMl1ufactlll el s ahke, who have had to do \v lth thell ,\ ark ehclts hIgh prabe of the expenment and ,tatements of (l1tll e satlsf-actlOn w1th the new method \t C lllC1l111dtt "ome three hundred boys are now at work ,-11 thl~ plan and the s) stem has succeeded so well and given ~11l 11 l,-cellent I t~l1lts that the hopes for the futnre are very _._--~-------_._-_..~_._._._--~---~ I I II II I I r-- I =- I II III III IIIIIII j~_.. . No.15 FOX SAWING MACHINE WRITE 44 FOR NEW CATALOG III • FOX MACH IN E CO 18S N 'RONT STAEET, I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH ~----------------- WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 ____________________________________________________----------~---1 GLOBE VISE and TRUCK CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Don't you want the BEST bench that was ever offered for the pnce, $12.00 (Subject to dIscount) ThIs bench is 34 mches high, 6 feet, 3 inches long-front 15 lllches, made of thoroughly kIln-drIed hard maple strips glued together, 2% mches thIck. The balance-I 3 inches mches, IS soft wood. Can ship on receipt of order. I ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ro"y So far a" I eports hay e been g1\ en out, from other school<;, ther expenence" hay e been equally pleasmg" ThIs alternarton of work and study carrieo the manual tl a111111gHlea and the 111dust11aI school Idea fa! ther than the) hay e ever been Jeveloped, "Ith far less expense and wIth gl eater benefit to the student and to the com11lul11ty generally than any other method yet de\ Ised Railroad Companies as Farmers. Ra1lt oad men seem to hay e ~Ieclded to make an earne'it effort to mduce people to "go back to the farms," or, at le,lst, to ",hm\; them the advantage" of farm hfe and that many farm" that hay e been abandoned may be reclal1J1ed and v\orkecl profitably The Lehigh Valley company I" a leader m the movement in the east It has not only gIven the people several object lessons as to what may be done with lands 'iO worn out that they were conSIdered worthless but are arranged to encourage SCIentific farming by the estab-hshment of an agncultural department v. ith F R Stevens, of Gene\ a, NY, as its chIef Mr Stevens who has been domg field work for the New York department of agnculture wdl begin hIS duties on next Monday ThIS V\ ork will con-sist, mainly, of address111g pubhc meetmgs for farmers whose farms are tnbutary to the road Agncultural subjects of particular interest to the locah ty wdl be chscussed The lectures al e on "The feed111g of Al11mals," "Soils, and how to Imprm e them," "How plant;, grow," "The ad\ anta~es and use of tde ctrams," "The commel cial fert1hzers and the11 uses," and kmdred subJ ects In the past year :VIr Stevens' work for the department of agnculture was devoted to as-slstmg farmers in the growth of alfalfa; 100 fields naturally unfavorable to the plant were planted m New York state and a large percentage was successful After every lecture :\Ir Stevens" dl rema111 111the locahty a;:, long as condit1Ons v\ arran t, to £;1\e instruct10n and ad\ Ice to 111d1\Idual farmer" anx10U 0 to 111crease Ploduct1On on theil fallns An 1mportant feature of th1S \YOlk \"dl be the combat- 111g of the 111sects and fungus growths wh1ch attack falm crop" He wdl be kept 111for111edof the chscove1 y of the pest and It wdl be hi", duty to give 111formation as to the best means of gettmg rid of them. The farmers always have re:;ponded readdy to this sort of co-operat1On, and local boards of trade and business as-sociations hay e been eager to place their halls at :VIr. Stevens' dIsposal The New York department of agriculture wdl co-operate and \V H Jordan, Ph D, has placed the re source", of the state expellment statlOn in Geneva at the dis-po" al of the LehIgh's new department. The chIef problem IS to reach promptly all the locdhtle" wl11ch call for Mr Ste\ ens and the company WIll put 111to commIssion an automobile WIth the Lehigh Valley colonng and lettenng Mr Stevens says: "Those who are accustomed to look upon the gl eat V\ est as the garden spot of this country sometimes fad to reahze that anything is grown nearer home As a matter of fact all of the standar~l crops-corn, oat'i, wheat, rye, buckwheat, po-tatoes, beans, cabbage, sugar beets, etc -are produced in profUSIon in the countIes through \"hlch the LehIgh runs In certain sect10ns there are large truck gardens, and near Ll1na there are plots of black dl1 t adopted to celel y, lettuce and onions \V Ithout exception thIS IS the finest fJ Ult and grape sect10n in the \\ orld Cahforl11a cannot touch It A better flay 01ed and better quallt) apple can be grow n here than anywhere else in the world." Increased tonnage In raw products V\ III not be the only result of the agricultural work The company believes that cann111£; factories. bottllng works, and other 111dustnes WIll spnng up a" the plOduct1On of fruIt and grapes increase'i along the 1111eof the road P8ltent Malleable Clamp Fixture. E H SHELDON & CO ChlCal'(O 111 Gentlemen -We are pleased to state that the25 dozen Clamp FIxtures whIch we bOll}? ht of you a lIttle over a year ago are glV1n~ excellent serVIce V\; e are well satIsfied With them and shall be pleased to remember you whenever we want anythmg addltIoualm thiS hne Yoms trnly SIOUXCIty, Iowa CURTIS SASH & DOOR CO ~ ---..••........... ------------------- ...••••... 30.000 Sheldon Steel Rack Vises Sold on approval and an nncon dltIonal money back gUdrantee ........ ., SHELDON'S STEEL BAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Indestructible. We SOltCIt pnvIlege of sendmg samples and our complete catalogue E. H. SHELDON C:J CO. I 328 N. May St .. Chicago. .I....... ...._... plant. and \\ Ith other nnpro\ ements and eqUlpment that will make the plant most efficient for theIr requirements and up-to- ddte in ever) \\ ay The ne\\ bUlldmg IS fully agam as lal ge as the one they \\ ill "acate 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN More Chicago Paragraphs. ChIcago, April I-The business of the Cham Couch company, 2419 \iV est FOUl teenth street, ChIcago, has been placed m the hands of a receiver, Flank R McKe) ha\ m~ been appointed by the United States distl ict COUlt Late m Febl uary a creditors' meetmg '" as held when an exten~JOn of credit was asked for. It was then decIded to appomt a trustee and continue the business to dete1l11lne Jf It could be plofi-tably handled, Mr Chain remammg m d1d1 ge \ftCI ,( fe\\ weeks a receiver was asked f01 and appomted In the mean-tIme Mr. Rhinehart of the compan) \\ Ithel!ew from the con-cern. Offers of a complOmlse \\ el e made bef01e the I e-ceiver was appointer, but not bemg ..,atlsfact01V to he Clech-tors who ",ere pushmg the11 claIms the matte I fell thlOugh New Factories. 1he Kroehlers \\ ho al e the owners of the Blllghamton, (~ 1 ) Lounge company, al e plannmg to erect a new fac-tOI\ m UllLago J S \fcClelland, Leo Klem and Charles Isaacs have m-l'n1! lJlatcd the U11lted Cocoa Mattl11g company to manufac-tlll e matt111g etc. 111ChlLago Cdpltal stock. $2.500 Robel t D GI egg George Erzinger and Al chlbald Kalser- DINING ROOM IN FLANDERS By Otto A Jlranek, Grand RapIds, Mlch It \\as the deSIre of l\Ir Cham to effect a settlement and LdlJ-tmue the busmess and effort" \\ ere made to 111tel est oUblde capital, but these negotiations fell through, and at thIs wntl11g It is not yet kno\\ n If the bus111ess\\ 111be do..,ecl out 01 final settlement made-and the busmess contmuecl undel Ie-01ga11l-zatJOn. It was estabhshecl about five ) eal s ago b) \\ \ Chain. Ketcham & RothschIld, mcorp01 ated manutdctl11 el ~ 01 upholstered furmture occupying a fact01 y at 220-226 \ \ est Superior stl eet for five years are gomg to mO\ e ::\fa) I to the five story building at 208-230 SIgel stl eet TIm h the b1111dingoccupied by the W. F Covvan company bef01e the11 removal to their new factory It IS bemg remodeled and renovated with new lighting, heatmg, "entJlatmg and PO\\ el man ha\ e mcOlpOlated the Kalsel man Shade Roller company capltahzed at $20,000, to estabbsh a factory in Chicago The Old Dom11110nTable \\lork.., of Norfolk, Va, has been mCOlporatecl \\lth a capItal stock of $25,000, by \V. A Hall, preSIdent. E Rhodes. vIce-pI eSlclent and R A. Hall, secI etary The company w1l1erect a tv\ 0 story bnck bu1lding on pI opel t) located m Port Norfolk and w1l1make a specialty of oak pedestal tables J I \h 01 d, Bryant S. Keefer and Fred \iV eston of Tall \ to\\ n. Conn ; John Biles of New York and George DaclenhdLh of Xe\\ ark, N J, ha\ e incorporated the Eagle company, to manufacture carpet sweepers, washing machines and other houshold utens1ls at Newal k Capital stock, $1,- jOOOOO of whlCh $500,000 is to be preferred. WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 Minnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association OFFICERS-PresIdent, J R. Taylor, Lake Benton, Mlnn , Vice President, D R Thompson Rockford, Mmn , Treasurer, B. A Schoeneberger, Perham, MlIln , Secretary, W L. Grapp, JaneSVille Mmn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-Chairman, Geo Klem, Mankato, Mllln., 0 Simons, Glencoe, Mllln, W L Harris, Mmneapohs, Mmn 1 C. Dantelson Cannon Falls BULLETIN No. 105. SOID«>body Has Been Hit Hard. Four cliffelent trade papers have seen fit to Clltlclse the poltcy of our bUyIng committee. My experience tells me Ithat unless some one was hIt hard this would not have come to pass - It rem111ds us of a Iemark we heard the other cla"\, "The only thing that makes a fellow have rheumatism, cI) s-pepsia, headache, nose-bleed, red hair or any other sIckness IS that someth111g i'i wrong wIth his nervous 'iystem" This IS the only way in which we can account for the attacks whIch certa111trade papels have made on our method1of co-opelatlve buymg 'vVe WIll take it for granted that their nervous sys-tem is somewhat shatterecl and say as little about the matter as we consistently can. However, we cannot let it pass en-tirely without comment Vife would like to but some of then statements al e too glanng to pass over entirely. \Ve, who patlOniLe thIS co-operative buying know that theIr stdtemenh are ridiculous ancl uttedy without foundation We cannot understand ho\\ anyone has the nel\ e to aSSllme the role of dictator before they have taken the trouble to 111fOlmthemselves as to the facts. Therefore, we can anI) have a feel111gof sympathy toward them As I unclel'itand It, the poltcles of the tJ ade papers are such as would help association WOl k along instead of trying to fill the mmds of the indifferent dealer with suspicion which only results in mak-mg It harder to accomplish effective associaton work \Ve do not for one moment assume that our association is faultles'i but we do know that we did follow the suggestions of the gospel preached in the-tJ acle journals for the first few years of our association's existence and yet we did not accomplish the purpose for which our association was formed, namely, over-coming the catalogue evil Of the tons and tons of literature wntten on this subject, where is the community that has suc-ceeded as we have, in ovelcoming this evil? It does seem to us that the judgement of the 225 members which au! associ-ation is composed of and who are in daily touch, in a bus111ess \\ ay, with this evil, is worth more than ye editor of the Review and its echoes who perhaps in a whole year, do not make a single sale, come in contact with customers etc. If these papers published the articles referred to \\ Ith an idea of helping us, \\ e must say that they showed the tact and col1Sldelation of a pig out foraging Because of their lack of knowledge concernmg the true conchtions surrounding the small merchant, together with their peculiar views is what is keeping theil subscription lists where they are This discussion show'i that some of our friends in the trade paper circles have not discovered what the average small dealer wants If they would worry less about the wrong poltcles of our assocIation and a little more about what the small dealers want to know, their success would be greater In the finer analysis, of this whole subject, it would prove that the trade paper~ should have been busying them-selves exposing the fraud of the mai lorder houses and kin-dred eVIls long ago instead of leaving it for one little assocI-atIOn Our motto has always been, "If you can't push, pull; if you can't pull, please get out of the wa)." Thus we find ~......._--------- that after we have ~olved the problem that effects us, in au! own way, a certain trade paper seemed to have got a grouch on because our methods of helping ourselves happened to hIt a few manufacturers from whom it was getting its support- Not only that, but when the long-suffering dealers chd finally get together and succeeded in working out their own salvation this paper was unusually "Johnny on the spot" if thil1~s chd not go their way to tear to pieces that which we had found. as practical furniture dealers, was for our benefit. If we were to take advantage of their rashness, \\ e could very easily sum what few points they made in their rathel lengthy production and show how ridiculous each charge is But as we are endeavoring to handle these things along prac-tical lines, feel that the situation does not warrant it If yoU! presiding officer was asked for an opinion, concerning tl11s, I \\ould say that instead of shm\ ing resentment, I \\lould ex-tend to them our most sincere sympathy for their lack of good business judgement. Yours very truly, J. R TAYLOR, PIe" Association Advertising Helps \Ve are presenting you a series of advertising U111tS111 tlm \veek's department which are not eaSily gotten hold of bv the average small dealer as they are a class of goods of wl11ch advertising umts are very seldom made. To make thiS ad\ antage sink deep into your mind, ask yourself this ques-tion "Suposing, you wanted to advertise rugs, where would ) au get your cuts?" If you had them made purposely for your work, they would co~t you from $3 50 to $4 00 each If you wanted to adver-t1se pillows, draperies or mattresses, where would you get the cut,,? vVe hold that an advertisement without illustra-tions loses 80 per cent of its value These are the questIOns that the advertising committee have asked themselves It \\ as sometimes weeks and weeks before we could get our cuts and by that time what little ambition we had along ac1- \ ertising lines was taken out of us because of the expense of thsee cuts. Having gone thru this experience 111 our store~, we have collected such units as we might have between us and have prepared these cut~ for our members Now If you take a notion to advertise, giving the number of those you want and they will be sent to you in a \\ eeks' tIme and at the nominal cost of only 40C, if the description is attached and 25c without. \Ve urge the use of the standard U11ltsize because the average small printing office will not set up this size type without extra compensation. If you will use these units, you WIll save the cost of the original cut in newspaper space the first issue you run them, so \\ e hope our members will make good use of these opportunities Yours truly, The Advertsing Committee. (Continued on Page 18) 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN "'UBLISH~D EVI!RY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEP't YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHEFt COUNTAIES $200 PER YEAR SINGLE COI'=IIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NOIHH DIVISION ST GRAND RAP OS MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITO" Ent2r~d as second class matter Jul} 1, 1909 at the post office at Grcl.nd Raplde;; \f l hl./;;1.fl under the act of 'Vlarch 3 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE E LEVY The repo11 of the c1epa11111en1 at C0111l11Uce a1lCl lal) I puhltshec1 on anothel 1'a£;e £;l\111g the CUllelH C,prllt PIIlC, of \ ariOl1~ farm andmanutactl1lcd products a~ compalerl II nh the figures of a \ eal ago, ~ho\\" a 1'ecuhal conchtlOn of lftalJ' It ~holls that ".hlle e'1'Olt pllce" on neatly a1l1a1111 pI0c!U('t, ,He h]ghel nOlI than ,1 \ eat ,1~O the lJ11L('" lIt 11l111l1Jllt111((1 al tIeles are 10\\ e] 11l neal h all ll1~tal1ces rhh 111al ,lel U11 for the fact that II 111le the "C0~t of h\ 111i?;' h cOlhtanth 111 crea~ing \\ a~es al e not ae1l anced 1\ hen manufactul u, hT\ e to pay mote fot IIhat tl 1hem h 1,1111l1ct1Ulal and all ,hlL.,cc1 to acccpt Ie"" 101 lhtl1 hllhbul pi oc1\1(. (, thc \ ,Ill n I 1J l' pected to lahe thc \\a~e" ot thcII Cll1pll1\c, llll\'l\(1 111 figUle" ]cfenecl to appll onll \111(n thc CI)llll1loc11"ll' alc ,olel for eApOl t and thel C111 IS mOl e (food rOl tlHlue;ln rIll l11,tall( C !be I CpOlt ,hO\\ s thdt helcon dnel lal cI ,lIC hel11£; "c>Ic1f I c"' j)(ll! at ll"" th,m th( \\holl",dc pllce, pud 1)\ Ih h( \\11 hu\ f()J cloll1c"tlc UJl1"Ull1ptlOn ('1)l1lpell\" 11 \\ lth U11!(111 quotatJolh shO\\ s ,dso that the C']JOlt pll( l, (It jJt[, II (Ill st1l1ctural ]rCJn and steel, lU111hel and "C\ ual othe1 C 111111 dltles ale he111g "old for e,pOl1 dt pllCC''- 10\\u Ulan tln'-c pahl In elol11e~tJc con"umel s Such ronchllon, (!.llncl no' I n1l the II age\\ 01kel S hut then elllpln e, aI" LahOl Ul110ns \\ hethel 111b anspc)) tatlOn 01 Il1dl11llaetnl ine; 111dustnes should reahLe and ca1 efulh cono:tde1 the dangel~ and usual le~ult" of ra"h ,tnkes and othel lahm t10ubles E, en IIl1en thc\ ha\ e ~erJ(JlIS e;J1l\ ancc" It I" he,t for all concerned to str1\ e fOl ,e1tlelllent 1)\ ccntU111C0- eUl1 a] bltratlOn than to take cllam e" J1l Zl h ttel ,'I \1~ ~ Jc \\ h eh ma} change II hat proml ses to be a pI °"lJe 1OtIS ,eal 11 tl 1 ,eason of d1sapPo111tl11cnt and ch"a"tC'l The pem el anc1 111 fluence of orga1l1zed lahar must he ad.noll led£;ed and 1\ dl he 1cspeltcd II hen 1hed fan I} and fOl the good ot all Cool he t,lec1ness on the 1lcl1t OT hoth ul1plO\ u" and c111]11()c\s I' 1)l1l of thc 1l10"t suecc""ful mC,l1h of pre\ Cllt111e;llouhll ,l1ldlll the ,,( Ull1Jlellt of ldh01 ehs]Jute" \uthu "11le 111 "uch «(J1ltc~"h can hopc to gd111 a11\ c1esilelh1c thln~ 1)\ a~e;IC"'1\ c "tuh-hOI n 01 hull-headed ac bon "L\ merchant to do bU"111e"s plopellv, ought 10 IdLe a SOlt of cour~e 111 hdnk111g , sa\ ~ a Chtca£;o finanuel Ii It \\ el e practJcahle It \' auld bc a (!.ooc! th111<:; \. me1chanl ec1n- (ates a cle1k to knOll e;ooeh ,In 1 to be el .:;ood "dc,man hut he forg eb the pelcen ta~ e plOp'hltl011 Clltll el \ '\ 1l1elll,hould be a fall master of he;me" hetOle he attempt> 10 c1 hUSl11e" for hl111~elf He must fig-u, e It all out-]u"t hO\\ lllnch hI' £;ood~ co"t 111111, his rent, hh 1111e, hh IIg-ht'i, all hi~ other Plttl eApense" dlld then ayelag-e ]t and decide what per-llnL1...: e of the cost IllS good" must pav-each one of them 1 helt 1" the II a) an up-to date and moJern merchant does nO\\ ac1a\" lormerly a man "01 t of bunched ]t together and £;ne""ee! ,d 1t and pnt his charge" dbont a" h1gh a", he could r hat h not modeln merchandISIng l{el1lruac1 companie~ \\ ho are plomotll1g the "back to (]le farm' mO\ e111ent mnst go slow else the\ may he accused of tl1~ai?;l11g in busines;; not authonzec1 by their charters If the, ~ucceed 111 cau~ing any great mcrea"e m agncultural ]11oc]nct" and lm\e1 prices the farmer~ w]ll denounce them t)l 11 eat111£; unlust competitIon The consumer"" however, \\ III \\ bh thc111 ulll11111ted SUCleS" II a~te ]S an cnemy of plOc;res" \Vhen you 'iee waste it I" lIght to be angry, but It ]S 11101e l1g-ht to take steps to l hcck ,111dpI e\ ellt it Cut out waste Cut It out in your store, 1\1 I 'Ul tactOl I, 111the C]t) ~O\ ernment, in the ~treet clean- 1I1e; 111 thp kitchen and 111 the forests It 1, a fal~e and toolt,h pllde that b proud of \\ a~tc ::c, uth111g 1~ so near to ]0" \\]thout gam as \\aste Some peculiar efforts are resorted to at times to prevent lctectlon of inab]hty to conduct the affairs 111 which one is 111~a£;ed The proper WdY to succeed 111busines~ is to know It m e\ ery detad Be sure of your g] ound and ~ucces", ]s sme to follow \ happy-go-lucky busine~s plan has a shaky, un qfe founeLl tlon rhele 1" all\a\s l()Om fOl Implmement III 1l1akm~ things ,,0 ,ll ound at IOU1 place of busmess You can pu~h some II tl( Ie" II hlch II 111 create a demand for others, thus follow- Il£; up the (ltftelcnt l111e", e\erything in vour store can bc n,tde t) be 111demand that 1", prm Ided It ]S at all salable J he (!.ooe! o]d tll11es ha\ e gone 1h1112;-'are not as they n,ec! to be 1h111~~ ha, e changed, and the \\ ays of doing t111ng, ha\ e changed, too L\ new 01der hac, come in, for lletttl 01 for II orse but it has come The good old times have t..,ne hut the ~ood ne\\ t]1l1es ha\ e C0111e The II he merchant \\ III ne\ el ne~lect an opportull1ty to {Jut 111 a good II 01 d for gooe! roads Easy tran-,portatlOn lcluhtJes ale a1110l1g the most tffiClent aIds to tJade whether tUrJlhhcd b\ lad, lIate1 or wagon [()ad" It \ au make a promIse keep It, e, en though you lose I1lOne\ h\]t Keep111C; ploml"es bUllds ) OU1 1 eputatlOn and al ~o 111ake~ yOU mOl e careful what promIses} au make C reelt t h a 11lce th111g to hale but ]t i" ri~ky to work it ( ) Ih full capaclt} Wants Catalogues and Price I~ists. I 1 "\ echod01l1, Lena, \Vis, is about ] edcly to open up ,1 lUlnlture stOle at that place and \\ould hke to hale the nan u facturel" of fUl111tnre and beddmg mad their catalogue" dnd pnle h~h to hl111 1\11 Nechodo111 has been m the furll1- lure htb111ess hefOl e and he is a practical fU11l1ture maker '" me ,edl- a~o he hUllt up a furl11tm e factory at Lena whIch lId, de~t1O\ee!ln file Apn130, 1906, and the loss was very h' a\ \ In ,lLCot1l1t ot the small 111"urance carl1ed and he could n(lt ]J1111clup untIl nOlI He hac, put n1' a one story bmldmg )() " 70 m \\ hlch he 111tend s to ~tart m the fur11lture business \V E E K L Y ART I SAN 17 New Weaves in Rugs and Carpets. The onental has long been con.,idered the acme of ele-gance anJ luxl11y and durahJ1lty 111 a rug for the well-dp-jlo1l1tecl home, wIth the result that one see::, them of e\ el) qualIty in home::, vvhere they are not 111 hal nlOny wIth the other fur111'ihIn~'" Decorator." v\ hen consulted, always ad- \'I'ie aga1l1st an Onental Iug that IS not of the fil "t qualIty and often find that the dome..,t1c vvca\ e., are hetter adapted to the genel al tone of the house than the 011ental, at am pnce They ma1l1ta111 that a fifty or sIxty dollar dOme.,tlc lug l'i better from e\ ery P01l1t of \ lew than a hundred dollar Onental 1hI'" fact should be well consIdered hefore 111- \ est1l1g 111 flool CO\enngs that are expected to be u",ed for sevelal years at least !\mong the 'itaple lInes the \Vllton, the Axm1l1ster and Hru::''iel'i have -,eemed to lead 111populal fa VOl for some tnne There IS an lllfi111te vanety of deSIgns 111these lUgS, vvhlch 111clude the Onental patterns, floral ancl conventlOnal de-,lgns, and two-tone stnpe or horder effects The Smyrna rug for a mode::,t floor COyenng I" unexcelled 111 durabIlIty and at-tractn e COl0l1l1gs and cleslgn" 'I hIS may he founel 111 f101 al or Onental patterns, 'i17e 9 x 12 for $2850 It l'i a heavy, seamless, tufte,J rug, and the fact that it l'i reversIble com-mend'i it to the thnfty Ingrain art squares are especIally desirable for bedrooms and come 111 many soft colonngs at $9 for a 9 x 12 sIze There are many styles of hand woven I ugs on the market, whIch are knovvn vanou..,ly a'i colonial, ra£; or fluff rug'i 1hese had then bIrth 111 the ra~ carpets of our ~rand-father,." whose stnped gayne'iS was WO\ en on pnmltl\ e looms frum .,craps of nbbon, calIco, old dre..,.., good", etc The fact that It IS very ddncult, in weav1l1g th e..,e lug ". to obta1l1 tensIOn 111 I egard to the thlck-ne.,.., of the fahnc, whIch valle.., greatly account:-, for thplr cont1l1u1l1g to be hand woven ThIS permIts of a variety of patte I ns and of rugs be1l1g woven to order 111 the color", that may be deSIred !\t first consIdered appropriate for the bathroom only, theIr populanty has 1I1crea..,ed untIl they are much used for bedroom rugs Corporation Tax Comes Slowly. Th e corporation tax law, accord1l1g to return,., made pu b- IIc at the office of the commlSSlOner of 1I1ternal revenue la,.,t l\,Ionday, brought into the government 111 January and Febru-ary only $77,416 The total internal revenue receIpts for the month of February were $19,440,190, an Increase of $1,835,- C2CJ0\ el February, 1909 The recelpt'i from spmts 111 Febru-ary wel e $11,259,643, an 1I1crease of $1,257,065 ove rthe cor-respond1l1g month last year ChaIrman Ta vvney of the house commIttee on applo-pnatlOn.., and other leaclers 111 the lower branch of Congress are not .,atlsfied WIth the form of the $50,000 appropriatlOn 1I1serted by the senate 111 the legl,.,latlve appropriatlOn bJ11 to carry out the terms of the publICIty feature of the corporatlOn tax law As 1I1serted by Senator Hale, tlhls provislOn per-mlt'i of publICIty at the dlscretlOn of the PreSIdent It IS 1I1tendd 111 the house to inSIst upon a prOVIsion which wJ11 make mandatory the publICIty feature WIth respect to the retl11n" of corporatIOns who'ie "tock IS lIsted on any exchange and to lea\ e the que",tlOn of publICIty 111 the ca,.,e of -,mallcl corpOlatlOns whose stock I'" not lI"tecl at the dl,.,cretlon of the PI eSldent OUR FUMED OAK FLANDERS AND EARLY ENGLISH STAINS have unmistakably hit the Bull's Eye of public demand. We have proved that our aim was true. We have again justified our policy of forever fingering the public pulse. Mr. Furniture Manufacturer, are YOU taking advantage of this policy? You WILL, if you see sample panels of these beautiful finishes. FLANDERS OAK FUMED OAK ACID STAIN EARLY ENGLISH As its name denotes, a repro-duction of the Flanders penod, finished in a deep nut brown shade, giving a soft, velvety dull effect. It IS a wmner with the An acid stam of proved practicability. Gives a correct, uni-form and permanent color Without the use of a fummg chamber· Should be used whether you have a fummg chamber or not. Ap-phed to the fumed product .t adds tone and nchness, enhancmg ItS beauty as well as ItS commerCial value. Manufacturers now usmg it are one vOIce m its praise. Correct in color, durable, praCll-cal. Has won the approval of the leadmg furmlure men by sheer ment. A sample panel IS yours for the asking. women. NOTE: To facilitate prompt reply address Desk No.3. MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta,Ohio. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN FURTHER ADVERTISING HELPS GIVEN BY THE ASSOClATION CARPET SIZED RUGS (Contl11uecl FI0111 Page 15) TAPESTRY BRUSSELLS RUGS l'o 510-These hIgh grade, t-arefu'l made and good wearing velvet Rug~ Hordl or oriental de~lgns or Dledalh)11 ce'"lter~ are made for most any rOom, es-pecIally for parlor The appearance of the Rugs are luxurIant The effrct~ harmonIze Can be had in any dan-dard SIze or color Pnces are the 10\\- est, they will slut your l)ocket book a f4 "eft as your~elf Come and JD<o,pect our brge line, you will find just the \)T'" you "'lrt fnr your parlor HANDSOME RUGS OF ALL SORTS I ~ "'\0 50S-Handsome rapestry and vel ,0t rugs Our tapestry Brussells rug~ al C lnade from the best worsted yarp \\ lth '"l stIff firm back Our beauhful orIental df'blgns are especIally adapted to dInIng rooms Our rugs cannot be equalled In de<;Ign and colonng at the prIce 'Ve have them from the seam-leso;: to the three seamed ones It IS ha~ It) find the equc: 1 of the artIstIc dEsigns and pertect blendIng of colole 111 these rugs '0 :J09-(Jlrf"dt 'dlUf"!!t In Tapf" t v Hru"'MoeIl!'!l Rug., The;) ar~ e"-cell ..n..t "t'arlng Rug!!l {'urefully madf' of IJp~ t qUdlth fiure The3 {'orne In flora] a'ld orJf"ntal desIgns, "Ith any color effe<t deli'ued and "Ith fine medallIon centel'" J he..,e make an e~('eedlngl~ neat ",lthng room or parlor rug Th rugs \ hl n du ...tpd t', erv on<-e In a "htle luake thelu look ~10l\l;f''' a" If llf" er '\,alked on. "lurh mdke~ thf"m dura hi... The' lliO'lt~ h (mn~ In K- ~ "- 10-6 dnd ()-l~ ft, d'l that 1... tll(' onh an ~Ize needNI THESE H4NDSOME DURABLE RU~ N 0 5 0 7 These hand I C;Ollle dUlablf> rugs are of all SIzes and varIeties We h~ethe re- I ver8Ibie rugs In brIght col ors and two df'Slgns Our I \ elvet rugs gIve a rIch and bE aut! ful effect to any roo III They com e In all color \\ Ith combl n a t Ion s to match any draperIes or fur n It u re Our wool Smyrna rugs ale vely sUltabl(' for bE>droomo;: The Japanese rugs arE' surf' to rneet WIth the appro"al of all who buy b foot $6 GO, b-foot 1\>" .Z5, 10 foot $850 DOUBLE BACK OAK ROCKl.R THIS SOUD OAK ROCKER F31 No /404 -- ThiS ro eke r IS madf' of selectf'd c;ohd qu <il tered oak "eI) hi g h 1" polished It has a loll sha ped seat and stre t('he5 all around bottom It has a h I g h b a c k WIth a wId (' h e a d rest 1\ oto the five spmdles unuel f'aGh arm J hIS IS a "erv neat and attractn e chall not onlv that but It IS a ,Pr\ comfort able chalf which IS a most Important considelatlOn "hen bUYIng a rocker F 3 1 '0 102 Th S solId oa1( Iockf'r 1" gotten up In one of the most PXclusive "'it y les !\. ot€' thE' beaut! full} shap Pel Lack \' hiCh IS daintIly carved by hand also the 5tl et c her s aIound the bottom "hieh hold It fi rm l)- togethel and a 1 s 0 thE' StTE't (hPI 1..111([(I t 11 alln ThI'" chaIr i8 SUIt It Ii f)J })'l.lli 1 in 1116 room or lIbran· It ha<., tll "-l,ldle "'edt "hI('h is pleas Ing to th t-"" '1.8 \\ ell as comfortablr '\ott tll "'IX spIuI.-lles undel the arm fhlS 1b c:l \ ('1" artistIc rocker for yOUI pallo} ThIS unit IS furnIshed WIth 40 cents F31 No 7454-'3ohd oak MInnesota Trau",fer glo<o;s If pohshed deSCrIptIOn fob '11200 235 ["31 '0 1) batl{ and oal( PIIC( rhIO:: UnIt fUlnl",hed '\Ith deSCrIptIOn for 40 cents o;:ohd oak quartered seat polIshed golden $t 00 THIS BEAUTIFUL CHAIR PH ,0 ] 7 4 ThIS boa utI rul (' h aIr IS n1 a d e of se Ie c tf' d qu artl? ff'd oak <;01 ld has a I a r g e loamy and co n fortablr r'1l1 shap eel seat The spIn diE'S at the b:lck and un del the arms add greatl)' to the a p p e arance of th 1 111 I Thlb IS a good sub stantl:::l1 J (rl ....I \\ hleh 1'<: deSIgned tOI parlor lIhl'l.' 01 11\ lng loom use and 1'" thp b '-t nlecl1um pllcect locker ",e ha, e off rC'(1 \ ou !Ol sonle tlnle so get One Tim Larlle, Comfortal.le, H,gh Ba. k Rocker r 3 1 N a 9 3 8 2 T hIs 1 ar g e c a ill for ti able hI g h b a c k roc ker IS mad e of c:;;ohd oak IS hlghl) POlISh ed It has the' T 0 1 1 shaped sf'at- "" h Ich 1 8 80 popu 1 a r Note the ele" en spiudleo;: In the back and fh e under the al m also the HI tchers around the bottom \\ hICh add gre'ltlv to the durabIlIty ot the chan 1hI plaIn fiCh charr cannot fall it please the Illost fastIdIOUS and IS lust the rockel J ou want for your hVlng room Th,s Handsome Up. to-Date Rocker F 3 N 0 1334 '1 hIS hand-som e up to d ate rocker IS made of sol- Id qu ... arter-ed oak which takes a "ery hI g h polIsh Note the broad s 1a t s 11 the oack and under the at In0;: rhlS chaIT IS gotten up In a plaIn nch style WhICh cannot fall to appeal to people of re-fined tasteo who desll e somethIng arhs tH"' Has a roll shappd seat good SIzed :rocker and you 11 lIke, It better after you have tried It PI ICe at oUr Store ---~ --~-----------' F31 No 1334 solld oak quartered back and seat polIshed golden O'lk $350 This unIt t'urnlshe-d WIth descriptIOn fOl 40 cents F31, No 9382 solld oak polished finished quartered oak bent seat $3 25 ThiS unIt furl1l"l,hed "lth deSCrIption tOl 40 centCl F31 1'.0 1'04 solId oak hand p<Jl Ished prIce $~ 5C 1-0 9 - OR Steel, colldPstble G~·\'art, fl)lds "tth ODe motioD By throwmg tlie !Jandl' down, the entlre cart collapses pnd can be east If cdrrled. Body of tnlltatlOn leather, reclLum" bdCk movable daoh ba' k and seat padded Note that the 1U !Dch wheel has 16 .pokes 25·64, rubber ttres, subilaultal sprIll"S under ~be seat Nwkle I Idled arm-rest, mekle-pJated rat! around d "h, lllckle bub caps, cart IS htteo wltb hI qke Rood adjustable aDd note how neatly t' collapses Prl'"e a t f~("tory PItre at ~ orf' '1 hIS cut furnished to our members for '"50 Thl q unl t furnIshed to our mem-bcr~ fOI 400 ThIS baby carr lage furnIshed to OUI Inpm bet b '%; Ihch tIre ~~ 95 % Inch tIre $3.15 This Drop Leaf, Square Top BreaHast Table F'O::3 No 001 ThIS drop leaf squal top breakfast table comes In ImItatIOn oak gloss finIsh The legs on WIth bolt constructIOn. These tables con1.e In t,\ 0 SIzeS ThIS table Ie. a large room) tdble tor a small room as the leaveb can he put do\\ n and the table shoven out of the '\ ay when not In use These tables (:=tnalso be usetl about the housp for va I ~~o~~l:~rtieOs~~~nWhe~r~elarge table 18 out I II --~~-~ Thl~ cut furnIshed to our membeIs fOI 2')c ThI<:;unIt furnished to our mem bel g for 40c ThIS table fUInIshed to our members for FOB Mllln T F 36 x 42 $165 F 0 D Mllln T F 42 x 44 lj,195 ELASTIC COTTON FELT MATTRESSES II II I I rhesE- ela"ltIc cotton felt mattless s l1e\ (r requIre remakIng ~rhe onlJ. ren 0\ atlOll they ever requIre IS an OCC;:L';;;lOl1 al aIrIng In the hot sunshIne The" are made fl0m cotton of superIOr qual Ity "\\Ith ~xceptlonally long, tough fibres of gu'at strength It IS carefully In spected and tested and absolutely PUIf' It will not mat down or become: hard or bunch up as the tuftIng IS accurate The tufts are of the same dIstance apart and of the same tensIOn Don t compal € thIS mattress WIth the cheap kind but come and let us show you how good a mattress ,,,e sell YOUfor only Thls cut furnIshed to our members for 25c ThI~ unIt fur nlshed to our mem bers for 40c WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 These Popolor BabT Carriages F9 No 124 The,;;;eFrench ran body cal rlages are alwa) s popu~ lar year aftf'r year T hpy are extreluelv neat beIng closely wo \ en and finIshed W l t h embos sedIm I ta'tlOn can e bottom Th e y are uphol s t e red In fig u red I P P \V It h plush hea d rest The mercPrlzed sattf n pal abol IS fInIshed WIth flounced ruffle and puffIng The' automobIle gear IS enam eled and strIped and the 16 inch rub ber tired steel wheels are enameled to match gf ar They hd-ve nIckeled hub lap,,; patpnt wheel fasteners and foot bake PrIce THIS LOW-PRICED BABY CARRIAGE F9 No G94 lhc bodY of these low PIICf'd baby caliIagt;>S lS made of reed and woo d ~lhe) gne re markably goo d sen'lee for the p r ICe They are Ii t ted WIt h enamel allstC'el g G a J " n d lubber tIred \\-hcels The v also ha" t;>patent \\ heel fastener and foot brake These carnages are upholstel ed III plaIn denIm WIth sllesla {"scaloppd edge parasol rhe wheels alP 16 Inches \\ Jth nIckel hub CcLpS Thpy al f' fin Ibhei WIth ImItatIon cane bottom Pnce ThlS cut furnIshed to our members for 25c ThlS unl t furnlshed to our mem ber star 40c '1 hIS baby cal nage furnIshed to our membel s for $394. ThIS cut furnIshrd to our members fOl 2tlc Thle:; unit furnished to Our mem bers for 40c ThIS bab3- carnage- furnIshLd to our members fOl $6.38 ------------- THIS LEATHER COUCH THIS MASSIVE, HIGH GRADE CHAIR r 10 No 21 1hIS ma~bIV(, hIgh grade chaIr IS nlade (J f 1 a r g L liaky quar qual t ered oak In the golden finish dll hI g h I y polIshed It II::>made of extra heavy stock thru out The back IS ex-tra hlgh and shapf.-d su as to make 11 VelY comfortable It IS up h )lo;;;:tf'redIn No 1 or No 2 leathel The full spring seat IS extra largt ThIS chaIr IS Just the thIng for pallor lIbrary or llvlng room A few prcCf'b lIke thI<:: make a vLry attractIve look- Ing loom Prices: F30 No 06 Thle: maSSl\ e leathel ('ouch IS made In thp Cha,,;e No 1 01 No 2 leathf'f but \\-e \\Quld lecommend ~ettlng the blSt QualIty ThIS lOU(h has the guarantf'ed sprrng construction \, hlCh IS open to aIr and ventrlatlOn and can bl Pleaned at WIll The frame IS made of large ftaky quartered oak In thE' golden finIsh Altogether It IS got ten up 111 a plaIn nch style WhICh can-not fall to appeal to people ot refinf'd ta<o::te 1rj one Prlce !\o Leather ~o Leather 'ihiS unIt 1unll~hed to our membc>rs for 40c ThIS cut furnIshed to our meru bers for 25c '1hIS couph furnu;,hed to our members fOl Chase leather $900 No 2 leather H450. No 1 leather, $19.50 Tlll<::urut furnIshed to our members for 40c ~rhlS cut furnIshed to our members tor 2tlc ThIS chan furnIshed to our members for No 1 Leathel $6.50. No 2 Leather *~75 THESE SOFT. DOWNY PILLOWS HANDSOME TAPESTRY PORTIERES No 07J lhese hand some tapes trv portleres ale three Vends long and can be had In \"Idths rangIng from 'U Inches to 4~ Inches 'The'se have b en selected WIth g 1 eat car e from the lal6"€st and ITost relIablE' rnanuf a ctur PIS The va r lety COvers styles and \-alues to meet the reqUIrements of any hOll1E' ~rhere IS alwa~ s In every home a place for one or more pans of these curtajns and they add \ e1y much to the deeOIatn e appearance Prices fronl ~o 501 Our assortment of pIllow are fl11f'dWIth down In e goose and duc.-k tea.thel s These feather<:. are cleaned hy a SCIentIfic pro('es~ WhIch remo\ es a,l ImpulIties so that we guarantee these teathel s to be clean sweet and PUrl All feathers cleaned by thIS process re tam then natural Duoyancy and are not bllttle nor lifeless The coverIngs ma) be had ID all gradE'E of tIckIng from the InE'xpensn € stnped to the art tICkIng P1Ieee: lang\:., from ThIS cut furnIshed to OUI" members for 25c ThI<: unlt furnIshed to our mem bels for 40e ~----------------------------- 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN TRUCK TALKS Might not convince you without evidence. But compare a wagon to our truck, note the similarity of construction fea-tures-- No box bearings; nothing to easily break or get out of order; extra large center wheels, revolving on taper turned axles; wide treads; special first-class cast-ings. Grand Rapids Trucks are first, last and all the time the safest in construction, and positively the best. No. 15 Catalog Shows Them. Grand Rapids Hand 61B North Front St. NEW RAILROAD RATJ<: BILI~ Expected to Assure Competition Between Rail and Water Routes. Congressman To\\ nsend of \llChl~dn \\]w hd" had lhal ge of the new ralltoac1 rate bIll, genera11) kno\\n d" the Tait hIll because it has been appro\ ed b) the pre"Ident and hI", cabI-net, makes the fo110'Al11g explanatIOn of Ih plm ISIOn" as they stand with the amendments that ha, e been appIO\ ed b, the commIttee on l11terstate and foreIgn com111elce "Under eXlstl11g laY'. the Inter"tate Commerce C0111mhc,lOn has authonty to estabhsh a through Ioute vvhel e none exists But If one Ioute should e"bt the commh'iIOn has no power to establIc,h another, hO\, ever de--llable --uch othel might be "In the bIll shortl) to be Ieported out ot the l11teI--tate and foreign commerce C011111tt1e1e of the hou --e. It 1'- proposed to prevent the ownership of a road 01 ~tock in a road whIch c0111pete" with another road or wIth a water lme But we go further, 111 the one b) provldmg that the commission ma) estahlIsh, after heanng on motIOn or complamt, any number of through route, b) IaII 01 water and we prohIbIt a raIl lme from 0\\ 11111£lJ; l ha \ Ing an mtel est in a competing vva ter lIne, or v Ice, el c,a "These provISIons al e made neCec,-oal) b) the Panama Canal SItuation lYe dlcln't "ant the ralh oads to bm up the boat lmes whIch vve hope v, III be e"tablhhed to competc for transcontinental commel ce "The time may come Y'.hen \\ e \\ 111ha, e to fil" a 1111111- mum rate for the ralh oads m ordel to pI e\ ent such dl sa" trous competition as ,vouLI destro\ an eXI"t1l1g boat 1111e and dIscourage those who would establtc,h lInes \\ hen OUI Screw Co., Grand Rapids, Miich. 11\ U a nel othel \\ atenv a ys are better developed But the l lmmIttcl, at th\,- tIme, clId not feel hke saymg to any com-lllOll call1CI that It loulel not reeluce Its late" as low as It ele--n c,! Reprec,entatn e J R Knrmland of Cahfor111a, a member ,) the l11tel state and foreIgn commerce comml1 tee, Wlho has mtroeluceel "e, eral amendments to the measure "SectIOn 12 of the bIll as origma11y intPOduced, plOvlde6 that no raIlroad corporatIOn whIch was a common carrier "hould hel eafter acqtll~e any 111terest of whatsoever k111d m the capItal stock of an) raIlroad or purchase or 1ea:oe any raJ1lOad which "1', as duectly and substantiall y competItIVe \\ Ith that of such first named corporation My amendments deld "ater cal nel s to the inhibitIOn In other words, no I al1Joael can hereatter acquire any Interest 111 the capItal "tock ot am \\ dter carner's corporation or purchase or lease am \\ ater lme \\ hllh IS dIrectly ancl substantially competI-t1\ e \\ lih a raJ1road "The amendments go still further and plovlde that no \\ atcr carner shall acqmrc, directly or indirectly, any intere:ot In a cO\l1pet1l1g rdJ1road corporation , Due 111no :omall measure to the public sentiment arou"ed b, the natIOnal rI\ er" and harbors congress, whose vanous can, entIOnc, hay e attendeJ as a delegate, the government IS enten11g upon a polIcy of expend1l1g annually between $30,- 000000 and $-!-O,OOO,OOO for the development of the water- \\ a,,, at the lountr) If we would lll"Ule to the people the compe11t1On 111rate" \\ hICh It 1:0 expected SUcl1 vast govern-mental e"penc!Iturec, wJ11 be 111strumental 111 bunging about, It h of tremendous Importance that we enact the laws to meet the sItuatIOn rOl e'\.amp!e, \\ Ith the completIon of the Panama Canal, --------------------- - - WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothmg but Quality tools, the first cost of which is considerable, but which will make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machmes flood-mg the country. Oliver Tools Save Labor "OLIVER" No 16. Band Saw 36 Inches Made with or WIthout motor dnve Met a I lsble 36/1x 30/1 W,ll take 18" under the gUIde Illt. 45 degree. one way and 7 degrees the other way Car-fIes a saw up to I% II wide OutsIde beanng to lower wheel .halt when not motor dnven WeIgh. IBOO lb. when ready 10 .h,p "Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No. 11 WJll lake a saw up 10 20' d,ameter Arbor belt IS 6' wIde Send for Catalog "B" for dala on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Worka and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES-Ohver Machmery Co .• Hud.on Termmal. 50 Church 51, New York Ohver Machmery Co. FlfSl Nallonal Bank BUlldmg. ChIcago. Ill. OlIver Machmery Co • PaCIfic BUlldmv. Seattle, Wa.h • Ohver Machmery Co • 201-203 Dean.gate. Manche.ter. Env " TIme the people of my state and other PacIfic Coast states should be pnvIleged to enJOY the facIlIties "WhIch that great water-way wIll afforJ, but If "wc allow the raIllOads to purchase, control or lease competll1g watel lllles but little benefit wIll accrue to the shIpper SImilar condItIOns are confrontlllg other localItte~ My amendment, I feel satisfied, will meet the reqUIrements" Judson C Clements, acting chairman of the Intelstate Commerce CommIssIOn 111 absence of ChaIrman Knapp saId the commI'-,SIOn had gIven the amcndments outlmed above their unqualIfied approval, the very neceSSItIes of the SItuatIOn makmg theIr enactment mto law ImperatIve He said' "It has been Llemonstrated that water lmes have been closed completely or controlled by raIlroads and no longer m competItIOn in the matter of rates This condItion of affaIrs should not be permitted to eXIst "The polIcy of the law, from the beginnmg has been to leave water transportatIOn, free from control by the government, but wlth the completIOn of the Panama Canal a new condItIOn conflOnts us, and m order to encourage the bUlIJmg up uf trdn'-,contmental commerce, It has been deemed e;,sentIal to amend what has come to be called the 'Adl111111;,tratlOn BIll,' by prolubltmg raIlroads from oWllmg or controllmg water hnes to the end that lates may not be interfered with" Traffic and Building Operations. The national department of commerce and labor Ieports that the volume of February bUlldmg operations in 105 CItIes of the country, as mea"ured by the value of building permIts " Tempers " Cort granted by mumclpal authorittes, $46,923,668, was about 18 per cent below the con csponclmg 1909 volume, the lloss affectmg, mamly, the larger eastern CItIes as New York, PhIla-delpl1la, and PIttsburg The February total shows, however, "orne gam over the total reported for the preceding month The general improvement 111the traffic situation of the country IS indIcated by the 111creased number of cars handled by thIrty-one car-serVIce aSSOCIatIOns and demurrage bureaus, the February figures, 2,331,36-1- cars, comparmg favorably WIth corresponding FebI uary, 1909 and 1908, figures of 1,952,100 and 1,710,392 cars The total number of cars handled dunng the first two months of the year, 4,730,678 cars, was 20 per cent and 35 per cent larger than for the con esponJmg penod m 1909 and two years ago ~------------------------------------ . II BOYNTON &, CO Manufadure ... 01 EmboOled and Turned Mould-inll" Embo ... ed and Spindle Carving., and Automatic Turnin ••• We also manu- I.dure a la11/eLne 01 Emboued Ornament. for Couch Work. 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, Ill. . _ ...-., It•t • I,I ,• ,I II•• IIII .-... MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS vVIlham Gipson, furmture dealer of Tlenton. ::\10 has opened a blanch store at Galt, same state. The John C Lees company of \Vaco, Tex. have changed theIr name to the Texas Coffin company The Hood- \Vhlttle Furniture company of Bessemer, "\la has been mcorpoarted CapItal stock, $25,000. The LOUIsvIlle (Ky.) PIllow company have 111creasec1 their capital stock from $100,000 to $r50,000. The Anderson & Egbert Furniture company of Green Lake, Wis, are succeeded by Egbert & Kreuger The Atherton-B)alCl lUl11lture compam of l1,n eJ11111 has opened a bl anch :-,tore m Xe\\ but) pOlt. :,la s-, J B HamIlton, furniture dealer of \Vetonka, S Dak. has traded his stock and store to Louis Blear for a farm The cradle factory, owned by E C Page at Clmton X H., which was bUtnedlast "eek \\111 be plomptl) lebUllt The MIller Table company of West Farmmgton. Oh1O have decreased their capItal stock from $50,000 to $43.000 The SchmIdt Beddmg company, manufacturers and deal-ers 111bed:-, and beddmgs have been mcOlpo rated CapItal stock, $r8,000. The stock of the Bel bhll e I'urmtut e compam. b'l11k-rupt, of PIttsfield. ~las:-,. has been sold at auctIon to "loses Rosenthal for $4,6 r 5. vValter Clark the \\ ell-knO\\n GIand RapIds ,eneel dealer has gone to Ne\\ 1'01 k to 1m estlgate the conclIt1Ons and prospects of the trade. R H. Chase. manufactUt er of desks and tables of "d "h-ua, N. H., lost all of the fingers one one of hIS hands lecenth \\ hde operatmg a buzz planer. The West End I'UlnltUle compam, dealelo, dt 92--1-\\ e"t Mal kham street, LIttle Rock. \1 k. 1M\ e added an uphol-stering department to thell store Herbert J Hal \\ ood. £01 man) ) eal s lc1entlfied \\ 1dl manufactunng of chaIr seats dIed dt hh home 111LIttleton Mass, last SatUt cIa), ag ed 56 ) eal s The NatIOnal Manufacturing and Sales company, of Marion, Tnd, manufactm ers of carpet S\\eepers has been m-corporated. Capital stock, $300,000. Bertram Trema111e. furmtul e dealer of ~ orth A.ttleboro. Mass, has filed a ,oluntary petitIon 111bankruptcy LIa-bilities, $r2,336, assets, scheduled at $5. T 25 The Tedstrom Furmture compan), P111e Bluff. ~l k . have purchased the stock of the U11l0n I'Ut mtUt e company of the same town and will move into the lattel's bUtlu111g The Wolvenne Brass \VOlks, Gland Raplc1s ale ac1c1111g one story to the tUh111gdepartment and t\\ 0 stolles to the stock and shlppmg departments at a total cost of about $5,000 L. Schwartz & Co., manufacturers of tables, formedy of 67 Montgomery street, New York, have filed a voluntal y petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities, $3,39r; assets, estimated at $928. BoBston manufacturers, including some of the furni-ture makers are considering favorably a proposition to stamp all their products with "Made in Boston" or "Mande in New England." A. M and S M. Biggs, furniture dealel s of DUlang 0 Col , have mcorporated theIr bus111essunclel the name of the BIggs Furniture company CapItal stock, $r 5,000, "Ith $10,000 subscnbed and paid 111. The Lee Bros F111111turecompany of r 179 Mam street, Blldgeport, Conn, \\ III move 111the near future to 1379 on the :-,ame street where they WIll occupy a large bmldmg that they purchased about h\ 0 yeal s ag o. o P Dabney, furniture dealer of Hood River, Ore., finds that hIS business has so increased that he has found it necessal y to rent the Hood RIVer opera house and will re-model It into one of the most commodious store buildings in the state outslcIe of Portland. The COlI y (Pa) Metal Furniture company, has pur-chased the lot flont1l1g on the railroad tracks, formerly oc-cupIed b) the \\ llson Sucker Rod factory, and also another lot j01l11l1git on whIch they will erect a large factory building. J 01111M Dean, head of the John M. Dean company of Prm ldence, R I. and also of the Household Furniture com-pam of that Clt). IS the Republican candidate for the first ma) olaf Cramton. R I, which was rrecently incorporated as a Clt, Leo F Farrenkopf, president of the Central Furniture companv, St LoUIS, Mo, died on March 22. Twenty-five yeal s ag 0 he was a varnisher in the employ of the company of "hlch he became treasurer and of late years president and general manager. Petitions 111 bankruptcy have been filed by creditors agamst Schem & \Vlener, furniture dealers of 1531 Third avenue, Xe\\ YOlk. "ho had faded m an effort to settle their indebtedness at 35 cents on the dollar. Their liabihties cue lepOltecl at ~I2,000 E R Kno, of the Knox Furniture company, Danville, III , has cltsposecl of his holdings in that company preparatory to lea'1l1g the Clt). The Knox stock has been taken over by J G DUllb of the J. G Burns Furniture company, \Vest :, [adhon stt eet, Ch icag o. :,lo"es G Rosenbel g for ten years at the head of the BUlll11gton (V t) Fm11lture company, has sold 111Sinterest 111 the bU"1l1essto hl~ pal tner. Richard E. \Varner, who owns fUlnltm e ~tOle~ in New Bedford, South Boston and Green-field. :\la~s. Patel son, N. J., and Manchester, N. H. Mr. Rosenberg has gone to Rockland, Me, where he is inter-ested in a new theatre The \Vaelelell Manufacturing company of Grand Rapids have made a large shipment of their products, wood orna-ments. cal V1l1gs. etc. to Buenos Ayres, Argentine, eluring the past "eek The) al e also having a large trade WIth Gel man, and other EUIopean countries and in order to meet the demands of their grov\ 1l1g business have found it neces-o, al) to add a new dl y kiln to their plant. Flank McCurclte, superintendent of the American Blower Company's Detroit Plants since about 1894, has resigned, hIS resignation taking effect March 31st After a short pleasure trip, he will take the general superintendency of the Clarage Foundry and Manufacturing company of Kalamazoo. Mr McCurdie was one of the oldest employes of the Ameri-can Blower company, having entered their employ in r883. Furniture in Russia's Floating Exposition Ed\\ard H Ozmun, American consul-general at Con-stantmople, describing the floating exposition, heretofore men-tlOned in the \Veekly Artisan has this to say of the furniture exhIbIt as seen \\ hen the exposition vi~it!ed the Turkish! capItal' The vessel was here at a most propitious time, during WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 the Turkish Bairram holidays, whIch COIncide with ou New Year. \\ hen busIness and banks were closed One day the exposItIon \\ as said to have been vlsted by 25,000 persons. !\s an e'Cposltion alone the venture was a great success, and the shIp prolonged ItS scheduled stay twice to meet the wishes of the public. Commercially the result even surpassed expec-tatIOns RelIable InformatIOn gives the amount of orders booked at over $600,000, and a further $r ,5°0,000 in course of negotiations. As an advertisement of Russion wares gen-elally, and as a means of forming connections and introduc- Ing goods hitherto unknown, there can be no doubt of its usefulness As a single instance, Russian furniture is unkno\vn on t111S market The exposition had a particularly good show- Ing of plaIn, SImple furniture, some which for artistic style and elegance was a surprIse to the natives of this country and many foreign residents. On the third day of the exposI-tion several of these exhibits bore placards with names of local firms appOInted agents In regard to this line of goods particularly, an dthere \\ ere many others of which the same could be saId, if the object had only been to sell the exhIbits there would not have been the shghte'it difficulty in dOIng so It may be that on returnIng after visiting other Turkish ports the ves'iel will agam visit Constantinople when, if the goods e'Chiblted are for sale ,there wIll be lIttle difficulty in disposing of them. Of course this is an eventuality \\ hlch has no doubt been taken into acount by the exhIbitors and wIll partly cover their outlay. A few of the products not mentioned in the Russian ex-position, and whIch might be included as suitable to these markets, are here given: All kinds of tools and labor-saving appliances, furniturre to be shipped knocked down, chaIrs, desks, tables, doors and frames, sashes, window frames, iron and brass bedsteads. It is stated that similar German and Italian expositions are in contemplation and the consul-general thinks it might be well for the American government or manufacturers to "get into the game" New Tapestries A new tapestry has appeared which is made in Scotland and is called Helena tapestry This sells for from $3 to $4 50 a yard. It is a mixture of silk and mercerized cotton, and cotton, and comes in attractive two-toned English designs. The surface has an agreeable raised and crinkled appearance. Rajah cloth and Danish cloth in ivory tint are durable an deftectIve for Inner bedroom curtains. For a handsomely furnished room the heavy Shikii silk, which sells for $r 80 a yard, makes sash curtains that will last for years If 111 white or ivory. Side hangings may be of this silk also, in any of the gorgeous shades it may be obtained in. A drapery stuff, called decorator's voile, which resembles the French voIle in dress goods, is greatly used because of its delicate colorings and the gracefulness with which it can be draped. It sometimes has a border of a Persian band and sometimes is finished with a band of old-fashioned cross-stItch done over canvas, with the canvas threads drawn out after the design is finished Old-style moreen, which has the appearance of old dam-ask, may be had 111 double width at 75 cents a yard. This is attractive in a dIning-room, but as it is rather stiff the lower hem should be weighted. East Rochester, N. Y., 6-4-09. Denton & Waterbury, Whitesboro, N. Y. Gentlemen: Replying to your favor of the 2d inst, regarding the Grand Rapids Veneer Works' kiln, would say that we have found their kilns to be very satisfactory, and have no hesitation in saying that every claim that they make for their kilns have been substantiated. We are producing, eaSIly,double the quantity of lumber from our kIlns in the same length of time as we did formerly under the Morton System, and we think that the lumber is in better shape for use than under the Morton Process. We are at the present time testing the capacity of the kilns, running them daytimes only, and feel that their claims regarding this will also be substantiated. We should be very glad to allow you to examine these kilns any time you care to come to our plant. Yours very truly, FOSTER.ARMSTRONG CO. Robt. H. Waud, 2nd Vice Pres. • 0 U . :c (J 'aDi ..~..r:... ~ ,s.. 0~ .....lIJ (J Q • ~ ci ~ ~ 0 =' <So '0 ~ ~ •e 'C') 4S 0 :t ~ ~ C') Z ... '-> s.. -~ 4) 0 .... - ~ e I-I) ~ ~ ..... - 4S D-4 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN ...--~--~-- II III I I I IIII II IIII t III It I I I I,--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ III IIIt I IIII I\ I II t I III II III t II --------~--------- -~~--------~-------~ Novelties Offered by I<'urniture Dealers. SImplIcIty of effect IS the one essential thmg tOJ deLo rations thIS sea son but man} no\ eltles al e otterec1 1n tll e up-to-date fur11lture dealels Just as the 01,1 "t\ Ie dIlI"t u"eel to put every detaIl mto hIs pIcture e\ en to the -)llmtel" 111 the floor, and has been succeeded b} the modern "chool t1nt suggests thmgs rather than depIcts them, ~o the ch ape lIe" demandecl today tend tcm a1d plamne"s e,cept iOI thC11 ecl~c" and borders. Both single and double patterns ale gO( d "t\ Ie, but If one is u"mg the lattel the custom of adchng the Dutch \ a-lance and SIde CUItam IS gettmg to be mal e and 111111 c the vogue, and the lesult IS delIghtfully altl"tIc \\ llh the double draperies valances are I egarded a" old iashlOned, though m good taste, If the pattern of CUItam be pLun net from the lower border to the top, m \\ hlch case an uppel border adds greatly to the effect If the body of the CUItdm IS deSigned or broken WIth m_ertlOn" ho\\ C\ et. the \ aLl11ce adds nothmg anc! "hould not be u"ed In addItIon to the \\hlte CUItams, a fe\\ llthel" a1 e bung used extensIvely, espeCIally ecru, and one elt the \ el \ Lltl"t things IS the new mulberry shade. a colol thdt h "0 "llit alHI lovely that It is con"ldered the cholce"t tl11ng pO""lhle WI a damty room whose color "cheme \\ 111permll ot ll" the Green portIeres aJ every much m c1emdnd no\V, dnd to go WIth these CUItams and portIeres are many nO\ elttes m \\ edl paper. For the bedroom, floral and nO\ el paper IS a gla\ shade with whIch goes a cameo bOldel An mno\ elttun tlMt will please Immensely IS V\all paper, dccompam mg \\ l11ch 1" the chintz to match, whIch IS to be used for chall CO\l1mg-and drapenes } or the stuely and lIbrary sIlkalme CUItam" 111 COlUI' a1 e vel y pretty, and c1ealer" recommend 101 the \\ all d I affia weave whIch IS a replIca of the \\ 0\ en "traw Tapestl} ancl leather screens add much to the beaut} oi the room" Chmt7e" are more popular than e\ el and are to be llclCl m many new and stnkmg deSigns as well as better colors than ever before The deSIgns are tho,e of the aIel 1'dhle} shawl" and the colors dre exceeclmgly delIcaie The} al e ot washable colors, whIch adds ~reatly to theIr populant}, and the designs covel all that IS best in the pellOds of LOUIS XI\T and XV. In the matter of selectmg drapelles fOJ the den" hhlal\ and dining room many seek after the u11lhual anJ tor tho,e F. Parthier 1034- Grand Avenue CHICAGO Mmufacturer of Willow Furniture SEND FOR CATALOGUE \\ ho a1 e mclmed to thl" "art of decOl atlOn some of the new lope and paper drapelles and curtams are well worth seekmg ()Ul J apane"e deSIgns make very stnking decorations for ,U1\ ot the rooms mentIOned, and all the large stores carry l.n mfil11te \ al1et} of these th11lgs One of the neV\est JJeas IS the paper curtam, whIch takes the place of the bead portIeres that are so ulllversally to be tound m the up-to-date den At first glance they suggest the bead l urtam and also remmu one of the shell affairs, but are m I eaht} unlIke eIther and come m deltghtful color combma-' tIons DecOlatn e and useful t111ngs 111leather and glass have an 111creas111g demand every year and thIS durable matenal I" CLllh makll1g ItS appearance 111new and attractlVe forms '-oJ1leth1l1g tl1dt 5t LOUIS offels that wdl attract the men is d 11H~h1Jallset of cut glass and "dver made up of glass-bot-tomed tra\, glasses and decanters, and a humIdor for cigars on the \ acuum pnnclple The leather goods are almost hmltless and compnse ullmtle"" nO\ eltles, 1l1cludmg tIe, coat and trouser hangers o! I ed mOl occo and plg"k111, wall calendars of all colors, to-bacco pouches and pIpe ca"e" CIgarette and pIpe cases are "hO\\ n 111a ±tractl\ e deSIgns A wardlObe trunk, made 111 duck or leather, fitted 111- "Ide \\ Ith hampel and drawers and so deSIgned that It is kept lIght ,lCle up, IS shown Travehng tOIlet cases are featured, ntted up \\ 1th httle comforts and luxunes, and hand bag", tie elml ,,1111t case, 111all h1l1d" of leather offer much that I" de- "11 able Swt cases al e lIghter and better than ever, and if one ehance, to gro\\ facetlOus and I emark that suit cases and tla\ eltng bags are not a part of the home beautiful let them be lem111ded that faC11Jty in travelIng is apt to bring one home l"ster than when JourneYll1g IS a burden. But for the home itself the leather good" for gentlemen and laches are qUIte the fad, and burnt leather haIr bnbhes ancl 111InOr backs, tog ethel WIth handkerchIef and tIe cases make \ ery attractn e tOIlet articles, to "ay nothing of the at-tI dCtl\ e "e\\ 1I1l.; outfits 111 leather that match so nicely the "moklllg sets that are features of so many attractIve and comfortable dens \t la,t there has ben deVIsed a most senSIble receptacle 1m that Unl.;d111h, 111COn\enient, dust-collecting but altogether de'"-Ilahle necesslt\ to all grades of housekeeping, the chafing dish '1 he chafin~ (hsh stand has some to stay and now doilies tor the"e '"-tand" are UI 01 der and are to be found in the best shop" \\ E E K L Y A R r I 5 A N Philadp}phia Brevitips Ph1ladelphla, 1\larch 30- The \\ h01e"ale cha1r Jealer~ here ha\ e heen achancmg pllCes lecently and they expect to go furthel In that l1l1e Pl esent pnces, the\ declare al e not h1gh enough, consJ(1ellng the l11ueasec1 cost of matellal dm 111 ~ the pa si yea1 S ::,r Robmson 1~ a new furmtul e dealer on l\farkei 'Oileei, near Fifth Blll t B10S, catalogue "ho\\ s some of Jdcohr:l11 and Colonldl Mahogany vel y p':lpulaJ Em bed 100m stutes The new sho\\ 100m of the Lll1coln Furl1lture company \\ 111 hale on dIsplay a sample of every plece of furl1ltu1e t]ley make, \\ hlch wa" 1mposslb]e before, on account of hek of "pace J C Van Matel of Easton, Pa, who faIled, has d,,"cb \\ 01tl" $i,2-+~, and hab1hiles of $15,394 1he Rehahle Upholstenng company lS a new fillJ1 111 busl11esc;at 1317 Mal ket stl eet James A H utchmson has succeeded W11ham S \ they \\ho d1ed, as tleaSUler of the Van Sciver company of Cam den N J He has been with the firm for eIght veal s The Colomal Bed compan\ of Allentown, Pa, al e dams; \\ ell \\ ith thelr lme of beds 111 mahogany, golden 08k 1m ds'- eye maple and Cllcasslan walnut The head an 1 foot boald, ale assembled with ll1vls1ble steel lOds G Vl, \Vatkms, general dea1el of SClcll1ton 1'a, ha" put 111 a lme of hlf;h lSlade fUlnitme The J\Tetal Art companv, manufadulels '1f hlass he"s at 263'3 N01th Bodll1e street, ha\ e as"lgned to Clarence T Buckman of 1006 Franklm Bank huilchlP Hobert R Snl,th 1" ples1dent .T G Yeager, vice prewtent '\ Ll11coln Tvs('n tJeasure1, ~ \V Shaw, seCletalY The hclbll1tles ale $16- 000, asset" $3,000 i\ D Jones, \\ Ith Strawbridge & Cloth'el RO\ SmIth \\ 1th Glmbel Rl os, George Brockway \\ ith J 0hn \1';mamake1 and \1 thm Block and GeOlge Fel ns, ha\ e been 100kmg up stock at Grand Rapids, recentlv Kessler Schwartz, son of Chades Schwartz, has t;one on a "outhel t1 tllP for his father's Ime of padOl an 1 hbl al \ ft1l11lillre John Knoell, ha(l a $1,000 file 111 hiS fUlnltule factorY at Hancock and Jefferson streets It rlId not mtel rupt h1S bus] ness 111uch J\ 1Jlton L Snellenbl11g, son of Nathan Snellenbl11g, ched Jecently, ag-ed onl} 32 years He \\ias a me111be1of the firm of Snellenbmg BlOs and left an e~tate of $100 000 Vel} dtb actlVe lmes The latter style I~ Furniture Fires. J \\ RJchheck's furllltUle stOle 111 Fmdla\, OhlO \\as bUlned on March 25 Y\Jth a loss of $S,~oo, Jldlt,a]!I l11sured The Impenal rUIDltme compcll1Y of Steltewdle '~ ( lost about $5000 b} the burt1l11g of unfi11l~hc(l .tock 111 then factOlY on Match 24 Fully 111sured The plant of the Southern Hore"hoe ::'Jall companv at Decatm, '\ld, \\ as destl 0\ ed by fiJe on -:\1arch 24 The buJ1d- 111g\\ dO,fOlmer]y used as a furmture factory and fll1l11tll1e \ alued at about $4,000, \\ l11ch had been left 111storage \\ a" bmnecl No insll1ance Ed\\ard Landngall';, £urlllture stOle at Ravenna, Neb, \\ as completely destroyed by fil e recently Bo} s of ihat to\\ n, for several years, have made a practlce of startll1g fit es to bother the firemen whIle the latter were enjoymg their annual ball and the burnmg of :\1t LanrlI tgan' s store, \\ hlCh \' as only pal tially 1I1smed IS supposed to have been t1'e 1esult of then practrcal Jokes H1S loss \\ as $6,000 ~------------------------ ---------------------~ LEXINGTON HOTEL 500 Rooms. Michigan Boulevard and 22nd Street. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. New Cafes. New Grill Room. Offices and Rooms Redecorated. Absolutely Fire Proof. "YOU WILL LIKE THE LEXINGTON." I J E MONTROSE} , I CHARLES McHUGH Proprietors, Also operating Hotel Montrose, Cedar Rapids, la.; Rock Island House, Ro<:kIsland, III '------~--_._- ---------~-----~- HORACE WIGGINS, Aaslstant Milr. ~ -- ---- - -_1 , III III I• I III II TUE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS aRE 8READ AND PROfIT WINNERS No Stock complele Without the Ell Beds m Manlt:! and Upright I ELI D. MILLER &, CO. I I f I I I'------------------- --_._---~._._------- EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Wnte for cuts and pnces ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVANSVILLE. 2S 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN ... II I I Telephone, Lmcoln 796 1534-1544 Greenwood Terrace CHICAGO Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture Frames TO Reach OUR FACTORY Take Clybourn Avenue car to Ashland Avenue and walk three blocks North to Greenwood Terrace, then turn East lnto Green wood Terrace Or, Clybourn Avenue car wIth transfer on South port Avenue car, thence over Southport Avenue to Greenwood Terrace and walk West The ••Ad" "W" rite .. in Fiction. I\t lao.t the gl eat \me11can 1l1~t1tUtJ()'1 tlH clClII 11t( 1 has found h1s 1\ ay 111tOf1ctlOn He bccome" thl hlro ut d story in the I\p111 number of II \}IPTO,\ 5 11\C~\71\r The story 1S called « '\ '\ umbel TI\ 0 1Zl'-on and It, author, Hanis Melton I lon, pa}s thIS tllbute to the \outh-ful countl y genius \\ ho, becau<;e of hb ahlhn t) 1\ lite c!tcc t!ve "copy" became pro~pel Olh al1,l famous "Alexande1 Simpson had ::;0ne to ChlCd2,) I hu l hc soon hecame "AlecK" fle1112, qll1eK II ]tterl --l1P 1 ( 1 I I 1 plenty of dvnamlc gumptIOn \\lth a fund of mal\el()l1" \\(JHI" hke unto a cascade of ellet1011cllles, thc"a'l1U"t- dml enchn pedias, plus the enthu<;la<;m of an 1m entol he \\ cnt 111t the adve1iising bustness and \\101e aels rIhe men I' h) '1)(1](1 a hundred thousand to fi\ e hUl1fl! ed thou sand d llll __ 1 \ La1 telling you, 111 an 111c1ehb1e fa"hlo11 that \ on ll,tlh l (1111 t pursue happmess on tIll" planet u,lle"s IOU eat t1ll1l CldCku' wear the1r Shll ts, and leap alon2, on then hI cl11d ot 111hhl r heels are, aftel all poets The fdet that the\ (,\11 --pen,l fi\ L hundred thousand dolla1 c; \\ auld --eem to dcm t111-- "t,lt c 111ent, hut the} 1 eall} an~ dl camels ,111d doc! -- \n<1 thll1 ma111 tools a1 e WOlds "Alexande1 fdlrh c111pped 1\ Ith 1\ 01(1~ e\ (I \ t11l1l hL wrote a sentence 1t h1t hke the hamme1 of 'thl11::;um]Jo]J Ire "poke m slogans, for the slogans --lugg-ecl Hb pen \1 cl' ;l- 'iwift and Jeadly as a billy club He u~e(l the~e httle knob])\ knurly, Anglo-Saxon pllla,e'i that jamme 1 \ '1' fi~t Jl1t' your pocket, J e1ked out Y0ul mane}, 'ilan'll1pcl 1t on the COUll ter, and made you bark hoarsely f01 1\ hate\ e1 k111d 01 g-ood" he was wnting about As a factor 111 the \111enuw g-ame uj 'sell-' em-someth1l1g' he was dl'itinctly 1\ 01 th \\ hIll' "He sm1tllled busIly \\ lth 'ads' at t1111t} fO!h ,1~h ~-~~---~~--" I II IIII I .., I•I IIIII I III I I• II II •, II IIII• I sow KNIFE AND TOOL MANUFACTURERS ~---------_._--. ._-------------------~------~ We are Special Tool Manufacturers for the Wood Working Trade. Our sOLIn STEEL MOULDING GUHERS are the Best in the World. SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITEO AND GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY WOOD WORKERS TOOL COMPANY, 542 Jackson Blvd" CHICAGO. ,e\ lnt} -il\ ( ,1011ars a week He made IllS poet1cal faculty practIcal rl h,\t 1S, he wlOte poems WhiCh the t\\o-hundred pound beef -packel, C01n-COJl1e1el, and tractlon-freebooter 1\ ('uld de\ am hunglll} \\here they would have sh1ed at ~e111ed Ime'i thdt 1h} me H1" 'Sunk 111 the st!eam of 111j11ad Ldre'i,' 'You dance to a tune neve1-endmg d1stracting,' was --eJ7ed upon by fourteen m1lhonalfe" who bolted the m1xed 1l\ctaph01 dlld e1ected cl hospl tal £OJ Cl1]lplcd Chlhh en }-I1S "Good mornmg, Good Year- "\rt } au here Fm the p\llpose or mere \\ 1l1111n-s<md wh1n111nlSand t11l1l1gthe e1ghteen 'iCOJe day" ?" and '-0 on, £01 1111rt1 111,es, was pnnted m gl1t lette1 sand \ 11Lulated broadcast all Januar} 1, to be framed and placed h} pOl1delOU", lIch gtntlemen upon ponde10u'i desks bes1de the do It nOI\' legend H1S fhght on 'the consecutlVe ex(cu-tn e' \\ d" plllltul 111 booklet form d11el d1stnbuted to office bo}~. \\ ho took 1t home to the11 fathers , \1Lck ::-'lmp,,011 ~l,lduallv came mto h1'i own A 13o"to11 t(lI u t1--e1 \\ ho \\ 01 L t1 OUS('l~ and called hImself a ll11anCler, ]l1 ,\leeJ \lec1, a" the 'only l1P-poet m Amenca' In twelve --hart m011tl]S \leck" a ... g-ett1ng five thousand a year He u ok to \\ lltll1~ dd1ly creed'i f01 a newspaper <;ynd1cate, in \\ hlch he cdlltd the attentlOn of pachyderm bu"mes51 p1rates t) the potent Llct that once dead they could never, never Lome back and that theref01 e they ought to be mC1c1£L1lto 1\ Hlu\\ s, 01phan" the Y \1 C .\, anJ the SalvatlOn Army lIe told ba"hf111 } oung 10\ ers how to stlangle hold the1r way 1, the obleLt u1 thell hea1t s deslle In cascadmg prose, Illth metapho1" H1dk1l1g head on C0111,,1011Severy 111ch of the --------------------------------~---~ ------------, IIII Pitcairn Varnish Company Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality Our Motto "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" C. B, Quigley, Manager Manufactunng Trades Dep't. j..-._._---_._---- Manufacturers of I.. Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J. - I-II I I -~-_. -------------------- -------- WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 RICHMOND CHAIR CO. Catalogues to the Trade. RICHMOND INDIANA RICHMOND TABLE~AR;-cHAIR----.,II, GENUINE LEATHER SEAT II III ,II III II II DOUBLE CANE LINE I• ---------------------------------------~--_._~----~ "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seating. No. 70 ~----- ---------------- way, he comforted 'iOHm\ 1l1g mother", chsappomted clerk" about to C0111111lt sl1lclcIe, 1111l11lg I dn t,> \\ ho had been u'1able to finJ l{old in the streeb "He qUlt kYllelle and \\ ent m fOJ the CapItal LettcI Con-talk Jn ten mOl e short month'i he vvas g ettmg ten thousand a yeal HI'i dynamo was whtr1ml{ and "plttmg at a ttemendou'i number of revolution" per second ChIcago became too small for hIm He bUl'it mto New YOlk and "tarted an acll ertlsml{ agency ()f hIS mvn The first year he made thIrty thou'ianJ dGllar" ' EMERGENCY LAW IS IGNOR~ED The Financial Roof Does Not Need Repairing in Fair Weather. Really, the !\ldnch-Vreeland emergency cl1lrency law is opelatmg ltl 'iome ways Just about as ItS projectors and advo-cdtes prechcted that It Vi ould when It was under consIder-atIOn m Congre,,'i, says an eastern financIal authority It came mto bemg chIefly m response to a widespread popular demand for some remedl,d currency legIslatIOn followmg the so-called "pa11le" of 190;, ItS pa"sage quieted that clamor, and m all probability almost any sort of a new currency law not posItively VICIOUSIn ItS provIsIOns would have satisfied the demand anJ have helped to restore bU3mess confidence Furthelmore, It wa', very generally conceded by the promoters of thIS compr::)Jl11se bIll followmg the joint-com-l111ttee conferences that the chances were that the law would never have to be resorted to-that It was a sort of "anchor to w11ldvvard," a s0111ethmg leady at hand for the when needeJ to a vel t a threatened money stl mgency The law is now al-most tVi0 year" old, and so far no occasIOn fOI ItS fmploy- 111ent ha'i an"en, no emergency reqtllnng "emergency cur- 1ency" ha'i eventuated But "uppo'ie one should--v\ hat then? The natIOnal banks ate absolutel} m a 'itate of unple-parednes'i for takmg advantage of the law They have not proVIded the machmery necessary for thIS The ShacklefOl d resolutIOn mtroduced m the house of representative'i last week called for mformatlOn alon£; thIS Ime becau'ie of reports that emergency cunency IS now In cIrculatIOn on secunty other than the kmd authorized by the The Best Value and Greatest Service for the Money law Replymg to thIS inqUIry actmg-Secreal y-of-the- Treas-ury Norton informs the house that only one national-bankmg aSSOCIatIOn has been orga11lzed under the terms of the Aldnch- Vreeland emergency-currency act and not a dollar of emer-gency 'Currency has gone into circulation under the authonty of that law. He says fUl ther that emelgency bank note'i m blank Vi ere pnnted shortly after the pas3age of the act and al e avaIlable for CIrculation to the extent of $1,185,232,608 But no bank v,ant'i, none needs them-a Yery 'iatlsfactOly Slttt-atlOll, of cour"e But If any bank were to need them tomor-lm\ or neAt Vi eek or ne"t month, It could not get them un-less It happenecl to belong to that one grottp or as"oclatlOn of the banks Olga11l7Cd under the act The most notIceable and "lg11lficant tlung foIIowmg the enactment was the apdthy of the natIOnal banks in thIS matter of olga11l7ml{ assocl-atJons for reddmes" to put out eAtra cilculatlOn m Cd'ie of need That apathy, It appears, has nevel been dISSIpated 1'10ere are 111 the lough about ten thousand natIOnal banks, and thIS enactment was not m general popular WIth them or wholly satisfactory to them But thIS does not suffi- CIently explain why they stanJ aloof from the orgal11zatlon of emergency-currency associations Chicago Paragraphs. Chicago, March 31-The F Dockius Leathel company manufacturers of chaIr seats and embossed leathers, ""Ill re-move the fil st of t\pnl from the11 old quarters at the corner of OhIO and Orleans streets, whele they have heen for over four year'i, to the four "t01y and hd'iement bUllcltn[; at the southv\ est cornel of ChIcago avenue and Sangamon ::>tn:et, occupying all but the upper floo! of that structure lVIr Whltmg, we'iteln repre~entatlv e of the H P, S1111th Machme company has Just retnrned ft om a most successful tllP fOI his house and 1 epOl ts I ecen t sale" of then san cler" to a number of ft1l11lture factolle'i among whom are the ,Volver-me Manufactullng com pan} and the Kelsey-Herbert com-oan} of DebOlt, The Gland RapIds Refllgerator company, Stickley Bro'i, Michil{an Chall company, ,"T111 A Derkey JUr111ture compdny and the "!\Tebon-Matter Furl11tUlc com-pan} of Grand RapIds and se\ eral other furniture manufac-tunng concerns 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES IN WAGES Pennsylvania Railway Company and United States Steel Corporation Take Important Action. H el e is the ~ot t of ne" s that g 1\ e" people confidence 1n both pI esent and futUl e bus111ess eondltlOn~ :Cally 111the pre-sent \;yeek officIals of the Pennsyh a111a Ralh\ a\ compam an-nounced an 111crease of SIX per cent 111the \\ ag e'i of all em-ployes of the gl eat cot pOl atlon \\ ho al e no\\ 1eeel\ 1l1~ les'i than $300 pel month the ot del to take effect on \pll1 1 The actIOn of the Penns) h a111a compan). be111g \ oluntal \ fOlms a pleas111g contI ast to the polte)' of some other 1allt oad com-pa111es whose net eal nmgs are knO\\ n to be equal 01 ahove those of the Pennwlva111a The order appltes to pI actlcall) the entne "01k111g force of the s)stem. fot cmnpalatl\eh fe\\ of the employes get more than $300 a month thl<; comes, too followmg a prevIous ,oluntal) mcrea <;e of 10 per cent m the \\ age scale back m 1907 A man. for mstance, \\ ho was gettmg $IOO a month 111 1906 has been ch a\\ mg $110 a month smce then and, beginnmg ,'>Jth tomol ro\\ \\ Jll I e-ceJ'> e $T 166o a month, 111other words, the pa' of the Penn-syh al1Ja Rallt oan's \\ orkin!:; fot ce-about one hunch en and seventy-fi'>e thousann men on the Imes both ea "t and \\ e'it of PlttsbUlgh-has been voluntanly lalsed by the compam near-ly T7 per cent wlthm a pelloel of three' ear'i It l'i e"\.t1emeh doubtful If a ltke ad, ance m \\ ages l;as been mdele 1)\ an~ of the larger railroad system'i or 111dustrial companle'i of th~ count Iy with111 the same time The action of the Penns) h anla compam "hO\\ -, that the load IS prospering anel that the managers h,l\ e confielence 111 the future el"e the order \\ oukl not have been l"sueel \ oltm-tanly The action l'i 'ilgmficant and of llnpOI tance tn em-ployel small lmes It shO\\ s the tenclenc, of cm lent concll-tions Evel y ach ance 111\\ ages of this SOlt estahh"he<; a ne\\ hIgh Ie' el of pay and that whene' er am 1 eael1u-,t1llent be comes necessary 111the futm e It \\ 111ha' e to proceed flom the latest hIgh basis and not from that ba'il'i \\hlch \\d<; con<;Hlelerl as presenting a faIr 1ate of \\ ages t\\ 0 thl ee fi\ e 01 -,I"\. years ago, 'iO that If the ttme \\ el e to come for a cut-dO\\ n the men ought to accept it in the 'iame -,pll1t m \\ hlCh the company nO\\ makes the advance The tenclenc\ of 1allt oad freIght anel passenger rates IS elrm m\ al el that of rallt oael 1,\ ages UP\\ ard-and \\ here the hU'ime"" l'i mtel <;tdte the Federal commiSSIOn sees to It that the 1ate<; ne, el g-et lIn- .. -------------------------~----------- Lentz Big Six No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687. 60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGA/\ rea<;onabl) hIgh, \\ hlle State commISSIOns do the same thmg for lncal can ler sY'items, no commission checks the upward men ement of rallroael \\ age~-'io the railroad employe has thel em a rh'it111ct aeh antage m the bmmess And m the case nJ d If)Jl1pan) lIke the Pennsvlvania that pursues the wIse polK\ of \oluntallly lai'img \\ages \\hene'er conchtlons justi-h It the employe's arh antage l'i even more marked Tbat the Penns) Ivanla company's example WIll be fol- 10\\ e,1 b\ othel rallt oaels and corpol ations i'i expected In-deed It I" alt ead, announced that the U111ted State'i Steel ( 01 ])01 atlon the Steel Tl mt, has decided to announce a h1~hel ~cale of \\ dg-e" 111 <;ome plants or 111 some department'i of all j hell plant'> rlO'l1 the general offices It was stated that the tficel'i dllel elJItecto1'i cons1nel ed a general advance deSIrable. lmt ha\ e not \ et detel mmed on elthel the extent or the amount I)f the ach ance It \\ as thought lIkely that the company would 10110\\ the 'iame pollC) as that pursued m 1902, when, instead of a general advance at one tune. wage'i were advanced h\ rlegl ees 111 one lTI111after another Only. the coming ac1- \ ances. If they are marle. \\ III not be so radical In 1902 a 10 per cent mcrease \\ a'i awarded to more than JOOOOO men The Steel Cot poratlOn. whIch l'i the biggest c~rporation m the \\ orlcL has more employe'i than any other Also It ha'i the biggest payroll The ave1 a~e number of men employed h, It la<;t vear was J95,500. but bus mess was much better at the end of the year than at the beginn111g, and on Dec. 31 there ,\ ere on the payrolls 223,377 employes The aggregate clis-hursed 111\\ ages last year was $151,663.394 -\n mCl ease of 6 per cent. such as that declared by the Penns) Ival1la. \\ ould mean an added expense of $9,000,000 a year to the Steel Trust according to the amount dIsbursed Jl1 \, ages last year The Pennsylvania's increase adds over S)() 000.000 to ItS CA.pense'i It has not been determined, how- C\CI to 1l1ClCa'ie \\ages 111 the same way as dId the Pennsyl- \,ll1la 01 to as gleat a ratIo The Little Tyrant. \\ e all kno\\ hUl1 He IS usuallv a hard wot ker Hav- 111~ "made good" \\ ork111g under sOl;1eone else, he is put 111 chal ge of a small depal tment Then the czar microbes m IllS blood get busy He has a malignant memory If any employe 111 hIS department dale'i go over him to a 'iuperior. thIS offense is Inevel fOlgotten and It IS never forgIven The men and -----------------------------------------------~ h---.--------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________ -4 WEEKLY ARTISAN SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE , UPHAM MANUFACTURING CO. MARSHFIELD, WIS. Dressers Chiffoniers Dressing Tables Suites Wardrobes Sideboards Buffets Etc. Made in Oak, Bird's-Eye Maple, Mahogany, etc., and All Popular Finishes COMPLETE No. 2228 Toilet Table. women under h1m wh1sper and look "ideways They flatter and fawn upon hIm He has an msatIable thir:-,t for more authonty He does not realIze the government that 1S founded upon force must hve by f01ce The strongest management 111any bus111ess 1S that based upon good w1ll and free trade m ideas It 1SJust as great a m1stake to over-manage as 1t is to under-manage The petty tyrant never evolves mto b1gger thmgs In budding a Chinese "'all around h1s department he at the same time bUllds it around h1mself. The man who insists upon bounds and lim1tations keeps himself in at the same time he 1S keeping the other fellow out I want no fences around my lawn No one knO\\s whe1e my neIghlJor's lawn "tal ts and my own lawn ends. All my . ne1ghbor's lawns are mme and all my lawns are his. My yard runs into other yards, and these into still othe1 s, and so on into eternity. The manufacturer of this country today is building a tariff wall Poor foo1l He does not understand he is wal-ling him"elf in as well as walling the other fellow out JUSt watch what w111happen The story wil be told m the next generation.-The great Umted States a hermIt nation' Let's do our part to blow clown the Walls of Jencho Let's do it by blowing the horns of ridicule Sic semper tyrannis!- The G1m1et Notes From Newark, N. J. Newa1k, N J, March 30- J J. McKdlop, who was buyer and manager for the upholstery department of W V Snyder & Co, of this citv. has now gone w1th the Siegel- Cooper company of New York The estate of Amos H Van Horn will construct at the Court House a $25.000 statue of Lmco1n, a $25,000 statue No. 2240 Toilet Table of GeOlge \Vashington in \Vashington Park and a Solcl1er'" and sailor's memorial in Mi1Jtary Park Mr Van Horn was at the head of the Amos H. Van Horn Co, who were suc-ceeded by the Cowperthwait & Van Horn company. o J Peterson of Burlington, N. J wants to estabhsh a cha1r factory here. P De1by & Co, making chairs at Jersey CJty, have a new warehouse 91 x 200 feet in SIze, five stones m he1ght WIth a large space, 90 x 100 feet, for the shippmg depart-ment on the first floo
- Date Created:
- 1910-04-02T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:40
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and ~--~--- Twenty ..Ninth Year-No. 20 APRIL 25. 1909 Semi-Monthly ,-- I I j •l!•II i THE MIDSUMMER· SALE •I I• I• I , will open at Grand Rapids, June 24, 1909,·· Largest and ~Best Assortment of F umilure Ever Placed on Exhibitiou. Furniture Exhibition Association ,~ . ...._------ r·-------· ,,• !• I: -----_.~----_._-----,,..--'~----~ "The Better Mak.e" WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECESIN OUR LINE. Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture -----:SUITES TO MATCH.----- Catalogues to Dealers on Heavy Plate Paper. Nelson~Matter Furniture Company GRANDRAPIDS,MICH. Factory and Salesroom, 37 Canal Street !• 1, • I I,• I MICHIGAN ARTISAN ARTISTIC andINEXPENSIVE CATALOGUE COVERS LET US FIGURE ON YOUR PHOTOGRAPHING ENGRAVING and PRINTING at Righ t Prices PERFECT WORK PROMPT DELIVERIES COMPLETE CATALOGS MICHIGAN ENGRA VING CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 1 2 MICHIGAN ARTISAN -_._-- ----------_. ------- ... III I DINING EXTENSION TABLES ARE BEST MADE BEST FINISHED VALUES All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH. I• No.384X Do You Want the Daily? Orders for the Midsummer Edition of the DAILY ARTISAN-RECORD Should be Mailed to the Publishers Now. Address Daily Artisan-Record GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. • White Printing CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE • • 1 GRAND RAPIDS rHVl Jr V':,., , ..:. \;)-J ...:....,.J . ._TiV 29th Year-No. 20. American Mail Order Merchants Secure Trade in Germany. The mail order Inerchants of Arneriea do not confine their efforts to secure trade to the \vestern hemisphere. Th~re is a large amount of foreign business that looks good. During the past year their efforts to deal with the Germans have been so well re\varded as to alarm the merchants of the empire considerably. Une Sperber, who says his home is in New York, has made a savage attack upon the i\merican mail order merchants through a trade journal published in Berlin, denouncing them as "Swindlers of the worst kind." Sperber says he knows one American firm that {'sells $5,000 \vorth of goods monthly to customers in the Fatherland, $4,000 of which is net profit. ::\'1r. Sperber advocates the passing of laws by the German Government which will make it impossible for the American mail-order houses to do business in that country. "Vith delightful consistency the writer then proceeds to urge German business men to establish mail-order houses of their own, pointing out the profits of the great concerns of Chica.go and c1se\vhere to demonstrate conclusively that the business is a money maker. It is articles like this which poison the German com-mercial mind against American enterprises, and even compel the Government from time to time to adopt a hos-tile attitude tmvard our consular officials in the pursuit of their legitimate official duties. Macy Provides a Home for Store Workers. The great store in K eV,rYork known as l\iacy's (the founder died many years ago) finds it profitable to pro-vide temporary homes for employes. Recently the house purchased the larger part of the estate of the late G. Estrada Palma, ex-president of Cuba, at Central Valley, N. Y., as a summer home for their women employes. It \vill also be used in the \vinter as a retreat for women employes who are convalescing from illness. The full estate has eighteen acres, on which is a house of thirty rooms. Mrs. Palma will reserve five acres for her own use, but the house, with the balance of thirteen acres, is included in the sale to the l\:Iacy's. J n the thir-teen acres are tennis courts, croquet grounds, several acres of \vooded land) and a good-sized fresh ,vater lake. There will be a matron in charge of the house summer and winter. $1.00 per Year. For the last four years 11acy's has rented a summer home for the same purpose in ]\{onroeJ N. Y" but it was decided that the winter work was just as much a neces-sity as the summer vacation home, and the J\.'1acy man-agement took the first opportunity of locating the home in a permanent place. New plumbing and decorations throughout, together with new furniture, have modernized the place so that it eqnals the best that could possibly be secured by the girls in summer hotels. @ * @ One Thousand Dollar Bedroom Snites. John Mowatt, superintendent of the Grand Rapids Chair company, was employed by the Berkey & Gay Pllrnitl1re company in the same capacity in the year 1876, the year of the centennial exposition. Mr. Mowatt spent considerable time with the company's exhibit of bed-room suites in Philadelphia. Among the suites was one bearing the price mark $350. A lady whose home was in San Francisco passed the exhibit one- dav and remark-ed HI have three of those suites in my hO~le and I paid $3)000 for them." At this instant the lady's eyes rested on the company's price card. "Do you charge but $350 for tbis suite?" "That is our price to the trade." HWell I have been swindled. When I need furniture again I will ,vrite your company," "That would be useless;" responded :Mr. l\lowatt, '\ve could not sell you." @ * @ Crowding Out the Weak Ones. A gentleman largely engaged in jobbing metal beds is responsible for the statement that many of the small and moderate sized manufacturers of metal bedsteads have been or soon will be crO\~rdec1out of business by one or two large corporations, which seemingly are deter, mined to gain control of the trade. The corporations make no secret of their purpose and the means employed are as destructive of the interests of small manufacturers as the steam road roller ,",vouldbe to human life. Neither prices nor terms are considered when the agents of the big bed makers want orders. @ * @l The agency that ordered 1,000 saw mills shut down pending advancement in prices for lumber is not a trust lumbermen declare, but it serves trust purposes yen: efficiently. • 4 ;v1ICHIGAN ARTISAN the race. He says he will probably make an announce-ment in a few days. "Gus" Nom,veiler, ()f the Evansville Furniture Com-pany, has been boomed as an independent candidate for mayor. He says he is not going to make the race as he has all he can do to attend to his furniture. :~dr. Non-weiler says that during the last year their plant only run one third of the time, bnt that this year they are running 011 almost full time and are enjoying a good business on their new lines. "Bert" Nonweilcr, of the Evansville Furniture Com-pany, is buildiug an elegant new home on \Vashington avenue to cost from $12,000 to $15,000. William A. Koch, of the Evansville ylctal Bcd Com-pany, is erecting a nice home on Upper Second street near 1.fadison avenue. ~fr. Koch is one of the most en-terprising manufacturers of this city and is interested in a dozen of the city's leading industries. The Crown Chair Company, managed by Fred Stoltz, is "doing a fair business at the present time. The plant is operated fifty-five hours a week. Business with the Evansville Metal Bed Company is very good according to reports from the office of that company. In fact it is much better than it ''las last year and the management beilieve it will continue to get better all the time. «Gus" Stoltz, of the Stoltz Schmitt Furniture Com-pany, says that March was the biggest month for them for the past year or so, bnt that April is not ·so good. He thinks there will be a picking up of the furniture business after the tariff question has been settled. Plans for the factory building for the Hygiene Metal Cabinet and 1\1anufacturing Company are now ready according to C. F. Schroeder, the manager of the com-pany and bids will be received in a few days. Construc-tion work will commence as soon as the contract is let. Benjamin Bosse of the Globe Furniture Company has returned from Chicago, ,vhere he spent a few days. The desk company at Henderson, Ky., are erecting a large addition. Ed\vard Ploeger, the well known furni-ture manufacturer of this city is interest~d in the Hender-son factory. \Nork on the erection of the new factory for the Scheloskey Table Company will start in a short time. Local contractors will build the factory, which will cost about $18,000. c. W. B. @ * @ Sheboygan, the Chair Town. Sheboygan has a national reputation as a chair manu-facturing center. The Sheboygan Chair Company, the Phoenix Chair Company, the Crocker Chair Company, George Spratt & Company, and the American Manufac-turing Company operate large factories, and their goods find a ready sale not only in every state in the Union, but in almost every town large enough to need a furniture store. Then, ''',Then one adds the Northern Furniture Company, and the Shehoygan Novel~y Company, Preuss- , leT & Sons, bookcases, the American Folding Bed Com-pany (now about doubling its plant), the Art Furniture Company and others, one finds that Sheboygan is very much on the map. The Sheboygan Chair Company are having a satis-factory trade, and as one man said to the writer, "mak-ing the best chairs on earth for the money." They give the dealer his money's worth eve·ry time. Several of these chairs are illustrated in this issue, and more will follow from time to time. The furniture dealer who has not a copy of their catalogue is in blissful ignorance of how much money he is losing every year. George Spratt & Company are among the chair makers who know how to make chairs, and how to sell them. Dealers will find it to their interest to watch the pages of the Artisan during the next few months and see the pic- .. ~ •I• Fred J. Zimmer 39 E. BridgeSt•• Grand Rapids. Mich. I Maker of I I ~HIGH GRADE I UPHOLSTERED II FURNITURE II Writefor •I Cut$ and Prices. III Every Piece Guaranteed I PERFECT. II ~• -- ----- --_...I. hues of their chairs. Somebody has said that a crank can never make anything good because his head is wrong, and can't appreciate a good thing when he sees it. The opposite is also true. The man \vith the perpetual smile; the luan who is blessed with a sunny disposition; who likes to do right and loves the beautiful in all things, is sure to do his best in whatever he undertakes. That man is George Spratt. It's worth a day's ride to go to the Phoenix Chair Company and spend an hour with "-fr. Thumas M. Black-stock, president of that company. Although seventy-six years of age, and having the charge of one of the largest chair factories in the country on his hands (and the Phoe-nix under his care has been a success for more than thirty years), he has always a pleasant greeting, and some wise connse] for those that will seek it. But it is when he is in a reminiscent mood that he is most charming, for he has the rare faculty of remembering everthing, and will en-tertain you with a treat that you remerriber for years. His hiography, if he should choose to write it, would be an interesting contribution to the business literature of the world. @ * @ Marquetry is used but moderately. In the west and south there is practically no call for it. When ~pplicd in moderation this form of decoration appeals to re-fined tastes. It is seen to the best advantage on pian0s, music and parlor cabinets. MICHIGAN ARTISAN 5 'There is never a year that Rockford does not add to its manufacturing industries, and make substantial pro-gress ill the building line. Everybody in the furniture business knows about Rockford, and its twenty or 1l10re furniinre factories arc now ranning \vith a fair trade. .\"early all llla~e semi-annual exhibits in either Chicago or Grand Rapids, and a number in both cities, and all \vill have some new and attractive patterns to sho\y in July. The Rockford Chair and l'urnilure Company are operating two big' factories, and report a fair tracle. They will show in Grand Rapids in the K10dgett Building as usual and since they have added dining tables to their line their business has largely increased. They are nmv making china closets, buffets. dining tables, as well as their usual line of library and combination Dookca:-;csand fancy furniture. The Rockford Frame and Fixture Company make the largest line of fancy furniture in the west outside of GranciRapids. They show in Chicago and Grand Rapids, and \yilt add many beautiful pieces to their July exhibits. Under the management of ~Irs. Hoffman the company is prospering. The \Vest End Furniture Company \vill have some surprises for the buyers \vhen they visit Grand Rapids in July. The A.rtisan is not pertllitted to g-o into details at this time. The l\lechanics Fnrniture Company \vilt shmv some new things in dining room and library furniture at 131~) l\Iichigan Avenue, Chicago. The Rockford National Fl1rniture Company has been doing well this year. It is a surprise how rapidly this company came into prominence. I-Iardly more than a yearling, it stands right in the front rank of the Rock-ford factories. Library and dining room fnrnitl1re is their linc~ and it is a good one from start to finish. Oscar Bergquist, the tHan who runs the R~)Lkford Desk Company~ says he \vill have a hunch of new things in July to please the dealers. 1Ic Bergquist has Lcen making ladies' desks and bookcases so long that he kl1o\VS how to make them right. The latest factory to be enlarged is the Union. Their present plant is large enough to contain a half dozen onlinary factories and then same. I. @ * @ Mahogany Knobs Preferred. Buyers of furniture are more discriminating in the purchase of case work with knobs of vvood than formerly, and are confining such purchases almost exclusively to mahogany. Knobs of Oak~ ash, or natural birch or birds-eye maple do not satisfy the public so well as brass or glass handles, either drop or rigid. On colonial case \vork in mahogany wooden knobs are very appropriate. •~, ----------_._--------. III I Sectional Bookcase •II I I• Up to date; making the dealer a profit of 55%. All woods and finishes. Write for catalol!ue. No. lo.F. Ouarterecl Oak. Order sample List $16, less 35%. stack at once. I Humphrey-Widman Bookcase Company SHEBOYGAN, WIS. No. 542 Oak, Sollo Seat. Price, $17~~~. No. 540% Same as No. 542 on Iy OLlartereo Oak Veneer Seal. Detroit, Michigan ._--------------------- ,I GEO. SPRATT I & CO. III I ------.It I Po. DOl. Manufacturers of Chairs and Rockers. A com~lere lint: of Oak Diners with quarter sawed veneer backs and seats. A large line of Elm Diners, medium priced. A select line of Ladies' Rockers. Bent and high arm Rockers with soLid seats, veneer roll seats, cob-bler seats and up-holstered leather complete. High Chairs and Children's Rockers. You 'l.vill gel in on the ground Ifloor when you b"y (<om "'. II II IIII I I 1I No,542 j ...---------------------------------------~ $18 6 MICHIGAN ARTISAN The Art of William Morris. A book entitled "William Morris, His Art, His W rit-ings and His Pnblic Life," written by Aymer Vallance was pnblished in London in 1897 by George Bell & Sons. The author was collecting the material for several years in which he was helped by William Morris himself but was not allowed to pnblish the same nnti! after Morris' death in 1895. Sir Edward Burne-Jones, Morris' inti-mate friend and business associate and others also con-tributed to the book. The .life of \Villiam :Morris is an interesting onc; his interest in and appreciation of art and architecture was shown at an early age. He said that the writings of Sir Walter Scott did more to arouse that interest than any- Made by Luce-Redmond Furniture Co., Big Rapids, Mich. thing else. His education was received at Oxford where he met Burne-Jones and formed a lifelong friendship and whom he became latcr associated with in business. As poet, architect, artist, art crit and writer Morris was a busy man. His study of architecture under George Wil-liam Street lasted only nine months as he wished to be unfettered and free to pursue an artistic career. It is said that he did more to beautify the plain, everyday home life of the people than any other man of the century. He decorated household articles to perfection. The deco-rative arts through him gained a new impetus and were carried to a greater perfection than ever before reached. "Decoration animates architecture and all form with life and beauty""::""-afact which Morris recognized but he also realized as an architect that ornament was hut an accessory to construction of every kind. He believed that architecture was the basis and crowning point of every other art. The firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Company was formed in 1861 and some years later Mr. Morris bought out his partners and conducted the business him-self. Burne~ Jones still made the cartoons for stained glass. Mr. :Morris always determined the color scheme to be used in all the glass work and did a large part of the work. Dante Gabriel Rosetti was also a member of the original firm which was founded without expectation of financial success but which eventnally became very prosperous indeed. Viall papers and tiles were also part of the work un-dertaken by Morris & Co. The green dining room of the South Kensington museum was decorated in 1866. The walls are panelled with wood painted green, rising from the floor to about half the height of the room. The upper panels are gilt, the majority of them being decorated with painted sprays of various trees and flowers while at intervals are panels with decorative figures. Morris said "whatever you have in your rooms, think first of the walls; for they are that which makes your house and home; and if you don't make some sacrifice in their favor, you will find your chambers have a kind of makeshift, lodging-house look about them, however rich and hand-some your movables may be." Morris & Company's furniture was not of William wlorris' own design. Madox Brown and Rosett! both designed fnrniture and there were others. Morris was wont to regret the decay of the art of carving at the present day and the difficulty of obtaining suitable carving for the ornamentation of furn-iture. Some of the firm's furniture was inlaid or orna-mented ,,,,ith paintings. A great number of private houses were furnished and decorated by the company and beautiful effects resulted. As stage decorators, too, Morris & Company were suc-cessful. Settings for two plays by Henry Arthur Jones were painted. A special factory for the weaving of tap-estry, carpets and ordinary shuttle weaving was provided and in dyeing Mr. Morris produced beantiful colors. In decoration Mr. Morris used human figures largely and also adapted floral and vegetable forms. He used the acanthus leaf and said that uno form of ornament had gone so far or lasted as long as that, it has been infinitely varied, used by almost all following styles in one shape or another, and performed many other offices besides its original one." Morris' creative genius brought the design to a magnificent development which seems to have redeemed it and given it a splendid vitality. The snake's head or fritillery seen in the grass fields by river-sides in England in spring was much used. The tulip and rose, columbine, china-aster, sunflower-almost everything can be included in the list. The geranium is not found because Morris thought it ugly. He kept away from stereotyped forms such as ornament of the Louis XIV, XV and XVI periods which he considered were shapeless and senseless elaboration of nothing at all, while flowers have an actual existence. In William Morris' art the Gothic influence can be traced. He is classed as a lineal descendant of the Gothic artists. A strain of Persian and Byzantine origin is also evident; the blending of these elements give a certain complexion to any given design, onc element then another predominating. The man's own individuality was always apparent and dis-tinguished his work from all others. His imitators were many. Morris did all his own designing as he said that it was hard to get original work and he was a great pro-ducer. Perfection in everything turned out of his factory was always considered most important. MICHIGAN ARTISAN Spaniards Prize Catalognes Highly. A. P. Underwood, the secretary of the New Orleans Furniture J\Ianl1factl1ring company, travels quite exten-sively in Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico and other countries ,",vhereinSpanish is the language of commerce. The com-pany issues very large catalogues printed in Spanish, which the people receiving the same prize greatly. These are carefully preserved and studeied constantly. \Vhen supplanted with new editions the old catalogues are pre-served for the information contained therein. Ivlr. Un-den~! ood anticipates the overthrow of the Cuban govern-ment within a year and the restoration of the United States as the future ruling po\ver of the island. @ * @ Additional "Hullel" Orders. If it were not for the large number of oruers for hotel furniture that have been placed with the manufac-turers of Grand Rapids since the opening of the year, business would be uncommonly dull. Among the recent arrivals of buyers for hotels ,vas H. E. Karns, of the Den-ver Dry Goods company, escorting Sam Dutton, of the Albany hotel, who bought a large lot of choice furniture to be used in the Elms, at Excelsior Springs, l\Io. The house contains eighty bedrooms and the cost of furnish-ing throughout is $50,000. A considerable part oi this sum was invested in Grand Rapids furniture. @ * @ "Run the Shop." One of the boldest store robbers operated in an Okla-homa town recently. He entered the store one morning, The proprietor talked \v1th him a few minutes and then told him he must vacate, as he was going to lock up the place and make a trip in to the country. After he had gone, the thief broke open the store, and stood behind the counter, selling goods for cash. He refused credit to anyone. After he had operated for sonIC time, he left a boy in charge with about a dollar in change, and departed fori/dinner." He did not return, Just how much he got is not kncnvn.-Ex. €I * @ Five Thousand Turks Slaughtered. In connection with the distu rbance in the realm of the Sultan, a furniture merchant in a western city hung a large sign in one of his show windows upon which was painted <lFive Thousand Turks Slaughtered." People rushed to the window to learn the cause of the carnage, and in small type read the proprietor's announcement that he would slaughter 5,000 Turkish rugs within sixty days. @ * @ Having advanced freight rates to cover the shortage in their receipts since the two cent-a-mile laws for trans-porting passengers in many states took effect, railroad magnates are now busily engaged in the courts and legis-latures in efforts to restore the three cent per mile rate for passengers. The money is needed to pay dividends 011 watered stock. i• II III I II II The "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~Sfrl~,'1..~~~ No Stock complete without the Eli Beds in Manttll and Upright. E 0 M &. C Evansville. Indiana LI • ILLER O.Wtiteforcutsandpric~ ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. ~----_. ..---------------_._---_.~ I UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, ConQrn&on and Finish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exhibi-tion 7th Floor, New Manufact~ urers' Building, Grand Rapids. III .I0. -----_- ---------_. •IM ~!:er!i!~.!!te.!:!.?u~se I Hotel PantJind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. III II II0-----· The Noon Dinner Served at the Panilind for 50c it THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLIND, Prop. J 7 8 MICHIGAN ARTISAN Upon the receipt of a request from any responsible dealer, catalogues illustrat-ing, pricing and describing the Qlick Selling Lines of the Big Six Car Loading Asso-ciation will be forwarded. THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers -of Chamber Suites.. Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chifforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K. D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, in imitation golden oak. plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, . China Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak, imitation quartered oak and solid quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chiffoniers in imitation quartered oak, imitation mahogany and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the HSuperior" Line of Parlor, Library, Dining and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cribs, Wire Springs and Cots. Made by The Karges Furniture Co. The Big Six Manufacturers of Evansville possess unequaled facilities for ship-ping goods promptly. All have sidings in or adjoining their factories and cars can be dispatched direct over the great railroad systems of the East, South and West . • MICHIGAN ARTISAN 9 Made by Globe Furniture Co. >-------_._----------------------------------_. __ ._-_ .I.. ;'Made by V\lorld Furniture Co. Made by Bockstege Furniture Co. Made by The Bocbtege Furniture Co. 10 MICHIGAN ARTISAN Wood Carving in History. "The interest of wood carving is not confinedto its actual practice; the history of the art as revealed in the annals of its craftsmen is intensely inte~esting. We are led to it by the study of examples of different styles, periods and countries; it takes us into many curious by-. ways of history, and this is especially the case with French wood carving. France has always been one of the leading countries in art, and this particular craft has been encouraged and fostered there. The history of the joiners, carpenters, and cabinet~makers in the middle ages is, in France, also the history of wood carvers, as for a long time these crafts were combined. The craftsmen were found in close connection with the court of the king and the courts of his vassals. In a very interesting book called "Le l\Ieuble," written by l\:fonsieur de Champeau, he tells how the furniture of those days followed the kiug and his court from one royal palace to another. The beds wert: packed in large coffers, the plate, rich hangings, and all movable furniture of the rooms were stDwed in large chests. Beds, chairs, tables, armoires, lecterns or lutrins, as they were called, aU were decorated with carvings or rnetal work, and they were generally unique specimens, not produced in hundreds like modern furniture suites. They were real valuables, only found in king's and noble-men's houses, or the houses of wealthy merchants. 1\10n-sieur de Champeau gives the name of a famous craftsman, Richard d' Aragon, a joiner as well as a wood carver, who lived early in the fourteenth century, among whose works were a chest for Philippe V of France, to keep the royal robes in, and another for the queen. There are still a few of these early chests to be seen in the collec-tions in Paris, one at the Musee Carnavalet, and some in the Musee de Cluny. In 1352 there lived a painter known as Girard d'Orleans, who was also a wood carver, cabi-net maker and joiner. lIe made chests and chairs and r-;.Manul .. "" tho Largest LIDe of rOlDlnQ ("AIDS in the United. Scates, sllitable for S II n day Schools, Halls, Steam-en;; and all pllblic resorts. We also manufactllre Brass Trimmed I r 0 n Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in a large variety. Send for Catalogue and PriceJ to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO I I 1- ._---' tables for the king, and the record of his charges for the same is still extant. He worked for King John, of France, and accompanied him to England when he was taken prisoner by Edward the Black Prince. While he was lodged in the tower of London, Girard made him a new chair, and there is also a record of a carved wooden table made by this artist for Charles V of France. This was during the time that the Gothic style prevailed, but the wood carver had an equal prominence through the following period when that most beautiful style of wood carving known as the early French renaissance was per-fected, lasting from Francis 1. days until Henry IV. This style, the outcome Df the revelation of the treasures of Italy to the eyes of the French artist, was quickly assim-ilated by the artists and craftsmen who, grafting Italian ideas on to their own individuality, produced the most exquisite work. All the time the artists and craftsmen \-vere encouraged and honored by the kings of France, lodged in their palaces; having rooms assigned them in the Louvre in Paris,and evidently filling a position in society quite unknown to any of the present English cab-inet makers or carvers. During this period are found such famous men as Germain PilIon and Jean Goujon, and their eminence continued through the French styles of the three Louis, until the art of the wOvd carver grad-ually declined before the introduction of the marqueterie and ormolu worker. Furniture was decorated with china plaques, precious stones, and veneers of precious woods, until most of the work of the artist craftsman went com-pletely out of fashion during the terrible years of the French revolution, dying for want of the patronage it had hitherto received in such abundance. All this art history is not confined to Paris. North, south, east, and west France was full of art centers, such as Lyons, Orleans, Rheims, and Rouen; where crafts-men worked in their own style and never thought of copying a dead one; never merely reproducing the art of the past as is done so much in modern English work-shops, but studying these former styles carefully as a basis on which to develop their own ideas, until they too had evolved a style on which their successors could build. All this can be seen by any wood carver who, when on his travels, will take the trouble to study the subject both in the museums and in the private collections of France, and the student will be well repaid by the added interest with which he will return to his own efforts in the craft that has given material for such a noble chap-ter in the history of art. The above is taken from a book called "Some Arts and Crafts" for which seven writers contributed, discus-iug a number of subjects including furniture and decora-tion, wood carving, art of enamelling, book-binding and other topics. The book is in the Ryerson Public Library, Grand Rapids. @ * @ The proposition pending in congress to levy a tax of five per cent upon mahogany logs, equal to about $5 per M. does not afford unalloyed pleasure to the manufactur-ers of medium and high grade furniture. ..---_._---- III I II I I•• IIII I• MICHIGAN ARTISAN 11 Michigan Furniture --------------------~ I Co. II ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN M-anufacrurers ot CHAMBER FURNITURE Mahogany, Quartered and Plain Oak. Odd Dressers in Birch and Imita-tion Mahogany. The best goods for the price on [he market. Write for prices. No. 116. •~------- Not uGood Enorugh." A man in Chicago said to the I writer, HThe cheapest thing that will ans\ver is good enQugh." 'That man has shut the door of improvement in hip face. \Vhat's the use of striving for anything better if his position is correct? Under such teaching nothing but [stagnation would pre-vail. Happily, such men are few ih number and their in-fluence is limited. These thoughts iare suggested because quite frequently we see a piece of beautiful furniture with the dra\ver front's marred anti scratched by reason of loose pulls draping down. One s'uch scratciting will do more damage than the cost of a full set of pulls having the Grand Rapids Brass Company's lirfo-Kum-Loose" attach-ments. No manufacturer of furpiture having drawers (either cheapJ medium or high I grade furniture) can afford to send out a piece of furnitttre without this attach-ment. The merchant cannot affotd to accept a piece of furniture that does not have this I attachment, and every purchaser of a piece of furniturF should be instructed No, 116 I• I• It III• I -------------- •I about this. For it Saves the piece of furniture from mar-ring, saves money, and an endless amount of trouble and explaining. Besides all this, the manufacturer does not have to pay one cent for these little fasteners. The Grand Rapids Brass company have made millions of these fas-teners, and the demand for them is steadily growing. @> * @ A Novel Gift Distribution. One thousand clollars were distributed by a merchant doing business in an eastern city a few months ago as follows: For ,every t\~Tenty-five cent purchase in any de-partment a voting coupon was given. If the holder wish-ed to enter the contest he wrote his name on the coupon or the name of any individual or institution he desired to favor. On a bulletin board were the names of several charitable, beneficiary and religious societies, in addition to the names of private persons. The sum of $1,000 was divided into twenty-five prizes ranging from $150 to $5. Of the names on the list the twenty-five highest in num-bers were awarded $1 each at the dose of each week. The contest, which lasted sixty days excited a great deal of interest, and proved profitable to the merchant on account of largely increased sales. @> * @ Grandeur, Elegance and-Grace. The style of Lonis XIV is noted for its grandeur in ornament; of Louis XV for its elegance and of Louis XVI for its grace. 12 MICHIGAN ARTISAN EVRNSVILLL Evansville, Ind" April 20.--Business with the furni-ture manufacturers of Evansville and vicinity contilU.1CS on the upward grade. The month of lvlarch was un-usually active and while April has not been quite so good the manufacturers say it has 5hO\"'"11 some improve-ment. Crop conditions in this section of the country are quite promising and the farmers are planting liberally. The retail trade is shmving signs of picking up. Reports from the southwestern states are encouraging and from all indications trade during the summer and fall months will be much better than last year. The \Visconsin Chair Company (a new concern that has been in operation here for a few months) have added fifty men to their pay rolls. They report that they have been doing a very nice business since starting. The new furniture exchange building at the corner of Fourth and Vine streets is about completed, and by the time this letter is published the building will probably be occupied. It is a handsome structure, and reflects great credit upon the furniture manufacturers of this city, and marks a new era in the industry. It is made of pressed brick and stone and is seven stories high. The building is modern in every particular, and it has required about a year for its construction. The manufacturers have selected their floor space, and are moving in their goods where they will be exhibited every day in the year. The fifth and sixth floors lTave been selected by the factories in the Big Six Carloading Association, while the third and fourth floors have been reserved for the manufacturers here who are not in the combination, such as the Cres-cent; the Specialty; the Evansville; the Indiana; the Uuited States; the Stoltz-Schmitt Company and several others. The fourth floor has been reserved for chair and other lines. The goods exhibited from the factories outside of the Big Six Carloading Association will be known from this time on as the Crescent City l\t1ixed Car Association, and this name promises to become well known all over the United Stales. The front part of the building on each floor is devoted to office space, and all of the offices have been rented by lawyers, and profes-sional men of this city. The front part of the first floor is occupied by a local bank just formed. The building is well lighted, well heated and centrally located, and the manufacturers are justly proud of their work. The fol-lowing well known furniture men served on the building committee, and had charge of the supervision of the work: Edward Ploeger, of the Bosse Furniture Com-pany; A. F. Karges, of the Karges Furniture Company; H. H. Schu, of the Crescent Furni~ure Company; Henry Rusche, of the Specialty Furniture Company; Benjamin Bosse, of the Globe Furniture Company; and William A. Koch, of the Evansville Metal Bed Company. The plans for conducting the building are not yet definitely com-pleted, but it is kno\""n that it \,~rillbe open every business clay in the year. In some places where manufacturers give exhibits, the exchange building is practically vacated after the exhibition, but it \-villnot be so in this city. The exhibits will be seen the year round, and buyers who come here may have the advantage of seeing all the furni-ture and stove lines of the city in one building. Henry Rusche, of the Specialty Furniture Company was in St. Louis a few days ago on business. II. H. Schu, of the Crescent Furniture Company says business is about the same as it was last month. He MadQ by Richmond Chair Co., Richmond, Ind. says that while it is not as good as it ought to be, he looks for improvement in trade· from this time on. The plants of the Big Six Carloading Association are running on full time, and a good many orders are being received, and night shifts are at work in the plants of the Globe, the World and the Bosse. Edward Ploeger, of this company, says April, thus far, is a better month than April of last year; he also states that during the month of March the Globe and the Bosse broke all pre-vious records in shipments, and if this keeps up during the balance of the year, it will mean a banner year for these h'\lO factories. :Mr. Ploeger says that trade is im-proving right along, and he is highly pleased at the out-look. John Schwann, of the Eli D. Miller Company says the folding .bed business is picking up nicely. One week this month orders for something like 100 folding beds \-vere received. The factory is operated on full time, and the outlook for the future is bright . . Eli D. Miller, the well known manufacturer, is boom-ed by his many friends as republican candidate for mayor. He has not yet made up his mind whether he will make MICHIGAN ARTISAN r--- -1--_____ -------- - -~ l_THE BI!,G WHITE S-HOP •II I We FurniJh Every Article of Printing I Nee~edby Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY IfS, 110, and 112 North DivisionStreet, I ! Grand Rapids, Mich. I --------+-' - -_. __. rTHE ~IG WHITE SHOP] j,.--------------------- ! -- - -- • 13 II! !I I, I 14 MICHIGAN ARTISAN ESTABLISHED 1880 ~UeI.15...eD lilT MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OP' EACH MONTH O......ICE-108.110. 112 NORTH DIVISION ST., GRAND R....P. IDS. MICH. EtiTERED IN THE POSTOFFlCE AT OIiAND R,o,PIDS, MICH., A8 SECOND ClUB MATTER, An enterprising dealer purchased the factory stock of a cross roads manufacturer operating a plant with an annual capacity of $10,000. The goods purchased may have heen valued at $2,000 or $3,000. During the follow-ing three months the dealer advertised the stock for sale, using full pages in the newspapers and hundreds of yards of bill hoards. The stuff was low priced and the lot should have closed out in one week's time. Probably it was, as the dealer sells fully $150,000 worth of furniture annually. The sale of the factory stock lasted three months, hut the goods furnished were not those of the cross roads manufacturer. It is a question whether such sales are profitable in the long run. + + The manufacturers of case goods will meet in Chica-go early in the coming month to consider prices and other matters pertaining to the merchandising of furni-ture during the remainder of the year. It is hoped that definite information in regard to the effect of the tariff bill, pending action by congress, will be obtainable before the meeting of the association. + + Confidence is inspired in the mind of a customer when he examines an article bearing a trade mark. He takes no chances on getting the worst of a bargain. He knows what he is buying. + + The merchant who courageously uses money as a means to attract people to his store will reap a greater reward than the man who stands guard over his wallet. + + Spreading the message and taking the goods needed by the people economically to the point desired should be the aim of advertisers. + + All persons are influenced in buying the things they need by friendly feelings toward the dealer or the manu-facturer. + + In "doing things" many merchants make mistakes, hut avoid the greatest mistake of all-doing nothing. + + The wise merchant creates a demand for things he has to sell by strong, persistent adverti§ing, "Cut Out" the Wabash. Following the reading of an interesting history of the business of manufacturing furniture in Grand Rapids, before the' local historIcal society, on April 21, \;VilIiam V/ic1dicomb recalled the organization of the first railway tariff commission the year 18'76. The cheap bedsteads manufactured by the Widdicomb Furniture company were changed from the third to the first class in the first rate ~heet brought out by the commission and if enforced \vould have proven disastrous to Mr. \Viddicomb's com-pany. Fortified by facts to justify his claim Mr. Widdi-comb visited the general freight agent of the Lake Shore railroad, at Cleveland, a.nd persuaded that official of the justice of his request for a reversal of the order of the commission so far as it affected the business of the Wid-dicomb Furniture Company. The New York Central railroad had ordered that their local rate be added to the local rate of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern on shipments to eastenl points, and IVIr. Widdicomb pro-ceeded from Cleveland to Buffalo where he met the gen-eral freight agent of the New York Central railroad and presented his claims for a modification of the rate. On the following day the concession requested was accorded Mr. Widdecomb and he started for home very much elated in spirits over his successful mission. At Toledo he sought an interview with the general freight agent of the Wabash railroad, and was permitted to enter the office of a pompous and blustering official. uI have no time to spend in bothering with you or your complaints," he assured J\.fr. Widdicomb. "Very well, sir," the latter remarked and withdrew. "From that day to this," Mr. \Viddicomb continued, "we have not sought for the trade of dealers doing business in towns on the lines of the \Vabash and have never routed a shipment over that railroad." @ * @ Graud Rapids Furuiture Club. On Saturday evening, May 1, the manufacturers of furniture residing in Grand Rapids will hold a meeting for the purpose of considering plans for the conduct of the furniture club, The rooms have been fitted up in black ash panels, with different rooms in an individual finish. T~ere are reading rooms, large and small dining rooms, reception room and other conveniences in arrangement. There is direct connection with the Pantlind hotel and an entrance from the street. The former connection will be of great convenience when social gatherings are held in which din-ner service will be a feature. The club 'i\Till be tendered to the use of buyers free during their stay in Grand Rapids. @ * @ A Louis XV Htraveling bed" was disposed of recently in New York. It is both beautiful and curious and re-calls a period in history when notables carried their own beds on journeys. The fram-e is of rosewood and is fit-ted with attachments of solid silver, permltting the tak-ing apart and erecting the piece easily, It is beautifully carved. MICHIGAN ARTISAN 15 Store Features a Surprise to the English People. In the short time Selfridge's establishment has been open in London, the public has thronged to it and already hvice the amount of business reckoned on in advance has been dOlle. The English marveled at the comforts and conveniences prepared for their use in the \va)' of rest rooms, a lounge rOOm for men, a well-stocked library, postoffice, passenger ticket office for steamship or raihvay travel, a theater ticket office, a bank and a restaurant. I J\1ore original than the::e, hmvever, arc the fouf '(national" rooms-American, colonial, French, and Ger-man. Mr. Selfridge declares that the big store is British in the sense that it is intend-ed primarily for the people of the United Kingdom, though American in its general plan and organization. The employes, so far as is possible in consistence \vith the ob-ject in view, are British. But he aims to make the establishment cosmopolitan, cater-ing to the needs of all the nationalities that meet in London. In each of the four rooms last mentioned there \vill be a special atten-dant of the nati<mality for \vhich it is named. The furniture, fitting-si and decorations of each room are also distinctive. to the people in as plain English as' we could use that t.his \vas to be their store, and that everywhere in it they were to be at home; that they \vere to be at liberty to go and to come exactly as they liked. [am happy to say that they have taken us at our \vonl, and in doing so have shown themselves most appreciative and most orderly. In the t\VO\vceks and a little more that the place has been open we consider that ' ..·.e have jumped into a business which is fllily twice as great as \ve expected it to be. \Ve mark all our merchandise in plainfigllres, from which we never deviate, and the best advertising that we have is The English have learned to use the ele-vators and it is said more business is done on all the other floors than the ground floor. The art of window dressing as exemplified by Selfridge's is a revelation to the people in London. The air of hospitality is offen-sive to the Englishman in trade, who im-presses a foreigner with the idea that he is expected to buy it he even enters the store. Americans abroad can have their mail addressed to Selfridge's before their arrival and after departure have it forwarded. The sending and delivery of dutiable goods is another specialty of the company. All these expenses can be paid in advance saving a lot of trouble and annoyance to American Cl1S-t. omers. 1f1'. Selfridge offers to send every young v"roman in this country! a small sterling silver key provided that she ,viII "rear it on her bracelet as a bangle, The idea is that the store is the key to London for every American who 'will use it. Mr. Selfridge said: "The public has taken hold of the idea of the store vvith rernarkable alacrity. \Ve have said illade b)-I LItre Furniture Contpany, Grand Rapids, Mich. ~I ---------_.------- ,, I Henry Schmit 8 Co. I I, maken, of HOPKll"S AND HARRIET 51'S. Cin(linnati. Ohio Uphol&tered Furniture I II I,,, ,I fo' LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM the complaints of OUf competitors that we are selling be- Jow the line of profit" @ @ Baby Day. A prominent firm in a western city has an annual day for babies, \vhen prizes are awarded to babies under one year of age, "Vlhoare weighed at their store on baby day. At the last distribution $12.00 in cash was paid to the mother of the heaviest baby; $10 to the mother of the lightest baby; $7 each to the second heaviest and the second lightest babies. To twins five dollar gold pieces were given and a mother with triplets was rewarded with $25 for her achievement Every baby weighed was gi ven a doll and photographs were distributed to all mothers \vho asked for them. The company's store was thronged during the last baby day, and the results proved • the value of the scheme. 16 MICHIGAN He Wanted Grand Rapids "Cheap" Furniture. \Vhile sojourning in Pamama a few weeks ago Th1r. Foote! the treasurer of the Grand"Rapids Chair company, met an American gentlemen who had spent many years on the isthmus. During one of their many conversations the Panaman related an experience last year in New Yark as follows: "I had not visited the states, during the pre-ceding twenty-five years and the changes made in the cities I visited were simply astonishing. I had heard of Grand Rapids and its fame as a furniture producing center Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood 4ve., Grand Rapids, Mich. III We are now putting out the best Casler Cups with cork bases ever II offered to the trade. These are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple in a light finish. Thelie ~oods are admirable for polished flOOTSand rurn. iture rests. T hey will not sweat or mar. I PRICES: Size2};( inches ••.... $4.00 per hundred I Size 2% inches······ 5.00 per hundred I Try a SampleOrder. F. 0, B. Grand Rapids. I ~- ,--- ..1 and when I called upon a dealer during my stay in New York and stated that I wished to purchase cheap furni-ture manufactured in Grand Rapids he informed me that he could not fill my order, Naturally I desired to know \""hy he could not furni8h the goods I needed, when he said: HCheap furniture is not made in Grand Rapids. Twenty-five years ago Grand Rapids was noted for the cheapness of the goods turned out by a number of her manufacturers, but all such have gone out of business or ill1proved the quality of their product. I purchased Grand Rapids goods medium priced." Twenty-five years ago seven manufacturing houses of Grand Rapids were selling eight three piece hardwood chamber suites with 30x24 German plates for $100 and other goods at relatively low prices. The business was not profitable as \-vasproven by the failure of the Worden Furniture company, Kent Furniture company, Stockwell & Darragh, the Peninsnlar Furniture company, Luther & Sumner and others of their kind. @) * @ Daily Shipments of Furniture. In a large manufacturing business it is of the utmost importance that a close record be made of daily ship-ments of goods. Not only is such a record necessary for the use of the accounting department, but the officials charged with conducting the correspondence involved in the transaction of the business of such an establishment must have reliable data at hand from day to day in order to perform their duties properly. Secretary Covode of ARTISAN , the Berkey & Gay Furniture company, Grand Rapids, uses a little book in which is noted each day the quantity of goods shipped, to whom shipped with the total for the month to date, The record extends back nearly twenty years and at a glance it can be seen how the business of today compares with any corresponding day during all the period, After running over the little book a few times :Mr. Covode remarked: "Business with us has been very satisfactory. The first three months show a marked improvement over the first three months of last year and compares favorably \vith other years. \Ve could have done more, but under the circumstances we are very well satisfied, @ * @ Cheap Freights on Bedding Malerials, When the Union and Central Pacific railroads were opened for business between Omaha and San Francisco, naturally freight rates on all classes of shipments were very high, Prior to that time dealers located in the Pacific states obtained supplies of furniture and kindred goods by water transportation from points all the Atlantic coast. \Vith the opening of railroads the business men of that section sought markets nearer home, and St. Louis, Chicago and Grand Rapids secured a large volume of new trade which the manufacturers of those cities Nelson-Matter Furniture Co. Grand Rapids, :M1oh. retain. l.;arge ql1ainties of hair, tow, ticking and other materials used by mattress makers were shipped to Grand Rapids had stowed away in the drawers of bureaus, chif-foniers, bookcases and dressers for shipment as a part of stocks of furniture purchased by the dealers of the coast, The plan was followed successfully for a number of years. @) * @ The liberty to express one's talents in ways that serve the common good, is a great inheritance. MICHIGAN ARTISAN Inset ~• -------_._-_._------,-------------, Woodard Furniture Company OWOSSO MICHIGAN Manufacturers of HiS!>.Grade Medium Priced BEDROOM FURNITURE In all the Fancy Woods and Finishes. Line especially strong on Circassian Walnut New catalog just out. If you have not received one send for it. •• I I CHARLOTTE VISIT AT ANY TIME GRAND RAPIDS Furniture Exhibition Buildinll CHICAGO 192 Mivbillan Avenue CHARLOTTE MAKES GOOD TABLE S ! 1 III III I"-------- ------_._-------------'-------~ NQ.892. 48,,30. I CHARLOTTE ~[FG. CO. CHARI,OTTE. MICH. h_______________ .-----------------..-.--. 2121 r--- III II II, I III II II; II !, II • Inset MICHIGAN ARTISAN ------------------ We make Buffets that sell at a profit for the dealer. I Our 186 shown here ~ Is a good one. We have man}' others. Refer to our Janua-r'j', 1909 Catalogue, if you hm/c none drop us a postal. Manistee Manufacturing ===Company=== MANISTEE. MICHIGAN Buffet No. 186 Selected Quartered White Oak Golden Finish. Rubbed and Polished. French Beveled Mirror, 12x36. Size of top, 218:46. Height, 58 inches. Swell top and swell top drawers. One drawer lined. Price $18.00 I ~_._---------_._------- -----'II • When in Doubt Where to Buy the Best Birdseye Maple Goods ! Hitch Your Wagon I to a Star If a price of $11.25 for a fnll ser-pentine birdseye dresser, 22x28 plate, 40 inch base, is of interest to you ask us about it, and you will thank your lucky stars for writing us, for you have never seen a better value. A postal brings our catalog promptly. Michigan Star Furniture Co. No. 500 DRESSER. Zeeland, Mich. Qtd. Oak, Mahogany and Birdseye Maple. Top 22x46. Mirror :!:8xM. • • MICHIGAN ARTISAN ,~"---- Ii•j !I I I ----"--------- ----------- . TWO WINNERS IN VARNISH! I This is the verdict of the furniture manufacturer who KNOWS THE EMBLEM OF SUPERIORITY I Paradox Rubbing I Is the best high-grade, quick-rubbing varnish ever produced. Can be re-coated I every day and last coat rubbed safely in three days. I Ti- Ki- Lac Is our high-grade first or second coat varnish. Dries hard to sandpaper over night. Last coat can be rubbed in twenty-four hours. The man who KNOWS is the man who WINS I! ~-----------------------------------------"--------------------------" VARN1SH DEPARTMENT. Acme White Lead and Color DETROIT, MICHIGAN Works ,------------"------------------------------------------------. IIi II I1 The LEONARD Furniture Exhibition Buildin! Is rapidly :filling up. Some of the finest lines in the country \vill exhibit here by manufacturers desiring space in a central location, cheap insurance, R. H__siding and team track at floor level; no smashing of gcods by clumping them on the siele \valk and then down a chute. Elevator and electric light service first class. No danger of losing your s, l~re just when YOti. need them most, as the prop-erty is sprinkled. In addition to all these advantages there is a GREA T SAVING IK EXPEKSE caused by our lmv rates. \Vrite to C. H, LEONARD, PRES. LEONARD EXHIBITION BUILDING CO., - GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. P. S. Do it 1107-'../ or you may be too late. "---------------------------------------------------' Inset ----...•. Inset M I CHI G A N ART I SAN • The magnet that draws dealers from everywhere The magnetic lines shown constitute the magnet. Is your line one of them? Manufacturers'rx~i~ition Duil~in~Co.' ! 1319 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO , ~ MICHIGAN ARTISAN 17 ·-Luce~RedmondChair Company, Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN L Office Chairs, Dining Chairs. Reception Chairs and Rockers. Slipper Rockers. Colonial Parlor Suites. Desk and Dressing Chairs. _____ In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Birch, Bird'Hye Maple, Quartered Oak and Circassian W_a_ln_u_!. .. -------------....,, Sligh's Select Styles Sell and Satisfy MANY NEW FEATURES ADDED FOR SPRING SEASON. , I EVERYTHING FOR THE BEDROOM (Medium and Fine Quality). Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Bucha:Jan I I Streets. Grand Rapids, Mich. "\Tritefor catalogue. I.-- ------_._------_. 18 MICHIGAN ARTISAN ~--_._----.----------------_. J...- _ RICHMOND CHAIR CO, Cabinet Maker and Inventor of the Sleeping Coach. During the delivery of an address recounting tl,e history of the business of manfucturing furniture re-cently, William Widdicomb referred briefly to the fact that the younger Pullman brothers manufactured furni-ture to order in Grand Rapids a number of years previous to 1860. The brothers were good workmen and a few pieces of their product are still in use in the court house of Kent county. The sleeping coach was the invention of A. B. Pullman, it is said upon the suggestion of his wife. Travel by railroad train at night was a hardship before the introduction of the steeping car and it was owing to an experience of Mrs. Pullman on a night train that Mr. Pullman began to study plans for a coach that would eventually render so much comfort to mankind and per-petuate his name. "Db, dear," Mrs. Pullman is reported to have said, "if the seats of these cars could be placelJ so that one could lie down, it would be finch easier to tr::-.vt! at night." }Jr. Pullman's practical mind re-:ognb:er.. the value of the ~l1g;:tt>tion instantly and before t!le E:.~htpa,.;sed away he had decided that two seats of a coach could be set face to face and that the space between could be filled with a cushion, thereby affording the length and width of an ordinary bcd. The division of a car into compart-ments, l\.fr. Pullman considered an easy matter, and-l\frs. Pullman is credited with making the suggestion that the mattresses be constructed in sections. The writer remembers distinctly the first Pullman coaches put into service in_the United States. They were used on the Chicago, Alton & SI. Louis railroad between Chicago and St. Louis. The sides of the coaches were lettered: "A. B. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car." There was nothing palatial in their appearance or fit-ments. A fair degree of comfort was afforded to travel- RICHMOND. "INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double .. seating. Catalogues to the Trade. A. B. PULLMAN. ers, but the luxurious accommodations of the Pullman coach of today had not been dreamed of. George M. Pull-man, a financier of ability, joined his brother in the build-ing and operation of coaches after their practicability had been proven and the poor cabinet maker of Grand Rapids gained not only millions but fame and the grati-tude of the traveling public. @ * @ Culling Stock. Manufacturers are cutting stock for the fall season of trade and will fill their warerooms in anticipation of an active market. Owing to the burdens to be imposed on the industry under the revenue bill pending action in con-gress, prices will necessarily be higher. vVise dealers will order stocks before the prices shall be marked up. @ * @ Light and graceful designs won favor with the public during the Jacobean period. , STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH U~ION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT AI"I"LIll:DFOR) We have adopted celluloid as a base for our Caster Cups, making the best cur on the market. Celluloid is a gTeat improvement Over bases made 0 other material. When it is neceSSary to move a piece !>upporterl by cups with celluloid bases it can be done with ease, as the bases aTe peT-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred_ These cups are finished In Golden Oak and While Maple, finished light. If you will try a sampli! order of Ule{le goods 'fIO'U will desire to handle them in quantities_ PRICES: Size 2~ inches ..•. ··$5.50 pet' hundred. Size 2~ inches ...... 4.50 per hundred. f, 0, a. Grana Rapids. TRY.d. ORDER. • MICHIGAN ARTISAN Hafner Fumiture Compan;l ESTABLISHED 1873. I 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO • Couches Box Couches Adjustable Lounges Davenports Bed Davenports Leather Chairs and Rockers CATALOG UPON REQUEST 19 No. 3106 COUCH-Size 76 inches long an!=l30 inches wide. A luxurious couch with a graceful gondola shape. The wide frame is elegantly decorated with rococo mouldings and carved ornaments. Has heavy winged clawfoot legs Frame is made of kiln dried hardwood lumber beautifully finished in American golden grained quartered oak. The upholstering is of the small diamond tufted style with deep snake ruffles on the sides. The filling is of tow with hair top. Hafner warranted steel spring construction having 28 springs in the seat and 9 in the Samples shown at Man- head. Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Shipped K. D. legs off and weighs about 125lbs, ufacturers' Furniture Ex-change, Wabash Ave, and 14th St., Chicago. Price No. 1 Leather, $31. Government Contracts for Furniture Awarded. Jchn Hoult, manager of the Luce l'UrJ1ttllre company, returned fro111 \Vashington on April 23. \vhere he was called by N. Snellenberg & Co., of Philadelphia, to assist Made by Luee-Redmond Ohair Co., Big Rapids, Mich. in preparing bids for supplying the government with a large quantity of bookcases, chests, chairs, etc. The con-tract for the goods, with the exception of one item, was awarded to Snel1enbeTg & Co., and the Luce Furniture company will manufacture the bookcases and chests. The chairs \-vill probably be manufactured by the Crawford Chair company. J\.lr. Hoult has been very successful in the past in handling government contracts, and the filling of the Snellenhurg order assure:; the full operation, in connection \vith the company's regular trade, of lhe Luce factory during the remainder of the year. @ * @ With the Kent Furniture Company. \\lilliam H. Idema, formerly employed by the Young & Chaffee Furniture company. of Grand Rapids, as rnan-agel' of advertising, recently entered upon an engagement with the Kent Furniture company, of reter5b~lrg, Va. 1\1r. Idema had the benefit of years of exp1::rience in news-paper \vork before engaging in the advertising bLlsiness as a specialist, and is well trained in the writing and dis-playing of advertising. .Mr. Idema is pleased with his present engagement and \vith the city in which he is located. ® * ® Flanders Styles Popular. The Berkey & Gay Furniturc~ company brought out a new line of furniture in Flanders styles for the spring season of trade, the sale of \vh1::h has been very satis-factory. @ * @ B. J. Rosenthal has bad plan,; drawn for a furniture exhibition building which he proposes to erect in Cbicago. 20 ~[ I C II I G A N ART I SAN THE WAITING HABIT. Which Mr. MacWhackt Hopes MacWhackt, Iunior, Will Never Contract. HI suppose it's a fact," said Mr. J\facvVhackt, "that about the worst habit you could contract is that of sitting down and waiting for something to turn up. "I've known a lot of men that have had this habit .. but I have never known one of them to have anything come to him yet. Of course there's a chance of a l' man's being struck by lightning, but if you take the total population of the world and divide by the number struck you would find that the chances of being struck are very small, and the chances of anything coming to a man who is waiting for something to turn up are a great deal smaller still. "You see, as I tell my son, \Villiam :rvlac- Whackt, Jr., something, that is to say the some-thing that we are always looking for to turn up, is really not, as you might say, a thing o( a migratory nature, that is, not a thing that :':ieekspeople. In fact one of its chief charac-teristics consists in its inclination to stick somewhere, generally more or less far off, in which it is like gold in its raw shape, which lies buried in the earth at a great distance, \vhere we must" go and dig for it and dig hard if we want to get it. ]\1easles and various other afflictions come to us, but not so, as a rule, with something, meaning prosperity, which we must go out and seek. "So I tell William that I hope he won't join the great army of those who sit down and wait for something to turn up. He might be struck by lightning, but the chances are so much against it that it would be a terrible waste of time to figure 'em out and there wouldn't be anything coming to him then. "What I hope is that William will get out and look and dig for what he wants and not sit down and wait, and he won't find the competition as keen as perhaps he thinks, for really there ate not such an everlasting lot of steady, stick to it diggers. There's a chance that if he doesn't get the biggest prize in the whole world he'll get something, and something worth having, if he'll only get out and get to work around among men in the places where the diggins are found. "That's what I'm hoping William, Jr., will do---go out and work like a· man for what he wants; the thing of all others that I hope he won't do is to sit down and wait for something to turn up."-Ex. @ * @ the upper vacancies with outsiders. This does not dis-turb the long experienced \vorkers who have grown used to their tasks and would not thrive on a change. The outsiders can quickly learn from these workers enough to enable them to fill the place. The effect is quick and permanent. The Ehiny appearance gives way to the dull finish with the first fev,r rubs, and soon tones down to a darker shade. The same effect may he secured by ill temper and red tape, but there are always some spots in the organization which continue to shine, even if feebly, The Dull Finish. Employers who may prefer to have their organiza-tion done in the popular dull finish, aud avoid the vulgar shiny effect that is occasioned by life, can bring about thc change with little difficulty. The work is so simple that no experience is required. Any short-sighted employer can do it with ease. Some have found it effective to fill Sketch by C. R. Hills, Grand Rapids. in spite of these measures, whereas the other method removes all these shiny spots and distributes the dull finish quite evenly, and prevents it from wearing off. Samples of this sort of work may be seen in a great many places. -Ex. @ * @ Discovered by Raleigh. Sir Walter Raleigh carried mahogany timber from the West Indies to England for the first time. Its adapt-ability in the manufacture of furniture was soon learned, and it has since held its place as the most valuable of all woods. t _-.., ! MANUFACTURERS OF I II HARDWOOD VLUENMEBEERRSI &. !I SPECIALTIES : ~'t'YWEurlQUAORA. K VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA Ih-.-. _ ------_.__._---"• MICHIGAN ARTISAN 21 ------------------ II ! Over 850,000 Alaska refrigerators sold since 1878, Desirable I features of an Alaska Refrigerator: i Small consumption of ice. I Maximum amount of cold, dry air. t Absolutely sanitary provision chamber. I Simplicity of operation. Perfect preservation of food. We sell to dealers only. WRITE FOR CATALOG. lTheAlt~~i~~~!~~g;~I~~~a~turSompany MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN. _~:..:~ew York Mllnae-er, 3:~::::'::. New York Ci'_Y_, . IF IT'S THE BEST REFRIGERATOR IT'S AN ALASKA Trained for His Duties. H. C. Leonard, the superintendent of the great plant of the Grand Rapids Refrigerator Company, pre-pared himself for the position he occupies by spending five years in the factory and office of the cOl1.1.pany. Commencing in the least important department he H. C. Leonard, Superintendellt Graml Rapid;; Refrigerator Compally. mastered its details and then entered another and still another, until he had acquired a comprehensive know-ledge of the business he \vould soon engage in, in an important capacity. A few months in the office com-pleted his education as a manufacturer. Previous to his entry into the active duties of superintendent lYfr. Leonard had spent years in the p".;)lic schools and in college thoroughly equipping himself for engaging in the large commercial and financial affairs of the C0111- pany. In the big factory under his superintendence six hundred men are employed and the system followed results in a large product at minimum cost. Chippendale Copied Designs. J\iore credit is given- to Chippendale than is due. in the estimation of many art connoisseurs. It is charged that his designs \vere virtually copied from the French, tbe Gothic and Chinese styles, @ * @ Sheraton Well Sustained. Sheraton occupies a well sustained position of emi-nence in the art world on account of his inlays, carving and delicate paintings applied in the construction of fl.1rn· iture. @ * @ 1\.1anyapplications for space in the furniture exposi-tions of Grand Rapids, assure the usual large number of exhibits at the midsummer exposition. .. . i MUSKEGON VALLEY FURNITURE COMPANY ! IMUSKEGON MICH •••• COIOniOiStilles Tall past 8eds I onn oressers I Cnllloniers Warnrooes IlOdies' TOileiS I DreSSing TOOles Manognny InIOId GOMs Line on sale in Manufacturer" Building, Grand Rapids. I ....._-- ._------------.... 22 MICHIGAN ARTISAN SEND FOR CATALOGUE. One Hundred Failed. The fact was recently ascertained by William Widdi-comb that since the first cabinet shop was opened in Grand Rapids in the year 1838, one hundred and fifty individuals, firms or corporations had engaged in the :Madeby Charles Bennett Furniture Co., Charlotte, Mich. manufacture of furniture at different periods in the city of Grand Rapids. Of that number one hundred had failed. The survivors have undergone trials that would have swamped most men in other lines of production. Windows That Speak Unknown Tongnes Longfellow once wrote a poem on the talking oak. Oaks talk, no doubt, and we know all about it since Long-fellow wrote. But no poet has given us any information on the subject of the talking display window. There arc windows that beckon and whisper smoothly and entic-ingly. There are windows that draw one to them. There arc windows that converse in unknown tongues. There are windows that look glum and say nothing.-Ex. @ * @) Brockton, Mass., will establish a school for trammg boys for foremanships and superintendencies of factories. @ * @ White enamel furnlture was introduced 111 France during the life of Marie Antoinette. @) * @ July 12 is the date chosen for the opening of the New York Furniture exposition . ..------_._------. Plonrrn Maoufadurio~ (ompaoJ Di£'tROI't, MICH. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts ~ FuU line 8hown only· at the facto1"!/. MICHIGAN ARTISAN 23 Look here. This is just \vhat you have been looking for to boost your summer bedroom suite trade. Furnished in 5,"','1'1"1WALNUT finish, We claim to have the color right. It is meeting with the best of success, and will help you. Let us tell you ho\v cheap these pieces arc and we \vill secure your order. CHAS. BENNETT FURNITURE CO. CHARLOTTE, MICHIGAN. CHAMBER SUITES. DRESSERS. SIDEBOARDS. Death of John A. Colby, On April 18 inst" John A, Colhy, a pioneer dealer in furniture in Chicago, died at his home in that city aged 7'6 years. Deceased was for 1na11)' years the head of the house bearing his name) but retired seven years ago. his son, Henry C. Colby, succeeding in the management of the business. Cntil recent years he was a regular atten-dant upon the furniture expositions and enjoyed a large acquaintance in the trade. l\:1r. Colby evinced a lively interest in young men, and many who have been success-ful in business attribute their success largely to his coun~ sel and assistance. Among his formeremplayes who held lVIr. Colby in high esteem and regret his demise \vere John E. Bro\ver, the designer, and A. 'V. Hampe, the president of the Royal Furniture company) Grand Rapids. Mr. Colby was very popular among tbe business men and members of fraternal organizations in Chicago. @ * @ A Big Hotel for Salt Lake City. Local capitalists of Salt Lake City, Utah, have organ-ized a corporation for the purpose of ere~t1ng a hotel to cost $1,500,000. Ground has been broken, am.l an archi-tect from New York is drawing the plans. The builders hope to complete the structure this year. A local dealer will supply the furnishings. @ * @ B. Rich, (he ought to be) of Kashville, Tenn" will erect" factory for the use of the Rothschild Lussky Man-ufacturing company. Open July 1. The hotel Ottawa, at Ottawa Beach, Mich., under the management of J. 1,1. Rathbone, wilt receive guest~<;on July 1. The house is very popular \'lith furniture men. by Richmond Co., Richmond, Ind. It is within one hom's ride of Grand Rapids and mer-chants and sellers alike travel to and from the exposition by either train or trolley at wilL 24 MICHIGAN ARTISAN ~, ---_._~------_._--_._-~-------:-----------~ FIVE COMPLETE LINES OF REfRIGERATORS L at i RIGHT PRICES Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined. Zinc Lined with Re-movable Ice Tank. Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary Ice Tank. Send for new Catalogue And Jet 11..5J1l1m~JOU pritt. (~allen~efiefri~mfor (0" GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. OpaJire Lined. Enamel Lined. --._-_._---- Unsafe Cunclusions. The livng root of most of the errors that infest the business world-whether those errors concern the ad-ministrative policy of a railroad president or the way the office-boy puts the stamps on the envelopes-will be found in a certain inherent trait of the human mind. .It is the habitual tendency of every h:.:tman being to reduce his observations to dogmatic conclusions, and to begin sub-sequent thought from that point. A composite of the dogmatic spirit is the policy which says: "I always handle that sort of thing this way." Examine a cross-s-ection of the average mentality and you will find it filled with little conclusions. Trace many of those conclusions back to their beginnings and you will find that they have been reached by one or two feeble observations, hastily inter-preted, and a large· measure of unfounded guesswork. The key is turned on that point, and that conclusion, no matter how inadequate, becomes a factor in all subse-quent thinking. Any new thought that disagrees with that conclusion is regarded with sllspicion if not with contempt. Possession of a dogmatic conclusion is nine points of the law of loose thinking. The lazy mind de-lights in a short cut, and the more it gets used to these short cuts the more lazy it becomes. VVhen the mind gets clogged up, and thoughts do not flow freely, it is almost a certainty that one of these little conclusions forms the obstruction. The mind that is ever seeking to know is alive. The one that is satisfied that it knows, and condemns every conflicting opinion, and will listen to ---------' no more evidence, has ceased growing. Fear of new evidence is a self-conviction of insecurity and an unwill-ingness to be found out. A fixed conclusion, based on meager and untypical observation, and that misinter-preted, is the most dangerous instrument ever devised by man. Progress is largely a matter of breaking up such conclusions.-Ex. @ * @ Vocational School at Fitchburg. The state of Massachusetts has appropriated $75,- 000 for the purpose of erecting a vocational school at Fitchburg. Further appropriations will be supplied when needed. Teachers will be provided by the state, but the city of Fitchburg will pay a per capita tax for each pupil in attendance. Pupils will be instructed in practical business affairs, commercial arithmetic, mechanical drawing and designing will be included in the course of instruction. Girls will be taught domes-tic science, se\ving' and housekeeping. Boys will be trained to fill positions in the industries and in com-merce. The work will be elementary, that of the craftsman, rather than the mechanic or machinist. @ * @ It is stated that President Taft was inspired by an economical impulse when he appointed General Dickin-son to the office of Secretary of \Var. General Dickin-son is as large as the president, and his appointment saves the cost of a chair for the secretary. MICHIGAN ARTISAN A Certain Test of Good Taste. There is no more certain test of good taste than the involuntary selection of subjects by the eye on viewing for the first time ornament in objects of art. I\ature works on so large and true a scale that few judge her amiss. That which is majestic, noble, picturesque, or simply beautiful as a vvhole, classes itself at once in all minds, and the fact of a common decision on these points demonstrates the genuineness of the laws of taste. The common mind difIers from the cultivated in its knov ..r1edgc and appreciation of nature's beauty in detail. The fonner sees only partially, the latter grasps the \;<"rhole and distinguishes the parts; nothing, however humble, which goes to make up the chord of beauty, escapes its notice. \Vhere the appreciation of the one ends, the pleasure of the other is but begun, so that his delight is as true and infinite as nature her-self. The natural eye, therefore, sees all things as in a glass. darkly-the cultivated peuetrates the film of nature, and looks into her heart.- James J. J antis. @ * lSi Hotel Furniture Buyers Ar-rive in Grand Rapids. On April 14, C. J. Owens, manager of the New Ad-dison hotel in 1Iinneapolis, arrived in Grand Rapids for the purpose of purchasing furniture. I-Ie ,vas accom-panied by Walter D. Boutell, Otto J. Marewetz and W. F. Behrens. The hotel is to be one of the finest and best appointed houses of its class in the northwest and ,viii contain 3~~5r00111S. The furnishings are to be artistic throughout and will represent an investment of more than $200,000. It is estimated that the furniture alone will cost $100,000 and it is certain much of this will be of Grand Rapids production. In general it \vill consist of mahogany and Circassian \valnut. \Vallack Brothers, who own and operate hotels in New Y.ork and Cleveland, ar-rived on the same day and placed orders. @ :;: @ In all probability the aJvancecl rates on mirrors c.nc1 the imposition of a duty on mahogany, contained in the tariff bill passed by the national house of representat; ve..." will be retained by the senate. J\lanufacturers ·of furni-ture and kindred lines \V·ill be obliged to add the aclcli-- tiona! cost of these materials to the goods now in pfE'par-ation for the fall season of trade, \\Tith a dull market and no immediate prospects for a revival, higher pri('e~ for goods \villnot put life into trade. @ * @ The way a man receives something new reveals his standing either as a "has been," a Hnever \vas," or an "up-to-date" individuaL r--------------------------------------------------------·---------- I ---_._--_._-~II HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW MORTISER COMBINED MACHINE No.4 SA W (ready fo(cross-cutting) Complete Dulfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CAelNET MAKER He call S::ll'ea manufacturer's ~lTofitas well as a d~aler's profit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He can hold a better and more satisiactory trade with his customers. He can manufacture in as good style and finish. and ;Ltas low cost as the factories. The local cabinet maker has been forced into onlv the dealer's trade and profit, because of machine manufactured goods of factories. An outlit of Barnes' Patent Foot and Hand-Power Machinery. reinstates the cabinr:::tmaker with advantages equa.l to his competitors. If desired, these machines will be sold on (rial. The purchaser can have ample time to test them in his OW1l shop and on the work he wishes them to do. J)t8criptiv, cataloy'l1.dand price list fru. W. 1'. Ii JOHN BIlRNES CO.,654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. No, 3 WOOD LATHE No.4 SAW (ready for ripping) No.2 SCROLL SAW No.7 SCROLL SAW >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER 26 MICHIGAN ARTISAN Modern Salesmanship. Salesmam.hip as it was studied and defined twenty-five years ago has been overturned, ripped up, whip-saw-ed right and left, and reconstructed until its own son wouldn't know it. The old time salesman did not resign his job volun-tarily. He was pried loose from it. The evolution of the business \"chich he once represented has become so effectually out of harmony with such repre~ sentation that he's had to go into some other line altogether. If he were a marked success in his clay he may be working ~ol11ewhere as a promoter. He may be selling fake mining :;tock or framing something ne,,, in the green goods line. To a certainty he isn't selling l{co(:s any n~()re for the up to date, solid busi-ness house \vhich has a prosperous present and is building for a greater future. The conditions unuer which salemen make a sale are changed completely from those that governed hventy years ago. He needs all the knowledge possible of the thing he sells. He must know all that it will do under normal conditions. lIe may venture a little into what might do under conditions that are exception-ally favorab1.e. But he must 110t make hot, atmospheric clainls to the manufacturing ex-perts in his establishment. Oddly enough, it has come about that the furniture salesman is required to know about as much of the business of a competitor as he knows of the business of his own house. Virtu-ally everything that he can pick up rega,rding his competitor's business is of use to his own bouse. In this work be cannot be too good a mixer too overburdened with tact, or carry t{lO111uch.judgment for application everywhere in sane perspectives. Once upon a time the salesman could dis-miss his competitor with a look of contemptu-ous scorn. He thought he could, at least, and he applied all manner of epithets reflecting up-on the character of his rival, the quality of pro-duction and methods of doing business. But today the up to date possible customer knows something about the solid,"substantial rival. He doesn't do business on the basis of vituperation and denunciation. The sales-man must meet the mention of his competitor's name with indications that he knows what his rival is doing and how he does it. But it may be said broadly that wherever a salesman is representing any line of goods that has come into wide use enabling the general public to get familiar with the average of expectations as to its uses, durability, cost, and like facts shown by experience, hot air salesmanship has vanished. It doesn't pay the estahlished house to have a talkative, meteoric salesman rushing a customer through into a purchase half against the purchaser's will, only that later he shall discover more and more of the unsatisfactory, disappointing features of his investment. The principle is accepted almost everywhere hy the n:odern department store as applying to the clerk at a WHITE PRINTING CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. PRINTERS OF CATALOGUES and everything Deeded by busillCN men Made by Warld Furniture Co., Evansville, Ind. counter. Bring a young clerk to a city store from the average country store and put him on the "floor and a thousand of him on a first day might do a million dollars' damage to the business. In the average couutry town the competition between d "Y' g:,",):, ,toees is likely to be especially sharp. These stores do not take farmers' produce in exchange as the grocer often has to do. When a customer comes in, and has taken up five or ten minutes' time of a clerk, passing out without buying, 'the storekeeper is most likely to make inquiry why the clerk didn't make a sale. In expec-tation of this the clerk feels the pressure upon him to make a sale if by any means he can talk the person into buying. In the department stores of the cities, however, the work of the counter saleman has become radically differ- :VIICHIGAN ARTISAN ent through evolution and changed conditions. The salesman \vho doesn't make a sale is no longer questioned why he failed. An unalterable price mark is attached to every article in his department. 1\lore and more the pres-sure comes upon store managements to make the pur-chaser of an article satisfied with that purchase. It isn~t policy to try to talk him into buying something of \vhich he is half doubtful. If he finds he isn't satisfied the house invites him to bring it back) get something better, or have his money returned to him. Persuasive salernanship evcry\vbere is becoming one of the lost arts.- Ex. @ * @ Hearse Driver's Signal. It is a C0111mon thing for the driver held up by a block ahead in a city, to thrm\' up his whip hand as a sign to Made by Charles Bennett Furniture Co., Charlotte, Mich. drivers following him. All ,':.:ortsof drivers do this; and yet it seems strange to see the sign given by the driver of a hearse. Funerals are net ccmrnonly seen in the crowded busi- ,. 'r;~ s;.:-cds cf tll:: city whe;-c the sign may be necessary; they a::-emet ofte:le~t in residence streets, where! the traffic is not likely to be obstructed; and so one might, in the course of time, see many funeral proccssions pass and never once see the hearse driver give the high sign. But the hearse is not always seen at the head of a fun-eral procession; it lTlust of course go to and from the place at which it is to head the line of carriages, and then it moves alone like any other separate vehicle in the midst of a crush of trucks, wagons, carriages and 2i automobiles; and hereJ \vhen there was a block ahead, the man on the box of the hearse threw up his whip handJ just like any other driver. @ * @ iiFiredJ ' and Prospered. There are 10,000 individual examples of men making a success in life who, if they told the \vhole truth as to their careers, would tell you that they had been "fired" into their present positions. Fired once, twice, maybe a dozen times, until with the accruing experience and with common sense trimming and training and adaptation of themselves to circumstanceJ these men have at some time awakened to the fact that in "firing" theyexperi-enced the most beneficial influences of their lives.-Ex. @ * @ Bailey, Jones & Co., to Furnish Tables. It is reported that Bailey, Jones & Co., of Jamestown, N. Y., will furnish the tables contracted for by Gimble Brothers for supplying-army posts of the general govern-ment. @ * @ "By their fruits ye shall know them."-Scripture. Not in the furniture trade. \Valnut lumber takes a mahogany stain beautifully. @ * @ The manufacture of tables will soon be commenced at High Point, N. C. by E. L. and E. V. Cronch. ----_._---~ I The Ford & Johnson Co. CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-mcnt of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dining Room furniture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Urder furni-ture, etc. Our complete line of sam_ ples are displayed In The Ford tJ Johnson Building, ]433-37 Wabash Ave., In~ cludinll a special display of Hotel Furniture. AlL furniture dealers are cordially invited to visit our building.' I,• 28 MICHIGAN ARTISAN •~--- -----------. --- 4 . _ 4 • Single I II t Cone All Steel Springs Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2QQ $200 Each Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. I ~- --------------------------------------_ .... Each Net SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis. Differential Rates Threatened, The proposed abolition of rail differentials in the New England states has caused a commotion among the manufacturers and jobbers of that region. Enor- Made by Luce-Redmond Ohair 00., Big Rapids, Mich. mous interests would be affected diversely, and the business associations of Boston have called a conven-tion of representatives of six states to take concerted action in regard to the matter. It is claimed that New England produces fifty-two per ceut of all the cloth produced in the United States, thirty-one per cent of the paper, thirty-five per cent of the leather and its products, .twenty-three per cent of the marble and stone. Massachusetts itself produces forty-five per cent of all shoes, thirty-one per cent of all woolen goods, twenty-eight per cent of all cotton goods, thir-ty- one per cent of all worsted goods, seventeen per cent of all paper and wood pulp, twenty-two per cent of all rubber and elastic goods. Metropolitan Boston alone has, increased its industries fifty-six per cent in a decade. In discussing the proposition, P. A. O'Connell, vice president of the New England Dry Goods Association, said: HIt would be a great blow to our industries, and would tend to create a loss to other industries in general throughout New England. To offset the. loss of ,differentials the manufacturer must either move or put up his prices. Either of these alternatives would reduce the purchasing power which would chiefly in-jure the dry goods business. I doubt if the increased price of sending freight would make much difference to us. This is of minor importance as compared to the loss of purchasing power, for the public would have, to pay the extra cost." @ * @ Adding Furniture. Quish' & Pratt, dealers in hardware, Dexter, Mich" will add furniture and would be pleased to receive cata-logues. MICHIGAN He Knew His Business. Wm. H. Rouse, who for several years has been in charge of the Grand Ledge Chair Company's show rooms in Grand Rapids, \-vas for many years a traveling sales-men. \Vhen the Old \Volverine Chair Company ,..'a. s in business, (making as good \valnut diners as ever came out of a factory) Mr. Rouse took the photos oue day and went to New York. There was an eccentric in the furn-iture business of that city whom \ve will caU Jones, a ter-ror to the traveling man. j\1r. Rouse went into the store and found Jones busy in his office, and presented his card. Jones looked up at him and blurted out "Young man, didn't you see that sign out there indicating the time when drummers would be received? HI did not come here hunting for signs, sir, I came here for business," was the reply. "\Vell, I \-vant you to understand that that sign means what it says. If Y011 come here at two o'clock, (not five Ininutes to hvo or five minutes after) I'll see what you have." HAll right, I will be here," ,vas 1\.1r.Rouse's rep1v, and he arriv·ed on time and so did Jones. - Jones took UP one of the photos and said, "How wide 15 the front' of this chair?" "Eighteen inches." "What is the length of the front stretcher?" "Fourteen and three-quarter inches." HBack stretcher?" "Thirteen and a half inches." "1Nidth of chair at top of back ?" "Fifteen inches," "Distance between back posts at back of seat?" IiTwelve and one-quarter inches.~! "Well, young man, you knmv your business, and I will give you an order. I am tired of the fellmvs who come here and don't know anything about the goods they are selling." @ * @ "Serious Attention." A story is afloat in the furniture trade (whether it true or not is of small consequence) to the effect that when the communication of the National Case 1\1akers' Association, protestng against the enactment of the mirror glass schedule, as reported in the Payne tarifl-bill, reached the hand of a prominent member of the senate, vi/hose name is so commonly kno,vn that it need not be mentioned, the usual courteous reply was pre-pared and mailed by the senator's very conrteous and extremely obsequious secretary, as follows: HI respectfully acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed fa';"Tor of recent date in respect to the tariff bill. pending action in the house. Be assured that when the bill shall have passed the h0use and brought before the senate for consideration, it shall be my duty to give the paragraph relating to taw cotton ser-iOllS consideration. Ii\Vith assurances of my great respect and esteern, I am," etc. ARTISAN 2') , a a Bargain Bargain Here95 That i5 Quarter Saw:';' 53~a~:X4~~:~s$7 50 I Band Rim, Polished, ..• • I You can't make money faster than by buying Ihis fine library Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of this and other good things we have to show YOIl. PALMER MANUFACTURING CO. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. .._--------------------------------------', Forget It That Rack and Rod Morris Chairs were ever made and Buy Nationally Advertised ..mslJ tl.e Button-and ~st" Royal Chairs "The Push Button Kind" with or without footrest, Made with loose cllsh-ions or uphol~ stered. ( All interchangeable) III!II ROYAL CHAIR CO., I'-----------~------~ So that jf your customer likes a frame that has loose cushions on, take them out and put in the upholstering. Your customers want Royal Chairs. Write for catalog. STURGIS, MICH. J 30 MICHIGAN ARTISAN .--------_.------------~ fII I!! II , IIII III !I II , I MUSKEGON' Moon Desk Co. MICHIGAN 52" long; 30" wide. Furnished with cen-ler drawer with lock. Square edge construc~ hon, sanitary style. Satin Finish - Golden oak, weathered oak, or imitation mahogany. I!A Desk within reach of all. --- ._--------_ ..---- the MOON DESK CO. MUSKEGON, MICH. -----------_._------..: for the term of ninety-nine years. The rental to be paid is $10,000 a year for the first two ye,tr;, ~::o,oooan-nually for the following fifteen years, $33,000 for the succeeding ten years and $35,000 for the remainder of the term, the total amounting to $3,220,000. The average n.'ntd, $.33,535, represents a four ptr cent valt1ation O~_l $838,383 on the land. A building to cost not less than S. Karpen & Bros, Conclude an Important Long Time Lease. On \Vednesday, April 21, S. Karpen & Bros., exten-sive manufacturers of upholstered furniture in Chicago, closed a lease with the estate of Otto Young on the corner of lVIichigan boulevard anti Eldredge court, 134x249 feet, ,• ..-------------------- .... Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. Geo. Spratt B Co., SheLoyQ8D, Will. Made by Nelson-Matter Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. $250,000 will be erected, fronting on Eldredge court, within a year. The firm of S. Karpen & Bros., have been successful not only in their manufacturing business, but in other enterprises. @ * @ Chairs were first used in England during the reign of No~592 Henry VIII. • ~--- - Tom=~. Co':~illC:::;a: ~~~~I:;~; eDta'D1f'! ~ ~ow~;tJ~::::~~ls:o:~~I:~~7te~ Factory PriafJ. Retld elJery word of ~..gJ:'Q17~~ '((Jill be No ConceuiolJS from Publiahed thr. unique dtulaunozntent. _~_. . peNN AVJ!.NUE T(!J'm... _ CONSIGNMENT SALE of a Train Load of FURNITURE From L. F. ~REEMAN FURNITURE MFG. CO., ~~~:~:~~ of SEYMOUR, IND. / t- -~--~~-- TIll!> ,. a BAr-gal" wllh L B1~ "D," C_ .. 1" 0""'. lI"B"'O .od "",."'" R.od Boa' o"d IlllCk. 1'"""" .... ~" <>1 t.>" qual It, ",.pl., woll ..... """l"!. Jt I •.. ]B"" ... nd n,.. oom'o,tobl. "",It." Bn~ .... ",,,"ruo!od a, '0 ollow tho B"'" .,,h,."'f"I~t,,.,,",'"T". Rooker I. p.'ooo! fOsul.,." 01 $3. but "'. p'e~.d up a O"O.'U, "' n 'ow "". and .-111 01"". tb.,. 00\ •• ad""L."d lor Special Pqrcba.e of Rug. and Carpets From the Factory of Alex. Smith & Co., Yonkers, N.Y. In o:mn'ction wit" thi.... Ie, we piokedup a big spedall""'''! ! \1gB and Carpet. from this !atg. linn Bnd the pdces you'l1 get them at are p<actloally wholes.l .. Solid Oak llocker .0 A SAMPLE ADVERTISEMENT. 3r2 ---------;.1I-CHIGAN ARTISAN --_._------ The season for banquets is now: here. Our Banquet Table Top is just the thing for banquets. h _ Furniture Men "Kick." ]. S. Linton, secretary of the National Association of Case Goods Manufacturers, recently" issued a letter to l'very furniture manufacturer in the country, urging activity against the plate glass schedule in the Payne tariff bill. The present tariff on plate glass 16 x 24 inches is eight cents, and the propos·ed rate is 10 cents. The rate on sizes up to 24 x 30 is 10 cents and the pro-poced rate is 120 cents. The present tariff On larger larger than 24x 30 and not exceeding 24 x 60 is 2272 cents, and that is not changed. In his letter Mr. Linton points out the proposed changes and then says: "All glass used in the manufacture of furniture, ex-cept the larger sizes, is to be advanced. * * * The smaller sizes used for the cheaper furniture which goes into the homes of the poorer people bearing such ad-vance. This proposed advance is in defiance of pub-lic sentiment, in complete disregard of the rightfnl in-terests of the consumer, contrary to the spirit of the protective principle and ante-election promises, op-posed to good public policy and inimical to the inter-ests of the furniture industry. The manufacturers of glass, having already been liberally aided and thor-oughly established, have no right to demand that this tax shall now be increased. "Every effort will be made to pnsh this measure through as drafted. If we are to prevent this ad-vance in the glass schedules it is imperative that every n1anufacturer act at once. W rite a letter to the rep-resentative of your district and to the representatives from other districts in your state; write the senators from your state, calling their attention to this matter and demanding that these tariff schednles shall not be advanced. Do this in common justice to your own industry and to the public welfare. The schedule once passed will probably remain unchanged for the next ten years. It is a matter, therefore, of the ut-most importance to our industry and the whole people that the bill as finally passed shall be made as nearly equitable as possible."-Grand Rapids Herald. L_ OUR LARGE NEW UNE OF DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. Stow & Davis Furniture Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. City salesroom, 4th floo1", Blodgett Bldg. It has already been explained that when the bill reaches the senate, the skilled manipulator of sched-ules, ~fr.Aldrich, will engage in an extended swapping campaign, and that in the end every interest will gain what it seeks. The mirror glass makers, the silverers, the bevelers and others having special interests to fos-ter, are not worrying over the outcome. @ * @ Not Interested in War. During his stay in Nicaraugna E. H. Foote, treas-urer of the Grand RapidS Chair Company, was so bus-ily employed fishing and pleasure hunting that he paid no attention to the revolution against the government. It is said that he would not attend a dress parade of the George D. Emery company's armed force of 2,000 lum-ber jacks. There might have been a half dozen revo-lutions in full operation for all that he cared, or there might have been none. Having participated in the war hetween the states and knowing the horrors of real fighting,·the little comic opera outbreaks so frequently indulged in by the South Americans fail to create the slightest interest in the mind of Mr. Foote. The Emery Company (a Boston corporation) controls abont all the mahogany bearing lands in Nicaraugua and the government sought to restrict their operations. A few blank cartridges were exploded and then the government at Washington 'raised its index finger and the misunderstanding will be "fixed up" peacably. Mr. Foote visited Panama and inspected the canal and came home via Jamaica and New York. He had a good time, and upon arriving in Grand Rapids was as ready for work as, a newly arrived emigrant from Italy or Russia. @l * @ Millions for New Hote)s. Capitalists of Spokane, Washington, have financed two important hotel enterprises, to be undertaken this year. An enlargement of the Pfister and a new hotel for \V. H. Cowles involve the expenditure of millions for construction, equipment arid furnishings. The last item will not be the least important. - - - _. -- ---------------------- -- - - - INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Alaska Refrigerator Company .. Aulsbrook & J ones Company ... Barnes, W, F. & John, Company .. Bennett, Charles, Furniture Company .. Bockstege Furniture Company. Bosse Furniture Company .. Challenge Refrigerator Company. Daily Artisan·Reccrd Ford & Johnson Company>. Furniture Exhibition Association. Globe Furniture Co:npany. Grand Rapids Caster Cup Company .. Hafner Furniture Company. Hoffman Brothers Company .. Hotel Pantlind Humphrey-Widman Bookca.£e Company ... Karges Furniture Company. Kauffman Furniture Manufacturing Company. Lentz Table Company .. Luce-Redmond Chair Company. Luce Furniture Company .. Madden, & Son ... . .21 .Cover ..25 ..23 · .8-9 .8-9 .27 ,Caver · .8-9 · .. 16 · .. 19 .20 7 5 ..... 8-9 ..10 2 .. ... 17 ..... Cover .. Cover Metal Furniture Company ... Michigan Engraving Company . Michigan Furniture Company. Miller, Eli D" & Company .. , Moon Desk Company. Morton House Muskegon Valley Furniture Company ... .24 Nelson-Matter Furniture Company. 2 Palmer Manufacturing Company. Pioneer Manufacturing Company. Richmcnd Chair Company ... Royal Chair Company. Schmitt, Henry, Company. Sheboygan Chair Company .. Sligh Furniture Company. Smith & Davis Company. Spratt, George, & Company .... Star Caster Cup Company .. Stow & Davis Furniture Company .. Union Furniture Company (Rockford). White Printing Company .. World Furniture Company .. Zimmer, Fred J. .. .. 8-9 1 .11 .. 7 .30 7 ..21 . .... Cover ..29 .. 22 ..18 ..29 .. 15 . 22 ..17 .28 .. .. 5-30 .. .18 . .. 32 7 . 2-13 .. 8-9 4 ...--- ------------- --_._----------- STURGIS, MICH. ASK FOR CATALOG SHOWING THIS SUITE COMPLETE Oak and Mahoganv Aulsbrook & Jones Furniture Co. ..-_._-_. I'------------------ -_._-_._----------" --_._-------~ •II I&-" --------- 1 I ___________________ .1 II· ~~;~?rY- I BW>L\Vf:)E-LY~ . Goods that . .... SELL EASILY • DRESSERS CHIFFONIERS BEDS WASHSTANDS PRINCESS DRESSERS CHEVALS SIDE BOARDS BUFFETS DINING TABLES. CHINA CLOSETS SIDE TABLES IN ALL THE CABINET WOODS AND DIFFERENT· FINISHES Manufactured by The Luce Furniture Company GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, • r, ------------.----.-----------.----.---- ..., Davenport Beds and Parlor Furniture We have the DESIGNS and PRICES. Write for Catalog"es or call and see us. Our 7J)orkmanship of the '(/Cry best. Show Rooms Ii :35 to 41 North I Capital Ave. Variety to select from the largest. One of our big selling Davenport Beds, miuion design. THOMAS MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. --_.__.__._----_. " ~I IIIII • , I
- Date Created:
- 1909-04-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 29:20
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty_Eighth Yea.r-No. 20 APRIL 25. 1908 Semi-Monthly "THE BEST" One Motion,All Steel Go-Cart THE" ROYAL.' PUSti BUTTON MORRIS CHAIR FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION NO FUSS, NO FOOLING FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION All Steel; Indestructible. Perfected Beyond All Competitiou. Frame of Steel Tubing. Will Carry 200 Lbs. Over Rough Pavements. The Only Perfect Cart With a Large Perfect Quick Action Hood. CATALOGUE UPON APPLICATION. FOLDED The ROYAL is the Original Push Button Morris Chair Eieht Year'S of Test Have EstahlisLed Its Sqpremacy ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS !MORRIS CHAIRS FROM I i6.25 to i3!J CATALOG UPON APPLICATION. Royal Chair Co. STURGIS, MICHIGAN Chicago Salesr,oom: Ceo. D. Williams eo:. 1323 Michigan Avenue. First Floor, Chicago, III STURGIS STEEL GO-CART COMPANY, Sturgis, Mich. CHICAGO· SALESROOM: Geo. D. Williams Co., 1323 Michigan Ave., First Floor, Chicago, Ill. ... THREE PIECE BEDROOM SUITE 1752. Biggest Line in the World BEDROOM, DINING-ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE The biggest furniture catalogue ever published, of the biggest line of Bedroom, Dining. room and Kitchen furniture ever manufactured, has just been mailed to the trade by the Northern Furniture Company of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. It is a noteworthy thing that while the entire furniture trade has been feeling the recent business depression severely, since people can economize on furniture when times are hard, the Northern Furniture Company has done about the Same business during Jannary, February and March as they did last year. That can have but one meaning-they have the standard goods which people must have, their styles are standard, their manufacture is acceptable, and their goods sell in hard times as in good times. It is easier to pick out a satisfactory selection from the Northern catalogue of every grade or style you may want, than from any other furniture catalogue in existence. The special Table Line of the Northern Furniture Company is better than is shown by most Table specialists. The furniture showu by the Northern is more popular with most dealers than the product of almost any dining-room specialist in the country, and the same is true of their line of Library Furniture, shown in their special Lihrary Catalogue. They have the best-made line of Kitchen Cabinets. If you have not received your copy of the new complete catalogue just mailed out, be sure to send a postal card to the NORTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY, SHEBOYGAN, WIS-CONSIN, and get one. It will "giveyou your standard of style and price on everything you buy. NORTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY SHEBOYGAN WISCONSIN -------- 1 "1319-The Big Building" Again The Zenith of Fumiture ExhibitiOrl'<Enterprise The World's Largest and Best Furniture Show Over 200 Live Wires Already "Connected Up" with Live Buyers-and We Get the Buyers. Doubt It? Then Come and Let Us Show You. 10,000 RETAIL DEALERS CAME LAST YEAR and proved the absolute supremacy of "1319-The Big Building" as the one place to select trade-pulling lines. You make a money-getting line; show it to these 10,000 progressive dealers in the World's Greatest FurnitureMarket-Chicago Ask us about space and how to bring the buyers. Manufacturers' ExltilJition Building Co. 1319 Michigan Avenue, Chicago 2 JUST A HINT FROM· "THE LINE OF READY SELLERS" No. 112 Chase Leather Marokene Leathe. No. I M. B. Leathe. $10.50 11.75 21.00 Imp~rial Reclining Chairs Mission Suites and Small Mission Pieces Morris Chairs Roman Chairs and Rockers Do Yau Like Prompt Shipments? We Make Them. Oor Desi~ns are Ri~ht Oor Mater-ials are Ri~ht Oor Con-stru& ion is Ri~ht Oor Prices ar, Right A Sample Order will Convince Yoo-May We Not Have Yours? Write fOT <II copy of oue March. Supplement. Regular calalog ready June 151h. No. t09 Blue Back Iml. Leather Chase Leather . Ma.okene Leather . $6.50 7.25 8.50 TRAVERSE·CITY CHAIR CO., Traverse City, Mich. No. 1002 Imperial Reclining Chair (Patent applied for) No. I M. B. Leather $20.00 No. 73·19 Blue Back 1m!. Leather Chase Leather . Marokene Leather . K. D. Rat and compact. $4.50 5.00 5.50 28th Year-No. 20. GRAND RAPiDS. MICH.. APRIL 25. 1908. == ==~==~~==~~~~~= $ 1.00 per Year. Abolish the Easy Chair. You '.'.'ill notice, jf you make a tonT through aLy office building, that the men who have the most businesslike, wide-awake appearallce arc the lllen in straight legged, straig-ht backed chairs. The employes most liable to have an idle thOllSftud miles away look are those ne:,ted in swing- b,lCk, ball bearing seats of rest. It is not the fault of the employe that he looks lazy, it is the fault of the chair. "A mistaken idea of comfort has led manufacturers to develop a style of chair which is comfort-able in theory, but which for business purposes i.s a mistake. It makes V'.'orking a hardship. No man can lower himself into a device which instantly invites him to loll back, light a good cigar, clasp his bands behind his head, ,met tell a gooel story-no average man can sit in such a chair and work 1\1ental concClltratioll is dependent on physical stin~ultls. The chair which makes a man sit erect, keeping him poil1tell at his work, is best-best both for the employer who hires the man and for the mall \vho uses the chair. There is at least one employer in Chicago "who has di:,:cov-ered this fact and acted upon his discovery. He OW11S a large printillg business. Not long ago he moved into l1ew quarters. His ofl1ce force he placed in a 1arg"e room in lull vie\v of the entrance. This r00111 he elaborately finished in costly wood, furnished it with fine beavy desks a~ld with lllx- \.lriant chairs. He was particularly proud of this of6ce, and he showed it enthusiasticaly to every business and social acquaintance who called on him. One day he ;:l.\voke. He had been showing all out-of-town customer over his plant. and on returning to his private office settled back contelltedly with, """VeIl, \vhat do yOU think of it?" The reply was prompt: "Everything is fine except the parlor. YOll have the laziest looking ofIice force 1 ever saw in my life. I came in here from a small city. expecting to see thing"s done as they should be, and here I Jiml onlv a set of idlcrs. \vho do nothing but lie back and yaVl'Il. How do thcy ever work? Take my advice, either get a new set of clerks or put firecrackers under those you "have." The employer pondered-2nd watched. About a ..".eek later a furniture van brought to his door a sufficient number of erect. ellergetic looking chairs to supply his office force. It departed loaded with an eQual nutub('.r of the -indolent kil1d. Today that employer points with pride to a roomful of what he declares to be the, most alert, wide-awake, illterested looking desk workers in the city. The change of chairs did it. W. A. FREDERIC. Fate of the Floor Walker. PetCT G1.(iSSwas an ambitious yo~1t1gmall W110 was a Boor walker in BeTg & Starter's great departmcllt store. How-e; ver. l\Jr. Gla!"s was not entirely the type of undesirable citi-zen that these conditions Illig"bt seem to indicate. There were extcnuatil1g circ'umstances attached to each of these de-v10rable conditions, and besides this 1-1r. Glass really had his good points. One of these was his sociability. }h. Glas~.;was strong in his bumanitariall principles. He liked people. Some he liked more than others, but his general love of humanity avec-aged much highe,r than thc average citizen's, not to mention the average Hoar \valker's. Socinbility and the ability to mix '<lell are great assists in it bl1~;;iness career. You have read this before, but you may have forgotten. NIr. Glass never forgot it for all in-stant. He lived by that rule. Be sociable, and you will be successful. So he began to be affable to the new saleslady. It was a mere illcident, of course, that she was beautiful. 1\1r. Glass would have denied indignantly that he noticed the new saleslady on this account. It was his innate sociability that prompted him to do it. It was not the fault of :'1r. Glass that she "vas beautiful. He wasn't responsible. for that. He 'vas just sociable. Of course he knew all this time that there ,vas an ironclad rule in Burg & Starter's emporium that prohibits anything approaching sociability towards salCsladie,s on the part of floor walkers. He saw the rule every time he entered the superintendent's office to explain why he was late that morn-ing-. But there arc "ways to take c,xceptions to all rules. l\Tr. Glass spoke to the beautiful saleslady only when no-body was lDoking. That made it entirely safe. She and he were the only people in the world who kncw that he was so-ci< J.ble-to her. She wouldn't tell, of course. She ",;as such a demure, quiet l1tHe th1ng that anything of the sort was Impo::,slblc to her If she hadn't been Mr. Glass would 110t have been so affable. But Slle--\vhy, she actt1<J.1.lyrefused his invitation to take her to dinner out of she,er timidity. It wns the day after the dinner invitation that Mr. Glass was summoned to the superintendent's office. He smoothed down bis hack hair and arranged his tie as he, went alollg. He wanted to make a good appearance. The superintendent pointed to the rule whieh comma11Cled Hoar walkers not to be sociable to salesladies. "\i\icll, what of it?" said Glass. "I haven't broken that rule." "l\'1e Glass," said the superintendent, "you have broken that rule." "R ow do you know, sid" "IvIiss Perkins," called the stlpe,inte.ndent. saleslady came into the 1'00111. "::\1r. Glass," superintendent, "this is ;\.'1iss Perkins-a store here is yom pay check. Good clay, Glass." "Hurl!" said ]'vfr. Glass. outside. "ft's fierce to think of what low down tricks a mall will resort to to get the best of a poor, h01lcst ,;vorker!"---Chicago Tribune. The beautiful continued the detective, and A very touching appeal is n~ade for trade in another col-umn by one of the mail-order houses. Itis worth reading, on aCCOll11tof the good, as well as the ludicrous, points it contains. 4 "Who Pays for the Piano?" Hundreds of retail dealers have adopted the modern ad-vertising plan know!) as the "piano scheme" and bought pianos to be given away free to the customer holding coupons totaling the largest amount. Now the interesting question arises in these trade contests -who pays for this piano? The dealer's customers do not. Out of the hundreds of dealers who have used this plan not aile of them has ever advanced his prices because of the plan. Therefore, it is absolutely certain that the cost of tlle piano does not come Qut of the pockets of the buying public, The dealer himself does not. His net profits at the expiration 'of the contest are far in excess of what they would have been if he had not llsed the STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPUEl) Foa) We have adopted celluloid as 'a base for OUI"Caster Cups, making the best cup on the markel. Celluloid is a great improvement over bases made of other material. When it is necessary to move a pi~ce supported by cups with celluloid bases it can be done with ease, as thl!!!bases are per-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat and by tbe use of these cups tables are never marred. -These cups are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple, finished light. If you will try a aample order of tMS6 gOOd8you wU! deBire to liAndle tAem in quantities. PRlCES: Size 2N inches,. .... $5.50 per hundred. SiZf!2~ Indies .••. ,. 4.50 per hundred. f. o. b. Grand Rapid8. TRY.A SAMPLE ORnER. plan. This increase in the net profits is llsually many times tbe cost of the pia~o. Therefore, after deducting the cost of the piano from the amount of the excess profits, there is still a large balance left in favor of the dealer. In other words; if, because of buying the piano, he has a great deal more money in the bank than he would have had if he had not bought it-then it is certain that· the cost of the piano does not come out of the dealer':;; pocket. VvT ell, then-:- If the dealer's customers do not pay it- And the dealer himself does not -pay it- Who does pay for the piano? Let's take a typical exam'ple. and see who actually does pay for this piano. Once any dealer gets it into his head that a piano docs not cost him a cent, he will grab for this piano scheme and do it quick. Otherwise his competitor will. Now, then- Here are two dealers in the same town. Both are doing about the same volume of business, 'say $15,000 semi-annually. Their general expense-light, heat, rent,. clerk hire, insurance, taxes, bad dehts, etc., is about the same. One of these deal-ers is "Progre?sive;" the other is a "Back Number." The i<progressive adopts the piano premium plan and pays-say $228 for his piano and advertising matter. As a re-sult of his campaign, at the end of a six months' period, he finds that his gross sales have increased 50 per cent, that is, his sales have been $7,500 in excess of what they would have been without the piano. This increase in business has been handled without any corresponding increase in general ex-pense. He has been able to get along with the same force of clerks by keeping everybody moving just a little faster. His light, rent, insurance and taxes have increased little or nothing and his losses from bad debts have greatly decreased because the plan bdngs in the cash! Now, the average general store will earn a net profit of ten to twenty per cent and a gross profit of twenty~five to forty per cent. Figure-i>ay, thirty per cent on $7,500 and the "Progres-sive" dealer has made $2,250 net profit in eXcess of what he would have made without the piano. This $7,500, under-stand, does not stand its pm rata of ex'pense to conduct the business, because the general expense has not increased and the merchant would have been compelled to pay·the same ex-pense if the business had not increased at alL Therefore it is "velvet." The "Progressive" now deducts from this $2,250 the en~ tire cost of the piano and advertising matter, and finds that he is still $2,022 ahead. Clearly, then, the piano has not cost him one cent, but on the contrary he has $2,022 in the bank which he would not have had without buying the piano and using this fascinating scheme of advertisement. True, he had to be progressive enough to advance the money for the piano in the first pl'ace, but as he ha'" $2,022 more. money in the ban\< in the end, than he would have had otherwise, it is certain that the piano has cost him actually $2,022 less than nothing. But what about the "Back Number?" His trade began to fall off the moment his rival began to advertise the piano. Couldn"t help it. His people, trans-ferred their patronage to the "Progressive" dealer, hoping to get a piano free. Of the $7,500 increase in the "Progres-sive" dealer's sales, probably sixty pef cent of it was patron-age taken away from the "Back Number:' Tht1s~ During those six months the "Back Number's" sales have been $4,500 less than usual, while his general expense remains about the same. His rent, light, heat, insurance, taxes do not decrease perceptibly. It takes the same number of clerks, though all wDrking .at a slower pac.e. His losses from bad debts greatly increase because everybody who can rake up the cash is using it to get piano coupons-actually standing him off to get cash for his "Progressive"rivaJ. See? It is clear, then, that the· "Back Number" (estimating his usual thirty per cent on loss of trade amounting to $4,500) is actually $1,350 out of pocket 'and that at the end of the six months' period his profit account is $1,350 short of what it ordinarily would have been. Now, then- What became of that $1,350? We have figured that $228 of it went to pay for the piano. The remaining $1,222 went to swell his rival's account as ex-cess profits. Thus the "Progressive" takes $4,500 worth of Morton House ( American Plan) Ratea $2.50 and Up. lfotel PantJind (European Plan) Rat •• $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served attb~ Pantlind for 50c is THE FINEST IN mE WORLD. J. BOlD PANTUND. Prop. trade away from the "Back KUlllher" in six months' time, and the piano and advertising matter ,>,lith which he turns the trick are actually paid for by the "Back ;\umber!" The one merchant being' wide-awake and progressive and seeing his opportunity, advances the money, but in the end he cashes in a big profit and tbe other pays his bill! Should a dealer ·with a ycarly sale of $5,000 take on a piallo proposition and double his sales, his general expenses for rent, light, beat and clerk hire would not he increased. or at least not materially increased. Suppose his profit 011 the increase be only tv.'enty per cent (this is figured exceptionally low) or $1,000, then, after deducting tbe cost of the piano and his announcements be would be making a clear gain of $772. This profit is made from the increase of his trade and the decrease of the "Back Number's" trade. 'AT e will use another example. A merchant doing a busi-ness of $25,000 semi-annually takes on the piano proposition and increases his trade only 15 per cent, or $3,750, in SIX months. In ·what position is he at the close of the contest? He has the gross profit Oil $3,750, which is $1,125. He has increased his expenses not onc cent, and after paying for the piano and advertising has a clear profit I)f $897. \\Tho pays for the piano? The "Dack Xmnber" who tnrns down a good live induce-ment buying proposit.ion and lets his competitor beat him to it-:-:-he pay;,; for the piano and pays a great deal more. \Vhat does it cost him to torn dm:vn this premium pltblicity? Hun-dreds of dollars in loss of l1et proGts if his competitor is wide awake. V\,'hat has it cost the dealer to take on this novelty advertising proposition? Kot one cent! Absolute-ly nothing! ITundreds of dollars less than nothil1g~ He had made a big profit Ollt of it. He has even made his rival pay his promotion bills. After the contest closes what becomes of the nc.v custom-ers? They remain customers, of course, at least for some time, and some of them for all t.ime. If they are treated right and the merchant's stock well selected and up-to-date, at least fifty per cent of them wilt continue to patronize bis store. This incre;lsed patronage is a good will, the value of which is inestimable hut tangible, and wilt contillue to be profitable for years. H il ever flags some 11CW premium proposition will serve to get it back in line again, and fOT the wide-awake 5 IHerchant there is always something new in scheme work-always something doing to increase bU:'>iness.-Novelty News. New Schemes to Jinger Up Trade. Several Brooklyn stores made special flag offerings in their advertising with a view to increasing sales during Mem-orial Day week. A mention of these offerings will doubt-less prove suggestive to other concerns in connection with the Fourth of July week. Now is the time to begin to pre-pare for that. One of the stores advertised a special four-hour sale of millinery, giving away a ribbon badge for D~c-oration Day to every customer making a purchase while the special sale was on. Another store offered a flag free to ('very purchaser of furniture, carpets or house furnishings during the three d:tys previous to Memorial Day. According to this firm's annOUllcement the flags were made of hunting, in fast colors, and were of a size five feet long by three feet wide. Either of the foregoing suggestions could be readily adopted by stores else,where in connection \."ith a special Fourth of July sale. Tnstead of giving away so large, a flag and confining the gift to stated lines, however, a deaper flag might be substituted and the plan made more general. Buntillg flags can be purchased at 40 cents per dozen for a twelve-inch size.; $1.00 per dozen for a twenty-fouT-inch size; $6.00 per dozen for a sixty-inch size. The printed mus-lin flags, mounted on sticks, in a good quality of material and fast oil colored that 'will stand rain, can be purchased fOT fr0111 18 cents per gross and upward, according to size, A 4'li by n'-;;-inch size would cost 48 cents per gross; a size 8 x 14 inches can be bought for $1.71' per gross; a size 18 X 270 inches C2.n be had for $5.33 per gross. Many sizes bctweerl those mentioned can be secnred, as well as large ones up to 40 X 72 inches, which would cost $40.53 per gross. Silk flags, of course, are considerably higher iu price. A small 10 x 2-inch size can be purchased for 65 cents per gross. A size 4% x 60 inches mounted on a black staff B}1 incl1cs long and having a gilt spear head, just a suitable size for the decoration of rooms or tables, can be had in cases cont.aining one gross, put up ill dozen packages, for $3.75 per gross. A C>;/z x lO~illcb silk flag can be purchased for $8.25 per gross_ OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EXTENSION TABLES ARE BEST MADE BEST FINISHED VALUES All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH. No. 540 J 6 THE LEXINGTON Mie.n mvd. &: 22d St CHICAGO, ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. New Management. The furniture dealers' head-quarters. Most con-veniently situated to the furniture display houses. IRter-Slale Hatel Ca. OWNKk &. PltOPRIH10R E. K. CrUey. Pres.; T. M. CrUey, V. Pres.; L.H. Firey.5ee-Treas. FURNITURE MEN OF WISCONSIN HOLD FOURTH ANNUAL CONVENTION. Arwin C. Hahn Tells Members Something of Manufacturer':; Side of the Business. There were seventy-five members. of the Wisconsin Re-tail Furniture Dealers' Association present when the fourth annual convention opened at the Blatz Hotel, I\lilwaukee, on ThUl"sday .tfternooJl, April 10. An interesting address on "Business Methods," ,,,,-asgiven by H. F. Kreuger of Neenah, followed by John H. 1\'1055, president of the 1vlcrchants' and 11anufacturers' Association. The visitors were entertained in the evening at a banquet by the Ivlilwaukee furniture manu-facturers and jobbers at the Elks' club. The next day's ses-sion ,,,,-astaken up ill general discussions of trade subjects,· and the question of admission of retail dealers to the fire in-surance auxiliary of the vYisconsin Retail Hardware Dealers' Association was taken up. Among the speakers were F. G. Cramer, president of the Cramer-Krasselt Company, who talked upon the subject of advertising. Arwin C. Hahn, secretary and treasurer of the Phoenix Chair Company, speakillg On HThe Furniture Dealers' Asso-ciation from the 11anufacturers' Standpoint," made an address in which he said: H~{r. President. Ladies and Gentlemen and Members of thc \\'iscollsin Retail Furniture Dealers' Assodation:-The subject assigned ·me fOf discussion is "The Furniture Dealers' Association from the Manufacturers' Standpoint." "At the time your secretary, Mr. 1'1. E. Hanchett, informed me to that effect, I did not regard it seriously, but when he called me up over the 'phone for the secol1d time, I began to look at the matter in a different light. "For a moment I felt like a yOUng mall who, after two weeks of married life, was furnishing up the home with his young bride, and as they looked fondly into each other's eyes with due ardor and compassion, his little wife embraced him lovingly and said, 'John, you are a model husband!' On walking down the street the same day, John met some of his old~time pals. \\lith that' renewed encouragement he proudly spoke of his dear littk wife and what a good house-keeper she promised to make, and how, after using big words to express her fond affection, she had said to him, "John, you are a model husband.' Yet how different were his ideas v,,'hen he found on looking up the word 'model' in the dictiol1- ary, that it meant a 'pretty good substitute. for the real thing.' "Just so, ladies and gentlemen, do I picture myself before you now, 'lnc1 it makes me feel like the Irishman who was trying to pull on his boots, but found they were too small for him_ Still he kept on pulling and pulling, and finally seemed forced to make the statement: 'Begor:a, I'll get my foot illto ye, even if I never get ye on.' "Little I realized what an immense subject this really was, yet I must say, I am glad to have had the opportunity of meeting this large assemblage of retail furniture dealers. "From the manufal::turcrs' standpoint, the Furniture Deal-ers' Association is the helmsman of that business steamship bound for a port called sueccss. To keep this boat moving towards the goal, the captain (the manufacturer) requires the assistance of. Jwmlreds of people, \v110 lwve a singleness of purpOSe, a desire to 90 the right thinK for and by the boat. V'le have here the manufacturer turning out his ,vares inces-santly, and continually expecting the retailer to buy and buy. Just as I have heard it said of a Ulan who took his lady friend to an ice cream soda stand, asking her if she wished S0111r:. ice cream, whereupon she apparently refused, saying 'Bye and bye,' and of course the young mall kept on buying and buying. throngh this medinm they came into closer circles and finally the home circle. Just so must the mat1Ufaeturer and the re tailer come jnto closer drcles, and work in harmony with each other. "'\"ow let LIS take a look at the association th'-ougb the glasses of the manufacturer as he sees it. Tn the 6rst place, we find it to he a vast assemblage of retail dealers. If each ,111devery· retailer dealer does his best to\vards the cause, then surely the association must be a grand success, which in reality it is today. Therefore we arrive at tlle fact that each and everyone of yOU here today is a live participant in the No. 270. Made by Manistee Mfg. co., Manistee. Mich. battle either for success or failure, and I am not far from right in saying that the former is the goal of your unrelent-ing determination. "There can be 110 half-breeds or slipshod partakers in this crowd, and I am safe in stating that I am in the presence of workers. That 'get-together-it-iveness' has taken hold of the retail world, and you have quite largely the fellow you call the mail order man to blame for your getting together. He 7 SOMBTHING NBW. Swell Frontl! and Tops. wau.t. and one tllst will1!uJ,I.rantee satilfa&:ion. and quote you prices dlat will iDtere.rt you. We have tlie Line you DAVENPORT BEDS Write u.l!.-wi.~llIendcuts THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO.. Indianapolis, Indiana the time bcil1g. give way to the skin deep philosophy of the retailer. "~.falJY dealen demand that the manufacturer supply re-pairs for articles ,vhich they find broken after unwrapping, (about three or four months after they received the same, in some instances), without giving any further particulars as to ho\\' the breakage was incurred. They apparently do 110t realize or stop to COil sider that it takes time and money to hn-nish these rep<Jirs; ne,vertheless aH manufacture,s shouid furnish these repairs free of charge, however, if the dealer shalt secure a notation on the freight expense bill, covering the shipment by his local railroad agent, showing the actual damage sustained, or the '''lords, 'more or less damaged' in-serted thereon, it places the manufacturer in position to seek redress from the transportation company for the damage sus-tained. "The manufacturer's experience along these lines gives him a better practical understanding of how to bring results, <ll1flbring them quickly, and at the same time trace back to the cause of the breakage, and in case it was due to rough and careless handling, his influence does a great deal to avoid a recurrence. "The manufacturer should also give. the dealer credit for the like amount of the claim; furnish the repair parts free of charge, prepaid, or in ease of inferior material in~s'ome article, should instruct the dealer to return this article! at the manu-facturer's expense and immediateiy upon receipt of the same, send him a duplicate shipment, freight prepaid, since a poor article on the floor of a dealer is not only detrimental to him, but to the manufacturer as well. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that the manufacturer at all tlD1es use the very best obtainable material in the output of his goods, finish them welt. and allow none but perfect furniture to leave the factory. madc it so measly hot for some of you fellows that you be-gan looking for sympathy, and you found that when you got together in some kind of a meeting with some of your brother dealers, that then yon had a bunch of fdlo"vs who \vere in the same boat, and out of this condition you found there were a whole lot of other things you could do in order to 110t oniy benefit your own conditions, hut thosc of the people in your immediate ,,~icillity. You dOll't maintain your organization for a bpecinc purpose, hc.(".ause there is something to do. a whole lot to do, all the time. "This furniture associatiOJ1 is the firm-footed rock that is gradually destroying the lll.ait orde:r houses. by forcing them into bankruptcy; it is the only means today, whereby the manufacturer. as well as the retailer, can overtake them in the foothold they have gained. You ha,'e prepared a hook-let showing the names of such manufacturers as arc entitled to appear on a roll of honor. Continue this work ,"vith the manufacturers; upon your ~l1ccess depends their success. The profits will be mutual. "The mani1facturer depcnds upon the reta~l furniture asso-ciation ,therefore by the retail dealer is the stepping "tone to the consumer, a11(lit is through him only that the manufactur-cr is brought into close touch with the consumer. "VOle see the manufacturer living ,,,ith thc retailer in a flat called 'Progress,' and in order to keep peace in the family. the manufacturer has got to contcnd ,~-ith a whole. lot of trou ble. l.~tlknowingly, or intentionally sometimes. the retail dealer will misconstrue the good intentions of the manufac-turer and throw a lime.-light on him that is not altogether de-served. In this I refer to such as the unlawful dcdnctions on invoices of goods, broken goods, goods damaged in trans-it, due to the rough handling on the part of the transportation companies; slight misunderstandings in the correspondence. yet I have said, the Il1anufa('_tnr~.rillu"t take it all in. and for ; t COntinued on page 10. ) five Complete Lines of Refrigerators at RIGHT PRICES g Opalite Lined. g Enamel Lined. en Charcoal Fined and Zinc Lined. g Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank. q Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary lee Tank. Send for new CatalallUe and let U$ naQle you ptice. Sliah'~ S6166tStUI6~S611anaSati~ru D6al6r~ and Th6ir Gu~tom6rs MANY NEW FEATURES ADDED FOR SPRING SEASON OF 1908. EVERYTHING FOR THE BEDROOM [Medium and Fine Quality]. Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand Rapids, Mich. Line now ready for inspection by dealers. ·"~MICHI.G1A' N7- « 9 G C t d B b C· F ord- Jahnson Collapsible 0- ar s an a y arrlages" 'h,".'" '0 'old. "" stronlleSl and be$t looking cart aD lhe market. q Our complete ]jpe of samples will be displayed ill Ford-lohn-roD Blck!..• 1333_37 Wabash A'I>e.. indudi ...~ a speci",l display at Hotel and Dlning Room furniture. f!I All fumiture dealen are cordially invited 10vi$it our building. THE fORD & JOHNSON CO., Chicago, Illinois. GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Manufacturers of Chairs and Rockers. A complete line of Oak Diners with quarter sawed veneer backs and seats. A large line of Elm Diners, medium priced. A ilded line of Ladies' Rockers. Bent and high arm Rockers with solid seau, veneer roll seats, cob-blerseatsand up-holstered leather complete. High Chairs and Children's Rockers. rou will gn in 0/1 the xrQuyd flour '1uke/1 fHI '/'uJ from rn: No. 542 Oak, Solid Seat. Price, $17 ~~;. No.540~ Same as No.542 o n I ~ Qual1eted Oak, Veneer Seal, $/8 ~:;. No. 542 The New Banquet Table Top a~w~llallOFFICE.DINlNGand DIRECTORS' TABLES al'e our ,peclalty, STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO.. Kf':':~,;.J.· Write for Calatogue. Get zamlliea of BANQUET TABLE TOP_ UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, Con~on and Finish. See OUT Catalogue:. Our line on permanent exhibi~ tion 7th F1ooT, New Manufact-were' Building, Grand Rapids~ We Manufa.cture the Largest Line of FotOino GnairS in the United States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all public resorts_ We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in a large variety_ &nd f~r GJ'al~g"e i2t1d Pricu to K/\UfFM/\N MFG. GO. ASHLAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER &. VENEERS SPECIAL TJES : ~1"!'fE~QUARO.AK VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS II HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W, Main SI,. FORT WAYNE,INDIANA ---------------------- --- -- -- lO ·f'~MI9jIIG7fN (Continued from page 7. ) "Through the returning of goods, one finds through ex-perience, that t11ere are generally two classes of dealers. First the dealer who is exact and particular in his transac-tions, and keeps his records as correctly and as clearly as if he were receiving a shipment of goods. He is careful as to 110W the goods are shipped back, precise in his explanations as to what he wants done. and at the same time. shows a warm inflcction of courtesy all the way through. This is the kind· of a dealer the manufacturer likes to do business with, and holds in very high esteem.: he is also very apt to be less conservative when, it comes down to an extension of credits, for the who is particular in his transactions is also reas-onable and thrifty. Thel1 we have the <lealer who allows himself "to be somewhat careless in returning goods to the factory, keeping nO record of same, and making unlawful de-duction~ as he sees fit. "Possibly he had made a purchase and when the goods arrived ]1e discovered an article. broken. In all probability he tells his drayman, 'Return that to So-and-So.' \¥hen the shipment reaehesits destination the manufacturer finds some article which does not belong to Jl;m, it is not of his make, and wjthout a shipping tag or rlame attached. Of course it is up to the manufacturer to locate the shipper, and right here let me tell you that it sometimes requires two or three months to do this. In the meantime, howeve.r, Mr. Dealer pays his bill to the party from whom he made the purchase, and deducts a reasonable amount (according to his own judgment) for the article he, has returned. The manufacturer is dumb-founded, since he knows nothing about the goods re-turned, so -he writes the dealer about the shortage, and re-quests an explanation, in order to satisfactorily adjust the matter. But here we find a silent member, for one. can't get a response unless a club is used, and then it will only create an offensive uprising. 1\ow, you can imagine what manu-facturers are up against sometimes. «In many instances it requires two or three years to get a matter of this nature properly adjusted, and when we stop to cOl1sider that it was all caused by the apparent neglig-ence and carelessness on the part of some retailer, it is certainly a sad proposition to wrestle ,;vith. Howe\'er, I do not know whether the retailer e,ver stops to think of it in this \ovay. "l\ow with regard to differences in ideas. Why must the manufacturer be subjected to unlawful deductions? The shoulder to shoulder step is the olje that takes one farthest. V\'I'hycause this waste of time in arriving at an adjustment?" "If it is due to local circumstances, crop condi6ons (which is frequently the case), or whether it is a temporary finan-cial embarrassment, which is no disgrace, no matter what the trouble may be, or seems to be, the manufacturer W01.1Idbe only too glad to assist in any manner whatsoever, for he then knows that your hearty co-operation is with him. Exper-ience prmres that the manufacturer can be very lenient in matters of this kind. Therefore why not be open and free in your business interc:ourses -: The manufacturer has a deep insight into these conditions, and a generous heart that feels the necessity of co-operatiol1- Co-operation. That's the word that counts in business. Sing-Ieness of aim, unity of action is what we n~ed most. That's what we're striving for, and that's what wc'll get. The great army of dealers throughout the United States, and the bond which brings them together, grows eve,ry day stronger. Each and every dealer is beginning to feel, if he is not already moved, the desire to be enlisted in your ranks. "With co-operation and the right kind of attitudc toward the manufacturer, each and every· dealer ought to control every bit of furniture that enters his community. lilt would not only be for his gain and welfare, but for the manufacturer's as well. "The game of business is a very interesting and exciting one. The chief participants are the retailer and the manufac-turer. As your pre.sident, Me \Villiam Mauthe, has stated in his offic5al annonncement, Ibe honest and by all means play the game fair.' Be honest and yOtl will of your own free will and accord play the game fair. But you must be honest with yourself at all time.sand in all places at any event. "In many in!>tanees a retail dealer will order a car of fur-niture from a certain manufacturer, 011 which of course he enjoys a special carload discount. Some tin:.e after the re-tailer buys another lot, amounting to considerably !c:,s than a carload, but on which he insists that he ought to receive the san;e terms and discount. The manufacturer cannot con-scientiously concede a transaction of this kind; and still claim to be playing the game straight and fair. Conse-quentlya sale is lost, if the manufacturer shows 110 partiality. But i" it not worth more to him to know that he has been fair and uprig-ht with yourself, the rcbiJ furniture deeders' as- !"ociatioll, and your customers thaJJ to enjoy a ft'w hnndred dollars more business: ;.Themail order and premium house people are ple(ls:.!rt to do bu:;iness with. They do b1.lsin~::;salo:T;!: the line;; of modern methods, and the manufacturer th;,t ~e:ls them vcts the full face of the invoice strictly in accord ·l1lee with the terms agreed upon. \Vben they receive goods ill a condition and are obliged to ask for repairs, they expect to and do pay for them. Another deal on which the manufac-turer pulls the shorter end, is the orde_dng of specially nn-ished goods. An order is sent to the manufacturer or given the salesman, including such and such an article to be fin-ished in some odd finlsh to match up some, old, antiquated out-of-date Colonial heirloom. Of course, the manufacturer is always ready to comply with the wishes of- the retail deal-er, in whatever manner possible.. Instructions are given the superintemlent, and the article is set in construction. Then, when the article i;; about half-way through the factory, the retailer writes the manufacturer that he has either changed ARE BREAD AND PROFIT WINNERS NQ Stock <:ompletewithout the Eli Beds in MaJ:Jtd and Upright. Tbe "EU"FOLDINO BEDS ELI 0 MILLER &. Co It.BonUJe,IDdlaaa • . • Write for cuts and prices ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANOE, CHICACO. ·~MlfrIG7;!-N t ,7IR T I 15'JI.N ? z,.· 11 "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever" BEAUTY IS ALL RIGHT IN ITS PLACE~-lh.,;, '0 ooy when it is combined with STRENGTH AND UTILITY. THESE FEATURES ARE COMBINED IN THE LINE OF THE WOODARD FURNITURE CO., Owosso, Mich. ~ Manufacturers of Fine and Medium Chamber Suites in Mahogany, Circass.ian Walnut and Native Woods. ~ Write for our neW Catalogue. his mind, or his custon:er "vcnt hack Oll him, or one thing and another, in short, h<.:, that t11(:(wdet fot" the spe-cial goods he cancelled. Consequently the manufacturers has a piece of odd-finished furniture on his hands. which is of no earthly use to him. "This is something be !lever can expect of the mail order hol.;t,se.inasmuch ~L!', they sell the goods just a~; they are c.ata- IOgllCd. at a specified price to the people direct. There is no large assortment of special oddities to select from V\'hen oue huys of a mail order house. "These al"e some of the rcasow; \vh:y the mail order C011- cenIS arc proli.tahlc to do husiness \"1itl1,,wd no wonder Hut so mallY (If the factories arc looking for their orders. "~o\ov that so mallY retait dealers arc issuing cataloguu;. soliciting husil1CSS outside of their o\ovu cities or towns, I think that this evil of throwing goods back on the manufac-turer is going to be IHacti.sed frellucntly. Rcta-ilers arc iearnillg'" from actual experience just 'what it means and are looking for metllOds to avoi(l such loss. "\Vith man)" retail dealers sendillg ant catalogues to the people eOlltaining illustrations of the manufacturer's goods, the question of 'what constitutes a mail ordcr house,' is one that is bound to come up. "Frequently the manufacturer receives instructions from the retailer to ship a certain piece of furniture to a COllsumer direct, in some city or town other than \",·here the retailer it'; located. inasmuch as he overlooked to enclose shipping tags of his own, and more so to save on freig-ht charges, (by ship-ping direct). Th1s may seem out of place <1-nel practicc, hut in reality it is fai r and square, since the manufacturer in the first place uses blank tags on a shipment of this kind.: and secondly, the dealer who furnished instructions to ship to the const1Dwr, will bc duly charged for the freight on the ship-ment. 1t only goes to show 1n another form. the ever-ready ronrtesy the 1ll<lntlf:-!cturerhas for the retailer. and is always \,vil1illg to help him out wherever and whenever he possibly can, ;'\Vhile the mail order feature has -reached its climax, the 111<lllUfartl1rerfrequently receives requests from individuals for catalogues with the, explanation that they 'wish to pur-chase certain pieces of furniturc, or contemplate entering into the furniture hu-;:,iness. This places the manufacturer in a very peculiar position; though one thing is certain, that when stich an inquiry is received, it should be anf,wered in all cour-tesy. and at the same time the entire matter should be re-ferred to the fUflliture dealer ill that locality, the,reby giving opport\lnity for co-operation. Tn th1s manner the manufac-turer would he protecting the retail dealer to his fullest ex-tent, and in the event of an order in sight, wOlild give the dealer the. benefit of the same. "The manufacturer has complete confidence in the retail dealer. His interests are taken into consideration under the most UllUSlWI circumstances. It is up to the retail dealer to confHle equnlly ill t11e manufncturcr. The retailer practically holds the manufacturer in his palm, and it is only through the manufacturer's best efforts that pleasant relations are main-tained. \VllCll snch i.s the case. c.onii.dem:e is established, and there is little danger of desertion on the part of the retailer. "It is my sincere 110pe that the \Viscollsin Retail Furni-ture Dealers' Association will continue its great work, and be the means of bringing the manufacturer and the retail dealer into c\nser working retations. In c.onetusion I would say: Let's weather the storms together. Let's shou1der the load in twain, Ld's pull in the same direction. Let's reap of the self-same gain,- \;Vith 'F of\vard' our motto before us, \~lith co-operation ever at heart, Let's firmly resolve and remember TInt: of the world's great work, we're a part!" I How Marshall Field and John Wanamaker Use Premiums. \-Vhile an establishment like John vVanamaker's may never really have offered a premium to people trading w.ith them, still on every rioor, in every department, there is some-thing free. The principle is the. same and the managers know it. '0lc ·will refer to these free things as premiums and show why every big department store caters to trade on this basis. Rest r00111S,upholstered like palaces are free, waiting maids, lavatories, use of ,"vriting rooms, dainty little comers for appoillttiLe,nts, telephones, telegraph stations, branch post-offices, buyers who will shop for you, free f€..ctures on cook-ingand food demonstrations, 111usic;children's play rooms, free nurseries, advertising novelties, and so on in an almost endless train of inducements offered free in return for your patronage. It is the aim of the manager to create snme ne.\, fad or fancy or little conceit in the way of an inducement that he can proclaim to the public and some.thing he hopes his competitor cannot imitate. The great mercantile battle of the big cities is a battle of fertile brains, which after ac-complishing the science of placing goods on sale. seek every possible means to bring the buyers to their cOl1nter(';. Our friend, the general merchant. cannot have rest rooms, waiting maids and all theoth('.r features of the city store; but he can let the vital principle of giving inducements sink deeply into his brain and then act quickly. The whole scheme boiled down to a working fact is, first, make your store attractive., alld then give the trade a practical, consistent and profitable. reason for buying from you in preference to a competitor. Take a bold step from conventional forms, in-augurate a new era in selling goods in your particular section. Be original and put in operation selling plans that Smith and Jones will not bave the hardihood to imitate. It i", not necessary to slash prices, lessen quality or cur-tail any former favors extended. Maintain all of these and couple with them, as your standards of successful merchan-dising, a profit sharing with your customers in form of some-thing absolutel;r FREE in recognition and appreciation of their patronage. In other words, distribute premium favors as a return for trade given to you. The distribution of premiums is not such a problem as the proper selection of the premium itself. The general merchant should not under anyeircumSUtllCC5 consider or adopt any premium plan of a general character whereby the merchant is to issue checks, tickets, coupons, or other redeemable vouc11ers which are to be 'redeemed by some company away from the merchant's own place of business. The writer trusts that the reader of this article fully under-stands he is not .Ilnw critieising" any particular plan or scheme which may be promoted to install premium systems, but cJ<lsses .all the above as not being applicable to the premium needs of a general merchant. The merchant mllst devise his own plan and operak every detaiJ of this important de-partment. Every premium intended for distribtttion must be on exhi-bhion at all times so that the can see for them-selves the character, make-up and quality of the article or articles offered to them as gifts. There are numerous premium schemes being advertised and sold allover the country catering to the patronage of the ;:;eneral n:ercbant. Quite a few of these plans ha\'e merit ant! illtrin~ic value and are worthy of conside-atioll. The plar:::. or ~chemes havil1,{ v<.lIneare those which sell to the general lrerchnnt son-~ fon'n of premium merchandise oul and out. a clean husiness ·transaction. and many really novel and :tttractive articles <Ire offered by houses making a spec~ iatty of p:-emium merchandise, and the general merchant will do well to look up some of this class of merchandise when perfecting- his premium plans. But to repeat, do not consider for a 'moment any plan or system offering trading checks; CoUpOl~S,etc ... where the cus~ tomers must send away for their premium or deal with parties excepting the general merchant himself, The customer must he brought to the store from thc (~rjginal purchase point for the redemption of the prcmium vouchers. To properly select premium merchandise make it the first point to select something to be given away which is not a part of your own stock; for instance, if you are selling jew-elry as a regular department, do not for a moment consider giving jewelry; or the customer will think at once you are un-loading somc old stock as premiums. Turn again to the originality of the inducements_ Look over the advertisements of the big mail order houscs aud see what they are offering as premiums and as far a.s pos-sible avoid offering- anything similar; to pattern after these people would be flattery indeed. Strive to secure a novelty or series of unusual things in premium merchandise. There are lots of new creations coming On the market every da.y which would prove accept-able. The writer recalls the case of a general merchant who some tlme ago through a friend found a novelty in the shape of a dock and it was a decided novelty, not only in mechani-cal construction but in appea.rance, and assuming that every home in the country owned a timepiece of some sort, yet tbe newness of this particular clock created the desire to possess one and the general merchant greatly increased his business. He gave the clock away 011 a basis of two per cent cost on sales, which was 1Il reality nothibg marc tlwn a cash djs-count. Another thillg to be avoided is offering as· premiums cer-tain classes of merchandise which have outlived their use-fulness as attractions, and the writer could cite many such articles still being offered by various premium plans. The public have been surfeited with this sort of premiums, but are ever alert for something new and desirable. One merchant made a hit by offering one hundred en-graved visiting cards and the plate for a certain amount of trade. Every woman appreciates dainty cards ::md the initial expense being more than some care to pay, it was not long before a majority of ladies in town were handing out their -little cards a-la-society. To make the thing interesting, the merchant had the engraver come to the store on certain days and show hmv the lwmes were cutin t)le copper plates. Such things as theater tickets, trips, free car rides, tickets to b~ll parks, amusements, etc~, arc to be strictly avoided; they arc effective for the moment perhaps; but the reality is fleeting and nothing remains to remind the participant of the merchant's gift. It must be something which will last and can be seen. Vilithout going into detail in this article the trade in gell-eral is fully awar~ that all games of Cha\1Ce,lotteries, etc., are now against the law and must not be used. Localities themselves have to a great extent had consider-ahle influence in determining the character of premiums to be used. A little intuition and observation should help jm-mensely in selecting tIle proper sort of "free gifts. Opera hats for a mining village would be about as appropriate as sleds for Florida, No matter the nature of the premiums selected to cater to the women and men of your town, yet always have a few things. for the little folks. T\fany a fond parent who probably does not care for the' articles you may offer as an inducement cannot resist the pleadings of the little feJlows to buy from you 50 they can have some of the good things offered. T.hese premiums must aha have quality and be the best of their kind. Children will find every fla\,,·, even if you do not see it. Just as high as the quality of goods you sell must be the quality of the goods you give away. The writer understands that a bureau is operated in Chi-cago where for a. reasonable fee the general merchant can secure information regarding the various premium plans of- ·:f'~MI9JiIG7!N fered to general merchants and also a list of houses who sell merchandise manufactured especially for the premium trade. This would undoubtedly he of valuable assistance to the mer-chant desiring to install an effective prelniu111 system. Now we ha\'e arrived at the point where the general mel"- chant has found the article be desires to offer as a free gift or perhaps he has selected several articles and the next step is to devise a practical rnethod to distribute the premiums and get the best results. Just how much he is willing' to spend, just how much be is "\\rilling to a11m\' for the premium plan is a matter of inch·· vidual figuring and the merchant call quickly establish on a strict percentage basis how much in sales \vill be required to obtain any of the articles offered as a premium. It is not necessary to make a splurge to annoy a rival merchant and give away every dollar of lHont ally more than it is, as men-tioned before, at all necessary to cut prices on staple goods. If the general store is fl1ll on the cash basis the only con-sistent plan to use is is:'iuing checks \" each sale and thes<:' are the only youchers necessary to secure the premium. Hay-ing loose coupons or credit checks lying around-·quite often and regrettably so-gives ullscrupt1luos clerks a chance to pass out a few extra to some favored customers. The sale check issued by the cashier or the cash register is the safe way. Deliver all premiums free of expense to the c115tomer. If the general store i;; conducted on a part credit and part cash basis the same cash cbecks can be issued for cash pur-chases and the receipted bi]]s or statements can be equally valuable for thc charge patrons. SOlne merchants have trier! to discriminate bnwccn the charge ,llld the cash customer and favor the latter- ..v..ith very unpleasant results. Trade is trade, whether cash or credit and according to the merchant's way of conducting his bus i-ne;; s. The gcncral experiencc, howevcr, ",herever the prem-ium plan has bccn tried, is thatcllstorn('rs of other stores in town where they have charge accounts will not ask for credit, but come ill and pay cash in order to get the frce gifts. Have the premium departmcnt a thing by itself in some promincnt part of tbe store. just as distinct as the dry goods, the gTocerics or the hardware. H ow long the premium feature is to be continued is not a questioll of days or weeks. ::\0 matter how good thc first batch of inducements arc they will have their run and the moment a lack of interest is displayed get a brand IlCW set of premiums and start all over again. This COllstant appcal will never lack originality or interest. Be the tlrst one in your section to start the premium idea and your competitor will hesitate a long white to imitate the methods yon are using and even if be does you will stand as the pioneer premium merchant and the trade 011CC coming your way always stays 'with you. One or t\V() good sized advertisements telling of the in-novation and then small illserlions as gentle reminders that you are in the game to stay will serve in that line of public-ity. Circular work is very effective and one of thc best forms to keep the housekeepers interested in the good things await-ing them by trading 'withyou is to have small cards or cir-culars senl ont ..vith each order at regular intervals, care bcing taken to have the circular slipped under the string of a package to see that it goes into the housekeeper's hands. Onc of the very best advertising phlllS is to use novelties \'"hich may be mailed to your trade, handed over the counter or delivered hy messcngers at the home. These can he se-lected in series, so as to have something· new evcry \,,"'eek and always something useful or beautiful or fetching in some way. Little novelties may be selected g-alore, such ,1S art' suitable to drop into envelopes of i11voices going out where charge customers are carried, calling especial attel1tion to the premium featme of the business. These may be mailed 13 to lists of prospective customers with great success in get-ting them interested. A good plan is to distribute novelties to school children bearing information of the new premium department you are installing. They wil1 promptly carry the news home to 111other. A few wagon umbrellas carrying the announcement of your new premium offers, if put upon all the local wagons and drays, 'will also win attention. Another crackerjack advertising canlpaign just now would be a system of picture post cards gotten out every day for 1\.\"0 weeks and mailed to every family who is, or ought to be, doing business with you. These should bear on the front of the card a little announeemcnt of the new system being installed.:-that of sharing profits with customers-and then follow it up. with feature talks to compel attention, inviting the recipient to come to the store and see and examine the gift articles offered. The men folks must not be forgotten in the deal, although in most cases the premiums witt naturally be for home' use or decoration. Issue the same cash checks or credits with all sales of cigars and tobacco the same as the general line. Leave it to the VVOllH'nto urge the men to trade with you to better their chance of getting a premium. Avoid quantity buying of premium merchandise. No matter how original or attractive a premium may look to you, buy a small lot to determine this with your trade. The average manufacturer of premium merchandise is aware of this condition and will as a rule, supply you in small amounts rlccording to the demands in the early stages of the new vIall. This is also advisable so rlS not to be stocked up whcn the time comes to change to a new set of inducements. r .et Uncle Zeke, Si Perkins and Rube Smith declaim from the barrel hcads and sprawl 011 the counters of Hezekiah Jud-son's cross roads store. Let the council meet in nightly de-liberation around the pot stove and elect presidents. But If you arc a general merchant in the small town with a com-petitor across the ..v..ay or down the street, clean up the store at once, install a premium plan and lay the foundation of a modern business full of energy and profitable sales to leave to your successor instead of a lot of primitive traditions of the rural districts.-~ovclty News. Deception in merchandising is a short sighte,d policy. The dealer who misrepresents the qnality of his goods is short sighted and dishonest. The man who huys a stained birch dresser upon the statement of the dealer that it was solid mahogany will learn of the deception sooner or later, and will huy no more of the man who sold it. Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood Ave.. Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting on the best Caster Cups with cork bases ever offeree to the trade. These are finished in Golden oak and White Maple in a light finish. These goods are admirable for polished floors and furn. iture rests. rhey will not sweat or mar. PRICES: Size 2}{ inches •••... $4.00 per hundred Size 2:14inches······ 5.00 per hundred Try a Sample OrdM'. F, O.B. (fY'andB.apiiU. 14 I!STAElLISHED 1880 PUSI.'SoWED !!IT MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE-lOB, 110, 112 NORTH DIVISION ST •• GRANO RAPIDS. MICH. ENTERED AS MATTER OF THE SE:COMOelliS!; It would not be surprising if llenry Siegel should be com-pelled to ;:;dvertise for buyers ere long. By the orgat:izatioll of the Henry Siegel vVholesale Company, which will practi-call relieve the buyers of the Siegel houses of responsibility as well as privileges, resignations of the buyers now employed may be looked for. The plan under which the wholesale company wilt work is outlined as follows: Joseph Siegel, a nephew of Henry, will receive from the buyers of the four Siegel stores requisitions for such goods as they may need. Joseph will take up his hammer and pound the manufacturer" of the goods needed for extra discounts "in consideration of the large orders placed." No self-respecting buyer would ac-cept a job under the conditions imposed. He would not care to become a mere inspector of lines, with no authority to "tie his bundles." Delays in the delivery of goods and 1055 of sales will he inevitable while nephew "Joe" is fruitlessly i:iwinging his hammer. °tO °tO The manufacturer's trials and troubles in dealing with re-tailers and the satisfaction that results from dealing with mail order merchants was referred to in an address delivered be-fore the retailers' association of Wisconsin during their recent convention, held at Milwaukee, by IVIr.Arwin C. Hahn, secretary and treasurer of the Phoenix Chair Company. Mr. Hahn presented many good ideas that a certain class of retail-ers would find it to their interests to adopt speedily, The facts stated in regard to the filling of carload and less than carload orders should be sufficient to effect a speedy correc-tion of evils com;plained of. In an address delivered before the class in Applied Chris-tianity of the Fountain Street Baptist church, recently, Wil-liam Widdicomb, president of the \Viddicomb Furniture Com-pany, Grand Rapids, took strong ground against the estab-lishment of manual training schools, declaring that such schools serve no practical -purpose. He favored trade schools operated especially to prepare men for employment in the furniture factories. In the discussion that followed it was apparent that the class favored both manual training and trade schools, and that one was considered as necessary as the other, Manager J. S. Meye.r of the Manufacturers' Exhibition Company, Chicago, will soon commence an extensive adver-tising campaign, for thc purpose of attracting a larger nUlll-bcr of buyers to that city. Last year Mr. Meyer interested a large number of dealers in the Chicago market who had never visited that market for the-purpose. of buying furniture. His .publicity bureau will so0!1 be in full operation. The manufacture of wardrobes for the use of clothiers, tailors, dressmakers and other providers of wearing apparel is a growing industry and the introduction of the chiffo-robe enables the house builder to dispense with the old-fashioned dust tank and insect breeder' called the dark closet. The people of the ""arid are moving steadily forward to better sanitary a11(l comfort-giving surroundings. It pays to put prices 011 tickets on goods displayed in store windows. 1\0 matter how good tlle average display is, it needs a "clincher." The buyer naturally wants to know what an article. costs, and if an exhibited article shoy,rs a price, he of course, is more interested in it. A chamber suite . priced at $2,000 will cause more talk-free advertising-than a three-ring circus. at.. °to Employes of the federal governmcnt in Chicago havc es_ tablished co-operative storcs. They will endeavor to pur--: chase articles needed from the manufacturers. What will the attitude of the national and local retail associations be to~ wards such enterprise? \;Yill the honor of legitimacy be con~ ferred upon it? ' A graduate school of business administration has been es-tablish by Harvard University. Especial attention will be given to the development of the, work in business organiza-tion, from the operation of a factory to the management of a department store. Furniture manufacturers throughout the United States are operating their plants on short time and with reduced forces. There will be n.o overproduction Of goods this sea-son. The semi-annual convention of the easemakers' associa-tion will be held during the coming month. An advance in' prices is very improbable. The glue that certain manufacturers use will dissolve the trust that many put in furniture. \Valnut seems to retain favor in the estimation of the buying public. A Country Yap Shows a New Trick. This is the trick that Bill brought. Bill came in from the country, He didn't know it was the country until he got to the city. Then he was informed by the other ,clerks in the big clothing store that he was a yap. This hurt Bill's feel-jngs considerably. Considering that he had been born and raised in his home town, and that the town contained 100,000 people" and that he'd actually been recommended to the estab_ lishment by a traveling man who had seen him work in the smaller town, Bill might have been pardoned fo.r considering himself something of a city man himself. But, no, said the other clerks; he was from the country, he was a yap. After they had heartened Bill with this little. piece of free informa-tion they went to work and kindly showed him a few tricks in selling goods. They showed him how a greet a customer. They were sure that Bill didn't know anything about that. Having come in from the country, they knew that he couldn't know, you know. So they went through their best j)crfornnnces for Bill's benefit. After a few hours Bill knew just hmv y011 OUgl1tto meet a customer if yOLl are a salesman in a big doth-illg store. Bill was much obliged naturally, and said that he hoped he .could e\'en up for what the boys had done for him. "II ow?" they asked. "By showing you a trick to pay for tbis,'! said Dill. lIe couldn't understand why all of them laughed at this. But he didn't stop to inquire, eitheL He was. S01U(' fox, was Bill, even if he did come from the country. EVe)1tllally they let <:l customer stray into BiH's hands. He ,"Vib OJlC of the kind of customer.'i that tile clerks set down as "\vised up," \Vhich mC:lllS that the ClL"tO)l:erlooks as if he kl1C,V what he \\;anted and why a\lc\ for how mllch. Such;come in and say: "1 \'vant a ,pair of dark gra}' trousers, 36 and 32, for $5," make their .;;;election, hand the salesltlan a $5 bilt. taKe theif purchase and walk out. Tbey are single-minded indi-viduals, iind the fine art of salesman-ship is lost upon them. They know just ,,,,hat they \vant. This 'was the cLlstomer that Bill got. The other sales-men watched Bill work with him, or, rather, watched the cus-tomer work with Dill. True to their judgment, the customer :picked out nnc. itenl, made tbe purchase in businesslike fash- 15 iOIl, and stood waiting for his package. That was all there was to do with such a customer. He couldn't be made to buy another thillg. Perhaps l10t. But while Bill stood t;;tlking with him, a bUl1dle boy came up to Bill with four fancy vests on his arm. vVhat he said Made by the Lentz Table Company, Nashville, Mich. Manistee Mfg. Company Manistee, Mich. Chiffonier No. 137 Ql-!attered Oak Gloss Fini~h Mirror 18,;:18 Top 18,;:32 Heio,ht 70 In. PRICE 1)5.75 No.137~ This same base without mirror and with wood See Sidebaard No. 270 on page 6. Write lor new Catalogue to Bill the clerks couldn't bear, but presently the customer was feeling of the fabric, pretty soon he ,vas matching oue of the vests against his suit, and the first thing anybody knew Bin was lcadlng him off to the vest depa,tme.nt to fit him with something fancy in ne\....spring goods. He sold the cus-tomer two vests, and then he came back to the other sales-men. "That's the trick I meant," he said. "But there ,,\'asn't any trick about that," they chorused. "That boy just happened along with those vests, and the cus-tomer happened to see a pattern that looked good to him, and-" "Not quite," said Bill. "vVhile I was selling him the pants I got him to admit that he might be looking for some fancy vests one of these llayS, and instead of trying to drag him into the vest department I got that kid to just happen along at the psychological moment \vith those samples and say he'd be,en sent to say that if I wanted one for myself I'd bctter comc ovcr and pick 'em out before tbey were all gone, and-" "And why didn't we ever the others of one another. in from the country. think of that before?" demanded And they forgot that Bill came HUBERT SMALL. Sold Out. The Cabinet IVlakers Company have sold out to \V. C. Grobhiser of Sturgis, Mich., and the' business may be moved to that place soon. The company occupies leased premises and manufactures high grade dining room furniture. A short time ago the company sustained a loss of $15,000 by a fire in tbeir wareroom. Made in Traverse City. All excellent line of floor rockers ami :Morris chairs is manufactured by the Traverse City (Mich.) Chair Company. A few specimens of the line, together with descriptions and prices, may be found on another page. The company own and operate a large factory. 16 A Loving Letter. The following touching epistle is of interest to the trade, and from 1t may be drawn some useful and beautiful moral lessons for use in daily business life: ******** * * ********** * DEAR CUSTOMER- * * I want to ask a very special favor of you. Won't yOll, * * if you tan conveniently, as a special favor to me, send us * * an order as selected from one of OUf big catalogues which * * you now have, so that I may have pa.cked and shipped to * * you with your order one of our big Spring catalogues, * >1< the new, big 1908 book? * * To help you in making up an order, I enclose here- * * with some special pages as taken from the new, big book. * * Possibly yoU can use some of these goods at the astonish- * * ingly h)\ ... prices, and together with other ne.eded goods * * which you may select from the catalogue you have, you * * can send an order, writing it on the enclosed special or- '" * der blank, then I can pack in a big book with your goods * * and get the, book to you without expense to yOU, and * * without postage to us. Of course, for everything that * * has been reduced in price that you order you will get the * * benefit, and the differ:ence wiil he returned to yon in cash * * at once. * * If you cannot do me this great favor al this time, won't * * you please use the enclosed postal card, addressed pe.r- * * sonally to me, :and on this card say: "Mail me your big * * 1908 catalogue free," and sign your ll"trne and address: * * Further, if, to your mind, there is anything possible for * * me to do that will be helpful to you, or wilt help to en- * * courage you to send tiS more orders, I would consider it * * a personal favor if you would, on the enclosed card, let * * me have your ide'as. * * Your name is on our i\ list of preferred customers, * * and for this reason I espc<::ially want you to know that T * * personally appreciate more than T can tell you by letter * * business you have sent us. T only regret -I cannot meet * * you faee to face here in Chicago and become better ae- *" * quainte,d ·with you, but as this is out of the question, T * * want by means of correspondence, to do everything pos- * * sible to please you to encourage you to continue sending * * us orders, and to cause you to feel thoroughly satisfie,d * * withcvery transaction you have with tis. * * '\Vhethcr you cali grant me the [i.rst request, and send * * US an ordcr just now or not. wou··t yoU please let me hear * * from you byretum mail on the cllclosed card; and if you * * are not going to send us an order right soon, so I can *- * pack a big catalogue in with your goods, please on the * * encloscd card state, "Mail me your big 1908 catalogue * * free," and also let me hcar a few words from you, for I * * am so very anxious to know that you are thoroughly sat- * * isfied with the treatment we ltave give.n you, and that we * * may expect to receive orders from you in the near future, * * and if you have any criticism or suggestion of any kind to * * offe.r, a few words from you to me personally on the en- * * closed card, will bc very greatly appreciated. * * You are one of our best customers, and T want every- * * thing done here in a way to please you, as you want it; *- * the.refore, I hope you will send this card back to me by * * return mail, that I lllay have just a word frorn you. * * .Yours very truly, * * RICHARD \V. SEARS. Prcsident. * ******** * *- ********** This letter was sent to us by a merchaJ1t who procllTcd it we know not how, and was printed, apparently from a plate, on a letterhead which bore the name of Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. After reading it over several times, "le have been melted to tears by the tender solicitude which he displays for the L health, wealth and future happiness of the dear one-name .left blank until filled in frot11 "1\ list." vVhat are a few slips in grammcr, punctuation and rhetoric to compare with the. anxiety to please the dear one? We think any customer of a mail order house receiving such a letter could enter such as an exhibit in a breach-of-pronijse casc, tending to show extreme and undying affection. Although yearning to me,ct the precious one face to face, still this is impossible, as cruel fate has separated affinities' in this sad case, but the big catalogue will bind souls together in an indissoluble tic. We have shown the sample. to a number of persons not merchants, and following are some of the comments: "Slushl" "Rot!" "Cunning, ain't it:" "Kind of overdone." "Is this a love letter?" etc. There a few strollg points in the le,tter, from a purely ad-vertising point of view, hO¥leve"r. \Vhat the firm wants it has emphasized again and again through the text. The per- Made by Mecha.nics Furniture Co., Rockford, Ill. sonal note which is carried through the entire letter, while somewhat overdone, is put in doubtless to counterbalance the personal influence of home merchants, The desire to save postage and the insistence of the idea of securing something bette'! than ever beiore for thc cllstomer go hand in hand nicely. We think better advertiscments have been sent out--ones that will dra.w nlore trade. It is possible for :rou to adopt the good points without falling into the snares of the bad ones. Do not gush; do not lavish the full tide 6f your young heart's affections on a coarse man who may laugh at it; do not be tOQ prolix; but do introduce the personal note; do stick to the main point, and do go after the business as hard as you know how, without dwelling ·on faults and failings of your adve.rsaries. The letter says nothing about competi-tion, and that we regard as one of its strongest points. Keep as closely in touch with your customers as yOU can. It pays. -Oregon Tradesman. 17 francis' Glue RoomSpecialties Who Does NOT Use Them? A complete equipmt!nt of our Gluing Appliances is not a LUXURY, BUT A N ECESS/TY these days of glued-up and veneered work. Glue "eaters. Glue Cookers. Glue Spread-ers. Veneer Presses. Clamps, Trucks, Etc, Anything Bnd Everything that YOu need In this line. Our Catalogue Is ill handy Book of useful lrlformation. --- CHAS, E, FRANCIS & BROTHER MAIN OFFICEAND WORKS: RUSHVILL.E, IND. Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine.:Single. Veneer Presses. all kind$ and eize8. (Patented) 6RANCH OFFICE; CINC.INNATI, o. Double, and Combination. (Patented) We mahe ROYAL SURFACER It is a PIGMENT FIRST COATER. no firm makes a better piece of goods In our honest opinion Let us convince you. We also make Polishing Varnishes. The Royal Varnish Company, Toledo, Ohio. Marietta Solvent Marietta Solvent is sure to prove its worth wherever it is given a trial. It is of inestimable benefit in the finishing room as it is one of the most perfect solvents for all kinds of oil stains. DON'T BE STUBBORN If your filler works sticky or tough, either from having been left exposed, or from any other cause, a little Marietta Solvent will renew it, making it work freely again and helping it ,to fill, as it will cut the heavy oils. For Golden Oak Stains it is invaluable. ~ When it was first claimed that we shouLd cross the ocean by steam power many people flatly said it could not be done, DON'T YOU BE STUBBORN TUEY WE1l.ESTUBBORN With a certain per cent of Marierta. Solvent in your stain you can use mOTe benzine or terpentme in thjnning.. without impairing the color of the stain: or, you can use all solvent for thinning, which will bring out its full beauty and depth of color. It is a perfect solvent for all oil stains, especially those containing either Asphaltum Gums or Anilines. It is also a perfect solvent for varnish. A small quantity in a hard working varnish will cut it perfectly. making it work freely without in the least retarding its drying qualities, while at the same time retaining the neces-sary body of the varnish. If you are using any of our Golden Oak goods let us send you sample. ~ When we were told that we should travel in horseless carr;ag~s there were many who refused to believe TUEY WE1l.ESTUBBORN DON'T YOU BE STUBBORN ~ When they tell us that we shall soon be flying through the air in airships DON'T YOU BE STUBBORN JUST WAIT AND SEE ffl When tell you that aur new Marietta Solvent is one of the best things everused-in the finishing room 7She DON'T YOU BE STUBBORN BUT TRY IT MARIETTA PAINT and COLOR CO. MARIETTA,OUIO SEND FOR A SAMPLE NOW 18 Here is a Chance to Make Some Money! iIJ OUf No. 897 Carriage is the CREA TEST BARGAIN ever put on the market. It is as well made 113 out higheSt priced carriage. Full Size, without Rod, Parasol or Upholstering _. . Each $4.50 o .Sateen Parasol, wilh one ruffie and rod, extra ..• _............ .75 A Mercerized-Parasol, with one ruffle and md, extra ... ,........ 1,10 The above with % in Rubber Tire Wheels. Gears enameled. 8reen. Nlltless axles with rubber hub caps. IJ As we can't run our whole fad:ory- making this carriage, you had better send your orders in quick in order to mUll!:sure of having 'hem filled. This is just. a tickler-order quick if you want 10 be tickled. Pioneer Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich. At Sturgis, Mich. The Stebbins & vVilhelm Furniture Company have re-cently received from the \Vhitc Printing Company of Grand Rapids, the finest cata\ogl1c of parlor and library tables and pedestals they have ever offered the trade. They will occupy in July 3,000 square feet of floor space on the sixth floor, north half, of the Furniture Exhibition building, Grand Rap-ids. The new fall line will possess many attractiolls never before shown by this company. The Sturgis Steel Go-Cart Company, manufaCturcrs of "The Best" one-motion all-steel go-cart, have a cart that ''lith one motion, and that a quick one, enables the operator to open or close it almost as quick as a wink. It is very strong, "viiI carry 200 poulHls over rough pavements, and is without a rival in the go-cart line. Catalogues may be had for the asking. The Royal Chail- Company, manufacturcrs of the Royal PALMER MFG. CO. 115 to 135 Palmer Ave., DETROIT, MICH. Manufacturersof FANCY TABLES PEDESTALS TABOURETTES Pedestal No. 412. for the- PARLOR AND LIBRARY Our famous ROOKWOOD FINISH1lfl)W$ inpopularietyveryday. Nothing likeit. Wrire for Pictures and Prices. Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICH. A COMPLE.TE LINE. and Regal :Morris chairs and rockers, are doing a fine business. The Royal push-button Morris chair is known all over the country as one of the best things of its kind on the market_ The Aulsbrook & Sturges Furniture Company are having a fair trade and are preparing to bring out a line of chamber Made by Oliver '& Co_. Allegan. Mich. furniture in J uty that will be one of the best ever sent out from their factory. The Grohhiser & Crosby Furniture Company are shipping a good many goods every day. They are famous table mak-ers. C. ,"Vilhelm was rccclltly elected lTIdyor of ·this city. Stoll Re-elected. At the recent charter election in Niles Matthew Stolt of the Kompass & Stoll Furniture Company, was elected mayor. Mr. Stoll returns to the mayor's chair after one year's rest from official duites, having held the office several tertns be-fore. The Kompass &Stoll Company's orders for :VIarch were very heavy, the largest in the last six months. 19 Moon Desk Go. MUSKEGON, MIC". OffiCE DESKS NEW STYLES FOR SPRING SEASON Linean sale 11'1 New Manufacturers' Bulldlno. Grand Rapids. HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW MQRTISER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HANO and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dealer's pwfit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He can hold a better and more salisiactory trade with bis c ustorners. He can manufacture in as good ~tyle and finish, alld at as low cost as the factories. The tocal cahim:t maker has been forced into only the dealer's trade and profit, because of machine manufactured goods of factories. An outfit of Barnes' Patent Foot and Hand-Power Machinery, reinstates the cabinet maker with advantages eqnal to his competitors. If desired, these machines will he sold on triaE. The purchaser can have ample time to test them in his own shop and on the work he wishes them to do. Descriptivi catalogue and price list free. No.4 SA \",[ (ready for cross-cutting) W. f. 1I. JO"N BARNES CO., 654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER No. S WOOD LATHE No.4 SAW (ready for ripping) No.7 SCROLL SAW 20 Wood Bar Clamp fixtures Per Set 50c. Priee $2.80 to $4.00 THE WILEY BURNS. Why Young Hamilton Didn't Succeed in Furnishing His New Home at Jobbers' Prices. Young Dick Hamilton was about getting married when the big furniture exposition opened. He had secured his girl and his house, but be was still shy of furniture. It is some-times eaiser to get a wife thali a lot of rich furniture, and Hamilton seems to have ,.,iorked along the line of least resist-ance. The girl and the house had cost him very little cash, for the girl didn't demand a carriage every time he took her to the play, and the house was only $25 a month, payable in ad~ vance, with the furnishi"ngs legally the landlord's if he moved out without paying Hamilton was going to have that house furnished in style. He had a job which caught $125 a month for him, and he had a roll in the hank ".;hich didn"t look like prunes for breakfast, dinner and supper. Besides, both Dick and Mamie had such a lot of friends who moved in the highbrow crowd that they were sure to entertain a lot, and they wanted to show that they were just as much as anyone who was not in on the basement floor some Pittsburg iron company. "You go right on and let the furniture men eat up your mazuma," said Dick's chum, Howard, "and acqUIre a grO\lp of household necessities that you'll be proud of. \\Then it comes to the first_aid_to_the_mismated proposition, you may be able to sa,v-theft1Tniturc off on:Nlamie in lieu of a cash alimony." But Dick ignored Howard's reference to alimony, for How-anI was clerk of a court and saw only the worst side of life. When he went about pricing things he received a shock \'vhich seemed to jar the botto111 stone of the building where his money was drawing four per cent. Just as soon as he found what he wanted, and what II.'lamie said she must have, his bank account began to look like a Foraker boom ill a national con-vention. It looked small enough to put in the hack case of his watch and keep for sentimental reasons rather than for any value it had as a home-furnisher. Much to his amazement, Hamilton discovered that one can't buy crotch mahogany furniture at second-hand store prices. He began to understand that real money has to be paid out to a good many people in order to shape a tree into a fancy parlor suite, and he also found that furniture dealers are not in business for their good looks. Then he thought of the exposition, and was glad. Hamilton had a friend who 'was showing a line of samples at the exposition. That is. he had met Burns once or hvice at a billiard parlor and smoked cigars with him in the lobby of the hotel he frequented whenever he felt like seeing life. Of course, he could make it all right with Burns, for Burns was a good fellow and liberal with his acquaintances. So he went to Burns. "I am going to get married," he "That's too bad,' 'replied Burns. snare you?" "011, that's all tight," a little home with Cupid said to that gentleman. "How did she happen to said Hamilton. in the limelight. '4I'm the boy for I've got a little OVER 15,000 OF OUR .STEEL RACK VISES IN USE 2~ doz. Clamp Fixtures bought by one mill last year. We ship on approval to rated firms,and guarantee our goods uncondi-tionally. Write for list of Steet Bar atamps, ViBeS, Bench Stops, etc. E.II. SIIELDON &. CO. 283 Madison St.• Chicago. girl that has the maple sugar crop soured in the bush, and we're going to live happily ever after." "Of course'" rejoined Burns. Wfhat is one of the symp-tOtl1S~ Have you ever tried living. 'with a friend with a red-headed wife and six children as an etntidote?" "What I want you to do," continued Hamilton, ignoring the Question, which was irrelevant and leading, anyway, "is to put me wise as to furniture. I [l1ld that -it costs about 'steen dollars a minute to do business with a retail furniture Inan." "It cost me $32.97 to do business ,·...ith three buyers for two hours last night," said Burn~, with a sigh. "I'm expect-ing the manager of my company in here with an ax at any m,o-ment. My expense account this ~eason is the thing I climb up 011 when I want to get a birdseye view of the city. You are. right about retail furniture dealers, my son." "I had an idea" said Hamilton glad that Burns was 1I1 a mood hostile to the retail element, "that we might both make a good thing hy working a little deal. vVhat do you do with your samples ,,,hen you get ready to go back to the home plant?" "I sell 'em if I can, hut sometimes I can't," said Burns, '..vith a sigh. "All right," said Hamilton. "That is what I supposed. You can't do better than to sell 'em to me. Judging from the fact that every retail dealer 1 knmv has a diamond as large as a doorknob and an- automible with a snout nine feet long, there must be something of a margin between the prices you get and the prices I am asked to pay! What!" "The retail men insist on having t1lO11eyenough left to pay rent," said Burns, "when they' get to the end of a deal. But I don't see how I'm to let YO~l have my samples. I can't even get yoU 011 the tloor of the exposition building. The re-tailers have an odd rlotion tl:.<ltthey want to do all the retail-ing themselves." "That's all right," said Hamilt(H1, whose head felt best in a seven <lnd three-quarters hat, "yon leave it to me and I'll pack 'em nway ill cold storage. You like this metropolis, don't you? \-Vell. you're going to amble about the streets, in plain view of the multitude. with a little peach that I'm going to loan you, and you're going to take hel' for your OW11. and furnish a home out of your stock, and the stocks of your fellow sample men. It wi\l be just like taking rubies off a blind hotel clerk." "vVill it?" asked Burns, innocently. "Of course it will," \-vas the reply. "I should think you'd see that yourself. !\ow. how much have I got to pay you to sit through this game ,vttb me?" "vVeIl," said Burns, ''I'm 110t getting anything like what salary I ought to have, considering 111y experience and the size of my needs, and so I'll see what I can do for you if you'll toss over a little fizz money now and the!l." "Catch me paying any extortionate rates on furniture," Hamilton said to Mamie, that evening, as he left her in the hallway at a quarter to hve1vc. ''I'v~ got the -thing fixed so that we'll enjoy seeing our stuff, just as an evidence of the power of mind over matter. 1 want you to stroll down the street with me tomorrow, and we'll run across Burns. Then he can take you up to the. exposition building and introduce (TFOIAOE MARK REGISTERED) PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER Things don't grow without nourishment. Manufacturers do not increase their facilities unless there is a growing demand to supply. In point of sales, Ad-el-ite Paint and Varnish Remover is far ahead of any similar preparation on the market and our new, thoroughly equipped plant enables us to give better service than ever before. You will find that Ad-el-ite contains more energy to the gallon, has fewer dis-agreeable features and brings better results than anything you can get. Eats down through any number of old coats of hard paint, varnish, wax, shellac or enamel leaving the surface in perfect condition for refinishing. Send for Free Sa.mple. STA.E 21 CHICAGO you to the coarse buyers and th(' frec-for-all sample men .vho make our cit), look like a three-ring- circus twice a year. YO\1'll have a line tinle, all right." "The vexy idea!" said \'[arnie. "\Vhat am I going to the exposition building :tor?" "To select our furniturc, light of the earth," replied HaIll-ilton, whose right cuff-blltton \Vas at that momenL caug-ht ill lHamie's hack hair, "You're engaged to BUTns, <llJd you're picking out sticks to set up a wigwam! \iVhen you get it all sele.cted, I'll J-ly down Oil Burn~ with my war hag CpCll and settle. You don't carc if the sample men think }"Olt're going to marry Burns, do you, sweetheart?" "Oh, it is just a trick to ge.t the furniture cheap!'f smilc:d :\larnie. "1 dou't see why you-'re not at the head of a bond compallY ill LaSalle street. Of course I dOll't care. TIen ..... did you ever come to think of such a thing?" Hamilton tapped his brow and declared that he nftcn llad thollghts in the silence which hc~ thought he, could c;Lsh in at the proper 6me. It took ~\'Ial11ic (l long time to sclcn tll".t furniture, Burns couldn't talk l11uch about it O~l th(C Hoo: of the building, and often had to call on the g-irl at bel' home to see about sometlJing or otber. Dick began to feel son")' for himself, he was alone so much. nc consoled himself, ]JO\V- '.'vcr, \"'ith the notion that he was going to save a couple of hur:dred all the furnishing of the house. Besides, 2\Jamic :-;een:cd to be having the time of ber life! One day be hanckd Burns a check for a thollsand and told him to move the furni-t\ 1re right into tlH~ housc 011 ,Forrest avenue. "I'll not show up," he said, "until the furnitl1rc is bought and paid for. You'll be up to the reception, of COllrse?" Burns looked <It the check and put it in his pocket. Then he took it Ollt again and seemed about to hand it back. Then he buried it again and walked aV,!B}', That night HamiltoJ) was called to the long distance 'phone. "It's Burns," came the voice. "I've sent your check hy mail. l\brnie thinks we can get along without it, although L've a notion that you owe me a couple of centuric,s for show-ing' tile g-id a good time!" "\\7hat are you talking about," asked Hamilton. "Do you feel anything blluling in your attic? VVhere are you?" "\\'e'r(': ill Detroit," was the reply. ;'Mamie and I are, at at the pre:lcher's house. Say, J wish you'd go to the freight oft1cc tOlTlorroV\' and see what's the m;ttter with that furniture. [ reckon <;ome of it needs repacking." ]-1 ami1ton felt like falling- off the earth. "V/1'::1t do yott mean:" he gasped. ·'\\.Thy, old man, l'm going to get married." H8milton gasped. Then a serene smile came to his face. "That's too had," he said. "How did she, come to snare you? Have you ever tried an antidote in the shape of a red-headed wife and six children?-" "YOll don't seem to take it much to hear!?" asked Burns. "I don't feci any moisture dripping off the ",,;ire. Mamie will be glad to hear that." Hamilton hung up the receiver and wondered when he wC!tlld get his check back, "Any\',:ay," he said. ;;But"ns is a handsome n:an, and, be-sides. any chap wbo ""ill sellout his firm and the retailers, also, will steal another man's girL" Hamilton gave up the lJOuse next day. ALFRED B. TOZER. Quartered Oak Veneers. The \Valter Clark Veneer Company have a very choice supply of quarter-sawed oak .veneers stored ill their warehouse in Grand Rapids. It is not necessary to visit Grand Rapids to pl"Ocure high grade stock, as Tvlr. Clark will take the ut-rHost care in filing orders. Address him at his city office, 535 Jvfiehigan Trust lmilding. and he wil1 take care of all or-ders with care and promptness. 22 ·~f'o1.19.HIG7f-N ODD CUSTOMS AT WANAMAKER'S. Bugle Calls and Organ Music. The closing of the vVanamaker store in Philadelphia at 5 p. n1. eyery day is: carried ant with great cercmony. At 4:55 every afternoon the National Hymn is played on the great organ. At 5 (-),clock two cadets take a position in the mezzanine at the 1larket street end of the building, and the bugles sound in unison the call of. "Taps." As the notes die away in the long aisles of the 'store, other bugles, stationed on the stairway landing at the Chestnue street end, a full block ;1\\,ay, answer with the call of "Taps." The same call is given in other parts of the store, and when the echoing tones have died away, it means, figuratively, ;'Lights out," and the store is officially closed. As a matter of fact, the lights ;ire never out in the \Vanamaker store-except on Sundays and holidays. After closing hours a new force goes on duty, and works through the night to prepare the store for the llcxt day's b\1siness. Each luornillg the store is opened at 8 o'clock with the "Reveille" sounded on bugles . . vVanamaker has another odd custom. It is the playing of the wedding march on the great organ in the arcade when-ever one of the employes leaves the store to be married. This ceremony takes place at 4:40 in the afternooll, and the custom has been continued for years. As the store has sev-eral thousand employes, it is not at all uncommon to hear the playing of the weddillg marcll. Supplying Mail-Order Houses. "In the past we supplied a considerable quantity of goods to the mail-order houses. Designs especially for s\.1ch houses were prepared, none of the patterns wcre exhibited during the openings of the seasons; no photographs of the same were made.-in fad it was a special order business. X0 one had questioned the right of ally merchant to contract for the manufacture of such goods as he might require ill the transaction of business; we have filled many orders for special articles for dealers whose legitimacy in trade has !lever been questioned, and could not see any impropriety in litling the demands of mail order houses. Regular dealers should remember that hundreds of factories located in var-ious parts of the United 5t<ltes are operated exclusively on special orders <Iud mail-order merchants will never experience difficulty in obtaining goods so long as stich factories exist. That the mail-order merclullt encroaches upon the trade Why Not Order? Say a dOZed or marc Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks sent you on approval} If not satisfactory they can be returned at no ex~e to you whatever, while the price asked is but a triBe, COIl1~ pared to the convenience they alford and the economy they represent in .he saving of floor space. Thirty-two couches mounted on the Monliomery Iron IMpla.y Coueh Trucks occupy the same floor space as twelve dis-played in the usual manner. Write for catalogue siring full descrip-tion and price in the different 6nishes, 10- gether with illustrations dem.oDStratingthe use of Ihe Giant Short Rail Bed Fastener for Iron Beds. M.anufactuted.- by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATBNTBE Silver Creek, New Yo~ u. S. A. Dennis Wire and Iron Co•• Canadian Manu_ factor-. LondoD, Ont. rights of the rcgul<J.r dealer is adrnitted, hut he can b~ com-batted effectively \vitbout bringing the manufactmers into the game.'" A l\JANUF ACTlJRER. Buchanan Cabinets. The Buchanan Cabinet Company have rcccntly received from the printer the best catalogue they have ever issued. This catalogue illustrates seventeen kitchen cabinets made in oak, satin walnut- and other hanhvoods; ten ladies' desks in plain alld (!uartered oak, and seventeen bouse desks in plain oak. These goods are gn..',atvalues. Th<.~factory is ol}er~ ated for ten hours a <lay. ]\J r. Richards has spent <1 great Made by Buchanan Cabinet CO.,'BuChanan, Mich. deal of time and money in huilding and equipping one, of th~ best furniture factories in Michigan, and while every part of the plant seems to be as llC<lrperfect as it can be made, he es-pecia\\ y prides himself on his "A. B. c." dry kiln made by the American Blower Company of Detroit. This is a double kiln, with a capacity for drying 75,000 feet of lumber, and he al ways has au abulldant sllpply of hone dry lumber. Solid Mahogany Suites. The Spencer & Barnes Compauy arc going to bring 011t a line of chamber furniture in solid mahogany in July that will be the finest ever turned out by that company, and they have a good reputation tor making fille furniture. They have a permanent exhibit with F. T. Plimllton & Co., 1319 1lichigan avenue, Chicago. Another Factory for Rockford. Thc Standard \Voodworking Company, Rockford, Ill., was org-auized recently to manufacture furniture. The cap-ital stock is $5,000. The incorporators are P. H. Stevens, Erma H. Stevens and August G. Broitzman, METAL FURNITURE We make a specialty of All~Steel Tables, Chairs and Stools. Wood and Cane Seats; 'Wood, Marble and Glass Opalite Tops; All Fnishes. Artistic. Sanitary,. Indestructable. ( No. 74 No. 110 No. 70 New line of Brass Costumers. We call particular ~ttention to our "WONDER" COSTUMER.. (IHustrated on page 31 of this issue.) AU steel. indestructable. no screws. In Jots of one doz. or more, finished in Antique Copper, $18 doz.; finished in Dead Black, $15 doz. Adjustable Tables, bhaving and Bath Mirrors, Chevals, Triplicates. ~~~~igrand DETROIT RACn. CO.• Detroit. Mich. Luce-Redmond Chair Co., Ltd. BIG RAPIDS, MICH. Uigh Grade Office Chairs. Dining Chairs. Odd Rockers and Chairs, Desk and Dresser Chairs, Slipper Chairs, Colonial Parlor Suites in Dark and ~tJJJI1 MlJ.h{)gil1JJ~ Birdseye Maple, Bir(h and .Circt1uian Walnut. Furniture buyers visiting Grand Rapids between seasons will find our full line on the 2nd floor (Ionia St. front) of the Manufacturers' Building. where they can inspect and make their purchases at any time. 23 24 Dried by the "Proctor System" Machine. (We will describe it to you.) (Something unheard of before.) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BETTER THAN OUR GUM and COTTONWOOD DRAWER BOTTOMS Prompt deliveries of DRY STOCK rain or shine. WALTER CLARK 535 Micbigan Trust Building, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Periods of Decorating. l\ow that the professional decorator is to th~ fore there is mllch talk, nl(Jre or less intelligent, as to diffe:-ent periods or dccorathlll. Perhaps some of my readers will find a brief mention of the distinguishing' features of the different styles helpful. For practical purposes we may leave out the distinctly classic styles, the Gothic and Romanesquc, as belonging to architecture, rather than to decoration. For domestic art we seldom get back to the renaissance, v,:ith its adaptation of dassic forms to modt,rn 11S\.'. V'le mnst rcn,embcr that each European COt1lltry was influenced in tbis adaptation by its pe-culiarities of circumstance and artistic temperament. But whether F1emish, 1talian or French, the decorative art of the renaissance is distinguished by its wealth of ornan'.ent whose central idea is always borrowed from the Greek. AC~lllthus scrolls in high relief, fluted columns, swags or festoons of frllit and J1o\vers al1d lion's claws for fe(:t are all clla ..aetcristic Italy gives us the dolphin and the elaborated fieur-d~-lis, the lily of Florence, ,J-nd makes large use of human and :lnil11a[ grotesques. The French rel1aissance is distillguished by simpler forn,s, giv-ing the impression of greater solidity of construction. The salamander is its distinguislliJ1g anim;;d form. In the Netherlal1ds we find the enrgy of the crafts-men displayed in most elaborate carvillgs of fruit alld flo\vers. Here and in France the spiral or turned chair h:g was charac-teristic, but Flemil1g carried the cttT\'e stiU further and applied it to first the foot, later to the entire leg of eh.tirs and couches. He made use of incised and elaborately carved piece orna-ment. .The typical piece oC furnttme of the Italian Renais-sallce is the nwrriage chest; of the French, the square chair, with turned legs and a square hack with an oblong panel con-necti. ng the two uprights. In ordinary use today the styles of the renaiSS3-11CCarc chiefly applied to dining room and hall furniture, in oak. They demand leather or tapestry up-holstery, in rich colorings and a good deal of space. The Jacobean period comprises practically the whole of the seventeenth century and, in England, is conternporaneotls with that of Louis Quatorze in .France. It is of special in-terest to Americans ,IS all our oldest colonial furniture be-longs to i1. It is distinguished by extreme simplicity of con-struction. 1Iost of it might h;;lve bccn made by the joiner. It is tlllcompromisillgly right-angled and the. decoration is generally carving in low relief applieu to panels. The C0111- monest de~igns arc arrangements of nqwating circles and of double scrolls, also of rather crude and angular acallthus . leaves. The oak clwsts. the gate Jeg tables and the high backed chairs with panels of cane work inserted in the backs framed in carving arc Jacobean. I 110ted lately the v.el·)" last thing ill dil:ing chairs, a high-backed Jacobe<lll witll a cane back illld a tapestry seat. Queen Anne lla~es the next period in English furniture. vVhat were familiarly known as bandy le,gs charactc.ri1.e L:'.. VENEER CO chairs, tables and c'lbinets. The highboy and the lov..'boy belong to this period, likewise mirrors and bookcases with broken pediments. If the Jacobean is the period of oak, the Queen Anne is that of mahogany. The intimate rela-tiOllS of Ellgland and Holland at that time led to the intro-duction of marquetry more or less elaborate, an art of which tlle Dutch were past masters. The, Queen Anne. succeeded the Chipendale period. As Chippellc1ale and his SUCcessors, Heppelwhite and Sheraton, have been treated in a recent article in Keith's magazine, it is unneccssary to allude to them in detail here. The bulk of antique, mahogany fttrnilul"c, here in America, derives it!; nesign from one or other of the three. Contemporaneous with the work of Chippendale is that of Adam. Adam's style is the English Louis Seize, and is distinguished by great delicacy of outline and a close adher-ence to classic modeb. He \-vas the first of all an architect, and designed furniture to suit his rooms. He generally em-ptoyed 'sati11 wood, painting it in delicate color,';. lIe-made use of cane work panels of exquisite fineness. The Adams brothers are responsible for the best features of our colonial architecture, the CJuaint leaded oval windows and the delicate carvings of festoons, done on ..v..h.ite wood, so often found in tbe house of the eighteenth cClltury. It may be remarke.d in passing, that there has heen a recent revival of interest in the Adams stYle and that fashionable decorators are applying it to drawing rooms in houses of more or less pretension. Roughly speaking, the three r;'rench styles may be dis-tinguished on the basis of the straight l.ine and the curve. In the Louis Quatroze, the outlines of the pieces combine straight lines and cmvts. In the Louis Quinzc, the whole outline is practically a combination of curves. In the Loois Seize, :dthough some Use is made of curves, the general out-line is a combination of sU·aight lilles. Other distinctions 'will suggest themselves. In the first periDd there was a hi\"- ish use of applied metal ornament, buh] and ormolu. In the second, the wood of furniture was almost ulliversal1y gilded. In the third the frames were usually painted ill white, ivory or gray. French Empire, the rel11ailling style, is distinguished by a recurrellce to classic forms and by a profusion of applied brass ornament. 1n England, the form was copied, minus the metal decorations. 1ts typical piece is the swan neck sofa, the parent of most of our long mahogany sofas. Its distinguishing decorative feature especially ill America, is the pineappte.-Exchange . Disbursed Millions. Since the Sligh Furniture Compa11y was organized ill 1880, when about t\venty men were employed, the company has paid Ot1t for wages $3,OOO,CCO. Six of the original working force arc still in the employ of tll(~ COlllpallY.~ - - - -- ---~~- -- -- --_.- -- -- -- --~- ---~ 25 aran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e and Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST de,;ice for handling shavings alld dust froHL all 'l'i.Jood-zvorJdng machil'ws. Our 'Itil1eteen scars experience in this class of 'H..!ork has brought t't nearer perfection than any other system 011 the market today. It is no cxperiuwHt) but a denIO!! strated :lcientific fact) as '<.-(!ehwue several hUH-dred of these s'}'stems in 1dse) and not a poor one anwng them. OUf Autom,af'ic Furnace Feed Systel1z)as ShOTUJ'l, in this cut, is the most perfect 'aJorking device of allY thing in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK \VITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWflRS ALWAYS IN STOCK. orfice and Fa.ctory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. CUl:zen. Phono 1282 &tlJ, Main 1804 OUR AUTOMATIO FURNACE FlDED SYSTEM 26 ALASKA QUALITY Guarantees perfect insulation, circulation and the most econom-ical consumption of ice. They insure the dealer a satisfied customer every time. Zinc, White Enamel, Porcelain and Opalite Linings. ASK FOR CATALOGUES AND PRICES. The Alaska Refrigerator CO. EXCLUSWE REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURERS MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN ACCOMPANIMENTS OF A FUNERAL. Dentistry. Music Lesi:!on, Reception and Wedding in the Same Flathouse. "I have heard a lot of stories about singular happeniQgs in New York," said one who has lived in the metropolis many years, "but nothing morc singular than my experience at a ftlocral last week. "It was in a big flathol1se. After the service I heard a scream in an adjoining apartment. T learned later that a nervous woman was having a tooth pulled. That was a good mix-up for one floor. "As we passed to the fl'oor below I heard <l woman sing-ing. I was iuformed that it was her hour for taking a music lesson. "Across the hall an afternoon reception was in full swing. The invited guests were arriving, uWhen we got to the first floor a bridal couple ,,"ere just coming out." Show Caskets in the Front Parlor. "Our sole .aim is to eleva~e our profession. As a matter of fact, there are many persons in the undertaking business HI Detroit who are not undertakers. They hire others to do their work a!Hl have no licenses. It is this class that we intend to weed out; otherwise, we welcome aU practical un-dertakers to our membership:"-PresidcntWilliam ]. Otter of the Detroit Funeral Directors' Association. "The by-'Iaws of the Detroit Funeral Directors' Assoca-tion provide th,\t any trember must carry an $800 stock and the initiation fee is $100. vVe have placed our initiation fee very low, within the reach of every undertaker. OUT members own seven hearses so that we do not anticipate any trouble in doing OllT work."-\Villiam A. Snyder, of the De-troit Undertakers' l\'1utual Association. Detroit undertake;s are divided into two factions known as the Detroit Funeral Directors' Assoc-.iation, with twenty-seven members, and the Detroit Undertakers' Mutual Associa-tion with a membership of twe-nty-eight. There are about seventy-five undertakers in the city, and the lattu and new-er organization hopes to secure practically all of them. President Otter looks grave as he refers to the situation. He says that a number of men have set up in business by converting the parlors of their homes into casket and coffin show rooms ;llld then tacking a sign on the front of the house -..viththe word "Undertaker" painted on it. "So long as a man personally engages in the business," l\1r. Otter says, "we have no objection, But we do object to lowering the standard of our profession by opening ·such a place .and then hiring another man to do the business. The state license law goes into effect in September and we are willing and ready to assist any undertaker in his preparations to pass." President Snyder of the new organization insists that many active undertakers cannot afford, to have an $800 stock or to fork over $100 for an initiation fee. He claims that it would meall that many an undertaker would go in the hole if forced to expend this amount. To Manufacture Reed Furniture. The Bombay Reed Manufacturing Company, Columbia, S. c., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000 hy Frank S. Terry. Edwin K. \Vard and others. The manu-factured products will be fUrJliture, baskets, mats and other llrticJcs. from reed, rattan and straw. MUSKEGON VALLEY FURNITURE COMPANY MUSKEGON MICH •••• Odd Dressers cnlllon~rs womrones waleS' lOilels Dfe88lno roUtIlS MOnOOOny 100Did COOdS IOdies' De8lls MUSiC COblnelS Line Oil salt! in ManufactuJ:>erll' Duildin ... Crand ~picla. ·:f~MICHI*G:171.N i '27 Heard at an Auction Sale of Furniture. A young Egyptiall, v..ho h;lS headquarters in Kel;'l York city, where he ;nHl JJjs brothers ()wn a large store, has bCe!l holding an atH:tioJl "ale for several weeks in Jacksollville, Fla. The auctioneer, who is also an Egyptian, j;.; vcry La11, dark an(t hand::;on:c, with an engaging smile, and a happy faculty of 11l<lking friends with the women and the children, Tourists {[-UIll lhc hotels, men and women [dike, visit the store and many look over tile stock of goods before the sale. There are handsome Oril'lltal TUgS, tables of hand-carvc(l wood from Jhrnascns, jardiniere stands of inlaid wood, jar-diniere:.; of bammercd brass, Japanese kin1Ona5 (the anc-tioneer always pronounced the \vord with the accent on "kim.") ami works of art, such as tapestry and beautiful statuettes. The "lV()l)1en are given a l~earty greeting on their arrival and giYC'lJ the best seats and told to be patient as the sale wilt SOOIl commence. The auctioneer said, the other evening: "\\11-: will serve lunch at 10:30, dinl1er at 12, and to the lady "I'.,ho re111ai!lS until the ::;,de closes will he given this hacdsoLt1e rL1~: hanging" 011 the 'Fedl.'· He sold a lot o( "small stuff" first, bllt didn't like to \vaste his time that way, ,1S he was anxious to sell the rugs and make more money. A deaf man went up in front and eXtllllinecl 011e of the halJ(lsomc rugs di:.;pbyed, marked $120.CO, \vhich the auc-tioneer was trying to sell. The deaf man talked in a loud voice and distnrbed the sale, so the <lllct.ioneer had a hard time trying to sell it He only got $30.CO for it. The deaf man left, mnch to tbe joy of lll~ 811ctionecr, who yelled after him: "(roocl-bye; 1 hope you will n~\'cr come back." He aften'lard tried to sell a handsome drawn work linen bed-spread. i\ fter se\·cral bids had been made and $11.00 was Il,C highest, the auctioneer told one of his a:o"istants to show it to a mall standing lle8r the door. He suid. "If he dOl1't blly it for $12.00 r will give it to him." The ans\ ...e.r. came hack. ';1 am not a married man." A general laugh followed at the auctioneer's expense. The auctioncer then held his haml" behind his back, ask-ing oIlly the mEn to hid on what he held. TJle second bid of tcn cents ",,'on tbe prize, it d8inty little pair of ladies' blue Turkish slippers. This caused nil other laugh and tbe call came fronl the wowell pre:-:ent, "Put up some more for us." One of the assistants who passed among the crowd sllowing the \vare:-:, vd\s seemingly dumb. He might have been the Sphillx v.·ith his stern set face. reminiscent of the statne of Egyptian rulers in the British l\TuSelll11. The auc-tioneer was annoyed and said to him: "\\'<lke tip; you arc nOt in Eg}·pt 110\\:: yOI1 are in Americ<l." The poor boy made an effort to speak and rolled his eyes helplessly. /\.fter a while he miCn;lg'ed to gct out a few words of English, to our gTCilt surprise. L. Vv'. "Clas~i:al Language." The Grand Rapids Furniture Company of Ke\-v York city employs a master of the "King's English" to prepare its an-nouncements (or the newspapers. Following is a fair sam-ple of hl:~ ability' * * * * * * * * * ;\< * :I: Some beal1tihll examples from the English finds perfect relJroductio!l JrI onr gailery for the Living- Room and Library. The "'\Talpole" desk-a tY\lical ChipDendale specimen, the Tv.'ickellham Sofa-a piec('. that simply hr('athes Heppchvbite, the Carltol1 Table from the facile pcn or Robert Adam.-are mentioned as n fnv clas-sit copies III reflection of early atmos-phere and beautiful surroundings. ****.~******** * :I: * * No. 119 Oak BUCHANAN KITCHEN CABINETS AND DESKS In OAK, SATIN WALNUT and BIRCH Kitchen Cabinetsfrom$4.00 to $15.50 Desks from $3.50 to $12.50 Every One Good Value A Postal Card brings Our New Ca\alogue. Buchanan Cabinet Co. BUCHANAN, MICH. 28 New Styles • In Table Legs [& it not a big advantage, -no\.only in the selling Df yOoUT product. but in the prices you command, if you are able 10 keep changing the style and gelting out something new right along and without any extra expense in the cost? Our No. 5 Table Leg Machine will turn nol only round, bUI square, octagon. hexagon, o\lal or any poly_ ional shape, and aU with the ~me cUllet-head. lt~capacity is equal to eight or len hand turners, and it is guaranteed to do the work successfully. Would i.t not interes.t. yt>u h. know mm-e about this machine? '[hen drop us Aline. C. Mattison Machine Works 863 Fifth Street, Beloit, Wisconsin No.5 Table Leg !.Vb-chine. fl'I ...~ Glues to Use With Different Woods. "SllOUld different glues be employed on different kinds of wood?" is a question which, \vith one exception, can be al1S-wered in the negative. This exception lS maple, which, ow-ing to its extreme hardness and light color, can be joined perfectly only when a glue of very superior quality is used, a condition of affairs attributable in great part to the invar-iable tendency of the darker and inferior glue to streak when employed on maple! and of the joints to assume an appear-ance of being dirt-filled-a sign of careless ·workmanship that every good manufacturer strives above all t~ings to avoid. ·'White Glue;" as many of the manufacturers term the su-perior quality of glue kuown to the trade as Hide glue, owes its color to the ZillCwbich is one of its important constituents and is responsible for much of its strength and consistency. \Vhen ilrst applled "white!' glue 1S as its name indicates, white, but after drying it darkens to the color of the wood, making it practically impossible for anyone but all expcrt to detect the join. Except in the single case referred to, Veneering Glue, the name given to the cheaper article is used on all classes of work and on ;:dl \voods, though in glueing joints which give promise of being stlbjected to severe stra1n the superior ar-ticle is frequently applied. Hide glue is manufactured exclusively from the hides of cattle; vcneering glue is a by-product of the hoofs and other parts. The former is about fifty per cent the more expen-sive, so that except in cases of necessity its use is an extrava-ganc. e. The mannhctme of high-grade furniture has no more im-portant question than the selection of the glue and its proper applicatiml. There are so many really excellent glues upon th(', market at the present time that the selection of a glue vv·cll adapted to meet the requirements of tbe average manu-hcturer is a comparatively easy matter. Of course, there are mar:y inferior glues for sale, but the manufacture.r who has occasion to use glue in any quantity can speedily differen-tiate between the genuine and. the inferior articles. The proper applying of the glue, however, is very impor-tant, and should be delegated only to Olle thoroughly exper-ienced ill this particular branch of the work, for a slight error may do a very great deal of harm, as many furniture manufac-turers know to their sorrow. . The first and cardinal necessity in the glueing of furniture of course. is thc. p:·oper preparation of the wood to be glued, and in this connection it may be remarked, adequate sand-papering and other preliminary .vork are oJ very first im-portance. The g·1ttedecided on, the next question is in what thick-ness to apply it, for it would never do to use glue of the same consistency for all classes of work, the thickness of the glue to be used depcllding vcry much upon the character of the work to be <1ol1c-a two and a half inch table. top naturally re-quiring a heavier gltle than a half-inch veneer. The thicker the wood to be joined, the thicker the glue to he used, is an cxcc.llent principle to foHm.v. Veneered \vork naturally requires a very light or thb glue, for there is a great tendency on the part of the glue in this class of work to thicken and grO\v Jumpy. Tntbis connection lt might be sC:tidth;:,t in a\1 veneer work it is imperative that all wood shall be properly "toothed" off before the glue is applied, otherwise an unevenness \-vill result that no :n1.1oltnl oi sandpapering will ove;·come. No cast-iro1l rules can be laid down ior the. adulteration of the glue hence the great necessity of the glueing being done ollly by a wbo thoroughly understands his work. J\,1uch, as has been pointed out, will depc,nd on the c-haracte,r of the work, hut temperature and the gene~·al condition of the glue at the time must also he considered. Tn the thinn'illg of glue water atone should be used. GARNAULT AGASSIZ. It's Different Now. "Six months ago when a salesman haudlillg a lille of up-holsterer's materials arrived ill the city," remarked a. manufac-turer of parlor furniture in Grand Rapids, "he opened his samples, called up his customers by 'phone allClnotified them that a hack would bring thcm to his hotel when it would suit their convenience. It is differellt now. One's office is sur-rounded by eager salesmen before the morning's mail is dis-posed of, and during their stay they drop in freque.ntly and ring up by 'phone before their departure." GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL GLUE HEATER Send. your addrels and receive descriptive cir-cular of Glue Heatel'll, Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes and prices. WEATHERLY CO. lOG. 110. 112 nort~ DivisionSt. ~ran~ Ra,i~s lOG. 110.112 nort~ DivisionSt. ~ran~ Ra,i~s OUR BUILDING P R INT E R S B IN o ERS EN GR AV E RS E N G R A V E RS P R INT ERS B INo E RS Michigan Engraving Company :: White Printing Company Michigan Artisan Company Erected by White Printing Company. Grand Rapid••. 1907. 30 "~MI9 ..HIG7}N $ Salesmen Talks. ;;\Nhat are you doing?" asked the macJ1inery man as he strolled up to the table where the supply man was busy with writing material. It was in a certain city club, and there were sever,d salesmen about, men who spent about eleven months of the year on the road, and between spells of plan-ning out for the new year's work and settling up the old, find a few minutes now and then to congregate together, swap a few yarns and compare notes. Taking a seat alongside the same table the machinery man" continued: "It's a blamed sight more trouble to accollnt for all your expenses than it is to make them, lots of trouble, even if yon come out even at the end of the year, \lIlhich I cant't.-': "You miss your guess," the supply salesman replied. "I'm not worrying about my expenses; T am writing a resolution, and here it is. 'Resolved, That while it n~ay pay to be Hice to customers when occasion requires, it's not always good pol-icy to make the occasion." Passing a fresh cigar across the table the Inachinery man settled himself back comfortably ;l11d said: "Unload, dear boy, unload." "\Vell, it's like this: vVhen I landed ill home last week I found a back country customer in the office, a one-horse, backwoods kind of a fellow that operates a little mill, don't buy much stuff and don't get into town very often, and as quick as I got sight of him I thought of" something that hap-pened Ollce before. One time I had one of these country fcl-lows come ilito town with me. He did not know mtlch about the town and asked me to pilot him to a wholesale store where he could buy a bill of goods. I took him around to a wholesale bouse, stayed with him until he placed his order, after which the wholesaler, 'who was a wise man ill his day, took us back where he had a keg of Burbon on tap. I didn"t take any as 1 was on the water wagon, but that old country-man got real enjoyment out of that liquor. That was sev-eral years ago, and I didn't think allY more of the incident till on a recent trip v"here I met a drummer for a rival house, who, in the course. of a session's chat, mentioned this same old fellow, s<.lying it was a peculiar" case where he had never been able to sell anything. It was 110ta matter of price, for he had been able to make coucessiolls that should have been inviting to the old fellow, but he held to the other house with a peculiar old-fashioned constancy that no arguments and no concession in prices cOtlld shake. It all came over me in a ·minute, and while T felt that the wholesaler had got this old fellow's constancy at a mighty eheap price, still, I felt a kind of admiration for the old countryman and realized that with all their peculiarities there arc men who appreciate deeply and remember longest the ,small courtesies. "K ow, when r came in and found that backwoods milt man in the oBiee who did not want to buy anything but a barrel of oil and a half side of lace-leather, all this other business came back to me, and I thought, here, old man, is your chance to do the nice thing ann make a life lOJ1gfriend. So I not only gave him the glad hand, but after seeing his order prop-erly placed took him in hand for lunch and a good time, such as he had never seen before. I brought him over to the club and suggested that before we had lunch we take a little drink and whet our appetities. \\Then I asked him what he would have, he said he didn't know, but would take whatever I did. 1 told him I was going to take a high ball and when the waiter came up I gave him an order for two. The waiter had no more than started after them than the old man shot out with: "'\\That's a highball?' "It took me a minute or two to realize the fact that lots of these people back in the country actually don't know what a highball is, and then I didn't laugh. I told him to, wait a minute until the waiter came back and then I could sho.w him just what constituted a highball. When the ingredients came, he gave attention to the mixing, all right, showing more L_ rIR, 'T'IS'z~r:. interest than I thoug-ht could be manifested by anybody in as simple a concoction :,!S a highball, and I made up my mind while he was carefully sampling and drinking it that 1 ,,,ould take him over to the bar after dinner and let him witness the compounding of some really artistic drinks. I didn't do it, though, I didn't get farther than the highballs with him. \Vhen I suggested the ordering of lunch he said: "';.ro, let's have another highball.' "He kept that up as though l:e had gone daffy on the sub~ ject of highballs, until I began to tbink we would never get any dinner, and finally told the ,"vaiter to brillg a couple of sandwiches along with our drin~s. That went all right, and I thought, now, surely I will get a chance to order dinner, but he said no, he djdn't want anythjng but highballs. He said he could take allOther sandwich, but highballs were better than dinner any time. It may look easy and sound simple the way I am telling it, but I want to say to you that after a couple of hours of this r began to get worried. I claim to be something of a fish myself, and if I have ever been under the table, 1 have not retaine(l cOJ1sciousness of the fact. In fact, I prided myself on being able to stand up and carry a heavy load without wabbling, but the first thing I knew I began to feel groggy and wanted to get up and stir aroulld. I never did get to order any lonch except those little sand~ wiches, and f:]mi.llygave the lunch up entirely and began to try to get the old fellow out of there, get him started somewhere where we could get some fresh air. "1 asked the old fellow when he expected to leave tOWIl and he said he thought he was going out that evening at 7 o'clock. I looked at my watch, it was only 2:30, but I sug-gested that we go down to the station, a half dozen blocks away, and buy a ticket. He took the bait al1 right, but he wouldn't start until he had another highball. Then, when we got on the street I realized that I Vy'asnot only groggy, but he was drunk. Just as I was getting ready to thank my stars that it was about all over we had managed to get even with a saloon door and the old man said highball again. I wrangled with him for a few minutes and protested, but noth-ing would do but another highball. "Well, sir, do you know, I believe that I never saw as many saloons in as small a territory in my life as we ran across on our way down to the station? And, it was the same thing over again at every saloon. The old man stopped like a mule and ,,,.-ouldn't pass a saloon door until he had a highball at everyone. I was able to save myself by muffing my drinks, and getting a little fresh air between times, but by the time we reached the station the old man was so "vabbly on his pegs that 1 had to hold him up. He was 110t a beauty either, by alJY means, and you can guess that I was not feel-ing very proud of my etn'ironment alld was incidentally hop-ing that no one would see me that knew me, and was just finding some consolation in the fact that I was near my trouble's end when the depot cop spied the t1.,'.O'. of us and concluded to act like he thought I was a bunco steerer with a hayseed in c.harge. It don't matter just what he said to me aud what I said to him, but it all wound tip by him tell-ing me to go on about my business and not let him catch me around there any more, and the last I saw of him he had the old man in tow, steeriug him to a in the waiting room, and advising him to steer clear of good looking strangers in the city who wanted to be nice to him. "1\'01.,·.',. then, that was all bad enough in itself, but the worst was to come. About three days afterward '..'e.. got a letter from the old man cancelling the order for the stuff be got and cautioning the house to keep their eyes on me, as I had taken several drinks with him and escorted him to the depot, and when he got on the train for home he found his pockets had been picked. Evidently the old man w.ent to sleep in the waiting room and some one touched him. May be it was that same policeman that ,vas so ugly to me; any~ way, I don'
- Date Created:
- 1908-04-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:20
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and .r .:' i l 26th Yea.---:No. 4 PlUiSS OF WHITE PRINTING COMPJ\NY, GRA1'!O RJ\PIDS, MICH. ,,:?:~r· -~_¥~.". L__ NQ, 1693 QUARTERED OAK BUFFET China Closet, Side Table and Extension Table 10 Match. An up-to-date Suite. for Weathered, or Early English Finish. And We have Others, both H~her and Lower in Price., As well as a long Line of SIDEBOARDS AND BUFFETS Somewhere in the Line we are sure 10 Meet your requirements Our New Catalog is ready for the Dealers OUR SECTIONAL BOOKCASE Has many Points of SuperiQfily over them aiL Do you know of our Case, that CB:Jl be K. D. for Shipping, extremely easy to set up, and withal locks so strongly· together, you can deliver as a single piece. to your cU5tomer. Move it around as you wish it cannot fall apart. And yet the price is no more than "the fall apart kind." NEW ENGLAND FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN THE FAULTLESS Northern ---L--in e=c ~ No fault can be found with the line that combines DESIGN, FINISH and CONSTRUCTION No. 1030 Dresser 24 x ~ Plate. 22 x 44 'f0li" Weathered Finish. as it makes it both AT RACTIVE AND PROFITABLE The two qualities that make it POPULAR with the dealer make your line one of QUICK SELLERS by showing the line manufactured by the . . . . Northern Furniture Company BED AND DINING ROOM FURNl'rURE IN ALL THE POPULAR WOODS AND FINISHES SHEBOYGAN, WIS. No. 3031 Chiffonier 14x24 Plate. 20x34 Top. Weathered Finish. Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A. THE McDOUGALL IDEA McDOUGALL KITCHEN CABINETS The dealer, who orders McDougall Kitchen Cabinets, takes no risk. We stand back of him with an absolute guarantee which states that his customer may return the cabinet to him within thirty days after date 01 purchase and receive her money if for any reason she is dissatisliedwith the goods. We, therefore, could not alford to send out a McDougall Kitchen Cabinet that was not well made. TEN MILLION WOMEN have been reading about McDougall Kitchen Cabinets in their favorite magazines. Thousands 01 these women have written us for catalogues and prices. We have referred them to their dealers. We have inlormed the dealers of the inquiries. Thus, a McDougall Kitchen Cabinet is half sold when the housewife enters the store to look at one that she has been reading about for months in the magazines. During the coming season, TWENTY-FIVE MILLION PEOPLE will read of McDougall Kitchen Cabinets, as our advertisingcampaign for fall will be the most extensive ever conducted on an article of furniture. If you wish to get tbe benefit of the McDougall business whicb has been created and which will be created in your locality, write for our new catalogue which has just been issued. This will be the /irst step toward realizinga handsome profit on McDougall Kitchen Cabinets during the coming house-clean-ing, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons. The new line will start within reach 01 the most humble home and will be three times as long as last year's line. A postal will bring you this catalogue. G. P. McDOUGALL & SON, l The Bissell Sweeper like the Steinway Piano, prides itself upon its age and its reputation. This is an age when mediocrity frequently takes refuge behind the claim of "novelty," "something new," as if novelty necessarily meant superiority. It therefore behooves the trade to carefully consider the difference between the article of recognized merit and established reputation, and that which rests its hope for patronage chiefly upon the claim. of "novelty," "something new," etc. The Bissell Sweeper of today represents the highest point of development in the sweeper art, and logically so. We have been engaged in this business exclusively for twenty-nine years, and have developed mechanics in this highly specialized line that are veritable artists, and that necessarily cannot be found outside our factory. The reasons are plain; we have furnished the only opportunity in all this wide world for this particular development of mechanical skill. Back of all this mechanical development which time and opportunity alone accomplishes, the Bissell sweeper is absolutely the only one ever put upon the market under a sound, sincere price maintenance policy, that insures to the dealer a good proht in the sale of our product. Write for our special Slate and County Fair Offer. BISSELL CARPET SWEEPER CO. Branches; Nnw YORK TORONTO LONDON PARIS Largest Sweeper Makers .in the World GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Dressers and Chiffoniers TO MATCH In QUARTERED OAK. MAHOGANY. BIRDSEYE MAPLE .nd CURLY BIRCH SEND FOR CATALOGUE CENTURY FURNITURE CO. JAMESTOWN NEW YORK - --------------------- Are you watching our ad? Have you requested one of. our catalogues? If not, you are making a serious mistake. These are all sellers, . and price is moderate. 718 Chamber Suites, Sideboards, Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables, and Odd Dressers, in Oak and Mahogany Veneered. . . . BURT BROS.2000 S. Ninth Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. 766 766 l__ OUR NEW CATALOGUE SHOWS A MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Dressers and Chiffoniers In QUARTERED OAK MAHOGANY VENEER BIRDSEYE MAPLE CURLY BIRCH Not a Sticker in the Line JAMESTOWN. N. Y. LIBERTY FURNITURE CO. 26th Year- No.4. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., AUGUST 25, 1905. MODERN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. English Paper Infers That Commercial Side Is Lost Track of in the Hurry-Up System Now in Vogue. Commenting on modern education methods, the Birming-ham (England) Post questions their elementary value and adV<l.l1cesthe theory of their being responsible for the devel-opment of what it calls "a discontented race." The intro-duction of a multiple of new subjects is commented on as im-posing a great strain on the resources of the schools and on the intelligence of the child. It says: "Each snbject ill itself may be good even as part of the curriculum of a public elementary school-though that is a point that is hy 110 mean>; generally conceded-but the ques-tion that has arisen in the minds of many head teachers who are struggling to maintain the efficiency of the institutions of which they have charge, is whether a somewhat exagge-rated importance is not being attached to fads by the more advanced educationists, as a result of which there is a serious danger of impairing the thoroughness of the school training in what are reg-arded as the essentials to a sound elementary education." The paper approves of manual training for boys and household work for girls, but doubts the wisdom of add-ing a long list of other studies such as are seldom if ever used by the lads and lasses in later life. This mental drift-wood causes a sacrifice of thoroughness, allowing too little time for any onc subject to secure anything like a mastery of it. Parties interested i.n so-called hlgher education "arc, by their desire to convert the public elementary schools into nurseries of the universities, robbing elementary education of much of its commercial value. vVhen it is pointed out that only a very small percentage can ever enter the univer-sities or even high schools, the system appears to be anything hut what is best." To Utilize the New Philippine HaI"dwood. Seattle, Wash., is to have au industrial improvement in the form of a furniture faetory in which Philippine hardwood will be exclusively lIsed. The faetory is to be establish~d by M. EllaR and will be the first aile in tlle United States to make use of this wood. The Philippine hardwood, or narra, as it is called in the islands, is better suited for eabinet work than oak, mahogany or teak, and the fad that it can be sup-plied so cheaply will make it a more generally used wood than any other. The wood is very hard and takes a beautiful polish, and its color, which is a deep crimson, makes it very desirable for finishing work. Bulk Sales Law Insures Creditor. The eredit men of :':lichigan,dosely following their breth-ren in Illinois, have secured the passage of a bill regulating the sale of merchandise in hl1{k. This illegitimate traffic is now confined within bounds that thoroughly protect the in- L $1.00 per Year. hests of the creditor. The substanee of the bill is as follows: The sale of any stock or merehandise, otherwise than in the ordinary c()lltse of trade, shall be void miless the seller sha!l five days before the sale make a detailed inventory with price list of each article to be included in sale. The pur-chaser -is also required to obtain from seller the names and addresses of the seller's creditors, with indebtedness' due each, and mail each of these creditors due notic6 of sale and conditions. The act applies to corporations and associations as well as individuals, but n'ot to sales by executors or any public officer under judicial process. Non-compliance with the act places the pmchascr in the position of receiver, and he IDay be held accountable f(~'r all goods in his possession by virtne of such sale. ' Want Law Regulating Burial Associations. To establish the burial associations on ,p. firmer basis and better the condition generalty, R. L. Shanon, of Shelbyville, Ky., introduced a resolution which was passed at the recent annual meeting of the Kentucky Funeral Directors' associa-tion, recently held at Louisville. The resolution required the drafting of a bill for presentation at the next session of the legislature for the regulation and control of burial associa-tions, similar to the control of life insurance companies, re-quiring a reserve fund and the direction of the insurance co~-~ missioner. Must Purchase Convict-Made Furniture. The convict-labor law is the caLIse of no end of strife be-tween local and state officials in Illinois. vVhile the iormer are using every loophole to eScape meeting its provisions, the latter are kept constantly 011 the alert to see that they are enforced. Tl1e law has caused a great deal of discussion and contention ever since it became effective, and it is doubtful ii there is a law on the statute book against which there has been snch a systematic attempt at evasion. Not long ago the Pekin school board concluded that it needed some new furni-tme, and they decided to get it in the open market. A discus-sian followed between the school and state authorities, an'd about a week ago they placed their order for furniture with the prison authorities. Yet at the Pekin school board meet-ing reports showed that the furniture could be purchased in the open market at a less price than from the prison au-thorities. Will Sell to Plano Company. The town board of Pan a, Ill., has voted to sell the old B. & O. shop buiLdings and grounds. to the Plano Manufact\.uing company. The terms are $5,000, $1,000 down and the remain-ing $4,000 to be paid within five years, -at five per cent interest per annum. The company employ daily from 75 to 1,200 metl. It is proposed that the Business Men's association sub-scribe $10,000 for preferred stock drawing six per cent interest. 6 ECHOES OF THE SUMMER SALE. Stories Told and Which Might Have Been Told by the Fur-niture Men During the July Exposition. Every furniture season brings out a number of good things which are well worth passing along. Tn the rush of the huy-ing and selling both buyers and sellers have a little time on their hands in which in exchanging greetings with each other and with friends met hy the way certain tales arc re-lated which are certainly sufficiently good to warrant a wiiler ciretdation than that given through the certain few to whom they are directly told. There is so much that is of the strictly business nature which needs 'must be told during the life of the sales that these good things seldom get further than those who have them at first hand. As a rule they are the result of the gathering together of certain of the frater-nity in the hotel corridors 011 the evening after business hours, or in the morning before the various branches of the trade scatter to take care of the day's work. The following anecdotes are culled from a number having their birth during the recent sale in Grand Rapids and are pres limed to be the best of the lot. * * * "0. J.," or "Joe" Barker, as he is better known to his friends and the boys generally, is a pretty busy man at most times, and particularly when he is in the market either for his own Los Angeles house of Barker Brothers or as the pur-chasing agent of the Pacific Purchasing company; but he is one of the best story tellers who comes to the furniture center. "1 started out in life for a dentist," he said one evening at the Pantlind, "and in order to qualify took a course in a school at St. Louis. How I passed my final examinations isn't necessary to this yarn. I got my sheepskin and then hied me to my home in Colorado. For a time I was in my father's store trying to impress him and his friends with an idea that I was working. Father couldn't see it very long, and he told me I'd better get some pra.ctica.1 experience, after whi~h he would set me up. 1 entered the office of the lead-ing practitioner in my tOWI1. He was a good man, but he never overlooked an opportunity to get the best results out of any case from a monetary standpoint. He didn't rob his patients, hut I guess he went the limit with them. 1 had been there a couple of months when he went out of to."..'.".' for a few days. The day after his leaving an old darky with gray whiskers came in and asked for him. I said he was out of town, but I asked if 1 could not sen'e him. He said the doc-tor had him on the list for some plate work. "Now, the old fellow, for all he was ignorant and looked shabby, was worth a good many thousands, and the 'DOt::' had been working him for a gold rJate and a charge of $100 thereior. This 1 didn't know. I sized him up by the looks and said to myself very promptly, 'Here's my chance to get in a litt1~ laboratory practice.' "That's all right, uncle; he's been waiting for me to get back" "The old gentleman didn't think I looked equal to the part, but I got out a pan 1 thought would fit, filled it with plaster and with much misgiving the old fellow let me insert it in his mouth. 1 kept counting the minutes and wondering at the same time how long it should stay in. I didn't ",'ant to take it out too soon, and I overdid the job, for when I tried to remove it the pan and the plaster were fast to the darky's gums. \\That was "worse, I spilled some plaster into his whiskers. I pulled. The darky yelled. I told him to take it easy, that was the way it always worked when we had a good job. I dragged him around the office in the attempt to get that pan out, brake the mould, nearly broke his jaw and jerked out a handful of gray whiskers, but finally got it. That l. mould was a fright, but I told uncle to corne in a f{~wdays. He did, but. 'Doc' was there when he showed me lip and told his troubles. He had a hard time pacifying him, but kept the job, and when uncle had vanished gave me a raking over whic:h I haven't forgotten to this day. "That was my plate experience, but Thad on('. on ext rac-tion wbich settled me with the dental business and the 'Doc' as well. A big nigger had been arrested and lodged in jail for killing a man. He had an Elcerated tooth and the jailer sent for 'Doc:' to treat him. 'Doc' told me to tackle the job. first asking if I could extract. 'Extract?' r asked, indignantly, 'I should say so.' He gave me two forceps. This is for the molar and this for a bicuspid, he said, and told me to put them jn separate pockets. so I wouldn't get mixed. I started down the street and met a friend, told him 1 was in tlle dental business and "what I was after. \Ve )lad a few on that and I forgot which forcep was which. I was feeling nervy just the same. Admitted to the jail, I saw the ugliest nigger 1 had ever cast eyes upon, with a badly swollen jaw. I had my nerve and said sternly, 'Open your mouth.' That tooth was a corker. I pulled; the nigger yelled. I kept hold. The nigger tried to kick me, but I kicked back. I got r;art of the tooth, and while the nigger was yelling and swearing I got his mouth ,open and jabbed in some cotton with a se-dative. I left, telling him I would be back in a few hours. The 'Doc' finished that job, but he told me that was my fin-ish as well, and that the nigger promised if he ever got out his first work would be to kill me. I am happy to say he got life. But I quit the dental business." * '" * This is the story of a wine rlrummer who butted into to"wn while the furniture season was on and only serves to show that, contrary to general opinion, the lines of the champagne seller ar"e not as sparkling as his goods at periods when others hold the center' of the stage. It would be unkind to give his name, and much more so to tell of the hostelry against which he lodged his complaint, hIlt he panted into the Pantlind cine night and poured out his soul in this wise to his old friend "Sid" Steele: "Here I've been coming to that house (mentioning it) for years. It's home to me when I am in Grand Rapids. YOn know that, Sid t' Sid said "Yes," and the ..v.ine circulator continued: "I wired the hOlise I was coming and that I wanted a room with bath. T got in last night and asked the clerk if he had my telegram. He said, 'Yes, we've got you all fixed.' He had, but I didn't kJlOW at the tjme in what way. I followed the bell hop up to the room, and it was something fierce. It was on the top floor and small. Say, I couldn't get my grip in there until T had moved out the rocker. What was the number? 715 I think. ft was away up the stairs and away up in number I guess. "1 jumped downstairs to that clerk and commenced to 'holler' as soon as I got on the ground floor. 'Say,' T said, 'what do you mean by putting me in such a coop?' .'That's the best we could do; this is the furniture sea:-,:onand we're filled to the guards.' 'Then why didn't you say so and not hand me the bunk that you'd gotten Illy wire and had fixed me ?' "'Didn't we fix you?' he asked. "'Yes,' I said, 'and I'd like to fix you. "'''VeIl, that's the best we can do, and although I'm wrry if you don't take it, wlly. you'll ll.1Ve to go elsewhere unless you double lip. "!\ow look at me Sid." He must have weighed something less than 300. "Do T fook like a man who wants to double up? I gasped and hiked back to that room after the clerk had said he'd change me in the morning, to see if I couldn't stand it one night. It looked ·WOrse the second time. TllCre was a fire escape coming down in front of the window and it made me think of the bars in a '\\Tillie' house. Say, it gave rnethe creeps. I thought I'd rather sleep in one of the Livingston Tmkish bath beds." "What did you do then?" asked Sid. "l hiked dO\'\'nstairs again and took eleven drinks in seven mi1l1ltes. That's the record to date, I think. That room gave me the Willies and I had to take a bracer several times, a1H-l then some." ;;Did you sleep there at all?" "No, T took a bench in the park, and you'll have to take me in or I'll he all to the bad." Sid promised to care for his friend, and the Palltljnd thereby won a llew standby. * If there is a sigH manual of. the furniture trade it is the diamond. The l~oys accLlstomed to the artistic in furniture evince a fondness for the sparkling je,vel, and the vast ma-jority are tasty ill their selection of the gems, seldom shm'\'- iog anythillg of the flashy nature in the choosing. Taking the general collection of stones which can be seen at these semi-annual gatherings of the furniture forces there is a big amount of money invested ill them by thc trade at large. The remark made to ClIarle:r Spratt when seeking to raise the $,100,000 necessary as the furniture trade part in his building fund, "Do you think there's $300,000 io the entire outfit?" reminds the writer of a quip of Jerry Simpson a oumber of years ago. I was with the Chicago Tribune at the time the congres-sional delegation came on to Chicago to look over tlle site of the Columbian Exposition, before voting; the five million dollars asked of congress. There were .<;omet\'I"O11t111dredin the party, mainly men hl1t little known to the country at large. They stopped at several hotels; bnt at the Grand Pa-cific, where I was looking after them to get views of individual members, were Jerry S'n1pson and Senator Pfeffer. In the course of the rnorning I called at Jerry's r00111. I had heard of "Sockless" Simr:son, as had others, and had lmt a vague impression of him. I discovered a quiet, rather studious looking, certainly gentlemanly, man with a keen eye behi.nd gold-bowed spectacles. After a few remarks of a general character T pltlnged to the main question, "\~rhat will con-gress do?" All Chicago was anxious to know if that appro-priation "..-auld be made. This meeting was on Sunday, and the evening before the delegation had been entertained by Mrs. Potter Palmer, whose jewels, and especially diamonds, were famous the country over. In a dryly humorous mall-ner he replied, "If congress cloes not provide, 1 think Mrs. Palmer might perchance emulate Queen Isabella's example." This was aU thc reply, but it gave insight into the intel-lectual qualifications of a man but little understood by the couutry at large and the ready wit for which he was famous among his intimates. In connection with Charley Spratt's building fund the furniture men, "v'ere it necessary, might fol-low the lines laid dO"v"llby the Spanish queen. IfI rassing it might be said that it was at this time Jefry remarke(l, although he had not been a.'iked any such per-sonal qpestioll, "Oh, yes; I "veal' socks, and they're silk, too." * * He is a furniture salesman with his habitat in Grand Rapids but traveling for a !'vTichigan factory far removed frOI11the city of his residence. As he might not relish having his name used, he wilt remain in cog, yet the incident IS too good for suppressiol1. It 11appelled just before the sale and while getting his lines in shape for the coming host he dropped into a coal office here while the ""riter was present. ITe bad bought his fuel there for years and was accustomed to getting the sum- 7 mer price and paying for it as he could spare tlie funds. This year the combination had placed in effect a sliding scale and you paid the price in vogue when the money passed into the hands of the baron. This he was told by the gentlemanly clerk behind the counter. What he had done in former years cut no tlgure. The only way he could get the bottom prict". was to pay in advance, and he ~aid, "\Vell, it looks to me as though yOLl coal men wanted your customers to furnish your capital." The clerk iiaid it certainly did look that way, but such were the orders and he couldn't help the salesman. "T guess you have llS jllst where you want us and we'll have to pay the r rice," he remarked, but without any bitter-ness. "Tn this town there isn't much show for the con-sumer to uo anything but take \'"hat the coal and .ice com-hines hand us. There!s nothillg like realizing these things early. The ice people have things down quite pat, but I got even to a certain extent with them this year. "Last season they gave twenty-five pounds daily, now tJ:1.ey give twenty. That is, they claim to give it. T bought a pair of scales but didn't bave much chance to work them on the ice until my last t;ip in. 1 ::aid to my wife one day, "That isn't any twenty pounds." The next morning T watched for the cart and as soon as I saw it ran down stairs. The wagon had started, but I called it hack. The men didn't want to come, bnt 1 yelled tmtil they came. 'What's the matter?' said the driver in an ugly tone. ;1 want that ice weighed.' Isn't it aU right?' 'I don't think so,' I said. He had a thing on the end of the cart which looked like a fire escape. He picked up the cake. and weighed it. tongs and alL It scarcely touched thc nineteen mark. I didn't pay mllch attention to. the missing }}ound, but asked, 'Do you weigh the tongs every time?' The fellow was surprised and said 'Yes.' 'Well,' I saiJ, 'in that case you'd better p~tt the tongs in my box; it seems I'm paying for them;' 'Oh, we have the scales fixed,' he said, and 1 dryly remarked I thought he had, but this went ovcr his bead. T get close to my twenty pounds daily since that happening, but T have often since wondered what price thosc tongs stand the combine in at the end of the season, after being weighed all over town and counting ·as three pounds and more of ice with each weighing. "There's nothing like system in business, and looking after the by-products is a big item in system. I guess the ice com- . binatioll doesn't have to go to school to Rockefeller or the beef trust either." THORNTON PRESCOTT CRAFT. Floating Exposition to Circle World. A thorOl~ghly twentieth C',entury ellterprise to fnrther tl,e cause of the American export trade is that which is about to be launched by the Export Shipping company, of New York. They prOpose to equip a large steamer and furnish space thereon to American manufacturers to make a display of their product, and send them around the world on a 60,ooo-mile trip, to consume arout fifteen months, The plan is to allow each concern to subscribe for forty square feet or more of space, at $50 per square foot, to dis"[lay their goods and to send with their exhibit a representative. Catalogues and circulars dcscribing the exposition and its objects will be Issuen ill the native tongue in each COuotry visited. Cre~ ating, as it will, wide interest in the commercial world, where its progress will be thoroughly advertised at every port ·where the exposition ship calls, the opportunity is an uIHlsual one for the American manufacturer to introduce his goods under the most favorahle auspices in an of the most im-portant commercial countries of the world. Foreign made goods arc each year being more extensievly introduced in this country; but are the American manufacturers as a wholt'" as aggressively working the European markets? No. 214 Dresser Plain Oak. 25142 Top. 2b28 Oval Mirror. Top Drawers Veneered. GLOSS FINISH. PRICE, $8.50 No. 33 Chiffonier Plain Oak. Wx]4 Top. Two Tap Drawers Veneered. 14x24 Oval Minor. PRICE, $7.00 Every Day Sellers w IT'S THE PRICE THAT CUTS THE ICE TERMS: 2 IH.!Uc·ent off 20 da:rs Net 60 da.,s p. O. &. LOGAN. OHIO No. 227 Dresser Plain Oak. 22x44 Top. 24-130Pattern Mirror. AU Drawers Veneered. GLOSS F1NJSH. MAIL ALL... ORDERS TO Snider Mfg. Co. LOGAN, OHIO PRICE, $1 0 .00 No. I Commode Plain Oak. 20x34 Top. Gl.OSS FINISH. PRICE, $3.00 No. 520 Bed-Golden Ash. Price $5.50 Exceptionally Good Values SOME SELECTIONS ---- ---FROM - ... ----- THE HOLLAND LINE TERMS: 2 per cent. off 20 days 60 days ne' Holland Fumiture Company HOLLAND, MICH, No. 520 Commode-Golden Ash. Top, 20x34. Top polished. Price. $4.00 SENDFORCATALOGUE No. 520 Dresser-Golden Ash. Top, 21x42. Pattern Mirror, 24x30. Top pol-ished. Price. $9.50 MANISTEE MFG. CO. MANISTEE, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF ======= SWIFT SELLING SIDEBOARDS BUFFETS CHIFFONIERS ODD DRESSERS SIDEBOARD No. 226 Selected Quartered While Oak. Golden Finish Rubbed and Polished Bevel Palterl\ Plate, 18x36; Top, 23x48; Height. 79 in. The lop and ill drawers ar~ full 8well. One drawer lined. Price, $24.00 Catalog free Write to us at once for our new and beau-tifully illustrated Cata-log, showing Dressers and Chiffoniers a f original designs made in Oak. Birdseye Maple and Mahog-any; also Plain and Qnartered Oak Chamber Suiles. Everything except Plain Oak goods are Polished. Empire furniture Company J4MESTOWN. N. Y. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVEDA COPY OF OUR NEW CATALOGUE WRITE FOR IT Woodard Fumiture Co. gkh:n You should see out New Fall Line of Medium Priced BEDROOM FURNITURE in all the Fancy Woods befQfe placing your order Full line of 400 PIECES on display in Grand Rapids Exhibition Building Third Floor In charge of T.AsHLEY DENT New catalogUe readY July lOth UNDERTAKERS "PUT HIM WISE." Accused One Retaliated by Asserting That the Undertaker Had Been Working the Same Graft. A recent case bn)11gbt to ligllt in Lucas Coullty, Ohio, would inJicate that even a dead ranper is not withont some value in the present-day pursuit of the "filthy lucre." The case in question has also resulted in rather strained feelings between the undertakers and the C011l1ty burial association. It seems that a certain woman died, and as she had paid $1.26 dues as a member of the Lucas County Bmial associa-tion, she was given a $roo burial as the rules of the associa-tion provide. Latcr John Mmphy, the manager of the burial a,..",ociatiol1, seemed $10 from one of the county in firmary di-rectors for the burial of the woman on representations that she was a pauper. The director was ig;norant of the pro-visions governing the burial association and thought that it simply act{~d in the capacity of an undertaker. Sorl1C of the undertakers, however, learning of the order being issued, ex-plained to the county official that the deceased, being a mem-ber of the association, was entitled to burial from the same, and not from the county. Mr. Murphy, learning that certain members bad told of the affair, asserted that many under-takers "worked" the infirmary often by getting money for burials after they had been paid by relatives. Mr. Murphy's unblemished halo 01 integrity and must now be-come him with much better ease and satisfaction. Regal European Carpets of Historic Age. Carpets of costly splendor and remarkable age that have been conspicuons in the history of England arc recalled by the recent arrival of a beantiful Persian carpet which is a present from tlle sba to the king. The carpet is entirely hand made, and its manufacture, despite the 11l1mber of workers employed, took upward of three years to COlll. ktc. It is of most artistic and intricate design, into which tile king's name, "Edward VII," is woven. The palatial hall of the Gold-smitbs' company contains three carpets made at the factory at Wilton, rlear Salisbury. The largest measmes forty feet two inches by twenty-six feet nine inches, is of a rich crim-son surrounding a center, ten feet by nine feet, consisting of the company's arms in their heraldic coloring of blue. green, red and purple upon a white ground, and enclosed in a border of festooned roses with medallions at each corn(',t. in setting the pile of this carpet, which weighs abollt 1,200 pounds, over 5,500,000 knots were, it is said, nsed. Another company, that of the Girdlers, possei-ised a carpet in which historic .interest is probably nnlqt1e. 1t was mant~- faetured in the reign of Charles 1., at tile factory of Akbar the Great, at Lahore, to the order of Robert Bell. The car-pet, which is twenty-four feet by seven feet six inches, is worked with the company's crcst and arms and two bales of merchandise, on either side of which are the donor's arms and two bales 01 merchandise bearing his initial,s and trade mark. The prayer carpet on vie\'\' at South Kensington is a splendid specimen, measuring some thirty-three feet by twenty feet. It was purchased at a cost of £2,000. It came originally from the mosque at Ardebil, for which it was made in J540 by Maksoud, of Kashan, a fact which-·togcther with a pious maxim-is recorded in words woven into the texture of the carpet itself. Two other magnificent carpets were four years ago sold at the Municil~al Chamber at Lisbon to p.y for the repairs at the Royal Convent of St. Antonio, to which they had beell given by the Infanta Donna Sanche in 1500. For these ca1'- pets, which are of Persian manufacture, eighteen feet square and embroidered with gold, the bidding was very brisk. Starting at £888. it rapidly rose to £ 1,798, at which price the prize, at £J,OOO below its real value, was S('.C\tredhy a 7IR. 'T' hS' A.l"J irk 0 $"+ 11 Frenchman. A curious carpet has lately been manufactnred at Caesarea. Tt isa representation of the battle of Trafalgar, depicting that moment in the engagement when Ne1son re-ceived his fatal wound. The carpet, which is entirely of silk, is seven feet by six feet. and took. two girls fourteen months to weave it. It was sold for £400. Why Not? The city fathers of St. Johns, Mich., propose to bond the city for $15,000 and purchase the table factory now located there. The city will then lease the buitding to some manu-factnring concern at a !lominal rental per year. As the city wilt not be obliged to ray taxes, the. entire rent derived from the building will go into the municipal treasury for the cur-rent expenses or p\.tblic improvement of the city. This proposition doe~ away entirely with the usual custom of offering a large honus to a concern for moving to a city. The company, being obliged to hunt up a desirable location and then build its factory, nsually expects some remunera-tion for the expense and trouble occasioned by the move. Here the city does more than meet the company half way-it has jtlst what it is looking for. With the city or town owning the building, the company ,is obliged to pay rent only, and is released from any guarantee of a specified output or work-ing force. In these days, when it is the desire of all of the larger communities to own their own lighting plants, water works, garbage systems and other public utilities, why would it not be an enterprising and lucrative move on the part of a city to own one or a series of stores for mercantile purposes? The city could purchase the available land, centrally located, and ercct a modern business tlock or purchase such a block al-ready built. The same would then be easily leased for some mercantile house or for even a big department store. As an extra inducement, light and water could be furnished free with the rent, the same Stll~plled from the city plants. The rent derived from such an investment would not only help repair rnany holes in the city's pavements, but would also have a strong tendency to add to its general busineis in-teTests and prosperity. Why not? The Business Woman of the South. People of the north who have never visited the southern states, have but a vague idea of the yonng women of that region, and that mostly based on the literature dealing with tIle ante-bellum days. Yet the girls south of the Mason and nixon line are said to be peers of their northern cousins III every respect, socially and in business. A good example of the southern type of the successful business woman is in :vIiss "V. S. Pratt, of Atlanta, Ga., who is said to be the only woman south of Chicago in the lumber trade. When the I1nn for wl1ich she was stenographer went out of busines, ",..ithout losing a day hunting a position, she opened an office and began operations. Having acquired a knowledge 01 hun-ber and its mutations in the market, Miss Pratt was not long ill jlToving her ability, and today she is at the- head of a firm ha11(lling JOO cars every month. Unoccupied Convicts to Make Tables. The Jackson (Mich.) prison board has awarded the coo- IIact of 250 pri1ioners to the Tra~e Table company, of De-troit, for fifty cents a day for A men and twenty-five ce.nts for B men-the latter being those who are unable to do a full day's work. The contract will give employment to a.U of the unoccupied men in the institution. The company hav~ another cOl1tract at the Ionia })Tison. ,. 12 A High-Chair Safety Guard. Common among the antics 01 a child is "squirming" around in a high chair, w"hetbcr at the table or when left alone in the r00111. These sudden and erratic movements arc often attended with disastrQus and sometimes serious resllits and are a SOt1TCC of constant worry to Ole mother. )Io"\\', however, through the medium of the unger Safety Guard, re-cently perfected by 1. Unger, Iron Mountain, :Mich" the per-manent location of the child can he fully established and the mother can go about her household duties assured that "the baby" will be fotlnd upon her return safe in its chair where she left it. The invention, like mally of importance in the world's history, is so simple that one wonders why it hasn't been thought of before. It is in the form of an addition to the wooden tray of every high chair. To the im,ide of, and built with the tray, is a short wooden a?ron which comes down to the child's lap, making it impossible for the child to get out of its sitting position. This device, Simall as it may seem, is proved ordcr for office purposes of the big carpet sweeper company. To Lessen Drain on- Valuable Woods. Owing to the fact that a revival of wood paving has be-gun in seveJ-al of the larger cities and that the pavement is now made almost exclusively of one or two of th~ best con-struction woods, the forestry service of the department of agriculture will endeavor to secure a chea:=er and more abundant species \vhich by proper treatment may be sub-stituted. A Few Dissatisfied Ones. It is stated on good authority that some of the table man-ufacturcn; are seriously considering withdrawing from ex-hibiting at either one or both of the expositions. Their rea-sons are that the expense is not equal to the retllrns. It is rel;orted that the table people have been sOlinding the case Fromthe New l:atalogue of the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, Mich. an invaluable addition to any high chair. \Vith it it is abso-lutely impossible for the child to stand up in its chair or to slide down and out, in either case exposing itself to injury. The Unger Safety Guard, although but recently placed upon the market, has met with instantaneous success ,vith the trade, and at thc present time nine different factories are placing it on all of the hig-h chairs they manufacture. The cost is but slightly above that of the ordinary chair, and the satisfaction it gives his customers more than compensates the dealer for his foresight in keeping abreast of the times. In case the manufacturer does not handle the Unger Safety Guard, they may be obtained from the following agencies: The Ford & Johnson company, Chicago, Ill.; Bnckstaff & Ed-wards company, Oshkosh, Wis., and. George Spratt & Co., Sheboygan, \V is. Bissell Carpet Sweeper Comoany Enlarge Plant. The Bissell Carpet Sweeper company, Grand Rapids, Mich., are contemplating extensive improvements to their plant. Tbe plalls call for a new fOllr-story building and a general remodeling of an adjoining brick building, the whole to cost about $25,000. The new building will be of steel and brick, 7IX60 feet in ground area. The building will be equipped with fireproof vaults and fitted up in the most im-goods manufacturers to see how they stand on the propo-sition. No Doubt of His Honesty. It is only a few years since Woonsocket missed for good the familiar face of hAlf" Church, for a long time deputy sher-iff and chief of police, a man who was straightforward and blunt in all his dealings. One day a grocer went to "AU" for information about a certain "] oe" \Vhite, who bad applied for credit and a book at his store, and the following dialogue ensued: "Good mornin', Mr. Church." "Tvlornin'." HDo'you know 'Joe' White?" "Yes," "What kind of a feller is he?" "Putty fair!' "Is he honest?" '··Honest? I should say so. Been arrested twiee for steal-ing and acquitted both times."-TIoston Herald. This would be a dull old world if it were not for the wicked trusts upon which the people spend their surplus energy. A COMfORTABLE HALL A COLONIAL DINING ROOM .. -------------------------------- ---- Good Locations for Plants Utilizing Timber. Tbe "Frisco System," the St. Louis & San Francisco rail-road, has just issued a one-hundred-page booklet under the title of "Opportunities." The book, as its name implies, gives a brief but comprehensive summary of the business op.., portunities and openings for industries and investments in general in that section of the United States traversed by the Frisco System. In connection with the location of desirable timber lands along its route is printed the following: "The best sections for the location of plants utilizing tim-ber arc ill southeast l\Jjssol1ri and northeast Arkansas and in the central and southeastern portions of Indian Territory, where hardwood timber of almost all kinds can be. seemed in great Quantities. Some very fille yellow pine timber is also procurable in the more mountainou!'> and ronghex section!'> of southeastern Indian Territory. Furniture and box factories, wagon and wagon wood\""ork, cooperage and vexleer plants and handle factories will find an abundant supply of suitable timber. In tIle Choctaw nation especially the pre~ent govern-ment rulings permit of the allottees to dispose of outright the stumpage on their excess land, and the timber privileges can be purchased at very reasonable prices on account of the desire to have the land cleared for farming purposes. In the rougher portions of northern Mississippi tributary to the line of the Fri"co, and also in the valleys of large streams crossed by om line funning beh",een Memphis and Birmingham, there is some fine mer<.'.hantable timber, both hardwood, gum and cottnTIwood. Tn western Alabama there are also some large tracts of yellow pine. timber. Tn the 'western part of Arkansas, tributary to om St. Paul Branch, and along the Ozark & Cherok{'.e. Central Division, and also in southern Missouri along the line south from Springfield to Thayer and tributary to the CU!T{'.ntRiver Division, there is much hard-wood timber that would repay investigation, in addition leav-ing smallex timbl::' which would be suitahle for handles, spokes, wagon 'wood and chair stock." America the Great Persian Rug Market. It is stated that about nine-tellths of the rt1g trade of Persia finds its way directly or indirectly to the United States. \iVhat are regarded as the most beautiful of the Per-sian rugs are the product:1 of the Tabriz looms. In one large factory in that city over 1,000 lads are employed on rugs of all sizes and design. These lads work with gJ;"eat rapidity and earn from $2.50 to $3.25 per month. A few years ago aniline dyes were' use'dextensively in coloring the yarns to these rugs, but the effect was quickly felt in decreased sales and the government prohibited the entry of the dyes. The Persian rug trade, vorhich was sadly demoralized in 1902, is slowly recovering, and the demand in America is increasing, while the manufacture is being extended in a normal and healthful manner. This applies particularly to the wool rug:-;. The silk rug trade, on account of competition, is still below its former footing, and many smaller factories in this line have discontinued operations. Danger from Oil in Boilers. A common trouble experienced by stationary engmeers, and one that is apt to prove expensive as well as dangerous, is that occasioned hy oil in the boilers_ The result is usually a badly warped sheet and an expensive loss of time until the damage can be repaired_ The oil may find its way into the boiler in several ways. Sometimes it is intentionally thrown in by the engineer to help break up scale or prevent the same. vVhere a small quantity of good oil, free from animal matter, is used little harm results, but in many cases the lubricant is of an inferior IS gTade. 1\10re often trouble originates in plants where the exhaust steam is used. Many engineers use too much oil on their engines. This passes from the cylinders into the ex-haust steam and thence into the feed water. From there it passes direetly into the boiler. Many new boilers have been ruined in this way within twenty-four hours after they were fired up. In the boiler the oil has the effect of holding the water in suspension above the plate, causing the plate to become over-heated and sag from one inch to a foot. The same effect is also brought about by the oil mixing with the mud and form-illg a spongy coating on the plate. The most direct way to Manufa('tured by Century Furniture Company, Jamestown, N. Y. overcome the trouble ,is to clean out the boiler and tank and theH~after fIlter the feed water. Death of Jacob Fihn. Jacob Fihn, a well-known furniture dealer of St. Louis, :\"Jo.,died August 9 at his home in that city. Mr. Film, who '\,,'as forty-four years of age, has been a residept of S1. Louis since he came to this country, twenty-four years ago, from Kieff. Russia, in order to escat=:ebeing forced' to enlist in the imperial army. This he did through 110t heing ill sympathy with his g-overnment. He is survived by a widow and five children. Mr. Film was one of the buyers at the July exposi-tion in Grand Rapids. Chain of House Furnishing Stores. Application has been flled for the incorporation of the Prince Furnitmc company, to be capitalized at $100,000. The lllcorporators are H. L. Haltzell, Daniel F. Printz and Samuel H. Fulmer. The company arc to conduct a series of stores for the sale of house furnishings, furniture, carpets, etc. Headquarters will be established at Reading, Fa., This is one of our Famous Non-Dividing Pillar Tables No. 340 .. . . , . $19.50 THESE ARE 'THE ONLY TABLES 'THAT ARF: PERFECT IN CONSTR UCTION ANY DEALER THAT HAS NOT 'TRIED ONE OF THESE SHOULD NO'T FAIL TO ORDER ONE Choate-Hollister Furniture Co. Price, JANESVILLE, WIS. The T. B. LAYCOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY MANur ACTURERS OF Iron and Brass Beds, Cribs Child' s Folding Beds, Spiral and Woven Wire Springs Cots, Cradles, Etc. TO MAKE MONEY. HANDLE OUR GOODS CATALOGUE ON REQUEST EVERY DEALER SHOULD HAVE ONE OR MORE OF OUR No. 550 MATTRESS AND SPRING DISPLAY RACKS, WRITE FOR BOOKLET ILLUSTRATING IT " The T. B. Laycock Mfg. CO. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. 400 Pieces of Parlor and Library Fumiture Colonial Repro-ductions, Odd Pieces and Suites in Louis XV, Louis XVI, Sheraton, Heppelwhile and Chippendale De~gns. Also large line of Leather Rockers, Chairs and Couches. I59 Cantil Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. CENTURY FURNITURE CO. No. 1221 Y; Buffet <ita,rlered oak. Highly poli~hed. Base, 25 x 50. f Tench bevel mirror, 44 x 14. Finished golden. Bevel gl"Jl~duol's. Silver drawer lined inside of dosels and drawers varnished. Price. $27.50 No• .1401 Sideboard Quartered oak. Highly poli.hed. Base, 25 x 52. French bevel mirrof, 40 x 18. Finished golden. Heavy veneered effects. Silver drawe, lined. Closets and drawel's varnished inside. Prlc.e. $35.00 Goods that are mild., 110 weIllhat they come to you with a guarantee cannol fail 10 please yourtrade. THE WAIT FURNITURE CO. POR.TSMOUTH. OHIO. PROTECT THE BAIHES For the benefit of future geoel'ations see that YOllr high chairs have the Unger Safety Guard attached. Cost is only $1.00 per dozen over the ~rdinary_ YOll get 2Sc pel' chair more, besides giving your customer a highly superior ·article. Showing high chair table with guard attached. Showing how the children slide down and out of the old slyle chair. Showing how the child cannot possiblyslide out or stand up in chair. If your mall1Jfacturer does not Ill:'! k'" them, order from Murl)hy Chair Co., Detroit, Mich. American Go-Cart Co., Detroit, Mich. Waldcutter & Co., Toledo. o. E. L.ThompsDn & Co. Baldwinsville. Mass. Nichols & Stone. Gardner. Mass. Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Ltd., TOl"(Jnto, Onl. Th.e Ford & 10lms0l1 Co., ChicalJO. III. Buckstaff & Edwards Co·, Oshkosh. Wis. Geo. Spratt & Co , Sheboygan; Wis. Any of these will see your wants supplied. I. UNGER, Patentee. Iron Moun~. Mich. 17 Danis~T~oseDou~h which are haunting you about Olsen Desks. Do you think that because they are cheap they can't be good? That is al! wrong. Olsen Desks are as careful!y and intelli-gently made as those costing twice their price. By "intelligently made" we mean keeping al ways ia mind the service they are to render. Every drawer slides without catching, every curtain runs smoothly, the pigeon-boles are convenientl.v.arranged, the whole desk is just the neatest affair imaginable. The woods are selected with great care and the finish is faultless. The only thing cheap about Olsen Desks is their price. These facts ought to banish al! your doubts. Don't delay putting Olsen Desks in stock another minute. When they arrive and you see how readily they sel! you'lI be sorry you didn't order them before. Write now. o. C. S. OLSEN &. CO. All the kids are in love with Spratt's Chair GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS FOR EVERYBODY Send for Catalogue No. 88-Child's High Chair with Unger Safety Guard. Retting Furniture Co. Successors 10 RETTfNG & SWEET 3 8 Stred Grand Rapids Michigan FINE Parlor Furniture, Odd Chairs, Divans, Co-lonial Snfas. Library Suites, Moms Chairs The most appropriate dIllliv:na. best materials. (;(InBtI'Uetion and 6niab. Lodge furniture. Club Furniture Pulpit furnitul't D~ and estimates furnished lor F'me Ordered Work. Catalogue of Wile and Chl1l'ch fumiture on application THE CREDIT ~UREAU OF THE FURNITURE TRADE The LYON FURNITURE AGENCY ROBERT P. LYON, General Manager CREDITS and COLLECTIONS IMPROVED METHODS Grand Rapids Office, 412-413 Houseman Bldg. GEO. E. GRAVES,· Manager CLAPPERTON & OWEN, Coul1sel THE STANDARD REFERENCE BOOK CAPITAL, CREDIT AND PAY RATINGS CLEARING HOUSE OF TRADE EXPERIENCE THE MOST RELIABLE CREDIT REPORTS COLLECTIONS MADE EVERYWHERE PROMPTLY REUABL Y Smith, & Davis Mfg. Co. ST. LOUIS METAL MAKERS OF BEDS THAT DO BEDS WITH STANDARD .... JJ ..., Standard Reversible Rail Patented July 1.5, 19l}2. NQ,7(l4'iOl. This rail is reversible in the true sense of the word-can be used either side up and enables the dealer to one set of raUs answer instead of having two stocks, one of regular, the other inverted. 1'1.. rf) REVERSIBLE RAILS SOLID .. .. RIGID REVERSIBLE NOT WIGGLE No. 328 All Iron ~ $3.75 net The New PAThNTED GCT. 20. 1903 Comfortable Durable Simple N",.t The Acme oE Perra·tion in the line of Folding Chairs. P~;"FHCT COMI'ACTNhSS whltn folded. Hard maple natural finish. WRITE FOR PItICES. ohe PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. North Manchester, Indiana . Pillars, 1 1-16 inches. Filling, 3-8 and 5-16 inch. Head, 56 inches. Foot, 40 inches. Sizes: 3 feet 6 inches and 4 feet 6 inches. Weight, 67 Ibs. No. 51 Oliver Bros. Company LOCKPORT. N. Y. UA Hi_h Grade Br_s and Iron /BEDS Chicago Satesrol)ms moved to Furni-ture h:x.hibition Building. 1411 M1Chi- .l{an Avenue New York Salesroom, U5 E, 42<1.Street. fI". M. RANDALL II'" YOU DON'T VISIT THE: MAR"ETS OUR CATALOGUE WILL INTEREST YOU. 20 ESTABLISHED lS80 PUBLISHED BY MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 2Sn. OF EACH MONTH OFF/CE-2-20 LYON ST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ENTI!IlED AS MATTER OF THE nCOKtI CLASS A few years ago the sta.te of IVlichigan engaged ill the business of manufacturing furniture at the prison in Ionia under a contract v,:ith the Cochran & .:'Uiller Fmnitur-e com-pany to take the output. The btlsinC5;; proved unprofitable, the state losing heavily. and ,,.,.h. en the contract expired the board ofcolltro! refused to rene,,,,- the same. The mannfac-hirers of tbe state of Michigan were quite active in bringing to the attclltioll of the state authorities proof to sustain their claim that the bl1sin~ss ..".as carried on at a Joss. Louis Kanitz, of Muskegon; L. C. Stow. of Grand Rapids, and Charles E. Rigley, of the l':stey Manufacturing company, Owosso, represented the manufacturers of the state.. "VVithin the past year the state bas commenced the manufacture of raLjan chairs .and furniture in the prison at Tonia under can-t a~t with the Ypsilanti Reed Chair company, and recently a contract was entered into with the Trade Table company, owned by the Ypsilanti corporation, for the employment of 250 prisoners incarcerated at the state prison in Jackson, ]\'1ich. The state will receive fifty cents per day for A and t"..·enty-five ('.ents for B men, The table makers of the United States may expect to be confronted with demoralizing com-petition in the near future. It was generally supposed that when the unprofitable experience at Tonia had termillated the state of Michigan would not engage in the business of manu-facturing furniture again, but the making of the contract with the Trade Table company proves that a trio of politicians with a pull is stronger than the business' judgment of the men controlling the prisons of the state of Michigan. The business of the manufacturers of furniture in the southwestern states has heen seriously affected by the yelJow fever epidemic. An idea of the seriollsness of the situation is furnished in a letter from 1. "\,T. C. "Vright, the manager of the New Orleans Furniture .Manufacturing company: "Nearly all our fal':tories (the company operates five) are partially tied up by the quarantine incidental to the fever prevailing here. "Vhen dealers send in orders we do not know whether we can fill them or not, because of the ob-struction to freight caused by quarantine." The outlook is nol encouraging for business. If goods were shipped to certain localities the men ordering the same might not be alive when the same ',Nere ready for delivery. ------~ A report is current to the dIect that a number of manu-facturers located in the south have signed an agreement not to o~,cupy space in the :xposition buildings of Chicago, Grand Rapids and New York In Jannary. Their withdrawal will not affect the rn\lrkets materially. The exposition plan for sell-ing furniture has become an established feature of the busi-ness. If the southetnerswithdraw, more trade will be gained by the manufacturers who remain in the market. The Ordways operated a chair factory in Massachusetts. The people of Bristol, Tenn .. offeTed a bonus which tempted the Ordways to move to that town. The condition's for mal1~ L~ __ ufacturing chairs in Tennessee are not those that prevail in "!\lassachl1setts. The Ordways could not make the business profitable in Tennessee, therefore dosed the factory and re-turned to Massachu!:ietts, leaving liatilities amounting to $.,5,000 unsecured. A receiver in bankrnptcy will attempt to secure something for the creditors. By the "vay, what was the name of the wise man who uttered a remark about "let-ting well enough alone"? A traveling furniture exposition has been suggested. For instance ,if the people of Cincinnati should feel the desire for the presence of one thousand buyers and as many manufac-turers and selling agents, they need only lease l\ll1sic Hall and offer its occupancy to the leading manufacturers of Chi-cago, Grand Rapids. Ne\y York and other furniture centers free of expense for a month. Baltimore, Boston, Philadel-phia and other cities might prove attractive for the exposi-tion seller of furniture ullder similar conditions. The idea is presented for w!Jat it is wott1J. The cost of the "keep" of salesmen ill the exposition towns Juring the furniture selling season is held up for contempla-tion by the manager of a furniture tnaaufactnring corpora-tion selling their Olltput to prize soap coq.:oratiol1s as a guud and sufficient reason why the manufacturers of furniture should withdraw from tIle expositions. \'\Tou{d tlle cost le less if the salesmen were traveling on the road \'v-hi Ie the buyers were making the rounds of the exposition towilS? The movement inaugurated in thc southern states pro-posing that manufacturers of furnitllre ,...i.thdraw their lines from the furniture expositions ,'vas inaugurated by firms en-gaged in handling government contracts. In the northern states the movement is championed by a corporation that disposes of a great part of their outl)ut to prize soap distri-bution and scheme houses. Fit leaders for such an ill-advised movement. The little town of Mebane, N. C. was stirred up consid-erably a short time ago by tllC loading and dispatching of a train of thirteen cars containing furniture for the government buildings ill Panama. The goods were manufactured by the White Furniture company and passed the critical inspection by government experts successfully. Thc \Vhites arc proud of their success and the government is satisfied. When it is understood that twenty thousand persons are employed by the mail order houses of Chicago and probably as many more by the premium distributing or scheme ho'uses, the nature of the work undertaken by the National Retailers' association-the abolishment of such concerus~wilt he, in a measure, comprehended. The withdrawal of out-of-town lines from the furniture expositions will not affect Grand Rapids. So long as the buyers find it profitable to visit the :~diehigan furniture center for the purpose of buying goods the manufacturers of Grand Rapids will have fresh styles and perfect work for their con-sideration. If all manufacturers had practical pulls that would enable them to sell their output to the state a.nd federal governments there would be no reason for their showing tlleir lines in the exposition towns. The same is true of the manufacturers who sell their outputs to the soap and scheme houses. Trade Notes. A large fl1rniturc factory. will be erected in Columbus, Ga. Lutz & Sonhave established a furniture store in Pasco, Fla. The Ott Lounge company have moved from Chicago to Pontiac, Ill. Cron & \Valker succeed Cron & Zeemer in the furniture business at Piqua, o. The Automatic ¥lringer comVany, Mllskegon, Mich., have gone out of business. L. P. Kelly, St. Mary's, 0., has sold his furniture business to H. C. Smith and J. D. Miskell. H. ¥l. Potter has sold his Ittrniture and undertaking busi-ness in Belleville, 1vJich.,to Pullen & Son. The St. J alms Table company \'lill commence the opera-tion of their factory at Cadillac, Mich .. early in Octoher. I....Kauffman, of South Columbus, 0" has sold an interest in his furniture store to 1\'1. O. \Vagner, late of Lancaster. The Shoals (Ind.) Brass & T TOn Bedstead company, re-cently organized in_that city, will soon commence business. )/1. A. Taylor and others have organized the Pecos Furni-ture company in Austin, Tex. Their ca~;ital stock is $w,ooo. A. Dirksen & Sons, Springli.eld, 111.,have filed articles of incorporation, with $IOO,OOO capital, to ellgage in tbe manU-II., factming business. . The Forest City Furniture company, Rockford, Tll., at the annual meeting of stockholders held recently, re~eleeted their old board of directors and officers. H. J. Lapalme and others have organized the IT. J. La-palme comrany, of vVaterbury, Conn., to deal in furniture and carpets. Their capital stock is $5,000. The Anderson & Winter l\Janufacturing company will erect a factory T05xI35 feet in size and three stories high in Manufactured by Empire Furniture Company, Jamestown, N. Y. Clinton, la., to which point they \'lill move their business from Cedar Rapids. The New York Chair company, of New York. manufac-turers of antique furniture, have been incorporated with a capital stock of $IO,OOO. The incorporators are Jeremiah 21 O'l,eary. Lester S. Aberley and Frederick n. Maerkle, all of New -"{ark. The factory of the Columbian :rvranufacturing company, makers of mattresses and bedding, St. Johns, Mich., has' been completely destroyed by fire with a total loss of contents. About $500 insurance was carried. Indianola, Neb., is experiencing a lively building boom. Suggestive of Comfort. Among the new blocks is that of the firm of W. H. Smith & Son, v·,:hoare completing the erection of a .large brick furni-ture store- to accommodate their steadily growing business. The Knox-\\'alker Furniture company, Pine Bluff, Ark., have field articles of association with the secretary of the state of Arkansas. Their capital stock amonnts to $20,000, to which subscril:tiolls have been made amotlll(ing to $12,3°0. Charles F. Johnson. formerly with A. B. & E. L. Shaw, will join the selling force of "the Pooley Furniture company, Philadelphia, on September I. The c9mpany are erecting a large addition to their plant, which is intended to increase their manufacturing facilities one-third. Joserl1 V,,'nolsey has brought suit against the Freed Furni-ture & Carpet company, Salt Lake City, charging that a rep-resentative of the company entered his house during his ab-sence and illegally carried away certain furniture belonging to complainant. Damages amounting to $500 are sought for. The l\{ajestic Bed & l\:lanufacturing company, Springfield, 0., are in the hands of a receiver. The company are indebted for $20,000 and have property valued at $35,000. The action was precipitated by a suit brought by Alonzo Hullinger, the general manager, wbo c.!aimed that the company owed him $216 back salary. The Century Furniture company, Jamestown, N. Y. have issued a catalogue illustrating and describing their line of dressers, chiffoniers, sideboards, huffets. The line numbers nearly 100 patterns. Quartered oak, dark and Tuna, mahog-any, golden curly birch and bird's-eye maple are used in the manufacture of these goods. Good Cabinet Makers Need Good Benches THAT'S THE KIND WE MAKE HAND SCREWS, FACTORY TRUCKS, CABINET CLAMPS WRITE FOR CATALOGUE No.8 Our No. 1 Bench Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company I30 South IoniaStreet, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Canadian Representatives, RICE. LEWIS & SON. Toronto, Onl. CABINET MAnERS In these days of close competition, need the best possible equipment, and this they can have in • . • • BARNES· Hand and Foat Power Machinery Our New hand and foot Power Circular Saw NO.4 The strongest, most powerful, and in every war the best machine of its kind ever made, for ripping, <:fOss-cutting, boring and grooving. Send for our New Catalogue. -We F. ®. JOHN BARNES CO. 654 ~uby Street. ~ochford, III. The Yeager furniture Company ALLENTOWN, PA. UPHOLSTERED PARLOR FURNITURE and NOVEL TIES An endless variety In Gold, Gilt, Mabogany and Weathered Oak Finishes. ..•~.'-.- UlM.". •• .><III.t .............. "WE MAKE OUR OWN FRAMES" NEW LINE OF - POLISHED WOOD SEAT ROCKERS --IN-BIRCH OAK ANp MAHOGANY. CODlple1eLine on Exhibition a.t CHICAGO ONLY Manufacturers' Exhibition Building 1319 MICUIGAN AVENUE, SEVENTU FLOOR The Schirmer furniture Co. Manufacturers ... of ... Hall Racks Settees Hanging Racks Center Tables 1911-1915Elm Street, CINCINNATI,0"10 Robbins Table Co. OWOSSO, MICHIGAN No. 286 Improved Extension Table Leaves stored in top Center column does not d1vide CATALOG AND PRICES TO DEALERS ON REQUEST ,. 24 The Official Report. An enthusiastic gathcrillg of the members of the )'lichigan Retail Furniture Dealers' association convened at .Detroit, :vrich., recently, the occasion being the anl1nal meeting of the association. The convention was called Oil very brief notice, and for that reaeOH 111an)' of the dealers from the interior were unable to be present. Letters and telegrams from a number were received, regretting their inability to be present but pladging the association a continuance of their moral and financial snpllOrt. Tt was not intended that this meeting should be called for anything more than the transaction of routine busi-ness and the election of officers, but it turned out to be a very enjoyable affair for all those who attended. In his opening remarks President Barker said: "The If ... 1.4. (roil Bed. F.."., _.f" _. b"""" "•• m"oo, .'1 C'OlQ'" ho",' b.... ,,.j,,,m;o(> Ifo./' .. p...lor Tsble. (".01<10;, "" 0' m.~op.o~: ..-_ ""ood ""'.' p;."" """ ... .,.] If•• JU. EneD1!lon Tsble. M.O',., I:Zi,~:~~~;~~.d'.~, A Good Sample Advertisement. lvlichigan Retail Furniture Dealers' association was organ-ized September 24. 190I. On November 4 of that year ,ve had membership of eighty. The battle was on for right principles in trade so far as it affected the retailers of furnitnre. The battle is still on, although the factories generally <10 not sell to consumers. "The national association, since organized', has taken into consideration the mail order houses and the giving away of furniture as premiums is also receiving its attention; and I believe that all matter affecting the retail trade will receive its careful consideration. r recommend that members of onr state association give it their liberal and hearty support. I also recommend that Ollr incoming president cause to be sent to every furniture dealer in the .state a circular letter giving full information as to the national association and calling at-tention to the fact t11at it is maintained in its work by per capita dnes raid from the treasury of the state associations. Therefore, if the dealers wish to assist in movements planned for the betterment of the retail trade, they must of necessity become members of the state association. I ..v..ould also recommend that the dues be reduced to $3.00 per annum in order that every dealer in the state may become a member. This wOlild leave liS $2,00 per member for om expense of sending out circulars. letters, etc., after paying our per capita tax of $r.oo, to the nati()J1al association. I would urge that dealers mail all complaints to our secretary, and if they can-not be adjusted by the state association the complaints will be referred to the national association. [recommend the election of three delegates and three alternates to the national association to attend their meetings when that body is pre-pared to receive thenl. 1 ,",,'auld also recommend that the members be informed from time to time by our secretary of the work which is being done, 'so that the dealers who can-not. attend the meetings may know that their interests are being taken care of." The report of the executive committee showed that a Hum-ber of. matters of interest to the members, which had been referred by the committee to the secretary, had been adjusted in a ma1111ersatisfactory to all those concerned. An amend-ment to the by-la\vs was adopted, reducing the annual dues from $5.00 to $3.00 r er year, and it was the sense of the meet-ing that this amount would afford stlff:cient rcvenue to pay the running exrenscs and IT-ake it easier to obtain !Jew members. During the rast year both the president and secretary have corresponded with a Humber of mannfacturers through-out the country and letters from many of these were read, an-nouncing themselves in sympathy with the aims of the asso-ciation and pledging themselves to confine their sales here-after to the legitimate retailer of furniture and no longer sell to mail order and premium houses; and a resolution ,'vas llnanimollsly adopted commending the action of these ma:l-ufactnrcrs and pledging to them the !filpport and patronage of 0111' members. It was the sense of the meeting that in so far as it was consistent with their bnsiness, the members should, in mak-ing their purchases. favor and ratronize such buildings and such lines of goods as are shown in exhibition buildings which are used exclusively for wholesale purposes at all times. A resolution was adopted expressing the regret of the members at the death of the former vice president, B. F. Cotharin, of Flint. Mr. Cotharin was a pionccr in this associ-ation movement, and bis presence was' sadl; missed at this meeting. Plans for incrcasing the membership were considered and the secretary instructed to carry them out and to use the funds ohthe association in the furtherance of these plans. A rcsolution was adopted commending the work being done bv the national association and pledging the continued support of the l\.lichigan association in the work wbich the national has undertaken in the orga:, of other state asso-ciations and the strengthening of the associations alrcady forllled. The election of officers resl1lted as follows. Presi-dent, James ),-1. Keenan, Detroit: first vice president, George B. Gallup, Jackson; second vice president, \Vill Hanson, Mon-roe; secretary-treasurer. Charles C. Roscllbury, Bay City; executive committee, D. M. "regner, chairman, Grand Rap-ids; W. E. Barker, Dctroit; F. J. Schutt, 1'\'lol1l1tClemens; Charles A.H ager. i\larquette; T. R Donovan, Saginaw. The elect;o:, of the l~resident was made on the third ballo~. j\,{r. Barker v,,·as re-elected ont he first and second ballots, hut declined the honor. 1Ie cxpressed bis appn~ciation of the honor ~'hich had already been conferred upon him by the association. and of the further honor ,vhich they proposed to confer by his re-election. bnt thought for the good of the as-sociation that it would be wisc to elect someone efse to the office. It was hard for the members to g-ive Hp Yilr. Barker, as he has sexved th('. association wi!'.cly and well. Mr. Lewis also declined re-election as secretary-treasurer, expressing himself of the belief that a chang-e in that off-ice would also be beneficial, and he fHrtller stated that his per-sonal affairs duril1g the coming year would scarcely give him time to do justice to the duties of secretary~trcast1rer. Resollltions were unanimol\sly adopted expressing to 1\1r. Manufactured by Northern Furniture Co" Sbeboygan, Wis. Barker and 1\1r. Lewis the thanks and appreciation of the members for the excellent seT\'ice rendered the association during their terms in office. The meeting then adjonrncd, s\lbject to the can of the president. Tile meeting was called strictly for bl1siness pur-poses and no elltertaitllnellt was c011templated. However. the members of the Detroit association are an exceedingly Manufactured by Udell Works, Indianapolis, Ind. hospitable lot, and they were not to be denied the privilege of entertaining: those who were present, and during the day and previolls to the meeting plans were hastily perfected for giving the visitors a good time. A special car was arranged for that took the members from the city to the Belle Isle bridge, ..".here they boarded a launch and were taken to Belle Isle. After the mee1illg adjourned the members again went aboard the launch and were taken to a popular resort on the 25 Canadian shore and served with a fish and game dinner. Other refreshments and cigars were fmnished in abundance. After rctH1"11ing from the Canadian shore a Dumber of the members left the yacht at Belle Tsle and returned to the city in automobiles. Altogether it was a very enjoyable occasion, although no plans had been made beforehand for any enter-tainment. Sues an Undertaker for Carelessness. Charles A. :"IcGowan, a liveryman at "Vest hope, N. D., has started a novel suit which may bring out some fine points of law in his action for damages against Benjamin Roman-son, an undertaker at Souris, for $.=i,600. :rVlcGowan claims that 11(', (',11gage.d Romallson to ("mhallH the remains of his wife so that they might be sent to Northwood, her old home, fnr burial. F-I e asserts that the undertaker perfo:med the service so negligently and nnskillfully as to make them ManufaClurlOd by \Voodard Furniture Co., Owosso, Mich. wholly worthless, and that by the time the body had reached Nortl1'wood it vvas in such a condition that it was impossible to bold all orderly ft111cral or to allow relatives and friends tn view the remaim;. lh. );JC.GOW'a11 seeks the $5,(>00 as a rJtlietus to his outraged feelings and the intense mental agony and mortification he has suffered as a result of Romanson'S carelessness. At a special election held at St. Johns, Mich., a proposi-tion to bond the city fOf $15,000 to purchase the real estate and building of the Table company was carried by a large majority. It is expected that at least two new factories will be established there-a furniture factory from .Chic.ago and an automobile factory from Detro-it. A. D. Gibson & 'Co., retail fUfniture dealers,Memphis, Tenn., are enlarging their quarters, having leased additiot}al warehouse room, giving them the entire Main street building, in which a handsome art department will be installed. 26 THE ONLY CASTER CUP THAT WILL NOT MAR OR SWEAT A New Caster CUP. a Furniture Protector and a Rest We guamntl!'e perfect .satis-faction. We know we have the (tilly perfect c-a'!iter cup ever made. This cup is in two sizE's, as follows: 2~ inch and 3 inch, and we use the cork bottom. You know the Test Small size, $3.60 I)e, 100 Large size, 4.60 per 100 Try it and be CDIlVilJced. :Eo" O. B. Gratld Rapids. Our Concave Bottom Card Rlock does not touch the sur-iace, but upon Ihe rim. permit-ting a circulation of air under the bluck, thereby preveotintr moisture ..r marks of any kInd. ihis is the only card block of its kind on the market. Price $3.00 per 100 Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co" 2 ''''wood A".. Grand Rapids, Mich. Also can be bad at LUSSKY. WHITE & COOLIDGE. 111-113Lake St.. Chicago ROCKFORD UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFOJ{[), ILL. Buffets, Bookcases, China Closets \Ve lead in Style, COllstruct:oll and Finish. SEE OUR CATALOGUE. Furniture Factory for Sale A fir~tclass factory, at present making tables, in ~ood .sourhern location near to splendid timber supply, arId having first-class transp0r1ation facili-ties, ]s for sale. If parties will investigate before July 15th, _an advantageolls offer will be made. Information about plant will be furnished hy M. V. RICHARDS, l.and and Industrial Ag'ent. Southern Railway, WASHINGTON, D. C. CHAS. S. CHASE, Agent. 612 Cbemical Building, ST. LoUiS, MO. M. A. HAYS, Agent, 225 llearhorll StTl~et, CHCAGO, ILL • fOUR TRAINS C" ICAGO TO .t..ND fROM Lv Gd. Rapids 7:10am Ar ('h1cag:o 1:15pm Lv Gd. Rapids 12:051111 Ar Chicago 4:50pm Lv Gd, R",p,ds 4:25 pm daily Ar ClJicago H>:55pm Lv Gd. Ravids 11:.'0"m dail)' Ar Chica~ 6:55am Pulltnan Sleeper, open 9:00 pm on 11:30pm train every day. CaE...service on all day traillS. 5t'rvice ll. la carte. PeTe Marquette Pad..,r cars on all day trains. Rate reduced to 50 Ce'TltS. T"REE TRAINS D E T R 0 I T . TO AND fROM Leave Grand Rapids 7:)(1 atn Arrive Delroit H::,S am Leave j;,alld Rapids 11:25 am daily Arrive DeuQit 3:25I>m Leave Grand Rapids 5:20 pm Arrive Detroit 10:05 pm Meals served a 1a cane' on trains leaving Gral',1 Rapids at 11:25am and 5::10 pm. Pere Marquelle Parlor Cars on all !Tail'S; ~ea! late. 2s cents. "ALL OVER MICHIGAN" H. J. G RAY, lHS [RICT PASSENGER AGIi;~"l, PHONE1168 GrandRapids,Micb. QUARTER-SAWED INDIANA WHITE OAK VENEERS CHOIC~ FIGURI<; I<;XTR<I. WIDTHS When writing for pric('~. mention widths required and kind of figure preferred. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. Fort Wayne Indiana W~manufacture the larg- Cifltline of FOLDING C H AI R S in the United States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all Public Re$orts. We al"io manufacture Bral's Trimmed Iron Bed... , Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in a Iarg"ft variety •. Send for Catalogue and Pric'es to Kauffman Mfg. CO. A~"LA~D, 0"10 Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Fantlind European .....rlan Rates $1.00 and Up lhe Noon Dinner Served ~tthe fanllind for 50c: is the FINEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop. WHY NOT GO BY BOAT? BfTWEEN Chicago AND Grand Rapids fore $2_00 one "'By 3.75 RoUl:ld Trip Leav~ Chica2"Q7;45 p.m. daily Leavr::Grand Rapids7:40p.m. daily Reserve berths at 103 Adams St., Cbicago, Docks foot Michigan Ave. 91 Monro~ Street, Grand Rapids. Mich. ~----------------------- ---- Worked Raised Postal Order Game. The Racine (\Vis.) yapcrs print a story of a young man giving the name of William 1'. Crane, who is believed to have defrauded one of the local furniture de,alers of about $30. None of the dealers, however, witl admit the "touch." The presence of the same [:erson is greatl] desired in Chicago, where he "vorked at least eight furniture dealers. The first seen of the man about two weeb; ago, when he visited the Belle City FUfniltlTe Store. At tbat r1ace lIe presented a rostoffice lllOney order for $50, drawll at the Kenosha oft-lee. He asked to have the ordc'- cashed there, 1mt was re-fused. He next went to the Thronson Flli"tlitllfC company. where he Llsed different tactics. He bought a s.ideboard and offered a postoffice order ill payment. \Vhen the clerk re-fused to accept it the str<lnger asked that the sir!eboard be delivered to 1431 Owen avenue all the following :\lonrlay, where the teamster could collect al lhe house. Meeting with poor success at tllese places, he shifted to 27 stranger was at the Northwestern depot, where it is thought he boarded a train for Mi.lwankee. Initial Appearance of "The Busy Store News." Stewart Brothers, of Columbus, 0., have just issued th(" tirst number of "The Busy Store News-," a periodical named afler and published ill the interests of their well-known hO'lse fllfllishing establishment in that city. "The Busy Store News" is a neat TOXT2 inch, eight-page "illustrated magazine of fashions in furniture and kindred subjects," of special in-terest to theil· present and prospective patrollsin the retail trade. The n~agazine, which' i5 to be issued monthly, is printed on good p:\)er in plain, rearlable type, and contains enlivening bits of store news on everyone of its pages. Each department of the store is represented, and in many instances half-tone cuts of the different flool's and displays are effect-ively llsed. Bright al1d crisp little verses and short articles written in h'mnorol1s vein are well distributed through its Manufactured by Manistee Manufarturi!lg Company, Manistee, Mic.:h. the jewelry store of \Vicgalld Brothers. \ivhere he wanted to purchase a phol10grat:h on the same terms. He met with a cold recertion there also, and again he hied himself to a fllT-niture dealer, this timc visiting the Porter Fnrnitt1re com-pany, where he })nrchascd another sideboard and asked that it be delivered to the number 011 Owen avenue. lvInnday morning there \,,-'ere two sideboards loaded on wagons and taken to O\'<"en avemte, hnt the dr-ivers co,lld lind no such number as given by the stranger. and they were retul'tled to the stores. It has been learned that the stranger rosed as a carpenter contractor who was to build a large fiat building. (I e had engaged rooms on \Visconsill street and on Sunday morning asked the landlady for the location of a nice church. as it was his usual custom to a~tend divine service on the Sabbath. Son ..e.. of the other l~()ardeTs at the 11011seare ac-customed to having beer at the table, and it tbought ad-visable to take that beverage from the bill of tare for that day on account of the Christian-like demeanor of the new boarder. Imagine their surprise when he readily accepted the invitation to join them in a drink. The last scen of (he pages, making in ail a periodical well worthy a place on the library table. A Check and the "Money;'Refunded" Plan. l-1 e h<J.donly a check for $57, and needed $7 at once. rhe banks were aU closed and he tried half a dozen friends, in vain Then he thought of a lJig department store where his face was known to the cashier. ··Can you cash this. check for me?" he asked. "I could for merchandise," the cashier replied, "but I COllldn't give you money for all of it." "Suppose I buy fifty doHan;' worth, can you give me the change ?" "all, yes, there's no trontIe about that." So the man with the check went to the jewelry deI'art-ment, pick~,d out a fifty-dollar watch, paid with the check, got seven dollars' ~hange, and two days later returned the watch and got llis fifty dol1ars. "Handy, this scheme of the stores takillg things back," he said. 28 Observations of a Representative of the Artisan. Evansville, Aug. 25.-Tt was with a feeling of admiration and surprise tbat 0111" of the l\'lichigan Artisan's representa-tives visited for the tir~:t time the city of Evansville in the middle of the present month. Admirably located on the banks of the Ohio river, rich in historic associations with the departed red man and the frontiersman ofa hundred yea1"S ago, this city, above whose limits rises the smoke from scores of humming factories, impresses the visitor at once as one of the . 1110st wide-a. wake and p.fogressive cities in -the south. The proverllial hospitality of the south is also one of the n~arked d:aracteristics of Evansville'>; atmosphere with which the visitor comes in contact. One cannot help becoming" im-bued with the feeling that in this attractive city there is "something doing" all the time and that a mueh greater city is t11C future of Evansvilk Ma'lat{er Karges, of the Karges Fmnittlre company, rc-rOtts t: ade with his conlj:'any thus (ar this year as very good, with the exception of the interruption ,"vhich has COIJlL' to their sOLlthern trade Oil account of the yellow fever epidemic. The company's trade from the western states continues to be holding ant in good shape. The Evansville Furniture company, manufacturers of bedsteads. wardrobes, safes, tallies, oak chamber sllites, chairs and rockers, and jobbers o( all kinds of furniture, is one o( the largest and most prominent in the big list of Evans\cjl1c's furniture industries." Nonwei1cr states that a brand new line of case goods, entirely new stuff, is beiJlg gotten out, prices ranging from $6.00 to $20.00; oak bedroom suites with prices up to $50.00. A new line of chiffoniers is also to form another department of this company's big output. Philip Nonweiler, the president 'aud treasmer of the Ev-ansville Furniture company, at this writing is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Grave fears arc entertained as to the outcQrre, owing to the fact that R'lr. Nonwciler is about sixty-five years of age. The American Ph'arnI<1caJ company, 2D5 Upper First street, Evansville, are manufacturing a polish that is making Evans-v. ille famolls. This article is called ;'Natl's Red Star Polish," for furniture, pianos. ollice allJ bar fixtures, iron beds, car-riages, automotiles, etc. tt is the only perfect polisher and cleaner that insmes that peculiar factory finish. It contains 110 acid, dries instantly, does 110t leave the furnitme gummy or sticky. aud is endorsed and used hy the largest furnitLlre factories and dealers. The reputation of "Nall's Red Star Polish" is such that it has been on the market Ior tell years and never a customer disappointed. There is no disagree-able or offensive odor connected \ it, and it has the back-ing of such widely known fllrnitme <:ompanies and other con-cerns as the Karges Furniture company, Crescent Furnitllre company, T ndiana Furniture company, Evansville Desk com-pany, Eli D. Miller F.olding Bed company, City National tank and the Old State National bank, of Evansville; the Re-liable Furniture company, Memphis, Tenn.; Rhodes-Haverty Furniture comr:any, of A.tlanta, Ga.; ]. VV.Gleaves & Son, of Paducah, Ky., as well as hundreds of others who use and recommend tl1(~same. The "Nall's Red Star Floor Polish" is the only polish for Jloor use, as it gives the appearance of hardwood floors, leaving a polish instead of an oily, greasy surface, which is the the great objection to floor oils, as tl~ey rresent an llnsighlly appearance ,aud accumulate dust and dirt. 7IR'T' I >S' 7IJ"l ;;;;SF· The American Pharmacal company enjoy a very large trade, not only generally. all these goods, but especially so in the south. Mr. J. H. Rohsenberger, manager of the American Phar-macal company, spent a ten-day trip in the early part of the present month in the cast, including a trip to Buffalo and also several cities in the state of Ohio. The Globe Furniture company will from now on make a full line of dining room and hall furniture, was the st<l.te-ment recently made by Secretary-Treasurer TIenjamin Bosse to the Michigan Artisan's representative. l\ll previous lines thal have been made will be continued and not dropped, but K. U. goods will be cut out and go to the Bosse Furniture Company, whose fine plant is an addition to tbe Globe Futni-lure company. All lines dropped by the Globe will he made in the Bosse factory. The Bosse Fnrniture company have a strong line for the coming fall and spring trade. This company opened up ill their splendid new plant June I. The Bosse factory is a struc-ture .39DX60, exclusive of the boiler house. l\Ianager ,Ed-ward Ploeger says business is such tbat the plant has been kept btlSy right along and the trade is g~od from all seetions of the COUll try. V\o'illiam A. Koch, secretary and treasurer of the Evans-ville Metal Bed company, returned Augitst 16 from a short tri) to St. Louis. The Evansviite Metal Bed company haye issued a Heat condensed catalogue entitled ;;~lidst1tnmer Musings" on the Hanner line. This comp,'wy occupy one of the most. com-plete factories of its kind in the United States and in work-manship and finish the line is a top notcher. l\lanager Smith, of the Smith Chair company, says his company are having an excellent trade this year, notwith-standing the fact that 1904 was the biggest year in their his-tory. The Smith Chair company manufacture a standard line of wood, cane, dOllble cane, cobbler, tufted cobbler and fancy veneer seat chairs and rockers, all kinds of child's chairs are also manufactured. Notwirhstanding their fire jn May, the company were ready for business on June '1. The line of fancy chairs and rockers has been largely increased this year. The Smith Chait· company have men in their employ who have been with the comj: any continuously the past forty years and who turn out for their em:Joyers the old Boston rockers and the old Douglas office chairs-goods that are being manufactured in EvansvitJe by this' COlTIpanyonly. C. 1.. Vt/ood, of Grand Rapids, representative for Winslow Brothers & Smith company, manufacturers of glue and gela-tine, Chicago, visited the local trade on the 15th inst. William L. C.aldwell, J ndianapolis representative for L. J. 11cCIoskey & Co., makers of varnishes and japans, Phila-delphia, was in Evansville on the 15th inst., calling on the furniture trade. The Boeksteg~ Furniture company have just added a uew department to their line in dressing tables made in quartered oak, and also a large addition to their regular line in exten-sion and library tables made in quartered oak, imitation quar-tered oak and solid oak. These additions are all new patterns and are very sllbl't.1nrial in make-up and attrnctive jn appear-ance. Manager Jourdan rc;orts the company's tra~le as very good and up to last year in volume. E. A. Schor, formerly receiving teller for the City National bank, of Evansville, recently resigned his position to be~ come the bookeeper for the Karges Furniture company. P. B. Fellwock. the bookkeeper for some time past ,."ith the Karges Furniture company, has, with two brothers, or-ganized the Fellwock Roll & Panel company. His hrother William was formerly engjl~eer, and his l::rotherFred was a cabinet maker, also in tbe employ o( the Karges Furniture cnmpany. The Fcllwock Roll & Pand comrany have taken the building fonnerly occupied by the Bosse l'l1rniture com-pany on .Fourth avellue and Illinois street. l-]. N. Hall, of Grand Rapids, Ivlich., has takcn the man-agement of the Evansville Bookcase & Table company. A numbcr of new improvements are to be made, including a ncw factory addition, to be located on Second avenue and ad-joining the present plant, located corner Second aVe11l1C and Ohio street. vVork Oil the new structure '\vill begin Septem-ber T. It '\vill be three stories high, with basement, and will be ul.adc o( brick. Manager 1-1 all intends gethllg O\lt an entire llew line of goods, "I'·hich will be ready for the market next January. Mr. Hall is a well-known gentleman to the furni-ture trade at large, having had a large experience in the man-agement of various furniture enterpriscs; and is also well known as one of the best designers in the trade, Manager Reitz, of the Standard Chair company, made a trip east during the 6rst half of the current month. The Buehncr Chair company have been having' a splendid trade sincc July I. I\{anager T-I. J. Lichtellfeld says tr:de bas been picking up rapidly since that tlate, and a big part of the trade ls coming in from Texas. The Buehner Chair company are one of the oldest h1rniture companies in Evansville, hav-ing b"een established the past forty years. l\lanagcr Lictell-feld has been with the company since J872, having worked his way up to his present position. Tho::; company's trade comes largely from Texas, Tcnnessee, Kelltucky, Illinois and Indiana. H. H. Schu, the treasurer o[ the Crescent FnTllitui"e com-pany, anf! TvIrs. 5cht1 returned fro111 a two wceks' pleasnre trip east, including Niagara l'al1s. The Crescent Furniture company are having a good vol-ume of trade this year, is the statement of Treasnrer Schu. The company's trade is not confined to any particlliar sec-tion, but is general and comes from all parts of the United States. The Crescent line is being displayed in Chicago, 10 the Karpen building, 187 IHichigall avenue, with Hall & Knapp. The Artisan's representative called on the Grote lVranllfac-turing company, f01.1ndet"s and machinists, 117-129 Third avenue, and in interviewing Mr. Grote fonnd thal lhis con-cern is doing an excellent busilless this year. This concern has been established eighteen years. 'Vhile the tradc comes generally from all. sections, this company enjoy an especially large measure of business from the states in the south. The Hohenstein-Hanmetz l<urniture company, manufac-turers of fine furniture, arc one of the recent additiol1s to the big list of Evansville's furniture manllfacturing- industries. This company manufacture a complete line of music cabinets and parlor tables made in mahogany an'(J oak. 1v(essrs. G. A. Hartmetz and Alhert Hohenstein c.ompose this concern. They state that a new department will be opened by the addi-tion of a line of ladies' desks, ,,·,:hich 'will be ready fur the J an nary season, J906. One of the best-know"l1 Evansville concer11S to the furni-ture trade is Conrad Haase, manfadurer of conches, lounges and mattresses a11(l jobber in sprillgs and cots. This COllccm is one of the oldest in Evansville, having becn established in J860. An excellent trade is enjoyed from the south and im-mediate vicinity of Evansville. The Evansville Spring Bed company, manufadl1rers of the Sllfprise sp6'ng bcd, are one of the smaller concerns of Ev-ansville. The goods, guaranteed not to sag, dust and vermin proof and combining the features of ease, durability and com-fort, make this article one of the strong ones of its kind in the furniture field. Henry Huck, proprietor, says he is having a good trade on these goods, the demand for them coming especially from sOl1thern Indiana and Kenttlcky. The Indiana Furnitllre COtnl)ally aYe one of the big {1.1rni-ture plants of Evansville. President Herman G. Menke states 29 the concern IS having a very fair trade this year, the demand for goods being genera1. ScheIosky & Co., manufacturers of dining, kitchcll, office al1(l restaluant tables. arc having in mind the erection of a considerable addition to their present furniture plant, the de-mand for their goods being such,states Mr. Riehl, that it would seem at this time an imperative nccessity that a larger plant be put up. A visitor among the furniture factorics finds, among other important industrics, tlWl of the Specialty Furniture com-pany, manufacturers of chamber suites, odd dressers and chif-foniers at Indiana street alld Elsas avenue. Secretary-Treas-urer H. J. Ruschc states that a department of high priced suites will he one of the additiollS to this comrany's line, the goods being in plain oak alld quartered oak. The Evansville Veneer co~npany, one of the new concerns of this city, organized recently, have their new plant in op-eration and located Oil the Belt Line. Business with this company is rushing, the capitalizati'on being $35,000. Man-ager Talge, who has becn in the veneer business for twenty-fOlll years, is at the head of this ne'\\' and enterprising com-rally and its principal owner. T\.Jr. Talge was formerly sec-retary and treasurer of the Talge Ma'lOgany company, In::li- A FLORENTINE INTERIOR. anapolis. Iud .. and was also for a number of years with the I,'rost Velleer company, of Indianapolis. The company have OTle of the most complete veneer plants in the United States, the building being of brick. with cement floors, and almost fire proof. It is probably the best equipped plant for pro-ducing all kinds of veneers. The company turn out sawed oak and all kinds of rotary cnt stuff. equipped ,,,,ith a 230-horse-power engine. Fifty hands arc employed and trade is coming from all sections. The plant started operations on Decoration day. A very well lighted and commodious o f-Ticc, completely equipped throughout, has been built sep-a:- ate from the main plant. Benjamin M. Cohen, traveling represcl1tative for the Hick-son 1\lal.lufactnr111g company, of Mill1cic, Ind., was in Evans-ville on the 16th and 17th inst. Mr. Cohen covers Illinois, lv] issol1ri and Iowa for his company and 'has just taken on St. r .ollis also as his territory. Thiel & v\lelter, of Bellingham,- Wash., have bought Oltt the local holdillgs of the Standard Furniture company, which am.onntf:d to ab()llt $25,000. They will move their stock and fixtures inlO the new store. 30 ? :c. HORN fiROS. MFG. CO. 281 to 291 W. Superior St .. CHICAGO. ILL. MANUFACTURERS Of' Chamber Suites. Odd Dressers. Chiffoniers UDiES' DRESSINGT4BLES to match Made in Golden Oak, Genuine Maho~any Veneered, Birdseye Maple, White Enamel Highly Pohsbed or Dull Finisb. We also make II line of PRINCESS DRESSERS from $1300 uP. In Quarter-Sawed Oak, Mahogany and BirdsEye Maple, Veneered If you have not received OUt Spring Supplement, ask for it. SOME. OF OUR. NEW DRESSERS -Made In Quarter_Sawed SAMPLES SHOWN BY PECK & HILLS 1319Michigan Avenue, and Oak. Oval or Square 61.... HALL & KNAPP, 187 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, SUElBYVILLE DESK CO. MAN\lFACTURlU:S OF" Office Furniture MAHOGANY AND IMITATION QUART£.RED QAK. PLAIN OAK [n Three GradeJ 4 full Line. Up-to-Date. Exhibited EIGHTH FLOOR.· 1319 Michigan Avenue A A Chicago ~A Write for Latest Catalogue. SHEL8YVILLE, • • • INDIANA Machines for a II purposes, and at prices within the reach of all. EveryI,(achine has our guar· anlee against breakage for one year Embossinu and DrOD Garvinu Ma6hin6S "RotarY Style" for Droll Carvinos, Embossed MouldinG, Panel$. Etc. "Lateral Style" lor Laroe Capacity Heavy Carvings and Deep Embo$$ings We have the Machine you want at a satisfactory price. Write for descriptive circulars. UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 31 SALESMANSHIP A SCIENCE. Plays an Important Part Throughout One's Business Career -Failures Without It. \Vhen the avcrag-c y01111g man has settler! dowll to a se-riolls contemplation of his opl:ortunitics in life. he m.akes a mistake if one of his fIrst recogllitiollS or business principles has 1I0t bee'l to 1 tit the abl11ty for ~alesH::anshll) <It Ullce upon a p:destal. There, tinally, t1111st be his o:ljWrtllnity. From the comn::Ollcst of levels of the proposition to the highest possibilities in ct1slncc:s ethics, salesmanship is in the Sl1- rremacy. \J\,'ithout it the prcrlllccr and the consumer alike are diEappointed a:lC1 estranged . .:'.10nc:.: in the last allalysis is a mere medium of exchange. 1f some"where in the unexplored depths of the arctic circle of Alaska another Pike's peak of virgin gold sudr1cnly should he discoverer!' grlld as this medium of excha11gc and metal of nllal reclem::tioll virtually would go the 'rIcay of the old shell wampum of the aborigine. Thus, with mOl1ey as the medium of exchange only, salesmanship becomes to the citi-zen a facl'lty that enters il1to every material rela~ioll of his civilized life. The 111an who contracts to give the fruits of hand or crain to a trade or a rro(e"sioll bas made a sale of these commodities. .A. nel ill th:'s manIler tJlis first sale that he has ever made may be the most serious sale that he is evcr called UpCJtl to 1l1ake. "Uo yon know, 1 came near going il1to tJat bt1~int'~s V1.+cn 1 was a yotl1lg [nan," is an expression so often heard of me11, with an intonation of regTet in the utter-anct:'. Always it is the speaker's morc or less ripencd judg-ment in rrotest against his tirst tad deal in selling his future to an unpronta1:::1e avocation. Tn the aspects of ~alesmallship from its material ~:ide, it is the common acce]ltance that the perSOll ,vho succeeds in exchanging goods for money is the 011C qlesman embodying all of salesmanship in the transaction. This is a half truth. It is through the intervention of money as the mcdium of exchange that this idea. is current. The whole :=;er"ice of money to a man is to allov\" of his choosing anyone of a score of things that should a:: pEal to him after the sale of his work has been accomplished. [n our complex civiliza-tion the art of salesmanship becomes as ho::elessly lost as arc the processes of putting a cntting edge upon a copper chiseL Some of the best types of the prodllcer in the best lines of competition arc hopeless fail tires because of this lack of salesmanship in the highest sense. "\Ve have made a suc-cess of manufactnring hcyclcs for the British trade after it haJ cost \1S $25,000 in arlvcrtising and eXj'erinlentation," said the manager of an American factory \-vhich 110W has a hranch house in Liverpuol. "\Ve took hold of the wrong end of the proposition, determining that we would sell the American type of wheel to the Englishman. But after hvo years and the loss of n1a~ly thot13and dollars, we arc makillg the Eng-lishtran's ",-heel just as the Englishman wants it, and our lo:-eig'n traJe has incrcased until brctllch houses are now necessary in T.ivcrpool and London. Here a man lcarn~d saiesmanship after a long lessoll-learned it as so many have to do, through the avenue of pro-duction. Art for art's sake is SO:lH'thing to command the ad-miration for the ma,} who ma1'~es f<lcrihces.- But business merely for the sake of business becomes an absurdity. Window Trimming Art Opens Nc,v Employment. :\ profession of recent development, but Ol1e which has a.lready heen re(lueed to a science, is that of window trim- 1111l1g. This work, which less than ten Yf.:ars ago was doue by any clerk, is now one of the most im.ortant a ivertising branches of every large reta] establishment. In small towns all over the country the mereLants employ a man for this one position, while metropolitan fir::::::) maintain s::ecial de-partments to dress their windows. 1t is a profession whi(;h pays its followers according to their ...·.o..r.t.h. not according to how long they have followed 1t. A boy may start in a window tri;11ming department: draw-illg $5 a week for carrying tbe stock to the Ulan who does {}le trimming itself, and by karning the merdandise 8lJd the test lllethods of displaying it, raise himself to a I:osition cO;l1n~andillg- $60 to ~ICO a ,,,,eek. Almost any yo"ltllg man of artistic tastes and talent, combined with a -good memory, is ca:-ah1c of becoming an expert window' dresser wl~en once he ha.s learned the stock. Perha:s one of the most impor-tant requisite:, of a good decorator is a rosres~ion of knowl-edgc of feminine 1a::,te5; Tn addition to the fel11ini~c idea of bea;1ty he must po.~se!'s a knowledge of color. He, must in-stinctively and by rule know what colors associate with each other without friction, \iVindow trimming ,is work that cannot be 'done by the clock The window trimmer must forget the item of time entirely. At times during a [ale he may have little or nothing to do, and again just before one may have to work twenty-four hours at a stretch to get his work done 011 time, The pay of a window trimmer averages about $25 for the mall of experience. A beginner may be paid $5, he may be paid -$20, entirely according to ability. But if he is a window trimmer of ability and makes it his business to know the merchandise carried by his firm, he will be found out and his pay raised proportionately. Good window trimmers are alv,'a?s ill demand. It must not I:e thought that a rlccorator hts no t[ouLles. He has. The head trimmer must 1:::ea man of tad, or he is sure to clash with buyer and merchandise n:an. Fa~'h may have a different idea all how a certain line should be displayed. It thcn becomes the trimmer's business to listen to the other two men, profit by their views, do the job the way he thinks best, and still satisfy his superiors. IF YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED OUR RUBBING gol1 AND 'POLISHING VARNISHES DETROIT FACTORY YOU HAVE YET TO LEARN THE WHY NOT PUT IT TO FULL POSSIBILITIES OF THIS CLASS THE TEST BV GIVING US A TRIAL ORDER OF GOODS CANADIAN FACTORY PHILADELPHIA BALTtMORE BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED, VARNISH MANUFACTURERS NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO ST. LOUIS CINCINNATI SAN FRANCISCO FACTORY AND MAIN OFFICE, DETROIT CAl'fAOfAI'I FACTc;:IRY. WAL,ttERVlLL£, ONT, JAMESTpWN, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS hI Plain and $!!!artered Oak, MahogaNy fwd BirdJt_'Y£ Maple. PERMANENT EXHIBITS AT ---- ... --------- Chicago and New York Grand Rapids Foremost Line of OFFICE DESKS Ahead of all previous efforts in the Manufacture of a complete line of Cheap, Medium and High Grade ROLL AND FLAT TOP OFFICE DESKS NEW FALL CATALOGUE MAILED TO DEALERS ON REQUEST. VALLEY CITY DESK COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 33 LUCE FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Makers of Medium Priced CHAMBER AND DINING FURNITURE SEND FOR CATALOGUE Mentkln Michigan Arlisan The Better Way. It is surprising how many people accept infericir articles simply because they are led to believe they are cheap. "Cheap stuff" is almost invariably expensive in the long run, as in most cases it is worthless. This is particularly true in the furniture business. In order to sell twelve chamber suites fOf $100 the manufacturer must combine cheap ILimber \yith cheap labor, cheap varnish and cheap trimmings, ard the result is that no matter how low the price at which it is sola to the consumer, he has raid too much-has in reality been "buncoed" out of his money. Abont the first discovery· he makes is that the cheap man who did the fitting in the factory used the cheap pressed drn:wer pulls, hastil.y fastened them with orc,linary screws, which, becoming loose, have work,~d Ollt and become lost, while the pull has dropped doV\'o, prob-ably bent out of all resemblance to the original. The bale has fallen out and the drawCf front, poor as it ",;a,; in the 11rst place, has been scratched up and marred, making a 'bad job '''lorse. Then he goes to the merchant with his '2.dmplaillt. The merchant throws the blame onto the manufacturer, who in turn throws it back onto the merchant, "who ins:sted on having twelve suites fOr a hundred dollars. It is hard to EN SUITE fasten the responsibility where it belongs, but that does not help the fellow who was "buncoed." Now all of tbis trouble, at least so far a6 the pulls are concerned, could have been avoided by the use of the Tower patent fastener, which wouldeost no more with the' fasteners than without them, and whatever else might have l:appened to that pjece of furniture, "the pulls would never become loose and would last as long as the furniture" held together. If merchants insist on cheap suites let" the'm also insist that the Tower patent fasteners (made by the Grand Rapids Brass eomrany) shall be llsed on every dresser, chiffonier and com-mode. So long as they cost no m0t:e than other makes of tte same grade that does not have them there is .tbsolutely no valid excuse for the merchant not insisting en them. This is the better way. Take the Graham & Morton Line steamers between Chi-cago and Grand Rapids. THE NEW BANQUET TABLE TOP as well as Office, Dining and DiteclO'O' Tables are our specialty Stow & Davis Fumiture Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Write for Catal~e. Gel samples of BANQUET TABLE TOP. Grand Rapids Faney Furniture Company GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ======= NEW UNES OF ======= WRITING TABLES MUSIC CABINETS BOOKCASES LADIES' DESKS· In Mahogany, Oak. Imitation Mahogany and Maple NO ORDER TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE TO RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION CATALOGUE TO DEALERS ONLY Chicago, Aug. 2$.-Following the period of marked ac-tivity of the July season, has come the qt1ie~time at the ex-position buildings, thereby illustrating the oljd and well-worn saying, "After the storm comes the calm." I Howe\'er, not-withstanding the between-season atmosph~re is again in evidence, buyers continue to drop in daily at I:F9 and T4J I Michigan avenue, as well as at the other exposition buildings. August being a vacation month, a number bf furniture men have been taking short lay-offs of a fe' ....d~ys' or a week's duration and at the same time having their grasp on business affairs at their respective offices. In a recent interview with Vv· . .F. Johnson, treasurer of the Ford & Johnson comr;any, the Michigan Artisan was favored with the following statement: "The new Ford & Johnson company, which recently pur-chased the Frankfort interests, now includes the follovving factories and departments: The Hitchcock chair factory, the Ford & Johnson factory, the V\'estern Cane Seating company, at Michigan City, Ind.; the]. S. Ford, Johnson & Co. and the Vv'estern Chair company, at Chicago; the Frankfort Chair com-pany, the Southern Varnish Works, the Kentucky River Lum-ber company, the Kentl1ck Chair company, at Frankfort, Ky.; the Cincinnati Chair company, at Cincinnati; the Connecticut Chair company, at Nev,' Haven and Kew York City, and the Hartford Rattan company, at Hartford, Conn. It is the in-tention of the new company to improve the old Frankfort line, both in construction and style as well as .finish of the chairs. The improvement is already showing, and it is said by those who have seen the goods that they are already 50 per cent better than they were before. The carload business will be dOlle from Frankfort, although there \-villbe a line car-ried in Chicago for the northern trade. "A branch bouse will be opened in Cincinnati, where goods of hoth lilles will be warehoused and the Cincinnati trade as ,,,,ell as the trade of the adjacent territories will be taken care of by this branch. A branch will also bc opened in Atlanta, Ga., where goods of both lines will be warehoused and which will take care of the trade of Atlanta and adjacent territories. This gives to the Ford & Johnson company a very strong and extended line. The standard of the high grade goods wilt be kept up, being improved from time to time, as they have al-ways been, alld the i'rankfort line will be brought up to as near the same high standard as possible. "The Ford & Johnson compallY have found it necessary to take the fourth floor in their building at 1435 vVabash avenue in order to exhibit the entire line. On this floor is shown the Frankfort line, together with the fibre rush and Malacca goods and the miS!:iion furniture, which ,vas made in the \\Testern Chair company factory at Michigan City. The Chi-cago house will be the main office, from ,,,,hich the general business from all the factories will be attended to. The line runs now from the c.heapest long post oak chair that can be made, up to the best of box seat diners and office chairs. The Ford & Johnson company will adopt the same policy with the Frankfort line as they always have with their own, that is, they will constantly get out new patterns, so that the line will always be up-to-date in every respect. It is probable that within a year the entire line will be made over." The Columbia Feather company, Chicago, have had an un-usually good tradc the present year. Manager Green states that the volume of business done dltring the J ul}" season cx-ceeded in volume that of all preceding exhibition seasons. 7I:R..-'T' I >5' JI.l'l by 7 r *i . 35 The company had its exhibit in January and July at the Manu-facturers' Exhibition building, 1319 Michigan avenue. The Columbia Feather company have an established reputation for straightforward business methods, and the real secret of the success with which they have met lies in their method of operating their factory. Their arrangements for purchasing raw stock in feathers are far-reaching, enabling them to select the most desirable qualities, and their machinery and facilities are unequaled for sorting, deodorizing and perfecting their stock. "Veribest" values in brass and iron bedsteads is a state-ment '''''hich tells the truth in a nutshell about the splendid and substantial line of the Art Bedstead company, Thirty-seventh and Rockwell streets, Chicago, Ill. There is n0 stronger line in the Chicago market today in its particular field than that of the Art Bedstead .conipany. The]. D. Freese & Sons company, 284-290 Homer street, Chicago, are manufacturing one of the strongest and most substantial lines extant of tabourettes, chiffoniers, bookcases and Chautauqua desks, and. the company are enjoying an un-usually excellent trade on their line at this season of the year. The Lustre Chemical company, 1303 Michigan avenue, are manufacturers of the famous Lustre Furniture Polish, a prod- 11ctused and endorsed by over 1$,000 dealers. It is a perfect cleaner and polish, excellent finish preserver and a good fire extinguisher. This enterprising company have adopted an effective plan this season by the purchase of several thousand children's mission Morris chairs, which will be distributed among the patrons of the Lustre Chemical company. The Central Mannfacturing company are enjoying an ex-cellent trade this year on their fine line of desks. Secretary ~Tormann states the trade is a general one, not being con. fmcd to any particular section. F. C. Horner, formerly with "AI" Austrian, has taken a positic)11as city salesman with the Kennedy Furniture com-pany, Chicago. Mr. Horner spent a week at his home in De-troit during the month. Although he refuses to admit the fact, there is a persistent rumor that Mr. Horner is about to become a Benedict. Lucas M. Maher has accepted a position as desk clerk with the FlIflliture Exhibition Building company, 14IT Michigan avcnue. F. C. Coggeshall, of the \~Tohenne Specialty company. Zeeland, M1Ch , was in Chicago on the 24th and 25th inst. Charles A. Fisher ,& Co., are opening a new warehouse in ~Iinneapolis for the distribution of. the company's product 111 the northwest. Messrs .. Fillmore & Son, commission mer-chants, will be in charge of the warehouse, which will be lo-cated at 803 Sykes building. At'St. Louis the warehouse has been placed in charge of Mr. J. M. Kellogg, salesman with Fisher & Co., who spent the July season in Chicago.' The new branch which was opened at Peoria, II!., June I, is in charge of P .."V. Peoples. Charles A. Fisher, of C. A. Fisher &. Co., was in St. Louis August I2, 1.1 and 14. Mr. Fisher found Martin Lammert, Jr., of the Lammert Furniture company, just starting out for a vacation. ' Secretary Charles G. White of the Manufacturers' Exhi-bition Building company, returned all the 17th inst. from a two weeks' stay at Charlevoix. President \Y'. L. Paul, of the Lustre Chemical company, has bcen spending most of the month of August at Hamlin Lake, near Ludington, where his family have been 'resorting since June T. Excavations are now being made at the southeast 'corner of 1vIichigan avenue and Fourteenth street for the erection of an engine house. The structure will adjoin the Furniture Exposition building, 1411 Michigan avenue, and wil'l be built of stone. It is to be two stories in height with a frontage of fifty feet and a depth of ninety-five feet. The engine house 36 ,,\'ill be one of the best equipped of its kind ill the country ami will be completed within ninety rlays. The agitation for the location of snch a huilding somf:where in this vicinity has been going on for the past ten years, and with the rapid de-velopment of Michigan avenue as a furniture and automobile c~nter the need has become more and more pronounced. Lyman Lathrop, of the Lathrop company, spent a part of August in the south making his usual fall trip after the Juty season, through the states of Missot1ri, Texas, Oklahoma, In-dian Territory, Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi. Secretary Nds Johnson, of the Johnson Chair company, spent a week in August at Lake Delevan with his family, who have been staying at that popular resort since June 1. :\·lr. Johnson also has been spending Sundays at Lake Dele-van. The marriage of Mr. Robert A. Ford, general sales man-ager and purchasing agent of the Ford & Johnson company, and Miss Frances Van Meter, of Mattoon, Ill., will take place at 8 o'clock Tuesday e,relling, September 12th, at the home of the bride. Following the ceremony the bridal pair will make a trip through the East. Miss VanMeter is the daughter of Mr. John Van Meter, formerly proprietor of the Charleston Mercantile company, of Charleston, Ill. Frank S. Rolfe left the 17th inst. for a business trip to the Pacific coast. "Hank" Johnson, salesman for McAush, Dwyer & Co., left August 24 for a two weeks' trip to Duluth, after which he w'ill make a two weeks' business trip to the East, making Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore and the metropolitan district. W. E. Niemann, of the Niemann Table comrany, spent a week at Lake Delavan during the latter part of August. Ralph G. Messersmith has taken a position with the Fur-niture Exhibition Building company and on the 21st ins!. took charge of the office at the Furniture Exhibition Build-ing company's warehouse. During the month of August he has been temporarily helping out at the office, 1411 Michigan avenue. Mr. Messersmith at one time was book keeper for the Manufacturers' Exhibition Building company. Miss Irene Kevel, stenographer for the Fl1rnitur~ Exhibi-tion Buliding company, spent a three weeks' vacation during the month of August at South Haven. Michael Tahl, traveling for the Burkhart Furn,itl1re com-pany, was in Chicago on the 18th inst. ":rvlike" came in from Milwaukee, where he did a good stroke of business and was on his way to his home in Dayton to spend a few days. J. J. O'Connor, buyer for the Chicago House Wrecking company; was in the Chicago market making purchases for the furniture department of his company on the 19th inst. The Chicago Housc ""rrecking company is one of the most unique business companies in the world and was organized and established during the year of the Chicago World's Fair. The company docs an immense jobbing and mail order busi-ness, located at Thirty-Fifth and Iron streets, and are the coming competitors of such big concerns as Sears, Roebuck and l\!lontgomcry \Vard Co. "It is thc only concern of its kind in the world in the mail order business that buys all Birdseye View of Chicago. kinds of material."saic1 Mr. O'Connor. \Ve are always look-ing ahead for job lots, receivet·'s sales, etc., and we sell our stuff to quite a large extent to the big auction houses in the country, and also do a big business in ),lexico, Canada and the Eastern islands. We have been, and still are, making it one of our objects to buy up everything connected with the hig expositions. The :first one was the World's Fair, Chicago. The retail value of the Pan American outfit which we pur-chased in its entirety, even to the nails in the buildings, was twenty-two million dollars. We also purchased practically the whole of the St. Louis exposition, the retail value of our purchase in the furnitme department being six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. At present it looks as if we will buy the whole of the Lewis & Clark Exposition at Port-land, Oregon. The old Rock Island depot is one of the buildings we purchased, re-erecting it on our present site for our own use. We also bought the old \Veddell Home at Cleveland a year ago. For our furniture department we have a building I25Xl50 feet and three stories high. If there should be a slump in the furniture business this fall we stand ready to buy the output of the furniture manufacturers and will buy their plants also." President J, W. Pugh, of the Furniture Exhibition Build-ing says it is expected that work will be begun at once for the erection of an addition on the lake end of the big furni-ture warehouse, the addition to have a frontage of 270 feet, THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Goaters and Varnishes MANU#"JIICTURCD DNLY U Y CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259·63 ELSTONAVE."'2·16 SLOAN ST. CN I CAe o. with a depth of J20 feet and seven stories in height. When completed the 'warehouse will have a frontage of 700 feet. It is expected to have the addition completed this falL Rumors have been current of late that the new Southern Hotel is to have a new and imposing front built to supplant the present building of five stories facing on Michigan ave-nue. If the project should be carried out it is stated that the new front building will be from twelve to fourteen stories high and be a strictly up-to-date structure iri all res-pects. The n:anagers of the Kew Southern state, however, that the project is still in an indefinite shape. Harry S. Smith of the \Volverine 1'fanufacturing com-pany and Cadillac Cabinet company, left August T4th for a short trip to Minneapolis, St. Paul and other points in the northwest, and on his return, accompanied by his family, left for Marquette, Mich., and viciuity for a short period of recreation. Secretary-Treasurer G. W. Merwin, of the Lustre Chem-ical company, accompallied by tifrs. Merwin, went to Ham- 37 Mr. Bert Peak, salesman with F. T. Plimpton & Co., and a member of Company E, First Illinois Cavalry, left August 18 for Springfield to attend a ten days' encampment of his regiment. F. T. Plimpton, the commission merchant, was at St. Louis alld Springfield August 17, 18, 19, ~h. A. H. Finch, for thirteen years with the Heywood-vVakefie1d company, four years of whicbwere spent as sbi.> ping clerk and nine years as salesman, and the last three and one-half years as a commission rqan, will sever his con-nection with the furniture business. On September loth Mr. Finch will leave for a trip to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles. San Francisco, Port-land, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane. He will also make a trip through the state of vVashingtoll with the view of locating in some of the cities of Washington and engaging 111 business for himself. Mr. Finch will not decide until he is on the ground what kind of business he will engage in. George \\T. Corley, traveling representative of the Wol~ Manufactured by tbe Grand Rapids Fancy Fumiture Company, Grand Rapids, Mich. En Lake, near Ludington, on the 21St inst. to spend a two weeks' outing \'v·ith President W. L. Paul, of the same com-pany, whose family Lave been spending several months at that resort. Mr. A. H. \Vherry, of \-Vherry Bros., Pawnee City, Neb., accompanied by Mrs. Wherry, was a furniture buyer who visited the Chicago market August 19. "Pawnee City is quite an old town,' said Mr. Wherry when asked. "and, as the name suggests, is of Indian origin. The town Las a pop-ulation of 2,500. Just a few miles out there used to be an Indian reservation which was opened up by the government some years ago for settlement. At the time the land could be bought for $10 an acre and now sells for $60 per acre. Pawnee City is in an agricultural region and is therefore a farming tOW11. Corn, hogs and horses are raised in that section. The city is comparatively wealthy, as we have prob-ably thirty people there whose average w'ealth is $50,000, Our concern has been established the past thirty years. \Ve are in the furniture, carpet and undertaking business and find trade this year very good. I am here picking up a mixed car lot of furniture. Mrs. \Vherry and T will spend a week at South Haven, Mich., before we return to Pawnee City." verine JVlanufactnring company, Cadillac Cabinet company, Yeager Furniture company, and J. C. vVidman & Co., arrived from his home at Atlanta, Ga., on the 12th inst_, and left for a trip through his western territory, including the Pacific coast, on the 15th inst. Paul Plimpton, of F. T. Plimpton & Co., commission mer-chants, left on the 14th inst. for a trip through Iowa and Illinois. Edwin F. Hawks, president of the Hawks Furniture com-p~ ny, Goshen, Illd., was in Chicago on the 22nd inst., and \vhilc here engaged space 011 the eighth floor of the Manu-facturers' Exhibition Building, where the Hawks line will be displayed with F. T. Plimpton & Co., who were in charge of the Hawks line last July on the second floor of the annex. \\lith the Hawks line shown on the eighth floor, Messrs. Plimpton & Co.'s lines will cover in all about nine thous-and feet. President Harvey Banta, of the Banta Furniture company, was in Chicago on the 22nd inst. In the furniture trade the least a man will accept on the installment plan is the most he can get. Richmond Chair Co. ==== RICHMOND, IND. ==== The Standard Line of DOUBLE CANE CHAIRS ===AND ROCKERS=== WRITE FOR CATALOGUE MENTION MICHIGAN ARTISAN Strong Construction has been the ATLAS hobby for twenty years. Some of the most ex-acting buyers in the country have been con-tinuous purchasers of A'FLAS goods during an of that period. This demonstrates that the designs and prices have always been "right," as well as indicating satis-factory and pleasant business relations. ATLAS FURNITURE COMPANY, Jamestown, N. Y. H. liB. Mention Michigan Artisan FEATHER GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN $1.85 A pair for a Genuine All-Geese Feather Pillow, size 20 x 26 inches. A. C. A., Art or Linen Ticks, any color. Terms, less 5 per cent for cash 10 days. Order direct under our guarantee of satisfaction. COMPANY MICHIG7IN Adver ising Built $300,000 Business in a Year. The fo110 ing interview with a prominent dealex of Seat-tle, Wash., gi es but another striking illustration of the value of judicious a lVE'xti.sing: "We starte in a year ago, and we now have a bu~iness of $300,000 built 1.1p by advertising," !:iaid Mr. C. B. Teale, of Teale-Hills urnitl1re company, the progressive furniture hOllse. "\Ve elied absolutely upon oLlr ad~'ertising to bring us business. Ve had a very inconspictl01lS entrance-atmost • no display at 11-in the front of OUT store. "We belie ed in the evening paper-they go-and the store was cro ded from the vcry (Irst. YOll see, an evening' pa{:cr here l,a" a great advantage. At all. eastern llC\VS points the news of t! c day is over before they go to press. Thus they get all th news that usually goes 111tomorning papers. "How do y u know its value?" "\Ve have uvertised special articles." "For instan e?" "\Vell, a ja.r iniere stand--and sold 1$0 in a day." Mr. Teale dded that they had taken the prorlb of their first year and 'ut them into advertising this year. ew Concerns Enter the Field. The City Fu niture company, of, Miss., has been incorporated w th a capital stock of $25,000. Among the in-cm}) orators are T. H. Eggleston and Joseph \\T. Lee. The (omme 'cial Cabinet compauy have taken out a char-ter of jl1c()q~or tion to engage in the manufacture of fixtures with $39,000 capi al. The incorporators are Gustave Schaety, Louise Kirmese and Frank Doerfler. The Hourn- aJley company bas been org'anized at Tem-pleton, 2\1ass., wi h the object of dealing in all killds of furtli-hue. The capita stock is $45,000, at a par value of $100. The officers are: Pre ident, George VV.Bourn, and treasurer, Lu-cien N. Hadley, 10th of Teinpleton. Luman 1'. Fa ley, forrnerly ..v..ith H. B. Graves, of Roch-ester, N. Y., has ssociated with M. D. Crippen to engage in the furniture bus' less under the -finn name of Crippen & Bai-ley. The firm wdl make a specialty of repairing, refinishing, renpholste.rillg an order cabinet work GRA D RAPIDS-CHICAGO LINE. Graham &' Mort Steamers and Grand Rapids-Holland In-terurban. Shortest and ost convenient route between Chicago and Grand Rapids. A l~steeJ steamers connecting at Holland with special boat cars n the Holland double-track interurban for Grand Rapids. 39 When it comes to Leather Furniture, ~ality Tells. Good Leather work is in demand, and selling better every day. Dealers should satisfy themselves that they are selling Reliable Leather. Buyers of Leather Furniture expect it to wear a life time. If the Leather is right, uphol-stering properly done, frames built as they should be, it will last a generation or two. Our "R~LIAN CE" brand is the best natural grain Furniture Leather we have ever been able to find, and we guar:" antee it to give satisfaction. Our New general Catalog No. '7 shows a large num-ber of Couches .. Davenports, Adjustable Sofas; and Sofs Beds in RELIANCE Leather. It is free to dealers. :Jamestown Lounge Co. SpeciaHs/S in the Md7lufacture of Leather Furniture JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK GLOBE SIDEBOARDS KARGES WARDROBES Are the BEST ON THE GLOBE lor the • money ARE GOOD WARDROBES aOOO"TTLE' CONSTRUCTION FINiSH GET OUR CATALOG. Prices right WIHTE FOR CATALOGD" Mention Michigan Artisan when writing KAKors runnlTunr (0. Furniture Company [yansyille. Indiana EVANSVILLE INDIANA In writing mention Michigan Arti:;all BOCfiSTEGE FURNITURE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. 48 in. diameter, made of Plain and Quartered Oak Makers of the HSU PE=R lOR" Extension. Parlor and Library Tables NEVIl CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED-GET ONE b runSVlllr "WARDROBES tUunnunr co. EVANSVILLE, IND. QUALITY OUR FIRST CONSIDERATiON That is why onf line is justly named the "Good Value Line," "Ve have made a complete change of patlerns. for 1905, and if yO\l want goods that are made right and al the righl prices, caU and $ce Bedroom Suites Dressers Washstands and Chiffoniers Assorted {:al' lots and New Stocks our Specialty Our new catalng has jllst beeu issued all d sent to thetrade. Ifyall h a \' e not received it, write us. It shows the largest line of moncy makers ever offered. line Shown at 1319 Michigan Ave., 2d Floor Chicago, Ill. Also at our own Sales-rooms at Evansville. Ind. TO MATCH Chamber Suites made by all leading manufacturers, m
- Date Created:
- 1905-08-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 26:4
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GnA~TJ~ RAPIDS GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• DECEMBER 25.1909 Will show our usual quota of 4~", new goods at our factory salesroom. T~e Largest Manufacturers of Fumiture , ." Exclusively in the World. '.~"' ;~ .... ._-----_. _._._._._._-----..., NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. co. BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Maho~any. Circassian Walnut and Oak_ If you. have not one in your store, a simple request will brin.: you. our magnificent new Fall Cataloliue of 12x16 inch pa~e groups, show'" iug suites to match.. With it, even the m.ost D1oderat~ sized furniture store can sho",,""the best and newest furniture satisfactorily .. -... .,.... .. . ... , WEEKLY ARTISAN Our Line Ready Saturday, January 1st, 1910 GOODS SHOWN AT FACTORY ONLY (Take Taylor St. Car North to Travis Ave.) we are Floor Space 175,000 Sq. Ft. :i9inntors . nol .......-llnlors Organized 1872. Grand Rapids Chair Company GRAND RAPIDS ESTABLISHED 1872. High Grade Goods at Medium Prices ____ ~~~-A COMPLELTIENEOF'====== SIDEBOARDS BUFFETS SERVING TABLES CHINA CLOSETS MUSIC CABINETS BOOKCASES LIBRARY TABLES HALL RACKS HALL SEATS CEDAR LINED CHESTS HALL GLASSES HALL TABLES DEN CABINETS HOUSE DESKS 1 I " 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN :Il~rk~y& (Bay furnitur~ (tompany C3ranb 1Rapibs, micbigan Bnnounce the opemng of thetr ahow rooma for mapectlon bl? the trabe for <torrect reproNlcttOna of Jl)eriob jfurmture for the <thamber, JDmmg lRoom anb 1Ltbrarl? mclubing the famoua anb popular ~~Jflan~ers" 1fne originateb anb brought out bl? them in 3anuarl?t 1909. 1~ acrea of tloor apace for aamplea, 7500 aquare feet for Hjflanbeta" alone. WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 Royal FurnitureCompany Grand Rapids, Michigan DINING LIBRARY BEDROOM SUITES HALL CLOCKS In "Colonial" Style NEW ADAPTATIONS JANUARY 3, 1910 Ready for Inspection Shown at Factory Salesroom. I 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN p-- •••• - - ---- ._-_._-_.-._._._~--_ ••-.~._.-._. _••_.-- _.-- _.-------------------------------- ....- __ - - _ , 81II II III I II II II I\I T"E LUCE LINE Many New Patterns m Dmmg Room and Bed-room FurnIture for the Fall Season. SHOW ROOMS AT FACTORY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. LUCE fURNITURE COMPANY Catalogue UpOJJ rtquest I...--. I ..._. . . ... ----------------- ------------ -----------------------------~ THE COLONIAL BED COMPANY ALLENTOWN. PA. VARIOUS STYLES IN OAK MAHOGANY IMT. MAHOGANY BIRD'S EYE MAPLE CIRCASSIAN WALNUT BEAUTY STRENGTH DURABILITY SANITARY "HEAD AND FOOT POSTS ARE AS!'>EMBLED WITH STEEL RODS TO IN!'>URE DURABILITY AND STRENGTH" BRASS MOUNTED ON EXHIBIT IN THE YEAGER FURNITIJRE COMPANY SPACE 4th Floor LEONARD FURNITURE EXHIBITION BUILDING, GRAND RAPIDS. ... GRANO RAPIDS 30th Year-No. 26 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• DECEMBER 25.1909 Issued Weekly GROWTH AND EXTENT OF VENEER INDUSTRY Some Surprises Furnished by the Statements and Statistics Compiled in the Report of the Department of Commerce and Labor. For the first time the statistical bureau of the national department of commerce and labor is able to pubhsh com-palatlve leports showmg the extent and growth of the veneer mdustry of the country. Before 1907 httle effort was made to obtam defimte reports as to the amount of tImber used for veneer" About all that was reported was the value of the output, number of mdls, number of employes, amount of capltalnT\ e"ted, etc , the veneer making busmess bemg treated melel} a" a blanch of the lumber mdustry Kow the govern-ment goes mto detads and IS able to show, the amount of each kind of timber consumed, WIth the cost of the domestic and Imported woods and the showmg will undoubtedly furmsh sur-pn~ es for many readers even among those who conSIder them-selves well posted on the veneer business Many will be sur-pnsed at the number of vanetles of wood used for veneers and nead} all wIll be surpnsed to learn that red gum furnishes the matenal for more veneers than any other kind of wood-more than a thIrd of the whole product. The growth of the mdustl} wdl not be surplising when the mcreasing scarcity of timber IS considered The current report is rather late It IS for the year 1908, issued m the last month of 1909, but as It ,'Ill be of especIal interest to men engaged in the furni-ture bu-smess It is repnnted m full, with the omIssion of a lanse number of tabulated statements showing the amounts pro-duced from vanous kinds of wood, with the dIfference in cost of production m various states and the quahties of each stand-ard thIckness: The growth of the veneer indstury dunng 1908 was rapid, as it had been during the precedmg few years. Returns for the yea I 1908 were receIved flOm 402 establishments in oper-ation m 34 states as compared with 370 estabhshments in 30 state" m 1907. The development of thi& industry follows logIcally the growing scarcity and mcreasing cost of timber, as a result of which, economy in the use of wood is being practiced m numerous ways, one way being the substitution of thm lumber for thick Formerly veneers were manu-factured from the cabinet woods exclUSIvely, and their use confined to the covering of inferior woods VVhlle this class of veneer" still forms an Important part of the total product of the llldustry, by far the larger and more rapidly mcreasmg pal t 1" made up of veneers manufactured from infenor hard- "oods and a few of the conifers, and utdlzed as material in the manufacture of 'bUIlt up" lumber, packmg boxes, crates, barrels, etc. Veneers are prepared by three processes- rotary cutting, sawing, and shcmg. The first-named process is much the more extensively used, espeCIally m the case of the cheaper woods, whde sawmg and sliCIng are the methods generally employed in manufactUring veneers from the more expensive cabinet woods. In the case of blrd's eye maple and curly birch, however, the pecuhar figure in the gram is best shown in tangential section, and rotary cuttmg IS the process usually employed. The substantial mcreases recorded for 1908 as compared WIth 1907, not only m the quantity and the cost of timber consumed, but also in the wider range m the species of wood used, are shown m Table. Domestic: Red gum .. 119,485 102,932 Sugar pme 942 (1) Yellow pme.. 42,342 32,450 Tamarack 551 (1) Cottonwood . 33,904 33,174 vVestern pll1e 423 (1) Maple ..... . 27,886 28,175 Hemlock 349 233 Yellow Poplar 22,898 28,764 Douglas hr 333 90 White oak. 20,700 23,872 MagnolIa 315 90 BIrch .... , . 17,769 18,079 \Vhlte pll1e 232 (1) Tupelo ... 16,442 15,097 Buckeye 225 118 Elm ., 12,714 12,t15 Balsam hI 200 (1) Basswood 11,609 13,561 HIckory 192 100 Beech 8,515 4,367 Cypless 153 (1) Spruce 5,413 6,OtO Cedar 104 (1) Sycamore 5,279 3,554 Larch 101 (1) Walnut. ., 5,176 3,952 Holly 60 (1) Red oak 4,449 4,629 Cherry 54 20 Ash 2,490 2,818 All other 81 1,729 Chestnut 1,138 400 Imported: Mahogany 11,487 6,722 Beech 300 (1) Spamsh cedar 6,558 3,922 Cus'n walnut 170 (1) Maple .. 1,000 (1) Satmwood 3 (1) Buch . 500 (1) All other 1,000 Total 382,542 348,523 (1) Not reported separately. The quantity of timber consumed in the manufacture of veneers during 1908 exceeded the quantity so consumed during the preceding year by 34,019,000 feet, log scale, or 98 per cent Increases are shown for both the domestic and the imported woods. The relative mcrease was much greater for the Imported than for the domestic woods, the rates being 71 9 per cent and 76 per cent, respectively. Of the 23 domestic woods reported separately in both 1908 and 1907, all but 8 showed increases in quantIty, the 1l1creases ranging from 1 ,. quantity of wood consumed durmg 1906 in the production of \ eneer", their cost formed only 707 per cent of the total cost ot the cut of all woods fOi that year The average cost per thousand feet, log scale, for all woods utilized in veneer manufacture mcreased from $1847 m 1907 to $2063 m 1908, the gam bel11g $2 16, or 11 7 per cent ThiS I11crease, how-e, er, was due entirely to the fact that the proportion of the hlgh-pnced Imported woods 111 the total quantity used was larger m the latter than 111 the former year, and the average cost per thousand of these woods advanced from $103 38 in 1907 to $11567 111 1908 Of the Imported woods, Spamsh ecdar had the la 1 gest 1l1crease m average cost per thousand feet, the average advancmg from $7244 to $121 52 WhlIe mCIeases occurred 111 the average cost per thousand feet m the ca"e of 9 domestic woods, the average for all domestic woods decreased from $1553 to $1538 Among the woods for whIch Important changes m pnce were reported were whIte oak, WIth an mcrease from $35 56 per thousand feet to $4744, and sycamore, with an I11crease from $9.96 to $1344. On the other hand, the average cost of walnut decreased from $7039 to $6053 and that of magnolia from $15.46 to $831 Smaller actual decreases occurred in the case of 11 othel domestic woods. In 1904 plant" manufactunng veneers were reported from anI) 20 states, and the mdustry was, in the main, confined to '\ orth Centl al states, namely, IUmois, IndIana, MIchigan, and \'\ Isconsm In 1908 plants were reported from 34 states, and the 4 mentIOned, though still important in the mdustry, had ceased to monopolIze 1t The extent to which the in-dustry IS becommg to be distnbuted IS mdicated by the fact that m 1908 the 4 leadmg states in the produtcion of veneers \Vere Flonda, IIlmois, Indiana, and Tennessee. NaturaU) the mdustry is, in general, confined to sections where sl11table timber abounds, and the kind of timber most used m each state depends, in a measure, upon the prevailing speCie" there Thus red gum is the principal timber used in ~rkansa", IIlmOls, Kentucky, Missoun, Tennessee, and Texas II here thIS wood IS plentiful; yellow pine is the material pnnclpally used m Flonda and Georgia; maple in Michigan, :-Jew York, and Pennsylvallla; birch in Vermont and Wis-consm, and oak in Indiana Sevel al of the states, noticeably Indiana, Michigan, New York, and OhIO, reported a wide range of woods used in the manufacture of veneers ThiS is largely due, especially in the case of Kew York, to the utilIzatIOn of timber from other "tate., and of Imported woods In former reports upon the veneer industry, statiStics of the quantity In square or superficial measure of veneer produced hay e been pre:oented. The attempt to give such WEEKLY ARTISAN 08 per cent for elm to 270 per cent for Douglas fir Com-pansons for llldlvidual speCIes of the Imported \\ oods con-sumed can be made only for mahogan.' and Spa11lsh ceddl as these were the only kmds shown "eparatel) In both.' edP, The consumptlOn of mahogany vvas 709 per cent greater In 1908 than 1907, and the mcrease In the quantity of Spanish cedar used was 672 per cent The largest actual mcrease" III the consumptlOn of dom-estic woods occurred for red gum, yellow pine, beech, ") ca-more, tupelo, and walnut, whlIe the largest actual decreases are shown for yelloV\ poplar, white oak, and bassV\ ood The quantity and cost of matenal used m the manufac ture of veneers m 1908 al e shol' n, h.' kinds of wood, In Tahle 2. 1Iatellal Used Averag-e QuantIty cost (per (thousand thou'idnd KInd of Wood feet, log Cost feet, log scale) scale) Domestic Red gum 119,485 1,253,411 1049 YeIlow pll1e 42,342 314,008 742 Cottonwood 33,904 464,608 1370 Maple 27,886 413,811 1484 YeIlow poplar 22,898 472,533 2064 "Vlllte oak 20,700 982018 4744 Birch 17,769 255036 1435 Tupelo 16442 150,759 917 Elm 12,714 205,602 1617 Basswood 11 609 233,983 2016 Beech 8,515 119,763 1406 Spruce 5,413 74,477 ]376 Sycamore 5,279 70944 1344 Walnut 5,176 313,291 to 53 Red oak 4,449 127,354 28 63 Ash 2,490 47,729 1917 Chestnut 1,138 14,182 1246 Sugar pll1e 942 17,898 1900 Tamarack 551 4,410 800 Western pme 423 8,037 1900 Hemlock 349 4,148 11 89 Douglas fir 333 5192 1559 Magnolta 315 2,618 831 WhIte pIne 232 3709 1599 Buckeye. 225 2250 10 00 Balsam fir 200 2000 1000 HIckory 192 1,920 10 00 Cypres" 153 1,522 9 95 Cedal 104 1,059 10 18 Larch 101 1,414 1400 Holly 60 3,600 6000 Cherry 94 1,219 2257 All other 81 1,472 1817 Imported Mahogany 11,487 1,478,364 12870 Spamsh ceddr 6,558 796,940 12152 Maple 1,000 14,000 1400 BIrch 500 7,000 1400 Beech 300 3,600 1200 Clrcasstan walnut 170 15,250 8971 SatInwood 3 300 10000 Total. . 382,542 $7,891,431 $:2063 While domestic woods supplied 948 per cent of the total ,...----~----------~---------~------_._------~._-----------~ II III "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories. Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies. Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, fumished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY ... H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. - _- . - - . • _.- •••••••• aa .. WEEKLY ARTISAN .-- .....-----------_._-_._---- ----- .- ---- ~ In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. The UDELL Line MANY NEW ONES in Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lme whIch IS well worth gomg to see A LIne that you should have a complete catalog of [he fact that you have not our catalog can only be recu6.ed by wntmg for your copy to day. 7 mformatJon was abandoned 1n the case of the present re-port, howe, er, because 1t was found that accurate records covenng th1s pOlnt were not kept by all estabhshments Stat-lSiJCSas to the th1ckness of the venee1 s manufactured and the amount of matenal used 111 the productlOn of veneers of each th1ckness are generally kept, and from these data the square measure of the stock produced may be estJmated The num-ber of squa1 e feet of veneers Y1elded by a glVen amount of tJmber depends upon the th1ckness of the ,eneers and the amount of waste The latter vanes w1dely, and depends upon the quahty of the matenal and the method of manu facture If the percentage of waste 1S known, the amount of THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND veneers produced per thousand feet of t1mber may be approxi-mated by deductmg the waste and multiplying the remamder by the number of thicknesses of veneers per inch, The amount of tJmber used for veneers one-eighth and three-sixteenth inch in thickness formed 371 per cent of the total amount reported for tIllS process, In general, the sawed or shced veneert> are thinner than the rotary-cut veneers 1h1001S shaY'.n by the fact that m the case of the last-named process the largest amount of matenal used in making any one th1cknet>s was for the 3-16 mch stock, whlle for the other two processes the greatest amount was used for 1-20 inch stock .... TIE A STRING ON YOUR FINGER if necessary to remember and see the STEBBINS-WIL"ELM LINE Library Tables and Desks to match Also Tables for Office, Parlor, Bedroom, Den. Sewing Cabinets, Tabourettes. "ALL FURNITURE All in LATEST, POPULAR STYLES. New Catalogue Feb. 1st. Salesroom, GRAND RAPIDS only, first floor, Manufacturers' Bldg. John Shank } John Shelton III charge. STURGIS, MICHIGAN. No 518. Quartered Whlie Oak, Mahogany. ( 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN MUCH BETTER THAN LAST YEAR On an Average Business Conditions in New York Compare Well With 1907. New York, Dec 22-The Chnstmas 1etaIl tI ade hat:>been very good tIllS year and there IS not much cau"e to complalll as to the vvhole year The year has been much better as a whole than last year and IS nearly up to 1907 \\ Ith some figures It IS ahead of that yeal Better grades of goods arc being called for now than last year and the volume ot bus111ess as a whole is very satIsfactory There IS more dIscnminatlOn as to taste and a more general re,;ume of the former bette1 condItion of affairs The vvholesalers have been d0111ga very active trade thIS fall. The retailers 111the cIty have not been stock111g up heavIly but are buying continuously and keep up stock failly well The collectlOns have been improving some Thele have been and are projected nov, a great many publIc bmldlllg plans Many mIllIons have gone mto schools, pollce and fir e statIOns, hospitals and other cIty institutlOns Thel e have been many theatres, hotels, office bmldingt:>, chur ches pIn ate schools, etc, bmlt Here they run mto mIlllons and nothll1g IS thought of it. The bmldmg pellTIlts granted for thIS year are probably the bIggest ever known The CIty. publIc and pnvate projects that are planned now will probably cost a total of $500,000,000 The furmture manufactunng trade IS very bnght All al e busy and gettmg m shape for an ll1creased trade expected next year At the present tIme all the factories are \\ orkmg steadIly, with full fGlce, ,;ome \\ 01 long 0\ ertlme '1 he ne\\ year designs have been gotten out and all mdlcatton" pomt to an actIve demand Period furniture IS stIll keepmg up WIth a strong sale Colonial deSIgns are sellIng well. Dutch, LoUls XIV, Hallan, onental, JV[eXIcan and CIude affaIrs even used among "ome of the less ciVIlIzed natIOns are all hay mg theIr adhel ents ~n-tIques of all kinds are reported as sellmg to an act1\ e demand, although there IS more need than ever to be partIcular as to knowmg the history of the alticle as there are so many spur-lOUSones around. ReproductIOns are also popular as they ar e less costly and serve the purpose for many people Just as vvell ZUCChi & Co , of 519 \Y 30th stl eet, make a speCIal feature of manufactunng specIal ordel vvork m antIques all old st:: Ie stuff and have booked more orders Sll1ce October fil st than they dId for all the 1 est of the year put together Some changes and Improvements WIll be made latel to the factor) The old firm was dissolved a short tIme ago and was reorgan- Ized, WIth Robert Campbell as president and treasurer. He took the place of Fred McDonald, who retned from the firm, Peter Zucchi is vIce president. The New York Couch Bed Company of 538 \V 30th street, are making couch beds, of steel frames and report busll1ess as qUIet TheIr entire output IS taken by the l\1anhattan Bedding Company, 541 \V. 23rd street Spring's Sons, 118 E 28th street, are doing an actIve business in antique furniture. The Shaw Furniture Company of East Cambndge and Boston, Mass, are sellmg their local trade through C Nelson Smith of 10 E 33rd street Mr. Smith recently got a good order m fittmg out the new Bessert Hotel of Brooklyn and some specIal furmture for the Hotel Astor of Manhattan John H H uhoff of 10 E 33rd street repor 1.'3affans as busy at his facto! y for the makmg of decoratIve fur mtUl e The J. W Hughes Company, 110 E 23rd street, handllng physician's and hospItal fUImtm e only, do a large blhmess m that lme. They handle a great deal of the AllIson Furmture ... ..~ THE Hindel KIND THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE Need not be moved from the wall Protects covering by turn- Ing cushions Is so Simple and easy a child can operate ,t. Has roomy wardrobe box under seat Comprises three articles for the price of one, Is filled w,th felted cotton mattress. Has LUXUriOUs Turkish Springs. Is always ready WIth bed-ding In proper place Is absolutely safe-cannot close aCCidentally. Saves rent by saving space KI~T~~~ BP~OC~~~C;~S~yI CHICAGO NEW YORK TORONTO ._-~--------------- I -- . . . ...... Co tables and challs and have taken up a new line of Roentgen Ra:: photo machmes, whIch mcludes chaIrs, tables, etc A gl eat deal ot therr ~ales are of stock made m Indlanapolis and Gland RapIds The /\ntlql1e FUll1lture Exchange, of 13 W. 28th street, P A ShIne and F T Canary, are handlIng the biggest line of all. furl1ltUl e m "\ ew York and their vaned line chang-es contml1ally, all of whIch IS sold at dIfferent prices according to the hIstory of the artIcle The Grand RapIds FurnIture Exchange, 154 W. 34th street, managed by George Snyder, repol ts d111ing room furn-rture as runnmg more to the Old EnglIsh type, lIke the Jaco-bean penod Mahogany holds ItS populanty in dining and beel loom furllltnre and the tendency of the factories mak111g beelloom hUlllture is to confine themselves to the pen ods. The demand IS better all alOund for furniture All the factor- Ies makmg the better class of goods ai e busy and a general advance of good" is due of 10 per cent The trade needs It and It b con~rdered necessary, owing to the advanced cost of mallutactUll11g The L'lllted -:\Iattre'3s ]\Ianufactunng Company, of 278 Bank street, X e\\ ark, N J. ha\ e moved to 78 Academy street, In a buIldIng owned by Bramen Brothers They now ha\ e lal ger quarters and are better able to fill 01 del s promptly. A g enel al lme of box spnngs IS also made The large consump-tIon of cotton has advanced the pnce for those goods; ticking 13 up, excelSIOr IS lllghel and scarce. Their output is all pI actIcally sold ahead Henry Gutman, of 125 IV 24th street, wholesale furniture, IS d0111g a hea'v y busmes'3, occuple'3 the entIre bUlldmg and two lofts 111the next buildmg He IS also buymg the frames for parlor furniture and does the upholstering himself Schwartz & Co, who got 1111.0financial trouble, having an office at 62 Centre street, and factory at 177 Prince street, have reorgal1lzed and moved their factory to 101 Richardson street, Broohly 11 They made a '3ettlement of 35 cents on the dollar anel al e now mcOl porated, keeping the store at 61 Centre street, l\Ianhattan The Lusiness is in the same hands as before Barney Hefhn IS manager They make a general lme of office furl1lture Schwart7 Bro" , who were in the firm of Schwartz & Co, have started a factory of thelr own, makurg office furnIture and have taken the old factory of Schwartz & Co, at 177 Pnnce street. \ H Kotteman, wholesale furl1ltnre. 15 W 24th street, carnes a brg lIne of the make of two New York factorie'3 One is that of John MIller & Co, who make Old Engb'3h ~ettees, chairs, tables, Engli'3h and ItalIan sets of which they have had 'iome g'ood we"tern orders for and who also Import a large lme of penod ';tuff of cane and embroidery. The other WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 firm 1S K1han Bras who make a fine lme of mahogany, case good", dmmg, bed room and hbrary furl11ture, many small pIeces of tea and mess table", etc In ')ea')on they carry a ]Jlg hne for the decorative furl11ture trade, old mnrors, scenes, candle"tlcks, coat of al m '), etc, but at present the stock 1S Iowa') It now the off sea')on Thl" firm have taken up a new lme 111 makll1g can ed wood lamp'), fil11shed In gold, whIch the} will probably exh1b1t at Berkey & Gay's show the com1ng } ear Emil FJffercOln of 126 E 28th ')treet, I') fixll1g up hb ')tore VI' hlch pre')ents a better appearance, fOl the antIque furniture lme and penod "tuff The ColumbIa Bra"s Bed Refinl')hmg Company IS a firm "\, 0 } eal ') old, but e\ en many 111 the furl11ture trade are not aware of theIr eXIstence The} refinish brass work for manu-facturers or retaIl trade, second hand stuff IS made hke new and do the work for most of the department store') The hotels £iet out theIr old stuff whIch they were ready to throwaway and get It back m fil "t class cond1tlOn i\n} thmg that ha" been through a fire or 1S good for the Junk ')tore they want 1:rban, Daber & LJ rban make gl1t furl11ture, abo regilding for the trade on \\ 24th ')treet The} w111 take up a 1ll1e of new ')ample p1eces that \\ 111be made about one half of then 1ll1e Then busll1e')s 1S growll1g R C; Paolantol11o, 139 \\ 24th "treet, has not been 111 bu')mess long, makll1g art furl11tUl e, muff111g "tand ", card tables tea tables, also dining and hed room fur111tUl e of chffe1ent pellod" Later the hhlary furmture lme vnll be takcn up It 1" clll marquetry \\ork dnd ')ohd mahogany They do th~ finest WOlk, get gU( d pllces, .,ell to the hIghest cla"" trade and all the1r work h mlalCl, m all deSIgn" that pre"ent a 111(1"tbeautltul effect The \Varner DaHnport Bed Company, 121 VY 24th stleet make a speCIalty of a couch bed, whIch IS advertlsed a l500d deal C i\ v\ arneI', the old foldmg bed man, head') the firm The bed 1S demon.,trated at 38 VV, 34th street, m the wmdow and has been a succes') \Y \V Kmg of 121 \\ 24th "treet, makes only 111gh glade bed'), mattn.s"e", pl11o\\s, couches, cu')hlOn work d1Van'3, settees to order, etc Busmess is reported as back to normal condI-tIOn Em11 E!Syedl has bought out hIS partner's mterest m the \\ & E Beddmg Company, 150 E 23rd street, handhn!S bed" and bedchng, wl101esale and retaIl They are qt1lte busy and the bUS111e'3Swl11 he run a" befOl e, under the same name, l\Iark \\ 01£ late of the \V & E Bedchng Company, 150 E, 23rd street, WIll go 111tOthe hed and beddmg business on hb own account The BUIlding 1'1ades Employe1 s' Assoc1atlOn ha\ e opened a permanent Exh1b1tlOn In the Bt1llde1 s Exchange, 30 \\ 33rd street, m charge James J Cono There lS pretty nearly e, ery-th111g there fO! a hou"e 111slde and out, but fur111ture Th1" would be a good place for some hnes \Iahogany lumber h '3elllng well Pnces al e h1gh and \\ 111probably go h1gher, ?\ 0 1 common red oak "alee; ha, e heen hea, y It u-,ed to "-ell under the ~ ° 1 whIte oak Now the red sell<; the be"t Stocke; a1 e not ,ery large and pnce; are firm The 1ed oak I') h11n!Smg more than the whIte Lumber of all kll1c1" of hardvvoods, h strong 111 \ alue and the demancl has lmprm cd dunng the la'll fOUl 111onth" A" the lumber gete; "Cd1cer, the pnce goes up and demand 1S srong-er- S \Vhen a ~ooc1 man goe" to tht wall he takes httle cousol-atlOn from the fact that a good pIcture does the same th1l1g ._------ ----------- ---_._._-----_._._._~----_._.. _ ...-~ •I• II I • ~_ - _---- -------- l I Ii I II Th6 MftNISTEG MftNUFft5TURING 50 MANISTEE, MICH_ NtW THINGS I• I III II• I I I I•I II I..------ .- .. ..-_._._._-----_. __._._--_. _._._._._-~._----_._-------------------------- ..t. DInIno Room Furnitur6 We can mterestyou If you WIll call at 1319 Michigan Ave., 6th floor, where our full lme IS showntheyearround, WB ArB Making A LOT Of In Colonial and Mission BtldrOOm and No. 355. Top 22x42. Glass 24x30. Our new supplement is now ready to mail. Let us have your inquiries. No, 157. Top 20x33. Glass 14x24. 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN Luce..Redmond Chair Co., Ltd. BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dark and Tuna lVIahogany Dining Chairs Bird's Eye Maple Odd Rockers and Chairs IN Birch Desk and Dresser Chairs Quartered Oak Slipper Rockers and Colonial Parlor Suites Circassian Walnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS' BUilDING, North Ionia Street GRANO RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of ]. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES,]. EDGAR FOSTER. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Re-;ldences~R A Pierce, "\lanon and Twelfth streeb, Dem el. Col , $7,000, C H. Barton 1 Clal endon ::,treet Buffalo ;\ Y. $5,500, Lalohne How"er, 6-+1 \\ l1ham street.' Buffalo: $4,200, Belle D ~andel::', 229 Stann street, Buffalo. $3,600, Lucy C Sully, 880 Tonawanda sheet, Buffalo, $3,400, Johan-na \\ eiland, 112 \Voodwarcl avenue, we'lt, Buffalo, $3,550, Richard Van Dusen. 59 Manchester street, Buffalo. $3.250, Ottlla \Ve1l1helmer, 70 Landon ...treet. Buffalo, $3,4')5, Charle" H Dold. 112 Humboldt <,treet, Buffalo, $3.-+00, Charles J\I Heald, 177 Bidwell Park, Buffalo, ~4,500. G H Poppenberg, 200 Depew sU eet, Buffalo, $12,000, \ \ 1l1111fred A (Tardnel, 144 Se\Cnth ..,Ueet, Buffalo, $5,500 ::\letL ~ ::\Illler, 1400 \n-herst 'ltreet, Buffalo, $7.300, Augusta D '\dam-;, 1731 Cha::,e avenue. Chicago, $4,500 "1 ::\1 Hernman, 4911 Fourteenth <.,treet. X \\ \\ ash111gton, DC, $6,000 A. A FI anke, 1\evv berry houle\ aid and Fredenck a\ enue, ::\lllwaukee, \VIS, $5,500, J \V. \Vade, 1045 FlItt111g avenue \\ Ichlta Kans $3,000, Charles J Harth, 920 Castlewood' terrace, Chicago: $8,000; T F Spalb, York load and Spalks street, PhIladel-phIa, Pa, $32.000, H E Frye, 7 \\ Illald ...treet. Bmghamton, '\ Y. $3,750, S A Reed, 2408 \\ est 24th 'ltreet, ::\Imneapohs, "\1111n, $5,000, Dl. "\Ia7 TO\ver<" 4825 Y111cent a\Cnue, J\I1l1ne-apohs, $3,250, J G Barth, HamIlton and Ea'lt 17th street, Cleveland, 0 , 16,500, S Beckel, 2495 East 29th 'ltreet, Cleve-land, $5.000 S Freeman, \\' estel n avenue and La'lt 104th ~treet, Cle\Cland, $6,750 L E Cheek, 73 E '\orthwood a\e nue, Columbm, O. $4,500, Dolhe A 131 ewer, Fourth and SummIt :"tleet.." Columbu:", $5,000, E \\ Hal' 111gton. Sn and Forsythe 'ltreets, Columbus, $4,500. LeVI JO\, 1500 L;nlOll avenue. \1empll'l, Tenn. $10,000. R Overbey, 271 South Bel- Vlclore sheet, Memplll';, $5 SOO, F P Rohlll'lOn, 3854 \Vash-l11g'ton bottle' ard Incl!anapoh'l. Int! ,$4,800 C L. Hamilton, Central avenue and 24th street, Indianapolis, $3.500; Nathan Helper, 137 DIVISion street, DetrOIt, MICh, $3,500; H. F See'ltedt, 212 Alkmson street, DetlOlt, $3,150; Charles Gaus'l, 135 High street, DetrOIt, 7,500, C M. Parfker, 172 Palkel "treet, Detroit, $12,500, C II Crawford, 350 FIfth street, Detroit, $6,600, :\Irs T Klmp, 1318 FOUl teenth street, De-trOIt. $4,200, :\1 J Kennedy, 654 Gleenwood avenue, DetrOIt, $3,500, DaVId Ram-.ay, Canton and ~gnes streets, DetrOit, $4,000, If Krollk, Rowena and John R streets, Detroit. $10,- 000, Dr J r :\1cGelgh, 102 \\ mdsor stteet, DetrOit, $20,000, J J. Gler, 1472 Second 'ltreet, DetrOit, $10,500; ::vIr:, S. J Rukllch, 401 :\1edbury street, DetrOIt, $4,000, H F O'Byrne, 463 Cathenne :,treet, Salt Lake Clt) , Utah, $3,300, A S Blan-ton. 1~36 \ l11ton place, .:\1emphlS, Tenn , $7,500; A Y Allen, 1410 Goodbar avenue :\1emphi'l. $5.500, :\1rs. Odl1e Lam-hert, Belmont dnd Clay "tl eet'l, "lanchester, =" H, $4,000, G II Fuehllllg. 328 Stratford street, Houston, Tex , $4,000, John \\ Bullock, Pen'lacola, I'la. $3.000, ?\an11le ::\loffitt, 65 Haw-tho, ne street. I ndlanapahs, J nd , $4,800, :\1r'l Sarah H Kmght 200 Summit avenue. :\1mneapohs, )'1111n, $20,000, An1l1e E Schnelderlochnel, Pearl and Coral streets, Pittsburg. Pa, $6,000. \Y H \\ alkel 45th and Pllle streets. Phl1adelphla, Fa, $25,000. Ida \1 Church hIlL Baker and East Kennedy streets, Sy I acuse, =" Y, $S,OOO, \1 Lissner, West Adams Palk, La'l Angele'l, Cal $40.000, Dr H B Ellis Ocean Vie", Cal , $10,000, ::\1rs Lucy \\'alker" A.rdmore and Fourth street:" Lo'l A.nge1es. Cal, $9.000 The furmture man wlshmg to '1:'lt '\ ew York. With Ih attractIOns, It-. g'1eat hotel" It,; many theatt e'>, Will be dOIng "ell hy 111111'3clIff he fixe ... hiS date" '30 that he can get there hetween Tanuary 17 and FeblUar) ~ Then the 38th semi-annual \ew Yor1( CXpo'>ltlOn wlll be open GROBHISER .. CABINETMAKERS COMPANIES LIBRARY SEE OUR NEW AUTO~STYLE SELF~CENTERING DEVICE FOR NON~DIVIDING PILLAR TABLES. THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT. SHOWN EXCLUSIVELY IN GRAND RAPIDS BY US. WE USE TYDEN DUO-STYLE LOCKS. 2d Floor Manufacturers' Building,GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I DINING ROOM and II MATCHED II 1\ II II SUITES In Q!artered Oak, Plain and Crotch Mahogany and Circassian Walnut EXTENSION, LIBRARY, DIRECTORS' and OFFICE TABLES BOOKCASES and LADIES' DESKS 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN --~---~---~ I MR. FURNITURE DEALER: -------- • ------------- ._. ••• - ••••••••••• • ••• a.a _ If you are interested in a GOOD LINE OF DAVENPORT BEDS DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR EXHIBITS in Janual"Y at 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, 6th Floor, or 37 to 41 North Capitol Ave., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. III IIIIIIIIIIIIII II I I THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. I ------------------------~ New Line of Madden's Excello Davenport Beds with Loose Mattress New Line of Automatic Davenport Beds Make application for Catalogue No. 28. ~--------------_.- . 6iEYES OF THE STORE'S SOUL" Studies in Beauty and Harmony Produced by High.Priced Window Experts. "Thc w111dovv;' "a} 'i one of the best knO\\ n dCC01atm '"' 1D one of the best known '\ e\\ York departmcnt St01 e", 'I', thl eye of the store's sOn1 He had been speakll1lS of the ad, ance of th1;, 'ipeClal form of al t vVhlCh reache" It'i 7eJ11th 111the hoh-da) "ea'ion and he fnrlll"hed somc "Ulp11"Ul£; tad" and h~IllC'-, 111regard to 1t 1-11" sugge"tlOn<, and Il1formatJOn ma, be el httle late for tim, hohda} "ea~on but the) WIll be good fOI no ..t "ea~on and mO'it of them are good for an} t1me ot the) ear 'Absolnte1) no expense 1" 'ipared to make the shop \\ In dow attractIve," he contmue'i "The professlOnal c!ecorat01 who has charge of the bus1l1ess for one of the"e bIg estabhsh- Ulents has a salarv ""hlch tanges ftom $10,000 to $15000 a } eelt and a corp'i of he!pe1 'i-"ometll11e" ten 'iOmetlme" lv\ el1t\ mcn fhs al tlStlC faculty 1S of a pecuhal kmc1 tl a1l1ed c"\. pel tly 1il tIll ~ 'iole dlrectJOn "Just at present the w1l1dow decOlatlOn" ale nCeiteJ alli! more o.pen'il\ ell "1111ple than el er before Y\ e e!on t "elk any longel to allure the eye of the pas'ielb, v\lth a com;lomel-at JOn of matenal'i ane! fur111sh111g" wh1ch 1epre"ent lal ge out la) ~ 1ather we e!o It hy a chOIce 'ielectlo11 1ll \\ hIch el el I object WIll hlene! 111 the mo~aJC to f01m a ha 1110111of u,lor and f01 ill "Th1'i 1S becau"e the gellc1al mtelltgence I" hlghe1 thdn ever before Lbten to the' ema1 k'i of the "hoppu" ane! 1011 1\111 dl'iCmer th1'i \\omen are mOle ClltlC:d cilld thel keep the vvmdoV\ decnl at or" 1m", gue""lng \' hat they \\ 111 ltke and why "Color h the Important th1l1g \t the Cl111"t1l1a~ '-,ea"on natm all) vve e111plo\ ma""e'i of ~caJ1et fOI fa "h JOn ha" to bow to trdditlOn, ane! the red bel ne" of the holly the floatmg "trtal11el'i of led, do 110t oftend the moo,t ta~t1dJOus ta"te Hut genel dlh spedk1l1g It may he "au! that the softer tmts, the pa~tt! "hade" and no\ el comhmatwns of color~ wh1ch aI e plOclucee! In fab11cs b} d} es and m1xtUle" of d) es dh'iolutel} l1nknoV\n a feV\ years ago, arc necec,c,ar, to meet the modern demands Th1" l'i the led"on the p01l1.,eita has been the cho'-,en Ch n stma" floV\e1 of thl" WInter , LI el \ ) ldr the head decOlator at th1" e"tabhc,hUlent, and thc 'ia111C1nle l'i follem ed lJ1 l thel "to C~ of 1mportanLL £;oe" abroad perhap, on a I aCdtJOn ~o te1mee! but m redItty on that l1nccasmg "eal ch fOI new ldea" V\hlch l11dkc~ A111ellca the market fOJ the v\ hole V\odd He uo,nally come'S hack m a dl'iappomted mood, fOJ there 1" no c10'lbt that there l'i no othe1 C1t} lJ1 the \OV orld where thIS art 1'i "'0 'itudIee! anel brought to such perfectIOn a" ng-ht here 1D ltLtle old '\ ew \ 01k 'Take 'les petttes bouhque'-, of Pd 1\ fOJ example, thc aIcacles of nruc,'iel'i whe e only one "ort of me1chanc1lsc I" 'Sold eWe! \ on get \\ oDele1fnl e"ample" ot \\ 1l1clo\\ al t, but Ol, the othu hand the cltsappoll1tment of \mellcan shoppe1" whtn thev £11,t \ l"tt the department ..,tore'i of Pall". \\ hlch hal c a \\ orl'l \\ Ide reputatton, h extt emc rhe1 e the) e!o not sel an} such a' ttsttc example.., of V\me!m"J decoratmg a'i the} al e fam-lltar WIth on BlOadl\a} and 11fth al etHIc. and t!lPre ]' dUf1ng the toun"t sea"011 a chelllh of V\a1Itng \mencan" Olee'i 'You don t mean to tell me thh 1'-, the Bon ,larche', 01 Gallene" Lafa\ ette d, the lase may be Ul1t'i1de of the"e hlg places ale cheap "tdll'S j)lec111pt1l1g the 'iJc1e\\dlk space, heaped vvlth ban; am 'i of the C' ude<,t sort" lJm 1l1g 11or:Ol ShoV\ \\ eek the co"t of the wmdovv decor-atIOn" 111 the e'-,tahlt"hment \. here tbh mforrnatlOn was £;lven t leichul $1,000 0] $7000 an outlai rtpre'ienttd b} all SOtts cine! ]'l11d, (t fiXIng''' dppn pn<lte to the OCCa'ilOn the hangmg". the rJbb()n~ and the flowcr'i, whIch la'it \\ere 1l1uclentalh leal, not arufiClal and \\ el e ~eneivecl \I hen theIr freshne"s faded J WEEKLY ARTISA~ 13 There are fifty-two wmdows 111thIs store under the deco- Iator':,> care and the "pace to be hlled beh111d many of them approAlmates that of lalge rooms One bIg corner mean~ hU111shmg" ovel forty feet "quare, and a:'> the demand for nm elty mean" a change eve 1y vveek In the dIsplay It is ea"y to belIeve that the decoratOl earns hIS ~alary "A $10,000 v\ mdow, whIch VI as one of the hIgh mark" reached," he goe<, on, "dI"played a weddmg breakfast table on V\hlch be"Ides real fnut and flovvers a complete serVIce of solId ,,11vel and cut glass \'Va" exhIbIted The vely latest VI llnkles 1111egard to composItIOn were studIed, and the care les" arr'lllQ,ement VlhlCh mIght ha\e passed five years ago. \\hen the pnnclpal motne was melely to show gomb. v\a" 1 eplclced by dn en-,emble whIch drew a gasp of admIratIOn flom 1llne out of evelY ten women among those who know and tho"e who want to know, of the latter there IS an ever mCI easmg number. "\t the wedd111g b' eakfa"t bpoken of a notIceable lack wa<, the once famou<, wax figure ;\ot <'0 \ ery long ago a decorator V\ould not have thou~ht It possIble to get together an effectIve w111doVl wIthout at lea<,t one \\ aA figure to <,hm\ off a co<,tnme, to "It at d table and gIve the human touch The wax figure ha<, followed the \vooden IndIan of the CllSar "tore and decolator" con'3IdeI It:'> use old fa"hlOned 111 the extl eme 'The lIghtmg of the \\ mdow 1::' very ul1purtant, and the ~ood" exhIbIted now have, In accordance wIth the latest m- "urance regulatIOns to be fireplOofed 1'hl" IS done by a COlll-paratIvely new devIce by whIch the flmd I:'>spnnkled over e\ elytillng as It ..,tand<, complete, mstead of the older and more lahonOlh method of fireproofi111g each artIcle "eparateh he-to e It 1'3put mto the WIndows "\\ e do not a<, yet consIder the aeroplane a po"sIbIlIty as a VI 111dovv decol at !On The shops that exhibIt aeroplane<' to the cunous usually prefer to place them 111<,ome other part of the e"t,lblI..,hment They are uncouth and cumber"ome, but V\ e "m cl\ belIeve that It WIll not be very long before the win-dmv~ V\ 111 be filled WIth an attractIve dIsplay of aeroplane nece-,,,alle<,, Just as they have been for :'>C\eral years now vvlth auto \\ are.., [here 1" a $5.000 aeroplane on exhIbItIOn m thh estabhshment no\\, but we ha\ e preferred to keep the wmdow::, fOl mOle artI"tIc "ares "II e u"ually fiA the automobl1e wl11dow to attrdct the mdn'" e) e, and he 1" "u"ceptIble generally to fine furnbhlng", to tIa\ elmg geal of all kl11d" and to nove1tle" that sugge"t comfol t, handsome <,moklng set<" wal m house Jacket<,. hook-ca" e<, filled WIth warm colored binchng", and sportIng pala phernalIa" The decorator then takes a few moments fl0m hIS wOlk of hallll0Jl171l1g background" of \ eh ets and sl1k" to ,how "orne o± tbe completed w111dow<, One of these VI 111dow" chs-play" d complete fU1111"hmg "cheme for the hbraly, WIth \ )llu1tal lUgS ,mcl warm n1dhogany tur111tm e thdt catches the ll~ht ft om cle\ ell) concealed bulbs and t eturn'O the 1eflectlon of bedutIful n1d' klllg" A nO\ elt) 1<,,111 exhlhltIOll of hook-h1l1d1l1g mdtellal<, "0 that \ ou mdV oHlel )OUI favonte duthor'O bound 111the color thdt hdrm011l7e" WIth the ltbrary £1lr111"h-l11RS There IS no fem111111etouch \ ISlble here The deep chaIr" are leather, the table IS broad and long, the bookcases are ea"y to open and 111"pect and the llgbttng 1'0admIrably adapt-ed to the use of the room One of the most dttl dctn e of the exhIbIt" IS the next \\ llldoV\ whlLh I:'>filled \'-'Ith a thou'iand and one articles for the fem,nl11e tcnlet table, bru<'hes and comb boxes and tr,lys 111to! t01"e "hell l11lald WIth (lull <'11\er or gold These are ex-ll1bltecl on a '-'eh et floc l111g and the background of the "ame Ultl amanne t111t IS 111the ::,hape of embrOIdered SCIeens fitted 111tOthe w111dow fl ame so that the unpl eS<'IOn IS of a huge bOA The decorator e:,tImate~ the value of the dIsplay at $5,000 One wmdow has a ~etting of Empll e furmtUl e, cheval ~ldsses, small dtvan", tmy ~pmdle legged table<' holding bronze figures which 111turn clasp clu<,ters of sIlk covered lamps The background of ca1-d111al red \ eloms 1'0dlaped generou<,ly and the fittmgs of the 100m complete mIght supply the needs of a duche"<' seem111gly But Its ::,ole use IS to "hoVl 100 lace handkerchIefs, each In a box-duchesse, cluny, P0111t cl'espnt and othel filmy makes, forming a bewIldenng cobweb of beaut) La<,t FOll! th of July a background of dellCdte 1ed crepe, freshly Imported from the Japan looms, brought Out the beaut) of clcJ1ssonne Jars. m blue and \\ hlte, and durmg the tnp of the !\mencan battleshIps around the world another popular display consIsted of photographs of the festlvtties at Yokohama 111 honor of the Amencans "IVe get no Ideas 111the East, that we can u"e In arthtlc w111dow treatment, for the professton tS practIcally unknown there," says thl" decorator "The Onental merchant ha" hI", llttle bazaar or hI:'>small sellmg place 111a bIg e~tabh"hment You are not m\tted there by any out-,Ide allmement, In fact Ju"t as "oon a"he ha" ani th111g to sell he apparently IS un- WIllIng to sell It and welcome" yoUl departul e V\ithout It \YIth cheerfulne<''' If not actual mIrth "H e "hows ) ou a:'> a general Iule one at tIcle at a tIme, and IM"te bemg- con ,ldered VI eakmlllded you can take an hour Ol two to make up your mmd, but untIl you do make It up you WIll <,ee nothlllg ebe The Ch111ese at e e<,peclally cal eles" dbout making sale"" the Jdpanese beIng mote WIde awake" The decorator take" up several artIcles 111the w111dow dC"lgned to show the latest Onental noveltIes to OCCldentdl eyes. A pecuhal thmg about the '\ ew Yorkel IS the fact that he must hay e hIS Imported \Yare<, "1\menca11lzed," he says "Art for at t'" <'ake he app oves of a:'> a sentIment, but when It comes to pay mg out hI,., money he Vlants to be sure that he 1<,gettmg -,ometh111g Llseful a<, well a::, beautIful, and m con-sequence many of our mo",t exqmslte guods are changed het e to meet thl" demand 'For 111"tance, the huge ]al s that to the Oriental need no excu::,e for be111g are turned mto lamps for the Amencan tJ ade, and the lantern~ of the mo"t exqul:,>tte workmanshIp must have the paper replaced by glass, bIts of Ivory must be attached to pms for hats. and laugh bIt" of brocade that a Japanese would place somewhere 111v lew and SIt before 111 lapt attentIOn must be turned Into opera bag" or pin cll:'>hlons Acros" the w111dov\ of a small anttque shop an 111terestmg collectIOn 1<' (h~played Hel e al e stt ange pharmacy Jars rescued from the obl1\ IOn of the <'lxteenth and seventeenth century ll1d111g places and recallIng the tIme when each chenl1"t In Ital) and Spa111 had hl'3 pal ttcular shape, SIze and mal K111g for the porcelal11 1eceptacle" In whIch he l\ept hIS dl ug" and herbs :\Iany of th e"e are extremely beauttful, man) nH'1ely CUlIOUS Alrpac1y fa"tldIOllS "hopper" are find-mg 111them pos",lblhtte" fOl jar'3 and for perfume holders In thI" same collectIOn are l)1t<, of alabaster, copIes of old Etruscan dlshe<, and vases Pamted furnIture-the latest fad-m1ltatmg the fashion prevalent 111the reIgn" of LOUIS XV and XVI h another nm eIty exhIbIted and there 1'3 a charm111g collectIOn of the fashIOnable 'pa111ers fleun,,', the flowered baskets, that are now shm\ n Ul e\ ery pO"<'lble matenal, as pendanh, brooches, embrOldel ed on handkercl1lef::', a<, Uletal receptacles for the tOIlet table, 111gold and "Ilver noveltle". 1111)1ts of embroidelY and m receptacles for bonbons fOI the table , 14 by WEEKLY ART1SAN No. 173-4 COMBINED SAND BELT MACHINE. REDUCE YOUR SANDING COSTS Eliminating Hand Sanding This Combination Sand Belt Machine has proven the greatest labor saving tool ever designed for furniture or chair factories. It is capable of sanding with the grain flat surfaces and all irregular shapes. It will produce a finish equal to the best hand sanding and several timts as fast. Two and three men can work on this machine at the same time, thus enabling you to producea maximum amount of work at a minimum cost. Ask for CATALOG "E" WYSONG & MILES CO., Cedar Sf. and Sou. H. H., GREENSBORO, N. C. CORPORATION TAX TROUBI..E. S Disagreement Among GoveI'nmt>ntOfficials ~fay Lead to Radical Changes in the Illstrnctiom .. PIn ate advICe" hom \\ ashl11gtoIl <.,tate that <I .,enUlh chitel enee of opmIOIl ha" all<.,en among officer" ot the gm eln 111ent charged wIth the re"ponslbllIt) of admI111<.,tenn~ the corporatIOIl taA lav\, \\ hlch md) lead to the "lth-c!Ia\\ al ot the cOlnes of m"truLtWt1S and le~ulatlon" --eIlt out b) the <.,ecIetary of the iIea'Sury, and theIr 1110chhcatIOn to meet the ObjectIOns ral'Sed by :,ome of the ahlest la\\) ers m the admml-stratlOn and 111 Congre:,'S IncIdentally thel e IS some ClltlCI'S111 becau:,e the legal OpInIOn:, of men who would Oldmallh be cOt1--ulted on --uch m.1tters ,vere not a"ked befOle the legulatIOn" ,\ele sent ont to the country \s It IS, 'Some of the ahle<.,t la\\, el 'S 11l the acll11l111'Stratlon and m CongTe% take the, le\\ that the regu-latIOns 111 the present fOlln are unlav\ ful The prmClpal objectIon to the pruHed It~uldtlOn" appht __ to paragraph 3, article II, to paragl.lph 4, al tlcle II, and to paragraph 5 of the same artIcle, all ou page" 8 and 9 of the pnnted 111structlOn" Pal tIcular obj ectlOn IS made to an e"'{- plana tory note at the top of page 0 whIch relates to pdl agl aph 5 It is saId that the In"tructIOn" therem gIven to COlPOl-ations in the mattel of mak111l:; theIr I etul n" al e (hrecth 111 conflIct WIth the opimon s e"'{ple""ed In \ttOlll e\ Genel al \\ icker"ham in hI" lettel to the \mellcdn ,1""OUalJon of dL-countants. Complaint is made also that the tl easury department ha:, taken the view that returns of l11come should be based on the ledger statements of corporatIOn Instead of upon the cash book showing. It is learned that as the regulations were hI "t dl afted they pro\lded that 1eturm should be based on ca"h hooks lJ1stead of upon the ledger showlng-s, but Secre-tal, II ac \ eagh changed tllls after d conterence WIth many jJ1Ol111J1entdccounidnt'> ",ho pOInted out to hU11 that return" ha"ed upon cd"h book entnes would be ab"olutely unre!Jabl<> tOl purpose" of t.1AatlOn and V\ ork a gleat ll1justlce to the taApayers. PI eparatwns are ah eady belllg made to attack the con- "tltutlOnalIty of the law 111 the cOUlt:, It vvlll not be by 11111111ctwn,a:, It h held that the proper v'lay 111 whIch to te"t the 1I1atter WIll be payment of the tax under protest and a sUlt III the court" to recover the money paId as bemg 11n lawfully exacted Attorneys who are now engaged in 1I1Vestl-gat1l1g the matter belIe\ e there 1S no doubt that thev WIll be able to e"tabhsh the 1ll1COn"tltutIOna!Jt) of the law Improvements in Sanding Machinery. " ne\\ "anel belt machll1e has I ecently appeared on the market. bell1g manufactured by the Wysong & MIles com-pan) of Green"boro, K C The constructIon of thIS machIne 1" "lIghtly clIffel ent from the other machllle" bell1g manu-factured by tll1S well known concern and contain" Improve-men±:-. that make It extremely valuable on certall1 classes of work The above concern are now manufactunng a very exten ,,1\ e lll1e of "and belt machllles and al e universally dcknmvledlSed as the leadel" III thIS dass of machmery as \\ ell d~ speCIal mOl ti Slllg machmel y for fUIl1lture and chal1 \\ ark It 1:' understood that Cll culars descnbing the new sander WIll be ready for di stributlOn abont the first of Janu-arv and further informatIOn III regard to these machines can be had by addreSSIng- the \iVysong & Miles company, Cedar street and Southern Railway., Greensboro, N. C. POSSELIUS BROS. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. DETROIT, MICH. Just a few of our new patterns of DINING EXTENSION TABLES The entire line will be on exhibition on the second floor of the MANUFACTURERS' EXHIBITION BUILDING, 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO In charge of F. A. Kuney, ]. O. Kemp, H. ]. Armstrong. Our new catalogue will be ready for mailing by Jan. 1, 1910. 16 WEEKLY L\RTISAN ~UBI..1SHe:D EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY ---- -- -- .- ---- SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $200 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAP'DS, MICH, A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter July 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds MIchIgan under the act of March 3 1879 Many tIavehng salesmen dread the \Ietropohtan dlstnct. espec1ally X ew York, and w1th good I eason They declare that 1n no CIty 111 ~menca IS It so chfficult to get at a 1)11'er, or any othel bU..,l11ess man for that mattel a" It IS III '\ e\\ York \Vhen a salesman send", III hI" card to a \ e\\ \ 01 k buyer, whethel It be 111 the l111e of lace", carpets shoe" fur111tUle or what not, It usually comes out ma1ked \v1th the day, hour and mmute fi"ed for a heanng, "hlch ma\ be wlthl11 a few hour"" the ne"t day, or the next \\ eek II hen the mmute arnves the salesman m1ht be there on the tIck 01 he lose", hIS chance fOl an Inten Ie" The ",ale",man Celll not walk I11tOthe office of the prop11etor or the buyer of the house. unannounced, as he may do 111 the western cIties He mu"t call at the time fixed by ple\IOUS alfangement and hIS time h frequently hmlted to a fnv ml11utes \\ 111ch can not be prolonged unless he I" able to engage the bm el " attentwn 111 such a way as to show hIm that the mtel ests ot the hou"e demand an extensIOn of the dlloted time ::'uch at lea",t, al e the condItions 1epO! teel by men who speak from expenene e "It reqmres more perseverance (cheek I", a better "ord) to sell goods 111 '\J e\v York, than m any CIty m ~menca' saId a furl11tm e salesman who has WOlked the CIty fOl \ ear:::. and hIS statement \vas I eadJly endorsed by othe1 s \\ ho had bcen "through the mJll" \vhat b called the )Jew York "rush' 1'0 ~1ven as the reasen for theIr I ed tape methods ~'" IS generally known ~ e\V \ ork busllless men hay e short office or bUSllle"s hours They ~et down at 9 or 10 aDd qUIt at 4 or ; o'clock, and they work halCl \\hJle they are at 1t Thel1 lmyel s and other as"1stants hay e longer hours, hO\\ e\ er, and there seems to be no good rea",on why they should he constantly 111 the' lush' ()f course, a buyer for a '\J ell York house 111 any ll11e 1" constantly beSIeged by tla\ ehng salesmen but the I ed tape method.." pI eClseness and I ush can not be necessary at all times and they al e certal111v not good fOl the house Very few men can do good w01k under hH;h ple"sure and It IS plObable that many a f\ew York merchant could "a\ e mone\ hy fUl nl"hl11~ hI" huyel WIth as"I"tanh enough to gn e each tray dlD~ sale,mall the attentIOn that he and hI'" lme deserves Ju11l1s TIernste1l1 \Vas arrested In COy1l1gton, Ky, last \\ eek on the charge of "lOltenn~" Bernstem \\ a" enga~ed m collectmg money for a ClllCl11natl fur111tule hou"e on \\hat IS kno\Vn as the' clllb plan' anel the object ot the anest whIch wa, made bv a patrolman b\ 0 der of the chlet ot pohce, was to hleak lip what the pohce autholltles conSIdered a lottery scheme :\t Bernste1l1's tnal It \\as "hov\n that over 1000 women V\ere pavmg the CI11C111natl concern 2; cents each WIth the expectatIOn of drawl11g a pIece of furJ1l ture as a pnze 'j 0 escape plOsecut1On undel the antI-lottery law the managers of the conceln admItted that no actual drawlllg vvas made-that one name wa" selected each weel( and tIll'" "wlllne1 ' wa" g1ven ten dollars worth of fllr11lture From thIS It appear" the swmdler", were collect1l1g $250 each \\ eek and glV 1l1g $10 In I eturn Bernste1l1 \Vas fined the ll1111t for "lOltellng" and hIS employers paId It does not "eem pOSSIble that such a "cheme could be \VOlked 111 all 111telhgent commu111ty, but It was successful 111 CO\ IllgtOll and the "harper" are 1l0t hkely to be pU111shed unless some ot thel1 dupes char~e them WIth obtainmg money under false pI t tel1'>e.., \\ hllh they are not hkely to do because the amount lMld by each 1'0 small and most 0 f them \VJll not "ant to expose then gulh hJllty '\ ow Insurance Comm1ss1Oner Bal ry IS askmg the fire Illsmance compa11les to answer a lot of pertl11ent que..,tlOns 'III Barr's quene" are not so nume' 011'>nor so searchIng as those propounded hy the mSUlance authontles of IndIana hut they are framed for the ,ame purpose, to obtam mforma-ttem as to the l11ana~ement and conc1ltlOn of the compa111es ]nsUlanle COl11ml""IOners ~enerally th111k that the COl11palllCS lM\ te 0 much Ulmml'-,"lOn to a~ents and that It would be hetter fOl both companIes and pohcy-holdel'" If there were les" C0l11petlt10n They al"o th1l1k that com1111S:01Onsshould be of a u111for111I ate and propose to find out why they take "0 \\ Ide a range, 1S to 25 per cent of the pre111IUms The methods of the \Ilchlgan and IndIana commISSIOners wJll probably be adopted 111 other ",tates and may result 111good to all concelned At any rate the movement IS hkely to gIVe the pohey-holder and others some 1I1formatlOn as to detads of the file msurance hus111ess, of \\h1(h they have very httle at present I hl lentlal l'a"sen~el \""ouatlcn ha" refused to aboh"h I eduled I ate" fOl lOI1\ ent!on" etl. dUllng 1C)10 ThIS actIOn I'-, expectee! to compel the western road" to rev oke thel, dechlOn to cut out all "peClal pa",senger rates on January 1 1'0 hay e have speCIal rate" to '\e\V York dunng the fur11ltme e"pchltlOn or to any con\ entlOn, wIllIe full rates prevaJl 111 the "est V\ould not be advantageou", to Grand RapIds 01 ChIcago nOl to the western raIlroads Local ;\Ianufacturers \VJll 1111Co\ er on ] anuetry 1, more ne\\ sty Ie" than 111 an\ "1I1ter "eason of the past lUl111tUl e makel '0, huyer", and sellel s sOJounng 111 Grand Raplcb 111 T anuarv "Ill he surpll",ed and pleased WIth the ne\\ ~dllloom of the J\IOIton House, "~\ tiling of beauty IS a JOy fore\ er ' 1'lopnetor l'antlll1d has It 111 the ne\V depart-ment uf hI'-, hotel \101 e 11e\\ stuff" "Jll be exhd)lted m Gland RapId, dUlmg the commg month than In any mldw111ter season of the pa"t The eIe\ en manufactufln~ houses prodUCIng l1p- 110lstel ed fl1fllltUl e m (rrand RaDld", u111te m makmg the lalge'ot shov\ of mec1lum and fine fur111ture for the parlor the hbl al v, the dl111n~ room ane! the den e\ er assembled at any e"posltlOn The past \veek has been a notably busy one in the" are- 1 (Jom" and e),.pOSItIOn buJldln~.., of Grand RapIds Hundreds of men are I ecen 111~, nnpac1(ll1g and dell' enn~ "am pIes of out-of town l1l1es Ca..,e V\ork WIth handles of wood I'-, stJll ~rowmg 111 favo, V\Ith the retaJl trade WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 Michigan Chair Company Grand Rapids, Michigan January January N N I I N N E E T T E E E E N N TEN TEN Michigan's Foremost Chair Factory. On the opening day (January 1st, 191 0), we will be ready to welcome the Trade Buyers to our warerooms. Extra facilities have been added during the past six months, in order that we may be enabled to give even better service than ever to our customers all over the land. We will show in this season's offerings many sensibly attrac-tive pieces, and in view of the vastly improved business condi-tions everywhere, suggest the early consideration of our patrons. Representative Salesmen: South W. R. PENNY West CHAS. B. PARMENTER ROBT G CALDER H. M. STORY East CHAS. H. COX ROBT. E WALTON Michigan Chair Company 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN Complete lines of samples are displayed at 1411 Michigan Ave" Chicago, and in the Furniture Exhibition Building1 Evansville. II II II IIII I IIIIII I I •t I• I I I III I II I THE KARGES FURNITURE co. Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes,Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chlfforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Kitchen CabInets, K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, In Imitation golden oak, plaIn oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upnght FoldIng Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, Chma Closets, CombInation Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards m plaIn oak, ImitatIon quartered oak, and solId quartered oak, Chamber SUItes,Odd Dressers, Beds and Chiffoniers In ImitatIon quartered oak, Imitation mahogany, and Imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the' Supenor" LIne of Parlor, Library, DmIng and Dressmg Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cnbs, Wire Springs and Cots. Made by The Karges Furmture Co Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association. I II •I III II •I •II I I I II I IIIIII IIIIIII I I I IIII I I II I II II II IIII II II It• -. WEEKLY ARTI~AN 19 ,I II I I II ,I ,I ,I ,I II I I II II ,I I I III I II I I I I,II , IIII I I,I I III II II i,,I, I I,II I• II I I I,III IIII Ih_.-----------.------------- . -..4 Iviade b\ Bosse FUrtlltule Compal1\ Mqde by Globe FurnIture Compau) Made hy Bock,tege Furl1lture Co. Made hy Bockstege FurnIture Co. II, III I•I II II I f I I I I II II I •,I ,,I,,,I •III II , II , III II IIII I IIII , • 20 ~Iinnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association WEEKLY ARTISAN OFB ICFRS-Presldent LoUISJ Buenger New Dim VIce PresIdent C Dalllelson Cannon Falls Treasurer, o A 0 Moen, Peterson Secretar} W L Grapp JanesvIlle LXECUTIVE COM'\!! [TEE -D F RIchardson Northfield Geo Klme, Mankato, W L Harns Mmneapolls, o SImon' Glencoe M L KlIne St Peter GOOD THINGS FOR THE WINTER CO~VE~TIO~S. BULLETIN No. 64. No,\ that the hmry dnd llbh of tllC UJlI,tmlo -, 1'011 I~ 0\ 11 \\ C 'i\ I,h to I elTl1nd OUI ll1ell1het, oi om Ull1\, nt1()11 l 1hi U11\ K 111119 V\ care pldl1l1111g to makc 1111S con\ ent10n Ol1e to be 1cmemhc1 ed You cannot offord to miss It Some ot the nlo~t pi ommcnt wen 111 the state are to speak and Y0U \\Ill he'l sugglst10ns \lll1eh 11h III money to you Governor E a EbC1 hardt has k111dly consentld to t,lk md also W L Earns of the J'\e\\ I'ngldnd Fm111tUlc "tOle Ilmnl apolb Prof Sheldon 'i\ hom you ha\ e all he'l d ot It \ ou 11 e 11Jt personally acqua1l1ted wlth hlm, wlll fa,OI us 'i\ 1th Ol1e ot IllS "pi'" talks I am ~ure thdt all of you have heard 01 r,all 'Ol1H 01 hh practtcal busl11es'31Jke talks If by chanee somc ot yOU h,n e not don't miss thiS opportu111ty of hCdnng 111m \Ve hd\ e mentIOned hel e Ju~t a few of thc good th111g'3 to gn e vou In Idea of \\ Int \\ 1 h lV 1 111store fm yOU I et us see lf \, C Lan not all be thel e md makc thiS by far the best C011\entlOn \1 c 11'1\e yet hcld '0 tl1 1t \\ 1 e 1n ,ll go home bllmmmg 0\ CI \\Ith cnthusIasm f()1 om blh1l1c" lnd plum full of good pI acttcdl suggestlOn~ THE MAIL ORDER EVIL. By W..L. Grapp of .l.anesville, Minn. An Address before the Nahonal Furniture Dealers"Association. Close contdct WIth assocldtlOn 'i\ork hd'3 plobably madc 111 'U 'i\ hat associatIOn work means to om future, and dS I e,peet to nnkc the fur11lture busmes~ my hte's \\ O1k, I ha\ e tl lV ekd hundlecb ot nl1les to be hel e so I can do 'i\ hdt hc, 'i\ Ith111mv PO\\ el to ,h<:tpc tIll dest111y of our futurc, behev111g that IS <:ts111uch 01 11101 e Impo tdl1t than any othel detail connected 'i\ Ith my bus111e,s -\nd so T \\ ,mt to bnng whate\ el 111,ptratlOn I1Imnesota c,n gn e to make thc I csults ThiS LUt IS used to repl esent , dre"sel 40 mLhe'3 Wide anel 21 mLhcs dLCp, ,el pentme ft ont ot Cluartered oak, golden llnbh, cdrved orn,lments and claw feet, mtrror 20 x 24 111ches, handles dnd 10ek'3 of cast blass fhe mdtl order pnce for tll1S plcce rangc' from $1075 at an Indiana factory to $1585 dt pomts 111 Montand and Pd cdic coast states The iI eIght bemg <!dded to the factory pnce of thiS meet111g so forLlble that It Will radl,lte '" Ith lllLl Cl"mg fOIce to evelY part of thIS great Idnd of oms Here we dlC, dn lllterest of treillendous SIZC, i,ho', ',(lSICgltC wealth IS counted by the Imlhons, and yet a close anah 0);, Ii III tcll you that OUI bU0111eS'3does not beglll to be as pi o,perOlb a" most bus111esses elrc, and If you are 111\ ery close touch", nh the m lJonti of '3mall de,ders, ,ts I ha\ c been you \\ ould hel\ e tound that not tllleL out of ten are dS successful ,IS theIr nnestment \\ould ilaIrant 1.1m sure \, e all lecoglllze th It the small elealels <:tIeIn lhe III ge mdJollty, and If the l11dJonty In any tlade 01 profe'3'310n dlL 110t h succesoful a" they should be, thc whole IS bound to ouffer NOW, then, If thiS IS true, "nd I fcel It IS, should It not mdke u, Sit up ,md thlllk, iihy ,tre conditIOns '30? \Nhat IS thc mattu) A.nd \\ hdt has blought us to 'i\ hcre we no", hnd om '3eh CS? And IS thel e no remedy? Old II,.be Lmcolll, 11111IStimes as dltOI ney, ah\ ,1VSJJIc,ente<! hiS case'3 With '3uLh enel getlL splnt ,md 0\ CIdl ew the jJ1Ctu1L 11l argument of hi, oldL ot the caSL, to lnake hl'3 JUIOIS sec dS he dId dnd so I am SUIe you WIll bCdl 'i\ Ith me a tew moments If I enL1rgc 1 httle upon the detalb of the condition" In which we find our,eh e, and thercby thc bettfl be dble to ii ork out such pohclc~ as \\ tll correct these conditions Tcn ycal s ago Then the funllture busllleos was runmng along III ItS natural channeb, out'31de of local c1Jsturbauces Ccllbed b) dealcls of thc same tOiil1 not understandlllg each other as they nO\\ do Thanks to the aSSOCiatIOn w01k for that ~ow, then, t01 the last ten yedr'3 the cost of furmtme hI, "rdelu d Iy, but steadily becn on the mcrea,e 'i\hlch ho\\e\ er, IS only thl natural re-.,ult of '3hortage 111I a\\ mdternl, ctc , and 'i\ e ha\ e no qual re 1 With natural condItIOns But, on the other hand, the retatl pnLe of furmtUle, I cale not wherc you !So, IS on the dechn~ Thcn agd1l1, modern busmess methods are demand1l1g POhCleS of accommoddtlOns th l! ii 11 c Ilot thou"hl 01 t(1l \ ell' a'(o or demanded by thc pubhc dl ( I \\ lllch h 1'3 1l1CI'd'ld the lO-t ot dOIng blbme" Add to thcsL ( ll(htll11h, \\lnLh agd11l ilL Ollly thc lesult'3 of n,ltuldl conc1Jtlon'3 1\Jth lO,t of flom 20 to 30 jJlf Lent to thc e\(,r lllClc,lslng pIlle of the II tIde Itself, dnel then you redhLe that m spIte of the'3e natl1lal re,ult" thc let ,tl Lost of tUI nltl11 c IS wherc It \1d~ tCIl yLdl S ago, and If a httle hIgher, not dt all mIme WIth thc condltlOI\S Just mentIOned Illd \\ hy Defore I ,tatc my I Lason why, Ict me caution you not to Jump 10 conelu,lOns, because nearly all the gleat eVIls that dffect mankmd lhuallY ha, e become so common to us that we did not sec them as \\ e ,hould and wl-jcn I tell you thdt the >srett mall order houses th It hal e sprung 111tOglgdntlc concerns wlthm the Id"t ten yc,trs are olle of the gl eatest f,lctors that l1<!sLdused It all, I Imagine that somc II tll '3a) Oh no you 11'1\e mh'3ed m) mark thIS tl111e" But let Ue, ,ce I It us '3tuch the lluestlOn dS Ib Imp01 tdnce denldnds \"- hat \1 11 e the bIg m,\11 ordel hOlblS ten ye,lr'3 ago as compared '" Ith t d 1I md bet01 e I go fm the I ask yourself h"" any I etall bustness 1 CllL not \\hele )oulook '(ro",n to the extcnt that these concerns h 1\ L m thc s,nne penod ot time -".nd when you I edllze that the'oe l ()IlLernS ollly tcn years dgO \\ cre dots on the map of busmess, as compared to 'i\ hat they al e tocl.ty, It certalllly ought to make 1b ,top 19,1ll 'Ild th111k, why) I \\ 111tell you why ThIS gl eat !SH;anttc octopus whose arms tlllough the medlllm of Its catalogs, reach flom J'vIa111eto Cahf01111a lll<! flam tbe Lakes to the Gulf, dud find theIr 'i\ay llltO yours mme lll<! othel dl,tlers' comm1l111ty And after they !Set there, 'i\ hat do thu do the) elthel Clcdte a cOl1chtlOn that gets the buslnes, of that Ullnmu111ty or establtsh a U11I\ersal pnce upon thc commochtles \\ Ithm then covel And I am sure that there IS not a man wlthlil the sOllnd of my vOice "ho does not know that the buslllbS of to dav ThIS cut sho'i\ S the aL-tlnl dll11en~IOIlS of the Ten ,e\ cnty five dresser h lold blooded and th,lt sentll11ent and good fcllowshlp count fOI bm !Ittll Jt the pI lee you dsk fm your mel clnndlsc h not as 1o" dS I 11l clhtomer c In gct It elsewhere 'Lnfortlln"tely, wc rcplesent ,1 11lle that IS recelvlllg the brunt of tll the Clln11111gschemes that the human 1111ndC,l11contnve, and thus \\ L hnd fl1l111turL h the lal ge'3t Itcm 111,my scheme or prCllllllm !1st lUll m 1\ IHck up, l11d \\hy) BeLausc tile a\erage C01bUITler does 110t kno\1 the I e I \ aluL of ,\11 artIcle of flll111tUlL, and ld,t, but not le,lst, bee llhe some t11r11ltule manufactlllcr 111hiS eaf;el11ess for temporaly busme" uthu make" or puts a pncc lIjJon some Items of f111111tUl~ undel the u"lIal mal kct puce If It 'i\ erc not nnder tIle markct pllce, ,uLh Items 1ll f111111t11recOllld not be u'3ed ,IS thcy now ,ll e In vallOUS 'lhunc, I h tv, com( all the \\ ,y fJ om M111nc,ota, crnel "ant to SdY With tll the emplla'h I Clll thlt clery time ,1 manllfad111Ll allo"s or 111 lL" III II tlclc to he sold undcI the pnce he gets lrom I11Sreguldr II lell, hL IS drtv rng 1110thCI naIl Into the cofhn of (ltfficultles that ,UI lOUlld el er} fur111ture de,der of today 1f he dId no! nuke It po"lble f01 themal1 IHlllllel liS dealel S as unmerCIfully as they do, thcre would be no ()lC,\SlOn for the dealer 111turn to seck for '3omethmg to beat these "ame, I, It ,\ny "onder that the dedler turn'3 nght alOlllld and IS jJoullclln'( thc m,nllfdcturcrs fOJ a stl11 bctter pllLe 'i\ htch hc must h l\ l t) be It thc'e gImes' It IS only the Ildtur,l1 Ic,ult of such procedurc lIJd \\ h 1t h thc result, a completc llng of cha,mg fOl pn~c qrnlIt) often forgotten which WdS started by the manubctllrer, \1ho onglnally mdde the first pncc on the dl tIde under thc nnrket price ,111el,vho through the genclal d\e11lle of trdde makes a CIrcle th,lt comcs lIght bdLk to 111m Th 1t wOllld not be '30 bad, were It not for the eleplOl able fact that not one 111 tbe "hole Circle thdt thiS al tide has tI d, eled, hom the m,ll1ufacturer to the consumer has \ WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 made any money on \t Then \\hy on eatth ale some of our mann-faLlurcI s ~o shortsIghted? Bccause there IS no denymg thdt If th" ,;mall dealers, \\ ho are In the maj011ty, are not p10spcrous, how 1\1 turn em a manufactUl er expect pro~pcnty NOVl, I want to say 1n ,dl cand1dncs" and I realrze the CllttCbl11 that I may bc subjccted to, that lf the mall older houses and kmdred schemeo d1r1not get the pnce whIch lS from 20 to 30 pel cent below what the avcrage small dealer gets, t1nt they 1\1 turn could not m,ke the lovv pnce that they quote \t thIS pomt I am SIne that I WIll hear the algument that any firm 01 concern wh1ch can use a quanttt:; and wh1ch docs not nuke the manufacturer go to the trouble and ex-pense hc usually must to get t111Sbusmess, 1S cntttled to the Oav1t1g theleof and 1f thb actlOn on the part of the manufacturer only af fected thc tVl0 1t1 transactlOn th1S would bc true but let us ~ce T ,m told by those who seem to know th It the mati ordel houses take only about 20 pel cent of the output of OUl fact01les, so I ask you, Brothcl Dealel s, lS 1t fan to the ot1wr 80 per cent f01 these md1lU bctureJs to Cle,te the eondltlOn they do bv makmg these conee, slons wh1ch pull doVln ,l11d make 1t harder for everyone of the 80 pel ccnt to make a fau profit on then n1\ estment I say No and 'J0 a thousand tImes and dny manufactUl er VIho w1ll reelly SIt down ,nd study thIS (juestlOn as I have studleJ 1t ft om the small let nler's pomt of VleVl, vvlll have hb eyes opel1Pd as never before Human nature WaS tbe same ten yeab ,lgO as lt lS today tnen \\ hy chd not present conchtlOns Cleep mto our busmess hfe of ten :;ears dgO? I VI111tell yOU wh:; \Ve 1nd no medmm at that tlmc v\hereby there was a Ul11form eompetttn e pnce placer] upon ahno,t L\ cry eommodlty a'3 1'3 done tod Iy, through the meJmm of tbe m \11 order house catalo,; and 1, there any other factor 111eX1'3tence today tInt 'iO systemattcally un ers and go eo mto tbe homes of ,llmost e\ el:; h, m1et 1t1 tbe grand Umted Statc'i of Ouls' I SdY no The mag 17111e~of oUl count Iy c 111 e'-t lblrsh ,I unn ersal pI Ice upon d fcVl commochttes but they cannot nor ne\ cr wlll est.lbhsh the u111vers'll pI Ice on as many al tIclcs dS .11e found 1n thc COyers ot the mall 01JCl catalo", and vvhen :;ou reah7e tlldt thIS glgantlc catalog- lS place I mto thc homes they tl11ally land ,It a cost of not morc than t\vlce 01 threc t11ne" the cost ot pubh"hmg OUl l11;;h class magaLlnco Is It any \Vonder t11,[t the bu,lncss \\orld wlll have to "'It up md t lkc notJce" of the ablht:; at the man VIho thought out th1S adVdn m ty pe 'h It does \\ hen you use the cuts Any member hay mg dl~- covered any pdl tICUl.ll thmg m reference to th1S catalog evll propo sltlOn \\ho wdnts the ,lSS1stance of the secretdry's office 111 plepaxmg h15 mattel for pubhcatlOll c.m send lt to u, ,l11dwe w111see tbat It IS rcvlsed and put mto legal shape vVe would suggest thdt befOle 111elt-tel s of thiS kmd .11e pubhshed th"t they be submltted to thls office be-fore Sdme are pubhshed \Ve hay e re Isons for tll1s request and \Ve know you WIll comply w1th 1t v.. hen thmgs are brought about lSrddualJy we become used to them ThIS lS why VIe pad no attenUon to the busmeos method' employed by the mall order house i\ grcat many honest, straight forward peoplc who could not be tempteJ to do anythIng dishonest or deccptlV e havc becn glV111gtheIr patronage to firm .. who send out ~ttJaetn e dth ertJs111g matter 1hcse S'lme people would shun thesc films dS tilCY would m 1I1fectJOus d1se,lsc If the:; knew some of then busmess methods Peoplc who are straH~ht themsch cs do not look for dcceptlOn 111 othcr~ It IS for the benefit of these people that tbls artJcle IS \\ ntten v.. e VIant to call your attentlOn to .1 pohcy adopted by one of the mall ordcr bouses to scll lb goods They have bcen 0\ erdrawmg theIr p1ctures 1n thetr catalog for so long and It has beep done so gradually thdt we hardly notIced 1t untIl now If you ha\ e stuJled the mall order honse catalogs very much you WIll notIce that thcy make a great p01nt of the fact that they do exactly as they StY Bnt thcrc lS proof, 1f there eve wa<; proof that they are overdraw1ng thetr pictures We Vlant to ask OUI readeb lf It I~ ,I Y mrre of a cnme to dc-cen e m p1lnt than In plctnres? Vie .111knoVl that Uncle Sam II fuses thc use of the md11 to adverttsels who gnc f.l\llty descnptlOn" If on" of our merchants <;hou1d decclV c you 111thIS way, what would :;ou th111k of him? v..'ould yOU C\er it u,t hlm ag,lln 0 \V chI d1y th111k you would md you could no! be cxpected to It the m nl ordel housc loes thls 111onc hne why not 1n all Il11c"0 We 100kt'd 11ptb1S mattel and found that any f\11111turestorc 111thlS clty wll1 make yOU a'i good a pnce on tnrmt\11 e as the mall wder hon~e after you havc added the flelght fhen too 1f you buy h'l111ture ,t hon'e yon Cdn see It before yoU buy, havc no trouble We Wish All Our Members and Friends ~,.,.~ A MERRY CHRISTMAS ,., and ~.~ a HAPPY., PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR t 19C' And <;0 [ blmg- to yOU the thought tlnt M111ncsota vvlnts to ledVC, and that 1s-thl11k, THT'\ K, keep on th111k111gabout thc con dltlOn .. that hay e developcd around our blhll1"S, bccause I tcll you brothers, 1f we arc g0111gto stay m thl' game, we h,lve got to H11nk, ,md th111k hard J wtll "dm1t thdt assoClatlOns have done wondcr ful VIolk, yet do not forset thdt the cunnmg bus11less mmds that con trlVed ,l11d VIere able to c !fry out what the mml order house" hay c done arc J11mds to be reckoned w1th, and tl1clt m each st,llSe of our de\ c1opmcnt, dS abuscs tnd troubles are corrected, you WIll [md that there "III always be born a new thought, Idca, 01 scheme to beat lt And tb1S lS the last thought I want to 1edve you Bectuse I ha\ e he'lrel so J11,l11ytJmes 111 thc last half year that tbc Cdtd10g cvtl lS dbout wh1ppcd, ,md that lt lS not affectmg dealcrs hcrc and there nut let mc tell you there WdS ne\ er a tnne whcn we needed to put c\elY shouldcl to the \Vheel of as,ouatlOn \\ork ,IS It the pre"cnt tnnc 'JO\\ then 1f thl" l\atlOna1 i\ssOClatlOn medns anvtnmg, It means thdt lt ougbt to be the fountdm head of a1] th, t IS good ft 1 0\11 condItIOn and do not fOlget for onc moment that the good tbat VIIII come from lt w111only be m accordance to the support It gets emd that lt cannot posslbly make Its chIldren, the stdte a,socldtlOns em:; sit anger th,111the parent ltself 1<; So I plead WIth cvcrv th111kmg man m the fur111ture blbmess to be loyal to the 'JatlOna1 gIve 1t 'llch SUPPOlt as your finanCIal means \VIII permlt and do not foraet tbat e, ery man m evelY busmes, owes that busmes'3 a portIOn of h1S t1J11C111shapmg and mouldm" the conelttlOns that sun ound th, t bUSI-ness and that If VIe are neglectful of thesc dutlcs that no ope hut ol11sches wl11 SUffCI the conoequences So let us put more tlought 111tOour blbme'iS, thmg<; busmess men ought to th1l1k dnJ as our v1tal mtcrests demand, and If you WIll do thIS, and do lt With the vim ,wd snap tInt lS characte1lstc of thc i\mencan people, there can only be one resnlt and that vvlll be advancement Smce pubhshmg the first artJcle on expo"urc of mall order housc methods of lbmg bogus pIctures we ha\ e rcpeatcdly been asked to pi epare something that could be used b) our members 111 their lo-cal neV',spapers and in complymg WIth thl<; request, \\ e have pI epared tbe followln" arUcle as a g111de [ell our membcrs who wlsh to use thl<; matenal We W111also fUll11sh you the two httle cub whIch go \Vlth thb for 40 cents each We would not adv1se usmg th1S artJcle unless you use thc two cuts as it does not convey such a true plcture 1ll sctt1llg It up, run 110 11sks of IHc,lk,lgc ,md do not have to Wdlt for months before yOU "ct lt Thcl e arc so m,lI1y 0, enh dwn plCtU' cs of .111londs w1uch "e h 1\ e not "pacc to show Th1s however "how, that It 1'3 very edSy to makc nIce lookmg DlctUles and thc v have learned that art to per - fcctlOn 1t 1'3 110t s,lie to trust to the1r pIctures The elc"cnpt1Ons may be all ng1Jt but you hay e the pIcture 1ll m111dso when you get your "oods you ,Ire cltsapP0111ted becdu ..e they are not .111the p1cture promIsed Now when your honce dealer can gIVe you the oame de~lgns but bcttcr m ,dc wby can you not favor yourself and hIm mste Id of glv mg your busmLss to peoplc who 'lle ..trangers to you, who VIlli glvc yOU no ..ccommodatlOn" cl11el'.V11Ocalc for noth111g but youl m011Cy? Wc knoVl that you \\ould not "cnd YO\l1m011CYaVlay u11less V(u le,llly thought th It you cOUlei do better than:; ou can at home If 'ou Cdn, we do not hI ulle you for busmcss nowadays IS a colcl-blooeleel 1)1 OpO'lt1011 Fnendshlp has no part m It If the pl1ce lS not nght We do thmk, however, tInt both you ,wd the melchdnts al~ bemg Imposed upon whcn anythmg IS clone by thc catalo" hou~e to make thel1 gooels appeal to bc what they clrc not vVe have no mtercst 1n pubilshmg thiS other th,ln that every good CltlLen has m promotm,; thc mtelests of hls commUJ1Jty vVe hope that you WIll read th1S carefully and let It Sl11k deep Into your ml11d Then bnng the p1cture of the artlclc yoU are fig-u11n,4on buv 111" to your home dc,l1er a11d gIve h1m a chance to p01nt 01 t to y~l, what the red1 artIcle 1S by orcnvl11g you the Sdme thl11g 01 somct1'mg 'ilmllar 'J OVIthat we have brought thIS matter to your attcnt1011 we leave It to your own judgment vvhethel or not, lt is to your best mterC'3t to trdde w1th your home me1 chant A FEW VELVET RUGS. The buvmg ,ommlttee has bought SC\enty five cheap velvet rugs tnd fifty seamless veh ct rugs In order to protect themselves agamst the advance of SO cent, each MembelS who are I11terested 111 rugs for spnng deltvery, send theIr wants to the '3ecretary Fl1st come, first scrved unitl the cluantltv lS used up, at the oU p ~ce These rugs are the same as the n'a11 order houses use and are not u,ually 111 the market 7 22 LARGEST "QUALITY" LINE of ------------ .. III ,,I I I,I,I,,I I IIII~II II ,IIII -'" WEEKLY ARTISAN ,,,,- -------~-- --------- IIt IIIt I I If •,III,I, •I I,,, ,,,II ~- -------------- CHAIR COMPANY REMINISCENCES Mr. Foote Recalls Some of His Experiences ""ith the Late C. C. Comstock. Hang111g 111 the t!ea"urel " ofhee ut the (Tlel1ld R,tjJ1e!, chaIr company may be "een an llhhtlatHlll 0+ the j)lant ,I" It appeal ed 111 the yeal 1880 when F I-:I {oote undertook the management of the bU:0111e'iS The office "a" located on the ~luund flOOl of a "ll1,dl hou5e, v,hlle the 'ieco11d ilUOI \ o11talned the "ho\\ 1()( 11h WIth tl11rty 01 f01 h "alllple" oj \ hCdp chdl1" \t th\ "(lL1th end of the factO! I a "all mdl 11,1" lO\dtul ,111e! thL bLdttttlUl garden, no,\ a fe,l!ttle oj the ple1l1t"e, 111 the "n\111llLl \\,1" flIILd \\lth log, 111 e\11 olel 110n d,le] IH\llchll~ \11d11\tLl\ lltl u] "toLk lId" "toled Ihe plant ha" been Lil~Lh ]11(I\,]"ul 111 "1/( ])\ the ereeltoll oj 11CII ht\llchn~" upon thL "11\" oj ,hc 11ldl lIId the nun CLlc1 "tlnLlUlC" tn lCCClll IC,ll" ,me! thc (Ie! ,dil\L hll1lchllg I" no longet u"ec1 tll the t ,llh,lLll\l1l ut the U1l11P,ll11 " bU"llle"5 J\ll roote entu((1 UP(l1l the ch"ch,ll~e or 111" dntlc" ,I" "eueLl1\ alld111<\nd~U 111 '-,cptLl11hu 1~8() ,\\](1 ,It thL \]0"\ 1>1 hI" hht ,eal lL]HJl tu] to pIL"te]e11t ( ( (011l"tl Lk t1ll j(lU11 elu dnd llld1l1 "uppu t of the lllc1u"tI \ elWIn!:?, hh llic th It t)1\ ",tIe" m,\(le ,l1lW\lJ1teel to ~8l,000 dnd tllctt thc Ul11lpdnl h'ld "u"tdtneel d 10"" oj 9)1::;000 'If), CIl1l1"!oek dte] not dPJK,\\ tll he ell:oturbeel 111 the le,!'t but \1 hUl \11 1 I)(Jte "\\l~'.;c"tcd th It 'l11othu cIa"" of ~uod" be sub tltntcel fOl (hC,lp ch,1l1' \11 lum"toek lelll,llkul tlMt It hdd dhl dl" b\Lil hh ]l(dl( I t look fOJ hI" monel II hu ( he lo"t It '1ft I ()OtL (hel 111)1 ,lp plOY e of the teled and 11111cII' "u!..,~c,tul ih,tt 011e uj tl ) Lha11'.;e" 111u"t be JJldc]C- ,1 \ hdn~e 111 ihL hllC 01 111 tIll 111111- agelllcni Ife \\1)\11clno' Lll1ltI11UC h1" cj+01h to ",lIC thc 11 pelL\ \\lth thc old 11l1e 01 (hcdjl chall" th\ pI "j(\1 \1 111L') uncILl d11 d'.;](l111cnt II U te hl".ee] 1n thc \\ ("tc 11 ( hclll cl"" 11 cltIon "I et\ "1110Kl, II (olll"tmK lClll,II kee] dlld J1clllClIll~ IJ I 1 oote a eOl n eoh PlpL 'lllel Lobdeu) and hll1l1'.; Ol1e hll ht111"dl ll1atdle'i \\ U e anp1lul and the IOOlll I'd" hl1ed \\ Ith "l11okc 1\ hen ahout ill "etUte ,111l111p, ILlnt 1llclttLl \lJ (0111c,lCKK llHlnl'.;ul thc h,I1)Jl of ]lull!!,'.', I t~Ol ou"h ,tt the hont lo( 1,c, oj hall on 111" hLad ,ll1<1 "]lllcll!1l1c; 1'1" h1J~l1' dp,ll t ,IC, 11 h( Iloull! "edttLl the h,lll" ]lullul oul 1)111 thl !lofl1 II C II ClI( through the jlUf01111d\1Le 1h1ee tl111e5 ,ltlcl thten "tla1~htLl\lll~ up, 1emarked DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. 1I I J CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES DOUBLE CANE LEATHER MISSION CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. J don teal e 1\ ha t c!unges ,ou 111ake I 'ihall ne\ er offel anothet "uggestlon In regal d to the operatIOn of the plant Do \\hat yOU \\Ish WIth It' \11 Foote, left to hl'i 0\\ 11 del Ices a11d 1esources, changed the l1l1e to a, en prohtab1e entelpl\'ie On an ocea"lOn \\ hen \1 r B ootc \\ a'i "penel1l1g a few hoUl'i III Chlca£;Cl the hoUl d edded In all lone tI avelers came upon 11l1n-the dlllnel hour. To dllle alone IS almost as unpleasant a'i not to c!1l1e dl all He c!eclded to ha, e company and put-tIllg a phone 1I1to the he called for George C1Ingman of the lobe) 1urmtUl e C0111paln "I a111 III trouble auc! would 1Ike tf! h,1I \ \ ('U Ul111e to the \une'C d" "oon as pos'ilhle "':\11 ( l1J1'.;lll,ll1 "ul1l111oueel hI" \\Ife to the phone dllc1 statIng that 11\" 111LlHl {oote 11,1" 1Jl trouble ,mu that he 111U5t go to hI', 1""l"t,l\1(L "tateel he \loulc! not come home to dIllllel \t t)H \1J\1L ". III [oulJd \Tl roote "lttl1J~ edlml} 111 hI" loom "11 "k111c., cltlcI IC,Hl1J1~ ,1 11e\\ "llc\]lU \ \ h<\t " th\ Il1dttCl 1oote, , ( 1Ill~llUll hut 11ecll) teuCjullul '\oth1J1~ I II<1ni yOU to ]om 111\' at cI1J111el You kno\\ It 1" <111aldul c\.pellence to eat alone" 'II LII r'l1 be- ~~-" III (hllQlll,il1 ll111dltlul to cdl hUl \It" L1Illgl11dn ha" 11, \\ lot ~11 LlI \I t 1 (Ole l()\ I ohhlll~ ltu ol hu hu"b'l11cl'" ]lIC "111\l II hLll hc II d" 111l)"i lILulul ~ ~ c__ ._________ _~ I! ~~Kcl~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~x~'{vk~~g I SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES I II~ I I• I • -6 Write for Catalogue : E. P. ROWE CARVING WORKS, A~f&AN. r---------------1 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN .-i~~"~"~L ~"~~M~'~~i~"~:~'E"O"~l "~"~~~~~~ SHOWN IN GRAND RAPIDS No matter where you are located we want you to carefully inspect our exhibit of bedding this season when you visit the market. It will pay you to do so. THE FURNITURE CITY BE.DDING LINE Mattresses, Springs, Box Springs, Pillows Hot Blast Feather COlIlpany I II I I JANUARY EXHIBIT, THIRD FLOOR NORTH ! I FURNITURE EXCHANGE i ~-----------_._._ _-.-.-_._- ..- _-- .. _-_._._----- . ---.- - - .._ -------~ ~.-.-.- ••• -.- ••••••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••• a.a ••••• ._-_._--- _._._----- ...--., lOVER 100 EXCl:USIVE DESIGNS I i m I Brass and Iron I•II II II ,f II I I IIIIIfI II II III I II I OHIO IRON & BRASS BED CO., WIll be shown on the Third Floor of the I III I II , DO NOT FAIL II II ,I III IIII III , Furniture Exchange GRAND RAPIDS During January to examme the "OHIO" LOCK RAIL A revefSlble, non-breakable absolutely ngld raIl. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS EATON, OHIO ~-- -_ ..._ .._------- .-.- .--------_._- _._- ----.-._---_ - - - .. I • WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 Miscellaneous Notes and News. VI. S "Vels~ of Struble, Iowa, has sold lll~ furniture store to E. H. Alberts Fred Peck, fur11lture dealer of VVIIIow Lake, S Dak, ha:=, ~old out to Petel S. Frolech. The chair factory at ?-Jew London, Conn, shut down on December 18, for three weeks. J. D Haymaker succeed:=, E. E. "Vest m the retall funll-ture business at Corvallis, Ole. Odin Johnson has bought the retall furl11ture bus111ess of C I Jewell in Fort Dodge, Iowa. N J DIalS succeeds the Moon-Blals Furniture company 111 the retall trade at Eugene, Ore F. S. Gray ha~ purchased the retail business of the Smith FUrl11tlll e company of Cre,ton, N ebr F VV. Campbell, furl11tnre dealer of QU111Cy,"Vash , ha~ ad-ded a stock of hal dVIIare to hlS line of business. The Marietta (Ohio) Chalr company announces an mcre Ise of ten per cent in wages to take effect JanualY 1. The Clescent Glas~ and J\rirror company of ~ew Orlena~, La, have incorporated wlth capital stock limited to $20,000 The Enterpnse Fnrl11ture J\lanufactunng company of Cin-cinnati, Ohio, has been incorporated Capltal stock, $25,000 A. C Waller is now sale proplletor of the furniture manu-facturing business of the Brande1- \Valler company of Dubuque Iowa. The stock of the Belair Furniture company at Belalr, Wash, ha~ been sold to baac Benecch & Sons, house furnishers of Bal-timore. The J. E W1ll Furnitme company of Bloomington, Ill, ha, moved mto a handsome ne\'.! four story building at 510-12 North J\Iain street. The fUlniture and undertaking busine~s of W1lson & Dills, Bunceton, 1\10, has been dl~solved S \V. W11~on contmues the business. Bichop & Stephcn~on, furniture dealer~ of Mlllelal Pomt, W1S, have di:osolved thelr partnersh1p. Mr. Stephenson con-tinues the business. The Hanover (Pa) Furmture company which was placed in the hands of a recelVer recently, has suspended opel atlons for an indefinite period. The plant of the Perry (01 e.) Veneer company, 1ecently burned, \\ill be rebmlt at Perry, the company havmfi dec11l1ed in-ducements to move to Bandon. \Vells & Cottett, furl11ture dealel s of ]=< anbault, M1l1n, have filed a voluntary petitiOn in bankruptcy They schedule their habihtles at $1,728; assets, $730. J. A Helling, of Madeha, M1l1n, has sold his furniture store SHELTON & SNYDER FURNITURE CO. WIll Show their Complete Line of DINING ROOM and LIBRARY FURNITURE On the first floor of the Manufacturers' I Building, G ran d Rap ids, M i c h . In charge of John Shelton, East. Chas. G. White, Central. I J. R. Shelton, West. to J J\1. ~-IOlleY and II S :"Joonan VdlO Will do bus mess unde1 the firm ame of Holle) &- 1\oonan The )lgelow Carpet ilIanufactunng Company of New York, has declared a ~emi-annual dlvl(lenll of 3 pel cent and an extra dlV1dend of 2 per cent payable J an 1 The Shav\-\Valker company of ::\Iuskegon, M1ch, manu-facit, l ed of office furmtm e and fi1<..tures, have mcreased their capltal stock from $230,000 to $27:1,000 E. E Plough, fOlmerly a furl11ture dealer at Wllbur, has opened :It hardware and nnplement store at \Venatchee, \Vash, and may add a fur11lture department later 1'11 Calro (Ill.) Fur11lture company who have stores at Ca1ro, fanon and Hernn, Ill, hay e gone mto the hands of a receive Llab1htles, $28,000, as~ets, $12,500 E 1'. Rodger:o &- Son, fm11ltme dealers of Santa Ba1 bar a, Cal., "'111 open a dry goods store near the fmnitme store The son, c\ len Rodgers, Will manage the dry goods busine"s. 1'1e Spooner (1\1mn) FLllniture and Haldware company, a pal tnershlp, has been d1ssolved and the busmess IS being closed out J. Albert Peterson, one of the pal tnel s, owns an mterest 111 a Hlfll1ture store at Ya\\ ter, l\fmn T~le Brown &- J\IcCalley company of \\ mchendon, Conn, manu acturers of \yood seat chd1rs, have moved into their new factor wh1ch 15 1un11lng overtnue-until 9 o'clock-four night" in th week. he name of the Q X L Furmture & Carpet company of Salt ake City, Utah, has been changed to the Q X. L Store:=, p At Soren~on contmues as presldent of the company and S P A1m trong 1S secretary 1\1. Sattel whIte has sold, to John Martm, hIS interest in the ~rm of Satterwh1te & Martm, fl1rnitme dealers, of Brady, Tex I, and the busl11e"s WIll be continued under the name of Mar-tl11 *rothers. The old factory of the National Table company of Marietta, o , !Wh1Ch,0\\ mg to finanClal difficulties, ha'3 been idle for some tlmt IS expectecl to be utlh7ed soon by cap1talbts \V ho are org~l11z1l1g for that purpose. !I The Anderson Cha1f company, who:=,e plant at Newca,tle, ~'IB, was burned early m the fall, and who were reported as hatmg deCIded to move to Haltfax or to the States, WIll rebUlld the plant at Newcastle, the town authonties havmg made the nefessary financ1al arrangements \Vl1ltam Marcusse, a member of the firm of Kelley, Extrom &fCO' fU1111ture manufacturers of Grand Rapld~, has asked that th busl11bs of the concern be placed 111 the hands of a receiver. TIe actiOn 1S due to a chc;agreement among the partners, J\Ir 1\tarcLlsse cla1mmg that the condition of the business wa" mis-rjpresented to hIm '" hen he became a partner last September. I 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN .... a._ ••• _ •• _. __ ••• a •• '" II ,III ,III ,• III , ~-----_-.... I ...-----------_._------~--_._----- -- - - _ .. - _. .. .. - ... The Proof of the Chair is the Use of It There are higher pnced Chairs on the market, but NONE BETTER. Our full lme on exhibition on the first floor Nor t h Ha IfF urmture ExhlbitlOn BUlldmg. In chargeof H J. RINGOLD, E B SPENCER, COL J. N MURRAY KEIL and ANWAY COMPANY A. • _ ••••• • FURNITURE TRADE IN VENEZUEI ..A Consul Manning Thinks the Sale of the Arum'i· can Product Can Be Largely Increased. Isaac A Manmng, AmerIcan consul at LaGual\ a, eJ\.- pres~es the OpInlOll that furnIture manufacturers of the U111- ted States could easily double up the sale of theu' product:::, 111 Venezuela by shghtly modifyIng some of their pattern~ and giVIng a httle more attentIon to packIng, etc Repl:: lng to an InqUIry from a manufacturer" hose plant IS located 111 a southern state :\51' ::'IIannIng say". There has been but slIght lmpOl tatlOn of fur111tm e dur- Ing recent years Into Vene/uela OWIng to the un"atbiact01:: economic condItion", the values for 1908 haVIng been as follovvs' Country wooden I Iron WIllo\\ I "are -----------------I-~ --~~-- Umted "tates Germany Other countnes $ 4 3591 "83 q 1,8 I 10030 1343 1110 1088 193 ),0 --~~----- Total, .. $11 477 I $1 619 ,) 8 h It WIll be noted that Gelmany leads 111 amount In each of the thl ee classes of thee,e lmpOl tatlOn". Of the \\ ooden furmture from Gel many the prIncipal Items are m1ltation VIenna chaIrS and lockel s; of iron furl11tm e, beds, cheap enameled Iron washstands, garden chaIrs, and canteen tables ~ one of these articles are pal ticularly attractive in appeal ance nor lasting In quahty, yet In default of more attlactl\ e articles of equal utIhty and cheapness they seem to ha, e a demand The di"comfort and instablhty of the AU'ituan locker and hght straight chaIr are so palpable that It seems a sdle might easIly be estabh"hed for our AmerIcan chall s In thell ~tead bUllt for comfort, well balanced, shang, and artI'itlc 111 ap-pearance But, of course, one th111g must be talen cOlbtantly mto consIderatIOn, and that is cost of ~oods laId down 111 Venezuela One th111g that mIlttates aga111st cheapness m the \men-can furmture 1" Its weIght, and also, usuall) (and thIS of lbelf IS almost fatal to the effort to overcome the competItIOn), the excessive weIght of the packmg, on whIch not only freIght but duty mu",t be paId Thus our lur111ture manufacturer'i must compete with a tlade "hlch supplies a lme of reasonabl:: neat 100k111g goods 111challs, round black frames, cane seab, whIch can be retaIled m this cnuntr) by the 'iet, conSI ~tmg of a sofa, two rockers, two armchaIrs, and a d07en .,tralght Chdll" for $60 These al e "hIpped 111the flat, baled 111bUllap, and are sold ,,0 If set up before dehvery an extra chalge of $S IS made on the set P. M. ELLISS, anJ A, ery cheap, poorly finl",hed, straIght chaIr IS made in the countI y, there bemg three estabhshments In Caracas, none of V\hlch IS V\ell eqUIpped for the WOlk. These can be bought for from $2 to $3 50 each They are not attractIve and 111no wIse compare \\ lth the cheap maple or beech wood chaIrs made 111the L111ted States and retaIled thel e for one-thIrd the money In v'lcler challs the German product aha sells for less than the l\mel1can product, aga111 hecause of savlDg In pack-mg, and, perhaps, m the generally mferIor quahty of the lioods Thl" IS no doubt the most attractive class of goods fOI use m the tlnplcs, beIng more sa111tary, cooler, and stand-m~ the clImatic condItIons better than any other furniture, except metallIc It IS mal e easlly cleaned and not so apt to harbor borers and other pe",ttferous msects The UnIted 5tates has the lead in office and house furni-ture of the better grades, a ...the conve111ences of the AmerIcan product and ItS fi111sh appeal to the man wantIng a handy and e,ood-Ioohl11 ~ office, etc Sale of these al hcles could be greatly enhanced, ho\\ e, el, If 111 some manner the cost of duty and ft eIght could be lowel eel In office desb and furniture of that character, If the goods could be shIpped lD bales, knocked do\\ n, cost of lmpOl tatlOn would be greatly reduced, a mlmi-mum freight rate could be demanded and advantage taken of reduced custom., chalges The deSIre for thIS sort of furl1l-ture IS sure to groV\, but Its hecommg a demand must of course be dependent on the cost of the artIcles as compared to the \\ auld be purchaser's financIal abilIty Some new pI essed-steel fur111ture supplIed the AmerIcan legatIon at Caracae, and thiS consulate has attracted much attentIon and thIS fur11ltwe Ie, lIkely to plm e very popular for u~e 111 the tIOPICe" If expellence prm es It ftee from OXIdation, onL of the e,ledtee,t menace'> to metallIc wale 111 the,e countrIes 1 here hone dll ectlOn m which lfon or steel office fur111ture pi a, es ,el y e,dtl~factory, and that IS the aVOIdance of the ~\\ ellIne, and shunkmg of dl a,\ ers V\ Ith the cham;es of weather \\ hlLh IS ...0 C'lmmon in \\ ooden fl1r111tule also the d01l1~ away vvlth the the of glue, ,\ hlch often melts undel the heat here, mak1l1~ wooden furniture m which glue IS the usual tyIng matellal lIable to fall to pieces at any tIme II hele It IS pos- SIble to use them, scre\\s and holts take the place of glue for the tropics. or" here glue must be used, manufacturers should be careful tl1dt It h prepared to stand the mOl"t heat of these Ult1l1tIles 1he dUh on fur111tnre coming mto Venezuela is levIed on the e,ro ......\\ eIght, 1I1cluchnG; the pack1l1!S, and IS as follows, the boln al e'luahng $0193 and the kilo 22 pounds; Iron fur111tUle, 02S holn ar plus SS per cent surcharge per kilo; furl1lture of Iron and wood, or of ('ammon wood, of wicker, WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 The Blue Print and Catalogue Binder the furniture Manufacturers and Dealers "ave Been looking for SOME OF T"E SATISFIED USERS: Berkey & Gay Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. Century Furmture Co., Grand Raplds. Imperial Furniture Co . Grand Raplds. Royal Furniture Co, Grand Rapids. Phoenix Furmture Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. John D Raab Chair Co" Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids Book Case Co, Hastings. Wolverine Mfg Co, Detroit. The Sikes Co, Philadelphia, Pa. Sheets are "eld as In Bound Book. THE PROUDfiT LOOSE LEAf CO., 8 and 10 Lyon St., Grand Rapids, Mich. of straw, rattan, or rush, 075 bohvar plus 55 per cent sur-charge per kIlo, furmture of fine wood, such as pahsander, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, or oak, such as may be uphol-stered, and of common wood If glIded, 1 50 bohvars plus 55 per cent SUlcharge per kIlo The sale of office furmture and apphances '3hould be greatly extended m Venezuela, but demonstration of the use of Ulany new WrInkles m tll1S hne I~ necessary to its fullest development DUrIng the pa"t year the number of type-vv nters m use has been greatly extended III this d1stnct, prmci-pally through the actIVIty of an Amencan agent He is also taklllg "orne lllterest III showmg the merchant and business man some of the benefits of better office eqUlpment, whIch should naturally lllclude typewnter desks One man, how-ever, can not do It all m an extended territory hke Venezuela. It is thus an open field, and should have greater attention from manufacturer" of furmture and appliances than they have gIven It Dodged Jury Service. The travelmg representatIve of a promlllent Jobbing house located in ChIcago, spent apart of last week In Grand RapIds and VIClllity, not danng to return to hIS home He IS a well paId man-$4,500 per annum-wIth a hberal allowance for expenses After hIS departure on hIS tnp he had learned that Jury serVIce OCCUpylllgfrom SIXweeks to two months awaIted hIm, and hIS purpose in remallllllg out of ChIcago was to escape the performance of thIS duty Should he return to hIS home an officer would "naIl h1111,"to report to the court in whIch he had been drawn to serve WhIle beY'.a1hng hIS hard luck" a wise guy," remarked "Y ou Cdn go home tonIght If you care to, and stay over Sunday No papers WIll be sen ed upon you if you leave the state of Ilhnois before midmght on Sunday, beSIdes, you can spend Chnstmas and New Year's day's and the Sundays followmg m ChIcago WIth perfect safety If you pass over the border hne mto Inchana or \Vi"consin before the clock stnkes 12 on Sunday mghts" The travelmg man hurnedly prepared for a trip to his home and it was learned latter that he spent a most enjoyable day with hIS famIly ,V ill Show New Designs. The Metalhc Foldlllg Bed company, 21st and Jefferson streets, ChIcago. WIll show a number of new deSIgns m Janu-aryat 1411 MIchigan avenue, fifth floor, R C Repenmng WIll be in charge of the display as usual The companv's new catalogue is now bemg printed and will be ready for ma1lmg the latter part of January. Binder l.ock.ed as it appears in use AN ANTIDOTE fOR RING BINDER EVILS. Great Collector of Old Furniture. Mrs Russell Sage has presented to the Metropol1tan Mus-eum of Art the Important collectIOn of early American ftum-ture that she acqUlred at a cost of $100,000 from Eugene Bolles of Boston, a lawyer, who assembled It In a quarter of a century of pamstakmg research The trustees of the museum say that at thIS tIme no gIft could be of greater use to the museum, for speCIal stress IS being laId upon the work of the depart-ment of decoratIve art, to whIch the collectIOn WIll be added Although Mrs Sage, In making the presentatIOn referred to only 400 pIeces of furmture, there are ornaments, such as clocks, andIrons, candlestIcks, warmmg pans, fire tools and vanous utenSIls, whIch make a total of 650 pieces. The objects are class1fieda s colonial furmture, but as a matter of fact, some of them were made In England, France and Holland and were brought over here by the settlers of New England There may also be seen oak furniture of the Jacobean age and walnut and cane productions when the Spamsh influence predommated The so-called tranSItion pIeces are of fascmatlllg interest, as from them was finally developed the work of such masters of the cabinet-maker's art as ChIppendale, Sheraton and Hepplewh1te, which are also found III this collectIOn. There IS no other collection of such Importance as this m the country The one approaching It most nearly IS the Pen-dleton collection, now owned by the CIty of Providence, which IS installed in a GeorgIan house espeCIally designed for It. It IS composed entirely of Chippendale pIeces Why Mahogany is Scarce. Edward W TIckel, representmg a Liverpiol mahogany firm or company who was III Grand RapIds early thIS week gave the same reasons for the scarCIty and higher prices of mahogany that were gIven by others in the \Veekly Artisan recently -:Vir Tickel said "Mahogany prIces are hIgher than a year ago because the supply IS short" ThIS country IS so large a consumer of mahogany that ItS demand affects the world's market The pall1C of 1907 senously cut into the demand for mahogany and the LIVerpool market became glutted and prices dropped When the mahogany producers could not sell theIr logs at a profit they called m theIr men from Afnca, and productIOn was greatly reduced. The business reVIval thIS fall has been so sudden and on so large a scale that it has caught the market WIth a short supply and it will take some tIme to adjust condItIOns There is an almost unl1m1ted supply of mahogany in the South Afncan forests-enough to last for generatIOns-but the demand for it is steadIly increasmg not only for furniture but for mterior finish r I 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN rThe'H~~~i~-H---o'-t~e-l--l'~r~oT~~i''~b~~A~~~~'I I C~~~~~~~I~~~T I Old English, MI.· I, I sian, and, Amencan Plan, $250 per ColonIal Cafes D d d I •' ay an upwar s. I European Plan, $1 00 per I : : Day and upwards Table d Hate Dmner • I Hal and Cold Runmng Water I m all Rooms. I 530 to 8 pm, dally at I , 30 cents • : Rooms wIth Bath extra. : I :' A High Grade Cafe. I : • Reataurant and Buffet m connectlon • '1 I GEORGE FULWELL, I Proprietor. a.a ••••••• aM Me _ ••••• I .. EUROPEAN PLAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 111raIlroad \\a1L11lg looms, te1m111a1s, etc Delmar G Hurd of Lov\ell, Mass, IS the promoter of the company. Furniture Fires. .\ St01ehome packed full of second-hand upholstered fur-l11turc, owned b} 'Jathan Kum1n 111Worcester, Mass., was com-pletely destro} cd b} fll e on Deceber 19 Loss,$ 1,400 ; in-sured. The plant of the EmpIre Furl11ture company, Rockford, III , was damaged to the extent of $2,500 on December 18. But for the actlOn of the spnnk1er system, it IS said, the plant would have been completely destroyed. The Melton FUll11ture company of Thomasville, Ga., suf-fered a 10:os of $7,000 by fire that destroyed theIr store. Jn- Sllrance, $J,500. The fire i" belIe\ ed to have been of incendI-ar} oI1gin. The company does not own the bUIld111g. Rnnmng hot and cold water, tel e p h 0 n e, clothes closet electnc lIght steam heat, etc In each room Immaculate llIed de tached and p r 1 vat e baths. ArllstlC and perfect1) appOInted BIllIard Hall Loungmg Den Buber Shop, Etc SerVIce a la Carte 6 a rn to 11 p rn Uave We Met Yet If Not--LET'S. SPENCER TABLE CO. MARION, IND. Extension and library Tables KENT FURNITURE CO. LENOIR, N. C. Dressers and Chiffoniers TIDIOUTE FURN. MFG. CO. TIDIOUTE, PA. Dressers and Chiffoniers TELL CITY FURN. CO. TELL CITY, IND. Bed Room Suites C. H. HARTSHORN, GARDNER, MASS. Reed Chairs and Rockers WI: CARRY A COM pun SAMPll: liNt: Of TNI: GOODS MADE BY TNI: WEll KNOWN fACTORll:S ON OUR flOOR All YEAR ROUND ?• RATES: $1.00 to $2.00 PER DAY Take south bound Wealthy. Scribner car from UnIon or Grand Trunk stations. Five Main car lines reach the door. ~-- - ..---------------- New Factories_ Brenham, Texas, IS now assured of the fUln1tUle factory, for whIch llegotIatlOns ha, e been pendmg fOI some tIme, the board of trade ha\ 111gsucceeded 111ralsmg the bonu::, reqllll ed The Norton (VIrgi11la) Fur11lture Company have com-pleted the buIldUlgs for theIr new factory and wIll begm operatlOns as soon as the Machinery can be mstalled They expect to start WIth 120 employes The IfITIlsOll & Hanson company now operatmg a v\ood-workmg factory m Los Angeles, Ca1, announce theIr mten-tlOn to mvest $125,000 m a new plant for the manufacture of furnIture They propose to Import oak and other hard\\< ood lumber from Chma and Japan The AutomatIc TIme Table company, \\ ill establI-,h a plant 111 Nashua, 1\ H fOI the manutactUl e of calJ1neh and recent 111ventIolls known as the automatic tune table, for use El;.4 PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE This table is made throughout of thoroughly seasoned oak. Has a 45x45 quarter-sawed oak top and highly fmished, has a quartered moulded rim. !h~ pedestal IS fluted, 9 mches 1150 m dIameter, supported by heavy • legs with claw feet A bargain ====== at the price Price 6 foot. . . . . Each Each additional 2 foot extension $125 more. SMIT"-T"OMPSON CO., NOT INC. 1411MICHIGAN AVE., 4th Floor, CHICAGO ====== , WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 ~-------------------- ,•• , I,II III• II II I,I II I• II I•Ii I Complete Line New Designs --------_._.----- ._--.----------- --.-..-. -..., II I • SIKES CHAIRS VVestern Salesroom moved from Chicago to GRAND RAPIDS Fifth Floor Klingman Building January , I 9 I 0 -----------_. --_._._--------------------- 1• , I• III•• II! I I I~ MANUFACTURERS' BUILDING COl\fPANY Secretal-y Skinner Will Retire and Give His At-tention to the Furniture Temple Projects. The annual meetmg of the stockholders of the Manufac-turers' BUlldmg company ,';111 be held at its office on the fifteenth day of January, 1910, for the electIOn of officers and such other bus1l1ess a" may regularly come before this meet-mg Charles 0 Skmner, one of the directors, and secretary and manager, WIll not be a candIdate for re-electlon. At the time he assIsted m promoting the J\Ianufacturers' BUIlding company, he was and had been for twenty years, actively engaged In manufactunng fUllltUl e and beheves in the original pohcy of the company that It should be owned, controlled and managed by the manufacturers themselves that it is to the best In tel e::,t of both the buyer and the seller. The succe"s of the J\IanufactUlers' Duilchng company has led other mallufaLtm el s to beheve in the co-operatIVe plan of oWl11ng and controlhng then own blllld1l1g and not ha' ing- the time to spare from theIr own busmess, they have asked]\11 Skinner to assIst them in organiz111g the Grand RapIds FUll11ture Temple to be located on the corner of T011la, Lyon and Dn Ision stl eeh, on a lot SO by 170 feet The Temple to be a fireploof bl11ldmg, 12 stories high with 8,000 squal e feet of space on each flOO1 and with one repl e-sentati, e hne only, on each floor. One feature of the bUlldmg wdl be a roof garden on the top floor occupIed by the :\I1chlgan Seatmg company, manu-facturers of the Kaltex fibre furniture ()ff the mam lobby will be a check-room and a large room reserved for the exclusive use of the buyers, fitted L1p with 'lVnt1l1g tables, etc ThIS room 'v dl be in the charg~ of a stenogl apher for their use I exclUSIvely Agam. off thIs room \\ tIl be a rest1l1g or loung- 1l1~ 100111whel e no manufacturer or seller WIll be allowed to trespass, and a ~nll 100m WIll also be a p1Om111ent featUl e of the build111g. The energy of the buyer has been taxed to the utmost limit by the increased number of exhibItion buildmgs and hnes shown in the market, and the conveniences for the buyer must be con'-,Idered m all future exhIbition bUl1dmgs Heretofore the object has been to see how much money you can get out of <;0 much space Grand Rapids IS the only Clty m the U11lted States where the co-opelatlOn of the manufacturers can be successfully carried out The value of real estate m N ew York and Chicago makes these cItIes prohIbItory and the rapId advance of real estate 111Grand RapIds will make It impossible here unless actIOn is taken at once New Furniture Dealers. A H Dach;er has opened a new stock of fur11ltul e, hom,ehold goods, etc, at Nampa, Idaho \iVilliaf Lawton has opened a new ftlllllture store at Genoa Junction, \Vis J 0 Holme<; has opened a new fl1lmtUl e St01 e at Cul-loden, Ga The Mdler lUll11tUle company ha' e opened a new re-tad store at 96 Clayton stl eet, Athens, Ga The HastUlgs-Mltchell furmture Cofpany has opened a new store m Charlotte, N C They purchased the stock of ::\1ltchell & l\Tal tin and moved It to a larger bUIlding A 'I FIsher and B C McNamala have gone into part-nership and WIll open a new fur111tnre store in Brainerd, M1l1n 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REfRIGERATORS AT RIGHT PRICES C"ALLENGE REFRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND "AVEN, MIC"., LJ. S. A. SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE. GREAT FORTUNE IN BLACK OAK Million Feet of Big Logs Well Seasoned Waiting to Be Picked Up. "Was up north duck shooting this fall," said the K ew Yorker, as he moved IllS chair a tnfle further from the table and settled back "I was wlthm fifty feet of a big fortune at least fifteen tlmes. Could have clealed up $150,000 Just f01 the trouble of pickmg It up The man I was with-fellow named Abercrombie-bully good man to go out after duck with too-pomted out the exact place to me Stopped the canoe for a minute Just at the spot where the nver starts out of the lake He swept 111spaddle up and dun n p0111tln~ out about half a mile of the reeds along the foot of the lake Sh01e and nver head "Smith," he says to me, d" I looked at the reed bank through the dull gray of eatly da\\n (he "poke \ en 10\\ for we were gettlng neal the dULk,,), Smith,' he "a} ", \\ hat" fine black oak worth m New York the"e da y~"j \ ou're 111th e lumber bu~me~" How'd yOU hke a 111Ilhon feet, ten booms of It?' "Black oak, I said 'You mean white oak c\belLromble All the black oak's gone long ago' ".t\o, ~Ir,' he says, 'the real genUlne "tuff, big logs prune quahty, best m e\ ery way, not a log les~ than eighteen mLhe~ at the tlp All black oak, e\ ery "tIck' " '''Vell,' I said, 'If} ou've a mtlhon feet of It 111 take \ au In on the deal Gue~s T could turn 0\ er a lot for $300,000 With my connectIOns There'll be culls 111It and small stuft that'll keep down the pnce I'Il dn \ y on the three hundred even money for each of us ' "i\berLromble ktnd of snllied He'd held hiS paddle m hiS hand all thl ~ tIme while he stopped the canoe before entenng the leed., to get at the nee fields behmd them He S\\ ept hiS paddle up and down agam along the stretch of reeds, 'There's a mtIhon feet of black oak m the mud there,' he said, and he dipped the paddle softly back into the water and nosed the canoe mto a narrow channel m the reeds 'It's all along here Can't be very far down It's been there for nmety years It'.., your~ if you'll only take It away I'll bet we're withm fifteen 01 twenty feet of some of It nght now,' and he shoved the paddle down into the water and blOught It up filled with black muck "l\'111ety years under water hurt It"" Not on your lIfe' \\ hy, that ImprO\ es It If anyth111g It'll practIcally keep fOl-e\ el undel \\ater It turn" hlack a" ehony, though "\\ ell, ::'11, \\ e hddn't much more than passed the ::.pot where i\bercromble had shO\ elled up the muck on hIS paddle \\ hen there wa" a Iu~h and a ~reat ..,pla"h111g and a whl"t 1m>:;of \\ ml{" \\ e r.;rdbbed up our gun" hke a shot \1\ e d come on a bunLh of dULk una\\ are and they started up on u~ I up and let 'em ha\ e both barrels Abercrombie \\ alted on me Then he took a caLk at them WIth hIS left barrel. "\\ e got fOUl brace that chp between us and then had a latthng good ilme until 7 o'clock, when we deCIded to knock off "\\' e retne\ ed the Lanoe back up the r1\ el story 01 the black oak "See thebe four or fi\ e hill.., up at the head of the lake,' he said \\T ell, those htlls are glacial depOSIts They're all rocky ground The I e~t of the land IS sandy all around the lake Along about 1800 to 1820 the pIOI"cer~ came mto thiS section last of our ducks and started the On the way Aberclomble told me the WEEKLY ARTISAN ~----_._----_.__._----------- ----------- ---_.---- \ \, I \ \ \I \ \ \---_._------------------------ _.-----~,----_._--_._-------~-----_.... and took up the land, grown up mostly in pine and cedar with quite a bit of hardwood " 'They started to clear the land,' Abercrombie continued. 'burnmg up the wood mostly to do 1t Then the first saw and gnst m111waS started away down the nver, where the ra11way is now The settlers let the "awm1ll man have h1S tImber for the askmg "'After d tune mOle settlers came in and had to take up land on the h111s,but thev were covered V\ 1th fine black oak It was a ternfic Job to do anythmg w1th the oak, 1Swas hard and heavy and green They had to clear the ground, thoulSh, and the sawm1ll man undertook to clear off the oak w1thin a year "'He brou~ht all hIS ava11ab1e men on it Dunng the vvinter the} cut the stuff and sledded it down on the Ice, makmg It mto booms, fastenmg the boom logs w1th oak w1thes " 'They hadn't half the oak off the fir"t v"inter and worked all the sumrner too, leaving the p1evlOUS win tel 's cut in the vvater Late m the fall they managed to get down the sum-mer's cut of oak to the lake and made three or four more booms of the heavy, green oak Then they sta1 ted their ten booms of oak down the lake' "\Vell, sir, Abercromb1e told me how those {ellows started too late w1th the green wood There was a big spell of cold weather when they got to the 1"1\ er head and the llver was 1ced over "The:; anchored the ten boom" of oak lIght beSIde the mouth of the nver, mtendmg to come afte1 1t m the spnng \\ hen they came up m the spnng there wasn't a "tick to be seen The heav} green wood had sunk 'The .,avv1111llowner tried to find it for years and lhdn't find a smg1e log The location 1S perfectly knovvn, but there MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE No 3 WOOD LATHE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as wen as a dealer's profit He can make more money With less capitallllvested He can hold a better and more satlstactory trade With hiS custoHmeercsan manufacture III as good style and fimsh and at as low costTahs ethleocfaalctocnahesinet maker has been forced Into only the dealer's trade and profit because of machme manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand power Machlllery, reInstates the cabmet maker With advantages equal to hiS competitors If deSired these machines wIll be sold on trtal The purchaser can have ample time to test thetl1ln h\.;:,own shop and on the work he WIshes them to do Descrtptw, catalogue and pr.ce Itst free HAND C'IRCULAR RIP SAW hasn't been a five year penod since then that some one hasn't tried to find thdt black oak, Its there, one man fished up an oak w1the and a p1ece of the rotten plUe boom two or three years ago" "And nobod} ever found any oak?" asked S1111th's C0111- panlO"nN ot a fuut of 1t 1\ mJ1hon feet of black oak would be snapped up 1)y our furmture makel s m no time My quota-tion to I\bercromb1e was really nd1cu1ous," contmued the New Yorker, musmgl} b10wmg Clgar ':>moke "And to think that I have been w1thm fifty feet of It more than a dozen t1mes I" "No, I ha\ en't told yon Just where 1t 1", but I know and there are a few others who know, and somebody, some time WIll find a way to get those 10~<;out of the mud" -------- - ~lr. Brown Did Get the Bed. '\ Goodman, manager of the Gland Rapids Furn1ture and Rug COll1pany of 337 \\ abash a\ enue, Ch1cago, V\ as arrested 1ecent1y on a charge of obtammg money by false p1etenses HIS bond \\ as fixed at $800 H1s arrest was caused by Vmcent \V Brown who sa1d he saw a bra:::.sbed dIsplayed in the win-dow of the furn1ture store marked w1th the pnce $8 on ::-J ov 22, and that he bought the bed and took a rece1pt for hIS money, but the bed vvas not deh\ ered to 111m "I became con\ mced he never mtended to let me have that bed at that pl1ce." saId 13ro\"n "I vvent there tnne after t1me a"kmg wh} 1 dId not get my property Fma11y the manager told me I TIn er would e,et It" The matter was settled out of COUl t and the cau"e of the trouble 15 "omethmg of a mystery 1Ir Drown d1d not get the bec1- would not accept 1t after he had caused the dll est of the dealer No 4 SAW (ready for cross cuttlllg) W. f. s.. JOtlN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby St .• Rockford, lit. No. 4 SAW (ready for npptng) No :I SCROLL SAW FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER No 7 SCROLL SAW 31 1\ I• \I ______ ---.;L........ r. ' 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~ II IiII1I iI M~---i-s--c--e- llaneous Advertisements. ------------- -- ---- SALESMAN. New York state, outside metropohtan district, is open for a line for buffets and china closets; also cheap and medium priced dressers and chiffoniers. Address Box 162, Kenmore. N. Y. 12-18tf WANTED. A first class superintendent to take charge of manufacturing plant making bed room furniture. Give experience, refer-ence, etc. Address American Furniture Co., BatesvIlle, I-n-d.~--- -------- --~- ---- - 12-11tf WANTED. PositIOn as shipping clerk. Have had 10 years' experlenee and am thoroughly competent to take charge of any furni-tluanred, faMctiocrhy. shipping room. Address john Speyker, Jr., Zee- ----------- -- WANTED. A representative line of medIUm priced caSe work on com-mission for AtlantIc Coast states from Maine to Virginia by wel1 known experienced salesman. Address, "VIdelicet," care of 342 Sumner avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12 11-18 SALESMAN With well established trade east of Buffalo, N. Y, to POrt-land. Me., and north of Norfolk, Va, IS open fOr line of UP-TO-DATE medium pnced dining room furnIture on commission-over 20 years' expenence. Address "OPPOI_ tunity," care of 511 West 21st street, New York City, N. Y. 12 11-18 WANTED-SALES MANAGER. A first class expenenced sales manager for a concern manu-facturing a line of woodworking machinery, located in WIS-conSin. Send references with reply. Address W. A. F. care The Weekly Artisan. 12-4tf WANTED-LINES of low and medium priced caSe goods, dining tables, etc., to sen in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland. Address "Mel," care Weekly ArtIsan ~------ 12 11 18 2j WANTED. Salesman WIth wel1 established trade with retaIl and jobbing furniture, house furnishings and hardware in Colorado, Ne-vada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona, to handle an old and established line of Refrigerators on commission basis. Give full details as to lines carried, references, etc. Address "May" ~~~ Weekly ~rtisan. WANTED. Superintendent-To take charge of manufactunng end only of factory making LIbrary and Parlor Tables and Pedestals. Must understand an branches of the work. An expenenced, sparno.greSSIVe man. Address "MagnetIc" care Weekly ArtI-I HELP WANTED. A good furnIture man-assistant to buyer or one who has had an around expenence. A chance for man who wants to leave a smaller town and go mto a larger field. Address FurnIture Department, P. O. Box 245, Trenton, N. J. 11-20tf WANTED. For terrItory east of BUffalo, New York City, New York state and New England, one good line of furniture to sell in con-nection with my present line of dining chairs. Address A. E. W., care Weekly Artisan. 11-20 A Manufacturers' Agent domg a very successful bUSiness In Baltimore and Washington and surrounding terrItory deSIres one or two good hnes on commission. Address "SUccess," '!ieekly Arti!;~!1, 11-13tf WANTED Line of Refrigerators and Case GOods for PhiladelphIa and near-by towns by salesman who has worked the terrI-AtorrtyIsafno. r more than twenty years .. Address, "M. De ]," care WANTED-LINES FOR 1910 Experienced salesman WIth estabhshed trade between Buffalo and Bangor, Me., would like to carry several lines of medium priced case goods on commISSIOn. Address "EsPI" care Weekly ArtIsan. 10-9 t f. WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping faCIlities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in wen managed company. Ad-Pdare. ss Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie, BARGAIN! 40 H. P. direct CUrrent motor, latest make and in first class running condition. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Ar-.... rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-21tf ....-.....4~ _ · .-..., First Sale of the Season. 1he filst sale for the JanLlary season in the Grand Rapid'i e.>Jllb1tlOn bl11ld111gs VI a'i made 111the 111l11ltUle Exchange by George Holhster of the Hot Blast leather company. The 01- cler, wl11ch calls for a car load of 11latlre"ses for a MIchIgan house, was booked last Wednesday, before the exll1b1t had been opened for l11SpectlOn III {I I {I !I I I,III I,II II jI II •I•I II I f ••I II I I {I I•I I fI II II f, ... New York Markets. Kew YOlk, Dee ::4 -Cont1l1ued fi1mness IS the burden of llPOlts as to the (Onc!JtlOl1of the lUl11be11l1a1kets, in all sect1()nS at the country, this \\eek IIal(h\l)od~ of all k1l1d~ hdve an up- I' arel tendenc}, 110 sIgn of weakness In pnces bemg 1eported at any pOInt Soft \\ oad'i, also, are fi1111pal tlcularly pine, spruce and cypress. Lmseed all has gone up adout fOUl cents per gallon since la~t Fnday and the cond1tlOn of the ma1ket indIcates that the hIgh level WIll bc mamtained until after the opening of the yeal, thotlgh the1 e IS a suspicion that speculation has 111uchto do with the alh ance \V p~tern raw 1° quoted at 69@70 cents today II1th a cent added for Cll1 1all, smgle bOlled and double bOIled, the figU1lS fOl thc lllghe1 £;rade bein£; 72@73 cent". CalcutLl III "} 111jlath} II lth the c!ome,t1c artJcle has advd1Fed 5 cents per £;aIlon-now quoted at 80 cents. Shellac IS ql11et without change m cluotatlOns and var111sh gl1111~are dull VI< 1th fractlOnal dechncs on the mfenor vanetJes 1 he1 e has been 11111Chtalk of lowe1 price, 111 the ~O:lt skm j) ulc but the, hdl e not matenalizecl eAccpt f"r Duenas A} IC, II h1ch al C 'ihghtly lower On thc othel hand J a1l1a1C,1~arc up dbout t\\O ccn!s, noVv selhng at C~0 cent-, Tw pcntme IS ql11et, qllOtdtJ01l5 1cl1lallllng steady dt 57@ 0130 cents here and 53@53/j at Savannah There IS a remal kably lif";ht demand for cordage but prices al e \\ ell maintained ----- Index to Adve:disements. H 11 ne... ".} &, JOhn COllll)an~ B~rion 11 II & Son Co Helke-, .\.. Gav rllMn{ure Compan, n,g "In.. Car Lo Hhng '\s~oc]atIon Bo(l" I unntllre Conlpanv Bo",,,,f" I uIlu1nre tompan.J ( h IHengt> Refrlgt'ldtor (omp"m~ (olomal Bed COInpanv Hel tw<u'c (h.ur ('Olllpan) Dno Siyl~ Lock A'hertIsmg Ag~n(~ fdohe· I Ullllture (Ollliluny (xl 'uHI R ll)]d~ (haIr f'ompan.} ("rollu""er (abuwtJuaker., (Olnpan]e~ .flerktlller IIotp} Hot BI t~t Teather (oIllpan.) IIot~l 'Olm 'ndw CD~trOlt) ked &., t\nwa, COJl11)unv h.a.rgf"~ I HI nIhil (' C'OJnp.lny Lu('(' 1UTrutnrp (on11)..-lJH 111( {' RednlOlH] (halr COUIllan, ,r l(1(1e-1l Tho,", '""on \.\ (0 1Iln ...tte 1r'1Jlulu turlllg" (on,pIn, ,ret'll Tllrluftn e (omp.UH 'II( )ugan ChaIr ('OI11IMll;': 'IIcbIg-an rrglal]n~ C'OJupans 1IJ"l(e-llaneou", ""f'l ...on ']aftt>r rUrIlJt lire ('(HIll) HIV O]uo Iron & RI I ...., Bed (onl1>~UH }:'o"",phu,", HI 0.., Turnlture 'Iannf l{ tnnng l>rondfit Loose I {''.If (OIJl]JUny J{o"e, E P. f'ar"Jng '\orkb Ro,) al l' urnJture COlUp.1Dy Io,helton &,. SIn del' rUrlllture COUl]}any 'lke", ChaIr (OUlpan" ~hgh Turnlture Compau.) r;;,;;nuth-Thomp80n Company '!;teblnns-" IIhehn COlnpany 1 d~l1 "orks )'nlte PI lutIng CODlpaU;} "orId FUrIlltnre COlnpullJ "ysong & l\IIles COIllpany 31 6 2 ]8-]9 18 ]8 30 4 U Cover 18 1 11 28 24 28 26 18 4 10 12 9 18 17 23 32 eovpr f'Olllpany 24 15 27 22 3 25 29 Cover 28 7 7 Cover ]8 14 .,
- Date Created:
- 1909-12-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:26
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty-Eighth Year-No. 10 NOVEMBER 25. 1907 Semi-Monthly The ROYAL is the Original- Push Suiton Morris Chair THE." ROYAL PUSHBUTTON MORRIS CHAIR BigLt Years of Te51:Have BstablisLed Its Supremacy ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS MORRIS CHAIRS FROM I 16.25 to 130 I CAT ALOe UPON APPLICATION. Royal Chair Co. STURGIS, MICHIGAN Chicago Salesroom: ",Ceo.D. Willianu Co .• 1319 Michifan Avenue, First Floor, Chicago. Uf· The One Motion, All Steel GO-CART FOLDED FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION NO FUSS. NO FOOLING FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION All Steel; Indestructible. Perfected Beyond All Competition. Frame of Steel Tubing. Will Carry 100 Lbs. Over Rough Pavements. The Only Perfect Cart With a Large Perfect Quick Action Hood. CATALOGUE UPON APPLICATION. STURGIS STEEL OO=CART ===COMPANY == STURGIS. MICHIGAN The Dining-Room Furniture Season • Upon Us IS Now is tbe time you must have a little nice dining-room furniture ou your floor. Nothing will please your trade more tban a moderate-priced, higb-art complete suite, such as our No. 5028shown above. The Nortbern Furniture Company entered tbe field tbree years ago with a full line of moderate-priced, beautifully artistic, and compactly designed dining-room suites. We were the first. Now, manufacturers of table:;,sideboards,and:buffets, everywhere; are going into the suite line. Imitation is the sincerest flaltery, and it shows there is a steady market for dining-room suites. People want tbem. and you must buy tbem. Nowhere in America today will you find as compact, as artistic, and as convenient a complete line of suites for dining-rooms, as the Northern. For tbe number you see on tbis page, we bave bad orders for 50 at a clip, and quickly . followed up by repeats at tbat. But we can say the same of several other items in our line. They sell, and they sell quickly, If you baven't seen our catalogue. or have mislaid your copy, drop us a postal and we will give your request immediate attention, At this season of the year we act quickly, po-you act quickly. too? Northern Furniture Company Sheboygan, Wisconsin The Standard Line of America Will be on e~hibilion as U5ual in CHICAGO ONLY, 1319 MICHIGAN AVE .. Fin' F!o-o"-MANUF ACTURER5' EXHIBITION BUILDING, No.9:t.5% BUFi<ET Do not fail to see our line of CHINA CLOSETS, BUFFETS and BOOK'CASES, 1\0.461 ClilNA (LQSE:T No. 924 BUFFET The following well known representatives in charae: f· P. F15HER F'. £. BACKMElER FRED PARCHERT FRED LUGER G. C. DIEDEN ROCKFORD STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Rockford,Ill. Five Complete Lines of Refrifierators at RIGHT PRICES t]' Opalite Lined. 4]' Enamel Lined. IJI Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined. fJ Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank. tI Galvanized lIOn Lined; Stationary Ice Tank:. Send fol' new Catalogue and let UI you pri(;.e. Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HA VIlN, MICH. U. S. A. 2 I· Luce Furniture Company Godfrey Ave., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. NEW FEATURES in Upper Class CIRCASSIAN WALNUT· A LARGE ADDITION TO I OUR LINE OF STAPLES MEDIUM and FINE FURNITURE . for the CHAMBER and DINING ROOM , , !'~, I ,. 11 .} 28th Year~No. 10. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 25, 1907. Trade Days for Children. All kinds of "days" for promoting trade have been inaug-urated by enterprising merchant!;, but aside from the Christ-mas season there arc no trade clays of ~;pecial interest of chil-dren and the mothers of children. Every merchant carries goods suitable for the wants of juveniles in stock and whe11 proper attention is given to the rising generation valuable trade 'will follow the passing of the years. The butcher. the baker, the grocer and the huckster seek favors of. the. house-maids, and it is a wel! known fact that the goddesses of the kitchen and the laundry exercisE: considerable perwer in the placing- of orders for snpplies for the households in which they find employment. Dealers in confections know the value of the trade of children and studiously cultivate it. The buyer of a penny package of candy will, in m,l11yinstances, be the king or queen of the automobile class in the future. Deal~ ers in furniture and kindred goods lind no dilficulty in ob-taining the stock 11ecess3ry for the successful exploitation of trade day"" for children. There are so many useful and pretty things manufactured for children that the problem is 311casy O!le. J tlstances have been reported af the 11l<lkingof suitable prescnts to children under a certain age, brought to the store of the merchant by their parents, who were bor11 on the day of the month whell the children's trade day was held. It was not always easy for a mother to furnish proof of the birth of her child on the day of the month designated, but the wise merchant never doubts the word of a woman Upon any ques-tion in which her children arc interested. Visit the Markets Frequently. The buyers for leading mercantile firms visit the furniture markets fret/uently because it has been profitable for them to do so. A eOllsidenlble number located in the eastern cities make from fOUfto six vi:.;its to Grand Rapids ,11ldChicago an-nually, while the Xcv.' York market is so near at hand that they can drop ill every week, \.,'hen the lilles afe strong enough to command their attention. Buyers located in the west and south visit St. Louis, Grand Rapids and Chicago frequently. The lines ::Ire ever ready for inspection, and with the new pieccs added from time to time, the time and expense of the buyers are fully repaid. These facts should be considered by the stay-at-home buyer. He alone must de-termine \'Vhich way is the better way. Rewards for Employes Large manufacturers pay liberal sums to employes who suggest the means or invent tools by the use of which the cost of an article manufactured may be cheape11(~dor its con-struction improved. The vVestern Electric Company, for instance, pays $100 for every practical suggestion or im-provement originated in their shops. The plan could be employed as advantageol1s1y in the merrantile as in the manufacturing business. $1.00 per Year. New Lines in Grand Rapids. The "bookings" of the exposition managers for 1908 con~ taln the n;J.111('S of many hldividuats, t1rms and corporations that have not placed goods on sale in Grand Rapids in re~ cent years. The selling forces ..".ill be 1ncreased and many new faces will appear. The market promises to be the most most complete for ,t winter season in the history of the in-dustry, Sleeping Partners. "Sleeping partnerships'" are common in the business af-f, lirs ofEllgJand. Information as to the beds used is lack~ ing. The relation is akin to the "silent partnerships" of the United States. The sleeping, as well as the silent, partner usually makes his appearance as a preferred creditor when re-verses come. DeseTves a Large Sale. A firm engaged in the publishing business in Londoll. England, have issued a "business book," containing among other things, information and suggestions as to the best means for obtaining extra capital. The book should have a large sale in the furniture trade of the United States. ouu Spr(IAlIMPrRlAl wrATnrurD OAKOil STAin is the, standard all over America. Are YOUusing it? Write us for Samples and Quotations of the BEST S"ElLAC VARNIS"ES --- --~-- 4 MR. FLATDWELLER MOVES From a Large Flat Into a Smaller Place-How They Man-aged to Squeeze in. "There are mallY things which seem impossible to us that we rl1ld we can get a' ...a.y with all right when we have to," said 1\1r. Flatdwelter. "One of them consists in condensing the outfit of a large flat into the space of a smaller one. "Tn the bigger flat we had none too much room and not a blessed thing that 'we could throwaway, or so we thought whell we first talked over the 'moving p:-oblcm. But as the day (atTIc nearer and the sn~al1er flat stared us closer in tl~e face we made up our minds that verhaps we could throw away this thing and that, one or two little things that \ve did 110t care much about, and then when the day was right at hand aud we were actually brought face to face with the pro-position of putting a quart into a pint pot, why, you know wl:at ·we did? Why, certainly. "The first thing to go was a double ,voockn bed tbat we'd had for years, finding always at least one room big enough for it. But there· wasn't any such room in the new flat, and so down to the basement with the double wooden bed and springs, to be given away or thrO"'Vllaway; you couldn't sell a bed like that nowadays for 50 cents. Its place in our new flat we supplied with a single iron bed. "A thrce-qLlarter iron bed and spring"s we sent also to keep company witb the old double wooden bed, that three-quar-ter which we had set Llpin the spare room of the old flat we had no room for at aU in the new. "And then we discarded one single iron bed that would have gone into the smal1est hedroom of the 11ew flat, hut which with a bureau there would have left scant room be-sides. and we bought to go in that room a folding bed. "So, while a month before we had though,t we hadn't a thing we could thrml\" away, not a blessed thing, we started off by throwing away three bedsteads, not such a bad beginning, and then we got busy in a room that we had used for a store-room and in which, as a handy place of disposal, we had been' accustomed to put whatever we couldn't find room for any-where else, and there we found rich pickings in things that we'd been taking around witb us for years, but ..".hicb we couldn't by any possibility find a'ny room for in the new apartments. No storeroom there! "And it was astonishing what a lot of truck we found in that storeroom that we really had no l1eed for, stuff out of date or absolutely useless, which we had kept because we hated to throw it away. but w1-lich now we had got to do something with. And we did it all right, and before we got through got so that we could do it without a qualm. "This to be thrown away?" asks some member of the fam-ily, holding up something, and "Yep,' 'says the Arbiter, and to the kitchen it goes. to be piled up there till we'd got enough faT a dumbwaiterful, and for some' days we kept the dumhwajter busy with a strange assortrr:ent of odds and ends dug out of that storeroom and gathered from other roon:s, and from closets in which they had been stored. No spare doset iooin, either, in the new flat. "And we put into the discard a dilapidated chair or two that had stood around modestly in the old flat alld added to them for good measure one table and o'ne big old fashioned sideboard that we were going to have no place for, and I don't kno·w what else; but there was a lot of it. "You never can tell what you can do till you have to, but the great joke of it all to me was that we\'c never missed a thing of all those things we threw away. And I'm glad my-self that we've got down to something like .light marching order. We're all the more ready now in case we should move next time i.nto a still smaller flat, where you da"n't use even single or folding beds, but those bedsteads that are built with one bed above another, rising in tiers, two or three.stor-ies high." Stockholder-Salesmen. A considerable number of traveling salesmen are owners of stock in retail stores managed. by corporations. Their ownership is not an advantage to the corporations in ques-tion. Naturally, the buyers for such establishments fed under obligations to place their orders for goods with the stockholder-salesmen, and such purchases are seldom made with wisdom. A salesman representing an independent manufacturer would not be able to compete with a salesman who owned stock in a mercantile corporation, and was en-titled to examine its books and records. What salesman handling a line of chamber suites would call upon the buyer A Room Scene Effective. A music room, containing a piano, several s111a11stringed instruments. a piano bench, a music cabinet and other fur-nishiJlgs suitable for such an apartment, is a show wind:nv attraction in Philadelphia. Oair CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA Double Cane Line SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS CATALOGUES TO THE TRADE WE SELL TO FURNITURE DEALERS ONLY. WE MANUFACTURE A FINE LINE OF STAPLE CHAIRS AND ROCKERS, DINING, OFFICE, MISSION FURNITURE, FIBRE.RuSH MALACCA THE FORD & JOHNSON Co. NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO CINCINNATI ATLANTA Something DiffERENT •In Couches No. 155 $4.00 Net WOVEN WIRE COUCH We have made for some time, Couches and Davenports with woven wire tops. Our latest essay in this line is DIFFERENT. Made and shipped K. D. Easily set up. A trial order will convince. SMIT" &. DAVIS MfG. CO.,St. Louis. 5 6 ·"~MJ9HIG7JN FAULTS OF THE PERIOD ROOM. Styles That Are Not Suited to Modern Ways of Living, Shall it be the period room for the llew house, or shalt :t be the modern compromise for this strictly artistic styk? For !-icvera! sea:,ons the period room remained most popular with deco~<ltors. The Dumber of men and women \vho have gone into decoration during the last few years has greatly in-crea5cd. They have from preference devoted themselves to the period room, as they offer the decorator the best oppor-tunity for the display of his skill. The result has been a great number of rooms reproducing as exactly as slavish imitation can the room of the eighteenth and even the seventeenth century, whether these happened to be English in the style of Chippendale, Sheraton or Adam, or French in the manner of Louis XVI of XV, or of the Em-pire. Most of the Empire rooms were planned more than a decade ago, when there ,vas a great revival in taste for this rather debased style of decoration. Adam is still an English craze which came in wit:t the pres(~nt taste for everything that is Georgian, and as in do-mesti. c architc.c.tuH'.as well as i.n intexior decoration Robert Adam is the eSsence of Georgian art, he is the favorite model of the day. The classic French designs of the Louis XIV and XV decorators have never been out of vogue. Decor-ators have always kept them in view, although at different times they have been more in demand than at others. "The objection to period rooms," said a decorator who ha~, not contlncd himself to this class of work, "is that one must for the sake of correctness surrender most of the progress that the world has made during several generations ill com-fort. The heavy, roomy chairs of velvet or leather turned out by the best of our manufacturers today are superior to anything that ever was inventecl so far as t11ey are able to contribute to the natural joy of living. One can sink into them witb a sense of comfort as well as with the security that comes frotH knowing that they are not going to ereak or eraek or {lo any or the disconcerting things that happen to antiques or reproductions of antiques. 'Take for instance furniture of the Adam or the Louis pcriods. Bc it built ever so strongly, there is no propriety in such furniture unless it be decorated in light shades of silk, satin or tapestry. That style was all very well in a century of gallantry when men never worked and \vomen lived an artificial life entirely different from their exist-enceS today. Imagine the impropriety of a man who calls on a rainy afternoon and has to sit on a chaise longue cov-ored with Aubusson tapestry in a design of flesh colored cupids against a background of yellow roses. Naturally fUr-niture of such apartments fits them only for the most formal use. The period room in its most perfect form is suited only to the house that has several apartments, and the Adam or t1.e French room is intended only for the most formal use. "Or take an Empire room. The use of Empire furniture was never very well understood in this country by the women who could afford to buy most of it. I have seen rooms so crowded with tables, chairs, desks <lndcabinets that one couid scarcely move around in them. Now, of course, the Empire rOOl11sin the Trianon, as well as those at Versailles, have vcry £e-w pieces of furniture in them. They have the empty look that is just now so modish in Kew York. vVhen the Empire eraze was at its height, however, women soon realized that its formal, eheerless look was not what they wanted. Rooms that looked like that were no proper reflection of the full lives of today. "It was impossible to find anything else that would ap-propriately go with Empire furniture. To the most unculti-vated taste in decoration it was evident that Empire could not be mixed with modern pieces. The only way in which the depressing influence of the Empire could be overcome was through filling up the rooms with ,pieces of the same kind. That may not have made them much more cheer-ful, but it at least lJrevented them from looking so empty, which was exactly the way they should have looked to be characteristic. Then the right sort of silk for Empire furni-ture should be in light tints, and that made it unsuited to the needs of this year of grace. It is impossible to make any period rooms reflect the life of its occupants today. "Just as unsuited to our time is the Adam room. The chairs are so frail that a man weighing over 160 hates to get into one of them. The sofas with their \'veblike straw ,seats are as alarming to any but the light and airy, a1tl~ot1gh the:: No. 2704. Made by Mueller & Slack Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. straw is ·very much strengthened. The pale green, pale pink and pale mauve satin hrocade is a dangerous baekground for any man who has been sitting in a trolley car. The large Chippelldale and Sheraton chairs are not unsomfortable, ht1t the smaller ones totter 011 tiny spind1elegs. "What possible comfort can any but a very slight person derive from sitting on a small Louis XVI chair with a gilded straw bottom? For a young girl in evening d~ess such a support is very suitable, and it would not be unsuitable for a man with a flowered velvet coat over his satin short clothes. But for a fat man even in evening dress such a perch is comic for spectators and·agony for him. "The large upholstered chairs now used so much never ex-isted in the time of the other furniture, but they are an en-tirely appropriate rebellion against the tyranny of the strict period style. They are morc comfortable than <lll the ber-geres or chaises longue in· the world, yet they were never dreamed of in the days of Louis XV. A strict adherence to the styles of the period would have made them impossible. This is the superiority of the latitude wh·ich the decorator has when he gets out of the strict period. "Of course to make Adam furniture and cover it with leath-er, velvet, dark brocade or other appropriate stuffs would be to violate the absolute rules of that period. Such furniture was never meant for regular and heavy use. Equally inap- 7 NE.W UDE.LL SAMPLES LIBRARY BOOKCASES MUSIC CABINETS "The Line LADIES' DESKS That Gets the Orders" Shown only GRAND RAPIDS i'l Furniture Exhibition Buil~jng FOllr/h /t'loor Janllary, 1908 Rush Oriers lor Chris'mas Given Special Attention. ~FI'ilf /01' VA. FA }J!(} with j!l'it;l~' {I(ld 8fock shut. No. 331 SOLlD MAHOGANY LIBRARY BOOKCASE. :.\fo. 1224 SOLID MAHOGAL\;Y COLONIAL DESK. THE UDELL WORKS, propriatc \Y(lu1d be FrcilclJ furniture of the two middle LOllis decorated in dark shades or ill katbcr. Periods must be properly <ll1cl strictly carried ont or they sl:onld not he at-tempted." The decorator who is as eclectic as he ,,,,hose vinv:> \\'crc just quoted may of COl1r:.;(' put into a room any-thing tililt ac-cords ''I-'itb good taste. I\]ost of them have gOlle il: for tilt' !O\·V C(lI11fortahlc chairs of upholstery manufactured ill ;;ij,~ coulltr:y and in FngJand. and with these they often combine cluirs (llHI tables of English n,ake, maybe of the Cl~ippeIl(ble or Sheraton p,\tten1. In a drawing room there ma.y he a I.ouis XV berg-ere, or pCThap:~8.11 Empire chaif, \vit!lout too n:llch of the ormulu. Colonial, or American En:pire, which was manufactured in this country contemporaneollsly with the Empire furniture in France, is usually free from the metal onlarnentatiol1 and therefore hlcncls well with furniture of any period. The up-bolstered chairs arc u.sually done in a flO'wcrecl or sohl col-ored velvet that follows the color scheme of the rOrHll. In the llse of Ad;\m or the French furniture of the schools men-tioned, it is as inqwssible to have a room dark in color scheme as it is to decorate the furniture in that way. This partic-ular 1110rcthan anything else makes these periods so limited in their usefulness for modern decoration. "Jlldiciously cornhined with the patterns of the day," said the eClectic decorator, "the classic types of fUflliture have great value and are in fClet almost indispensable. rreneh, English or Italian renaissance may be used to add a schcme of decoration, and in that ,\'ay lhey are absolutely suited to our present conditions, e?pecially as this is 811 age ill which we are horrowing from the art of all times and na-tions to enhance the inventions of (~L1rown. Tlms a com-posite room is a 111uchlllore tl"utl:.ful rellection of our taste today than a strictly period room call evcr be." L Indiana polis, Ind. The decorator who goes in for the period reg-ards himself (IS much more artistic than the decorator who merely seeks to make attractive looking living roun~s Stlited to our civili-za tiOll today. "Of COllrS{;, no {leco;:"tDi \\'ouhl ever (lesign a Louis XV or IAHlis XVI salon," he said, "for a housc in which there were nol to be formal apartments, nor would he be any more likely to SUllpl:r \"... ith an Adam drawing- room one that did not have the lcss elaborate apartments for the use of the family. Tile more elaborate rooms are intended for formal use, and these periods are alone adapted to the decoration of slrch rooms. The man who builds a ball room in his hOllse \"..i.ll prcsumably have all the other r00111She needs. lIe call j-ind no more beautiful school of decoration for such an apart-ment than that invented by the Frellchmen. T::·ose desig'ns were the outcome of the spirit of the time, which was a time of gayety, heauty and luxlIrY. Such elements arc better ~~l1it('dto a ball ]"()0111 than ally that might hc invcnted by the conditions of the day. "i\ 111;\11 \·vith a ronHl tb;\t represents exactly s~me period of decorative. ;\l"t \'a3 more than a mere i1partn,ent in 1:1;; h011se. He bas something' as arlistic as a beautiful picture or a porcelain. Of course, the owner of a small house would be foolish to have his only livillg room done in the style of a Louis XV salon. He would be ridiculolls. In the same way are the Adam rooms unsuited to small or even the mod-est home. They belong to the class of rooms which should be little used. On the other hand, there is 110 more beautiful model ior every American home than our -Colonial rooms, when either they be living room, dining ro:)m or hallway. And Colonial bedrooms are more appropriate to our way of life than any other. They are also something more than a mere room. They are artistic little museums, forming very interesting- reminders of our national life."-Sun. 8 ~r;.I9HIG7J-N DEATH AND BURIAL IN MANILA. Some Customs the Americans Have Reformed. Death makes quick 1;vork of babies out in Manila. It is said that only half the little Filipinos succeed in weathering a single year of existence there. Their pathetic little funerals are one of the common street sights of the walled ~ity. A writer in the Manila Times tells of one which seemed to be a strictly family affair. The mother carried 011 her head the little pasteboard coffin covered with bits of red, white and blue cotton batting. She was smoking a cigar, and be-hind her trudged four or five children, supposedly surviving brothers and sisters of the little life whi(',h had failed to make good. They were chattering unconcernedly, alld save that the mothers' head was topped by a coffin instead of a basket the Roman Chair Mooe by the Ford & Johnson Co., Chicago, Ill. affair might have been a trip to market. The Filipinos are said to love their children, but with a death ratc of from fifteen to thirty babies a day perhaps custom does somewhat stalc their grief. This little procession was rather out of the ordinary, for as a general thing the coffin-of pastboard-is placed on a board tied to two eross sticks and is carried by two, or per-haps four, small boys. A rich man's funeral is a very differ-ent sort of function. First comes the band, that item being considered indis-pensable to funereal grandeur. It is stated that, in spite of our receiving the story with evident suspicion, it is never-theless a fact that "There'll be a Hot Time" is a favorite tunc upon .t.hese occ<l-sions. "Dixie" is said to be another and "Hiawatha" had a lon,g and intense popularity. Following the band is a four-horse hearse with black fLg-ures at the corners, each labelled with a large placard to pre-vent mistakes in identity. The hearse is attended b~ func-tionaries in hemp wigs, fur trimmed coats, knickerbockers and shovel hats. If the family is not rich enough to afford a hearse, the heavy biers are carried by relays ofpaltbearers. As for the Manila cemeteries, they are not what they were before the American occupation. It was Governor Taft him-self who described the wall vaults as the place where the dead are "pigeon-holed for future reference." These wall vaults are like some of those in the New Orleans cemeteries and were rendered necessary by the same cause, the swampi-ncss of the ground in the old city. The principal cemetery used to be that of Paco. It 'Vas round and was ornamented with a terrace and balustrade above the vaults. The wall containing the"pigeon-holes" was about eight feet thick. . The place was quartered by two alleys crossing in the 71,RTI.sZJeI...l'\I ~~. centre and there was also a chapel where the governors-gen-eral and high prelates were buried. Children were buried. if one may use so inaccurate a term for the process, by them-selves, in what was called the "angelarium." This cemetery was built ill 1810 and uriti] the typhoon of September 26, 1905, was as attractive as such a place could be. The face of tl~,e walls was ornamented with a" great many columns and the inner alleys and circle were beautified with fine old trees. Many of these were destroyed· by the typhoon. There were "pigeonholes" for 1,782 bodies, so that evident-ly rotation in office must be followed if the cemetery was to serve a perennial Use. This rotation was secured by a sys-tem of renting the niches instead of selling them outright. The fees varied from 12 shillings for a child to £4 for an adult, the rent to be paid in advance every live years. These rentals provided the funds which supported the chaplain, who dwelt across the way, at{d also paid other expenses of the place. If at the end of any :five year period another £4 was not forthq)ming, the old tenant was promptly evicted to make room for a more profitable occupant. Before the Americans came these dispossessed parcels of bones were taken to the back of the outer walt and thrown into a sort of fosse between two walls. This fosse was caJJed the deposito, but was promptly designated "the bone pile" by the American soldiers. Every visitor to Manila secures a picture of "the bone plle" as it was when the Americans took charge. Soon after that eyent it was ordered that the bones be covered with earth and that bad paying tenants be provided with some less shocking final resting place. Before the change was made there were many Americans who used rather to enjoy taking new arrivals to the cemetery and giving them a shock by suddenly placing them where a good close view of the bone pile was unavoidable. An Amer-ican woman who had done this a number of times went out one time to repeat the experience with a lately arrived friend. Upon climbing the wall which overlooks th.e deposito, how~ ever, she caught sight of the rec:ently evicted r~mains of a woman whose long hair was blown about by the wind. It was her last visit. The sight cured her of further curiosity or mischief in that direction. Out at LaLoma there are real burying grounds, the dead being interred in the higher ground of that locality. It is a favorite burying place with the Chinese, who like a sloping hillside and who cover their graves with well laid thicknesscs of cement. STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted celluloid as a base for our Caster Cups, making the best cur on the market. Celluloid is a great improvement over bases made 0 other material. When it is necessary to move a piece supported by cups with celluloid bases it can be done WIth ease, as the bases are per-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat. and by the use of these cups tables are nevcor marred. Tbese cups are finished in Goldf!n Oak and WlJite Maple.. finished light. If you wm t1"g a sample order of the8e goodIJyou wi,t de8irdo handle tkffll. in guantitieq. PRICES: Size 2N inches $5.50 per hundred. Size 2}i inches." 4.50 per hundred. f. o. b. Grand Rapidlt. TRY..A 8AMPLE ORDER. 9 HAND CIRCULAR R[P SAW GEESE Do Not Grow BETTER FEATHERS OR DOWN THAN THE.SE. PILLOWS ARE. FILLED WITH. WRITE THE'. SCHULTZ f5 HIRSCH COMPANY 260.262 S. DBSfLAINBS ST., CHICAGO, 10' ,h. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and PRICE LIST 01 &dcling Goods. That will tell you all about it. We would like to have you say that you saw this in the Michi~an Artisan. MORTISER COMBINED MACHINE No. J, SAW (ready for cross.cutting) Complete Oulfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well IlS II. dealer's profit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He call hold a better al1dtnore satisfactory trade wtth his customers. He can manllfacture in as good style and finish, and at as low cost 85the factories. The local cabinet maker has b""en iQrc:ed intn only the dealer's traoe and profit, because of mae:hine manufactured goods of factori~. An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand·power Machinery, reinstates the cabinet maker witl1sdvsntages equal to his competitors. If desired, these machines will he sold on trial. The purchaser can have ample time to test them in hi!' owt"Jshop and <)11 the work he wishes them to do,J)fl!cripti1J8 cata~()gueand price lwtfrt;e. W. f. Ii. JOnN BARNES CO.,654 Ruby St., Rockford, III. HAND TENONER No.3 WOOD LATHE No. i SAW (ready for ripping) FORMER OR MOULDER No.7 SCROLL SAW WHITE PRINTING CO. I I HIGH GRADE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CATALOGS COMPLETE 10 WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY owosso, MICH. Ma~ers of the most pa.puJar medium priced bedroom furniture. All the fancy WQOOs and finishes. Especially strong in CIRCASSIANWAlNUT and COLONIAL DESIGNS. Send for catalog. In January OUI" beautiful line of 450 pieces will be .hown all usual in GtaJld Rapid •. No, lOlH DRESSER 1\"0.81 BED MONEY IN FEATHER BEDS. An Income From Old Maine Tokens of Gentility, ;'Did you ever know· of a woman who made a comiortable incorne at buying and selling old feather beds?" asked Stt~;an Merrill, the middle~aged widmv of a former Universalist clergyman. "That's what I have been doillg fOT more than ten years, and I havesnpported myself and c.;entmy two boys. through college. "The feather bel industry was sometl~.j!lgnew in the line of employment for women wren r took it up, but I was pOOr and desperate and had three children to support, and hunger and pride and poverty will quicken one's wits if anything can. "Few people rtalize how many genuine old feather beds have accumulated in the acient farmhouses, having come down in continuous s:H::cessiol1from mother to daughter since the days before the Revolutionary \-Var. In those old days the feather bed -was the sure token of gentility in the New England. home, a family's place in society being measured by the number of featber beds it owned. When I was a girl some of tbe women who lived in this neighborhood and were daughters of Colo1lial wars and the American Revolution and the War of 1812 and the Aroostook ·\Var and the Mexican War owned as many as a dozen great featllcr beds, making their ·social standing unquestioned. ;'Andt'hose ancient feather beds were, genuine, everyone of them. There was not a feather from a boarding house chicken or a Thanksgiving turkey in the lot. "Every fluffy and downy partklc in the great ticks was plucked by hand from the breast of a living goose and then washed in ammonia and soapsuds and dried in muslin bags on clotheslines in the sunlight, and finally stowed away ounce by ounce in tight ticking until cnoughh,ad accumulated to make a feather bed. It was. a long and tedious job too. "Ill those primitive days it was a rule that no girl was /-it to marry until she had spun and woven her !'iix linen s.heets, her three linen bedspreads, and her two dozen linen towels [rom flax grown on the home place, and then had saved up live geese feathers enough to till one bedtiek. And a bed-tick nIled' with feathers of live geese represented several years of saving. ;'Last year 1 bought a feather bed that weighed more than fourteen pound::; by the family steelyard, and when you stop to think how mat~y feathers 'it takes to make a pound, you can understand. something of the task which a girl set for herself before she could claim a husband. "In the ancient cen~eteries along the Penobscot river banks arc aged slate tombstones which mark the last resting places of many dear old women whQ lived and died with the prefix of 'Miss" to their names, Hl1d I lnve always thought the rea-son they never married was that they had failed to collect enough live geese feathers for the, wedding bed until they were so aged and homely that no proud man would accept them for wives on <lliy terms. If my conjecture, is right, those pesky feather beds are responsible for much race sui-cied in New England. ;;"Vhen the spiral spring and the hair and the felt mattress came into fashion the reign of the feather bed was over. A very few of the oldest and most fussy families still used thel~l above the straw or husk fined tick on the corded bed, but nearly everybody bought a new bedstead and became modern. "Tt so happened that my need for money arrived just about the time the feather bed was making room for the mattress. I argued that as people had no further use for feather be.d I could buy them cheap and by taking ~hem home and buying new ticking and dividing the heavy feather beds into pillows 11 ;i j './ i, I ST. LOUiS, MO. KANSAS CITY, MO. PEORIA, ILL UNCOLN, ILL. CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION iII! Warehouses: MINNEAPOUS, MINN. CHICAGO, ILL. I could market my pillows at a pfoht. for there was ahv<lYs a dcmand for pillows filled with live geese feath(';·:~, nn n~atter what form of springy lll<lterial was used to sleep upon. "Dy working h<lrcl and driving close bargains T have man-aged to cleM from $1,000 to $1,500 a year for the last six years, and there aTe still ancient and unused fcather beds .,i I~ "If the fcatl:-ers are clean and free frO:l1 l::l:S:yS:T:.clls T C:lL1 afford to pay $1 a pound for them. 'iVhen a family has from_ three to tell old feather bed" lying unused in some dry attic, alld when every bed weighs from tcn to fifteen pounds, the salc <\lHOunts to considerable good n:;oney-enollgh to buy_ a new parlor set or a new top clrriagc or a new parlor o:;-gan. MADE BY WOODARD FURNITURE co., OWOSSO, M1CH. enough left in the country towns to keep an active -...voman busy for a century to come. 1 make it a point never to buy anything but absolutely true to name live geese feathers. "They are easy to distinguish from the feathers picked from the bodies of dead geese because the live geese feathers will hop up and expand like corn in a popper the moment the tick is opened, while all other feathers lie dead and flat. ...1. take the feather beds home, turn them all out in a big room, pick them over, bag them again, and dust them on the clothesline, and finally put them up in square' and attractive pillow ticks, and sell my new pillows as fast as 1 can turn them out ior $5 a pair. At times 1 have made as much as $40 or $50 a week by converting antique feather beds into modern pillows. "-Sun. 12 ·:tt~MIPfIIG?lN Fortunes in General Stores. If .there is onc ]ine of business -in which there is "big money" and about which the average city man knows less than any other it is the general store business as conducted in country towns. Everyone who spent his boyhood days ill the country can remember the country store, or at least the cross roads store where we used to go for the mail, took the horse to he shod, bought needles and thread, spent our sayings for sweetmeats -where, in fact, w.e could buy anything under the sun, This is as near as most of us ever came to being actually in con-tact with a general store, yet there are in thi:. country alone 120,OCDof them and the commercial agencies tate this' number at $l,CCO or upward. !\otwithstandirtgfhe fact that there exists so 'large a num-ber, yetthere are rnor,eo(Hmings today' for good live rr:en to go into thjsbusiness than there ever were before, and there are vast sections of the west,just waiting for some progres-sive young:m<l.-rt-to go mand reap the golden harvest of piles of'dollars for ,.honest effort and a desire to please. The greatest number ,of these general stores naturally exist in the west, and a visit to one of them is extremely in-teresting. The old idea, the one we recall of our boyhood days, is past. No longer are these general stores places ~here loafers congregate and sample crackers and dried apples while they settle the destinies of the nation, elect pres-idents, and dispose of international wars. Today everyone of the general stores of the country presents the appearance of a department store on a small scale. In fact, the great stores of New York and Chicago are the outgrowth of the country idea, which .'1,rasborn in the United States. In the modern general store everything under the sun may be bought. If the proprietor happens to be out of just what you want he v..'ill get it for you. This is the result of evolu-tion of the ,rural districts and the demand of the American farmer for up-to-the-minute ideas. 1\ a matter where the store is located, the general me,chant is the biggest n-.erchant in town. He and tl~e editor of the local paper are the two men of the town, and they, with the banker, represent a power that rules the destinies of the lo-cality wherein they live. It used ,to be-that all a man had to do in a prosperous sec-tion was to ,open up a store with an assortment of goods and wait for the trade. Today things are changed. Today the proprietor is a veritable dynamo of energy and effort. The .'Ieneral stores have built up a mighty power in the local newspapers, for today life to them can only be sustained by liberal and constant injections of good advertising. The country general store does today exactly what the big department stores of the cities do. This is a fact that but few people are familiar with. Pick up a copy of any Morton House ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel Pantlind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Panllind for 50c is THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTUND. Prop. country newspaper today and you will find full page adver-tisements of Jones & Co.'s g~neral store in yvhich are quoted prices and bargains on up~to-date merchandise which in the days of the old time stote of our boyhood would never have been thought of. There are still large openings in the west for young men with nerve and a little money. A good example of what can be done and what is done every day is to be seen in a man who owns one of thes.e progressive general stores out in Min-nesota. Tim Sammons owns a store in Monteray, l\Iinn" doing n business of over a q.uarter of a million a year, and he started but a few years ago with a capital of less than $1,000, and tnis success has been built up in the face of tl~.emost stren-liOUS competition. I was talking to Sammons the other day writes Wesley A. Stanger in the Chicago 'Tribune and he gave me his prescrip-tion for starting a general store, and followed with a lot of good advice on how it should be run. A good store can be started on an initial capital of $2.000; and this is the way Sammons advised buyin'g: Groceries, cigars and tobacco, $450; shoes (well assorted), $400; staple dry goods, $650; house goods, $50; fixtures, $200; cash in bank, to discount bills, $250. In telling me of his success he gave me a number of val-uable epigrams which any merchant can well apply to his business anywhere, and which should bc a good guide for any young man desirous of starting in this line of profitable busi-ness: "One must advertise all of the time. "Change your advertisement every issue. "Keep something ncw before the farmers all of the time. "\Vhen th.e ladies come in have a place for them to rest and care for their babies. "In warm weather have a tank of ice water handy. "Sell for as near cash as you can. Don't be afraid to push a man for money. "Do not cater to the loafing element-there is no money in them. "Learn to say 'no' "Do not overbuy. often. "Keep your floors and windows clean. "Keep your shelves full. "Cut out the booze, and you will never fail." In this list of rules Tim Sammons, known all ovcr the middle west, sums up the secret of 'success in the general -store business. When he started in his wife was his olllyassistant, at,d he says she is the most valuable asset he ever had. There is no business today in which there are any bi.:;ger or surer returns than in the general store business, but a man must have nerve, ambition, ginger and a determination to SllC-ceed. This is a business which is not overcrowded and one where fortune holds golden rewards for men with prog:essive ideas. with Buy a smile. in small quantities for cash, and Withdraws from the Exposition. The E. M. Hulse Company of Columbus, 0., did not renew their lease for space at 1319 Michigan avenue, Chicago, and will not show their line in any market in January, but the boys who carry their photos will be out carly. Since aoding library and parlor tables to the line their business has greatly increased. There seems to be such a demand for this class of goods that it would not surprise the writer if it does not b.ecome "the dog" instead of the tail, and not only do the wagging, but the barking as well. Of course, as long as the E. M. Hulse Company make couches, davenports and leather chairs such as they have been making they will find plenty, of dealers who will be anxious to carry them. 13 From the Line of the Ford & Johnson Company, Indiana and Sixteenth Streets, Chics,go, Illinois. 14 I!STABLISHEC 18BO I"VBL.'SHI!D .v MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EAC .... MONTH OF'FICE-2-20 LYON ST.• GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ENTERED .liB M-.TUR OF THE 8EC0l\10 CLASS Merchants, especially those whose trade is principally with women, are "getting wise" to the value of rest rooms, 'where comfort and conveniences are provided. These rooms have 'come to be consider.ed an essential in the make-up of the small, as well as large, stores, and merchants are setting aside valuable selling space to provide this apartrr:cnt. The f(st room is a drawing card, equal to the most elabor:itcly stocked department in the hOllse. \Vomcn are drawn there by its lr.anifest hospitality, and it is well UIHlcrstood that where _WO~ men can be induced to go in allY considerabk nurnbe~s, trade results as a matter of course, Women, when they lOtart out shopping, are intent upon buying fin:;t or last and the problem of making the store the prettiest and neatest is further solved by making it al~o the most comfortable and attractive by rea-son of its rest room and toilet arrangements, The matter of bringing people to the store is the first step in all profit making. °to °to Now that the tirr:e for planning I::oltday decorations is at hand, storekeepers should bear it\ mind the fact that the underwriters consider such decorations extra hazardous. Elec-tric displays, in which the currents are shunted or broken on different circuits should be avoided. In many cities the use of such appliances is prohibited. The salesman who knows how to "hutt in" without glVmg offense seldom fails of success. If he can not act the part repeatedly he will be compelled to give way to his more dis-creet and persistent rival. °to °to Understanding is fully as important as seeing a thing. Suc-cessful salesmen try to teach customers to understand as well as to admire, (which comes with understanding) the things they sell. 'to 't' It is easier to sell $10,000 worth of goods in a community of 50,000 people than $10 worth of goods among 1,000 people. As the field narrows, the merchant should increase his ,efforts. °to °to \Vise merchants give personal attention to their salesmen as well as to customers. A little kindness now and then is appreciated by the men who sell and the men who buy. A good store front draws trade, but it takes well-ordered departments and well posted salespeople to bring it back, season after season. Reform having triumphed in the elections in San Francis-co, merchants are lookillg for a long and prosperous season of trade. °to °to .When a merchant's mind becomes dosed to new ideas it is time for the banker to notify him to take up his notes. Nothing serves so well to rob merchandising of its drudg-ery as the opening and selling of new styles and finishes. "to °tO Value cannot be measured by price alone; the lasting qual-ity always ente~s into the consideration of consumers. Inattention on the part of salesmen drives many customers from the store, many of " ..horn will not return. "1-1an know thyself," commercially paraphrased, should read, Merchant, know thy goods. °to °to Get what you can out of what you have, and ,preserve a margin. That is comfort. 'to Depending upon others for a self-rcspecting person. 't' what he w'ants, will not satisfy 't' A cost clerk hired bankruptcy court. in time has saved many a trip t?, the ;/·!:.A,' -~'M'"iJ- ~\' "",:i COI1Si~'~~;lc:pa,n{cellin~~,l 't' 'to Providing for the future does not orders for stock. °to °to Energy and activity are the equal of genius in thc practical affairs of life. °to °to Intelligence and energy make a great combination for sell-ing goods. "to °to The wise salesman knows, among other things, when not to speak. °to °to Make up your mind to be a market buyer. It will pay you. °to °t" Be thankful just the same, whether trade is good or bad 'to To overcome dull times hustle for business. How Could' He? "\Vhen women," said President Conway of the Retail Clerks' Union, "do the same work as men they should get the sarr:e wages. .Anyone who argues that this is impossible seems to me at once as ungallant and illogical as the famous husband of Paint Rock. "This husband was retuming horr.e. The wife was bur-dened with a carpet sweeper, her husband's overcoat, a suit case, and a broom-dear knows what all. "Coming to a steep hill, the wife paused and said reproach-fully: " 'Jack, if you were a real man, you'd help me carry some of these parcels.' "Jack glared at ner in disgust, and scorn. "'Aw, how can I?' he growled. 'Ain't I got both hands in my pockets?'" Another in Hoopeston. The Home Furniture, Stove & Carpet Company have op-ened a stock of goods in Hoopeston, Ind. I - THE LEXINGTON Michipn Blvd. & 22d St CHICAGO, ILL. Refumlshed and re-fitted throughout. New Management. The furniture dealers' hes.d-quarters. Most con-veniently situated to the fumiturc display houses. Inler-Stale Hotel Go. OWNER &: PROPRIETOR E, K. CrUey. PreS.; T. M. eritey, V. Pres,; L. H. Fire-y. See- TI~jl", Chicago, Kovemher 23.- The merchants of Chicago, in anticipatioll of a heavy holiday trade, have purchased great stocks of goods, and tbe big stores were never more inviting than "t this tin~e. To go through. any ooe or all of the big stores and watch the crowds, oue would llever think that money was scarce. J\farshall Field & Co. (the largest nJe~- chants in the world) have advcrti~H:d in the papers for ex-perienced salesmen and saleswomen. One of the leading furniture commission men in the ),lanufacturers' Exhibition building, 1319 l'vfichigan avenue, said that on Thursday, No-vember 21, he sold the second largest bill of furniture he had taken this year. That helps the optimist to see the doughnut while the pessimist sees nothing but the hole. Nobody can get anything out of a hole. The Lathrop Company, one of the leading furniture com-mission hou,~es in Chicago, have leased space in the Furni-ture Exposition building (it 1411 :Michigan avenue. They have been located on the first floor of 1319 Michigan avenue for several years and make the change in order to have a larger number and better lines to shmv. C. G. "White \vill represent the l\luskegon Valley Furniture Compally {rolll T ndianapolis west to Denver next year, and '...i.ll be on the floor with his new l:ousc in the Manufacturers' building, Grand Rapids. in J alluary. ]\:fr. McCarthy ,..i..ll look after the lines of the White-1IcCartry Furt"!.iture Company shown in Chicago. The George D. \Villiams Company have renewed their tease of 1323 1Jichigan avenue and will make their usual fine showing. Among the best of their lines is t1:e Royal Chair Company of Sturgis, Mich. This is the celebrated push-button ~Iorris chair. which is known from one end of the country to the other. Joseph S. Meyer, manager of the ?danufacturers' Exhibi-tion building Company, 1319 Michigan avenue, says that all the space in the big building has been leased, and the big show promises to be bigger and Gner than ever. Pressley :YL Herron, president of the Sanitary Feather company, is spending a few weeks iu Europe, sightseeing and in recreation. He is expected home in time to eat his Chirst-mas turkey in Chicago. J~ The Horn Brothers Manufacturing Company, makers of fine bedroom furniture, have a tine that is worthy of the at-tention of discriminating buyers. They have built up in the last thirty-hvo years a trade that extends all over the west. The Horn is a good house to do business with. Frank 1'. Plimpton & Co. have had the largest business in their history. Up to November 1 their sales exceeded all of last year, and they have sold some very large bills this month. Muskegon Valley Furniture Co. Muskegou. Mic~•• Odd Dressers Chiffonier. Wardrobe. Ladies Toilet. Dressing Table. Mahogany Inlaid Good. Ladie' De.k. Music Cabinel$ The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers ______ Also Manufacturers and Exporters (l( _ ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to aUkinds of invalidism. both for house and slreet use. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM 16 7IR.. T I~ J'{.l'i1 e ; ze- FORCED TO CONTINUE THE CHALLENGE SALE By a <:OlIlbin<L!.ioo of remukable circumstance. there come. the gnatest cram in pri" ever beard of, fouina UI to continue the Challenge Sale lomonow.-:- The great m""ufad;urer of Fashion and Al't_Slyle Furnittl was allDcllit compell"dln d~l! hi, doora. J... t al the mODlent of llie reeent financial crilli. the big factory wal throaten .." with a strike, bee ...u" tbe management could not ll:I&ke up the pal'rolb with cash. We imntediately took advantage of the .itllalia. and made them a sweepillg eash ()ffff for their entire 41UPW •• tock, which they were foreed tDo ",,~pt. $28,.000 worth of the Jlooo. were received to-day and will be ""hllornorrow. Saturday, for lell money than actual cost t<:I make. Replenished by tbouoan<b of new articles C>f ftlagDifi<:ent Art St,.le IUld F"o.hiOll FumilbiJl.(flI aDd the dt-livery of large Stove ordeo'. placed molllblago. our ItOCk- will pre.eDt thll! granileat anal' of splendid goods over shown in DetroiL PRICES CUT IN HALF The ruthleu ctlttiDgGf P~' with utter diN'ellatd f.or actual val"e will make 0.... name . !mown thn;.ughout Detroit .. the ,yDOllyJD of low pncq and Qrea.I: vallie. and emphadze the already eMabli.hed fad tbat our gr-t eltabJi"hraenl i" headquarters for h..- provider:a and the plaee where OIle doUar will do th work of ".0. D<>a't nUu tamanu ..... "''1I.w.. The ..... t Cl'OW' -.... buyen that thronpd tha great Eaay_Way-tool"ay .tore I.... p... t "'''''k, duru.. th......ry time «bar ttIeI"Cbe.Mt _re ~ Df a ....liceable fallinll' off in b....m-a. La remarkable and atl""t Ihe ""noatwn",1 "up;" prie"" th.t ha. ..eP......"'iIed. WE ACCEPT Pay Checks Personal Checks .or Bank Booklt To accommodate OW" ""wto",e.. Ilnd d"DlOP,Ir",le to ::::iit~~~~:'=lof.~.ct;:o.c:'· ;::J':~tth~'el"l,,,:;:t 1:1<)0011in0 .P"y",...r .,.,.J'pur'd.",""" rEAVE YOUR MONEY IN THE BANK. It it not .....,,,.... ., I<> dTaw aoy of it out in ....der to lAke advanlalle of lhe peat ........ offering. bere tomorrow. It'. Ea5y-to-Pay-the People's Way. We trwt "....ry!>ody. We gi"" you aU tbe time you ,.".t to pay for what you buy, E......,.thl~ redw:ed. 10 half p""- tomon ....... ill be.old. 'In our Il.UIOI"'rm. of ea.)' .,....\it" Be oure 10<:ome_. CHALLENGE SALE PRICE F"rComplete M 95 Arl-Iron Bed Outfit "':7~ ART..5TYLE SIDEbOARDS BELOW COST lii~t $13.85 ....".-....~......:::::=T.:=~_.:::~::;;:::~:.:::..T:=-~=-:-::--:--~=---1 ."", ' ... "" ... " &l .. 11." ,. """h ,,.<,,, '''Jo"''','m~''I",··,"""",,',;m"'","."'"'.'''h''h h"''''"''''''''"''''''''''''-A''-~'''''' _ ''''''' hi,,', ~'"., """" ""d ""S",Lo', ,"DlI.". """ "'I' " ••. TOI. I'"""."'~'M "',."'" :,':::),"1~, It-: ~';:~:~~;;,.~;;:'::;:.·.~i~"t,·..,~O,"'-: ,1:"'I..',,~",1:~".~",'"~,"\,.0;':"~;~.'.;:.,t.;.:,',",';~:-,\:::'l':i~'o~~''i'!,::'~: ",""""'."-"",:""". $13· .25 THE F,l.MOUS .JEWEL ~ $W1NG MACHINE AT LESS THAN COST TO MAKE. .A SAMPLE OF GOOD ADVERTISING. ' 17 OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EXTENSION TABLES ARE BEST MADE BEST FINISHED VALUES All Made frotTiThoroughly Seasoned Stock. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH. NEW STYLES FOR FALL SEASON MOON DESK CO. MUSKEGON, MIC". OffiCE DESKS No. 533. We Manufacture the Largest Line of F010inu <>Uairs in the United States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all public resorts. We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in a large variety. Send for Catalogue and Pricer to Kf\UFfMf\N MfG. GO. ASHLAND, OHIO The New Banquet Table Top as wellall OFFICE, DINING and DIRECTORS' TABLES are OU1' specialty. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO., ~~ Write for Catalogue. Get sampb of BANQUET TABLE TOP. I J 18 Suggested a Story. While discussing the sudden and unnecessary cancellat-tion of orders following the recent monetary storm in Wall street, a traveling salesman who spent his last year's vacation in Ireland, remarkel, "The natural beauty of Ireland is be-yond description. The magic spell of its lakes and mountain scenery one can never forget. While the people are very poor, their prou-d spjrit will never admit their poverty. To judge from their conduct, they are the most happy, content-ed and prosperous people in all the world. No matter how great is their distr-ess, they are courageous, hopeful and uIlcomplaining. \Vhite traveling through the lake region on a jaunting car I called the attention of the driver to a pedestrian on the highway who seemed to he very poor and expressed sympathy for him. The jarvie assured me that my sympathy was misplaced-that the man by his industry they are as ncrvous as the ticklish Irishman. If they could control themselves long enough to order the goods that will be needed for the holiday and spring season of trade, substi-tuting new suites for the poor stuff they so desperately cling to, and then go to work with a will to sell the same, the alarm under which they are sufferirig would quickly pass away." Repor:s of Shipments. Commission salesmen have good grouru:1 for' complaint on account of the individuals, firms and corporations failing, and in most instances, refusing to furnish a daily list of the shipments made. A salesman visiting Omaha, for an in-stance, in October, and learning that no part of an order taken by him in July from a certain dealer had been filled, would be certain to uttcr words that would not be deemed A WELL SEATED LIBRARY. and the practi~e of economy, bad saved .£5 ($25) (Lml placed it in the bank. The jal"vie considered him n~ry well off. Allother pedestrinn. whose appearance indicated extreme poverty, was met later, and the jarvie, who knew everyone in the region, stated that the man was fortunate in having acquired a stock of peat, hig only possession. \varth £ 1-$5. Still another ragged, balf-starved vagabond was passed later in the day. 'That man must be very poor. His clothing is soiled and in tatters. His condition mt1st be a very unfortu:- nate one,' I felt botl11d to remark. 'By no means, sir,' re~ marked the jarvie. 'He is quite well off, sir. His clothes are ragged, but the reason he does not wear better is that" he is 50 ticklish he cannot stand still to be measured for an-other.' It seems to me that many of the retaile:.-s of furni-ture might take a lesson from the poor people of Ireland. They are not as poor as they imagine themselves to be-that either polite or refined. If he had been informed that no goods hnd been shipped the salesman would hnve been saved much time and expense spent in making the second trip to Omaha. Commission and salaried salesmen well com-plain bitterly of the treatment they receive at the hands of the men in the office. Letters asking for information are but seldom answered. The receipt of orders is seldom ac-knowledged and requests for remittances arc unheeded when it is not convenient to respond. In an address to the manu-facturers of Grand Rapids a year or two ago Hon. George P. Hummer declared that as a rule the men engaged in the business of manufacturing furniture are competent, but in the equally important branch of marketing their products they are rank failures. It might be added that there is much that should be learned in the conduct of correspondence and the considerate treatment of traveling salesmen. I 19 SLIGH'S SUPERIOR STYLES SELL IN ALL SEASONS DULL TRADE IS UNKNOWN BY DEALERS HANDUNG THE SUGH UNES. Correct Styles, Good Materials and Honest Workmanship, strong features in the Sligh Lines. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY, BuchananSt. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. GED. SPRATT &, CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Manufacturers of Chairs and· Rockers. A complete line of Oak Diners with quarter sawed veneer backs and seats, A large line of Elm Diners, medium priced. A select line of Ladies' Rockers. Bent and high arm Rockers with solid seats, veneer roll seats, cob-bler seats and up-holstered leather complete. High Chairs and Children's Rockers. You 'Will glt In on th~ jfyou,Td floor when you huy from us, No. 642 Oak, Solid Seat. Price, $17&::. No. 540;.6 Same as No. 542 on I y Quartered Oak, Veneer Seal. $18&:;. No. 542 Robbins Tabl6 60. OWO~~O. Mi6hl!Jan No. 318. AMERICAN OAK. 44x48 IN. TOP, AMERICAN BASE. 7 IN. PILLAR. 20 ·!"~MlfjIIG7fN $ FOR THE FLAT DWELLER. Sarcastic Merchant Describes to Drummer the Sort of Furni-ture Needed. Old Giles, the furniture dealer, sat at his desk pulling away at a cigar an inch and a half long. It had never been a good cigar, and it was, by means of an execrable ecloT, getting even witb the sIr.okcr for having terminated its lease of life- , if a cigar rr:ay be said to have a lease of life. There were no customers in the store. 1\0 one even stopped to look in at the window display, though the place was on a busy street in a large city. Giles was looking ove~- his sales account, and the figures roiled him. To him, in this mood, came the furniture salesman, seeking to interest him in new. winter styles. "Here you are," quoth the salesman, getting out his photo-graphs. "We've got furniture now that will pack your store like a ward caucus. What did you say? Chairs? Well! \Ve've got chairs that will keep people awake nights, sitting in them just for the sakc of being in polite society. Here you have 'em. Chippendale, ribbon-backs and carved backs; Heppelwhite, shield-shaped backs, with wheat-ears and ,honey-suckle flower ornaments; Sheraton, with straight, square back-rail. \Ve've got a line of ebairs that will make people sit up and take notice. How's your stock-" I Giles pitched ,his cigar into the middle of the floor and leaned back in his chair, thumbs in vest armholes, feet straight out. The salesman sat down and began to s'huffie his photo-graphs like he was playing poker. "Look l1ere," said Giles; presently, ~'have you got any fur-niture made on cave-men lines?" "Nothing in stock," laughed the salesman. "We can make some for you. Imitation bear skin bed, ~h? There are no more real bears; you know, since Teddy went out hunting 'em. 'Chairs out of stone, and kitchen cabinets dtt in a rock, eh? You bet, we can fill the order." "Those cave-men," said Giles, "lived in mighty smal1 rootTs. They didn't have a sweep of seventy-five feet from the pador bay wicdow to the library porch at the back of the h011se. They had to double up, like three in a bed and two in the middle. I've been wondering if you couldn't trake some furniture that would fit into a hole in a cliff, or a st:ccession of pigeon-holes in a fifteen story tenement." "You bet we can," replied the sa1esn~an. "We can make a ccdrcom suite that wilt occupy no more space than the con-science of a rr::ail order, and that is about the smallest thing I can think of. What is the color of the bug that is working in your belfry today, old man?" "1:Iy trade is a city trade," explained Giles, "and the city trade is largely a flat-dweller trade. See? I furnish four rooms complete for $47.19. Can you make a folding bed that can be packed away under the sink?" The salesman passed over a cigar. lit one himself, and settled back to hear what was coming. When Giles gets '>taded, the salesmen just listen. "\-Vhen I furnish four rooms for $47.19," he continued, "I can't afford to throw in much lumber. I have to be long on convenience and short on material. Space amounts to more than artistic combinations. How·:-would it answer to make a dining table with kitchen cabinet attachment?" "I don't quite catch on." "Just tip up a leaf and reveal an array of drawers and pig-eon holes. Perhaps you might touch a sp,iog somewhere ::Iud make a washtub of it, too." "Don't you think you need a compress on your wide brow or a cocktail, or something of that sort-just. as a bracer, you know?" Giles didn't stop to consider the proposition. "This flat-dweller proposition," he said, "is a serious one. I They have to take the paper off the walls in some of the flats I furnish in order to get the stuff in. If a piano could also be set up like a wardrobe, that would help some. Could you make a sideboard th·at could be turned around in the eve-ning so as to look like a bookcase?" "Oh, yes," laughed the salesman, "and we can make an ot-toman that can be turned into a keg of beer. How large are these flats you are talking about?" "About nine by seven, except the kitchen, and that is five by four and a half. You can grin if you want,to, but the fur-niture trade has got to meet this new condition. Could you make a davenport that could be swung open and do business as a gas range?" Before the salesman could find a suitable reply, a lady entered the store and stood waiting by the merchant's desk. "I want to get a chiffonier," she said, "and pay one dollar a week. Do you think I can find one here that will fit my sleeping room?" She drew her finger along to a knot in the string. Giles looked at the salesman and winked. The chiffonier indicated Maker of Fred J. Zimmer 39 E. Brid2e St., G.RAND RAPIDS. MICH. HIGH GRADE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Write/or Cuts and Prices. Every Piece Guaranteed PERFECT. by the measurerr:ent of the customer would be about four feet long and eight inches deep. "There,"· she explainEd, "that is just the length of the space reserved for the chiffonie:.-. It can't be any longer than tl:.:I.t,alld it must be that narrow." "We are just out of that size," said Giles, and the lady went out. The merchant knew that the salesman hOldboth ~een and heard, so r:e did not refer to the incident. "Yes, sir," he said, "this flat-dweller condition will revo-lutionize the furniture trade. I think SOffit;' "'imes that it will also revolutionize the marriage market. I had a clerk work-ing for me who is a victim of the small flat system. He fell in love with a little, slender, violet-eyed creature and married her. They lived in one of these top flats, where any extra compallY causes the hosts to sleep on the fire escape, and they had lots of company, too. Poor things! ""\-VeIl,this slender young creature began to get fat, and she got so stout that they had to move most of the furniture up to the roof so she could turn around in her own house. Finally, she got so fat that she couldn't get through the win-dow to the fire escape when they had company, ami Edwin g-ot a divorce. He said he had to get a wife who could live in those rooms or move, and it cost less to get a divorce than to move. Could you make a flat refrigerator that could be packed away up on the transom?" "Of course," replied the salesman. "I was just figuring on making an easy that could be turned into a crock of butter. Say, if you will look at these photos I'll get out of town. I begin to feel like going up in the air a few." "This is no josh-talk about small furniture," insisted the merchant. "And the size is not all. If these flat-dwellers keep on they'll be wanting dishes that they can tie into bed-quilts at night. What sort of dreams would a man have if he went to sleep l1m]cr a quilt made of soup plates? I guess he'd have a nig.htmare, all right. Could you make an up-holstered sofa that would flatten out against the wall and look like a pen-and-ink drawing of the Battle of Bull Run?" The salesman lit anothcr cigar and began buttoning up his coat. "Oh, don't be in a rush," said Giles, "There is nothing doing here, and you may as well be getting the flat-dweller feature of the furniture business. You've got to come to it. If this thing keeps on, most of the stuff will have to be built with just a little lumber and a lot of hinges. If the folding bed could be made to knock down so it could go under tbe kitchen sink in the day time, and the davenport coald do daty as a picture of some great battle or as a gas range, or as a bath tub, or somcthing like that, the rooms I)f the flat-dwellers might bc made e\'ell smaller. Could these Chippendale chairs be made to lock together so they could serve as a hammock? There is a place on the roof for a hammock, you know." "Look here," said the salesman, '\vhen you send in another order, you just mention these little matters to the firm. If you want a Turkish rug that can be worn as an overcoat, just mention it. You send the order in, and we'll furnish a man with all ax who will mOlke the furniture fit the rooms." "Oh, you needn't get spunky about it," said Giles. "I mOlY have exaggerated a little, but I'm telling you right now that the modern flat will cause a revolution in the furniture business, and that before many years. There'll be a big de- 1r~al1d for hinges when your designers wake tip. Do you think you could get up a woman's workbox that could be twisted into a pickle jar?" Then the salesman shot out of the store, leaving Giles choking with laughter in his chair. As the salesman tUrIled the corner he bumped into a lady pushing a go-cart which could be changed into a shawl strap. Bllt whell he got home and began to consider seriously the question of Giles' sanity, he sa" .·.. that there was something in the idea that furniture makers must soon begin to figure "1 tl'C pet,t-up flat proposition, in order that all the pieces due in a ten-room house might be gathered in a four-room flat 011 the fifteenth floor, the rooms each being seven by ten feet in-size. ALFRED B. TOZER. Knobs and Pulls. That come off am} mar thc furniture are a nuisance and dear at any price. The Tower Patent fastener, known as thc "No-Kum-Loose," is the only practical device that holds pullo, and knobs so that there is no possibility of thclr coming ot!. The vcry fact that so n:.any imitations ·have bcen put Qll the market is the hest posslbte proof of lhe merits of lhe "No-Kum-Loose" fasteners, which arc made exclusively by the Grand Rapids Brass Company, and furnished with all pul1s and knobs without cost to the manufacturers. The sale of the "No-KnIll-Loose" fastener has grown to enor-mous proportions, and their populaC"ty is increasing· all the time. --------- Lockless Metal Folding Beds -Manufactured by the- SAFF.TV FOLDING BED COMPANY (Ltd.) DETROIT, MICH. It has long pasMd the experimental -point, and is now r('c-ognb: ed as perfection in bed manufacturing. It has been in prlldieal use in thousands of bomes for the pad !!ix J'ears and each year it!! poplllarity bas increased. It is an estab)il:ihed fact that METAl. Beds are the most Sanitary, and that Folding llet-al Beds llre the most de!!!irahle for many reasons. It has been our aim to produce a Fulding l\letal Bed that combines all the qualities 01 the ordi-nary sta.tionary bed, and in addition have the folding feature simple and safe. It is a,s impossible for a "Safety" bed to d08e up when occu-pied as it would be for the ordinary bed•.. In fact, the more weight is in it, the more rigid It Is. Tlu,'re aTe no weights OT ('om.plicated mechantsill about the "Safety"; it is simplicity Ib.elf. It Deeds only to be tried 'to be appreciated. A whole bed 'when yon want it. One-third of a. bed when you dOll't. 'Vhen closed it can be mOl'ed about as easily as a baby carriage. The lJedding Is not disturbed and when covered bed stands back against the wall, leav-ing the Illmr space for other uses. The improvements during the past year cover nearly every point in mechanism., construction and ma-t erial. There bas been ab80lutely noth-ing left undone that could add to the de-sirability of the "Safe-ty." A point tlutt we wish to call your at-tention to, and one which every house-keeper will appreciate is this: There is no trouble In handling the mattre&s, covel'8, or pillon-s, Ill!; they are at all times securely fastened to the bed. The "Safety" dO(,;8 not monopolize a whole room when in use. It folds up to one-third its size wben open, occupying a space H x 82 inches. 'Vith this bed a parlor or sitting room may be used as a sleeping apartment without the slighte(!ltjnconven_ ience or discomfort. ,,"'hen it'l.'i open it looks like a bed, not the gpent cumber-some, unwieldY, UD-sightly thing of the J'fl8t that used to be called a folding bed. S tee 1, Malleable Iron an(l High Car-hon Angle are use(l throughuut, thus as-l.' il1l'inga !!irong-, dur~ lIhle hed tlInt will last a lifetime. F.Alch bed, regard-les!'! elf design, prioo ()r size, haB the "ame "Easy I,ift" mechan-ism, hall hcaring Cll;;- tel's, tubular spring frame with ela"tic fabric, whi(~h not only insures comfort but extrelue ease in operatil.l:n. No lock" or weights (If any kInd are used on'the bed. None are needed. ~- Standard 8,1 z e 8 of "pring frame are made in the 'followlng width: . 4- feet 6 lnche!!!. 4 feet, 3, feet 6 incbeB and 3 feet, all 6 feet 3 inches lung unJe!!!s other-wise ordered. Mat-treSl.' ie8 of staDdard length aod width can be used 011 oor bed!!!. We do, not rec()mmend any partieular style or thickness. Write for DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST. 21 22 Reliable and Substantial Furniture SUCH AS WE MAKE IS EVER THE SOURCE OF PLEASURE AND PROFIT TO THE RETAILER AND THE PURCHASER BlodB'ett Block, GRAND RAPIDS. in January ROCKFORD CHAIR AND FURNITURE CO., Rockford,Ill. Evansville Lines in Chicago. Evansville will make a good exhibit of furniture in Chi-cago. Space has been leased on the first :floor of the Manu-facturers' Exchange, corner of Wabash avenue and Four-teenth street, where the following lines will be on sale through the coming year: Karges Furn:ture Company, chamber suites and ward-robes. Globe Furniture Company, chamber suites and sideboards. B~ckstege Furniture Company, extension, dining, library and parlor tables. Bosse Furniture Company, kitchen cabinets and ward-robes. Evansville Metal Bed Company, metal beds. \\Todd Furniture Company, folding beds. The joint exhibit will contain several thousand pieces. Will Not Open Until July. On: account of the inability of the owners to obtain the steel necessary in the completion of the Furniture Exchange in Grand Rapdis, the opening of the same will be postponed until July next. Work on the structure will 'Continue through the winter. The soap clubs, and similar clubs formed for the purpose of appeal;ng to social, as well as other tendencies of womell, particularly appeal to them by means of skillfully wonkd. schemes for raising money for churches. Merchants who arc bothered by such schemes and clubs should make it a point to take a firm stand on the matter. If church support is to be gained by injuring home merchants then home merchanr.~ should give their church support elsewhere, hut only after the matter is explained fully to those who direct the fund gather-ing for the institution.-Exchange. A Store Telephone System. Two hundred telephones installed in the store of R. H. White & Co. of Boston, enable customers to communicate with every department of the establishment free, and with individuals outside of the establishment for a nickel. Colors That Did Not Match. The Stenographer-Nellie, where's that tall beau you used to have? The Bookkee.per-I set him adrift. He had no taste in dress. His blue necktie did not harmonize with the green upholstery of the divan upon which we used to sit. Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Montgomery IronDlspla)l Couch Truckssenlyou on ap.ptoval ~ If not .satisfactory they can be returned at DO expense to you whatever. while the price lIllked is but II frille. com. pared to the convenience they afford aDd the economy they repreaent in the aaving of floor space. Thirty-two couches mounted on the Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks occupy the same floor space: as twelve dis. played in the Wlual manner. Write for catalogue giving fun descrip. tion and price in the different finishes. to. gether with iIlustralions demonstrating the use of the Giant Short Rail B~ F asIener for Iron Beds. Manufactured by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATENTBE Silver Cree~ New York, U. S. A. Dennie Wire and Iron Co.• Cataadian Manu-facturen. Londoa, Onl. 23 FROM THE CATALOG OF THE NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE CO•• GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The "ELI" fOLDING BEDS mfrr"~,':..m No Stock complete without the Eli Beds in Mantt:ll and Upright. EL I 0. MILLER & Co.WErvitae .ofo"r '"cuets.laanddlapric.e.s No. 257. PrIOe$18.50. Has 48ltlch Top, 5 Legs and is Highly Polished. It's One of the "SUPE,RIOR" There are many more, all Peaches, Pie and Pudding. Send for Catalogue and get a taste. EV4NSVILLE IND. THE BOCKSTEGE fURNITURE CO. Globe Side-boards Am me 80S1 on I the mone lor the MOney GET OUR CATALOGUE Mention the MICHI-GAN ARTiSAN when writiIlfl. Globe Furniture Company EVANSVILLE. l ~ Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets and K.D. Wardrobes. Is all we mo.k e but . we make Iota of them. Get Catalogue and Prices. The Bosse Furniture CO EVAN SVIU.E.IND • Kar~es War~ro~es are Good Wardrobes GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RIGHT WTjtef~r, Catalogue Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILI.E, IND. 26 FOREST MADE FURNITURE. Adirondack Guides Who Are Also Wood Workers. When an Adirondack guide is really master of his craft he is also a great deal morc. In particular he is a skilled, quick and ingenious carpenter and joiner, with an expert knowledge of local woods and a deftness in making articlc,s of furniture from cedar and pine in the round that few urban craftsmen can equal. Such men can furnish a camp throughout with articles of these materials made to the rustic fashion, and there is no more appropriate furnishing for a camp that is really such and not a mere palace in the wilderness. For the bedrooms they make bedsteads, usually of pine in the round with the bark removed for the sake of greater cleanliness, sometimes of planed planks. The washstand is made of tongued and grooved wood and shaped to go into a corner of a room or tent. It is usually provided with ample shelves for storage. Every bedroom or tent has its two wood boxes, one of large size to hold the billets of hardwood which are to keep the hearth fire or the tent stove going, another of small size to hold the light, dry pine used for kindling. These boxes are made in several forms and are always charming and ap-propriate. Sometimes the larger box is a crib of carefully chosen cedar sticks in the round firmly joined and provided with a tight bottom. The small~r box is often of pine boards cov· ered with birch bark carefully chosen for color -and marking, andbol.lnd with narrow strips of birch or some other native wood with the bark all. Sometimes the kindling box is completely covered with small strips of some wood that tenaciously retains its bark. In such case the coloring of the bark is carefully considered, and the box with its hinged lid is beautiful. Structurally also, it is excellent, for it is nicely joined in every part. It is the pride of the carpenter-guide to make use of simple materials ready to hand, y.nd accordingly t.he hinges of such a box arc often' contrived of wrought nails cleverly twisted and turned so that t!tey serve their purpose to perfection, and give a permanent and easy working hinge. Chairs for the bedroom, porch and living room are made in a great variety of shapes from cedar with the bark on. All the parts are fitted together so that the chair is at once strong, comfortable, neat in appearance and stable on its legs. Great arm chairs are made thus with seats of cedar in the round like a miniature corduroy road.- The braces of the back are made with decorative intent, but structural qualities are rarely sacrificed for decoration. In some parts of these big chairs the cedar is bent, with the result of decoration and structural excellence. Smaller chairs are made on the same plan, and some are of simpler design. Tables are made of all sizes and for many purposes, A dining table seating a dozen persons and made of cedar in the, round, with planed pine top, has becn used in one Adirondack camp for fifteen years. It is in every way admirably suited' to its purpose, and the bark remains on the cedar just as when the table was made. Smaller tables on the same plan are used for many pur-poses. More decorative tables are made of cedar, some in hexagonal form, others round, with three legs, very tippy, but not impracticable. Still others are made of wood in the round with the bark on. The face of the table in such case is made of small pieces wrought into a pattern or rayed from the centre. It is in ambitious efforts like these that the carpenter guide is apt to be betrayed into bad taste. As often as not, though .his aesthetic mistakes come from his efforts to coin~ ply with the tastes of his employers. Benches, settees, sewing tables, sofas and even sideboard'S are made of such rustic materials and UpOtI simple lines. Plant baskets are covered with birch bark, and': serviceable cnps and pitchers are made of that material. Excellent linen chests arc made entirely of cedar in the round save for an interior lining of pine. Indeed it would be hard to name any article of household furniture which can be made of wood t.hat the guide will not undertake to make from the native material: Cedar is the favorite wood with the carpenter guides be-cause it is aoraole and easily worked. Every camp should have some seasoned cedar in the round stored against need. \Vild cherry with the bark on is used for small decorativ~ articles, and with good effect. ,"Vhite and yellow birch arc also used, and less often beech. Alder is also 'Used for small articles. The beautifully cylindrical form of the cedar rccommel1ds it for large articles. Nails are commonly used rather than wooden pegs for sC'~ curing joints. For the more delicate work long slender brad.:; are used. The carpenter guides would rather 1.1Secopp::r fastenings, but these make articles of furniture r3therexpel1~ sive. For articles not to be exposed to weather iron nails serve very well. Such furniture, when not too decorative in design, is :c~ markably durable. The chair Seats of cedar in the round are apt to break down before any other part of the chair, but these are easily replaced. l\hny articles will last with ordinary usag~ for twenty sea-sons or more. The bedsteads and the heavy chairs and tables indeed will last indefinitely. Some of these articles after more than fifteen years' service show beautifully tight joints and betray not the slightest weakness. The makers of this rustic camp furniture take an artist's pride in their work and the best of them are never content without the finest result of their skill. They ;h.ave a quick eye for a piece of wood with the right turn or curve for a particular place, and they match parts in shape, color and texture with unerring certainty. Rustic furniture sold in the shops is clumsy, tasteless and flimsy compared with the best work of the guide carpenters. They do their work commonly in camp with their own kit of tools and with few of the appliances required by the car~ penter and joiner who works in a shop. The handiwork of the carpenter guides is not cheap, at least in first cost. Factory made chairs, tables and bed-steads can be had for less money, and few _camps are without a good deal of rather disfiguring furniture that pretends to be rustic. The work of the guides, made by hand in every part of carefuly selected timber by a high priced mechanic, who re~ fuses to be, hurried into slighting even the smallest detail, can never be as cheap as furniture produced wholesale by ma~ ehinery. Its yirtuc lies in its durability and its fitness for the place it 1S to fill. Bound to Stop Then. In a suit lately tried in a Maryland court the plaintiff had testified that his fmancial counsel took him in hand for cross-examination and undertook to break down his testimony upon this point. "Have yOUever been bankrupt?" asked the counsel. "I have not." "Now, be careful," admonished the lawyer, with raised finger. "Did you ever stop payment?' "Yes." the truth," observed the "When did this suspen~ «Ah, I thought we should get at counsel, with an unpleasant smile. sion of payment occur?" "When I had paid all I owed/' was the naive reply of the plaintiff. FOURTEENTH SEASON THE BIG BUILDING JANUARY 2 TO FEBRUARY 1, 1908 T-R -I-R-T -E-E- N -N - I -N - E· T ·E-E-N There are availa hIe now a few choice spaces. :: Immediate application is necessary to secure them MANUF ACTURERS' EXHIBITION BUILDING COMPANY:: 1319MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 27 28 ~r;.IfflIG7!N ? GRAINGER'S FOOL MANAGER. He Showed Himself to be Just Loony Enough to Unravel a Bad Tangle. Grainger, the new vice president of the Kennett Furniture Company, entered the office one morning with a glare in his eyes. Grainger was not an old furniture maker. He had acquired a bundle of money in Ligh.t and Traction and Dewar Brewery stock, and had dumped it into the Kennett company, receiving a place on the board of directors and a job as vice president. His duties as vice president were to nose around the factory and watch the experts grind out dividends for him. For this strenuous work he was on the payroll for $5,000 a year. Grainger was not only angry that morning. He was mad -mad clear through. His positive orders had been disregard-cd 1 He bounced into a chair at his desk-it was,the largest and fmest desk in the establishment-and touched an elec-tric button for the manager to appear before him. Brinton, who had long filled that position, and was erect of figure and keen of eye, came in presently and stood waiting. It was plain to see that there was no love lost between the new vice president and the old manager. Grainger looked up with a scowl. Brinton did not appear to shrink any. He kept his size under the wrathy gaze of the vice president. 'Td like to know what this means!" Grainger exploded. Brinton stoqd waiting. He was a man of few words. Grainger :had to do his own explaining. HI met Norman out here, " he said, "and he tells me that you have discharged him." Brinton nodded. "Didn't I leave positive orders to keep him along indefi-nitely?" Again Brinton nodded. "Then why did you discharge him," thundered Grainger, thumping his desk with a hairy fist. "Why do you disregard all my wishes? Tell me why you discharged Mr. l\orman!" "Because he was not earning the money the company paid him." The manager did not appear to be very much interested it: the subject. "That's the company's affair," roared Grainger, "and not yours. You put him back in the factory. You'll find him waiting outside the employes' entrance." HTheteare several others," said Brinton, leaning over t11~ top of Grainger's fine desk, "who have been kept on the pay-roll through your influence. I was thinking of letting some of them out today." Grainger sprang to his feet, his eye tiger-fierce, his breath coming in short gasps. Grainger was altogether too fat to permit of much rage. "You Jet them out at your peril!" he gasped. "I'll carry the matter to the board of di~ectors. I'll find out who runs this shop 1" Brinton made no reply to this. He stood looking into the inflamed face of the vice president with a 'smile on his lips. His contract with the company was for five years, an-d he knew, besides, that the directors would sustain him. Pres-ently he said: "Have you time to take a look through the factory, Mr. Grainger?" , "I give my orders here, and not in the factory," grunted Mr. Grainger. "But there are several things concerning which 1 would like to. have your advice," said Brinton; and that produced a change in the aspect of the; angry man. The manager did not often ask his advice about anything. "All right," he said, wobbling out of the chair. "I have a little time to give you this morning:' 7'lR.T 1.5'JI1"'I e 7. • Brinton led the way to the big shop on the first floor of the factory building, It was full of machinery, and dust, and lumber and noise. This was where the first c,utting was made. "Now that I have yoU here," said Grainge~, as the men stood on a little platform raised above t.h.e floor level, "I'd like to call your attention to the fact that the mechanical part of this plant is in a tangle. We don't get our orders out on time. Sometimes there is fault found with the goods. You have got to change all this, or I'll know the reason why." The new vice president, under the conciliatory manner of the manager, was getting just a little chesty. He thought he had Brinton down and out, mentally, and was resolved to press his advantage. "This room," said Brinton, not replying to the other ,"is in charge of one qf your men. I think he was in a saw mill before he came here. Just look Over the place, if you please." "And Granger looked over the place and frowned. The floor was piled high, here and there, with lumber, around which workmen were winding their way, losing hours of time because the room was not orderly. One of the large belts Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting on the best Caster Cups with cork bases ever olferoo to the trade. These are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple in a light finish. These goods are admirable forpolished floors and furn-iturerests. Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES; Size 2X inches .•.•.. $4.00 per hundred .Size-2* inches ...... 5.00 per hundred Try a Sample Order, F. O.B. fl1'and Rapid8. running from the main shaft was off the pulley and a machin-ist sat on a stool mending it. A knife had "Proken in one of the planers and the machine was idle. Three men sat on the edge of one of the lumber piles waiting for stock. As the vice president and manager looked down upon them they moved away, and two men who had been talking together at a bench resurr::ed operations. Only about half the men on the floor seemed to be employed, and th~se were working per-functorily. liAs I was saying," continud Grainger, <'things have got to change here. We're not going to lose our good money because of a fool manager." . He glanced at Brinton as he used the word, but Brinton only sn~iled. "I have discharged the man who runs this floor," he said, "to take effect Saturday night. This is the first knot in the tangle. The felow has no executive ability. He can't keep his men at work." "You'll put him back again!" roared the vice president. "I have told him many times," said Brinton, not noticing the other's remark, "to have his machines and· belting inspect-ed daily and to have all repairs made at night, also to keep the flooT dear, so that rr,.en won't have to walk half a mile to get across the shop." "1 think he is a competent man," growled Grainger. "When stock runs slow in this room," continued Brinton, ,II I "it blocks everything. The boys can't handle the stock if they don't get it. Until this man of yours came in here there was no trouble. Now, if you are ready, we will go up to the <:.abinet Toom." Grainger snorted. He could see plainly enough that the room wasn't being Tun just right,_ that time ".·.a. s wasted, and that there was no governing hand, hut he did not want to give in just then. "This," said Brinton, pausing at the entrance to another large room on the floor above, "is where the cases arc put together. Some of the Te-sawing is being done here. You see that pile of stock by the last saw? 'VVell,that was cut as the order came, and cut too small. Some of the men had to wait until material was supplied. The man who did the job 29 smoothly ·again in a week. Some of the old men will have to go, for your new men have put fool ideas iutq their heads, but I'll get along without them. "It's a fine thing to have capitalists put their money into any business, but it will not do to have them setting their friends over the men whose work has made the business a success. Send your men in here one at a time and let them work their way up. It takes skilled men to make good fur-nitme, and I'm going to have my way about selecting them as long as I remain here. The money for the company is made or lost right in this factory and it depends on me wheth-er it is made or lost. I've got your tangle untied now, and you may take the matter to -the board if you want to." But Grainger d-id not take the matter to the boar~. He NOTE THE VARIETY OF STYLES, is a new man, fresh from the plow, I take it. His name is Norman." "I don't believe you gave Norman half a chance," roared Grainger. You put him back and give him a fair trial." "This furniture factory," continued Brinton, "is no eighth grade tTaining school. You said there was a tangle here. There is. The tangle was caused by the men who got into the shops by the front doOT, and not by those ".·.h. o have been pushed up to their present positions after thorough trial. Now, if you have time, wc'Jl visit the finishing department." Grainger panted ashe climbed the stairs. \Vhen he got to the finishing department he saw that several men were standing about, hands in pockets, doing nothing. "These men are waiting for stock," explained Brinton. "The man in the re-sawing room spoiled a lot of stock yes-terday, and these fellows have to wait for mOTe to be gotten out." "Now you know where the tangle is. It comes from having too ma!ly men running this manufacturing department. I have found the key to it a'nd wilt have things running had begun to ull(lcrstand that jobs in a furniturc factory are no sinecures, to be fi·lled by' men who don't know the business, over the heads of men who :have spent their lives in the dust of the factory. And NQrman didn't get his job baek. ALFRED B. TOZER. "opkln .... d n.rrld St.. 0, "enry Schmit &. Co. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE LODGE AND PULPIT. PARLOR LIBRARY, HOTEL AND CLUB ROOM 30 How to Face the Mail Order Bogie. One of the "live" questions of the day, both in the retail and the wholesale world is the retail mail order problem. Any salesman who travels about the country will tell you. that many dealers complain bitterly of the mail order competition. Other merchants assert that since the retailers have taken steps to meet it, this competition is hardly felt by them. A few big mail order houses have made a phenomenal success in selling; they have ;had a number of imitators who have not been so succcs:,ful. These leading houses put forth very large claims; they have created the impression that they are of much public benefit in selling goods much cheaper than they can he sold hy retailers. Are their c1aiIT_s exaggerated and do they really s~~l on the average (')heaper than the country merchant: It seems necessary to get at the truth a1'out these matters before ascertaining how the who1csalercan help the dealer to combat this competition. In the first place to clear the ground it may be stated that the mail order house is 'after all nothing but a retail concern. Instead of selling across the counter, it simply takes orders through the mails and forwards the shipment by mail, ex-press or freight as instructed. It is a fact that the big mail order house does buy on the average about five per cent more cheaply than the retailer. But against this is to be set a much greater selling expense. The catalogue and advertising expense of the mail order concern is enormous. The mail order house has all the other usual expenses of a big business house in addition-ex-cept the cost of salesmen. The selling expense is well over 20 per cent of the sales. Many articles the mail order merchant sells at from 50 to 100 per cent profit. He often sells single articles at cost, or even below cost, but always with a purpose. He charges higher prkes on other articles he eannot sell a whit cheaper than the ordinary retail dealer. The truth is that the mail orde'r man is simply a bettcr salesman than the retailer in many instances. iTe usually is a better advertiser, a better "suggestor." He does not real-ly sell more cheaply, but he bas the ability to make people believe that he does. Further, the total volume of mail order business done in the cQuntry is not nearly so large as it is supposed to be. One of the two biggest houses in the country, which has been doing business more than thirty years, sells about half a mil-lion dollars' worth of merchandise per week. The third larg-est mail order house does a business of but five millions per year. Altogether, taking the large and small mail order con-cerns, the total volume of business done by them within a year amounts to little more than a dollar for each inhabitant of the United States, say at the outside $100,000,000. Against this is to be set the fact that the three hundred thousand re-tailers of the country do three billion dollars' worth of busi~ nness within twelve months. In other words, retailers do thirty times as much as mail order men, It is the concenstls of opinion among the biggest whole-salers that the mail order problem is very much exaggerated by tlwusands of retaHers. 'i\There the facts are known by retailers the competition is met squa.rely, without fear, bitterness or exaggeration and by good business mcthod~.;. It then soon becomes a negligible factor. Probably the greatest service the wholesaler can render to the retailer is to make him acquainted with the facts of the case a11ddisseminate information as to how other dealers have overcome such competition. It has welt been said that a man afraid takes a distorted view of his opponent. The merchants who suffer most from mail order competition are the ones who dread it most, who reatly know least about it and. who base their beliefs mainly on what the eatalogue people themselves assert, If the country merchant goes right after trade in a busi-nesslike manner and shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no reason for people to buy away from home, he will surely "win out" against the mail order man. But he must regard m~il order competition in the right light-not using invectives or giving people the impression that he is in any way afraid of the mail order people. One level-headed rr::erchant expressed his views recently in a trade paper along thes~ lines as follows: "A few years ago we heard a terrible howl about the de-partment store. \\There are the leather lunged men made such a howl about the department store? They are gone where the mail order howler will go---into oblivion. "\i\That has the de,partl1:).entstore done for us? It has im-proved methods of merchandising as no other force could have done. It has made us wake up; it has made us im-prove our stores; it has made us advertise and it has made us better business men. If we learn from the mail order house as we have learned from the department store it will do us a great deal of good. It will make us vastly more up to date,'·' -John Olson. A New Factory at Albany, Oregon. . The manufacture of furniture'is an industry that is steadily growing in magnitude in \Vashington and Oregon, At Seat-tle and Portland the industry has gained a strong foothold. A new factory will be put into operation at Albany, Ore., by Gilkison & 1IacNeil1. It will be incorporated under the title of the Albany Furniture ldanufacturing Company. (IESTABLISHED 'B68) BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes New York 262 Pearl St. ""'to. 520 Adantic Ave. PhUadelphia 26-28 No. 4th St. Baltimore 29 S. HanDTel' St. BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT CANADIAN FACTORY, WALKERVILLE ONTARIO Cbieago 48·50 lAke St. Cincinnati 420 Maib St. St. Louis 112 So. 4th St. San Francisco 668 Howard St. MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPREOIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRITE FOR INFORMATION, FINISHED WOOD SAMPLES, AND LITERATURE. THIS IS THE CAN AND LABEL. - 71R T 1.5'J'I..l'\I .e 7$ 31 WARNING! No. 50. Imitation Spanish Leather Velour Plain Imitation Leather Embossed Imitation Leather Spring Seat $5.50 5.50 5.50 5.75 6.25 WARNING! We are the owners of the patents and design patents of this line of K. D. Rock-ers. No one has authority to make these Rockers and we will prosecute all infringers and deal-ers who buy of in-fringers. Send your orders direct to us by mail Of give them to our salesmen who are covering the entire Uniled States. WARNING! No. 52. Imitation Spanish Leather Velour Plain Imitation Leather Embossed Imitation Leather Spring Seat 56.50 6.50 6.50 6.75 7.25 STANDARD CHAIR COMPANY, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Men With Force of Character Scarce. A. F. Karges, president of the Karges Furniture Company, and a :member of many boards of management of banks, manufacturing corporaticl11s and other business interests of Evansville, Ind., takes a lively, almost paternal, interest in young men and a considerable number occupying important positions are indebted to }Ir. Karges for their advance. Mr. Karges is a very modest man, and when he \vas requested to relate his experiences in .his search for young men to occupy positions of responsibility he declared that well balanced men, mentally, with force of character, are very scarce. The world lacks men who are ready to do the right thing for its own sake; men who clearly and quickly perceive ,the duty they owe to themselves and to their fellow men and with strength of character to act ulHeservedly and for~ibly in the performance of duty. Mr. Karges is highly esteemed by those whom he has aided in the manner shted above, as the faithful, efficient service they have rendered and are still ren-dering proves beyond question. Will Resume the Manufacture of Furniture. Years ago the Stenglein 1\b.nufacturing Company of Sag-itta'v, ::\1ich., manufactured cheap bed room furniture on an extensive scalc. \iVhen the cost of domestic lumber ad-vanced to a point so high as to render the industry unprofit-able the company changed its line to show cases. Recently the manufacture of furniture was resumed, and the company expects to gradually abandon the show case business. vVal-ter Langley sells the furniture line. Dining Rooms for Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving season .;:Ifforded window dressers an opportunity to display their skill and taste in fitting up rooms for displaying the things lJeeded in a dining rOOI11. No. room in a house offers greater opportunities for display than the dining room and in many cities the window dressers furnished evidence of great ability in their art. \\lith a well set table as the main attraction, its surroundings, while subordinate to the center of interest, when used judiciously, complete the ensemble. Corpses Furnished Free of Charge. The enterprising undertaker of Paralytic Stroke, Ariz., an-nounces his business as follows: ****** * ******** * "Everything necessary for a first- * * class funeral constantly on hand. Prices * * reasonable. If the parties reside in * ..,.. this county we furnish the corpse free * * of charge. Give us a call." * ****** * ******** MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER & VENEERS SPECIALTIES: ~1";'t'ErJQUAR. OAK VEN EERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main SI., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA Cal)inet Makers In these days of close competition, need the best possible equipment, and this they can have in . . . . BARNES' Hand and Foot POWER Machinery 1654 Ruby Street. Rochford. Ill. Our New nend Bnd Foot Power Clrnular Saw No.4 The strongest, most powerful, and In C!:f· ery way the best mac:hine of Ita kind ever made for ripping, Send for OUT New Catalogue. cross-cutting, boring and g oving . . F..®. JOHN BARNES CO. The White irectory CONTAINS A CAREFULLY OMPILED LIST OF MANUFACTU!'tERS OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS, ANDI~:E~~~~Dt~S~RIES Classified by towns and states, alphabetically arranged. Now Ready. Send in your order. WHITE PRINTING! COMPANY PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS. PUBL SHERS, BINDERS 2-20 LYON ST., GRAND ~APIDS, MICH. i UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD. ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, ConArudion and Finish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exhibi~ lion 7th Floor, New· Manufad-luers' Building, Cranel R~pid8. P I Mf C DETROIT. a mer g. o. MICH.... MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD AND IRON FRAME Wire· Mattresses SPRINC BEDS•.COTS: AND CRIBS. AL<;O PARLOR AND UBRARY TABLES. Write for lDustr.ted Cin:rcdar. ] WE'VE GOT THE GOODS. [ r- I ~!'1.19fIIG7fN. 7I~Tl'i:~ *"'- I MAGNIFICENT FURNISHINGS. The Mauretania's Accommodations for Passengers. "The new CUl1ardcr ]\1attrelania, now 011 her maiden Lip! across the Atlantic, cc1ip.;;c:.;('ven the Lusitania in the ar:-angc-' n!cnts for the comfort of the 3,500 pers,ms \ylw C[ill he lodged in comfort ()11 a trip aCTOsS the Atlantic. Tbe ship has, ve:y spaciolls quarters, evell in the lhinl c1a~:s apartments.i This large host is accnrnH1o<1atcd in roums each large CllOugh! to allow of from four beds being litted, and all ample supply! of books for clothes and the like. F:\(11 room is also !,tL~'d wiU:wash basins, mirrors ,ll~d toilet requisites. Large acd: well-\'cntil<lted rOO1llS for day lIse are provided for smo;..::ing, reading, aud the like. Tl1(~s(,";He ,Ill panelled out inf)olishe(l hardwood. The dining saloon for the steerage or third clas,,, pa5sell-, g-ers i:~literally a grand saloon, being paneled tllronghoLlt in polished <Ish; the upper part is light or uatltral colored, and: the d,lc1o part dark ('oL!re<l. Tl:e numerots port lights h this saloon arc fitted ~,rith ornamental gbss uceIlS WiOI e1ip---: tical hC<1ds, (11~c1whcn closed, shut out the 1<:st and ollly in' dication of being Oil a r,hip, and thus give the pas:.;engers the imprcssioll of heing entertained ill senne large hall ashore. i\ pi:l11o and other articles of furniture aU combine to give [l! home-like appearance to this rOOIH. The sLirs th:"oLlgho\1t this section of t1:e sl1ip arc all oi poJi,~hed teak. The engineers are acc(J11l1no(\atecl in rooms Ilcar to the machinery lllHler their charge, anti have suites of rooms ui lLcct every 11C('(l, including" haths, drcssi:lg", ~'lllol-:ing, dining; odc., all of which are htted lip in high-class 3tyle in polished mahogany, except t'];'e chief engineer\.; qua ters. whcll ~lj"(j all wains(:otted in Austrian oak. The .'l('col"":d class pa.'lscngcj-s' a::cm:rco<!:ttiol1 i::.; situated in the aft part of the ship, and is htted out in the lllO!.;t up-t~)- date styles-in fact, it is hard to believe that this is the see':' ond c1as,~, t01" it sccms almost imj}os:.;ihlc to conccive anything-more cCJ1r:fortable or imagine greater luney or requlrcment* Oil a trip of less than iivc days' clllf<ttioll, for l:ere we have rooms htted np wit'll every consi-deration for comfort to ac~ commodate one, t"vo, three or fOlll" pcrS01~S _: (':tch room has one or two lavatories, sofa, toilet racks, ',varclrohes, ltlggag~; racks, trays, mirrors, and other necessary fittings. Batll~ and lig-ht rcf1"csh1l1cnt bars arc provided at cOIlVelli,,!lt posiL tiOllS" The public roon:s in this class arc OEe of t11e fe;\tures of the ship; they cOllsist of dining room, smoking room, dra\villg- , Pioneer Manufacturinl! Company DETIl.OIT. MICN. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts full line sLown OD l!Iecond f]OOl', 1 319 Mlcbi~an Ave., Chi. caito, In January. No. M2521 This is an ever popular design. Notice its lines, also the character of its upholstering. The seat cushion is entirely stufted with hair and the back with silk floss. The filling in connection with the shape of the design (especially planned to fit the back) makes everyone pronounce it the most comfortable rocker they ever sat in. Notice particUlarly the sanitary loose cushion seat and back which is an innova-tion in this style of a rocker. This feature alone sells hundreds of them. Springs have been used in a liberal ,quant-ity and are of the best high tempered steel. Without exception this is the biggest dupli-cater we ever bad. Our ambition is to place them in every town, city and village in America, and with that end in view we offer No. M2S21 for $20.00 in Linen Velour $21.50 in Panne Plush $25.00 in strictly No. 1 Leather JANUARY 1st DATING on the bill, the terms of which will be 2 per cent 10 days, net 60 day,.;, F. O. B. Grand Rapids. Mueller & Slack Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 33 ~MI9J-1IG7}N a 7IR.. T 1..57'.r7-U'1 HORN BROS. MFG. CO. 281 t0291 W.SuperiorSt. CHICAGO, - ILL. BEDROOM FURNITURE OUR SPECIALTY Goods displayed at the Manufacturers' Furniture Ex~hange, Wabash and 14th St. and ",ithHall & Knapp, 181 Michigan Ave .• Chicago. III. room and to\.mge. The latter is panelled out in highly fig-ured and exceptionally fine teak, and forms all agreenble rest-ing place for ladies and gentlemen, being fitted with, every-thing necessary fej"rindulgence, luxury, and easc. The smoke-room is furnished with every due considerati:}l1 for comfort. The sides ;FC panelled with Cuban mahogany, having inlaid panels of original design. Settees and chair;:" tables for writing, careL and refreshments are prodded in cozy corners for select parties. Electric belL> and a -]l(;st of other small items all combine to make this room one of the most enticing. The dnlwing room is quite unique, being fitted out in plain maple with figured panels, having gilt mouldings or or-naments of Louis X VI style, ,vit'h suitable furniture. consist-ing of settees,· chairs, tables, and piano, all in perfect har-mony. The \l\lindow3 ill this room, as well as in the smokc-room, are all fitted with ornamental sliding screens, and when closed give the respective rooms an exceptionally cosy and home-like appearance. The dining room accommodates 250 persons, and is fitted out entirely in oak. The port lights are fixed in pairs, and are treated in a most ingenious manner, having arches formed of carved mouldings supported Upon pillars \"v"ithcarved shafts and caps. The cornice is also elaborately carved Ollt of tr.e solid. The pilasters and spandrels formed by the curved heads of the panels arc all ornamented with carving, after Louis XIV style. This room has a large well in the ceiling to admit light and air from the deck above. The main ceil-ing of the saloon is plain, flat, white, without any moulding-, and tends to show np the beautiful fignring of the oak, em-ployed in both furniture and panelling. Tb-e floor is with parquetry of good design, and contains over 64,000 pieccs of oak. The. whole of the hardware in this section is of s:)lid white metal, except the dr;lwing room and saloon, where the fittings are all in ormolu. The framing forming the partitions and bulkheads is of the best yellow pinc, with "Venesta" panels painted four coats and -finished in ivory white enamel. The 550 first class passenp;ers have their roon~s on the main, tipper, .promenade and boat decks, Of, as the owners choose to style them, the A, E, D and E decks. The main deck contains a number of cabins formed of pine framing with moulding formed in the solid. Each cahin on this deck is fitted with mahop;any furniture, consisting of dressing table, wardrobe, wash basin, beel, toiletraeks, and a host of small and useful fittirigs; the cabins on the upper deck are more roomy, and are fitted in various kinds of ·wood and in a large .variety of styles, no two rooms being exactly alike. A few rooms are fitted to accommodate one person, others are ht-ted up for two, others are fitted up as a combination bed and sitting room, having writing table and othcr requisites neces-sary for business gentlemen. Between twenty and thirty Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS DRESSER No. 629 CoHen Quartered Oak, $18.50; Genuine Mahogany, Veneered, $19.50; Birdseye Maple, $19,50; Genuine Tuna Mahoaany. $19.50. CHIFFONIER No. GO-Golden Oak, $19; Genuine Mahogany Veneered, $20: Bird6- eye Maple, $20; Genuine Tuna Mahogany, $20, DRESSING TABLE No. Is-Colden Oak, $13; Genuine Mahogany, Veneered, $13.50; Bildseye Maple, $13.50; Genuine Tuna Mahogany, $13.50. A COMPLETE DETROIT, MICH, LINE FREE With an order for the following Se-lection of 'SAN1!~I!r PILLOWS we will include a SANITARY DISPLAY RACK like cnt, K. D. 3 "rs. 6 lb. Cherry@ 95<: 3 pro. 7 lb. OJive@$135 3pn.blb.Peadl@ I.]'i 3 pR, 71b_ Pea( @ 2.10 3 pm. 61b, Plum @ 2.40 This Rack will in-crease your Pil-low Sales 100% It may be referred to as SELECTION "0", without special-ly naming Grades and Q!antities, SEND US AN ORDER FOR SELECTION" 0" 249.255 So. Canal SL, -:- CHICAGO, lWNOIS 35 Alaska Made in Zinc, White Enamel and Opali te linings. fil~d and have the Best Circulation in use today. catalogues atld prices. Charcoal Ask for Refrigerators THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR EXCLUSIVE REFRIGERATUI< fl1ANUFACTUREI<S MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN rooms arc specially arranged UpOll an entirely ne\'v system, having ;L wash h;lsin and small dressing- chamber curtail:c'd off from the n~aill part of the c;tbin. These H)~)I1lS hav(' bi"a:;s bedsteads ill place of the ordin:try ship berth. The T(V)lTS having accol1nTodatiollS for two perso!':; ar;' 3D ar-ranged that if desired one bed can he folded lip, and thtt::; make the [oom suitable for one person only. The::;(' ronms ,L-e fl1rnisred in ll~allogany, \vallltlt, :;atinw()od, oak, rnalJogany ;\l,d cbony, walnut and box, satin and rosel-Yond, a:1([ the like. The corridors and allc~y-ways ;ue all forll'-ed of pine fram-ing, having carved pilasters <\lld corni>:c 111ol1lclings, \vith teak storm bns and white metal fittings. The promenade <leck contaius some of the most costly rooms Oil this ship, and dOL;htlcss 'will be the lllost popular. The \vhole of the corridors and al1ey-\'vays arc of polished mahog-any, \vith ornan~cntecl panels and carved ornaments. The ceiling- is curved and reces~es are formed thrnugl~out the length to receive numerOLlS electric wires on 011e side, 'whilst the otber side contains the air trunk from the VCilti-lators. The cabins all this deck InlTIe descriptic)l1: they arc fitted up in a most luxurious style. A 1)<lssen&"er can be ae-c() mn~odated \-vitb a rOOlll fitted up in the latest st:rle,with every convenience, or he call engage a suite of r6oms, COlll-prising sitting roonl, hath room, reception raoUl, dining room, bed room:.;, pantry, etc, all fitted np apparently irresp(~ctive of cost. The w'l~ole of these best rooms are fItted with bells, electric fires or heaters. in additiun to the usual lights and telephone connections. i\bout thirty kinds of wood arc used to decorate the r00111S. The boat deck contains rooms similar to those on the promenade deck and fitte(l U]) in a variety of styles ·to lTIeet the requirements of the most exacting On this cleek the captain's rooms are situated; his day-room is i"ittell out ill mahogany, polished natural color, with desks, cupboards, sofa, table, cbairs, secreta ire, ill ~tddition to a host of myster-ious electric fittings. The bedroom j~, panelled Ollt in a beautiful silver grey birch, with mahogany furniture. The ol11cers' rooms are on the bridge <1edc The:.;e are fitted up similar and C(Ll1al t6 the first class room, their din-ing and smoke-rooms being- speo:::ial1y comfortable. The grar~d saloon aEd restaurat'.t arc fitted out in oak. These two rooms \",ill :.;eat 500 persons. The floors are in oak parquetry. The upper room, that is, the restaurant, is pro-vided with a large dome composed of fibi"OliS plaster and or-namented with tile signs of the zodiac in gold, surmounted by a cluster of hidden electric lights, \vhieh give a 1110st pleas-ing effect an<1 soft light, which pac:ses down to tl1e saloon through a 1:J.rge well hole in the intervening deck. The library is executed in silvery grey sycamore, with gilt ornaments. This is doubtless one of those rooms t!~at must be seen to get a true idea of its beauty. CO. The grand lounge or drawing rOom is executed in plum n:ahogany with gilt mouJdiJ1gs and carved caps. The beams :::re supported up~)n trarble pilasters, having solid gilt capitols; this large rOOlTl is lighted by hLrge crystal dectroliers, and contains every conceivable form of comfort~ble scat that can be pressed into the Louis styles. The sn;oke-room is p;llle!1ed out in walnut, having finely inlaid margins to the panels. The room contains a massive fireplace, which is quite a ne\,,; feature in ships. In a brief description of tbis kind it is impossible to give an adequate idea of the magnitude or excellence ·of the ftttings, which doubtless surpass in quality as well as quantity anything ever before attempted ill woodwork, \""hich alone n~l1st have cost over £250,OCO. and add to this £30,000 for uphohtering, and we have a reliable and close estimate of this section of the work. It is easy to remember Hard and hard to fied anything as easy as our J?eds and Bedding, Crib U. Sides 24'1 spindles 37,i inches apart. All cast. ings malleable iron guaranteed for 25 years against breakage. Finished by 3 coats porcelain enamel, each baked on. New 88 Page Catalogue. HARD MFG. CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. 36 Public Demonstration r------.;,-Of theFarnous-------, TDE MONARCU MONARCH PushButton Morris Chair OF-··---- PUSH BUTTON MORRIS CHAIRS Beginnine: Monday mominll we will give a'puhlic demonstration of Ramsey-Alton's Famous MOtlarchPusb Button MorTis Chair, a dfair that is adjusted to any desired' poliition by the OCCUpaflt without 'lettini" out. of the chair. The push button does a~y w.ith thll inconvenience of getting out of the chair. ie., Is Instantl]r Adjusted Any Desired A""'" Easy to Operate MANUFACTURED BY THE n.."". 'h" .. M~ , .."""~~.; ... W< .~m;"~i.: •".d.''''''.' ''''''.,.''.llwh·''·, ..•..·'''1 h")', .. " ",.,".".,,,, .. ,",,,,.,,,,,., ...,v,.,",">,,,, ""' .... ,.... ' .. 'd ...m""'" 'h ""~..'io. ",'w.y,"" "',,...,. .~ ••,._"",';' ",,,., .. ' ,""'"'' 0..;, __,"" w,,, .. , " "".,,~._,,~. moo< """ .. , •• ;, ,-," . 1."".",....,..,,,C,,o, ol"" ." .. , """ i. " .... ,1I<....-40."m;"'_. ",•.•. ,t,h,,",~..1.."..,j .... , "~" """.".' ._..... o..~. ~,"A"",.,,.=,,.;.a.I.,<.l<.....·"r":'.''"."...:...._~:_.m~."""'''.'"f'at -;;.r:~ ·o"L,.1'..r""',",•,,•, 0..,..' .... "" ......... Moroi. ,hI,. ..... "",,-wt~l'.'. ,,"",0'9" "''_J><00"".,., ...,,).~, 0' Ill... ", 0"~".."d' ..".",.,".,"."'"'.;,,•.;•,•"••,,,,,. WoM,rl".","'m ••, 0' ",,,,;,,. .....".."...."..'. .o..o.",..c','n ...,.'.".o< ' ..... C.~, '" '.. ","""h''''''', '0' ";llb.",.; .. " •.";" .. "_~ ......." RAMSEY -AL TON MFG. CO, n "....., ",.,t", ..... "' ... -. , ,.. "yo, "'., FI",l>od I• w.., , E.. ly" "". In ""'." .. PJ, _' ••'n .....". ";".,.;'~ .",. ".... 0.. '" ....-~' ...... ~.. 'h'''' .. ,..11,>,"''''''''''~' .• m<~""""""'''r'''' ,..,......"" ,1"1 PORTLAND. MICHIGAN ..._ ............... ,...... Demonstration at Both 'Stores Permanent Saleroom I3I9 MichiJ[an Ave .• Chicago, after January I, I908, WineGar's TWO BIG STORES 50. Division and Cherry Sb. 85-87 Canal Sot .. Cor. Erie ANNOUNCEMENT Mr: E. B. Stebbins. formerly President and General Manager of the Stebbins Manufacturing Co., Sturgis. Mich., a.nd Mr. C. Wilhelm, Superintendent alld member of the firm of Gr;'bhiser & Crosby Furniture Co., of that city, for the past seventeen years, have purchased the stock of the former company and challged the name to the STEBBINS-WILHELM FURNITURE CO. . Mr. Wilhelm is skilled in the manufacture of high grade furniture, producing one of the best lines of tables shown in Grand Rapids the past season. He will have entire charge of the manufacturing end of the business, while Mr. Stebbins will look after the buying, officeand selling end. Our policy will be one 01 constant development, aiming to work gradually into a higher grade embodying all the elements of scielltificconstruction,in designs fully abreast of the times. Our catalogue of Library and Parlor Tables is now ready and will be mailed to dealers on request; . Very respectfully, STEBBINS-WILHELM FURNITURE CO., at\! I STURGIS, MICHI~ 37 Louis Napoleon'a Bed Chamber. Marie Antoinette's Chamber, Palace of Petit Trianon. The Upholstery and Han~lng8 are of Blue and Gold Brocade. 38 Little Call for Second Hand Furniture. Occasionally, or rather semi-occasionally, one comes acro~.;s the second hand furniture sto!'e. Ten or fifteen years ago the streets of the medium and poor resident sections of the city abounded in them.- People going into housekeeping for the first time often bought their entire household equipment, at least as regards furniture, at the store of the second hand dealer. There W-'lS economy in this plan, for tJ,('. furnishlngs secured at such a place averaged considerably less than half of what their cost would have been if bought new. And the furniture, while it had been used by some one, was never so badly marred as to detract seriollsly from its usable value. Besides this, there were always a number of theap assort-ments of household goods wherefrom one might from time to time add to the initial stock. In the districts where" the sec-ond hand furniture stores then aboundcd few people thought of going downtown and paying high priccs for new furniture. 7IRTIS'~~· & Z". ~ deposit and the rest at the rate of $5 a month, no onc is go~ ing to seriously consider the stock of the second hand man when it comes to starting housekeeping, or in adding to tJl~ household equipmcnt. The great Amcriean people, or at least "such part of it as resides in those districts of Chicago whe,e the old furniture dealer was once. found in numbers, has quit using anything but new furniture in the home. Even the most shiny stock of second hand stuff fail!; to attract at-tention. \Vith the installment plan of selling furniture so universally in vogue a flat may be outtlttedwith new furniture at a much smaJler first outlay than was required in the days when many began life with old furnishings. There arc still a few of the old shops left, but they arc usually in some side street and have little patronage. Even in thc neighborhoods "where there is act:ual suffering from poverty and where indigency abounds it is declared that the call for second hand furniture has fallen to almost nothing. "At the second hand" dealer's it might be had for half; and, fur-thermore, if one had something ..v..h'ich had palled and grown old it was possible to "trade it in" for something 'more desir-able. The stores which did this kind of business then were crmvded from front to back with used pieces of furniture, with bric-a-brae, and all that goes to make a furnished house complete, and even on the sidc\\'alk there \oJ/asa. surplus over-flow with prices marked on them that were more than won-derfully low. Oftentimes there two or three clerks within the store busied in buying, selling, and exchanging goods. The people appreciated thc second hand furniture stOre for the convenience it was' and the proprietor thereof prospered ,and grew fat. This was something like a decade ago. Now the furniture dealer who deals in used and second hand furniture is fast growing to be a curiosity. He is_ a back number, out of date, unplaced in modern life as it is in the metropolises. And there is a cause for his passing; and the cause is the easy installment plan of selling furniture which at present is so prevalent. \Vhen it is possible to se-cure complete furnishings for a four-room flat for the low s.u,g1.of$99,93,.which the ridiculousl-y low "sum of $10 as a- first And while there is plenty of it to be bought, it is not possible for the dealer to remain in business if hc cannot sell. Out on the ,vest side, on a side str,cet, half a block away from onc of the main arterics of traffic, is one of the typical old time stores. The proprietor is an old man. He was in the business when profits ",iere liberal, 50 he can afford to re-main in it now. As he conducts a small loan office illCi-dental to the business of buying, selling and exchanging fur-niture, he manages to make something more than a living. "If it were not for the hundreds of easy payment furniture st()res that Ilave come into existence within the last ten years, there would stilt be a legitimatc field in this line," said he. "It might bc better for lots of -poor people if they stuck to the old way of fitting Gut their homes, that of buying slightly used furniture, as \vith the present ease of securing unlimited credit they often buy furniture which is absolutely impossible to them with their incomes. But that is the craze of the day -buy on the installment plan-and among the things this craze has brought about is the practical extermination of the old furniture dealer's chance of doing a satisfactory business. "It must not be thought that the furniture handled in this way is in any way old and musty, or so worn by use that it is J spoiled in appearance. Oil the contrary, most of it is new to all intents and purposes, as no one wi.ll pUH~hase furniture upon \vhich the wear aud tear of lese is apparent. It is im-possiblc to sel1 such stuff, so it is useless lo bu:r it. ;,l\{uch of the Iurniture that. come to us, e·.;pecially the bcds ar;d tables, arc nearly new. Tf the,y (Ire ill any way worn it is casy to repair and hide the effect. A few strokes witIJ a plane will remove ally dents, and a careful coat of varnish or paint readily gives the whole [In entirely new appearance, There are plenty of tricks 11\ the trade. Bllt i.n the Cl1d it does not matter if the paint or varnish hide:.; certain cvidences of use in a piece of furniture; it is just <lS valuable, at least for usage, and the fact that abollt 50 per cent is taken off the price should not be lost sight of. "On some of the furniture that comes to us nol even the slightest evidences of \-vear are apparent. There is the fur- .7IR T I.5'.7l:Z\I ~~. 9 2m* ~ 39 I\. \V. Slack of the 1\ll1eller & Slack COmp<ll1y. said: "The lmp('decti()n~ that were formerly complained of regarding the Harrington spring have been eliminated through the skill and intelligence of the manufacturers USillg tile same. Hence, the sale of the spring has grown steadily and ;l vcry large ?e;- ccnt<tg'e of the rockers sold today are provided with it." Luce-Redmond Company Will Move to the M.anufacturers' Building, The Luce-Redn:ond Chair Company of Big Rapids, manu- IacturC1"3 of high grade chairs, which are sold .for medium prices, will show a large line of chairs, rockers Ior the house-hold, parlor suites and office chairs on the ground floor oi the new ~·.Ianufacture:·s' building, in conjunction with tt,e choice line of medium priced chamber suites brought out by the Holland Furniturc Company. The. company's regular No. 2755. Made by Mueller & Slack Co.. Grand RapidS, Mich. niture that comeS sold for charges. from the Some 01 storage warehouses where it is this is absolutely just as good as new. "Vv'hen we buy t>·is kind of furniture we get it for a price that enahles us to sell it for one-halt of what it would cost new, but evell at that is little sale fOl· it. People don't want anything tl,at is !lot new. ';Therc arc good proiits in tbe; bcsiness, if one could sell enough stuff, for when people are getting rid of their old {U1"- n1ture, they're 110t particular as to what ki.nd of a pr-i'Ce they get. Two hundred per cent is 110
- Date Created:
- 1907-11-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:10
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and _ _ _ _ _ •• _ _ _ ___ ._._. _. _.__•__ • ._._. _. • __ •• "1 •••• _ •••• L ••••• _a -- •••••• .., :PANT R1'\ .:Jlnc.. \ 1. f..J. .~~.\' ... J)nnr T" , ".'" ~Tr GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., AUGUST 28, 1909 " . ;• iI• I•I••••I GRAND RAPIDS CRESCENT TYPE iiD" VARIETY SAW BENCH !I I• ••• II I•• IIl• I• !• fIt f Here's a Dandy Saw Bench. The yoke travels in an arc so that the belt is always tight-this is an exclusive feature. Rips 24 inches wide. Shipped complete with two saw blades, four gauges, countershaft, etc., together with our wonderful, new, double acting, gear operated, tilting ripping guage. Send for splendid new catalog. CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS of Grand Rapids, Mieh. • • • _ ••••••• -4 -?AD[ MARK AMERICAN BWWER COMPANY "SIROCCO" ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES (Exhaust Steam is Available for Heating and Drying) WE DIRECT CONNECT TO ANY GENERATOR direct connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE are generating thousands of kilo-watts all over the world, and each engine is paying for itself every year in savings of fuel and oil. will electric light your plant, run fans, etc., and if you are now buying current, will pay you in savIng 25% PER ANNUM ( Wrtte for praq( q( above.) This plant running In IQUITOS, PERU WE WILL GLADLY QUOTE YOU, WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOU TO BUY GENERAL OFFICES, DETROIT, MICH. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURC ATLANTA CHICACO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE '" . -_._._. ---------------------------- SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES -... III IIIIII II II •I• I III IIII IIIII IIII I I... I _", SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened With flat head wood screw and furnished in three Slzes. No. 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something different from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS CO. ho • •••• -"" GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. $ , ----------------------------------------------------_._.--------- •• ••• •••• •I II I•I•••• •I •I • •I I••III •• ••• •II •IIII• , 1IIII I~---_..._-_.- - -~ THIS IS THE MACHINE That BrinJ!s letters Like the FoliowinJ!: BUSS NEW No 4 CABINET PLANER Buss Mi ch~n8 Wo"'ks. G9'1tla1l1sn We wish t.o compliment you on the worKing of Jour new +4 Planei' J .IS .t 1stalled for us Th1s ma.chlne does he best. wo't>kor !ill; plane" va 1l,ave eve" sean, ana. we are frunk to sal so much bettor han we expectad, t.h",t. our foreman. s",ld he simp2J cou1.d not. get. along lthout It,and was sure 1t. wouJ.O pay the price of itself with ..". a ye..t..' 1'1. ark sa ad on macnlnes follow1ns Wishing JOu des,n''Vsd success witn this new patt.ern. va 1:'emaln. You"'svarJ trt.lJ. Robb us Table Co The Buss Mach1l1e "Vorks are havmg marked success WIth this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of belt1l1g-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the late new sectional chIpbreaker, make a cab1l1et planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine vVorks are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast WIth the times WIth mach1l1es of great effiCIency Woodworkers of all kinds will not make a mistake by writing direct or to theIr nearest sellmg representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the lIve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. --------------_. -_._-----------------------' ,..---- II I• I I II I I I I t I I•, I II III I•1• II II I II • 1 ~ ~~1 ii I...-- _.-- HAND \IRCULAR RIP SAW No 4 SAW (read) for cross cuttIng) No ~ SCROLL SAW .._ .... .--------_._----------------~ MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capltallIlvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade wIth hIS customer'> He can manufacture 1ll as good ityle and finIsh and at as 10,"\ cost as the factones The local cabInet maker has been forced mto onh the dealer 5 trade and profit because of machme manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power MachInery, remstates the cabmet maker With advantages equal to hIS competItors If deSIred these machInes Will be sold on fnal The purchaser can have ample time to test them In hll:\ own shop and on the work he WIshes them to do Descr,ptw. catalogue and pnce l,st free W. f. So JOHN BARNES CO, 654 Ruby St., Rockford, III. HAND TENONER No 3 WOOD LATHE No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) FORMER OR MOULDER No.7 S.C.RO.L.L..SAW. ... __.... ~tIt)fUH '~rj~_lTLi~-:t~~_~.,~. ¥ ! ! I,,,II ,,I ,I , II I•,, •IIIIt t III •,,i• II IIi f ! fII I ~ a. • _ •• ••• _ , Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST devzce for lzalldlmf; shavmgs alld dust flam all wood- 'ltorkmg maclmles Our nllleteen years expenence Zll thzs class of WOlk has bl0Ught zt nearer perfectwn than allY otlzcJ sy"tcm on thc marlzct today It ts no expermzellt) but a demonstrated scicntdic fact) as 'lc'e have several hUIl-dred of these systems in use) and not a poor one amollg them. Our AutomatiC Furnace Feed System) as shown t1l thts cut, zs the mo~t perfect working demce of allYthing t1l this lille Write for our pllces for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Factory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CItizen. Phone 1282 Bell. Malh 1804 ••• ----- a •• __ a_a aM ••••• __ • OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM I .._ ... GRAND RAPm PUBLICLJBR}~r~ PATENTED FURNITURE MACHINERY These Up-to-date Machines contain improvements over the lABOR SAVING TOOLS mentioned in leller on front cover and will save you from 100 PER CENT TO 200 PER CENT PER ANNUM. WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE Our Sand Belt Machines to be superior to any known process, both in quality and quantity of work produced. NO 171 SANDER Our Square Chisel Multiple Mortiser makes the Strongest, most Economical and most Ac-curate Case Construction possible. N~. 173-174 SANDER Order Now: Increase the Qual-ity of your goods; Reduce the Cost of Production; Increase your Profits. NO 181 MULTIPLE MORTISER Write for CATALOG "E" NO 173 SANDER WYSONG & MILES CO., CEDAR ST. AND SOU. R. R., GREENSBORO, N. C• ....--- t•• fff II If •f III I ff •II IIff I ...... .. .. --....-- . . .. ....,. ...---------------- .. Here are the Exact Shades adopted by the aran~ Ka~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'Association Send for Samples and Information. I II:I• I•f•••f t ti:III ..- " Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No.3426 Oil Stain. Their "fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process fuming Liquid. Their "Light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHINGNEEDEDIN THE fiNISHING ROOM. CHICAGO NEW YORK THE AO-EL-ITE PEOPLE ·_. ... .-.. ...-------------------------------------_._--------_._--- ...... '" .. II THIS IS THE MACHINEThat Brim,:s letters like the Followimr: I: ---_... II II!III ( ...-----------_ .._-~-----~.~-.~--.-_-.--- _._._.~-----~-----~.-----_._--..-, _ I I II: BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANER. Buss Works, "H.olland, Klah Ge'1.tlemen. Just. Installed for us ThIs machine does t.he best. worle or any planer we have ever 'een, ana we are frank to saJ so much bel-log!" than we expeoted, thut. oU%"tOl"eaan sald he s1mpIJ could not. get along without it,and was sure 1t. wou!O pay the price ot itself wIthIn a year 1n work saled on machIne. tollo.1Jl3- Wishing JOu deser\'sd success with this new pattern. 118rep1D. Yours vel"J truly. Robbins Tab.Le Co The Buss Machine Works are having marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of belting-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spring sectional front feed roll and the late new sectional chipbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cabinet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machines of great efficiency. Woodworkers of all kinds will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the live woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. I 1~----N---;:'_SC.R_OL.L_SA.W_.-._-~-----_._-----~---------_._._._--------------------~ II ...... ... HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS ~- HAND <'IRCULAR RlP SAW MORTlSER Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capttaltnvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture In as good style and and at as low cost as the factones The local cahmet maker has been forced mto on1) the dealer s trade and profit because of machme manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Rarnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery, rem states the cabInet maker WIth advantag-es equal to hIS competitors If deSired these machllles WIll be sold on trwl 1he purcha,er can have ample hme to test them In hi';';own shop and on the work he WIshes them 10 do JJescr,pt,v. catalogu. and pnce itst jre. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMBINED MACHINE No 4 SAW (ready for cross·cuttmg) W. f. s.. JOHN BI\RNES CO, 654 Ruby St •• Rockford, III. No 4 SAW (read) for nppmg) FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER No.7 SCROLL SAW --_ .. i' . ... ---_--.. .. _.. .. _ .._---- - .._.- . - .., I THE BIG WHITE SHOP I..- ... . . ... .. "'. - .. -. ....---_. .. . ..- - _. ... ... . . . .. I We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. t~.-._.. _._-_. _._------- --_._. _..---._. _.---.. ---- . _ --- _.- THE BIG WHITE SHOP I.. . -_. .- .. _.. . .. GRAND RAPH PUBLIC LIBRJ ~y ~--.-... ------------------- --------------- ----------- - ..- - - . .. - . .. ..., Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anl THE LATEST dev~ce for halldlmg shavulgs and dust from all wood-work~ 1'lg 1nachmes Our nmeteen years expertence in tlus class of work has brought ~t nearer perfection than all)1 other system on the market today. It ~s no experiment, but a demonstrated scientdic fact, as we have several hun-dred of these sYJtems ~n use, and not a poor one among them. OItr AutomatIc Furnace Feed System, as shown m tlus cut, is the most perfect working devIce of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 206-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Citizen. Phone 1282 Bell. Main 1804 • --_. --_._-_._--- .I. OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM WEEKLY ARTISAN .." ...-.-.-..--------------~-_._._----.__.__..-.._------_ . These Specialties are used all Over the World Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Palenl Veneer Presses, different kinds and sizes (Patented) pendmg) Many styles and size •• Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc., Etc. Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine, Smgle. Double and Combination. (Palenled) (Sizea 12 in. to 84 in wide.) LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS ~ CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 Give Heater. No 20 Glue Heater. la.__ •••••• • • ...--~- j 1 I -------------- --_... ...- ..- - .. . ----- - .. - -------~ MARIETTA FUMED OAK ACID STAIN To the finisher who has been using the fuming chamber to produce his fumed oak our Fumed Oak Acid Stain is a revelation. This stain is in no wayan experiment but practical working stain, producing a more uniform color, and giving to different grades of oak the same shade. It is a strong, penetrat-ing stain, going into the wood and yet it can be used without injury to the hands. This is not a substitute for fuming. The stain actually fumes and is permanent, but it fumes in obtained on red as well as a different manner ---saving white oak. The most con-the cost of a fuming cham- vincing evidence of the per-ber and the time required fect working qualities of this in fuming by the old pro- stain will be manifest in a cess. Unlike the Fuming single trial. W rite us for a process good results can be sample. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. I ... -_. .....~I ""--_ - - _ _ .._ .. - .------_._._.-. --_.._.-..-.----_-.-.-.-.-.---_ ... ,,- - . ,• I makers 01 lor 1 2 .. .... -,. ...... ... _- . - .......... .. .... -------------- ----_._--- WEEKLY ARTISAN WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE "THE BETTER MAKE" BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH FACTORY AND SALE"ROOM :H CANAL STREET CATALOGUE .. ON HEA"\ 1. PI,'\T .... PAPER TO DEALER" GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ........ ------ .. ..~ WEEKLY ARTISAN Grand Rapids Benches Are Best BETIER MATERIAL •.•BETTER CONSTRUCTION---BETTER WORKMANSHIP There are several reasons why you should use the "Grand Rapids Benches." They are built to stand hard usuage. They won't warp or split, are built of well seasoned Mich-igan hard maple. Write for catalog showing full line. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Mich. 3 Bntlsh Re?fe,entatlves Oliver Machme Co., Ltd., 201 Deansbate. Manchester. England -------_._._-----------------~ ", 35% OFF LIST $16 ORDER A SAMPLE STACK YOU'LL NEVER REGRET IT The Humphrey-Wid man Sectional Construc tton has dust proof partitions. Iron shell support" and a two mch deeper ca<;ethan others DEALERS' PROFIT 55% No. to-F. Ouartered Oak. Lme on sale In Furmture Ex-change, Grand Rapids; Manufact-urers' Exh.bltloo BUlldmg, Chi-cago and Furmture Exchanl!e, New York. "-.---------------- III I II I IIl, I t,t I,t t It It II I II II I II IIt I t, I II It IIII t... Here is a Rocker That's a seHer. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Nc. 592. -----~ I II I I I 4 '" - - - -- ------------------_----. WEEKLY ARTISAN ,. iI •III II •IIII II THE .. ... LUCE LINE Many New Patterns ..- ...-_. m Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids luce turniture CO. I . .. ".'-..------------------_.--------_._-- ----._-----_._----_._----., .. LUCE-REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. IIIII 1 III ••• I IIIIII I ,-_.._--_._------------------, BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colonial Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, BIrch, Blrd',-eye Maple, Qyartered Oak and Clreasslan Walnut You WIllfind our ExhIbIt on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufacturers' BUIldmg,North Ionia St., Grand RapIds. . --_. .--- - --- -- _. -. _ ----------- --_._----------- . 30th Year-No.9 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.. AUGUST 28. 1909 Issued WeeklY HAS NO POWER TO FIX FREIGHT RATES Court Decision That Takes Away the Most Important Authority Heretofore Assumed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The permanent mJunctton sought b) we<,tern rallways aga1l1st the Interstate C0111merce COnll111S,1On 111the fa1110us ,I!S"0l111 River rate Cdse, was grdnted 111Chicago last Tuesday by Judges Gros:ocup, Bakel ancl Kohlsaat of the L111teclStates C1rclllt court Judge Grosscup dellvered theop1111Onof the court, Judge Kohl- "adt concurnng, II h1le Judge Baker dellve1 ed d chssentm~ op1111on The C01111111SSlOthnus defeated m Its fi1st attempt to bnng about "hat IS alleged to be a new sy<,tem, or pllnuple or 1dte-mahll1g, will carry the case to the Lotll t of c\ppeals and 1£ de-feated there, to the .'-JUpleme Lourt of the L111ted Statev 1he 111Junct1Ol1was granted on the ground that the Interstate Commerce Commission had a:osumecl autl1ont) \Ii l11ch congre"s chd not mtencl to confe1-the pOvver to e<,tabhsh 1ates The de- C1S10nsays Congress chd not mtend to confer upon the com1111SSlOn pOll er to do by mchrec:t1On what It could not chrectl) do-did not 111tenclto mdude w1thm the word 'reasonable eve\ v pm, el over the trade and manufactlllmg of the country that the C0111- nll~SlOn should deten111ne It vvas rea"onable that It (the comm1S- :own) should posse:os, for such power, vaster than anyone body of men has heretofore e*erClsed, thou~h wI"ely e'Celted m speCIfic m:otances, would be puttmg mto the hands of the commiSSIOn the general power of hfe and death over every tt dde and manufac-tunng concern m the Umted States It mtht be understood, however, that these orclers of the commiSSion, are en)omecl soleI) because, m our Judgement, they lay upon the commerce and manu-fdCt1ll1l1g of the locahttes affected an artifiCial hanel that congres~ never 1l1tencled should be put forth, and therefore dre outSide the power conferred upon the com1111S<,1Obny congress; for With the que:otlOn of a reductlOn 111rate, or a readlustment of lates, from which such drtlficlal result'> 11dvebeen ehmmated, we are not now deallng " 'If embers of the Intel state Commerce CommissIOn and their legal advisel:O conSIder the deCision almost a nullificatIOn of the Ilepburn law They regal d the Ce1seas the most llnportant smce the amended mtel state commerce act took effect and one of the mO'it 1m))Oltant smce the orga111zat1On of the comm1S'>lOnin 1887 \ s vlewed by the experts of the commlSSlOn, the deCISion goes to the very heart of the power of the commIssIon-that IS ItS power to prescribe rates. The quest10n presented m the case deCided was not one of reasonableness of rates alone, but of the - relatiVity of rates It the higher courts sustam the deCISion, the commiSSIOn Will be shorn of all power, except to settle cases 111- volvmg chscn111mdtlOn m rates 1he complamt m thIS case was filed by about 50 mercantile home" m Kansa CIty, St Joseph and Umaha against about GO carnel s It 1:0 charged that the class rates from the Atlantte ~eaboa1 d ten 1tor) to l\Ils,>oun RIver cIties were unreasonable dnd unduly cllscl1111matoly as compa1 ed With the rates from the "ame terlltory to St Paul ancl ::\I111neapolls The complamts set forth tl1dt 111the sale and dlstllbutlOn of their goods they came 111to competlt1On With Jobber" dt ::\Imneapohs and St Paul, and It was edleged that the ratlroacb chscnm111atedln favor of the TW111CIties ,IS aga111st CitIes on the l\Itssoun It was alleged that the chscnm-matlon was clue to ancl 111ea:ouredby the difference 111the class rate:o from the Atlantic seaboard to the Twm CIties as compared WIth the hke rates from the same pomts to MISSOUrI RlVer cIties At the hednng St Loms and other c1tte~ on the M1S~bS1PPl mtel vened as defendants takmg 1:osue WIth the l\Ilssoun River utle<, fhe C01111111SvlOfanlleel to sustam the allegat1Ol1 that the rates to.'-Jt Paul and 1\I111nedpolts as aga111st those to :\11ssoun RIver c1t1e, VI el e d1'>Cf1111111ator) or unrea~onable, hold111g that they were conti olleel by competlt1011 of water l111esand Canacltan I all 1111e~and that theretore the, 111lght rea'>onably be lower than to the 1I,11ssoun River CIties 1he coml111:oSlOn,however after a long heanng ancl argu-ment held that through rates to the l\It'>Soun RlVer cIties were un-reasonably high, that they "e1e co because those portIOn" of the through rates vvh1ch we1 e applted between the l\ItSS1ss1ppl River CIossmg " and the 'lItsoun River lltle'> to the through transpOl ta-t10n we1 e too hu~h. and that therefO! e, the separ dtely establt:ohed rates applted west of the l\It ~l~SlppI River to the through tlan,,- portat1Ol1 ,hould be 1educeel \n orcle1 was mdele by the com- 1111SSlOnreqt1l1111g cal nel s to make reduLtlOlb of fr0111 bO to 51 cents per 100 pounds, -d- i to 3" ce,1h, 3i to .30 cents, :2; to 21 cents ,and '2'2 to 1 () cents per 100 J uclge Baker, 111 hI" ch,,'>entmg opm1On, took the glound that the nght to ordel a recluct10n or an advance 111 latev-to regulate <,ales-llnphecl autho11t) to establtsh rate" and that even If the commiSSIon has only power to reduce raets It had not exceeded that pO'l\er m thiS case, because 1t had done nothmg more than to reduce rates that were clearly discriminating. three months and more In the steel trade, the prospect of a Cell ~hortelge I" beg11111lngto be feareel. wIth the coming of the heav) l rop shIpments In fall \lreael) smtable eqmpment IS not so free to ~hlppel s as It was 111the spnng months, and Pltbburg (lIstnct I allroad offiCIals freely admIt that rollIng rtock now on 11clnd wIll not be equal to such demand a~ that whIch taxed the railroads dunng the rush months of 190'i, whIle the prospects are that tl1clt rush \\ III be exceedeel the coming fall. Contracts for the first qUelrkr of next year 111 basIc and foundr) Irom al e still ImpossIble to pldce at pI eJent pnces though the capaClt) of the PIttsburg clI~tnct and of the valleys wIll be I11creased consIderably before the end of ::'eptember The Carne-gIe Company IS nO\\ operating practIcally all of theIr open hearth capaClt) elt Duquesne Praltlcalh all the large bookings for steel cars by the trunk lIne raIllOad~ 11clvebeen pldced Car makers, however, are filled up to theIr capaClt\ untIl the first of the year, WIthout taking the continued labor troubleJ of the Pressed Steel Car Company at Its IIcKee s Ro-..:k plant 111tOconsIderatIOn The CarnegIe Steel Compan) IS saId to be nearly 10 weeks beh111d on some delIvenes of plate~ jlot\\ Ith~tandl11g the curtaIlment of car bUIlding opera-tlOm b) the ,trIke dt l\IcKee's Rock. The car orders placed by the 13altl11lOre& OhIO two weeks ago wdl require more than 50,- ooa tom of steel plates from the CarnegIe Company and but for the ~tnke there would have been a clamorous demand for delIvery ere thIS PROSPERITY FOR THE STEEL INDUSTRY Mills Are Months Behind in Filling Orders---Urgent Demand Met by Advanced Prices Cur Famine Expected Soon. Prosperty appears to have struck tne ~tLel 111l111'>tn ure enough The Umted Stdtes Steel CorporatIOn, genel alii knm\ n a~ the Trust, advanced the pnce of bar~ $1 per ton lelst :'londa) and a further advance IS expected about the first of Septembel PIttsburg reports state that tlm ,\ eek has brought a stdtemng of the demand and pnces III all branches of the Iron and steel trade, even the 111dependent lllterests maklllg efforts to advance quotatIons on sheets and t1l1 plate~ The 111dependent 111tere"ts have been ask1l1g $1 35 per cwt for steel bars for some weeks, but the CarnegIe Steel Company only \\ Ithdrew ItS 1111!1111Uo1f11 $1 30 and e tabhshed the $1 ,i3 rate last week S1111\lltaneou~h severed of the 111depenclents advanced theIr quotatIOns to 8110 Plttsbl11g The productIOn on bIllets and bars probabl) \\ III exceed the largest prevlOu:o, record dunng ~ugu~t IIdl~ ale beh111d an average of two month~ on delIvene~ QuotatlO'h rema111 at S2J pel ton for Bessemer, $2::> for open hearth and $28 tor forg111~ bIllets, but lIberal premlllms are be111gpale! for prompt delIvene~ an OhIO 111tereA hav111g been I eported as clOS111gtor a small lot of axle bdlets at $30 Wlth111the week Bessemer bdlets are stIll $1 below the pnce quoted a ) eal ago, while plates and shape~ a year ago brought $1 GO,as agdllbt the pI esent pnces ot S1 10 el11d $1 45 per cwt The rush to place new structl,ral contrach betore the fabncat111g concerns and the ro1l111gmIlls are filled up for the tall season, has resulted 111the plac111g of much ne\\ \\ ork that It hdd not been 111tended to let untIl Septembel RaIlroad~ ha, e had much to do WIth the present sItuatIOn 111the structural market Whde the American Bndge Companv h saId to have resen ed capacIty even yet that WIll enable It to conslClerabl} 111crea"e It-, work under contract, several of the 111dependent concerns 111the PIttsburg dlstnct have taken on contracts that pro1111se to teq theIr capacIty for months One concern IS saId to ha\ e filled up to January The uncerta111ty 111the sItuatIOn IS 111creased b) the tact that there are senous delays even nm, 111delIvenes of the pla111 steel, so that the halt 111gett111g plates and shapes on the ground has 111 some cases extended the tllne of fulfillment ot contracb tor p. ••• _. I III PITTSBURGH PLATE LARGEST .JOBBERS AND MANUFAOTURERS OF GLASS Death of Martin Elzinga. ,fal t111 ElZInga, \ Ice preSIdent of the l\lIclllgan Star Furmture Company, Zeeland, Mlch, dIed at hIS home last Sunc1a} afternoon, aged 64 years For 37 years he was a Sunday school teacher and for seventeen year" an elder 111 the FIrst Reformed church vVhde he was one of the stock-holders 111 the MIchIgan Star FurnIture Company, he took no part 111the actIve management of that company's affairs, whose bus111ess WIll cont1l1ue un111terrupted CLEVELA:ND-143Q-1434 West Third St. OMAKA-1101-1107 Koward St. ST. PAllL-459-461 Jackson St. ATLANTA, GA.-30-32-34 S. Pryor St. SAVAlII'NAK, GA.-745-749 Wheaton St. XANSAS e:t'.rY-Fifth and Wyandotte sts. BIBllI[[]!IfGKAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. BlJJ'FALO, N. Y.-372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOXLYN-635-637 Fulton St. PJULADELPKIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th DAVENPOBT-410-416 Scott St. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA., 210-212 W. First St GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art 6lass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. q For ;tnything In BUilders' Glass, or anythmg in PaInts, Varnishes, Brushes or PaInters' Sundries, address any of our branch warehouse~, a !1stof whIch is gIven below' :NEW YOBX-Kudson and Vandam sts. BOSTO:N-41-49 Sudbury st., 1-9 Bowker St. CKICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. CINCINNATI-Broadway and Court sts. ST. LOllIS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce sts. ll/II]!IfNEAPOLIS-500-516 S. ThIrd st. DETBOIT-53-59 Larned st., E. GBAl'lD BAPIDS, MICK-39-41 N. DiviSIon St. PITTSBllBGK-101-103 Wood St. MILWAVXEE, WIS.-492-494 Market St. BOCKESTEB,1II'.Y.-Wilder Bldg., Main It Exchanll'e sts. BALTXll/IOBE-310-111-14 W. Pratt st. ~ • •••• ••• •• •• •• •• •••••• •• •• ~._---_._._._-----------------------~. --....t.I. WEEKLY ARTISAN t----------.-.-.~-.-.-..--------------------------.-.~--. -.-----.-.-.-.----.-~---.~---~ ... I 7 VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE .."I BEST LINE DAVENPORT BEDS IN THE MARKET OF I \ III \ I I\ III I We will have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to give satisfaction. Don't miss coming to see the lme. It will pay you. \ III III I THOS. MAODEN4 :so~t&CO~',I:d~na.p.o..l.i.s-.,In--d-I~I. Parlor Furniture ..-... .. .. ... .... .... .. Great DeIUandfor Rugs and Carpets. New York advIce., report that the well .,old up condl-tlOn of the rug market IS be111g further demonstrated each week Buyer::- are stlll m search of 'ipot lab, ami ale find- 111gconsIderable dIfficulty m gettmg what they need 101 some tnne past sellmg agents have been m a po"Itlon where they found it next to Impobslble to meet the orders commg m for ImmedIate delIvery Jobbers are also gettmg mto a well sold up positlOn, and are callIng on the m1lls for goods whIch are stlll due, on orders placed some tlme ago Seldom have manufacturers and sellIng agents v.ltnessed such a well sold up rug market, especIally at thIS penod of the year RetaIlers are m the market 111large numbers, and many are looking for addltlonal supplIes of rugs, wIth whIch to fill out incomplete lme" Brussels rugs are m steady demand, and meet wIth a qmck sale, wherever sellers are m a positlOn to meet the SIzes and delIveneb called for \V llton rugs are commg to the front steadIly, whIle there IS also a steady call for axmmster fabncs Some buyers are lookmg through the market for odd lots at attractIve pnces, but are findmg It dIfficult to meet theIr regular reqUIrements In some quarters advances are bemg asked, It IS stated, on goods that are wanted m a hurry, and are anyv.ay popular Considerable speculatlOn IS beIng mdulged In regard-ing pnces for the new season whIch wlll open early in No-vember next The belIef IS growIng that pnces w1ll show some "harp advances, and WIde awake buyers are covenng as much as pOSSIble on staple goods In conventlOnal pat-terns. Practically all m1lls manufactunng brussels rugs are heavily sold ahead, and qmte a few of the better known plants are refusing to accept any further orders for delivery during the current season. In some quarters it is claimed Couches Leather Rockers t that manufacturers are lookIng for hIgher pnces later on, and are not anxlOUS to fill theIr plant::- up at today's values Carpets are al'io 'ihOwing an Improvement, WIth "ale::- of three-quartel good" well ahead of those for the corres-pondIng penod la::-t yeal So far as fabncs are concerned, the demand for carpets has followed the trend of the rug market very closely Brussels, dXlTIlnsters and wlltons have all come In for a good demand passIng, whIle even Ingram carpets have begun to 'ihow some slIght nnprCJvement Ort-ental rugs are 111 better demand, and sellers ilre lookIng for-ward to better results than had been hoped for. A New Idea in Beds. Eno.., A Keasey, of Llgomer, Ind, IS an inventor at an age when most men have retIred from actIve purSUIts. :Mr Kea"ey, who IS 81 years of age, has Just mvented an mvalicl hee!. whIch may be used as a bed, a reclInmg c011ch or a chaIr Beds whIch may be raIsed at the head to glve the mvalId a reclIning po"ture are already m many hospltab, hut the chalr bed, v.hlch allows the patlerlt to assume a slttmg posture, lS a new Idea Mr Keasey is makmg ar-rangements to have hiS mventlOn manufactured and placed m the markets. ~. .. IM·P·R~~~~:.:E::LI~[VI~A:T~O RS.."\ Belt, Electnc and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power' for' FUr'mture Stores Send for Cat..logue and Pnces. KIMBALL BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St.. Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co.. 313 Prospect St., Cleveland, 0., I l081lth St., Omaha, Neb.• l~eCedar St., New York City. . I ~ 8 bu) el rdll',e to take hold, apparently expecting further reduc-t10.1 \\e'-teln Id\\ I~ no\\ quoted at ,jG@3. cents; Clt) la\\ a llnt hIgher anothel lent LHlded 101 ~1I1glebOIled and stIll another j OJ doubled bOIled Dedlel ~ and llnport~r~ 111 gOLlt ~k1l1s 5tl11 cOl1lpla1l1 of hght III elpb but the alllval'i 'ieem to be full) equal to the demand for pI ~~ent delIver) I'nce~ ale film at la'it weeku figures Cordage b hIm undel a httle bettel demand wluch IS 'ihO\\ n mOle b\ 1I1ql11l) than b) actual transactIOns :-'heet Zlll ha, advance. 1 ,,5 cenh per l()O pound~, but there h onh d fau demand at the hlghel pllce-$I ')() fob WIth h pel lent dl~lol1l1t 1hl bUlldP~ market has been ql11et through the week The del11dnd I~ nO\\ ql11te ~tead), ~everal uale5 hav1l1g been made for 'pot dnd iutm e dehvel \ dt l ()Ofor the hght \\ eIght and .t 60 for j() y; ounle gooe!~ WEEKLY ARTISAN New Furniture Dt"alers. lY S Bnght IS to open a ne\\ 1111111tle11~tOl e at ])lll)<ke III II ::\I Pansh ha~ opened a ne\\ 1urmtl11 e ~t')re Lit Uuple\ I-Ia U '\ edl & Co, \\ 111cpe,1 a ne\\ tl11l11ture ~tOle In I\wokl) J1 \ Y I .\1 -\l1ott ha~ opened a ne\\ fl11l11tl11e ~tOle dt 1 almmg dale, '\. \ Duell 8c Un1l1el 11clve opened Ll ne\\ ~tOlk ot t m lItUIl LIt I,-hnbetntown, l\.y 1\ Zerchle1l1 wIll engdge 111 the 1111111tureLme! l11](leltdkm£; bm111ess at Mokema, 111 Cutter & Palmer I~ tne nam~ ot d ne\\ lOI pOI,ltlon 01g'lJ1l/ee! to ~ell fl11l11tl11e, etl, at retaIl 111~pokane \ \ a~h Ihe ~tandard FUl111tl11eCompany 15to open LItl11l11tllll ~t)ll 111 the ne\\ Lonergan block at Cambndge JunctIon, 'I [a~,; Ed\\ ard ~mUL1ey, of -\uelubon, Id who I~ knO\\ n a~ a hlhtltl \\ III engage 111the retaIl tl11l11ture bm111e'i~ at Uanon 10\\ a \\ -\ SmIth of Pnnceton I,,) , I~ 100k111gtOl d 100atlOn tOl LI.1e\\ furl1lture ~tOle 111'Ib~~oun and IS expected to ~elect '-.,P1111g field J S Campbell anel 1 \\ Jame'lon of QU111l), \10 ha\C opened a lalge retaIl ~tOle at <)~<)Dongla'l a\ enue \\ lc1l1tLI [",lJ1' It WIll be known a~ the [ltg <)f Url1ltlll e :"tore 1" E Alvorel C 1" renelel anel I I \\ alker hay e 111COpl(1l-atee! the Texas Hardware- Furl1ltl11 e Compan) to deal 111 tl11l11tl'le anel hardware at BaIrd, Tex CapltLt! stock, $10000 The SpeCIalty Proc!uc111g Company, capltahzed at $~(J,OO()has been 1I1corporated by \VIlham E 'IlcPher'ion Luther I Iughes and (J"eorge \;\; \VIlham'i to eleal 111fl11111ture anel other hou5ehold ~ooel~ 111 \lban), '\ Y Dayton 5 Dayhght ~tOle ::\Iu111eapoh- ::\1111n IM~ LHlded a fl11J11ture department, OCCUpy111g12 OCo square teet of ~pLlce on the tl1l1d floor J J Doroe\ \\ ho hd'i had fOUlteen \ ld I' e"\.- penence WIth one of the be'it fl11l11tl11e hou~e, 111the lIt\ h mdn,l (?,el of the new department \\ Hampton de f onta111e J E Holt and Da\ Hl::\l \and':h all of ~ e\\ York have 111lOlpo rated the Iold111g \\ anh obe Com-pany to deal 111furl1lture wardrobe'i trunks 'iatlhels etc 111 VoYer, Del CapItal ~tock, $100000 The Ca~tner- Knott DI) Good~ Compal1\ '\ asln Ille Tenn WIll m~tal1 a furl11ture depal tment \\ ll1ch \\ dl OCCUP\ the cntl! c thIrd floor of the bmldmg ::\Ianager (J" B Davld~on ann0l111Cl' that the ~tock \';111be of the be~t ~raele~ New York Markets. ?\ew YOlk, -\ug :2.-The feature m the malket'i fm 1UII11- tm e makers snpphe5 thl~ week 15 a n.,e of -I- cent~ pel gallon m the pnle of turpent1l1e, and a eleclll1e of -I- cents In Imseed 011 quotatIOn, S111ce 1\lonela) tm pentll1e ha~ been quoted at -d@ 380 cents here anel at ,'),')@S')Y;, ~avanndh \0 f;ood lea,on ha'i been gIven for the advance, except arbltal\ aLtlOn b) the combmatlon kno\\ n a5 the tru~t 1hel e has been no notIceable mcrease 111the demand -\'i a re~ult of the 1I1cred'ied co~t of tl11pentll1e lon"umer~ of valmsh gUIl1'i have cea'ied opercltlOn'i ,md the denMnd tor gUIl1~h mel ely n0l11111al 1here has been no change m pllle~ hm\ e\ el the figureu 'ital1elmg a~ quoted last week Shellac show~ more actIvIty oW1I1g to a ~hghth 1I1clea'ied demand, but not enough to affect pnce~ l' '\ ca ,es ,1I estill (lllOted at 11@1?Y; , blight orange grade'i 2()@21 Dlall10nd I ,,(, @21, Bleached lI}f@IR kIln dned n@~~l Comervatlsm stIll rule'i the hmeed 011 tI ade Though thel e has been a marked declme m pnces dunng the past week, large Furniture Fires. I he \d1artel furl11ture tore, El Paso, Tex , Wd~ damageel to l,tent of about $~')0 h) fire on August HJ Insured. The HO\\ ard 1"l11mture Company of X abhua, ~ H, suffered cl 10 , of S, l jOO h\ hre 111the lumber yard la,t l\londay. C F Ha kell ~ "a \\ mIll and furmture factory at East Elmore, \ t \\ el e de'itro\ ed b) fire on \ugust 20 Loss, $12,000, no m~urance fhe ~Iglel lurmture Company's store at Braddock, Pa, \\ a'l damaged b\ fire to the amount of $1, ,,00 or $1,500 on August 1() Imured The Hep\\OIth (Ont) ::\Ianufactunng Company's furmture t dl tol \ \\ a 5 damag ed b) fil e to the extent of $,3000 or $-1-000on -\U~lht ~o Imured The :-1 C Sulhvan Furmture Ll11dCarpet Company of St l'aul :-111111\\ hO'ie store and ,tock \\a5 totally de~troyed by fire 0.1 \ugU'lt 1<) cdlned only $3,,)00 1I1'iUrdl1Ce ]he 105s I~ e5t1mat-l( 1 at $"1 JOIl I he\ eApect to be dble to re~ume busme<;<;~0011 The furl11ture ,;tock and bl111d1l1gowned by J B Reynolels at '-.,an Pedro, Cal \\ as totally destlOyeel by fire on c\ugust 19 Los5 on ~tolk, $12000, on b1111elmg,$",,')00 Imurance, $5,000 The hre ~tdrted m a vacant blllldmg two doors from the Reynolds ~tore New Factories. II L Da) ~on & Co, BangOl, ~Ie , are erect1l1g a lalge brick ,tone and loncrete blllldmg to be used as a ~pnng beel factory 1he C B -\tk1l1 Company of Oakwood, Tenn, manufacturers ot ll1antel~ luve enlarged theIr plant and WIll add a l1l1e of furni-ture to theIr products \\ F SmIth WIll manage the furmture faLtory fo manufacture barbers furmture anel fixtul es 111New York lit) the \mencan ~uppl) Company ha~ been 1I1COplroated by Patnck J Hatton, Henr) X Centobeu and Peter G Gallager Lapltal 'itOlk, $20,()OO Hall) ::,tlOber, Tules \\' Gnes and Charles D Johnson have 111COplOIdted the ::\lanlMttan Feather Down Company to manu-tactllle feather dO\\n pIllow" etc, m New York CIty. TheIr capl-t, t! ,tolk IS $,') 000 all ~ub~l1lbed The State ~1anufactul1l1g Company has been Incorporated to e~tdbh~h a fllll11tme factO!) at Korfolk, Va Capital ~tock, not Ie'" thLw $.3 O()Oor more than $:20,000 J W Fawcett IS presI-dent. -\lexander Peppm vlCe-pre,ldent anel J VV !\imworth 'ieCIetdl) and trea'iurer J Crawford \ an .\Iatel, fl1lmture dealer of Easton, Pa, ha,; been adJll(l~ed bankrupt WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 ..._------------.----.---.--------.--.-- ---1 " , I,,,III ,II I I I I, III I I I~---.-.-----------------------._._------------------_. __.-.----------------------- 1, III III, ,II II, ,: ,II ,• ---_._---_. -----_.I,~ OCTAGON ~EDESTALS TABLE LEGS AND That IS the question and a big one, too How do you nlake them? How much do they cost you ~ HOw good are they, and are they unIform? Just take a lIttle tune and let these questions soak in Bec3Ul!le you n\uy be wasting on the manufacture of the Pedestals and Legs what you save by ecO-nomIcal Manufacture on the Tops Your profits are then cut do\\ n Make the cost of the different parts balance One man wIth our LEG AND PEDESTAL MACHINE \\ 111make Octagon and polygonal shaped turnings at one tenth to one t\\ entleth of what It costs by hand round ones atone sIxth to one-tenth The sa"lng In time and labor IS what makes that bal-ance we were Just tal1nng about Now. don't say that sounds pretty good' and let It shp your mind Just wnte us to-day C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 Fifth St, BELOIT, WISCONSIN. r--------~----------------------- ----------. -. ----- CHEAPEST" ._---~..,II I, III I• •I II III· "THE BEST IS THE BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furmture and Chair Factories. Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own mterests by using It. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished In rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ...----_._-----. -----.., Palmer's Patent G1uinlrClamps I i I IIII III III• II II I II I I• I III II III •I III III II ,,I I'-------_._---- II I• •I I t,• I,I I,tt II• I I II iI II II , I• I,I --- ~------__._.-----------_ , ... , " The abo'e cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No.1, 24-inch Clamp. "e make six other sizes taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our" ay the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 f.JCtories (only a fraction of our list) uho have ordered and reordered many times Proof posithe our \'ray is the best. A post card ",in brIng it, ca.talog Included Don't delay, but "Tlte toda~. A~ E. PALMER &. SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Representative.: The Projectile Co, London, Eng-land. l'('hllC'hardt & Schutte, BerlIn, Gennany; Alfred H Schutte, Cologne, Paris, BruHsels, Lif"gE-,l\filan, Turin, BarcelonA, and Bilboa. ---~---~----------------------~---_.---.., The Capacity of Your Jointer is Limited III to the Cutting Capacity of the Cutters. II II I• III I III I II II ,,,I I• •I I I•I II I IIIIII I,II I It ,, III ,I III I III• ••I III ,••t •• I Unless you are usmg the Genuine Morris Wood C!J Sons 20th Century Solid Steel Glue Joint Cutters you are not gettmg the full value out of your machine. They are harder and reqlllre le~s gnndmg than any other make. and when they do need grlndmg the cuttmg surface l~ ~o small that It only takes a few mInutes to put them In order again Wnte for catalog No 35A. It tells all about the cutters and \\ III help you to Jncrea~e ) our profit~. II\ II~-- MORRIS WOOD & SONS 2714-2716 W. LAKEST, CHICACO, ILL. --------_.----------~._._---------_. .. ... _. -~I llUlll thc enu odchment, of nelghbor~ and glVll1g perfect IUiht dlHI \ entllatlon Three hundred and mnety mne wll1dows supply del\ !tl::(ht fhe uppel sash of .326 are of sheet pI I'Omglass, so con- ,>tllKted thai ltght I ehstnbuted to the most remote ~orners, mak- 1I1£;e\ u\ pal t ot the bmldmg as ltght as day 1 he bmldml::( 1'0 one of the largest consumers of electllc cml ent ~uppltecl b) the local ltghtmg company The total load leplec,entc, ~~O,'llljWelS at 220 \olt" There are 66 arc lamp and 11H mcanc!e~cent lamps thl uout the bmlchng It requIres lOh lllc,lIlcle"ccnt Idmp'> to lll::;ht o?W-; feet of chow wmdows Two lIel till motlll ~ dl e u"ecl one III the uphol~tenng department and Olle III the ~dl pl! e!epal tmlnt 1he fil,t tloO! h e!ecordted m gleen '1 he cetlmg IS of whIte MODEL HOUSE FURNISHING STORE Some Facts and Figures About the Largest Institution of the Kind Between New York and Chicago. The cuts accompanYlllg thIs al tIde I epl e ,ent the e"tCrH 11 \ lew ane! val IOU" departments 111 what I~ dalmed and f;enel all) cDnceded to be the largest mo"t commOehoth ane! com elllent hou<.,e f llll11<"h111ls:t:o(re bet\\ een "e\\ YOJ k and CIllcaf;o \\ hlll1 IS owned anc! managed b\ }< Clppel Da\ ton OhIO I he ,1" "tal v bUlleLng I" locatee! at 21 =)-221 South )'la111 ,treet 1t 1-- i 8 feet WIde and IlJ() feet cleep and ha" an anne'C 1 i feet \\ Ide anr] 120 feet deep 1he foundatlGn IS of stone ane! conc] ete ane! the bdsement extends under the ent1l e bmlc!1l1g \\ Ith a cement floC' ddd111g practlcally an adc!ttlOnal floor to the bmlcl111g The bmle: mg IS of slow burmng mtll on~trul!lOn t\ pe \11 I ecO!el'>al.2 kept 111 a fire-ploof vault of bllck ane! cement 1\\0 htteen hor'>e powel electllc elevators IM\ e been Installed one \\ Ith ,I t\\ ent\- two passenger capaClt), the othel de'>l£;necl fO! tl el£;llt ha, ] ")1) ~quale feet of floor space add el !tftmg PO\\ Clot Willi pOlllHI, dne! IS dmple to accomlllodate an entire \\ agon load ot ft\lllltm c 1\\ l hotlel' supply steam for heatmg pm p l,e, The pIpe" al e plaled ovel head and suppl) mg heat b) ehrect I aehatlon, cauSlllg but !tttle CIrculatIOn of aIr, consequent!> no dust allses tram thl ~ ource The floors are of whlte maple, well otled ,md po!tshed The bmld111g 111case of fire I, protected b) Ib"O automatlc spnnklers, placed at proper ehstances thlOl1f;h the entIre qruc-ture Should a fire start at any pomt clectnc hell" \\ aln all patrons and employes 1l11mechately, so thelt they can clear the bmldmg by ItS elevators and stalr\\ a\" 1he \\ ate I suppl) l~ prOVIded from two sources, the CIty \\ ater nUm ane! a 2") 000 £;al- Ion tank, twenty feet above the roof In case ot hl c elt ,H11()In-mf; property automatIC \\ ater cm tams plotel! the lJt1Jle!m£;at edl pomls of c!dllf;eI ;"elf ,Iclm£; teel fill Ull tam,> '>lpal eltC tl'c botler loom dnd the ,11111C"fl0m thc maln "tl11l1tlll I hc 1,)( ,1ll\'1 I' de!mlrelhll lId\ Illg ,I ;() f(Jol "p,lll (Ill l' nOIth, elnd a '20 loot ,tile) on the Soutll, hU111~hmg PlOtcdWl1 cnameled steel ot taney 01namental patte In The floor IS stocked \\Ith a fulll111e of bookca~e.., hbldly ca"es, hall scat", m11ror<." hall 1ack hbral \ tables, pallOi cab111et", laches de"ks, lal ge 1eclthel IOckel~, Roman chalf'), baby cal nelge, and go-cal t" 1he oth<.e IS filll,hed III quartered oak ~olc1e11fil1l~h elml I~ large ,me! ample 1he queU1"\\ elle dep,u tmc11t I" a "e\ enteeu foot ellea leael-lug to the ~to\ e elepal tmcnt \ large ,tack of clllluel anel toilet \\ ,il C bold 111lOJ11plete ~et, or open "lock, cl11dlt c011tams a !t11C (If !,lIlJp' th,lt I'>Luge and \,Ineel I hc "ClI11(1 110()\ I" u~td f()\ nool covel1l1gs \\ Ilt011S a" 1l1l1l<,(U, boch l)\u~<;d,> \ehet ca1]lCt~, all \,,"001and cotton cham 111£;lal11 U11lon~ a11el f;ral1lte carpet", al"o art "quare" Stan c,u jJeh ot <.vel \ kmc1 Rugs 111enelle~" vallety of S17e" and com ]JlIMtI011of lO]OI,> 1111.udf;lc1l1ltCelllc1p1l11tec11l11oleuuI', ]dpclIlC"C ,me! C!l1llec,e lllattlllg<", Hoen emc1table 011 cloth 1hc ch dper) delMI tl11ents contdll1S Imported and domestic WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 curtam", bonne-femme flounce, cable net, nottmgham, madra, and ~W1S, curtam~ Portlers m tapestry che.1e11 anel rope Color scheme of VI' h1te and blue has been carned out on th1~ floor, glVmg the room a c1amty effect Un the thlfd floor the colon are reel and whlte Here 1~ found chmng room furmtm e consl"tm~ of ~1(le boards, buffets and ex-tenslOn tab1es,peelesta1 tables wlth ..,quare and 10und tops,chma dmets, dmll1g chall s, plate rack" k1t~hen cabll1ets am1 kltchen furmture tah')c1rette~ mechcme cabll1et~ umbrella stanch cm-tumer" hIgh U1dUS, ) outh ,chaIr anel c1111dren's rocker", b1ackmg ca,e" commodes card and sev\ 11~ tables The office furmture department lS also on thIS floor The fOUlth floOl lS devoted to bed 100m ,U1te" m ,elected and quartered oak, curly bIrch, mahogdn) or tuna mahogan) , dre,~ers am1 pnnce~, dre,ser~, \\ a,n stand", chd'fomer~ and cheval m1rrors,allm enclles.., \anet) \1'30 b1ac,~ dnd Iron be,l" m profUSion of all '3t) lec"color, combmatlOn~ and de"lgll~ r (J'e mg 110n beds. upnght and mantel fold111g bed~, amtar) co lche~, coh and \\drchobes, cnbs and Lfadle~ \11 kmd, of 1llatt1e~se~ com fOlt" pIllows and blanket" The colO1 scheme 111th1~ depart-ment 1~ ~ky blue and \\h1te .-----------------------~-------------------~I I I III I I II I• I• I .I..------------------ --.._-------------------- ...•.. 10uis 1I)(10n DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Llvmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN C\t17enc; Telephone 1702. The color ccheme on the fifth floor lS leaf green, and hanno-mze~ WIth the preval1mg color m upholstered furmture Thls department hd~ been dedlcated to ease and comfort It contams davenports, sofa beds and drop end couches, cuvered m velour, verona, tapestry and leather , easy chaIrs, parlor smte'3, cilvans and fancy odd pIeces of every de"cnptlOn A complete 1111e of rockers finlshed 111Antwerp, flenllsh, golden or weathered oak, upho1"tered m leather or wlth cane or oak seats, parlor tables ln oak and mahogany, heautlfu1 m fim"h, nch 111deSIgn and perfect1) made Pedestal~ of all kmds, shapes and Slzes The SIxth floor 1'3d1vldell 111 half, the south SIde bC1I1g used fOJ stordge of uncrated furmture, the nortn room for fimsh1l1g and uphol stenng "hops l\f any year, ago the house adopted the pohey of d01ng 1h O\Vn upho1,tcnng, to gUdrd aga1l1ot "hod d) and poor1) cdn"truLted factory made goods, and now has the bc-,t faullt1c" for fml"h111g and upholstenng any k1l1d of fm-mture rqu11cd bv customer, J; > ~tGvc cLp lrtl lent h 111the annex to the maw bU11d1l1g and has .111 entranc:e on FIfth street Une hundred and forty stove ,ample" are kept on tne floor, mak1l1g It the mo"t complete stove "tore 1Il sonthern OhlO ------_-.._---------- -----------~ ,I I II I1- . -...0 II_ I.... =====SEE,===== West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. for HIGH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES -----------_._--~----_._.._.., I II :I ...-------------------- -- -------~----------------.. .""" .,...----------_.~-- :, I I III \\. A 13ASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA ~ctlJ~~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT mto the (Jlemmcl block one of the be~t busmess bmld111gs 111the to\\ n MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. Holley & Kay, furmture dealel, of ~Ioto~co Ind al e llC ceeded by Kay & Kay C L Russell, furmtl11e c1ealel of T\.e\\,lima Inc1 ha~ bCCll ~ucceeded by Russell Bras Brash & ~lyerly, furmture dealel~ of llpton Illd ,1lC 'uc-ceeded by Myerly & Aberchardt Dannelley & K11lg, furl11ture dealer, ot "a111'Oll \ll ale ~ucceeded by the Kmg l\Iercanttle Compam The Menden (Conn) hU111tl11e Compdn\ l1d~ addul a lI1K of plano~, plano player~, ~tool" CO\ero etL The Folwer :bl11111ture l\Ianufact1111llg lompdm ot \a 0l;- doche~ WIll move the plant to CorslLana, 1ex The Herbert l\IcRea Company, fur111tm e deale 1, ot TX\.1ll(?, ton, MISS, has been succeeded bv J L ~IcRae, Sr The WhIte lurmture Company of IIebane '\ l has 1ll creased ItS capItal ctock from $100,000 to $ lOO000 The ExcelsIOr Seat Compam ot Columbu, ()hlO h,n e 111 creased theIr capItal stock from $30 0000 to SUO O(I) The Galloway Furmture Compam ha\ e clo'ed emt then busmess at l\Ienomo111e, \VI, and llJ()\ eel \\ est-to 1\.enn(\\ lck Wash ILc Ho~teter I'ur111tl11c ,11ld Calpet l01l1pdll\ ot \\ ,ILlll()() Iowa, has publIshed nottcc ot ch~,olutlOn 1he bU'llll" \\111 be closed out The AntIque Furmture Company ~olved, A Leabo 1etlnng from the firm the busmess, The Temple Furmture Compam of "2\ Ola ~p1111g, Icm aha, gone m voluntary bankI uptC) Llablhtles S7 2qq f 7 a',et" estImated at $4,000 The Jacobs 13ro~ l\Ianufactunng lO1l1pam ot lha1l1pau:~n Ill, mattress and bedchng, has been mcorporated Caplt,tl ~tock, $20,000 Jacob C Leboskey has mcor1'Ol ateel tlK l~Ul.l01l1lCal 1 11111C, Company to manufacture and sell filIllc, del Ice 1ll Ullcago Cdpltal, $1,000 Henry Huebnel for nealh tOlt\ \e,ll, a fUl111tl11ede,tlel 111 Sheboygan, \\ I~, chopped dead of hedlt c1t'ea~c on \l1gu~t 1'1 He WdS CJO years old The Knoxvllk ( I elln) I dblc ,llIel l h III a dr) kIln to the p],l11t dt 1'1Ol tm J he and concrete, hOx1 10 feet (Tavel nment 1epOl h c~tI111ate that tht tll11bel dt tt iF\ ed h\ fire m Canada ld,t \edl \\a~ \\01th 'B2) ()I)I)OI)l) LlL\en hHC, were lost 111 the forc st fire' ~lmmOnc, Sc \\ lllIdm,on l'can finchng lal gel qll,lrttl" of l'ugell Ull hd~ elb and l Eberth contlllmllg (01l1lM 1\ ,ue ,lelc11JlL, ]Jllllehn...: 1, ot hlllk fl1rmtl1re ele,tlel' of T\.en"1n...t:o!1 all db ollltc neels'lh ha\ l mO\ cc1 I . _. _. ------------------------------------~ BOYNTON &, CO. Manufacturers of Embolled and Turned Mould, Ings, Embo .. ~ ed and Spindle Carvings, and Automatic Turnings. We also manu facture a large lme of EmboSBed Ornaments for Couch Work. "-----_. -- ------------_._.~~-- 4'9-42' W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. '"- . Ulaf ~Ioe of ~[lllbank,::'" Dak., IS bmldmg an addItIOn to hIS tl11111tme StOle havmg founel It necessary to plovlde more room to! h1' 111Cl easml:; bu~mess T R I{OJ ton of ~anta \na ha~ bought the fur11lture ~tock md ,tOt( I eeenth concluctecl by ]\[ (~ Barnes at \ entura, Cal, ,md \1111 eontmue the bu~mes~ \\ (Tldtfelte1, furlllture clealel of Dalla~town, Pel, ha~ con"tructed a hallCb0111e c01111l10d1OU~bmldmg that \\ 111 be leach t01 occupancy 111~eptember J'll11Jp \ agel \\ ho had been m the furnIture and undertakmg hU'111e,"" at \\ apakoneta OhIO, for more than half a centl11Y, dIed of ltver tlouble on -\ugust 18 1he Colorado Office Fur11ltm e and Sy~tem Company of Denver has been mcorpOl ated by C W CoIltns, G H, SmIth anrl l \\ Lathrop CapItal stock $30,000 1 lag &. \\ ll1l~ fur11lture dealers of Brockton, Mass, have put 111a ne\\ ,tee] ancl ~lass front (,0 feet hIgh, makmg theIr store onc ot the pl01l1111entfeatm es of the CIty l'hc Tnte1 natlOnal I'm pent111e Company of Lo, \n~e1e~, l,t! has been lncorp01atecl \\Ith $3) 000 capItal ~tock L D lO! bltt ot ChIcago I~ preSIdent of the company, Ih1l1~e Thorpe & Hurns 203 Secunty Bmld111g, ChIcago, h,l \ e 111corpOlatee! the Lmted State~ " arnlsh Company, to manu-fdctl11e ane! sell varl11sh, pamts, etc. Capital stock, $2,500 S E 11ontague, for several years manager for the Ans011la ( Conn) Furl11ture Company, has reSIgned and taken the pOSItIon ot ass1'tant bu)el fOl LudWIg Bauman & Co, of New York T\\ a ~entlemen named Cone have bought the Vandventer Cll pet IIllls at RaleIgh, \J C Thev WIll remodel the bU1lding, put 111new machmery and change the character of the product The Oxnard Fm11lture and Plumbmg Company, Prescott, \llZ \\ 111soon move mto a handsome pre~sed brick bmldmg I ecenth el ectee! h\ vI, R S11lverly on FIfth street near the "a\Iel~ road 1 he Ih adtOl d (l'a ) Era sa) s that the" \mencan l\Ietal Door (ol11pam \\ Ith oEhce" and fa tory at J amestovv n, ~ Y, IS to 1110\ e to 1~laclfOld ancl occupy the plc1l1t of the \mencan \Vood !{1111l0111pam \hl h,tel Blc\lk !llell Illlrd a\ eIHll hJ1Jll on \u~u,t J" ,t defectl\ c fixture T d111t, () \ e1ll, furmture dealel and undertakel of Oconto \\ l' hd' pm c11dc,ed Elhott, opera housc ,1l1d ~tore bUlldmg \\ 111h he \\ 1111emodel and occupy as dn up-to-date fur11lture \\ ho owned a fur11lture ~t01e on Broadway L011~ Tllanch, ~ J. wa'l found dead 111 hh lIe lId" a,ph) "Icatecl b) g,l" c~capmg flom IIII I I II• •II• I• •• III I I •I II ••I --' ~-----------------_._._---_._---'._------- _. -_... f I• IIi• I I• I• II I•• I•• j I I• II .. These saws are made from No. 1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. $~~~) & ~ \ FRANK EPGE & CQ· . l~' MA"U"CTOOf" OF ~AWS. I ", (?)UPERIOR BAND ..". BEVELED BACK BAND fJAWS i "o~,SMOOTH WORK AND 4. . •1~' ,SHORT CURVES 'l-~ ~ , [ UNEQUALED, .J ~ . .. .- ...-.... ----------~---... I._- -- .t. Write U8 for Price L1tlt Hnd dl8count 31-33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 and undertaking establishment He will employ a manager for the theatre Moore & SClver, the Ml11neapohs furmture dealers, have taken out a permIt for tLe erectIOn of a four story bnck anel rel11- forced concrete bwld1l1g, b )xlOH feet. at S10-81 '2 J'\ Icollet a\ em~e at .l cost of $33,000 11 \ I rank has "olel 111';mterest m the FrontIer l\u11lture Company at Reno, ~ev, to I \VIle Joseph~. Kohn \\ho founded the ImtItutIOn contl11ue" \\ Ith 111 \\ lIe dnel the pl0pose to enlarge the stock Burglal s entel ed the office of fthe l\f u~kogee (Okb ) E urm-ture ~tore at 2 o'clock 111 the mornIng of Augl1~t 17, fOl1ncl tne \\atchman a~leep and the safe unlocked [hey got a\\a) \\lth $20 WIthout leavl11g a clue Grdnt & Humman, furnIture dealer' of RlVer:Olele, Cal. have boug-ht a bIg balloon whIch they plopose to me for advertIs1l1~ purpose:o They have hlfed an expert aeroneaut who w1ll 1l1dke ascensIOns 111 nelghbollng town" [he Kennedy Manufactunng Company of Roche~teI, \; y . ha" been 1l1LOrporated by De\\ e) H I,,"enncc1), Lotm H Hamman .lnd Henlamlll H Kennedv to manufdctnlc wal<ltobe", \'vallltobe rdlb, etc Cap1tal "tock, $2:J,OO() The movement of 1110ne) from J\ tw YOJ k to the l11tenOl expected la~t week on account of crop sh1pments 111 the west eh I not take plale I nsteac1, the ~ e\\ York bdnks g<uned $1 4(J5 000 l11cash, of whIch $910,000 came from the west CredItors of the Carnes Furl1lture Company, 1\1:anetta, Ga, allegll1g that the managers have been gIvmg Illegal preferences, have asked that the concern be ad]uged bankrupt The lJablhtIes are supposed to be about three-fourths of that amount. The Illll10IS Cabmet Company, Rockford, III , are bUlldll1g an .lddltIOn to theIr plant whIch WIll practIcally double the1r capac1ty The new bUlldmg I~ SOx192, three stones ThIS IS the fourth of the Rockford factone:o that have enlarged theIr plants tlm }eal The stock and fixtures of the Estes FurnIture Company of Chfton, Mass, whIch faIled recently, wele sold at auction by the receIver on August 19. After spIrlted blddl11g 1t \\ a" knocked down to Edward F Hall, furl1lture u.ealer. of ClIfton, at $1,53'5 The receIver for the Chlppe\\ a I, alls Furl1lture Compan), r SH~~BYVILLE""'"---. DESK CO. SHELBYVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE, FURNITURE Write tor latest catalogue. ... (hlppew<l Falls, \VIS, has been ordered by the federal court to beg1l1 SUIt agalmt stockholders to recover, for the benefit of ueehtors, cllvldend~ that were paId Just befOIe the company faIled The Badger State Tanmng Company of Sheboygan, WIS, whIch recently added a chrome leather department has ddded another department for makll1g fIne furmture and carnage leathers The latter department \~Ill be managed by \'1£;uust T,,"lamer, who lomes from J\ewd1k, ). J Jacob LaprowskI, who faIled m the furnIture bmmes:o at Douglds, \nz, hac filed a voluntdry petItIOn m bankruptcy m the ll1lted State" court at DetrOIt, \lIch ills ~tatement shows ha-blhtles amountmg to $'5,'266, of \\111ch $,J,OOO 1S due the State 1\dtlOndl hank of I'..l Pa"o. Tex \sseb, $1,800 An agreement ha~ been reached whereby the affa1r~ of the \ enty-Caswell Table Company of Portland, MICh, now 111 the hand s of a rele1veI, a1e expected to be settled The assets h sted at about $13,000 are to be ~old <U1dthe proceeds chvlded pro rate among the ueelItOl s whose daIms amount to $20 000 The Read bOl0 (\ t ) LlMll Company al e makmg rapId IIIog 1es~ on then ne\\ plant [he faLtory blllldmg \\111 be four stone~ hIgh and 2()() feet l11length \ pal t of It I~ 76 feet and the 1 emamcle1 48 feet m \\Iclth fhe company ~ bl1S111e~sI" growlllg 1aplClh \ftel the 11ewplant I~ LOlllpleted they Will employ about -too men Joseph Delbmger, pi eS1dent ot the Denslllger } urmture and Stove Company, St. LOUIS, Mo, has started a ,mt agamst Jo:oeph Gerach and hIS WIfe, Mrs Emma GeradI, for $10,000 damages, allegmg he wa~ abused by J\Irs Gerach, July 15 Bens1l1ger dllege~ he was roughly 01 dered out of the Grand Avenue Hotel by :\1rs Gel ae!l, Vvlfe of the propnetor, and that she used dlsparagmg language John Kell} I" awaltl11g tnal for entenng the furmture store of Frank L Hake~, Cana:otota, 1\ Y, and stedlmg $25. Kelley was formerly employed m the stOl e and knC\'v the combmatlOn of the sdfe He mIght have taken several hundred dollars but 1JlObabl) thought the ~maller amount l111ght not be l111s~ed He \\as betrayed by an alcomphce who acted as sentmel and "squeal-ed' \\hen Kelley !:;ave h1111onh fiftv cent~ mstead of $3 that had been pr01111sed ._-_.- ..... ------'1 I I . .... _-J .F ••••.• ae •••••• _ ••••• .......- •••••• __ • __ .a '\11IUI1\' lu 1 :1, dol)' 1't'l >t<\l, \\\J11\lng ,d full jJcI\\el', fht:y h,\\'c lltu d Jlt:' 1l11pu,ul U,l tnt:' 111t:'ll1ber,uf the C0ll111IUetl ~toppclge of \\ ()]k t01 d pOllocl vt 1'-0 cla\ out of the 3G6 workmg day~ of the) ear In this arrdngment there IS a tenelenLY to oppose the 1l1teresh at the \\ 01klllg hr e, the members at wmch Cdn with chfficulty accept snch a long penoel of enforced Idlene:"s. In ordel to obI late th1' 1l1con\ emence the shut down wa" In prac-tlce reg ulated a" follow, 1he fal t011es I 1 the comb me \1ere forced to remal11 m l pelatlOn clunng tl1e ent1re year, but wIth d ploductlve capaClt} of machlller} that \\ ould llm1t the output to what It would have been had the) \\ orked but 126 days dunng the ) ear. Thus, a factor) po,se~smg ten machl11es, dccorchng to the agreement, \Iould hay e a productive capa21ty of 1,2GO day s, workmg full to! ce Instead of VI orkl11g 126 days at full force, however, the tactory would work dunng the entire ) ear but four of its machmes, leavmg the 1emaml11g SIX Idle ThIS arrangement enabled the manager of the dIfferent factones m the combl11e to elU111nate the least valuable element among their workmg force~ and to retam o.1h the most skillful workmen BesIdes, there re<,ulted a say 1l1g 1n the cost of operat1l1g a lalge number of 1J1ach1ne, The questlOn reeentl) ca1l1e up of an eventual mcredse m the ploductlOlJ to be authonzecl by the syndIcate It IS belleved, hO\\ e\ er, that such an el entuallt) wIll not be consIdered 111 the \ el \ neal future CertalJi concerns, especIally well-eqUIpped hay e It 1 true, 1ecelVed dn excess of orders whICh they can With chfficult\ h11, but "everal estdbhshments less favored In the mat-tel ot 01 del, \\ III unde1 take to fill those whlCh the more active umlCln, lannot t'lke up In thiS manner an eq1l111bllUm Will be c,tabh "hed and the productIOn alII ays mamtamed suffiCIent to "up pI) actual needs The board of management of the mter-natIOnal S\ nchcate follov\ s very ca1 efully the movemenL of the lhftu t nt mdrkets the board meeb ever) three months m order to 1eg ulate the m,ltte1 of plOcluetlOn BeSides, a speCIal com mlttee e"amme" c,tch 1110nth all statle.,tlcs commu111catd by the J1llJ1lhel' ot the ,\nch ate, whde an Olga1l1ZatlOn compo,ed of d~enh ut the j)1l1lupal factone, meets at lea t once a month 111 O!del to reg ulelte the que"tlOn of order~ received, and COmmt1111- latl to tnl bO'll d ot mal1ager~ "uch mformdtlOn as mcl) be deemed OpplJItUlle The efleets ot th1, combmatlOn 111 the plate-glass llldustry III Belg1l1m a1e palpably eVident when the SltUdtlOll 111190+, the \ car 111\\ hlch the agreement was concluded, IS compared WIth the ) ea1s followl11g that date, and from recent reports prospects for the future look encouragl11g" 14 \IV 1',E K L Y 1\ l{ 1 I bAN PLATE GLASS TRUST IN ~:liR(JP~: United States Consul Reports Tbat Nearly All Factories Are in tbe Combine. Abert Johnson, ~mencan con"ul at Liege. repO! t" that nearly all the plate gla"" factones In Europe a1 e conti nlled by a trust and de'>cnbes the conchtlOn~ that led to the mel ~- 111g of mterests, management ot the comb1l1atlOn, etl. In a way that Will be mterestmg to those \\ ho compla1l1 of be 1l1g oppressed by the Glass Trust of Amenca He "dV" "At the begmn111g of 190-h tne plate-gla~, 111dustl\ \\ as iiuffenng from an acute cn olS Uw Ing to act! \ e com petl tlOn, pnces showed conSiderable fluctuatlOn, wh11e nn the other hand the ad, ance m the price" of raw matcnclb employ eel tended to favor an mcrease m the cost pnce of the mdnu-factured article L:nder these conc11tlOn" the plate-glasOl 1l1- dustry was severely confu'>ed, \"hen the mternatlOnal a~ree ment of Augu)t 17, 190-t, amonlS the plate-gla"s manl1fac turer" Lame to rehe\ e the "ltuatlOn Thl" com b1l1e lllclude" nearly all the factolle, of E111ope 1\ hen It \\ a" tormed the total productlOn of the plate-gla s factone-, of the \\ orld \\ as e"tl111ated at about 10,000,000 square metel, (1 ,qua1e mete1 elluab 111 :(J square feet) The S) nd1cate "ulceeded In '3ecunng about ;- '=;00,000 square meter" of thIS amount, the 1emallic!er hemg p10- duced by Independent factones "fhe syndIcate controls seven Llctone" 111 Bel~1l1m and fi\ e m Fran-2e In German), out of e1ght S)l1chcated tactOlle fi\ c only are Gel man natlOnaltt) , one tne '(Jell11alll,l I, the 1)1clnlh house of a Belgian concern clnd the other" belong to <l 1Iench company Bohemia IS represented b) a factO! \ of Uelg1an ong1l1 I taly and Holland have each one facto! \ created lIncler 1renclt control In reahty 1rench mtCle"h al e d0\11lnant 111 l1111eplate gLI" \VOl ks, BelgIan mterests 111 lllne ,lad (Jell11an mtlll,ts III h\ l A factory at COl1rnelle", m llelglUll1. h "aHl to he undel ~l1H 11 can control, while a I rench VJ11leln 10lated <1t \lcluheugl I' controlled by Lnghsh capltah"t" Che-,e t\\ 0 l"tahh"ltl11ent, as well as the factones m the llllted State, Lll£;and al1cl Rl1" Sla, are not mcluded m the ,,)nchcate It h a"e1tecl thdt In the U 11lted State" there are twenty factolle", ot \vhlch el~h t or nme compnse the i\mencan plate gla,," tnl"t 'In England there al e, It 1S saId, two factones, one of \\ hlch IS 111active operatIOn RlIs~la controb fOUl factolles of 1elatn ell small capacIty, two of which are closed, tlte otnel t\\ a pi oduce from 100,000 to 120,000 "quare meters-suffiCIent to ,upph thl home market only. "Although, as stated, the i\mencan dnd Fn~h"h concern, do not form part of the ") nchcate, then 1elatlOn-, \\ Ith the ldtte1 are on a mo~t amIcable bas1s. In the matte1 of lompetitlOn \\ Ith the ~ynd1cate, It IS stated that the i\mellc:an glOtlP of manuLtc-turers have never attempted to galll a foothold In the European markets, and that the Enghsh manufacturer, onl) ~eek to hold theIr own mdrkets and those of then numerou~ colo111e" On the other hand, the European concerns eXJl0lt then pi mluch to Fng land and to the Untted ~tate" Dun 19 the pa ,t \ eal the Lnghsh order~ gIven to lontmental faetO!le, have "hO\\ n ,I n1<lrked de-crease, OWlllg, It 1;:;claImed. to the commeillal lrhl,> ~ene1dlh preva111l1g The scope of the plate-gla'3" "}nchcate IS maml) to place the manufacturer of plate glass 111 dIrect conneetlOn \\ Ith the con-sumers of thIS artIcle, 111order, 111a mea'3t11e to ~1\ C '3tdblhty to the selhng pnce and to prevent overproductIOn whIch always results 111 excessIve damage 111 dny form of 111dustnal activIty In order to attam thIS object, the syndICate agreed theoretIcally, it is stated, to reduce the productIve capacIty of the syndIcated fhe Eugene (Ore) ExcelslOr factOl y has been closed down for a fe\\ \\ eeks owmg to a lack of demand for ItS product III A OLCOM6 CO@ MANUFACTURERS ,.~DDEALERS IN HIGH GRADE BAND AND SCROLL SA~S REfAll\1 NG-5ATI5FACTION GUARANTEED ~ ClT1ZENS PHONE 1239 27 N MARKET ST. ~, GRAN D RAFI DS9 MICH. r·································· ..·~~·4.. ~ 1 THE BIG WHITE SHOP I I~--------------------------------------------------------------------- I II•Ii III I III I I ._ 1,I II II i II •• I• III II,II III ,I II I II IIII III I, II I II I I• I I•I I I J I r....THE ---HIG---wHITE-'--sHoi~---1 I ••• at ._.aa ••••••••••••••• at •••••• aa •••••••••• _. __ -- .e ••••••••••• •• •••••••••• 4 WKEKLY ARTISAN We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. 15 , ell1d emplm ee~, the tOrInel pledgl11g the!1l,elve~ to make up any dehue>1L) If the j0111t payment fdll "h01 t of $'200. the 11111'1111'1,1 ~um The ad provlCles that the ,) stem shall be under the IlllN~( 111cntof a board of trt1,tee~ composed equally of employ el" 11(\ e111p\O\ee, 1he plan h \\orth) of adoptlo11 by emp\o\ e1" of bum 111 the manuiae tUrIng dnd mercantIle 1I1du~tnes 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBL..ISHEO ~VERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEA YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $200 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE. 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter July 5. 1909, at the post office at Grand RapIds. MIchIgan nndel the act of March 3 1879 The astute John \Vanamake1 . put one 0\ er the \ s,ouatul PI ess recently mo~t eff ect1\ el) 'Ill \ \ anamakel emplO\, ,(\ el al tl ade p10moter", bl1t the pctlm of e"eellenee 111ustbe a \\ aHled to the young man who prepal ed tl1dt lon~ tele~1 am \\ hllh told ot the magmtude and Importance of the ~ug u,t ~ale~ ot turmture 111 ), ew YOlk and the extent to \d1l'::h the house of \\ anamakel particIpated 111 the same The cbal acter cl11dquahty of the ,tack car ned, the faclhtles employed 111 the transactIOn of blh1l1es" easl1y and pleasantly, and the accommodatIons aftorded to shop pers, were full) descnbed, and a \ el) 1l1terest1l1g and InteIlH?;ent ch~cusslOn of the styles prefen ed 111 the furmture markeb to-gether wIth 1I1formatlOn 111 regard to construction £1msh and utlhty closed the telegram It \\as \\ 01th man) thousanch ot dol lan, to the great merchant In fact had he been called upon to compensate the ~~souated PI e"" fOi the actnal \ alue ot the sel vIce It IS doubtful If he \\ oukl have deemed 11lI11,elt ju"tlfiec1 1lI the employment of that agency 111explOlt111g hIS sale In (hscu~sll1g the :,t) le~ pI evaJll1lg 111 the h\lmtul e tl ade a ne\\ spaper, pubh:,heclll1 "e\\ YOlk, c1edal ed that the c!c'lgnel' do not tIy to ong1l1ate an)thmg- tl1clt they are mereh 1I1telpi etel ~ ot the c1d~SIC styles of the past The motr\ e" ot :-,hel aton, the \dams Brothers, Hepple\\ hlte .md tne successful des1gnel s at past centnnes m France, Ital), German) and Holland \\ ho lank With 2\Iendlesohn, 'i\Iozart, Gonnod and \ erd1 m mnslc dl e stnd1ed carefnlly, and fame and fortnne IS d\\ arded to sncces~tnl II1terpreters of thell work The ongmal sty les ot Cohalkee Dnbson and ~ogood dre no longer tolerated, not even 111 the nMr-kets where cheapness rather than qnaht) IS the £1r~t cOibldel dtlOn of the bnyer. ~" stated on anothel page of tllIS echtlOn the -:\[anufacturer~' -\~SOCIatlon of Evansville Jnd , ha\ c ~ecured a gl eat I uluLtlOn ln fI eight rates from that cIty to \rkan~as and \11 s Ollli j)omt"-a cut of over 3,)Yl pel cent on Ie", than c'lrload loh -l hel e ~ a good llln~treltlOn of what can he done b\ 01 ~a11lZdtlon and action There I~ little doubt thelt the mannfacttll el ~ of (11and Raplcb can secnre a matenal rednctlOn m rdtes to \\ e~tern POll1t~ b) aLtlOn 1I11l\ar to that of the Evamv1lle assoCIatIOn fhe) certamh onght to be able to do away WIth the handIcap the) are now Cclfry1l1g 111 the matter of rates on 111lxed car~ to P01l1ts \\ e~t of Chicago, and they might secure reductlOn" 111 other chrectlOns ~n act of the legtslature of \Iassachnsetts \\ hlch "hould 111- tere~t emp\oye1s of labor generall), provIdes for the care of work-lI1en engaged 111 hazardons occupatIOn, Pensions may be pro vided for nnder the act by equal contn1JntlOllS from employers \n expel t fig UIe" the cost of ~ellmg goods at 1etatl at '! l pel cent divided a, follo\\ ~ . Bnymg and "elll11g wages, seven per Lent ad\ el tI"l11g. three per cent, I ent, five per cent; department e"pen"e (\\ hlch I11dndes freight and expre"s, travehng and ,npphc~) f011l per cent, general expen"e (which mc1nde" expenses that Cdnnot be c!1drged duect) four pel cent Each department ,honld be charRed chrect WIth e\ ery Item of expense It mClll s. ()nh In that way can a manager determme whethe1 d departmcnt h mak111g or losmg mane) fhe deCISIOn of the federal jndges IJ1 the ,ocalled \\ (',le' n 1 clilroadca"e IS not Lonclnslve It 1~only a t\\ o-to-one ctffalr and llld\ be overruled b) the higher court::, To mo,t laymen Jnd[; > !lakel " \ le\\ of the case \\ 111seem more rea"onable that that of 111d~e, h.ohl"aat and (110"SCllP If the deCISIOn shall be ,nstallled lhe la \\ [;0\ cI11Ing the Inter-state Commerce COml111%lOn \\ 111 hd\ e to be IeVI"ed dnd amended 111Ih most lInpOl tdnt provl"lOn~, else the COl11ml~~lOnmight as well be aboh"hed \\ Ith the most al11lable relatIOne" eXI~tll1g between the plate ~las, manutacturers of Amenca and England and those of eontll1entdl Europe the Plate Glass Trust must be pretty nearly \\ or1d-\\ Ide 111 control and operatIOn Amencan Consul Johnson at Liege has \\ntten an I11terestmg descnptlOn of the orgamzatlon ot the J'.nropean combl11e, methods of manufactnre, etc, wlllch \\ III be tonnd In thIS eclitlOn of the \Veekly Artisan, If the I11ventlOn of that Texas doctor by whIch he propo~es to preserv e the dead 111 I11destruct1ble glass bottles, proves pract1- cdl, Jt ma) become populal WIth those who dread the idea of letllllJlno to dust It WIll do awav \\Ith the necessIty of grave- b • "I elld, and gl a\ e dlgger~ fhe (lead. bel11g eternally embalmed, ma \ he laid a\\ a \ on "helves 111 bmldl11gs and catalogued hke book~ 111a hbra I) ~ department store 111 ChICago gIves employment to npward~ at 3,000 salesmen and chspose" of goods dmonntl11g to $300,000,- 000 annuall) ~s many as 230,000 people enter the store 111 a cla) Its operations e\.tend to all parts of the c1v1hzed world 1 hiS e,leat bU~lI1es~ has been created by proVlI1g that the store i~ of real value and perform~ gel1lnne ~crvlce to the people of the \\ OIld ~ gelltlel11dll largely enRdged 111 the manufacture of chamber ~llltes declares that the only pi ofit 1edhzed on the bnsll1e"~ trallSacteel, amountmg 111 Rooel tImes to $,lOO,OOO annnally, i, the ,lmot111t caved thlough the dl"CGtlllt111g of bIlls for matenals J-le tdll, to see 111 the futnre anv Improvement so far as regards profits 'Style sells male good" than the pnce," remarks l\Iodern \Iethods "Gomb that are not np-to-date are dIfficult to dIspose of at iO cent~ on the dollar" Not 111 every ll1stance. An in-stallment dealer of Colnmbus, OhIO, sold a chamber suite in the Geranahatchle style sIxteen tImes and ree e1ved the valne of the ,,11Itedown on each sale. -\n "overstock" exchange, estabh~hed at ~a:>hvI!le, Tenn, is saId to produce very :,atIsfactory result,. -Upon a large black- WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 board such dealers as have more of anyone lIne of standard goods than they wish to carry place them on .,ale to other merchants at cost or less The plan ought to aHI many mate1lally 111c1eamng ont eAces 1ve stocks 1he Bon :\larche, a department store of Pans. "ells goods annually amountmg to $+3,000,000 The salesmen a1e dull and stupid. and It IS saId that the blhmess at the lOnceln 1111ghtbe doubled WIth better sale~mansh1p To effect a more p10mpt settlement of aconnts the mel-chants of StIllwater (l\Imn ) have agreed that al customers who fall to pay their bills plO111ptly on the thirty clay plan shall there-after be sold only upon stnctly ca"h basb ~ot a bad plan GOOD FOR EVANSVILLE Mallufacturers~ Association Secures a Ma-terial Reduction in Freight Rates to Western Territory. Evanwille. Ind. \ug '2()-Busmess With the fl11mtnre man-u factm ers of Evanw1lle and v1c1mty IS much Improved over last month ant! md1catollb pomt to a good steady fall trade Inqm11es a,re mcreasmg nght along and most of the factones are now bemg operated on full tune Desk and chaIr manufacturers re-port an l11crease m trade and bay they are 100kl11g for busl11ess to get better nght along \i eneer manufacturers also report trade active, dec1anng that It IS better nght now than at any tIme thIS season. Edward Ploeger of the Bosse Furlllture Compauy, accom-pal11ed by hI>: WIfe, has returned from the spnngs near Attica, Ind, whe1 e they spent several weeks. Among the recent VISitors to the new Furmture Exchange was H C. Howar~l, a merchant at San Juan, Porto RICO, who bought a bIg lot of furlllture to be shIpped there. He say s Evanw1lle furmture IS m gl eat demand 111the Island and th111ks the open111g of the new Exchange here WIll greatly st1l11Ulatetrade 11l that sectton On August Hi freIght rates on stoves and furmture from EvanSVIlle to CaIro, Ill, Galva, III , and Thebes, Ill, 111less than carload lots were reduced to sixteen cents per hunderd and 111 carload lots to twelve cenb per hundred, the m1111mumbe111g 20,- noo pounds These rates \'1'111not apply on busl11ess dest111ed to the pomts na111edbut \V 111be known a~ ploportlOnal rates and will be use(l m figunng 1ates to pomb m 1\hsSOU11and Arkansas to r-~~~~-;-~'aPidS Cast~'r.~~-~.CO. 2 Parkwood Ave••Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting out the best Caster Cups wItb cork bases ever offeree to the trade. These are fimshed In Golden Oak and Wbite Maple In a hght limsh These goods are admirable for pohshed lIoors and furn- Iture rests. Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES: ~ze 2}.(mches ...... $4.00 per hundred SIze 2ji mrhes' . 5.00 per hundred Trva sample Order F.O B. Grand Rap,dI • WhICh states 110 through rates have been given from Evansville. The present rate~ are twenty-four cents on le;,s than carload lots and fourteen cents on carload lots The reductIon 111rates was "ecured by John C Keller, manager of the Traffic Department of the EvanSVIlle NIanufacturers' A:o,soclatlOn The Marstall Furmture Company have a fine Ime of ward-lObes on dIsplay 111the lurmtm e Exchange bmld111g A I Karges of the Karge~ I'urmture Company, 'V1lltam A Koch of the EvanSVIlle Metal Bed Conlpany and John H Rohsen-berger of the Buehne1 Chair Company attended the bIg faIr at Rockport, Incl, last week. The :::'chelosky Table Company are movmg theIr machlllery mto theIr new factory, on Outer 1'1rst avenue, WhICh has Just been completed and they expect to have the plant 111operatlOn on or about Sept 1 1he E. Q :::'m1th ChaIr Company have also completed thelr new factory and expect to have the same m opera-tton about Sept 1 Elt D ::\ltller, the well known and popular folclmg bed manu-facturer of thls Clty, attended the furnIture exhIbltton at St. Loui" \ugust 2 to 7, and looked after the famous Elt foldmg bed Henry J Kalges of the IndIana Stove Vv ork~ IS on a busmess tnp through Texas and Oklahoma, bOOStlllg the "Darllllg" range, which IS one of the best stove;, turned out by the Iud1ana Com-pany Congressman John 'V. Boehne of thIS CIty IS one of the hea vy stock holders m the IndIana Stove Works. VV V DIxon of the Evansvllle Bookca~e and Table Company and secretary of the EvanSVIlle Busllless AssoclatlOn has returned from a tnp to Cerultan Sprtngs, Ky HIS WIfe and two sons WIll spend the remamder of the summer there On all first class tickets on the Evansville & Terre Haute and EvanSVIlle & Ind1anapolts railroads a stopover of ten days IS pert111tted m thIS ctty. ThIS g1Ves VISItors plenty of ttme to go through the Furmture Exchange bl11ldmg and make theIr pur-chase" .. W H Krause of Storm Lake, Iowa, buyer of W. H. Krause & Co, of that CIty and also Des Momes, Iowa, was a viSItor at the Furmture Exchange a few days ago. He made several large purchases. A. P. Fenn, well known chalf manufacturer of Tell Clty, Ind., reports busmess much Improved and says he is looklllg for a fine fall and wmter trade. The salesmen to represent the manufacturers 111the ne\\ Fm111ture Exchange bUlldmg have been selected as follows: F A RIehl IS on the thIrd floor of the bmldmg and will represent the Spec1altty Fnrmture Company, the Schelosky Table Company, the Elt D 1\I1ller & Co., the IndIana Fnrmture Company, the Mar-stall Fmmture Company, and the Evansvllle Desk Company, A E Small 1S to be found on the second floor representmg the Crescent Furmtm e Company, the lmted State" Furmture Com-pany, the :::,tar Furniture Company, the EvanSVIlle Metal Bed Company and the Evans\ llle Bookcase and Table Company, Fred y\ Bockstege, J r , IS on the fifth and Sixth floors and represents the;e~ Ftlll11tUle Company. the Bockstege Furmture Com-pany, the ;\1etal I urmtm e Company, the Bos~e Furmture Com-pany, the Globe Furmture Company and the Henderson Desk Company On the fourth floor are the lllles of the Evansv1ll" :\Iattt ess and Lounge Company, the Hohsenstelll- Hartmetz Furlll-tm e Company, the Buehner ChaIr Company, the Stoltz-Schmitt Furmture, the Crown ChaIr Company, the Crescent Upholstenng Company and M A Hunt & Co, and they are represented by the three above named salesmen William SpIegel of the ReItz-Spiegel Furniture Company of Fulton avenue and Fred Gumberts of the R. & G. Furniture Com-pany report the local retaIl business pickmg up nicely. W. B. CARLETON . • • WEEKt,Y ARTISAN These lines are for sale in the Evansville Furniture Ex- I change. Call and inspect them; it is worth your while.III I THE KARGES FURNITURE co. II Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chlfforobes. I THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges Furmture Co The Big Six Manufacturers of Evansville possess unequalled facil-ities for shipping goods promptly. All have sidings in or adjoining their factories and cars can be dispatched direct over the great rail-road systems of the East, South and West. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K. D. Wardrobes. Cupboards and Safes. in Imitation golden oak. plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds. Buffets. Hall Trees, Chma Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak. imitation quartered oak. and solid quartered oak. Chamber Suites. Odd Dressers. Beds and Chiffoniers in imitation quartered oak, imitation mahogany. and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor. Library. Dining and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. Cribs, Wire Springs and Cots. . ...•....•. ....•.... . . . . . . . WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 II,II• III III I,I• II IIII I I• I I I M Ide b) Bock"tege FUfllltme Co Made by World Furmture Co Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co Made by Bos,e Fm nlture Co. • •• a •• _ •••• sa • --- ••••• 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN PART OF SUITE 1545 MADE BY NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH WEEKLY ARTISAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothing but Quality tools, the first cost of which is considerable, but which will make more profit for each dollar lOvested than any of the cheap machines flood- 109 the country. Oliver Tools Save Labor "Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No. 11 Will take a saw up to 20' d,ameter Arbor belt IS 6' wIde Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. BRANCH OFFlCES-OhYer Mschmery Co, Hudson Termmal, 50 Church St, New York, Ohyer Machmery Co , FirSt Nahonal Bank Buddmg, Chicago, III , Ohye, Machmery Co , PaCific Buddmg, Seattle, Wash. Ohve, Machmery Co , 201.203 Dean,gate, Manchester, Eng HOLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made with 0' without motor dnye Melal table 36" j[ 3D" Wdl take 18" under the gUlde- hIt. 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees lhe other way Car-flea a saw up to 1%11 wide. beanng to lower wheel .halt when not motor dnven WeIgh> 1800 lb. when ready to sh.p H Tempers 21 " Cost Funeral Directors' National Convention. The twenty-eighth annual conventlOn of the NatlOnal ASSoclatlOn of Funeral D1recto1 s wIll be helel 111 Portland. Ore. on September 2U and :0 <md October 1 and 2 SpeCial ral1road rate" Will be 111 force and many of the easteln dele-gate" will he acc0111pa11led by fnemls ",ho VvIlI ImprO\ e the opportu111t} to take a tllP to the coa~t and Vl'\lt the Seattle eXpo"ltlOn A "'peclal tram fm the delegate ...dnd then" fnend~ w111 lea\ e Ullcago on September 17, stoppmg at pomt'\ of 111- tereo,t and arnvll1R at POl tland ~eptember 24 ReturnlnR the tram w111led\ e Portland on October 4 or S. ~top at man} pOll1h dml Ieach Cillcago Odober 10 or 11. taklnR about three \\eek" f01 the round tllP \11 ah \\ 131Cl\\n, P H O'Bnen and Jame~ B McInl11s WIll be the Grand RdplCh deleRate ... anc1 It 1'\ probable that other meml,er ... of the "tate a~SoclatlOn m thiS clt} w111 take the tnp. Building Big Addition. 1he Grane! Rapids Show Case Company have started work on the new factory bmld1l1g that IS to be added to their plant [he new structure Will be of ree! bnck WIth stone tnmm1l1gs, ~lX ct011es hIgh and WIll have a frontage of l±7 feet 011 Canal ,treet and 176 on Colelbrook street It IS to be fimshed about the fir';t of December and WIll be u"ul f01 office", show room" awl factory department'\ that have nceded mOlC 100m for some tIme Later the old frame bmld111gs \\ 111he 1ecomt1 ucted With bllck to match the ne\\ h11lldmg and thc compdny w111ha\C 011Cof the best furl11ture plants 111the c01111tr} The 1l1a1n entrdnce to the new hmldmg \\'111be on the Colclbrook ctieet front, fasmg the nlUl11- Clpal watel \\ orks and pubhc hghtl11g hmldmg Good Demand for Machinery. The Ohver Mach1l1ery Company. Grand RapIds, IS hav111g the busle"t season 111theIr 11l',t01y They are haVing a g-reat run of orders f01 manual tram1l1g eqmpment<; for hIgh schools, planes, lathes, saws ane! othel \\ ooc!\\Ork111e,'tool,;; and mach111cry. They al e also eqmpp1l1g a new pattern sbop for the ,fallOn (lnd) ~tedll1 Sbovel L011lpany, which h<I" the contI act f01 f11rm'3h111g the "tcam shovels u"ec1 on the F\lnd111d canal, and a patteln shop for the ::\Iesta l\lach111er} Lompany of \Ve"t Homestead, Pa 1he Ohver l\Llcbmel y Lompally, (,rane! RapId", drc bavmg of land to be u"ed a <111adchtlOn to a park tl1dt h bemg unproved on the sIte of the olel \\ atcr \\ 01k" "eUh 19 ba"1l1 located on the north Side of the Crrand 1'11111kIa111Oac1tI <lck" oppo'31te the com-pam s hmlel111g-" The 1mpl 0\ e111cnt of the park Will make a plea"1l1g betterment 111the outlook from the plant -~I ... ----------- ---~----_._-~- I,,,I, ,I ,I III ,II ,I II ,, ,I I.. THE NEW GRAND RAPIDS MACHINERY STORE Wood Working Machinery Factory Equipment Machine Knives, Bits, Etc_ Everything in Equipment for the Woodworker. Office &.ndStore, 58 South Ion.&.St , Opposite Union Depot McMUllEN MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPID, MICH _ ... ARTHUR S WHITE. PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN. VIce PreSident HARRY C WHITE. See y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 Many New Features Added for the Fall Season Everything for the Bedroom [ MedIUm and FlOe Quality 1 Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand RapIds, MIch. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. " -- . IIIIII III II II II II III I I II I III II IIIIII I II I II II ~------------_._--------------- ._----_.-_.--------._-----_._-----------------_._- -_._---------._---~ !t II ! I I I III IIII II IIIII IIIIII IIII __________.__ __ -JI SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY N p.. 'till ~ .. ::;;::: ~ It.. /so- ..A...~r,~ FILLER The FILLER that FILLS. The L. Mac. E. FiJ/ers are noted for their Uniformity. They work properly, packing well under the pad, They dry hard over night They will not Shrink as we use a water floated Silex, WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING. The lawrence-McFadden Company PHILADELPHIA, PA. 24 WEEKLY .,. I II I THE "ELI" No Stock complete wtthout the ElI Beds III Mantel and Upnght / 10 SPI~DLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WITH 12 15 20 AND 25 SP1NDLhS. DODDS' NEW DOVETAILING GEAR MACHINE This little machme has done more to perfect the drawer work of furnl ture manufacturers than anythIng else 10 the furniture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetailed stock a POS~l blltty ThIS has been accomphshed at reduced cost, as the mach1l1e cut., nove-taIls In gangs of from 9 to 2! at one operatIOn It s '\ hat others see about your busme<;s rather than what )on <.,ayabout It that counts In the ca.,h dra'\'er It 5 the thnll of t:nthu';lasm and the true nng- of truth lOll feel and hear back of the ( old t, pe that makes you buy the thmg ad, ertlsed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN R"p,,,sent,,d hy Schuchart & Schutt. at Berhn, VIenna. Stockholm and St Pele .. bura Represented by Alfred H Schutte at Cologne, Bru""I., Leae, Pans, Muan and Buboa Represented m Great Bnllan and lroland by the Ohver Machmery Co. F S Thompson, Mgr , 201·203 Dean'aate, Manchdler, England c ARTISAN The New Star Catalogue. The :\Ilchlgan Star FurnIture Company of Zeeland, 1\1Ich , hay e brought out a new catalogue contammg 84 Illustrations of cham bel ~llltes, odd dresser'i and chIftol11er,., These good" are made 111 quarter sawed oak, mahogany and blrd''i eye maple The deslgn'i are attractIve, the COll'itructlOn and fil11'ih rIght, and the plIce" are based on a rea'ionable plofit on \\ ell !l1dde good" Thl" company h e"peclaly 'itlong on 1m d" e\ l maple Recently they ha \ e had .,e\ eral ordel" tOl bIrd" eye'i flam Texa" and Oklahoma They al e JlI e- Ildled t01 prompt "hlpmenh and ale havIng a good hU"1I1e,,, Think They Have a Bonanza. 1he Eureka Desk and Cabmet Company of Fmdlay. OhIO, hay e II1creased theIr capItal stock from $10,000 to $25,- I) )roer to ( '~a,:;c 'n the d1L "'u' t,le of ,1 ,amf I \ '1ttach l11ent tOl school de,.,kc-a Iecepta01e fOl I11k,penCIls, pens, erasers, M Lt1e 1,\ L<IOJo FU-Illtllt t' Co EVa118v1l e, Inti "ponges, etc -111\ ented b\ a jal1Itor of the Hubel school of that lIty. The apparatU'i l'i bemg manufactured 111 Cleveland at pre'ient and agent<, are 'iald to have taken ordel'i for over half a mIllIon. 'l he managers of the company expect to place one of the de\ Ice" on every school desk m the country. What to Buy and Where. \ \ alter ClaI! ... 335 J\IIch Trwt bUlldl11g, GI and RapIds has halt a mIllIon feet of ] -20 quarter-~a wed oak \ eneer on hand I cady for Immec!Iate delI vel y The Henry ~ Holden \ eneel CDmpany. Leonald bUllc!Ing. \Larket street (,r,lI1d RaJlld" offprs ]00.000 feet 1-20 pIam R C oak. '200000 feet 1 2~ to 1-:W bIrch h,lCklng, ~OO,O(\O fect ChOICC ] 20 quartel-,a \\ cd \\l1Ite oak and 200.000 feet chOIce 1md 'i-Cye maple veneers I eady for prompt shIpment II -WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 . ... - ..... ., .......... _------_._-------_.~--_._---~.-------------------~--_._---~--. ...... II •• II~ ..... .... _ ..._- ...._-- ............••.... ~ This Group for '51 Solid Oak; French Plates; Any Finish Desired VVardrobe Dresser Combination Dresser Commoc1e Dresser Chiffonier Bed - - $18.00 6.50 4.00 8.75 775 6.00 FINISHES-Golden Oak GIo"', Dull Golden, Early Engh'h, Weathered or Fumed F O. B. Man'lItee. Manistee Mfg. CO. MANISTEE, MICH. _. . - --_..... . ------------- ----------_. ----------_... .. CHICAGO NOTES AND PERSONALS. ChIcago, Aug 2b-Secretary George \V J acbon of the :\Ianufacturer'i' ExhIbItIOn Bm1dmg Company, spent a two weeks vacatIOn 111August by makmg a tour of the northwest, VI'iltIng among other places the Yellowstone ::\atIOna1 Park and the \Ja"ka- Yukon- PacIfic EXp0'iltIOn. l\1r J acbon spent a large part of hIS tnp 111the Yellowstone Park. the vvonder" of which he "peaks of as 1l1descnbab1e The ExpOSItIon he states IS aver) comprehensive affaIr, affordmg a sp1enclld 111sIght 111tOthe won-derful resource" of the .t\orthwest, thl" bemg especIally true of \la'ika An excellent feature con"I"t'i of the lectures gIVen dal1) on the vall0US exhIbIts by speakers who are experts on the sub- Ject 17 T PlImpton of 17 T Plll11pton & Co returned J\londay fro111 Benton Hal bor where he went last Fnday to rema111 ~evera1 dai'i WIth hIS famIly \\ ho al e spendIng the "ummer months at theIr Denton Harbor home PresIdent Jo~eph J SchneIder of the l'mted States Furmture Company, who sustamed a severe loss by fire on Wabash avenue several months ago, states that the company WIll resume bu"me'is m the near future The company ha., been paId the full amount of theIr msurance money All of the mdebtedness has been paId off and they have a substantIal ~urp1u'i on hand ::\Ir Schneider .,tate:o the petItIOn filed for 1l1vo1untary bankruptcy wa~ prompted by the spIte of one of the Company's employees, but was prompt1) "et aSIde by the court The NatIOnal Parlor 17urmture Company IS 'iendmg out '(,000 of theIr 30 page supplementary catalogue" to the trade \otlce'i of sale of the plant of the Crowell Furmture Com-pany. Lex111gton. ~ C, are bem~ "ent out by ReceIver T E :\Ic- Clary The sale I'i to take place on September 7 The plant IS 'iald to be a fine one, well located and well equIpped m every ,va) \Vllltam ~ Koch, manager of the EvansvIlle Metal Bed Company and the '\dvance Stove \Vorks, all of EvanSVIlle, Ind, was m ChIcago J\Ionday and Tue'iday :'oJ r Koch \Va~ accom-pamec1 by hIS Wife and daughter and was here makmg arrange-ments for the decorat111g of a ne\V home which he ha'i been b1111cl-ing and WIll occupy 111October The Koch Outfitt111g Company, dealers m furmture, carpets, Iug'i, stoves, etc , EvanSVille, Iud, is one of the new retaIl house" of EvanSVIlle Manager \VIlham A Koch of the EvanSVIlle 1Ietal Ded Compani \Vas 'io1e propnetor, but 1ecently sold a half mterest to Messr" J GoldsmIth, F D DrOit and Edward Koch. The Oberbeck Bros ::V[anufactunng Company of Grand RapIds, \\ IS , produces a large 1111eof Orcasslan walnut furmture. fhelr method of constructmg Cll ca~SIan walnut has reached a "tate a'i near perfectIOn as mecoomcal1l1genUlty can make It All of theIr veneer I'i carefully and correctly matched thm gIvmg to each pIece IS a Sl11tea umfof1mty 111make up. The most careful attentIOn IS gIven to detaIl ~o that dealers can feel perfectly secure fro111 the fact that they are gettmg the correct thmg from the Oberbeck company The pnces are extremely reasonable and V\ Ithm the reach of neal1y all consumers Secretary FI ed G SIkes of the SIke'i Consoltdated ChaIr Company 1:0 spendmg ~IX weeks WIth hIS famIly 111Colorado Sale" Manager, J R :\ewton, of the Ford & Johnson Com-pany, left '\ugmt 11 for a tnp through the west and Will return to Chicago about the mIddle of September W J HIlls left Saturday for a SIX weeks' business and vaca-tIon tnp to northern MIchIgan and Canada W H Thornton of Thornton & Co, Holland MICh , W3" Tn ChIcago thb week :\fonday :\fanager "VI R Senour and F. H Auman of the She1h} VIlle \Vardrobe Company ""ere 111ChIcago Monday. J\Ianager Frank Seng of the Seng Company is tourinlS the northern resorts WIth hl~ famtly . IpioNEER i MAnUr A(TURlnO I (OMPAny I III D~1'ROIT, MICH. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts ~ II III II ,I I... .... .. - .. ... .. .I. Full tme shown only at the factory. 26 - q WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE All STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis Casket Made of Glass. Dr H G. Becker, of BeeVllle, Tex, has mvented the newest th1l1g 111 the coffin hne. It IS a bunal casket made of glass TIlL lllventor IS now III BaltImore, .:'lId, dlrect1l1g the castmg of hh lllventlOn. AccordIng to the BeevIlle PIcayune, the doctor pel fected his coffin mneteen years ago, but he \\ as ne\ er able to obtain a satIsfactory preserv1l1g flUId untIl recenth For tl111teen years he had a man m Egypt trY1l1g to fathom the secret process used 111 preserV1l1g the old mumtTIle~. Th1::>agent learned the lan-guage, secured a bottle of the flUId that \vas anal} zed and tl1tS formula IS now used, Dr Becker clatm1l1g to be the only one out- SIde of the Egypta1l1s who knows the formula The glass of whtch the coffim IS made IS mIxed wIth lead the lead first be1l1g gIven a chetTIlcal treatment whIch makes It "tancl the necessary heat t{) whIch the glass 1::>subjected dunng the mould1l1g process ThIS dI::.covery, accordmg to DI Becker, IS most valuable, gWlng glass four tImes Its strength The glass thus tt eated IS made a grayIsh hue and IS not tramparent The coffin IS the shape of a bottle wIth one slele flat "\Then the C01pse IS slIpped III feet first the head 1" left chrectly under a transparent portlOn of the glass The end IS sealed b} screw1l1g d glass stopper m se-curely ThIS done the aIr pump IS used, all aIr be1l1g pumped out. " ... __ a •• _._ •••••••• __ •• If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. (tlarence 1R.bills DOES IT !.. . 163M"dlaon Avenue-Cltlzens Phone 1983. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The vacuum thlh formed creates a power of suffiCIent ,trength to pull the stopper from the bottle contammg the hqUld \\ l11ch, \\ hen lIbel dted, forms a perserv1l1g gas Dr Becker claIms that a bod) thus pre"ervtel WIll Iema1l1 m It::,ong111al state thlOl1gh etU1l1t\ and he ha" made tests that eonV111ce hUll that 111,daIll1 b ll10te th<lt1 theoretclal ." Secret of Successful Advertising. \Iarks Arnhelm the mo-.t extensIve advertIser of men's clothll1g 111 '\ e\\ York expre'3ses some Ideas that may be used to ach antdg e by furl11ture dealers He says "I can tell "\ou the secret of :>uceess In advertIsing m a nutshell 'Tell" the tJ uth, and then gIVe the people a lIttle nWI e than the} expected to reeen e ' ., A sUltmg supplement to trnth-tell1l1g achertlsmg 1-' the co-operatIOn of the sale::. department, so that the man V\ho answers a good adverttsement WIll receIve the ktnd of courteous treatment that} ou would WIsh were you to enter hIS establIshment to buy :>ome goods "The mam pomt about ac1vel tI:'>mg IS to present to a 1ea~()ndble publIc a rea"onable reason for bUy111g They are always lookmg for good goods But they need to be told about them, and they need to have some good reason given why they should come to one man rather than to another. "Such advantage IS what the advertiser needs to study out ;"uLh a reason may he 111the trend of the times toward "peClaltLdtlOn, and the advertIsmg of ItS advantages '" III eer-tamly bnng people to your doors who WIll examme into your proposition" I Some fellows are always behind time till it is time to stop. ... WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 SUITE No. 1038 (Except Cheval) MADE BY SLiCH FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH 2R 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN r-.-.-·--------------.....------·-.-----·--· -._.--. -.-----.-.-.---.--.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.-..---.-.-.----.-.------.-.-.---------------- ..-.---....-.....11 ,II ,,,I ,, II,I I I I f I III II I Oran~Ra~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'AssociationI "ere are the Exact Shades adopted by the Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No. 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No. 3426 Oil Stain. Their "fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process fuming Liquid. Their "Light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Send for Samples and Information. .... a_ ••• _ _. THE AO-EL.-ITE F'EOF'L.E NEW YORK WE SUPPLY EVERYT"'NG NEEDED IN T"E flNISmNG ROOM. -----~._----~------~-_._._.___.._. ----_....... Tariff Has No Effect on Glass at Present. "So far as I kno,v the changes 111 the tanff schedules have had no effect on prIces of pL.lte glass, nor on varmshes," said \Vl1ltams P. vVIlllams, manutactUl ers agent, Orand Rapids "I have not received notIce of any change 111 quotatIOn" and have not notcled any 111 the market reports So I am sttll taking orders at the old pnces I th1l1k the Importer" anttclpated a raIse 111 the tariff rates on glass and vdrmsh matenab befole the law was passed and Will not advance pnces until they have reduced theIr stocks conSiderably. I understand the tax on the smaller sizes of plate glass has been raised 23 per cent ,,0 It seems there must be an ad, ance 111prIces on the Imported arttcle It Will probably come later when we hdve found out Just how the new law worke You can't Import large plates and cut them up 111tosmaller Sizes, because the duty on them, though cut more than 30 per cent, b ~ ~ . ....... ... -........ .. ..., THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descriptIVe CIrcular of Glue Heaters, Glue Coo"ers and Hot Boxes with prIces. The Weatherly Co. Grand Rapid., Mich. .-..-.--.._._.-_--.---_._~--------_ . ----------._-_.._._._------ . . ........ stlll ~Z;/2 cents per squat e foot, ,\ hlle the ta:x on the smaller "17C'~ I" anI) ]2% cents per square foot I do not tll1nk the duty on varl1lsh gums has been raised enough to make an) materIal dlfterence With the manufclcturel ~ PrIce~ are finn, he\\ ever, and ma) be hIgher soon "Dus111e~s IS good and gW\\ 111gbetter nght along. Some of the furl1lture factOries have not receIved as many new orders thh month as was e:xpected, but they had no reason to expect them and they don't need them. 2\lost of them have enough to keep them busy and they 11get more neAt month or 111October ~ugl1st IS a dull month anyway-the dullest 111the year Many people are away on vacatIOns and that affectc, retail trade When the) begm to come home retail trade WIll pick up and the Increased demand Will soon be felt by the factones .. IIIIIII II III: I I.. They Will Mail Orders. The COllle-Packt }url1ltule Company of -\nn Arbor, Mlch, has been 111corporated to manufacture amI sell furmture cltrect to consumers on the mall order plan. The capital stock IS fixed at $100,000 of \\ll1ch $08,223 m property and $1,775 111cash hac, been paid 111 The 1l1corporators have been operating a factory at \nn Arbor for about a year Charles G Quackenbush. a \\ ell known de"lgner 111Grand Raplcl'-., manages the manufact'unng end of the bus1l1es~, wluch IS said to have been very successful! Mueller & Slack"s New Building. GenU Brothers, contractors, have Ju~t started work on an adclttlOn to the plant of the Mueller & Slack Company, Grand Rapids The build111g will be of brick, four stories, with a front-age of fIla feet on Canal street and 50 feet on Trowbndge street r I I HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers No. 3130 COUCH-Sue 30 Inches wide and 75 Inche~ long. A beautIful design, of gen-erous dimensIOns. Heavy hardwood frame elaborately decorated wIth carvings and mould-ings. The two Inch half-round moulding that extends along the lower edge is finished cross-banded Large winged clawfoot legs. American golden gramed quarter sawed oak finish. The upholstering is plain with ruffled sides. This couch is double stuffed with stitched spring edges. The filling is of tow and cotton felt top Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, haVIng 28 springs In the seat and 9 In the head. Shipped K. D., legs off, and weighs about 125 Ibs. CAT ALOe UPON REQUEST. Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No. 1 Leather $25.00 Development of the Dovetailer. The Dodds dovetal1er IS one of the standard furmture factory machmes all ovel the worlel, and yet It IS a comparatively modern 111ventlon Jt elate~ back onl) a matter of a quartel of a centur). E:xa111111ethe end of cl elrawel ancl) ou Will see how cleverly the ~Ide~ are attached to the fronto without the use of nall~ \iVlth this comtl UctlOll the dl awer may be pulled apal t ~ldewclY~. but It Will nevel come apart by a strcllght pull from the front Thl~ I~ the dovetal1 J0111tand It~ pnnclple I~ almost a~ olel a~ furl11ture ...---~. .-.-.-.~--------- --- .... - .... . ---.- j II We Manufacturetile Lar!!e.t LlDe of rOlDlna (UAIDS .._.., II I IIIII II j...----------- ._-_._---------------~ In the UnIted States, SUitable for Sun day Schools, H ails, Steam-ers and all public resorts We also manufacture Brass Trimmed I r 0 n Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large variety Send for Catalogue and Prtces to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO mak1l1g. The eclrly artisans (hd their dovetall1l1g slowly by hand The firct 111ach1l1edeVised fOI saV1l1g labor was a s1l1gle ~p1l1dle clffalr mvented by a Bclttle Creek man named Bolt It was a crude mventlOn, but a great Improvement over the old hand method even although difficulty was often met to make the clovetail~ cut one at a tune fit Alexander Dodd~ of GI and Rapld~, a quarter ot a centuI) ago conceived the "!Sang dove taller with enough spmdle" to cut as man) 'tcltl~' a~ might be needed at a smgle operation 1 hiS v\ a~ a great Improvement over the sl11gle sp111dle machme, but It wcl~ not yet perfect The spl11dle bonng mto the end of the dra~er front left a round end which the Side when fitted mto place dlel not CO\er The Phoel11x I'l11l11ture Company had a contract for furl11ture to be ~ll1pped to England, and a man namecl :;\101 nson wa~ ~ent over to supenntend the construct1On He would not accept the work with these round end ~how1l1g a~ holes m the (11awel and he offel ed cl ~ugge~t1On a~ to ho~ to Iemedy the defect The ~ugge~t1On wa~ laid before Mr Dodd" and he brought out the perfected dovetaller He ha~ added Im-pi OV emcnts from time to time, but the mach1l1e IS not far cltfferent from the one he made a quartel of a century ago The machmc I~ 111cldeup to bv ent) -five "p111dles, but the ~maller Slze~ are m gl eater demand ~:\IIChlgclll 1'1ade~l11an. Marvel Company Moves to Grand Rapids. The deal by which the Marvel Manufactunng Company of I Ol11a,~Ilch, 1S to move to GI and Rapid ~ has been closed Thc company ha" bought the plant formerly occupied by the Hal n~on Vvagon Vvorks and Will begm movmg their machmery. etc: , elur- 1112;the C0111111gweek They Will contmue the manufacture of d1111l12; r00111 chall ~ and expect to have at lea~t a hundred 111cn employed by the middle of October or first of November. 30 WEEKLY ~---- --------------------~- II I I..'---------~--------_._---_.-~~-------- Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. --~-------- ---------- - ---------- '1I Housel Hot;lPlM)P~;;Jind IIII I III J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. II ---------------------------------------~ r Morton GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. The Noon Dmner Served at the Panthnd for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. r I I Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top. Others 54 m. top. III IIII II II I I III III IIIIII ..._------------ 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN ARTISAN - - '1 II I IIIII RAPID ACTING WOODWORKBR'S VISE No If, III ---_._._---------- . ----- --- ---~ ---~ ----- ------------------------------------------~ I I II II II III III IIII I II II I II III I III IIII III I ------------------------------------------~ OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEl RACK VISES IN USE Price $2.80 to $4.00 h doz Clamp FIxtures bought by one mIll last year We shIp on appro' al to rated firms and g-uarantee our goods uncondt tlOnalh Wrtte for lt8t of Steel Bar Clamps VISes Bench Stops etc E. H. SHELDON &. CO. 283 Madison 5t. Chicago ~III I SMOOTlfEST I GROOVES I I I IIIIII II We'll lIladly tell I you all about I It. I II ..--- FOX SAW DADO HEADS FASTEST CUT GREATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TROUBLE PERFECT SAFETY LEAST POWER LONGEST LIFE Also Machine Knlve.r, MiteI' Machines, Etc, PERMANfo.,NT ECONOMY FOX MACHINf:. CO. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapids. Mlch -------,-----------~ WEEKLY ARTISAN ~-_._._._._ ..._-------~----._.-.~-~-~--------_._._._-~.~-~-_.~ I IIII II III IIII I III II I• I II III "There's !:Athe I'Button" I II II III II II III ~---------.. - .. ---------_. __ ..- ....-------~ ..- . --------------~I I I III III I• III II I I II III IIIII II• I III II II I IIIII t 1 I PAl~o~5~,04~~.~!.~~~~o~l~c~ co.II j, ••• •• - - - -. - - - • • •• - • - •• - •• - ••••••• -~ ., ----------------------- II• II I II II •,I III III II I III III ,II IIII II No 537 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thlS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thlS and other good thmg. we have to show you 31 ~--------_._._._._----------_._.----_._--- ..._- ---~ II II III II UNION FURNITURE co. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases II III j,-- •• - We lead m Style, Con~rucbon and FIDlsh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhIbI-tIOn 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers BUlldmg. Grand RapIds. II ..--------- . _ ..-----.....- ..-._. . ... - _. -.- "" ..-_.---~.-------._----.,- I• I I II II I .,.. !I II II ,II IIII IIII II III II SAMWEL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn. , Manufacturer< of the ShImer Cutter Head~ for Flooring, Cetlmg, I Sldlllg, Doors, Sash, etc j, ••••• _-_ •• _ •• _._--------------------._-----~ Don't Burn Your Moulding. Blackened edges so often found m hard \\ood Mouldmgs mdlcate the use of mferior tool~, whIch fnctlOn and burn because of their faJ1ure to have proper clearance. The ShImer ReversIble and Non- Reversible Cutters are made of the finest tool steel by expenenced workmen. In deSIgn and con-struction they are supenor to anythmg on the market. They cut well and retam their shape until worn out. Send us dra\\ IllgS or wood samples for estlmates on special cutters, Many useful de SIgns, wIth prIces, are given in our catalogue. - ...... ~----------------------------------------------~ III II III II It I IIII I II II• I IIIII ~---------,------ --------------------------- ~ HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER SA~~D l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SLICED \ AND MAHOGANY f----------------------------- I II I I, I II . . -----------~ Spiral Grooved and Bevel Pointed DOWEL PINS Note how the glue In the Spiral Groove forms Thread like a Screw Bevel Pointed, easy to drive Straight so will not split the frames. Prices and discounts on application I III II ---- - ---_ ... --_.- - - - .... II ~ .., _.--_ ... STEPHENSON MFG. CO" SOUTH BEND, IND. 32 WEEKLY AR rISAN New Buildings in the Far West. ::\ew bUlldmg& planned on 111 couree of COl1~tructlOl1 are mentIOned by Caltforma papers as follows: Resldences-B M. Grandley, Pasadena, $12,000, ::\1rs H Fhher, San DIego, $5,000; John 'vV LandIs, Redlands, $7,500, Dr. W G Terry, L.os Angeles, $12,500, N. L MItchell, Ontano, Cal, $8,000 Hotels-A new hotel IS to be erected at Santa Barbara, Cal, to take the place of the Arhngton whIch was recently bmned wIth a loss of $80,000 The new &truetUl e WIll co~t about $liJO - 000 :YIrs Qumn WIll beuld a modern hotel on the SIte of the aIel c\crade hotel at Reno, N ev Clubs, Etc -The Kl1lghts at Pythlas have secured a SIte amI WIll beglll at once the construct1On of a $50,000 temple at ::'an Bernardlllo, Cal Schools-Douglas, Anz, hIgh school bmldlllg, cost $37,- 300 Los Vegas, N Mex, eIght room school bUlld1l1R, $7,500, San Jac1l1to, Cal, hIgh &chool bUlldlllg, $+5,000, Santa c\na, Cal, two story hIgh ~chool bmldlllg, $30,000. The board of cont1Ol of the "\nzona Asylum fOJ the 'nsane is aelvertI~lllg for bIds on a contract for furl1lture and bed~ for 168 room~, mclud1l1g the operat1l1g and stenhz1l1g rooms BIds mu~t be filed bdore 10 o'clock on Fnday, September 10 For ~peclficatIOns, etc, address J J RIggS, secretary Board of Con-trol, Phoel1lx WANTED BUSINESS CHANGE. For sale, woodworking plant, suitable for cabinet or special furniture; located in Indianapolis; about 12,000 square feet floor space; equipped with dry kiln, railroad switch and ma-chinery ready to operate; easy terms; great bargain. CHAS, O. BRITTON, Receiver, Fletcher Bank BUIlding, Indianap-ohs, Ind. 8-14, 21, 28; 9-4, 11, 28. WANTED. Commission man for Misssouri and Kansas representing five furniture factories. SplendId fixed carload lines. Address, Ballman-Cummings Furniture Company, Fort SmIth, Arkan-sas. Aug. 7, '09 WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indlana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, ChIffon-iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKlm & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimIt-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facilities and low freIght rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED- TRA VELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furniture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. IIII IIII IIIII III I III .... WANTED. A good cabmet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michlgan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H. P. dIrect current motor, latest make and in first class running conmtlon. Grand RapIds Blow PIpe & Dust Ar-rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mlch. 8-ZItf WANTED. PosltlOn as superintendent, foreman or furmture draftsman; am thoroughly acquainted with all classes of furmture, hav-mg been In that hne of business all my hfe. For certam rea-sons, WIsh to make a change. Best of references given. 1< or mformatlon address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. 8-21 8-28 I..... 4 The Popular Kinds of Finish. "Golden oak and mahogany are stIll 111 the lead, , saId A H ::'llnpson, of the l:rIand RapIds '.tV ood Flmshmg Compan}, when asked If the demand for the vanous kmd& of fil1lshmg matenal mchcated a change 111 popular ta:;te or preference "We have nOtlced an l11crease m the demand for early Enghsh and fumed oak m the past few months, ' he contmued, "but golden oak and mahogany are stIll away ahead of all others Dark cathedrcll IS aha becomll1g ql1lte populal It IS used mamly on dll1\l1g 100m fUrl11tllle and the demand tor It nm\ IS almost equal to that fO! early Enghsh 'Our trade ll1(hcate~ that the busmes0 of furmture manuLlC-turers IS steadIly 1l1crea~mg Thele IS certamly a steady mClea~e m the demand for our goods and the} woulc! not buy them If the} (hd not have use for them" The Ford & Johnson Company have sold the stock m theIr branch store m Atlanta, Ga , to the CapItal CIty ChaIr Company of that CIty, who WIll sell It to ·lealers only The deal 1l1volves between $40,000 and $50,000 It IS understood that the Ford & John<;on Company WIll contmue to mamtam an office and sales rooms m Atldnta The Big Six that the Lentz Table Company are showmg thIS week are certal11ly worth lookmg up It's up to the dealer more than to the Lentz Table Company whether he makes a lot of money on thIS group There are a lot of .. dealers after It I INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Adan1.s &, Elting ~()111pany American Blower (,ompany Barne-s,"\\ r & John Company Barton, H H & bon Company Big 8,y Car J..O.. d:dlng Asso(,lahon Bo<,kstege ~ unuture (Olnpany Boynton & Co Bosse Funuture ('om pan.) Bu," MachIne 'lorks (rt>'&(ent ,tdJc}une 1\ 0' ks J)odds, Alexander Edge, Frank &, {o FranLls (onlpan~, {haf!ol ~ J<»Jhvock Auto &, l'[£llluf.u·turJng (Olllr> In) I {)::\l.\.I.aduue "orks h}ohe ~ llrlllture {'ompdD) 6-rand RapIds Blo\, Pille- and I>u~t Arrl~htt"r <:.rand Rapid", Brds~ ('OD1P£lll) hre:tndRapIds {;aster (up ('oD1llany (:xrand R'<:lIUdshlectrot"Pt> Compan! Grand RapIds Rand for,( rt'"W ~Olnl)aD" Hafnf>r T'urIutnrt" Com]Janv Hahn, JOUI~ Hlll.&, C'larent'e R Hoffman Brotht:'rs (clnlpaD'\ Hoh omb, A J.. & Co Hotel }'antlmd Humphrf;"Y-"ldman Hookcd!il{" (onll)an~ Kdrge4t Ji urnIture (ollll>.:-InJ Kuufl'm'lD 1'Ianufa( tUJ'Jng (0 KImball Bros (omlldnv [a",renct:'-l\I<>Fdddell ('omI)~ln" ] enlL fablt> CompanJ I..uce lurnlture Lomll.ulV Luce-Redlnond } urnlture L()nlIMn~ "\I..dd..n, Thos, Son & Co ~ldnlliitef" "lanufa( tUTlng (cnnpal1) 'Jarwtta PaInt & Color COml)~ln) ~[attl~on JUat'hlue "cn kliil '(c'lullt>ll 'lachint'-rv COnl1)~ln~ '[etal rurnlture (onl))dll) "\JIIl.., , ElI n & {o 'lI<'hig~ln EngravIng (on11M.ll" '[orton House "'\oel"oll- 'lattf'l }<luuIturp (()nll)~ln, Olner 'IachIDflr) (,olnlJd.nv Pahuf"l, A E & oo,OU!il l"almer 'IdDufa('turlng ('()nll)~ln) I'Iont:'er 11allufa< turIn#{ (ompan, I'Itt.,hurgh Plate (-'-l~ll",~ (offill.ln) ]:o)al Chan ('oml)aU' "'chnndt, Heur, & Co "'helb~, die Desk (onllJaln ~heldoll, E H & «() ..,hlmer. ~dllluel J &: ,",on .. ,",lIgh Funutur-e (olllpanJ Snuth & DUllS 1\Ianuf.:l(~turlJ)g (OJu)Jan~ "",Jratt, Georgtl' &, Co 'o,tepheDson :I\'Iauufa<,tunng {om})dn~ LnJon :f"'urnlture Comll~lny llolltpr. B & Co \lard 0 A II eathprlv {ompany "bIte- }>rlutlng Co \\ ood, '-1orrJs & Sou~ llOIId FurnIture Company 28 Co,er Cover 'I 18-19 18 12 18 Covtl'r Cover ~4 H 1 10 10 18 (oll1p ..lny (o,er ('o,er 17 1I l'l 11 '6 ~1 14 30 { 18 l'l 7 II 10 11 7 ~I) 1 9 II 18 !1 "JO !I J1" ~5 6 JI 1 H 10 '1 '1 ~h I Jl Jl II HI !8 n" 18
- Date Created:
- 1909-08-28T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:9
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and / ~:t:I" <. GRAND RAPIDS ~=~~-~}-~Y GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., AUGUST 21. 1909 I J Our Patented Sand Belt Machines are superior to all others. They have proven indispensible to hun-dreds of customers. Recent Improve-make them more valuable ments still to you. Do not waste time and money by delay. We guarantee to produce better re-sults than you are getting and at expense. "I '" -_.__._..---------------_.----------~-----~-----~-------~---_._~---- ,II IIII I UNSOLICITED i, IIIII II,• I III I I I Yours very truly, SHO\YERS BROS. CO. PER Wfjw. ~. ,I,-W-Y-S_ONG & .MilES CO., CEDAH ST. AND SOU. H. H., GREENSBORO, N. C. S F' TETER,. Seey W N SHoweRS Prest (nF CE 348 WEST E..IGHTH ~TRf:ET June 4, 1909, Wysong & Miles Co., Greensboro, N. C. Centlemen:~ Please ship us at onea One No.170 Sand Belt Machine ~ithout the roller table, as we wish th1S machine to be used for sanding serpentine drawer fronts only. We already have one of these machines 1n service in our drawer front department and f1nd it a very satisfactory tool 1n every respect l' it it <> " i: * <> i< ~. <> * <> i< I> ~ We are 1n despe-rate need of th1S machine and will thank you to make shipment at the earl1est po&sible moment. We always have been and are yet great advocates and strong bel1cvers 1n your product as we have now some five or six machines of your make 1n daily operation, and find them to be even more than you have ever claimed for them. Your mort1ser and belts are the best labor saVing tools we have 1n our plant. now less Ask for NEW CATALOG 'IE" ....... .. ... A BIT OF INDUSTRIAL HISTORY Are You Running an 1860 or a 1910 Plant? In 1860 cottonseed removed from the boIl by ginnIng w~<; garbage-thrown away. Ey 1870 gInners managed to conVInce some people that cottonseed was good fertlhzer. Ey 1880 It was consIdered good cattle food and In 1890 It \\ as beIng used as a table food. Ey not utIlIzIng all the cottonseed 111 1900 (one year) twenty-sIx mIlhon dollars that someone could have had, was thrown away The CIty of Glasgow, Scotland, gets 9,000 horse-power every day-free-by catching and utll-lzmg furnace gases formerly wasted. The steel corporatIOn WIllhght the town of Gary, Ind , and run all street cars with energy that would otherWIse be wasted and belched out of furnace stacks. "DetrOit" Return Trap. PATENTh.D. If you use steam for heatmg and drymg and you allow any condensatIOn to go to waste-you are losing money. put all your condensation back into the botler wIthout pumpmg-and hotter than a pump wIth hft-wlth "DETROIT" Automatic- Return Steam Traps Manufactured and Guaranteed by General Offices: DETROIT, MICH. ~-------~._---~--- AMERICAN BWWl:R COMPANY "SIROCCO" DETROIT, MICH and TROY, N Y Works. TRADE MARK --~ SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three sIzes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Somethtng dIfferent from the regular bar pulls, GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDE=, MICH . . I.r • ~RAt\':' r-A:T"3 I PUIillb-ttBR-J\ T)i-· --------- II A Perfect Case Construction •• II ~::::::: I Most I Economical •! and Most I Accurate I Case I ConstructIOn I Possible III ,,, I,I,II• •I•• ,, ,.------~--_. Write for Catalog J -., No. 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTISER. III• It is entlrely I Automatic I II•I I I! II II• I II II • •• _ -4 It Clamps Mortises and Releases, Completing the Post in Less Time Than the Matenal can be Clamped on Other Machines Write for Catalog J Wysong & lliles Co., CedarSt.andSou.R.R., Greensboro, N. C. ---------~------_.--- . .. ~---------------------------------_._._.------- I I,t,I•t,I ,,• •I••• II I,,• , III I• I -- ----._---------------- ... III aran~ Ra~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'AssociationI I IIII , I•I I Here are the Exact Shades adopted by the Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No. 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No. 3426 Oil Stain. Their "Fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process Fuming liquid. Their "light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. CHICAGO NEW YORK !I I .. . -- .... ... . ..•I Send for Samplesand Information. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE FINISHING ROOM. '------------------------- .. -- ----_._---._- THE AD-EL-ITE PEOPLE ,. _... ...~ i I I THIS IS THE MACHINE That Brinl!s letters like the Followinl!: I I I I !I I I I Buss M chlne Works, Hollflnd, Mlch G9'l lemen We wish to compliment JOu on the WOl:'K ..'1.g of JOur' new #4. Planer Just ...nstelled for us "'hls macn ne does {lEIb"'st werle: of anJ plane"" va have aver seen, ana we <I."'S frank t.o sar so much bett"'r' tfLan we expect"d. th t our t'orema(> s1o.1dhe slmpl) could no" get along vlthout It.Il'1.d IIUS8.1.."''''H woul.o pay the p1:'lCe of itself vlth:a,'1.a Jear 1'1 Ol"k Sa ed en IllElCnlneSfo ...l.owlng. Wls11.1ng au dese ved sucaess wit'1 th s ne7 pa. te""n, VEl remain, Yous veri tr 1,1. II I II ..I Robb ns<> Co BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANJ:.R The Buss Machme Works are havmg marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of beltmg-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the late new sectiOnal chlpbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machmes of great effiCiency Woodworkers of all kmds Will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any pomt on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the hve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ._--~-------------------_.----~--------_._-~--------_~-_.-._--- .., II II I, I HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE No 3 WOOD LATHE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capItal mvested He can hold a better and more satlstadoq. trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture In as good £tyle and finIsh and at as low cost as the factones The local cahmet maker has been forced mto onh the dealer's trade and profit because of machIne manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery, reInstates the cab met maker WIth advantag-es equal to hIS competItors If deSired these machines Will be sold on Irwl The purchaser can have ample tIme to test them In hI" own shop and on the work he Wishes them to do lJescnptw. catalogue and przce Itst f1 ee No 4 SAW (ready for cross cuttmg) W. f. s.. JOHN BARNES CO" 654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. p No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) No ~ SCROLL SAW ~------ . No 7 SCROLL SAW........I FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 ~-----------------------~~·e:·~~~~~i~~S;-:-:-:-:-~--~-·-~--------l Over the World I Power Feed Glue Spreadmg Machine, Single, Double and CombinatIon. (Palenled) (Sizes 12 in. to 84 in wide.) Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendmg.) Many styles and sizes. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies LET USKNOW YOUR WANTS -_ --------------------- ---- ---- -_.-----_ --~ No 20 Glue Heater. CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville,lnd. No.6 Glue Heater. MARIETTA FUMED OAK ACID STAIN Veneer Presses, different kmds and s,zes (Palenled) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Elc" Etc. ....---------------------------- --- _.. .._ ..- ...._ ..--- .-_ ..------------------" I~-----...._----- .._--_ .._-- To the finisher who has been using the fuming chamber to produce his fumed oak our Fumed Oak Acid Stain is a revelation. This stain is in no wayan experiment but practical working stain, producing a more uniform color, and giving to different grades of oak the same shade. It is a strong, penetrat-ing stain, going into the wood and yet it can be used without injury to the hands. This is not a substitute for fuming. The stain actually fumes and is permanent, but it fumes in obtained on red as well as a different manner---saving white oak. The most con-the cost of a fuming cham- vincing evidence of the per-ber and the time required fect working qualities of this in fuming by the old pro- stain will be manifest in a cess. Unlike the Fuming single trial. Write us for a process good results can be sample. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO" Marietta, O. ~ ••• w ••• •••••• ••• we • ••• __ •••••• •• _ ••• •• _~ IMPROVED METHODS WE ALSO REPORT THE PRINCIPAL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT AND QENERAL STORES. ""---------------------- CREDITS AND COLLECTONS ROBERT P LYON Cenera! Manager THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU OF' THE FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR, VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. New York Grand Rapids hlladelphl a Boston Clnclnnat, Chicago St Louis Jamestown High oint CapItal CredIt and Pay Rahngs Clearmg Honse of Trade Experience The Most Rehable Credll Reports RAPID COLLECTIONS. GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE 412-413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING - C C NEVERS -MiCh.iga.n _Man-ager .. ....------ . .. ....-.. -.....i 2 WEEKLY ------------_.~._-----~ I,, I,,, ,, II ,, ,I ,I,I,,,,,,,I ---------------~------~---~ j III• ••• •I II• I •Ih •• WHEN IN DETROIT STOP AT Hotel Tuller New and Absolutely FIreproof Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St. In the Center of the Theatre. Shop pmg, and Busmess Dt.stnct A la Carte Cafe Newest and FInest Gnn Room In the C,ty. Club Breakfast - 40c up Luncheon - - - 50c Table d hote Dmners 75c MuSIc from 6P M to 12 P M Every room has a private bath EUROPEAN PLAN Rates: $1.50 per day and up L W. TULLER. Prop. M A. SHAW. Mgr THE Wellin~ton notel Cor. Wabash Ave & Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO Remodeled at a cost of $150,000 Hot and cold runnIng water and long dis-tance 'phones in all rooms. 200 rooms 100 wIth bath Smale or en !Ulte Rates $1 00 and upwards One of the most Unlque dmmg rooms In the country Our famous IndIan Cafe NOTED FOR SERVICE AND CU S NE McClmtock and Bayfield PRO~S. I I~. ._. • • .4 ~----_.. .__ .... ---_. ._- ... •I I These saws are I I, made from No.1' I Steel and we war- II rant every blade. , We also carry a , I full stock of Bev- : : eled Back Scroll I • Saws, any length t I and gauge. ! •• \Vrlte UNtor •I : l'rlce Ll.t : •I, /lnd discount .,, •I 31 33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. II ~I ------------------ -----------------------~• ~---~---------------------------------------~ I I t • : BOYNTON & CO. l I • I I : Manufaclurers of : I Embossed and • • Turned Mould. • I ,ngs. Emboss· : • ed and Spmdle • : Carvings, and • • Automat,c I '. Turnings • We also manu • I faClure a large hne • •I of Embossed : Ornaments for , • Couch Work. : I 4'9-421 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. !, .. *--- -- --------- & "' - - ~~-----------------------------. ARTISAN Does Your Advertising Bring Results? When you buy space in your local newspa-per does it bring you good returns, are the ads attractive and well displayed? Let us supply you with good. high-class business bringing copy---copy that will sell good ---copy that leaves with the reader, a desire to buy. Results are what count, and its results you get. We have a regular weekly cut and ad ser-vice, also a special service for indivIdual adver-tIsers. W rite for samples and particulars. Let us help you to make more money. FURNITURE CITY ENGRAVING CO 403 Murray Bldg. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. / 10 SPINDLE MACHINE \ ALSO \1 \DF WI fH 12 Pi 20 AND 2') SPINDI hS DODDS' DOVETAILING NEW GEAR MACHINE ThIS lIttle machme has done more to perfect the drawer work of furnI ture manufacturers than anythmg else III the furnIture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetaIled stock a pOSSI blllty ThIS has been accomphshed at reduced cost, a.., the machme cuts dove taIls in g-angs of from 9 to 24at one operatlOll It's what others see dbout your busme<:.s rather than what )OU sa} about It, that counts III the Lash dra\\er It" the thllll of enthu';lasm and the true rIng of truth you leel and heal back of the cold type that makes you buy the thmg advertlbed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN Represented by Schuchart & Schutte at Berlm. Vienna. Stockholm and St Petersburg Represented by Alfred H Schutte at Cologne. Bru .... I•• Leae, Pa" •• Muan and Buboa Represented 10 Great Bnllan and lroland by the Ol>ver Maclunery Co. F S Thompson. Mar. 201·203 Dean.aate. Manche:lter. Enaland WEEKLY ARTISAN EVERY FURNITURE MANUFACTURER should have the Weekly Artisan List of Dealers and Buyers. It contains the names of all dealers in furniture rated from $1 ,000 up, satisfactorypay. Approximately 15,000 DEALERS are listed. The list is revised semi-annually. Costs $ 1.00 for the two editions. We are sending it as a premium for subscriptionsto the Weekly Artisan, the only Weekly Furniture Journal at $1.00 a year. Think of it! 52 COPIES OF THE ARTISAN AND 2 REVISED LISTS ALL FOR $1.00 Can you afford to pass up this opportunity? Send in your Dollar. You'll not regret it. WEEKLY ARTISAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 3 1 4 \ V E T~K L Y J\ R l' I SAN NEW YORK'S NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Covering tbe entire block", froIu Lexington Avenue to Depew I>lace. 46tb to 48tb Streets Each building 200 x 275 feet in ",ize and 12 stories bigb , II , I , I ~'\ I 1,300,000 Square Feet or Nearly 28 Acres Floor Space THE LARGEST AREA WHOI~LY DEVOTED TO WHOLESAI~E SALESROOMS IN THE WORLD WILL BE READY FOR OCCIJPANCY DECE~IBER 1st, 1910 Applications fOI"space should be Iuade to CHAS. E. SPRA"TT, Secretary NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE ... GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBR} ~y 30th Year-No.8 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• AUGUST 21.1909 Issued Weekly *CONSUMERS AS AN ALL Efforts of Producers and Dealers Would People Who Use IMPORTANT FACTOR Be Wasted Without Their Goods. the Cooperation of Proper Education and Publicity 'Vould Double the Demand for Furniture ...Strong Talk and Timely Suggestions to Manufacturers and Merchants. TnL snbject whIch your ge11lal ~ecretaly has gIven me for Ch~LtbSIO;l I~ '1nteJlH~ent Co-opel atlOn Dehv cen Prod l1cer~ dnd RetaIlers' 1hIs IS Lldeed a matter of VItal Iml ortdnce dnd he~ very clo~e to the root of all commerce Co-opel dtlOn L the meas-ure of pro~ress 1J1 every fidd at humdn endcavor \\ Ith'}ut co- GperatlOn 111 many of Its Vdlled forms ;,oClety could not e~lst dnd bu~mess would be unknO\\ n It IS chfficult to 11llag111cman a~ a umt III the march of progl e~~ \\ Ithont the splnt of co opel a-tlOn apphed to hIs effol t~ 111evel v dnectlo 1 It IS, 111fad, a Idw \\ Ithout \\ hlch man could not eXIst The subje0t as It \\as dsslgl1ed to me confines the co-opela-tlve Idea between producer and retaIler and "0 fdl '1 good, but we have omItted the one party \\ Ithout vvho~e co oper dtlOn nelthel the producel nor the retallcl c0111d eXIst and that IS tne con-sumer \\ hate\ er we may cIa as producer~ and as I etdllers It ends 111Velll or falls hart at 110 most perfect aIm III exactly the Selme degree e1SIt l~n01 es or ncglects the llc,hL anc1 111teres1o of thc COnSl1mel or fellls to enh~t Ins WIllIng co-operatIOn l\Ielchamhslng IS after all, but a WOld commonly used to define bel!tel anc1 sale and 111ItS Idst dnalysl~ \\ '}uId be meamm;le~s If It chd not embrace ultImate ::onsu1l1ptIon Traffic and CA cndng-e of COlllnlOdll1es L-l!llcd un bet\veen producer and letallel be It evcr so brhk anc1 on terms of closest 111tnnaC) and eqmt) , leae!s to I othl1£,; 111the end unless the cone lIller I, satIsfied and lenc1s hIS CO-Gly:ratlOn to the plan It I \\ell, therefore, thc1t those ot us who may be some\\hat \\ arpec1111 our Vle\\ pomt as tJ these facts shoule! hdvc Qt1r VlSlOns correctec111l Oldel that \\ e may see thIng, as they are, and unclel-stane! just \\hat can be done and just what can nGt be done before Cleuc111lg\\ hat com se nM) be p111sued for the be0t mtel esh of dll LOllcellled Let u~ dllal) 7e thIS questlOll c1httle to see just what melchan-db111g means III tbe fllrl1ltllre bll;,lne~~ Thel e may be a ~plenclId productIOn dml splendlcl chstnb ltIon to the I etaller, but It cdl amounts to llothllll?, unles the effectIve co operatIOn of the Ultl mate consumer ha~ been enlIsted The prodncer and retaIler dlll\ e nowhel e hy then combmed efforts It thev mISS the con-sumer f Fe b the real autocrat of tl dele who holds the destImes of every ageJlcy of prcclurtlOn and ch tnbutlOn 111the hollow of ll1S hand He IS the man \\ e are all v\orklJ1[?,"for, he pay S UJ our wages only so long as we re 1del hllll faIr serVIce, and stops paymg when \H' don t TIns truth deserves to be so well llnder- "tood and appreuated amI so 11l11Velally a(h11lttcd by evcI y pro- ------------ * l'rom an addre~" by 0 H L ,Ver'llCke of tile ]\facev Company Grand Rapids to the Retail rUIlllturE' As~OCtatlOn of v irgmta at Roa noke on August 13 110q dllcel and evcI y retaIler that It hall f'1flll the VCly fOc1l1ddtlOns upon \\ hlen dll theIr etlorb drc based whether they be 111dlVlductl or co-operatIve 111theIr nature \\ e have often been told thdt ()} per cent of cdl busl less \ entures result 111fallnres I c10 II( t knGw whethcr that IS so Dr not, and 1 do not thl lk anyone el se know~ exactly, but y;hatevel the pel ccntdge nM) be, all falh,res arc due to a dhre~al d of the consumer s 111tCI t-st 111 one ;\ ay or another expectll1~, '1f COlUse, the fallurcs wInch dre clue Ll calal11ltle~ beyond human foresIght awl onttoJ \;\ hetnel faIlures rcsult from a lack of capItal, from 111expenence, dl~hollesty, or whdt not, the consumer other pay ~ the penalty or reap, the rewal d C;llcce~s 111 bUJmes0 thel efore, IS lar[?,"ely dependent llpon the 111telhgent co-oper dtlOn bet\\ een the producer and the retaIler, \;lth ,11ld for the cons Il11er ] et u" not lo-e sl~ht of thIS fact 01 unc1el rate the 1]11p01tance of thIS tll1th le"t om effOl ts end 111 fdl1Ule and Ollr hope~ In chsapp01ntment Tne retaIler IS pnmanly a dlStllblltor, but he lepresents only a pal t of the entIre ~cheme at ell t1lb,lt!on [ra 1ojJortdtlOn, \\ hlch bcg111s WIth the rlrd) wc1gon of the p JdllCer, goes thlou!?,1) the sel \ Ices ot JJ111mon earners to tne stm es of the 1etallel ann then to the ultImate con~umel Thc I etadel, howe; el, must ),. somethIng more than a mel c agenc\ f'}l the dlstnbllt lO] of phYSIcal propel t} be must provJ(le the means wnerebJ l k,<o\\ ledge of fact~ and fanues abont plodllct~ may be dl tlllmk I at c1pncc the consumer IS \\ Ilhng to PlY for sllch enltghte 1111cnt J'roc!tlccl s dl d co-,nmcrs coulc1 do 1msll1e ~ \\ Ithout thc ml(l (lleman 1hey could eXIst 111a \\ ay \\ Ithmt tnc I etallcr hence It lO~1Lall) [ollc)\;\s that nClthel \\111 a\dll hlm,elt of the II1tell11ec1- lary SClvIce unles~ there be somc defil1lte advantclge In cl01l1g so It I~ thereforc, a matter of VItal Im]''11tdllce to the I ctdrler that hIS sel \ Ices be made I 1chspen~able to tne consumer dnd c1esl1 able to the proc1ucer I do not WISh anyone to get the Idea that I am Gppo~ed to thc mldc11eman '\ '1 one, 1 beheve, apprc- Clates the deslrablhty and almost necessIty 'of the retaIler more than I do It I because I do dppl eClate the Importance of the retallel tnat 1am here today, anc1lt I~ my eal nest deSIre that what I shdll hay e to sa) \\ III be of come c1enl1lte benefit to every furt1l-tIu e merchant 111 the land J am proud to a(h11lt that the gredt succe~~ \V hlch se~tlOnal furl11ture hds dchlevecl \\ auld not have been pos"lble wltnout the aId and co-operatlOn of the I etall mer-chdnt, but 1aloo WIsh to sa) that It l111ghthave heen even greatcr \\ Ith a more mtelltgent regal d for the consllmer s mtere t It Ism) pm po~e to put hefore ) 011 the tacts of the ca~e as I see them 111 tne hope that ~ome of vou at least may under-stand mOl e clearly how to become hetter mcrchants and thereby \\ hllh \\ 111 make 111\ IenMI k" ,lbout thc I ct,ulcl ~ound ltke a Lom-phment \\ hat arc the eVIls \\hleh rctall melch,mts complam of, th<:lr C,lUse~,md theu cm e ) \t first glance thel e would seem to be an endles- vdnet) of them and traceable to a, many causes, fm each ot \\lnch evel\ othel merchant 11,1sa lemed) of hIS o\\n, and ,ometlme" "e,eral but \\hen these eVIl, ,ire analV.lcd and summed up the) I esoh e them,elves Into the one propos~tlOn of merchan- (It,,e find1l1g-lts \\a) to the consumer \\Ithout pa"-1I1g th10ugh the hand" ot the retallel dt all 01 dt an 1I1SUffillent malg1l1 of profit 1hI, c011lhtlon ot atta11 , ,hould not exl"t, but ,mce It doe, eXIst \\ e Illll,t look the fdds squarel) In the fdce and be sure that \\ c underctancl the cause befol e \ve undertake to pI escnbe a Iemed) 1 do not heSItate to Sd) that vou merchants are mOl e dlrectl) rcsponslble for the cut price eVIl than the manufadurers [t I, \ ou \\ ho pIck up the lobs and offer them to the consumer at ~uch ]()\\ jJllces that \ ou and the producer both lose money \ pnce :;Iven to the consumer \\ l11ch does not prOVIde an eqUItable mal- ~m t01 p10ducer amI me1chant ahke IS unfa11 to both, no matter \\ ho make It It IS you who order goocb for some customer" \\ Inch \ ou do not cal TV111 "tock, cU11pl) to scalp d sn1<1l1comnl1,,- S10n \\ Ithout stoppll1g to cOllSlder the consequences, It IS ) ou who ,end, the card man to the manufacturel and ask hIm to quote \\ holesale pncev or nearl) so to) om cu,tomers who are hurt- 1l1~ the bU"ll1ess and \\ hen) ou have clone these thll1gs and have the I eb\ clemol altLed the pnce ancl profits on an al tide, or a Ime ut good, -'0 that It I, no kmgel de'lrable to the merchant, and \ uu have lett the mamlfactmer to hIS fate, you turn about and ulIldemn h1111t01 sellIn\?, dnect or through the only other avenues \ ou Ildve left open bet\\ een hIm and the consumers, ancl that IS the catalo~ue house, \,,,OClatlOns ,uch a, yours \\111 never overcome thIS evJ1 \1ntll the\ begm at home and ,ay to the manufacturer VI/e wJ11 not "acnfice \ OUI gooc!s n01 Jour nghts and you shall not sacn-hce om", 1hel e are some manufacturers who have not waIted tnl the merchants to get to~ethel and ctop pnce cuttmg, but have taken the gentlemenh bOvl11e of tObdCCO fame b) the horns ai'id ha\ e "aId "\\ e \\ III not and) ou ,hall not cltsregard the rules ot eqUlt) III the sale of OUl products ThIS class of producers IS grO\\ Ing 111 stl ength and numbers eve Iy day and they are domg tdr more fm the leg-1ttmate merchant than the latter has been able to do tm h1m,elt and th1:obr111gs me dovvn to my hobby, and the onc lSre,lt sublect \\ hleh I hehevc to be the only true and per-mdnent solutIOn of the cnt prtce cVII - Thc TI ade J\Iark and I'nhltllt\ '-,tablht\ goes \\ 1th confidence, demorahzatlOn WIth doubt ,lml ~thplllon Confidence 1" a p]dnt of slow growth and thnves onlv on l11ent dnd trnth '-,0 long a, fnr11lture IS sold and paraded ,\llom l1101hh Jnst ,0 long \\ tll the merchant and manufacturer hncl came to complalll of ~ut pnces vv henever there is room for donht the conSt1111eldemands and receIves the benefit, but when doubt I~ dIsplaced b) conhdence and certamty the customer is evel read) to pay the plemlum The world admIres men who are not afratd to stand ont boldly and w11hngly assume the conse-quences fm then own acts It always has been so and always WIll be ] he man \\ ho conceIves a th1l1g of ment and by hIS skIll produces It ha, the nght to become known to the man who con- ,nmes It and the comume1 has the nght to know whether the maker 1, standmg behmd hIS productlOn and hIS own representa-tlon~ legardmg It Xo man h ,,0 well qnahfied to tell the exact tl uth dbont an) arttcle as the man who made It, and when he h \ulltng to stand behmd Ius story It WIll have more VI- eight WIth the pubhe than If told bv ~0l11eone else who, m the nature of thmg" knows less about It The man who puts 1us mark on an 1l1fenor arttcle and m]:,- ,ure1y and 5\\ Ift1y find hImself out of the 1ace The tradc '11a1k of the mal~er on a pIece of fur11lture IS hke the sIgnature on ::I check agalllst money m bank, It makes It good The endorsement ot the responsIble merchant IS an added guarantee which removes the doubt from the consumer Vv ho are asked to cash It. Your own paper mdy be ve1Y gooel, but If I were to offer it WIthout \ om sIgnature I am afraId my endorsement would not gIve It cunency I have sometimes heard It saId that overproduction IS hurt-lllg the furmture busllless but that IS not so There has nevel been any over-productlon 111fnrmtnre vVe are suffermg from under-educatIOn and not from over-plodnctlOn, We need more 1l1fOrmatlOn, more truths 1l1terestmgly told about furniture, more advertts1l1g, more pUbltclty, more trade marks, more courage and 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN mdke yom chosen callmg mOl e sureh md1,pensable to thc con- ~mner, and therefol c mOl e deSIrable to the ploducer ] hc} both need you and vel y earneotly clesn e \ our Lo-operatlon, but ne1thet can be dnven to employ d servIce wInch IS not \\ 01th It, co",t \11 attempts on the part of ll1erchant~ ,md then or~alllLatIOn s to Impose then serVIce, upon eIther the consumel 01 the producer w1thont re11l1ellng full, ,tlue lC'ce1ved must 111 the cml 1 esnlt 111 f.\llme, and all "nch efforts fmally become a usclc"" e,ven e and ,l 10 ~ to ,tll concerned and to the mel chant 111part11111,\1 Ihe pl111clple, \\h1ch e;ove1n the ,tatus of 1ctall I11Clchan (lts111gal,o apply to productIon WIth cClual fC)lee \\ e all 1,nO\\ from expcllencc that there a1e \\ Ide (hftcrences het\\ ceol plO dIlLCI, ,111dth(l1 jJlodmtlOns 'll1d aho 111 thcn \\a\~ of dOIng o H. L Wernicke. th1l1~s, hencc 11lclchdnt cnclea\ or to hancllc the l1l1e-.\vlllch th(\ l111c1by expenence dre mo,t de"ll able dl1LIlllo~t jJlohtable ,1l1dth"t IS qmte a, It should be ] herc 1~, dftel all noth111g !j111teltkc ~ood, keen, honest competltlOn, not only betv, een manutactm cr, bnt between mel d13.llts Tt stlll1Ulates 1l1d1V1dual 1111tlatne and leads to progress, economy and 1l1dustnal health Compet1tlOn IS thc great scavenge1 \\ h1ch most qmckh 11(]-, 1J1dtbtl \ at thL l11competents and thereby enla1 ges the field ot opportull1t\ for the fitte~t It \vould be a sad da) fOI tnI~ natIOn \\ hen the sp111t of "c\ faIr field and no favols should be clt,placed b\ monopoly and molly-coddle I tor one, do not belte\ e that \\ e of the Lmted States WIll e\ er come to such a pas~ ~I) faIth I ests 111 the autocratIc consumel, who under our fm m of e;overn-ment has lus remedIes m the ballot and hIS 11eedom ,md hlstor \ tclls us that he knows how and when to use them 1here IS one large fact whIch JustIfies CD-opel at10n In pCl- ~OJ1Sengdged m ,anous hnes of mdmtr) through voluntary ,lssoclatlOns, and that IS our \\ asteful way of domg thll1g~ It has been so easy to get 1I1to busmess and ~ta\ m, became of our wonderful resources and cont1l1ued e;IO\vth that \\ e al e apt to lose 'lght of OUl obhgatlOns to sOClet) and ll11ae;1l1eom ~eh e~ en-tItled to ~omcth1l1g fOI notlung OrgamzatlOns hke ) ours can do much f01 then members by seardung out then faults and ~hortcormng~, by elevatm!?, theIr own standalds of bus1l1ess ethIC, ,1l1d by makll1g ItS membel ~ more u,eful and nece,sal y to the publtc upon whose patronage they are dependent vVhencver an 0'l:;-a11lZatlOn, whethel It he ot produce1 s 01 retaIlers, has elevated the standard of ItS 0\\ 11 servIce and has abandoned the eVIl pI actlces eXIstmg \\ 1th111It-, 0\\ n I ank, then and not until then, has It a moral nght to jlomt Its accusmg finger to the faults of others I regret to say It, but truth and the hope of domg good compels me to remmd my good fnends m the retaIl furmture trade that most of the so-called eVIl, compla1l1ed of, and whIch aSSOCIatIOnshke yours are seek1l1!?,to COlIed b) I esolutlOns aImed at the manufacturer, are chllclre11 of then 0\\ n C1 eatton and they WIll not down unttl you lay thc ax to the root Please do not 1mag111ethat my Op1111011 of mdnufacturers IS a more ex-alted one, On the contrary, I have a rod 111pICkle for them, too, WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 all that the~e Imply It is clall11ed that the populatIOn of the L mted States IS 90,000,000 and that the annual furmture sales amount to $135,000,000 If the"e figures are correct It means that the annual furmture bIll of tIns gi eat natIon IS only $1 50 for e,lch person, or about four-tenths of a cent per day. Just thll1k of It, less than 3 cents a week for furmture There IS hardly another Item m the entIre lI"t of staple wants for whIch we spend "0 lIttle money a" for furmture Can you unagme peo-ple nch enough to spend "even tIme" as much to mamtam theIr '\; atlonal (:rovermnent tv, Ice as much for automobIles. "evel al tImes as much for ted and coffee and many tunes a" much fO! hquor and tobacco than the, do for furmture to be m danger of bankruptcy If theIr furmture e:>.pemes are doubled? CertaInly not, and It theII furmture bIll were multIplIed by five It ,"ould make the natIon ncher m every way and not poorer The anI) Iea'on I can thlllk of \Vh) so lIttle money IS e).- pended fOI furmture IS the lack of ll1teilIgent lllterest shown by the manufadurer m hrs own produds It IS mOle hIS fault than yours that a larger and better demand fOI good furmture has not been developed, but you also stand m the way of this develop-ment by not mSlstll1g upon It that all the goods whIch you buy shall bear the maker's mark and that he ~hall publIsh the reasons for hI" claIms upon the consumer It IS a mal vel to me that so lIttle has been saId about furmture by ItS makers, for It IS a sub- Ject so nch In possIbIlItIes fOl explOltatIon that It~ use could be mcreased many fold by SImple and Ob,IOU" methods of publICIty The publIc spend" ItS money for the thlllgS III "hlch It takes the most ll1terest and not for thmgs III whICh It takes the least Om e make It the subject of mtellIgent merest to the people and yOU WIll find them eager to spend theIr money for fm mture The re-taIl merchant can do much for the stabIlIty of profits and pro-mote a larger demand for furmture by mSlstll1g upon trade marks ,md advertlsmg from the manufacturer and also upon an under-standlllg about retaIl pnces whIch both may respect. There are more mterestmg p0111ts 111a pIece of furmture than 111a horse, yet who ever heard of a horse trade WIthout some cl!scusslOn of every pomt from wmd to \V Ithers and from fore-lock to fetlock. GIve a horse a pedIgree and hIS value goes up It IS the same WIth furmture. The products of makers who have earned a reputation for themselves WIth the publIc sell to better advantage WIth a trade mark than WIthout A $5 Knox hat WIth-out the "Knox" would not cell for $4, a $1,000 Stelllway Grand WIthout the name on It 111 bIg letter:, all over the front would not bnng $600, a $50 sewll1g machllle WIthout "Slllger" would not Imng $+0, a Buck's stove WIthout 'Duck" would not sell at 20 per cent off and a sweeper WIthout "BIssell" all over the top would be rejected at almost any pnce by the consumer no matter what the merchant mIght say about It . '\ great paintll1g WIth ItS ongm III doubt goes at a bargam, anonymous poetry IS even worse Look where you vvIll the ad-vertlsed brands are the staples for whIch the leadmg merchants stnve because they are eaSIer to sell The profits are faIr and the consumer get;, what he wants and IS satI"fied \Vhy should not Berkey & Gay or Nelson-Matter furmture, after fifty years of es-tablIshed success, be as well known m every home as the Eastman kodak, whIch ten years ago was an unknown thmg Had the Eastman people made no better use of theIr opportumtIes to ex-plOIt the kodak than the makers of furmture have theIrs there would have been a very large over-productIon m kodaks long ago and the profits whIch merchants are now harvestmg from that source would not have been worth mentlOmng -When the consumer has been taught to mSIst 0n trade marked furmture from makers of known reputatIOn the catalogue home WIth ItS anonymous furmture WIll be a thmg of the past, but untIl then the catalogue house WIth ItS interestmg lIterature and C0n-vmCll1g arguments IS, at least, on a par WIth the merchant who buys anonymous furmture on hIS own Judgement and takes chance~ of makmg a market for It alone mstead of dlvldmg that burden WIth the maker It is tIme that the merchants begm to realize how the entIre mdustry IS bemg stunted, how hb oppor-tumtles are be111g neglected and hIS profits unsettled because the makers of furniture are "asleep at the sWItch" The merchant stands 111his own lIght when he opposes the use of trade marks and publiCIty on the part of the manufacturers. It IS a narrow policy and keeps the consumer 111 Ignorance of the mterestmg facts and fancies m furmture which create the deSIre to possess 1t also breeds needless changes 111style and finish to the confus- IOn and loss of all concerned. There is nothing which has hurt the profits from furniture so much as the senseless changes whIch are made from time to tl111efor no other Ieason than a lack of mtelligent publIcity. To the lover of art who has been educated to look for real worth 111 furmture-and all persons are lovers of art-there IS a wealth of ~uggestlon m every pIece n0t govelned by pnce or deSIgn, The merchants and the makers of good furmture have been so long wrapped up 111 a nan ow conceptIon of theIr craft and ItS pOSSIbI-lItIes and have held the mckels so dose to theIr eyes that they have not ~een the wealth of roses beyond The average retaIl "tore IS a most careless place, w1th a fun-cI, ll atmosphere whIch repels rather than mVlte", The clIspla) s dl e hapha7ard, 11lechamcal <111(1 confnsmg, ,~here they "lIould be arttstlL, attractIve and mstructI ve A furmture store should be a place lIke an art gallery, as <1ttractlve and mterestmg a" a museum of al t ,md WIth an aIr of such restful, refined comfort that It could not fall to appeal to every person of means dunng hour" of leIsure and brmg them there to enJoy It and to study the elementanes and refinements of good furmture m short to absorb furmture educatIOn " To make "nch a plan male effectIve the merchant dnd the members of hIS "taff must themselves be educated and become 1espected as authonttes m such matters \Vhat IS pleasmg to one pelson seems commonplace or ugly to another. A pIece of furmture, wInch by Itself or m certam surroundmgs may "eem undesll ahle dud of lIttle value, may m anothel place be found most ple'lsmg ane! woule! there sell readIly at a good pnce UntIl the merchant learns the great truth, that the sentiment-, when appealed to are the nerve-centers whIch termll1ate and relax at the mouth of the pocketbook, they have not risen to theIr op-portumttes De It the sword of General Jackson, grandmother's old spmnmg wheel, or any other now useless thmo- as long as It /:>' < has aSSOCIatIons whIch stIr the sentIments or eXCIte the em0tlOns It WIll create deSIre to possess and WIll command a pnce It 1;, the story that goes WIth an artIcle and not so much the artIcle Itself whIch creates the deSIre to posse"s, and Just as thIS deSIre to possess IS aroused the fields of opportumt) expand The hIS-story of a house whIch makes a thmg If 111terest111g1ytold adds value to ItS product The hIstory and motIve of styles and theIr evolutIOn afford endless opportumty for profitable furmture educatIOn. The harmony of shapes, forms and colors can be worked 111a thomand 111terestll1g ways and be made to pay well, and when It comes to wood, there IS 110 end of the 111terestlllg etones that can be told to CIeate deSIre Let me remmd VOLI here that ~ature IS a \\onderful artIst She does nothmg m v~nu but men often de"troy the art whICh Nature has gIven them There IS no reason why two pIeces of furmtm e should be val led alIke, because as a matter of fact, they do not appeal WIth lIke effect to dIfferent persons any more than women do There ,II C no two pIeces of furmture one Just lIke the other any more than there are two women alIke, and there never WIll be There are no two pIeces of wood one Just lIke the other and there never WIll be They may be alIke 111:,hape, but not 111character or 111 nptal1 of figure, tone or character any more than the same sublec' when pa111ted by (lIfferent arttsts would be alIke eIther m ap pearance or value \"'hen all else has been saId the fact remams that furmture stores as now conducted do not stImulate the grateful emotIOns and the pleasurable senses whIch eXCIte deSIre for possession and thereby relax the nerves whIch contml the pocketbook I can best explam thIS Idea by takmg a pIcture gallery for example A pIcture IS not a practIcal thmg by any means but 111many homes the cost of pIctures IS greater than the cost of furmture. Go mto any modern art gallery and let the al tiSt 111 charge, who under-stands hIS busmess and knows h0w to produce effects WIth shadovv boxes, lIghts or shades and other tncks of the trade, show you thIS" Perfect Gem" by So-and-So, thIS wonderful creatIOn by the Dauber and thrs ' Dream" from the brush dnd bram of a master, WIth mterestmg details The chances are he WIll create 111 you a deSIre to possess You go agam and agam, you take your WIfe and mVIte the opmlOns of your fnends You thmk and talk pIctures, arttsts, techmque, m other words, you become a walk-mg, talkmg advertIsement for the products of the pamter's crafts and a customer of the merchant who touched the button \Vlth every good pICture there IS a story and on It the artIst's mark For wealth of dIsplay and deslre-creatmg pOSSIbIlItIes furm ture has no equal 111 the realm of merchandIse There IS abso lutely notlung else so ll1tlmately and mterestmgly mterwoven WIth our lIves fr0m the cradle to the grave, and nothmg whIch m ItS charactenstlcs ,,0 plamly portrays the emot1Ons, Ideals, habIts and hlstones of a people as ItS furniture. As the marttal strains of fife and drum incite men to most heroic deeds of valor ~---~~-~----~~~~~--~~---------------. •I,I,, IIII II,I,,I -_._----- .II. 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--------_.....--------------------------_ .....--------------------------------------------------~ I Y Our Large New Line of I I The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when pnces and quality are considered. STOW 8. Df\VIS fUKNITURf, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------. CIty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. so also does the clanon call of I11terestlng clispld) and other tal ms of publiCIty arouse the desIre at the people to part vvIth theIr money for thIngs they want So, I say, JOIn hands wIth the producel and blend your VOIces together In SIngIng the hymns and preachlt1g the gospel at gooel furnIture Back thIS up wIth a store dlsplav that attlade, and wIth arrangements that vvIII delIght the eve and please the e,en~e~ Don't wait untIl some one needs somethI.1g "0 one ever I ealll needs a thIng untIl he wants It People spend most monev tOI dungs the) do not need bnt merely" dnt and all! bu 1I1e~sIS t{) make them want more amI better turl1ltll! e a,1C1to tIllS cnd r pledge you my hearty support and enthUc,lastlc co O[JU at10n New Furniture Factories. The .;\lontgomery FUll1ltUl e Company \\ III el eet a t,lctOl v ,It Troy, ~ C A wooc! carvl11g plant vvIII he establIe,hed ,It '\ dsln 1IIe Tel111 by \\ Ilham E Cumml11g o F Welch hae, engagedl11 the manuLldmc ot peclc~tal, and furl1lture at HIgh POlt1t, " C c\ G Walters b at the head of the compam that h to e~ tabhsh a furl1ltm e and wagon factory at St lh'l1les, La Harch, ood lt1tenol fil1lshes vvIII be manufactureel bv the Allzona V\T ood V\'orklt1g lompam recenth lt1COll''ll ated \\ lth $50,000 capItal at \shvIlle," C A movement to Olgal1lZe a compam tOI the pUIp he ot erectmg and operatmg a funnttl! e plant at COIdelle Ga ha~ been started by C Vv Pomts of ChIcago The ProgressIve League of c\lexanclna La IS e,ald to have secured the establIshment of dIal ge chall factOl) 111that tOIl 11 but the name of the concern b suppressed for the pI ee,ent 1he Chlcasaw Table and :\Janufactunng lOl11pam hds beeu 111COplOl ated, WIth capItal stock fixed at $,1 JOCO, to manufacture tables and small furnIture 111\1emphb, Ten11 Clement GIbson, G A :\fcUam, C G ChambeI1al11 L F CaH!v\ ell ,11ld (, ] l\1cSpadden are the l11COl pal atOl S Had a Close Call. George C Holll"ter, "ale" manager tor the Hot Ula,t Feather Compan), Grand Raplde" ",as a pac,sen~er on the Pere Marquette resort flyer near Granel Ledge la"t \\ ednee,- day I11ght when the locomotIve bOIler exploded, ln11l11g the engmeer and fireman, wreckl11g the tram and In lUllllg hall a dozen pa..,sengel, :\11 HollIster wa.., badl) cut and hllll"ed about the head and face, but he ",a" able to a,,"lst In remov-l11g and canng for the dead and m]ured He escaped fIom the overturned coach by Clawhng through a \vll1dow and then "tumbled ov er the body of the engllleer who had heen lnlled Instantly A Heavy Saw Bench. Here IS a hedv} v dnet) savv bench e;;,peClally deSIgned fOI all alOu11c! work whether heav y or fine It IS capable of the hea\ le,t cut of any e,aw bench bmlt, Ie, also abso-hlteh acemate The machllle IS eql1lpped voth a belt tlght- 1m I \\ hIe h t;1\ e., the greatest po,slble belt beanng on the al hOl pulle\ 1hIs IS ahout ;0 per cent more than I" ob-t, u11ed 011 ,\11\ othel sa" bench TIne, machllle Ie, heavlel than the OIdlnan Sd\' be11ch and the COlhLluctlOn tll111011t IS ot the fmce,t cl11d.htv 1he complete eqUIpment con,Ie,\-, ot -+ t;uages, 2 saws, \\ lenches and counter shaft ;\11 bear-mg., amI loose pulle} s are self 0l1111g TImlt b} the Cree,ccnt \1 achl11c \\ orb, Grand RapIds, 1\1lch ~, ---------------------------~, I I ! PIONEER II I MAnUrAClUnlNo I (OMPAnl I : DE<;TROIT, I\1rCH. I I , t • , Reed Furniture , ,I Baby Carnages ,I I Go-Carts I I ~ I II II II FulL tzne 81wnn only I at the faclOJ y I I ...------------------ ---- -----------------~ MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. 1 he 11enchan ('II I ,,) I, urmtlll e (ompany wIll enlarge thCll plant Gahan Hlos wl1l engage m the undertakmg busmess at Tom anawk. Vhs L 1\1 McPllllhp", furl11ture dealel at \\, to "Ie" ha~ 'old out to] ~ Sugg" 11rs Charles ~chneldel of \\ ,1terloo, III has sold hel fur-mture store to her son, E J ~chnelCler A petItIOn m bankruptcy nas been hIed agalmt the Stork Fur1l1ture Company of ,:,outh Omah,1, ~eb The Amencan Cpholstenng Company of EvansvIlle, Ind has been mcorporated CapItal stock. 13,000 CredItors of D E Handley, furmture dealer of Lanca ,ter, Uhlo, have asked that he be adjudged bankrupt Brummund & Kulander, furl11ture dealers and u'ldelt,1ker, of Walker, :.\lmn , are <'ucceeded by J E Kulan ler The (Tray } ur1l1ture Compan), table makers, of AlbIOn ,llch , has been mcorporated CapItal ~tock, $12,000 The Harchng Furmture Company of Dlckmson Colo, ha, been mcorporated WIth capItal ,tock fixed at $100,000 Chase & West, fUf1llture dedlers of De, ~Iome", 10W,1, h,1\l moved from W,1lnut stleet Into a new "tore on EIghth street The Gray- Read- W nght Company, furl11ture dealer" of Reno ~ ev , have added an undertakmg department m charge of J ame, O'Bnen The CapItol Furmture C ompan) of PIerre have been aW,1rded the contract for supplymg the furmture for the new South Dakota capItol bmldmg Dowlmg Brothers, of Gtlbert, on the Mesaba range, Mmn , al e blllldmg an addItIon to theIr store whIch WIll be nsed as a morgue and undertakmg parlor" Emery V\ renton, formerlv extenSIvely engaged m the manufacture of furmture at Falconer, X Y, ched at Jamestown, ~ Y, on August D, aged 7,~ years The Pme Street } urmture Company 1\1uskegon, :\Ilch, are bmldmg a bnck veneered addItion to tnelr store The new bmld-mg WIll contam three stones -bOx(lOteet The firm of Sleble, Bra general sto! e furmtl1rc \.tc at \\ oodbme Iowa, ha, been dls,olved \ugust Sleble, WIll U)'l-tmue the furmture and unclertakmg bnsmess The E l \uto Go-Cart Company has filed articles 111 creasmg the capItal "tock from $:2'5,000 to $30,000 and chang1l1~ the place of btb111ess from BelOit to Monroe WIS The Booth Furmture Company of BOlse, Idaho, now oc' l1P\- 111gthe LIttle bmldmg, on Bannock ,treet, have one of the large,t and best eqUlpped furmture stores we"t of the \h<;soun nvel The \very Furmturc Company of South Fra111mgham, :\1as, \\111 soon move mto nc\\ and larger quarter<;, havllg secmed the store recently vacated by the Enterpnse Clothll1g Company Charle<; J ansk), formerly of \Iamtowac, who went to (Tree,l Ba), WIS, about a year dgO and estabhshed a furmture store on the west SIde, IS closll1g out hIS stock and WIll qUlt the busmess The Drummeler Company, pIoneer hardware and furmture dealer,; of Walla Walla, Wash, have sold out to the Manon-Drew Company, who WIll take possesslOn of the busmess December 1 The Roper Furmture Company of South Bend. Ind, ha been mcorporated by J A, H C, C A, J G, and H D Roper CapItal stock, $100,000 dlVlded mto shares of $50 each The bUlldll1g occupIed by the Johnson-Hatcher Compan\ furmture dealers, In Sprmgfield, Ill, has been sold for $70,()()() The sale, hov\ ever, WIll not affect the tenants who have a kJ'l£; lea e ;\fr and \lrs \Tan C Beachle) and John L ReIchard, dfal ll1g m the fUll1lture under the name of the Hagerstown (l\ld) Lounge Company have dIssolved partnershIp, Mr Relchal e! re-tlnng LeWIS E hckman, aged 'II ) ears, has retlred from the S B \ an Duzee :\fanufactunng Company, of Gouveneur, 1'\ Y He ha<, been engaged 111 the manufacture of furmturf ever smce he \\ as 21 ) ear~ old The 'vVdlter,-Huddy COmp,1l1\ of Independence, K,111'3,have enlarged ane! remodeled theIr furmture store They now occupy three floor" l-bO feet deep and aeh el tlse the fad that theIr store l~ 'down-to-date 'l he PmeJ l\lanuf,1ctnnng Company of Gardnel, ~Ia~s , who suffered a se\ eI e loss from fire 1ecently has settled WIth the 111- sur dlLe compa"lles and the factor) WIll be mak111g chaIrs aga111 by the hr~t of ~eptembel 1he stnke of the emplOye, of the Clamel t<UfJ111IlJ 0 Ma·.' facturmg ComjJ,1l1\, Thomawl11e, 1\, C, has "pett I ec' ant \Iost of the men went back to \\ ork 011the company s term, c\l1d the othel s found work el,ewhere The \l,1Sk'l Bedd111g COmp,1ny of \\ nLllpeg, :\1,111 , \\ 111erect a new f,1ctory bUllcltng on the sIte 1ecentl v purch,1 sed from the Waterloo ~I anufactunng Comp,1ny wlllch has removed ItS plant flom vVl11mpeg to Portage la Frame J \Iv Roblllson, who ha~ been "elllllg furl1lture under the name of the J V\T Roblmon Comp,1ny at LakeVIew, Ore, has sold out to \\ llh,1m \ Vallace H L Chandler, furl1ltnre dealer of the same town, ha, sold hIS busllle s to ~ l' Colwll1 J rank I Den J' plOpnetor of the '\ orth Topeka (Kans) Cash Furmtm e store has been granted a patent on a guard 1all and fifth leg ,1ttachment tor bed stead" The attachment can be attached to orch lan beds and \\ 111prevent the sagg111g of the mattress The \\ H Goodnch Furmtmt' Company of Redlands lal , offer" an upholstered mahogany rocker valued at $()O to tlk person who sugge-ts the be~t change tor the name of theIr lIlst· tutlOn The contest WIll be open until August 31 and s"ggestlon, matlec1 on that day WIll be conSIdered The Flechslg-Albrecht Furmture Company ot PIttsburg, Pa, are makmg exten,lve lmprO\ ements 011the store bUlldmg They \\ III have a lle\\ g (a y bllck front WIth stone tnmmlllgs and large plate gla,s wlmlow, and \\ dl budd an addltwn 111the real \V hlch \\ III gIve them three floor" :5 3x150 feet \\ e all ha\ e ot\! 0\\ n \\ ay tIll \\ e get to be about fi\1e year, olel ------------------------------------------ --~IIII It I I t II t I I I IIt I III I II II IIIII THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descriptive CIrcular of Glue Heaters. Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes Wltl. prices. IIII• ,II ~------~-----~----------------~~-------~-------~ The Weatherly Co. Grand RapId., Mich. - - - --~-------------------------- 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN .---------------------~--- L.ARGEST .JOBBERS ANP MANUFACTURERS OF ---------~-~-------_.___.-._.---. j I PITTSBURGH PLATE -... I GLASS COMPANY GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured 6lass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS ANO OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. g For .:mythmg m BuIlders' Glass. or anythIng m Pamts, VarnI~hes, Brushes or PaInters' Sundnes, addre~s any of our branch warehouses, a lIst of \\ Illch IS gIven below :NEW YOBE-Hudson and Vandam Sts. BOSTO:N-41-49 Sudbury St., 1-9 Bowker St. CHICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. CmCI:N:NATI-Broadway and Court sts. ST. LOmS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce sts Mm:NEAPOLIB-500-516 S. ThIrd st. DETBOIT-53-59 Larned St, E. GBAND BAPIDS, MICH-39-41 :N. DiVISIon St. PITTSBl1BGH-10l-103 Wood St. MILWAUEEE, WIS.-492-494 Market st. BOCHESTEB,:N.Y.-Wllder Bldg, Main & Exchange sts. BALTIMOBE-310-12-14 W. Pratt St . CLEVELAND-1430-1434 West Third St. OMAHA-1101-1107 Howard St. ST. PAl1L-459-461 Jackson St. ATLA:NTA, GA.-30-32-34 S. Pryor St. SAVA:NNAH, GA -745-749 Wheaton St. KA:NSAS CITY-FIfth and Wyandotte Sts. BIBMmGHAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th st. BUFFALO, :N. Y -372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOXLYN-635-637 Fulton St. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th Sts. DAVENPOBT-410-416 Scott st. • • _ _ _ .--- ~. --- ._. . .. _. - .~-_~-~- - - - - .- __ _4 .. - - - -' .. Enormous Importations of Wool. vVool ImportatIOns 1I1to the Cmted "'tate" 111 the fi~c,tl \ eal Ju"t ended e:xceeded those of an\ earltel ) eal e"cept ] ,,<)~ \\ hen abnormal ImportdtlOn wel e macle 111 Vle\\ of the pI ospectl\ e tram fer of wool from the tree to the clutIable hst The total quantIty of woollmportecl In the hscal \eal lu"t ended \\a" 2hh-tJOO, OOO pound", aga1l1st 126000,000 m 1'l0~ 20 j 000 000 11 1907, 24~),000,000 111 UJ05, ami nl,aOO 000 1111~<)7, \\ hen thp 1 portatIOns were abnormally large \bout one-tlm d ot the \\ 001 consumed m the LTmted States IS Imported the remal11l11g t\\ 0 thIrds, speak1l1g 111 general term,> be1l1g plOc\ucec1 at home It appear" that the average annual consumptIOn of \\ 001 ' 1 the Umtec1 States durmg the decade Just ended \\ a'> about I~1 000,000 pound", of whIch a httle mOl e than one thI1 d \\ a" 111 ported, and the rema1l1eler ploducec\ at home dnel that 111 till lmmediatel) precedl11g decade the average annual consumptIOn of \<\0<01 \<a\ s 4JO,000,000 pounds, of \\ hlch the ImportatIOn" and domestic productIOn showed re"pectlveh about the "al11e plO portIom a" m the decdde Ju"t ended The value of the wool Imported 1l1tothe L mted '--tates d1ll1l1l.; the fi'>cal year )11"t ended wa~ $-!l 000 000, agal11st $-tl l()O O()() 111 ]')()i, $±'~,2:5(),000 1I119()"), and $") ),210,()()0 1111H<)~ the )eaI ot the 11H;he'>trecOl d of qUdntltle" Il11ported The ,>t,lted value ot thc \\001 Il11portedmto the L mted '-,tate (lmmg the dela(\e l1l(ltn~ \\ Ith the h"cal ) eaI 1<)()<)\\ a" ~21) 000,000 and In tlK d( lade wded June :'0, 1f.>99, $,)60 )()() 000 11001 ImportatIon" are dIVIded 1I1tOtll1el t!,"1 oUll" d()thl11~ -----------~., II ,,------ Ittt t ttt Itttt I I I IIIt :I t tt Office and Store, I 58 South Ioma St .. t Opposite Union Depot t..___ _ _ _ _ . --4 THE NEW GRAND RAPIDS MACHINERY STORE tt •tt II I I - ... ----------~ ! Wood Working Machinery Factory Equipment Machine Knives, Bits, Etc. Everything in Equipment for the Woodworker. McMUllEN MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPID, MICH \\ 001 cOl11bmg \\ 001 dnd carpet \\ 001 Of the first named class, dothll1~ \I 001 the value of the nnportatlO11'; 111 the fiscal year Just lndld \\ a-, S 2') SOO 000 , of the second clas'>, comb1l1g wools, $4,- )( () 0(10 and ot the thIrd clas'>, carpet wool, $11,000,000 Of the doth1l1g \I ools ImpOl ted $12,000,000 \vOlth came flom the Umted h.ll1gdol11 $?,SOO,OOO \\orth from r\.rgentma and clbout $8,000,000 \\ 01 th t 10111\u' traha dnd the adJacent Island of Tasmama Of the cOl11b1l1g\\ 0011111])01ted, nearly $JOO,COO,OOOWOIth came from L l1Ited h.I1H;dol11 Of the $11,000,000 worth of carpet wools 1111 pOl ted :;;2500000 \<\orth came from the Umted Kmgclom, about SZ 000 000 worth frol11 the other countnes of Europe, $3,000,0()() hom Chma and $l,nO 000 \\orth from other part" of ASIa and ( kCa11ld [he Il11pO!tahon" of larpet \\ ools dm I11g the current year \\ 111plobabh bc much lal ger than last year becduse thev are re-ported ,1" bel11l:;bought and u "ed for "better pllrpme~, , t~ alaI ge e"tent owmg to the "carut) and hIgh pnce" of c1othll1g wool Farming as a Side Line. BIg RolpHI" ,itlh \ugll"t '~o-fhe Luce-Redn'onrl ChaIr C. 0I111Jdl1\I eport h j"l11e"" a" cxcellent 1he) nevel had a bettcl t1 ade m (,I dnd RapId" than d1ll1l1l!, Id"t 1110nth TheIr 11l1e law ..:ht on 111 ~Ieat "l1cljlc 1 he'} hd\e put on d nl1111berof e:xtla h,\]1(I" and dlt Inn 111nl.;'the faLtOl) full tIme Hl1h Eecll1louc1 of the Luce- Redmond (J1dlr Company ha" ttllned fdlmer He ha~ ad]01l1lug the factory "everal a-:re" ot 1,111(1on \\ hILh he hau corn, tomatoes, potatoe", ped", beans, a'>para~u", cclbbage", melon", l ucul1lbers, etc "13llh 1<; one of the fal1lo11" chaIr make I " of the L I1Ited State'>, and' as a "horny handed "on-of-tOlI ' h<'.I" certaml) a "ucce~s He hke" to get up dt j () dock 11 the l11orn1l1g cl11cldo hdlf a day,,' \\ork before bledkfa"t an'l then \york dn hOUl or two after the factory c1o,e" \t tht "ame tune he run~ the chaIr shop, between tIme'i, and noth1l1~ e'ilclpe~ hI" vl~llant eye If you want to know how to gro\\ potdtoe" a'i bIg d'i Jour fist and tomatoe~ that WIll weigh from one to t\\D pound", get 111 tOl1ch WIth "DIlly, the Farmer." Another for the Leonard Building. rj he SkandIa };urmtul e COmpdn) of Rockford, Ill, h thc latest to "CCUIe "pace 111 the Leonard Funllture Exhlbi-tIon b11l1cltng The} take the SIxth flool of building No. 1 I I I• I I• I I• I• I• II• I I• •II• I II I• I•• I II• •I ~, -------_._- I IIII III IIII I~ -- !I III I I I II IIII I I• I• IIIII II WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 r • ----- - --- ------------------------ • _.. .--..., ! I I THE BIG WHITE SHOP I I I I I I~- - ... .. - _. ------------ . ~I , I I • II I• I : I I I • • I I II •I II I• I I • I I • • I • I I• •• ••• ••• •• I•• ,• II• III If II II I I• I II We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, II --1 THE BIG WHITE SHOP II• I ------------------~- . - ------------------- ------~ -----.-------------.----------------- ~.---------~ 12 WEEKLY II ARTISAN RETAIL FURNI'I'URE ADVERTISING A DEPARTMENT OF HELPS FOR THE ADVERTISER Conducted by Chief of the o\.dvertisina Department, Furniture City Enllravinll Company MARLIN L. BAKER TbI Slon T1IIt Sell. fill " Amrtt •• Our Greatest of All AUGUST SALES lBegins Monday Morning!, Thousands and Thouaonds of Dollars Worib of the MostBeaubful Furniture Carpets Rugs Stoves Etc At Tremendous Reductions SAVINGS ~, ~ TO ~ Pretty Buffets Greatly Reduced ~ ..-:q.Al"7""Do~ t.. -,,:'--;Io:.=-~ .,..".'.....~..".',;~w_.;.. ! .. :-.::: ."'.0_" ..~ _ \k ..... ..- ,.... "'" *,OOBr .. .. Ollar .. tMv&..r ... Bed-Davenports JIll Half-Price;. vf'" .w ..,.. . .A.",S. .. _ • :.;;:: i;""::"" .. •""''' "''''fDl<,Jor>..,.,..., """ "'0~0 Odd Parlor Pleus ~.. _~ .. .. '"'" ,....... .", '1200 C1o.. .", ''.10"00............. .. .. "(IO> WILUS-SMITR-CRAU CO., '''CQRPOR,ATED NORFOLK S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS MAIN STREET, COR CHURCH l:<'Ine::,t H ~1l11tho advel tI~111g 1l1cl11gel t01 \ \ Ille~ ~l1l1th Crall Company, ] nc of \ 01folk, \ a cel tdl11h de,u \ e.., UJl1- 'Iderdble credIt for 1]1~ nen e and good ]l1dgement lOl1r tull page, 1ll one I~"l1e of the Ledgel DI,patch Look dt them Lach Cl1t has ]U~t the proper amOl1nt of \\ hlte "pace to make It ,tdlH! out One-"Ixth 1l1ch \\ hlte "pa-::e between rl1le~ add~ \\ onclerfulh to the dI~play Cut~ al e plOp~rh placed and lmt enough dlscnptlve matter and plent) of pnce~ are l1'ed <"'ub-head1l1g.., ~tand out prommentl) The general la) out and (lIspla) of thIS fom-page announce-ment could not be Improved wIthout ~pendmg conSIderable tIme and thol1ght 1 can find no fault ThI~ advertIsment ~hol1ld fur111sh man) ~ugge..,tlOns to the fur111ture "dd' man who desIres to raI~e hI~ ;:(c!vertIs1l1g abc\' the average The "ad \Ir SmIth ~tales \\ .1, the 111(',111' ot tl11111ng ;' dull penod mto an exceedmgl) bus) tune AdvertJslllg m the daily paper~ 1, not the onh method of :: $39.75 a.D._IoU .,..OO'l."f ':: ~ ';:" IS> """"" ...-- .d_8b<p .... _oad .!~~.o':o._~,.r.::.: ,~M .l.o.'l.5o0oI"lo"........ ""1M rl3101> W;SOH .. roo Uf.1ll Oak Dlnmg Chairs • '00 ~ • '00 (\0 "" '00 J ' Chlffomers leather and Velour (ooches ~. •• ~" . .,. • ~" 06 \ ;, M" : :21~C->:;: .:r~ A ,"<WI bo t. ......... "".." .... ,. .. _ .. Tb,S .. 30 .. Jlo".C d .:.:..-~b"~"_ .d ... ", ... "'..dO<! "",t5 • ,>1 .. 100.,.... .. .. .,.. Dining Tab~ IC.hlna.::lo~~ ... <J' • "''' Of 0I" u~ .•" .., ." ';0 fJ ».. .~ f..,l£. ~-'-'-' --- , WRUS-SMITH-CRAlL CO., INCQWPORATI!D. Norfolk s Largest Home Furnl.shen. MaIO Street, Cor Church, Norfolk, Va. .. More Ba......I.". On Neat Pq. ,. pl1bhut) \ cdtbhed C11"tQmeI wIll do mOle good fOl the ,tore thel1l man) dOUdI.., \\ orth of ne\\ spdpel ~pdce She wIll tell her neIghbOl, about the lovel) rocker she bought at "Smlth & Jone, '-,tOle ::,he ah\a)s tIade" at ::'mlth & Jone::,' because every-thmg ~he evel bought there "wa, always delIvered when the) promIsed It and It never came up marred III several place5, the teamster, dre pleasant dml the wagon al\\a) ~ looks clean and bnght She never bought but one artIcle of the Brown }ur111ture Co and that \\ a~ a long tIme ago They promIsed to send up a table she ordered 'that afternoon dnd It never came tIll the next mor111ng It wa, scratched m ~everal places though It had never been wa~hed 5mce The wagon looked a~ It was purchased-years clgo 1 hes( httle th1l1£(' ,rl ::\Ierchant clre n>'lll) mIghty bIg Item~ 111 the succeS5 of a growmg busllless. Don't let a piece of g-ood~ leave the ~tore unless It 15 in perfect shape Don't deliver WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 a plece of marred furmture and then "end a man to the customel S home to make 1t nght 1f she k1cks ahout 1t 11akc It rIght befo1 C 1t leaves 30111 It01(, A dlssatisfied purchaser wl1l do more mJury m ten mmutes, than you can undo 11l 51Xmonth5 to the bu"mess ~he v{lll make "AUGUST SALE" Continuod4 ::~;:,n~~.R~:;~':.~ CarpeD, Room-Sla. Dome.tlc Rup, PlUo... , Dressere. Chilffon'.rs, Dre,,'n .. Tabf... , Etc.--Our Moet Popular 8eU.,..··At Price. tha1: hautlfun, o.mon.trate the Wonderful Money-Savln& ~ P_OO_OI_bl~l•l•tl arThra, Cur Greale.tot' All UAUCUro'_s_a_'e_o _' _._ n.. lilal W 98c This Beautiful Brass Bed $13.98 ~~~t~;'~ .';:'_ ......._........... WILLIS-SMITH-GRALL CO., INC. liliiii'11 II lOIN STREET, CORNER CHURCH - BE SURE YOU READ HEX" PAGE-Improvements by the Traverse City Company. There 1S alwa)5 50111ethmg domg 1n Traverse llt\ It IS one of the most beautlful and progress1ve c1t1es 11l X01 thern .YI1ch1gan One of the most enterpnsmg and go-a-head mdu'3 tnes m the Clty IS the Traverse C1ty Chair Company, manufac-turers of rockers and chall s ~t present they are enlargmg their factory by addmg a three story flame bm1chng, JOx9,) feet, WhlCh wl11 be 11<;edfor machmery, cabmet makmg and 11phols-tenng They have J11st put 111 an electnc generator costmg $3,000 to fur111sh hght and power and expect next spnng to erect a large bU1ldmg of cement blocks Fortunatel) they do not need a large storage house, as the1r output lS sold about as fast as 1t can be produced Thls company has secured per-manent space on the fourth floor of the Manufacturer'3' Exhi-bition buildmg, 1319 MlChlgan avenue, Chlcago, and aha 111the Furmture Exchange 111 Grand Rapld~ and they had an excellent trade m both cit1es 111 July Orders are commg by mall They will put on the market many new patterns later m the fall Too Much Credit for His Capital. "I shall advise my house to ask for d detailed report on Brown," remarked one travelmg salesman to another 111a mIddle west town of too many furniture stores Asked to explam the first salesman continued: "Brown has $5,000 invested in his busi- It hel busl11c5s to "knock" yon at he1 carel party, at the "ewmg dub, on any occa~lon that the ~tore happen~ to be mentlOnecl Take care of your cmtomers ~lan) a good bus111ess ha~ gone to the bad ~lmply for the lack of proper treatment of cus-tJ 11er~ D~THlSI'4GfWEPllICEANO LLUSTRATE "FEW OFTHEIIl"MDREDSOFGOODTHINGS NGENUME toIAIlOGANYFOATIIEDNNGROOMBEOROOMANli LBIIAIIY ALSDGENUtlEORENTALRUGS ANOTHER PAGE OF OFFERINGS FROM OUR GREATEST OF ALL AUGUST SALES READ THIS TEMPTING LIST DF PRICES-- THEY ARE BARUINS WORTH WHILE OUR ENTIRE LINE OF BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL RUGS TO GO AT ONE-HALF PRICE SI~ d:.e~em~rt~:n~ lTIo~uon:tao~~ ~~g~lalt." ~ur\~~~XlI.ea1e pntes how. Of !Ie~ '/I cease to be a u'llfy or Illty.. 00$\ you Ito mo e any tIlan YOU aNi U5ua 1a ~.d 10 pa110r he b~l de files 0 gooO Dome II: Rug WIn a a lew yoars. OlM a~ 'II la~ one huodfed yean. and no as. n" ue eath year Shoud y~Ube he prood pGSS<.SSQl'O ano >,om. bya means get a lew 0 thestroy, o n~~~elrofTl(!1ScqIlsoolJ' Imlpltlf~hJ>lIlalrea~a cwOe"lal pocos stheimshngoen ;;::00In ths sale we o~e a ha rtmlllrllli om our pa t se;lS~n. slott 2OOpm>88 T~y onllJ mos 10m Iho lIItle mat 0 larye 1,50 ". $1300 Sl75IJ $27.50 "'-50 110000 "".., ~ SIIIUOARDS REDUCED CHINA CLOSETS REDUCED .." ~jJ.~~""- :i:=:=: 'O"O"oD,",,",",,"CM.I.r..o.... or;oo~~ IiDRESSERS REDUCED oJ Th.. l' J J... C )I •• , a. ~ • I 00 ,.,.OODtoooen t:!2.oo :z3¥1 I9UJ~;W7lI "i~ lWro u... .. n w.oo .0<1 800_.. 8000 WILLIS-SMITH-CRALL CO., INC. IO.FOLl'S lucm 11_ nDISHEIS MAIN STREET, CORNER CHURCH S B PHONE 1254 _ ... m. THREE PAGES 01 1£111_- ness and \\ hen one conslder the kmd and Slze of the stock he 1" carrymg he should ~ell for ca~11 anI) I met hl'3 collector th1S mornmg In one hand he carned a bJ11file w1th b111stwo ll1ehes m th1cknes5 Another file of about the same thlCkness was carned In the outSIde pocket of hlS coat There must have been 150 bl1ls In those two files, and Drown IS not strong enough to extend cred1t to one hundred and fifty customers The Slze of those files ll1chcate bmll1ess ll1CapaClty and a very poor collector It would not be WIse for a manufacturer to take many chances on ~uch a condltlOn of affa1rs " "Isn't the lllC1dent you have related a small one? a man's credlt be questlOned upon ~l1ch an expenence?" the hsteners lllqmred "It lS the small thmg'3, when assembled that make up the large totals in bUSllless affairs, \\ as the reply Should one of ------------~tIt, I,I I II •I •.....- .I.. .,..- I IIII II" - GRANO RAPIOS"-,"""'MICHIGAN 1 hl 1,llll odd" 111tel\ UK and 111"l:'>ton that 1111porttl ade bemg kept 1111h j)le'lllt ]Ol,l1JOn 1n \e\\ YOlk If they Cdnnot get the long h wI one \\ ,n thn llll,lll to t;d the monc) h) ll111ea Il1g the rates lol tne :'>hurt 1Mu1 Ldtel I eport-, 110111Denver "tate that be111gconfident that the 1nte1 .,t,1tl l0111me1le l0111111hSlOn\1 III lompel the Iallt odc1', to ll-e,tdbh"h then old he1t;ht late" from Denve1 to Ga1ve~ton a" 'l)(ln ,I' he Lan t;et ,\ hear111g on IllS petitIOn, no\\ betOle tI1d.thody \11 k111dc1h 111t;ll1g Denver shlppel~ to contll1l1e sh1pp111g0) the ("t1\ e.,ton 10ute trom ed"tern seaboard pomt" , "0 a" to aHl the ,tedl11,h1p l0111pallle" \1hllh al e ll1dll1ta111ll1~lcm r,tte" £10m the ll"tU 1 "e,lbod1d to (Jahe~ton \11 j'd]H1el al,o al~ues that the rd1l!oacb \v111be c0l11pe11ec1 to II fund the dltter .:nle hl lv\ een the ne\\ rate, dncl the old oues MR. KINDEL RECEI\'ES A SE"r-BACK Federal Court Declines to Enjoin tht' Raist' in .Freight Ratt's Between Denver and Galveston. 1he annOUlLement that (,eOt ~l J l\.1l1dd 0 I D<.11\II n,td "elured an 111J1.1Il11Wrle1,tl,lI111ng the l\olk hl,111d ""m!,l Il ,llll[ othCl rdlltodd, irom ldbll1g hCll;ht 1,1te" 110111l,,\I\ l"tOll ,111d Denve1 wa:'>pI emdtlll e 1he pres~ COlIe"ponclenh ~eem to n,n l Jumped to the londu'olon tlMt d" \lr \'\.Illdel lud uCllec1ed 111 iurlll"h111g tne llqulled bond to! halt d mtlhon dulLus thc lUJ11\L tlOll 111mt be grdntecl, but Judge Le\11S, ot the 1edel,t! WUIt ,It Denver l!td not t,\ke that V1e\\ uf thL m,\tll r 1hough the bund \1cb lon "lde1 ed dlllple to seUll e the 1ellllOdd ,1ga111,t 'lll) lu,,", 1ll tl eIght 1ates dunng tne penden,,} ot the Cd~e, the Judge lltU'ld to lSSUC,1 re<;trdllllllg ordcl on the glOll1ld tlut he LIlked lUn,(l}l tlOn-that 1t \\dS a mattCl that "lwuld bL ~ul)l111tted to the 1nter:'>tate lUl11l11elCelonlll11'i"lOn lx.1m e It Lould be taklIl UjJ b\ the court [ he ref 01e the ne\\ 1ate~ \\ ent mto e±tcLl LI' t \ Iunll t\ \\ nen Judge Le\u" announced hh 1111mg \It l'.1l1del 1V marked tlMt the conmllS~lOn \\ ould not meet n,1t11Uctohe1 and 1ll the meant1me bl1:-'llle-,~111en\\ ould IM\ e to endure the l111]JchltlOnol h1gher 1ates, to wh1l.h thl Judge lljJlled It \\ ould not make dIl) (lItte1e111L \11th 111\ dlll Hill It l1ll C0l11m1~SlOnd1d not meet f01 fIve yea1" Do you mean to sa) that \\ e \\ 111have to -,ulJnllt to th1' cnme unt11 the comm1~~lOn come~ belLk to \\ d~hm~ton t10111 It' ql111mel nslnng tllP J ltlqu1n,d ~\.Jndc1 'J u"t so, alktlO\\ !edged the Jud~ l \\ ell, I II be d-d con luded }'lll(lel, and he 1\,t, not [J 1t 11 ja11 for contempt of court \lr Klllclel \\ as pI epared to file d ~ JOO,eOO bond fllOLH"h gnevousl) d1~appolllted, ne had hIS attorlll) ~ gct bu~) dlHl thl req111s1tecomplamt to the comlm~~lOn ha, dlIlad) le'lLhed \\ ,1"h mgton dnd an ettort \\ 111bc mdde to mduLe the UJm111h"IO1 to take up the matte1 earlte1 tlMn Uctohel, ,,0 that the JJUl t ot (Ial veston, th10ugh '1\ 111chI11Uh tre1ght ha, recenth pa~sed to! Colo-rddo and 'L talI pomts ma) 110t be pract1ealh c1o~ed to the "L states He ha \\ 11tten to the vanou-, as'ouatlOns ot -,hlppel -, 111 (,alveston, Te'\.as CIty and othel Texa" pOlnh uH;ln~ them t(l tdke up the fight and alCl11111111 obtammg ~peec1\ ]ehet In the meant1me the chamhe1 ut L0111me1ce ot Dcn\ el hd employed E P Cost1gan to i epresent 1t III an effort to obtalll rehef from the new rate It 1Scontended that the 1d11road~ III putt111g up 1dte:'>III onh one d1rectlOn are sowlllg the \\ LlCI dnd llld) later 1 cap the \\ ll111 \\ llld It 1S alleged to be done for no other purpose than to help the movement to dnvc the TeAa~ Steamsh1p Co out of bUS111es:,> at the behest of the otner transportatIOn mte1 esis \\ lth \\ Inch It competes. '1 he} have decreed that 1t 111U:'c>ot~t ]tht ~o mULh to get goo 1, mto Denver, and If the steam~hlp lompam tall, to take 1b iull SlM1e of the toll, the r d11rod'l '1\ III take It The ettect ot LOUhe 1Stv\ a-fold In the fir"t place 1t depnve" Dem ClOt d lcg1tllnate trade advantage, 111the second, It clI~Lnm11late, a!!,a111,tthe -team shIp company maklllg the cut ] he -,tea111~h1plOlllpa11\ ~eel", to thlOw a goodly ,ectlOn of the nnpOl t tr ,1de ot the mOlmt,t111 I eglOn to Cralve'iton, where It naturally and propel 1) belon!S" ._--_._._._. -~~-~ III II i.0\ ,..-_ .._. I I I III NATIVE FURNITURE LUMBER i~Cr-awfo.r.d_sv--i_ll.e-, Indiana. Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company Mannhcturerc; ot dll kll1de, of E S STERZIK,Pre Made by Mamstee Manufaclurmg Co, Mamslee, MIch. to ,d] 'J1lppers after the old 1dtes are re-estabhshed, mak1l1g the th10ugh rate by th,tt loutC les" than dll rad or raIl and water rate h\ ,111\ othe1 loute Blow Pipe Work. 1 he Gl dnd RapIds mow PIpe and Dust A.Jrester COmpal1\ all. 11ht,\lhn~ a '\')te111 for hanclhng the clued beet pulp ror thc .,1l~a1 pldnts at 5t Lotu" and l\1t Clemens, M1Ch They ale "l'lJ Cljl11pp111gthe Cent! al Paper Company of Muskegon, and the C ,lllohdi Furmture Company, of 5trathroy, Ontano, also PW11l(?, the adchtlOn to the \ltdllgan Felt1l1g Company, of Grand RapId, 11m company makes 1eltl11~ for upholsterel s \Vm T QUlC1, \\ ho has been 111the factory a long tlme, lS nm\ then< reptesenta-t1\ e on the lOad, along w1th 1\11 Newcomb He 1S a pracl1cal man and thoroughly understands the work III all 1tS departmellt~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 ., I Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by usmg Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. Furniture it. Also MANUFAcrURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa . ... • w ••• _.- __ • ~---....._-_ .....-----_._.--_._._._ ..._- ...__ . I ~----------_._ ..__ .._------------------_.--._.--------., ! I I I I I, I I I I t t • I I I t I • I : I , I• IIII I I I I, I I, , ~_._----_.-----_..-------_._---------- ...I. .--., Palmer's Patent C1uin!! Clamps I The Capacity of Your Jointer is Limited to the Cutting Capacity of the Cutters. The above cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No I, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock np to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our list) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way Is the best. A post card will bring it, catalog included. Don't delaY, but write today. Unless you are US1l1gthe Genuine Morris Wood tiJ Sons 20th Century Solid Steel Glue Joint Cutters you are not gett1l1g the full value out of your machme. They are harder and reqUire less gnndmg than any other make, and when they do need gnndmg the cuttmg surface ISso small that It only takes a few mmutes to put them in order agam. Write for catalog No. 35A. It tells all about the cutters I and Willhelp you to mcrease your profits. I • .a 2714-2716 W. LAKEST, CHICACO, ILL. A. E. PALMER &, SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign EAlpresentative.: The Projectile Co, London, Eng- MORRIS WOOD & SONS land: f>chuchardt & Schutte, Berlm, Germany: Alfred H. Schutte, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Liege, Milan, Turin, Barcelona, and Bilboa. .r-.·.--- -------_._------------_._._------_._-_._._._._._-._-------------- III II , II - .., II I III, !.. OCTAGON PiEDEST ALS AND TABLE LEGS That is the questlOll and a bIg one. too Row do you nlake them? How much do they cost you" How good are they. and are they uniform? Just take a lIttle hme and let these questIOns soak III Because you may be wasting on the manufacture of the Pedestals and Legs what you save by eco-nomICal Manufacture on the Tops Your profits are then cut down Make the cost of the different parts balance One man WIth our LEG AND PEDESTAL MACHINE WIll make Octagon and polygonal shaped turnings at one-tenth to one-twentieth of what It costs by hand. round ones at one sIxth to one-tenth The saVIng In time and labor IS what makes that bal-ance we were Just talkIng about Now, don't say 'that sounds pretty good," and let it slIp your mind Just wrIte us to-day C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 Fifth St., BELOIT, WISCONSIN. ~ . -------------~--------------------- ........ dl,tlll 1n the lountry 1f all would JOIn and edch do hIs share 1D p lttll1g It mto prdltke 1'0 ~Impl) read the address, approve It, lUll1pltment ~J r \\ ermcke on Ih ment~ and then drop the ~ub- ]ect \\ III not be of any ad, antage to anybody-the thoughts I11mt be to11O\\ed by actIOn 111 order to secure deSIred results 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEA YEAR IN AL.L. COUNTRIES OF THE POSTAL. U"ION $1 50 PEA YEAR TO OTHER COUNTRIES. SINGL.E COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAP OS, MICH, A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Lntered as second class matter July 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds \11chl!o(all under the act of March J 1879 "0 less than fIve fm mture trade ne\\ spapers, dm1l1g the IH~t month, have predIcted the early ded111e of (,rand RapHls a" a furmture market The fact that all space 111 a ne\\ exlllbltloll bmldmg hds been taken by out-of-to\\ n exhIbItors wlth111the In,,t thIrty day" on kmg tune lea"es doe" not lea~ me them ot the ~tablhty of Grand RapId" \\ Ith the leturn of "uch pro,11111cnt manufactunng corpOl atlOns a" the \ eager Furmtm e Company, the ~rierzog c\rt I ur11lture Company the ~tlckley &. Brandt ChaIr Compan). the SkandIa I,url1ltm e Company and the rene\\ al ot a long lea"e by the Cutlel De"k Company, It doe" not appeal that Grand Ral))d" I" lmmg glOuml Thl" talt b sUPIJorted by the actIvIty of local manufacturers In the erectIon of bUlld111g~amI 111 the enlal gel11ent and llnprovement of the11 11l1es The ~ltgh J" url1lture Company, the Stow & DaVIS Furl1lture Company, the John \Iv Idchcomb Company, the Century Furl1lture CQmpam and the :\Iueller & Slack Company "Ill "ho\\ the11 talth 111Clomcl Rdplds b) the erectIOn of ne\\ plan1\ 01 aclclttlOn~to the e'd~t1l1g factones dunng the C01l1111g yeal \0 othel 1urmtme I11dnutal tunng center WIll attempt "0 much The doubtmg e(htor" ~houlcl bear 111111111thcle talt that men not merchandIse, make d market \ \ hat the Berke\ s the Lom- ~tock", the Luce~ the Cay" and the Lonver~e- ot the past lreateel the Wlddlcombs, tne Barnhart~ the loote" the Hoult... the Sltghs, the Rettmgs, the Bro\\ m the Goodmans, the \\ hlt-worths, and their mal1\ a"soclate~ \\ III pleoerve and ampht\ There 1S no cause for anXIety over the futme of Crand Rapld~ "The httle old backwood" to\\ n of Ihchlgan ha" fOl ,,0 many years led the furmture trade proce"S!on that 1t \\ ould be out ot place If not at the head of the lme Perhaps nun) fUl11ltUle dedler" have thought 01 the pomte, made by J\/fr \\ er,ucke m hl- adm11able address on co operatIon, pubhshed m thIS echtlOn of the \Veekh -\1 tI"an, but they fa1led to express theIr thought" 01 put them mto practice The hne m Webster's old elementary "pellmg book, reac1mg, 'one good actIOn IS better than many good thought",' e"\.pre""ed a great truth It IS also tt ue that words WIthout ac!IQn are not of much use, but :VIr \V ermcke expre~see, hi" thought" "0 torlefulh and so aptly, that hIS WOlds should lead to actIon b, tho"e who heard 01 whQ redd hIS address to the V1rgmla furmtnre dealers H1" Ideas m regard to conslClenng the mterest" of the consumer" ancl the nnpOl tance of trade marb al e ce1tamly "en"'lble and sound but they can be of no benefit to manufacturer" or dealer~ until put mto actual practice HI" 1dea a" to the posSlblhtles of all vertismg and exploltmg the furmture bu"mess b dbQ good It would cause a boom m busmess of every manufacturer and '-,tmson & \IV ebb I, nrmture Company of LIttle Rock, the keap & Cra\\ ford lurmture Company of Pme Bluff and several other -\rkansas corporatIon" have surrendered theIr charter" "111cethe first of -\ugmt The pre", dIspatches do not state why the corporatlOl1S are bemg clt"solved Perhaps they are takmg "ulh ,ll t10n 111order to e"cape the mcome tax The fa~t freIght tr d111~between 1\ew YOlk and Buffalo have been abandoned b) agreement between the roads mterested \\ onder If the ~t Paul WIll enter an agreement to surrender 1tS a(1\antages by slowmg up ItS new fast trams m the west? -\ gram of satIsfaction may be denvedm the sltght reductIOn prO\ Ided for m the Payne tanff on marble WhIle thIS matenal 1S u"ed but httle m the furmture trade, outs1de of the show case blhl11e"" gray e stones may be cheaper 1here sl10uld always be close confidentIal relatIOns between the "ale manager and the ad\ ertlsmg manager, but there are te\\ men \\ ell fitted to fill both pOSItIOns at the same time [he mo~t "uccessful "ad' wnter~ are men who are able to ~le thmg ~ trom the consumers' "tomdpomt rather than from that ot the manufacturel or dealel Cadillac a "Cummer." CadJ11ac I" a lummel \[ot only that, but CadIllac lO' er ... a con"lderable part of the map of M1ch1gan. One of the leadmg mdmtne~ of the CIty IS the Cad111ac Veneer Com-pan' operatIng a large null manufactunng veneers and panel" from natl\e woods Another mstltutlOn that has \\ on fame for CadIllac b the St Johns Table Company, op-eratmg the largest table factory m the world. The cIty also contam" lumber mdt", turpentme st1lls, iron ore smelters and many other mdustnes CadIllac 1S at the Junctlon of the Grand RapIds & Incltana and the Ann Arbor raIlroads, af-fordmg excellent "h1ppmg fac1httes L1ke the famous I rench explorer In who"e honor 1t was named, CadJ1lac 1'3 'all fight' IEconomical Factory Power. \\ e have mecl our gas producmg engme for nearly three \ car" and are very mUlh pleased w1th It, ' Sdld Charles D Reeve" supenntendent of the Grand Rap1ds Brass Company. "\Ve get powel for cons1derable less than 1t would cost us to buy 1t from the :'1uskegon Electnc Power Company, even countmg the engmeer's salary, mterest on the mvestment, repaIrs and ev(Cn thmg m the way of expense The machme occup1es much Ie"" space than a steam engme and there 1S no smoke. We use hard coal I am surely convmced that the gas producmg engine fllf-mshes the most econom1cal power that 1S now available for fac-tory purposes wrFKLY ARTTSAN 17 Fast -FreightWar is Over. "cael a (OllfeICn(e the l11elnelgel" of lelllroad" IU111l1ng between \ ew York ellHl Buffalo rCelched an agreement b) whIch the fast frel~ht o,chedule" maugmated recently vvere abandoned and la"t :\Ionday all the Imes vvent hack to the old "cheduleo, The fa"t trams wel e fir~t put on bv the Ene and after the competitIOn had been n,et by the ;.Jew York Central and LehIgh Valley, the Lackawanna wIth the "horte"t route, o,howed that It could beat tnem all se, eral hours 111 gettmg "hlpment'i to Buffalo fhele wao, no oc-ca~ lOn for a '3peed wal the busmeo,'3 men had ,lOt ao,kE'd tor It elnd 00 It \\ as al{reed that aa) further lunmng of the ta"t tram" wa'i 110t o,en mg any good purp0o,e \\ Ith the reo,u!t that all wIll go back to the former tIme Dunng the bnef time that the fao,t freIght tram'i were lUll the expreo,s l.ompanle, al e "ald to have 10'ot cOll"ldcrable '\ E'W Y ork- Buffalo bll'il-n(.' i'i and some of the nCW'ipape1' ~n e that a~ the I ea"Ol1 fOl returl11ng to 'ilo\\ el time Veneer Plant Enlarged. Hood & \Vnght, luve enlarged thell plant elt BIg Rapld'i, \11ch, smce the fire 'ievel al month'i ago and are now havmg the largest bus1l1ess 111 theIr 111story The) have eldded four fire proof bnck bmldmgs to tne plant-one .3GxlJOfeet, Dne stof) , for veneer cutt1l1g, one 2-lcxlJOonE' "tor) for dr) 1I1gveneel '3 a bOIler house, dynamo elnd engme 100m, one "tOly :2Kx-lcOfeet and el bnck barn 20xo() The floOlS 'Jf all of the"e bmlchngs al e "ohd cement \11 the mach1l1er) IS the neV\est elnrl up-to date TheIr new IOlIer df) el I" one of the latest and best mach1l1e'3 for dry111g veneel'i-the rotary cut veneer" l.Om111gfresh f1am t1,( "team111g logs, g01l1g 1I1tOthIs rollel dner at one end, and COP"l11g out at the othel dryas a bone fhe bIg panel 111111 1S OpCI<Jtul at full capaCIty 1he) make all kl11ds of panel", m1rror 'ta01" drawcI bottoms, etl. and shIp 111 Celr lot<., or open freIght, as cle"lred A. \\ alk through thel1 log \ al d shO\\ s about the lellgt "t "tm k the \\ nter ha" ever ~een there Stow and Davis Will Build. The Stow & Da\l" T ml11tme Company, Grand RapIds, have been contemplatl11g the erectIOn of an addItIOn to theIr plant for the pa~t two ) eal s and are now neaJly ready to begm work on the o,tructm e The Stow & DaVIS plant, on South Front street, stands on the rn er bank and m order to aVOId pOSSIble trouble WIth hIgh water dunng the bmlchng operatIOns, concrete pIers for the new o,tructure were put 111 two year'i ago, but owmg to the busmess depresslOn of last ) ear, the work was po"tponed ;.Jow the workmg plan'i fOI the bmlclmg are beIng pI epared and 1t WIll probably be com-pleted dunng the commg wmter The new bUlldmg whIch WIll ~tancl on the north SIde of the plant WIll be four stone~, 65 x 116 feet It WIll be of bnck, model n mJlI con'itructlOn and eqmpped WIth the best of ma-ch111ery and all convemences reqUIred b) an up to date fac-ton buildmg A. man's '3ucce'i'i mal depend upon the \\ a) he IS ral"ed, even In a poker game Dead men tell no tales and dead cloe,s wag none Freezmg poh teness never makes wal m fnends. r ------- ...------~ _u III MACHINE I\NIVES PERFECT QUALITY RIGHT PRICES PROMPT SERVICE ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE Dado or Grooving Heads. Miter Machines. Universal Wood Trimmers. Boring Machines. Etc. FOX MACHINE CO 185 N. Front St. • Grand Rapids. Mich. I..- . ..... . • ---------------- ---------- -.".. r Morton House ( Amencan Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel PantJind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Panthnd for SOc IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. I _ ... .. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~_._--------_. I .'" Poplar LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF Circassian, Mahogany, Oak, , and Gum Veneers. I, II II,. The Albro Established 1838. House Decoration. Two women, the \11":oe,, Rhoda and .'\gne~ GalleH, hay c vvntten an Interestmg book on House DecOl atlOn \Ian\ valuable Ideas on the dccorat1Jl£; and fUIl11"hln£; ot hou"e, can be gamed by stmh IIlg It The author" deplore the C011(1Itlons ot the pa"t tlut have not made It pO'l"lble fOl people ot model ate mlan" to cmpl,)y a decorator~a man \vho not onh knew ho\\ to pamt v\ood work and hang \\ all papel but one \\ ho \\ ,h a hou-e de~OI ator," one, who 111 thl" day and age undel "tand" hO\v to de- SIgn and arrange all the mternal fittmg" of a hou"e. the chnll ney pIeces, grate" and doorheael-., a, v\ ell a" the vvall hang mgs, curtams, carpet" and hUlllture A well deSIgned pIece of furlllture vvIII not make a pI ettv room, any more than a heautlful housc hel e and thelc vvdl make a pIcturesque CIty "A decoratol rehe" to a vel) gleat e,.lent upon the ta,te of the owner of the house and upon ll1S O\vn lx)\vel ot ImpI e" smg the SP11lt of hIS work upon the people v\ ho all to 11\e m It If he does not succeed In domg tll1c; hI" vv01 k m u" t be to a great extent a fallule It when he leave" the house the owner 1:0stdl 10ngl11g fOl all klllch of gamh 01 namentd-tlOn and unharmomous colonng, he ought to feel vvhat an artIst hate:o to feel that he has heen paId for v"hat hI" llhto-mer doe" not value On the other hand If he ha" heen allovved frec :ocope f01 ll1S \\ork dne] ha" pomted out hI" ledSOIh to! tbl11g certam methods the probablhty IS that at the conclu-sIOn of the work the customer ha" glOwn to appleClate It and the fim:ohl11g and mdl\ Idual touches WIll be ~I\ en vvIth a forethought the de cO!ator v\ dl be plea:oed to see The pnnclple m decoratIon whIch ma) be most llgldlv adhered to IS :~never go out of ) our vvay to make a thing or a matenal look hke what It IS not If a chm111ey pIece Qr a pl1lar IS made of wood do not pamt It to ImItate marble; if your doors are of deal do not gram them to m11tate maple. Every matenal ha, 111 It"el£ a beaut) and a "Ultablhty whIch IS lost or wasted If It 1'3 made to ImItate ,omethlng else L,tncattu e" of an) 'lort dre abomlllable do not dttempt to ImItate marble figure" of nymph" for I11stan,c 111 vvood It IS hbel on the ongmal mal ble ~nothel j)lmuple h, do not hIde the constructlOll of your hou"e OJ turmtm e To do so IS an absolute vlOlatlOn of heaut) and truth Good constructIOn does not need to be hId The beaut v of good constructIOn IS that, bemg strong It la,ts~whether It IS hId-den or not The thIrd pnnclple I" concelll1ng color'3 1\0 pattern however good IS so re'3tful to the e) e 01 mInd el'3plam color It is bettel to have part at least of the \\ alls plam Have plain curtams, for I11stance, WIth a patterned border Too much decoration IS a great fault. A half IS better than Veneer Co. It .~ CINCINNATI~ o. the v\ hole Hl~hl) decOlatee] houses bear a resemblance to museum" an appcarance '3tnctly to be aVOIded Speakmg of fUl11lture espeCIally, the authors eVIdently adnure the Queen \nne style of fur11lture very much They beheve that ItS recent revIval IS due to "the surVival of the fittest' The crd7e for useless and meanmgles:o ornaments drove de"l£;nel" from the best splnt of their work A great dedI ot ruhbl"h vvas made m the days of Queen Anne as it 1" nov\ Hut that I" gone and what lemal11S to us IS really v\ 01 tl1\ ot "tud) dnd ImItatIOn, maml) becd,u"e It ha:o re-mal11ed The red"on It has remal11ed IS because the men v\hu de:Olgned It v\ erl masters of theIr work and understood thc constl uctlOn of every part of It fhe hlame for 111 constructIOn and badly executed fur11l-tm c ha" been laH] to \\ orkmen, but the deSIgner, workman and the pubhc arc all to blame for any detenoratlOn which ha" taken place III the con"truetlOn of fur11lture 1 he demand fOl cheap and "howy fur11lture contl11ue'3 Re,tlh v\ ell con,tl ueted fur11lture can never be made for the el111eco"t ,I" the cheap grades .'\ questIOn of equal 1111- portdnce be"lde" that of co"t~to the householder IS, "ho\\ long WIll It last' ' 1\ hat the pubhc needs IS cultivatIOn and cl certdm amoul1 t of ellt educatIOn, m ordel to learn to dlS-u l1111nate between good work and beld and untJ! thIS educa-tIOn I" gamed the elemand for cheap, sho\\ v furl1lture WIll contll1l1e 1he fur111~hmg of d home I" often unclertdken anel completed 111 too "hart a time To fill up the rooms seem, to be the only object consequently there IS overcrowd111g almo"t before one I ea-hze: o Too much JunK I, ,een m modern homes, all of the e"tl,(:, and unnecc,sanes could be abohshed WIthout their 10s'3 be111g telt Room, can be tur11lshed temporanly With cheap fur11lture, but the walls and chImney pIeces should not be sbghted dt the outset Curtams can be sU11ple or dIspensed with alto-gether and festoon blmd~ put up, half a dozen really necessary pIeces of fur11lture added and the rooms Will be complete. They may look bare but thele IS nothmg to tire the eye To economize m the number of pIeces but not 111 theIr quahty is the best way Latu more expensIve pIece" Celn be purchased and the proper "ett111g IS rcad) f01 them The ablht) to cb:ocnm111ate bet\\ een good and poor fur11lture comes WIth cultivatIOn and "tudy andm tU11ethe ugbne~s now so prevalent 111many homes Will be done away With, WIth the right methods of decOl atlOn dnd fur11lshmg put mto practical use. \Vlth the frame or bdckglOund properly chosen the nght fur11lture completes the pICture When a gIrl suffers from a broken heart for the first time she feels that the whole world is going to smash. WEEKLY ARTISAN SUBSCRIPTION OFFER TO FURNITURE =========================0EALERS====================-==== Through our ability to dispose of a large number of these books we have been able to obtain a price which enables us to furnish this fine work on Decorating Show Win~ dows and intenors and send the WEEKLY ARTISAN one year at the price of the book alone. The Regular Price of the Book is $3.50 The Subscription to the Weekly Artisan one year is 1.00 Total, $4.50 We will send the book, express paid and the Weekly Artisan for one year for $3.50 Address all orders and mqumes to the WEEKLY ARTISAN, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 19 PartIes desIring to examine the book before purchasIng may do so by forwarding $3.50 for price of book. If after examinatIon It does not prove satisfactory, upon the return of the book, express charges paid, we wIll be pleased to return all of the $3.50 The book consists of over 400 pages, bound In cloth and is profusely illustrated. The two opening chapters of the book are reproduced on another page of this Issue. PRIZE CONTEST The Weekly ArtIsan wIll gIve away $32.50 In money each month for the best Window and Floor Displays of Furniture Contest open to both Subscnbers and Non~Subscribers. Are you good at arranging window and floor displays? Then here's your opportumty to capture from $1.00 to $10.00 every month. Begmnmg wlth this number, the Artisan will conduct a series of prize contests for the best window and floor displays of furmture. The rules are simple. Anyone conducting a furniture store may enter the contests, the only pro vi- 510n being that each contestant must enter a GOOD plate of his exhibit and a brief description of how it was accomplished, especially where technical or mechanical contrivances are used in pleparing the display. That is all. The decisions will be rendered by a committee selected for the purpose, and all awards will take into full considera-tion the natural difficulties which it was necessary to overcome in order to produce the results shown. For instance, the small or medium slzed stores will not have the advantages of the larger ones, and the excellence of the small store work will be judged accordingly. Thus all will have an equal opportunity and an equal chance in the distribution of prizes. 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize $10.00 7.50 5.00 4th Prize 5th Prize Next 5 $2.50 2.50 1.00 each Each month the winning displays will be reproduced in the Weekly Artisan, which will afford an excellent oppor-tumty for readers to study each other's store methods. We aim to make these contests of more than monetary interest; they are designed primal ily to stimulate superior effects in display and to offer a source of education along these lines. Good window and floor displays require serious study. The advertising value of well kept windows and floors cannot be over estimated. If you present to the multitudes who daily pass your windows, an attractive setting, you will arrest their attention and admiration, and while they may not draw every passerby into your store at once, they are nevertheless doing a helpful work, and one which pays in the long run. When space permits, it is a- good plan to reproduce room scenes, thus suggesting to the prospective purchaser how she may obtain good effects in her home. This plan is carried out very suc-cessfully in large cities. Now, then, brothers, send in your photos, and go after the prize money. All who wish to enter the September con-test must have their photos in by August 25th. Address WEEKLY ARTISAN, Grand Rapids, Mich. 20 WEEKLY TI KI THE EMBLEM OF SUPERIORITY Two Winners I•n Varnish This is the verdict of the manufacturer who knows. Paradox Rubbing 'I Is the best high-grade, quick-rubbing varnish ever pro-duced. Can be re-coated every day and last coat I, rubbed safely in three days. Ti-ki Lac Is our high-grade first or second coat varnish. Ones hard to sandpaper over night. Last coat can be rubbed in twenty-four hours. The man who knows is the man who wins. VARNISH DEPARTMENT Acme White Lead and Color Works DETROIT, MICHIGAN I ARTISAN }<"astFreights for the Southeast. \\ nil III \\, oj till dhc<lI1tll1dnlC ot the td t freIght tldm~ lllellth put 0 I bet\\ llll \ l \\ \ or1- dnd Buffalo come~ the dT1- nUUT1cement ot the mau~ ur dtlOn Jt fa"t freIght serVIce between lhllag-o and tributary pOlnt~ and tne ~outheast-\ Irgmla and the larohna, 1he ne\\ sel vIce I~ ovel the BaltImore & OhIO and \tLllltll "ea]YJ:lI d hne Rllhmond "a bemg the prinCIpal trans-tel pomt I he lJ K () has mamtamed fast freIght servIce be-t\\ een lhlcag-o and \ ell \ ork for some tll11e, but the tIme between <.. hlcdgO dnd RIchmond ha" alv. dy~ been slow Heretofore five dd\ lId' the a\elagc tl111ebet\\een the two clt1e~ and cars wele tl equenth 011 the IOdd d full \1 eek '\ 0\\ cars from ChIcago 1 e,llh Rlchmol1d on the thud day tl1U~ placmg that cIty on an lCjual tootmg \\ Ith \ e\\ \ (,rk 1ne mal1guratlOn of thIS servIce illou"el\ the '->edboall\ \mc \\ hlch has made lmprovements m the Ma:le by Mamslee Manufactunng Co., Mamstee, Mich. I 11l111l11~ schedules In \\ hllh frcIght lS dehvered at North Carolma pumh on the toU! th dd\ out from ChIcago and m South Carohna on thc fitth day Branching Out. 1he Hardware :-,upply Company. of Grand RapIds, drc hay 111l;a nevI bmllhng erected for theIr use at Goodrich and Com-mel ce "treet~ Thh \\ III be an up-to-ddte bnck structure, b5xl03 feet four ,tones hIgh am\ ,\111 be ready for oc~upancy m Novem-ber It v.III he heated by oteam, and the power and hght WIll be electriC l L 1 rost preSIdent of the company mforms the \Veekly c\rtlsan that they have also estabhshed a branch m Hamllton, Ont, under the management of hlS brother, F. S host. and \ G Could \Ir l'rost says that trade IS very good \\ Ith the company II ,I •,, I,I ,,I I•I IIII .•I. Trying to Get Together. ()fficer~ ot the \ Ilchlgan ShIpper::, ASSOCIatIOn, \\ ho were Ollle\\ lldt dIsappOInted over the lnterstdte C0111merce Comm"- ,1011, decI"lOn 111 the '->ag111awrdte Cdse are trymg to arrangu tOl cl conference \\ Itb the llldnager" of JVItchlgan rallrodds tu c{)n~lder other Cdse" and gnevances 111 wInch teh assoCIatIOn 1'-, 111terested It 1S expected the conference wl1l be hl'1d 111 DetlOlt Grand RapIds or Lans111g about the mIddle "t Sf ptel ,- ber, but neIther the tIme or place has been defimtely. fixed WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 If You Want One Crate or a Carload of l\ Rotary Cut Plain Oak Veneer Write us. We have it, red or white, crated and ready to ship. Walter Clark Veneer Company 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. II II Testing ""Fire Proof" Building Materials. OfficIals of the L nlted States GeologIcal Survey ha, e re-cently been te5t111g vanou, bl11lchng matenal." In the under-wnter's laboratones 111ChIcago, wIth a ,Iew of cleterm111mg theIr re"lstlve qualItIes when ~ubJected to heat and water and the report of the te,ts may be 0+ Importance to tho"e who are contemplat1l1g the erectlOn of "fire-proof' bUlld1l1g" for store or facto! y purpose" T n the~e test" the matenal" were "ubJected to two hours hedt anel were then exposed to a stream of water The report "a) s that the te"ts were un-usually "evere and that none of the l11atenal" passed per-fectly The temperature to whlLb they Wele "ubJected wa" greater than that to be expected m an orel111dry fire One of the pnnclple pOInt" clel11on"trated ~ a" the lo~ heat tranSIllI,SlOn quahtles of Portland cement, mortal, anel concrete~ Bnck sustamed the te"t" hettel than the othel matenah, ;0 per cent of the new bnck" bemg "pht whIle from 60 to 70 per cent of the old bnck" were not rlamagecl The h) drauhc pI e"sed bnck prO', ed hdtel than the ~and-hme vanety The, anou" natural bul1dlng "tone" were so "enol"h damaged that no companson was made J he re"ult" 0 1 hol-low concrete block "howed that the "tl eng d1 of the v\eb" 15 usually m~uffic1ent 10 re"1"t the "tre""e" 'oet UI) In "uch tests, as the raplell) n"111g tempe1atl11e and the "uh"equcnt quenchmg caused them to "pht Turning Wind Into Light. I rOIll tIme to tune ~ c lead ot "ome entel pll'-,mg ama-teur elr" 1l1g an cle-::tnc £;"enerator b) mean, of a v.1l1dnll11 and thu" ohtal1l1ng electnclt) ~ Ithout co"t c"cept thdt d the mstallatlOn, and \'\11th It IHsht1l1g hI" hou", amI opel atlng ,d-nou" hou"eholel machmen Recenth d (JLrmdn compan, ha" gotten up a speCIal eleLtllc gene1ator eCjulpmlnt aclapted to be ope1ated h) ",me! powel ') he In"tallatlOn l )mpnse~ a dynamo and a "torage hdtter), the latter '-,el, Ing to "tore the exces" powel untl1 "uch t1me a" It I" reCjmred 'J he ap-paratu" I" entirely au1om?+lL, and reqUIre, ab"oluteh no at-tentlon except m tune of storm "hen It 1, lleCe"Sar) to re duce the saIl area of the \\ md ,\ heel '\ '-,peLial regulator used WIth thl" apparatu" autol11atlcalh keep" d con,tant ple~- sure on the lightln£;" CIIClllt thIs bemg entlreh ll1elependent of the numher of revolutlOn5 ot the d) namo 01 the COl1(h-tlOn of the storage battel v 1£ a dwelllllg hOlhe can he lighted by wmd power thel e v. ould see m to he uo rea,on ""h v th e ~) stem 5hould not he appheel to stores anel lactone5 b, en-largmg the \\ mdm111" Will Turn the Clocks Ahead One Hour. The AmenciO n Ddyhgh t \ s'{JClatlOn, an ,,-,rga11lZatlOn, heretofore mentIOned, that propose" to get more dayhght b) "ettmg the clock" ahead an hour on :\fay 1 and turn111g them back to "tandal cl tll11e on October 1 m each year, \\ 111have to hurry If they want thl" count!) to be fir"t to adopt thIs plan \ bIll for the aeloptlOn of the "tIme refOlm" as It 1" edllecl, IS now pend111g 111the Bnt1"h ParlIament ancl It IS expected to pas" That the matter 1" beIng -senously cons1derecl m ~hat lountr) 1" shown by the fact that It ha:-, the endorse-mtcnt of the ed ucatlOn commIttee of the London count) coun- C1!, of 0\ er one hunch eel mU11lclpal COl porat 'on) and towp counc1h, of the '\ atlOnal Convention of Royal Burgl1s UJ Scotland 1epre"ent111g about t\\ ° hundred town", ane! of one hund1eel and thlrt) chdmhel', of commerce, a""oc1atlons anc~ cluhs '\ "lll1llar b111 1" now beflll e the Lanachap ]'arlIoet ment anel the repOl t of thc "peLlal comm1t1c'e to whom It wa5 1eferreel "a)5 that 111,lev. of the all11clst nna'llmons <.,111'- port III fa,Ol of the bill, and that 1t5 object can be "0 ea"lly attaIned the) conSIder that It "hould he put 111force a.., 500n a5 pos"lble It IS al50 probable that a 51111l1albill, which ha" alreddy 1eCel\ eel WIde lourndh"tlc 111elor"ement WIll he IntI oduced In France ""p..(",,,,l Trimmin~s Coming Again. •\ \ e al e mak111g mOl e "pellal rt1ll11tt1I C tnmmll1g"', that h tnmmlllg" of "peLidl pdttell1" fltl I1hhed b) manufactltl e1" dml de"lgneel f01 thell eAclthl\ e u ,e, than we were d fev\ \ ear, ago' "aId (,eor~( J Sllldan of the Grand Rapid" Bra"" (ompan) when a..,kecl change" In the "t) les of tl1111m1ng" "Yedr" ago "a.: p1e, 101h to 190" he contn'lled 'nearly all the la1 £;"emanufacturer" hael theIr tnmm1n~" made from "pe-cla1 pattern" eAclu..,l\ e1) for then own use, bnt of late year.., there ha" not heen ..,0 much of that work There" no ma-tenal changes In ~tvIe" thh sea "on " Adopted by the Grand Rapids Furniture Assoclallon are produced With our Golden Oak Oil Stain No. 1909, Filler No. 736 Early English Oil Stain No. 55, Filler No. 36. Weathered Oak Oil Stab No. 1910. Mahogany Stain Powder, No.9, Filler No. 14. Fumed Oak (W) Stain No. 46. ---_ ..... ARTHUR S WHITE. Presldent ALVAH BROWN. VteePreSldent HARRY C WHITE. See y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothIng but Quality tools, the first cost of whIch IS consIderable, but whIch wIll make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machInes flood-ing the country. oliver Tools Save Labor " Tempers If Cost "OLIVER" No 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made wIth or without motor drIve Metal table 36"x30" WIll take 18" under the gUlde- bits 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car~ nesa saw up to J%" WIde Outalde beanng to lower wheel shaft when not motor dnven WeIghs 1800 lbs when ready to shIp 23 UOhver" New Varlety Saw Table No. 11 Will take a saw up to 20' dIameter Arbor belt" 6' Wide Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES - Ohver Machmery Co , Hudson Termmal, 50 Church St. New York Ohver Machmery Co. F"'ll Nallonal Bank BUlldmg, ChIcago, Ill. Ohver Machmery Co • Pacific Buddmg. Seattle. Wash. Oliver Machmery Co. 201-203 Deansgate. Manchester. Eng N p - ..-- I ::::;;:-::? -= --- III PI' .- \1,,1 lUll ?-s:- hI' ~- FILLER The PILLER that FILLS. The L. Mac. E. Fillers are noted for their Uniformity. They work properly, packing well under the pad. They dry hard over night They wIll not Shrink as we use a water floated Silex. WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING. The Lawrence-McFadden Company PHILADELPHIA, P A. 24 - -------------------------------. WEEKLY ARTISAN .-----------------------_._------------------------------------~ I II I, I I I III,, II , ...------------------ II aran~ Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST demce for halldltn~ shavmgs and dust from all wood-workmg maclnnes Our 111neteenyears expenence m thlS class of war!? has brought 1t nearer perfectlOn than any other system on the market today It lS no expenment, but a demonstrated JClellftfic fact, as 7('e have sevel al hUIl-dred of these systems tn use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automaflc Fwnace Feed System, as shown in thls cut, lS the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our p11ces for equipments. \VE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BL0T17ERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Office and Factory: 20&-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CItizen. Phone 1282 8ell, M.ln 1804 I,,I II ,,,I ,, ,I ----------_.~ OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO No. 3130 COUCH-Size 30 inches wide and 75 inches long. A beautiful design, of gen-erous dimensIOns. Heavy hard\\ood frame elaborately decorated with can lllgs and mould-ings. The two mch half round moulding that extends along the 10\\ er edge IS finished cross-banded Large willged c1awfoot legs. Amencan golden gramed quarter sa" ed oak finish. The upholstenng IS plam with ruffled sides. This couch IS double stuffed \Hth stitched spring edges. The filling IS of tow and cotton felt top. Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, havmg 28 spnngs l1J the seat and 9111 the head. Shipped K D , legs oft, and weighs about 125 Ibs. Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers CATALOG UPON REQUEST. Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No.1 Leather $25.00 Buildings That Will Need Furniture. The bUlldmg boom m the far west, partlcularl) 111~outheJ 11 Cetliforma IS greater than at any nme m the past ten yeal s \mong the bUlldmgs to be completed this fall announced dUl mQ; the pa"t week are the followmg Hotels-Anne'>: to the ~rlmgton Hotel, Car con CIty, ~ev, Hotel Seaberg, Hugo Seaberg, propnetor, Raton, :.J ;',1eA, Dr. rlware!s of Los "\ngeles, a large summer hotel at Keene, Cal, J p ~ndrews, modern hotel at San LUh Obispo, Cal Reslden-::es-l\Irs WIlliam A rkvvell , Raton, ~ ~I, Clark Puffer, RiversIde, Cal, Dr R Burns, Rlverslcle, Cal, BenJ Johnson, Los ~ngeles, Cal, Emma \V Hertel, Pasadena, Cal, I~rank \Vhlte, PJrtervllle, Cal, Grace Church pal onage, Rlver-qe! e, Cal, \V D ~lurph), ( 1\1 Wood, J E Dubl111 and Flank C 1-hll. Pasadena, Cal ,J\[rs L ~ Thompson, Hollywood, Cal , 1\11s l\Im111e Stakes, H H Cox, \rthur Long, Elinbeth R Logan and E L Petltfil~, Los "\ngeles, Wllliam Shaw ane! J B HlOOks, San DleQ;o, Cal , Alex ~1cKenzle, banker, Prescott, ~n7 CIUll ches- Westlahe Presbytenan, Los ~ngeles, Cal Clubs-Country Cluh, Tucson, ~n7, coA $13,000, Cas111o, :-'anta l1etrbara, Cal Theatres-A J Aylesworth, Reno, Nev , Teatro Juarez, l\Iontere), Old ~lex, recently burned, bemg rebUllt, Queen Theatre, San DIego, Cal, seatll1g capacity to be enlarged from (),iO to 1,200 Flats, Apartment Houses, etc-C F Stamps, Los '\ngeles, Cal, apartment house, pres~ed bnck, $~)5 000, ~rartha H Coch-ran, Los Angeles, four ~tory flett blllldmg, $28,000 The fellow who l~ stuck on lllmself IS frequently stuck on an msurmountable obstacle New Deale1"sin Furniture. Theodore Langsto1l1 hetS opened a new fur11ltnre stOle at Tecumseh, Neb Joseph Rauh WIll open a new np-to-date f1ll11lture store at Hutchmson, Kans D J. l\lesqmt & Co \\ tll open a ne\\ stock of fur111tllle m th :::-hJ1lmgbmldmg, Lompoc, Cal, on September 1 r ,V JamIson and J ~ Campbell WIll open a new £111111- tllle store on the ,Vest SIde, IlldllLl, Kdns, undel the name at T ,V JamIson & Co (:ralCla & '\orte. agents for the Smger Sewmg Machllle Com-pany at Clifton, ~n7, have enletrged theIr store and are pnttmg m a stach of furmtnre ,Vilbam \ Koch and othel shave orQ;a1117edtne Koch Ont-fittmg Compan) to engage m the sale of £1n111tllle and klmh ed goods m EvansvIlle Ine! The Carleton Furmtlll e Compan) at I'ortldncl, "Me, WIll e,,- tabb"h a new ,tore at 1'\a~11l1a, 7\ II, 111 d lan~e, commodlOn" bl1llcbng that L bemg erected by L Cdrletol1 :-1 \ C:rottstem and :Myron H Aronso 1, under the name of the Gottstem lur111tlll e Company, have Just opened a large stock of fml11ture, carpets, rngs, drapenes, etc , m the bllllcling formel1y occupIed by the ::VIcCarthy DIy Goods Company on Second street, Seattle, Wash :NIr Gottstelll was WIth one of the promment furmture house~ of Seattle for several years He wa" born on the sIte of the new store lY1r '\roncon l~ a young man who has had practical trallllllg and severetl ) ears expellence 111111ercan-tile bnsmess. ~\lan kno\'<s \,hett a large followlllg he has nnt1l he goes tc 11"\'11 ':funeral '~l' "',;. " . .,'~' .' Will Raise Prices on Caskets and and Undertakers~ Supplies and Thus Increase the Cost of Burials. Fred \V Pov\ers of the Po\\er~ & \V,tlkcI lcISl.Ct lompany -lhe new tanff will cause considerable IIIcrea:,e m the lo~t of bunals The rtductIOn m the tax on lumber will not amount to an}thmg becau,e the lumbermen have ab~olute Lontrol ot the market and are bound to mamtalll pnces I umber IS hkel} to cost more rather than le."s l askeb and nearly all other thmgs llsed 1D the bunal of the dead \\ III Lost more because of the raise 1t1 tariff rates rhe tax on Jap Silks mercenLed cottons vel> ets and everythmg that goe~ II1Sl(le the casket or IS lhed III bUrial garments has been Illcreased Hardware-everythmg 1Il the lme of metal tllmmmg~ has been mcreased fhe gleate"t 111- C1ease I'>on gl()ve~ ~uch as undertakers tUIm~h tor pdll bedl u" fhe tax has been 111creased 00 cents pel dO/('1l I e~al dle~~ of quahty or cost, and that means more than 00 lent." mL1ea ,e to the undertaker~, because It \\ III Ieqmre more mone\ to l1<lnllk the busme:,s '1he Importers Ol brokel" \\ 111 h,l\ e to add morl than the 50 cents and \\ e \\ III ha\ e to put on ,I httle 11101e ancl the result Will probably be that the unclel taJ,.er~ \\ 111 ha\ l to pa\ about $2 pel dozen for the gloves that they have been bU}l11g fOI $1 2;) Many of them WIll ch~lOntmue the custom of furmshmg gloves and the ImportatIOns \\ 111 drop off. vVe had an 111\ Olce of gloves-Bellm Gloves they are calleu-that should ha\ e alll\ ed before the new law went 111toeffect. but were too late and \\ c 11 have to pay the II1creasecl tax, though we hac! sent on quotatIOns on them at the old figures The ne\\ law stllkes ImportatlOm from France halder than from any other country The tax b I11creased on neady everythmg that comes tram I ranee '1 here 1S nothmg made m thIS country that 1\ 111 take the place 01 the whIte Berhn gloves. Whether shuttmg them out ,\ III result III theIr bemg made 111 thIS countn remallls to be ~een 'J he} ma} be made here but It IS safe to say that the} Will not be ~old at the prlce~ we have been paYll1g for the ImpOl ted goods The old duty on the gloves was -10 per cent ad valoerm, nO\\ It IS 40 pu cent ad valorem WIth 50 cents per dozen speCIfic dut} added George F ~1I1c1all, PresIdent 01 the GI and I{aplds Bra" SHELBYVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE, FURNITURE Writ6 for lat6st catalogue " . LOI11Pdll\~j he Lillfl IS a sham the le,ISlOn \\as a sort of grab gdl11l j ellll dl "I< lhted \\ Ith It hke most eve 1} ood} else and I'm ~ldcl It, slltlecl Hope \\ e \\on t hear anythmg more about It j Ul ) ear, I don t kl1lJ\\ that It Will aitect our busmes~ to any matenal e '\.tent C '\.LLpt on the chemlcdb we use \Ve have re-cened nutlle ot ,U!\dnus 111 pnce:, from t\\O or three dealers and \\ 111 probab!\ he al from more of them soon The whole tal lit I, cl farle \]C'\.,lIH]ll ])()dd~ ~1.111l1fadlllC1 of 1\ nod 1\ ork1l1g flIdclnn-en\~ l clan t t1uuk the nn\ Llf1ft la\\ vvllI n1clke dn} chfterence !l1 the cost ot mM hmer} 1he 1eductlOn~ on Iron are, Iron ancJ ~tell 111I~htldll~l lo\\el Pl1lt" If It "ele not £01 the 11111la~mg de-mand IIIth ,I ~enel,l1 reVival of busll1c~, I clo not thll1k the '-tell II1,U1l1LItlUI 1I " \\ III hd\ l dn} dIfficult) 111 mdl11ta1l1111gpnce", l11d I \\ III not ]Jl -,m pII"ed If they alc advanced "oon A..t any 1,tlt ,111 1I1C1e,t.,l ()\ du Il,ht of two three 01 even four dollar::. ,1 ton 111thl pllle 01 la"t Iron 01 :,tee1 cloe" not make much difference 111 the co,t nt a nlc\lhll1e that welgh~ le"s than a ton and ~ells ror $130 01 :SjOO 'lhe only way that the t,mft can aftect m} buslJ1es, I" o} affeltl11lS the fl1rmtl11e busl11e~s If It makes hard tU11es and les"em the demand fOl fl1rmtl1re there Will be less de-mand for machl11en If It bnngs genelal prosperity then~ WIll hl more 1m mtm c made and sold and a greater demand for mallllner} ~o \ au "ec my bU:,l11ess depend~ on generdl conditIOn, More Export Orders. \le",1l1l1er Dodcl:, I elelvecl a cablegl am, let, from Bel 1111,Germam tor one tv, enty-hve spl11clle combl11atIOn dove-tdllel 'Jllls machl11e makeo a dovetaIl I11ch-centers and also halt-l11lh center" \ugl1st] 6, he receIved d cablegram from 'IIanlhestel, Engldnd, tor a t\\elve spll1dle cOmbl11atlOn dovetaller, ,mcl \l1gust 11:\for a twelve-spmclle maclllne flam Preston, Ont Don't sll1g your praIse If you want an encore. •• II ••• .1 WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis What to Buy and Where. The Henry::' lIolden \ eneer Compan}, Leonard Hl11ldllJR ::-'outh ~Jarket, St Grand Rap1ds, has 100,000 feet of Ch01C! llrcaSSlan walnut veneers, 1eady tor prompt sh1pment \lso about 200,000 feet of 1-20, quarter-sawed oak veneers smtab1' f01 funl1ture work vvalter Clark, 533 l\I1cll1gan Trust BUlldmg, Grand Raplrl~, has 500.000 feet of poplal cross-banclmg, m th1ckness 1-28, 1-2-±, 1-20 and I-H), standard wldths and lengths, leady for ll111necl!ate shlpment ""No-KuIll-Loose" Fasteners. Patent fasteners, manufactured under the TO\ver patents by the Grand Raplds Brass Company have become an absolute necess1ty to all manufacturers of better-made furmture These fastenel s are fitted to eIther glas~, bra~s or \\ ood pulls and knobs and there 15 no substitute for them, although there are man) make-shJfts amI "]u'it-as-good" contraptlOm on the market '\s the genullle cloes not cost the manufacturers a cent, he can Illy afford to use anythlllg else. Furniture Fires. Company'~ ~tote at Rox- Loss $1,800, covered by The Drookltne Antlque Fl11mture bur), J\la~~ , was burned on August 11 lllsurance. S M Cooper s chalr factory at Chfton, L I, was burned on August 10 The fire was started by the exploslOn of a barrel of benzine Loss $37,500 Frank Pfeffer's fnrmtnre store at Francls Creek, Wl'), was burned on August 13 Loss $7,500, lllsurance $3,500 The upholstery and speclal funl1ture factory of W. C. Ru'i-sell & Co, Beaver Dam, "VIS, was burned last Saturday. Loss e~ttmated at $1,800, 111surance $1,250 The Rochester (N. Y) Mattress Company last Tuesday suf-fered a loss of $4,000 or $4,500 from a fire that damaged several other stores and 1S beheved to have been of lllcendlary origin The Mattress Company's loss IS covered by msurance. It is never too late to mend, but don't put it off unb1 you for-get how. ---"---------~------ Henry Schmit 8 CO· naPKINS AND HARRIhT SlS C.nclDnati, OhIO makers of Upholstered Furniture for I.. . LODGE and PULPlT PARLOR LlBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM 27 ...... 28 LInseed 011 I'> steddy \"lth no 1mp10\ement 1n the de-mand Wh1Ch has been llght for a month or more There al e rumors of c1u'ohers ha\ Ing offered to ..,hade pnces, but the figures here ha\ e not been changed \\T estern raw 1C;"tlll quoted at 60@61L Lll\ 1cl\\, Gl@62, 'o1l1gle boll ed, G2@63, don hIe boded 63@6-k HIC]e" and sIon" ale 111 better demand than la'ot \'Veek and the1 e h a bette1 tone In the leathe1 market \\ 1thont any ma-tenal Lhanl2,e 1n p11ce" 1{ece1pt'3 of l2,oat c;k1ns are stIlI 1Jght e\ en for till" "ea"on of the yedl, but they are fully eCjnal to the demand, \1 e"lcan frontlers at 33 cents, Bueno~ '\ \ 1e" -I-0@-1-0Y;, Curacao, 521~, Dah1a and I'ernambuco 6f) ra72L l"aun \ alnhh gums are fillll whlle ::\Ianila'3 "how weal-ne'o" IJost ot the orders dre for "mall JobbIng lob Kau- 11 \0 1 1'0 quoted at 42@-1-8L, \0 2. 21@2:;, No 3, 16@18 \rc\l11la pale 15@18, amher dncl dark hard. 13@1:; lOldage 1" hrm In ,,)mpath) WIth a shght advance 111 ! a \\ mate! 1al There h d fall demand tor 1W111e..,at former qnotatlOn'o-lmc \0 18 ll~i@l194, B L ~o 18, 16@ 160 Incha \0'0 -1-0 and 6, 9@lOc Bette1 demand for bIll lap" h noted and the advance of lac;t \"eek 1'3 mal11tal11ed Sdle" ot Calc\ltta eIght-ounce goocl" al e repOl ted at 360 and 1O}2-ounce at 460 Dundee Iep01ts 1a\\ matenal.., £11111 \\lth an dc!\dnCe e",pected at the openlnl2, of the con1Jng \'veek WEEKLY ARTISAN r-----~aho~::~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i I CircassianWalnut C I II QuarteredOak e'" 0• I Walnut 'I ne :). I' , ~~:~~~;~I~aPle \\ ,.ten .~ Graoe Veneers I I Basswood 5 010 tlig'u I I Ash ~ 1 in ~~ 1v\lC1l1GP-N I I Elm 1...l ent'J • nO Dea er~M'pR"V 1PS • i I Birch D ,"re.I'S a 1v\at~et St, I, Maple N\ nu{ac\.U d 1'>\li\d\t\g, Foreign and I a l,eouar I I Poplar Dom estic Woods. Gum " , Oak Rotary, Sliced,Sawed. , .I----------_ .. --- ...--------------.. ..------- -------------------------------------------------~ I New York Markets. ""l"ew York AtJ<T 20-Dullne,," \'vJth l)nLe'o finl1 01 1\ , h '1 slIghtly advanced de'ocnbe~ the genelal Loncht1on ot t 1e markets thIS week The 1110"t notIceable Lhange h cl n~e of $5 per ton 1ll the pnce of 71l1L but that ha~ not dtteLtul sheets whICh are "tIll quoted dt ~7 2::; pel hnnched pound, fob smelter, \'vIth 8 pel cellt dIscount Turpent1l1e \'vent up a cent on \\ ednesday and 1.., no\\ qnoted at 5±c here a,1c! 51@"i2 at ::"avanah Shellac I" half a cent hIgher for the better qllahtle" hut the hade IS remarkabh hght T \ ca"e.., ale llot qnoted clt 17@17~c, Imght orange grades 21@.!1 DIamond I 2(l @.!i, Bleached 1~~@18, kiln drIed, .!1@22L ,..--------- --- -------------------.." I SEE : , I I West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. I I ':1 CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I for HIGH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES : ----..& ~-------_ -.------_._---- ~ -.- ---------------... ·······----1 I : ~,I-----------~----~---__.._. ----_._._-_._---_.~_.----. .. ..!.. WABASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA ~~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT ~ •••• _.-.- ••••••• e •• ••••••••• .." I, A~I~G ~rn~~r ::::da::ip:h~nd~'~~ ! f , IN leaves are bound (by your- I sell) and tndexed by Ooors I II Md~~mm~ I ' BARLOW BROS , Gr nd RapId., Mlch I ..... .-_ ...-.. ]V "e lI,gh' N-o-, -_._ ...I. \" - . IMPROVED, EASY AND QUICK RAISINC Belt Flect flc and Halld Power The IJnt 111111<1 I'vdll'r for 1'/111/11/111' StOll'S C,t"fI(l for L::ttdlol{Tle and Pnces KIMBAll BROS. GO., 1067 Ninth 5t, Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co. 123r ""IJel t <;t 11" elallo a 108 11th 5t Omdh •• l'oeb I~O Ceddr "t I\e\\ \ or),. CIt) ..-. . .. _ ...... \"-- ...._- -- ._-------------------------------~ , I I If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods, That makes PRICES rIght I ' 1: 1 ~Iarencc In. 11)iUS !I DUIeS 1 [ I I : 163MadIson Avenue-CItizens Phone 19S3 GRA -:n RAPIDS MILl! I.'t ~-------------~-----------------------------~ Zanesville Dealer Bankrupt. Ha1I\ \\ elh fl11l11ture dealer, of ZanesvIlle, 0, filed cl vol- 1111tc\l! petltlOn In bank111ptc) la"t Monda) He estlmate'3 hI" cl~'eh at j. ")00 \\ lth hab1htK'o cl11101111tmg to $-1,17-; i\Ir vvell" hOl1l2,htthL "tock and "to! e from \ \ L ()ffenbacher about a ) ear ago lit taI1l11e 1" a 'ol11pll'oe as he \'va" '3uppo'oecl to be domg a p1 ohtahle bl1~1l1e,,'o It "ee111" the natural bent of ~ome men to be bloke ~-----------------------------_ .... ICHICAGO AND GRAND RAPIDS 1 I \ I ,II• ,I Ij ,I II I..------------------------- ..---- -. -..-. JUST A COOL NIGHT'S RIDE IN A LARGE AIRY STATEROOM between on the boats that have every convenience -----FARE---- $2.00 one way; $3.75 round trip Lea' e ChIcago 7 -1:) every evenmg 1 ea,e Gland R1p"h vn G R (,. H & M Ry f' 00 e\ en e"enmg Lonnectmg" lth boats at Gl'locI H'nenqlJp m Goodrich Boats I Re"erve bertbs and secule tIckets 1t CIty TIcket I office JOI Adams St or docks loot of Mlchlg1n Ave l.hlC~gO 91 Monroe St Grand R~Pld')J MICh - .I WhT"KLY .\RIISAN 29 ~._._._--._--------------------------<--------------------------------------------------------------~ II II f I III III I II III I t--- I This Group for I $51.00 II 'I CAN'T BE EQUALED BY ANYBODY. I WRITE THE I Mani~~~~!~C.o.I FOR PARTICULARS ! ...... --------------------------------------------------------------_ --------~ r-----········ ------------------------------------------- ....-------------_._ .. --.-----------~ I! Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. OVER 15,000 OF OUR Price $2.80 to $4.00 : STEEL RACK VISES IN USE I 21 doz Clamp Fixtures bought by oue mill last) edr \Ve shIp I on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl , tlOllally. IPrtle jor !tat of , Meet Bar Clampa, Vtaes Bench f Stops, etc I E. ". S"ElDON s.. CO. I 283 Madison St. ChICago. I , I I ~------------------------------_ ---------------------------------------- _ --------~ ~,----------------------------------------------~ , I I I I I ~~~'~sA BARGAIN I I f II ,I I ! I I , f I I I III ,I ,II II I II II I PAL~O~5~IO~~'~'~!.~~!~I~o~c~co.. I ... .. --1 No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thiS fine hbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of Ih,s and other good thmgs we have 10 show you. r----------------------------------------------~ II, fII Spiral Grooved and Bevel Pointed DOWEL PINS Note how the glue in the Spiral Groove forms Thread Iik.e a Screw. Bevel Pointe". easy to drive Straight so will not split the frames Prices and discounts on application STEPHENSON MFG, CO" SOUTH BEND, IND. I "~'--------------------------------------------------.------------------------------~-~ I I 1 HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. II 1 FT. WAYNE, IND. I I I I I ! HARDWOOD LUMBER III II I II III II ~-~-------------------------------------------~ SAWED AND SLICED l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS rAN D MAHOGANY 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN r"LUCE~REDMONi)"CHAiR'co.", Ltd.! I BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I I I I MANUFACTURERS OF I I HIGH GRADE ! I: OFFICE CHAIRS, II I· DINING :I II CHAIRS I II 1III •I II •III •I..-.._._~------_._--_. III III• I• II I .. --_ ... _-~ c~bi~~;M--a-ke~~-l Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colomal Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany. Birch. Bud',.eye Maple. ~artered Oak and ClrcaSSlanWalnut You wIll find our ExhIbIt on the Fourth Floor, East SectIon, Manufacturers' BUIldmg,North Ioma St., Grand RapIds. ...- MACHINERY In these days of c!o<;e compelltlOn, need the best pO<;<;lbleeqUIpment, and thl~ they Cdn have 111 III II II II I III• I I:I I: II I I II I II I, ....... ---...,a BARNES' ------- HAND AND POOT POWER ------~ ---- Our New Hand ..nd Foot Power Circular Saw No.4. Send for Our New Catalogue. I I• III• I •II II .. 1 he.. strongest mo~t PO\\ er ul and III C\ el \ "a v the best machmc of Its kltJd e\ er made, for IIpP 11K ClOSS cuttmg bonn!; md groo\ mg w. F. & JOHN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby Street, Rockford, Illinois WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 Grand Rapids Benches Are Best BETTER MATERIAL···BETTER CONSTRUCTION·_·BETTER WORKMANSHIP There are several reasons why you should use the "Grand Rapids Benches." They are built to stand hard usuage. They won't warp or split, are built of well seasoned Mich-igan hard maple. Write for catalog showing full line. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Bnlish Representatives Oliver Machme Co., Ltd., 201 Deansgate. Manchester. England. Grand Rapids, Mich. ,, I. IIIIIII I III II I•• t• t I• I• I• I• II I I IIIIII! THE LueE LINE Many New Patterns In Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furmture for the Fall Season. Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids lu(e rurniture (0. .. . . .1III I •II I I II II I III II ... . . . ~ 32 W EEKL Y ~------_...._ .._ ..-.... _ ......... ---------- ------.., ! REVERSIBLE AND ONE-WAY CUTT£RS I , The Shll11u Rei el qblc Cuttlr, : , t01 Smglc Spl11dlc Shdpel' \ Illl t\ : i\Iouldl1" 01 I IICLlh III l ,11dulh , , lllouLlul (lP!)(hlte tu thL ,]npe o[ I : the mould to be jllOlluLC 1 111 sUlh " , ,,\\ I) d, to 111\L onh the cutt1t1\S , , LdgL touLh thL IUl11bll 1hl) ,Ill l()111jlILtl-l1ll,pelh1\I-11111l , I III '"'d\ lllg \\ L II (l m l1uldLtUll Olle \\ dy Culte I" !,)l D(luble C,pllldil I ~h,IPll' 1hl) lrl lhll1111 jldll, Il!:;ht llHl1dt Olll lutlLl ul I I L1lh ,lldpc [01 L'\Lh sp1t1dk In (l\dum..; ')JLLl tl ,hdpc, 110t ,': 1htcd 111 OUI c,I!,loguc, 'll1e1 a \\ (loJ ',\l11pk 01 ,l1l ,\LLUt ltel) made dl dW111g \ddrL~s , SAMUELJ. SHIMER&. SONS, , .I.--_ .... -- ---- ... _ MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA. I ~-_... .... ._ .._-----~-----~ ~-~-.-_-~-----_-.~-~-------------_-. -- -- - -- ..- ..,III ,,,, I,I ~--_.-.- _---------------- -_.- ..-._._~I A. L. HOLCOMB&. CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE GROOVING SA WS up to 5 16 thIck Repalrlng···Satisfaction guaranteed. CItizens' Phone 1239 27 N. Mar~et St.. Grand Rapids. Mlch r _.~-~~:~~~~~:~ -~~~~;t~~e~~~~~:l I ---------~~NTED------- !,,, I I, I,, I,,,• I,I ,I ,,,I ,I,• III II• ,, I I,I ,,II ,III --- BUSINESS CHANGE For ~ale, woodworking plant, sUltable for cabmet or special furmture; located in Indlanapohs; about 12,000 square feet floor space; equipped wIth dry kIln, raIlroad sWitch and ma-chmery ready to operate; easy terms; great bargam. CHAS. O. BRITTON, Receiver, Fletcher Bank BUIlding, Indlanap-ohs, Ind. 8-14, 21, 28; 9-4, 11, 28. WANTED. Commission man for Mlsssoun and Kansas representmg five furmture factones. SplendId fixed carload hnes. Address, Ballman-Cummings Furmture Company, Fort Smlth, Arkan-sas. Aug. 7, '09 WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indiana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, Chiffon-iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKim & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facllities and low frelght rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock m well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furniture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED. A good cabinet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michlgan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H P. direct current motor, latest make and runnmg condItIOn. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe rester Co, Grand RapIds, MIch. in first class & Dust Ar- 8-21tf WANTED. POSItion as superintendent, foreman or furmture draftsman, am thoroughly acquainted wIth all classes of furmture, hav- Ing teen In that line of busmess all my hfe For certain rea-sons, wIsh to make a change. Best of references gIven 1< or .I..- informatIOn address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. 8-21 8-28 ._._---._------------------------ ARTISAN Conditions in the Lumber Market. Londltlons m the hal (1\\ ood lumber mal ket~ are not <;dt!S-LILtol\ to pI oduceI~, to dealel" nor to con,umer<; Ploducer, dnd 10bbCI" hay e heen e},.pectl1g Improvement m demand and lllt.;hu pIlLe" el' ,\ Ie~n1t ot llnprovement 111general bm111ess, but they have been dI,app0111ted The demand 1<;rather lIght and pIlLe al e \\ edk ,me! llfegulal dt many pomb The cOl1(l1tlOn \Id" \\cll de"ulbed b\ Davld L LThl ot the (lrand RaplcL Fancy InlllltUlc L0ll1pe\11\ la"t ::-'atl11cla) \\hen he ,alll "Therc dlC all kllld" ot pllLe" tm hald\\oodlumbel \\hele one man pa), $")0 dl10thel lllen bl1\ to! $J<J 01 $J ~' -1 he lumbe1l11el1, howevcI, dl c 110petul 11K\ e"peLt e1 bettel llul1anll and ,ettled, 1£ 1I0t lllt.;hel pllLe~ m ::-'eptemhel \lad\ COI1,umel, have been 10ok1l1g tOl 10'\ er pllces 011 ac- COUl1tof the 1ecluctIOn 111 the tallff, hut hke the producer~ they ha\ e been ch,app01l1ted \\ hl1e the tal rff blll was pendmg they b01ll;ht (111) tot ll11mechate needs and most ot them are stIll pUIsUlng that polIcy, theretOl e It I~ figured that then stocks are 10\\ and that the
- Date Created:
- 1909-08-21T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:8
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., DECEMBER II, 1909 POSSELIUS BROS. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. DETROIT, MICH. Just a few of our new patterns of DINING EXTENSION TABLES The entire line will be on exhibition on the second floor of the MANUFACTURERS' EXHIBITION BUILDING, 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO In charge of F. A. Kuney, J. O. Kemp, H. J. Armstrong. Our new catalogue will be ready for mailing by Jan. 1, 1910. 2 \\ E E K L Y '\ R 'I I SAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood workmg tools, you had better gIve us your address and have us tell you all about them We make nothmg but Quality tools, the first cost of which IS consIderable, but whICh Will make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machmes flood-mg the country. Oliver Tools UOhver" New Variety Saw Table No 11 Will take a saw up to 20" diameter Arbor belt IS 6" Wide Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jomters, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders. Tenoners, MortIsers, TrImmers, GrInders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General OffIces at 1 to 51 Clancy 51 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. USA BRANCH OFFICES - Ohver MachmeryCo , Hudson Termmal 50 Church St , New York Ohver Machmery Co. F"'ll National Bank BUlldmg,ChIcago. III Ohver Machmery Co , PacIficBUlldmg.Seattle. Wash Ohver MachmeryCo •201-203 Deansgate.Manchester,Eng Save Labor rempers Cost "OLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made wIth or wuhout motor dnve Met a I table 36"x 3D" Will take 18" under the gUIde-tilts 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car-nesa saw up to 1%11 WIde OutsIde beanng to lower wheel .halt when not motor dnven WeIgh. 1800 lb. when ready to shIp ~---------- ------------------------~III A BARGAIN! III I III I t I I II I IIII IIII HE~E'S THAT IS No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Band Rim, Polished, Cross $7.50 III , IIII •• I•• I I ~---------.--.----------------~-~-----------------~ You can't make money faster than by buymg thIS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. ~-_._--_._------ I IIfI I! ,II• •I•• II I,I• ,I,I III I II III ,,•••• ••I~--------_._._.~----_._._-------- THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. ----~--------~ II CHICAGO This IS one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chaIrs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dmmg Room furnIture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Urder furni-ture, etc. A complete Ime of sam-ple. are dIsplayed m The Ford fs Johnson BUlldml!' 1433-37 Wabash Ave •• 10- c1udml! a speeral d.splay of Hotel FurnIture. All fttrmture dealers are cordwlly mvtted to visit our building. I .........I WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REfRIGERATORS C"ALLENGE REfRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. AT RIG"T PRICES SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE. ...._-_._-_._-~~~~_._.-_. _. _.---._.-----_._--_. . ~ II III• I• III If Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. No. 592 1-__ .-.-----------------------. - .._~II ~---------------- ,• I I I -----.--._.-._---------~ Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-five years Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS .508-1510 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. 1------_._.-.---.-.-.------ 3 .1I IIII I,, I,IIII II ,, Catalogue UPOll rtquest. !I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 4 ------._---------------- IV E E K L Y \ R TIS A N I} I ••••••••••• - ••••••• __ •••• ·-1 THE LUCE LINE Manv New Patterns lD Dmmg Room and Bed-room Furniture for the Fall Season. SHOW ROOMS AT FACTORY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. LUCE fURNITURE COMPANY Makers of Rockford Chair and Furniture Company ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. Our entire line will be on exhibition in January on the third floor of the Blodget Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. DINING ROOM FURNITURE Buffets, China Closets and Tables. Library Furniture- Library Desks, Library Tables, Library Bookcases, Combmatlon Bookcases, Etc. 30th Year-No. 24 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., DECEMBER II, 1909 Issued Weekly GRANf' RAPll Pnn'>' ~)nt Lt ' -4JiV Liljl\! " CORPORATIONS AND TRADE SCHOOLS An Interesting Discussion in the Annual Convention of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. ::\lllvvaukee, \\ IS, Dee 6 -One of the most mtel estmg diSCUSSions m the thud annual conI entJon of the K atlOna1 SOClet} for the PromotlOn of I udustnal Education, which closed here Saturday, December 4, vvas upon the "'llb]ect of "CorporatIOn Schaab a" orgal117Cd by Employ el" for the Tra1l1mg of ApprentIce,,' 'L hiS diSCUSSIOn vvas opened by C \\T Cross of the K ew York Central Ralh, ay 'iy"tem, but the pnnclpal addres", was de1n el ed by Joseph J Eaton, dIrec-tor of the trades schoob of Yonkers, K Y, Vv ho 'iald m part "CorporatIOns are popularly 'iuppo"ed to be vvIthout souls and hearts, and pOSSibly without a few other organs Em,- e, er, thh may be, there IS no que'itlOn that a 'iucce"sfu1 car-pal atlOn posse%es a bra111, and It IS a "lgl11ficant fact that many of the most successful COIporatlOns ha, e established apprentice schools which they direct and ma1l1tam These two statements apparently shov .. that, f1om a manufacturer's P0111t of 11ew, some sort of Systematlc tram1l1g, apart from the shops, IS really worth wll1le "Recently two supenntendents ,vere reqLllred by a lalge corporatIon Investigation dl..,closecl the startlmg fact that not one of the local foremen was fitted for thiS ad, ancement ::\1en of the desll ed capacity were not obtall1able In tIllS coun-try It wa'3 ev Ident that, m order to be more self contal1led, some prm ISlon must be made to stImulate local mtel e'it and glowth The Ludlovv TextIle School IVas therefore CIeated IVIth the clefmlte a1l11 of trammg appl entIces fOI executn e pO"ltIons 111the mills. "ThiS :-,chool, IS of the half-tIme class, that is, pupIls cle-vote half a work day or flve hours to work m the mill and half a school day, or three hours, to school \vOlk TIll1'i dunnlS eight haUl s of each day the pupIls are m the employ or un-der the superVISIOn of com pan} offiCials I, or thl" tmw they are paid, I eceIVmg Just as much for each school hour as for each hour spent 111 the mIlls "In ordel that the mill IV ark may not be mtelrupted the boy s \'Yolk m palr'i, alternat1l1g the mIll work With that of the school 1hI" shIft OCC'tll" each day ] t 11lllSht be mtel e",t1l1g to note that the mill "ork "uffer" m no \\ ay by thiS a1l angc-ment as the boy who goe'3 to the ml11m the afternoon takes up and carnes on the work commenced 111 the mo' nmC; by hi" partner As far as the mIll work I" concerned the appren-tIce" become a.., profiCIent as other VI orkers and they acqull e a broader knowledge of mIll v\ 01k than that possessed by some of the foreman ThiS seems I ather remarkable a" the school has been estahh'3hed le"s than three years POSSibly one of the factors contllbutmg to thIS h that each apprentice has been I emen ed m great part from monotonous and ma-chme lIke repetition demanded of other vvorkel s VI hlch has such a deadenmg effect on the motor "ense3 "L~nder these arrangements the so called 'difficult age' I" cared fOl There l'i a defimte connection bet" een the school \\ork and the oUblde \York In the mIll the apprentIces arc actuall) d01l1g IV hat IS to be clone and they ha, e a place to 2,0 to have answeled questIons I al"ed m the mIll 'PupIl" brJ11£.; theIr mmd.., as well a" thell boche" to school' a'3 the 'ichool vvark 13 I eal and tane;lble " 1'Ie,,!dent John L Shealer of the OhIO '\Iechamcs In",tl-tute of CmcmnatI, "poke on the e\ emng schools He said that no claim should be made that evemng mstructlOn IS the Ideal method of m'3tructlOn and contmued "E,e111112, school" ot the past, as well as the plesent, hale heen a11d are stIll engae;ed m patchmg defectIVe p1lmal) educatIon 1hey a1e provldmg 111111ted,one mIght almost sa) supel fiClal vocatIOnal tra11lmg to meet the demands of the hour Tech111cal proces"es hav Ing applIances ha\ 1I1g become so genelal It 1'3found that the establIshed educational system, thoue;h taxed 10 Its utmost, cannot ..,upply the demand for men and women \I ho are tJ amed to peIfOlm speCific task" The 111ght '->chool h, therefore, an ImpOl tant adJ11l1ct and feeder, so to speak, to the many bu..,mess mtere'its of to-day "Captains of Industr~" Should Help. "As an mtegla1 palt of the general system of educatIon, WIthout the gUldmg fOlce of bu::,mcs;, men, vocatJonal even-mg mstructlOn IS too apt to become a formal, un} leldmg, mflexlb1e tram1l1g, pool1) adapted to the reqUIrement::, 0- the employer The "tudent "hould recen e that whIch wIll most easIly and qUlckl} help hl111 to achieve a defimte lesult, re-cogUlzmg the fact that he mu"t be equipped for mdn Idual future growth as well a" for pre'ient 1I1dU'itna1 effiCiency "1'01 permanent "'ucce"", thl'" defi111te \ ocatJOnal eve111ng IlhtlllctlOn requIre" tll e dlrectme; hand of men of affan sand teachel" 1'\ho al e ma "ter::, m then re"pectn e crafts 1'10 fesSlOnal teacher'>, howe, el, "hould gn e m..,tructJOn m the pUlely theclletJcal subjects and those blanches whIch forms a bmdel bet\\ een theory and pi actIce "J\Ien who ha, e made their fortunes thlOugh mc1u'3tI ial 111 the \ ICl11ltV of the II estmghouse interests at East Pitts-burg In the beg1ll11lng there \Vere half a dozen teacner,; and a few d07cn studenb \\ ho attended classes III :rawll'g ann e1ementalY mathematic" The graVYth and development has been such that thcI C l~ no\\ offered an opportutnt} fOI :OJ "tc- 11latIc stnch III "uch fnnda11lental "oences, as -JVlathematlces. \ recha111cal Dra \\ 1l1g \1 echanll", c\pphed and Thu'ret!c ,I Phv"lcs TheOl etllal and c\pphecl I'lectIlclty, Thf'OfttJcaJ ana Apphed Chemistry, Pattern Shop PlactIce, l\Iachine Shop Practice lonndlj Practice "'team etc, to men ('L1,pl.)\ cd 111 dalh commercIal activIt) , The total enrollment f(Jj the pi esent iall term IS some-thing 0\ er 250 ..,tudents wIth a faculty of 27 lnstf11(tL;r The attendance ha" ah\ ay" heen 70 per cent to 80 per ceni of the enrollment Of the 4S men \'V ho hay e been gl ad!1? rt rl In thf past three ) eal.., practically all hay e been steadlly ach anced In posItIOn and re"pons1b11lt) lorty are still WIt 1 thell 0 1- !:;mal e11lplu\ er" The"e men are 111 "uccessfl1l compc tJtI0 1 WIth the l:;radnates of the leachng tech11lcal scLoul.., of fIe connt1 y 'The engllleenng nIght school ha" a lall:;e felei of c.(,Ltvity \t the \ en q,ll t 1h "tudents po""e:o" "omethmg chat tne new collel:;e graduate "eldom ha", namely a clear Idea of com-merual I' act1ce fhh earh e"penence mst111s all al'pltC1- atIon ot the \ alue of time and of the \ alue c - :::denti0f' j 1 alJl1ng \\ hlch tend" to prodnce the most efficient ,tndent 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN enterprises and who are constant 1) profitmg by the appll-cation of sCience to mdustry and who mu"t hay e a constant supply of trained men and carryon the comphcated opel-ations of busines", cannot Ignore their duty and responsiblhty to contnbute liberally to education of this sort ~ 0 betiel 111vestment can be made Money thus contnbuted should, however, be used for the dIrect benefit of the 111du"tlles con-tributing and such evening or contmuatIOn school,; should retain their mdependent workmg methods, that IS, not 111- fluenced much by so-called educatIOnal standards, thereby guaranteeing positive returns 111the form of skilled \\ 01 kmen to the shop, tramed men for the count111g room and mte1h-gent recnnts for the sales departmenb of busI11ess Channmg R Dooley, PreSIdent of the Casmo Techmcal Night School gave an Illustrated lantern talk on "Tram111g Non-Techlllcal Men" He ,;poke of the work of the Casmo Night School, and showed vanous lantern shdes of the "tu-dents at work 111 the drfferent shops In part he said "The present scarCIty of skllied vv orkmen IS a mattel of great concern in plans for the future which l'\ lllmsure men ot all-round skIll He may reI} upon the eng111eering collelie" for the majority of his managers, but" ho \l' III broaden and tram his wOlkmen ~ That "hlch h best for the mdl\ Idual 1" best for the corporation for whIch he WOIks The mana~e-ments of large concerns al e eagedy lookIng for" al d to the increase m the earning power of the wOlkmen, and \\ 111 willingly pay for It accordmgl} The great question IS not ho\\ to get a man to do a day's work for the least pay but hcm to get the most effiCient work out of the men, 111CI ea "mg then pay accord111gly. Westinghonse ~Iethods. "The development of the boy and not Shop PlOductlOn' should be the watchword of the apprenticeship department of every company At the works of the Y\ est111~hot1,;e Elec-tric and l\lanufactunng Compan} of Ea"t Pltto;bnrg, Pa, the apprenticeshIp department IS bemg de\ eloped m a most s\ s-tematIc and careful manner, the first vIce-president of the company takmg an active personal l11terest The \\ 01k of the apprentIces IS dIVIded mto two departmenb, the Shop and the Classroom "In the shop the plan IS to de\ ote a certa111 "ectIOn to the apprentices, thiS sectIOn IS fitted With a complete eqUIpment to furlllsh shop practice 111 all branches of the machllll"t" trade. In the shop the boys are under the gUIdance o± shop instructors, having the rank of foremen The cla"sroom m structIOn IS prOVIded on company time ThIS wOlk IS a part of their dally schedule and they repol t to the class mstructOl as systemlcall) a" to their shop foreman SpeCIal rooms 111- side the work,; ha \ e been SUItably fitted up for thiS cIa ss \\ ork "SIX years ago the Casmo Tech11lcal ~ Ight School "tarted Apprentice Systmu Out of Date. DI 1 cJgal S Darne) PnnCIpal of the Hebrew Technical Ll"tltute, \e\\ tOlk City, deo;cnbed the school which ai'11o; TO 'in e c broad ) et practical, educatIOn to the boy who must Cdl'"PlC te hIS "c1lOol \'V 01 k at sixteen He saId: ''''he old apprentIceshlp system has become a 'dead let tel' The ne\\ "ouologlcal and 111du",tnal conditIOns render ItS] evn al an Imposslblllty, el' en If, WIth ItS disadvantages and narrcm eflects, It l'\ el e deslfahle \\ c o;hould not look to forelgn-"kllled labor to fill the gap, n01 allow foreIgn compe-tItIOn- undel a better '>ystem of vocational and techmcal educatIOn-to supplant our 1I1dustne" Y\ e 1111ht look to our schoolo; to mtroduce thorough practical course'> 111the mdu'>tnes and the trades, courses of practlcal shop \\ ork, under skllled mechamcs, together WIth "uence, dla\\ mg, mathematIC,>, and subjects leadmg to an llIdustnal mtelhgence Such cour"e" \\Ith suffiCient time aftel lea\ 111g "chool to acqUIre o;peed and accuracy, v 11 gn e us a clas" of educated. skllled mechalllcs 'It ha'3 been conclu"n el} demon "trated by eX1st111g schools that the tendenc) to leal' e "chool a" "oon a" the pupll has pa"sed the State com pulsar} age, may be ver) greatly reduced, 1)\ gl\ 111g him a practJLal course With a defimte end In \ lew Our ,;choob at present are too ex- Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you Will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Compames, Car BUIlders and others Will consult their own interests by usmg It. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnIshed m rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. -~~~-------,----_._--_._._------------_._._---------- ---~ A WEEKLY ARTISAN / --~--._-----~ ........_~., ., -•••• --~alii ... -oil-o _ -••• ------._--------------~--------- In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. The UDELL Line MANY NEW ONES in Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lme which IS wen worth gOlDg' to pee A Lme that you should have a complete catalog of r he fact that you have not our catalog can only be rectified by WrItIng for your copy to day THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND 1._----------_. ----~.----.-~----.---------------'-----------------------------~ Coming Back to Grand Rapids. INest Farmmgton, O. Dec 8 -The l\llller Table Com-pany, manufacturers of eAtenslOn tables WIll return to the Grand RapIds market to eAhlblt theIr lme next month They wlll make theIr dIsplay m the lurl11ture Exchange on the second floor PresIdent C L\. \lIllel and B S INolcott one of the company's salesmen, w1l1 be In attendance to look after the want.., of theIr patrons The January lme wlll 111- elude nun) new deSIgn.., PresIdent l\flller reporb theIr trade the past three month.., as excellent and says the outlook for the commg year 111thIs sectlOn IS fine on account of the revlvalm the Iron 111du~try 11r Mlllel abo says that wlth- 111the neAt two or three months the company wIll bmld an addltlOn to theIr mac1l1ne r00111 and glumg room to meet the demands of theIr bus111esb elusIvely lIterary f01 the average actl\ e boy of thIrteen to seventeen Trades Unions Becoming Friendly. "In the eady vears of trade and 111uustnal school agl-tatlOn. the tradeb unIons \Tv ere bItterly hostIle Such school" were denounced as rU1110U" to the wages of the mechanIc It IS claImed that no school could prepare a boy to enter a trade. that, at be..,t the ~racluate" "el e only half baked' Thl.., latter charge "ab not altogether unfounded, not be cause the genel al pnnClple of the "chool wab wlOng, but be-cause, In the proces-, of the "chool's evolutIon, -,uffiClent tlme had not elap:oed for It" full de\ elopment "c\ better feel111g, ho" e\ er, I" growll1g amon~ the trdoe" Ul110ns The) are beg111mng to under..,tand that schools can pl epal e a young man "0 that, wIth tIme In whIch to acquIre a COmbll1atlOn of speed and accurdC}, he can become a "kIlled mechamc and a oe"llable acqUIsItIon to the unIOn, one who, m tIme, WIll help to hft the Llllon to a hIgher and more 1l1tel-llgent plane "Cp to the present tIme, almost all that has been ac-complIshed has been done by "chools wpportccl by prn ate contnbutlOns v\ hen 111dustnal and techl11cal school.., are SUpp01tecl h} the State "0 tl1dt the) belong to member" of lahor orga111zatlon" a" well as to non members, the anta~on-l: om WIll be adjusted ' The story of the semI annual "ew York exposltlOn IS a hIstory of contll1ued ~1 0\\ ll1g buccess In the 38th, to be opened from January 17 to F ebruar) 5, h" 0 hundred and fifty manu-facturerb wIll exll1blt the best and the newest 111 fur11lture The modeln gIrl IS brought up to elate, and) et "he often m1- presses us as not hdvmg much bl1ngmg up. ~----------- ..... ----------_.-----------------------------------------------------------------~ III I I DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. I DOUBLE CANE r LEATHER J MISSION LARGEST "QUALITY" LINE of CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. -_ -----------_ ---------_ _--~----------------- _-- ... "'------ and challtable 01c,an1/at1Ons and other public instItutions II e 1I1tend to c,n e a "elles of motIon pIctures in the audl- Wlll11ll tl0111 tl111Cto tIme \\hlch \\111 :ohow the art of weav1l1g 1 IH'; -, lace maklllc, the 111anufacture of pottel v, room scenes, and other featm e" of d sl1111lal nature Thel e IS a lot of bUllchng gOIng on 111 BI1111mgham The \mencan Steel \1 Ire com pam I" putt1l1g up a fi11l:oh1l1gmIll to co:ot three m1lhon dollars and a fi\ e mI1l1On dollal resen OIr IS be1l1g bmlt by the ll11ted States steel Lorporat1On 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN FIGHTING THE DEMURRAGE RULES Grand Rapids Board of Trade Trying to Secure Reconsideration and Rejection of National Code. The transportatIon commIttee of the Grand RapId, Board of Trade are makmg earnest, determmed eft 01b to secure reconsiderat1On and rejectlOn of the demurrae,e rule" recently approved by the N atlOnal Assoc1atlOn of RaIlroad CommIssioners as WIll be seen by the followmg letter \\ hlch has been sent out to sh1ppmg assoClatlOns, manufactUl ers orga11lZatlOns and other" \\ ho should be mterested In the mat-ter Gentlemen For some 1110nths the quest10n of umform natlOnal demurrage rules has been agItated '\0\ embe1 1C) the NatlOnal AssocIation of Rallroad Comml,,:OIoneh adopted theIr commIttee's report, recommendmg mstallat10n of um form national demurrage rules, and recommendmg as :ouch rUles, to govern all classes of freIght, and e\ er} sIze and k1l1d of car, 48 hours free tIme, ..,ome con:oH1elatlOn to be gn en to inclement weather, and "hunchmg' of cars ;\s an cdtC:I-natIve, IS offered an a\ erage plan, gn 1I1g 48 hour" free tIme weather cond1t10Ib and "bunching" ehmmated. open car., to be balanced by open cars, and box cal s by bo'. cars As md1vlduals, you know what such rules \\ ould mean to you The MIchIgan RaJ1lOad Comm1s"lOn IS empowered b\ legIslative actIOn to fix demUlrage charges and legulatIon-, m this state, and ItS pa"t attItude \\ ould 111dlcate d " I1hnc,ne,,-, on Its part to dIsregard the abm e recommendat1On ot the national assoc1atlOn, and formulate such demunage 1ule", a" wIll best meet the need" of MIchIgan shIpper" The loyalty of the :i\I1c111gan RaIllOad COml11h..,IOn to tIle interests of our stdte demands co-operatIon on om pan De 111urrage being purely a local mattel should 11e 2,m el ned h\ local conditIOns and ,;tate raIlroad C01111111SS1Oannd It h \ Italh Important that you and your aSSOClat1On, at ItS \ eI} eal he-,t opportumty draw up and pass resolutIons thank1l1g the :\IIChl-gan RaIlroad commIssIon for the stand It has taken up to thh tIme, express111g your VIgorous dlsappro\ al of the-,e 01 an\ other UnIform nat10nal demm rage 1 ule", and ur(?,lll(?, thc com-mIssion to dlslegard the act10n of saId natIOnal assouatloll dnel formulate such rules a" shall best meet our needs ::,ene! these resolutlOns to Hon C. L Glascow chaIrman. "\IIchlQ,an RaIlroad COm1l1bSlOn, and a COP} to the Grand RapIds Boare! of Trade, so that we may keep m touch WIth thl:O SItuatIOn 111 the future as we have m the past ThIS 1'0Important Dela} may be expensIve Yours truly, GI and RapIds, Dec 10 1909 R IV TR \\ 1\ Cha1lman Greatest Store in the South. Joseph Loveman of Loveman, Joseph & Loeb E1l mmg ham, Ala, was In GI and Rapld:o on Thur'oda} thl" \\ eek I",'hen asked as to conchtlons m Ill" home CIty IIr Lm eman saId "The year 1909 WIth us IS the best m Ou! hlstOJ}- conSIderably ahead of 1907 \Ve al e <.;tartmg to buIld an addItIon to our establIshments whIch, when completed \\ III make our store the large-,t of Its kmd ,',outh of ChIcago 1 he addItIon WIll be eIght stones all of steel, and to be fi11l:ohed b} Sept or Oct, 1910 The dlmen"lons of the -,tore "WIth the addItIOn WIll be 140 x 140 feet and wIll afford a flOO1 "pace of 450,000 square feet VI e are gomg to prO\ Ide f01 a publIc restaurant and also an audltonum capable of seatmg ii\ e hundred people \VhlclI WIll be donated for use tofchUl che~ Everybody Rushing at Rockiord. Rockford, Ill, Dec 10 -Everybody and everythmg con-nected WIth furmture In Rockford IS domg a double stunt just nO\\ There are "0 many factones, and "uch large lInes, and competItIon IS "0 sharp that extra efforts are necessary 111 Older to get out the lmes and hay e them on the floors m Grand Rapld-, and ChILago by the first of January One of the lllles that \\ III be of mOl e then ordmary mterest m J anuar} IS that of the Rockford ChaIr and 1-;urnlture (ompany, makers ut dmmc, room ane! lIhrary furmture One of theIr fine three-pIece dlnmg room 'o111tSI" dIsplayed on anoiher page of thIS I-,~ue \\ 111ch IS \\ OJthy pf much attentIon \\ Olk on the "upenor rnr11lture company's new factory b j1lOgleS.,mg hneh, and the} wIll have theIr lIne ready for the ~ummel -,ea'oon of 1910 The \atlOnal, the Royal J\Iante1 and FurnIture company, the RockfOld Frame and FIxture company, the Standard, CentI aI, \\ est End, Rockford Desk. SkandIa, Rockford CabI-net l11l0n, :\lechamcs, Excel and others WID be lIght on tune "Ith the be"t they can get up, and that mean~ a lot of splendId l111e" OHicers of the Alexander Dodds Company. 1he \le'.ander Dodds company, the mCOIpo ration men-tIOned la"t \\ eek as <.;ucceechng \lexander Dodds in the manuiactul e of \\ OOe!-WOlklllg machmery m Grand RapIds ha" elected :\Ir Dodd., as pI eSldent and Harold B \1.' oodcock a~ secretary and treasurer J\I r \\ oodcock is a son of the late Robel t \\ odcock and ha,', only lately Identified hImself \\ lth the busll1ess -\lhel t C Stm er, the othel <.;tockholder learned hIS trade \\ Ith "\r1 Dodd" and has been connected WIth the instItutIOn fm the past "e\ enteen years and foreman for SIX years The husme% WIll be contmued "Without mterruptIon Sears-Roebuck Stock Goes Up. Common stock 111the Sears-Roebuck Company went up from 154 to 157 III the Chicago market last Tuesday and ha" ,',mce held that pllce It made a SImIlar ad\ ance on the New York stock eAchange The boom IS generally credIted to a pro"pectn e l11crease 111 the dl\ Idend rate At the last dIVIdend meetmg the board advanced the annual rate from 4 to 6 per cent and a further ad\ ance IS expected in February Out of the eal n111gs of th1-, year the company has alI eady bought 111 for cancellatIOn $7)0.000 of the preferred stock and may take more It IS the l11tentIon also to l11crease the bond Ieserve by ahont $1,000,000 Upholsterers Advance Prices. The Grand RapIds manufacturers of uphol,',tered fur1l1ture hay e deCIded to ad\ ance pnces about ten per cent. the exact amount and the method of notifying the trade bel11g left to the chscretlOn of the members of the aSSOCiatIOn, l11dn Idually The} have also dc:clded to apply f01 membE rshlp In the NatIOn-al :Uannfacturers' AssoClatlOn --- WEEKLY ARTISAN Pullman Germ Catchers. The othel l1lght some of the good ladies who spoke 011 the pI e, entlOn of tuherculoSIS called attentIOn to the beautJ-fu1 lSelll1 hatchenes and ~erm catcheries known as Pullman cal s, sa)" the Rocky "1\lountam "Tews of Denver, Col The ~ood larlIe" wel e follow1l1g a vcry anCIcnt pI ecedent \\ e do not belIev e there has been a medICal or quasI-mechca1 o-ath b ellng m thIS country m fifteen vears whIch has not con-demned the p1u-,h u~hol"tenno- ;'f the Pullman" But the h Pullmans go on beIng upholstered m the all-catchmg plush, ctl1d we go on bUyIng the berths because we mu:ot \\ hy a company whose operatlOns are usuall) conducted WIth at least a faIr measure of mtellIgence inSIsts on thIS antiquated fUfm"hmg, we have never been able to see Lea-ther IS clean, or can be kept clean, It affords no restmg-place fOl germs, It does not gathel all the dust that comes along and dIstnbute that dust where It WIll do the most harm The first cost of leathel 1:0 doubtles" hIgher than the cost of the present abOm1l1atlOlls but the weanng qualItle:o of leather would probably make It about as cheap m the end Then there are dIve 1s patent sub"tltute:o for leather, or, 1f one must ha, e cloth. why not take a cloth of filmer weave \Vhy--? But what's the use" One couldn't pOSSIbly find a new I eason to urge agamst the present upholstenng And the company that IS respon:Olble "eems to take no account what-ever of hyglemc comp1amts Bettel sa, e one's breath to mhale germ kJllmg sprays "The Chest With a Chill in It:· One of the g-aye-,t and most attractIve catalogues recently put out 13 that of the l\lame ;'\1anufactullng Co of Xashua, K H, manufacturers of the famous \\ 11lte J\Iountam refng-eratOl s It IS neatly pnnted 111 COlOl" on t1l1ted pages and the announcements, for the season of 1910, are decIdedly inter-e" t1l1g The \Vhlte Mountain refngerator IS advertJsed a" "the chest WIth the chIll in It" and the factory which was establIshed 111 1874 IS saId to be the largest refngerator factor) 111 the world The larger part of the catalogue IS devoted to descIIptlOns and 11lustratlons of a new style of the company'" procluct called the "pure whIte \Vhlte Moun-tain refrIgerator,," "hlch are lllled WIth pure white baked enamel as hard a:o flInt and as smooth as china and has a nch glo"s appal ently baked 111 The company also uses another lIn1l1g known a" the "stone white" which IS made of natural stone obtall1ed from quarnes owned by the company and so treated as to gn e It the appearance of porcelain It 1" claimed that thIS IS an Ideal matenal for the purpose, as the coolll1g qualIty of the stone enhances the chIll The \VhIte Mounta1l1 IS made in all deSIrable styles and SIzes, rounded corners bell1g a featm e of the woodwork 9 Mailed Catalogues Early: The Spence1 & Ba1l1es Company of Denton Harbor, J\I1ch , took tIme by the forelock and completed the printing of theIr catalog so as to begin ma11mg 1t the latter part of :t\ovember The catalog embraces ,some 40 odd chamber smtes made m mahogany and Clrcasslan vva1nut after clas-sIcal types ThIS company's product has been before the public for nearly 35 years dUJing which tIme they have achieved a 1eputatiol1 for honest construction, good finish and good, alnes The 11l1efills a pecuhar l11che In the stores of hundreds of fUJl11ture dealel s who want thIS partIcular c1a"s of good::, for theIr specIal requirements The catalog IS a good speCImen of the pnntmg art. .,,..---_ ••.•..... III II 1 II I II I ---_._------ -----,--_._----_._._._--- -_._------ -... ....--- .. The NEWEST and MOST CORRECT S"ADES IN FUMED OAK STRATfORD OAK fLANDERS OAK and EARLY ENGLIS" FUMED OAK- -Our Fumed Oak Acid StaIn IS largely used by manufacturers who recogmze in It a practICal pIece of good s produc mg not only a correct but a UnIform color WIth out the use of a fumIng chamber. This stam has proven a success wherever trIed and even manufacturers who have a fuming chamber have found that by using this stain over the fumed product they can tone up the work and make the color umform. Wnte for sample panel. STRATFORD OAK --ThIS IS one of the new staInS now comIng into favor and will probably be much seen on Arts and Crafrs furn Iture the coming year. It ISa very deep brown color WIth a purple undertone W rIte for sample panel. FLANDERS DESIGN - The Flanders IS a new deSIgn in furniture finIshed In a deep nut brown shade of color, In soft, velvety, dull effect. We make this staIn m the correct color. WrIte for sample panel. EARLY ENGLISH The Manetta Early EnglIsh ISconceded by the best authoritles to be correct In color and the finest workIng staIn on the market. Wnte for sample panel. Furniture manufacturers who seek the correct shades in these increas-ingly popular finishes will find our stains will meet every requirement as to color and working qualities. If you are interested in any of the above write us for sample panels. II .. MARIETTA, OHIO . ._-~-----~_~,._.-._._._. --.----~-.--.-.._....~•..-.-•.-.-•..•-•.•.•._..---._.~.. Poplar 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN ...._-------_._--_._-~------_._--------------------- LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF Circassian, Mahogany, Oak, and Gum Veneers. The Albro I.. Established IB3B. Veneer Co. CINCINNATI. O. BEWARE OF THE FAKED ANTIQUES Genuine Pieces Can Not be Duplicated but Good Imitations May be Had Quite Cheap. Six genuine Chippendale chaIrs were sold for $1,000 last week in N ew York, and thIs was by no means a fancy price Two hours afterwards the dealer had an offer of £1,200 for them and the followin~ day an offel of $2,000, II hlch goes to bear out his statement that there IS absolutely no market l,dce for certain pnces of antique furmture They cannot be dupl' cated and as time goes on they will, hke the print:, of famou0 etchings whose plate'S are broken. command any price the 1'1- dividual is willmg to pay for them "How much does It co"t to furmsh a house in dntHj!'c furniture?" repeated the deaer 111Chlppendae chair,. 'VV el', it costs just twice as much to buy antique furniturr to (lay as it did three years ago Of couP,e It is still po,sible to f111111.,h <in apartment for a comparatn el} small sum. "For example, I ]u'St furl1l~hed a pretty hOI11~up 111Con-nectlcut- four rooms were done 111 mahogany-for "3(JOO, no more than any pef,;on of moderate means wou1(1 ~"Dend in buying modern stuff It was all good genuine antique fUl ni ture I put in, quaint, mce stuff. One bedroom, for i'ls13nce, was done entirely in curly maple. There was 1. pletty old £0111 post bedstead wIth slender po"ts, a nice burc:1t1. a desk, tWD chz,irs, a rocker and a washstand. "The room was done in blue and white, whIch c0ntra."ed delightfully wIth the curly maple. Blue and ,\ hite chint<: WdS used for the bed draperies and for window hangmgs and a large blue and white rag rug covered the floor It ,"'to a moot elfcc tivc room and every pIece 111 It was genu111e 8'1t''lUC "A second bedroom wa~ fur11lshed 111 l1Jan()~c\I1' of the French penod A fine old Emplle bed amI 111 [I\'p'l(' hl,le,l1l Manufadurersof Emboued and Turned Mould-ing., Embo•• - ed and Spindle Carving., and Autom a tic Turning •. We also manu facture a Jarge line of Emboued Ornament. for Couch Work. 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. ............. -- 1\ Ith tall columns, a wash~tand, sewing table, two chalr~ and a !O( ker completed the ~et Yellow and white r:ngli~h chintz that set off the mahogany to perfectIOn was used for bed dra-penes and II meloll curtams I t was one of the smclrtest rnom ~ yOU could a'Sk to ~ee "In the parlor wel e a fine old Colonial 30£'1, two fireside chaIrs of the II 111gvanety. a bIg Colonial rocker, two or three ~lde challs a mce centle table. secretary, bookcase and otto-mans. -\ stunn111g rag lUg m soft bronze blown" an~l dark I eel, co, ereel the flool, hal momzlllg perfectly with t~le rich 1eds of the old mahogany Oh,} es, the fin'pLlee haJ st,ltely antique andIron" to complete the pIcture. "So much for the furnishmgs of an Illc,.pcnslI e home. ]u"t recently III ]1o,ton I furmshed a house that cost $50,000 to butlcI II Ith antIque ,:,tuff to the extent of $5,000, ])11thell.' again the pIeces II el e ral e dnd consequently more valuable. There wel e, for eAample ~ome" ery handsomely C,_l "ed. f0111 pc!' t bed::,. mlald slope top desks, a serpentine Hepplc\i\ l1ite bure'll1 and so on One "lope top desk, which was \'i'llnut hl t a genU1l1e antique had Lome to me III the rougll. Fev\' per"Dlls II auld have e, en looked at It, for the legs were gone and it \\ as m bad shape. but the woman buying it was ver"e(~ i'1 antiques and saw Ib posslbl1Jties. The top was Leauti~l'lly in-laId and when done over and put in good shape ,"<1S ..1 beauty. "BuYlllg antique.., is a passion that increases with a know-ledge of It UnfDrtunately women and men too, for that matter, have to buy their expenence very dearly sometimes. vVhen you con"lder that fully 60 per cent of all furniture offered as antique IS spurlOU'S, then you can see how dIfficult it is to tell the genU1l1e from the fake "If ",omen buying antIque ftllDlture would only get good authentic books all the ,ub]ect and study them up, ~O that they viould be postec1l11 d meaome, the} would ~ave them"ehe.., -----.---0--------------'1 CO. II ROCKFORD, ILL. I!!IIII too UNION FURNITURE China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead In Style, Conollruchon and Finish. See our Catalogue Our line on permanent exhlbl-bon 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUIlding. Grand Rapids. I • • I..._--~-.-----~._-----~------...~~-_ I I _. WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------------------------~ much disappointment It is far better to increase your library of information than to pay too dearly for the experience. Personally, and I know others who are hone"t merchants, I should far rather sell to those who are well lllformed than to those who are plainly 19norant of the value of the stuff they are buying "Even expenenced per,ons are sometImes taken in by the bogus antIque faker, espeClally at auctIon "ales, where there is !lttle opportumty for examlllmg the artlc1es. One man I have m mllld now, an old cabmetmaker who has been in the bUSllless m Ph1ladelphia for nearly twenty year", bought at an auction what he thought wa~ a genu111e Chippendale cha1r with the ball and claw feet and all the earmarks of the real. He d1d not find out untll he got to hiS shop that he had been fooled "These faker" make de"l~s from bureaus and chairs from secretanes, and so on, but at. a rule the amateur collector after he has been fooled a few tImes gets wise and then he begins to weed out the poor and buy the genume to take its place It i" better to have even one piece that is a genuine antique than a whole roomful that IS spurious. "One th111g please remember, that If any antIque dealer offers you what purports to be a gemune pie crust table or a Chippendale chair for a song you can put It down at once he IS faking. There are p1eces to day like the Chippendale cha1r, mentlOned that have ab'lolutely no market pnce, so rare are they "Good Chippendale cha1r", pie crust tables, block front bureaus, scroll top highboys. inla1d Hepplewhite sideboards are some of the th111gs that are rare and expensive. Even 1£ they seem to be genu111e you wlll have to get all the proof poss1ble as to their history to make a~surance doubly sure In rega1d to the Chippendale cha1rs I fortunately had the1r entire history They were brought to this country by a Capt Greene of Phlladelph1a on the first sallmg vessel that sailed the neutral seas after the Revolut10n and have been in his fam1ly ever since "They were gemme Ch1ppendale, w1th the ball and claw feet, the shell carv111g. and $1,000 was cheap for them. I knew it too. I \'Vent for them w1th the cash in my pocket and after I had bought them I brought one of them away with me in the small carriage I was dnv111g 111for fear the family would change their mlllds and want them back "They went to a young woman in Rhode island who has a passion for antique furmture. She is not married herself, but has filled up her mother's house and that of her grand-mother as well as the barn w1th fine old genuine pieces which she has bought for pure lOve of them. "As to prices of antiques, 1t 1Sdifficult to give any definite rates, smce taste, ranty and the dealer's c!lentele rule to a great extent. Certam shops in the Clty that cater to a wealthy trade would ask five tImes probably what I or "ome other dealer might. You can count on the1r thmgs bemg genuine, and many women who have the means but not the expenence had rather pay for the1r knowledge than to acquire it themselves. "Accord111g to my standard a serpentine Hepplewh1te bur-eau would sell for $100 and a set of six old stencilled chairs With rush "eats "tlltable for a country honse for, say, $60. That swell front bureau of mahogany with stam wood bands and old brasses Will cost $75 and that Eng!lsh h1gh boy w1thout the scroll top $100 A good Sheraton sldeboard may cost anywhere from $125 to $1,000, accordmg to 1tS cond1tion and beauty of lllle and proportlOn A slope front "ecretary desk w1th d1amond panes can be bought for $150, and that old combinatIOn secre-tary and lmen cupboard, which 1S qUlte unusual, for $200. The upper portion of this place 1S fitted with shelves or trays that pull out. It 1S for stonng away llllen-a style-antique seldom seen. "Of course we have funny experiences in selling antiques, ... .. . .. _ .. THE Hindet KIND THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE Need not be moved from the wall Protects coverinG by turn- Ing cushions Is so simple and easy a child can operate It. Has roomy wardrobe box under seat. Comprises three artlclee lor the prIce of one. Is filled with felted callan mattress. Has luxurious Turkish Springs. Is always ready With bed-ding In proper place. Is absolutely sale-cannot close aCCIdentally. Saves rent by savlhg space 1] WArn:. WIRE. OR PHONE FOR PARTICULA"S. ....------- --------_.._-----------_._---------_ .. KINDEL BED COMPANY 1 CHICAGO NEW YORK TORONTO ~II .. _ .. -- ------ -- --- -- -- --- . -- -_. _.- r"HOTELRNORMMANDIE-1 tI CONGRESS STREET Near Woodward Avenue I Amencan Plan, $2 50 per : Day and upwards. I European Plan, $1.00 per I Day and upwards. t Hot and Cold Runmng Water I 10 all Rooms. I. Rooms WithBath extra. A High Grade Cafe. I Restaurant and Buffet In connection I GEORGE FULWELL, Proprietor. r---'--------------- Morton ----_.------_.~ House ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel Pantlind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. ..--------_.----- ----- ---------------' GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the PantllOd for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. "'----_._-------------------_.--"' i i 1lhese savvs are made from No. 1 Steel and vve vvar-rant every blade. We also t.arry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Savvs, any length and gauge. Write us tor Prlee Llat aud dlseount .~ 31-33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. ~-_ ----_ ~ 12 \\LLKL\ \RrllS\~ ••• ------- -- - --- 1 ~--------------------------------------------- ,I•• •I HOOD &WRIGHT lI Since our enlargement we have the largest and best equipped Veneer and Panel plant in N orth-ern Michigan. We are prepared to fill orders promptly for all kinds of veneers in native woods, and especially in birdseye maple and figured birch. We are also makers of panels, mIrror backs, drawer bottoms, etc., and are prepared to ship in car lots or open freight as desired. II ~------~_.---------------------------------------~_. the pllnClpal sort being wIth the v\oman \\ho e,eb he1 fiJst taste of the crazE' She comes. sees and 1s conque1 cd and \\ anh to buy at once. Then "'lth the harga111 Idea III he1 mllld "he sets out to VISIt other places and \\ hen she comes back het manner is "omewhat colel and pelhap'i flIppant "D<J you know yonr pnces al e \ ery hIgh"' she sa) s I can get precIsely the same chaIr, a vvlllg rockel, for so much, d<Jwntown, It's genu111e too' "Well, I suggest she VI auld better buy It If she can !Set It at that pnce; then she beg111s to get he1 expenence dnd soon ells covers that It IS not anI) a fake but a ver) pOOl tal"e at tl1clt. "The1 e at e, as everyone knO\\ s, shops 111the Clt) that a1e turning out bogus antJques III great qnantJt1es \ man came here anI) ) esterday 'Don't) au \\ ant to put 111 a te\\ 1 epr<J ductlOn~ with) OUI stock)' he rema1 ked lll~l1Htaune,h \Io,t ever) one carnes them ,. To tho,e \\ ho ha\ e a £;U1\1111e10\ C for the antJque It would be nothllle, less than a ClIme aga1l1"t nature to d<Jso "BesIdes the 'vomen, lllexpenenced themselves, \\ ho thlllk that unless a thIng IS e"penslve It h not genu111e, there IS stIll another clac.., v\ho tlunk that honest dealers can bc made to COllle down on thetr prtces slmpl) becathe the take dealet can but the} soon chsabu'ie thc11 nllnd'i of tbat Idea tal antIques a1 e d" ~tanda1 d a., gold cnn enc} and £;ood pICLe'i commdnd the11 em n pnce. It could onh be an unfore"een OCCttlrC'lce lIke death 01 extJeme need that would lllduce the sale of e,enUlllt ,1l1ttqUl" at ba1 e,atn counter pnces. "I don t mean for one moment tl1clt \\ e \\ onlcln t lel\\ e1 0111 pllce for some one who !Senulllel) 10\ ed ant1(lue~ fOJ then 0\\ n llltllnSlC \\ 01th f01 tf the1 e IS atl' tlune, an cl11ttque deale1 ap pI eC1ates It lS a cnstomer who kno\\ s and understand., 111''' IV ares. "rrequently ) ou heat ,1 \\ oman sa} 'Oh I Itke dntlCjne fmnttlue lf tt ha., been In m) Ov\n fanlll) bnt I havc absolutch no u..,c 101 a lot of stuft tI1clt has belonged to some one cl"e' It hn't a fad and It hn't becdn0e It h getttng ra1e that men and VI 0111en of td"te love old thlllgS of thh 'iOtt Tt IS becdu"e the1l b nothlllg toeLn that can compare \' 1th the gl aceJ:ul lltles anel stately proporhon., of the olrl mahogan) £ur111ture It bas a cl1drm all ItS own wh1l.h VI 111ne\ et fall to be felt b) sensltn e souk "The1 e ccln't he the beauty 111the mode1ll chall, £01 e'(- ample, "hen humlted- of arms, le~s and back" ale tmlleel out at one wl1cld. and thcn put together any old \\a), \\hen III tbc old ela) s a cahllletmaktr 'iVould mdke hIS chaIr table 01 bmeau it om one VI 11<JlepIece of \\ ood f'ach pOl tton 1\ as made to stll t the other. the vvood wa" all O.le COl01 anel one gram ane1 \"'b left to season untJl there \\ a" no chance of ItS sprearhn!S apa1 t Vencenng 111 the olel clay s "as qmte a cl1fte1ent thing from \\hat it IS to clay 1hen the vcnccI was cut b) ha11(1~t;cod th1ch BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN III II II I --_ .... p1ece~ of \\ oocl \\ h1Ch were gluecl on to stay Now the work 1" done h\ mach111c, the \ enest shvers serv111g to replace the careJ:ttlh C\.1t seeLton S ot the old VI OOdWOlker As a result the "\enee1 IS apt to blt,te1 ,mel peel off. It h fim ~hIn',; that costs 111 the sale of antIque furmture, and I hale deClCled to elo no more of It. I sell the artIcle in the laugh and leal e the rest to the cabInetmaker. There IS only one trouble aho\.1t thIS. ancl that IS that not el ery one can see pO'''ll)lhtte~ m a b10ken clown bIt of anttque mahogany. But b, abandon1l1g thh brdnch of the VI ark It gn es us much more capItal to put 1I1to 1eally good pIece" when the opportunity at n\ es to bu) them '\Ian) antIque 10\ ers ltke to go out fOlagmg for their 0\\ n pIece" but the tJme has passed when really genuine an-tlCJue" Lan be bought at an) chance farmhotbe along the lOad I e,o out I e1I httle 1m "elf, but I have people on the lookout all the tIme ,It mal ~eem to some that thet e IS a good deal of hIt and mIss m the bucmess of dealmg 111 cl11tJquc fUll11ture, but as a matter of fact dealer" knov, where ever) bIt of gelltl1ne antIque h m the CO\.1ntn They \\ atch It a, a cat watches a mouse ancl \\ htle It mal not be 111 the market to-day or to morrow or ne,t \\ eek ,tll olel th111gs ale for sale some clay 1£ you walt long ll1oue,h. , Our Opp01 tU!l1tv come~ of course, In ca'iCS where perhaps thL Lht ot se me old famtl) ha d1ecl oft. or \\ here some per"on ha"\In g had hh tlUllg S 111'itorage for a long tIme deCIdes to sell oft a pOl tlOn to pay the stOlage cha1!Se, ancl \ve get the benefit of It The plOht 111 the antICJne busmes" IS ltl bnymg, not 111 sellttle,- , ~-------------------------------~-- ~ ..III II ~~K'i:A~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~~~V:l'l~g SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES II~--..---------------------.- ..__ _ ..-.--~I Write for I Catalogue. \ E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS, ALMLIECGHA. N, WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 The Blue Print and Catalogue Binder the furniture Manufacturers and Dealers "ave Been Looking for I Style "P. B.n I I Style "P. B. n I Binder Locked as it appears in use AN ANTIDOTE fOR RING BINDER EVilS. T"E PROUDfiT LOOSELEAf CO., 8 and 10 Lyon St., Grand Rapids, Mich. One-"alf Inch Binding Margin Absolutely Flat Opening Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-Oscar 1\ Lar"on, 721 '\ 44th avenue, Ch1cago, $3,000, F Jacobe1t, 6200 Morgan street, ChlCago, $4,800, Frank Evans, 6623 S '\lay "t1 eet, Clllcago, $6 SOO, H C \Iadsen, 6502 LoomIS street, Ch1cago, $4,200, J\11s Sl '3stel, 269 \V ells street, ChIcago, $8,500, Otto Swa11'3011,1305 Thorndale ave-nue, Ch1cago, $6,000, C F E Grosse, Pasadena, Cal , $25,000, L. ::\1. Burntrager, .:\lanon and 7th sh eets, Dem er, Col, $7,000. vV J K1rk, Vme and 21st street, Den\ er, $6,000, F \Y \Yh1tes1de, Lafayette and 4th streets, Denver, $5,000, Ed1th A R1chardson, 27 Oakwood place, Buffalo, 1'\ Y, $4,500, J uha E Rmg, 822 Potomac sh eet, Buffalo, $6,500, Ca1ne Vogt, 24 Exeter street, Buffalo, $8,400,1' J\ VO1gt, 204 Tenth street, Savannah, Ga, $3,000, J R Ml1ler, 3801 Aldnch avenue, Mmneapohs, Mmn, $3,500, J\Iary E Kame, 1700 Emerson avenue, ;\1mneapohs, $5,400, John J and Anna .:\1 Lmdqmst, 3033 Fremont a\ eflUe, \lmneapohs, $3,000, George J Renner, Youngstown, 0, $4,000, 1\1 J Fountam, 366 Oak street, Columbus, 0, $4,500, F 0 Pratt, 234 Broadway, South Bend, Ind, $3,500, Geo II Platt, 623 South St Joe street, South Bend, $3,600, 1\lrs .:\largaret Hennes, Chestnut and 29th streets, Ene, Fa, $3,000, J R Patterson, Seneca and 12th streets, St Joseph, Mo, $4,000, Pybstallers Slsters, Grand Fork, N Dak, N Dak, $6,000, Mark P .Moss-holder, Fourth and Thorn streets, San DIego, Cal, $3,750, P W. Dyment, Kalm1a and Umon streets, ~an D1ego, (bung-alow) $3,000, James K1rby, 9924 Avenue J, Ch1cago, $4,100, C 1 Fntschler, 7364 Shendan road, Ch1cago, $15,000, T P For' est, San Anto111o, Tex, $3,500, H L J\I1ller, San I\.n-t0111o,$ 4,000, H 1\1 Gl1swold, 519 VI! . Jefferson street, Spnng-field, Ill, $3,500, L L ='J01ris, Ashtabula, Ohio, $3,500, Elzea1 Pellet.1er, Beech street, :i\lanchester, ?\ H, $4,000, SIlas VV Call, Lake avenue, Manchester, $3,200, C S Mc Bnde, R1tter and Dovvney streets. Ind1anapohs, Ind, $5,000, John Connors, 3231 :;\lontgall street, Kansas CIty, \10, $4,500; Samuel C J am1son, Darhngton road, P1ttsburgh, Fa, $9,000, Mrs E A Hammond, 1105 Ch1s1ett street, P1ttsbmgh, $4,500 C 'IV. Bnght, Parkview place, 5t LotHs, Mo, $6,900, Dr S J. Wh1te, 349 Tenth street, Dallas, Tex, $3,500, Mather IVelter, Earle and Ross streets, St Paul, ::\lmn , $4,250, Jesse E L1mage, Amherst and Baldwm streets, St Paul, $3,675, IV H Kennedy, 402 Goodnch street, St Paul, $4,800, IV J Hasselman, 3445 Central "treet, Indlanapohs, $16,000, Fred 'II ade, 2900 North Pennsylvama street, Indlanapohs, $5,000, VV. H ::\loncton, Columb1a, S C, $3,000, Elloine Fnnk- Hoover, Elkhart, Ind, $3,250, .:\ladam Narc1sse Cote, Que-bec, Can, $8,500, Robert Gl1more, 2212 Ii\ 19th street, Okla-homa C1ty, $4,000, John G Games. 906 E 105th street, Cleve-land, 0, $4,500 B1shop Flt71uaunce, Ene, Pa , $23,000 , John P. Leonard, l\llffhn and 20th streets, Phtladelph1a, Pa., $11,- Sheets are "eld as in Bound Book Wonderful Expansion 400, -:\lrs A Pnce, I'hoe111x, "\riL, 9;6,000; Frank Lane, Phoemx, $4,500. H J I Perk111s, 2176 VV 24th street, Lo,", \ngeles, Cal, $11,000, R J Andehon, 1\' estern Annex, Los Angeles, $7,000, Fanl11e Chace 5222 Ontano street, Ch1cago, $3,750, Anl) B Bennett, J acbom lIle, f'la, $3,000, G IY Sponslett, 200 1'1escoti. avenue, Sc anton, Pa, 4,200, H H Burschel, Elm and 9th s1.1eets, Scranton, $3,400, Mrs Ahce II ovve11,176 LucIle a\ enuc, Atlanta, Ga , $3,000, Charles 'IV \\ elser, 712 1\ 6th sheet, Rcadl11g, Pa, $3500, -;\1rs \\ D .:\la) field, Frankhn IIelght'l, El Paso, Tex, $5,000, H E Blann, 3805 Campbell street, Kansas C1ty, .:\10, $9,000, \Irs }la1y E Thaw, 1212 Gett):oburg "t1eet, P1ttsburg, Pa, $4,800, Anl11c Bente1, 476 AdelaIde street, PIttsburg, Pa, $4,000, 1\10rns I\ron, 2347 E 33rd s1.1eet, Cleveland, 0 , $5,500, }lrs Petel Jansen, 1a1[\1<'W, Beatllce, ='Jcv, $12,000, Joseph Laughll11 J ena and Cadl7 streets, ='Jew O-leans, La, $S,500, RIchard Lrne:ot, R1chmond place and Howard street, \Jew Or leans, $3,800, I\. B Da\ IS, Fern and Burdette streets, ='JC\\ Orleam, $18,080, SophIa Case), 5927 Galfield a\Cnlle, St Lomns, 1\10, $4000, Lafayette Beeson, 300 'IVest \lam street, RIchmond, Ind, $3,500, He1 man P11gnm, $7,000 Lmtlv C Somers\ tile, N \i\ avenue and 32d "treet, II;d~anapohs, $3,000, J ::\1 Chapman, 312 Sp1uce street, Kansas CIty, 1\Jo, $3,000, John Youngberg, 1224 \stor street, Ch1cago, $14,000, Deha \\ alke1, 616 ::\"111tha\ enue, Denver, Col, $7, SOO H IV II elsbrodt, Alexander street and Manon avenue, C111Cl11- na1.1,0, $14,000, Kate C Hedllck, J acksonv111e, Fla, 9;3,600 J\Itsc Bmldl11gs-Edmllnds w111bUlld a S1x-story hotel on 011\ e St, Los An\?;eles, at a co"t of $75,00001 $80,000 The Ra\ Consoltdated J\1111l11gCompany 1'3to butld a modern hotel at Keh 111, Anz Lon\?; Beach, Cal , wtll erect a polytechl11c hIgh school bmldm\?;, estlluated cost $150,000 "-\ synd1cate has purcha"ed the famous Fobom- Young home m Salt Lake CIty and V\ III use 1t as a sIte for a hotel that V\ tll cost $150,000 to $200,000 The contract for addl11g th1 ee stones to the Van 1'\uys Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal, has been let at $35,160 The RadlUm Sulphur Spnngs company wtll bmld a sanat01lum hotel m the suburbs of Los Angeles at a cost of $70,000 The 1\1asons of Phoel11x, Anz , have started wrk on a temple that 1S to cost $90,000 The Gayety Theatre company has been granted a permIt for the erec1.1on of a nme-stor) hotel ancl theatre at 121-129 Clark street, Ch1cago, at an es1.1mateCl cost of $450,000 Connelley & Scales are bUlldmg a $30,000 hotel in Oklahoma CIty Phoel11x, An7 , lS adver1.1SUlg for bids on the erectlOn of three school butldmg s for wlllch $100,000 has been appropnated The Hotel Sherman com-pany has been gl anted a penmt to construct a hotel buildmg at 127-141 Randolph street, Ch1cago, at an e"t1111ated CObt of $2,000,000 The Church of the AscenSIon 1S erectl11g a $15,000 house of worsh1p m Montgomery, Ala 14 --_._.~.--.._---------_._---- WEEKLY \RTISAN .. I . .. ..... Our No. 171 Patented Sand Belt Machine ..... ---- NEW YORK BUILDING PROJECTS Many Millions to Be Invested in the New Furn-iture Exchange Building and Numerous Public Structures. New York, Dec 7-Managers of the New YOlk Furniture Exchange speak glowingly of the prospects for future trade and of the 1mproved conditions for d1splaying products that will be afforded when the new building is finished. The undertaking is a big one and that it w1ll prove to be one of the most important business points when it opens early in 1910, is not doubted. Other lines as well as furniture will havel exhibition space There will be club rooms in the building and the service rendered to tenants and visitmg buyers will be of the best. There will be also, automobile service for the convenience of buyers. E. P. V. Ritter is pres1dent of the Merchants' and Man-ufacturers' Exchange, Charles E. Spratt, vice president and general manager, Marcus Nathan, assistant general manager. B. F. Zalinger, assistant to the president, T. G vVaterman, assistant to the vice president, Raymond B. Keating, secre-tary and treasurer, Parchal S Ritt'er, assi~tant secretary and H. B. Cooper, manager of the furniture department The buildings which are to be a part of the Grand Cen-tral Station are to cost $20,000,000, altogether. The milhons of population here and close by make this a great buying cen-ter and distributing pomt. New York is so congested that it has been a problem as to how sample rooms could be main-tained in the; heart of the City and yet have all advantages and be large enough to accommodate all. Hundreds of thousands of buyers visit New York each No. 171 SAND BELT MACHINE. will sand flat surfaces and irregular shapes, including mouldings, better and faster than any other process. Nearly 1000 of our Sanders now in use by your competitors. advantage over you in your sanding department? We also manufacture special patented Sanding and Mortising Machines that are proving extremely profitable to the chair manufacturers. "E" Why give them an Ask for CA TALOG Wysong & Miles Company I Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. ---------------- . 3' ea1 from tv, 0 to ';I}.. tImes and come here to buy and this centrahzed market, \, 1th dlVerslfied stocks from first hands w111save them much time, money, worry and energy. The hea, y cost of such an undertaking has heretofore pro,-ed to be an 1l1surmountable barrier. Private capital "auld not take up the proJect. Property is so high in New York that there 1S not room and the cost would be too high for each ind1vidual factory to have central salesrooms It w1ll fac1litate the work of the traveling man and will be ad-vertised thoroughly all over the country A card 1l1dex of the buyers who viSit New York wlll be kept and lists of new th1l1gs will be mal1ed them regularly. A roof garden restaurant wl1l command a magnificent bird's eye view of the c1ty There will be three lower floors for trade conventions w1th displays of merchand1se and ma-chinery It will be the greatest mercantIle show place in the world, "ith a minimum of time and comfort. The West Side Young Men's Christian Association or 318 N. 57th street, has opened a new branch of this trade school called "Advanced Course in art applied to furnishing and decorat1l1g." Frank Alvah Parsons, of the New York School of Art is the 1l1structor. The "Art in Trades Club" has had a regular course in "practical demonstrations in the principles and applicatlOn of color, line and form har-mony" and "practical demonstrations in historic period structure ornaments and fur1l1shings." S Bauman & Bros, 6th avenue and 15th street, report a good trade at the main store and also the other stores on 8th avenue and On 3d avenue. The Board of Estimates has made appropriations of $10,- 000,000 for 28 new school buildings and for the sites. There wlll also be a Brooklyn high school built, a boys' high school I t ...• .. . 1 WEEKLY ARTISAN . .- .. -- . ~ RlCHMOND,TABlET ARM CHAIR RICHMOND CHAIR CO. GENUINE LEATHER SEAT RICHMOND INDIANA DOUBLE CAME LIME The Best "SLIP SEATS" - the Value latest and best method of and double seating. Greates Service Catalogues to the Trade. for the No. 70 Money -. I • . . - •• r ._. .. to cost $400,000, gIrlS' high school to cost $100,000, and the Erasmus hIgh school to cost $400,000 The Metropohtan Museum of Art will have an addition to cost $750,000 to be built each year for 10 year'3-a total cots of $7,500,000. There wIll be samet good orders for furniture WIth these pubhc bulldmgs The city IS bUlldmg a $10,000,000 municipal buildmg on Chambers street whIch WIll be completed next year. A new pohce headquarters has Just been fimshed whIch IS the finest in the country. Samuel Weisglass, whose brass bed manufacturing plant was burned at 382 South street, has a temporary office at 372 South sh eel. The entil e plant, stock and machmery '" as destroyed with a loss of $75,000, covered by $40,000 m-surance. A new factory WIll be estabhshed right away and work wIll be contmued and order'3 WIll be filled. G B MacBride, who was connected WIth John Wana-maker'' 3 furmture de pal tment, ha'3, Vv Ith Martha Deane Bal- Ian, opened a place of bmme"s at 27 E 45th street, to handle period furmture. The fUlmture and department store men are having some fine bowlmg matches on the Gotham alleys Joseph \Veber, the bankrupt furmtUl e dealer of Union HIll, N. J , has turned the store over to Daniel RO'3enbloom MI Frankel IS manager and buyer A H Stiehl, late WIth the New York FUlmture Ex-change, ha'3 '3tarted in busmess as the A H StIehl Furm-ture Company, havmg the second floor at 35 W. 19th street A wholesade busmest> wIll be done and he will have associ-ated WIth hIm Charles Auth, who is president, Mr Shehl secretary and treasurer The capital stock is $5,000 and they have now a large hne of tables, chairs, bed room fur-mture, chIffoniers. F Mohr & Co, who are a new firm at 6th avenue and 34th "treet, have opened the Furmture Manufacturers' Sam-ple Company, and have the entire 5th floor at 112 W. 42d '3treet. A cheaper grade of furmture WIll be handled in charge of H M. Livmgston. The McHugh ·WIllow Furmture Comapny of W. 42d '3treet, are making a specialty of mission and arts and crafts furniture. The K. J Collins Company has been incorporated WIth 15 $125,000 capItal stock to do a retaIl furmture business, pro-moted by J. Kelble, P A Hathng and J. H Miller. M. HerskOWItz, who was assistant to the buyer of up-holstery, Samuel Schoenfeld, for the Simpson-Crawford Company, smce the death of Mr. Schoenfeld, has succeeded him in that position Albert B. Kerr, as trustee, is cleanng up the busmess accounts of the Weeks-Hoskms Company, in the office of Macgrave Coxe, referee m bankruptcy, 50 Church street. H ...-._._.__.---_..__._.__._._-_.---- - .. . ... .... , I Palmer's Patent GluinJ! CIamps The above cut is taken dIrect from a photograph, and shoWS the range of one size only, our No.1, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us shOWyou. Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our llst) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way is the best. A post card will bring it. catalog included. Don't delay, but write today. A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. \ " Foreign Representatives: The Projectile Co., London. Eng-land; Schuchardt & Schutte, Berhn, Germany; Alfred H. Schutte. Cologne. Paris, Brussels, Liege. Milan. Turin, Bareelona, and Bilbo... - ....-- .. ... --- ... ..... 15 1\ (J e ot the shabble..,t con"tructlOn, no sectIOn could plO-duce cheap fUl11lture at such 10" cost as the manufacturers ot \ orth Carohna. Tennessee and other tImber regIOns of the -,outheln states Compalatll ely fel'v of the plants earned a plofit and the changed conc1ltIOns of the tI ade which has catbed the partial abandonment of cheap fur11lture offers a nel\ problem tor the makers of Ulechum and fine furmture to cons1C1er The southern manufacturers cannot hope to compete \Iv 1th those of the north so far as regards quahty for a nU111ber of year" to come owmg to the1r lack of expellence and ~cat CIll of skl1led help Low pnces wdl be the sale dttl actIon thel \Iv 111be able to ofter the buyers \Y E E K L Y \. R TIS A X PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $2 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP DS, MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter, July 3, 1909 at the post office at Gralld Rapids \I,ch,gall under the act of March 3 1879 The i\mencan glass slh erer:o and be' e1el s al e appa1 ent1) bound to keep pace w1th or a htt1e ahead ot the ~ene1 al ad vance 1ll pnces At theIr meetmg at Duftalo 11l Octobo they advanced the1r pnces about ten pel cent on both plaIn and beveled plates Kow, smce the fUlUlture mal1utaC!U1el" have been forced to ach ance p11ces ten pel cent the glas" men are reported to have made another ad\ ance on plam plates m add1tlOn to the 10 pC! cent orde1 ed at TIuftalu mal(]n~ the cost of plam plates c011S1de1abh 11101e than \Iv a ~ paId for beveled plates before the Buffalo meetmg i\~ dn e~Cll"e for add1l1g more to the cost ot pI am plates the gla"'" men point to a shortage or scarClty of plates and hay e 111- duced the newspapers to pubhsh articles callml:; attentIOn to the dlfficulty 111 obtammg plates, but furnIture manutacturel" are not mchned to accept that explanatIOn 01 e~uIse Thel declare the latest adchtlOn to the cost ot SIll e1ed plates 1" unwan anted and some of them plOpose to do mOl ethan merely enter a plCltest It 1S understood they are con sldennl:; a propos1tlOn to have the1r national as"oc1atlOn estabh"h em Il11me1be "111elmS; and bevehng plant-several of them, pel haps-on the co operatn e plan and thus become mdependen t of the sIl\ el eh and bevelers' assoClatlOn The promote1" of th1s plan de clare that 1t 1S entirely feas1ble and practlcahle and that It IS necessa1 y m order to escape paY1l1g exorb1tant pnces f01 glass They do not anticIpate any c1lfficulty 1n obtamm~ what may be termed the1r raw matenal from the Plttshurg Plate Glass company or othC! s1111l1ar concerns, but 1n ca"-c such dIfficulty 1S encountered they Vvould 0\ ercome 1t bl estabhshmg a plant and mak1l1g plate" for them seh es J" Iom th1S 1t wl11 be "een that what the furlllture manufaLtUl er" con-slder someth1l1g hke greed on the part ()f the sl1v ere1 sand bevelers 1S hkely to lead to mtere"tmg developments m the plate glass 1l1dustry A cons1derable number of manufacturel s located m the southern states hay e purchased \ eneer presses, glue spreade1 s and the necessary tools fCll laymg I eneer:o and are -,eekmg for expenenced men to help m the work of passmg flam 10" to mechum and hIgh gl ade manufacture.., \ few years ago the \vnter met an agent of a veneel cuttmg house located m CmcmnatI at rilgh P0111t He had spent h\ 0 ,veek, 111 the southland, but up to the time of h1', an IV dl m H1gh 1'0111t he had not found a factOly that used ,eneer TII" "ample case.., had not been opened "mce he started on 111St11P The south has had almost a monopl) of the bus1l1es:o of producmg cheap hllmture dunng the last decade \Ii. 1th cheap lumber, cheap help, long hours of labor and cheap plant:o, many of wh1ch SenatOl Cummm.., of ]owa, who was mVlted by the plesi dent to 10m m the mfo' mal conferences at the \Vll1te Hou"e to lOIl"-lde1 amendment" to the Intel state commerce act, ha" C~PI es-,cd h1S cllssent £Iom the Idea" advanced by the PreSI-dent Senato1 Cummms 1Sopposed to the Pres1dent's plan for an 111terstate commerce court He behe, es that the pre"ent commlS-,10n should be stI engthened m the matter of powel s and \Iv 111IntI oduce a l'lll confernng on the commisslCln power to make and publ1"h trelght I ates 1\ hlCh shall be bmdmg on dll ultel ~tate callIer-, IIost shlppel-, and rece1vers of fre1ght II 111 he 111cl11led to endol "e the plan of the Iowa senator 1a the1 than the P1 e:Oldent'" plClposal To estabhsh an inter-sta te commerce COll't V\ould gn e the radroad managers means to entangle al,;gneved :oll1ppers 111,exatlClus litIgatlCln netter pel1ect pI e"ent s, stem than to t1Y a new one, because too man) cooks m1~ht sp011 the broth" The common councd of L1ttle Rock Ark, has passed an 01dmance 111flJct111fSa penalty upon conv1ctlOn, upon "any pel "on" firm partnershIp or corporatlCln who 'ihall falsely I ~1'1e"ent h, ach el tl"ement, 01 by any othel means, that the ~ood~ \\ l11ch he they 01 It shall offer for sale are of a certam ~I ade ()) quahh, 01 that he they or 1t wdl sell them at a cel tam pel cental:; e of then cost pnce or value and shall after- \Iv al d "ell goods of a ~racle or quahty mfenor to that repre- "-LIlted 01 advertised 01 shall sell saId goods at a hlghel per l en! ot theIr co"t value than represented and thereby impose upon dn\ one V\ho Inn" On the faIth of such repl esentatlClns " J he ordmance 1'0 expected to p10tect reSIdent merchants agalll st th e WCllk of fl) -b) mght dealers i\ "lllt to test the I ahchty of an act of the leg1slature of the .,tate of \I1c111gan In11ltmg the hours of employ ment for \Iv omen to e1ght per day, ha" been commenced in the clretllt court of Barry count} at Hastlllg" Two women pIece IV orkeb hale filed a b111 1ll IV h1ch the c1aHn 1S "'et up that thel are unable to 'oupport themseh es and those dependent upon thell labor \Iv hen not perm1tted to V\ork ten hours per day ~i\n act of the leg1"latlll e ()f Ilhnol" of sllndar charactel and purpose, V\as dec1a' eel unconstItutIonal by the supreme CCllllt of that state a few months ago It 10 claImed that the J\Ilchlgan and all such laV\s llnpall s the nght of contract 1'he tederal appelate court for the Flfst dlstnct of IllmClls lende1ec1 a deClslOn, m Ch1cago la-,t l\Ionday, to the effect that expl e,,~ compa111es arc hable for the full \ alue of good:o c1estl 0) ed 1n trans1t th10ugh the neghgence of the carne1 s or thell agents, notv\ 1th"tand111g the $50 estimate placed on the packdge \'\ hen the shIpper has faded to declare Its value ]hat deClSlCln seems to be 111accord Vv1th good law and com-mon sen"e, though of cour"e It ,,111 not hold good where 1t can be shoV\ n that the sll1ppe1 purposely neglected to declare the, alue of the package \\lth a ,le" of alOlchng a legitl mate rate ,..-._._---~---_. I We Manufacture the Largest Lme of rOlDInQ I (nAID~ III the U lllted States, I sUItable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam- I ers and all pubhc resorts I We also manufacture Brass Tnmmed I r 0 n Beds, Sprlllg Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large varIety Send for Catalogue and Prrces to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO WEEKLY ARTISAN I \ I ! ~ .. - ... --- . -~ SUCCESSFUL CO-OPERATION The Berkley System for Meeting Competition 'VIth the Mail OrderHouses. The Berkley sY'item of co;operative buying has suc-ceeded In enabhng many merchants to meet mail order com-petition qUIte succes'ifully, accordmg to a circular sent out from the headquartel s of the orgamzatlOn at SIOUX CIty, Iowa The plan seems to be much hke that of the Minne-sota RetaIl Fur11ltUl e Dealers AssodatlOn, but it covers a wIder field" cm enng nearly all hne" of goods handled by mall order honscs, fnr11ltnre bemg among the exceptIOns The clrcnlar descnbes the 'iystem as follows "Certam specIal artlcle'i that have been handled by the mall order hou<.,esm enormous quantities are selected They o-enerally are staple goods for whIch there I:' a steady de- ~1and - The "mall 'itorekeepers combine their orders, 111 thIs way making them mount np to a huge aggregate The manufacturers belongmg to the assocIation are thus able to produce the goods and place them on the small merchant:.' shelves at pnces lower than the mall order people can afford to sell them but at a In 111gprofit to themseh e". ~1any lmes are placed with the dealers 'on consignmcnt'-to be paId for vv hen sold The goods sell better and faster when dIsplayed m the stores than they do from the catalog "~ 'imgle article wlll llh.btrate how this plan has been workmo- out The mall order concerns had been selling to. thousand:. on thousands of kitchen 011 stoves Wood 1"'- expensn e on the westel n plams, and 011 IS cheaper and han-dIer f01 the housewIfe The Berkley stores and the mann-facturers assocIated WIth them took up these stoves, WIth the I csult that the bl.lsmcss of the mall order houses m this ar-ticle throughout the Il11ddle west has fallen off tremendous-ly "Today thl'i Berkley system has 6,000 "tares enrolled as members and l'i lSettmg recruits at the rate of ten a day-300 a month The 'i} stem gets out its ad\·ertlsing in the cheap-est f01m It depends on advertIsements m local papers and clfcular'o The merchants are furmshed with plates for theIr neVIspaper notices and clrculal s are kept supplIed with some-th1110- new even week or C\ ery fortmght, ,,0 there shall be to. - no concession of mterest on the part of the buyers and so III II -----~III I III IIII I I III III II .. __ ... HARDWOOD LUMBER SAWED AND SLICED } QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS AND MAHOGANY ~------------_.---------_. .. . . that the stock shall be kept mov111g evenly and rapidly. Generally speakmg, It IS hke a huge department store, not under one roof, but WIth ltS various branches scattered throuo-hout the L11lted States In thIS way the busmess of to. these country stores has revIved incredIbly The volume of their advertising has mcreased 300 per cent in the last two vears, and theIr bU'imess has grown deCIdedly. The coun- ~ry ncwspapers are glad to take the local stores' advertise-ments at the lowest pOSSIble rates and to help them fight the mall order houses, bccause the latter do httle, If any, news-pa per advertising "Thus far the Berkley system has been managed most judiCIOusly WhIle the manufacturers belongmg to the a,,- sociation have kept the cost of production down to the low-est pOSSIble notch, they have receIved such tremendous or-ders from the sy"tem that they have been able to fill them at rock bottom pnces yet at a In mg profit to themselves. The country merchants, who are m a sense theIr co-partners, are thus able to compete successfully WIth even the bIggest of the mall order houses The arrangements WIth the mantl-facturers permIt the goods bemg shIpped direct from the factories to the 'Customers as fast as the orders come 111,so there is no expensIVe handling or stonng of the goods be-fore they are needed In e\ ery way, m fact, an effort is bemg made to handle the vast busmess WIth the strictest economy, not WIth a vIew of centrahzing the bulk of the profits in one place, but of dlstributmg them impartIally and equally among all who are concerned In theIr makmg." Are you gomg to be one of the happy buyers vlsltmg the 38th "em I-annual N"ew York eXp0'iltlOn? Any time between January 17, the open111g day, and February 5, the closing day, will be a good tIme. 17 18 -------- _. _. _. _. _._. --------- - \V E E K L Y \ R TIS A N to • I The season for banquets is here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. 6-- •• ..... _---------------------------------- Woman Worked the Club Scheme. A few months ago a ) oung woman, ,vho IS a fluent talk-er, and has a persuasIve manner and plea"ll1g pel sonalIt) , vi"ited the town of \YaIren, R I, and made a thOIough can-vass of the resident sectIOns Her scheme was the orgam-zation of clubs for mutual benefit and to those who joined the following card or agreement was pI esented and sIgned. "The Reliable Furmture Company of Providence, R I, hereby agree" to sell to (name of the person) household merchandIse for the sum of $10 at the terms of 25c a VI eek in advance, saId purchaser to be a member of one of OUI clubs, $10 worth of melchandlse, to be delIveIed to one of the members of saId club (chosen 111 such manner as the company may approve) each week as an advel tIsin({ medIUm untIl each member of the club shall have recen ed goods to the value of $10 \VheneveI any member shall become en-tItled to posseSSIOn of merchandIse as above prov Ided, said company wIll, 111 conSIderatIOn of recelv1l1g from saId pur-chaser the names and addresses of three person::, IV ho "ould in hIS or her judgment be lIkely to J01l1 the club, gIve to such person a receIpt in full for any balance then 01\1I1g un-der this agreement" Beneath the agreement was a 11l1e for the SIgnature of the company's representatIVe, but in every 1I1stance the only signature is the ImtIals "c. ::\1 " There is not a street 111 the whole town 1\here number" of housewives cannot be found who have in theIr posseSSIOn cards bearing on one side the above-quoted agI eement, while on the other SIde there are receipts noted whIch shO\, that payments were made regularly and that ilIa or 111 some ........... ... Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW 8. Df\VIS fUKNITUKE, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. City Salesroom. 4th floor. Blodgett Bldg. .... ~ cases three more payments would entItle them to their mon-e) s I,orth 111 "merchandIse." The mce young lady attended to the collections and for sel eral weeks she made them promptly Then she failed to appear and 1I1vestigation showed that some of those who had been reported as having "matured their claims," had not received the goods In fact only one member was found 1\ho had "matured" and she IS the wife of a policeman, 1\ho, when he learned she had joined a "club," told her to "cut It out." The collector heard of his advice, and of his occupatIOn, and the ne'<t week the policeman's wife was the luck) member of her club She received an easy chair well I,orth the money, whIch tended to boost faith in the clubs and make collectIOns easy IVhen the collector had faded to appear for two weeks, some of the II arren 1I1vestors went to Providence and called at the office of the company, whIch they found vacant with a sign "for rent" dIsplayed 111 the window. They found that the st01 e had contained a small stock of furniture which had dbappeal ed some tune before the collections ceased. The "lady 111 the case" is said to have had a few clubs 111 PrOVIdence and to have worked other towns, as she dId II arren, 1I1clud1l1g Fall RIver and Taunton, Mass It seems much easier to go from bad to worse than from good to better. A man naturally rises in his own estimation when he set-tles down. -----_ -_ . . ..., No.15 FOX SAWING MACHINE WRITE 44 FOR NEW CATALOG FOX MACHINE CO, 185 N F'RONT STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH j III I I III I I ------------~- WEEKLY ARTISAN ---_.---- _. ----- --_. _. --------~-------------- Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST dev2ce for handlzng shavings and dust from all wood-working machines. Our nineteen years e.x-perience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no e.x-periment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hun-dred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 20&-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Citizen. Phone 1282 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM 19 --_.. . .. .. ..... 20 \\ L EK L \ ,.-. ...- --- - ----- .-., A~I~G ~m~~r ::::t::JlP:h~'nd~l:~I f leaves are bound (by your- • IH self) and mdexed by /loors I or departments. • BARLOW BROS. • Grand RapId •• Mlch • Ifnle R'ghtNolL : •... . ----------- -~ .., ••• I •• II ••••••••• •• I I ... IIIi• ~-- --~-~_.-._.------------ j-------- --.~~-~~~b~~-~-. - •I• DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE "j iI IIIII IIIII ._~~-------~ 154 Livmgston 5t. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I~-----_._~~_._.---- CItizens' Telephone 1702. ... •I,, Ii•• ,I• - .. It your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods, That makes PRICES right, <IIarence lR. bills DOES IT 163 MadIson Avenue -CItiZens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS MICH ...._....-..-..-_...__-_-. -_._-------_. _. _...._---~ ,,-. - ..--- .--.., Henry Schmit 8 Co. I HOPKINS AND HARRIET STS. i CIncinnati, OhIO "I maker .. of Uphol.stered Furniture II• •,I --···---- •••••• 4 ,.... LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM for ...---_. III ._------- -------------- B. WALTER & CO. Manufacturers ot TABLE SLIDES Exclusively \\' A B A 5 H INDIANA WRITE FOR PRICES AND DI~COU~ r ~ --- .....- ....-- -------_. ----------_._-----.,III ,, IIIIII ......~ =====-SEE--~---- West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. CRANO RAPIDS, MICH. for mG" GRADE PUNC"ES and DIES ~- -..-----. -- - \RTIS'\N New Furniture Dealers. 1\ altel Reith I" to open a furniture store at Joseph, Ore \ Hoffman has opened a new furniture 'StOte at La.; \ e~as, \e\ , fhe J\lIilel r Ulnlture com pan} have opened a new store dt \then", Ga Hen 111 &.. Steld ha\ e opened a new fUll1ltnre store at 1\ 111che'Ster, Tenn 1red Hal tman '" III add a furl1lture department to hi~ general ~t0re at J\1111nelska, 2V111111 Bennett & 11111er have opened a new fUll1ltnre store 111 the C,teele block at \atlOnal, Cal lIartuld BlOthel" ha\ e enga~ed UI the furl1ltnre and harch\ al e bthlne"" at Ra\ enswood, \\ Va 1\ \ \ Tharpe, '" ho 1ecently sold Ius fUll1lture busines" elt Elh.111 '\ l, h orga11l7lng a company to open a new lull1lture "tore 111;:,tate,,\ Jile, ~ C 11 1\ Due~lel ha\ 111g re"lgned hI" pO~ltlOn WIth L B Segur, furnIture dealel and undel taker of Dlo0111111gton, III, announced that he \\ 111 open a furmture "tOl e of IllS Own 111 the same Cllv C \\ Spencel who recently .,old hiS Interest m the loall furl1ltnre hU"U1e"" of Cahee & .spencer of Rutland, Vt, h el ectm ~ a hUlldmg 111 v\hlch he wJiI open a aew furl1lture store 111the same to",n New Factories. The \utomatIc Bed ChaIr compan), lI1corporated WIth $10,000 capItal "tack wIiI estabh..,h a factory 111Cleveland, 0 The Gros~ Brown ::'IIanufactllnng company, capitalized at $')0,000, has been 1I1corporated to manufactUi e refngerator~ at Gale;,burg, III John II Keogh & Co, manufacturers of tow for uphol- "tel el., \\ Ith headquarters in ChIcago, WIll e:,tabhsh a branch faLtol \ 111St Paul, ::'Il111n TIus111ess men of Brenham, Texas, have appOinted a com-nllttee to orgal1lLe a company With $50,000 capital "tock to e"tablI"h a fllrl1lture factory 111 or near that town E 1\ IIammen of EvanSVille, Ind, I" promot1l1g the ()l gamzatlOn of a company to rev Ive the old furl1lture fac tor) 111 Paducah, K}, whICh has been "till for two ) ears HIs plan IS heartJi} "upported by the Paducah Commelcial Uub, membel.., ha\ 111~ subscnbed half of the propo"ed $SO,- 000 capItal "tacK --., III• .. Furniture Fires. 1 C 7Ie"k} of Bel ea, 0, '3uffered fire 111hh furl1lture "tore on December 3 $1,000 McCadd111 & McElwee, hou'3e furnisher", were heavy 10'3- er'i In the half-mIllIOn-dollar fil e 111 BaltImore, on December 4 Their loss IS fully co\ ered by 111surance The IYIpperman ::\IercantJie company, dealers in furniture and hardware at Hank1l1son, :N" Dak, were damaged by fire to the eAtent of $7,.300 on December 2 Fully insured The plant of the Lle'icent Bed company, ~ew Orleans, La \\as de..,t!o\ ed on December 1, WIth a loss of $60,000, partially m "U1ed The fil e was caused by the lack of a "pal k an e"tel on the smoke stack a lo~s of $2,000 by Insurance on stock, Office Improvements. 1 he Bel ke\ & (Tay lurl1lture company have enlarged and reananged the offices of the officers, salesmen and office em pIa} e" of the C01 po ratIon The company's factory IS oper-ated to capacIty on ordeI s and new stock. WEEKLY ARTISAN Factories Made the Town Prosperous. Stmgls, ::VI1ch,Dec 9-All four of the furmture factones here are being operated at full capacIty and consequently Sturgb IS prosperous The Aulsbrook & Jones Furmtnre company, makel s of bedroom fm mture m mahogany, circa~- sIan walnut and oak, wIll bnng out many new pattern" for the January show and WIll exhibIt them on the first floor, east front, of the Manufacturers' bmldmg, Grand RapIds The yeal's business has been the best in the history of this company, and they are making preparatIOns to do still better next year The Grobll1..,er Cabmetmaker~' company, makers of fine chnmg room and lIbrary furl11ture, are also havmg a fine busllle"s They will show III January on the second floor, west front, of the Manufacturel ",' bmldlllg, Grand RapId::>, the finest lIne of goods they have ever offered for inspection The buyers who visit this dl"play every season, may expect to see somethmg fine, and will not be dlsappo1l1ted Smce my last VISit to the Stebbim-\i\TIlhelm factory It has been enlarged by a one-story bmldmg covenng nearly as much ground as the ong1l1al factor) The offices have been moved 1l1to this bmld1l1g and also the "tOl age and shlp-pmg departments, which greatly relIeves the congested fac-tory, and enables them to largely increase their output They WIll add many new patterns of wnting desks to the already large hne of tables, and the whole exhibit will be made on the first floor of the "!\lanufacturers' bmldlllg, (east front), Grand RapIds, Mlch The Royal ChaIr company's new two-story bnck build- 1l1g will soon be ready for occupancy It Will mCIease their floor "pace at least one-third This year's blh1l1ess Will be the largest in the hi"tory of the factory They ""Ill exhIbIt then hne m January m Grand RapIds and ChIcago Toledo Factory Improvements. Toledo, O. Dec 9-The Buckeye Parlor rurmtme com-pany has recently fil11<,heda two story addition to their ma1l1 bmlchng, the fourth floOl havmg been fitted up as an pxhl-bitlon room and the thIrd floor to be used for a fim'ihmg room The entire factory bmldmg has been remodeled throughout making the plant very sub<;tantial and commod-ious Manager Torgler Will get out a higher hne of goods the coming January than they have ever before brought out and WIll have many new de"ign<; and high-pI Iced pieces The Columbia Couch company ale planning to build an addition 30 x 35 feet, two stones, next spnng It will be added to the ma1l1 bmldl11g Manager Fruckbemer states they have added one hundred and twenty-five new deSIgns thIs fall and WIll add thIrty-five more for their spnng trade He reports then trade for 1909 as very good, almost up to a normal year The factory is runn1l1g overtime at present The Toledo Pallor Furmture company repO! t theIr trade for 1909 as fully up to a normal year They have I ecently completed an addition 60 x 90 feet, two stories to be used as a machine room, Samples Received. The first shipment of "amples for the January eAposltlOn was received m Gland Rapid" on December 8 Bills of ladmg I epresent1l1g eleven additIOnal shIpments were received on the "ame day In the Hands of the Photographers. The N elson-J\Iatter Furmture company have commenced photographmg theIr new l1l1e of chamber and dmmg room furmture, SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ E.ach Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis 21 22 WEEKLY \RTISAN Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. iI ~.... Holland and Zeeland Factories. Zeeland, Mich, Dec 10 -ThIs bttle c1t} of 2,000 mhaL-itants has four furmture factones, and all of them are p10"- pemus. The olde'3t and largest of these IS that of the Zec land Furniture Company, makers of bedlOom fUlmture of the medlUm grade These are good goods and, er} popular "\11th the trade Peck & HIlls of ChIcago carry theIr tull bne 01 samples all the year. They WIll bnng out a new catalog about the first of the year and It promises to be the finest they have ever Issued The \volvenne Furmture Company, man1.1factm e1" of bedroom furmture, WIll show a lot of new patterns m thell catalog to be 1s~ued early In the new 3' ea1. The MIchigan Star FurnIture Campa} IS ha'1l1g a fine trade and WIll bnng out quIte a large numbe1 of ne"\l pattern,; of chamber and d111111groom furmture The Colomell IIan ufactunng Company. maker" ot hall clock.., are ha, mg rl1"h- 111g business as usual. All of the Holland factones are d0111g well The HoI-land Furniture Company WIll add a great many ne" patteln:, of chamber furniture to their 1111Cin the Manufacture1 s' Building, Grand RapIds, In January The Ottawa Furmture Company \\111 ShOl' In the FurnI-ture Exchange, Grand RapIds, and \\111 have a fine hnc ot chamber furniture in theIr dIsplay The MTest Michig;an Furl11ture Company, one of the largest in the west, mak111g chamber furl11ture, IS hay ing an excellent business. The Buss J\1achine vVorks, makers of IV ood\l orktng ma-chinery, are having about all the business they can attend to Extras in Cost of High Grade Furniture. "The average merchant does not kno"," why there should be "uch a marked dIfference m the pnces charged for goods in the dIfferent grades" Remarked a veteran manufacturer. "~ medIum pnced sideboard contams about the same amount of matenal as a high pnced one There 1'Shttle dIfference in the sIze'S of the mIrrors, the tnmmmgs are substantially the same and It costs Just as much to pack and shtp the one as the other Of course more work IS put on a finer piece of furmture, but the Important fact that must be considered IS the tIme reqmred in the productlOn of the pIece-Take the item of fimshing for mstance The medIum pnced SIdeboard can be made ready for the packers m one half the tIme that IS reqmred for the fine piece The extra tIme required m making fine work cut;, down the possIble output of a factory Twice the volume of cheap work and one thIrd larger in medium is the dIfference in the average for the productlOn of a fine piece A more ex-pensIve outfit IS reqUlred, especially m machinery, while wages of hIgh grade workmen is an item that b entitled to conSIder-ation. There are many other features that make the cost of high grade furniture so hIgh as to entitle the maker to top notch prices." OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEL RACK VISES IN USE Price $2.80 to $4.00 21 doz Clamp Fixtures bought b, one mlll last year We ship on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondI tlOnalh W,.,te for list of Steet Bar Clamps V,ses Bench Stops ete E. H. SHELDON &. CO. 283 MadIson 5t. Chicago I I ..l Furniture Men as Church Pillars. On c..,unda, m0111111£;,December 5, m less than half an haUl SII 000 \I a'S subscnbed by the congrega1ilOn of the rou11ta1n Street Baptl';t church, to meet expenses and pay oft the 111clebtednes" uf the socIety. Among the contnbu-t01 ~ \I e1ese, eral prom1l1ent fnrmture men, including \V. IJ Ga, of the Berkey & Gay Company, John Mowat of the G1and RapIds ChaIr Company, Frank E Leonard of the Gland RapIds Refngeartor Company, M S Keeler of the Keeler r1a~-, II arks, IVillard P Sha1p of the Grand RapIds Chan Company R IV Merrill of the Phoenix Furnitnre Compa11} and others. F A. Baldwin and VIctor M TuthIll 01 Bald\l111 futhdl & Bolton, manufacturers of saw-fittIng and fi1111£;loom mach111ery, also made generous contnbutlOn;, The Drawing-Room And Its Furniture. The c!taYvmg-room, or "WIthdraWIng room" as It used to be called-the room to which g nests v,lthdrew after a meal-calLs for a tOuch of formahty and dIsplay in its furnish- 1l1g Seen so often under ItS gala aspect when the "lamps sh1lle o'er fair women and brave men" It would offer appropriate setting for the gleam of Jewels and the "frou-frou" of stlk and lace. Such a sett111g is to be found in the furni-ture of the French epochs, in the magnificence of Lom" XIV and the Regency, the gayer graces of LoUls XV. or the claSSIC elegancies of hIS successor. "Penod" furmtnre of thIS character, ab-solutely correct as to deSIgn and of a rare perfectlOn of techmcal executlOn, occupIes one of twelve galler'cs devoted to the display of Furl11ture of Integnty and DI"tInctlOn. THE FURNITURE GRAND RAPIDS COMPANY (Incorporated) 34 and 36 West 32d Street Between Fifth Avenue and Broadway, New York. Sample AdvertIsement. WEEKLY ARTISAN ,-. .-.-----._-.-. --..--.-.-_-. -------------------------_ ._. ~--_.------_.- ..- -- . Great Improvements in Refrigerators for 191 0 SEE THE NEW LEONARD WATER COOLERS FOR REFRIGERATORSl SEE THE ENTIRE NEW LINE OF SATIN WALNUT REFRIGERATORSl SEE THE NEW COMBINATION-REFRIGERATOR AND KITCHEN CABINET! SEE THE NEW ROUND CORNERS ON THE "LEONARD GRAND RAPIDS!" SEE THE NEW WOVEN WIRE SHELVES IN OUR ENAMELED LINE! SEE THE NEW CHEAP LINE OF "NORTH POLE" REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW ALL PORCELAIN REFRIGERATORS-INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! lET OTHERS FOllOW-IF THEY CAN. WE LEAD SEE THE NEW HOME OF THE LEONARD CLEANABLE REFRIGERATORS. The largest and finest refngerator factory in the world It IS only In such a factory that the best goods can be made for the least money, and orders promptly filled ThIS mammoth plant IS at your service for the asking Send for our 1910 catalogue We make nearly everything that we u"e The Porcelain Enamel for Linings-the Tllmed WIre Shelves-the Locks-the Hinges-the \Vater Coolers-the new desIgns and fi111shesare all made In thIS wonderful factory. Our assortment IS enormous, ranging from the very cheapest to the finest And best of all, we help you sell the goods I The "Leonal d Cleanable" reputatIOn IS behind them Our magazme advertlsmg and our store selling plans vvlll bnng you many customers Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator. White Enameled, "Leonard Grand Rapids." Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler. GRAND RAPIDS REFRIGERATOR CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Factory, Nos. 52 to 202 Clyde Park Ave. Salesroom during January and July, LEONARDFURNITUREEXHIBITION BUILDING. "1.-.----------------------------------------- ------- 23 --., \II I II II IIII III II III \II III . - ---'" 24 -------------~_._._-- .. . ..._-_._.-._._-_._------. 1\ l~EKLY \RTISAN r· ..- _-- IIIIIII ,, II III ,,------------------------_. _.--~._._•-_.-._._.-- -- ...------------ MOON DESK COMPANY Grand Rapids Exhibit, January, 1910, 3rd Floor, Man ufaeturers' Building R E Moon, F M Barton, D L McLeod, In charge OFFICE DESKS No More Special Passenger Rates. The western railroads through the II estern Passengel assoclatlOn, have sen ed notIce on the ChIcago a~soclatlon of commerce and the commercIal as"ouatlOns of other large cIties that no mOle reduced rates ",,111 be glantec1 fOI melchant~ meetings The notice sent out b} Chal1man IIacLeod state~ that the ral1road s of the west, and pI esumabh tho"e III the east, have decIded to abohsh all reduced rates beg-llln1l1g J an 1, 1910, the only pO'o'>lble eAceptlOns to the ne\\ I ule belllg the late,> whIch are granted for colom"ts, homeseekel' and summer tOUllSt~ ] he ChIcago -\ S"ouatlon of Com- I ....••.•..•. __ .._~ Six Styles of Double Flat Top Desks. MUSKEGON MICHIGAN mel ce ha;, been tl} I11g to secure a 1 econSldel atlOn of the actlOn taken by the railroad managers and If pos-sIble hay e It rescmded, but so far hay e not been success-ful and at pre"ent the order seems 11kely to stand ThIS ,eem" to be Sh01 t-e.,lghted and uncalled-for actlOn on the part ot the lalllOad managers who a few years ago \"ere com-plal11mg because the la,,\ I11terfered wIth the grantmg of speCIal rate" prnml'>ulOu,>ly -\s they do not contend that the la\\ plOhlblh the specIal rates whIch they have Just 01 dered aboh"hed theIr 1'0 a suplclOn that theIr action in tIll::, case IS tOl the purpose of gettl11g e\ en wIth vanous mel can tde a '>"oua tlon s that hay e m slsted on enforcement of the la\\ s m 1 egard to the regulatlOn of freIght rates. The outcome of thlS matter \\ 111 be of great Importance to furni-illl e manufactUl e, '> and also to the dealers Hand ScreW"Company Changes OW"ners. \egotlatlOn" that had been pendmg- for some time were l!o"cd tbl'o \\eek 1)\ \\hlLh the John II lddlcomb company takes 0\ er the b11',me%. eqUIpment and ~ood WIll of the (T1and RapIds JT and ~ Clew com pan) .:\Ir 1\ lddlcomb \\ III mO\ e the eqUlpment to the old factor} of the Kent FUlmture company on '\orth l-<lont ~tlett \\hele the busl11ess WIll be enlarged and c011tmued under the old sty Ie The Hand Screw compan} whIch has been and 'otdl 1'0 a prosperous I11stltutlOn has occupIed a plant Jowtl} wIth the 1\ J!marth Show Lase com pan} and the bullc11ng-'o are to) small tor both concerns I he rell10\ al of thc Hand SCIew company \\ III enable the \YJ!- mal th Show Lae.,e company to enlal ge theIr hu~mee.,s WIth-out e1eciwg ddchtlOnal btl1ldl11g'o /I'------ ~ \ Horses and Mules. EdltOl II eekl} \1 tI;,an ::\T entlOn h made m an edltOllal of } our paper about the use of mota, trucks and \\ould a~k yOU to hmdly g1\ e me the names of one or two users of the latest de\ elopme11t m that lme. al"o name of the best publlLatlO11 makll1g a speCIal of the cUlrent de\ eloPl11ent and ImprO\ cment, presumll1g they are on } our exchan~e 11;,t Sll1ce the Doel and Spamsh wal s that demanded '30 much of our 11\e stock even to brood al1lmal~, hor"es and mules hay e become as 11lgh as auto-mohllcs, companng kinds 10 SPINDLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WIfH 12, 15 20 AND J5 SPINDL~S DODDS' NEW GEAR DOVETAILING MACHINE ThIS little machllle has done more to perfect the drawer work of furn! ture manufacturers than anythlllg else In the furmture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetaIled stock a POSSl bI11ty I hiS has been accomplIshed at reduced cost as the machme cut., dove taIls In gangs of from 9 to 24 at one operatIOn It s what others see about your busme<;s rather than what }Oll say about It, that counts In the cash drawer It s the thnll of enthUSIasm and the true nng of truth you feel and hear back of the lold type that makes you buy the thmgadvertIsed ALEXANDER DODDS CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Represented by Schuchart & 5chulle at Berhn, V,enna. Stockholm and 5t Petersburg Reprt"~entedby Alfred H Schutte at Cologne. Brussel., ue2e. Pans, MIlan and Bllboa Repr,...,nted m Great Bnllan and (roland by the Ohver Machmery Co. F 5 Thompson, Mar. 201-203 Dean'aate, MancheSler, Enaland Shre\ eport, La , Dec 4, 1909 Yours very truly, A CURRIE. L E Han"on of Lo" Angeles hd" purchased the mterest of lIlr Human In the furmture '-,tOle of Grant & Human, San Bernaldmo. Cal, and the name of the finn ha" been changed to Grant & Hanson The names of the Jones FUlmture company, dealers of :l\fesa, Anz, ha" been changed to the Jones-DavI" FUlmtme COmpdn}, C E Da, IS hay mg become a partnel WIth Arthur A J one'3 111 the busmess The "tate bOdrd of arbltratlOn and concIllatlOn has suc-ceeded m settmg the trouble between Bo'>ton furmture deal-ers and emplo} e" 111theI1 upholsteI} departments, 111a man-ner satI"fact01} to all concerned The StoufShton (1\la..,,,) Furniture company, one of the olde'-,t retaIl 111'3tItutlOn" 111the town hay e moved 111tOlarger and much mOl e con, cment quarters The} are now located ln Dr SWdn's block on Stoughton Squale Half} SmIth has purchased ::\11s TIlley's interest in the Swanton FUl11lture compan}, dealers of Swanton, Vt The company now occuple" three floors of a large block, has four "torehouse.., and IS d0111~ a large bUS111ess A F Thompson, r t \\ dters, H 1\1 HI~gmbotham, 0 G. N eldlmg er and \Y L N ITemberl}, propnetors of the Kahonal :\I1nor company of l\lassIllon" 0, have 111corporated theu bu"mess v. Ith capItal stock lU11lted to $60,000 Ed" 111and Edrle Th01nton, 111the undel tak111g business at Elkhart, Ind, under the name of George \\" Th01nton's Son'>, hay e made an a""Ignment to Glenn R Sawyer a" trustee for theIr CledItor'> Asset'> about $1,500, hsted hablhtIes $2,050 \\ 111 :e Den'3more, fur11ltm e dealer and undertaker of Saranac :\IIch, ha" pm cha..,ed the bu smess of IllS competItor, D C Reynold" and wIll con"ohdate the two estabhshments whIch ,,; 111 gn e hIm the lal ~e"t stock of furmtm e e, er caI-Ilul In the to" n Dd'Id E Barnald, \ mcent L Sano and \braham Hutter 010. employes of \\ 1se, SmIth & Co, Hartford, Conn, have been made pal tners m the firm l\Ir Barnard has been buyel for the humture, carpet and drapery departments of the "tOI e for several} eaI" \\ orcester Brothers, furmtnre dealel s on JIarvaI d Square, Cambndge, 11a"s. are erect111g a bmlclIng m HollIS, N H, whIch WIll be occup1ed by the postoffice, a gene1 al store WIth a fur11lture department and a thlrt} -room hotel all mana~ed by George C Cobb The hotel "Ill be known as Clanford Inn Henry J Nel'-,on of Burlmgton, Vt, has Just started hb fiftIeth year 111 the furmture manufactunng busmestJ H!::> fdctory i'3 111the buIldmg m whIch It was e"tablI"hed 111 1859 and the bmld111g ha'3 not been changed 111 extenor appearance He has lI, ed d11 11l" lIfe '\lth111 20 lOd.., of hIS lmth place and hIS factory IS only 40 rods a"ay MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS Edward Castor, fmmture dealer of ::\ew Concord, °,has '301d out to Elmer Law The Bradle} Furmture com pan} of ElIzabethon, Tenn, has been declared bankrupt R 13 Sen"ency succeeds J l' IIovvell 111the retad furn- Iit1le bu"mess at :\Iartmsbun:;, Iowa B \7\. Moore succeeds Ed", ard J\loore 111 the retaIl fur111tm e bu S111ess at Georgetown, III Dora Cornett, furnIture dealer of P111evl11e. Ky, has made an ass1gnment for the benefit of credItors The \Yalte ChaIr company factory at BaldWIn", die, 1\T ass, 1" runmng m ertIme 111order to fill ru"h orders Derry beny & Forbes "ucceed \\ orkman & Derryberry, fur111tnre and Implement dealers 111NO! th PlaUe, 1\ ebr '1he Bl11m~'-,le) T'urmture and Hard\', are company-C A and II E B11hng"le}-of Hovve, Okla, ha" gone 111tObank-ruptc) John KlOetes, supenntendent of the Phoemx ChaIr fac-tory, Shebo}gan, \\ 1", dropped dead on \member 30 Heart d1"ease RepOlt" from :ene, Pa, "tate that the Kalz :\Tattre"s :\lan-ufactunng com pan} of ChIcago v. III move theIr plant to Ene 111 the neal future } rank 13 \\ 111egar of the \\' megar FurnIture company, dealers, Grand RapIds, JVlIch, has gone to Los Angele", Cal to spend the w111ter 'Lhe J \\ Owen" }ur111tme Company succeeds R A l~etSe In the retaIl furnIture bus111ess at ~ ev. man, Ga The "tock "'111 be enlarged The \\ eeks }url11ture company, dealers of \Yoonsocket, R I, IS 111finanCIal dlfficulty Crechtors hay e se1zed a pal t of the stock on attachments The plant of the lIreproof lurl11ture and Con'-,t! uctlon Company at HamIlton, OhIO, was v\fecked by a C)c1one-damaged to the extent of $1,000 01 more The Sydnor & Hundley company, 111cOlporated. of R1Ch-mond, \ a, are celebratmg then 21 '3t anmver'-,ar} V\ Ith a great sale of hohela} goocb at "peCIal pnces Le"ter D treed" Ice-pre"Ident and manager of the Freed Fml11ture company ha" been elected a" a dn ect01 of the Merchants Dank of Salt Lake CIty, Utah ChaIle'-, C Chapman, a farnous Old \I1SSlO11orange 2;rowe1 ot Fullerton, ha" purchased J E Stone's 111terest 111the Del- (VIer 1,url11tm e Company of }j Centre, Cal C F Boyett 1'-, now "ole owner of the Blakel) (Ga) lurl11ture and Harel,,; al e company, ha'Ing bought the 111ter-e" t" of C } Coleman and R \\ L"nden,ood The Cap1tal }t1ll11ture compan} of Lansmg, 1\IIch, manu-factmers of dre"ser" and chlifol11ers, hay e let cont!acts for the ercctIOn of a lal ge bnck addltlOn to theIr plant The Sellew- \;\ allace company of \7\ aterbury nov. c1a 1111 to be the largest furl11tm e 1eta11 furnIture dealel s in Conn 1 he} u"e 35,000 feet of floor space, and employ 15 salesmen J P Gptegrme of \\ llham E LptegloH & Bro, of New York CIty and of VpteglO, e & BeckWIth of Gland RapId" was 111the CIty of Grand Rapids from :\1:onday untIl Thursda}, thIS week George "[,dV\ard Rlechman, chIef accountant for the Globe lurmture Company of Evan"v1lle, Ind and J\I1"s Helen A Umbach were man led at the home of the hnde 111I\ ansvIlle on :"rovember 26 Henr} \Volke, preSIdent of the II \\ olke FurnIture com-pany of Lou!::>, 111e, Ky, (hed of sp111al trouble 111 N m cmbel 30, at I'a'3adena, Cal, where he ha'3 rnacle IllS ,\ mter hOlne for several yeals What to Buy and Where. \V dlter Clark al wa}.., has on hand a large "tock of TII'-,h glue ready for U11lnedlate shlpmcnt r\ .. . .- -- -----_._._._. _._-_._._-_. _._._.,III IMPROVED, EASY AND ELEVAT 0 RS QUICK RAISING Belt, ElectrIC and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furmture Stores Send for Catalogne and Pnce •. KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St., Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co.. 3~3 Pro.pect St., Cleveland, 0 , 108 11th St, Omaha, Neb, 120 Cedar St , New York CIty. 1.- ._. - .-_.- -_ _ ~ 26 \\ E E K L Y ------------ ._--------------------- ----------------~ Mahogany Circassian Walnut Quartered Oak Walnut Curly Maple Bird's Eye Maple Basswood Ash Elm Birch Maple Poplar Gum Oak II I 6-. GEORGE J. KINDEL AS A LIVE WIRE Famous Denver Manufacturer ~Iakes :l'Iuch "Copy" for Newspapers and His City "on the Map:' George J Kmdel manufdcturel of bedcllng supphes, ot Denver, Col. who forced the railroad" to abandon then plOpO "Ition to ral'ie heIght rate,> bet\A,een \eV\ YOlk and TeAa" Oklahoma, Colorado and Ltah pomt'> 'Ia Gah e"ton and othel (,.ul£ ports, "eem~ to be a "on ot In e "II e He IS cel taml) a promment figure In Den' er The new "paper" gn e mort "pace to hI'> ~aymg" and dOIngs than to those of an} othel man In the "tate He '>eem'i to be a ,el "atIle "knocker al-ways I eady for a fight agamst V\hat he belle, e'> to be \\ long and IS usually "ucce'>sful -\" WIll be '>een m the tollcl\\ Illg quotatIOns from the Del \ er 'llme'i he I'> lu"t nm, engaged m a war agam"t what he believe" are eAtm tlOllate pI Ice" for coal "George J Kmdel's letter to the TIme" ,e..,tel eLL' bnng" home the forceful mCj1111, \\ III De'l\ CI ,>upmeh endure the extraordmary gl dft of the transportatIOn tllht In the freIght rate on coal from the northeln field? "Kmdel make~ a battle call He shovvs vd1ere the people may fIght WIth certall1t} of some kmd of tnumph Cal r} the case on complaInt to the state I allway comml~SIOIl It the commISSIOn has power to act and WIll not act (" hlch I'> sCdrcely po~slble), get a new COmmlS'ilOn If the commISSIon would reduce the rate but cannot enforce It" order'>, get a new law "There are ample precedents to JustIfy the demand for the reductIOn The mterstate commel ce comml~'>lon I uled that the rate, LOl11'ivllle to Den,er, V\a" tWIce a" hIgh a'- a leason able and JU'it rate The "tate ralll oad comml'>~lon reCjl11red and obtamed a reductlon m the case of coal rate'i Denver to Central CIty "It IS certam, from the charactel and abllltv of the men on the state comml~"lon, that a complamt m the Cd'ie of lates, LOl11svllle to Den' er, vvould recen e l111mecllate con ..,lderatlOn and that all pos"lble rehef ,A,ould be affOl decl Let cltlzens bear in mmd, a" The TImes has been assured b} operator'i, that 111JU'it whatever amount the freight rate ~hal1 be reduced the pnce of coal 111Dem er WIll be reduced That l'i somethmg vvorth fightmg fOI " ~Ir Kmdel doe" not U'ie all hl'i fig-ht111g ablllt, aga111'it the rallroad~ and bus111es'i monopohe~ He take'i a promI-nent part 111the dISCUSSIon of nearly all public poliCIes and helps to abolish abuse" and nght man, \\ ron'S'i Here h an extract from another Denv cr ncV\ 'ipape, of recent date wlllch fur111she'i a good example of hiS methocl" -\RTISAN -----------_._---- IIIII I I ------ ---4 Foreign and Domestic Woods, Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. "The tuberculo'il" exhIbit dt 1745 \rapahoe street vva" npped wiele open, both literally and figl11atlvely, when George J Kmdel addre'i'ied the meetmg held last 111ght for the benefit of the bUS111e,,'i men KlI1del'" fir'it objectIOn was to the place of holclmg the meet111g 'You preach fresh sIr," he saId, "but there IS no fre'ih air m thl'i room" Then he paId hIS I espects to the model exhIbIt Here are t\\ 0 sample rooms,' he cont111ued, "one show-mg "dl1ltan and the other un"al1ltary conditIon ~ I have tak-en matellal out of the mattres"e" On both beel" Nothing but HEYMAN'S HEYMAN'S HEYMAN'S HEYMAN'S going to be~.-..c ......... froze up all winter? ~~ W~ -or get a Garland? The re olv ng firepot s found on Garland Stoves and GARLANDS ONLY It s a. v1Iuable patent devce that enables YOUby one 1 !tIe tw t of the crank tocean hefirepot of a accumulaton of ashes and cl nkers that retard t'hehea! from rad a ngto eout s de of the stove r s worth ts we gl n go d to.,ne that wants full val eforeverydt> a spent for coal It s no expenmen hu nc mos prac C'I common ense and ~cent fic feature e er added to a hard coa heater regardless ofwha the otherfel1oy, says Look nto I before you pay YOUrgood money for a coal s ove- t 11be better than to WISH you had HEYMAN COMPANY 47-61 Canal Street A Sample AdvertIsement filthy shoddy 1he one flam the clean and the one from the unclean room. both full of mtlhon" of germs The rags whIch sO mto "hoddy are bought 1n man} l11"tance" from pest house" and ho'>pltal'i I hay e known ( f 1I1"tance~ In Denver where such V\as the ca~e Only the other day a I11dn dIed here of tuberculo'il" after a lcng IlIne"" HI'> body VI a3 sent ea"t Do 'ou know what wa" done With the l11attle% on whIch he had been "leepmg' It" a~ sold to an auctlon company, "hllh m "elll11g It agdln did not "ee fit to 'itate that the la'it pcr~on who had "Ie] t on It dIed of tuberculOSIs Dr Bartlett ,>ale! I V\ ould plObably mJect freIght rate" mto tIll'> meetmg I \\111 1m g0ll1g to shoVl what freight WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 rates have to do "'Ith tuberculosIs On account of these high rates, mattresses made of :ohoddy, the manufacture of which IS forbidden m many ::,tdte., are made here by a number of people Shoddy is mdde of old rag:o pIcked up m the guttel:O and streets and alleys It I., nothm~ but refuse and filth chopped up fine and placed 111 mattresses "The fl elgh t rate" on the proper matenal to make clean and sanital} mattres"es are so 11lgh as to make them cost beyond all reason 1 have heen fightmg the use of "hoddy for fifteen years "I haven't got tUberculo"ls, because I sleep wIth my windows open, eat apples and don't smoke 1 have a sana-torium of my own m ,Vest Colfax There al e forty acres and a board1l1~ house, and anybody who has a tent IS wel-come to pl"lch It over there and bve 111 the open" Tried to Indict Himself. Mr Kmdel hds been fightmg the shoddy bedding for years as IS shown by the tollowmg taken from a lettel that he addressed to the Amencan Health ASSOCIatIOn m September, 1895, "For years I have ea1l1e:otly endeavored to bring about reform in the manufactunng of beddmg In the mterest of pure and healthy beddmg, I three years ago, VISIted the health authones of the cItIes of ChIcago, St LOUIS, Cmcinnati, Boffalo, and New York City Also those of Liverpool and London, England "N ear New York cIty IS ma11ufactured today, a shoddy (rag) comforter that is sold m every cIty In the United States Shoddy (rag) mattte"ses are manufactured m every city of 100,000 inhabitant-, In OUI beautiful city of Denver, there are two such manufactunes, my own, and that of Kent & Stuch-field It is not by chOlce. but hy compulSIOn that they are made here ChIcago, Omaha, Lmcoln and ,Vlchlta sh~p them 111 by the car load, hence, we must make them or go out of the bedd\1l~ bus111ess, as 111thl" sectIOn four-fifths of the bedding IS made of thIS \ lIe .,tuff "In addltlOn to the nottce of thIS subject to the State Board of Health (see page four), I have again called the attentIOn of our esteemed HOdl d of Health to thIS subject, ",hlle a member of the (,rdnd Jllr) 111Apnl 1894, when I endeavored to mdlct m} self for makmg thiS dangerous bed fillmg We had the:oe medIcal officers before us to give expert testImony They cllffered WIdely Some went so far as to say that there ",as nothmg unhealthy, or dan~erous about it, )Jeedless to -.ay, the Gland Jury dId nothmg, ex.- cept to make a slw;ht mentton III theIr report to the court about it "So long as there IS no natIOnal law governmg the sub- Ject, Just so long wl1l these goods be manufactured and sold "nder the mnocent tItle of wool beddmg Every dry goo~ and house furl11shmg goods store have these goods on theIr counters" Mr Kmdel fay ors the enactment of state or natIOnal lav\s to prohibit the use of .,hoddy in the manufacture of bed dmg "We have mIlk mspectors, meat mspectors, etc ," he says, "why not have shoddy 1l1spectors to guard the publlc health, WIth law" reqmrmg effectIve fumIgatIOn of all second hand matenal that goes mto beddmg~" Advises the Women. The 'Voman's Club Journal of SaturdaJ, December 4, 1909, pubhshed the followmg letter glvmg l\Ir Kmdel's vIews on "The J\eed of TlansportatlOn Reform": In thIS day and age, fearless and patriotIC men of the "I WILL" pattern, like Col D C Dodge, Col D F Day and Judge Ben Lmdsey, are as few and far between as are the snowclad peaks 111our Rocky Mountams WHY? Becau"e the a\ erage man can not afford to champIOn a cause of the people Only mll110nalres llke Geo Washington and Rudolph Spreckles can I11dulge themselves In such commendable WOlk WIthout coml11g to gnef The system IS as cruel and oppressIve now as evel The methods, but not the results have changed Notwlthstandmg iA oman has been enfranchhed more than a dozen years m Colorado c011clltlOns are much the same as when "mere" man had an eAclus1Ve fight In pohtlcS Colorado women have not yet ma11lfested much mterest In commercIal affaIrs OtherWIse such a Joke (not found 111Puck or Judge), as Dem er payIng 100 per cent hIgher freIght and express rate per ton per mIle than any other CIty of Its sIze In the U11l0n, would not be perpetrated on u<; Coal rates, too, are 100 pel cent hlghel f10m LoU!sVllle to Denver than the "ame haul iA hen consIgned to our Ea<;tel n nelghbor<; Evel y commodIty that we eat or wear IS "ubj ect to thIS system of extOl tlO11 It h WIthout questIon expensIVe to live In Colorado, but It IS even mOle expen<;lve to dIe In proof of that, I iA ould P0111t out that to be cremated m Colorado costs nearly double as much a" It does either east or west of Colorado If you shIp a dead body by expl ess It co<;ts double the fare of a hve person, iA hlch Iule IS reversed when shlppmg a11lmals My adVIce to the wemen of Colorado IS to jam the Con-sumers League, and to th1l1k and "iudy before you vote the next t1l11e GEO J KINDEL , SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 28 ~IiIlnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association WEEKLY ARTISAN OFf< ICr RS-Prcslde t Lom') ] Puengef Ne\\ "llm \ lee PresIdent C Danielson Cannon Falls Treasurer, o \ 0 \IoLn Peter.."oIl Secretan W I Gr'lpP ] anes\ tile E'\TCL TIVE C0\1\[[ j 1 EcF-D F RILh'uelson '1Olthfield Geo Klme Mankato W L Harns 'VlrnneapolJs, o SImons Glencoe '\1 L KlIne St Peter BULLETIN No. 62. THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ~"pe the CellI ot the pi eStele nt the e,ecutn e C011111111,1e n e1 1Ll11hato, 1\,1111n 011 1 uesd I} (\ enl11g "0\ embel 30 to 1111 H;e 1 I allel c1cc1c1e upon thl c11te" 01 lhe C0111111g COI1\ cntlOn Ihe 1 e )( 1t, of thc arh el tlsll1g comllllttee bllYJllf?; eomn11ttee 'wc1 the seCl et l1' \\ere lelel anel reee1\td T,lC 111'1ttlr (\ Lett1Jl'g sUJtlb1c (hL 101 thc COll\ entlO11 seemeel to bl the h 11de ,t let \11 1,elm L thL con n IltL( 1 hc luneral elnectch nd\ l Ltt thCll (htLo t(l! ] L111u t \ " 9 III n wh'ch \\111 mdke It Imp h'lbk to meet tlL LlmL \\LLh \\It'Wl'l \( ldppmg on,e d tv If '\ e mcet the ,"me \\ Ld It \\ h tl Ul ~ht 1(1 \lS2ble to meet 11011c11) 'lnc1 1uL"c1 I}, thc 7th l11(1 bth (lLC'l 0, 01 L t 20 pel eellt of the funer 1 dll ector, Ire Iu 111tUIe de du" 1111" \\ III bnng the eon\ CI tlO11 to a dehL the S'lme c!ly that the IUllel'll (llree tors as,eK1'l tlon (pell " If thL majOllt} ot the mcmbus \\ l11t It the bll\l1L, LUmmJttLL will 11,1111tal11 d s'l111ple loom ot dLLoultwn lL tlu, on I eblUl1\ \ .., nc1 5 three c1a}" bef01e the lOn\elltwn opcn, 'lnd lOlltl11Ul11~ llle eldy ,lltel The tollO\\ln~ l0111nlttcC, \\L1e IPP01111UI C0l111111ttee on Pl06"ll11-Ple" L J BUL11':;U ( \)\11111'011 l 1 non raIl-; mc1 the seu et 11\ Comrmttee on Com el1[1 11 I r tll-r I:f "UU' 11 \f },11 1 'lnd D f' Rlchal d son Commlttee to Settle D Ite ot (on\ enlwl1-0 ::'1111011 GICl1C( Geo Kle1l1 dnd J J \V ollell J t \\ a, clee H\ed to 111 \ke thc lOnl111~ l11ellln~ LO l11tU cLtln~ \11(\ l11struc1l\e tn, t lt \\11\ be ,I hn'l11enl ]o"s 110t to he thul '1nd ~ct the [(ood th111gs \~ hJch wlll be sl\ Ll1 rn 01 du t, ~lt thL beLt pos SIble ddte and the be,t hl1ld oj cl lJlogr 1111 klldh Illl (Ut the -OjI )\\ 1116 blank 'lnd "lnc\ 10 the Slllc! \l} " l ..,\Il(le t) tne \ lnOlh C) Il S'n1\ VIe 111ect the "me \\cek thL lumldl cltrectcJl" meet) An SVIer 2 \V ould you come If \\ e met '1 VICl h 1\tll Ans\,er 3 A1C }OU '1 l11cmbu" ot Loth tlte I1111U 1 c\llLdmo 1 (1 our dssoclatlOn) An,wLr 4 Do yOU applO\( ot onc I,'OU III n , tlll1" c\ te, \\Ith()\ t consldel111g the other' AnsVI er 5 \Vl1'lt subject'> '11e nH)',t 111)l)J t l11t to \ ou \llSVI er 6 Sh,l11 \\ e mcllllt Ull '1 "1111ple I ( 011 ot U III 01 (\e1 'l( I10L leac1el s) Ans\\ er 7 \Voulc\ you jll efel to n II t 111 \h1 lH l)lolh ()1 111 St l' wI 1\ n-wer 8 Wh It snhjeds undu (!J"')lS"Hm \\ onlc\ m 11,c \ (U eo lH to COn\UltlOn 1l you \Jele 110t \Cl) much lltele,tlll' \nC\\ er 9 \Voulc1 a pnctle'll c1emonstr,ll1on ot hO\\ to rejrll b Illl)1 and cxec!slOl 111Irl" 'lnd c1eep 'u Ilche, 011 hnL tlll 1t u, Without Idi111-,\l1ng be of Im)lort l11ll to yOu) '\11SVIer 10 \Vlldt, 111 "\mil 111111cl 10 the 1110"t Import 1l1t tlnllg the aSSOLl,ltwn "\lOu\d do) '\n,\\ er 11II tIe, l'lc I'L do l10t nedect t\llS but fill 1t out 110"1' enc\ send IL \ln1l \()\\ tlUllh 01 It II }OU Vll11le,po11c! plompt1y, we pr01111Se to the hc,l COl1\(lltWll \Je h\\c e\er held 1hl m( -t lmpm t \l t COll"lclel '1tlon C'lmc under the head of C0111 n \111L Itlm- \mo11g \\hleh \\ s '111 OtllU II nol1ce flo111 Vvrn C fhon" \ lLe pll Ide nt l11ll h\1LlleSS l11111agel ot Montgomer} Vi/'lrc1 & CO II (hi el \1' tl1 t VlL \\ele \lOhtl11g the copynght laVl l1v con tl 'tl11~ t(11 11 11 \ lick Vllth the oveldra\\n 11!u"tlatlOns 111 their c~t 11 ~' \\ hI' h Ihe \ ,I 1111 'Ire COP) n[(htec1 1111S plalllly shO\\ s that \11 ,oultlln \\ lh l' effcctnl \\e ha\e refellecJ thIS matter to )\11 1,,,)(1 III Jll eumnllttee \\ I11ch \\ 111 nnke 111\ e~tJgatlOn and finc1 out \\ hUl Ol!1 11S11tS beg1l1 l11d le,l\ e off (01l1111lttec 011 111\ estl&;atlOn-T J (TI IPP SL c-rehl\ II I H'lll1S dnc1 D Buenger, p"hldent, \iV F RlLhardson L Association .Jottings. '1\ ,tun h t) modu n hlh111ess "lnt lnbllcatlOn 15 to ,naCJ1J1len \1111\ 111C\Lh l11h h 1\ e found that the key to success IS graelJL15 1 " " l \ 11 11 1, ulltlue or (, 'lggu Ited sl,lte111ellt In an "ae!" for \ III be blo\\-sht t) 1H;ht "( Ullel or \ ltel \1L \ 0\\ p\\sl11n'2, ) Ol!1 t 11 collectIon" as yO\\ shou1c1' \n edtl~ I 1'\ \ 11 d11 Lelul e lkc n,", e Imp l1[(n lS es'-,entJal to t'\ ery blb1l1ess kno11 \\ hit" (11 I e ~0111g to e!o betOl e you start," IS a bus111es~ 1111,lm th It t0111b 1 ~oo I ICC0111pa11lment to the S\ ste111'ltle eff 11[ 1hl cch ILL 01 dl e,pe rh 'lnd lllthontle, 011 puhhut) lS \cl\Lltl'" \l\Utl"C' \d\Clt1sel I I Keep at It cOllt1l1uo11'-,ly nl1el ,top Ole! P111neas T n \l n11m , 1(\ "omethlllf?; \\ hen he sale! tlMt the \melll'ln people 1Jke to be h\\mbugged 1hIS exp1al11s the eXhtellce t 111 J1 01()0 house' 11 \ rm \1 llt t bl111(\ up } 0\\1 bu,111e,s 111st ach ertJsc ,Illd \\se 11e\\ 1 h U tl'ln~ m dIll dl tlle 111' e II vr \\ W'lnt to \dHlW \\ho lS [(01l1g t)pnTO thh (I}l! Llld'cl '\ bl1ol11e,,, 111'ln \\ hell lsked te 1 methods the othel c!l) ,,'l\ l thl" '111 } ou C'ln 111d-"et the money The re tl "cerct of ''l\esm'lJ1s11ljl 10 to know your customel Get ( n lhe Ille11l1l) ",de 01 11111 Be }our most U'lCllal sell dnc\ meet and tll It 111n1 IS 1 11lCI cl 11th th \l1 '1 bU'ol11c"s man J) 1 t \ 111(1 r L 1 ,I n111\1te befole orJcr111g; g;oods bIt Ie mllll),ll th It '1 ~ u ,e! '-( k \\ dl r I ngcel ddds forelbl) to yOUl sell111'S pc \\ el l11d h 1 det'lll of tile \\ 01 k \' ll1ch } 0\\ cdnnot afforc1 to neglect 1\ Ll \ Jum shoule! ha\ e a In e m,1l11l1g hst-not a llrge Iht but \ (I) ,ele etone \\ hit \1 e lTle'lll by a \ ely select hst IS people In 111l1du lte UrCUlTlLt'lnCe" chosen hom the gleat prosperous, lluc1elle ellS, the Il nl11tlOn of moderll b\\s1l1ess Get the best there lS gOl11g, get \ \\J,e n elch mt \\110 seeks sound "nceess w1ll see to lt that he 11 , tjl1'\ht\ f.,ood" bcll1nr\ 1110 ,t<!\eltJ"mg For lt lS "gooc1s of Cjual 11\ th It m \he Tnt the [(ooel 1111 11,tlllg nd111e of a bus1I1ess estab h'l1ucnt Shpk 11L1eles 1 e 11C\ Ll sold 'It bdrga1n COUlltel pnees ami Jf you &;L1 stUll, b) pllLmf?; 11 OlelU ot thiS h1l1el \\lth '1 film outslde the "1 lie Jt n uLt he ,our 10" \\ lth no opportul1lty of lehef by the la\\ s (I the -t \i e Don't drop yOUl ac1, C11l"1I1g 111 the CjUlet "eaSOll, ThlS 15 toe tllTl' \\ IIUl \ ou should S11I\ I to nnke bus1l1ess Yuu wlll not only 11 (11(1 the qUilt t1111(, hut Ihc lush \\111 he better when tl1e seaSOll U 111CC, 'lIe 111 1 r\ U} bU'1l1e " house 110\\ lellYS sLoulc1 hd\ e a thorough up to cl te follow up ,\ ,(cm It IS 111pOI t l11t l1J fact nece-,salY, 111 these WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 of IllS ~tole \\ IS sl11dshee! hy hl11s],ll" dlVI a t[Ul11tJty of gooe!.., t 11,\n Vv ltllln one 110ur dHe1 OPLI1111~ hh stOl e the 11L),t 1ll011l1n\S, the P10- [l11et01 hue! the follo\\lllg slgn plecee! 011 the v,llldO\\ Burgllls dll\ th1' I Om \Sood, al e ,0 nobby me! tempt11lg tInt they ctwld not rec,l,t Llkmg thel11 , Thmh l11cls Of people ,toppld to look ,1t tl1L c,m,t"hul ,\ l1ldm\ d1Hl slgn ,l1ld ,I ldl ge number 01 th1m \\ alked 111 mcl m tIle a [lurch t"C \ftCl \\ cl tIs th\) wonl\u ed how thcy h,lp pl nee! to buy r?7 ,,) G6-ThlS lYlds~l\ Ilblan TcLble IS l'Ylade of genUIne qu 11tOE:d oak goluen O<.1k fInIsh and hIghl, 1:))ll"'lhcd It ha~ top 44 11 x?q In ::Iud a dC'C'p hpa\, nm It 1"- \,,('11 SUPPOlted t'\ \(1"\ lal6'E' legs \\J11(11. dIe r'i In ",qUlle dt U 8 bottom '1 he CUl\ftl fe t a,lE' 1 Inches atlOS'::; '.Olp the lcug( tllcL,,\E:'l TIlt' pllC'(,- of thIS t':\.ble- l1as a h anC\ d QOID0 bnt It 1~ btll1 cL bis bargd n \\ L can fUl111Sh thlb to aUI me1'1l~LlS f n ~13 2") pI ogJ e"c;n e tlmL, that pl0v1:o1On be mae!e f01 1efell1l1\!; tc) pI evlOU.., C011lspone!UJce \\ tthout ,1 moment, dc1dy Up to date the merchant.., take ihClr loss cady TIns keeps the stock free from stIckers dnd here 1S \\ hel e many country 111ercllclnts fall dm~n They dre afr'lld tn cut pnc1S bdo\\ U),t ~11l1 so h \112, onto thl11 "Clods untl\ they dl e h H11v shop \I orn Some of lJe lllClcJldnts flll to uppreLtdte tl1<\t youn" An'Cl1Cl I' I, l)\,111" tOl thc ,( 1 Y \test The 111er1ha11t \\ ho £'lliS ,0 'P])1 eU,ltc thl> slLLniJ{Jn ,ncl tJ\C ch'\1H!,es th \t ,ire tdk1l1~ phce ,long- till, 11nc, llld 1 dtu t kc ( 1'( \\ l1tch 111hh trouser, ancl c;et next fhel e dre some store.., thdt Just ..,t11ke your LWLy dthoulSh t 11 pl1ces ,11e not ,ppedl1l1,s 'we! the ;:;ooc!s nothlnc; CAU J It 1, the t n oophel e oj the pIlLe The rc '''011 f01 thl" IS tl'dt the f,11ow In C l 1M", hI'> f'llce of c1ur,lcter llltlltne .,'111jJ thy dde! perh,p.., Juct AOC'c\ 0\ 1- h"lllol1ec! Abe L1I1coln 10\ e of hU11ld111tv The 11101to of the m 1\ 01 cle.r n1<1n dS apphecl tu poht '" 1" P "lbly "orne v\ III be angl y but \\ c \\ 111 sLl11d b} tile I \\\ of 1\ el, r.;~" In bU,111es, It h Po<;slbly "ome merchd11h V,I1! bc mg1 y hut 'A c \\ 111 ..,tlnd by the 1 \\ that thuL 1, a '-uckel born eve"\ m1l1ute Jnd If vIe c;et the .,uckel' , the 1uerch 1.nts can ha, e the rest" A. hUSl1lcc" 111,111"ys \ve IfC clrcul111L111g lAtUl'lvdv In 1 finu 1t exU c111d} I e..,ultfu] On, n 1.\ l1 g' ot ev el \ thl ce months we gct 111 touLh \\1th OUl patlon5 \\lth ,( 1>11t111n,; 5e ,on,ble e'1ouc;h to \\ alfant our ,Idclt e',Smg them nd lln 111(\1112,them that vie ,rL up to date and \\ ant the11 fm thcr f ,01 s The [JeonIe hke to lle C) ,- sldeled and appeuled to a, rq,ulll !Jel110jlS of I 1el1,bk "tOll n ,t!\\dVS respond genel0usly to 1ts speCIal o[fellng;s" 1he\e ale some men 'AnOSe 1nhl1e to ,uc1ccd 111 hte 1" '111job lcm to others dS ,",ell a, to thcm,eh1s They \1e 1l1clc1,tIIOUS, p u dent ,md economIcal, yet alter ,l \011(( Ide of sttn111g old ,((e 1'11 C!' them "ttll poor They s, y Llt1 15 a4am,t them hut the f ICt 13 thn 11'1\ e n11stdken actn It) fOl energy Re t! enCl g} 10 persev erm.f, "teady dl"clplme \ It ne\ e\ looses SIght of the object to be accorn plhhec1 110r stops t01 a11} t\lln\!; \\ hl1e thcle IS a posslbllth of success \11S£01 tnne5 m ly .,omcttmcc, be tUl ned l11to ,I prohtable arI, el ll5cment as ,ho\\n by, 1'\ew YOlt mLrchant The sho\\ \\l11c100. -£'111"\ 111~e libl'1l ttt1L l,:v~, a top JLx3( 11\ hes It IS nn.dC' Qut )f bf'lu h d oak stock an 1 JS \ 021).- "l It finlsh<:d 1 he s11 1£ IS 1&1....,( '"1ll\1 100 111Y 'rIlel€, 1<" a nIce SIzed dld\\el 111 the top ana It 1<., In e,€ly "'i\a'\ a good piece of fUl111tUl( F)~-~O F2J-'J"o F'J)-No rz 2-1'. \1 'G L(lnal \ TcLOh qual t.en d oak top plc1111 o3.k shelf and 11m ~3 70 quarllled oak top and shelf plcLll1 oak urn -r-1.20 ,) all qual t;:::.rec1 oak 11ke cut ~4-.60. 27 all pl~ln odk ~~.50 1 10-1\ 0 B) ) Tll1~ al tl".,tlC lune-ebb DiE "'''81 112b a ""enUlllf' qu ...l1 t< u'l oak fl )nt '11 \.1 up 'T'he tcp IS 11 x) and It has a 3u x 1\) ~la<;'" lhe canIng- IS \el\ ta~tefulls elOl t' Jncl dOlls a l1all1tJ. finl"",hlr2; touch It l1as one Ial ~f' ura\\ er a 1(1 bi 0 "nlallel oneb Note tll( Si\ ell front T1ub <'heSSl 1 furUl<..,!1ec1 to OUi HI mbers for $1190 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN '~ Am-tx-l:('utt 1itlow-cr Q!.lfurpaug fl. ., SJJ:?O~~O GENERAL OffICES DetrOIt '1Kh WORKS Detroit MICh [, Tr~ N Y ~ This plant runnlno In IQUITOS, PERU ATLANTA Progress in New York. The archItects of the great hvm Imtlchngs to be elec-ted for the 1'\ew Y 01 k Jur11lture Fxchange ha \ e no\\ made theIr final dra wmgs repre"entmg the extenor" of these 'Ottuc-ture" The"e dra\ovmg" 1J1chcate plamlv enOlH:;h that the hUlld1l1gs WIll be more ornate and e\ en more c,uperh than first mtended It hac: heen found poc,"lhle to add archltec tural features of stnklng- beauh \\ htle e\ en po""lhlc con v enlence WIll be mtroduced 111ac cordance \vIth the O1I~lIlal plan s \\'hlle the a1chltect" dre complet1l1~ their pal t a1Jc1 perfectm~ then plan" and whtle the \ a"t amount of ,tructur-al WOIk IS gomg on, the managers of the Exchange and the11 a",sl"tants al e no lc,," bus\ m prepaJ mg t01 the VI ar- 1anted expanslOn of the ente1]1n"e I'helr labol lIlclucles the a"slgnment of "pdce" a" manufacture" make knc)\\ n the1r reqmrements and the cltaV\111gof lea"e" f01 tl10"e \\ Ish mg" to parttclpate and forehanded cnou£;h not to "alt hut to act before some othel concern hd" "ecured the space ])e"t meetlllg then w1she" \\ hde for man} rea~CJ11Sone locatlOn wlthm the bmldllll; mdY be con"ldered as deSIrable dS an other, man} manufacturel" ha\ e thClr md1\ 1dual preferences These preference" ale met and satJ"fied 111 the case of earh apphcat1C'n<., \nother and Ver} 1mpOl tant part of the ldbor of the man-cl£; ement IS the prejJdl atlOn of data COllcernm" the ]n1\ cr" 111 the \CW YOlk market The compdatlOn of h'Ots of the",e bu} er" 1l1clude" not onl} theIr name, but a tabulatIOn at their need" and of the l1Ouse" they repre"ent "ith c,tate-ments of the ascertdmecl caplt,d "tc'ck latlllg of these \s th1S compl1atJon plOceech, the l111p01tance of the purcha"1l1g po'" er eAerClsed 111 Xew York becomes more and more ap parent The comp1latlOn 1l1cludes not only buyer" of ftuDI-ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR direct connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE will electric Nght your plant, run fans, etc, and if you are now bu~ing current, will pay you in saving 25% PER ANNUM ( Write for proof of above.) 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES are generating thousands of kilo-watts al
- Date Created:
- 1909-12-11T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:24
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty=Eig,hthYear-No.2 JULY 25, 1907 Semi-Monthly Colonial Dining Room Pieces FROM THE LINE OF \r= ~7 "THE BETTER MAKE" ~=~ WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR UNE Bedroom, and Dinin~ Room Furniture ---- SUITES TO MATCH ---- NELSON.MATTER FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Factory and Salesroom, 37 Canal Street \ l!===«:';~T' - ,i;.~'.';Mi:'.". Why Biggest in the World? At the coming Furniture Exposition at Grand Rapids (opening June 17.) and that in New York (from July 15th to August 3d.) the Northern Furniture Company will as usual. have the largest space of any American Manufacturer. Though but a few years old. the Northern makes more bed-room. dining-room.and kitchen furniturethan any 'other manufacturer in this country. and that means in the world. .WHY? Why was Northern space last year more crowded than any other at these two expositions? BECAUSE-The Northern line sells best on the floorsof the retail dealers. It's a quick mover. It doesn't get stuck. It givessatisfaction. The prices are the kind the people want-not so low as to necessitate poor workmanship. not so high as to be fancy. The Northern line is noted for its elegant simplicity. It is stylish without being over-ornamented. It is substantial without being gaudy. It looks well for years and it wears well for years. It is solid all the way through. It has inner quality as well as outer quality. And the people know it. Do you know it? Call and see us. You yourself will then know WHY. The plates on this page are but a suggestionof our enormousline. NORTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY Sheboygan, Wisconsin - THE VICTOR WAS ~~~~=:::O: VICTORIOUS The victory was complete. Our exhibition of an en-tire new line of Victors and a full line of EXTENSION TABLES at 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago, did the busi-ness. Write for new catalogue. Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co. Detroit, Michigan 1 p l JH!fiT ir 'ii) uDUt; L 15 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.. JULY 25. 1907. ==========,'~ ~========= STORE METHODS AND MANAGErENT. I Various Expressions of Ideas and Opinions en Mail Order Business, Stock~Keeping, "Shopping'I' Etc. During the summer sales season the Daily )Artisan-Record as usual, published numerous interviews with frrniture buyers and sellers, m~nufactt1rers and dealers ou toPjcs supposed to he uf general mterest to those in any way connected with the trade or industry. The dealers \..'~ere questibned in regard to their methods of store management-mail larder business, keeping stock records, "shop talk," treatm~llt of chronic "shoppers," etc., and as their ideas and opinions will be of interest and perhaps valuable to many readers of the Michigan Artisan, some of the talks ha ve been condenscld and are here reprinted: ! W. N. Artz of Dayton, O.-;.lail order b~~sincss, as it is genC1"allyU1Hkrstood both by the furniture tl'atle and the pub-lic at large, is not being extended in the wa~1of 1lew enter-prises directly jJl that 11ne. It is dominated b a few big C011- cem~ which carry immense stocks and their .eld covers the nation and evcn lands beyond the confllles ff our country. Their system, to say nothing of the great capitalization em-ployed to ·wield it and the years of success ubparallcled, has given them a firm seat on the commercial thro~e, but the car-rying of sufficient stocks by the legitimate, pbrhaps I might better say the regular merchant class, for the ~cconl1nodatiOl1 of trade within a big; radius of the respecti~'e locations of such establishments, I helieve to be au the Increase. The falling away in this line of business endeavorJ is among con-cerns assuming. a high sonnding title, emploYlng about all of their available cash in advertising space, ,;m€1., ·whencver an order comes in, running to some manl1factu~er to buy the goods with which to J-i.1l it. Such dealers ha,e no legitimate standing in the mercantile \vorld. They are simply agents of the factories, in many instances carrying 01business under their own names, but simply agents regardl S5 of that pre-tension. In some instances they have no age ICY connection, but a working arrangement with manufactulJlers and simply secure a commission on sales. Such dealers are more thor-oughly understood by the public today tha] formerly and cannot long remain a factor in competition wit 1 the legitimate dealer nor the big mail order enterprises. 1\ow, getting back to the regular dealer Iho is engaging in this distant patron service, I have said it fS growing, but consider it hardly fair to denominate it Urail order busi-ness. It is so, to a certain extent, and there is nothing par-ticulady obnoxious in the term, yet the dra]'ing of the line between the mail order house and the regular dealer has been so sharp, and there is such a feeling prevai J ling against the former on the part of the latter, that we rat er resent being classed with the mail order industry. Yet ,all it what you will, all enterprising dealers in furniture, dr~pery and other lines, located without the very largest eitie~ rre delving into this line of work with profit, and the trend 0 the times is to use all possiblities opened up through it. With our mvn 28th Year-No.2. $1.00 pe' Year. house we carryall the goods we think our distant patrons may need and they get just as good prices as the city custom-er, with the difference that the long haul and the cost of trans- Jlortation, together with the packing, is added. That is strictly legitltnate \vork, although the orders may come through a mail communcation. The reason at the bottom of this trade is the growth of the interurban roads. With us of Ohio and in the neighboring state of Indiana, you know, the electric interurban has reached its highest development. With us of Dayton, and with those houses located in otller cities of our state, it is not a matter of serving a community within a radius of forty or fifty miles but of three or four times that distance. These lines, at first, brought the customer into our cities and stores, he readily affording the low rates of fare and combiiling a pleasure trip to the city with his business mission. As this business grew, \"ie began to go after it. The customer first came to us, and HOW we are going after him, which is SaIne thing of a rever-sal of the customary trade formula. As the electric road brought in the country customer, so with the addition of pack-age and freight cars to its service, we have been sending our advertising matter and our wares to them. I am telling yoU how we work this phase of business in my establishment and it is all strictly legitimate and in ke~~pillg with the ac-cepted trade forms for furniturt: dealers of the old schooL THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes ., ....I'IUrACTUlrClJ ...... i.y BY CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CD. ZSg·63 ELSTONAVEmZ'16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACD. 4 ~MI9rIG7jN $ What is true of our method is true, with certain variations, wi~hvmost of the houses, in OUf ,city and with those of other communities, so {ar as 1. have knowledge of their workings. Stewart Brothers of Columbus have long featured the mail order d'cpartncnt a11d have made a success Of it. Their cata-logue is a big,selling factor in their business and they arc pushing this Qut-oi-town business for all it is worth. F) H.o Peavey of Peavey & Nash, Sioux City, Ia.~1\.Jait or~ <leT business, as it' is generally understood, has had a good field in our portion of the country. That is true of nearly all agricultural districts. \Vith the merchants it has been a problem for many years as to how to combat the competition we constantly meet from that source, but we have solved that problem, at least to a degree. vVe impress upon our pat-rons that with their home dealers they can get as good goods as the big mail order concerns can provide, and as cheaply. Better than this, the goods are right before their eyes for ex-amination. They can view our displays, make their selec-tions '\\'ith their eyes open, and in case eithe.r we or they make allY error we are both, buyer and seller, right together as neighbors and all mishaps can either be remedied or the cost thereof refunded. This method of dealing has appealed to the common sense of the farmer, and I believe theyare more and more inclined to carry their trade to their home dealers than. ever before, although it is but natural to expect that some of them stm give a portion of their patronage to the big corporations. .As to how far the regular dealers enter the wail order class. I would 110t hazard a guess. V'le have an exee'11ent·business yet a large portion of our trade is from the surrounding territory. V\'e issue no catalogues for the reason that styles change so frequently. We do get after them, though, through the medium of their weekly papers. The plan we follow is that generally employed by merchants in towns of our calibre and those catering to the agricultural masses.. Some do it by catalogue, some as we do, and some by both mediums. P. M. Gauchat of the Keim-Heffelman Company, Canton, O.-Themail order business is one of the evils which we have to contcnd with at Canton and we try to counteract it as much as possible by meeting the mail order house price. vVe do a considerable amount of business with what I call the middle-class trade and do not fmd much difficulty in convinc-ing them that we are treating them as well as the mail order houses, but on the other hand we do find it difficult to con-vinc'e the farmer trade and the more ignorant class in this matter. However, the most pronounced evil that we have to contend with is the competition we meet from a firm do-ing business a few miles from Canton. They arc selling their goods on a ten per cent basis,. that is to say, ten per cent above cost. They usually tell prospective customers, if they find any difficulty in selling them, that they will sell them the same kind of goods handled by competing houses at a price twenty-five per cent less than the price shown by their cata-logues. The movement has been started among Canton dealers to remedy this evil by refusing to purchase goods from the manufacturers selling that cOI).cern. G. A. Stowers of the Stowers Furniture Company, HOlls-- ton and San Antonio, Tex.-We have always done more or less mail order business in both houses. We get out an an-nual catalogue which i'g a trade incentive of big value to us. The territory tributary to u's and like communities is a legiti-mate field for our labors and we hav.e found it a most profit-able' one. Trade talks and selling points provide a profit-able subject for discussion among our selling forces and de-partment heads. \ It is a part of the system of the enterpriS"- ing .cstablishment today to keep posted on everything pertain-ing to business. This can best be effected by calling the men togethcr frequently and discllssing topics which are being generally talked over in our line of industry. These natur-ally bring out the original ideas of those who so gather, fos-ter a spirit of originality and. intitiative that might otherwise lie dormant, if not entirely. undiscovered. H.C. Silsbee of ElmiTa, N. Y.:------That mail order proposi-tion I don't know much about. I'm too old, too indisposed for tempestuous doillgsto go out after the country trade. If it comes, all right, but if not I have plenty of city patrons. Elmira has forty thousand inhabitants and is steadily increas-ing that number, so with no inclination to spread Ollt beyond my present limitations, it would be the height of folly' for me to go hustling after a lot of trade which in reality I do not want. To adequately care for this class of business would require catalogues or some such devices. You've got to have something to show these outside people before they will come into your store. You get back from this market and it .will take a couple of months or morc before you can get such a publication out. By the time you are getting any· re-turns from the distribution your stock will be low and it will be about time for yOUto go into the market again .. Sup-pose a man ordered a piece of goods of which you are out. You send to the factory and after a ,vait, yoU are informed that it has been rt1I1 out and that the plant is making no more. Then you are called upon for an explanaion that ex-plains nothing to the man or woman who wants the go?ds. E. A. Jennings of the C. F. Wing Company, New Bed-ford, Conn.~-As to mail order business by legitimate dealers-caring for the merchandise wants of a fairly large expanse of territory within their neighborhoods-that has been a policy with us for at least five years. VV' e issue a catalogue and the electric lines which traverse our part of the ...:ountry enabl~ us to give service which is a decided accommodation to the public and which not alone pays us big returns each year, but which has been a most efficient factor in bringing our house to the important position it occupies. By our system our stock accounts are kept fully posted each day, wbile the trial balance at the end of eac.h month shows almost to a cent ex-actly how we stand as to liabilities and assets. Each de-partment is treated· as a unit and there are some eight or t"'a of them. The purchases are added and +he. sales deducted with the margin of profit for each article and thus we arnvc at an accurate figure. It is a duty which takes precedence of almost everything else in our store ,to keep the posting right up to the minute, and thus at a glance we know at any time the information desired, how our stock stands for any particular item and what each line of goods and its integral parts are paying or losing for us. J. T. Clark of the Kirkpatrick Company, Denver,Colo.,...- The mail order business, I believe, is being t:xtended by the regular merchants of the country, making lts greatest pro-gress among the dealers in the smaller towns. Yet that is not altogether true, for in cities the size of Denver and even largcr, there is a tendency to extend the territory covered and to cater to districts within a wide radius. vVe carry a big stock of carpets, draperies and furniture. We have fully $100,000 invested and are in a position to care for the wants of customers for anything in these lines on demand and at prices which will beat, in many iustanees, those quoted by the big mail order houses. As to the merit of the products, there is no comparison! at least none that I will admit and 1 am rather fair minded, at that. Forrest L. Oilar of the Foster Furniture Company. Fort Wayne, Ind.-Mail order business, at least with us, has never appeared to be allY barrier to the growth of our trade nor the retention of the business of our old patrons. I am now speaking of the mail order business as conducted by the giants engaged in that class of mercantile work. FoT' the otbers, we never hear of them. We don't even have to resort to the cxpedient of showing our trade that we can sell them at first hand thc.same goods at as fair or better prices than the mail order concerns. They know us, they are our friends and fair dealing with them at all times has secured and retained their ct1~tom. \\le do not attempt to do mail order business, but we have a nice line of distant btisilless \vhich we assid-uously cultivate, though not by means of catalogue nor simi-lar devices. Our advertising consists of matter in the rural press at times, but in the main we confine our publicity cam-paigns to our local dailies. The illterurbans which give In~ diana such excel!c:nt service, and the rural free delivery are of great advantage to us. B. F. Huntley, a South Carolina manufacturer and dealer. -The· southern lllerchat1ts feel the effects of the big mail or-der houses and some of them have met the c0111petition to a certain extent by engaging- in that line themselves. Their plan }lJS proved effective in at kast cutting clown the vol~ ume of trade ~vhich, Jegitin,ately theirs formerly, '\'8S given to the: great establishments. 1 think you \",.il1hardly find any representative merchant who is not no,,\, carrying stock:,; from \,.,hich they can promptly furnish anything; their patrons may want. TllC mail order hOllse has a forceful way of g-et-ting at the consumer. Us ;Ich'crtising matter comes 10 the fireside and is alluring, hut the cOllntry Hlerchants today are extending their advertisements to meet such competition and they are meeting ·with success in the campaign. The mail order llOtlSC of the big type ".".i.I.1 doubtlesf1 be always with us, but in the future it ,,~rill have harder work /0 nwkc inroads tlpOn tIle trade of tbe country merchants than it h"s had ill the past, if tIle methods recently adopted are systematicall)' follm'llcd Ollt a.nd broadet1ed. Claudius Jones of Little Rock. Ark.-Little Rock is tl)O large a city hr its business hou~es to he inconveniel1r:ed through the inroads of mail order campaigns. \rv~e r10 a little of that sort of thillg ourselves, for we go out after distant business. I should say tlwt ollc-thitd of our volume of trade: comes from distant patrons and it is not alone profit-able, but it is growing all the time. "Ve issue 110 catalogues. I have discovered that styles change too frequently to make that a profitable sort of advertising agent. \Ve employ the rural papers generollsly <tl1dwe carry' \>tocks of !5taplc goods which enable us to pnnnptly care for <:lily demand made by the outside trade. C, K. Montgomery of Megary & Co., Wilmington, Del.- The "shoppers" are assuredly beneficial to us. ,Vc <ldver-tise to bring people to our store and once we get them there we take particular pains that they shall be il.ccorded such a cordial \'\'clcomc and such courteous treatment that they '\vi11 be. glad to come again. We do not expect every caller to prove a buyer; but we can at least show l1irn something wbleh will take his fancy. All this «shopping" helps advertise the house and is a iactor in proving its popldarity. Our stotk keeping is something similar to the card system, although a book is kept. The similarity lies in this book being a loose leaf ledger and it is kept right up to the minute all the time. That is an ordet' 'vhich none of us has the temerity to disre-gard, no 1118tter what his position ,'vith the house may be. From this ledger ,ve ('an tell at a glance just how we stand 011 each article and \ the measure of profit or loss may be upon each piece of goods. It is simple and it is handy, and what is more to the point, it is distinctly accurate. A. W. Crawford of Rudge, Quenzel & Co" Lincoln, Neb. -V'-/e have two cluhs in our store, the buyers' dt1b and the 5e11e·r5'club. Each meets once a month nnd naturally tl,e former is more restricted in its membership than the latter. There are sixteen buyers and heads of departnlcnts who belong to the' cluh. "Ve meet ;It smile hotel <tl1d discnss matters ,'vhich, while having their origin in the respective de-partmellts., still have a hearing Upon general husiness. Each meeting brings out something of value and that is communi~ cated to the selling force hy department heads to be worked out. Some meet with success, others fail. ¥lith the sellers the meeting is a general our forces which ::tre not on the office starr. gathering of all The department heads and frequently members of the finn meet with us. There is a regular set program,; certain papers are read,there is discussion of matters brought up in these and of timely :ar~ cles in the trade journals. vVe also ..a qucstio'n box which is opened each month and the questions pt·opounded are handed to some person to look up the information and re-port <:[t the next meeting. These clubs have been ·in exist-ence with us for sever;i! years and they are growitlg in in-terest and in ''''orth. Mrs. J. G. Grant of the Grant Furniture Company, New Orleans, La.-I am thoroughly convinced of the merit of trade talks with Out selling forces and of the development of commercial science. The plan of regular meetings with our helpers h2S been in vogue in our store for many years and the system Oil which it is conducted is strengthened. It bring-s us better ideas. \Vithin the last year these meetings have been held monthly at my home. I like to have the boys with me and they like it. 'Vile make some kind of a so-cial fUlJctioll of these gatberings, although while the friendly spirit and the good times provide the atmosphere of the meet-ings, we never lose sight of the fact that business and its :'>tudyis the foundation of the assembly. I have ideas myself, so docs 1-Ir. Kestler cmd our other department heads, but we arc not alone ill that. All of OUt men have ideas of their own and no man of the force, or ",voman either, is jn too ht1111blta position for any sugge~tion they advance to fail of meeting the 1110stcareful consideration. }fot all of the ideas are availahle-not all of them work out satisfactorily-but we canvas!; everyone tllat 1S ;ldvflnced. ,""'le take the trade journals and they arc read with care and with interest as well. All articles which have a general beating are marked for per-usal by employes in the establishment who could in anywise profit by the ideas advanced. Leading articles or new thoughts are discussed at our meetings and frequently papers and talk::; by members of oUr own staff Upon trade subjects are read. Commercialism is a science which we have long since recognized and which we study as carefully as we did our les-sons in our school days. C. L. Sandusky of Danville, 1lI.~,Talk over trade matters and smoothing out ~elling points? We certainly do. Not OUT house alone, but every merchant in Danville is well up in the science of selling goods. It is a regular practice to call our salesmen together once in every two Or three weeks, when points are thoroughly disc.ussed and every proposition which promises to advance the ability of our forces is can':' sidered. \Ve ha\'e <111 exceJJcnt merchants' assoc.iation in our city and last winter under the auspices of thls organization we gave a series of lectures for the benefit of the sales forces uf the various stores. The lecturer was Dr. Krebbs, who is the offic5al head of the Sheldon School of Salesmanship and his talks· were valuable. The effect of the lectures has been shown in the better 'work of oUr men. The high tone of sales-manship has become more g/;."nerally understood in the last few years than ever before. It is a profession and the quick-er tllC man realizes this and stttdie~ the systems which will increast his capacity for results the more quickly will he be-come interested in his work and the more quickly will his value be recognized by the merchants. John McLaren of ]. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.-There i:; but one system of keeping account of stock. That is the c<-:lrdsystem, which 1 have used for a couple of years with the aid of a young lady and I would not part with either systen1 or lndy for :l great deal. The system is all right and so is that young woman. She ~,va.sformerly a school teacher, but her hearing became affected and she had to seek other em-ployment. \Vhen I nrst took charge of the furniture depart-ment of OUr hottse-I had been in charge of others previously -we had two books as big as those back there (and he pointed to a big loose leaf ledger used in the Livingstori: lIotel). They were big and they were dirty, and aside from OUR NEW 1907 LINE OF ALASKA REFRIGERATORS with side ice chamber is made in twenty-one styles, zinc lined, white enamel and porcelain lined. Our cataloguewill interest you. Write for it. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR CO. Esclusive Refrigerator Manufacturer$, MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN. 6 bulk and uncleanliness it was. an awft11job to hunt up infor-mation in them. I got the card system and threw away the books. The cards are kept in two drawers and when a card becomes soiled it is thrown away and a clean one substituted. When goods come in they are entered upon a card; when they are sold they are checked off. All Ihave to do is to ask for the stock number. The card is promptly found; I glance at it and there is noted how many of that particular article I have on hand. If anyone has a better and handier method 0.£ keeping track of his goods, I should like to know it. S. A. Gusdorf of Gusdorf & Joseph, Baltimore, Md.-Our method of stock keeping is to give each salesman charge of some part of the stock and require him to keep track of it. It places responsibility upon him which develQps in him the buyer's and the manager's qualifications. We have alway,; found this practice to work to the end ·which it is desired to accomplish. It takes but little time in this manner to dis~ cover offhand just what stock we have in any particular de-partment. As to their individual method of keeping track of their charge, that is a matter which rests with them entirely. They probably have as many ways as there are men, but the result is the same-we know for the asking and at any time, what we have and what we need. Walter McManus of McManus Brothers, Elizabeth, N. J.-As to talking up selling points with our clerical forces, I believe in it thoroughly and not that alQue, but we have practiced the system for years. We gather our forces to~ gethcr at stated intervals for an interchange of ideas and any man who has an idea to advance is welcomed into our coun-cils, whether he is the newest clerk or the oldest salesman. You never can tell who will produce a good idea or when it will be advanced. \Ve arc not alone concerned 'with the ideas we develop ourselves. We are quite well aware that our competitors have some very excellent ideas of thir own and when one of these is brought to our notice we are not slow to talk it over with nut help a"d to incorporate it into our system, if we think advisable. This is not borrowing from them, but rather an interchange, for they are as welcome, as apparently they are free, in taking those we work out on our own account. Peter E. Pickard of Pickard Brothers, Fort Wayne. Ind. -We aim to keep our sellinR" forces fully posted On every-thing that tends to encourage the talent of the members. We hold nO -regular meetings, hut frequently have informal talks that tend to bring employers and employes closer to each other and also bring about better feeling and under-standing amOng the employers, We take the trade papers and whenever there is any article of more than ordinary merit and interest therein, matters which have a direct bear-ing on selling work, we call the attention of our men to it. They se'em eager to pick up anything that will give them bet-ter powers of selling and 1 have yet to witness the instance when a man has to be urged into the study which makes for his improvement in his calling. We do not depend alone on the trade journals nor other printed matter, We hav~ mig-inal ideas and we have sufficient respect for our competitors to know that they arc just as enterprising as we are. When-ever some new force is developed by one of the other houses we review it personally and if it stands our test as to availia-bility we pass it on to our men, S. K. Barstow of Vincent, Barstow & Co., Cleveland, 0.-. Through my banking affiliations I am closely in touch with financial affairs.. I confess that with the tightening of the ffiQney market in the spring I was on the lookout for squally times and the necessity for taking in business sail. No lam free to confess that the clouds have cleared away and that all looks bright ahead. There is no reason why the outlook should he otherwise. Labor is employed steadily and at good wages, regardless of the class one calls to mind. The crop reports assure good returns to the farmers and when the city man and the agriculturist are moving along at a prosper-ous pace, all is well for the country at large, its industries, commerce and its mercantile forces. R. F. Hellwig of EI Paso, Tex~-\Vc believe in any mod-ern device which will add tQ the syst.ematic working of our house and to this. end we long ago instituted a class among our salesmen which meets every, Monday evening. Each member reads the trade papers faithfully and is always pre-pared to intelligently discuss <).nynew topic which arises. We have the question box and any man with an -idea if> wel-comed, especially the idea. Not a meeting is permitted to adjourn without a clear threshing out of every topic that has been propounded, G. A. Gruetzner of Hespeler, Ont.-The trading stamp craze which yoU discussed several seaSOns ago interested me, Our government took a stand in that matter and the evil has been wiped out in the DominiQn. As lQ1\gas people have the desire to get something for nothing, just so long will that and similar "devices be invented and carried out to lure the un-wary. They are catch-penny devices so far as the trading public is concerned, but with those who operate the system they are accumulators of many dollars. The ha'rdest thing the young merchant has to learn is how to buy goods. Most bright young fellows, interested and determined, can quickly ·pick up knowledge regarding goods, salesmanship, system adapted to their immediate needs, etc. They can learn these things steadily and profit by them. When you buy right the hardest part of mer-chandising is over. A well-established house, old in experi-ence, says: 'IAvoid buying job lots, c.heap trash and too far ahead; It is not wise tQ buy of too many different houses." The Higher Degrees of Furniture Construction Have Been Taken by the ESTEY MANUFACTURING CO. For Workmanship -------------- For Quality CHAMBER SUITES No. 400 SIDEBOARDS and BUFFETS For Designs OWOSSO, MICH .----------------; " CATALOGUE MAILED TO THE TRADE ONLY For Finish 8 ·3t~MI9J-IIG?lN , 7l~Tlq;Jf£i1 ..,..- How to Avoid Car Shorta,e. Car shortage, or freight congestion, that annoys mer-chants and has caused numerous dashes between railroads and shippers is discussed by Chicago shippers and railway officials in a symposium of articles in the current number of System. "There is a possible method of increasing the carrying capacity of the railways tl1irty to forty per cent without the Made by Globe Furniture Co., EvansVille, Ind. purchase of another car or locoll1otive/' writes A. B. Stick-ney, president of the Chicago Great Western. "This can be accomplished," he continues, "by loading to the full capacity the cars which the railroads possess. Investigation proves that, aside from coal and ores, the average present loading of cars does not exceed sixty-five or seventy pe'r cent of their present capacity." F. A. Delano~ president of the \Vaba!'>h, protests against legislation hostile to the roads. He says: "One. of the effects of hostile legislation is to alarm illVeS-tors in railroad securities. They doubt whether railroads can successfully survive the hostility and investors who have fol-lowed the history of railroads in the United States, may well be alarmed." John M. Glenn, secretary of the Il1itlois Manufacturers' Association, urges the forming of associations by shippers. He says: "The railroads are strong on associations. They pay a lot of money to keep their various organizations going. When you prescl1t your case to a railroad it must go to an association. Kow, how is the business man going to reach the railroads unles1:i by united efforts." A Cross Road Merc:hant'sExperience. C. H. Rowland, who started business with a "handful" of goods at Casnovia, Mich., a few years ago, has built up a fair amount of trade and is an important factor in the business life of that little to,,,,·u. He occupies a double store of two :floors, and is noted for his energy and intelligence. The big mail order house,s of Chicago operate in his territory largely, but Mr. Rowland 15 contesting every ine\} of ground and holding his own. He watches the railroad freight depot, and "keeps tab" on every article that is shipped in from abroad. A short time ago he noticed a chamber suite at the station bearing the name of a, farmer living near the vil-lage. He readily identified the shipment as having been made by a mail order house. A day or two later the farmer called DU Mr. Rowland and asked the prices on a bed spring, mattresses, pillows and blankets. Mr. Rowland quickly add-ed something to the regular selling price of these articles and when the goods had been loaded and paid for, Mr. Rowland invited the customer to look at a suite he had in stock, stat-ing that he had never failed to meet the competition of the postal service merchants. The suite, as Mr. Rowland well knew, was a duplicate of the one the farmer had bought in Chicag-o and ~'hell Mr. Rowland named his price the cus-tomer recognized the fact that, adding the freight he had paid, the transaction with the mail order nouse had not heen pro-fitable. The farmer reported·· his experience to his neigh-bors, and 11£. Rowland "made the most" of the incident. There is a waning of interest in the offering5 of the mail order houses in Casnovia and vicinity. The Great Luce Line. The Luce Furniture Company, down in Pleasant Valley, are making a display of chamber and dining room furniture worth going hundreds of miles to see, In chamber fur-niture they show many beautiful patterns in mahogany, Cir-cassian walnut, golden quartered oak, bird's-eye maple amI curly bureh. Thi.s line is large enough and varied enough in woods, styles and prices to meet the demands of the most careful buyers. The dining room furniture is made up ill mahogany and oak, the latter mostly in dark finishes. The tables, buffets, chairs, etc., in this line are worthy of the most careful inspection, as they are certainly much above the aver-age. The buyers have taken a great fancy to the Luce line this year, and well they may. "Strat" Makes a New Alliance. H. V. Stratton, formerly and for many years a buyer for George Kelly of Philadelphia, has entered into a contract with S. F. Kauffman to manage the furniture section of his department store in Trenton, N. J. r ORAnDlIlunft RT. mun MOST ATTRACTIVE ROUTE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Tickets on sale daily until Nov. 30, 1907, at very low rates. Pas, sengers have choice of several routes. On season and sixty-day limits, liberal stop-over. Passengers may go one route and return via another. Full particulars at City Ticket Office, 97 Monroe street. Phones-Citizensl 5576; Bell, main, 576. C. A. JUSTIN, C. P. & T. A. ·~J:A.I9HIG7fN 9 The Monarch Push Button Chair EVERY PATTERN OF OUR WELL KNOWN LINE OF MORRIS CHAIRS WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH THIS PUSH BUTTON ATTACHMENT. THE MONARCH ,s Note the simple yet abso-lutely r-igid construction. Fully guaranteed and pro-tected by U. S. Letters Patent Nos. 653,452 and 648,715. Perfection, Comfort and Utility. Ramsey-Alton Manufacturing Co. PORTLAND, MICHIGAN HINTS FOR HOUSE FURNISHERS. Proportion in construction is merely the regulation of the subdivisions of spaces, It deals ;:ilso with the amount re-spectively of ornamented and plain surfaces that go to make up the pleasing sum total result. The tendency -in decorating is to err rather On the side of over-doing than of over-severity. But it should be borne in mind that allY object which has its surface covered with decorations is not so impressive as if part only were embellished and the other part left plain for contrast. The art of proportion consists in determining ex-actly the relatiollshipduc hetween reticence and enrichment, that shall cause the latter to be appreciated at its full value. Expense and elaboration demand a foil for their value: 'with-out it they are virtually wa.s:te:d:.. In the application of color and form of ornament, the bal-ance should be struck on the one which is 11either too strollg on the one hand, 110r yet dull .and commonplace on the otber. Monotony is wearisome and depressing, while eccentricities ill contrasts shock and startle.::t:h.e beholder. Ground floor fooms in nafrow streets, where opposite houses conduce to (leaden the light, require brightening as far as possible; \\·hile rooms in open spaces, especiaHy in the country, in general admit of a comparatively subdued color scheme. .:::. The satisfactory motn is cheerful, but not gaudy. In the selection of colors the aspect of any given room should be considered. A southe1'11or ,,,,,estern aspect does not require such warm tones as do rooms.:t:h:a.t face more sunless quarters. The most s:ltisfactory room is that which embodies com-fort and restfulness. House furnishers should ever keep 'these requisites in mind. Ornament and color which provides a gentle stimulus to the imagination is agreeable; anything beyond this becomes :In annoyance. Large, lwavy furniture is out of place in smaB rooms. Small, delicate furniture lacks character in large and high rOOms. The health and happiness of the occupants of a home are affected by the color scheme .b:y::\.\'hich they are surrounded. Over severity (extremes) repels; lavishness is vulgar and ostentatious. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER & VENEERS SPECIAL TIES: ~1"i'g'E=~QUAR.OAK VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 10 ~M.}f«HIG7JN THE LEXINGTON MiehiPtt Bkd. &; 22d St CHICAGO, ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. New Management. The fumitul'"e dealers' head-quarters. Most con-venient~ y situated to t b e furniture display houses. Inler-Slale Holel CO, OWNKR &. PIlOPkIItTo:l E. K. CrUey. Pres.; T. M. CrUey, V. Pres.; L.H. F\rey.Sec-TI~. The Summer Sales Season. So far as Grand Rapids is c.oncerned, the furniture sales season for 1907 has been a record breaker in the matter of attendance and it is probable that it will also break the rec-ord for the volume of business transacted. Up to this date, July 25, the -number of buyers registered is 1,012, against 969 for 1906 and 895 for 1905. The figures show a gradual in-crease in the. n\lrnher of buyers visiting the Grand Rapids market and as most of the exhibitors report sales larger than la&t year, it is prohable that the total volume of business "\vill exceed that of 1906 and 1905. in proportion with the in-crease in the number of buyers. The season has been some-thing of a ,surprise to manufacturers. Owing to a cold backward spring, which was known to have retarded trade in all sections of the country. a dull season was expected by many and the opening weeks indicated light attend<lnce and small orders, but since the Fourth of July a better feeling has prevailed and the market has grown stronger day by day. It was generally supposed that' most de<tlers werc well stocked and therefore would be inclined to cut down-thcir usual sum-mer orders. It is probable that many came to the market with -that intention, bllt Wht:ll they got into the rush changed their minds and bought more freely than in former -years. That they are not over-stacked-that they have sold the goods ordered last winter':"'-is shown by the fact that"many have insisted on immediate or early delivery. The 'trans-portation difficulties enc~utltered last year may have caused some to ask for promp~ delivery, but it is more probable that it,s due to the facti that they need the goods. At any rate, they have tried to' ihsure early deli¥eries. It is known that several buyers have :closed their deals with such reluarks (LS tbis: "Now, if you canfillthi:'i order by the first or mid-dle of September, you rllay duplicate it in October or No-vember." Conditions in ChiQagoare similar to those in Grand Rapids. There, also, the season opened weak, but the mar-ket gt:ew stronger -rapidly and has proved quite satisfactory to nearly all concerned. While the attendance to this date has not quite equalled th~t of last year, it is likely to exceed it before the season is clpsed and the volume of sales is be-li. eved to have gone up veh near to the highest record. ! It$; Best Line. The Muskegon Vatle,< Furniture Company have exhibited mallY good lines of chamber furniture, music cabinets, ladies' desks and wardrobes 1,ntl~e twenty years of the past in Grand Rapids, but it is concede? that .the .~ine brought out for the fall season of 1907 surprusses 1n mbit all efforts in design and construction present~d by the company to the trade in the past. Many of the pieces were ornamented with mar- , I quetry, in the laying of which the company has attained dis-tinction. There were pieces in the line containing stich beautifully figured wood that the hand of man could add nothing to the work of nature, and then in other pieces the skin of man was manifested in beautiful carvings. The line impressed the buyers most favorablY. Interfering With Business. G ~;..~~ -:::.:.~-; '. -"""""_ Il·":~ ~ \ .....-_...- Tenderfoot-DOll't you see that man killing all those peo-ple out there? vVhy don't you stop him? Alkali Jim-Stop him! Me! Well, I guess not. Why, my dear man, I'm the coroner, and my pardner is the under-taker. Made by Luoe Furniture Co.• Grand Rapids, Mich. Feather Beds Much Prized in the South. Now is the time when the pe,uple Jiving south of 1:fasoll and Dixon's line from 1.'faryland clean down to North Carolina turn their feat]lcr bob, says a writer in the New York Sun. They do not turn them inisde out or even upside down, hut the feather bed is put next the slats or sacking bottom or spring and a hard mattress of hair or fdt is placed on top. Some folks like to sleep directly on the ieather be j all summer long and there are hotels in the region where the guest is asked in July whether he will have feathers m' noc But most people turn tllcm. The feather bed is the southern sign of respectability and ancient lineage. Every family of old respectability had h,'.\f a dozen feather beds a generation ago, and a good mally are still in use. They arc handed down as heirlooms, cher's!:e,j with pride and care. and in the best families cleansed and r{'- ticked from time to time, sunned thoroughly at least Ollce a week and treated as articles of the highest consideration. Whenever there is a country vendue in the belt fron "Mason and Dixon's line 200 miles 1:iouthward half the com-munity is 011 the lookout for a chance to buy feather beds cheap. They are regularly sold by the pound, and even the oldest, if in good condition, fetch pretty good prices. Really old fashioned folks still save their f:{oose feathers to make heds, though the fetich of the feather b~d is not what it used to be. and the doctors are against it as an article or unwholesome luxury. Nevertheless, when southerners COiT!f; north to live they are apt to fetch along the feather bed". TJlere are old ladies who would sooner leave behind the fam-ily "Bihle than their feather beds, and this \'ery night there ',\"i1l be scores of sOlltherners in )Ie\v York sleeping on feath-ers. 'fheh: is no possession that a colored family in the south 11 takes greater prid(~ in than a feather bed. It usuaHy'com~s into the possession of such a family second hand, but some· times 11 is the result of patient years given to the treasuring of goose feathers. An old colored woman ,-,rho eame to New York from V-ir-ginia leaving a husband behind was vastly disturbed when sne learned that he was ill. The family in which she was etT,- ployed condoled with her and tried to cheer her up, btlt abandoned the attempt when the old woman said: "1 'feared ef he dies dey'll sell my feather bed." He did not die, but the old woman had the bed sent norl h before he had a chance to fall iU again. The value of the feather bed lies in the fact that it is pra ..-... tic ally indestructible and is always an available asset. If the feathers are properly cured and the bed is properly c:tn~d for i~ is as good at the end of a hundred years as on the Jay it waA made. 1here is always somebody south of the Mason and Dixon "ho is ready to pay a fair price for a fcather bed and if by ;Juy accident it liaS lost part of its contents so that it is js too thin to serve its original purpose the dealers are always reatly to buy it and make the feathers up into pillOWS. In this form the feather bed has a new and long lease of lift'. Peo-ple the country over are pmOWiJlg their heads upon feather:.; that .once soothed the 51umbers of Virginials first families. Additional Hotel Accommodations. Proprietor P.1.ntJindof the Morton and Pantlind hotels in Grand Rapids, will have much larger accommodations for hi::; guests ..v.hen the winter furniture season shall open. The Hotel Panttind will he considerably enlarged and a large building adjoining the hotel may be acquired and added to the hotel proper. HAVE' ANIcEH6ME~iFYb(rHAVE ANY We will furnish a duplicate of $1 50 this pleasing room scene - for • • Remit with order. MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. 12 Our Spring Business was 50 per Cent Greater Than Last Year Sales at the mid-summer furni-ture show in Grand Rapids were more than satisfactory to us, all of which proves the popularity of the Woodard line. If you are looking for Circassian Walnut We have the Strongest Line in America LIKEWISE COLONIAL DESIGNS Have you our DeW tall catalog? A .A If not send tot" it.. A .A Makers of medium priced Bedroom Furni· ture in all the Fancy Woods and Finishes. Woodard Furniture Company Owosso, • • Michigan C. F. SCHMOE. al. CO. SHEL.ElVVIL.L.E. INC. MANUFACTURRJ:S OF KitGlum Gabinet5, Gentlemen'!) Gombination Wardrobe!) and Ghiffonler!). Line on sare at lAanutacturers' Furnlhlre Ex-change. Wa. bash and Four-teenth Street, Chicauo. WRITE FOO PRINTS AN. PRICES EXCEPTIONAL FACTORY OPPORTUNITY Do vou wish lo fitldan opening for a CHAIR. FACTOR.Yorwould you like to remove to some moTe favorable location? If so, it would repay you to at once request information about a fine IOI..--ationin the great timber selCtion of Southeast Missouri along the ... Liberal inducements are of[~r~d to ~cure a bQ'l\a fide 'proposition ~m-ploying oot less than forty men. Good di ..trJbutin~ facilities for finished product. Correspondence is invited regarding thiS and other excellent opportunities for furnitu.r~, mattress, iron bed and other factories along our lines. 8mdjorimlU8lrial descriptive matter about tM Rock latand- Frlsco. M, SCHULTER. Induslrial Commissioner. Rock Island-Frisco Lines. 1144 Frisco BldO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Fantlind Rates $1.00 and Up GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. European ......Plan The Noon Dinner Served at the Pzmtlind for 500 is the fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND, Prop. Creditors Running Breuner Company's Business. H. L, Smith, secretary of the commitlec appointed by the creditors of t.he John BI-el1l1Cr Company of San Francisco, to take charge of the stores in San f'ruocisco and Stockton, Ca1., investigate and report the amounts of assetf; and liabilities and make rccOl11rnenclations as to what action should be taken to protect the interests of all concerned, has sent out the fol-hHving stalement to creditors; Gentle11lclJ:-Purstlflnt to promise contained in fanner etr-cular, r desire to advise yot! that the accountant employed by the creditors's committee has made the follmving report as to assets and liabilities of the J obn Bret\tKr Company of Sa.n Francisco: RESOURCES. Values as pel" face of Ledger Cash on hand _ ,.$ 3,645.99 l\lerchandise ., 207,594.55 Bills receivable , _. . 29AOO.OO Accounts receivable prior to April 18, 19Do ,. 14,512.81 Accounts receivable since April 18, 1906 . Sundry accounts receivable . New stable on leased ground . Account receivable BrcuDer Commercial Co. and stock-holders' liability _ . Account receivable John Breuner Co. of Stockton and stock-holders' liability ,. _., . New ",,-arehollse proper-ty on line of S. P. R. R. Co. . $77,017.09 Subject to mortgage of 22,500.00 Estimated values for closing 011t purposes. $ 3.645.99 103.797.28 24,500.00 2,500.00 73,380.38 3,756.02 7,445.16 62,373.00 919.12 3.000.00 5,677.97 1,892.66 8,503.03 5,865.00 ----- 54,517.69 50,000.00 Interest in staTe building on Van Ness avenUe _............... 19,184.95 Ul1col1ccted insurance accruing out of the fire of April, 1906., 6,392.40 Horses, vehicles, harness and stable fixtures 11,743.60 Fixtures m warehouses and stores ... '" .. , . _.,. 15,655.00 AcCotUlts due under leases of fur-niture '" 33,272.75 5,000.00 2,130.00 3,900.00 4,800.00 33,272.75 $494,679.30 LlABILlT1ES, $307,595.80 Accounts payable to San Francisco and California merchandise creditors $ Accounts p<lyble to Eastern merchandise: c\'(',ditors. Bills payable to Cnlifornia and Eastern merchandise creditors ., _.. , . BiBs payable {or borrowed money _ . Due upon sundry local ac.counts " . Due for rent_. . .. 44,557.95 138,688.01 123,011.94 180,100.00 1,818.67 140.00 $488,316.57 So far no proposition of adjustment or settlement has been made by the debtor and as an alternative to sumnl.arily realiz-ing upon the assets the committee will run or operate the business for the time being, as it is upon a paying basis. Respectfully, H. L. SMITH, Secretary. STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIEO FOR) We have adopted cellulQid as a base for our Caster Cups, rnaking the best cup on the market. Celluloid is a great improvemellt over bases made uf other' material. \ it is tJeces~ary to move a piece, supported by cups with celluloid bases iCccan b~ done with ease, as Ulebasesare per~ fectty snlooth. Celluloid does' not sweat. and by the u~e of these cups tables are never marred. These ClipS are finished in Golden Oak and White MaplE:, finished light. If you will tPy a sample order of tkr-;st goods youwiU desire to har,dl'] tltem in quantities. PRICES: Size 2% inches, $5.50 per hundrf!=d. Size 2;.( il'lches., 4.50 peT hundred. f. o. O. Grand .Rapide. TIt Y A SAHI'LE ORDER. Richmond Chair CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA Double Cane Line SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS CATALOGUES TO THE TRADE 13 14 .J'~MICHIG.7IN 7IRTIS'..7IL".J"~. . ". . • .. , a';. $ e. . i,· MADE BY ESTEY MANUFACTURING CO. OWOSSO. MICH. Protect That Last Dime. Be prOmpt in sending ,;tatements. Put a limit on all ac-counts. Keep your accounts posted to date, so that you can always tell just what a cu"tomer owes you. W'hen payments are not made all promised dates, f111dout \\'hy. You judged your customers were able to pay their bills when yoU opened the accOunt. You should knOVi'if conditions have chang·ed. \Vhen customers have no resources make ar- J1 f jn Made by Richmond Chair Co., Richmond, Ind. rangements ·with them to pay a little each week and show them their obligation to g·ive you their cash trade. [vIany towns are organizing merchants' associations, which keep their members in t.ouch with the character and credit of customers. Tbese organizations are proving a great benefit to storekeepers. In collecting bills never throw a good do.llar after a bad one. All ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is better to prevent the accumulation of accounts. See bow big successful stores do business. Study their systems, their methods of increasing trade, their ways of making their clerks more efficient and taking care of their money. A prominent man once said: "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the \vidth and the depth." So don't get into the rut, hut go out and learn how other successful storekeepers do business. Perhaps you do all this. Perhaps you have a good stock, seasonable goods, good clerks, good advertising and good show windows, perhaps you do everythillg suggested in this article and still are not making money. If this is the case, 15 then there is something wrong. You are taking in the money all right, but it is going in a way that you probably cannot account for. There is a reason for every wrong. Many merchants sit down and figure on making 20 per cent profit and stop at that. The most thorough going business man I ever knew figured out to me once a little illustration that made me reali:ze more the lleCessi.ty of taking care of a busi-ness in a systematic way than any argument I ever heard. His illustration was as follows: "Suppose these five coins constitute a dollar taken in, over your connter, what becomes of them? The t\venty~five and fifty ce,nt pieces (seventy-five c~nts) go back into your busi-ness to purchase new stock. The nickel and one dime are used for rent, light, heat, help, insurance, ad...e..rtising and sundry expenses. The remaining dime is all that is left for your net profit. Out of this yOll have to meet your home expellSCS, pay for amusements, educate your children; and save enough to provide for sickness and a rainy day. Every loss in your business falls back on that last dime. There is no profit in handling the first ninety cents, but there is a chance for loss, and all this loss must come out of that last rli111C. Sometimes the loss is even greater than the dime. It eats up tJJis 1::I5tenth of your dollar and goes back into'the nickel and dime which are needed for expenses. Som,etimes it Illay even reach to the seventy~five cents which should go for new stock. In such cases as these the business cannot stand the drain, and ballknlptcy follows. "Can y011 afford to take the chance of losing any part of that last dime through the insufficient protection against care-lessness? Rememher that the welfare of your family is wholly dependent upon that lone dime-the only part of the dollar you have left'utlprotected." This illustration is so manifestly COfl"r:d. as to admit of no arg11l1H~llt.-The Retail ).Jerchant. The White Directory CONTAINS A CAREFULLY COMPILED LIST OF MANUFACTURERS OF. FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS, INTERIOR FINISHES AND KINDRED INDUSTRIES Now Ready. Send in your order. WHITE PRINTING COMPANY PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, PUBLISHERS, BINDERS 2-20 LYONST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 16 7l"R'T'IS~ 1 2"- WARNING! No. 50. Imitation Spanish Leather Velour Plain Imitation Leather Embossed Imitation Leather Sprillg Seat $5.50 5.50 5.50 5.75 6.25 WARNING! WARNING! We are the owners of the patents and design patents of this line of K. D. Rock-ers. No one has authority to make these Rockers and we will prosecute all infringers and deal-ers who buy of in-fringers. No. 52. Imitation Spanish Leather Velour Plain Imitation Leather Embossed Imitation Leather Spring Seat $6.50 6.50 6.50 6.75 7.25 Send your orders direct to us by mail or give chernla our salesmen who ate covering the entire United States•. STANDARD CHAIR COMPANY, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Don't Clutter Your Store. Some very good looking stores are spoiled in appearance by being cluttered. Too much is attempted. There are too many tables loaded down with goods; too much stuff piled up 011 the counters; too much of everything except floor space. and. an take a full breath. Some merchants think that as they are paying $100 a month rent for a 25-foot front they ought to make every foot of space possihle count in earning capacity. Hence they plant long batteries of display cm:mters on each side and then crowd the m ddle full of bargain counters and specials. They have a tend ncy to overlook the advantage of giving their customers r am to get around wit,hout falling over each other. A oderate amotlnt of gymnastic 0;; is gaud lor cus-tomers, but store which offers a continual opportunity for a head-on co lision is a little too strenuous. Crowds arc good for a store, nd crowds indicate prosperity, but there should be a place p ovided to put the crowds. Clever a vertising 'writers recognize the value of white space in adv. rtisements. They avoid cluttering up their adver-tising. Ev rything stands out clear and distinct. The va-cant floor space in the store is similar to the white floor space in thel well-written advertise.ment. It makes things stand out, a9d makes it easier for the customer to grasp the situation. Stores with lots of drapery and cheap jim-cracks hanging from the ceilings generally look cluttered up_ Show windows filled 'with a miscellaneous mess of poorly assorted and worse displayed samples of merchandise look cluttered· up. Avoid it. Don't try to do too much. Your efforts are not apprec-iated.- Merchants Journal Will Protect Their Rights. The line of the Standard Chair Company of Evansville. Ind" consisting of rockers, diners and children's chairs, is shown in Chicago 'l,vith the George D. Williams Company, 1323-25 Michigan avenue. The Standard Company are the originators of the K. D. upholstered rocker, and they are own-ers of the patents and designs. They wish to warn dealers not to"'buy of any other manufacturer who is inf~inging on their patents, for the Standard Chair Company will prosecute all manufacturers and dealers, as well who buy 'from them. The business in Chicago and the St. Louis market is very sat-isfactory this season, and Manager Reitz is of the opinion that there will be a continuance of the good times they are now enjoying. Swedes Asked to Go Home. King Oscar is anxious that the hundreds of thousands of Swedes who have emigrated .to America shall return to Sweden, and has begun an investigation to determine what IJrtJmpted his people to leave the fatherland and what would induce them to return. This investigation is a part of the industrial awakening which is going on in Sweden. The first direct appeal from the crown to men to return to Sweden has been received in Chicago. l1enry Schmit &. Co. nopkln. aRd n.rrld Su. Cincinnati, O. MUBRS 011' UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE OOR LODOE AND PULPIT, PARLOR LIBRARY. HOTEL AND CLUB It00M - - - - - - - -- -- --- --------., Chamber and Dining Room Luce Furniture Company Godfrey Ave., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. NEW FEATURES in Upper Class CIRCASSIAN WALNUT A LARGE ADDITION TO OUR LINE OF STAPLES MEDIUM and FINE FURNITURE for the 17 18 ·~MI9rIG7JN : l!!:STABLISHEO 1880 ,$~"~~ \-1(( \1'\, "I) ~- j~!"-~'l - ' I , \ --' "'''-9 ~ - \ <_l!'~.~ :!' ~ _J_ ~ ~ FlU!lL.15HI!iD BT MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE IOnl ....NC 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE-2-2Q LYON ST.• GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ENTERED I\S M/l.TT!:F1 OF THE 8EC()ND ()l ..S..S 7119-.T 1.5' 7U'J ? 7F· larger exhibitors have fitted up their quarters in Grand Rapids and Chicago with an idea of permanency. Among those who have jnst rcnnvcd their leases on space in the exposition buildings for a term of three years arc the Jamestown Lounge Company, Hubbard & Eluredgc Company, George Richard-son, the Ottawa Furniture Company, the Northern Furniture Company and Glenn K. Brown. \Vith so many Jamestown tines established in Grand Rapids and Chicago, the prospects for establishing <In exposition 'at Jamestown do not seem to be favorable. *1'" *1* *1* *1* Why should one word placed wrong in a sentence cause the whole statemellt to fall flat? vVhy does a single state-ment worded incorrectly from the standpoint of salesman-ship cause the iailure of a sale? Why should o"nc Ettle look or one little sneer lose a customer? Perhaps for the same reason that one single hair will caUSe the diner to push away the entire butter dish. It makes him suspicious of the rest of the contents. The man who has been treated to sharp practices 0I1C('. in a store does not care to 'Tun the risk again. The man '\vho has been badly treated but a single time will remember that and not go back any more. *1* *1* *1* *'1* Inquiry <lmong a large number of merchants leads to the conclusion that women fllrnish more than seventy-five per cent of all buying consumers. There is a lesson in that. There are some lines of goods which appeal especially to men aud bought almost entirely by them, but in the gener~l lines of trade women buy most of the goods. Get the \VOluen to come to your store, get women to approve of your place of businNis, your w<ty of conducting it and your goods, and you will have the bulk of trade. *1* *1* *1* *1* The mail order houses, when they find a certain district not well supplied or that the advertising is neglected, take it up, flood that section ,,,lith well worded advertising matter, and withot1t exception reap a rich reward. The mercha.nts who at:fvertise \velt and adequately have little trouble over mail order competition. *1'" *1* *1* *J* Many newspaper men as well as furniture dealers would like to know how a paper of such standing as the Chicago Tribune was induced to give Mr. Clark's 'lHome Trade League of America" a column of advertising free' of cost in position that could not be bought by any reputable business man, firm or corporation. *1* *!* *1* "'1* A woman in Holly, Mich., makes a house-to-house can-vass for orders for furniture, carpets, rugs and kindred goods. A big "distant merchandising house" in Chicago fills the or-ders ill car lots. Her success is only possible on account of the dullness and stupidity of the local mercbants. *1>1<*1* *1* *1* \Va1ter D. Boutell arrived in Grand Rapids from :l-'1inneap-otis on Wednesday, July 24, and found the market wide open He was notified that his services as a closer of the Grand Rapids market were no longer Ileeded~that Grand Rapids will be an always-open market here~fter. *\' *1* *1* *\* The mid-summer furniture expositions have ,been largely attended by. dealers and many new faces were noticed among their number. The value of market buying is becoming bet-ter understood by retailers. *1'" *1* *1* "'1* The Holly Cabinet Company, moved recently to Laming, Mich., have changed their name to the Capital Furniture Com-pany. Having capital (in name at least) the corporation ought to succeed. *1* *\* *1* *1* Most of the orders taken 'in the furniture exposition towns during the past month call for early shipments. CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WR1TE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION ST. LOVIS, MO. kANSAS C1TY,MO. PEORIA, ILL LlNCOLN, lLL MJNNEAPOLIS. M1NN. CHICAGO, JLL Home Attractions Overdone. The man in the ["rled brown overcoat had been growing more and more careworn for the last six months. The wan who sat with him OIl the 'way to the city every morning and on the way home Jt night had noticed it. 1\t last he learned the reaSLin of the change. The careworn man dropped into his scat with such a heavy sigh one evening that it would have been in impossible for his friend not to bear it. "1 guess yOll are glad you"'re going- home, where you can get a comfortable chai, and have a quiet evening," he said. "Quiet C\'cning!" echoed the careworn man. "We dem't have allY quiet evenings )J(l\vadays." "Don't YOtl~" asked his friend, uncomfortably. "\Vhy-er--" "Ther<~'s eo domestic: trouble," said the sufferer. dolefully. Made by Wooda.rd Furniture Co., Owosso, Mieb -- _.- -- -_ .. _- --------~ 19 "TIler",':,; nothing I'm ashamed to speak of. It's only that my wife has been reading a series o.f articles on 'How to 1'!ake Home Attractive,' and she's carrying out all the ideas-with me to help her. "You needn't think of me sitting in an armchair before the flre with my feet up now, I can tell you. You can picture me stringing peapods to make a handsome hanging or cover-ing an old apple bar-reI with wool wadding ready for the pink muslin that's goitJg to turn it into a charming mirror stand. If it isn't that, 1 shall be engaged in giving a hardwood flllish to some of the floors ''\1ith a preparation that I saw my wife mixing in a till pail this morning. "Our home may be attractive if we ever get it done and I'm alive to appreciate it, but I'U wager the woman that writes those articles lives in a hotel or boards in a. hall bedroom," Clnd the careworn Jll<111 gave another heavy sigh as the brakeman called out "}JL\radise Centre!" and he gathered up his bundles. Some Queer Burials. At an undertakers' banquet a soft-voiced gentleman read an essay on lIpright burial. "The quakers," said the essayist in conclusion, ""once \vent in for upright burial. Thus we have the case or one Jane Taylor, wif~ of Captain Tilylor of Brighouse, a quaker, who was buried upright in her garden, October 28, 1684. "A :.\1rs. Norton of Pawlin, -:.r. Y., was buried sitting up-right in a rocking chair. Tlarry Hems of Norfolk and Clement Spelman and George Backhouse of New York are other well known in-c; tances of upright burial. I, in a career of tWl~nty-sevell ~ycars. have only buried one person upright." ;;I," said a young undertaker, "once buried a man in the bed l.le died il.l. He was cornfortablYjtUCked ill \\'ith pi11O.\..s.· and coverlets. just as he had died." "1 once buried a maiden lady of gr at wealth and beauty," ~aid a third undert'tker. "People ha often wondered why ,.,he neyer married. Alas, the embalm ng process revealed to me her sad "ecrel. This lady, tilOUg"l no one suspected it, h'lJ a false foot." Behind Orders on Caster Cups. The .A. . L. Cline Manufacturing Company of,l239 vVabash avenue. Chicago, 111., manufacturers of caster cups, T(',port an active demand for their products, a-nd that at present the factory is behind on its orders. Dealers in furniture are in-vited to \"Tite for the company's catalogue. 20 Sligh's Superior Styles Sold All Through the Season Dull Trade is Unknown by Dealers Handling the SLIGH LINES. CI THE JULY SEASON'S SALES OF SLIGH GOODS A RECORD BREAKER. fJI CORRECT STYLES, GOOD MATERIALS AND HONEST WORKMANSHIP, STRONG FEATURES IN THE SLIGH LINES. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY, BUCHANAN STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Thousands in Use Furniture Dealers need have no more fear. With the use of Cline's Caster Cup one table may be placed on top of another without injury. Made in two sizes in the follow-ing finishes: Oak, Mahogany and Rosewood. Special pre· pared felt bottom, preventing sweat marks, scratching, etc. Price: 2)4:In. per 100. $3.50; 3» in. perlOO. $4.50 We also manufacturetbe moat J"'eliable ColU'dHolder on the market. Write for our new 40 page Catalogue. L. Cline Mfg. Co.• 1239W.b .. bAve .. Chicago The New Banquet Table Top as well III OFFICE. DINlNG and DIRECTORS', TABLES at'e (lIUt' .peei.Jty. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO.. 2\d:ii!:~""" Wtile for Catalo;uc. Get samples of BANQUET TABLE TOP. WE manufaet nte the larg~ est line of FOLDING C H A IRS in the United States, suitable lor Su.nday Schools, Halla, Steamers and all Public Resorts. . . • . We also man ufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds. Spring Beds. Cot.. and Cribs in a larKe variety. . . . S9.d for CataloltUc llDd Prlct:1I to Kauffman Mfg. CO. AS6LAND. 0610 UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD. ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, ComouCJ:ion and F'mish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exhibi-bon 7th Flooi, New Manufact-urers' Building. Grand Rapids. - -- -- - ------------------ Tbe Ford 8 Jobnson Co. MANUFACTURERS Chicago Salesroom Ford·Johnson Bldg., 1433·35-37 Wabash Ave. For the July market we will have many new things to show. All furniture dealers are cordially invited to call and inspect our line, which includes Chairs, Rockers and Settees-all goods; Dining Room furniture; Mission furniture; Fiber Rush and Malacca furniture; Reed Rockers; Children's Go-Carts and Carriages, etc. WE ALSO SHOW SAMPLES AT OUR OWN SALESROOMS IN Cincinnati Atlanta New York Boston Cal)inet Makers In these da.ys of close competition, need the beat pOilliible equipment, a.nd this they can have in . • • • BARNES' Hand and Foot POWER Machinery Our New "and and Foot Power Cireul ..r Saw No.4 Tblt: strongest, most powerful, and in every way the best mac:-hineof its kind ~ver made. (or ripping, cross-cutting, boring and grooving, Send for our New Catalogue. "W. F. ®. JOHN BARNES CO 654 Ruby Street. Rochford, Ill. 21 22 ~rvu9,.HIG7JN e Out of Place. Hardly anything in the modern parlor is 50 interesting a~ the mantel piece. It is such a trouble to most people to think what to put on it that they end by accepting, blindly, the dictation of friends and tradesmen. A rich lady one day introduced a house furnisher to a stunning suite of mantel piece ornaments, fearfully and wonderfully made and costing n.ll that even the most fashionable votary could desire. The handsome owner stood before her purchase and good natured- Iy excused herself by explaining how she had been hadgered by her friends, who, one and all, to the self-same tune and words, had assured her she must hav(~a set of orname.nts for her mantel piece. A clock finds itself naturally at home on a mantel, but it is a pity to give up so much space in what ought to be the central opportunity of the room to anything that is not worth looking at for itself apart from its merely utilitarian uses. It is very seldom worth while to look at a clock to know what time'it is, and as a rule it would be much 7'IR'r I>5' A.l'l 2 0/"" vase, a Roman lamp, and a piece of Venetian or English glass. A vase filled with roses, a plate of red cheeked apple,s, tIle quaintly painted gourd or the wreath of autumn leaves may be used. Candle sticks with real candtes, to be lighted at twilight, before the hour for the gas, in the hour of illu-sion and lK,nsive tlloughts, castlng a wavering gleam over the ensemble, bring a few moments of poetry to close the weary working day. vVe once know a man "l/ho was gifted with a keen ,sense of humor. He could say really clever things, and write them. He made some store signs, embodyillg the keen wit that was in him, and they attracted attention. He used good sense and they offended nobody. People looked for them when they entered his store. He made jt pay. A neighboring rival attempted the same thing. V\-'hen he tried to be funny his jokes were either ,coarse or pointless. He had no appre-ciation of their possible offense. He was puzzled when his ~J , / WRITING OUT THE ORDERS. better to keep clocks out of our dining room, though, for that matter, it is ]1ard to say where the~,.are not an lff\pc,rti-llellce. In the dining room they are a constant reDnke to people who come down late to br<.',akfast,alld they give mOTal support to the priggis.hness of punctual people, while they have, no doubt, to rcproach themselves fOr a good share ill the very bad American habit of eating in a limited time. In the drawing room the clock plays a still more ill-mannered part, for what can he do there but tell visitors when to go away, a piece of information the wen-br'ed mall is in no need of, and which the ill-bred mal1 never heeds. So that, if a dock must usurp the place of honor on a mantel piece, it ought to have so good a form, or serve as the pedestal tn such a bit of br011ze, or l1ave such a case as to make one forget the bnrden of time and tide in the occasiomtl contemplation of art eter-nities. The clock habit, with its flanking of candle sticks and vaseS, was acquired from the French. They get rid of the main difficulty by either making sure that the clock docs not keep good time or by using clock cases, without working parts. The mantel ought to second the intention of the fireplace as the center of the family life-the spiritual and the intellectual center, as the table is the materia! center. There ought to be gathered upon the shelf or shelves over the fire-place, a few beautiful things-the most beautiful the family purse can afford-things t.hat will uplift the beholder-worth living with. "'ith the "great things'; a notable picture or 8 cas~ of a famoHs individu:tl, there is room for pleasant little things 011 the shelves-a bit of Japanese bronze, an Etruscan cards drove customers away and provoked a guffaw only from loungers. Funny business does not pay save in exceptional cases. It takes an artist to do it just right. Asked concerning a price cutter, the merchant smiled. Poor fool, he seemed to say in that smile. He has lost his standing among his fellows, he is losing his money fast, and the sheriff will he likely to take his remaining goods,He, like the lady of the one-time popular song, is "more to he pitied than censured." FURNITURE POLISH \\,Ie offer a polish guaranteed to produce a BRILLIANT and PERMANENT lustre on any finished wood, A dealer's trade bUilder. Send for sample J4 gross, $3.15. Our Superior Repair Finish never fails to remove burlap marks and mars; and, used with crystal shellac and a set of our colors, [aniline, to match any finish] will repair deep scratches and jams, and reproduce the original finish, at once. A boon to factory or store. Repair outfit complete, with colors, one $Q 25 quart finish, and instructions for ·use, U. Send for Sa.mples. Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Co. 24 Milton A"e., Grand Rapids, Mich. AutomaUc: Phone 8226. BEWARE OF THE PROMOTER. Mr. Clark of Chicago Trying to Exploit the Furniture Dealers Apparently for His Own Benefit. The 1Jichigan ,\rtisan recently warned its readers against the \viles of those \vho seek to promote organizations for the purpose of combatting the mail orders houses. .Further warning should not he necessary, hut it may be well to notice a flchcrnc ill this line [('cently launched in Chicago by Alfred C. Clark \\'ho started out by securing a big free advertisement for his project-a column Or lUore on the IjL~t page oJ the Chi-cago Tribune under bold head-lines declaring "Vv'ar to the . K.nife," "Dig Catalogue to Be Put Ont of Business," elc. lilT. Clark's scheme is 1I0t materially different irom others that have been proposed "for the protection of the small deaL ers against C'ompeLition from the mail order houses," but its proposed scope is wider and its plan of operations more elab-orate. It is to be calted the "Home Trade League o[ Amer-ica" and the proposed <:onstitution explains its purpose as fol- 10\;\,s: "To combat the m<lil order system in a1\ its phases, be-lieving that its tendellcy is to the con<:enlratjon of trade i\1 the hands of a few individuals, Of at most a few cities. Now, therefore, to the end that we may help restore the merchan-dising trade of the nation to its natura!, normal condition, the members of the Home Trade league pledge themselves to have no business ·with the retail catalogue house or any jobber Of manufacturer who continues to sell them. V'/e regard the consumer as Ollr logical ally, alJd. everything being cqual, we believe he ,,,ill trade with the merchant in his home tOWlI. Tt is the purpose of the league to bring the manufacturer, the jobber, all(l retailer together to the end tbat the retail mer-chant can successfully meet the competition of the catalogue house." The by-hnvs provide for a president, a secretary, a treasur-er, a general manager, to he elected by a board of twenty-one directors, and also for a vice pre,sident and an a(lvisory com-mittee of ten from each state. 1Ir. Clark declares "the bat-tle will be fO\1p;htout along the lines of trying' to meet mail order COllJpctitioll. \-Ve "",ill fight to make the wholesalers. jobbers and manufacturers give to the retailer the benefit of the same prices as lhose given the mail order houses. Con- S11nH.'1'5 ·will be asked before sendil1g their orders to a mail ortler house, to give the retail dealcr a chance to llgure on the111,and if the local merchant cannot llleet them the Horne League will place him where he t<:\n. IVlerchants are also pledg-illg thell>;clves not to buy of jobbers or manufacturers 'vho sell to a c:ltaloguc hOllse. Thousands of leaflets are being- s<:nt out to retail dealers urging them to co-operate in this me;:tSlue. and every effort ,vill be made to arouse local - - -- ----------------- 23 pride against patronizing the mail order houses. Excur-sions will be run from all centers where a large section of the state can be interested in seeing that retail dealers can supply goods as cheaply as the mail order houses." To the credit or 1lr. Clark's common sense it should be stated that the "Home Trade League of America" does not endorse the plan to cripple the mail order houses by ordering their catalogues in lnTge numbers merely for the purpose of destroying them. It is also stated that this league does not propose to do away ·with the state associations, hut will use them as a "nucleus for this org·anization." It is announced that the "majn offices have been estab-lished in the 1\lonadnock building" Chicago, and the work of organization is "progressing rapidly" in Illinois, Wisconsin, Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood A.e., Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting ou the best Caster Cups with cork bases ever offered to the trade. These are finished in Golden Oalc and White Maple in a light finish. These goods are admirable Eorpolished floors and furlL~ iture rests. they will not sweat or mar. PRICES: Size2:'.<incbes ...... $4.00 per hundred She 2% inches'" .,. 5.00 per hundred Try a 8ample Order, F. O.B. Grand Rapid8, Kansas. J\'Iinnesota and lHicbigall, but no names or Iurther particulars arc gjven in connection with the state organiza-tions because "many of those interested prefer for the present to keep in the background for the reason that they do not care about incurring the open hostility of the catalogue houses and theil' powerful influence." By the way, it is provided that the vice president for Illinois-presumably Mr. Clark-is t6 be the tirst general manager. From this outline of the "Home Trade League of America" it is plainly evident that like to.o many other trade associa-tions it i? a "one-man concern" and that any success that it may achieve will be at the expense of the retailers and the only bendiciary ,,",,illbe Alfred C. Clark of Chicago. Ii BERRY BROTHERS' II Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes II MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED II II II II WRITE FOR INFORMATION, FINiSHED WOOD SAMPLES, AND LITERATURE. N~w York 262 Pearl 5t. Boston 520 Atlantic Ave. Philadelphia 26-28 NQ. 4th 51. Baltimore 29 5. Hanover 5t, BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT Chic:aB"o 48-SO Lake St. Cindnnati 420 Main St.. St. Louie 112 Sc..4th St. San, Franc:illC:o 66B HClWard St, THIS IS THE CAN AND LABEL C"NADIAN FACTOR•• W4LK£RV'LLE ONTARIO 7 Prl6e $18.50. Has 48 InNcho. T2o5p, 5. Legs an d' IS H'1gh]y Polished. It's Oneof the "SU~~OR" There are many more•Iall ePeaancdhegse,tPaietaasnted. Pudding. Send for Cata ogu BOCKSTEGE fURNITURE CO. fVA.NSVILU IND. TUE Globe Side-boards nre me BeS! on me G10!Je lor me Money GEl vUR CATALOGUE MentiontheRT~~- CAN A _, when wnbllil. Globe Furniture The "ELI" fOLDI NG. BE.DS ~RREOFBITRfAWDI•• AENRDS Company itbout the Eli Beds Mantel and Updght. In No Stock complete w .ville. IDdi~Da ELI D. MILLER &-. Co.~~forr c:uts and pnces EVANSVILLE. IND. Cupboards .Kitchen Cabinets. and K. D. Wardrobes. Is all we rnake but we make Job cA tbem. Get Catalogue and Price •. The Bosse FumitureC EVANSVILLE • INDo. . Kar~e5 War~ro~es are800d Wardrobes GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RiG HT Writefi or Catalogue Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILLE: I 26 Michigan's New Embalmers' Law. Michigan now has, or will have when it goes into effect~ over a year heuce-one of. the most stringent laws regulating the embalming and undertaking business. As this law has he,en heralded as one of the best ever enacted and as many furniture dealers in other states afe interested in Lts provis-ions, the most in:portant sections are reprinted as follows: SECTIOX 1. The State Board of Health is hereby au-thorized allc1 empowered to determine the qualifications neces-sary to enable any person to properly emhalm dead human bodies amJ disinfect the premises. The said board, or some member thereof, sball examine all applicants for '111 embalm-er's license, and shall issue an embalmer's licellse to all per-sons who successfully pass such examination. Ko person shall emh;:\\m any dead human body, unless he shall hold a valid unrevoked and _unexpired licel1se horn the Michigan State Board of Health authorizing him to practice the art of embalming. All persons who are engaged in the business of undertaking, or who profess to be engaged. in such busi-ness, or who hold thenlselves out to the public as undertakers, or embalmers. shall be required to possess a eertiGcate, show-ing that they are licellsed embalmers or have canst,mtly em~ ployed a licensed embalmer. Any person embalming- or at-tempting to embalm, or caring or attempting to care for a dead httman body, either as an (',mbalmer or as assistant em~ balmer or undertaker, except under the immediate and pcr-s011al direction of a licensed embalmer, S~Jall be deemed to be practicing the art of embalming, and any person so emba!m~ il1g or caring, or ntten~ptillg to care for a dead hun-an body, or \:vho shall prCj)'-'.refor transportation or burial 01' otl1CTW15£ dispose of any dead human body, or hold himself out as prac-ticing embalming, without being the holder of an embalmer's license granted by the State Board of Health, .shall be deemcd guilty of a violation of this act. The term etribalm-ing, as llsed in this act shall be taken to 111eanthe d-isitifec.tion or preservation of the dead human body, entire or in part, by the use of chemical substances, fluids or gases ordinarily used, prepat'e~l or intended for such purpose, -either by olltward ap-plication of s\.1ch chemical substances, fluids or gases on the body, or by the introduction of same into the body by vascular Musk.egon Valley Furniture Co. Moskel/OD. Mich •• Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobe, Ladies Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany IDlaid Good, Ladies Desks Music Cabinets or hypodermic injection-or by direct application into the or-gans or cavities. The finding of any such chemica! Sub-sta. nce, fluid or gas ordinarily used in embalming, or any trace, evidence or appearance there'of upon a dead human hody, the use of which i:r prohibited except by licensed em-balmer, or the placing thereof on a dead human body hy any person who is not a holder of an embalmer's license shall C011- stitue prim8. facie evidence of the violation of the terms of this act: Provided, That nothing in this act shall apply to any person who l}f'epuf'ef'>dead human bodies for buria\with-out the assistance of an undertaker or embalmer, or without acting in the capacity of embalmer or undertaker. SECTION 2. Embalmers' examinations shall be held in the city of Lansing, at least once each year, and at such other tln-:es <ll1d placcs as the said board may designate: Pro-vided, That an examination shall be held once each c.alendar year in the Upper Peninsula, if five or more residents of the Upper Peninsula shatl have on file with the secretary of the said board their applications for licenses. The said board is hereby authorized to send not more than two of its members to the Upper Peninsula to conduct embalmers' ex.aminations there. The members of the said board, except the secretary, who are present and assist in any such examinations shall re-ceive ten dollars per diem for the time actually spent, in addi-tion to reimbursement for such expenses as they may act-ually incur. SECTION 3. No person 5hall he granted a license under this act, unless he shall have had at least two years actual, practical instruction in embalming and disinfecting under a licensed embalmer in this state, or at least oue year of such instruction and has completed a course in some school of embalming whose standing is recognized by th(~ State Board of Health, or who shall have been engaged ill the practice of embalming for five years past prior to the datc of his exam-ination. Each applicant for a license shall be examined orally and in wdting in the following sub.jects: Anatomy, sanitary science and disinfection, the care, preservation, em-balming, transportation and burial of dead human bodies, al1d shall, at the request of the board demonstrate his proficiency as an embalmer by ope'ration on a cadaver. All applica- The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON. MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers ______ Also Manufacturers and ExporteT8 of _ ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted 10 allltinds of invalidism, both for howie and street use. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM MICHIGAN #011' f tions under this act shall be upon blanks iurnished by the State Board of Tlealth amI shall be accompanied by a fee of five dollars and a pllotograph of the applicant. All appli-cants for license to pracTice embalming shall have ,ttuincd the ag"c of twenty-one yea("s aud must [ a certillcatc of good moral character, signed by three responsible citi-zens, one of ,...-hOltl l11t1st be a licensed embalmer \","ho has heen personally acqnainLed with the applicant for at least one yc"r. i\ 11 applicants sh:t11 furnish the State Board of Health satis-factory ('vidence of their proliciellcy in a c.onunOll school ed-ucation, that they have had :It least two yC;Hs' practical ex-perience under ;1 jiCCllSt:d emhalmer in this state or have had a practical experience of not less th8n one year under a li- Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks sent you on approval? If nol satisfactory they can be returned at no expense to you whatever, while the price asked is but a triKe, com~ pared to the convenience they afford and the economy they represent in the saving of ~oor space. Thirty_two collches mounted on the Montgomery Itoo Display Couch Ttucks occupy the same Aoor spaC(';as twelve dis_ played in the usual manner, Write for catalogue giving' full descrip-tion and price in the different linishes. to~ gelher with illustrations demonstrating the use of the Giani Short Rail Bed Fastener lor Iron Beds. Manufactured by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATKNTlH;: Silver Creek, New York, U. S. A. Denni5 Wi,e and IrQn CQ.• Canadian Mlnl,l-factureu. London, Ont. censer! (,l\Jnl11~Cl' ill this state and have completed the reg1l18r course of instruction in a school of embalming recognit:ed as being In good stauding by snid bO<ll"Ij: Provided, That any person now holding 811 embalmer's license issued by the State Board of Health under authority of act numher one hundred thirty-two of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred three, shall be deemed to be a licensed embalmer under the provisions of this act, but SHch liceuse sh<dl tct"mill<lte and expire on the thirty-Ilrst day of July, uineteen hundred seven, Ilnless snOnt'r revoked or cancelled, \vbo shall be entitled to registration without examination llPOIl p8Y111e11t of the fec herein provided for: Provided further, That any perSOIl holding a valid, unrevoked and unexpired liccnse in another state or territory having- substantially similar requirements to those exi"ti1Jg .ill this stilte. provided tl18t such states or territorid rccog"nize license is,';:'l1ul by the fltichigan St8te Board of Health. way be gTClllled a license to pr8ctice in tbis st8te upon lilint'; \vitb tlH: secret8ry of this board a certified statement from the secrctary of the exall1inillg hoard nf t1le state or" territory ill \vhich the applic;mt holds :l. license. showing the rating l1pon \vhich s'lid liccl1se was granted, to-g- ether with his rl'l'on:nieu(][ltion, ~ll~d if satisfactory to tbis board it shall. upon the receipt of a fee of ten dollars. grant such license. Tbe U\Vllcr of any license or renewal provided for in this 8et shall canse a copy of same to 1;e riled in the offIce of the lneal rcgistr:H o[ (,8ch city or \"iriage ''''hercin he intends topractiee the 8rt of emb8lmillg, 8ud no transporta-tion permit 511<"111 be issued by the local registrar to any per- SOl1 ,\'ho has li(Jl a C:ill) of snch license or rene,vrtl on Jile: Provided, That any local reglstr:ll· is herthy authorized to grant a tt8Psportalioil permit to any et1lb81n~cr coming from beyond the jurisdjctinn of .";aid registr8r 1I1):)!l the exhibition of a copy of s:lid license or renewal tn said registrar. It shall be unlawful fOl" :lny railv,'ay agent, express agent, haggage n~aster, conductor, or other person acting as snch, to receive '27 the dead body of any person for shipment, or transportation by railway or othcr public conveyance, to or from any point in this st:lte, llllkss said body he accompanied by a removal or shipping permit sigl"cd by the health officer of the local board of health,. ;llld 8 certificate, attached to the outsick box containing- s11ch body, showing the name and offlcia1 number of the embalmer by whom it was prepared, and the method of preparation employed: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so constructed as to prevent the shipment of dead bodjes intended for use for anatomical purposes within the st8te wbell the same are so designated by the shipper. [Sections 4 to 8 inclusive relate to revocation of license in ease the holder is found guilty of violating the law or become unfit to pursue the business of embalming, making elaborate provisions for preferring charges, granting the accused a hear-ing, etc. Section 9 provides the penalty. It reads as fol-lows] : SECTION 9. Any person who shall violate any of the provi.sions of tbis act, upon conviction thereof, shall be pun-ished by a fine of not less than three hundred dollars or by irnprisonmcllt for not less than three months nor more than one ye8r, or both such fine 8nd imprisonment in the discre-tion of the court. Prosecutions for the violation of any of the provisions of this act, may be .brought by any person il1 the natTIe of the people of the state of NJich-ig8tl, against any person violating any of the provisions of !J'1S .act, before any court of competent jurisdiction. It is hereby made the duty of all prosecuting attorneys to see that the provisions of this act are enforced in their respectivc countics. [t shall also be tbe duty of aU health officers in their respective cities and townships to inform against and assist in the prosecution of .all persons whom there is reason-able cause to believe arc guilty of violating any of the provis-ions of this acL. This act is ordercd to take effect Septembn 8, 1908. Furniture for the Walls. VvTith rarc exceptions, the rooms of the homes of Ameri-callS :lre sll1nll and in order to obtain the necessary floor space the walls are utilized by the hanging of furniture upon them, that but for the reason stated would be placed upon the floor. Book racks, cabinets, plate racks, hat racks, cup-boards, mcdicine cabinets and small articles, such as- brackets, pockets and slipper cases, jf properly hung, serve to decorate rather than burden the walls. "Vhen the floors are over-fUrJlished, scrimped rooms may be made comfortable and (:onveni{'llces for the oCCllpants provided try using the waf Is, !\ great deal of wall furniture is m,tnufactured, but there is I rOOlll for improvcment in that line of production. The D. & B. Line Steamers leave Detroit weekdays J; at 5: 00 p. m , Sundays at 4,00 p. _ . m_ (centr::ll time) and from Buffalo daLly ~t 5:3~ p.m: (e~stemtime) W_~E"': reaehmg- theIr destmatwn the next------ ~----=-~ morning. Direct connections with early trains. Lowest rates and superior service to New York, Boston,Philadelphia,Atlantic City,aU points east. Popular week end excursions to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, leave Detroit every Saturday. RAIL TiCKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS All r;tas3eg of tickets so!<l readi"!! vi.'!. Michi"<aIl Cenlral,Wabash and Gl'll.nd Trunk railways between Detroit and Buffa!" in either direction will be accepted fur !ran9portation un D. b. R Line S:eamenl. Sel'd 2c. B1aml'-f'Jr iJlnstrated pamphletandGreatLakcsmnp. Address: L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A. DETROIT & BUFFALO STEAMBOAT CO., D.troil, Mich. PHIUP H. McMILLAN, V,Ce,PRE5. A. A. SCHANTZ. G&:I\I. MGR. 28 ManZ!/acturers -- Johnson Chair Company CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS . PERMANENT EXHIBIT: Furniture Exhibition Building, 1411Michigan Avenue Office Chairs, - Dining Chairs, Bedroom Chairs, and Parlor Rockers Send.for our new catalogue,just out, illustrating our entire line, SUCH AS WE MAKE IS EVER THE SOURCE OF PLEASURE AND PROFIT TO THE RETAILER AND THE PURCHASER RELIABLE and SUBSTANTIAL fURNITURE ROCKFOR.D CHAIR. AND FUR.NITURE COMPANY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY Dining Extension Tables Are BeSt Made, Bdt Finishl!:d Values. All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Siock. No. :}&4~Dining Table Top. 48x48. Made in Qyartered Oak. Full Polished. Nickel C~eIS. No. 384. Same style liS above with square top. LENTZ TABLE CO. No. 384}6 Dining Table. NASHVILLE. MICH. Moon Desk Co. MUSKEGON. MICH. OFFICE DESKS New Styles for Fall Season. WHITE PRINTING CO. I I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE 29 ~MI9.rIG7J-N DON'T HIDE BARGAINS UNDER A BUSHEL. A Michigan Dealer's Idea of a Gced Joke-The Late Fred Macey's Methods. Vv'rittcll by Aln~ol'(l Griffen for the Furniture )Iews, St. Louis.-Docs advertising pay the retail denier? \lVdl, the <llls.vcr dq)C1lds largely upon bow and where the "ad" is placed. Lots of money is wasted in advertising improperly placed, 110 doubt about that. The use of a poor cut-this is especially tnte of furniture---is simply throwing money a ..v..ay. Business is not clttracted, LInd it certainly is !lot cre:ltcd, in this "vay_ Advertising has been described as the art of "put-ting things Tight" before the pllblic. It is a science. and UlI- -qt~estinnab\y a science sti.lI in its idancy, dsepite the ma:,ly schools in publicity that have sprnng 11p in these later years, the books that have becn written, and the general avvakening that has taken place on the subject. 1\ow, let 11S brush ;tll long theories aside and get down to the busilless at hand-that of sell~ng furniture by the use of printer's ink. First, as to your medium. I am a believer in the efficacy of the local nc·wspaper, and let it be the right paper. By all means, study the paper. Does it go home? Is it read by the family? Is it well edited and clean? Is the editor of the old school, who lets the devil (printer's) rtlIl the sheet while he goes fishing, meantime permitting the stale ads to go along from month to month unchanged? If he is _of this type, you can rest assured that the circulation of the paper is not what yol.1 want, neither as to qnantity or qnality. Then, having found OUI: medium, theit~ is the advertisement itself to· consider. A good "ad·" writer must be able to see and to tell deady. The "ad" must first of all catch the eye, but its function is to go farther than that. It must not only interest the reader, but it should stimulate him or her to aet. I was personally acquainted with the late Fred },:Iacey, founder of the Marey Company, Grand Rapids, who was one of the most successful mail-order advertisers in the country, and the two essentials that he insisted on in all his ad-con-struction, as he often told me, were that the price of the ar-ticle should never be 'omitted, and that the ads "hould be so adroitly \Vorded-mesmerically worded, if you please-~ts to influence the reader to remember and do. Ability to stir people to act and act now,-that's a vital point in good ad-vertising. The wisdom of stating the price in plain figmes is appar-ent. It is human nature to 'want to kliow the price of an ar-ticle the iirst thing and how can a reader be expected to act or indeed to take any interest at all in the effort at pub-licity, with so important an essential left out? The adver-tisement should be especially appealing to a womall's eyes, since womep usually do the buying, or at least are very close to the buyer, and what they say "goes." Here's a combination that has often proved lucky in the saie of easy chairs at holiday time, and there arc mallY other combinations equally suggestive; the chair-a mall in smok-ing habit comfortably seated-and the price. Let the cut bc high grade and attractive and not much else is lIcceSS:lry in the way of description. Neither over-estimation nor nn-der- estimation, but the exact truth should he aimed at in de-scriptiOllS of the goods. But the matter docs not end with the writing uf the "ad." 'fhe art of the compnsltor, or ;nl-man, t11e sort Of type llsed, the arrangelllcl,t, :'pc! last, but not least, the position in the paper, are ,Ill il~'I)(.lrtal~t consid~rations. The successful ad-vertiser studies these details and does not trust to chance or to otl1er people's humors. He sees the money-vahle in knowing these things for himself. I know of many people, and so do yOU, who haven't the gumption to write: their Own advertisements. The newspaper representative on entering the store is met with the exclama-tion, "By Jove, I had forgotten you. Can't you fix up some-thing for me?" Possibly he tears off a piece of wrapping paper and scribbles thereon his announcement, on the spur of the moment. This is not business. It is playi"g at b'lS-lness. There are people who never advertise. A dealer in Big Rapids, l\lich.; a city of possihly 5,CCO people., Jifty miles north of Gram} Rapids, ";as recently t(~l1ing some of his friends what he considered flS a good joke. A large adverti ;ement (If kitchen cabinets had been run in a Grand Rapids' paper, offering the article at the "reduced price of $16.50, regular KOOK WOOD and a general line of F/\NGY TABLES Write fOT Cuts and Prices PALMER . Manufacturil1g Co. 115 to 135Paln1er Ave. DETROIT, I\fICH. Full line shown on second floor. 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicalro. in JllDuary· Pioneer Mfg. Co... DETROIT, MieN. Reed furniture Baby Garriaocs Go-Garts Full line sLowD on second Hoor. 1319 Michi~Bn Ave., Chi-cago, in January. DETROIT, MICH. Murphy Chair Co. LINE. MANUFACTURERS A COMPLE.TE SHELBYVILLE DESK CO. MI\:'{UFACTURERS OF OFFICE DESKS Mahogany, and Imitation Qyartered Oak, Plain Oak in Three Grades. SPECIAL FEATURES A SQUARE DEAL Writ( flr latest Catalogue. SH ELBVVI LLE, 'N D. -- -- ----- -------------------, 31 price $20." The cabinet is manufactured at Big Rapids, and, said the dealer, "the funny part of it is that some of our people ""vent to Grand Rapids to buy the cahiuet at the re-duced price, ....h..ile all the time I ani selling the same goods, made by the same company, at $14." As (l matter of fact, wasn't the joke on the dealer !"ather than all his legitimate customers? Are the people to blame because he hides bis bargains under a bushel, never letting it be kllO\Vll in the public prints what he bas to sell, and the pricc:? Ire thinks that the people :dl knmv him all)'wa)', and so know his bargains. But they don't They have 10 be sh(l\vn, and if his customers go to Grand Rapids to buy what h~ could sell them <3.t a low('1- price, he has none but llimseH to blame. The case referred to was probably a bargain for Grand Rapids folks, but not so there. The story is I-dated of a man 'who \vent to a merchant to buy a remnant of cloth. long Ollt of fashion. "'VVhy did you come to me:" asked 111edealer. "I thought you'd be likely tf) lwvc it beo:::allse you Bever advertise," \vas the reply. If your sto,e is located in a town (,f cunsiderable :::oi:l.c\v. hy not a(/\,ertise in the smaller towns in yonr tenitory:' Ag-gressiw: ncss is required to lmild a busine",s. Dress yO\1\- \vind(Jws, rh(;ll call up a city editor and <.!.'ikhilH to have a n:poder stop at the store. Theil ',<ly to tJ-JC repor-t. er: "\Ve ace carrying an ad with you. }\'ow rec1procate by g-iving our \vindo\Vs it Hiee write-up ill yoUr local ('.olull1l1s." He "vi]l he glad to do so and if you give hjm m;lteri'll for his story, you 'will be surprised next dny W]H'J) the bright, newsy write-up appears. A regular 11e"\'5 writer can llsually hide all the (',,1' Jnarks of ;ldvc'rtising in his stories, therdore he will be of mort value to ,you than the advertising solicitor would be. Advertising will bring people to yOllr store, then il is up to you to "deliver the goods." Extensive publicity does not pay gCllen"llly except ill eases of artickh o[ real, unmistakable meril. Carry the right S(lrt of goods and put them right he-fore the pUblic, tbt.,,;('.two things make for sllccess. It Jus been estimated that the sum of $600;OOO.OGO is spent in advertisillg alone in these United States every year. How much money is that? It is an amount equal i.n value to the annual corn crop and nearly twice the value of the wheat crop of this ('.ountry. This estimate was made two or three years ago and is therefore too small now, since the publicity game is growing rapidly. Of this sum more than seventy-five per cent is spent with the newspapers, trade journals and maga-zincs, Another for Rockford. August Peterson of the Central Furniture Company, Peter H. Palmer of the Royal liJantel Company and J. A. Peterson of the Skandia Furnitnre C0111p<1ny,<tl1 of Roek-ford, Ill., arc the incorpor<itors of the ?'Jational Furniture Company, organized to estahlish a furuiture factory in Rock-foro. The capital stock in placed fit $80,000 and a new plant is to be erected but no anJ)ouncen,ent has been made as to ~tyle or grade of the product. Made by Globe Furniture Co., Evansville, Ind. r---------------------- -- Robbins Tabl6 60. Owosso. Mi6blgan No. 318. AMERICAN OAK. 44x48IN. TOP. AMERICAN BASE. 7 IN. PILLAR. SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOy OF THE CHILDREN. OUf new CHILD'S MISSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Write for Catalogue and pri~t!s. OUf line is large and prices are right. We make CHAIRS GROWN-UPS as well as CHILDREN, GEORGE SPRATT & CO. Sheboygan, Wis. Say you M'W trn! fJd in tbe MiclJigall A",i- .,.. Something DiffERENT No. 155 WOVEN WIRE COUC" in Couches $4.00 Net We have made for some time, Couches and Davenports with woven wire tops. Our Jatest essay in this line is DlffI:RI:NT. Made and shipped K. D. l:aslly set up. 4 trial order wlll convince. 8MIT" ~ DAVIS MfG.' CO.,St. Louis. BUSINESS ON A BOAT. Meeting of Michigan Retail Furniture Dealers Takes the Form of an Excursion. The midsummer meeting of the Miehigan Retail Furniture Dealers' Association was held in Detroit on Wednesday July 24. There was a large attendance from all sections of the state except Grand Rapids, that city having only one re-presentative- G. R. Chaffee of the Young & Chafiee Furni-ture Company. The meeting" was held on hoard an excursion steamer 'which ran up and down the Detroit river, through Lake St. Clair and the "the flats" from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 in the aftCr110011, making a most enjoyable day for the .furniture men many of whom were accompanied by ladies. Reports on the present condition of business and pro-spects for the fall trade 'oNeredecidedly optimistic, nearly all dealers declaring that since the middle of June their trade has 33 dation to succeed C. C. Rosenbury of Bay City who is now president of the national association of furniture dealers.' 'Love and Politics at Luna Park. Ne"v York wa.rd- politicians, especially those wearing the stripes of the Tammany Tiger, have great faith in publicity as an elemcnt of success and to obtain it they use novel meth-ods that might he adopted by furniture dealers with bene-ficial results. The working out of some of their advertising schemes is describcd by the New York Commercial as follows: "More than 20,000 men, women and children of the twelfth assembly district attended the "Dooley Day" outing at Luna Park Tuesday. The day was planned in honor of Matthew Dooley, chairman of the board of directors of the twenty-second Ward Democratic Club. The most novel and interesting event in Luna's history was the "Dooley Day" wedding." To encourage matrimony and votes in his district, Mr. Dooley offered a complete set FLEMISH RENNAISSANCE SIDEBOARD.· :Made by Berkey & Gay Fumture Company, Grand RaPids. Mich. been better than it ",,-as a year ago and that conditions were never better than at present. The discussions, which were largely informal were de-voted mainly to mail order competition. They showed that the !vlichigan dealers do not fear the big mail order hOtlses so much as they did a year or two ago; that hy making ex-tra efforts to show the people the advantagcs of trading at home they are meeting mail order competition much more successfully than formerly and have certainly checked the business of the big Chicago houses in this state, in the furni-ture line at least. It was stated that several manufacturers have refused to aUow the mail-order houses to catalogue their products and that some who have heretofore sold to that branch of the trade have decided to discontinue that practice. It is re-ported that some of the manufacturers of hardware novelties, etc., in Meriden and New Britain, Conn., have instituted court proceedings, or are about to do so, for the purpose of es-tablishing their right to prohibit the cataloging of their goods by Boston mail order houses. If manufacturers have the legal right to control the use of their products for cata-logue purposes, they may be able to place an obstacle in the progress of the mail order business. W. 1. Owen of Detroit was elected president of the asso-of household furnishing to the couple or couples who can· sented to be married in Luna Park on "Dooley Day." The one condition was that each contracting party must reside in the twelfth assembly district. Five couples made applications, but only one qualified_ The successful candidates were Emelia Swensen and Olaf Jergensen, who came forward with the proper credentials. The ceremoney occurred at 3 o'clock at the base of the tower overlooking the lagoon. After the ceremony, :l.1r. Dooley of-fered his congratulations, gave the couple an order for a complete house-keeping outfit and then conducted the "newly weds" through the "Night and Morningl ' show. In the chamber of skeletons the king and queen gave their blessing, and the verbose skeleton admonished the honeymooners to beware the awful results of "Hell on Earth/" Handsomest Ever. John J. 1\'Icisinger, buyer for the G. W. McAlpin Com-pany of Cincinnati, left Grand Rapids declaring: "I must say the lines are the handsomest and most extensive ever dis-played and I have managed to make quite a selection though in such a market, where there are so many attractions it is hard to decide just what is best to buy. However, a man who ",,-ants high grade goods can't go far wrong in this market," 34 _Don't B~ Too Blunt, Nor Too Smooth. Some busin('.ss men -are blunt in their dealings with CllS-. tomers; others are polished and suave to a degree, The fortner may acquire local reputations for their bluntness and command the kind of respect that is evinced when neighbor3 say, "John is pretty blunt of speech, but yoU always know just where he stands. He calls a spade a spade and yon don't have to think twice to know what he means." while of the polished man and the suave it is sometimes said by the unappreciative, 'He is too smooth, too oily, too smart." The blunt man in business may carry his bluntness too far, just as the suave man may convey the impression of ovcr-smartness. The happy medium is the- thing to strive for-a polite, considerate attitude to",,'ards customers and friendly patient ,treatment of them-neither the bluntness that offends the fastidious nor the "smoothness" that excites suspicion. 1vfenaFe cast in various molds and their methods naturally differ in all callings, trades and professions. This is welt illust.rated by the methods employed by diffcrent puhlic speakers in quelling interruptions. The blunt method, the method of the club and the cudgel, was illustrated when a Governor of the State of Illinois answered an interrupter at a public meeting by the exc1aminati"on: "Back to the asylum with you!" The method of the polished debater, the method of the rapier rather than of the cudgel, was that, employed in thc course of a speech by the great orator, John Bright. He. was saying, "Personally I do not feel disposed to wage war against these Philistines," when an unruly membcr of . 11is English audience shouted "Hee-haw!" ·':~lfhowcvcr;" }Jr. Bright continued witho~lt a pause, "my f.i.-iendat the back·oT the hall wilt lend me one of his iaws I shall be' encouraged to reconsider my attitude, in vie,~ of the- historic success of Sampson when provided ''lith a similar wea1J(ln." Both of these methods were :effectiv-e in quelling opposi- "THE BEELMAN LINE" FOR SPECIAL SALES MiSSION ROCKERS MAGAZIN£ STANDS TABLES MEDIC1NE. CABINE.TS SEND FOR CATALOGUE . l'HEBEELMAN CABINET COMPANY j; ·1682'~t6'72., Columbus Road; CLEVELAND, o. Ij -;_ r' ~•.:." .- -. - c, . tion. Bluntness and polish may both win, but in business the most likely channel to success wilt probably b~ found by steering a middle course. Laziness and lngenuity. The man who tries to make.his work easier is not general-ly a lazy man. Too many business men are today inclined to look with suspicion on anyone in their employ who tries to so simplify his work as to be able to do it in less time. A man who goes to his employer and outlines a- plan whereby he can do the same amount of work in less time i"sgenerally about as likely to get a cool reception as encouragement. Why this is the case is hard to say. Iii rnostcases it probably comes from the fact that the employer is not himself familiar with the work, and naturally feels that an employe is more likely to try to shirk than to accompli-sh more. This is entirely the wrong view to take of the matter. \Vhen an employe takes enough interest in your business to devise plans of saving time for you, he is too valuable a man for you to overlook. He is not trying to save his time for his own use, but for yours. He re~lizes that you are paying him for a full day's work, and if.he studies out a method of saving an hour of his time each day, or even a few moments, he knows he will be expected to find something else to do during the time: This· is the kind of a man to, encourage. Every idea he advances should be taken under consideration, and if found to be sound they can be givena:triaL Each trial will encour-age 'him to be more valuable to you, and what do you hire men for, if not to help you? The lazy man is more like the machine. He plods through routine work and never tries to thi'nk of better ways of doing it. If he can get more assistance by a little shirking he is more likely to shirk. If he has any thoughts which would benefit you, he is avcrse to letting you find it out. Do not get -these two classes of employes mixed in your mind, for if you do, you fail to get what you should. Dont's For Young Salesmen. Don't think that because the boss has a. roll-top desk and a pri.vate -office that he also has a cinch. The man who car-ries the responsibility is the man whose shoulde~s first grow bent. If the- boss has a system for you to follow, you follow it. Don't try to introduce any variations on your own re· sponsibility. Exercise the same discretion in choosing an employer that the employer uses in choosing a salesman, and then stick to your choice. It doesn't pay to recommend goods a bit higher than they wilt stand. A customer fooled that way once won't Rive you a :Sec~n.dchali~e. Don't tell your story too glibly. The man who rattles off his piece about the goods as if he had said it a thousand times doesn't inspire any too much confidence. It is a- wise sales~an who take-'j pains to know inote than he is expected to know about the goods he sel1~. Study some branch .of store work on the side. Learn to make sign cards, to write advertising, to dis-play goods, to handle correspondence. It's a busy man who hasn't time to learn something outside of his· routine. . NeW' FactoriES. Shawnee,' (IlL) Bedding Company. Brooklyn (N: Y.) Dining Room Table Company. Warten & 1i.fartin, West Point,Tenti. Jacob Jacckle Furniture Company, Buffalo, N. Y. DearboTll Desk Company, Marion, Ind. Piqua (Ohio) Furniture' CompanY· Moore -Furniture Company, Knoxville, -Tehti. Gastonia (N. C.) Mattress Cori1panY._ Globe ;Brass Bed Manufacturing Company, New Ya:tk City. Miller Furniture Company, Orailge;Tex. NoweH.:.P,eacock UpholsteI:ing_C~tnpanYI .Lexingfori, ;N. C. Miscellaneous Notes. At the annual meeting of the National Traveling Men's Protective Assoc,iation, held in Detroit during the third week in July, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Louis T. La Beaume; of St. Louis; vice"president, L. C. Deets, of Des Moines; secretary and treasurer, A. L. Sheetz, of Omaha,N eb. The 1908 convention will be held in Lake Placid, :K. Y. Cincinnati furniture men do not have much in the line of dull care to drive way. Kcither do tbey propose to allow all \vork to make them dull. 'I"be Queen City Furniture Club will have a "stag outing" at \Vhite \~ril1ow Park, over in "Old Kaintuck" on Tuesday,. August 13. To complete "the other half" of boilding, the l\Janu-facturers' Building ~ompany of Grand Rapids, :dich., have increased the capital stock trom $70,000 to $125,000. The new stock has all been subscribed fOj" and exc.H,-at;on for the additional structure is in progress. Tht Lent:! Table Company of 1\ashville, J\Hch., shut down the {attory for two weeks in July in order to install a new engine and make otber betterments demanded by rapidly i11- 7IRTIS'A~ t T t· 35 the best modern type fire-proof buildings, 70 x 150 feet, four stories-to be completed by Novernber l. The Gutter Furniture Company of Port Huron, Mich., gave aV"'ayover 4,500 souvenirs at the formal opening of their new quarters in the Armory building on Ivlilitary street. A three ,~tory brick buildjng is to be erected on lVlain street, Zeeland, .:\lich .. for the accommod~\tion of DePree & Pruim, furniture dealers. The Bay Poplar Company, capitaliz.ed at headquarters in Cincinnati, has been organized poplar as a furniture wood. \V. E. "Vig-Icy of Gatesville, store to i\lortoll Scott of \Vaco. and will retire. $150,000, lvith to {;xploit bay Tex., has sold his fu.rnitme fllr. Vligley is 70 ycars old The Armstrong Cork Company is building a linoleum plant at Lanc:aster, Pa., that will cost $250,000 and cover of land. Farnham. & Fillmore have purchased the furniture store of George Gave of Petersburg, \lich .. and will continue the .busi-ness. The Helena, Ark., branch of the Ford-Johnson Company MADE BY ESTEY MANUFACTURtNG CO, OWOSSO, MICH. creasing business. The managers are planning to add two buildings to the plant next spring-. The furnitll1"(~sales season, now closing, having 5ho\vl1 the need of greater hotel facilities, the directors of the Old :\ ,,- tional Bank, owncr of the building, are having plalls drawn for a nve-story addition to the rear of the Hotel Pantlind, Grand Rapids. The Standard Furniture Company of KashviIJe, TC11ll., is huiJding a la.rge w<ll'elwusc: as an addition to the plant and v..·.ill put in a number of ncw rnachincs, thus increasing the ca-pacity d the plant about forty per cent. Thc!htson-='le.vcJl Furniture Company are buying g-oods for thei;- new cash and instalhnent store to be opcned at IIat-tiesburg, Miss., about the middle of Ang"ust. Cbarles E. Newell is vice president and manager. The nanw of the l\:f ohawk Desk Cornpany of Herkimer, 1\'. Y., has been chnged to the l\atlonal Desk Company. The Buckeye Parlor f<'tunitttre Company of Toledo, 0., has inc.reased its capital stock frOth $10,000 to $25,000. C. Xiss & SOllS, the well kn<nvll furniture dealers of Mil-waukee, arc erecting a large addition to their store-one of will herea.fter be known as the Helena ::\Janufacturjng C01'n-pany, A factory for the Hmaking over of hair mattresses" is be-ing established at Dixon, III. The Hillsboro (Ohio) Chair Company are enlarging their factory. Emil Tyden of Hastings, 1\lich., has been granted letters patent on his famolls pedestal table lock. . L. i\. :.\lallecy, furniture dealer of 01.ea.n, 7'J". Y:, .is laying the foundations for a new store. The: B. A. :rvfdvlillan Company of Salt Lake City has the contract for seating- the new Catholic cathedral in that city. The pews \vill cost about $6,500. Sargent's Strong Exhibits. The Sargellt ]'\'Iannfacturing Company of Muskegon 1Tieh., are among the leading exhibitors of ha.ll racks,. desks, chiffoniers chiffo-wardrobcs and kindred goods in the Grand Rapids Furniture exposition. The line has heen,grea:tl1:yen-largcd and improved and the liberal ordeTs'taken: r-ewa'i'u: the enterprise and good judgment of the management.' EV.RNSVILLL Evansville, July 24.-Tbe mid-summer selling season h:as produced satisfactory results to manufacturers.- Liberal or-ders for goods were booked at the St, Louis and Chicago ex-positions and the mails have added materially to the sales. The factory of the recently organized World Furniture Company is about ready for operation and a line of goods will be prepared speedily for the market. The new line of fqe Crescent Furniture Company is in the hands of the photographer and the engraver. A machine for producing imitation of figured woods has been installed by the Specialty Furniture Company. The Buehner Chair Company has changed management, Mr. Lichtenfeld retiring. His successor is George Keve- New Furniture Dealers. Angelo (Tex.) Furnitur'e and Undertaking Company. Cap-ital, $50,000. Michigan Furniture Company, 2174 Third avenue, New York. Bernard Mendel, 1401 Fifth avenue, New' York. Star Furniture Company, 268 West One Hundred· ann Forty-fifth street, New York. H. Horwitz, Baltimore, Md. O'Donnell Company, Boston. Nichols & McEachren, Monterey, CaL E. Lapowski, Douglas, Ariz. George Swadner, Fairfield, Ky. Henry W. Bergman, Bradford, Pa. E.Sehneider & Co., Allentown, Pa. Universal Furniture Cornpany, Troy, N. Y. Batson-Newell .Furniture Company, Hattiesburg, Miss. Furniture Fires. Zen gel & Heidrick, New Orleans. Loss, $60,000, insured. PIOK UT THE BUYER. kordes. Improvements will be made in the factory and the line strengthened. The great factory of the Karges Furniture Compan t.s well supplied with orders for chamber furniture and w rd-robes. A. F, Karges is giving close attention to the op ra-tion of this great plant, as usual. Eli D. Miller has returned from Chicago, where he oak many orders for the famous Eli folding beds. A new line of tables has been placed on the market by the Bockstege Furniture Company. The designs are mee tng the approval of dealers ·generally. The Bosse Furniture Company are marking many large shipments to dealers in the west and south. Their goods are manufactured for shipment knocked down, thereby effecting a great saving in freight. Evansville is a great market for carload shipments of mixed lots. Everything needed by the average dealer is man~ ufactured here which makes this feature of the business pos-sible. A verse from the pen of "Ben" Fellwock, the furniture rhym-ster of Evans.ville, reads as follows: "Evansville is on the Ohio-- Near Henderson, Kentucky- :The dealer selling Evansville goods Is lucky, lucky, lucky." In other words, according to the sweet-singing Ben, the dealer is three times lucky if he can stock up with Evansville goods one time. J. J. Reifensnyder & Bra. Philadelphia, Pa. Loss, $1,000. Charles Dusenbury, West Branch, Mich. Loss, $1,800. Ferdinand Serengo, Brooklyn, N. Y. Loss, $9,OOQ H. J, Miner, Clayton, Mich. Loss, $8,000. Made by Woodard F'Urniture 00., owosso, Mich. THE OLD MAN'S SOLILOQUY. 37 How to Meet Man Order Competition. The retailer is getting over his state of funk. He realizes that the retail catalogue 'houses may worry hi111) but cannot crush him, That they will continue to exist, and must be accepted as one of the conditions of modern day merchandising, says The Butler Way. He knows now that while their monster catalogues are universal encyclopedias of merchandise their actual sales arc big only in certain classes ·of bulky goods-trivial in most shelf ware, and especially so in popular priced articles. No wonder the retailer was rather "rattled" .vhen he woke up and found how far into his field the foreign catalogue houses had crept. The ene-my came at him in a new form and in a new way. Almost before he knew it the offending catalogues ,..-ere in every farmhouse and orders were going away from home by every mail. 1\ ot unnaturally, though in light 'of hind sight not wisely, he refrained from advertising the retail mail order houses by not recognizing their exist-ence. lIe simply ignored them. His customers construed his silence as a sign of defeat and the enemy grew apace. As usual, the first impulse spent itself in talk. There was much discussion of ways and means, but little real fighting. Merchants' associations did not get beyond oratory and resolutions. Meantime, a few hard-headed merchants in dif-ferel1t parts of the country were meeting the issue squarely. They got right out into the field and fought. Each season a few more recruits joined the ranks of the fighters. They found the retail mail order houses were not invulnerable. As in all cases, the danger when met face to face proved Jess formindable than in prospect. Successful fighting of retail mail order houses appears to be along two lines: L Every merchant must fight to stop the peo-ple he classes as his customers sending orders away from homc. To do this, he must be willing to sacrifice his profit, and more if need be. At all costs, the idea 111USt be uprooted that home merchants cannot sell goods as cheaply as foreign concerns. 2. The merchants of a town must stand shoulder to shoul-der against the common enemy. Their powerful influence must be brought to bear on the local newspapers to dissuade them from accepting advertising from retail mail order houses and to advocate home buying in the editorial columns. The associated merchants should learn the names of people who are sending orders away and bring to bcar on them all pos-sible pressure at least to give the home mercha"nts an even chance at their business. From what we have heard from customers in many states we are convinced t.h.1.t.if the merchants of a town wilt set themselves vigorously to the task they witi soon stop the growth of the retail mail order houses in their territory, and after that slowly but .surely reduce the present busines don.e by those }lOllses. Good-bye, old friend; good-bye! Geary leaves the house that made molts. Twelve: years ago I came to you and asked for ·work. I informed you that 1 was an advertiser. You gave me :.l. triai; at the end of three days you hired me for one year. I made good and you arranged with me to stay another year. \Vhen that time expired you arranged with me to remain ten years longer. That time has expired. We part. r leave the house that made me famous. The house that had the nerve to back my advertising schemes. The house that grew from the smallest to the largest in the world. The hOltse that never resorts to unfair methods, the house that gives one hundred cents worth for every dollar that you hand them. The house that gives every man, woman and child a square deal. That's Pickerings. Nuf-ced. Back to the farm for James Geary, R. F. D. 2, Allegheny, Pa. The above "advertisement" appeared in the Pittsburg pa-pers last ·week. James Geary, familiarly known as "Old Man Geary," ,,>'1)0 had been connected with Pickerings' adver-tising department for twelve years, closed with them on July 20. In an explanatory Jetter to the Michigan Artisan, Mr. Geary writes: "Some say my ads were £1-- bad; others say results count. \Ve (Pickerings) are no"..- as big as they (we) want to be. vVe agreed to disagree-that's Y I am out on the farm planting new advertising ideas. As soon as they ger-minate I will have something to selL "Thank you! "JAMES GEARY, "Original Nu.f-ced Man." The Ero Office Supply Company and the E. R. Thompson Printshop of Carthage, ido., have been consolidated under the control of Mr. Thompson, who proposes to increase the capi-tal stock and enlarge the business, using the old name of Ero Office Supply Company. Yeggmen entered the furniture store of J. c. Herms, Keosho, Mo., wrecked the safe with explosives and got away with about $30 in cash. 38 Mr. E. Z. Mark Helps Out 1. MRS: MARK_The,.e! There, E. Z., is Just the very thing I want you -to glve'me for a Christmas present; that (lId Eighteenth Century ltalial\ i;abinet. It is onJyflve hundredd ollar& S.· Z., I have set my heart· OD,It_I must have H:. MR. E. %.-WHAT! Not MUCH! VDU'V~got tl:1nthel' :nu~ss. 2. STRANGER (later in theday) .....Mr. Mark. i am secretary of the Sellleg.a.mbol'lian Missions, of ""hi!;h Mra. Mark is QUI'1\i)n!2~ preei~l\t. We wlosh to make her a little Chrlrmna$ !itlft aad , have beendttlegated to- ask you qul~Y to 8i1S9e1t something that would pl(.aBe our b,eloved Mr.. Mark. 3. STRANGER (eontlnuh:g)-We have only -tfole sum of four hundred'-,", .had l:Jo~ 'to ralae fi~ hundred- MR. "E. L::.-8Y jovel I know what. She wants that old Italian eilt!lnet down at Flotsam .. Jet· urn'. antique store. He....: I'll acid an1:lthe:r hun-. <lJMd to )'OU1" fow, ,VOPU-"'8oclQWnalJd-buy' that for ber oIlIndshe'll bepJ.eaaed to·~th. ~ '"";".-... "}"$" ,'~;::;:' ..._.~:'~.:'*7::l:. , :\10."",,_ 4. E. Z.- (that cvenfng)-Ah-er<-Mary". you stan4 very WII'II with th~'- members of the te:ne- . gamQ,OllliM Mi$$i9n.S, don't you1 I moan, thoy think iI: .Jot of, y,ou,'dOn't the)'. ~~ar1 MRS, MARK...;..;Sencgambe-nian 'Mia.ions? WAy, I nevt'r heard of such a thing. Th-e're t8 DC)sUCh $IO<lr¢y in e.l(hitenroe as as l.k.nollV. WhX. ~' Z .• ,wh.t I. the matter? Have you got a .fit? ~ TREATMENT OF GRAFTERS. Famous Architect Who Was Kind to Them Was Finally "Skinned" by One of the Tribe. \Villiam Le Baron ]cnne::r. the famous Chicago architect, who \\<as the inventor of skeleton construction, and who died re:ccntly in Los Angeles, 'vas a man of odd characteristics. He' recognized hutmtl1 fraiJities, but seldom condemned the frail man. Jenney despised worse tban .anything the gTaftcr, ;llJd hjs manner of dealing with that type of man was effective. Arch-ness. If you \vant to do the best kind of business, "..-jth the best Jirms, don't do as you have
- Date Created:
- 1907-07-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:2