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- North America49
- Teton[remove]49
- USA49
- Wyoming48
- Contact UM Herbarium22
- Teton Pass3
- Camp Davis, Hoback River.2
- Elk Refuge, Jackson2
- Along the Snake River at Oxbow Bend, e of Jackson Lake1
- At Elk Refuge, Jackson.1
- At western continental divide between West Thumb & Old Faithful.1
- Camp Davis, Hoback River1
- Firehole Canyon.1
- Grand Teton National Forest across from Snake River campground; 12 miles north of Colter Bay; level topography1
- Just north of Moran junction.1
- Madison Picnic area, along river.1
- Montana1
- On bank of Cascade Creek, near mouth of Cascade Canyon, west shore of Jenny Lake, Teton Range, Grand Teton National Lake1
- Snake River Gravel Pit Restoration Site on the John D. Rockefeller Parkway (co-managed & often referred to as part of Grand Teton National Park), approx 10 km south of Yellowstone National Park.1
- Tagwotee Pass, along Route 26, Bridger-Teton National Forest1
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