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- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1939-12-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 7, Number 12
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1937-04-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 3, Number 4
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1941-12-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 9, Number 12
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and l: )..~i :f. \!--~, \ . Twenty-Eighth Year-No. 14 JANUARY 25, 1908 Semi-Monthly The ROYAL is the Original Push Button Morris Chair THE" ROYAL' PUS" BUTTON MORRIS CHAIR Eigbt Years of Have EstaEJished Its Snpremacy ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS ) MORRIS CHAIRS' FROM i6.25 to ~30 CAT ALoe UPON APPLICAlTION. Royal Chair Co. STURGIS, MICHIGAN Chicago Salesroom: Geo. DJ WilliamsCo.• 1323 Michigan Avenue, First Floor. Chicago. Ill. The One Motion, All Steel Go-Cart FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION NO FUSS, NO FOOLING FOLDS WITH ONE MOTION All Steel; Indestructible. Perfected Beyond All Competition. Frame of'Steel Tubing. Will Carry 200 Lbs. Over Rough Pavements. The Only Perfect Cart With a Large Perfect Quick Action Hood. CATALOGUE UPON APPLICATION. FOLDED STURGIS STEEL GO-CARTCOMPANY, Sturgis, Mic". CHICAGO SALESROOM: Geo. D. Williams Co., 1323 Michil!an Ave., First Floor, Chicago, Ill. " I r r i, If ~ TABLES (No) TROUBLE (No) TROUBLE TABLES New Line of Tables. CJl We know! CJl Those great big' shiny surfaces, and putting tables together so they will fit, give you a lot of trouble. t]J The Northern Furniture Company is going into the table business with an entirely new line. (] We win give you as handsome a finish as ,he beft lable makers in Ametica-·~but medium prices. CJl Above all we offer you a line of tables that will give you NO TROUBLE. (j On all our tables we use our new patent knock-downfeature, so that anybody can put the legs on a table before you can say Jack Robinson. CJl What is more, any pedeSlal will go on any table top, and 3 actual tables on your Roor will give you 9 distinct Slyles by combining the different 'pedeStals with different tops. CJl We make these tables so that they will fir when they go together. They won't warp, and we will pack them so they won't get scratched all to pieces. If you want to get rid of your table trouble, try the Northern "NO TROUBLE" TABLE LINE. NORTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 1 ", \ "r\. ) 1/ ~ / ...... " No. 655 No. 608 to stock numbers in Brass and Iron Beds that please everyhody ---elegant finish, original and exclusive designs---sell easily and pay a hetter profit than the other fellows? THEN BUY The Laycock Line Write for Catalogue, illustrating Complete Line. M H E A R P R P Y Y C N H E R W I S Y T E M A A R S This is No. 271-a most elegant Spring for people who appreciate a comfortable Bed. It's noiseless and will support the heaviest weight. The frame is tubular side rails, and angle end rails, finished in gold bronze. Elevated fabric. Heavy rope' edge. 1.fedium double weave, with an eight-rO\"/ spiral spring, supported by our Premier Fabric. The T. B. Laycock Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. - - - - - -- ---~~~~- 2 I . i Luce Furniture Company Godfrey Ave., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. NEW FEATURES in Upper Clas. CIRCASSIAN WALNUT A LARGE ADDITION TO OUR LINE OF STAPLES MEDIUM and LINE FURNITURE for the CHAMBER and DINING ROOM -------------------------- 28th Year-No. 14. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH .. JANUARY 25. 1908. $1.00 per Year. Going Down. Here] stano within the hall; For the elevator hav·,tl \\lith a frown. '''Going up?" I loudly cry, A.nd the urc11in makes rer-,Jy: Going down." Here you see me buying stocks, Hoping to acquire both rocks And renown. "Going up:" [ lOlldly say. But my hroker answers "1\ay: Going down." \Vhcn old Charon T shall meet. Looking mystical htlt neat J II his gOWll- "Going up:" I'll murmer low, And he'll doubtl(~."s answer "Ko; Going down." The Value of the Window. "1 pay $2/'100 a year for tbi$ store," said a tradesman, "and $2,000 of that is for the window. Thereiore, to make it pay its way, I am jl1stiJlcd in giving my window four-fifths of the time r am able to give to displaying my stock." How many tradesmen have as keen an apprec.iation, says the 1ronmongers' Chronicle. as had this man of the real money ,:'alne of a store window? How many even realize that their store rent is so largely fixed by the relation the window bears to the pedestrian traffic of the town? Owners of business property arc Hot blind to this consideration; the value of the window as an advertising factor has a large share in fixing the rent of a store, and if the tenant doE'.snot make the most of his opportunity he is paying too much for his situation. Let him, for instance, ask himself wlwt the effect on his sales would be if he glazed his window with opaque glass, which would still admit light to his store while it effectually shut out all view of what he had in it. vVould the result be to increase or lessen his turn over? VI/e do not need to answer our qucstion. It is painful to see how many storekeepers act as if they really believed the opJque window would be a profollnd stroke of enterprise. They "·go just one better" in improving on the opaque glass by a display that is calculated to be\vildcr rather than entice the passer-by: Indeed some displays are as effective as the opaque glass would be. The latter might a·rouse curiosity; the show of goods call arouse nothing but distaste. The store window is an advertisement. and an adver-tisement that is dearly pai..:l faT. It has got to be paid for in hard cash. It should bring in at least the money it costs. How seldom the same thing is borne in mind in considering the store "\"indow? ,,\nd yet it ought to be the first consider-ation. If the proportionate share of window or windows to an entire store rent ",:ould bring the value of the former to $1.;')00 a year, those window advertisemelHs must net $30 a week to covcr their money east alone. The kind of dis-play which draws the most observers to the window, and from their inspec'tion of the window into the store should be noted. A teading" manufacturer adopted for one year a new plan for introducing his goods. He instructed his travelers to stop soliciting orders and in place of that to arrange with as man.y retailers as possible to give a special window display of his goous, he furnishing the goods and his own men ar-ranging the displays. The result was that most of those retailers sold a much li:\rger quantity of these special wares than they had ever sold before and the manufacturer him-self disposed of nearly double the amount of any previous year's sales. That .WIS a very good test of the value of windo" .·.. shows. It was a conclusive proof that the window is an aclvertisQment, and a paying advertisement if sensibly nsed. \Vc commend the lesson it teaches to every business man. There is no storekeeper, whatever line he handles, ~~-ho cannot make [dty-two effective displays in a year, jf he will take the trouhle. OUDSP[(IAlIMPtKIAl wtAJU[UtO OAK Oil STAin is the standard all over "merlca. Me YOUusing It? Write us for Samples and~Quotations of the BEST S"ElLAC VARNIS"ES MA,NJJTJlrT~RED OI'lIl.Y U Y CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259·63 ELSTONAVEm2·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACO. 4 ·Jl~MICHIGl7E:iIN PROFIT SHARING AND CO-OPERATION. I Paper, Read Before the Class jn Applied Christianity, at ,f.ollntain Street Baptist Church.prand Rapids, Mich. On Sunday,'"]anuary19,A. S...\,\lhitc read a paper before the' elass in 'Applied Christianity, of the Fountain Street Bap'tist . Church, on the subject of Co-operation and Profit Sharing. Upwards of 500 members of the class were present and a 'lively discussion followed the conclusion of the reading. Robert \"1. Merrill of the Phoenix Furniture company, recalled the history of Albert Dolge, the altruist of Dolgeville, who had given co-operation and profIt sharing a thorough trial, resulting in failure and bankruptcy for Mr. Dolge. 1\Jr. Merrill cOl1tented that the only equal basis for the plan is a division of tbe losses in lean years as well as the profits in years of plenty. The pastor of the church, Rev. A. W. Wishart, expressed the opi.nion that there is merit in the system; that it would be of value in solving the industrial problcmn. Au abstract of Mr. White's paper is as follows : "CO-01K'Xation, is defined as the act at working, or operat-ing together to an end; joint operation; concurrent effort or labor. Profit sharing is tbe distribution of the advantages gained in some commercial undertaking with others. Since i~5 inception, many centuries ago, co~operation has been ap-plied, with varying degrees of 'success, to almost eVeTYpur-pose. In the field of husiness it has been utilized in manu-facture, navigation, banking, farming, merchandising, real estate and kindred interests. As technically understood, co-operation occupies a middle posibon between the doctrine of communism and socialism on the one hand, and private property and freedom of labor on the other. At a very definite and significant point it takes its departure from communi!'>n1. The motive of individual gain 8nC possession in the sentiment of a universal happiness or good, would be extinguished by communism. All the existing rights, laws and arrangements of society would be remodeled on a basis deemed consonant to this end. Co-operation seeks, in C,Ol1- sistency with the fundamental institute of society as hitherto developed, to ameliorate the social condition by a COtl~ Clirrence of increasing numbers of associates, The co-operative idea requires identity of purpose and interest, with a community ot advantages and risks, though not necessarily absolute equality or uniformity of individual relations among the co-operators. 1iVhen the investment passes into 'a mere investment and trading company, the idea would seem to be lost. During the middle ages, co-operation was in use in Russia, but it was not until near the middle of the last century that practical plans were adopted and the merit of the system tested. The impracticability of the plans of operation, in-competeIlcy and dishonesty in the management, caused many of the associations to suspend business, involving heavy losses to the investors. At present the business of the Rus-sian associations is confined to the purchase and distribution of supplies needed by their members. The most prosperous association, at present, is that which is located in one of the subllrbs of St. Petersburg. It was started in 1880 with one hundred members <lnd a capital of 7,500 rubles. The present membership is 2,168, and it not only possesses cou-siderable funds, but has also its own bakeries, breweries, stores, dining halls, and other real property. The goods handled arc bought directly from domestic and foreign pro-ducers, and the enterprise yields a profit of from 100 to 200 per cent per annum upon the capitalization. Members own-ing shares receive substantial dividends, sometimes up to 24 per ceflt per annum, and the common consumers get a honus upon every dollar's worth of purchase. Besides, part of the net profit is used for benevolent purposes, for schools, homes, for invalids and asylums for the aged. For .the suc~ ~---'--- . cess of this co-operative association, credit is due in no small degree, to the following prudent stipulations in its statutes: 1. That members holding shares may be expelled if not actually patronizing the association; 2. That even non-members become ent.itled to a bonus on every dollar's wor-th of purChase, by which inducement the trade of the association is kept steadily increasing Following the great political upheavel in France at the close of the eighteenth century, Rohert OWCl1 and others caught the spirit of the revolution anel instituted cQ-operative and profit sharing associations in that country, with the aid of the general government, which furnished ninety-six per cent of the funds required, the people supplying the labor. Incompetent management and the dishonesty of the officials soon wrecked these ambitious enterprises, and socialism scored a failure. This is the only instance in which so-cialism has been -undertaken by a government. In 1828 spasmodic attempts were made to realize some of Owen's ideas by the organiz,ation of, what were called union shops, for the supply of the common l'iecessaries of life, the profits of which were to be applied to the formation of productive works and independent industrial colonies. These flourished for a short time but collapsed in the year 1834. In 1844 co-operative and profit sharing societies were or-ganized in England, for several purposes, as follows: 1. To huy and sell to members alone, or to members and non-members under differing conditions, the necessa,I"ies of life or the raw material of their industry; 2. Societies of pro-duction, the object of which was to sell the collective. or individual work of the members; 3. Societies of credit or banking, the object of which was to open accounts of credit with members, and advance loans to them for industrial purposes. These several plans define the distinguishing character-istics of the co-operative society proper, and it is somewhat remarkable that these three kinds of associations have at-tained a measure of success in three different European countries. England ranks first in societies of consumption; France in societies of production; Germany in societies of credit. With reference to the variety of result, it has -been observed that the social eq~ality following the great revo-lution, in connection with the character of much of the manufacturing industry of France, has given that country a larger number of artisans, who work in their own houses, and have a passion for independence in their handicraft, than is to be found in any. other country of Europe. On the other hand, the masses of operatives in the factories, while retaining their position as wage eamers, have put forth most energy and attained theiT highest co-operative success in societies for the purchase, and in some degree the production, of their own immediate necessaries of life. In Germany it has been demonstrated that societies of credit were the neces-sary foundation of the co-operative system, and their de-velopment ,has been remarkable. Credit unions are mainta.ined in many cities, and loans are made to artisans and mechanics. The movement in Great Britain owes its inception, its capa-city and progress ent'irely to the genius and energy of work-ing men. It was born of their needs and the outcome of the hard conditions under which they lived and worked. Its methods were adapted to their requirements, and its results have been acl1ieved by their unaided efforts. These so-cieties, known as th(', Roachdale associations, are mainly engaged in the purchase and distribution of family supplies. A fixed interest (never more than five per cent) is paid 011 the capital invested and the remainder of the profit is divided among the members in proportion to their purchases. The membership of these societies in England numbers 2,500,000; . the value of the products handled annually is. $425,420,000 and the profits $11,000,000. Co-operation is well developed in Switzerland, and Dr. Muller. the head of societies in that COimtry, regards it as "a ray of divine light, showing the way out of the confusion of sterile social doctrines and theories to the IOJlg-sought for ideal of a new, harmonious order of humanity." A concrete case reveals the plan most generally chosen by the co-operators of onr country. Suppose Brown puts $100,000 into the manufa(ture of say, furniture. Smith in-vests $50,000 and accepts tbe presidency of the corporation at $10,000 per yeaf'. Jones subscribes $25,000 and gets $5,000 per annum as secret'ary. Hill pays $15,000 and gets $B,OOO as treasurer, while Field puts in $10,000 a11(1receives $2,000 as manager. The five named who invest $200,000. four of whom recei\'e $20,000 ill annual salaries, employ ten men at $5.00 per day, t.wenty men at $3.00 and forty men at $,1.50. These, men \"'ork 300 days in the yC;tr. YVagcs then amount to $15,000, $18,000 and $18,000 in these three grades of labor or to $51,000. In the spirit of fraternalism, the partners pro- IJose to sJwrc profits or losses of the business, at the end of each year i11proportjon to the investment of money or labor. Capital invested amotlllts to $200.000; salaries amo11nt to $20,000; wage~ amount to $ril,OOO-total values $271,000. The net profits are divide~l by ~>-71,OOalOld cach of the seventy-five mcn who have contributed to the ~,uccess of the firm, draws his proportionate share. Brown receives $10,000; Smith $6,000; Jone,s $3,000; Hill $1,800; Field $1,200; each of the ten receives $HiO.OO;each of thc twenty receives $90.00; each of the forty receives $45.00. The payment of $5,100 to the wage earners of $51,000 is marc than compensated by the feeling that the laborer is a profit s}wrer. The most notable example of sUccess is recorded to the credit of the sted trust, \vhich distributed $2,000,000 among its cmplo~res all last Christmas. Five years ago the trust induced many thousands of jts employes to ilwest a part Qf their earnings in tlJe stock of the company. Annual distri-butions of profit were made and in December last the amOllnt set aside for this purpose represented dividends of seven per cent and a bonus of $5.00 for each share held by the em-ployes. Building and loan associations, manufacturing houses, and mercantile establishments, located in many parts of the United States, have h:sted the system more or less successfully. )''1<:nytraveling salesmen are paid a stated sum for selling goods aggrtgating a specified SU111 in value. v\lhen they have reached the limit pnwided in their contracts, they co-operate 'Nith their employen-; in the effort to add to their sales, aMd share ill the prohts gained through such increases. An organi:tation kno\,{/l as the Co-operative Society of !\me1'ica is promoting the movement, ~illd a nnvspaper is maintained for the purpose of jllformi11g the mC'tllbers of its progress. In one county of VV'isconsin nine stores arc owned by an organization of farmers, each of whom invested the sum of $100.00 in the business. The officers are elected by the tllc,mbership, and are always subject to the initiative, referendum and recall. Interest is paid on the capital in-vested and dividends to all m<cmbers on their purchases. l\{any of such storcs are located in \".risconsin, Pennsylvania, 1linnesota, California and Indiana. Co-operation is also em-ployed by students attending the great universities. In HW6 an eight per cent dividend was paid to members on their jlurchases lJy the Harvard co-operati·ve society, and a satis-factory business was transacted by the co-opera live stores at Princeton, Berkeley and Butler, Ind, The grangers of PCll11sylv,wia ll.'lve establjshed a considcrabl<'. number of banks; the farmers of Towa many grain elevators; the women of J'\c\vark, N. J. a shirt factory; thc newspaper workers of New York, a corporation to crcct homes for its mernbers at Bayside on the co-operative and profit sharing syste111.These facts indicate the Hexibility of the plan and th(': facility with which it may be applied to almost every purpose of life. It is not necessary to go olltside of our city fa finJ examples to prove the paternal value of the system. A few years ago the Grand Rapids Gaslight company inaugurated a plan. throl1gh which its 300 employes were to share in tbe gajns earned in the operation of its plant,. and the transaction of its business. After remaining in the company's service 18 months the employes are put upon the profit sharing list. Their share in the profits is an addition of ten per cent to the amount of wages they have earned during the preceeding year. \Vage,s arc considered as capital paid into the com-pany's treasury. One year ago the Oliver Machine company informed its employes that it would share its profits with them, on the basis of their carnings, following the plan of the Gaslight company. lncreased interest in the affairs of the cor~ !}Oratioll J"las since been evinced by thc 'Norkmen, and co-operation jn the operation of tbe shop \...a.s gained through profit sharing. J\ unique prof'lt and loss sharing plan upon which the busil]ess of a manufacturing company in Bridgeport, Conn., conduets its business, is as follows: (1.) Employer and em-ploye agree to share both profits and losses; (2.) Net gain or loss is ascertained by deducting from the gross result of the inventory on the first of February all expenses for the year previous of eVQry kind, including deprecia.tion of build-ings, tools, machinery, and bad debts. In the case of gain, the capital invested, as shown by the im'entory, shall first Jra"\v 6 per cent interest, dOl', in case there 1S less than that amount, shall dra\ ..·. what there is, in liquidation of its claim"; the balance, then remaining, to be divided between the company and the individual employe in the proportion which tlle capital invested bears to his total wages for the year; (3.) For each current year, one-tenth of thc wages of e\'ery employe, who is a party to the contract, is withheld each week. In case there is not a net loss on the entire business of the year, this reserved money, together with any accrued protit, as ngured above, is paid to the employe, on or before March first, of each succeeding year; (4.) III case of a net loss on the business of the entire year, without figuring any dividend as ahove provided for capital, this loss is divided between the company and the employe in the same method as th<'tt prescribed for the dividing of profit; but in no case does the employe become responsible for losses greatcr than the amount reservF,d from his wages; (5.) Other employes may become pai'ties to this contract upon the invitation of the company. _ ny employe may withdraw from the contract at allY time, a d from the firm's employ, but the company then holds the right to retain the 10 per cent reserve till the end of the current year. In case it is so held, its owner shares in the company's profit or losses; (6.) The Grm may discharge any of its employes, but in that case he shall have the option of withdrawing 11is full reserve, or of leaving it till the end of the year, to share in prollts and losses; (7.) It is agreed by the company that none of its employes who signs this COiltract shall be temporarily retired from work so long as tbe company has any work of the kind he .is accustomed to do; but if there is a shortage of work in the bands of the company it shall redttce the hours of work, and so divide the work among its employes. If at any time an employe becomes sick or incapacitated to per-form his duties, and has a certificate of a reputable physician that he is so incapacitated, he may uraw on his resetve "\vages at a rate not greater than six dollars a week, without affecting his interests in the profits at the end of the year. If any employe is injured by any accident while in the em-ploy of the company, the company, at its own expense, pro~ vides him with a competent physician or surgeon, UpOll ap-plication stating that such services are needed, The contract docs not apply to the whole labor force. The company did not think the proposition ,~io111dappeal to their u.tlskilled lahorcrs, comprising about two-thirds of the nllm~ beT in their employ. As regards the skilled laborers, it has; becn the company's practice nQt to invite further signatures to the contract at any time when three-fourths of their skilled laborers are already working under it; for the amoi.tnt 5 6 of business on hand is subject to SOUle fluctuations, and the firm do not wish to enter into this relation with a larger number of employes than they can be reasonably sure of providing with steady employment. This limitatioll, how-ever, do'es 110t apply to the office force. The result is that, out of a lahar force of about 250, there are eighty who arc eligible to admittance to the contract, and sixty arc actuall;v so enrolled. 1\0 man is ever urged to become a party to it, but there is aLways a long waiting list. It ,vauld be unfair if [ were to present only the bright side of this problem and there is an abundance of material at the command of the investigator to prove that cnvy, jealousy, ambition, selfishness and dishonesty have ruined many co-operative enterpriscs, and are likely to prevail in their operation in the future. The s<\me evils, however, woulJ have wrecked the busine5s of a private individual, a firm or a corporation. At Rockford, (Ill.) a decade past, several furniture facto-ries. were es-tabl1shed by practical shop hands, somc of whom had been favored with husiness experience. The officials of these corporations received no more remuneration for their services than the bench hand or the packer. The profits divided annually were liberal hut the man at the bench and the .manattendillg the saws looked through envious eyes at the men in the office, and sought by intrigue to depose them. The operator of a planer deemed himself fully a.s capable to handle the finances of the corporation as the one that had been chosen on account of his training and experience to perform that important duty, <lnd in conse- .<luenc.e of the dissensl0ns that arose, the companies soon lost their co-operative character. The rapid growth of the milhng bUl'>ines91n lvlinneapolis attracted several thousand coopers to th<l.tcity. In the course of time, having· become dissatisfied with the wages paid, the men (who were members of a union) went out ou a strike alld co-operative shops were organized. In twelve years time the business was absorbed by the associations, and habits of thrift, temperance and steadiness were developed in the workmen. (Co-operation is especially adapted to Democratic control and thc co~operating workmen were not s"l1bject to the trials and losses of lahor disputes.) But dis-se. nsions arose. Too many wanted to be Cl general manager; too mariy clerks were employed; loyalty ,'vas lacking, and with the withdrawal of the di!o'satisiied the enterprises as~ sumed the form of joint stock companies. These shops started with the plan of apportioning gains ai-id iosscs pro-rata upon the ·wages received by each member. In the early llinety's one company discontinued the llse of wages, as a basis for a division' of ;-ulY part of the earnings. The-explanation offered by all officer \vas: "It's money makes the business go. not the men: Vv'e can get all the men to work we wallt." This proceeding was not ullusu,i1. It has been employed many times by co~o]lerating companies in lean years of business. In Rochester a few years ago a Union of IVletal polishers struck work antl organized a shop on thc co-operative plan, thrrty-four members contributed $100 each to the capital stock of a company. The trials. of management tested the patience of the stockholders and grad"uatly the di.ssatisfied sold tl1eir stock until it was conccntrated in tl~e. hands of five. The business was successful-the union was disso[vcd, an open shop maintained,-but the noteworthy result of the ex-periment is the numher of men, who, from it, started in business for themselves. Tt proved a practical scbool of business for them. It incited many of the original stock-holders to quit the shop and engage 1I1 some enterprise as proprietor-. The co-operative movement attracted wide spread atten-tionin the United States in the ).'ear 18'76, and many mer-cantiLe and manufacturing enterprises were launched upon that basis. The report of the commissioner: of labor of. the state of Massachusetts for the year 1889 contained a list of 189 establishments ope.rated under the co~op' plan. But the panic of 1893. caused many industries to cease opera-tions; thousands of men were discharged and as no profits were gained necessarily there were no distributions. Co-operation and profit sharing is distinctly a fair weather pro-position. It cannot withstand a season of adversity. I have briefly exp[;lined the origin, the purpose and the history of the movement, ill a necessarily fragmentary way, supplying facts from which conclusions may be drawn as to its prospects, and now take up the very important question, "Is co-operation a possible solution of the industrial problem?" To the on-looker, capitalism an,d trade unionism have the field to themselves, and treat as armed allies. Through the exactions of the unions of short work days, a (imitation upon the apprenticeship system and wages demanded for service not rendered, monopoly is enabled to sell its pro-ducts for prices that inflect hardship upon consumers, and would 110t be charged in a market where competition exists. Such monopolies can well afford to pay liberal bonuses to em-· ployee-stockholders, as is done by the steel trust. At its inception the co-operative movement had a broader impulse than now goven1S it. The science of moral philosophy, which teaches men their duty, was understood by its adherents, and they believed themselves in. possession of a secret that was to transform society. John Stuart Mill, Lord Derby, the Bishop of Durham and many prominent men in America gave it support, but the history of the movement is fuIl of instances of the launching of ethical co-operative enterprises that "went up like a rocket and came down like a stick." Paternalistic co-operation enables" thrifty families to save a few cents in the cost of soap and saleratus. It gives to the employee a few dollars gratuitously. that he would have earned hOllestly had he rendered dutiful service, and to the ,depositor of the building and loan associations a little extra interest collected from the borrowers of funds from suchas~ociations. AsiJc from the spirit of independence and the determination to engage in occupatioJ1s on their own ac-count inspired in the workmen of France and the striking metal polishers of Rochester, co-operation has little to its credit of permanent value. Good conduct has not followed the transmission of metal bo~uses from the treasuries of monopoly to the pockets of its employes; morality has not 1>e(;',nupheld and strengthened. It has not boosted .. the man who is lrying to dtmb the tree of social emancipation, although it has be(,.l1 available for centur-ies; it does not teach that the only way a man can work for himself is to work for others; it fails utterly to reveal anything that would assist in the finding of a solution of the industrial problem. Evolution change~ all things and for the credit of our civilization, it is to be hoped that it will find that bound-less sea of loving kindness, where there is room for every sail. \\That onc fails to remember at the momel1t when re-membrance is of the utmost importance, causes loss that can never be regained. Henry Scbmit 8 Co. HOPKINS AND HARRIET STS. Cincinnati, Ohio makers of Upl.olstered Furniture foc LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM 7 IT IS DIFFERENT! NOTE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS DRESSER The Ladies' Ideal Dresser One of Many Good Features Small Top Drawers in Dressers, Chiffomers, Em~ press DT<~Mets. Princess Dress-ers and Washstands In Sev-enty~ Five Different Patterns and Woods, 200 Patterns ROLL TOP BEDS, NAPOLEON BEDS, DRESSERS and CHIFFONIERS lJpe 'I Ladies' Ideal Dresser 75 NEW STYLES EMPIRE FURNITURE COMPANY JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - ------------ EVANSVILLE LINES MANUFACTURERS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Corner Wabash Avenue and Fourteenth Street THE BOCKSTEGE NEW SUPERIOR LINE ------ EVANSVILLE Full line of Samples 011 lff..'ChiOition t!l.r<lUgkout·tke year on flu ,tiNt flOOT of tke Nell' Man1tfacturers' Furniture Exc1wllge, Wabash Ave. 'and 14th St" OhlCago. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind. Evansville Metal Furniture Co. EVANSVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF Metal Bedsteads ~ F'uliline of Samples on exhibition during the entire year, on first Hoor of the Manufacturers, Furniture Exchange, corner Wahash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. TflE WORLD FURNITURE CO. (Member of Big Six Car Loading Association) EVANSVILLE - INDIANA ManufactureR of Folding Bech. (Mantel and Upright), BuHe.ts, Hall Trees, China CIO.Ieb, Combination and Library Bookcases. Full line of sample .. on e~hibitioh dQring the entil'. year t on first floor of tbe Mallufacturen FUI'Qiture Exchanse. corner" Wa.bAsh Ave. and 14th St••Chicago. Globe Side Boards and Hall Racks Are the best for the money. Gel our Cata-logue. Mention the Michigan Artisan when writing. F uliline of samples on exhibition during the en-tire year, on the first Hoor of the Manufadurers' Furniture Exchange, Cor. Wabash Ave .. and 14th St.. Chicago. Globe .Furniture Company EVANSVILLE, IND. ON SALE IN CHICAGO Wardrobes. MANUFACTURERS FURNITURE EXCHANGE Corner WabaJh Avenue and Fourteenth Street Evansville. Indiana JORDAN CRESCENT. Start 1908right by buying an Up-to-date Line. T"[ CRESCENT LINE is what you want-IT SELLS ITSELF. Crescent Stove WorKs Ji'ullline of saMples on exhibit'ion during Uu entire year on }irstfloor oj the Manujacturer8' Furniture Exchange, corner Waba8h Ave. and Uih 8t" C/liCQgo. Karges Chamber Suites ARE OF BEST QUALITY GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RIGHT Wrilf for WIfa/og1u Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILLE, IND. Full line of sample~ aD on exhibition dll-linll the eOlir,. YeM, on nl€l: ROOt of the Manuiadllref$' Furni-ture Exchange. cerner Wa-bash Ave. and 14th St., Cbicaa:o. Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets and K. D. Is all we make but we make lots of them. Get Catalogue and Prices. The Bosse Furniture Co. EVANSVILLE. IND. - ----------- 10 ~~I9fIIG7}N $ - - -- ---------------------- 7IR. TItS' ..7U'l t S p. VALI.lEY CITY DESK COMPANY We want you to see the leaders lhat will keep them coming al1 the year around. Big value> for little money, ouf motto. A postal card waf bring our neW red catalogue, and a sample order will demon$lrate to you, Mr. Buyer, that we have the best selling line 01 cheap and medium office and type-writer desks in Amenca. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Robbins Table Co. Owosso has long been noted as a leading furniture manu-facturing city. Several flourishing furniture manufacturing companies are located there, but none are more successful than the Robbins Table company. This company has one of the best equipped f.actories in Michigan. and the line is made up of square and round top dining extension tables. The Robbins patent table, which has a receptacle for holding the leaves under the top, is one of the best things on the market in the form of extension tables. The company has recently received from the press of the vVhite Printing com-pany, Grand Rapids, the finest catalogue they have ever brought out. It has a handsomely embossed cover, and shows thirty-six neW patterns of round and square tops, in as attractive designs as any on the market. The workman-ship and finish are equally good. The reader's attention is called to the page of illustrations in this issue, also to their advertisement. The center column of the pedestals does not divide when the tables are opened,. which, obviates the neces-sity of using pedestal locks. .' Very Complimentary to John Widdicomb. A "banker" of Grand Rapids took a reporter for the Herald into his confidence the other day and told him a lot of facts about John Widdicomb and his bu:;;iness. Bankers, as a rule, do not discuss the affairs of their customers, and as 11r. \Viddicomb is a modest and reticent m~I1,. the ill for-mation was not furnished by him. The story recounts the trials of Mr. \i\liddicomb in the management of his business since 1895, and of his unloading of a burden that would have crushed most men. He has· not only acquired 'a cOlnl>etency, but paid off debts amounting to $50,000, for which he was not legally liable. The story is undoubtedly true, although 11r,'.1 \Vidc1icomh will not enjoy the publicity into whieh he is brought by its relation. He has de-WlOl1::.trateu his ability to conquer success in the face of forbidding conditions, hI. a decent and gentlemanly way, and his example is valu;:lble in the field of business. For the Household. The modern office desk is so useful and so inexpensive that many house owners purchase them for their libraries and dens. An excellent line of desks, a. considerable number of which are suitable for the private library, is manufactured by the Valley City Desk COmpany, Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting on the best Caster Cups with oork. ever offere<i to the trade. These are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple in a light finish. These goods are a.dmirable ~or polished t'tOQrsand furn· iture rests. They will not sweat or mar. PRICES: Size2Uinches $4.00 per hundred Si:te. 2% inches······ 5.00 per hundred Try a Sam,pleOrd~r. F. O.B. G1'(lndRapid'. 11 Moon Desk Go. MUSKEGON,Mien. OffiCE DESKS NEW STYLES FOR SPRING SEASON Line on sale in New ManuFacturers' Bullding, Grant:l Rallids. HAND CIRCULAR R(P SAW No.4 SAW (ready for cross-<:utting) MORTISER CQMBrNED MACHfNE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CA81NET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as It d'taler's profit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He can hold a better and more satisiactory trade with his customers. He can manufacture in as good ~lyle and finish, and at as low cost as the factories. The local cabinet maker bas been forced into only the dealer's trade and profit. because of m:Jchine manufactured goods of factories. An outfit of Barnes' Patent Foot and Hand-Power Machinery, reinstates the cabinet maker with advantages equal to his competitors. If desired, these machines will be sold on trial. The purchaser can have ample time to test them in his own shQopand on the work he wishes them to do. Desf1riptiv, catalogue and price list free. W. f. &. JO"N B~RNESCO.•654 Ruby St.. Rockford, III. FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENQNER No.3 WOOD LATHE No.4 SAW (ready for ripping) No.7 SCROLL SAW - - - --- -- -- ---------------- 12 Robbins Tabl6 60. Owosso. MIGhluan No. 318. AMERICAN OAK. 44>4&IN TOP. AMERICAN BASE. 7 IN. PILLAR. GEO. SPRATT & Co. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Manufacturers of Chairs and Rockel'll. A complete line of Oak Dinera with quarter sawed veneer ba.cks and SUt$. A large line of Elm Diners, medium priced. A select line of ,Ladies' Rockers. Bent and high arm Rockers with solid seats, veneer [oIt seAts, CQh-hlerseats and up-holstered l~alher complete. High Chairs and Children's Rockers. You 'Will gtt in on the ground floor 'U/Ren you buy from UT. No. 542 Oak. Solid Seat. Price, $17 &~. No. 540)4 Same as No. 542 on Iy Quartered Oak, Veneer Seat. $18 ~:;. NO. 542 ~---- -- - Prize FOR PARTICUL.ARB CAL.L. AT OFFICE Puzzle Find the Location of the WHITE PRINTING COMPANY If You Cannot Find It Phone 5580 (Long or Short Distance) GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN .rIR'T'I.5'~ ? $$1. 13 CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave.. Chieago. WRITE FOR BOOKLEr AND PROPOSITION ST, LOUiS, MO. KANSAS CITY. MO. MlNNEAPOLIS. MINN PEORIA. ILL. LINCOLN, ILL. CHICAGO. ILL. A MODERN SACKING OF ROME. After the Barbarians Come Old Furniture Dealers. Rome, December 28.-Cbristian emperors, popes, mediae-val nobles, the barbarians, Gre, flood, earthquake, aB have contributed their share to the demolition of the mOl1uincnts of ancient Rome. Pagan temples ku'e been destroyed to build Christian churches, theatres aud baths to build palaec:s, bronze, statues have been stolen or melted, ,..·.hile marble stat-ues have been converted into lime or used as missles to check an aS5a1.11t. It is a pleasing fancy that present generations have a dif-ferent attitude toward the past, that archaeology is stri\rjng to rebuild what has been demolished; but the fancy docs not seem to hold good in practice, In inet, while the so-caned destroyers of Rome demolished but did not in every case ob-literate all tr<lces of the p<lst, their modern successors of today, although living in what is supposed to be a highly enlight-ened time, ruthlessly transform the ancient into the modern, "Vhen the Via Nazionale was opened the palaces of illus-trious Romans which once lined the Vicus Longus and were discovered .v..h. ile the new street was being cut were destroyed and reburied, The l-emajns of the celebrated Horti Sallm;- tiani which had surviv'ed the shocks of time and were in,o, porated in two villas, Ludovi5i and lhssimo, were mercilessly sacrificed by their o,vners in 1886 and pulled down to make, 'place for new streets and modern houses, A German, Herr Spithoever, filled one of the valleys of the gardens of Sallust with materials brought from the Servian embankment and converted the place into flat building lots. Such instances could be multiplied almost indefinitely. Hardly a month passes without the sale of 411 old palace or villa fLiB of historic interest and romance, Tlte ov.·.n. ers, Ro-man noblemen of ancient and illustrious families, prefer .hard cash to an old paLace, and they are always willIng to sell not only their houses, but also their old furniture. The villa 1,fattei is called now Villa Hoffmann J.nd is owned by a German who some day will probabTy Wr,t it iIlt~ a tenement bouse. The Villa Aldohrandini will soon, it is said, he converted into a hotel, while its beautiful garde.n, one of the few old ones still remaining intact in the centre of Rome, ,.,Iill be uprooted and shops will be built in its place. A corner of the Palazzo Venezia is doomed to disappear in order that the monument of Victor Emmanuel II. may be se~n from the Piazza del Popalo, One by one the old palaces of Rome. are disappearing; those that are left standing are being modernized and trans-formed, eV(,Tythill~r old is doomed to perish. There is a craze among the Roman nobility for modernism, which is encouraged by the tempting offers of both native and foreign dealers in antiquees. As a consequence, just as old palaces are being supplanted by ne.W5 ones, fitted with all the modern comforts boasted in hotels, the old furniture, is gradually giving place to the lH''''V. Bamboo cane chBirs are used instead of carved wood. Ellg~ Jish muslin instead of brocade, wall paper instead of damasks and tapestries, panlttet floors instead of carpets. No bet-te. r evidence of this change can be afforded than the accom-panying illnstratiol1s. The sitting room of the Palazzo ldattei is one of the few sl1f\'iving typical examples of an antique furnished room, There is not a single piece of furniture in it which lIas not a J)istoriccll and artistic value. More than a living room, it is a museum, and yet it is quite as habitable and comfortable as any modern furnished rOOIl1. The drawing room of the Palazzo Grazioli gIves an e.:>; ample of a sort of transition, a compromise between the old and the 11ew, The background is ancient. The wainscot-ing and beamed ceiling, though polished or varnished, are old, but the furniture and brie-a.-brae bt'istle with modernity, One of the halls of the palazzo Piombino, built by the pritlce of that name with the proceeds of the sale. of the Pa-lazzo Ludo,,-isi, and for a long time leased to American am-bassadors to the Court of Italy as their private residence and now owned by the Queen 1lIother, .Margherita of Savoy, is decidedly modern. The "NaIl paper is an imitation of da-mask, the furniture is modern, though made to look old; the pictures, decorations and ornaments are such as can be found in the average middle dass Roman furnished room. The new art plays an important part in the decoration and furnishing of modern roo.lUs, nnd while Italy continues to ex-port her old furniture, French and English house furniture is extensively imported here. Everytbing ancient is banned ~nd the native furniture is no longer appreciated, vVhile formerly :1 hallway waS de.:::orated with a trophy consisting of old armor, either captured from a ·vanquished enemy or worn hy an ancestor during the crusades, today it is converted into a so-called Turkish room, with rugs, Skl1";. arrows and leather shields of doubtful authenticity, and ara-besques painted on the walls by a modern artist, perhaps the descendant of one, who in his day painted Madonnas and angels. Jtalians of today, the citizens of modern united Italy, are very up to date. they will tell you, and they have left the past away be,hind them.-New York Sun. 14 l!.S'tABL..ISHED 1880 PUBLISHea eY MICH(GAN ARTiSAN CO. ON THE IOTI1 AND 2STlotOP EACH MONTH OFFICE-lOS, 110, 112 NORTH DIVISiON ST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ENTERED AS IiIATTfR OF THE SECOND CLASlI Successful merchandising follows the merchant wbo can get the ~argest number of people to corne to his store. A store full of folks, most of whom want something, is a magnet that draws other people who will come to buy. The successful men.:hant is ever studying up schemes to interest the peop-Ie. It is advisable to bandle a few goods that afford no profit, 'if the same shall draw the people. Give away copies of the daily newspapers to callers; fun a circulating library; do anything clean and honest to bring out the people. °to °to "Sanitary Desks,'" were manufactured twenty-five years ago, but they were such ill-looking things that no one with a taste for attractive surroundings, would purchase the same. The legs were pear~shaped,"woody" and after use for a short time, "wobbly." The new sanitary de.sks are so much better than the old In e\'ery way that thch permanency seem's to be assured. CtO °to Digging to the bottom of a long filled bag in search of an article that is needed, is like stirring up the contents of the deep drawers provided by manufacturers in the con-struction of sideboards, chiffoniers and dressers. Narrow drawers would serve the purpose more easily. ",",'hen dealers demand cases with such drawers, manufacturers will furnish the same. °to °to Many manufacturers who exhibited their lines in Grand Rapids but transferred the same to other exhibition towns, will return in June. The new exhibition buildings, the ad-ditional hotel accommodations and the comparatively low expense of making exhibits, make Grand Rapids an ideal place for the mamtfacturers <l.11d buyers to meet. Of' Of''' "1\ ovelties and fashions do not originate in minor cities, but do originate in Kew York-the American metropolis of style and fashion.....-..-and in Kew York only."--,.-Exchange. Really, now. In the furniture trade novelties and fashions originate in the "minor" cities of the \Vest and ·are copied in New York. "to QtC The traveling salesman are again on the road fined with con£1dence and assurance. Buying at the expositions in January was moderate, but the prospects for the remainder of the year are so favorable, that the salesmen are confident of their abllity to 'keep the factories fully employed. oro °to To understand a thing is different from merely seeing it. One must know the relations of cause and effect to the thing one sees. \-Vhen this knowledge has been acquired the enquiring cu.stop1er will see at once that the thing he called a chiffonier is in reality a washing machine. °to °to Not as many buyers vi-sited t11e expo~itioJls as in January one year ago. \Vh~n J. A. Conrey, of Shelbyville, was asked to explain tha cause of their absence, he replied: "A gr(;at I - - - - - - - ._- -- -- ----~-~------------ 7IRTI.5' JL7'I \~., 2 2m ~ many weeds were allowed to grow in the garden of 11ros-perity, that must be pUlled." °to °to By returning to every twenty-fifth customer t]le full amount of his Dr her purchase, an entcrprising dealer in furniture, located in oue of the mountain towns of Colorado, created a thirty day sensation. It proved to be a profitable venture. °to °t" Trai.'cling salesmcn are again on their territory soliciting ordas. To many it seems that they have commenced the spring campaign too early. Salesmen covering the far western territory will not start before February 15. °to °to A 11nnich scientist has invented a microscope by which one can see an object 1-2,000,000 of an inch in circumference. That ought to make a .swell lens for photographing the re-ductlons in manufacturers price lists for furniture. QtO °to The stay-at-home buyer runs into a rut and' dries up. By going to market he freshens up. To dry up· is to lose customers to market merchants. New customers arc gained by the merchant who freshens up. °tC °to A dealer in Kansas moved a lot of odd washstands by offering to give one dozen towels with each purchase. Farm~'s wives were attracted to the town in great numbers and the lot was soon sold out. °to °tO Factories in many cities have be.en shut down for a season, or operated on shott hours. The owners, after the strenuous years of the past, desired time in which to "take a long breath." °to °to By fea.turing each day's work industry is robbed of its drudgery. A new plan, a new impression or method oc-c. urring to a. business man, is an entering wedge for each new day. "to "to The good-will of a. bride may be gained by the presen-tation of a valuable cook book by dealers who furnished the outfit for the dining room.or °to There will he no cuts in prices. Sto,ks are low and manufacturers will limit the outfit of the factories to the daily demands of trade. ",t" 'Ot'" Offerlng last year's goods to people who want this year's is like operating a factory in the production of freaky de-signs in furniture:. Of) °to Those manufacturers who have a market for ~' part of their output in foreign lands, are chewing the sweet cud of contentment. °tQ °t" John "T. Gates sees evidence of returning prosperity in the fact that "the people ate wearing their old suits;' Chamber suits? °t" 0t''' Arc you an old-fogy dealer, going to rust, or an up-to-date twentieth century merchant? You alone can answ.:r this question. "to °to The marrying custom will go on uninterrupted by the conditions of business, and there will be many "nests" to furnish. ! No. 412 No. 325 No. 273 15 No. 833 No. 823 No.alB a Page of Cuts from the Robbins Ta.ble Co. Catalogue. l6 Whether Driving or Striving Always Follow the Best Roads ~'~Furniture buyers visiting the western markets will find that the best roads lea.d to the M. L. NELSON FURNITURE COMPANY, where you will find a commercial institution of more than passing interest; a concern that by its mode of advanced merchandising in the handling of fa<:tory outputs and se1ling exclusively at factory prices, has riseon toa position attained by no other similar conceTU in existence. THE FESTIVAL OF FURNITURE as manufactured and shown by the concerns beJow enumerated demonstrate our ability to SAVE YOU SOME MONEY. Mich. Fond du Lac Table- Manufacturing Co., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Fore"t City Furniture Co., Rockford, l11inois. The Steuben Furniture Co.. Canisteo. New York. Muskegon Valley Furniture Co., Muskegon, Gallipolis Furniture Co,?, Gallipolis, Rockford Desk Co,? Ohio. Rockford, Illinois. o. C. S. Olsen & Co., The Judkins Co., Cragin, Illinois. The Boatwright Furniture Mfg. Co., Danville. Virginia. Chicago, Illinois. Century Furniture Co., Jamestown. New York. Come and study the method. the reasons that have blazed the way to &ucc:.ees for THE M. L. NELSON FURNITURE COMPANY 1411 Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois OPEN THE YEAR AROUND Cabinet Makers In these oays of close competition, need the best possible eqnipment, and this they can have in BARNES' HAND and FOOT POWER === MACHINERY Send for Our New Catalogue. Our New Hand and Foot ''Cl11.r Saw No.4. The stron.~est, mOSlpowerful, and in 'every way the' best machine of its kind ever made, for ripping, cross-cutting, boring and grooving. w. P. & John Barnes Co. 604 Ruby Street. 111. . The Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition. A local newspaper of Grand Rapids of rectnt date contains a lengthy article, \-yell illustrated, on the subject of the Grand Rapids Fttr1liture Exposition. A part of the article, of gen-eral interest, follows: The exposition feature of the furniture business started in Grand Rapids along in the late 70's, when buyers from all over the country began coming to this market to look over the lines of the local manufacturers and to contract with them for furniture from special designs they brought with them. In those days the manufacturers had no warerooms, the var-ious pieces of furniture being scattered throughout the shops in process of construction, part in one portion of the factory. other parts in different sections of the plant, as facilities for work demanded_ The huyers were m2inly practical men, however, and producers and distributors usually m':!Il3ged to get together most satisfactorily. Buyers finally began coming in such numbers that the manufacturers saw the advisability of setting aside part of their establishments as display rooms, wherein v:.ere as·· sembled groups of their output. These were mostly shown in the unfinished sta.te-in the white, in the trade sense., with just enough finished goods to Sh01N their in this line. Gradually they provided themselves with suitahle ware-rooms and added largely to their original lines. The con-tract feature became eliminated in a large measure, not ap-pealing to the manufacturers, for the reason that they were subjected to too strenuous a competition, the buyers induc-' ing as mall)' bidders as possible to figure on the work. To this feature of COl1tract work, however, Grand Rapids' early furniture manufacturers do not deny thal they owe much of their early success. The Sligh Furniture Company, for instance, will have no hesitancy in telling you what a boost they got when they landed a heavy contract from John Hand, buyer for George C. Flint & Co. of New York. The elimina-tion of this feature was merely a natural growth of tbe busi-ness, the manufacturers seeing the advantage of employl11b expert designers and 30 covering the fil?Jd of manufacture that every demand of the trade might be met. The year 1880 fottnd Grand Rapids with fourteen iurniture factories. During and immediately following this time there was a rapid increase both in the number of factories and the output of the old ones. This increase and improvement in the number of lines had its natural effect, bringing additional buyers, who nOw began coming in large: numbers. And from this fact that the buyers came here and made the bulk of their purchases for the season, manufacturers of other lines f'lswhere realized that to get in touch with furni-ture buyers during the selling season it was necessary to bring their wares to this market. And in this realization was the inception of t11e permanent furniture exposition here· on a large scale. So for a t;me when furniture buyers came here to inspect the wareS of the local factories they met also representatives of factories outside the city who exhibited to them photogra-phic reproductions of their -lines of goods. But the system of selling through the medium· of photographs proved most unsatisfactory. Rarely does the trade photo do absolute jus-tice to its subject, and especially is this true as regards pieces of furniture. The cheap piece of 'Norkmanship was frequent-ly made to look most desirable, while others of superior ex-cellence were belittled. So the wise buyers pw\-"cd lukewarm to p]lOtographs, af-firming that they came here to see goods and not photographs, which they could stay at home and see in their offices at any time. Though millions of doHars' worth of furniture are still sold through the agency of pictures, the buyer who has the opportunity offered him will invariably make his selec-tions from the ma_l1ufactured samples in preference. The first man to realize this changed condition was Fred D. Hills, who is in the city today exhibiting at the William A, Berkey Furniture Company's factory saLesrooms that firm's line of fancy cabinet work and the samples of the :Marble & Shattuck Chair Company of Clevdand, Ohio. It waS in 1883 that il'lr. Hills introduced the innovation here of placing on cxhihition a line of ontside samples. In the rotllndu of the IVlorton House he installed a line of samples of the New VOl-k chair firm he represented at the time. Others were quick to follow his example. Shortly after this E. B. Cald ..v..ell, representing the Connersville (Ind.) Furniture Com-pany, brought a line of chamber suites, <Iud about the same time thc ivYl1skegon Valley Furnitllre Company sent samples here tr the inspection of the visiting hosts of furniture buy-ers. The three named were the pioneers of tl1eoutside ex-hibitors, Of course there were 110 exposition buildings at that time, OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EXTENSION TABLES ARE BEST MADE BEST FINISHED VALUES All Made nom Thoroughly Seasoned Stock, LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH. No. 567 18 ·~MI9rIG?JN and the lines of the outside manufacturers were shown in vacant stores wherever tbey could be found. So few of these were available, however, that recourse was had to rooms in the "ppe.! floors of blocks about the city. On the completion of the Blodgett block, about 1884, it was fauna admirably adapted for' display rooms of the kind required by the manu-factories, practically all the space in the building was pre-empted for the purpose, the only use to which it is put to this day. P. J. Klingman was really the first to make a great ex-hibit of outside goods., and has been a leading spirit in the furniture, exposition ever since. As the number of outside exhibitors increased, the Pythian Temple, now the Ashton building, and the Masonic Temple were pressed into service. But with each recurring show the demand for space increased, owing to added exhibits and enlargement of the lines repre- ~ented, so that the erection of new buildings aevoted to the purpose became necessary. The first erected to meet this demand was the Waters building, the largest _in the world devoted to furnitnre exposi-tion purposes. This building, with its seven acres of floor space, is ttnderthe- control of P. J. Klingman, the lessee, and is distinctly his· individual enterpris"e, though contribu\.~ ing its share to the welfare of the furniture communuy_ A close second in size is .the new Furniture Manufacturers' building, with five of floor space. This building is maintained on a co-operative basis, and space in it is ob-tained only by taking stock in the building company, that be-ing one of the conditions of securing the right to exhibit goods in the building. The Blodgett block, which affords about four acres of show room> is a private enter-p" (" by the estate, of which C. J. Van Etten is the rep-resentative; But in speaking of the exposition buildings of· Grand Rap-ids we must not ove.rlook the factory warerooms, which are now very large and admirably adapted to display purposes, The fa.ctories are the ba.ckbone of Grand Rapids' furniture e.x-position, the goods dis?layed in their warerooms the magnet that attracts the buyers hither, So in considering t,he'{urni-ture exposition as an abstract proposition let us not 105<,;. sight' of the fact that the furniture factories are the ~mal cause of it all. The splendid exhibition buildings in th~ heart of the city obtrude themselves on' our notice, but in different directions toward the outskirts of the town are the factories where Grand Rapids' world famous furniture is made and where the finished product is shown to the men who come from far and near to stock their stores with the best and lat-est the market affords. Even with thesefasUities in the way of suitable buildings, the space is inadeq~atJ:'to the demand. The new Auditorium building, now nearing cOll1pletion, will do much to relieve the congestion, as about 75,000 square feet additional floor space will be available when the furniture men again gather here next July. Two local furniture manufacturers' associations are direet~ ly interested in the exposition: The Trade Mark Association, which is limited in its membership, and the Grand Rapids Furniture Manufacturers' Association, which .embraces all the local n1anufact~rers. During these two months, January and July of each year, Grand Rapids is the Mecca of exhibitors -and dealers in furni-ture who have to :figure on the wants of their customers. This hegira brings to the city at each recurring exposition several hundreds of the country's most representative busincss* men. Both buyers and salesmen are of the highest type of suc-cesshtl business men, The buyers, who are either members of the firms or their representatives, stand for the best there is. in the furniture business, and give orders for millions of dollars' worth of goods to be delivered them as the result of AR..-T's1-.5'JL7"\I ~.: It is easy to remember Hard llDel hard to firid anything as easy .. our Bed, and B~, Price $5.50. Crib U. Sidu 2411 spindles 3;Y.iinches apart. All casl-ings; malleable iron guaranteed for 2S yeats against breakage. Finished hy 3 coats porcelain enamel. ~ haked on. New 88 Pa,e Catalogue. HARD MFG. CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. their visit to the great furniture mart. The salesmen must naturally be high class men, as the average successful busi-ness man of today is so much of a specialist that he is loath to devote much time to a man below his own of men-tality. In other words, he simply won't do business with a i<dub." Following the inevitable principle of the survival of the fittest, the furniture salesman of today is a. man of high intelligence, keen perceptions and good principles. Were he not possessed of all these qualifications he would be crushed between the upper and nether millstones of keen competition, and soon be relegated to the discard as a furniture has~been. The sales!11en, naturally, spend the. entire month here, as there are buyers looking over the market every day. The latter will not tarry so long, nor as long as they used to some years ago. Those ,,~ho have large orders to place are usu-ally here from a weift to ten days, instead of ten days to two weeks, as in thee1j?y, more scattered days of the exposition. During this tim.ethey see in the market they care to look at, making copious memoranda and keeping continual-ly in mind the wants and characteristics of their customers. The keen buyer knows of every prospe'Ctive customer, what he would be likely to want and how much he· is willing to pay. So, having looked over the market thoroughly, he goes into executive session by himself in the privacy of his room at the hotel, consults his memoranda, and after due deliberation places hi!'; orders for the many thousands worth with the fa-vored ones or the many he has had on the anxious seat, set-tles his hotel bill and takes the train for his home city. Some aspersions have been made anent the habits of the visitin~ buyers. They have been variQusly accused of such crimes as excessive conviviality a.nd undue hJJarity, But no large gathering in any city is exempt from such criticism, un-less it is a ministerial conference or an. assembly of the Ep-worth League. Such reports arc groundless. The furniture men, both salesmen and buyers, are a!; exemplary in their habits as any body of men, equal in number, that you could bring together, and more 50 than most. Today many of them ,,,,ill help you make o:p the congregations of our city chnrches, for a good citizen at home is always a good citi-zen away from home. On the other hand, a fe\\' of them will doubtless foregather in some of the hotel rooms and di-vert themselves with t.he fascination of draw poker, fOl" this is a dosed town, with an impe.netrable lid :Hld there is little doing Sundays. An idea of the magnitude of the exposition is furnished in the following" list of exhibitors: Barher Brothers Lllce-Redmond Furniture Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Holland Furniture Co. 1vVm. A. Berkey "Furnitur~ F. Schlo:ss & Co. Co. Empire Furniture Co. Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. l\-Jarvel Furniture Co. Burnett & Van Oeveren Fur- Ohio Brass & Iroll Bed Co. niture Co. Gralld Rapids Cabinet Co. Cabinetmakers Co. Anchor Furniture Co. Century Furniture Co. Kllrtz Brass Bcd Co. Crisswcll~Keppler Co. Gunlocke Chair Co. Fritz & Goeldel Mfg. Co. V. S. Chair Co. Grand Rapids Cabinet Furni- Buffalo Chair Co. ture Co. Bison City Table Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. K. P. L. Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Clock & Man- Hagerstown Furniture Co. tel Co. B('elman Cabinet Co. Grand Rapids Fancy Furni- !\Taddox Table Co. ture Co. Rockford Cabinet Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Shea.rma.n Brothers Co, Grand Rapids Refrigerator !\Juskegon Valley Funtituclo Co, Co. Grand Rapids .Upholstering Moon Desk Co. Co. L. & ]. G. Stjckley Charles A. Greenman Co. Toledo Upholstering Co. Gunn Furniture Co. Binghamton Chair Co. Hetterscheid lvlanufacturing West End Furniture Co. Co. Cochran Chair Co. Hot Blast Feather Co. Crawford Chair Co. Imperial Furniture Co. B. T. Owen Co. I. X. L. Upholstering Co. St. Johns Table Co. Kelley & Extrom Ottawa Furniture Co. Leonard 1'1anufaeturing Co. Imperial Chair Co. Charles P. Limbert Co. Charlotte Manufacturing Co. Luce Furniture Co. V('rity-Caswel{ Table Co. Luxury Chair Co. Hastings Cabinet Co. Fred "1'1acey Co. C. L. Russell & Sons Michigan Barrd Co. vVdls-Shidler A-fanufacturing Michigan Chair Co. Co. Michigan Desk Co. F, H. Conant's Sons Michigan Seating Co. Union Furniture Co. l\{ucller & Sbck Co. Grand Rapid~ Bookcase Co. Nelson-Matter Fu.niture Co. Black River Bending Co. Oriel Cabinet Co. Booth Furniture Co. Overton Co. Stebbins- "Vilhe1m Manufac- C. S. Paine Co. turing Co. Phoenix Furniture Co. Charles Emmerich & Co. Practical Sewing Cabinet Co. F. 1...1.Curtis Co. John D. Raab Chair Co. Coats J'v[anufacturing Co. Retting Furniture Co. Randolph Furniture Works Royal Furniture Co. Taylor Chair Co. Ryan Rattan Chair Co. \\'. E, Brown Ct>. Shelton & Snyder ~urnit1ite Aurora Furniture Co. Co. American Furniture Co, Sligh Furniture Co. "Wait Furniture Co. Steel Furniture Co, Rustic Hickory Furniture Cu. Stickley Brothers Co. Sinclair-Allen Manufacturing Stow & Davis Furniture Co. Co. Sweet & Biggs Furniture Co. Baines-Mosier Co. Valley City Desk Co. Chase City Furniture Co. David Van BIerkom Co. Steinfeld Brothers \Vagemaker Furniture Co. United States Furniture Co. Welch Folding Bcd Co. Smith Metal Bcd Co. \JViddicomb Furniture Co. S. G. Estabrook & Co. John Widdicomb Co. Northern Furnitllre Co. Shank & Shelton Rockford Frame & Fixture Corunna Furniture Co. Co. Atlas Furniture Co. ], A. Glanton Skinner & Steenman Co. Austrian Bentwood Furniture B. L. Marble Chair Co. Co. Grobhiser & Crosby Furn.i- Cutler Desk Co. ture Co, ~Iaher Brothers Carrollton Furniture Co. Long Furniture Co. :AR..TI..5'~ t 2'-. Shelbyville Wardrobe Manu-facturing Co. Forest Furniture Co. The Vv'illowcraft Shops J,1mestown Lounge Co. Hubbard, Eldredge & Miller Miller Cabinet Co. Youngsville Manufacturing Co. 1vVarren Table \-Vorks. Parkersburg Chair Co. Orinoco Furniture Co. Elgin A. Simonds Co. v"r oodard Furniture Co. Ramseur Furniture Co. Capital Furniture Co. Boatwright Furntture l\.faml-facturing Co. Penn Funliture Co. Knaus Brothers & Arwinc Co. Prairie Grass Furniture Co. 19 Rockford Chair & Furniture Co. Gle.nn K, Brown Liberty Furniture Co. Himebaugh Brothers. Alliance Furniture Co. Kent Furniture Co. Kent-Coffey Furniture Co. A. D. Fischer Co. H. C. Dexter Chair Co. Phoenix Manufacturing Co. Kenton .Manufacturing Co. Conewango Furniture Co. H. Lauter Co. Grand Ledge Chair Co. Valley City Desk Co. Forest City Bedstead Co. Shelley .& Ahl Co. C. D. Widmar} CO. £. T. Burrowes Co. Harper Furniture Co. National Furniture· Go. Fred J. Zimmer 39 £. Bridge St., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. HIGH GRADE. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE WrUefor Cuts and Prices. Every Piece Guaranteed PERFECT. Hasting's Table Co. Greensboro Furniture Co. Ude11 \Vorks Roya.l Co. Detroit Cabinet Co. Spraguc-Smith Co. Sargent Manufacturing Co, C. H. Haberkorn & Co. American Chair Co. Cron-Kills Co, L. C. & W. L. Cron Co. Josiah Partridge & Sons Lewisburg Chair Co. Steinman & Meyer Furniture Co. Fanner Manufacturing Co. Olbrich & Colbeck Co. f'ox & :Mason Furniture Co. The Bailey-Jones Co. Standard Furniture Co. Barnard & Simonds Co. Galax Furniture Co. Mocksville Chair Co. Basic Furniture Co. Virginia Table \-Vorks Connersville Furniture Co. Conrey & Birely Table Co. Conrey-Davis IVIanufacturing Co. e. H. Campbell Furniture Co. D. L. Conrey Furniture Co. The Hawks Furniture Co. Camden Cabinet Co. e. Henllccke Co. Stearns & Foster Co. Herschede Hall Clock Co. John Danner Mal1ufacturing Co. George Hunzinger' &.;;50115 Jamestown Table Co. Leopold Desk Co, Has No Fears of the Future. W. ]. Long, representing the furniture department of "The Fair," Chicago, spent the second week in January in Grand Rapids and placed heavy orders for immediate ship-ment. 1lr. Long has no fears for the future and the liber-ality of his llurchase created a. cheerful feeling in the market. Last year was the" most prosperous in the history of "The Fair," and the sales of the Iurinture dcpartmelllaggregated a larger sum than for any year of the· past. If all buyers "were as sagacious as Mr. Long the fa~torjes "wo'uld soon be running full and normal trade conditions restored. Mr. Long formerly resided iJ;l0rand Rapids, having been employed in the main office of-the Western Union Telegraph Company as an operator. He located in Sioux City a de-cade ago, where he began his career in the furniture trade. 20 Reliable and Substantial Furniture SUCH AS WE MAKE IS EVER THE SOURCE OF PLEASURE AND PROFIT TO THE RETAILER AND THE PURCHASER ROCKFORD CHAIR AND FURNITURE CO., Rockford,IlL Something DiffERENT in Couches We have made for some time, Couches and Davenports with woven wire tops. Our latest essay in this line is DlfffRENT. Made and shfpped K. D. Easily set up. A trial order wiR COJ1\11nce. No. 155 WOVEN WIRE COUCU $4.00 Net SMIT" ~ DAVIS MfG. CO., St. Louis. I '-----~-- -- -- --- - - -- ------------------------------------- ---- RETAILERS IN CONVENTION. Chicago, January 14.-The annual meeting of the National Retail :Furnitttre Dealers' Association was held here today. The attcndnnce was Jargn than \vas really expected and the interest manifested was certainly gre3ter and more earnest than at preV[(H1Smeetings. The main features were Presi-dent Rosenbury's message ::wd the secretary's amw<l1 report, which showed that tho>ie officers have been active during the past year. The President's Address. Immediately after YOllr executive otftcers were elected in ]anu:uy last, a vigorous campaign was outlined, ,vhich was begun by them 'with much enthusiasm and was only checked by the lack of proper financial support. "Ve saw at the outset the necessity of this assocatioll engaging a paid sec-retary. The proceedings oC the al1T1i.lalmeetings ,",vere\vritlcn up and printed in a neatly bound booklet, which was fonvarc1ed through tbe secretaries to the members. The hooklet was issued giving the courfs decision in fuHof the case of J\Jont-gomery \Varcl & Co" with the SoutbDakota 1.ferchants' As-sociation, and copies mailed to membei"S. Lea:Hets were also printed giving a c.opy of an article writ-ten by a furniture dealer, entitled, "It will be a sorry day when the furniture de<ller is eliminated and furniture is sold direct from hctory to consumer." Later on the Associa-tion Bulletin was issued, which contained a roster of member-sbip and important items regarding the assocJation, ano mailed to all members, Endless corespondence has been carried un day alte! day by your executive officers, pertaining to the work in hand. State and local associations have been formed through the efforts of your secretary and other officers, while other local and state organizations have been encouraged in their work. On February 19 ;[nd 20 the secretary and myself took ac-tive part in tbe Iowa sUIte convention, 11cld at Des '~doines, where three enthusiastic meetings 'were held. At that timL the dealers took stelJS to organize a local association. On the 21st Chairman Foster, the secreta.ry and myself met by prearrangement with a representative body of Chicago dealers, which meeting resulted .in the organization of a local association, and which has since affiliated with the National through the Illinois State Association. On the 22d an executive committee was held in Chicago, the attendance being light. However, the situation \vas thoroughly gOlle over by those present, and it was decided to go .!Ihead with the ' .'.o..rk laid ont, which included plans to se-cure the amOUl1t.'; promised to make up the proJlosed $5,000 fund, :md to push ion,vard the work vigorously-to go ahead and publish the honor roll. Soon after the first bono noll was printed and copieb placed in the hands of the state secretarioes to be distrib-uted among the members. But Upon becoming aware that this first issue of the roll was incomplete, mainly on occount of many factories having failed by neglect or otherwise to make known their po~,ition, these copies were recalled and the secretaries advised to proceed at once to re-canvass thor-oughly the entire cOlllltry and to re~print the roll. This wa" not an easy task, but was accomplished after much corres~ pondencc. On l\.fay 28, acting on a suggestion from your secretary, I appointed Me C. E. Osgood, presj·dellt of the Home Fur-nishers' Society, to represent our association before the table manufacturers at their meeting in New York city, it being <leemed advisable to have the co-operation of various manu-facturers' associations. Our position was ably presented by Jl.h. Osgood, and resolutions were adopted by the table manu~ facturers which were very favorable to our association, the 21 manufacturers asking ill return that certain evils claimed by them to exist be corrected by the retailers. On June 26 your president met v,,·ith the Indiana State As-sociation at Indianapolis, taking active part in t"",o very en-thusiastic mcetings, later on going to Chicago and holding a ~,onference with other officers to formulate plans for the July meetings, the proceedings of which have been read by your secretary. During the past six months your officers have carried on a continued round of correspondence in performing the duties \vhich fell to them, and in the interest of the -work whiCh they were- striving to accomplish, the second issue of the honor roll having been receiycd from the pr~tj5 and distrib-uted to members. I visited twenty-nine different cities dur-ing the past year in five states, and seventy-five different deal-c: ·s in their places of business. 1Jany are aware of the existillg unfair conditions. Some have started in a feeble way to overcOOle the unusual compe-tition, 'while others merely stand alone and whiningly nt-mark, '·You C<l11110t. accomplish anything ,,,jth an association:" They talk like school boys instead of. n.en in business, with no apparent will power or determination whatever to do some-tbing to protect their own interests. Some aeaters are aWk-ward because they are not identified with the retailers' organ-ization. They wonder why and how these things are being done. It is not the association Jwrdware dealers that wonders hoV'o/ and why the evils in their line of business are being cm reeted, for he knows it is by the po.ver of his association through the eo-operation of their members. Does the fur-niture dealer realize the disadvantage under which he is striv-ing to compete for trade with the mail~order houses? Does he know that some Grms arc selling the order houses twenty-five per cent less than he can buy the same articles for as a rerail dealer, and in addition the factory saves the order hOUSethe expense of handling the order, by making the sl111-' ment direct to the consumer, and charging the account to the order house. Now, in. the face of ac,tual kno\vledge of the_tJl~nl1faeturer <o;upplyingthese order hOuses about twenty-five per cent less than to you, I repeat, in the face of such will the dealers of lhis country let this National Association-the only one pow-er- the only national institution equipped to tight these llnjust practif::es, go on unstlpportedand leave it alone to lie dormant, or possibly to pass Ollt of existence altogether, and .;ee our business demoralized <Iod shrink away step by step? Or s11all the furniture dea.lers throw tJl(>jr cussed indifference and rise up in their might and .by co-opcratlor,-and w_ell-di-reeted e1tort-,-grapple with these problems? For with tlwir concer:trated power a few master strokes will reve.rse t]1C conditions entirely in favc)r of 'the retailer. I wish to give a few reasonswby I believe it imperative that interest should be maintained by the retailers in this or-ganization, and also why we should maintain the honor roll procedure: First: That the manufactu:re.q;, who are dealing square-ly \-vith the regular retflil furniture dealers who stock the manufacturer's goods, is heartily in sympathy and approves of the honor roll, as it does a.s it is_': intended to,-boom the business of such manuf<J.durcr. Second: That the manufacture-rs and others who cnss and rail at the honor roll and attempt to belittle, it are thOse whose business we have not boomed through this procedur.e and their attitude shows that it is causing some uneasiness. Third: That lTIany manufacturers who a-re not tied hand and foot to mail--order c.oncerns have discontinuea selling tu them ana asked to be enrolled on the'list of manufacturers ".-hose business we are booming. Fourth: Also the vindication of the Sioux Falls Mer-chants' Association ill their suit in the United States COUrt 22 assures us of the legal right to urge factories to re,frain from dealing with order houses while they are supplying the reg-ular retailer. Fifth: Also ttJat suits now being brought for fraud against the order houses at Des Moines need OUf support, as we will be benefited by the results of these cases if the order houses are convicted, and no doubt our support will also be needed in other similar acti.ons taken by 'others. Sixth: The last and most important reason is that this association alone is the one and only power that prevents the large e~hi~ition buildings in Chicago, Grand Rapids, New York and other furniture centers from being thrown open to promiscuous dealers. Gentlemen, do you grasp its impor~ tanee? It practically means the demoralization of the retal! trade witbin hundreds of miles of these furniture centers. Now, some of our members, and even some state officers have advised us that they cannot use the honor roll until it is more complete. Gentlemen, this roll is just as complete as the members have allowed it to be, for we have acted UpOll all the inforrr.atioll we have had placed before us-and if yOll have withheld information which you should have given us, you are that far responsible for any_ incompleteness. And if this roll is continued to be published it will be just what you m.ake it, and I might also add that this association is also going to be just what the dealers of this country make it. I believe your officers will always continue to act on any. recommendation coming from the members, and if the dealers shirk the. duty they owe to the work-to this association-the results will show it. We have got to "get down to brass tacks" and get into this work, each one of tis and do our share. We have got to do things for ourselves tnrough tht-s organization (or at least until some one organizes a better one). Now, you would not really expect these executive officers whom you selected, to open a business somewhere for you and spend their own time and money, in making and saving money for you without any compensation whatever. No, you would not, if it was put to you in that way. However, by the cussed indifference of some of our mem-bers and the indifference of other dealers (who really want the work to go on) they are asking this very thing. We now need substantial support from those members who have in the past urged the need of a paid secretary. We now have him, and he is a man for the place. Will you ratly to his support? Dotson has taken hold of the duties with an iron hand, and he has already dealt some masterful strokes 111 your interest. It is also needed at this time that those merchants who are enthusiastic over this most important work direct their ef-forts toward convincing the indifferent ones of the need of co-operation with them. Ralph B.Clark, president of the Indiana Retail Merchants Association, names six laws passed in the state of Indiana through the influence of the Indiana retail merchants and for the benefit of the retail merchants, and he makes-the statl>- metH that if given the support of twenty thousand merchants in his state laws will be passed that will legislate the big mail order houses out of business in Indiana. Have you really tak~n notice of the large number of fur-niture manunfacturers who have withdrawn their lines during the past year from the order houses? It was largely due to the influence of this association. No individual firm could have persuaded anyone of these factories to give up. selling the order houses. A little co-operation on your part hall-done this much, and with proper co-operation of all furniture dealers much more can be done. 1 am satisfied that had a national furniture dealers' organ-ization been in existence and 'properly supported when the nrst 1argc furniture mail-order catalogue was issued, and the furniture dealers shown their strength througll organizCt-tion in <>pposition to goods they were buying being placed therein, they could have prevented the order house,s issuing a second one showing any amount of furniture at all. They could have made it impossible at that time for the order houses to obtain the furniture at the very outset in large enough quantities to pay for the undertaking, and this would have prevented others from embarking in the mail-order fur-niture business. But through our lack of co-operation we neglected our opportunity at that time. Why not take <1- lesson from this, and not allow the power we have today to go for naught? Shall the business of the regular retailer of furniture, who markets ninety per cent of the manufacturers' output, and stocks the manufacturers' goods, be demoralized by a few who secure the other ten per cent and by their piratical methods create confusion and ruination among the regular retailers? Can the manufacturer himself afford to encouragt. Of e;ven allow this ruinous competition which is gradually un-dermining the business of those to whom he as a manufac-turer looks for his own support? At the Iowa meeting I became convinced (especially after visiting the hardware dealers' convention), of the need of enlightenment in store methods and would suggest that a time be given at our meetings for the discussion of this sub-ject by experienced and able men, and followed by a general discussion by the members of these most important and prac-tical subjects, which would stimulate attendance at our meetings. Ask our members to come prepared to offer something. If you have put into operation plans and ideas 1n your busi-neSS that. have worked out satisfactorily, pass them along the line, that they may be put into operation by those of us who may need them. I sincerely hope that this convention will take up the following questions and make a proper disposition of each one of them: 1. Adopt a plan whereby hotels may be furnished; that wilt be satisfactory to manufacturers and dealers alike-one that is practical under existing conditions and will not shut out our members from the bene.fits of hotel sales. 2. That this convention determine what shall constitute a regular retail furniture dealer. 3. That the advisability of recommending bette.r regula-tons pertaining to the admission of people to wholesale furni-ture exhbition buildings be taken up and properly dis.posed of. 4. That some practical plan be adopted for the forward-ing of complaints by our members to proper officers of this association. S. That the mattcr of discrimination in freight rates, and the just and proper classification by the railroads be 'looked into by this association, and the proper steps talcen to aid in the correction of the same. 6. That some plan be put before OUr members in smaller cities, whereby they may direct their customers to the larger retail stores in the larger cities when necessary, and share in the profits of sales made, similar to a plan now being car~ ried out by some Minnesota retailers. 7. That this association determine whether or not -it is advisable to treat certain large consumers, such as institu~ tions, -railroad companies, etc., as wholesale consumers, allow-ing that the manufacturers have the right to bid for such bus-iness and allow a local dealer to share in the profits of the same,. 8. That the members of this association, in the interests of .those manufacturers who aTe protecting the regular re-tailer; refrain from and discourage in others: . The; practice of retailers taking patterns to other factories to be reproduced :at lower prices; taking unjust discountS in settle,ment; -making 'claims for damages that do not exist; in misrepresenting prices and discounts; in demanding exclus- ive sale of an entire line, and then failing to protect said line. These evils being claimed by some manufacturers to now exist. 9. That steps be taken through the proper committees to obtain pledges from individual dealers, and made payable at stated periods for the next few years, in addition to the per capita tax of state associatjons, so as to place this nation-al association all a sound financial basis. 10. That this convention go on record relative to its posi-tion toward the adoption of the proposed parcels post. 1L That this association, directly or through the proper committee" take up the question of making up an honor roll c~ntaining the names of sustaining members and subscribers to its support, giving opposite each name the amount sub-scribed and paid,. that this may he an inccntive to others to also subscribe. 12. That this convention adopt a policy or plan of treat-ing the card system still in use by some manufacturers and retail dealers. 13. That the benefits of the mutual fire insurance compan_ ies among retail furniture. dealers be looked into by this as-sociation. 14. That some, effort be made to induce the different agen-ies to eliminate from their reports the mImes of parties now rated as furniture dealers who are not carrying a stock of furniture and are not furniture dealers. The Secretary's Report. I beg to suggest that while this convention is in session it de.termine whether Of not it is advisable to give 01.1tthe i<RoB of Honor" booklets to non-members or to local associations that may ask for them before they are affiliated with tln~ as!';ociation. It is important tllat you take action all this in order that your officers may know what course ro pursut. I have reason to believe that many of the members have put these books into practical use as the correspondence in the files of the offlce will show. A great deal of this corres-pondence was taken up direet with this office-while consid-able came through the state and local associations. In most cases I have found that the manufacturers wish to be fair with the association, while in a few instances they have not exhibited the spirit of fairness which it would seem they should. In company with several of the Chicago members I had the pleasure of attending a meeting of the Illinois associatjon, which was held in Peoria on October 16. A very interest-ing session was held, although it was not largely attended. Arrangement was effected \vhereby the Chicago association became affiliated "..·ith the: Illinois association. This proved to be very encouraging to the Illinois tn.embers, as it had been the desire for some time that the Chicago association affiliate with them. There was organized in Buffalo, N. Y., recently an asso-ciation as an adjunct of the chamber of commerce. I have been in correspondence with the secretary and have furnished him several copics of the "Honor Roll" and other informa-tion pertaining to tllis association, and lwve asked them to be-come affiliated with the national. Their secretary informed me that some of their members would probably be in Chicago at the time of this convention and would, he thought, attcnd this meeting. I was informed by the secretary that the Philadelphia asso-ciation was making an effort to orgalli:t"e the state of Penn-sylvania, but I h;nre been unable to gather information as to whether or not they were successfuL It is hoped that the Philadelphia report will give us favorable information as to this. I W8.'S obliged to dec.line an invitation, extended by th. Utoff, to attend a meeting in December of the New Orleans association, which has contributed very liberally to the finan- 23 cial support of this a%ociatioll-in all, the amount of $15';, which inc1ude~ their per capita tax. From communications received from the states of Wiscon-sin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Indiana, and Ohio, I have reason to believe that those a.<;sociatiol1s are in a prosperous condition and that they are conducting campaigns for new members. I trust this statement will be borne out in their reports. As secretary of the Kansas and Illinois associations, I might say in the former state we have made a small gain through the me'lllS of circular letters and by keeptng in close touch with the dealers. In Illinois the intercs:t has apparent-ly lagged, although we have started in a campaign for new mem bers which I hope will prove effective. I believe then, is a chance of greatly increasing the membership of this as-sociation. .From communications that I have received from the Eastern Associ;.ttion of New York, it does nor seem to be very active, and it is to be hoped that we can assist in put-ting new life in this association. The Oregon association, I understand, is practically at an end, and tl,e California association seems to have disbanded. Finances. This association has received, since the last annual meet-ing, per capita from the following associations: Jamestov·..-n, $5; Home Furnishers, $50; Indiana, $135; Vir-ginia, $75; Y.,risconsin, $62; Michigan, $90; New ,Orleans, $2::1; Illinois, $33; North Dakota. $20; Ohio, $43. Total, $538. The following associations have sent in contributions from their membership: \iVisconsin, $75; Indiana, $100;' Iowa, $70; New Orleans, $130. Total, $,175. v-"f e have rec:eived in spec:ial contributions during the year, $755, aside from those received from the association. With-out these contributions this association would have been un-able to do the amount of work that has been done. How-ever, to do all that should be done during the current year there must be more general support or means provided for the financiering of the association. These contributions wt;:re received princopal1y through the efforts of the finance committee and by the officers and work-ers in the ..a..rious associations. The last of November I wrote each of the associations who were delinquent in the payment of their per capita tax, and in most caSes received replies of the secretaries stating tllat they were endeavoring to collect the dues and hoped to he in position to send their per capita soon. However, we are without per capita from the following: Eastern Associa-tion of New York, Iowa, Kansas (not yet affiliated), l\finne-sota, Nebraska, New State (not yet affiliated), North Caro-lina, Chicago, Philadelphia, South Carolina and South Da-kota associations. The Bulletin. I had expected to issue the Bulletin before this meeting, but owing to the condition of the finances I did not think best to do so. I am of the opinion that it should be issued fre~ quently, as this is perhaps the best means of directly advising the members of the work being done by the national and the various associations. The Bulletin is 110 doubt expected by tbe members and would undoubtedly result in creating a bet-ter interest. Open Salesrooms. From personal investigation I found an office loc:ated 111 the main part of the city where a few samples of upholstered fumiture are exhibited and where the consumers are invite<1 and when they inform the party in charge that they want tv buy certain articles of furniture, they are taken by the sales-man to one of the exhibition buildings and are priced certain lines of goods that are on exhibition there the year around. The saleSmUlJ stated he could not do any business during the market season and claimed the goods he was sel1ing were samples. However, I want to say that their operations seemed to be conJlned to the one building, and they did not claim to sell only from certain lines shown therein. They solidt this business by means of a circular letter, making stateme.nts therein that they can save the buyer from- twenty-five to seventy-five per cent. I also have information received from officers of the asso-ciation of a firm in this city evidently organized by an indi~ vidual and with seveml manufacturers forming the company, as a sort of clearing house whereby goods may be sold to the consumer, public institutions and perhaps mail order and premium houess. This will no doubt bear the investigation of the association. The card system is in force in some of the buildings, and I am informed by one of the managers that he believes this is in the interest of the dealers in the country who do not carry complete stocks, and they being good customers, tLe exhibitor canuot afford to not accommodate them by not selling their customers sent in with a card. It seems that it would be wise for the assoclat1on to try and educate the dealers 110t to send their customers to the buildings with cards Of letters if we expect to stop the card system. The mail order and premium house evils seem to be re-ceiving considerable attention by the retaileui 111 general. The trade journals should no doubt be given credit for the campaign- of edl1cation which they are conduding and in the interest of toe retailer along this line and the dealers should be encouraged to subscribe for several journals and read them, Through the efforts of a trade journal an indictment was secured against Sears, Roebuck & Cd. in the district court of the United States, The grand jury found them guilty, all three counts, of obtaining money under false pre-tenses. The parcels post measure which has been ardently advo-cated by the postmaster general has received considerable attention at the hands of various associations and their mem-bers. A.lthough a measure that does not directly affect the furniture trade as much as lines of smaller merchandise, yet it deserves the co-operation of the furniture interests for the effects of such a law would indirectly work to the detriment of the furniture trade as well. Therefore, I am of the opin-ion that we shOUld assist in this fight. At sonle futufe timL we may wish the co-operation of other associations in fight-ing our battles. 1 believe that other associations should be, and I have reason to believe they arc, friendly to the inter-ests which might work to our benefit. I prepared and have distributed is my correspondence and through the secre-triaes, letters and petitions to congress to be stgned by the members and citizens of their communities. Mutual furniture illsurance is a feature that is being inves-tigated by a number of the associations and I understand 1!> being used by the Minnesota association with considerable success. It is of vital interest to the dealers in general as by mutual insurance the members should be enabled to carry their own insurance and at a great saving in cost. It is to be hoped that this association may see fit to in-vestigate and take up a plan of insurance which could be made to assist in supporting the association and no doubt be in-strumental in greatly increasing the membership. I would beg to recommend that this association authorize the appoint-ment of a committee to take up this subject and investigate same. During the short period 1 have held this office I have found the need of a committee to act for the association upon matters, particularly with reference to freight classifications, Especially will this apply at this time as the Classification committee is working upon a new classification and there are .7'IR.T 1..5'.7f..N ~ 2 : 2 e - very apt to be changes made in the classes of various lines of furniture which would greatly affect the dealers. With a committee conveniently located and in touch with this re-classification, perhaps to a greater extent through the office of your secretary, such matters as affect our members could be investigated and, if deemed wise, action perhaps in con~ junction with other associations be taken which might result in securing more favorable and justc1assifications. I be~ lieve the manufacturers "vill co~operate with us In matters 01 this nature. The need of such a committee was recently demonstrated when note to Rule 5 B of the official classification, which .vent into effect January 1, was to be finally decide:.d by the Inter:.. state Commerce Commission at \¥ashington, D. c., on Jan~ uary 8. This did not come to my notice until it was too late for this association to arrange to take action on same. The fact is, these hearings are set on very short notice, which is all in favor of the railroads and it does not give others inter-ested an opportunity to present their side of the case, and it is almost impossible to take any concerted aettOn. The note in question reads: "Note 5 B win apply onty when the consignor or consignee is the actual owner of the property." This will have cQosjderable bearillg on the fur-niture retailer, espe.dal1y of the west, as the dealers cannot under the enforcement of this note, buy good of several dif-ferent firms and have them assembled and shipped at carload rates. Neither wilL they be allowed to group shipments for several consignees in the same car unless they pay L. C. L. or local rates. Another matter that might receive some attention at the hands of such a committee i~that under Rule 27 of the official classification, which gives a .table of percelltage increase of weights on cars over thirty-six feet six inches, on minimun. carload weights of 24,000, 20,()()O. 18,000 and 16;000 pounds which amounts to ten per cent or 26,400 pounds in cars not over thirty-eight feet six inches, when the minimum is 24,- 000 pounds, to an increase of fifteen per cent or 60,000 pounds in cars not over fifty feet SIX inches when the minimum is 24,000 pounds. I am informed that the railroads claim the additional cost of cars and the general additional expenses of handling, etc., justifies this advance, but it would seem that the heavy rate of increase is not in keeping with the addi-tional cost. I am of the opinion that if these meetings could be held at a time other than the market season, when we could ar-range for a two or three days' session and introduce more ed-ucational features, as well as to give more time :to the business of the association and consideration of matters presented, that they would be more largely attended and better results re-ceived therefrom. In closing, I wish to express my appreciation of the ad-vice and encouragement that has been constantly given me through the frequent correspondence of your president. He has at all times been faithful in rendering advice and assist-ai1~ e upon matters where 1 felt the need of advice from one older in the work than I am. I desire also to express my appreciation of the way in which my worthy pred~cessor has always been ready to give advice on matters pertaining to the duties of the office, with which he was more conversant than I. A number of the officers have also been free with en~ eouragement and have been very faithftll in assisting to raise the finances with· which it has been possible to carryon the work. It is well known that trade organizations, such as this, in conjunction with the state associations, have done much tv improve the conditions under which trade is carried on, Con-ventions with free interchange of dealing Viith every .. day problems of business life have been the most effective means by which trade organizations have partially ac.'Comp-lished that admirable purpose sought to be attained. 25 WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY owosso, MICH. The Woodard Line. Makers of the most popular medium priced bedroom furniture. All the fancy woods and finishes. Especially 8trong in CIRCASSIAN WALNUT and COLONIAL DESIGNS. Send for catalog. Talk about bedroom furniture. Did yoU feast your eyes 011 the vVoodard line when you were in Grand Rapids? If so, you do not need a word in regard to it. If you were in Grand Rapids during the January trade sales and did not see this line, you misse,J one of the finest displays of chamber furniture ever placed on exhibition in this or any other market. :.;at that it was so high priced, but because of the beauty of design, Tare woods, careful \'v'orkmanship and beau-tiful finish. Here one could see magnificent examples of furniture in circassian walnut, mahogany, birdseye maple and quartered golden oak, that would rivet the attention of the beholder, 50 that he would be loath to leave it. The line was one of the largest-probably the largest in chamber furni-ture brought to Grand Rapids. and no intelligent buyer could leave it \'v'ithout wishing he had room for at least two-thirds We Manufacture the Largest Line of FolOino 6hairs in the Uniled States, suitable for Sunday Schools, HaIls, Steamers and all public resorts. We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in large variety. Send for Catalogue and Prices to K/\UFFM/\N MFG. GO. ASHLAND. OHIO of the pieces in the :line. Of course it sold well. Couldn't be otherwise. A new spring catalogue is ready for mailing, and the dealer who 'does not receive a copy may consider himself one of the ul~fortunates. Collapsible Go-Carts. In our grandfathers' days a cart was a vehicle with two whecis, but in these :Jatter days the collapsible go-cart, that, by a single motion, qr quick jerk, spreads itself out and rests 011 four ·wheels, is <). >vonder. It's an all-steel wagon, ex-cepting the leather ,top, and so strong that it will safely carry a one hundred pound, baby over a rough pavement. There is nothing lik~ it in this or any other world that the :vIichigan Artisan knows of. It is made by the Sturgis 01ichigan) Steel Go-Cart Company. The New Banquet Table Top as well as OFFICE, DINING and DIRECTORS' TABLES are our IIpecialty. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO., ~=!;:"" Write fot Calalogue. Get samples of BANQUET TABLE TOP. 26 ALASKA QUALITY Guarantees perfect insulation, circulation and the most econom-ical consumption of ice. They insure the dealer a satisfied customer every time. Zinc, White Enamel, Porcelain and Opalite Linings. ASK FOR CATALOGUES AND PRICES. The Alaska Refrigerator CO. EXCLUSlf/E REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURERS MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN They "Gotta" Live. r watched an artist man at work Depiding chairs, .buffets and desks. . "How can you give Your art to such a task?" asked L And, straightway he did make reply: ,<:>'1 gatta live." That is the way with men who carve, Or write or print. V\le cannot starve! Your stove or bench We'll help yOLl on the market put. We may not love the labor, hut We gotta Jive. HARDWOOD FINISH FOR PINE. Capt. Purse Talks of New Process 0 Wood-Preserving That is Claimed to Be of 1m ense Value. Capt. D. G. Purse of Savannah is ouring the south in the interest of developing the process fa drying all character of swamp and highland wood, more par ieular1y the swamp o.:ak, cypress, tupelo, etc. Re was attracte,d to this proccS5 some twelve months ago and has been for the past six months in ).Jew York conducting experiments with wood brotlght from Georgia, taken: from the native trees. The results of these tests and ex eriments have been so satisfactory and have made themsel es so attractive to all parties interested in the preservation and drying of this char-acter of lumber that a company who own the process have delegated C<Jpt. Purse to introduce this treatment in the "outhern states. As explained by Capt. Purse, the process of vulcanizing pine and watery gum timber consists of subjecting these \'\Ioods to intense steam heat in a huge steam cylinder. A certain degree of temperature is maintained for a fe-w hm1rs and the. aqueous properties of the ,\vQodremoved. The dens- 'er fluids, the albumen and pitch, the natural preservatives of the wood, are retained, evenly distributed in the pores of the wood, a.nd the. timber thus treated is hermetically sealed and made practically proof against the decay of time. The hitherto useless tupelo gum, the cypress tree and the sap pine become, under this process, as valuable as the mahog-any of South America, with the additional advantage that it has less than 011e-fourth the weight of that valuable hard- ""Toad. An idca of the practicability of the process may be Kained \"he.n it is stated that a plant consisting of a huge steel cyl-inder capable of receiving 22,000 feet of timbe-r, may be- es-tablished at a cost of 1,500 to $3,000: Twenty-four hours of treatment of the most aqueous and pulpy timber.converts that wood into a decay resisting.material which not only vies with but surpasses the 1110Stvaluable hardwood as to time resist-ing qualities, but it is also capable of being given the most beautiful finish. Capt. Purse exhibits ~;pecimells of cypress, gum and sap pine trees treated by this proccss and finished by a cabinet maker._ At first glance the gum is taken for rare old mahoKany, but turned over on the ,other side appears to be the finest grade of maple. The same metamorphosis is accomplished with the cypress and the sap pine, th~ latter being a wood which resists all attempts to fire it in its gree,:l state, and begins to crumble and decay the moment the dry-inK out process commences. One fact of immense significance in regard to lumber treated with the new vulcanizing process is that evcry pore- of the wood is hermetically, sealed for all tim~. This makes lumber so treated par excellehce. for intenor finishll1g of dwelling houses. Wood as used at present is a perfect culture bed for germs of disease and dangerous bacteria. Scientific investigation has proven. that the germs of diphtheria, scarlet fever and other dangerous infectious disease-sIllay be, communicated by the wood in the house for months after such an infected pe-r-sail has been in the room. The, vulcanizcd wood offers as little lodgment for dise,ase germs and bacteria as does the polished surfacc of porcelain. "It ii. our plan," said Capt. Purse, in an interview, "to es-tablish plants throughout the south. In order, however, that no particular section may enjoy an advantage over another, not "a single plant will be established in the south until each and cvery state in which this timber is found is ready to act. Then the plants will be started simultaneously. "This means more for the wealth of the south than any discovery since Eli \Vhitney il1Vented the cotton gin. Hither~ to any 111allowning land on which the gum and sap trees grew felt .that his la11dwas burdened with ~l useless p-roduct of nature, The pine was susceptible of treatment to the extent that boards might be made of it, but they rotted away within a few months of usage. Thc cypress and gum trees were good only for the purpose of putting out a fire. so heavily charged are they with aqeuous properties. Under the vql-canizing process these woods surpass mahogany, rosewood and all other nne woods known to civilization for their wear-resisting qualities and the beauty of finish which they take." The retail furniture trade has pulled the .buckle of its belt up another notch and placed many orders for goods. Panic or no panic, 'ledion aT no 'lection, the trade ~s out for busi-ness and nothing can stop it. Five Complete Lines of Refrigerators at RIGHT PRICES iI.JI Opalile Lined. (j! Enamel Lined. tl Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined. fJI Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank. CJI Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary Ice Tank. Send for new Catalogue and let U3name yoU pTice. SliOh'~ S616GtStUI6~ S611anOSati~fU D6a16r~anO Tn6ir Gustoill6rs MANY NEW FEATURES ADDED FOR SPRING SEASON OF 1908. EVERYTHING FOR THE BEDROOM [Medium and Fine Quality]. Office and SalesroOm corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand Rapids, .Mich. Line now ready for inspection by dealers. 27 ------------------------------ ---- 28 -!t~Mlf]ilG7JN ' .7IR..T I oS' AL"il + zee The Ro~al Push Button. One of the most intdesting exhibits in the January trade sales in Grand Rapids aind Chicago~ was that of the Royal Push Button Morris Chairs, manufactured by the Royal Chair Company, Sturgis, Mich. There arc about one hundred patterns in the line, made in oak and mahogany frames, with a liberal amount of midsion styles. The coverings are in beautiful shades of plushes and leather. The prices range from $6.25 to $30. Then there is a line of upholstered floor rockers, as attractive as anything on the market.' The Royal is one of the most: popular lines of Morris chairs ever Let Him Know It. When a fellow pleases you Let him know it; It's a simple thing to do- Let him know it. Can't you give the scheme a trial? It is sure to bring a smile And that makes it worth the while- Let him know it. You are pleased when an:y one Lets you know it. \Vhen the man who thinks "Well done" Lets yOli know it. For it gives you added zest To bring out your very best- Just because some mortal blest Lets you know it. \~rhen a fellow pleases you Let him know it; Why, it isn't much to da- Let him kncrw it. It will help him in the fray, And he'll thi'nk his efforts pay; If you like his work or way Let him; know it. brought out, and the push button attachment, by which the back can be adjusted to any position without getting out of the chair, makes it a delight as well as a comfort. Any furniture dealer who carries this line and takes the trouble to push it, make as much money from it as anything he keeps in his store. If you have not received their catalogue ~t would be wise to send for it at once. Reductions Not Asked. In discussing the results of the January sale. Major MacBride, secretary of the ::.relson~Matter Furniture com-pany, said: "Visiting buyers recognized the importance of maintaining prices and no reductions were called for.· I have not learned of any cutting in prices, excepting on onc or two hotel orders. Several of our friends seemed to be overanxious to make sales, and engaged in sharp compcthion Over a number of contracts. Not so many buyers visited the markets as last year,hut the traveling salesmen w-i1l ·call upon th-cm soon, and supply their needs. Of one thing dealers may rest assured: manufacturers will make no more goods than the trade require. They will not load up and carry stock for the convenience of dealers, as in the past." Ki(~mon~ Oair CO. RICHMOND. INDIANA MUSKEGONVAlLEY FURNITURE COMPANY Mosl<"lIon. Mich•• Odd Dressers Chiffoni.ers Wardrobes Ladies Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Good. Ladies Desks Music Cabinets Line on we in ManufactureR' BuildiD8'.Grand Rapids. Double Cane Line SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS CATALOGUES TO THE TRADE • -----------------------------------_. - - Although the v.:inter s~lling "cason was not what it should be, jl wa::=.better than the corn trade of Nebraska a few years ago, when it cost more to market the product than it sold for. Several months. uSlIally active in trade. remain before tJJe opening of the, and as Evansville goods arc easy to sell aud profltahle to the dealer, there is no reason why the factories should not be ill full operation before the ides of l\Jarch. 1Jany buyers, inspecting the exhibits in Chicago, have had an opportunity to examine Evansville goods in a group widl somc degree of satisfaction for the fint time. A heavy trade is looked for from comparatively new territory. The number of dealers in furniture in the United States is in-cr~ 8.scd anllually from R.OO to 1,000, and the manufacturers of Evansville realize the importance of keeping in touch with new trade The exhibit at St. Louis attracted much atten-tion and favorable comment. The \\101'11] Furniture company will be pleased to receive applications for their new catalogue. It contains many beautiful lwJi tone illustrations of the line. The "llig Six" combination, through their united corps of traveling sales-men and the liberal distribution of catalogues, are eompletely covering'. the trade of the United Sta.tes. It is the purpose of the furnilure makerf; of Evansville to keep the trade fully informed in regard to their offerings. A new catalogue illustratillg, descrihing and pricing the large line of chamber furniture. manufactured by the Karges Go-Carts and Baby Carrl"ages Fo,d-Job.",. Col~.. ibl, is the easieft to fold. the 8tron~ and best lookinll COlT! on the market. ~ Our complete line of $ll.mple5will be di5played in Ford·John-son Bldg" 1333.37 WablUh Ave .. including a ~pecial display of Hotel and Dining Room furniture. iI1I An furniture dealers are cormanyinvited to visit OIH bulklinll THE FORD & JOHNSON CO., Chicago, Illinois. 29 STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted celluloid as a base for our Caster Cups, making the best cup on the market. Celluloid [s a. grtat improvement <Jver bases made <Jfother material. When it is necessary to move a pi~ce supported by cups with ceJ1ul<Jidbases it < be done with ease, as the bases are per-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat, and by tbe use of these cups tables are never marred. These cups are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple .. finished light. If you will t1'1f a sample ordM" of these goods you witl diJsireto handle them in quantities. PRICES: Size 2}{ inches, ..... $5.50 per hundred. Size 2}{ inches .••... 4.50 per hundred. f. o. D, Grand Rapids, TRY.A SAMPLE ORI/Ell. Furniture company, witl soon be ready for mail. It will interest every dealer in medium and fine goods. \-\lork on the new factory of the Standard Chair company is progressing satisfactorily. It will be ready for occupancy early in the year. The samples of Evansville goods from the big six factories exhibhcd at St. Louis filled ten cars; and those from the independent houses about as many more. e. F. Diekman, the manager of the Crescent Stove works, is \-vell pleased ",dth the business done last year. A new catalogue will soon be made ready for distribution. The Bosse Furniture company, under the capable manage-ment of 1'I1r. Ploeger, is one of the most prosperous industries in Evansville. Their line of knock down' wardrobes and kitchen cabinets is considered desirable and profitable to handle by thousands of dealers. Benjamin Bosse, the affable manager of the Globe Furni~ ture company, is ·well pleased with the results of last year's bllsiness transacted by the company and confident of a good trade in the future. An excellent line of low and medium priced chamber suites and dining room furniture is manu-factured. Their new catalogue will be mailed to applicants for the same. The ):1etal Furniture company's line of brass and iron beels is a strong feature of tbe furnhure industry in Evans-ville. The factory operated by the company is one of the largest in the city. j ~Janager Fellwock as received many compliments on the excellence of the lin of tables brought out for the current year of trade. The e ition of ten thousand catalogues, recently issued by tl1 company, has been broadly dis-tributed. A'very large and successful business in brass and metal beds has been established by the Evansville lvl eUl1 Bed company, under the experienced management of ""V. A. Koch. The goods command a ready sale in every market. How He Got His Start. "'But, after a{l, don't you think a good education is an essenti ..Jl in business success?" ").Jot much," replied the'wealthy man; "it was my poor e.ducation that gave me a start. I done a job of work for a rich fellow, and made out my bill for 'too' dollars. You see, besides the bad spelling, T forgot to cross the 't.' He sent me a check for $100." 30 Cosmopolitan Apartment. "Ve are living U"j) in Harlem in an extra swellish flat That's nothing if it's not High Art, and you can bet On that! For the hall is trimmed in figures, Egyptian, in relief, And the fron~door's Grecian columns wear the big acanthus leaf. There's;;t,.dome above the doorway-very stylish-Roman- ~iqu.e! Looki~,too, a 'little Moorish, for the carvings are grotesque! But th'edoor itself swings open to a Renaissance ideal And the beJlsJ,sd with mosaics, make a Byzantine appeal. . Katie says the Wattcall subjects in the panels are a dream; \Vith the Flemish woodwork, really! they do make a noble scheme! Stained glass windows, set at random, lend a solemn Gothic air Al1'delectric shades in crystal show Venetian fe.eling rare. Iran's rugs and Turkey's carpets carelessly about are strewn; Antique chairs from Spain and China with the symphony at-tune. Proud we are of all this grandeur, but the landlord's call last night \Vas the single factor needed to touch off the picture right. Atmosphere Italian dazzled from his tie-a radiant bow- As he glanced at our Penate.s-they are modest things we know! "You prefer," I questioned gayly, "Higher Art-things richer done ?" Signor Zetti smiled so sweetly: "High-a-Art! Ees dat da mOll?" -ELAINE DARLDIG. CHEAP BEDROOM FURNITURE, What a Salesman Ran Up Against in a Town Where Health Fads Are the .Only Things Talked About. Demar, the salesman, had been having hard luck for a month. He was beginning to think that alI his old customers ..were waiting for the Winter Exposition. Presently he struck a town which had always been pretty good to him. It wa1> a health townj and a lot of the money handled there came nut of the pockets of people who rode through the streets in wheel chairs. Demar thought he would make a winning there, Slire. He tackled his hest customer first. Gillette was a pro!:!- perous merchant, 'with a store a little '(00 big for the town. He was never ugly ",,'hen a salesman marked him for his own, but occasio!lally he grew pessimistic and sarcastic. The salesman found him in a disagreeable moo.d. He hardly looked up as Demar entered with the merry swing of a man who has got' to make a sale or go to the poor house. "vVhat's the grouch?" asked Demar, handing out a cigar and dropping into a chair. He had hunted and fished ..v..ith Gillette, and played poker with him, and thought he might cut out formality. When men play poker together and don't break friendship, it is surc that they are good fellows. "Business is bad," replied Gillette, lighting the cigar. "I'd like to shut up shop and go tiP north after deer, or somc-thing that would keep me on the move. You needn't get out your picture cards. I don't want a thing. I couldn't pay for the .stuff if 1 bought it. I'm up' against it." . "I'll take my chanc'cs on getting my pay," smiled the salesman. "Here! What's the matter with making a run on those fine bedroom suites?" "Bedroom suites!'"' repeated the merchant. 1I0f course! We've got some beauties! Look at these veneered goods. Eh? That looks pretty poor, what?" "What do they do with bedroom suites?" asked Gillette, .. with a perfectly straight face. There was even an anxiety in his eyes which seemed to await the answer as something impo:rtant. Demar grinned and threw off his overcoat. ~ I'The bedroom suite of commerce," he said,. "i's the thing conducive to repose. In other words, where you pound your ear! I've got some bedsteads here that make you sleepy to look at 'em! Look at 'em ~nd see!" "Have you got a bedstead that will turn off the gas at bed-time and walk out on the roof of the porch?" asked the mer-chant. Demar grinned. He was used to the merchant's way, and saw a sale coming. "Not yet," he replied. "Weare having some made." "They don't use bedroom suites any more in this man's town," sighed the dealer. "I haven't sold six in three months." "What do they use?" "Why, they don't even use the"sleeping rooms. How can a man use a bedroom suite if he hasn't any sleeping room to put it in?" 'iNo sleeping rooms," said Demar, becoming interested. "Where under the sun and moon do they sleep?" "That's where." "Where? That's where what? What are you doing with all those funny little bugs in your belfry?" "That's where they sleep." "That's where they sleep where?" "Under the sun and uloon." "Oh! And I presume they use the green, green grass for a mattress and the cerulean sky for a counterpane! \Vhy don't you go out of town for a few days?" UN 0, they don't slee,p on the grass. They're getting a contrivance made to keep 'em off the ground and out of the dew. The people about here are sleeping ill the open air, my friend, so where's the use of my buying bedroom suites ,., "Oh, of course, there are a few cranks who do that, blll there win always be a market for bedroom suites." Yes. Of course. They'll always have to buy somethIng to furnish their sle.epingrooms with, eh? Of course. Well, they've got 'em furnished already." "Don't they buy of you?" "They don't buy of anybody. They plant their things to furnish their sleeping rooms." "It is too bad," said Demar. "You used to be one of tht: brightest men on my route, and now you are t.alking abollt planting seed and raising bedroom furniture." "You bet they do!" insisted the merchant. "You go dOWl' here to the next residence street and turn to your right, or tUfl1 to the left, if you want, or just .stand .still, if that's your notion, and you can see the sleeping rooms from the sidewalk. You bet you can! How would you like to contract to fur-nish all those sleeping rooms? I gtleSs you'd be in a shirt without any sleeves if you undertook it." "What do they have in their sleeping rooms?" asked De-mar, not quite getting next to Gillette's obscure humor. "The one on the corner.," was the reply, "is furnished with a fountain and a brass dog. There are also some pille Lee" scattered about, to give the perfume and the moan of the health-giving north. Tlle bedstead is on the roof of the porch, and the ceiling of room is 50 far up ill the air that you couldn't reach it with a writ of habeas cor-pus." "So that is the latest fad I" exclaimed the salesman. "Sleeping in the open air! Wen, that gets me! Do they all sleep in second-story porches?" "I should say not. Some of 'em pull out a window in the sitting room and shove the head of the couch out on a flower bed. They've got a bedstead here that runs on a track to a French window, and out to the porch. "When a man gets ready for slumber he undresses by the fire, Rets into bed and tucks in, touches a spripg", ,11~dthee he is, with the North star for a bedfellow and the big dipper for a dream-producer. I'd like to see you sell furniture to a man whose sleeping room is half an acre in size., with it pump on the side and a carriage house to store toikt articles in." "The fad will die oUL" said the salesman. "In time;' s<:tidthe merchant, "but not in time for me to get rid of the bedroom suites I have on hand and pay my bills. They've got some: s.vell sleeping rooms up in the west end," continucd the merchallt. "One mall takes out the whole side of bis house so the air can get into his bone~. And tents! Say, what sort of bedroom furniture would yOL, buy to furnish a tent?" "The kind we make, of course." "\,,-rell, the last sleeping room I was in up there was fur-nished with a hot-water bag and a bottle of malted Inilk. The occupant slept with his head through a hole in the wall of the 'tent and took a bite of pure air for breakfast. That is, he took a bite when the wind was in the south, and a bite and a half when the wind ,vas in the north. He told me that he ,vas feadul of getting dyspepsia eating so much north wind, How would you like to put in new machinery to make bed· room suites for that man!" uYou haven't looked at my pictures yet," solid Demar. "1 don't want to look at them," said Gillette. "'I've got all the furniture I need in the store, and more! \'\Then a man breakfasts on north wind, lunches on malted milk, and wraps the whole dog gasted landscape about him for a sle,ep, what's the use of selling- furniture? The landscape experts are furnishing the sleeping rooms around here. One of the new styles is an American beauty rosebush covered with wild ctlcumbe' t'Jl'lC~. I guess they expect the combination tn give an old English effect to the chimney! Ko, you can't sell allY bedroom outfits around here, unless you've got rubber goods and nursery stock!" HI think ['II have to go up and see this sleeplng room thal is furnished with a fountain and a brasss dog," said the sales-man, with a smile. "Oh, that's all right! Go There may be other articles of a red roof, and a brick chimncy. as ornaments." right on up and look at it. furniture, like an iron fence, I've seen wheel-chairs used "TllCfC'S ahvays some fool fad Oil," grumbled the sales-man. "And all the fool fads hit the furniture t'ade," replied the merchant. "If you think I'm stuffing you about the out-door sleeping rooms, just you go ahol1t (Own and ~ize things up. Pretty soon they'll get VI eating condensed food t1'I capsules, and then there will be. no n~ore dining r00111 fUTlll-ture." "About the only real good trade in this town is the cas
- Date Created:
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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It began publication in 1936. and Two dollars a year 20 cents a copy Grand Rapids, Mich. June 1936 Since 1853, furni-ture's proudest coat-of-arms and the greatest sales-man on the retail floor. THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF Berkey & Gay acknowledge their sincere appreciation for the many expressions of good will and genu-ine interest in the new Berkey & Gay line, so generously manifested during the premier showing in May . . . and based on this enthusiastic response, confidently look for-ward to a record-smashing attendance in July, surpassing any previous Grand Rapids Market. AMERICA'S Carbeb <§ak SPECIALISTS Every month of improving business conditions brings more and more families back into the Carved Oak market — families who for years have had their hearts set on a group of carved oak furniture, and now can afford it. Go after the profits in this rich, expanding market, by maintaining a representative display of carved oak. Sell them Catbeb ©afe Bedrooms when they want to make their homes different Satisfy your customers' desires for variety and difference in their homes by proposing that they furnish at least one room in carved oak. Not necessarily the dining room. Perhaps a fine, masterful bedroom like the one pictured. Or a quiet, dignified library. Or a restful, inviting living room. You will miss important sales this year unless you carry an adequate stock of carved oak. From our hundreds of historic productions you can select a group •which •will add character to your displays and unerringly interest people of cultivated tastes and means to satisfy them. GRAND RAPIDS BOOKCASE & CHAIR COMPANY HASTINGS, MICHIGAN We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE F I N E F U R N I T U R E No. 3 6 Modern chair upholstered in fine grade chenille tapestry. Height 3 0", Depth 3 5", Width 3l", Price $5 5.00. number of new living room suites, chairs and davenports will be assembled in our space in the Waters-Klingman Bldg. for the inspection of visiting buyers at the Summer Market — June 29 th to July 18 th. The line consists of modern and traditional designs in a wide range of colorful covers. Wolverine living room pieces have a distinct character in design, covering and tailoring in a popular price range. Please write us concerning your requirements for upholstered furniture. WOLVERINE UPHOLSTERY CO. GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN FlN€ FURNITURC the Homefurnishing Magazine from the Furniture Style Center of America VOLUME 1 1936 NUMBER 2 GEORGE F. MACKENZIE. President PHIL S. JOHNSON. General Manager ROD G. MACKENZIE. E d i t o r JUNE-Cover illustration courtesy Baker Furniture Factories, Inc. Holland, Mich. 21 22 24 28 Display Your Outdoor Living Room Furniture Frolics, by Ray Barnes First Quarter Best Since 1930, by Frank E. Seidman After the Market . . What? by Rod Mackenzie The Customer's Viewpoint, by Ruth Mclnerney The Sketch Book, by Henry H. Koster Retailing Tips Leather. . . Enters a Renaissance . An Outsider Gives the Inside, by Gypsie Dysert Bennett 32 Wife Weaves a Career in Wool 35 Colonial Museum Masterpieces 38 Find Your "Turning Point," by Murray C. French 39 "Senator . . Be Seated" 40 Furniture Salesmen's Club 41 Dehorning, by Chet Shafer 43 Around the Grand Rapids Market 45 Homefurnishing News and Reviews 48 Published monthly by the Furniture Capital Publishing Co., Asso-ciation of Commerce Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Acceptance under the Act of June 5, 1934, authorized April 30, 1936. FINE FURNI-TURE copyright, 1936. Eastern office: 545 Fifth Ave., New York City, phone Murray Hill 23909, S. M. Goldberg, representative. Southern office: lli'/i West Washington St., High Point, N. C, phone 2152, C. C. Prince, representative. Subscription rates: $2 per year in the United States and American Colonies; $3 in Canada and foreign countries; single copies, 20 cents. f o r JUNE, 1936 ONLY ONE PLACE has been recognized for over a score of years as the furniture merchandising and style headquarters. KEELER BUILDING Contains more individual room settings, complete house and apartment group-ings, where buyers spend more time per exhibit than any other exhibition building. BAKER FURNITURE FACTORIES, INC. BARNARD & SIMONDS CO. BENT CO., GEORGE B. BIGELOW-SANFORD CARPET CO. CLORE & HAWKINS COLONIAL MFG. CO. FURNITURE CITY UPHOLSTERY CO. GRAND RAPIDS BOOKCASE & CHAIR CO. GROENLEER-VANCE FURNITURE CO. HEXTER CO., S. M. KAMMAN FURNITURE, INC. KAPLAN FURNITURE CO., INC. KINDEL FURNITURE CO. KITTINGER CO. LUXURY FURNITURE CO. MILLER CLOCK CO., HERMAN MILLER FURNITURE CO., HERMAN MORSE FURNITURE CO., RALPH PAALMAN FURNITURE CO. ROHDE 20th CENTURY HOUSE RUSTIC HICKORY FURNITURE CO. STANLEY CHAIR CO. STATTON FURNITURE MFG. CO. VANDER LEY BROS., INC. WOOD PRODUCTS CORP. KEELER BUILDING GRAND RAPIDS KEELER BUILDING FEATURES Designed exclusively for ex-hibiting of furniture Fireproof FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Free checking, telephone switch-board, and a complete person-alized service. \ \ \ i> •„ •""i : • : •• Keeler Building We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE THE BOILING WAKE The staff of FINE FURNITURE sincerely appreciates the many expressions oi approbation that have been received, verbally and through the mail, relative to Volume 1, Number 1. With the aid of your candid criticisms and sugges-tions it is anticipated that FINE FURNI-TURE will become increasingly useful and earn for itself a definite spot in the homefurnishing industry. Again, we thank you.—The Staff. Haven't Missed Much Sirs: I wish to congratulate you on the fine magazine you have put out for your first issue. I have looked it over carefully and do not see where you have missed very much. I certainly want to be sure to have it de-livered to me regularly so am enclosing $2 for one year's subscription. VV. L. K.., Grand Rapids. Thanks Sirs: A swell periodical. Please enter my subscription for two years. K. S., New York City. — o — Likes Pricing Sirs: FINE FURNITURE is okay. Grand Rapids needs this. Your policy of pricing will be fine. F., Madison, Wis. Reader Interest Great Sirs: I think you have done a very, very nice piece of work, and that you certainly have the greatest amount of reader interest of any of the furniture magazines. I want to compliment you on this and feel that you have done a splendid job. P. W. C, High Point, N. C. We'll Aim to Please Sirs: Your publication is ably edited, beautifully printed and is replete with inter-esting reading matter and information and advertising of a high character. I shall be greatly disappointed if the undertaking does not achieve success of a high order and ulti-mately become the outstanding publication of the cause it represents. E. A. S., Grand Rapids. Contents, Appearance Okay Sirs: We are in receipt of the initial copy of FINE FURNITURE and wish to congratu-late you on both the contents and appear-ance of your magazine, and the writer wishes you great success in this venture. C. D. D., Louisville, Ky. Wanted: Editorials Sirs: The general impression FINE FURNI-TURE made on me was all to the good. 1 liked the restrained headings, the manner in which you juiced it up with humor, the selection of the subject matter, format and the credit you give manufacturers whose photos you display. However, I think you should devote two pages to editorials. The average reader likes to read what the editor has to say even though he might not agree with the senti-ments expressed. They should be interpreta-tive, rather than the critical, carping type. W. V. M., Buffalo, N. Y. Old for its Age Sirs: I note your new magazine appeared for the first time "in the red," although you had fine advertising support. Don't ever let FINE FURNITURE get ''blue." Your first effort has the appearance in content and makeup of an old established magazine, which is no doubt due to the fact that you fellows know what publishing a furniture trade paper is all about. R. B., Grand Rapids. Promises Fulfilled Sirs: Congratulations on your May issue. It bespeaks your prospectus both in ideals and ideas. 1 am in hearty accord with the sentiments expressed in your column on page 41, "How D'You Like It?" S. M. G., New York City. Pricing Policy Pleases Sirs: Your idea of pricing merchandise is perfect. C. C. P., Boston, Mass. — o — From Cover to Cover Sirs: Have just read FINE FURNITURE from cover to cover. Congratulations and best wishes for your success. A very nice showing of advertising space. B. T. S, Shelbyville, Ind. Shooting High Sirs: I have just had a chance to look over FINE FURNITURE and I hasten to con-gratulate both of you on being the joint fathers of a very splendid book in the fur-niture field. You have certainly set an extremely high standard to match with succeeding issues. Congratulations and best wishes for a real success in your forward-looking service to the furniture industry. G. N. L., Chicago. Interest Plus Sirs: You will receive many congratula-tions on your first issue of FINE FURNITURE but none more sincere than mine. The congratulations you will receive will be well deserved, for I have, over a number of years, observed a lot of furniture publi-cations but I don't believe I have ever seen one with more interest, more real sales and display suggestions, nor nearly so much human feeling than in your first FINE FUR-NITURE. A. T. M., Grand Rapids. Important Contribution Sirs: I have your first number of FINE FURNITURE. While 1 am a layman, yet I have been associated with the furniture business enough to be quite familiar with the different angles of the industry. I feel that the wide circulation of your excellent magazine, going out from our own city, is an important contribution to the industry, and I sincerely hope that you will have the unanimous support of all the furniture men of Grand Rapids, and that you will have general approval throughout the country among the retailers. S. G. B., Grand Rapids. Ah! An Inquiry Sirs: We wish to take this opportunity of thanking you for the publicity given our merchandise by your illustrations in FINE FURNITURE, which was just received. You certainly deserve plenty of credit for this fine work. The writer hopes that the time will come when we can feel justified in cooperating in advertising with you from the standpoint of loyalty to your local pub-lication, which deserves the support of Grand Rapids manufacturers. T. C. W., Grand Rapids. P. S.—Since writing the above we have received an inquiry for the merchandise mentioned, due to your illustrating it. Not bad! « Barnes Registers Sirs: The first issue of your FINE FUR-NITURE publication is exceedingly well done. I have gone through it very carefully and found it interesting, instructive and artistic. Ray Barnes' page is the finest presentation of personals I have ever seen. E. D. S., New York City. We Bow Sirs: We wish to extend our heartiest congratulations and sincere wishes to the publishers of the new furniture monthly magazine, FINE FURNITURE. May their future be bright, hopeful and prosperous. A. C, Grand Rapids. Q Speaks For Itself Sirs: A copy of FINE FURNITURE has just reached our office. I want personally to congratulate you. This is a splendid issue, the general makeup speaks for itself and the cover appearance is unusually at-tractive. I feel sure the advertisements will bring good results. G. H, High Point, N. C. Pricing Idea Clicks Sirs: Your system of quoting prices on illustrations is just what we have advocated. F. A. J., Honesdale, Pa. —o— Sketch Book Rates High Sirs: Your initial number is very good. Frank Lee's contribution is worthy of his tradition and reputation—a standard you will find difficult to uphold. However, good luck. T. J., Jamestown, N. Y. Favorable Reflex Sirs: I got a very fine reflex from thoughtfully reviewing your first "offspring" and hasten congratulations on the calibre safeguarded by the technique employed. Particularly wish to thank you for send-ing a copy to the house. I am delighted to enclose a subscription for one year. E. G. W, Grand Rapids. Quality Sirs: Thanks for the May issue of FINE FURNITURE which I have taken a good deal of pleasure in looking over. You certainly have done a splendid piece of work on it. It is equal in quality to the kind of furni-ture for which Grand Rapids is noted. G. B., Jr., Indianapolis, Ind. f o r JUNE, 1936 The 47 year old factory of Dutch Craftsmen on the Shore of Lake Michigan Bedroom Furniture Specialists Traditional and Modern STRONG PROMOTIONAL GROUPS Can always be found in the lines Year after year retailers look to West Michigan for new ideas in the promotion of bedroom lines. Timely designing and volume-pricing keep the West Michi-gan line out ahead. If you are wondering how to put more life and appeal into your bedroom furniture department, write us. The West Michigan line is com-prehensive in styling, woods and price ranges. It is the largest exclusive display of bedroom furniture in the Grand Rapids Market. WEST MICHIGAN FURNITURE COMPANY HOLLAND, MICHIGAN We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE F E D E R A L A M E R I C A N '"-I. G. R. Chair Co. Federal American Suite No. 175 Value is what you buy and sell! Price is what you pay or are paid I N these trite words Charles Francis describes all there is to buying and selling. They apply with particular emphasis to the furniture made by the Grand Rapids Chair Company. Value means worth, excellence, utility, importance. This furniture has these qualities. They are combined in the beauty, artistry, service and long life which for nearly three-quarters of a century have characterized this com-pany's products. The above illustration of a Federal American Bed-room ensemble — successful beyond adventure — is a case in point. Here is revived the charm of old Virginia — perfectly, accurately, honestly. It typifies the period when American colonies were federated — the period from which it takes its name. Here is exemplified the calm simplicity of taste of our fore-bears; the aristocracy of thought as visualized in the things with which they surrounded themselves. We said something about value. There is value in knowing that this furniture is true; that it is what it represents itself to be — an intimate page from out of the story of the past. There is value in the intelligence required to make it true, in the craftsmanship that sets it forth and in the happiness and comfort it will give to those it is designed to serve. Let us repeat — Grand Rapids Chair Company's furniture has value; the type of value that satisfies the dealer and the ultimate consumer. It is always complete — always finished. It is a full measure that remains full in its final evaluation. GRAND RAPIDS CHAIR COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Michigan SHOWROOMS AT FACTORY ONLY —TAKE ANY YELLOW CAB We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURNITURE f o r JUNE, 1 9 3 6 This smart Estey Ensemble by Donald Deskey revives an ancient cabinet wood and applies it to this new 20th Century furniture. Prinz-wood (Spanish Elm or Bois de Chypre) was first discovered by Columbus in the West Indies. Ship-builders of the day liked it because it was found to withstand the effect of sea water. Gradually cabinet makers adapted to furniture its beauty of grain and imperviousness to dryness and dampness. After the advent of mahogany and American walnut, this wood was used seldom except for marquetry. Estey now successfully revives it in both its dark and blonde finishes. The grouping shown includes a wide selection in both dining and bed-room, and several pieces are inter-changeable. * • : • • Styled to SELL . . . Priced for PROFIT ESTEY LINES HAVE PROVEN THEIR SALABILITY Practical buyers ordered plenty of Estey merchandise at the May market because this popular line has proved that it outsells competition. Estey styles and price ranges offer your customers oppor-tunity io buy quality merchandise at a price. REASONS: Estey's 18th Century and 20th Century groups are created by leading designers, trained in keeping AHEAD of the field. Economical plant operation enables Estey to offer you MONEY-MAKING mer-chandise. Estey's Georgian dining room, with pieces of generous proportion, yet possesses a daintiness and charm. Finish is the carefully rubbed Estey's Old English Mahogany. The entire ensemble, authentic reproductions of the work of Sheraton, Phyfe and Chippendale, is set off by an un-usual set of Chippendale chairs. While departing from the standard Chippendale designs, they are authentic and graceful. Pieces in this room are augmented by a large open stock of dining iurniture including nine tables, eight sideboards, seven chinas and various servers. All these pieces harmonize and afford innumerable combinations at varying price ranges. DISPLAYED IN WATERS- KLINGM AN BUILDING ESTEY MANUFACTURING CO. OWOSSO M I C H I G A N We appreciate mentioning you saw tins in FIXE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE No. 343 LOVE SEAT. Mahogany, hair and down. Length, 64 inches WINNING WIDE ACCEPTANCE The reception given our new Eighteenth Century groupings by retailers attending the May Market impels us to increase the scope of this showing for the Summer Exposition, there being a definite general trend toward Eighteenth Century styles. Featuring . . . NEW DESIGNS IN MODERN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AND THE LATEST FABRIC TRENDS Introducing . . . A NEW FEDERAL AMERICAN ENSEMBLE AND SOMETHING NEW IN A PROMOTION ^GROUP MICHIGAN FURNITURE SHOPS, INC. Manufacturers of UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE G R A N D R A P I D S , M I C H I G A N Display at the Factory Showrooms of Grand Rapids Chair Co. Representatives: A, L. BRACKETT • E. C. GAMBLE • R. D. THOMAS • G. R. GAMBLE We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURNITURE J o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 Excerpt, New York Sun, January 18. ... the most interesting"— Charles Messer Stowe Charles Messer Stowe, the recognized furniture authority and furniture editor of the New York Sun, in the January 18th, 1936, issue, said: "Most of the exhibitors produced new groups in traditional design, however, and of these the most interesting was a bedroom suite designed by William Tucker for the Groenleer-Vance Furniture Company of Grand Rapids. The contours followed the lines of the early Chippendale and on the hollowed, chamfered corners were fruit and flower carvings in the manner of Grinling Gibbons, deeply undercut. The mahogany was carefully selected for its florid grain." MAKERS OF FINE FURNITURE GROENLEER-VANCE FURNITURE CO. KEELER BUILDING GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 10 FINE FURNITURE LEATHER COMES INTO ITS OWN The demand for leather is greater today than at any period in the history of furniture manufacturing. Long a favorite covering for upholstered chairs and office furniture, it has now been accepted as practical for other units of home-furnishings. MANY NEW USES The recent midseason market witnessed a number of important case goods con-cerns employing leather. Tops and fronts of dressers, chests and vanities carried leather. Head and foot boards of beds were covered with leather. Sideboards, servers and tables had leather tops. In addition to being featured in this manner, leather played an important role in the occasional piece and living room displays. MANY GOOD REASONS Leather is not a fad. There are many good reasons for its use. It is practical, clean, durable. Modern production methods have improved the texture and increased the color range, so that decorators, designers and manufacturers interested in employing color in their product will find EAGLE-OTTAWA leather practical. INSIST ON GENUINE EAGLE-OTTAWA LEATHER ON YOUR PRODUCT Leather-topped bedroom group by Johnson, Handley, Johnson Co. We appreciate mentioning xou sazv this in FINE FURXITURE f o r J U N E . 1 9 3 6 11 Oafe bedroom grotip by Grand Rapids Bookcase & Chair Co., leather panels on bed, leather tops on cases. Belo-w, leather chair by Michigan Furniture Shops, Inc. LEATHER IS THE VOGUE The constant efforts of the EAGLE-OTTAWA LEATHER COMPANY to produce new effects in keeping with modern style trends has widened the use of leather as a furniture accessory. While the many new colors and textures are applicable to modern groupings, leather is particularly adaptable to 18 th Century furniture. Main Office: GRAND HAVEN, MICHIGAN Tanneries: GRAND HAVEN, WHITEHALL, M I C H I G A N Branches: 912 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago 2 Park Avenue, New York City 1602 Locust Street, St. Louis 1012-14 Broadway Place, Los Angeles 5 69 Howard St., San Francisco A. T. Wishart, High Point, N. C. Mosehart-Schleeter, 211 Caroline St., Houston, Texas J. J. Smith, 123 8 N. W. Glisan S:., Portland, Oregon William Hatton, chairman of the board of Eagle-Ottawa Leather Company, says : "There is nothing like leather, there never has been and probably never -will be. Pro-viding, of course, it is good leather." EAGLE-OTTAWA LEATHER CO. WORLD'S LARGEST TANNERS OF UPHOLSTERY LEATHER We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 12 FINE FURNITURE Lloyd Mfg. Co.., Mich., is the creator of the "Outdoor Living Room" at the top of the page. The middle setting is group No. 1 of the McKay Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., designed by Salvatore Bevelacqua. The fur-nishings in the lower display is manufactured by the Howell Go., St. Charles, 111. The chair on the oppo-site page is No. 335 in the Troy Sunshade Co. line and the chaisette No. 5, is made by Burton-Dixie Corp. f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 13 —<•- UVI.O ENSEMBLE business in summer furniture has proved a lucra-tive item for the American Furniture Co., Denver, Colo. Last year the firm sold extra pieces to about 25% of its glider customers, according to P. K. Schwartz, sales manager. This record was made despite cramped quarters in its base-ment. "I'm thoroughly convinced," Schwartz states, "that any store which can in any way make room for a main floor section in which different ensembles would be shown on grass mat foun-dations and against backgrounds of lattice-work or other 'atmos-pheric' settings, would find it very profitable. This merchandise is certainly well adapted for such dramatization." The Denver store offered gliders, chairs and tables in the higher price ranges in attractive ensembles in a corner of the china and glassware and silver departments. Ice-tea sets and other similar summer glassware items were worked in nicely with the larger merchandise. In the peak of the season suitable glassware was shown on each table displayed and suggested with every table sale. The merchandise was "spotlighted" in front of the basement. It was the first thing a customer saw on reaching the bottom of the stairway or getting out of the elevator. The lower priced goods were kept in a separate room at one side of the basement where the customer could look over them at leisure. Some idea of what can be accomplished in increasing the size of the unit sale, even in the lower price ranges, through featuring the ensemble idea, may be had from the following example. The best selling popularly priced glider last year was a $19.75 number. By suggesting a chair at from $8.50 to $10 and a table at from 14 FINE FURNITURE To the left is an F. Brower & Co., Lex-ington, Ky., display of summer iurniture built around a model house. The fibre stool. No. L-47GC, is by Ypsilanti Heed Furniture Co., Ionia, Mich. The metal cane back and seat chair. No. 120LC, is by the Durham Mfg. Co., Muncie, Ind. The Hettrick Co., Toledo, Ohio, makes the steel and canvas chair while Ypsil-anti Reed makes the easy chair. No. L-47C (Flex-web), at the bottom of the page. The umbrella group at the bottom of the page is manufactured by the Durham Mfg. Co., table No. 1202H-42, chair No. 100 and umbrella No. 8TV-812. $3.75 to $5, along with the $19.75 glider, the depart-ment built many a sale up to around $35. While convenience and comfort were valuable talk-ing points, the most effective appeal was based on the idea of appearance improvement possible with one or two additional pieces. Chairs and tables in contrasting colors were suggested to "liven up" the porch or yard. Metal chairs with wire bottoms and tables having re-movable tray tops were found especially popular. Umbrellas never have been very popular in Denver, due to the city's great distance from any sizeable body of water. But the American created a greater than usual demand by featuring them in ensembles includ-ing chairs and tables. The most popular seller was a $34.50 combination including an umbrella, four folding chairs and a table. The china and glassware department took full advan-tage of the presence of the summer merchandise. Many women who had no intention of buying major mer-chandise appeared in the basement to browse about the china and glassware section. The girls would show them the furniture and in many cases arouse their interest. A'linor item floor traffic thus was converted into potential business on major articles. f o r JUNE. 1936 15 In other cases sales of outdoor glassware were made to yield additional business on porch and garden tables. When a customer had purchased a colorful serving set the girl would point out that its appearance would be greatly enhanced by an attractive table. Consistent newspaper advertising probably did more than any one thing to bring people directly to this department. Throughout the season a sizeable news-paper ad on this merchandise was used at least two or three times a week. Following out a new advertis-ing policy in which only one or two lines were featured in an ad, the company used more exclusive outdoor furniture advertising than ever before. Employes Educated • Another western store that has successfully featured outdoor furniture is Heliums Furniture Co., Wichita, Kan. This store stresses the education of its employes in sales points on this type of furniture. These lessons are held in advance of the outdoor furniture season. Lessons include instruction on woods, their weathering qualities and strength. They learn how wooden frames are constructed, why certain woods warp and why some rustic furniture will not peel. Long time service from frames is featured as a vital element in the choice of lawn furniture. Knowledge of fabrics also receive attention, as the majority of women buyers know more about materials than the average furniture salesman. The difference between canvas weights is also studied and points are taken on the strength of seams. Construction is studied, and it is demonstrated that the placements of bolts on certain pieces is important from a structural viewpoint. The umbrella group above is made by the Hetlrick Mig. Co. Glider No. 1 is by Troy Sunshade Co., Troy, Ohio, No. 357; the settee No. 2, is by Ypsilanti Reed Fumniture Co.; glider No. 3 is No. QW-95V2 in the Hettrick Co. line, and group No. 5 is by the same con-cern; glider No. 4 is No. 651 coil bed glider, "Sleepy- Deck," made by Burton-Dixie Corp., Chicago, 111. i ! . - - . k k ..» . . . v - ; • • • • , ; • , • ; • . > ? . . " • / • 16 FINE FURNITURE ture Frolics Bernard F. MCLAIN O PRESIDENT. NATIONAL P.ETAIL FURNITUP-E ASSOCIATION. THREE TIMES PRESIDENT, TEXAS P-ETAIL FURNITURE ASSOCIATION. CHAIP-MAN OF THE COUNCIL OF TEXAS R-EX4ILER.S /4SSOC/ATIONS. 4T NOTRE DAME, PREP HE CAPTAINED HIS FOOTBALL, BASEBALL ] AND TRACK-TEAMS — AHO is STII-L A pR.erry GrOOD BALL CAP-P-lEP— • A SIDELINE WE THE HART FUP-NITUP.E CO . IM DALLAS. TEXAS. "Commodore" Gordon GAMBLE NWHO WORKS AT THE MICHIGAN FURNITURE SHOPS, GRAND RAPIDS, /ND PLAYS AT SAfLlNCr 13OATS. MO D E.R.N - -O^THE CREAK- _ AND P-HVTHM OF THE HOCRIK' CrfAlP-r ^ //lANUFACTup-ER-SOLD FIVE TIMES AS MAHY THIS YEAFL • Nelle J. ROOD Y DEPT. ORCHAP-D AND WlLHELM CO- . SHE "GOES'POP— &AR- RIN&S.C/1T5 AND Do&S - - AND FP-IED CHICK-EN . A SLIP ( COVER. WOULD HIDE mZ-s—^r-l Sl+E \% INTERESTED IN SCOUTINO AND is CAPTAIN OF A ScouT TP-OUP . IN OMAHA. AISO_^ IK CHUB.CH O/0P-K-- AS A SUNOAV5CHOO(_ 5 f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 17 FIRST QUARTER BEST SINCE 1930 For Furniture Manufacturers FRANK E. SEIDMAN . . . Industry decidedly better. HPHE first quarter of 1936 was de- X cidedly better for the average furniture manufacturer than the comparative period in any year since 1930. New orders exceeded those booked in the first three months of 1935 by 25%. 40% of 1926 • January started the year off with a 37% increase over January, 1935. Then came February with its severe storms and the industry just about holding its own. March again saw an upward swing, however, with orders nearly one-third greater than in March, 1935. As compared with the first quarter of the peak year, 1926, this year's orders were only approxi-mately 40%, but on the other hand, a comparison with 1933 shows this year's orders at 217%. Written exclusively for FINE FURNITURE By FRANK E. SEIDMAN Mr. Seidmcm's picture of improvement in furniture manufacturing sharply delineates the opportunity for even greater achievement in the future, when clear thinking shall interpret this purely factual report. The retailer is provided like incentive to give open throttle to his merchan-dising machine with the full knowledge that the industry supplying him as well as the public patronizing him is more confident and more pros-perous than at any time in six years. To quote pertinent points made by Floyd Parsons in a recent issue of Advertising and Selling: "Probably there never was a time when the people of America were so READY AND ANXIOUS TO GO AHEAD. Certainly there never was a day when the tools and materials necessary in the creation of prosperity WERE SO NUMEROUS AND CLOSE AT HAND * * * There is justification for the belief that genius in invention and organization will continue to be rewarded * * * We stand on the threshold of unequalled industrial accomplishment. The future is bright with promise."—Editor. Shipments • Shipments during the quarter averaged 38% better than in 1935, with each successive month showing a smaller increase over the comparative month last year. In January, the increase was 53%; in February, 43%; and in March, 21%. Cancellations were nominal in January, but heavy in February and March. Unfilled Orders • Unfilled orders at the end of the quarter repre-sented approximately one month's shipments at the current rate of operations. There were unfilled orders at March 31, 1936, approx-imating 30% of the unfilled orders on hand at the same date in 1926, but they were nearly four times the unfilled orders at the end of March, 1933. The record for unfilled orders at March 31, since 1933, is as fol-lows: March 31, 1933 100 March 31, 1934 188 March 31, 1935 262 March 31, 1936 363 Operations • Reporting plants took on very few new employes during the quarter and the number on the rolls at the end of March was only 10% higher than at the same date in 1935. Dollar payrolls for the three months, however, were up 28%. Plant operations for the quarter—giving weight both to the number of employes and to the hours worked — averaged approxi-mately 45% of the 1926 operations. This compares with 34% during the first three months of 1935. Plant operation statistics, as here used, do not take into consideration the plants that have been closed during recent years but are based on re-porting plants only. NEW ORDERS IO JO 3O AO 5O 6O 7O 8O 9 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 I93fe • • i M • • • i • i • i O IC 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 P 1 1 D 2 LN' O 3 r O -4 k OF 0 5 • • 1 • ••1 El 0 G : O 7 TI< O 8 : Oh : IS O 1 J-JO UNFILLED OR (O 2O 3O -4O 5O 6O 7 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 - - — •1 •1 1 • Dl 0 8O 9 SO ItX) First quarter. First quarter. At March 31. 18 FINE FURNITURE ^After the ^Market. . . What? By ROD MACKENZIE Editor. FINE FURNITURE WHAT justification is there for a slump in summer merchandising? For years it has been the habit of merchants to bemoan the fact that business was "rotten" during the socalled vacation period. Recent surveys conducted by national concerns have afforded information revealing interesting facts that almost prove the summer slump idea a fallacy. It is our opinion that lack of sales in the summer months is due to a reduction of summer advertising appropria-tions. Merchants' objections in the past have been that customers were following summer pursuits, precluding ability of reaching them through magazines, news-papers and, in recent years, radios. The validity of this argument, with particular ref-erence to radio, can best be answered by checking the sales volume of receiving sets. According to figures received from Radio Retailing for 1935, the "summer season"—July, August and September—produced the second largest quarter in the year: First quarter 1,156,000 Second quarter --.1,075,000 Third quarter ...1,530,000 Fourth quarter -—2,267,000 These figures certainly disprove the theory that peo-ple do not listen to broadcasts, because radios bought during July, August and September are put into imme-diate use. The fact that the new models appear in early fall supports this statement. In a recent issue of Advertising and Selling appeared an enlightening article on the summer slump in which was pointed out the fact that retailers cannot be blamed for reducing their summer advertising appro-priations because of the objections that people are out of doors and not available to radio, newspaper and magazine advertising. Yet when the results of a survey conducted by the National Broadcasting Co. were analyzed it was dis-covered that only 2.71% less people were susceptible to radio in the summer than in the winter. The survey The Cuban mahogany Chippendale group No. 929, with No. 930 chairs as shown (at top) is by the Grand Rapids Chair Co., priced 10 pieces $622 and $452 for eight. The American Colonial dinette grouping is by the Colonial Mfg. Co., Zeeland, Mich., displayed in the Keeler Bldg. At the left is a bedroom grouping by the Grand Rapids Bookcase & Chair Co., Hastings, Mich., displayed in the Keeler Bldg. The modern bed-room suite is manufactured by Widdicomb Fur-niture Co., displayed in the factory showroom. The living room ensemble is by Imperial Furni-ture Co., upholstered chair by Schoonbeck Co., both lines shown in Imperial factory showroom. ' •. for JUNE. 1936 19 Above is No. 1232% love-seat. 60" long, by the Schoonbeck Co. At top right is three-piece davenport. No. 378, covered in dopctc, price $216, by the Wolverine Upholstery Co., Grand Rapids, displayed in Waters- Klingman Bldg. The flowered linen covered sofa. No. 303, price $101.50, is made by Michigan Furniture Shops, Inc., Grand Rapids, shown in factory showroom of Grand Rapids Chair Co. showed that in any one week during the summer months 8.15% were away from home. Of these, two-thirds live in radio-equipped residences. The average vacation amounted to 2.58 weeks and 15% of persons employed remain at home during their vacation period. It stands to reason then, that this audience, if avail-able to radio, should also be accessible through maga-zine and newspaper appeal. Which returns us to our major premise, that the summer slump is partially attributable to a curtailment in advertising promotion. The enterprising merchant can and does secure busi-ness despite the fact that people play, and in general, "live" during this period. They have money, too! This, of course, is a poignant excuse for declining sales in summer—"they have no money with which to buy." The National Bureau of Economic research scouts this theory in Advertising and Selling as follows: "Factory payrolls vary less than 4% from average at any time throughout the year. Although dividend disbursements and interest payments fluctuate rather violently, each reaches two yearly peaks, a primary one in January, a secondary one in July. The July in-terest peak is within 3% of the January one, while the July peak, although less than half as high as Jan-uary, is still 19% above any other month except Jan-uary." The report also indicates that new deposits in U. S. Postal Savings reach an average, or higher, through June, July and August, with the peak in July. All of which would seem to bear out the fact that summer slumps can be traced, not to a lack of purchasing power, but rather to the absence of desire to buy. Frankly, can't this summer 18th Century mahogany group by Tomlinson of High Point, displayed in the American Furniture Mart. slump bugaboo be overcome by increasing advertising rather than curtailing it.' The furniture industry has just shut the doors of the most successful and outstanding mid-season market since the depression. Furniture production is increas-ing, its present point being about 55% of 1929. Values offered today are conceded to be better than at any time during the past 20 years. A check made recently of a typical dining room line showed that a medium priced suite selling today for $78.50 sold in 1930 for $139.50, and the current group is improved in design and construction. During the peak,^1925 to 1929, the same suite would have brought 25% more than in 1930. This is believed to reflect the advancement made in furniture values during the past few years. Why not pass this information on to your customers ? It is something tangible to hang your advertising story on. And speaking of markets, values and styles, mahog-any and modern were the subject of much discussion. Modern, as pointed out last month, has slipped, de-spite the fact that much of it is still being sold on the retail floor. Many manufac-turers reported that they were going to discontinue making it, for the present at least. Others indicated that they would reduce their stock, uality modern and borax appear to control the field. . . Georgian influ-ence is again predominant, particularly Chippendale. Here is where mahogany received its play. The open-stock group idea was very much in evidence. The majority of these ensembles were of Georgian or Early American influence. As proof of the statement in the previous paragraph rel-ative to the increased values obtainable, the English de-signs carried details form- 20 FINE FURNITURE erly found only on high quality suites, carvings, inlays, sweep fronts and semi-circular servers and vanities. . . Interest in French styles is reported. Several smart Provincials substantiate this statement. A few promo-tional groups, decorated and executed in Louis XV manner furnish further hint of this coming trend. . . Oak in 17th Century form made its appearance here and there. . .Maple, modern and otherwise, was very much in evidence and reports indicated that sales were being made in the upper price brackets. . . Much com-ment was heard on the fact that the upper end of lines were moving, which gave promise of the sale of better merchandise affording the dealer and the manufacturer a more substantial margin of profit. Going Home • There is more to the story of increas-ing interest in better merchandise. Statistics, again, show that few industries engaged in the manufacture of products for the home failed to gain in 1935. In fact many of the homefurnishing industries exceeded their all-time highs—including the boom years prior to the depression. More washers, radios, electric refrig-erators and ranges were reported to have been sold in 1935 than in any year in the history of these respective businesses. Furniture increased in sales and home building nearly doubled that of 1934. There is more back of this movement of home commodities than a mere returning to normalcy. It indicates a returning to the home. Perhaps the depression was a factor in this renais-sance. Through inability to "go to town," for obvious reasons, we may have learned that home wasn't such a bad place after all. That we'd been missing and mis-using a very important element in our existence. Promotion Tells • We took inventory of our furnish-ings. Frayed davenport. Scratched sideboard. Worn carpets. . . And then homefurnishings began to move. But not without promotion. Advertising men, alert to the pent-up "wants" of homefurnishers, stirred emo-tions, aroused buying desires and pointed out the bene-fits to be accrued. Simple, rudimentary salesmanship, based on establishing the desire to buy. Don't blame the lack of purchasing power nor the fact that summer dog-days have arrived. Check up on your advertising appropriations! • •• a : One of the "hot spots" in the Grand Rapids May market was the West Michigan Furniture Co., Holland, Mich., displayed in the Waters- Klingman Bldg. Introduced was a new series of 27 open stock Chip-pendale pieces, a group shown below. The four occasional tables are from the Luce Furniture Carp, new table line of 175 pieces. The line encompasses a great variety of styles. To the right is a decorated tilt-top. No. 1034T; the open Modern piece is No. 1017; the Modern with drawers is No, 1019 and the mahog-any stand below is No. 1000. f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 The CUSTOMERS1 VIEWPOINT Assembling Our Own Kitchen Ensembles By RUTH McINERNEY Miss Mclnemey has conducted consumer surveys for several of the leading business magazines in the country. She is well acquainted with the consumer slant on merchandising and can talk your customers' language. In her writings Miss Mclnerney attempts to tell you how the customer looks at your store, its mer-chandising and personnel. To paraphrase Bobbie Burns, the author tries to help you see yourself as others see you. ft FIELD research worker last week found a family ± \ of five grouped around a dining room table read-ing and studying by the light of two candles. At length the father arose jovially and announced: "Come on, kids. Let's go for a little spin in the car." No electricity, but an automobile! This incongruity was explained thus: "If we paid the electric bill we wouldn't have money for gasoline." The case is an exaggeration, as well as a result of high-powered promotion on the part of the auto indus-try. "Own a car and be happy." Millions now would feel heartbroken without a car. Millions of housewives will, in a few years, feel heartbroken if their kitchens have not been modernized. Have you plugged in on the high voltage publicity for Kitchen Modernization fostered by the electrical appliance, floor covering people, home shows, news-papers, magazines? As we weigh the pros and cons of giving our kitchens a new outlook on life, these are the thoughts going through our minds. Perhaps they will help you to gather facts for selling us off the cons and on the pros. Why design model Kitchens of Tomorrow? Why not a Kitchen of Today? Many of us feel that some of the idealized settings we see of an immaculate, halcyon home workshop, without a scrap of food or sign of food preparation in sight—are too divine—but not for us. Home shows and magazines, department stores and furniture shops stage kitchen layouts that look like something right off a Hollywood set. But alas, so few of us have these hexagonal kitchens, with the great expanse of wall space, and the charming win-dows right where you want them. Can't something be done about our average kitchen? Or has the regular kitchen no future at all in the Modernization scheme? Might that broken up wall space, the square, prosaic corners, the one narrow window, the long floor space —might they have some of this kitchen magic, too? If you are planning a model kitchen setup in your store, make it real as well as inspirational. Remove the feeling We get when we see some of these glorified rooms of ''please do not touch," "for observation only," of a roped-off atmosphere. Every woman knows that a kitchen has to be used thoroughly, frequently. Glamour can be practical. Half of the women interviewed on the subject of electric refrigerators and ranges admitted that they were frankly under the impression that the operation cost of each was very high. All believed electric ranges to be still in that toy stage of development. They referred to the little electric plates of their experience. "I remember when I used to get up an hour earlier than usual, set on the water for the coffee so that it would be ready on time. It took an hour to bring a pot of water to the boiling point," was a typical cita-tion of the housewife's idea about modern electric ranges, based on early experience with the little plates. Tell us of the money saved in the long run with an automatic refrigerator. (Please turn to page 42) Model kitchen planned by Westinghouse Electric & Mig. Co. FINE FURNITURE FAMILIAR DESIGNS, INTERPRETED By F A M O U S DESIGNERS Hepplewhite •""PHE creating of good commercial furniture is more J_ than a haphazard gathering and assembling of fur-niture ideas. The Sketch Book was inaugurated to demonstrate methods employed by successful designers in developing good commercial designs. The fact that the furniture designer must rely upon sources outside of himself for inspiration does not con-note the opprobrium of copyist, but rather his ability to translate and adapt authentic motifs and details to a salable product. The lawyer has his reference library and the doctor his antecedent cases. Likewise the furniture designer must rely upon research in the performance of his pursuits. In developing the Hepplewhite secretary illustrated on the opposite page, Henry H. Koster received his inspiration for this month's Sketch Book from a lovely old dresser, sold recently by the American Art Asso-ciation and Anderson Galleries for the estate of Arthur E. Cole. The period or era of the piece might be placed in Baltimore or Philadelphia, late in the 18th century. Beginning with the foot Koster has built up a beau-tifully proportioned piece having dignified interest. The curve-out of the original foot has been modified considerably for commercial purposes. The inlaid stringings have been eliminated as well as the mar-quetry lining across the base and in their place a band of cross-grain satinwood has been used. An unusual feature on a piece of this type is the chamfered and fluted treatment of the corner which adds materially to the interest of the secretary. The original gooseneck pediment, sketched in the left-hand corner, incorporated most elaborate fretwork detail, exquisitely carved and wrought, but which would be prohibitive in a commercial line. Note the structural element carried out in the design of the "Davis" fret and compare this with the adaptation as employed on the secretary. In modifying and simpli-fying the elaborate original, Koster has maintained the general features. There are fewer jig-saw cuts, carving has been eliminated and the whole pediment is a trifle heavier in detail. In using mirrored doors a merchandising element has been incorporated, as Koster explains: "Women are in accord with mirrors in doors, and added to the beauty of reflections that all mirrors create, we are achieving the happy faculty of truly secreting what-ever we may choose to place behind the doors." Paneled doors or glass with wood frets would of course be less expensive. But the mirrors enhance the intrinsic merit of the piece and lift it out of an ex-tremely competitive price range. The piece made of crotch mahogany with satinwood banding and mahogany interior, would retail probably for about $160. AN ACCOLADE FOR A TRADITIONALIST'S MODERN Tr • ' • * ' - . . - . . -t^. HENRY H. KOSTE3 . . . a raconteur of note. '""PHE designing career of Henry 1 H. Koster began in the New York office of the \V. & J. Sloane Co. designing department in 1914, following graduation from an archi-tectural course at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, X. Y. Koster recalls that he began at the bottom of the draughtsman's ladder, his first job being that of filing drawings. From that inauspicious start he passed through the various stages of tracing-making, sketching draperies and floor plans, to being entrusted with the development of details and simple designs, finally being given more intricate and elaborate pieces and the title of designer. For twelve years Koster worked for Sloane's, with a two-year interim when he exchanged his smock for the blue blouse oi the U. S. N. Assigned to a sick bay as a hospital corps man Koster saw the world through a porthole, over sick men's chests. Back to Sloane's for seven years then Westward. Ho, to Johnson, Handley, Johnson Co. of Grand Rapids, where for the past nine and a half years he has created commercially successful merchan-dise and gained recognition from nationally known furniture author-ities. Although fundamentally a traditionalist, Koster's modern is deserving of an accolade for its consistently fine reception. He re-cently inaugurated his own design-ing service. Koster finds time to play a vio-lin, has a penchant for broiled lobster, and being a raconteur of no mean note was elected to serve as chaplain in his American Legion Post. He is a past president of the Grand Rapids Designers' Associa-tion.— EDITOR. f o r JUNE. 1936 23 " 4 r* " «/ fi • . ' < - . • • ... . t- ~~t • / . * JL I - f- r^. *s - 24 FINE FURNITURE "Fowl" advertising by Edwards. LI™™-! JOSEPH HORNE CO The r.niiOiiiKinJ^f Hods {TH*. jij ;v: 3.-} Httl • • ••* I • t h e Furniture Sale RETAILING TIPS S241 Choice of styles features Home ad. Fowl Advertising T 7"ALUES to Crow About" is the V slogan of the Edwards Furni-ture Co., Portland, Ore. The firm uses a mechanical rooster outdoor sign at prominent intersections to advertise the fact. The sign does everything but crow, but the rooster goes through the motions. The Edwards store has two of these mechanized signs in Portland and have 60 painted signs all over the city. The mechanism in the rooster signs cost $200 each. The roosters are in four parts — head, neck, body and tail. When the "critter" starts to crow, it lowers its head, opens its beak and lowers its tail realistically. According to Cy Hawver, adver-tising manager, the signs are re-painted every three months and the advertising message changed. Night illumination is provided by the six overhead floodlights. Portland is noted as a "fowl" town for furniture store advertising. Another firm uses an immense goose while another makes use of a peli-can with a wisp of down on its bill, their slogan being "A Little Down on a Big Bill." Factory in Window REMOVAL of the furniture build-ing and upholstering shop from the rear of the store into the front display window is the most success-ful scheme ever tried for building up this sort of business by the Garter Furniture Co., San Francisco. The success of the idea, explains Garter, is that it was not done as a stunt for a short while to feature a special upholstery job. On the con-trary the entire shop was removed from its former quarters and set up again in the window. All the build-ing and upholstering of custom job Chesterfields and overstuffed chairs is done in the display window. The men come to work in the window and work there all day. At almost any time of the day, Garter explains, there are several people standing in front of the win-dow watching the men at work. This causes passing people to stop and see for themselves the sort of workmanship and materials that go into the custom built furniture of the store. Cartoon Ads Click CARTOON characters appearing in newspaper advertising space of George Seeley's Furniture Co., Glendale, Calif., are vociferous salespeople for the appliance de-partment. In well-placed "balloons" they speak glowingly of their hap-piness since taking the road to George Seeley's and investing in a range or refrigerator. Used for some time to success-fully sell many small articles via national magazines and Sunday supplements, Seeley's is believed to be the first retailer of appliances in the country to have grasped the possibilities of humor advertising for sales-building of more expensive articles. The comic-strip idea is worked out in conjunction with the daily newspaper employed. The paper's cartoonist draws the char-acters which are featured in a space four columns by twelve inches. A four-and-three-quarter-inch-diam-eter circle in the center of the space features the location of the store which aids in building traffic. Comedy of the "joke" variety is not used. Instead, the "blurbs" are treated seriously while the char-acters are kept in cartoon style. The ads appear on the last page of the paper. Home was never like this, says Seeley's ads. f o r J U N E , 1936 25 Taste's Dividing Line '"PHE thin line between good taste J. and bad was deftly drawn in a Denver Dry Goods Co., Denver, Colo., advertisement promoting the store's interior decorating studio. A room was diagonally divided to show, on the right side, furnishings and appointments in good taste; on the left, everything in bad taste. The good side of the room re-flected quiet dignity, a restful, invit-ing atmosphere. The bad side was garish, nerve-wracking, with loud-figured wallpaper, big-flowered car-pet, ruffle-edged drapes and ornate fireplace. The text drew attention to the effect of a lamp too low, a table too high — little details, but the very kind that put a house "on the wrong side of the line." Theres a thin line . • . - . • • • * - • i )r i ' • *.TTJ-- D ;rv-,-'i "tF*n? ¥&»?*•—. •.,. r • - . ; The thin line of taste. The company makes no charge to customers for consulting their decorating staff. Instead, customers are urged to bring their decorating problems to the studio or, if more convenient, to call by telephone and a member of the interior decorating staff will visit the home. Sloganing Model Rooms BRIEF slogans attract attention to furniture displays at The Broadway, Los Angeles, and help present the idea of new furnishings in an attractive manner. These are always colorfully worked out, pre-sented where they will catch the eye and direct it toward displays. Examples: The rear of the de-partment was turned into a series of model rooms. Across the entrance ways to these rooms ran this slo-gan: "Let These 16 Constantly Changing Model Rooms Help You." This message was in white letters against a green background pan-eled across the top of the doors. It drew traffic to the model rooms as the slogan could be seen from any point on the furniture floor. Other brief messages that have attracted attention include: "New Ways to Make Any Home Impor-tant" and "Charming Rooms Need Not be Expensive." Various de-signs are used in presenting these messages but all are worked out on broad surfaces so that attention will be directed to merchandise undergoing promotion. This is found to attract more attention than merely making furni-ture displays, as the messages dram-atize a single idea that will appeal to shoppers. Puppets — Not Prices APUPPET show took the place of sale prices in the furniture department of Giddings, Inc., Col-orado Springs, Colo., during a re-cent anniversary event. The puppet show was one of the main parts of a store-wide enter-tainment program designed to draw traffic without resorting to price advertising. The plan worked. At-tendance and sales both far ex-ceeded expectations. Entertainment of some nature was offered on every floor except the first. Not a cut price was ad-vertised for the event. The traffic brought into the store by the various entertainment attractions was capitalized on by all depart-ments. After seeing the "show" in one department visitors were in-vited to make a tour of rest of the store. "We believe," explained merchan-dise manager H. D. Nichols, "that the time has come to try attracting people on something other than price appeal. If the idea is worth-while in general merchandising, it is also good in anniversary promo-tion. The anniversary sale idea is merely a matter of custom. It has no important need for existence. We proved to ourselves that entertain-ment will attract the crowds just the same as prices will." A Room Full of City of Paris Fine Furniture. Including Lamps. Rugs and Draperies. Complete for 147.70 A flat price for full room. Complete Room $147.70 T\ CHOICE in combinations of _f"i occasional pieces, rugs and drapes at a flat price of $147.70 proved an effective merchandising plan for Ray N. Andreasen, furni-ture buyer, City of Paris, San Fran-cisco. Buyers could choose from a variety of combinations in occa-sional tables, coffee trays, lamps, hand-hooked rugs and draperies at the same over all price for the entire suite. "Although we purchased mer-chandise in anticipation of carrying the sale over a month," stated Andreasen, "70% of the merchan-dise was sold the first week." Interesting is the fact that 40% of the customers drawn by the idea bought furniture in addition to the $147.70 that was offered in the plan. By suggestive selling an excellent business was done in home furnish-ing articles that were not even men-tioned in the single ad used to plug the sale. Cement Sells Chairs ANOVEL, albeit ancient, display that brought results was used by the Dickason-Goodman Furni-ture Co., Tulsa, Okla., in a recent promotion by placing six 100-pound sacks of cement in an upholstered chair. A mirror placed underneath the chair afforded a good view of the springs, which were exposed. The idea was to show the capacity of the springs to stand mistreatment furnished by the excess weight. The display sold four chairs the first day it was installed, a day before the advertising campaign began in the newspapers. 26 FINE FURNITURE Mahogany love-seat. No. 1272, 58" long, by The Schoonbeck Co., Grand Rapids. Displayed in Imperial Furniture Co. showrooms. Georgian, mahogany, leather-top coffee table. No. 1502, made by Fine Arts Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. Top 21"x42". f 1, i Chippendale coffee table. No. 2041, inset glass top, made by Imperial Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. Top 19" x 33". Char-lotte Chair Co. created the modern chair. No. 1958. Height 30", width 25". Displayed in Fine Arts Bldg. Nine Weak Spots BORROWING an idea from the automotive industry, Kahn's, Oakland, Calif., featured a ''check chart" of furnishings to show up the "nine weak spots in the home." These charts, used in advertising and as "blow-ups" in window dis-plays, listed the weak spots as fol-lows: (1) worn furniture; (2) lack of accessories; (3) old mattresses; (4) out-of-date silverware; (5) unattractive linen; (6) cluttered closets; (7) worn upholstery; (8) out-of-date radio; (9) worn rugs. Nine "remedies" were prescribed in ads and displays. These included two-piece pillow arm living room group at $69.75, a reflector lamp at $7.98, inner coil mattress at $19.75, all-linen luncheon set at $1.49, chest of silver at $52, storage closet at $1, upholstery covering at $1 and $1.98 in sturdy cottons; portable radio sets at $14.95 and 9x 12 rugs in Oriental patterns at $29.75. Stubs Get Prospects •PHE location of a stub deposit J_ box helped to insure visitors see-ing the entire show when Lachman Bros., San Francisco, held its elec-tric appliance exhibit. Prizes were awarded to those at-tending. Xo purchase or other obligation was involved. A young ladv at the door registered each Modern kneehole desk No. 40 top 38" x 22", by Bay View Furniture Co. Price $33.50. Displayed in American Furniture Mart. caller and filled in the blanks on their cards, insuring legibility and completeness. Data obtained cov-ered, besides name and address, information on whether visitors owned a radio, gas stove, electric washer, ironer, electric refrigerator. This numbered card, properly filled in, was handed to the visitors who were told to detach the num-bered stub and keep it, depositing Arm chair of Rockford Chair & Furniture Co., suite No. 1884, mahogany, walnut or aspen, 10 pieces $288.50, 8 pieces $194.50. Displayed in Waters-Klingman Bldg. the filled-in card in the box at the rear of the floor. In reaching this box it was necessary to pass through a long double row of special electric appliance demonstrations and dis-plays. Customers stopped, with the result that the show went over in a big way, both from immediate and future business. The filled-in stubs formed the basis of an excellent prospect list. Doubling Radios CUSTOMERS having a base- *—' ment recreation room are ex-cellent prospects for a second radio set. But the radio dealer's oppor-tunity doesn't stop there. Such a sale gives him an entree into the house and affords the opportunity of effecting a replacement sale on the owner's radio set in the living room. At least one dealer, the Mueller Furniture Co., Indianapolis, has been able to obtain considerable re-placement business as well as extra small set sales through this method. "Everyone knows that if a radio dealer can get into the home he has an excellent opportunity to sell the owner a new console radio," says I. U. Myer, manager of the radio department. "Such an entrance may be effected by doing service work or by arranging for the installation of a second radio in another part of the house. "Numerous home owners have asked us about the cost of installing a radio in their recreation rooms. We might have been satisfied with a $25 sale in these cases but our records show that we have turned such opportunities into sales run-ning from $150 and up." for JUNE, 1936 27 West Michigan Furniture Co. bedroom chair, suite No. 869. Genuine mahogany, 3 pieces $130. Displayed in Waters- KHngman Bldg. Simplifying Lamp Selection ANEW unit eliminating most of the difficulties of table and bedroom lamp display has increased sales 35% for John Taylor's Dry Goods Co., Kansas City. Mo. The display consists of two pyra-mids made of colored beaver board, built around each pillar in the de-partment. The base line is eight feet. At each end of each of three levels an 18-inch shelf projects at an angle of 120 degrees. This not only forms a good-looking back-ground with modernistic lines in keeping with the trend of lamp de-sign, but it provides, in 64 feet of floor space, adequate space for ap-proximately 75 lamps to be shown without crowding. The space between the shelves— 18 inches—is great enough that with careful placing the view of any one lamp is never obstructed by another. In order to distinguish further each individual lamp, so to show it at its best, 30 double outlets are in-stalled in each pyramid. This not only adds to the attractiveness of each lamp, but the resultant flood of light draws attention to the de-partment as a whole. The display is further valuable in that it makes possible the sorting of lamps according to design, period and use in a minimum amount of space. One side of a pyramid may be used exclusively for modernistic white lamps, another for metal bases, another for bedroom lamps, etc. This simplifies the selection problem for both customer and salesperson. Buried Ads Raise Washers AN unusual stunt to uncover . leads for electric washer sales was recently used by the Hoosier Furniture Co., Indianapolis, when it advertised a prize for the oldest washing machine of the make sold by the store still in everyday use. Later the idea was extended to all washers. These ads appeared in the "Lost and Found" column of a newspaper one night as an experiment and 17 answers rolled in the next morning. One man boasted of having an 1898 model. The idea was so sound that ads next were put in the classified want ad section under "Miscellaneous" with equally gratifying results. The stunt turned up plenty of prospects for new washer sales. Then a series of very small ads was used, one column by 25 or 30 lines, offering $50 award for the oldest electric washer still in use. T his was put under the birth sec-tion one day, under the death sec-tion the next day, then on the edi-torial page and so on. This was kept up for two months and out of this single idea hundreds of names were obtained. At the close of the contest prizes were awarded. Salesmen took the cash along with them, tried to sell a washer, and the winners were glad to turn the money back to the company for a new machine. "We always try to get names of prospects which we can turn over to salesmen to follow up," it was Night stand by Groenleer-Vance, Louis XV suite No. 880 in satinwood. explained, "and this is one of the best methods we have discovered for uncovering real prospects. It was not difficult to sell them, either." This is one good method of elim-inating the suspects and producing prospects who actually can be sold without much sales resistance. II Hostess cart No. 46, by Imperial Furni-ture Co., Grand Rapids. Top 18"x26". Crotch mahogany, satinwood border drop-leaf table. No. 709, by Dutch Wood-craft Shops, Zeeland, Mich. Top open 48" x 54", 26" x 54" closed, price $80. Exhibited in Waters-KIingman Bldg. Kneehole desk No. 2026, by Charles R. Sligh Co., Holland, Mich. Top 48" x 23", price $39. Displayed in Waters-KIingman Bldg. Chippendale chair No. 205, by Michigan Furniture Shops, Inc., 31" wide, price $51.90. 28 FINE FURNITURE LEATHER . . . ENTERS A RENAISSANCE "D ETAILERS are finding that it pays to inculcate X\. originality, freshness and new ideas in display and promotion of home furnishings. Many of them lately have reported splendid reception for pieces and suites that make effective and rather extensive use of leather. The eye-appeal of leather in its various modern manifestations has been proven over and over on the floors of the majority of aggressive stores and depart-ments whose executives keep abreast with the more important trends in modernly accepted designs. Buyers and floor salesmen alike are genuinely enthu-siastic because the happy introduction of leather of various appropriate grains and hues provides excellent extra talking points to customers. It lends a rich, luxurious softness to adjacent wood surfaces. Expansion • Leather is rapidly outstripping its heretofore narrow confines as a covering for uphol-stered pieces and is now becoming effective and highly saleable for use as tops for coffee, cocktail and occa-sional tables. Thus, new and novel uses for leather are rapidly being developed until now it has seriously invaded the case goods field as top surfacing for dressers, chests, vanities and on head and foot boards of beds. In some instances it is being employed as tops for sideboards, servers and dining tables. Merits • Besides the unchallenged beauty of the new leather treatments and its power of attracting the customer's immediate attention, its other merits appeal alike to store people and their customers. It is clean and sanitary, vermin proof and comfortable the year around. Modern leather, properly manufactured, will not stick, crock, crack or smell. Improvements in the processes of finishing and the introduction of modern machinery has made leather, comparatively speaking, one of the least expensive basic commodities available today. Due also to new processes in tanning and coloring, leather has taken on a new beauty, a new dignity and a new comfort in its adaptability to household as well as office furniture. Ancient • It is perhaps not generally known to the trade that the manufacture of leather is one of the oldest industries of mankind. In China, the conversion of hides into various uses was practiced thousands and thousands of years ago. In Egypt, leather has been found in mausoleums of ancient pharaohs who were experts in the art of tanning hides and they have depicted for us in elaborate hieroglyphics the various intricate steps in the process. Even mummies are good examples of their intimate knowledge of treatment and preservation of skin. The Persians and Babylonians made a leather celebrated in mythology, and passed their knowledge and skill to the Greeks and Romans who transmitted it down through the centuries to modern craftsmen. Modern • But as wise as were the ancients in the art of converting hides into clothing, receptacles and crude furniture, the art of tanning and treating leather for extensive and heretofore unimagined uses has de-veloped further in the past decade than in all those thousands of years. Of course, as in other industries, the introduction of new methods in leather manufac-turing was accomplished with the usual conflict of science with prejudice, ignorance and purblind con-servatism, but it has overcome these obstacles until now leather, heretofore rather costly, has been made readily available to the pocketbooks of the masses. This has been due to new and less expensive finishing processes, to the exercise of conservation and to the extensive utilization of by-products, all of which have saved the consuming public large sums. Colors • The artistic color effects produced in modern leather are amazing. Practically any color combination can be, and has been, produced to suit the taste of the purchaser. The sombre blacks and bilious browns of the Mission Era have given way to bright two-tone effects so popular in modern coverings. The dresser and bed, trimmed with leather, are made by the Grand Rapids Bookcase & Chair Co., Hastings, Mich. The lower group is by the Baker Furniture Factories, Inc., Holland, Mich. Both displays in the Keeler Bldg. for JUNE. 1936 29 Directors room furnished by Stow-Davis Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. Leather used on mer-chandise displayed in this article made by Eagle-Ottawa Leather Co., Grand Haven, Mich. **"?>"-"*••'-•- I tf Sales • So it is by no means surprising that stores, fully conscious of the inherently sterling qualities of a material that actually improves with age, have wel-comed avidly the pristine new selling points that this oldest of materials makes available, and that they, as well as science and industry, are contributing consid-erable to a genuine renaissance of leather in furniture. Quality * While he may be excused for what is perhaps a natural prejudice, William Hatton, founder of the Eagle Ottawa Leather Co., Grand Haven, Mich., in his statement that there is "nothing like leather, never has been, and never will be/' a worthwhile word of advice to those who do buy and sell leather is con-tained in Mr. Hatton's sensible addenda to this slogan of his firm when he warns, " . . provided of course that it is good leather." The buyer or store owner, sold perhaps by the "flash" of a leather-trimmed suite, will do well to ex-amine the leather, and to recognize it as being good or inferior as quickly as he can spot a gumwood frame, a poor veneer job or a shoddy upholstery cover. Against dark as well as light wood backgrounds, for Modern as well as for Traditional pieces, leather is strikingly effective. Note the rich leather facings of the Early English oak chest at the right (Grand Rapids Bookcase <£ Cahir Co.) and the extensive use of white leather in the bedroom group by Virginia-Lincoln Corp., below. 30 FINE FURNITURE Grand Vtutdi/ Rapids saysi 1836 OKS TO ME LIKE Y IS GOING To THE BIGG&ST ON RECOR.P 6RANP RAPIP5 >/9 ^ HALPANE.TH'S IS THE FIRST plEC OF FURNITURE MAPE IN <2> r../*7i Grand Rapid: to a Record Breal June 2^ "It will be record breaking" is th consensus of the nation's leadin furniture manufacturers now preparin busily and confidently for the Jul Furniture Market in Grand Rapids. With America's furniture center a be« hive of activity—with Grand Rapid; greatest furniture plants soundly r< established and in vigorous operation-with many important new exhibitor —with every manufacturer showing th largest, most appealing new lines i years—with the May Market bringin three times as many buyers to Gran Rapids as in 1935 and seven times a many as in 1934 — with consume GRAND RAPIDS FURNITUR W** .c(r), *.-, m^ J vb 'i t •(? ^ \ . : • • • :.., f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 31 Wc& OF JL i«t )bu ooks Forward fig July Market * July 18 mand for quality furniture un-ecedented — expectations of the jgest, best and busiest Market of all ne are fully justified. ime to Grand Rapids to see the west, finest, most saleable furniture. >me to Grand Rapids for styles that irt the buying waves, for prices that en the pocketbooks of all income isses, for furniture that gives added estige and extra profits to your store id enduring pride of possession to iur customers. an now to be among the thousands ho will be richly rewarded by coming Grand Rapids June 29 to July 18. XPOSITION ASSOCIATION ^ feoof ^ *2>\. *iLjm &ffi222i2* Si ,.100 l « ' 32 FINE FURNITURE AN OUTSIDER GIVES THE INSIDE on the New Berkey & Gay Line By GYPSIE DYSERT BENNETT Gypsie Dysert Bennett is no furniture neophyte. FURNITURE folks have been variously curious, enthusiastic and skeptical since rumors started flying a year ago regarding the reopening of the Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. The May market turned these rumors into an actuality — and how! Berkey & Gay once more became an im-portant factor in the Grand Rapids market picture. In fact, from reports picked up around various markets it appeared that the revival of this concern — one of the oldest in the industry—was acting as a stimulant to the entire furniture business. In spite of the limited time the herculean job of building the line and preparing the showroom, the new display was open on schedule. The opening had all the glamor of a "first night" at the theatre. The usual dramatic critics were replaced by such homefurnishing style authorities as Margaret Dargan of House and Garden, Charlotte Eaton of American Home, Miss Devine of Good Housekeeping and Virginia Hamil of Woman's Home Companion. The presence of trade paper editors and newspaper reporters substantiated the claim that here was "news." Anticipation • From the time the opening date was announced telegrams began pouring in. Could they "come ahead of time?" Would the showroom "be open on Sunday?" Was the line "taken" in their territory? Hopeful and skeptical alike, they were all there for the opening. Speculation was rife. Many a buyer and manufacturer was concerned lest the new line might throw the market into a tailspin with sensational "Names make news." The name Berkey & Gay has been known in the furniture industry for over three-quarters of a century. When this famous concern introduced a new line, under new management, at the recent May market in Grand Rapids, FINE FURNITURE felt justified in reporting the affair. Ensuing events confirmed the opinion that the renewal oi the line would be a stimulus to the entire furniture industry. To free ourselves from the stigma of being biased we employed an "outsider" to "cover the story." . . Gypsie Dysert Bennett is no neophyte in the furniture business. She's sold merchandise and written ads, handled decorating jobs and lectured on homefurnishings. For the past few years she's devoted her time to writing for nationally-known women's magazines. We met Gypsie at the B. & G. showroom and asked her to record for us her impressions of the opening. She writes us: "Something very exciting and stimulating happened at the May market in Grand Rapids. Here are my impressions of this important renaissance."—Editor. values. Some thought they might go high-priced and high-hat. As a matter of fact, it seems to me that what they did do was play safe. A few of the buyers that I talked with felt that the prices were slightly above the market. Others that they were distinctly in line; that is, if you eliminated leaders and novelties. Price Range • Prices started at $69.50 for a three-piece butt walnut and gumwood bedroom suite and went up to more than $300 for eight pieces of an 18th Century solid mahogany dining room grouping. There were two or three suites in the lower brackets in both dining room and bedroom. Prices then took a double step-up and the "meat" of the line, to my humble way of thinking, came in price brackets that figured $195 to $350 at retail. One has learned to expect very little in the way of tangible furniture market surveys, but someone must have done a sane bit of research work before deciding A few of the buyers that attended the Berkey & Gay May exhibition. W. R. Repp (left), J. C. Thomas, Duff & Repp, Kansas City. Buyers from Marshall Field & Co., Chicago (left to right). C. W. Mercer, C. C. Holloway, Frank Gilbert, Mary ZIotow, John McKinlay, Jr., Ellen Scanlon, C. B. Ripley and Carl Henry. Order No. 1. H. G. Gamble, Capwell Co., Oakland, Calif.; (left) W. J. Wal-lace, president B. & G.; H. B. Lewis, Emporium, San Francisco. f o r J U N E , 1936 upon designs for the new line. There was no evidence pi experimentation, no lost motion in Regency, Neo-Classic, Directoire or Peruvian Renaissance, if you know what I mean. Dining Room • There was plenty of Chippendale in evidence, both the cabriole leg and the Chinese varieties on the dining room floor. One found saleable interpretations of Duncan Phyfe, Sheraton, Hepplewhite and Federal, English 17th Century walnut and oak, that have long been familiar groups in the Berkey & Gay line. The big "Tennyson" 18th Century group which will be featured in November House and Garden, has four side-boards, breakfront china, corner cupboards, silver chests and a splendid variety of interchangeable chairs. There is a "swell" volume price, 18th Century group in solid mahogany called the "Chesterfield." This open stock group idea is in keeping with the trend according to several buyers with whom I discussed this feature. Bedroom • The bedroom line is longer than the dining room set-up, which is to be expected. Not counting various finishes there are about 20 dining room patterns and possibly 35 bedroom styles including the New Whipple group. If I remember correctly Berkey & Gay have always had a Whipple group. The present version includes maple and mahogany. And speaking of maple, there was no attempt made to compete with promotional merchandise of this character. A clean, smartly tailored traditional early Amer-ican group, fairly priced, added balance to the bedroom line. There is one French bed upholstered in canary yellow velvet. It won't sell every day in the week in Keokuk, Iowa, but it is remarkable the number of suites in both lines that can be sold by small town dealers as well as metropolitan stores. Modern • There is modern in both lines, of course, but I didn't pay as much attention to this because I am much too critical of most commercial modern to permit my passing unbiased judgment. I do recall, however, giving mental applause to a beautifully planned modern bedroom group in white sycamore, crossbanded with narrawood, and to a maple creation in Pyrl finish resembling a silky-pearl gray harewood. Several buyers that I talked to had purchased the Parado, a straight line modern bedroom suite done in silvery blue "moonbeam" finish. It is highly decorated in Chinese note and would make a dramatic show window or model room display. Another interesting note is the naming of each group. A display card carries the historical reason for the name and affords an atmosphere of authenticity. One dealer suggested to me that it would be a nice feature to include this card in every suite in order that the ultimate customer might also become acquainted with his furniture's historical background. Advertising • 'I was interested in the national advertising program which commences with full pages in Time, Good Housekeeping, American Home and House and Garden, be-cause it is tied definitely with the dealer helps. One piece of direct mail, savoring of former Berkey & Gay publicity that sold so many housewives and husbands furniture's "proudest At the top of the page is the Clarendon suite, exemplifying Queen Anne motifs and done in walnut. . . The second illus-tration portrays the re-enactment of a familiar slogan, "It's Berkey & Gay." . . The vanity illustrated to the right is from the Gainsborough group, fashioned in Cuban swirl mahogany and aspen crotch. Prince of Wales plume and other motifs reflect 18th Century design. <*•*> 34 FINE FURNITURE coat-of-arms," was hot. Approximate!}' 130.000 pieces had been ordered by the middle of the market. Sound sense was shown in supporting consumer advertising with a complete manual of information for "the man on the floor." A news style service will be released regularly to the daily newspapers supplying the furniture industry a similar type of service to that employed by the automotive and women's apparel industries. There is also a complete newspaper matrix service available for dealers. Selling? • And was the line selling? By Tuesday noon it was reported that sufficient orders were already on the books providing more than four months' capac-ity production. Some stores bought heavily, planning to play the national advertising to its full extent. Others were more conservative, choosing to check cus-tomer reaction and the new concern's ability to fulfill orders. It was interesting to watch the various dealer re-action, whether they bought heavily, moderately or not at all. For it is only natural that buyers have made new connections since 1931, and now it is up to the new Berkey & Gay to prove itself. Reaction • I was interested in securing reaction from other Grand Rapids manufacturers and from all I could gather none of them were suffering as a result of the Berkey 8c Gay reopening. As a matter of fact one manufacturer told me that he had taken more orders the first day than he did throughout the entire May, 1935, market. Another executive in a competi-tive line said: "We are tickled to death to have them In order to enable store customers who buy Berkey & Gay furniture to finance their purchases over a 12 to 18 month period, Frank D. McKay, chairman of the board for Berkey & Gay, recently has announced com-pletion of plans for the organization of the Berkey & Gay Acceptance Corp., with himself as president. The interest rate on such consumer purchases would be approximately 6%, in line with the rate now charged by leading automobile finance companies. Comment-ing upon the need for such a subsidiary organization, Mr. McKay said: "So far as I know this is the first time effort has been made to market furniture on the same kind of time payment plan and with the same interest rate prevailing in the automobile industry. These acceptances will be triple signed paper—by the purchaser, the dealer and the acceptance corporation —which will make them highly eligible for rediscount and a possible average turnover of as much as 12 times a year." back again. They have always been a stabilizing influ-ence in our market." Another philosophied, "Berkey & Gay has not only brought buyers and business to their own showrooms. We have all profited. All the fine things they make and the character of their advertising will reflect to the good of the market." Watch July! • My impression is that Frank McKay and his associates have kept their heads above water, their feet on the ground, and I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts you'll see the biggest July market ever held in Grand Rapids. And it's my nose-for-news guess that Berkey & Gay will loom large in the spotlight. Drama of Contrast TWO adjoining rooms, dramatized as from a bird's-eye view, by appliqueing carpet squares on the backdrop and arranging miniature cardboard cut-outs of furniture in room fashion, is the basis for this unusual window (below) featured by B. Altman & Co., Xew York City. Fresh new carpeting for one room and worn, threadbare carpet-ing for the adjacent room give point to the caption "Consider the Room Bevond." •ifci .a. f o i JUNE, 1936 35 *m WIFE WEAVES A CAREER IN WOOL «,•*••••• AWIFE may materi-ally aid in shaping a man's career, but sel-dom does she furnish the direct motivation for her husband's future busi-ness. However, in the case of Stanislav J. V'Soske, directing genius of the V'Soske Shops, this is exactly what occurred, through the simple expedient of making a hooked rug. \ v • , • . i I . ' i .1 . !• s. j . vsosic:: • • - . . . his wife mad? a hooked "• r u g . . i i \ " - • R i . - l 1 . • . , i < - .• . I .. • • . • , I I - . . , • - - . . • • • • , . . : i , , - . - i • I h ; i . . • \ v < i < i \ • • : , • ' , • . \ \ • ' • • • • - ' . i I • • • • ' • - i . h ' u ' .! • \ . \ . • v .s i i . . . . ' • • • i \ . . - \ •. •! \ . . . . ' . - • • • • . • . ! • i . . . • I • ! . \ i - •.' I • , i k , , : ' . ,'. n 1 - " 1 .• ' . 1 , . . \ . . . . . • trial art professions. Then Mrs. V'Soske made her hooked rug. This rug was no more crude nor garish than the aver-age rug produced by the amateur rug maker, who was dependent upon ready-made patterns and commer-cially dyed yarn. But the result challenged V'Soske's artistic nature. The Problem • Was it not possible to accomplish a more pleasing result by combining artistry with proper materials? Here was the real problem. Correct mate-rials were not available. Therefore it was necessary for V'Soske to master the art of dyeing in order to produce his own colored yarns. After many months Almost half a ton of wool went into the 1165 square feat contained m the rug .shown at the top oi the page destined for a Long Island homo. At the left is illustrated a V'Soske rug m a New York apartment decorated by Cirel, Inc. Above is the master's bedroom in the Richard Mandel home. New York, decoiated by Don-ald Doskoy. Thi>< type of rug is known as a tough textured shaggy. 36 FINE FURNITUHE of experimentation, he began to achieve results, slowly, and with painstaking effort small rugs were produced. The young rug-maker be-gan to receive encouragement in the form of orders from friends to re-produce some of his original patterns. The demand increased and it be-came necessary to establish a small shop. Then production began in earnest. Interior decorators were approached with the idea of employ-ing specially designed patterns for particular settings. Before long im-portant commissions were being re-ceived in the tiny factory. Growth • As production increased new problems arose. Commercial dyeing methods and dye stuffs were not adaptable to the manufacture of the character of rugs established by V'Soske. Much research work was required and special equipment had to be developed before efficient pro-duction could be maintained. This element of combined artistic genius and mechanical inventiveness has been an important factor in the progress of the company. Reputation • During the last ten years, which covers the time V'Soske has been manufacturing rugs, he has achieved the reputation of be-ing the creator of some of the out-standing hand-tufted rugs in Amer-ica. His new and unusual technique has resulted in a development of a variety of different textures. Some of these include incised or hand-carved patterns in which the design appears in bold relief like a sculp-tured plaque. There is practically no limit to the variety of size, de-sign, shape or color of rug that can be produced in V'Soske's new mod-ern plant. Some of V'Soske's com-missions have included the duplica-tion of texture and design of Moroccan, Spanish, French and Irish weaves. Versatility • The new textures are results of the development of orig-inal interpretations created by V'Soske in compliance with contem-porary style trends. However, many of his modern creations are adapt-able to traditional settings as well as the contemporary decorative schemes for which they were orig-inally developed. Service • V'Soske's ability to make deliveries within four or six weeks while his Oriental and European competitors required from four to six months for similar types of rugs, contributed to the success of the company during the past few de-pressing years. The company now has branches in Chicago, where Miss E. Virginia Kemper is in charge; New York City, with Nelson S. Fink as manager and San Fran-cisco which is operated by Maurice Stuart. Linoleum Waxing Service "DECAUSE of the importance of i—) getting every linoleum installa-tion off to a good start, Breuner's, Oakland, Calif., feature a profes-sional type of waxing service of its own. The service also stresses the real economy of proper main-tenance. The work is done by the store's linoleum layers after an installation. The store advertises it consistently in connection with complete kitchen installations. If the circumstances are such that the additional 25 cents a yard wax-ing service charge will add too much to the cost, the service is not pushed when the order is taken. However, the firm doesn't fail to impress on the new owner that keeping a pro-tective film of wax is one of the most dependable methods of insur-ing long usefulness and beauty for the floor. A Psycho-Rug Selling WHEN C. T. Ford, manager of the rug department of the Rich Department Store, Evansville, Ind., runs through a rug pile for a woman customer, he hesitates on rugs of the same predominating colors as those she is wearing. Almost without exception, Ford says, she takes a deeper than usual breath, a signal that he has found the rug she likes. However, he con-tinues through the pile. Then he offers to take any rug out of the pile and show it indi-vidually. Invariably, he declares, he has found that the rug he had thought the customer would be most interested in is the one she asks to see. When the rug is on the floor, Ford starts a "parade" around and across it. The customer usually follows, thus feeling the thickness of the pile. JWtf* To the left is a self-toned, tubular, V'Soske pat-tern, effective in modern or traditional setting. Above is a 12 foot 8 inch diameter circular rug in rose-white. 7 ' f f . M c r 1 1 1 ••(•••'' a;,-. f o r J U N E . 1936 37 Controlled Illumination for Rug Room RUG sales of Del-Teet Furniture Co., Denver, Colo., have been increased since the company estab-lished "controlled illumination" for the department. Charles W. De-laney, president, personally planned the changes. Customer satisfaction with rugs when delivered and in-spected in homes has been markedly increased. Only feasible place for a large rug department in the Del-Teet building is a room 22 x SO feet, on three sides of which formerly were windows. Windows in the 50-foot side were large, in the two opposing 22-foot sides smaller but the combined effect was of exceptional daylight illumination. Delaney is an amateur artist of considerable ability and with an in-genious mind and artistic eye, he expertly adapted the rug depart-ment to expert salesmanship. The ceiling and walls were cov-ered with a composition material, in which attractive patterns were worked out at an expense of about #175. Dealing with the windows, he completely filled in the large ones on the 50-foot side, creating Moor-ish arches which he filled with wall-board painted a light green. Upper sections of the windows in the 22- foot sides were made into smaller Moorish arches. He executed a leaded-glass effect with lower sections of the side win-dows. On cardboard he patterned figures in a typical leaded-glass de-sign, placed this beneath the glass (two feet square in each case) and transferred it, then painted it with black paint. He executed an amber background for these windows, so streaking it to achieve the effect of stained glass. On each window he painted blue shields with a tomato red bar and a purple outline. The daylight now entering the room is given a strong amber tint, lighting far more favorable for rug-selling than pure natural light. There are three 150-watt ceiling units for use as needed. Since making the improvements in the rug room Delaney says there has been a marked falling off in the number of requests for rug exchanges. A group of Goodall-Sanford mohair fabrics. 38 FINE FURNITURE COLONIAL'S MUSEUM MASTERPIECES Bring Authentic Americana to the Trade EXCLUSIVE right to reproduce furniture from the collection of museum pieces in the Edison In-stitute at Dearborn, Mich., has been accorded the Colonial Manu-facturing Co., Zealand, Mich., by Henry Ford. Showing for the first time at the May market, Colonial made the most of these reproduc-tions of unusual late Seventeenth Century pieces, and the new line has caused considerable favorable comment. Only Colonial's designers are privileged to measure and sketch these masterpieces for commercial reproduction. They have worked with meticulous care to incorporate every detail of the fine old mahog-any antiques and to bring them to life in pieces that the present gen-eration can buy and enjoy with the full knowledge of their back-ground in history. Each piece in this collection made for resale by Colonial bears a bronze plate with this legend: This piece reproduced by courtesy of Mr. Henry Ford. Original on display at Edison Institute, Dearborn, Mick. COLONIAL MANUFACTURING CO.. Zeelaud, Mich. There are 12 pieces in this line, consisting of a Simon Willard clock, Longfellow desk, Pembroke tables, chairs, settees and benches. All are of mahogany. Americana • There is perhaps no finer collection of Early American furniture craftsmanship, outside the Metropolitan Museum in New York, than the exten-sive collection housed in the Edison Institute in Dear-born. The museum is a memorial to the work of Thomas Edison. It is only a part of Mr. Ford's great Simon Willard clock (left) and two Federal Amer-ican pieces (above). One is a window seat with casters, the other a Phyfe chair, from the Ford col-lection in Dearborn, Mich., and being re-created in mahogany by Colonial Mfg. Co. educational undertaking, which includes Greenfield Village, a typical American village of a century ago. Over 4000 pieces of furniture are contained in the Ford collection of Americana. Included are splendid and unusual examples of the work of Chippendale, Sheraton, Hepplewhite and, in unusual abundance, some of the best of Early American designers' art — William Savery, Benjamin Randolph, Thomas God-dard. To this collection Mr. Ford recently added more than 200 examples of Duncan Phyfe's work. Phyfe • Each piece in the.Phyfe collection at the Institute reveals certain typical forms in structural design or ornamental detail irrefutably associated with this Early American artisan. Colonial is reproducing these practical pieces in reasonable price brackets. Writing cabinet, Pembroke and Chippendale tables, three other distinctive pieces reproduced by Colonial Mfg. Co. from museum pieces in the Edison Institute. f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 39 By MURRAY C. FRENCH FIND YOUR "TURNING POINT" 'T'HE puzzled furniture dealer pulled his ear in 1 thought. "What disgusts me," he sighed, "is that I never know beforehand whether or not I am making a profit. I find out after it is all over—when it is too late to do anything about it." Let's see if we can help him out. After a furniture store has become a "going con-cern," its proprietor can estimate very closely what his expenses will be for the next few months. He knows what the rent will be. He knows that the payroll, the lights and the incidentals will run along pretty evenly as they have in the past. He knows about what his volume will be, too. Suppose, for example, this furniture man finds his expenses are likely to be $3600 next month. "How much volume," he may ask himself, "must I do to pay those expenses?" The answer depends on how much his gross margin will be. And suppose that past experience tells him it will probably be 45% of his sales, after depreciation, of course. We'll use even numbers for easy figuring. To find the monthly sales volume necessary to "break even," he divides 45% into $3600. The answer is $8000 as shown in Chart A. Turning Point • Therefore $8000 becomes his "turning point," at which losses stop and profits begin. If he sells less than $8000 he can hardly avoid showing a loss. But if h esells more than $8000 then practically all of the gross margin on the volume in excess of $8000 becomes net profit. Why? Because expenses have a habit of becoming "fixed," as we have all discovered lately. They are governed not so much by the daily or monthly sales as by the "set-up" of the store, by decisions and pol-icies which are effective over long periods of time. Of course in the long run a growing volume brings on increased expenses. Even in our month to month selling, expenses increase or decrease as volume in-creases or decreases. But the point is this: The change in expenses is much slower than the change in volume. This is shown graphically in Chart B. Here we see that if his volume drops to $7500, his expenses will fall very little, possibly not more than $50 to $100. Conversely, if he raises his sales to $8500 instead of $8000, his expenses may not increase more than $50. Of course the expense variations quoted here do not pretend to be exact, but the principle they illustrate is true as gospel. What is this "turning point?" Just another name for that mysterious term, "balanced budget," the spot where income balances outgo, where losses stop and profits begin. So What? • In this particular case, if our merchant decides he probably cannot do $800 next month, he knows right now that he must cut his expenses below $3600 or else suffer a loss that month. Knowing beforehand, that's the whole purpose of budgeting. A monthly volume of $8000 means a daily volume of about $320. Presto! There is his daily goal, some-thing definite to look forward to. If one day goes under then another day must go over. He will see also that if he can speed things up so his $8000 "turning point" is reached by the 23rd of the month, then almost the entire gross margin on the sales for the rest of the month will be net profit. The expenses have already been paid by the sales earlier in the month. Nothing very mysterious about that is there? But getting back to expenses, advertising is one ex-pense which is not fixed, but varies more or less with the volume, for if increased advertising does not result in increased volume, then there is certainly something wrong with the advertising. Let's carry this idea further. Suppose this furniture man spends "normally" 8% of his sales for advertising. On an $8000 volume this would amount to $640. If, however, he can through an increase in adver-tising produce volume beyond that $8000 mark, he is quite justified in spending to get that extra volume an amount far in excess of his normal 8%—provided this #4500 MONTHLY VOLUME $6500 $7000 $7500 $8000 |8500 |9000 19500 13600 EHO 13000 S3 12700 m L033 en. seg. ^ ^ \ \ \ ^ P R O FIT -C TURNING POINT CHART A How much monthly volume (on 45% gross margin) will "break even" on $3600 monthly expenses? .45 ) 3600 ( 8000 360 Answer, $8000 00 Almost the entire gross margin on vol-ume above $8000 a month becomes net profit. Why? See Chart B. CHART B As volume goes up or down, expenses go up or down also, but at a slower rate. With $3600 monthly expenses (and $3600 margin) $8000 becomes the "turn-ing point," the volume at which losses stop and profits begin. With less vol-ume expenses decrease only slightly; with more volume they increase very little. 40 FINE FURNITURE additional business can be done with little or no other added expense. For instance, suppose our mer-chant has a proposition put up to him whereby he will spend an ad-ditional $100 for advertising on a promotion which should bring in an extra $500 volume. In itself the cost of advertising is 20%—which sounds prohibitive. But wait! The gross margin on that $500 (at 45%) is $225, which leaves a nice profit, and net profit too, over the additional $100 adver-tising expense. There is an idea well worth much thought. But let no one carry it to extremes, for advertising too has its "turning point," beyond which ad-ditional expenditures do not justify themselves. Remember, too. this volume be-yond the "turning point" must be done at a paying margin. Volume, in itself, never produced a penny of profit. No matter how the figures may be juggled, all profit has its origin in just one place, the actual margin between the cost and the selling price. Go back to Chart A. Suppose our merchant's margin is 40% in-stead of 45%. He then must do $9000 to break even (.40 into $3600 equals $9000). If his margin is 36% his turning point volume is $10,000 (.36 into $3600 equals $10,000). The moral is plain. SENATOR . . . BE SEATED "FURNITURE men are more than ± a little interested in the steady rise to fame of Arthur H. Vanden-beg, junior senator from Michigan and native of Grand Rapids. The senator, even back in the days when he was a mere publisher, has been an enthusiastic booster for the in-dustry. Special pages in the Grand Rap-ids Herald, of which Vandenberg was publisher for nearly a quarter of a century, were devoted to activities of the semi-annual exposi-tions and copies of the paper were distributed to the visiting salesmen and exhibitors in the hotels and exposition buildings. Appointed to the senate in the spring of 1928 by the then Gov. Fred W. Green, himself a furniture manufacturer, Vandenberg was elec-ted to the position in the fall of that year and soon was engaged in the bitter Smoot-Hawley tariff bill fight. Although a comparative new-comer to the senate he took an exceedingly active part in the tariff debates. Especially was he in the thick of the furniture rate struggle and it was largely due to his insistence that the manufacturers were able to obtain a higher tariff. In the course of the debates he gained nation-wide publicity for demand-ing a tariff on antiques made across the Atlantic. Alert newspapermen quickly dramatized the event by bringing into play the phrase "worm-hole tariff." The senator also played outstand-ing roles in the passage of the re-apportionment bill, the federal deposit insurance measure, the St. Lawrence waterway proposal, which met defeat in the senate; the halting of additional funds for the Florida Rush Hewitt Upholstery Co., Grand Rapids, made its debut at the May market with a dis-play in the Fine Arts Bldg. E. Rush Hewitt, general man-ager, spent many years with Weiner Co., Spencer-Duffy Co. and Zangerle & Peterson Co. Among the several chairs de-veloped is one (illustrated) called after Michigan's junior senator, the Vandenberg chair. The first model was presented to the senator and in place of the mohair fabric as shown. Eagle-Ottawa Leather Co. sup-plied a red top-grain hide for the covering. A dealer pro-motional program has been planned for the merchandising of the chair. The number will sell for about $80. ship canal and the Passamaquoddy power project in Maine, and the resolution for the names of benefi-ciaries of AAA payments of more than $10,000. Vandenberg went to the senate well acquainted with senate pro-cedure, largely because of his long friendship with the late William Alden Smith who had been repre-sentative and senator for 25 years. The neophyte refused to sit idly by while his older colleagues dis-cussed the important topics of the day, insisting on taking part in the debates. He is a thorough student, never making a speech on the senate floor unless he is certain of all his facts. His talks are inclined to be long and completely cover every point he desires to make. He has a dis-like of being interrupted while talk-ing, but is more than willing to answer questions when his speech is concluded. Incidentally, he is rated as one of the best speakers in the senate. Born in Grand Rapids in 1884, Vandenberg was forced to go to work at the age of 9 when the panic ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG . . . Fought for the "worm-hole" tariff. of 1893 ruined his father's business. Despite his outside work the youth was graduated from high school at the age of 16 and then entered the University of Michigan to study law. After a year, however, he was forced to return home and shortly afterward obtained a job on the Herald, beginning the same night that another cub, Frank Knox, now publisher of the Chicago Daily News, got his start. Through his editorials and his authorship of three books in which Alexander Hamilton was the "hero" he obtained considerable attention throughout the nation. f o r J U N E , 1936 41 FURNITURE-SALESMEN'S-CLUB of the GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EXPOSITION CHARLES R. SLIGH. JR., President JACK COOPER, 1st Vice-President ART WINDSOR, 2nd Vice-President CHARLES F. CAMPBELL, Secretary-Treasurer SALESMEN'S CLUB SPONSORS UNIQUE FURNITURE FESTIVAL ^"CELEBRATING the 100th v ' anniversay of the founding of the furniture industry in Grand Rapids, market officials of that cen-ter will conduct a unique Furniture Festival during the Midsummer Exposition. Founder • Just a century ago, "Deacon" Haldane, a cabinet-maker, came to Grand Rapids to ply his craft to seek his fortune in the fashioning of fine furniture. He was industrious, enterprising and progressive. Within ten years after he had made and sold his first cabi-net piece he joined with William T. Powers, another pioneer, in making furniture by water-power machinery. And so these two became the "father" and founders of the furni-ture industry in Grand Rapids. Civic Appreciation • The Furni-ture Festival will be a demonstra-tion of Grand Rapids peoples' interest in the industry which, by holding fast to the high ideals set by Haldane and other sturdy pio-neering craftsmen, has given the city national and world-wide fame. It is intended to express forcefully and dramatically the appreciation of Grand Rapids people of the fur-niture industry and what it has done for the city. History Repeated • Climaxing the Festival will be an outdoor pageant in which 1000 to 1500 persons will take part. It will be a pictorial re-view in pantomime with voice show-ing the origin and development of furniture from its earliest and crudest stages to the present. It will carry through the outstanding periods of furniture history, demon-strating the application of the arts to furniture in Greece, Rome, dur-ing the Renaissance and up to the eighteenth century. It will intro- A. P. JOHNSON comments on the fitness of the Furniture Festival: " . . . What more appropriate than to celebrate our One Hun-dredth Birthday? Let us celebrate it by displaying to the world the intelligence required to be a cre-ative furniture center. In that in-telligence is involved everything that enters the known arts, pure and applied; all that enters the history of our civilization; all that enters the world's economics and all that becomes a part of man's greatest institution, which is his home." duce also the great English masters, Chippendale, Hepplewhite, the Adam brothers and others, to close the first episode of the pageant. The second episode will be a graphic and faithful visualization of the history of furniture in Grand Rapids, beginning with 100 years ago when Haldane first made furni-ture here and sold it to his neighbors. This episode will picture early Grand Rapids, with its color-ful Indian population and visitors, the coming of Louis Campau and the pioneers •—• farmers, craftsmen and business men—who gave Grand Rapids its forward impulse, with emphasis always on those who founded and developed the furni-ture industry. Briefly it will picture progress from the individual work-ing with simple tools on a chair or a bed, to the introduction first of water power, then of steam, and the gradual evolution of machinery to the most intricate and delicate con-trivances employed in the most modern factory. Labors of the artist designer will be presented in picture form and every effort and device enlisted in the making of the finest furniture will be demonstrated. S. M. GOLDBERG . . . our Eastern Ambassador Goldberg Joins Fine Furniture JOINING the staff of FINE FUR-J NITURE this month as its Eastern representative, S. M. Goldberg is well known to the furniture and ad-vertising fields. Got his early train-ing, he reminisces, in the "mauve decade" in his native city, Detroit. Later migrated to Chicago, then St. Louis and Kansas City. Became con-vinced that Horace Greeley's famous saying may have been fine as a generality but was somewhat lack-ing as a specific bread-winner in advertising, so high-balled back to the East, where he has repre-sented many leading and successful magazines since 1914. Among his early publications was Retail Furni-ture Selling, so that he is by no means a stranger in the furniture game. We present Goldberg with full confidence in his ability to make new fine friends for FINE FURNI-TURE. 42 FINE FURNITURE for VOLUME Sales and VOLUME Profits feature fast-moving LUXURY CHAIRS This popular English lounge chair is genuine leather (Eagle-Ottawa Moorish Grain) in combination with fabric-covered down-filled pillow back and cushion $46.00 Imitation leather combination 33.50 OUTSTANDING LUXURY FEATURES: • HARDWOOD FRAMES • POSTURE SEATING • HAIR FILLING • FULL WEB SEAT AND e OUTSIDES BURLAPPED BACK Short LraePRODUCTION . . the Secret of Greater Values By concentrating on volume produc-tion of a short line covering 90% of all chair requirements, we are able to offer you and your customers the biggest value in lounging chairs. ALL PRICED FOR RAPID VOLUME TURNOVER ON YOUR FLOORS. Visit our DISPLAY THIRD FLOOR KEELER Building LUXURY FURNITURE CO. E. F. Rohde GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. W. H. Bowkamp CUSTOMERS1 VIEWPOINT (Continued from Page 21) What about the cooking speed of the electric ranges? The operation cost.' You might remind us how ex-tremely clean an electric range is, thus cutting down cleaning time. Is the heat even: When interviewed on the subject 87% of the women were puzzled about how to use an electric range. They consider it a complicated, strange mechanism, some-thing just a few steps removed from the engineer's hands and the experimental electrical factory. I'd encourage visiting customers to try out the various electrical appliances you have on sale in your store. There's nothing like creating an immediate feel-ing of familiarity and friendliness towards the article. Having a professional cooking school demonstrator show how the appliances are used only serves to pro-long the atmosphere of unreality—of an audience and a stage. "Learning bv doing" in the educational world can be translated into "selling by using" in the retail world. We have too many expert demonstrators man-ipulating exquisite appliances beautifully, and not enough everyday customers trying out the articles themselves. "Come in and try out our Model Kitchen and its dozen labor saving devices" is a campaign you could put on right away. I think you'd find many of us taking secret delight in turning the switches and push-ing the buttons of the smart eauipment that heretofore has remained somewhat aloof from us. Have the Model Kitchen in action—the refrigerator, dish-washer, mixer, heater, etc., going. Serve us some ice tea in which float crystal cubes direct from the refrigerator. Wash the glasses in the dish-washer. Put reality into the picture. Are the appliances shock-proof and danger-proof? I think more publicity should be given the laboratory's seal of approval. Educate us about this seal. Point out the deficiencies which its absence denote. Women are shopping scientifically these days. They are curious to know every little fact and figure about the merchandise they buy. The materials, the work-manship, the design are all of interest to us. What about these monitor tops? What do they mean in per-formance? What is the difference in wearing quality of a porcelain and an enamel finish? W'hat improve-ments have been made in the last five or eight years? Many of us have an older model refrigerator with which we may not have had so much luck. Tell us why the newer models are superior. What are the advantages of porcelain? What is the significance of a serving tray of bakelite? What do you mean by de-frosting? Is it a necessary evil? Are all parts chip-rust- tarnish-proof ? Every modernized kitchen is a youth-saver. Not "saving steps" so much but more definitely "saving youth." It was discovered that 90 to 95 % of the kitchens existing today were obsolete from the stand-point of either equipment or of arrangement, in a survey made by Westinghouse under the direction of Irving W. Clark. It takes from 200 to 320 steps to prepare a meal in an average, old-fashioned kitchen. But the scientifically planned kitchen cuts the job to 50 or 60 steps. The metamorphosis of the kitchen has made a sec-ond sitting room of the home. Kitchens of our dreams-come- down-to-earth are cool, clear, clean, quiet. Next month I'll tell you what women told me they want in the Ideal Kitchen. f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 43 D E H O R N I N G Get Shafer "LAZIEST HUMORIST IN THE WORLD" Assisted by woodcutter ROD MACKENZIE Three Rivers, Mich., May 15 — (Special dispatch to FINE FURNI-TURE)— A few weeks ago I had a communication from Rod Macken-zie, Editor of FINE FURNITURE, ask-ing me to go to work on another blasting dispatch for FINE FURNI-TURE. Said Mackenzie: "Better get down and see Roody Culver of Roody Culver's Furniture Bazaar & Em-balming Emporium." This editorial request came on a bad day—and found me suffering from an aggravated attack of spring PIP. Ordinarily, I might have seen a little sense to going down and see-ing Roody, but with the PIP, I cal-culated the distance down there so I decided instead to write a dispatch for FINE FURNITURE about "De-horning Cows." Warning to Buyers • In this piece I pointed out that I had been told by some farmers in close touch with the situation that almost any-body could go through the country these days and pick up a nice living dehorning cows. But I said I didn't want to go into that profession, largely because I would always be thinking of how the cow looked when she was a little calf at her mother's side, before she developed into robust womanhood. Tripping Shafer • Right away, Editor Mackenzie, the relentless, came back and said the piece about dehorning cows was a DUD—and that he didn't know so much as a whit about dehorning cows and he didn't think anybody who might read FINE FURNITURE would, either —and to compose another dispatch with something in it besides advice about dehorning cows. So there you are. Instead of letting the repre-sentatives of the furniture industry in on a sound finding that you have made yourself—and suggesting that they stick to their knitting instead of being lured out into the country-side with a pair of nippers to de-horn cows — Editor Mackenzie ruins it. And all because he, himself, is ignorant. Milking Technique • Editor Mackenzie never watched a cow be-ing dehorned. He never studied de-horning in all its lights and shades. He freely admits that he always supposed all cows had horns, and why not? His only interest in cows has been to get enough whipped cream on his banana layer-cake. I have to take what these editors like Mackenzie shell out. They can call me the Laziest Humorist in the World and get away with it. It is true. And just because it is true, I'm not going down and interview Roody Culver. It's too far down there. Cows' Horn Hatrack • Further-more, I think some furniture manu-facturer would be doing a good turn for himself if he would revive the old cows'-horns hatrack! That hatrack had a couple of cows' horns jutting out from a back-ground of red plush and you could stand off at a safe distance and give your diver a throw and it would hook on a horn every time. Nothing was ever more attractive in the way of Fine Furniture than one of those hatracks—and nothing was ever any more practical. I would be among the first to patronize any firm that would turn its attention to the crying need in this field. And if the same firm would then start in to turn out some handsome hand-painted sewer-tile umbrella-holders to set in under the cows'- horn hatrack — that would mean that they'd have something worth-while to display at the coming exhi-bition. That's what I was trying to get at in the other dispatch to FINE FURNITURE that Editor Mackenzie quashed simply because of his ignorance. You could give your diver a throw and hook a horn every time. SHAFER . . . "I might get down there next month—if it happens to be on my way some place else." Bovinely Bullheaded • But if that's the way he wants to conduct his magazine—that's the way it'll be conducted, I suppose. He'll just have to go on being a bullhead and not giving his readers the advantage of wide experience—and a bright sug-gestion. So—let him go. That's my decision. Nevertheless, I'm not going down to Roody Culver's Furniture Bazaar & Embalming Emporium this month. I might get down there next month—if it happens to be on my way some place else. And if Editor Mackenzie insists on denying his readers what is good for them—like good sound advice on not entering the profession of dehorning cows —• it's his readers who'll suffer, not me, because I'm not going out and dehorn any cows for pelf. Not any more than I'm going down to Roody's. yrs (sgd) CHET SHAFER, who never was so very hot walking on stilts made out of two old bed slats. 44 FINE FURNITURE No. 25IA No. 251 The MOST COMPLETE O c c a s i o n a l C h a i r L i n e in the GRAND RAPIDS MARKET Convince yourself of the salability of Grand Ledge Chairs by visiting this space in the Waters-Klingman Building during the July market. Our great selection includes Colonial, Period and Modern, priced so that you can make a profit. We also solicit other manufacturers' chair business on contract. GRAND LEDGE CHAIR CO. I Grand Ledge * Michigan Jp i No. 220 No. 220A We appreciate mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r J U N E , 1 9 3 6 45 Summer Market, June 29 —July 18 G. R. Varnish Corp. Expands A plant expansion program, the estimated cost of which will be $1,000,000, was an-nounced recently by Wallace E. Brown, president of the Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. The announcement, made on Brown's 66th birthday anniversary, called for immediate plans for the expenditure of $630,000 for construction of additions to the present plant at Steele Ave. and Stevens St., the site where the first unit of the factory was erected in 1926. New equipment for the plant will cost at least #250,000. The present Godfrey Ave. plant is being taken over by the Grand Rapids Paint & Enamel Co., a subsidiary, and manufacturers of shelf paint products. It is reported that a line of wallpaper will also be included. Construction on the first of the new units will be completed around the first of June. This unit will be used for the immediate manufacture of a new type of baking enamel for automobiles, refrigerators, metal fixtures and metal furniture. This product will be known to the trade as Permaglo. ''This most ambitious expansion program was prompted in a large measure by the decision of the General Motors Corp. to locate a £7,000,000 plant in Grand Rapids," said Brown. ''The fact that General Motors showed such confidence in our community gave us added confidence in starting our own expansion program." After this first new unit is completed a new lacquer plant will be built at an approx-imate cost of $92,500. The company was founded 21 years ago by Wallace E. Brown, who is its present president. Frederick A. Brown is vice-pres-ident and Edward P. North is secretary. Sales by the company last year totaled $l,666_,000 and based on sales thus far in 1936 it is predicted that a $2,000,000 vol-ume will be achieved. Kamman Acquires Virginia Plant Kamman Furniture, Inc. of Philadelphia and New York, have recently acquired con-trolling interest in the K. Nicholson Furni-ture Co., Chase City, Va. The modern oak bedroom line in the new vogue and knee-hole desks will be manufactured in the Chase City plant. Daniel L. Kamman and I. B. Kamman are the founders of Kamman Furniture, Inc. The Virginia plant will be under the management of Jule I. Kamman, a brother, and graduate electrical engineer of the Uni-versity of Toronto. Kamman was formerly general manager of the Auto-Lite Electric Co. of Fostoria, Ohio. "'Under the new management," said Dan-iel L.^ Kamman, "our production will be materially stepped up. Increasing demand for our new vogue oak modern bedroom line makes increased volume necessary." Hekman Adds Storage The Hekman Furniture Co. has rented a factory building in the southwest section of the city for storage purposes. The building is one story and 90 x 110 feet. WALLACE E. BROWN . . . expands with pride. Introduces New "200 Series" West Michigan Furniture Co. has intro-duced at its new Waters-Klingman Bldg. space, a new 200 Series of 27 open stock Chinese Chippendale pieces with fretted rails, chair-splat bed panels, pagoda top mirrors, channeled pilasters and bracket feet. Priced in medium brackets, this series was originated, according to "Charlie" Kirchen and Vance Mapes, West Michigan execu-tives, to meet specifically the requirements of price and design outlined by a majority of dealers with whom they have conferred even before it saw the drawing boards of the factory's designers. In the 200 Series are 27 pieces including seven beds, three dressers, three dressing tables, three chests, four vanities, three mirrors and one each of low-boys, chairs, benches and tables. The certified label of the Mahogany Association, Inc., has been affixed to every piece in this series, affirming that it is of genuine mahogany. Meloy & Gerling Show in G. R. The Meloy Mfg. Co. and the Gerling Furniture Mfg. Co. of Shelbyville, Ind., were new exhibitors at the Grand Rapids May market. Both concerns have space in the Fine Arts Bldg. The Meloy Co. displayed dinette suites in maple and walnut while the Gerling firm showed bedroom and dining room suites. Presents New Stove Line Renown Stove Co., Owosso, Mich., re-cently issued a 36-page catalogue featuring its 1936 line of stoves. The new book does not include information on the new Radiant Oil circulator as this item will be shown in a separate catalogue to be issued prior to the July market. K. D. Hutchinson is in charge of the company space in the Ameri-can Furniture Mart. Luce Line Broadened Buyers who visited the Luce Furniture Corp. showrooms a day or so before the May market, discovered that Martin J. Dregge and his designers had accomplished much in broadening the Luce certified line since this 57-year-old Grand Rapids factory made its premier reopening showing in Jan-uary, under local management. The bed-room line which was heavily modern in January was broadened with a number of outstanding 18th Century groups, the din-ing room line was amplified and an entire new table line of 175 pieces was launched. These tables in the estimate of buyers proved a worthy successor to the famous Furniture Shops division of Luce table lines of the past which were nationally advertised. The table line ran the occasional line gamut, drop leafs, drums, coffee, lamp and end tables, stools, seats, book shelves and cases, commodes, some from period sources, others original modern designs. Mahogany, walnut and a range of exotic veneers were employed. "Mart" Dregge knows just where he is headed in shooting for volume busi-ness with numbers that his dealers can feature for promotions. Buyers exhibited interest in a big open stock group of Georgian mahogany dining furniture. The series includes numerous tables, buffets, chinas and chair styles from which a dealer can let a customer build her own set-up to fit her means, room size and taste. This series offers promotional possi-bilities. The group is soundly styled along traditional lines with plenty of intriguing decorative touches. In the bedroom gallery a carved Chippen-dale with a roll top bed, a Hepplewhite light swirl mahogany, and an American Georgian with a pediment headboard, cre-ated considerable interest. Modern was amplified with some arresting effects in bleached woods and rare veneers. Luce continues its policy of certifying the design and workmanship of every piece of furniture with a tag over the facsimile signature of Dregge as president of the corp-oration. The Luce Grand Rapids Certified Furniture trademark in green also goes on every piece. At the May market Luce announced a program of national magazine advertising to begin in the fall. Luce sales force includes: Earl B. Chubb, New York, Philadelphia and Washington; F. S. Reynolds, New England; E. S. Brower, East Central West, Detroit, Cleveland, Pitts-burgh and Cincinnati; John L. Greene, Middle West; John Pylman, Michigan; Phil Raiguel, South; Wisconsin Furniture Co., Pacific Coast. 4B FINE FURNITURE Golf Event for Detroiters The annual golf tournament of the Furni-ture Club of Detroit will be held at the Franklin Hills Golf Club June 16. Club officials anticipate a record turnout of about 400 furniture men. Profits of the day's event will be devoted entirely to the club's charitable program for under-privileged children. H. BARKER L. GRABOWSKY . . . Detroit club execs. Assisting in the planning of the tourna-ment this year are: H. B. Barker, club president; Louis Grabowsky, secretary; Harold Sepull, general chairman o
- Date Created:
- 1936-06-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 1:2
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1938-11-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 6, Number 7
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GHAND RAPIDS. MICH.• FEBRUARY 19. 1910 --------_._---------------------------------------~ •~~~ 1• It I~ I~ t I I' 'II tI .. II II II II I THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. I Manufacturers of KItchen Cabmets, K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, in ImItatIOn golden oak, plam oak and quartered oak. jI THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. THE KARGES FURNITURE co. Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes,Wardrobes, ChIffomers, Odd Dressers, Chifforobes. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, China Closets, Combmahon Book and LIbrary Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards in plam oak, imItatIOnquartered oak, and solid quartered oak, Chamber SUites, Odd Dressers, Beds and ChIffoniers in Imitation quartered oak, ir~\ltatlOn mahogany, and ImItation golden oak THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE co. Manufacturers of the "Supenor" Lme of Parlor, LIbrary, Dmmg and Dressmg Tables THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. CrIbs, Wire Springs and Cots. I I f,I• ItII fI ~II .f.. Made by The Karges Furllllure Co Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association. ''--.----------------_._--- --------- --------------------------.-..-.-.-.-.------ .... WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 ... ... • aa •••• a.a. _ r •• ad. • Fa ••• •• ., lOUR BELT SANDERS I I Perfect results obtained on material 16or 20 feet I long as well as shorter lengths. I I Quality and Quantity Ii Unsurpassed. Profits Guaranteed. i I Ask for Catalog "E" ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ON FLAT SURFACES No Other Machine is Capable , of Sanding Mouldings and Irregular Shapes II i II Ii IIII Wysong & Miles Company I Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. I • b •• t..... . ... No. 194 Belt Sanding Machine. 2r-- III II II I I WEEKLY ARTISAN --~--~--~~ -- ... -_. .' .- ... ..... . Qran~Da~MsDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST devtce for handltng slJ,avmgs and dust from all wood-working machines. Our ntneteen years experience in thts class of work has brought it nearer perfectwn than any other system on the market today. It fS no expenment) but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hun-dred of these systems in ltse} and not a poor one among them. Our Automattc Furnace Feed System, as shown In this cut, is the most perfect working devIce of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALW-AYS IN STOCK .--.. ,I f •I III I Office and Fa.ctory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Citizen. Phon .. 1282 Bell. Main 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNAOE FEED SYSTEM WEEKLY ARTISAN .. 3 IIIII I IIII IIIIII I I!• I! I I II• , I,III ,I ,II III , II ,, ,I ,, ,II II , THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. I I I I Show Room: 1435-37 Wabash Avenule. Chicago Warehouse: 16th Street and Indiana Avenue, I • I i Chicago. Fadory: Michigan City, Indiana. _! r.•• eoa.1&Wi ... "fJe ...... & ...... _t6,;;m ...... *,~_'!t 1!t61'll'll!l.'lIe.i1~p'._ t!l'§1li7$ffi~~"';'deo$' •••••••• !!"'!i: •••• -'5'6&8. ':S"'>'leJ ..... __ . One of Our New FIBER-RUSH PATTERNS Freight Shipment Insured I PLACE YOlJR ORDERS NOW •I Our greatly enlarged line of Fiber ..Rush Furniture and our recently increased I facilities for its manufacture, insure a wide variety to select from and prompt ship.. I ment of orders. II Genuine Fiber-Rush Furniture is manufactured solely by The Ford & Johnson Co. •I The following II tern tones : I,I• II jI I• IIII•I I •II •, •,• IIf I salesmen will represent the Company in the respective W. B. Chase l J. B. Gough ~ C. G. Shaw J. N. Mehornay Paul Clark Tom Woodbury C. F. Lehman E. A. Sibley J. R. Walters SALESMEN 1910 Pacific Coast Iowa, Nebraska Missouri and Colo. Illinois and Indiana Northwest City of Chicago Credit Department Sales Manager J. I. Brewer J. R. Cline J. C. Hubbard L. D. Green F. H. Waterbury J. S. Boyer F. E. Hunn L. H. Steiner A. H. Jennings Southwest Michigan and Ohio Central South Southeast City of Chicago Floor salesman Floor salesman Floor salesman City of Chicago 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN I} I IIIII ,,I ,,I II,I II, ~- -- - . .. . . . .. Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately 1 Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion. Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids. - ----_._.-._._--_._--- .__._--------------------------.-...-.. Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRANO RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of ]. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, ]. EDGAR FOSTER. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Sli pper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and TUlia MahogallY Brrd,' J Ey Maple Btrch !::2!!artered Oal. alld CtrcaJJum Waillut - ~ ----------- GH.At\'D r~~;"' l 30th Year-No. 34 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• FEBRUARY 19. 1910 Issued Weekly OHIO RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS The Sixth Annual Convention Held at Toledo9 Proves a Pleasing Success. . Addresses and Report. Toledo, 0, Feb Ii-The "lxth annual com ent10n of the Oh1O RetaJ! Furlllture Dealers' assoclabon wa" held 111 thlS cIty at the Hotel Secor tl11s week Tuesday and vI, ednesday It v,a::, a most succes"ful and harmonlOus affalr mal ked es-peClally by a "'plllt of cOf(!Jahty C'n the pal t of the enterta1l1er" compo~ed of the deale I " and manufacturel'" of 1 aledo and by a feelmg of good fello'" shIp pervad1l1g all of the seS:,lOn" The attendance was conSldeldbly lalgcl tha.n at the last conventlOn thel e bC1l1g about fifty outsIde delegates present The fir"t "e"SlOn \\ a" helel at 2 30 Tuesda} afternoon, w1th P1 eSldent Ii \V )Jo~ey of :\IarYSY1Ile 111 the chall \\ I Owen of VetrOlt, presIdent of the :\IlchllSan Retdll Fur111tul e dealel,,' a",soclatlOn bell1g present was fir:,t called to addres" the COI1\entlOn and 111 a bnef talk Il1vlted the OhlO dealer~ to attend the meet1l1£i of the '\atlOnal Eetall Fur111iurc Dedlers' a..,:,ouabotl 111 DetrOIt on lehrual y 21 and 22, mgm~ that their pre:,enCL \\ ould add ..,tren£ith dnd mtluence to the con\ entlOl1 dnd thdt l11dny mdttel.., of "\Ital mtele..,t \\111 be con"ldered He conglatl1ldted the ()hlO A..,- "ouatlOn upon hdvmg "'0 many membel" prc..,ent, ?lIlch1gan, he said, ",as the filst state to ha\e an a~<"OClat1(lt1of fmmtl11c dealers, there hemg one hundred and fift) on the roll" at the present tIme He refelled to the fact that thele ,ire 5,000 mem bel s affihated \\ Ith the natIonal a'iSOClat1On ri he asso- CIatIOn.., 111 the dIfferent state" dftord the dealels the mean" -of gett111g together and to can cct abuscs and to brmg about better enforcement of laws Welcomed by Mayor Whitlock. 2\Iayor Brdnd vI, hltlock was next 111troduced dnel 111 111" welcome spoke a" follows "1ir ChaIrman and gentlemen, I am sure lt gn es me a great deal of pleasure thIS afternoon to come here ,md say to tIll.., ASSOCIatIOn of lurmture Dealers that they al e wel-come to the CIty of Toledo, and 1 'ihould hke to make thls V\ elcome a warm one pef'wndlly as well as officially--mdeed I should hke to have you feel lt IS not a mere c0ld officlal formahty \Ye fcel that by com1l1g hcre you do Us an honor, dnd we seek to honor you to the full extent of am ablhty "1 wlsh 1 rl11ght say someth1l1g to make yOU feel at home m Toledo 1 hcard d httle :star} the other day 111\\ ,tsh1l1g-ton ",hlch E IJopkm::,on Sllllth told, and thCle IS a (ertam spint about that story that I shoud hke to £;et 111to 111\ lC-marks If It \\Cle pO':'lble He saId that t"'o Udvd111g men \\ent to a town, stopped at a hotel, and a:sked for rooms The pro-pnetor of the hotel saId he couldn't give them room; that there were two corn ent10ns 111 the cIty and there was no "pace left m the mn '\Vell,' they said 'can't you get us 100111S out somewher e m the town?' The proprietor of the hotel sald, '0.0, I can't do that, they are all taken.' Can't you let ns sleep on the bllhard table")' 'N 0, he said, 'four men ha" e all ead} spoken for the b11hard tables' They sald, 'well, how about the bal ber shop, can't we sleep in the chairs' '\0, there are t,,\>o men for each chair as rt 1S." The pro-pl ietor saId, 'I want to take care of :;ou in some way, gentle-men and,' he saId, '1f you w111 wait untl1 9 o'clock and meet me alound the corner I thmk I can arrange accommodatIOns fw } au' \t <) o'clock he met them around the corner, he came aloll£; wlth a lantern, It \\ a'i a small town, and he took them clown the street anel around a C01 ner and up another ..,lde "tree1 and finally he stopped in front of a large bmldmg, 1t \\ ,j-, a (hurch bl11ldmg, and he opened the door dnel said, 'flll.., I" the L 11Itdnan Church It rs wa1m, they are gomg to ha\ e "en Ice t0l110rrw dnd thcse "eats are comfortable, and ) au can <.,leep herc on these walln cush1Ons, and perhaps to-mon o\\> I can tmd you more comfortdble qual ters They thanked h1111and he left Along about 10 o'clock the whole town \\ as stdrtled and awakened by the nngmg of the Uni-tanan Chul ch bell The whole town flocked out and rushed up there, the landlord along wlth them-hc of course sur- 1111 s1l1g \'\ ho It '" as that was responsible for thls demonstra-tIOn, and he 1ushed 111 and saId, 'what I::' the matter WIth you felIo", s,' and they sald 'nothmg we are Just ordenng two dry MartIms for ~ a 313' "N ow, gentlemen, lf there lS anythmg l!1 Toledo you want, Just nng the bell and we wlll turn out, the whole town, and £;et It for you As I said before, we feel honored by yom COll1ll1g here You replesent a great and important mdu Stl:; .. I used to know a man who was a councllman and he at one tnne had been m the furnIture business, and the men in the councll one mght asked hrm what he made his fm nltm e out of dnd he saId "out of my head" and one of the men neal the door saul they supposed he dId because they had notlCecl hI'" head \\ as usudlly "cry wooden As I say, \ au repre"ent a great dud lmportdnt mdustry and we arc £ilad to haVE you helc, and I hope you will go away rcelmg \\ c h,n e done yOU :some good I aSSUl e you now we 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN feel honored in your coming and I hope } Ou comlllg back again and staylllg as long as } ou ing I thank you." President response to the may feel hke feel lIke sta}- Morey's Response. As a Mayor's welcome president :-Iore} said "Mr. Mayor, and gentlemen of the com entlon I thll1K the walt was worth the story and I hope you \,,111 not be :0,0 unfortunate as to meet With the expenence of the travelll1g man In the story Weare very glad to be 111 Toledo, ill r Ma} or. 'Ve have heard of your enterpnse, your progl e"". } our bounds toward a greater majorIty or a greater popu-latIon lather-the maJOIlty came to you when yOU \,ere elected-but a greatel populatIOn; and a progres~li e people bespeak" an entel prIS1l1g city The towering bUlld1l1g:o here I efIect credit, and thi" hotel celta1l11} reflects credit to thr capitalIsts who have ventu! cd to put It hel e I thlllk \\ Itll-out an exceptIOn It is one of the leadll1~ hotel", It not the leadmg hotel, of the state There IS a great deal, a ~reat deal to be proud of, 1\11 1\1ayor. 1 don't care to eulogl7e your surroundmgs, or your bUIldings espeCially, you have other advantages hele, parks-many of the men don't knov\ you have 24 pal ks containmg a thousand acres of land, fl ee breathing space for the commull1ty at large The first thmg that Identified the personalItv of Toledo to me was way back-I am some 20 yeals Jour senIOr. :-rr Mayor,-way back in DaVid Locke's tllne, I thmk of that time as I remember the Toledo Blade There \\ a" nothmg that gave the personalIty to the people of the state a:o P V Nasby in hiS day He aroused a patronage, I don't knO\\ how well it has stuck to It; but he certaInly did arouse a patronage that certamly made Toledo famous My recollec-tIOn way back there is of thiS being his home, and he lived to erect a monument that is wlthlll probably a squal e or two of thiS place where I am speakIng Mr :\Iayor, the city doesn't stand Just for bUlldIngs and parks and such as that, but it stands for somethIng I want to bring out to these men, and in bnnging It out pardon my speCial bouquets that may come to yourself They wIll be deserVIng and mented. mer- Ited thus far m your admInstratlon of thiS Clt} I suppo..,e there will be no serIOUS obJectlOn-I don't \\ ant an} tlllng I might say to get Into pi ess notIces because I dldn t pre-pare in a careful way anything of that kind. but I am going to read a little that I thought I had In my head but I find I have not. "YOul success as an Independent Mayor of this to\'-'n stands out before the people of the state with a prommence and a character that IS above almost any CIty of the state Columbus has wrestled with the question of punty and up-lift in political hnes and it has just been resurrected here within the last fall by Mr ]Vrarshall The task of governIng a city is great. He has a job and so has Mr "hltock You have in your midst today a man of exceptIOnal character, a man who has surrounded himself With the upnsIng gener-ation, a man whose heart goes out to the boy" of thIS to\\ n, who takes them under his counsel, I elieves them of their little difficulties, pictures out the higher ideal" of lIfe-that is something for a town to be proud of, Just as proud of as of the buildings and the churches and the hbrary bUlldmgs, for he is mouldUlg the characters of tomorrow. and the boys of today are the voters of tomorrow. That man IS John B Gunkle. So I won't want to speak altogether of the town. It is the men that are in It that make the town The efforts of her cItIzens to the higher ideals of hfe are what bring out and make a city. I know of no such work as Mr Gunkle is doing in this town, anywhere in the state. I will admit that the influence started is permeating other cities. We see a httle of It else\'; here, It has been taken up by Judge Lind-o, e) of Denv er and it probably Will be taken up farther along 1)\ other cItIes, but the} have thought so much of the move-ment that thiS town hao, helped to bUlld a modern auditor- Ium for these boys You don't know what IS in the boys until \ au get do\\ n 111\\ Ith them and wrestle with them, and take them 111:' our heal t, and help them over the hard place" MI (ltwkle ha~ been tel mecl 'a fisher of boys' "'\nd } OUI actIOn a" an 111dependent mayor of this to\'-'n m your admmlstratlOn. m grapplIng With human paraslties of society, the hangers on 1f you please, that both parties ha\ e, men who seek office for the money It may bnng them not for the good the} may do the people You have taken the huma11lty ~Ide of decldmg contentious questions between capItal and labor U11lversal brotherhood m the industnal \, orld \\ III do a,,-dy With mdustnal warfare Did you ever thmk of that, gentlemen? :'-restle up clo"e to the laboring man Tredt h1111as a man born With the same purposes as pOSSlbl} :;ou \\ ere and because he IS lowel clown m the strug-gle ot lIte, gn e h1111a chance Brotherl} 10\ e m and among men wIll work out a common good m a neighborhood to\'-'n or Clt} It IS the brothedy spmt of the town of Columbus that ga\ e It the clean admmstratlOn It 13 now hay mg You no doubt meet With contentious personages, that heretofore lu\ e gUIded the ship of ward polItics to their own lIking Thlo, Clt} has almo~t been bathed m the tears of the \\ eepmg oneo, \\ho ..,a\,-,w the future government of thiS com-monwealth dire thmgs were going to happen I can only <-a} to your wdependent admil1lstration, naIl your ideals high Up on the mast of mdependence Counseling yourself with thlo, thought, ll1dependence of thought and actIOns in politics IS the anchormg keystone m the arch of our government. The whiplash of partisanship is fast slackening her reins, the new errOl of controllmg men IS upon us, let us meet it mflll1chmgly It was the Immortal Lmcoln who said, and we have Just passed the day set aside m memory of him. "Let reverence for law be taught in our schools and colleges, let it be written m spellmg books and prImers, let it be pub-lIshed from the pulpits, and proclaimed in legislative halls and enforced m the courts of justice, in short, let it become the reltglOn of the nation So I say, give us men who are fearless, \\ ho dare to do nght as they see It, men who believe that the laborer has nghts, as well as capital; then we will have less contentIOn and the true brotherhood of man will be achieved." REPORT OF THE SECREATRY·TREASURER. The I eport of secretary-treasurer C. M. Voorhees was next read and accepted. To the officers and members: In presenting this my "ixth annual report I wish first to submit a roster of the membershIp at this date alphabetIcally arranged according to cIties and towns Akron-Burdette L Dodge; The M. O'Neil company. Alliance- J. H Sharer & Son. A.thens-Home Furnishing company. Bellaire-Mellott & Myers; H P. Rodewig & Co. Bowling Green-Coen Bros. Blyan-The Bryan Hardware company. Camblldge-Gillespie & McCulley. Canton-The Klein & Haffelman company. ChIllIcothe-Willis N. Allen; W. B. Billings. Cincinnati-Julius Berger company; Anthony Cook's Sons, Betz and Central avenue; Dine's Furniture House, 1123 :-lain street, The Fair Department Store, F. C. Buddington, manager, Henry Franke; Groese Bros., 1710 Eilm street; Theo Heck & Co, 323 W. Fifth street; Louis Hellman; The Herbert Furniture company, 3942 Spring Grove avenue; The --_._---~~__-.._._------------------ WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. I I I•I IIII The .UDELL Line MANY NEW ONES in Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lille which IS wen worth gomg to see A Lme that you should have a complete catalog of fhe fact that you have not our catalog can only be rectified by WrItmg for your copy to day THE UDELL WORKS 'I----_._IN~DIA-N-AP-O-LI-S,--IN-D_.------_._._._.N_o.._679.--- ~--------------------_._._._------' E Kleeman compan}, 314 VV hfth street; Adolph Kle1l1, 224 VV FIfth siJ eei, LoUIs l\Ial'C & Bros , Nev\pori, K} , A Ste1l1kamp & Co, 225 v\ I'Ifth street, Jake Tennenbaum & Co, 206 \iV ~ lfth Stl eet, Tennenbaum BlOS & Co, 213 vV FIfth street, Tennenbaum & Mode, 315 VV FIfth street, Thos P. Zackman, 4024 HamIlton avenue Cleveland-Aldnch-Howey & Co, 2120 OniallO ~tJeet, Geo Belz, 4967 vVoodland avenue, The BIebel Furlllture company, 3039 \Voodland avenue, Blown Bros, 2040 On-iario street, N W, I'leishelm & SmIth; Glckman & Wein-berk, 3841 VVoodland avenue, Koch & Henke; S Kohn & Sons, 2336 vVoodland avenue, The Lederer Furlllture com-pany; Strauss-MIllel compdny, 836 Huron Road, The Shel-wood FurllltUI e company, 7313 \\ oodland avenue; The V1l1 cent-Barstov, compam, 72S Fuchd a\ enue vVm V\ lschmelel 2S60 W 25th stJ eel. ' , Columbus-Carhle & Kell 629 \\ Broad street The W. S Carhle & Sons company,' 445 N HIgh sireet, J 01111 D Cochran, 1023 ~ HIgh street; The Frohook Furniture com-pany, 260 S Fourth Stl eet " \V E Heskett 507 N Hlah street , b , The Home Furlllsh1l1g company, 239 S Fourth street; Val Loewer, 136 E Ma1l1 stJ eet, May & Co, 239 N. HIgh street, The C R PalIsh company, 461 -:-J High. The SteVlart Bros Furlllture company, 467 N HIgh street Conneaut-The SImmons & Bennett company. Day ton- VV. N. Al tz, VV. Byrne, FI ed Cappel, VV D Huber, May & Co, S A. Pnce & Co Delaware-Blair & Co. Elyria-Harry H Smith & CO.,The Wilk1l1s-Hurst Co Glbsonburg-M G Veh J ackson-C A. Wood Kent-I. L Harriff. Leeonia- C L. Crowell. Lima-J. W. Rowlands. Logan-J. F. Harden & Co Lorain-Fred J. Fey, VVickens & Ransom Marysville-'Edson G. Lott, H \lv. Morey & Co. Middletown-The Convoy-Levy company Montpelier-Beach & Gause Norwood-The Gobrecht-Geyel company. Oberlin-A. D. Booth Painesville-E D Keener. Portsmouth-F. C. Daehler, Samuel Horchow Sandusky-Dilgart & Bittner Urbana-The Mammoth Furniture company. Van Wert-H. L. Sidle. -------------_._._._._--~----., IIII II• II II I ..... No. 354 No. 1239 v\·ell~ton-Hotchl(Jss & Co \ \ estcn 11le-- \\ C Ph1l1ney vVOO'otE'I-J H n Danford YOUl1l:;,:>iov\l1-fhe II L 1\IcEhoy company -:-J ew memhtrs adll11tted Slllce ihe last meetlllg of the ,1SsoudtlOn al e a" follow" May & Co, Columbus Henry Franke, Clllclllnati JUlllh- Derger Co, ClllcinnatJ 'lhe Goblecht-Ge}er Co, NOlwood. Lotus Hellman, ClllC1l1naiJ Tennenbaum & Mode, ClllclllnatJ Grosse BIOS. Clllunnatl A.dnlph Klc111, CIllCl11nal1 Loms l\Ian. & BIOS, ClllclllnatJ, (?\ ewport, Ky) Jake Tennenbaum & Co, C1l1ClllnatJ !\ Ste1l1kamp & Co, ClllclllnatJ The Conroy & Le\} Co J\Ilddletown The ran, F C Budc1gllll5ton, l\Igr, Clllclllnatl Theo Heck & Co, C1l1clllnati. Dllle's Fur11ltm e House, Clllclllnati. Thos P Zachman, ClllclllnatJ Anthony Cook's Sons, Clllcinnatl The E Kleeman & Co, ClllclllnatJ. '1he followlllg membel s have WIthdrawn or gone out of bus1l1ess RelIable FurnIture com pan} , Dayton R C 11 Hastings, Athens. The C 1\1 McClalll company Total membershIp, February 15, 1909 70 XeV> member" dUllng year endlllg Februaly 15 1910 19 Toial numbel of withdrawals. . . 3 TOial membershIp Februal} 15, 1910 .' .. 86 Financial Statements. FolloWl11g IS the finanCIal statement of the secretary and l1casurer for the yea I endlllg FebrualY 15, 1910 Balance on hand ai t1111eof last report February 15, 1909. $1500 Received as l11iidtlOn fees and dues during the year end- 1!1g February 15, 1910, ihe following sums, to-wit: 1909 H VV Morey & Co, MarySVIlle " .. " $300 C R Pansh company, Columbus 3.00 Henry Franke, ClllclllnatJ.. 300 JulIus Berger Co, Clllcl!lnati " 300 (Contmued on page 26.) Feb'y 16 16 16 16 " ~~~~~~----~~-~~~--- - - - - 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN o.. =o= WEEKLY ARTISAN Takinli Your Own Medicine. "Take your medIcine" "try It on the dog;' are not uncommon expreSSlOns when one wants to know something about a thing presented to hIm, If It is 111the nature of an investment. When one is running a large business, has many thousand dollars 111vested,and from 50 to 100 or more men employed, the matter of economy IS one of the most import-ant th111gsto be considered. StIll he does not hke to experi-ment- want's some one else to do that ThIs IS so much the case in the matter of furniture making that even 111the matter of design most manufacturers are afraid to branch out, and bring out someth111g new, but are content to go along in a rut till some more enterprising company does the experiment111g and bUIlds up a demand for something new-and then they are ready to Jump 111and harvest whel e others have sown. Take, for instance, the new stuff so prevalent this year-Flanders, Tudor, Ehzabethan, etc , no one ventured to bring out anything of these styles untIl some of the Grand Rapids factories blazed the way. The same is true in almost 9 doubled, but the lumber came out so much better that the furnace was cheated out of enough waste in a year to more than pay the cost of fitt111gup the kilns in the new way. "Trying it on the dog" was an eminent success. Watch the ad" of the Grand Rapids Veneer Works for the next three months and see what other manufacturers say about it. Buyers in Grand Rapids in August, 1880. Mr. Dewey, of Dewey & Stone retailers of Omaha, Neb, ia purchasing goods for the jobbing trade of the firm, which is large in Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado. Other arnvals include J. A. Colby of Colby & Co., Chicago; Mr. Thayer representing William Salomon, a prominent retailer of Chicago; \V. N. Conant of Conant Brothers, Toledo; C. F. Ran of Beloit, Wis.; WIlliam Striker of Palo, III ; Mr. Don-nelly of Donnelly & Barnes, Chicago; Mr. Hayden of Hayden & Brother, Rocheater, N. Y.; W D. Pennington, Lyons, Mich.; J M. Bess111er,Hastlllgs, Mich.; W. N. Nordseick of Weber's funllture emporium, DetrOIt, Mr Lake of Hartson & Lake, Ea ton Rapids, Mr. Wlrts of W irts & Scholle, Chicago; George Brandt of Bloomington, III ; Robert Keith of Kansas City; E. A Carder, Kalamazoo; Julius Kegal, Detroit; Nicholas Wag-ner, Kent CIty, Mr Montgomery, Montgomery & Vander Werp, Muskegon; E S. Noble, Elk Rapids, A. Kie1, William \Vallace and James Barnes, Grand Haven; Henry \Voodward, Eastmanville and A. Spangemacher, Hastings, Mich.-Michi-gan Artisan, August 1880. Made by Charles Bennett Furmture Co., Oharlotte, MlCh. every case-vve are all waIting for some other fellow to take his own medIcine-to "try It on a dog" ThIS leads up to the matter of drying lumber-one of the most important things in wood working establishments. PrevlOUs to 1904 the Grand Rapids Veneer Works-which operates one of the largest panel mills III the country, in connection with veneer works, were compelled to face the fact that their dry kilns were wholly inadaquate to their requirements, although they had what was supposed to be as good an outfit as any in the country. They were also compelled to face the fact that too great a percentage of lumber was going to the furnace Some-thlllg had to be done and that at once. So they instructed the supenntendent to see if he could not find some way to relieve the sItuation. He studied the matter over carefully and re-ported that the only way to 111creaSethe output of dry lumber was to put in more kIlns. which meant more waste for the furnace Finally they put the matter into the hands of a scientist who made a thorough study of the SUbject, and re-ported that with the expenditure of some hundreds of dollars he could double the capacity of their old kilns. They decided to "take the medicine," in other words "try it on the dog," and to their aurprise the capacity of the kilns was not only Immigration Doubled Last Year. Immigration into the United States doubled in 1909. In all 95,105 alien immigrants entered the United States last year, against 410,319 in 1908. Arrivals of non-immigrants numbered 188,610. From Europe came more than 85 per cent of the im-migratIOn, Italy leading with 221,964, of 25 per cent. Russia next with 161,142, or 16 per cent, and Austria and Hungary with 117,087 and 115,267, respectively, or about 12 per cent each. The immigration from Italy to this country last year num-bered four times those of the year before. The only decrease in arrivals was from Roumania, which contributed 200 fewer immigrants. to WEEKLY ARTISAN ,. --------------------.., ,,II I,I ,,I ,II ,II I \ IIIIIIII II III , I III• ,I II IIII , II I I ! I i I ! I I I I I I I ' I I I ! I ! I~---------------------------------_._--------~ I Dodds' Tilting Saw Table No.8 We take plea%ure 1U mtroducwg to you our new Saw Table The base IS similar to wha we have been usmg on our No 4 Saw Table only we have made It larger on the Roor The raiSIng ard lowenn'l deVIce 1$ the same as we have on the 1'.0 4 Machme ""lth lever 3'ld pltman The lever 15 made of steel fhe arbor IS made of 1% lOch steel mnOIng In Ions nng oIlmg boxes, and 1S for 1 Inch hole Ill'law We furmsh one 14 lOch saw on each machine It WIll carry a 16 Inch saw If deSIred Table ho made With a center slide 12 Inches WIde WIth a movement of 21 lllches It has a lockIng deVIce- to hold it when yOlo. do not Wish to use It and has a detachable mitre guage to be used when USIng the shdIn~ table Can cross cut WIth table extendtd to 24 Il'ches ah:o np up to 24 Hlches WIde Table hJS a removable throat that can be tlken out when usJOg dado It also has two mItre guages for regular work and a two Sided np guage that can be used on f"lther Ide of the S1W. more especially when the table IS tilted also a tIltIng TIp gauge to be used to cut bevel work " ..h..en yoU do not wl~h to tIlt the t<:l.ble The top IS 40x44 Inches Countershaft has T & I pulleys lOx 14 mches and the dnve pulley 16xS m,..hes counter haft should run 800 Mabng In all about as complete a machine as can be found and at a s~asonable pnce Wnte us and we WIll be pleased to quote you prIces Address rALEXANDER DODDS, CO., ~8~!II3 Canal St. Gran,!!a:",I" M,cE. W-E Cl\.N DOUBL& THE Cl\.P.f\.CITY OFYOUD DRY KILN. Syrar'nse, Jt' Y, Jan 17,1910 GJ and Rapids Vpneer TnJ7!< '!, ()r(~ncl !\cr,pIds, Mich Dcal ,,<.,u 5 In J eph; to 'jOW letter of Jan. ] 1th. beg to adl7SP yon that SInce Installing yow 7vIln ne hale j07",nd 1t ~'ery satIsfcwtory and cun ythll~g you clmm It to be. Also fInd It a very economu al kiln to operate J oW'S 7 cspeetjully, Th e C G BI Ol~n Fnnntll,re Co Dean E Broun PROTEST AGAINST PATERNALISM Would Prohibit the Government From Printing Addresses on Stanlped Envelopes. 1 he \atlUnal Echtollal assodauon, the NatIOnal Aso,ocI- ,ll] l]1 (1 "'tatlOnel -', the IntelnaLlonal ASSOcIatIOn of Photo- Ingld\er". the \atIonal Tract\' A.s"oclabon, the P1111ters league 01 'l.menLa the l-mted Typothltae of \mellca and 1'" \ 1 r! ,C dn F n \ elope \Ianufa( turers' aSSocIatIOn have un- It 1 '11 1'1 eR.n t to hay e the gOy Plnment dlscont1l1ue the free ()llltl'l!.., Ct letUln addles"e~ on stamped envelopes They have "PI ( Jntec! a ]OIllt cC'mmlttee to l1anage theIr campal1:;n and hay ( (~t.lbh"hed then headquartels at 212 ]el11fer hUlldIllg, \\ 2,hll'~toll. J) ( ] he file:t mc,e by the commIttee was to ',c ]~the Illt]oc!udlCJn ot ,l bIll 1Il both house" of con~less, \\ hldl ead" a, tollD\\-, -\ hIll plO 1111)1 tIllg the prm tlllg 01 certam ma tier on "tel', pcd e'm elope~ and the sdle thereof 'Be It enacted b) the. "enate and hou"e ot lepresen abves of the Ul11ted States "..mellca III cOllgle~s assembled, that from and after the app' 0\ al 01 thl::' \ct It shall be unlawful for the Post Office J)ep,l tment, 01 an, officer. head of bureau, 01 chief of dlVl- ,Ion the1 e01, to PIIllt or hay e pnnted, or sell or offer to sell an\ "tamped en, elope healll1g upon It a pnnted dlfectIOn ~J\ IIle; the name uf an, IlldlVlclual, f11m, O[ company, 01 any nUll he1 oj dn\ po~t-('ffice box CJI lrawel, or ,lIlY street num-bel or the name of am bUlldlllg tu whIch It shall be returned It uncalled tor or uncleln ered PIO\ Ided, that thIS shall not dpph to tllO~e em elopes pnntecl WIth a return card left blank d~ to name, addless, box, dl aVler, street number, or IHl1ld1l1g. 'll1d \\hlch onl) gne the name of the town or city, 1\ lth the. State DI"tllCt, or TelntOlY" 1 he bIll III both hou~e and senate vvas 1 eferred to the cunllllltte.e on post office~ and post loads and It IS expected to be I eported out du mg the pre-ent seSSIOn \Vhether the I cP! Ih \\ III he fa, orable or aclYere e remam'o to be seen, but tile \\olk that the Jomt «( mmltice 1'- dOIng to secure the dl"11ul dctlCJIl h} «()lli.;lCC,,,h mdlc1ted hy the chstnhutIOn of Ll Ll1cnlal that 1ead" a" 10110ws i -\ thleatelll11g monopoly a confi"catIOll of pnvate pro-pel t} an encouragement to SOCialIsm i Lm elope mdnnfactmcrs paper mannfdctl.lrer", paper 11111chanh, "tatlOnel c" p'mter" trade penodlcal publIshers, II tckh ne\\ ~PdP"1 publIshel '0, lItlwgrapher:o, photo-engravers ,\11(l ]Oll1ne\ men pl111tel:o and all other workmen engaged m the g'dplllc drt'o, plotest unItedly and unalterably agalllst the c.ontmued free pnntlllg of Government stamped envelopes by the Post Office Department 1he, IdlO\\ that It IS a v.rong 0 every taxpayer, and so 1ar as It de" tl Oy:o, or e, en tends to destroy, the busllless of an} pI 1\ ate manufacturer or merchant, or the property of am cItIzen, It IS confiscatIOn. "So far as It monopolIzes for the benefit of a single COlltldc.t01 Jt IS ,1 \\ long upon all other labor, whIch desires competItIOn and has a nght to it. "It I' a monopoly, and It promotes monopoly. It en-courage" the sOCJahstlc tendency lll',idously and menacingly. i E\ cry busllless man in the whole country has equal cauQe, WIth the allIed pllntmg and paper trades and the \\ orkers III the graphJc arts. to oppose this dangerous prac-tIce It IS not a far cry from these paternalistic practices to an ever lIlcreasmg enclOachment upon the private business of anybody and everybody Therefore, it is absolutely true that thIS is everybody's fight who believes in the right of propert}, m competJtIOn and in opportunity to do business and to work. _---~ o_. . • • _ WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 -_ .. -~-------------------- .._~ . --~ RICHMOND TABLET ARM CHAIR RICHMOND CHAIR CO. "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seatmg. .. RICHMOND DOUBLE CANE LINE Catalogues to the Trade INDIANA GENUINE LEATHER SEAT The Best Value and Greatest Service for Ihe MODey ...I • ----------.--------------------------.-----~--- __ __6 ThIS eVIl practice has been promoted by the Post Office Department by an mgenlOus and persistent pressure through the postmasters of the count1y such as any behever m com-petition or lOver of faIr play has an absolute right to protest agamst; It IS his duty to protest agamst them "The frankmg pnvl1ege IS used wIthout lUlllt Postmas-ters, post-office c1t:~rks, lettel-carners, all have been drafted mio the monopohstlc sen Ice of the Government stamped-envdope contractor and the Government monopoly Itself. "The claIm IS made that the use of the free-pnnted Gov-ernment stamped-envelope ImpIoves the po'>ta1 serVIce, chIef-ly by decreasmg the act1\ Itles of the Dead Letter Office, bnt the fact IS, the use of pnvately pnnted stamped envelopes serves the purpose effectively and properly. BeSIdes, the use of the free-pnnted stamped envelope as at present promoted, IS almost wholly confined to large corporatlOns and other concerns whIch would use return-request envelopes any way, and are well able to afford them. ,Vorse th~n that, the gene-ral pubhc, Vv111chmIght use the return-request more exten- SIvely and thus really dee 1ease the work of the Dead Letter Office, gets no conbldelatJon in the sa1es-promotlOn scheme of the department "Thus, tl11s abuse ic, notoriously for the advantage of the few and notonously for the dIsadvantage of the man} , and the many have to pay the bill, not only for the free pnntmg, but ultimately for the numberless dangers resulting from the growth of thIS most glaring and dangerous example of paternalism. "Moreover, thIS m:::reasing volume of free pnntmg by the Government involves an equally irksome volume of free advertising for the few favored users of the free-pnnted stamped envelope, who can and do employ their free adver-tising opportunities every time a free-printed stamped en-velope is mailed. The bill by means of which it is proposed to secure legislation to stop all these abuses, and make no mi5take about it, forbids that any officer of the Post Office Depart-ment whatever shall print or sell any stamped envelope bear-ing a printed direction for the return of any mail; but the 1eturn-request card left blank as to name and business, may be used. Thus the il13urmountab1e competition of the Govern-ment monopoly is prevented and the convenience of the return-request is preserved. "If yOU pllze your busmess if you ale jealous of the nghts of ploperty and opportumty, If yOU are agamst Gav-el nment monopoly, paternahsm and soclahsm, make It cer-tam that any Senator or Repl esentatn e m Congress whom } ou are ac<'!ua1l1ted Vvlth or can ~reach 111any way WIth argu-ment and protest, shall not fad, ImmedIately or at any tIme, to understand the VItal Importance of thIS issue "\iV nte persona11etters to } our Senators and Representa-bves today, and mad us copIes of theIr rephe:, We cannot Vv 111 WIthout thIS help on yom part and Vv e cannot know whether we are mak111g heachvay unless you keep us posted I "0 ONE CAN DO THIS WORK BUT YOU" The jomt commIttee has also sent out copIes of a letter 1rGm the thIrd aSSIstant postmaster general m whIch he ex-plams that the practIce of plmtmg addrcbses on envelopes IS reqmred by ex-Ist1l1g la vv'0 and that It can not be dlscon- [1l1ued WIthout leglbLltIon ThlS 1S accompa11led by a rep1: from the commIttee on pllnt1l1g stamped envelopes of the ::\atIOnal Paper Trade aSSOCIatIOn vvho take Issue WIth ThIrd ASSIstant Postma-ster Genel a1 Lawshe and contend that gov-ernment IS v101ating e'-lsting laws by the practIce of whIch they compla1l1 The joint commIttee, however, has deCIded that m'3tead of appea1mg to the court" the better vvay is to secure 1eglslatIOn that wl11 prohIbIt the practJce, 2.nd, as WIll be seen, they ask all interested to unite in urgmg the pas-sage of the bill Make Less Waste Sells more Bud's Eye Maple Veneer per )ear than any other two mIlls because he manufactures nothIng el e. GIves blrd s eye the preference and hIS whole attention Has 3 000 000 feet on hand NOW from whIch you can have your pIck Our s, and no other, bIrd s eye maple veneer 1$ 1-24!l thIck Won t sand thru Yau can t see daylight thru a sheet of our blrd's eye Wnte for samples They aTe FREE PrIces lowest consIstent wah good quahty Use a veneer punch to cut out defects In Walnut and Blrd's Eye Maple. For sale by Birds Eye Walker, Chicago. Any Slze }1i" t02"@$3,98 each del. Phone Hyde Park33 Dept. D. 1111/1 I WALKER Chicago 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN NEW YORK BUSINESS OUTLOOK Furniture Manufacturers, Jobbers and Dealers Predict a Prosperous Year. New York, Feb 17 -~Ianutacturels ale fee1111g encour aged by the orders recelve1 so far tor the "pl111g and "ummer business and the year promIses to be one at the be"t ,,0 far experienced There lS an actlve teJ;ldency throughout the trade. The factones are busy and salesmen are bnngl11£S m fairly good order" from the wholesale trade The vvho1e:oale trade are working on the new hnes and send m good reports from all sectlOns Dml11g room and parlor sUIte" are much 111 demand as are rockers The retaIl trade are not buymg \ cry heavl1y yet, but are fairly well stocked up, Consen atl\ e buy mg is the rule. The \V F. WhItney ChaIr company, who hay e occupIed two bmldlllgs in BlOoklyn at 495 Kent a\ enue and 193 Gland street have sold their interests to Robel t J Ehlers, \v ho as the Robert J Ehlers company will contmue busmess at the lattel address, Jobbing only. The Star Upholstery company who haye not beLll 111 busines" here very long, have mm ed it 0111210 East T\\ en t \ third street to 36 East T\\ enty-th1rd "treet and are mahl11S; a new Ime of couches. Max Englander, manufactunng couch bed" on Seyenth avenue has leased property at 513 to 523 \\ e"t T\\ enty-fourth street, where he w111 build a SlX story factor}, 100 x 150 feet in sizze and w1ll occupy most of 1t hlmself T. C YVaterman, who has had charge of the PubhClt\ department of the Furmture Exchange, has been plomoted to the head of the field bureau his former pO"ltlOn bemg taken by W llliam Bangs Elins & Sillen, upholstery dealer'> have succeeded El111s & Co , 38 Whlte street. The Empire Clty Metalllc Bed company hay e moved from 184 Lewis street to 184 Thirteenth street, Jersey Clt) The Grand Rapids Show Case Co, 724 Broadway, in addition to manufacturing show cases, are equipmg a large plant for the manufacture of dlsplay itxture", hay 111g p1e viously handled the line of another film The H. J Montgomery Manufactunng company of SIl ver Creek, N. Y , making patent leathel lockers and Tmk1sh chalrs, are very busy on their special 1I11e'3. Frank M. Randall w111 have in hlS new bmldlllg at 136 West Flfty-second stl eet 200,000 square feet of floor space and wl11 let out conslderable of it as a furmture exchange This he wlll arrange so as not to confl1ct with h1S own hnes Mr. Randall has fmnished 47 city hotels w1th furmture F. Mohr & Co., who have been in business only a few months, have a warehouse estabhshed at 505 \Vest Thnty-second street, havlllg 60,000 square feet of space The Amencan Sea Grass company lS a new incorpor-ation, with a capital stock of $25,000, to deal 111 jute, shoddy, t------------------ '"1 .. . .. I ,.- ... .... Henry Schmit 8 Co. HOPKt:r-.S AND HARRIET STS C,nvmnati, Ohio makers of Upholstered Furniture I I . -"' for LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR LIBRARY, HOTEL and .. CLUB ROOM . .... ............... --pnngs, couch bottoms, moss, tow, feathers, etc, headed by H ~W Fned of the Bronx, A A M111er, Manhattan and F. Hemley, Brooklyn. J Holly \v ood, formerly \\ 1th A. Plser, is the new furni-ture buyer fot Sand \,V Bauman, 2131 Third avenue, suc-ceedmg G J afta C E Leahey 1S a ne\\ hlrnitUl e dealer at 727 Fulton "treet, Brooklyn Charles Fram, late salesman in the east for Boll Bras, is the new representatlve in N e\v York for the Limbert com-pam of Grand Rapids, :;\1ich Benja111111 Flledlander has succeeded S Mlller as presi-dent of the Chlcago Cred1t con pany, 3351 Th1rd avenue. The Plsel s have opened a new furniture store, opposite then pre"ent quartel s in the Bronx Slmon Siegal, who was 111bU0>111es.,f01 hl111self, 1'0 With the firm S K P1erce &.. Son have put cut a new hne of office chairs. 1he Grand Rapids Furmture company, 168 yVest Thirty-fourth street, after thelr fire some time ago decIded to give up the factOl y end of their business here 1 he Stal Gedding company who had a fire at 12 Mont-ro<; e a\ enue al e el0111i.;bus111ess a, usual and running to full capaclty The Cooper Store and Office Fixture company has been 111COplo rated to manufacture office furniture, with a capital of $5,000 by Joseph and Abel Benjamin and Samuel Cooper. S Karpen & Bra, at 115 V{est Thirty-fourth street, haye added to their floor space at 22 Sudbury street, Boston, and have "pace to lease to manufacturers who wish to exhibit the1r ltnes The PoughkeepSie (1\ Y) Chair company have been \\ ul kmg "ome mghts and have an exhibit here. YV. S Hodge manager has taken a five year least' of qualters in the new turmture ('{change bmldmg here George F. Underhill has bought an interest in the Kaal Rock Chair company of Poughkeepsie, N. Y, making high grade chails. Sam Ed\\ards, retall furl1lture, h;; s moved from 194 Fifth a\ enue to 479 F1fth avenue, Brooklyn The Atla" Furl1ltUle company of Jamestown, N. Y, hay e mcreased their capaclty by 33 1-,\ per cent and have had tu retuse orders as the1r output was 111 contracted for. Arnm Herman of the Bronx, has added cribs and go-ca1 t- to his hnes 1 he Cloker Chalt company, 325 West Thirty-third --u eet, makl11g receptlOn chair" of maple, oak and mahogany, ha \ e added a new lme of saddle seat C1rcas5ian walnut chairs. The ne", agency estabhshed at 86 Forsyth street by the \fe1se1eau 1\Ietal Bed company is in charge of J. Brunner. S. Old Trade Jokes. ,,,,- pi om11lent furmtm e manufactunng house of Grand Ra p1ds recen ed a letter trom a dealer 1111\ew York, one sen-tence ot \\hKh lead as follows "Your goods are 111 great demand and I need them badly If you cannot ship at once senelme a b111of ladms; \\ hKh J could sho Vol my customers and tell them the good" w111 soon be rece1ved " A letter from another dealer read' "Please do not ship me pal ts of smtes I cannot show a wash ,tand and sell it for a chamber "mte" ;\nother manufacturer, responding to a humorous letter, complammg of delays m the shIpment of goods written by a elealer sa1d "\\ e can Shlp the pulls at once, and you can dra\\ on us for the smtes If you "0 desire" ~rlc1l1gan \!tl-:;an, Sept J 1880 WEEKLY ARTISAN PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENCE Department Stores Trying to Increase Their Mail Order Business. Phlladelphla, Feb 17 ~ There lS a great deal of mall order bus111ess belng done 111 furniture here The various depal t111ent stures ofter to Shlp furnitm e to every state This 1111eof the bus111e% is 1)1anch111g out all the bme and is quite \\ ell patron1L:ed, especially wlth111 a radlus of 500 to 1,000 mlle':> Every year the blg "tore i" 1eachlng out further into new channels Jlohn \;\7 anamakel ':, are making extended mentIOn of thlS mall order busine<.,s They advertise their store here as the largest retail store 111 the world, covering 45 acres of floor spaef', takll1g in a whole city block, 485 feet long from Chestnut to Malket street and 250 feet from Thil teenth to J U11lper street and it dwarfs the $30,000,000 city hall, close by It rises 12 stones in the all or 247 feet above the glound and ha;" 2Y; stories below the street level It is bUIlt of gra11lte and bteel and fireproof. George Kelly and the Union Furniture :\Ianufacturing company are also dOll1g a large mall order business. They put special Y; to 1 column "ads" in the mail order section of the daily and Sunday papers Some of the papers here have a special section or page for the mall order business and is not intended for the city trade as much as for the outside bwoiness. The three depal tment stores at Eighth and Market streets, Strawbndge & Clothier, Llt Bros and Glmbel Bros, have each year at this bme all k111ds of manufactunng shown <it their industrial exhlbltlOn The machinery IS put 111the alsles on each floor, from top to bottom and one can see fur1llture, optical goods, Jewelry, cdrpeb, dres<.,es, clothmg, laceb, curtains, shoes, flower;", picture ft ames, cand} , cut glas<" prmting, hOSIery, glass blowing, silk making, nbbons, suspenders, gloves and about a hundred lines of all kll1ds of manufacture It is open to all and each store gives out souvenirs Jacob Alber shows the makll1g of ruStIC furni-ture; Kasansky & Bloom bamboo tabourettes, S M Gosch & Co, picture frames I don't know of another city where one can see such an exhIbItion in the department stores \V L Horam has succeeded Bailey & Horam 111 the fur11lture busll1ess at WIllsboro, Pa. The United Upholstery J\lanufacturers' association of Philadelphia have advanced pnces on all 1ll1es of goods 10 per cent This was expected as some have been charging the advance for some time and now united action has been taken The Funston Molding company has been incorporated at Camden N J with a capital of $50,000, to make mold111g, paints and var11lsh It is headed by \Villiam J. Crompton, Eugene A Hogh, Benjamin Funston 13 Linn Peacock, who was buyer for the Prince Furniture company of Hazelton, Pa, will start In the furniture business again on his own account at W Ilmll1gton, Del, where he u sed to be in business. Derbyshire Bros. have taken the Hope street warehouse that was used by John Moore, to take care of their increasing busl11ess RItter Bras have made many improv ements to their factory, among which is a new sprinkling apparatus, as a precautIOn against fire Mr. Koehle, who until recently was a furniture dealer on Girard avenue is now inside salesman for Van Scivers of Camden, N J. The estate of the late John Tanner, are closing out the fur11lture busmess at 705 Girard avenue The executors have charge The city authorities, throug"h Mayor Reyburn, have charge· of the project to build a big exhibition and convent-lOn hall here, but no official actIOn has ibeen taken, except to talk It over It is something that is needed very badly in this city as there is no place large enough to hold a furniture :,how properly. They think it is time the citizens should get together and build a hall such as Madison Square Garden or the Coliseum William H. McMahon, handling brass and iron beds, cnbs, mattresses, feathers, etc., at 244 South Second street, reports that a general advance in prices is due for all lines Guy W Banger has been appointed receiver for the HanOver (Pa) Furniture company, manufacturers, and the plant Will be operated to fill orders. The assets are $33,000 and liabilitIes $43,000 The Phlladelphla Excelsior company lecently had a big order of 150 car loads of exceblOr which is the lalgest order received so far The demand IS very heavy and they have had to refuse many orders. ;\lanufacturers here say that with the scarclty of ma-hogany logs, prices are fil mer and have advanced during the past year 2S per cent, the stock coming mostly from Mexico and Honduras Further advances may be made at any tlme The J. R Bunbing Beddmg company of 232 South Se-cond street are very busy and expect a big bus111ess this year, They think that this year will break all records The past four years have been somewhat quiet tIll oughout Pennsyl-vallla and it has taken two years to get back to prosperous times Cotton is hIgh and the consumer can not tell where they stand from week to week. It is hard to make contracts for cotton ahead of time At this plant mattresses are made, whle the metal beds are made at Jersey City, by the Merser-eau Metal Bed company At that end they are swamped with orders .,.. .....-.--..-..-..-- -----------------------------------------------.~ "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON_CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ... . - - ---_._._-------------------_._---_._--.-..-.-..-~~ ------------- --~ 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN .. ·--1 • CUP COMPANY :••• ,,I III ,I ,II III •II •I• ••• I,, ,,• II --~---~--.... - Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Res1denees-Chadt:':> H Kuehn 365; Humboldt boule\ al d Cll1eago, Ill, $6500 GO'OIge 1)e111n~ 1.21.+\\eo,t Oh1O street, Ch1cago, $7,500, T J H.e\nelhon 19)7 \ 101t1eth sheet, Ch1cago, $8,000, C L -"-ndel son 3R.+CJII dco'. a\ enue ChI-cago, $3,000; 1 B Tlcle}, .+CJ39\\ a~h11lf;ton houle\aul, Ch1 cago, $10,000, P ] \Ic '\fahon 3;(>2 1\ ent\\ olth aHnue. ChI cago $'+,500 -r. \ h.ll1del 11m 1\ eb~te1 ,1\ enue, Cll1cago, $7,000. IV II' Goodwll1, 585 \IcLenol c a\ cnue, \Iemphh Tenn, $3,000, Jane Ha110\\. L28 \\ (st \01th Temple stlect, Salt Lake CIty L tah, $8,000 Tohn \IOre"l. \pple and 1 ern ;"treets, ::\ e\\ 01 leans, La 5;3,500, 13 D Ladd 368 Bl eme- \!111estreet ?\ ew Odean s, So 000, '\nme II unt 6038, 11 ~ll11cl avenue 5t Loms, \1,) ,33,800 C \ DIeckmann 3830 101 ~0ll1 avenue, St Lotus, S'1,'100, :\Ib C G 1310\\n 312 \hltle street, Atlanta, Ga, $8,000, \11 s S \\ hltner 46 ,y FOU1- ttenth street, !'Ictlanta, £4,500, II E HO\\ ard, 6-1--1-9South Kll1gs h1gh\\ ay . St L01m, \10, S'+ 500 L LIane), 1220 Cnttenden street, n01 th\\ est, II ash'ngton S6,000, Juhuo, Ii'! e1n1g, 144 Bates street, north\\ e~t II a~ll1ngton, 322000) E T Cnsmand, 516 LH;hth "treet, nOl th\\ e~t, 1\ a~hmgton, $3,300, S C Thayel, 32 OahJal1d a\ enue, Columbus. OhlO, $3,000, J C Stncklel, 2(j(j \Ilelland t\ enue. Columb11'" S3OO0 o C; Rankm, J\J aek o,t1eet an 1 the huule\ al el Detl OIt \Ilch $8,000, Jacob Bolze1, Clchllal ,111elCanfield st1 eet" Detlo1t, $3,000; M R Bt1110\\s. c.,el1l1llClleanel '-,i I\1111"tleet", DctlOlt, $11000, \\ II 110'11,ILuth\llCe! elml Ll1l1c1"tleeto, DetlO1t, $3,;00, Salah L \"al}U1 Cllft(ll1 ,me! 111l1h tl1l1d ,tlefts, Inc11anapolI", ~3,()00, II tlhall1" I1t/~ll aId I\.cn\\ (lod boule \ clrcl and ShO'palCl a\ eune, \111\\ autec \\ 1'-. S12 ~OO \11 ~ r;- r Glsh DeAtel aud 1 \\ eut} -c,econd "t! eeh, ])l11\ u Col $10000,1 G Dloe1111,cl 382; :outh (Hanel a\ enl1L St LOlm i\[o. $6.000, CreOlge r 1n~el 2012 Ruc,,,dl a\ enne "'t Lenll' i\Io $3,800, Valent111e Kcmpu, 38.+.+ C0111pton d\E'l1nO' C:;t Loms $3400, R B Tuttle, Capltol t\ enue and [h1rt} -tl111d ::,tleet Indlanapohs 9>3,500 Bachel H1cm 919 \\ e"t Tl1l1 t\- thud street Kansas C1t) \10, S3 sro 1 I Clltz \\ 111ston- Salem, j'\ C, $3,000: Ora S Gould, ~220 11001, SIde houle\ al d, Kansas CIty Mo $5,500 \Ir~ J efterson CunnllH;ham, South and D111widd1e streets '\ orfolk Va ~() 2,-0 T ohn C Ball 30-1- L1bel ty street Sy1acuse, '\ \ S-1-000 Hcnq Rouo,e, 201 LYlllh avenue, Syracuse, 9;3,500 I h. I1unlSclford, S03 II est Xe\\ dl street .c:y racuse $3200, -\10111 (ottet 349 :\11dLl11cl a\ O1Ue Syracu"e, $5,SOO, L K Spl ac;ue 12;2 Sonth C;altna ~tJect, S} Jaeuse $4,000, P Kr,t1mer 84 La Salle o,t1ect, ChI l ago $12000, T L DettmC'lo, 4934 \1 ,lb,td,l ct\ l llll "I Lonls, Mo, 9;6,000 \11" \Ial1C Hl)ffmalk \da1l1s ancl \111C teenth "treds, Indlanapohs $3,600, Mrs James M Harrison, c..,chool lane, PhiladelphIa Pa, $15,000. C Cravens Gray- 111( nt, Blfl111nlSham Ala, $3,800, Dr J S Glllesple, 1714 [11'1 c1 a\ enue nOl th Blfl11lngham, $6,000, Dr R V Mobley [ om teenth a\ enue and Sixteenth street south B1rm1l1gham, S') 000 Hall} Hyman 228 Rigsby avenue, San AntonlO Tex S') oeD \lr" \11ce Illlson, 28 Russell place, San Anto111o C'1000 E S la'rell, Thlfd street and ~meteenth avenne I1uluth \111111 50-1-,000 E R Belli", V\ oodland park, Duluth ,,') Cr,u r \ Pa\ ne 346 Decorah "treet, De;" M0111O'S,Ia, q oeo Fl eel \ r K \ 110'1 220 H nmston stl eet, Des M01l1es, '-,') ;00 lied Durg e~s 129 :\1110 street, Des J\lo111es, $3,500, (all Dohman 301 II heatland street Des l\Io111es $3. SOO, S \ \ (11 ton 2204 Loublana ;"treet, LIttle Rock Alk, $3,500, I " Cam 1523 Goodbar avenue, ::\Iemphis Tenn, $4,500, IV c:; Scll11balc1, 1407 South Llghth street Omaha, ~ eb $4,000; C }{ \\ hlte. Elk a\ enue, Cleveland, OhlO $4,000. L Abrams, 1;23 E ?\ 111eh-thll el street Cleveland, Uh1O, $5,000, John \IcC'a,,11l1, -\.shbul \ a, enue and E 118th street, Cleveland, 011lCl ';3;00, 1 heodOl e \\ 111n111gham , 3832 Ma1l1 street, Kan- ~,t'-. C!t\ \10, SG 500. Charles I: Phllhps, 3560 Flora avenue, l,..<lI1~a~ Clt\ S'1 000, II' IV Jo1-]n"on, 3515 Locust street, kaL'a~ C H\ S5OO0 G C A.ndel son 129 Cypress street, l'can,a.., Cm, 53,000, Illlltam F FnO'gang, 2841 vVJlllams ~tleel \[111neapo!lo, \Imn $3000, Hl1ma?\ ;\Iallauder, 1702 l'le1 Le ~t] ect, \I111neapohs, $3,000; W. G. Gardner, lOSe 1\\ lilt, ~l,th a\ enue \[1l1neapoh", $3,000, v\ A Jackson, lW) 1\ c11len a\enue Columhns, OhIO, $3/)00, Oscar Davis, 20 1 a"t Iluntel ~tleO't !'Ictlanta Ga. 9;4000, i\Irs Lee Jordan, R20 T'eclcht1 ee stl eet. A.t1anta, $10,000, '\ \. \IeGraw, 1720 l\\ent\ nIllth SUeet Omaha, '\eb. $5,000, Albert Olgen, l()Qo Shel \\ 1ll a\ enue, Chicago, $4,500, D Ii'! Glenn, Cypress ell enlle Rec11and" Cal, $5,000, M J :\IcDonald, Mesa, Anz S-1-()(\O \[I~ H \1 Palo,ons, M13slOn street and Brent, avenue, l:.:outh Pa~ae!el1a Cd $10 000, J l' Burns, Ardmore street dnd II 1hhue boule\ aJ el, Los Angeles, Cal, $10.000, 0 H. HalOlc1 \Iar"h HellShts l'\ogale'i, Ariz, $4,500, Col \i'! P. Cuelk Rech\ ooel and CnlOn streets, San DIego, Cal, $15,000; Mlscellaneous BUlldmgs- The Emanuel Preshytenan so- Ud\ 01Dd10lt, \IJCh, 1S b1111d111ga ch11lch to cost $40,000 j he Rtalh -\~~uuate" \\111 elect a ~IA-,tor} hotel on the corner c t 1 1\ lllg ~ton ect dnd Hano\ el place. DlOoklyn, NY, at a co,t ot ~120 000 I Ollg Beach, Cal, WIll expend $250,000 III thl C011 QluC't!on ot ,,( hool bullcllllc;" d111111l:t;he coml11g year I he 01 phcul11 "'I nc11lcllO'h to C1 eet a c1uphcatO' uf the Orpheul11 thtaill I J r o~ \ngele" lal. on C;tate c,treet 111 Salt Lake \ 11 \ l tclh 1hl \lthlh I ,1llc1C()1l1pan} WIll hu11cl a 'i1X-story h lte! 1)] IhL (llnCI "f I !fih and Oltve streeh, Los "\ngeles, II ,1V"t (1 Sl-l-OOOO J he c.,lstels of St Joseph ha\e adopted J)lalh ,me! '-.]JluhutlOlh t( 1 a com ent lJtllld1l1g to be elected ,It CGng1l '-.~ "t! cer ,11H] '-,Janson a\ O'nue, Loo, \l1f.;eles, at an l~tJJ11ated lo"t 01 C!;lrocoo The K111g-hh of Columbu'i wlll u eLt a ~1, "t01 \ ufhce and luelg e bUlld111g 111Salt Lake CIty, l tdh l apltalhh ,,1 '-,alt Lake Clt J and DOlse, Idaho are to 111\("t ~FO,OOO 111 the electlOn of a theatre at TWIll Fall'i, l t2h [he kl11ghh of Pvthla" WIll erect a lodge hall and )ff]( ( lJtlllcl1l1g- 111San Dlec;o, Cal, elt a LOst of $75,000 ,..---------~---- t ~ I I IIIIIIII I,. IMPROVED, EASY AND EL EVATO RS QUICK RAISINC Belt, Electnc and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furnzture Stores Send for Catalogue and Pnces KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 Nlnlh St.. Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co. 323 Prospect St Cleveland,O, l0811th St , Omaha. Neb, 120Cedar St , New York City. ~I j I f--- -~-------,---..-I. WEE K L Y ART I SAN 15 NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS~ MICH. BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Mahogany. Circassian Walnut and Oak. If you have not one in your store, a simple request will bring you onrmagnificent neW'"Catalogue of 12x16 inch page groups, show .. ing suites to match. With it, even the most moderate sized furniture store can show the best and newest furniture satisfactorily. I I' 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED I!VERY SATURDAY BY THe: MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY 5U.SCI'II~T'ON 51 eo ~EI'I YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHEI'I COUNTI'I'ES 52 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE CO~IES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE. 108-112 NOI'I.TH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP,OS, MICH, A. S WHITE, MANAGINCOED'TOI'I Entered as .econd class matter, July 'i, 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds, \lIchlgan under the act of March 3 1879 Clarence H Mackay, pre"ldent of the Po~tal- Telegraph and the CommercIal-Cable companies, ha"lll1g Just returned from a southern tom of obsel"l atlOn and Il1SpectlOn, IS 111 elmed to be ImpatIent wIth people \\ ho g-et nel"l ou ~ 0"1 er pI 0'0- pectlve legIslation, COUlt decIsIOns gO"lernment pohcJ('" and all that sort of thll1g If, he sa) s, we are all gOlllg to \\ alt till capital ceases to be timId and labor demand" le"s Il1stead of more and statesmen stop seekin>; populallh, "\\ e mlQ,ht as well shut up shop and >;0 home ] he onh attdck \\ c ha\ e nm\ i" an attack of the hu>;aboo'i l'Lndll1g c1eCl~1()n~])\ Ihc SIl preme CaUl t, may be and doubtle~., ,\1 e 1111j)OtaInt PlojJo-ul leglslatlOn 111 Congres" mayor may not be U1dl ted-bllt \\ 1M! of It) Properties are not gOlllg to be con fica ten dllll thc country is not going to smash On the contlaly, "1\ e ha"l I" only to nd ollrseh es of '3llh appl ehen ~IOlb 01 \\ an tlm offiual assault upon legItimate busmess to enlO\ the (?,enelal PIC'.,- perity whIch condltlOns v\ all ant' Pre'i1e!cn t ,Lacka \ \\ d~ talk111g of condItIOns m Y\ all .'otleet and hI ~ I emdl K' may have been I11tended to re"tore confidence on thc 'itock 1""- change but busll1ess men generally "1\ III endor~e hI" senti-ments Unless reports are mlslead111g and estlmate~ Ul11 eha ble, "our possesslOns," the PhJ1tpp111e'O ha"l e great t1mbel re-sources 111the hardwood lInes It IS saId the blands pos-sess the most beautiful woods m the world and they arc reaching theIr development Just at a tIme \\ hen the \\ orld 100 100k111g for hard \"Ioods The tImber h not located 111 thIck stands but is well scattered, cm enng, It has been e"t1mated, an area aggregating 40,000,000 aCl es Of thIS great amount less than 1 per cent IS under prl\ ate 0\'\ nershlp :\Iost of these woods, which have no equal 111llel1l1eS'i of colol dur-abilIty, bnllIance of polIsh and sIze of tImber, al e c1Jtficult to transport by water TheIr texture l'i so elo,e and theIr spl"clfic gravity so fSreat that they qUlckl) 'illlK Then \\ eIght a\ erage" about 75 poune!" to thl ulhlC foot heH::ht 110111;0 to 100 feet, the natUlal annudl ~lll\\th hl1t1~ c,t!nldtul1J\ tlll insuldr gm ernment at 1 -WO,OOO 000 CUlllc tLet neaJ h ,Ill of which IS now gOll1g to \"Ia'ite Tn 190-1- the bmeau of tCl1L~hy had 1ecord of some 396 dIfferent ~peclcs no\\ the lJst has 1n-creased to 665, the specIe" bel11g \\ ell m1'<:ed When 1t comes to gOl11g after hade the RLhslan" dIe not so slow They have sent out a floatl11g eAposltlOn \\ 111ch 1S to "I iSlt the chIef seaport'i of Tl11key and latel ma"l call at GrecIan and other Medlttelfanean porh '\ vesse! ot about 7,000 tons IS furnished gratIs by the Rl1'~lan Steamsh1p com-pany It has been fitted up espeClalh f01 this exposition. Rl1s~lan manufacturers are I11vlted to avail themselves of this Opp01 tunJt"l to (lJspla} theJr ploducts 111 the principal ports of the Ottoman Emplle Each exhlhltOl IS expected to al-lange hI" eAlnblt 111 an attractl\e and artIstIc manner and 111,[\ ~Lnd attendant:, It I" hoped that the exposltlOn WIll un (1 qmte tl1lh the expO! t pos'-,lbJ1lt1es of RUSSIa and WIll ,[IC] III ~eC1111ll~alaI!.?, el "hdre of TurkIsh trade \\ hdt ,lbuut It) \ clecOldtOl asl~" "Is the1e not dn Eng-ll~ h 'ichool \\ lth an dffectatl0n of SJl11phClty a1110untmg to the obI lOUS stln mg aftel ,1 conceIted p1nmtn eness?" He also a.,k" "Is thele not a F1ench school that lets 1tseH go mto an l11eblJatlOn of fOJ111 and flagJ ancy of decoratlOn that kicks 0\ el the tI aces of all clIsClplIne and traclItlOn ?', \Vith en-g ulfmg tears a rended heatt, sun ounded by walls of gloom ele\ en feet th1Ck, the edItor of the Artisan mournfully re- ~poncI:, "thel e IS' there 1SI" FUll11ture manufacturers generally will endorse Presi-dent Taft's declaratlOn that CO'fpOratlOns whosje bus-iness method:" conflIct WIth the law must change those methods. ,'cry fe\\ cOlporatlOns are "'\lOlatmg the laws in letter or in 'ipmt ,lost of them, however, have fixed ideas as to what extent theIr business should be affected by law. The fml11tl11e trade paper publIshed in New York logi-calh m11"t he opposed to the fur111tl11e exposltlOn interests rt he he"l es m the pI aCtlcabilIty of a furnIture tJ ust, which \\ (Jt1ld \\ IthclI a \\ ,111 hne" fJ om the expositlOns, and adVIses the 111dnutactl11 er.'o to entel mto a combine The obJ ect of a tl u"t I" to de"tIoy compeiltlOn \V1thout compet1tlOn there 1\ ould be no need 0 f the eAposltions The I epl oductlOns of personals and news items from the \1 tl~dn at thlfty ) ear" ago wh1ch appear on an-othel page, \\Jll gl\ I" many readers a sensation akm to sadness or "arrow Many of those connected WIth the furni-tme mdustry today will recog111ze the names of their prede-ce" sors, at least nme tenths of whom have passed to the unknO\\ n \\ orld A furnltme paper pubhshed in New York states that the condItions were not favorable for a furniture combination at the time of the Marston-Flint campaign, "to organize a trust of 111an11facturers" The conditions are no more favorable at present than at the period indicated above. \V1th the organization of the manufacturers of furniture d., a trust the expositIOn plan of selling furniture would dis-dppear Furniture Manufacturer Left Millions. / (J ~1111111uns)pI eSldent of the Sl1n111011sMal1u[actUfJng CU111pd1l\ of BelOIt, ,V 1S, 111anufactl11 ers of brass and 1ron heds, dJed at hJS home last Saturday, aged 81 years He lea"l es an estate valued at about $5,000,000 whIch under h18 \\ III goes to relatives, nearly all to his only son and two daughter:" Under the provisions of the will the entire estate, I11cludl11g both leal and personal, is bequeathed to the son, 7 almon G SImmons, with the understanding that it is to be held 111h ust and under hIS management for a term of ten "I ear~ ~t the terml11atlOn of trust the management may be cont111ued and the estate 1S to remain l11tact unless one or all of the chIldren call for a dIVISIOn WEEKLY ARTISAN 6 CARS A WEEK is our capacity during this year on POPLAR CROSSBANDING Cut to dimensions if desired. Write us. Walter Clark Veneer Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. 17 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN JUSTICE IN ARKANSAS CITY How the Pioneer Settlers Resented Aspersions on Their Methods. "Somepm' 'pealS to be \\ 10n~ \\ Ith Joe TIa""ett the"e day', " said old man Gl eenhut, 100kmlS out thl ou~h the \\ m do", of his saloon m c\lkan"as City at a ~rou]J of men on t11e lev ee who :oeemed to he eXCIted "How do } ou mean") asked Jake \\ 111telbottom \\ lw was also lookmg- out, and seem eel mal e mtel e"ted m the domg"s outside than m \\ hat old man (,reenhut \1 a" "a\ m~ "I ham't seen but \I hat 1oe s dom' 'hout 1I1,.ehe al d\" doe" Long's he take" hi" rum an tObdCCO lei:', lal I lec!"on t am t nothm' ser ous ' "\Vell, thel e," 1epheel the olel man as 1\\ 0 01 the men m the g10Up drew ,\ capons "lmultaneou -h '1l1d began shoot111g while the othels hasttly \\ Ithdrew to a httle ehstance '\I auld n't you Just nachully look f01 Joe to be II~ht 111tOthat thel e scrap? J don't call to l11md no sel'ous au;\ ment 11 some consld'able spell hut what Joe \I as on hand "I done said man) tune 'v hat he \\ as the mo"t 1elta hIe man what we cd hay e f 1 Shellff, bem' he d al a\ '" "henl up m ca"c of an} dl"tUI bance, e\ U1 If he cltdn t stell t It Ill" 01\ n ",ell but here sa, al'able citizen ltahle fOI to cash m "lllldcn dl1Cl where's Joe") "Jim TInnkle} " do\\ n ,In' luelgln f 111 the 100L I "h d "ay most hkely Hank Parkel el got h1S man '1hat 11 mal,." three 't he's killed m"'lde of a year an' a half 'Peal" lthe th1" un \\ as d fair fight, an' ltkely thel e ,un t noth111 mOl e to 1x said but looks ltke \\ e'd oUi:','htel ha\ e mo' peace 111tO ,I c'mulllty ltke this here an' J oe'd oughtel be on hand am hO\l so's to make sure It's reg'ldl " "Oh, I don't kno\\,' ",ad -:\Ir 0\\ en Peppel Llheh Joe's somewhere, You can't 'xpect him to be e\er)\'Vhere all to oncet no mo' 'n you can anybody else" "That's Just It," said aIel man Greenhut, \I ho \\ as tou much intere"ted 111hlS 0\\ n tram of thought to 1chuke ,11 Pepper with hiS usual se\ ellt} 'You hadn't ought tOI to 'xpect no man to he e\ elywhele to oncet an' pealS hke Joe" tryin' to splead hlsself too much It he \las \\hele he d oughter be he wouldn't he whe1 e he 1'0 c.:.omeboeh cl ou~htu take Hdnk 1'01 tel 111chalge vll a'tel the 111quc"t ,m\ \\al "Likely Joe'll be '1011l1d some time thh e\ enm' an' he 11 tend to It," said Jim Dlal"dell "1 seen him lldm' a, el to the no'th 'long about noon hut 1 1eckon he Ivd'n t sta1 tm' un 1W Journey 'r else he'd "atel "omepm'" "Don't the \\ Iddel Hdnk" hI e U]J to the no th "ome IC" d"heel old mdn (Jleenhut \\ 1th (1111C\",lhp1uon "Sure cloe"," said Sam Peal :o,dl 1\lth ,1 g1111 "1 mough t 'a knowecl thel C was a woman to the bott( 1 on t," sale! the old man, 'hut I done ~n e Joe lJa,sett ClulJt f r mo' sen"e 'n to be took 111at h1" tUlle 0 lJfe ITa111t thc ,yldder Hanks been mal11ed tvvlcet a 1eady - "Three times," said Sam Peal sall, 1\ ho seemed to find the subject amus111g "Be111' a marned man) r 0\\ n "elf "aid old 111ap G1cen hut severely, "YOU'd oughter find S0111ep111bettel to do than to set there g-nnn111' 'Ion£; of a fl1end 0' \ onl n bem 1n Jlcl11 e,' the sa111C th111g If th1" hCle \\ldc1c1'~ fiat thc 'lab1t (\ mallY111 ltke yon "ay Joe \Ion t "tand no chan",t but llL onghter know enough not to run a tel hel If he'd stay to h0111e "he'd do the ll111n111 ,lu' 'n that, Ill' \\oltldn t be hable fer to be neglect111' hiS dnty when he's meded ' I'w thel cOin ersatlOl1 on thiS subject wa" "usptnded for the 1lm(' bCCdUC,Cof the cnil am e of 1VTl Parkel wltl1 llcllJ ,1 do/en of IllS fnends \\ ho scemed to feel that then recent ex-pe11ence necessItated the hbe' al use of some stlmulatn e re-stolatne TheIr mVltatlOn to those abeady m the room to ][111' them In thc quenchmg of thlrst was promptly accepted anc! olc! man (;1 eenhut hlb1ed himself m serv~ng them H0\\ come \ au an TIImkle) met up ltke you done?" he a"ked 'Ir Parkel pleasantl} " 'T\\ a'n t nothm' much fil ",t off," 'oa1d that \;entleman J 11111 dn' me \I d" mto d POkC1 £;amc last Saturday an' he was "0111C,,01 e, be111 as he lost consld'ahle of a \Yad 'Pears like he hac! hard teclm s f r me long 0' me wm11m' the most on it, an he tells one OJ t\lO what he wouldn't never set m agam II 1th me , 1 heel'd ot It an 0 C0111<,e 1 ast h1111when I seen him \\ holt the mea11ln \\ a" If he d ',l' sdld, gentle11lanbke, what he Jc!t hke hI" luch \\a n t good enough, lust nachullv that'd 'a' been all thel e v\ a:o to It, but he hemmed ,111' hawed a blt an' then sa, s he rec1,.oned he d1c!n't hay e to "a, why he said lt, "c 0' course the e \\ a n't but one th111g to do, more speCial as 111'-. tlleml" an' nn fllends \I as both thele to see what It was "culed 11~ht [\I 111"a\ f 1 Hllnkle, 't he didn't shirk a fight bnt he ,\ el e a leetle '-.10\\ 111the ellaw ' ,\ ell 0' C(1\.1"1e th' 1" th111gs what no man c'n put up \\ nh '-.dlClold man Crleenhut \\lth Judlclal £;rdvlty, "an' If \ uU tel! I\hat B1111kle} \la" Cd"t111' dl"pehlO11s onto yO' play 111!r1,I ~dme 0 pokel peal <, ltke It sho' \\ dS needful for to -]j()( t but T "ec they Ie a-b1111gm of hl111111hele, an' s'long's th am t 110 (OJ onel 111tal', n T reckon J 11 ha, e to hold a in-qne" t Be111 as \ on done thiS ShOOt111'I'll have to ast you to -t,l\ t111 It" helt ,w then I'll b111d ,011 over for the Gland rnl \ 'Thu C \I ('n t be no b111d111'done to me," saId Mr Parker c1efianth not 11 the bo)'s'lI stand Ly me I won't stand for to be tIed up b\ nobod) " HIS fnends assUl ed hlm v oClferously that they would ",tand bv him, and old man Greenhut assured h1111as soon as he could be heal d that no 111chgnlty was contemplated ra111 t noth111' bnt a fOlm 0' fictIOn what the law re- ([UllC- he '-.,ud '\11 s I'll do lS to make a note what you ~lec t01 t() appedl dtOlC the (Jland JUly \\hen yOu're wanted fha"" \I hdt the la\\ "a, s t yOU must" Oh, \I ell, It that" the la\\ an'the am't no tYln' up to be (11d J 111,l~l ee,lble "alCI '[I Parl,e1 plea"antly, and he called I(J1 ,lllothu 10und oj c1lmk", 111c!uchng m h1s 1l1Vltdt10n the tlllnd", of \fl B1mklc, \lho came m beanng hiS rema111S \ite1 they had all (11 nl1k to~ether amlLabh the 111quest \\ a", held ,llld '[I 1',11ku \' a" duly held all hl'" O\Yll 1eco£;- 11/'11ec 1111, bU11" deuJmph"hed old 111all (,1 eenhut "d1d ) (11 lId" "pcdkm' ol d ~d111Cof (haw poker II hat yO 1 an' the dl"'ed",ecl \\ d" "dUI1 III ,It Ill') (11 111uch of a pl'1) e1")' , I \ ollldl1 t ~( "0 fm d" to '-.d\ tlut" "aid \11 l'a' kel 1101 'e"tll , 'hut I Cn mo"t gen ly hold mv o\~n mto d game" , Hc II come \ 011 11dlll t l1e, e1 cOll1e 'round here to play")" lllr"'htecl the old mall '] he ho}" l1a~ a >;ame III the 1,lch- 100111 it e([uent ' \\ ell "a1d ,II T'alkel, "omewhat emhallassed, "1 rec- LOll lllehhe the he"t \\a\ I c n put 1t 1" for to say what my 1, e1, ,1111 t t"tn good \\hen I'm playm' wlth wllat v('u might c,dl e, lCIj, an they tell 1,1e \\ hat "0111e 0' ,au un:o 1" COll- '1<1,lhlc ,1,I1led [ 1CC \011 II h'lt \ ( u d lJettel jJnt that the L d lcetle h1t pLll11l1 "'lId I'l\c \\ llltelhottom \\lth gleat deltbel<ltlOn '"'( unc1" ,,0111eItke 1\hat, on \\ as SdY111't TInnkle) was "aym' I htl e ~ ot he1" he"le!c" } ou \\ hat won't stand f r no dlsper- ",1011'-. hem c,l"ted ol1to the11 "tylt 0' pld} " 111 ,1111'tno c,lll l I } Oil to he "0 hell 1Odl111hd"ty, J ak('," WEEKLY ARTISAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER II II I~-- SAWED APJD SLICED l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS rAN D MAHOGANY e,ald ]un DlalsdelI 111 a concIlIatory tone "'Tam't lIkely the gent has no such meamn' as you're tabn' He done shovvcd d few mmucb ago vvhat he'd I uther fight nor take a msult, an' bem' as he\ wllIm' to fight he'd speak plaIn enough If he had th' Idee 0' gn mg any of VI e uns a msult "1 take It," contmued Blal"delI "what he's afedr'd 0' pldyllU( wIth them ~lVhat ondel stan de, the game "You needr.'t to take It what I'm afear d 0' nothm'," e:Acldlmed J\Ir J'alkel dngnl} ,. fhen th' aIn't Ilothm' to ptl\ellt you 1111'0 f m helVln' a ~d1llC lIght no\\, If all} on } e " cb"posed to 'pla},' "dld the old mall Greenhut gcttlng out the card" alld clupe, wIth great promptnes" "I ham't e,ald nothm' dbout pld} m 'now," saId \11 Pal-ker, "an' I am't one to be devIled into dom' nothm 't I don't want to do" "That's right," "aId BlaIsdell "If the gent IS afear'd to play th' ain't no use 0' tIym' to make hun Gleenhut" But Mr Pal kel declared agam wIth profane emphasis that he wa" afraId of nothmg dncI nobody, and to prove it \vhen he saw \\Tmterbottom and Pearsall slllllm~ contempt-uou'ily he followed the party mto the hack room and bought. ChIp" Bas"ett bemg ab"ent only thlee of the home partv sat at the table, but Palkel dnd a fnend of hI" lumed Bate" took the fOUlth and fifth "edh and one Hathavv a}, \\ ho had been of the IIImkley pal ty oUhlde took the e,IAth '1 d kmcl 0' lIke to take It outen Hank Palku "ol1le\\ay ]'1 \Ilut he clone to Dnnk Ju"t novv,' he "aId III a e,tage Wll1"- pel to alloth(l Illdn \dw "talted to ICIlIUIl'itJate WIth hl111 \1eantlmc, It I" lHopu to c:Aplam the 'cmam" oj the LIte III Bnnkle) hMI bcen tdken .1\\ e1\ h) the locdl undeItakel The game \Va" al1<l1?ged de, table e,tdkee, and each man toot $'10 m chIps de, a 'ital tel There \1 3e, no gl edt Che,POSltlOll ::,ho" n to make It a con \ el e,atlOnal gan1 e, but on the conb ary each of the pIa} els seemed deeply Intent on the stuel, of hIS calde, There \'Vas m LIlt a genelal ul1preS"lOn In the com-mt1111ty that "Ir Dnnldey \\ ould ha' e been Ju"tlfied m speak-mg e\ en more plaml} than he clId to J\II Parker, and the home part) pIa} eel cautloue,lj at fil ::,t, bemg anXIous to knovv 1f he hael anv "peclaltles m hIS gdl11e \' one appeared for a tIme Oil the contrary J J\Ir Heltlu way, \\ho had 110 great leputdtloll ae, e' player and wa" un- \Van enou~h to h~iIay hIS pel'-onal enmltl hy hI" mdnnel, "Ull cedecl III gettlllg thl ee gO( d SIzed pots from \Ir l\l1ker 1Il"lde of half an hour and openly exulted in hIS sucu"s \ rr Pal kel, ho\\ elt I, pIa} ed on Impel tUI Lably, and even II h Cll he had 10"t Ill" fi1 -. t "tack and had bou!?,h t another he ~holl cd no \ eX,ltH)Il Hath('l It 1111/<hthdve been suppo::,ed that 19 ..III, II III IIIII I III I I,II ..._---._. --_.._--- -.. . DETROIT, MICH. HOTEL NORMANDIE CONGRESS STREET Near Woodward Avenue Amencan Plan, $2 50 per Day and upwards, European Plan, $ J 00 per Day and upwards, Hot and Cold Runmng Water m all Rooms, Rooms WIthBath extra. !II II I... A High Grade Cafe. Restaurant and Buffet In connecbon GEORGE FULWELL, Proprietor. he vvas Vvaltlllg hIS tllne WIth the full expectatJOn of gettl11g square w1th somebody Then IS seemed as If the tllne had come Thel e was a Jackpot, and he sat to the left of Pearsall who dealt and who vvas not credIted vvIth any speCIal skIll 111 dealIng Ha\ IIlg the first say, l\1r Pa1ker passed WIthout looklllg elt hI" cal d" The othel s ulldel e,tood hI::' motlye of course, dnd knew a::, well as he dlCI that he would I eap no advan-telge unless he happened to have a stroni!,' hand \\ IIltel bottom, who had the next '3eat, opened the pot fOl the Sl/l of It, vvl1lch was $6 Bates pds"ed, BlaIsdell stayed, ILatha\\ ay rahed It $0 and Pear"all dropped bringlllg It up to Pdrker, who then lIfted hIS hand and looked at it They could not tell anythlllg by hIS exprC::,SlOn, but he counted out $18 III clup'3 and shoved them forvvard, maklllg a second raISe so that the ll1dlcations VI, as clear that he had struck luck or was blufflni!,' strongly vYll1terbottoll1 heSItated a moment but traIled Then BlaIsdell, who had nothll1g, but who saw that he might be useful to \iVll1tel bottom, put up hIS money Hathaway raised It $25 Parker \1' dS "tIll Immo\ ed and he pushed hIS whole stack fon, ard makll1Q, a ral "e of $10 Cll $12, and of course con-cIudmg ll1S pal t m the bettll1Q,' \V111terbottom, who had heen a W111nel up to that tune, put up enough to see the double ral"e but IVent no fl1lthel aile! Dlal::,dell dropped Then ITathaIVay, "eell1g that hIe, enemv's pIle wa::, all 111, looked 0\ el at \1 I11terbottom's Seel11~ a ~oodly numbel of chip,; there he looked a £;alll , thl'3 tIme at 1\ I11telbottom's face C:;ol11ethm~ that he ::,aw there gel\ e lum pell1se, and aftel "tudy Ill£.;el bIt he thl ew dO\iVnhIS Cdl ds On thc dldW both men "tood l1c1t, dOli 11 el <iUlen iull II Ith a confident elll l\ el, shook lu" head "'Ta111t no good," he "alel bnefl) , and "howed fom -.eY1l1S and Pdl kel '-howecl \vTlIlterbottom, how 1\11 I'a1kel::, face d1d 110t change, but he lO:-.e flOm the tdble "I reckon I hal11't no call to pIa) pokel 111tOthIS C1owd," he "aId and started to lea\ e the room "Hold on there I" ::,ald \v lIlterbottom "Be111' as you're "0 p tIc'lar about what''3 "aId 0' yom game I'll Just trouble ) 011 TO "ay that e,Ollle plal11el, "ame's you done to Brinkley" "\0 offence," said l'cl1l\er unglacJOusly, "I a111t lookmg t'r 110mo' Shootlll '3crapes, not to-day T don't mean noth111' " "1\ ell," Sdlel old man (JI eenhut a" he left the room, "belll , dS hI::' comb" clone been cut lIke It has I reckon Hank Parker won't "hoot IHJ 1110' ntl/ens f'l ::,Ol11etlll1e 'Pears lIke he',> clone clIoppcc1 hIs telll" 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,~_ - _. , ._--- ------ - - - ---- --_._-----.-. -- ------ -------------------_--.... ~------------------- ---------_. lRAILROADS PLEAD --NOT GUILTY" Declare That They Suffer From High Prices While Freight Rates Are Lower. j\s a refutatIOn of tbe cbal g e madc b, f!w111as \ \ La II "on and otbels that the lal1lOacb ale lalgel) lC~POI1~lhlc 101 the hIgh prices of pro' 1"1011.0 and othu commmhtle~ I epl e~Ul-tatn e~ of a numbel of ea"tel n roach ha' c I~"ued the 10110\\ 1I1g statement· "At a time when dctlve effOlt;;, ale be1l1g made to fi'\. thc le;;,pon~lbi1lty for hlghel prices, It should bc mdde plal11 thdt the ral1road" ha' e not 111 any v'dy been re"pon~lblc tOl the 111- crea"e m the co~t of In mg The) ha' e been the 'Ictlm~ ()! lugh prices wIthout benefit1l1g flam thcm at all "ThIs statement IS not one 01 opmlOn-lt hone 01 ldCt supported by the officIal figures of the llllted States Gm crn-ment If beef, or pork, or flour. or an) othel commodlt' costs more now than It cost 10 year:o ago not e, en thc tl ac-tion of a cent of the mcrease can be charged to tl an:opOI tatlUn "The figures gathered by the Interstate Commel ce Com mission show that the level of freIght rates has dec1med steadtly In 1897 It cost less than four-fifths of a cent to shIp a ton of freight one mtle, 11 years later, in 1908, the ton-ml1e rate was still lower, bemg about three-quarter~ 01 a cent "Bradstreet's index numbers for 96 commodltle" ~hm, that the increase in the prices of these commodIties, on the average, from Jan 1,1890 to Jan 1,1909, \\a:o 21-1- per cent If freight rates had mcreased dUring the same pCrlod at thh ratio, the gloss freight receIpts fOl the yeal endcd T11I1C30 1908, would havc been $243,536,407 gl eatcI thdl1 thc) <lct11dlh were "Tbl" sum leple;;,en1">, thcn, ,\11dt II a" ~alul to thc ]ll1hhL in tran"portation COSls by leason of the pllCC ut tldn"pOltdtlun not ad, ancmg along \\ Ith othu pIlLe" "WhIle rates have dec1med, the pllCC ol elel}tlun~ tlldl a ratlroad b11yS has advanced, so that the net c<lIlllng~ al e C11t into from both ends PeriodIcal advance~ 111 I' age, hd I C brought about a large mcrease in the cost ot lahOl The total cost of fuel for the country's ratlroads was 208 pel cent gTeatel in 1907 than m 1897, though freight traffic 111CI ea~ed onh 1-1-8 per cent, and passenger traffic only 126 pel cent "RaIlroads are heavy purchasers of e, er) th111g on the market, from steel to butter, and no corporatIOn or mdlvldual is more affected by a rise m price than a I allroad company A DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. LARGEST "QUALITY" LINE of 1 DOUBLE CANE ~ LEATHER J MISSION CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. ------ _. -- ----_._.---_._..-_-------__--a-••---__---- --._-' ~ tell "peclmen mcreases smce 1897, 111 the prices of things the companle" h<l\ e to buy, are as follows Lead pipe, 55 per cent y cllm, pIDe, 85 per cent; hemlock, 102 per cent, window g-lass, 27 pel cent, cut natls, 62 per cent; common locks, 140 PCI cent steel door knobs, bronze plated, 171 per cent These <lie onh a fell e'\.dmples Illustlatne of the general movement." Selling Timber From Government Lands. \ statement J11~t rece1\ ed from the forest servIce office at l'Ottland, Ole, "ho\\s that the timber sdlc busmess on na tlOt1<\1fOt e~ts m the PaCIfic n01 thwest IS mcreasing very 1 clj)ldh Thh 1I1Uea"e IS regarded as an mdex of the re- 11\ al of h11"mes:o m the lumber mdustry generally and shows cd-0 thc g 1m, mg use of )J a tlOnal Forest resources by the pubhc The contrast betvI een the amount and value of timber ~uld dlllm~ the last SIX months of 1909 and that sold during thc COlIe'ipond111g period m 1908 IS very marked The fig-llle, dlC tOI mo:ot of the natIOnal f01(sts in Oregon and Wash- 1I1gton, and they ;;,hovv timber sales of over 52 million feet, lor nearly $114,000, dUring the last six months of 1909. This compare;;, vvlth sales of dbout 17 ml11l0n feet, for a total of $27000, dUring the same period in 1908 The local officers of the department al e very m~lch plea"ed \\Ith the fact that the demand for national fore~t tlm bel IS mu ca 'illlg so deCIdedly The prospects for the comlllg SIX months are I egarded as promising even better than "hat has becn I ealtzed III the period just past It is claimed that thl~ lllcrccblllg Umber sale busllless opens the way to maEa£;cment of the natIOnal fOIests along the best ltnes, by pel1111ttlllf; the I emm al of ovcl-matured and decadent ttmber 1\ lllc h ha ~ pI dctlCdll I comc to a stand stIll m p01nt of growth, dnd dllo\\ lll~ replacement of these ttces WIth a fully "tocked ~ldll(l uj lclJlHlh ~10"lllg young trees Grand Rapids Furniture Leather. Ddhm &.. Klelcr, tanners of Grand RapIds, who added a ltll111tUIe leathel department last fall have made a pleasing ~ucce~:o of the ,cnture They dress goat and sheep skins col0t111g them a" de"11ed by upholsterers who apprecIate the dClvantdgc of be1l1g db Ie to obtain the supply of leather at home C:;ofal the film have had no dIfficulty 1ll dIsposing of theIr output, the qualtty of whIch IS equal, If not better, than that of leather ordered from eastern tanners at SImilar prices WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 RETAIL FURNITURE ADVERTISING Conducted by H. H. STALKER. Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to Offer Any Suggestions and Helps Which They Believe Will Be of Benefit to Others. This Department Aims to Be of Practical Sel"vice. Help Us to Make It So. How al e the ads pullmg? Got started on that booklet yet? Those new cuts are an improvement, aren't they? Don't you find that folks pay more attention to your wmdow displays, since you began to give them more atten-tIon? Have you rearranged your floor dIsplays lately? Kmd 0' freshel1'3 up a store to change the furniture oc-casional1y. Try it Herewith IS :-,hown one of the best "general publicIty" "ads" of "mall S17e that I have seen in a good whIle The heading IS bold and attractive and at once catches the home mterest "Your home" are two magIc words to most folks, for nearly everybody IS mterested m a home. While this ad IS good, It might have been strengthened by a specific sug-gestlOn or two together wIth pnce. ~&6e 30 ome Should be the brightest n cst! omehke home you k 0 v of I'llU Have bought anythmg new to br gh en It up? your home IS 1I1 a rut-needs a fe v bnghteners to make It more COs) .and cornior able The Heyman Store lS full of sugge"tJans for makmg 1t a more attractn e horn", Fifty years expenence tn n akmg nevI-homes and bnghten mg up old homes make<; )t tl e logIcal store to go to EverytIung for the home "EYMAN COMPANY 4761 CANAL STR~fT A good many furniture houses. are planning on a Febru-ary Clearance Sale. Suppose you try a full page "ad" as a starter. Have a special headmg made, or select one from the bulletins of stock cuts whIch reach you from time to time. Then write the strongest, most convincing and in-teresting opening paragraph you can flame, and follow with good cuts, brief descripttons and bold pllces of say, ten or fifteen bargams Arrange these so that each WIll stand out clearly and use lIberally of white space. Get COpy in early, have the newspaper submIt proof. Then go over it carefully Improving the appearance in every way possible. This will give your sale a tremendous impetus right from the start, a good start is half of any race Back this ad up with the goods, cauttous treatment, tactful suggestions and lively interest- Ing smaller ads as the sale progresses, and you'll vote the Lhmg a big succes::, when its all over. A very successful plan follO\,\ed by many furmture men and one not by any means new, IS that of watching the papers for birth, marnage and new arnval announcements. For each class a form letter IS prepared. For 1I1stance when a marriage lIcense is announced, a courteous and cordIal letter IS sent to the pair, inviting them to the store and mentlOning a few items calculated to inter-est. The letter to new atrivals m town deals with the matter from the standpoint of the needs hkely to arise-furniture broken or marred in being shipped and of pieces needed to properly fill out the new home. BIrth records are filed and at the right time a letter is sent call1l1g attentlOn to cribs and baby carriages. These things take time and attentlOn, but I have yet to find the dealer who dlscontmued the practIce after once begin-n1l1g it A very common practice in department stores and in-deed in many others is that of advertising a special or leader which is sold at little or no profit and is designed primarily to get people into the store. I believe this could be worked out better in the furniture business and more often than it is. For instance, get a quantity of some reasonable priced novel-ty and advertise it for a certain day, arrange them in a part of your store that will allow of grouping other attractive articles near by. Suppose you have a kitchen cabinet near at hand or a davenport bed, or any special or advertised article WIth good selling joints easily and quiCkly made. Have all these things conspiciously displayed and your salesmen dnl1ed. Then when the people come in for the cheap special, it will require no great amount of tact to interest them in the other things By laying your plans carefully splendid results will follow. Start looking up some good leaders. Get the people in your store Then make your talk so convmcing that they'll save some of their money When a salesman persuades a ~ oman to mvest in worthless thmgs he hasn't much to be proud of But in persuading her to invest m furniture you are doing her a service This thought should add strength to your sales talk Coroners May HSitH on Fires. Attorney-General O'Malley of New York has advised the superintendent of insurance of that state that the laws enacted in 1909 give authonty to a coroner, sheriff or deputy sheriff to summon a JUIy whenever It is made to appear by the affidavit of a credltble witness that there IS glound to believe that any bUlldmg has been mahclOusly set on fire or attempted to be and the coroner, shenff or deputy sheriff is requested in wntmg by the presIdent, secretary or agent of any msurance company or by two or more reputable freeholders to investi-gate the truth of such belief The state furnishes an ex-peditious method of making inqUIry into facts and circum-stances relatmg to a fire beheved to be of an incendiary origin. 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN rLentz Big Six III , I, I, I,,, ,,,I , I i ----_...,~------.. .- -------------------.....----------- -------------------------------------------~_ ...... III IIII ,, II ,I IIII I '-----_. .. - -----------------------------------------------------------~ No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687. 60 in. top. Others 54 m. top. 8 Foot Duosty/es ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MI.cHIGAftv Items From the Michigan Artisan, Sept., 1880. Mr Phelps of Phelp-, &- Brad<.,ilLet. \Il11neapoh.., )<.,pL,C mg orders \\Ith our manutaLtl1leI'o E G Pdrtndg-e, a ,ett>lan dealel at ]amL"tU\\n " \ 1" laymg m hI." first stock of Grand Rapids tm nltUI e Several carloads of furmture \\ 111be 'oll1pped to 101edo ,n the near future, a:o the 1esult of the, hIt ot B \Iel1ll1t~ C M. Plum of San f'ranCl"co \\ ho e;c11~the plOcluCh at the Berkey & Ga} and the Phoem'( rurl1ltm e Lompan\ b cl 1ecent arnval Weaver & Son have opened a "taLk of (;1and RapId" furmture ln LockpOJ t, ~ Y Thc firm came hel e dnd pm-cha<., ed the same J M :V[eneffe of ~Ie,(lco, \10. \\ ho 1" 111Granel RapJd.., for the first tIme, has ~n en hI" a ppi 0\ al tu the "'La~un " "t\ It" and workmanship. F Stukenborg of C111unnatJ \iJ I"ee\ llle nl I"lt'\ 111e&- "\Vapplee;. Kansas CIty and !\ D Seaman of Seamdn & Co , ::YIllwaukee, are bu} 111g hberalh John L "\Vm:oton ,\ho ha.., lecenth engagecl 111the sale of fmnlttlre 111Lynchburg-. Va, "talted fJ~ht 1)\ pm Lba"llU? I11s Imtlal stock m Gland RapJCls ~Ir Cooper of Cooper & Hammond. \\ ho e;ell tm mturc to the prospeiOUS farmel e; of 10\\ a fI om then lar~c stOl e J1, OUunnva, IS here The "t}les ha\e \\on hIe; adl1111atJon and he wl11 purchase Grand Rapid" furllltUIL laigeh hCle3.1tel ~1r One;on, the hghtJ1Jng-hke bu\ CI tor tht ~1edt hou"e of Abernathey, Xorth & OJJson Kan"a" Clh h \\ alk1l1g through the warelOoms and keepmg the salesmen Jumpmf; 111 theIr efforts to note hI." ordel s a" fast as he calls out hlS :oelectlOns The veteran Colonel c\bernathe\ of Lea\ e11\,01th, Kan"a,., \'\ ho bu} S hlS <;tock fOI the 10\\ est pllce:o conceele,l to an} man in the vvorId, IS placin~ heavv orcIels FJHeen cadoads of chaIrs IS a smgle ordel placed V\ ith the Grand RaplcIs Chall company The colonel injects actlvltv mto the malket when-evel he comes here Mr Avery of Comstock & A.vel) PeoJJa, III . :;\11 Ell cIreth of Holton & Hildreth, Chicago, Loui,., OttenacI of St Louis, A Bamhelger of Chicago, MI Johnson of Jackson- Ville, Ill. \"\ H Clal k of Decatul, M1Ch , E C Ransom of GJIbelt, Ransom & Knapp Jacke;on. ~[lch , Chdlle" Jackson of Corunna, :lVflCh,]\,Ir KreIsel at /\.It:-,t111, 1 exas, :'vIr South-ard of Southard & Pratt, Toledo, MI. Morton of Perk1l1s & 'II Ul1on, PULblo, '\ D Mal,11 of CUOpCIS\ llle; J B Eastmgs nt La Gl ang e 0 and r A Eckelsfels of Flfe Lake are m the un 1)11\me, fur11ltUl e for stocks (,eOlge r \\ eeb of Baldwm & \'Veeks, Akron, 0, partl-upated ll1 the late tnennlal conLla, e of the Klllghts Templdr. )n U11cagu ,mu then came to Grand Rapld<; to purchase goode; John Rett111g of Rettmg & Son, who sell large quantItIes ell turn ltUl e 111the Creen Mountam state ,at the Clty called I\ldttleboro h 111 the malket Mr Rettmg 13 paY1l1g hIS first \ l~Jt to G' ,111dRapids but has found <;0 many artIcles smtahle I II 11h t1,U!c that he I" purchas1l1g- hberally Lesson From a Fire. [he \ rll1ker", ~ Y. Herald, commentmg on the file \ ha 1 Lan "'ed a loss of SSO,OOO m th3.t Clty on February 3, fhe fil e m a e;t01e loom of the Smlth Cal pet company p 0\ t-, uJl1cln"n el) that there ale fir~ proof bulldmgs, wlllch 11cl11} ha, e doubted And It serves to plOve hkewlse that mal1\ fire plOof bUJldmgs may be deCIdedly dangerous unless pl l)pel h \ entJlated [he le""on of that fil e <;hows moreover that the need of dl! ect wnnectlon between aU the cIty's large bmldings and hI e heaclqudl tel:-, IS hke\\ lse a necessIty But as to the fire plCJot b11l1dl11g" It 1:0 \'Yell known that conllete Wlll not hUII1 Dut l! on and :o.teel girders wl11 yield under a suffiClent de~l ee nf hedt Concrete walls wlll stand, of course, but they ha, e not succeeded m perfectJng concrete gl! ders yet, to st3.Dd the stram The fire m a very shOl t tIme destroyed many thousand dollal S \\ 01 th of <;tock, but had the hUJlding been more or le<.,e;mftamll1ahlc constl uctIOn the loss Vv ould have undoubt-edh I eachul the hundl eds of thousands Handled by One Firm. ~ con cspondent of the MichIgan Artisan at Baltimore, \\ JJtmg unclel elate of August 10, 1880 gave the following in-iOlmiltJon m legal d to the sale of Grand Rapids ftllniture in that cIty , KhppCl, \Vebster & Co are 1ecen mg larg e quantities of furlllture from the factones of Grand Rapids This lS the only firm that handles Grand Rapids furl1Jture 111 tl11s Clty and their business lS large and profitable." WEEKLY ARTISAN Brisk Demand for Carpets. All repolh from the east agree that the cunent featme m the cal pet and rug market I" the 1mprO\ ement m demand for three-qualtel" gOOl]-., It \va" ])('lle\ ul that the earl) hea\ y sales of rugs \\ auld rest! Ict demand for carpet.., On the cont!al}, a steady ImpIO\ ement I" shown DuplIcate orders dre comlJ1g steadIly Jl1 spite of pnce advance~ on pnn-cipal hnes Selhng agents expres::, much ::,aU"factlOn ov er the bu"i-ness lJ1crease, and are SUIpnsec1 at the early heavy c1uphcate orders IVlthdlawals of both carpet and lug lme') ha\ e been numelOUS In some quarters t\\o-thuds of the hnes "ho\\n at the openmg have been wIthdrawn, and mother quartel,) full} one-half PromlJ1ent sellmg a~ent::, state that the wIth-drawal" ale posltl\ e II hen Ii I" crmsHlerec1 that pnces hay e been advanced two or tllJ ee tIme') "mce the opeDln~ uf the season, the fact that these lme.., hay e been sold up "how:o that trade has been exceptIOnally good Demand from the 1\ est has been unu"ually heavy and busme')s m that ::,ectlOn seem" to be e'(cellent The south has also taken large quantities, and duphcate orders from that qualter are heavy At present there is a strong demand from the south for three-quarters carpets of vanous descnp-tions Tapestnes and wlltons have been favored, and buyels have expressed ch..,appolJ1tment at the \\lthdrawal of certam of the most popular patterns m these Cel tam 111111swhICh have not made pnce advances as } et are expected to do so soon as they are repOl ted to be heaVIly sold up, dnd theIr raw matellal to be practically exhau~ted Supphes of new carpet \v ool Will cost from 3 to 4 cents per pound more than last year, and It IS hardly pos"lble that these mIlls can tU1"n out ham new wools at pnces now pre- Each Net vailing Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet company report duphcate spnng busll1ess exceptlOnally hea\ y The most notICeable 1J11pJOvement is on three-quarters ~oods, such as tape"tnes, Wilton" and axmmsters The carpet sale::, smce the season opened ha \ ~ ')hown a mal ked lJ1crea"e 0\ er la')t yeal. and \\ Ith duphcate order, "tl1l c0111mg the I e')ults for the season WIll, It I" expected, break recolds fOI four or five sea:oons An Important Infringement Case. The Seeger Refngerator company has started SUIt m the federal court at St Paul, "0.1mn, agamst the vv hlte Enamel Refngerat01 company askll1g damages for mfnngement on patent nghts. etc The complamant-. a::,k that a permanent 111J unctlOn be Is..,ued forbldd111g the IVhlte Enamel Refnger-dtl r company to manufactu1 e refngeratol ~ made accord111g to the L\me~ patent, that an account111g be I eqmred ::,how111g what profit.., the company has made from the manufacture and sale of these refngerators, and that Judgement in that amuunt be rendered 111 favor of the Seeger company. The court granted a temporary restra1l11l1g order and WIll take lesilmony on the ments of the case at a heanng on a motion £01 dlSsolutlOn of the wnt The proceed1l1gs are based on the allegation that the Ames patent, under whIch the liVhlte Enamel company have heen manufactunng and sell1l1g refngerators for about eight } ears, IS an 1l1fl1l1gement on the Quinn patent. owned by the Seeger conlpany. The complainants estimate that under the ~\mes patent the vVhlte Enamel company have manufactured and sold 15,000 raIlroad car refrigerators at a profit of $40 on each car, and 75,000 household refngerators, at a profit of $15 on each, mak1l1g a total profit of $1,715,000 SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis $2~ $2~ Each Net 23 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS Pitcairn Varnish Company Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality Our Motto: "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" C H Bauer, "old his furmtu1 e store at Bethany, :'10, to E. W Prentiss P H Schwek, furniture dealer of Tama, Iowa, has sold out to Cochrane & Plumb. E 1'\ Schlager, furmture dealer ha" mo\ ed from Ro::,- alia to VVenatchee, \Vash Roberts & Son, undertake1 s of Sterlmg, .l\ ebr , ha\e sold their busmess to Zink Bros Sweet & BIggs of Grand RapId..., hay e moved theIr up-holster) plant to Allegan, :'hch The Johnson Furmture and Hardy\ are company of Flu-vanna, Tex, has been chssoh ed. Henry Kahn succeeds the ZImmerman & G1ay Fur11lture company, dealers at Racine, vVis. Wtlham \VIlltams has purchased the furniture business of Alfred Johnson at Deerfield, W 1S B. Gold, furn1ture dealeI of Vi. elch, \V ,-a, \\ 111open a branch store at Red Gramte, same state The Pnor rurmture company, dealers of Dem e1, Colo, ha" been inc01 po rated CapItal stock, $5,000 O. E Perry, fm11lture deale 1 of Alban}. Ore, h 1eported as closing out hIS stock, \\ 1th the mtent10n of engagll1g 111 the busmes" 111some othe1 to\\ n m that state The Harry II Sm1th, company furmture dealer., ot Lh na Ohio, have mcorporated Cap1tal stock, 5;50,000 G \V. and G E Meyers of Cheshire, Conn, hay e been granted a patent on a "combmat1On article of fm mtm e ' Ha"eltme & Gordon hay e purchased the e,ce1s10l manu-factunng plant of Charles S ~ esm1th at :'lcrnmack. '\ H W H Peden of Fredencksburg, \- a, b rebl\1ld111g hI" excelsior works that were recently totally destroyed by fire The \V1lham Abel & Sons compan), deale1 s m house-furmsh111gs, of Cle\ eland, O. hay e mcorporated Cap1tal stock, $25,000 Gomp1echt & Benesch, furmture deale1" ot Dd1t1l1l0re, Md, have purchased the stock of then compet1to1 s Juhus H111es & Sons The Athens (Ga) Mattless and Bed Sp1mg compam are conside1 ing inducements offe1 ed for the remo\ al of then plant to Cordele, Ga S. W. Dobson succeeds the Burnham FurmtUl e com pan} , dealers at BIsbee, A1 i7 He owns the buildmg m \\ h1ch the store is located. The K1el Furmture company is bUlldmg t\\O add1t1Ons to the plant, in 111h\ aukee-a bOIler 100m and a storage house, each to cost $10,000 The liab1hties of the Eagle Furniture compan) of Lexmg- ....... .. ............ _a_ __ .. .. C. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't. Ira. • • •• - •••• • •• - ----_. _.---~----------.-------------_._---------_ .... Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J. ton, ~ C, \\ h1ch recently \\ ent into the hands of R. F. Dal-ton as 1ecen er m bankruptcy are scheduled at a little more than $100,000, assets, $85,000 C R Van Marter, H M Maus and W, H. Poulson have orgd111zed the Kmgman Undertaklllg company, capitalized at $15.000, to take 0\ er the business heretofore conducted by Mr. ,-an :'Iartel at Klllgman, Ariz :'Ia1 qual dt & Zarbel, furniture dealers and undertakers of Oshkosh, \Y1o" hay e dlsolYed partnership. Mr. Zarbe! 1 etmng R E :i\1arquardt will continue the business under the name of il1arquardt & Co The plant ot the ~cme :l\1anufacturing company of Pitts-burg Pa, recently burned, is bemg rebuilt. Heretofore they hay e manufactUl ed \\ ooden specialties, but will put in suitable machmery and may give more attention to furniture in the future Offic1als of the Gold Medal Camp Furniture cbmpany of Racme, \\ IS . a1 e repOl ted as saying that the mam reason for the recent mcrease m then capital stock from $60,000 to S300,000 IS then mtent10n to establIsh a factory in Ontario, and thus "get 0"\ er or under" the Canadian tariff wall The Bass Brothers company, department dealeis of Grif-tm Ga, held the1r annual meeting on "groundhog" day, made all "tockholders dIerctors and declared a div1dend of 100 per cent on the pa~t ) ear's bu..,mess The stock is owned by H. H Bass, J L Bass, B H Moore, B C. Randall, W. T Scott and il1lSS Kate Camp, J R Thaxton is manager of the furni-ture department Firm Dissolved-Name Retained. The firm of McManus Bros , of Eltzabeth, N. J , was dis- "nh ed b} mutual consent on February 10 Walter McManus buy mg h1s brother's interests and contmuing the business un-der the same firm name (McManus B10s) The workmg capItal of the busmess rema1l1S intact and the management the same as 1t has been for several years past. The bus111ess \\ as e"tabltshed by \JYalter McManus and John J. O'Ne111 in 1882 as :'IC}1anus & O'Neill, in 1885 Joseph McManus was admItted as a partner and John J O'Neill retiring. The stores are well appointed and very spacious, and command a good suburban trade as well as quite some following on Staten Island, New York. Marquetry was used unsucceessfully as an ornament for furmture by the manufacturers of Grand Rapids thirty years ago. It d1d not please the buyers. Carvings in plenty were in demand 111that year. __ ••• Fa •••••••• ........ __ _._.., Manufacturers of WEEKLY ARTISAN DEATH OF DAVID W. KENDALL Another Prominent GrandRapids Furniture Man-ufacturer Answers a Sudden Summons. Da'Id II Kendall who dIed m the CIty of \Iexlco on Feblualy Ib, wa" born 111the clt) of Rochester, NY, 111 October 1851 He learned the cab1l1et makers' art 111 111'; tather s ..,hop 1111111edldtely after leav1lJ~ school and early e,mced a talent for drawmg and pa111t1l1g It 1" 'oald that dUllng hIS noon hours at the shop, when a )outh, he vvould sketch figure" or callcatures Up011 the bottoms of bureau drawers or odd bIts of wood and that he cra, ed that In- DAVID W KENDALL "UudlOn 111the tIne al h \\ hlLh 11l latel } eal " he "vas able to ohtam ~Ir ~enddll wa,', be"t kncmn on account of hI" lon~ ..,enlce 11l the fur111ture tIdde HI;, fir;,t employment "va" "Ith the \I ooton De..,k com pan} at Inehanapoli", I nd ~ man named IVooton had mvented t\\ a speCIaltIes m office desk, but wa.., unable to perfect them mecha111call} HIS 1I1ventlOn ante-elated the roll top or curtam desk now generally u"ed In mechanICS .J,II Kendall was a natmal ge111us and when the sample de",ks \\ el e placetl before hIm he mstinct!vely found the ImpelfectIon.., and Cjlllckly remedIed the "ame Mr Ken-dall deSIgned the \I ooton desks aftel \\ aul and theII sale \\a;, Hly 1,Llge Y\ OOt011faIled In 1873 dnd :Ur Kendall then laund emploYl11tnt '\Ith all ardlltect named Shdhan, 11l ChI-CdgO, \\here he de\ eloped great abIlIt} d,', a c1raughtsman \Vllllc su engaged he attlactcd the attentIOn of the late 25 John T Strahan, supenntendent of the Phoenix Furniture company, who engaged 111m to come to Grand RapIds, and enter the employ of the company a'i an aSsIstant de;,igner HIS 1 eSIdence 111Grand RapIds dated back to 1879 and wIth the exceptIOn of two years ;,pent wIth Carlton L Beardslay 111DetrOIt and three years wIth the Berkey & Gay Furniture company, his tIme and talents were devoted to the welfare of the Phoenix Furniture company As a deSIgner Mr Kendall was resourceful and origmal, u"ually in advance of the trade and the tImes. Many of hIS productIOns were so mentonous that he deserves such recog-nItIOn as has been conferred upon Sheraton, Chippendale and the noted desIgners of France and Italy In hIS work he laId the foundatIOns for the Kendall school of art He com-pounded many fancy finishes and UltIlI7ed metal in many way 'S as d suh..,tItute for can mgs and 111lays \" hen the trade tll ed ot those for111s of decoratIOn The glo%y hlack iron of Bell111, antIque brass tnmm111gs and fancy carved work were 111trocluced by J\[r Kendall He was a master of compo<.atlOn and m the mtel pretatlOn of the purposes of the master de- ..,lgners of past generatIOns he had few equals vIr Kendall was not popular, generally speak111g, be-cau~ e he dId not "eek populanty Outside of hIS bus111ess dUjt'a111tances he was lIttle known. He had well grounded Ideals and lIved close to them To an opinion once formed he clung tenacIOusly, and great) enjoyed the discussIOn of pro-hlem" m whIch he took an 111terest espeCIally when hIS argu-ments wel e opposed At the tIme of hIS death Mr Kendall ,,,as the trea;,urer, ..,npel mtendcnt and deSIgner of the Phoe11lx Furntmre com-pany, m whIch he was largely 111teresteel as a stockholder Henry C. Schaefer. Victim of Apoplexy. } rom the effects of a thltel ;,troke of apoplexy '" l11ch he ~l1ffered on February 7, Henry C Schaefer, a well known fnr11ltnre "ales111dn and commIssion clealer, died in St 2'llary';, hospItal, GI and RapId" on Fnday, February 18, aged 58 years :\Ir Schaefer ,va" formerly a re"ldent of EvanSVIlle, Ind, and [01 se\ el al year;, tray elled f01 the K11l1gman FurnIture com-pany ot Gland RapId" Seven yeaI" ago he came to Gland Rdplcls and went 111to the ftllll1ture commI SSIOn hU"111e,,~WIth hI" two ;,ons, Hem) F and \\ alterC The decea'oed had a WIde aCCll1a11ta1nce among ftllniture manufactureI", buyers and 'Sel- IcI ~ anc! hac! dn excellent 1 eputation for 111tegIlty and abIlIty Busy Factory in Toledo. 1 oledo, Ii eb 18 -The Hucke} e Parlor Furl11ture C0111- pam are \ CI} bu"y at tll1::otune The factOly IS be111g nm tu full capaCIty to keep up WIth the demands of the com-pany b tl ade Se, ent} employes are on the pay roll The company al e OCCUPY111ga 'SubstantIal four story brick bul1d-mg 100'{ 120 feet anc! have recently opened np on the fourth floO! one of the hand"oll1est "ample rOOms that can be founc! an} where The c!I"play of the Buckeye goods numhers 'Se, en hund1 eel pleces-conslstmg of three and five-pIece suites da\ enports, couches and rockers the ma111 portion of the th"play consist111g of davenports of which goods the c0111pany make one hundred and two CllSt111C'tpatterns, ",hlch doubt-le" s place'S the Buckeye Parlor Fmniture company in the f01 efl ant a" 111anufacturers of thI,', l111e of goods FOl ty-fi' e Tungsten lIghts al e used m the dIsplay r00111, the walls of which al e tinted green, the floor covered With !2,"1 een carpet and the w111doV\s adorned WIth reel draperie, rhc ..,ampIe r00111 is one of the most effectIve of Its k1l1cl, and VI d.., 'SUpI0110Unceel by the \ I<.,It111le:;lealels who attended the OhIO RetaIl FurnIture Dealer,',' ConventIOn here thIS week. IfJ6 500 1 ecelpt-, 2 50 1000 letter head" 375 775 E H Sell & Co , Lal cl mde", cabmet, gmde and mele" cards l'o~ tage C \l \ oorhees, fOl sen Ices of o,tenographel for month-, ot \memhel, Decemhel anel January, at S'i 00 pel month 1500 l \1 \ oOlhec" cApense", teleglam and telegraph 150 fotal $1629C $1f)500 16290 WEEKLY ARTISAN OHIO RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS. Total . 5JlS0QO The followmg lS ltemlzed hst of ordels dra\yn smce FebJUary 15, 1910, begmmng wlth order:\o 183, to-Wlt 183. C. M Voorhees, sec'y, for expense to CmcmnatI and return, fifth annual conventJOn, Febl uary 16 and 17, 1909. . . .. . " . " $ 700 184. Postage ... .. " " . ., 200 185 Chenngton Pnntmg & Engravmg- Co, 200 Rlb-bon Badges for annual meetmg- at Cl11cmna±1 r; 00 186 C M. Voorhees, sel vIces of stenogI aphel. 101 months of F eblUar} and ::\1arch 1909 187. Amencan Pubhshmg Co., for supphes as follows 175 postal cards . .$375 500 applicatJOn cards...... . 250 500 envelopes No 10....... . . 250 1000 envelopes 6}4....... . .. , 2 50 11 2S 188 C M. Voorhees, for sen lces of stenogl.lphcl f01 April and May . 189 C. M. Voorhees, on account, for selVlces as seCle-tary for yeal begmn111g- Fehlual vIS, 1909 190 C. M. Voorhees, on account, fOl serVIces as secretaly secretary ., 192. Postage . ..... .. 193 C M Voorhees, for serVlces of "tenogldphel fOJ months of June, July and August .. 194 C. M Voorhees, on account of sen lces of sten-ographer for months of Septembel and October.. 10 OJ 195. American Publishing Co, Columbus. 250 envelopes $1.50 " 16 17 17 27 "2\ldlch 2 'i 3 " ..J- 5 56 11 15 17 17 17 " 17 18 24 Apnl 7 " 2 " 23 3 4 " 5 9 i. 9 .i 10 11 14 19 Dec 18 Jan'y 27 Feb'y 3 " 4 " 4 4 " 4 " 7 " 7. " 9 11. 11 i. 14 (ContlDued from Page".) The Gobrecht-Geyel Lompany, '\ 01 \yooel 300 \V S Carhle & Sons Co, Columhu" 3 00 Lom" Hellman, Cmcmnatl ) 00 ~tewal t Bras rm n Co, Colum hu" ') 00 Tennenbaum & Mode Cl11Cmnatl 300 (,rosse BlOS CmunndtJ 300 Tennenbaum' HI os & Co Cmcmnatl 300 Adolph Klem, Cmcmndtl 300 Lom;, "2\lalA & Bros (\e\\pOlt) Cmunlldtl )00 Jake 1ennenbaum & Co, Cmu11natl ') 00 A Stemhamp & lo, ClnUllnatl 300 1he (0111 ov &. Le\ \ ( a , \1lclclletcm 11 ) 00 \Vtlham ByJDe, Diy ton ) 00 The Cappel F11In Co, Day ton ) 00 \\ N Art7, Day ton ') 00 H D H11hel &. Co DZl\ t( 11 ) 00 Mav & Co, Day ton ) UO The Fan, F C Buddmgton, \1g1 (111 300 Theo Heck & Co . Clllclllnatl 300 Val Loewer, Columbu" 3 00 H. B Rodevv 19- & Cn , Belial! e ) 00 vVllkms-Hubt Co, Ely na ) 00 Fleshelm & SmIth, CIe\ eland ) 00 J D Cochlan, COI11l111111" ) 00 Home Furillshm£; lu. C(JIUllll111~ 300 Sldles & :\ eedleI, \ an ,,\ el i 608 The Samuel Horcho\\ lo POlhllwmh -1-17 Brown Bl o~, Clev eland ') 00 Shannon r mlll tm e (0 Co 1111b1I1b 3 00 S Kohn & Son;" Cle\ eland 1 7; VV S Carhle & Son-, Co, ( llUlllbu" ') 00 Dme's Fmlllture Hou"e, l111um1cltl 300 1910 The Herbert l~Ull11tm e Co, (mclllnatl 300 Thos P Zachman, Cmunnatl 300 Geo Belz, (In eland 3 00 Carhle &.. Kelr, Colul11hu~ 300 Anthon) Cook'.., Son", Clllcmnatl 300 Strauss-.MlllcI Co, Cln elancl 300 \Ym \Velschl11e1el, lIe\ eland 300 C L Clowell, Leetol11a ') 00 The Blebel lurl11tme Co lIeyeland ) 00 The E hleeman & Co, ClIlC11111dtl ) 00 Fred J I, e\, Loram 3 00 The Frohook Fmilltmc Co, Columhu" 600 10 00 1000 2~ 00 1~00 1000 200 1500 -1-8J 1000 199 Total 1 ecelpts loLt! dl~lJtll "Ulle11h $ 210 ! ()t,d ,1l1wnnt of clne" uncollected February 10 1910 .SI8S 00 Re~pectfullJ subI11ltted, SIg-ned, C M Voorhees, Secletary 1he follem ln~ 1 epOl t of the executn e conl111Jttee was 11e"t lead1n Cha11111an B r KelJ of Columbus WhlCh was aho accepted REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1 he fil st meet111g of the State Executive Committee was lleld 111 the eal h part of Septel11bel 111the office of the secre-t, u:, C \J \ oOlhees, Columbus, Oh1O l'resldent H W. \JOley, "eCletal} C ill Voorhees, chaIrman, B F. Kerr, P. \\ Sie\\dlt dnd \V r Ganett were plec;ent Mattels per-tdl11lJ1g to the \\ cHare of the as"oClat1On wel e dIscussed, and the dd tt ~et on \\ hICh the ExecutlVe CommIttee vvas to go to loledo Ohw, to make arrang emen ts fOI the Annual State COll\.entton .0Jovel11ber 17, 1909. the State ExecutIve Commlttee met 111Toledo, Oh1O, at Hotel Secor Presldent H VV. Morey, Chamnan B r Kerr, George B vVlckellS, P. W. Stewart and \\ 1 Gan ett \\ ere present A numhel of the Toledo dealers, d 1 Cpl e-,ent"tn e of the Toledo Chamber of Commerce, and tht pI Opl letOl s of sevel al hotels met WIth us. Mr. \V m Byrne of Day ton, Oh1O, stal teel to the meeting, but dId not get thel e, 01\ 1l1g to the wreck of the tra111 on vvhlch he was a pa s"en~ el. and 111\\ 11Jch he \\ a" sltghtly 111Jured However, pI 0\ lc1ence o,]Jaled h1111to dehvel hlS address to us here to-da \ PI eltllll!1cllV ,u 1ang ements were made for the holdmg ot the conventIon Our next meet111g vvas held at Columbus, Ohio, at the ::\ell House PreSIdent H \1\ 1'1101 ey, secretary C I'll Voor-hees, chaIrman B F Kerr, P. W Stewart and \TV F Garrett vvere pl esent, at whIch t11ne we cllscussed ways and means for gettmg out an offiClal program and mailing same to the clealers of the state The next meetmg, about a week later, was held at the office of the Home Furnishmg company, Columbus, Ohio, at \\ hlch tm1e the Columbus members of the executive com-mlttee, chaIrman B F Kerr, P. \TV. Stewart and W. F. Gar-rett vvere present A hst of about 200 manufacturers was prepared to whom a letter was mailed asking them to take ~pace in the officlal program at $10 per page Sufficient funds \\Cl e personally supplied by B F Kerr, P. W. Stewart and \V F Garrett to defray all necessary preliminary expenses. ThIS IS the first tIme m our history that the association has Laken into theil hands the printing of the official program. \\ e 1ecelvec1 answers ftOm enough manufacturers to make om official program possible; and from whom we realized a sum lal ~e enough to defray the expenses of this convention. The Statl lAecut!ve Committee recommends that the membels of this association patronize all the advertisers who appear in the official ptOgram, as it was through their co-operation that the committee was able, in a financial way, to make this meeting such a grand success. A number of other meetings were held by the Columbus WEEKLY ARTISAN members of the ExecutIve Committee in order to complEte the program, and make final arrangements fO! thIS con-ventlOn Some matters have been referred to the state executive commlttee by the secretary of the assoclatlO11 which we de- Slre to pre'3ent at thIS meetlllg for dIscusslOn, V1Z' complalllts by membel'3 of the assocIatlOn agalll'3t certalll well known manufacturel '3 SIgned, B. F Kelr vVm Byrne P W Stewart IV F Garrett Geo B ·Wickens The Annual Banquet. Follov\ l11g the afternoon se~~lOn came the annual ban-quet of the assoClatlOn held at. b 30 m the Amencan dl11111g 100m of t.he Hot.el .secor and whIch may be tI uly mentIOned a'o a man e1 of beauty m deSIgn and executIOn. The dlllmg mOm bemg m red and gold aftel the French RenaIssance. fhE pnsm chandehers are fa'3hIOned after those m the Hotel Belmont, )Jew York. President H IV .. Morey pre- SIded as toa'3tmastel and after calling the 150 dealers and manufacturers pI esent to order the mvocatIOn was glven by George B \Vlcken'3 of Loralll. On the toastmaster's right was seated sec'y C M. Voorhees, Mr Wlckens and Edward F Trefz of ChIcago, and on his left was seated preSIdent H. I Shepherd of the Toledo Chamber of Commerce, 0 K \Vheelock of Cleveland and Vim Byrne of Dayton A most excellent menu was disposed of and afterwards those present were afforded much enjoyment by t.he addresses President Shephel d dehvel ed a most llltere'3tmg address on the excellent bU'3111eSS conditions and facilities existing in Toledo and the city's future, re-citing interesting statistics of its shipping blmncss Edward F Trefz responded to "PersonalIty m Business" m a most bnlliant address refernng eloquently to some of the mo"t notable men, such as Napoleon, Lmcoln, P D Armour and others In a masterly and forCIble address on "The Deal-ers, Deals and Ideals," 0 K. \Vheelock emphaslzed the need of strict integrity in business and of the growth of brotherhood in the relations existlllg between employer and employee Others called on f01 lmpromptu remarks were IV. O. Frohock of Columbus, \Vllham By rne of Dayton, Frederick Waldcutter of Toledo and EdItor ::Yrillard Gold-smith of the Furniture vVorker of Cincinnati, who spoke on the benefits to the furniture trade of the trade press. Wednesday morning was spent by a number of the visit-ing dealers in visiting the factories of the Buckeye Parlor Furniture company; Toledo Parlor Fmmture company; Col-umbia Couch company; Schauss Parlor Flame company; Waldcutter & Kahlenberg and the \Vtlhams Chair company. The third and final session of the convention was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon Walter B Moore of Dayton, who was to have delivered an address on "Freight Rates and Claims" was unable to be present and President Morey called on secretary Mark Goodlett of the NatIonal Retail Furniture Dealers' assocIation, who referrE'd to d re-mark made by himself at St LOUIS three yealS ago, that "the furniture dealer of the country store IS the slowest man on Earth," owing to the peculiar conditions in the retail furni-ture trade, especially in the smaller towns Mail order houses he said withdraw their operations from every town where they find live, active dealers-they sell their goods in 27 towns where they can give better serVlce than the local dealer Questions drawn from a question box were then taken up which included quenes a~ to best methods in advertising answered by J c. Herbert of CinClllnatI; and the question of havlllg tax paymg tIme placed at later dates than Dec. 20 and June 20, was referred for dIspositIOn to the legislative committee The question "If man's tIme lS sold in advance, will a garnishee hold good ?" was answel ed by secretary Voorhees vvho sald a general asslgnment wlll not defeat a garnishee unless a credltol makes a demand upon the debtor a month m advance The committee on membershlp reported the followmg nine names as members Geo. H. L Burnham, Geneva; G F. Schwltzer, Lelpslc, I Sllverman, Toledo; F G Redd, Toledo; Klllkbelller Furn Co, Toledo; Hillebrand Bra" , Toledo; J ohmon Bras Fmn Co, Toledo; Geo Bon-asch, Toledo; Bell Dana Co, Columbus The Pl ess CommIttee reported they would make further efforts to secure co-operation of dealers m getting as much publiclty as possible in the newspapels by keepmg in touch wlth the editor That they deserved publicity regarding modern stuff and medwm priced stuff-not high priced or period stuff The commlttee on by-laws offered an amend-ment which was adopted, that members be suspended who fail to pay dues at the end of the second year. The committee on convention and location recommended that the next convention be held in Columbus, Feb. 14 and 15, 1911. Adopted, The report of the commlttee on nominations of officers and delegates was also accepted and adopted. the list being as follows' President-B F Kerr, Columbus First vice president-John A Herbert, Cincinnati. Second vlce-president, Martin MJ1ler, Cleveland. Secretary-treasurer-C M. Voorhees, Columbus. Executive Committee- liV. N Al tz, Dayton; Harry Cap-pel, Dayton; Wllliam Byrne, Dayton; Chas. Carlisle, Colum-bus and Peter Gobrecht, Norwood Ohio Member on Executlve Committee, National Retail Furniture Dealers' association, C R. Parish. Delegates to National ConventIon-John A. Herbert, Cin-cinnatl; Geo Koch, Cleveland, W. F. Gal rett, Columbus; W. D Huber, Dayton; Geo. Wlckens, Lorain; H. W. Morey, Marysville; C. B. Johnson, Toledo and P. W. Stewart, Ports-mouth. M. G. Veh of Glbsonburg was elected to the office of s ergean t-a t -arms. The Legislative Committee held an executive session but nothing of special importance was reported. (More of the proceedings, addl esses, reports and dis- CUSSlOns will be pubh"hed next week -'Editor) Those Domes of Silence. The Domes of Silence, or, The Invislble Caster, is owned and controlled by the Invislble Caster company of London, England. The Umted StaJtes replesentatives are Henry W. Peobody & Co, 17 State street, New York, with sub-agencies throughout the United States. This trade marke "Domes of Silence-The Invisible Caster" is the registered trade mark of the Invisible Caster company. 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association OFFICERS-President LOUlS J Bnenger New VIm Vice President, C Danielson, Cannon Falls, Treasurer, a A ° 'VIoen, Peterson Secretdry W L Grapp Janesville FXECUTIVE COM'VIITTEE-D F Richardson, Northfield Geo KlIne, Mankato, W L Harris, MlUneapolIs, a Simons Glencoe M L KlIne St Peter. BULLETIN No. 99. ADVERTISING AND PREPARING OF CUTS. An Address Delivered at the Annual Convention by Frank Favour, Foreman of the Art Department of the American Type Foundry Company. 1n pI epallllg pll "elll,l1J1L del \ el L"emenb \ OU lllU"t unclel- Stdlld \\ hat an ,Ilh el tl"e111ent I ealll I" \ clUI deh el t1"111~ nllht ha\ e pll "nll,tht\ I hel t 111l1.,the .,0111elhal,tltell"tll ot )our,elf or \OUI bu"me"., r nok at the ach el tl"e111el1t" nl ld"lalet., Dougla" dh\a\" hd" h1-, plttl1le on hh ,IWl del, \ Ou 1111htha\ t "omethmg t]1clt I" u.,eel all thl tll<1t "0 th,H \\ hen p~ople un th 1u the pa~ e" the\ ,a \ 1hel e I" Tone' ,tel rl hllefO e the ath eltl"el11lnt .,hould call \ "ome elhtlllLtI\ C FRANK FAVOUR tlcltle 11l,l1k lOUI del, should make thl ee .,tatemenh 1he lady of the hOlhe It ddlllg the ach el tl"e111ell t, \\ III '-d\, .I "ee that so dllel .,0 I" "elhllg ,I chall tm SI;O 1he 11t"t th1J1g 1" a good PlttUlc \LJ1~c all ll1~la\ m~ oJ 111 a Iltlt It t111l11lLue\\hlCh yOU ;l1e ~()]Ug to .,dl "0 th,lt It \\111 ,h \\\ 11 to the be"t ,td\ anta~e lt hd., to bt ell,m II 111 llt ,ll 1111c IhdV\1J1g \ Idlge numbel oj cuh ldll bc 111dell thld)lll 111,111 one cut ThelefOle \\hen \0l1 oldel thlu \OUI 111111 .,\hUll ) ou get them a gll dt tical t hlapll thdl1 \ on othu \\ hl \\ onlel \ gleat 111dn) ldn be IhdV\n che'lpel thdll a -,mglc llll The best photo h nee e,,:oal\ to the plopel plodnltlOn 01 a good cut If) ou get a lUt mdele 'll1el get the plOpe1 heacl-mg to Call) on the aeh e1tl.,ement, kelp the tldc1e 11laJ1~the dlstmCtlVe feature of the alh el U.,el11ent II hen \ OU '-ee the name Regal, It ::,ugge::,l-, "hoe", Ea.,tl11an "u~ge.,t'- kocLlk, It IS better to sugge"t the film., ndme "0 that one \\111 .,ug-ge::, t the othel It I., alwa)::, necessary to do till" 10! the ladles of the house Then the sdle h mdde beto' e the lach starts down town to do her .,hoppl11g ~he knoVl '- I' hat "he 1::, gomg to buy, whele she IS gomg to hu\ It dllli \\helt "'1t 1S gomg- to pay fOl It It 1" well to call \ \ OUl (1\\ 11hc dclll1~ It saves prmtmg- and sett111e, up e\ 1'1\ tl111e I"L(1) a guml, stlOng head111g and cal rv ) OUI pnce 111alk plamh The thmg that has blOught 111ehele 15 ple"\1111dhh thl fact that the a\ elac,e ::,null dealu does not knOl\ It 1" ntLt '- Selly to get out a good ad\elU.,mg cut In the fIlst pldlt ) OU cannot use all kmd., of cuts tOl ne\\ "papel \\ ()l k rIllS 15 because the a\ erage countn Plll1t111g office thee, lOar.,e papel and nece.,.,dnly, of COUl'ol coar"c mk It \ uu di it l11pt to u::'c d hne dCdn halftonc, ) U\1 \\ oulcl ha\ l 11utllln~ hut ,t black spot Therefore, we hnd It neces"at,\ to lhe a haltLolle plocess winch IS a photo on loppel andlutilng out dab \,lnch \\ e lall "u een, makmg them coarse enough ,,0 that they will not fill up m the plocess of pnntmg' The best results are ubt,lll1ed by makmg a hand draw111g whIch we call zmc etch-me," or l111ecuh In Older to get one made, It 15 necessary to £11' t ha \ e ,I hanel dra \\ 111g made of the artIcle of whIch you \\ dnt ,t lUt '\ /111C etch111g made from thIS WIll give a clear I111E' cut and VI III pnnt on almost any kmd of paper WIth any klnel 01 mk but thl" kmd of cuts does not brmg out the exact gl,un 01 the I' oud If yOU are domg "ome fine ppmtmg where \ on n~e ml e glo""y papel and good mk, It IS nece5Sary for \ uu to ha\ e \\ hat VI e call a halftone WIth a medIum or fine ~ll een 1'hl -, \\111 enable you to bnng out the exact gram ul the I' ood 111the mO'ot 111mute deta1l and ::,hould be used m ,tn\ th1l1g \\ hllh I" termed bu:,:h class Pl'Intl11g 1n "tuch ne, '-ome of the advel tI:oements of the vanous Ulllntl \ jluhhcatlon.,. I note the great vanet) of '>lzes used- "Ul11e U.,ll1g the Idrge luh VI lllch pI esu111ably are fur11lshed b\ the manufactlll er SOJ11ehalftones and some hand draWIngs \\hlch plOduce':> el \ en lnegular dnd "potted effect If you \\ 1,,11 tu ha\ e \ OUI dth 1'1tl.,e111ent., look u11lform and attrac- 11\( th(\ ()\1ght to bl laId out m the Ul11fOlm sIze of cub and cll'-tll)ltl\l l11eltttl IheletOll, I thl11k the a,:>,>oc1atlOn 1'> d, ]I1~ el ~tl,lt \\lllk III lUlI11,:>hl11g- )OU WIth whdt they ter111 thul unIt '0\ "te111 [n J11,lkl11g up one of thesc umt", hI '>t we 111USthave a ~()od pIt WI e ~ee()nd, we 11111:octleuele upon the Sl7"e of the 1Iltl "tt ,t11011 1'he11 IV e ha\ e a clra\\ l11g-made WhlCh u"ually llhh 110111$1 to $3 and then we get the productIOn made \\ 1nlh co::,t" 75 lenh a" a 1ule 1'1115 1" mounted dnd IS now I e,tely fOl the pll11tel The pr1l1tel 111UStset the type around Ihl., lUt a" pel the de':>cnptlOn of the MUcle and fix a rule dlound \,hllh 1 -,hould Judge \\ould co"t db out 40 cents Af-tel thl" IS done It I11U"t be locked up m an iron case and ::,ent to the eleotrotypel to hd\ e the cut and type reproduced VI hlCh costs I .,hould judge about 2S cents ""'fter th]::, IS aClnmph -,hed, duplIcate5 can be made for a very nom111al "U111 Thus \ ou ,ee that If you want to make an mdlvldudl UI1lt \ OUI.,e!t, It \\ ould cost $325 to get out the first UUlt, alto VI 111ch It would only cost yOU about 40 cents each 1 hl5 sho\\ -, \,y hat lo-operatl\ e buymg can do By adoptmg the Ul11t .,Ize, \ ou 0\ el cOl11e the crazy llullt effect of your acl-, dncl) ou sa\ e m ::,pacc m each ]::,sue sometImes more tlnn uhl co.,t of ) 0111 I' hole UUlt because If you use the Idlge lnb fnrl11shed by some manufacturers and you are paying h om Wc to 20c an lllch, ) ou \\ 111find that that cut takes up J11C)Jtspdce fOl ealh I""ue thdll two or three Lll11b would co"t \ IlU \\l11ch I., another led.,on why yOU should adopt thl::' Ul11t 5\'ot(l11 1hen dgam, the5e umt" are -'0 ,lll anged by d lIttle mor- WEEKLY ARTISAN ti'3e in the top under the head hne and at the bottom so that the pnce can be changed at will dud the Ulllt kept up to date dnd usable, no mattel wl1dt k111d of a sale you may be (on-c1UCt111gAs 111all k111d"of work, thele IS good wOlk and pOOl work hut because of the scope of your assoCIatIOn's adver- U"mg helps, you can afford to employ the best talent that money can command and therefore, get out, on an average, better lllustratlOn.., than are produced m the usual form of COl11meiclal cuts As one who is in dally touch with the troubles and difficulties that the small dealers have m gettmg the proper kmd of photos or pictures, I can readily see the bv using our Ulllt system for when you use one of these units, ) ou know that the descnptlOn of the article is along the line of sCientific salesman '3hip and IS con ect. One can thus write an «e1>ertlsement m a half hout or so which would take him hom" and hour'3 If he had to wnte every lme which is a great sa\'ng to the small dealer J n conclusIOn let me say as I said In the beginning, we ought to make our advel U9111gmdn tdual and you can easily accomphsh thiS by a headm::; cut No matter where you adver- Usement may be put, whether next to the locals or among a lot of others, It will have that llldlViduahty which will make THE ANNUAL CONVENTION IN SESSION Wnh Some of the Samples Shown by the Co-operatIve Buymg CommIttee. great value that your associatIOn advertlsmg helps bnng you. The next great value that I see 1ll this is that I notice in your Ulllt system, you use a ulllform size of deSCllptlve type and I compared them With some of the advertisements that I have picked up I find that they have used every kmd from nonpareil ty pe to p
- Date Created:
- 1910-02-19T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:34
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and ----------------------------------------- - - GRAND P ,\PJ':'0 i lJ \ 'I I ~ ... .1" \ , GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.• FEBRUARY 5,1910 NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Mahogany. Circassian Walnut and Oak. If YOU have not one in your store, a simple request will brin4 you onrm.asjnificent new Catalollne of 12x16 ineh page groups, show-in4 suites to Inatch. With it, even the :most moderate sized furniture store can show the best and newest furniture satisfactorily. I-I I I I I ...... WEEKLY ARTISAN ._ --_ .._ .._-_._ -_.--._.----_._-_.-- _ ..........•...•.. _ .....•....••..... ~ 1 Qran~Da~Ms610w Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST device for handling shavings and dust from all wood-working machines. Our nineteen years experience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no experiment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hun-dred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Cltl•• Da Phon. la8a aen. M.ln 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNAOE FEED SYSTEM ........---_._------_._-~--_._.__._._._._._-- ----_. __. ----------- ... - .- .. I.. WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REFRIGER4 TORS AT RIG"T PRICES ~. . -- ..... . - --~~--~--------.... I SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE, CUALLENGE REfRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND "AVEN, MIC"., U. S. A. •••• ••• • •• - ._.. 1 No. 1711 No. 1705-1705 GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I ... •••• F ••• _. •••• ••• __ B.a_ ••• __ • a.. . .. New designs in the Louis XVI Style. WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN .. ..--- - --- - .- - ---- --------_. ~--------_._..._.---_._. _._-----------------.-.. 81I III IIII II I I 8I Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately? Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion. Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids. I ~------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------~ .Luce-Redmond Chair Co., Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites tn Dark and T,ma Mahogany Blrdr' J Ey M,;ple Btrch !.(tjartertd Ga!.. and ell casslan Walnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS' BUILDING, North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. GRAND RA PH) .. ') PUBLIC LIDRARY 30th Year-No. 32 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• FEBRUARY 5. 1910 Issued Weekly FREIGHT RATES AND DAMAGE CLAIMS Rigbts and Duties of Sbippers and Consignees and the L~gal Requirements of Railroad Compani~s. FollowmiS l'i a part of an address on "FreH:;ht Rates, Grie\ ance'i and Trouble..,," delI\ ered at the recent annual banquet of the Merchants and .ManufactUlels' aSSOCiatIOn of Sheboygan, IV IS , by A C H aIm, secretary of the Phoe11lx ChaIr company of that city TransportatlOn IS the largest smgle Item of eApense in the wOlld today It costs over two thousand mll110n dollars annually, a :-,um WhICh no natIOn on earth spends m a smgle year Out of this vast amount, over $24,000,000 was paid back to the shIppers m claims dunng the year 1908, accordmg to the latest avadable statbt1cs published. ThIs IS a surpnsing amount to cover damages and ove1charges TransportatlOn of fneght, today, IS a typical problem and all of us here are figunng for ItS solutlOn It is a study m 1t'ielf, that become:-, more complex and comphcated each year and as yet we ha, e dIscovered no theOl em whIch can be apphed m effectmg a solut1On It IS complised of a mIxed conglome1 at10n of facts and figures, of as'3ert1Ons and de11lals \ ery much 11ke a pm, headed m one way, and pomted another. One reason for this unaccountable :-,tate of affaIrs is the great need for, and lack, of, u111form1ty. It IS true the Interstate Commerce CommIssion has been hard at WOlk effectmg u111form measures, but speakmg from the pre'ient standpomt, we must deal with a sadly con-flictmg basIs, governed by entIrely mdn 1dual cond1tlon~, and I might add impulses, on the part of the 1a1lroads Goods that travel to, or come from the east, are gm elUed by the official cla'i'iIflcat1On 1'omts south of the OhIO liver, a1 e governed by what IS known as the southern c1assifica-t10n Pomt'i southwest from the terlltOlY thus far mentIOned (1 e Texas and the ne1ghbonng terntory) are gove1ned by the south-western baffic commIttee Good~ gomg to the PaCIfic coast, come under the tran'i-contmental class1ficat1On, Goods gomg to Denver and adjacent terntory are gove1ned by the tran s- Mlssoun class1ficatlOn W1scons1n and adjoinmg states, are based on the western clasSIfication, whereas IllmOls and Iowa have a clasSIficatIOn of their ovvn, whIch dIffers from the \\ estern clasSification in various of the essentIal detads If we had u111fonmty m classlficatlOl1, m the apphcatlOn of freight rates, in the lOutmg of shIpments, m the payments of claim,;, it would he hke one natIOn under one flal:; There would then plOhably be thousands and thousands of deep-thml,. mg genlUses out of employment today As it 1S, that word umfo1m only gets an occaSIOnal opportumty to show 1tselt m the study of freliSht To Illustrate thIS uneven factor m f1eight rates, do you know why It IS poss1ble to shIp (flOm ChicaiSo) 100 pounds of nails to Hong Kong, China, for 45c and pay $3 15 for 100 pounds of boob to Salt Lake CIty, Utah? Why a shIpper can save 15 cts, per 100 pounds on :\Iachmery from Chicago to San F1 anclsco by shIpping to ShanghaI, Chma over the PaCIfic Ocean and back to the PaCific coast, than If shIpped dll ect to San FranClsco? And do you know how raJ1roads can manage to shIp cotton goods from New England to Den-ver for $22'i per CVvt and to San FranCISco, (1500 mIles far-ther '" est) for 55 pel cent less? These are a fevv of the peculiantles eX1stmg at the pre-sent tIme which act merely as a surface eVIdence that to undertake the problem of freIght demands the constant study of a hfe-tllne, at the end of whIch the knovv ledge gamed and the progress made IS oftentIm es not gn en the opportunity to be Imparted to the commel Clal vvorld. \Vhen shlppmg goods, It 1:-' necessary to observe the proper cla"S1ficatlOns which apply on that pa1ticular com-modIty Each cla:-'~lficatlOn retams a dIstinctive freight rate whIch often-tllnes vanes agam:-,t the nterests of the shIpper. Howen r, It 15 essentIal that stnct adherence is made to the claSSIfication on any shIpment, for the raIlroad will apply the COll ect claSSificatIOn If through vvdful or unmtentional neglect your slllp goods under a false cla'isificatIon The Law enaC'ted by the J nte1 state Commerce C0111nl1s- SlOn holds the shIpper Just as hable as the ra1)J oad compa111e:-, to the knowledge of the raIlroad tarIff, and WIll refuse to uphold you m defense of 11l1JUStclas"lfication If yOU were in knowledge of ItS effect However m that case, the Inte1state Com111erC'e COmnllSSlOn will accept your complamt for revI-sIOn of the paragraph 1eferred to by the tanff whIch affects you, and yOU are at hberty to submIt your p10pos1tlOn, ac-compa11led \V 1th full references and sane reasons for your act!on It may be peculial to know m thl:-' connection that ",hen 1ecelving shIpments from ce1 tam pomts 111 the east, fO! m-stance, we are obliged to pay the same rate of freIght on goods that come, 1a CJhcago, as the people m \Y mona, l\Imne-sot a That 1S, we are figured 111 on the IYmona ba'il" the 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN mmlmum figure hems; based on \\ mana as the common pomt for OUI sectIOn H owev el, should these sa me ship-ments come via the Pel e \Iarquette or the -\nn -\rbor hne and Mamtov, oc, the rate v,ould be considerably lowered It agam follows that the shipper or consignee must take care of his own mterests, and as befOle stated, should knmv the tarIff and Its classIficatIOns Ignorance of these, results only m your own 105" by paymg excess freight when It could be dIVerted to a bettel or more desl1 able route of transportatIOn, so far as freight is concerned. As those of us here are mostly mterested m the I ecen m~ of goods, mal e so than sll1ppmg same out of here, vve \\ III follow up the former pomt, which bnngs us directly mto the subject assigned When you receive a shipment of goods which h partly damaged, It is but natural to feel unpleasantly mchned to-wards the railroad company carrymg the ;,hlpment, becaLhe there IS no telling what the delay m that case may Involve It is but natural to infer under those Circumstances, that the goods I eceived an unusual amount of rough and careless hand-lIng on the pal t of the raIlroad compames' emplm ee" I'v L known personally, of m stances, vvhere the I;ood" paLked 111 the ears are jammed through the ends of the Lal, cau "ed bv the hasty work of the switchmen, m 5\\ Itchmg about the cars in the yards, and if some of you would have the occasIOn to watch the plOcess of switching as It goes on every da), you would lIttle wonder to see your goods broken when thev come out of the car. But that IS one of the pomb \\ hICh b marked black against transportation Time, Tide and \lone) you know, stop for no man, and let me add that the railroad companies and their employees stop for nothmg les;" and untIl we can tame them into sUbmlSc,lOn to "handle V\lth cale" \\ hen the bundle IS "0 marked, rather than to see how much knockmg It can stand, we must content ourselves with the sen Ice we are gettmg at the present time. Howe\ er, mvestIgatlOn reveals that the railroad com-pames today are expending large amounts of money to cover thiS \\ eak pomt 111 theIr service They are accordingly se- Llllmg none but expert SWItchmen whereever available, and furthermore, men who wdl over"ee the work of the SWitch-men and check the cars when they are packed. We can there- £01 e 11\ e In hopes that the future wIll reveal a decided change tlom the unsatIsfactory servICe that IS given us at present. But even that should be no reason why you should re-ma1l1 chsmterested m the shipment, which is damaged at the freight depot In JusttIce to yourself as well as the shlppel of the goods, you should pay the freight on the entIre shipment, mstead of refusmg to accept the same Hal e your local agent make a notation on your paid expense bIll, mdlcatmg that goods are broken and to vvhat eAtent Return, m that ca;,e, the broken goods If you so Wish, to the shipper or manufacturer, and notIfy him of your <lctIon as v, ell as 1 easons for same. Send him also the h1ll ot ladmg coy enng the return sbJpment of the goods you c1cucled not to retam, (I e the broken goods,) the original hdl of lad111g coy enng the ongmal shipment to you, together \\ Ith the paid c'Cpense bdl, beanng the notatIOn that the ship-ment sustamed a damage or shortage. \\ hen the manufacturer receives this notice from you, he 1'0 111a po'iItIon to know how to proceed, and what to expect. \ \ hen the goods arrn e, It places him 111a pOSitIOn to enter a claim agamst the transportatIOn company and mvestIgate the apparent neglIgence for you, unless you prefer to enter claim at your local statIon In tll1S connectIOn, I want to make mention of the care to· • _. - .--.------.-.-.-.-.---.--.----. . i The Latest Improved Sander I You are wasting time and money, if you are 'iandlng by hand, drum, dIsk or spindle. Your competItor is doing more and better v\ ark on our machines Let us "how you how to sand flat surfaces, Irregular shapes and moldings in a practical and profitable manner. 'Ve guarantee results Ask for Catalog "E" Wysong & Miles Company Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. No. 194 Patented Sand Belt Machine. .. J WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 .. -..... .. _.... ------ -_._---_._-~-----------------_._----......, In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. The UDELL Line MANY NEW ONES in Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lme which is well worth gomg to see A Lme that you should have a complete catalog of. The fact that you have not our catalog can only be rectIfiedby wntlng for your copy to~day THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND. No. 679 '--------------._---------_._----- --~------- .. ...~ .. -..... •• __ •••• a.a ••• that should be exercIsed when you return a shipment of goods Be specIfic in yOUI maIktng of the shIpment tncludmg not only the name of the consignee, whIch is often-tImes only abbre\ Iated, but put on the full address together WIth the address and name of the shipper. This is to prevent any mlscatrymg of freIght at transfer bIlling wherever the goods are oblIged to be re-bIlled At present there IS a great deal of trouble experienced at this very point, that the shippers overlook to put on theIr name and address, and the result is the shIpment goes astray, the tags are oftentImes torn off, and when the goods get to another re-bIlllllg station, the consequence is platnly eivdent ;-J 0 one IS able to tell from whom or to whom the goods were bIlled ThIs necessitates tIme lost m enterIng a claIm, and all the trouble that goes WIth it. Of course, the railroad employees are often times at fault tn neglecttng to put on the name and address of the shIpper on the re-bIlltng, whereupon the consIgnee is unable to determme where the goods come flOm ThIS is an essen-tIal pOlllt, and should be observed by every-one when re-tUIning or shipptng goods SometImes It happens that the agent in your town is neglIgent to notIfy the agent at the orIgtnal point of ship-ment whenever there is a shipment at hand refused by the conSIgnee ThIS causes a lot of trouble for the shIpper III partIcular To hegm WIth, the customer or conSIgnee, is neglecting 11]'; duties when he allows the shipment to remam at the freight depot without dlSpOSltIOll, or WIthout notifylllg the consIgnor of hIS actIOn and reasons for same If It is abso-lutely necessary to refuse the shipment outright, it is only Just that the shIpper be notified of such circumstances in or- 'der that prompt steps might be taken to have the shipment returned 01 refonvarded as per the shIpper's request, at the same time save an enormous bIll for storage of the goods All m all. thIS trouble of "the sale of unclaimed freight" can be reduced If the conSIgnee WIll only take the paIllS to notify the shIpper whenever a shIpment is refused for any reason, and state your reasons, so that the shipper can govern him-sef accordlllgly So much for the unwritten duties a con- :'Ignee should feel hImself bound to in Justice to the consignor. Now coming back to the claim questIOn, let us classify the two kinds of claIms that are permissable FIrst we have the Loss and Damage Claim, comprising redress for breakages sustatned on any shipment, or part of a shipment lost III transit. •••••• ea .., No. 354 No. 1239 . .------_._._._------~ Second, we have the Overcharge ClaIm, which, as the name ImplIes, covers redress for exceSSIve taxation on the part of the ralhoad compallles. Takmg up the fIrst. Loss and Damage ClaIm, we find that people who do not make a practice of entering claims agalllst the transportation company, make the grave mistake of trYlllg to get too bIg a haul out of the raIlroad company. They enter claIm for an amount that is unreasonable It is essentIal that you confine yourself as closely as possible to the mVOIce price of the article for whIch claim is being entered To enter a claim for loss or damage, you must support your statement WIth the original bill of ladmg covering the onginal shIpment which sustained the damage or less to-gether WIth the paid freight bill and a copy of the invoice for same. Before tenderIng your claim, be sure to make an exact copy of the same, for the railroad companies, in refer-rIng the papers from one lIne to another are apt, in fact very hable to misplace or completely lose any portion or the en-tll e papers constituting the claim, in which event you are called upon to furlllSh a duplicate set. Also do not overlook to number your claim, and to insert on your record the num-ber whIch the railroad company gIves your claim, as they never refer to claims by name, but always by number. TakIng for example we enter a claim for damage sus-taIned on a shipment Present the original bill of lading covenng the shipment, together with the paid freight bilI and copy of invoice for same, to your local agent. The claim must appear m good faith before him, and be based upon legItimate reasons or It will not even pass his O. K. However, rIght here I WIsh to add that the railroad com-panies as a rule are very anxious to retain the patronage of the manufacturers and the dealers, and therefOl e invariably gIve you the benefit of a doubt when passing upon the O. K. of a claim upon presentatIOn. Your agent refers thIS claim to his freight claim agent who wlll go over the papers, and upon the strength of the notatIOn on the paid expenSe bill indicating breakage, and in comparison WIth the mvoice price of the article damaged, he will O. K the claIm and issue a check in favor of the agent here, authonzIng hIm to make payment of the claim. He will then take the matter up dIrectly with the agent at original pomt of shIpment, and settle the matter further with him. In that way the claImant receives prompt service, against the method that was m vogue prIor to the ruling which the national freIght claIm agent's association effected recently. --------- -- 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN r •••••••• -.---- ••• ----------------------------~ I THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. I CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dining Room furniture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. A complete line of sam-ple. are displayed ,n The Pord fJ Johnson BOIldlDl!, 1433-37 W.(,ash Ave., ID-dudinl! a special display of Hotel Furniture. All jurnzture dealers al e cordwlly mvtted to visit our building. ....... .-..-.-------- .-_. - _. --.----------~ Before that tIme, lt \\as nccessary that the CL1ll11 \\ cnd ltS way through each agent of the roads that \\ erc aftected by the transportatlOn of that partlculal shIpment ::\ 111e times out of ten, papers vvould get lost haIt-\\ a} bct\\ ccn hCI e and destination, and all 111 all lt \vould reqUIre about Sl'\: months at the least, to about two y eal s before a claIm \Vas settled, whereas today you can get I eturnc; ac; ql1lckl} as thirty days from date of plac111g claIm Goods lost 111translt, follow the same courc;c, and } ou receive as prompt servIce on these clall11c; If the lo"t al tlclc~ or complete lost shipment, turn up at some futl1le date, the matter is referred to the shippel fOJ attentIOn, though otten-times after the claim IS settled, It IS bec;t polley both £OJ the railroad company as well as the manufactul el OJ the dcalel to dispose of the goods 111chrect connectIon \\ Ith theIr '"ale of unclaimed freight" We will next take up the subject of Overchalge Clalms, on which you cannot hope fOJ as plompt actlOn ac; you le-ceive on the loss and damage claIm. To enter a clcum fot overcharge, the same essentials must be follo\\ eel out ac; 111 making your loss and damage claIm, I e 111regal d to retall1- ing an exact dupllcate copy of your clall11 If you al e pO-I-tive of an overcharge, you are at llbel t\ to makc claIm for this unjust taxation, support111g } our statement \\ Ith the paid freight bill indlcat111g the amount at frclght \ on paId, together with the bill of ladmg covenng the pal tlcnlar shIp-ment, as well as the un oice for same If possIble quote} our authority upon which you base your reason for clall111ng an overcharge. The abject of the interstate commerce law through the commission, has been, and is, the intention of creating a UnI-formity of freight rates, as well as UnIformIty in classification "._ ..- -_ ..- _---------- ..---_ _- _.~ \ III ,,,I ,,I III I,,IIIII ,I ,, II,I , f,• -~ I III , II ,I,,I ,! TtlE N. &,,,. ~.,I'"'i>< RI< ...... M.o1d ~au""... "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ARE BREAD AND PROfIT WINNERS ELI D. MILLER &, CO. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Wnte for cuts and pnces. ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVANSVILLE. ... - - - •• • _ - •• • • _ _ __. • _ • __ • _ •• _ • •• _ 4 Thh \\ as taken advantage of in some instances, by some of the large c;hlppers, who would go so far as to enter claims for 0\ el charg es, makmg the returns secured in that manner, c;el\ e them as rebate for the amount of business they were fay onng the ratlroad companies. ThIS has been ehminated by the passage of the interstate commerce law which requires now that the books of the general audItor and overcharge claim agent, must be m such a c;hape as to show actual autho~ity for each claIm paid for 0\ ercharges The new ruling also provides that the classi-ficatlOn and tanffs must be held open for the mspectlOn of the audltOJ s, the officers of the company and the shippers. Therefore the records of the overcharge claim agent must comply dIrectly WIth the laws of interstate commerce, and ::'IIr 0\ el charge claIm agent, in order to retam his good standmg WIth the federal laws and the laws of the com-pany that pays hIS saldry, IS going to go very cal efully and very c;lowly \vhen he receives an overcharge claim, not Oll11t-bnlS to note that the goods moved under the proper classi-ficatIOn, or "hether and change in I ates, owing to tariff I CV ISlOns applted m the case So you WIll find that your claIms for overcharges reqmre all of SIX months before re-turns are forthcommg, and in some instances you must be content to walt a whole year or longer for a settlement \\ henever the rates between certam pomts are raIsed, \\ hlch \vould affect any partIcular shIpment, the law protects the raIlroad company to secure the raIsed rate, but you al e at hbert} to enter your claim for the overcharge 1£ the raIsed rate is incorrect Hmvever, no raIse in rate or tanff revision can goo into effect untIl a notice of the proposed rate has been filed with the mterstate commerce commlSSlOn, who are at hbelty, aftel WEEKLY ARTISAN 30 days, If they pa"s Judgement on the actIOn suggested, to enforce the tanff at the eXpIratIOn of that time Thb IS a very pecuhar fact, though true ne, ertheless 0, ercharge claIms may also 1I1clude mis-quoted Iates The Radroad company 111 that case I" also plotected to secure the correct rdte at dest1l1atlOl1, becau"e the law holels the shlppel a-, well as the I ad road companv hahle to the know-ledge of the tariff. 1rom the RaIlroad'.., P01l1t of vlev, , the reCelV1I1g Stdt- Ion IS I esponslble to see that the can ect rate IS le'led on the shIpment, unless the bdl1l1g "tatlOll has authont) from the general heIght dgent Cjuot1l1g hun a specIal I ate However a~ thIs IS all ~overned by the pubhc lates a" quoted 111 the tanffs that are chstnbuted among the "hlppel s, (sInce the pass1l1g of the Interstate Lc)mmerce Law), there IS a ~reat eleal less of mls-quotmg rates, thou~h In an) case, It IS up to the agent at the elell\ ery pomt to collect the undercharge If any, and evely true bus1l1ess man ought to be Just as anxious to pay an underchdrge, as he I" anxlou., to "ecure leturns on an overcharge Another pecuhallty 1110, ercharge claIms IS thIS \ Vhen goods are routed to travel one way, and contrary to these 1I1structlOns move over another road OJ comb1l1atlOn of roads, oW1l1g to the radroad cmpany's el ror, the rules applying to thIS case are that the shIpper must pay the freIght as It runs up to under the wrong comb1l1atlOn However, you are at hberty to enter clallTI for the ovel charge, as provIded for under the overcharge claIm method, support1l1g your claim wIth the amount of freIght actually paId, and what the tanff rates would sum up to If the goods had moved correctly as specified. Some of you may not know that whenever there are no routing specificatIOns accompany1l1g the shipment, the rail-lOad C01l1pallleS are legally bound to shIp vIa the cheapest route If the shIpper or con"1I1gee is aware of tll1" fact and finds that the raIlroad has ne~lected to do thIS, eIther wd-fully or un1l1tentlOnally, he IS at hberty to make claIm for the overcharge, same as though the shIpment had 1110,ed over a chfferent route than speCIfied In clallTIs 1I1volv1l1g car-loads, s1l1ce the advent of the westel n welgh1l1g assoCIatIOn 1I1tO the field, there s a greater tendency to delay returns, as well as deCISIOn The vouchers are not forth-com1l1g as promptly as 111 the los" and dama~e claIms, expla1l1ed prevIOusly In car-load claIms they are very hkely to lo"e yOUl papers, (aCCIdently of cOUlse) or return your clau11 "Ith leference to some tanff whIch perhap" has no beclnn~ on the mattel at all /\1"0 WIll make It a pomt to quest10n "hat yOU con- SIder to be good eVIdence, and retuln the papers on that score Oftent1l11e" you are obhged 111 oreler to carr} yom 9 p01l1t, to have theIr 1I1spectors go through your "tock, weigh- 1I1g the articles 111 your claim, as well as the general lines, flom whIch they form a sort of average basis, for future I eference All 111 all, the overcharge claIm IS the more dehcate pro-poslt1On of the two, though It has been proven that by severe tenaCIty to your ver"lOn of ongmal compla1l1t, they will con-cede to pass upon the claIm more qUIckly than if you allow the ovel charge clal1l1 agent to hold you up for tnfl1l1g points "hoh he IS sure to find 111 your clallTI Midgets Furniture Made to Measure. Lowell (Mass) Telegram-the cutest set of furniture ever turned out 111 Lowell IS be1l1g made at the shop of A E ] ohnston, the Dutton street cabinet and pattern maker, for :\Ir and Mrs Phlhp Klcol of Aust1l1 street Mr Nicol is only 36 1I1ches 111 hel~ht, while hIS wife stands only two 1I1ches hlghel, and consequently they cannot utilize ordinary funl1ture to good advantage Behev1l1g that man has only one hfe to hve and that he should take as much comfort 111 It as IS pOSSIble, Mr NIcol determ1l1ed to have furniture espe- CIally adapted to persons of the SILe of hImself and hIS wife The only way to get It, was to have It made to order, and he dIsplayed excellent Judgement 111 plac1l1g hIS order with \Ir Johnston The furl11ture IS de..,lgned to completely equip a dining r001l1, parlor and chamber, and It IS most complete, even to a cradle for whIch there is no ImmedIate demand. The cradle, by the \'Vay, is the only article of furniture which m any way near approaches normal sIze The dming set includes a table standing nmeteen inches from the floor, four chalrs and a rocker, standing a foot from the floor and ha, mg seats a foot sqare The china board is but 22 mches above the floor. The parlor table IS of the same height as the dining room table and the parlor chalfS are of the same height as the dming room chairs. Thele IS dlso a bookrack of the same heIght as the chma closet, a roll top desk 19 inches m height and a desk chair standmg 11 inches hIgh WIth the castors 111 The bed is four feet, six mches long and three feet WIde and the chairs corre- "pond WIth those of the other rooms There is also a halI-tree about 36 mches tall and havmg an eleven inch seat. In fact, e, elY article IS deSIgned for the comfort of the httle people who are to use them. But not only comfort has been looked to, but elegance as well All of the furnishings are of quartered oak, beautifully pohshed and Just as substantial as they are attractive. ~fr and Mrs Nicol have been married three years and hve ,ery happdy on Austm street, where ::vIr Kicol conducts a h ltlt and periodIcal StOl e ! ..-.... "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" I BARTON'S GARNET PAPER III Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you WIll then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories. Sash and Door MIlls, RaIlroad Companies. Car BUIlders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furni.shed in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. . ..... ..- .. NEW YORK SHOW A GREAT SUCCESS It Excels All Predecessors in the Quality of the Exhibits and the Attendance of Buyers. New York, Feb 3-The Kew YOlk nlld\\1I1ter !tllnJ-ture exposItion which will close next Saturday, Februal: 5, is conceded to have excelled all of Its predccessol" 111 the quahty of exhibits and m the matter of attendance 01 der" are reported to have been liberal "\ earl: all thc \ hltlng merchants in all hnes are decldedl: optlmbtlc m then \ le\\ " and expectations of the future, the genel al opmlOn bC1l1g that the current year will equal or surpass 1906 and 1907 when Judged from a business standpomt The "hght ad-vance in pnces has been accepted \\ Ith much less grumblmg than wac; expected and every mdlLatlOn pomt" to a plo'"'pelous year for both dealer" and manufacturers of fUII1ltUl e \mong the exhibits in the Exchange the follo\\ Ing have attracted particular attentIOn' The Brooks Furniture Manufactunng compan\ of Ro-chester, N. Y, have their first display here of de,ks book-cases and cabinets They have 2,500 feet ot "pace and hay e hd to turn business away The Mocksville (N C) Furntture company hay e a nIce exhibit in charge of Jay Gould and F C IYmters The Boston Mirror company IS I epl esen ted bv Dal1lels & Strauss Max Englander is on hand with an e"celknt chspla\ of beds and bedding The Bison City Table company make a gl eat show of tables of all kinds Charles VOlt has an intel estmg exhll)lt. Spelce 8:; on 4th floor, of 100 thl ee-plece SUttes and ~O fi\ c pIece" "n1te" of birch and mahogany and also shO\\" the 11l1cs of Pullman davenp01 t beds, which thcy sell 111 ~ e\\ York, X e\\ Lngldnd and Pennsylvania The N ewark(new comers here) OhIO l'url11ture company have space 82, fourth floor. with a beautiful and substantial hne of tables, m charge of Mr Stemmetz The Banner Furniture company and the Elnllra Table company's hnes are shown by Harry ~1c\" nlty The formel firm have enlarged their factory and are using all mahogany now RICHMOND ] he ~mnch Furl11ture company show a 1111eof di11lng 100m smtes '1 he J'lIer"ereau J'lIetal Bed company, on the fifth floor, hd" the "Porsylanhke" enamel beds and "Centen11lal" brass beds, made at Jersey City, in charge of Charles Bolte. The Sdlamanca (N Y) Furniture \Vorks have a fine dbplay of chlff011lers, dressers, commodes, etc, on the sixth floor, made of maple, mahogany, golden oak, curly birch, in charge of R IV Flagg The Poughkeepsie Chair company have one of the best l1l1es of chaIrs on exhibit The Fostel Bros Manufacturing company of Utica, N Y, have a fine hne of brass beds, m charge of Bert Swift The Buffalo Desk and Table company have their usual complete 1111e The X attonal Parlor Suite company have space 74, fourth flOO1, "hO\\ 111~parlor goods L G 1ulldm & Sons show a very noticeable and at-tractlVe Ime of Flanders pieces and suites, in charge of E L Fullam The II' II Gunlocke Chair company of Wayland, N y , ~ho\'v an excellent hne of office, dining 100m and bedroom tur11lture The factory is V\orkmg at full capacity. 1he K111del Bed company have a fine exhibit of patIor beds The Buffalo Chair \11[ orks are well represented by then lmes of bedroom and I ece-ptlOn chairs made of mahogany, 111 chan~e of manager L IV. Wilson. The Skandia rU1111t1l1e company are represented by Flank Chesbro, E Schloss & company are represented by E G. and G E Schloss and have on exhibit their new line of hbrary tables and bedroom suites The firm will make a new line of caSe work The Gl11ted States Spring Bed company show a line of couch beds George L Lamb has an attlactive l1l1e of furniture novelties, represented by Charles Schofield and Lamb Bras INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seating. Catalogues to the Trade. No. 70 The Best Value and Greatest Service for the Money ._-------------------._---------_._--------_. .. - ... -.-... .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 rr=============_"::===================n Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products; you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work turned out . .All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing of our product. WRITE FOR CATALOG SHOWING THE COMPLETE LIST OF FACTORY EQUIPMENT. Good Equipment Means Better Work Grand Rapids Hand 618 North Front St. & Greene, Loth firms of Nappanee, Ind, have an exhIbIt of lamps The Fulton ChaIr company and the Belding-Hall com-pany, refngerators, both have good exhibits B. Berman, 191 Canal street, making couch beds, mat-tresses, springs, and cabinet beds, has an exhibit that attracts much attention on the fourth floor. The New England Beddmg company, beds and bedding, are represented by George C. Wheatley. The Royal Mantel and Furmture company have exhibits of buffets and sideboards, which is a special hne of oak, Flan-ders style The Greenpomt Metallic Bed company show their hnes of brass dnel Iron beds The Conewango FUI nlture company have taken a lot of orders for theIr medmm pnced bedroom furniture, under the management of WIll Howe The Langslow-Fowler company, making chairs, tables and novelties, have a umque exhIbit. Elh" Joyce & HIldreth have succeeded the SmIth & Ellis firm and have an exhIbIt of case goods in charge of A H HIldreth and C H Joyce The Fulton l\fanufactUl mg company, on the fifth floor, have a good dl;,play of go-carts, m charge of Herbert L HIll and have also three new carts m the exhIbit The HUbbard, Eldndge & MIller company have a hne display on the fifth floor, of chairs and an unusually big line The Readsboro (Vt ) ChaIr Manufacturmg company have an extra good exhIbIt on the SIxth floor, of foldmg tables, chairs, seats, etc , m charge of C ::VIand E M Vail S G. Estabrook & Co , are on hand as usual WIth a nice lme of parlor furniture, and some new hnes also S. P. Porter & Son have on exhibit the line of Crandall- Screw Co, Grand Rapids, Michigan Bennett-Porter company, of 100 styles of tables and a new hne of medIUm and high grade chairs and rockers made by the same firm, in charge of S P. Porter. F. H. Conant's Sons have a good exhibit of chairs, rock-ers and Morris chairs. The following firms are showing their lines together: The Rome (N Y) Metalhc Bedstead company; the New York Couch Bed company; the Manhattan Bedding company; The Menmac Mattress Manufacturmg company; the Phila-delphia Metalhc Bed company; the Southern Bedding com-pany; beds, couches and bedding. The Atlas Metal Bedstead company on the fourth floor, are showing their hnes here m charge of Harry Markowitz, and at the Chicago ExposItion in charge of Day Bros, at 1311 MIchIgan avenue ThIS firm have doubled their output reecntly. The H J Montgomery Manufacturing company have a nice line of rockers and chaIrs on exhIbit. N athan l\Ieyer is back agam as manager of the factory of E Schloss & Co, of this city The Hudson Metal Bed company have no exhIbit at the Exchange but a special exhIbIt of brass and Iron beds at 114 East Forty-second street and at the showroom, 213 Canal street. They were recently burned out but have put in new machinery and are building up their factory and filing orders Just the same The factory has a capacity of 600 beds a day and the output will be increased S Weisglass had no exhibIt at the Exchange, but is showing his lines at the factory Java and West streets, Greenpoint, in charge of Jacl M. Reiss The Wagner Couch company are showing their uphol-stery goods in parlor A of the Grand Union Hotel, in charge of George VIragner S. GENUINE TEAK~TOOD FURNITURE IS RARE Some Interesting Facts About Its Manufacture and the Asiatic Artisans Who Do the Carving---Beautiful Pieces Found in New England Mansions. There IS an elusIve charm about old teak\\ ood tUlmtUl e that endears It to the heart of collector'i, cau'img It to shal e in the populanty of Shelaton 'iofd" and ChIppendale Chelll" which the present craze fOl antlquc" ha" made \ aluable I c. thIs charm teakwood owes much of It'i \ aluc although I ant\ age, exqUISIte workmam,hlp and beauty of matenal all com bme to render the ge11lune pIeces almo"t pncele'i" To find the best specImens one must look III the coloma I mansIOns along the coa"t of New England, \\ hlch were once the homes of merchant pnnce<" '" ho"e dehg-ht It \\a" to fill their dwellmgs WIth rare and cunous article.., tram abroad Although the raw matenal glOW" anI) III Incha and a tC\\ other countne" m southern and ea"tern \ <;Ia, httle ot the work of IndIan arthan" has been Imported neaJl) all ot the furniture whIch has found Ih \\ a) to our Lountr) he1l1g the work of the Chmese and J apane'ie, to \\ ham the mo..,t e'-qUl sIte of wood carVlllgs may be attnbuted The tur11lture u"ed III the house" of e\ en the wealthy Chmese '" a" pla1l1 to e'- cess, although It wa" by no means lackmg m a certam drtl StlL ment, but the ImportatIOns hay e always been decorated \\ Ith mtncate pattern'i, the carvmg of whIch meant not days but weeks, months m some ca"es, even) ears, of patIent labor f01 the completIOn of the work \ \ hen the merchant pnnce" of Xew England Imported the nchly carved chaIr" and orna-ments of teakwood the domestIc questIOn had not yet become a problem and both mIstress and maId dehghted to du"t the quaint carvmgs, tedIOUS as \\ as the task Chairs and tables of teakwood are among the more com-mon pIeces, nearly all of these bemg really \\ ondertul <,peLl-mens of artistic skJlI, covered a" the) are \\Ith stlange and beautiful deVIces It IS not dIfficult to dlstingubh the carvmg of one natIOn from another, though there are three repre'iented 111 the work whIch has come to Amenca, namel), the Japanese, the Chmese and the IndIan Of these three, the Ea"t IndIan IS most crude, the carvings bemg fewer and clum'illy executed It IS most chfficult for the artIsans to obtam perfect specI-man'i of teakwood for theIr wOlk, a" the) dare not n"e an) \\ ood \\ hlch I" e\ cn remotely assocIated WIth any of the nnmerous relglOns 'iuper'itItlOns of theIr race, and teak is u "ed III the con 'itI uctlOn of theIr temple'i :'lmall artlLie", CUlIOU<,and qnamt are frequently made, and the combmatlOn'i of teak and other snbstances, Jade, C1) "ta!. lock 'ialt and tOl tOl<;e "hell hemg pnme favol ite'i, are e'(tl emel) beautItul Some of the olde'it and rare'it pIece" of teakwood m \mellca may be found m the Heard collectIOn at Ipswich, \Ia"" The old fdl1l1ly mansIOn b a \ entahle treasnre house, bnt among the rare and costly thmg'o stored there, none are more beautlfnl than the Japanese and Chmese artlcle'i, num-benng among them the teakwood Kor IS thIS house alone m It'. fine collectIOn. for It IS hut one of many along the coast 1\ hlch boa"t behmd then "tately portal'i rare pIeces, the equal at \\ hlch cannot now be fonnd among latter-day pro-ductlOn'i In Salem, :\Ia"" , there are several fine collections, one at whIch 1<, partIcularly noteworthy This mcludes a table \\ hlch measures 0\ er four feet across the top, one of the finest specImens ever Imported The carvmgs mclude a floral deSIgn \\Ith feet of open-mouthed dragon", the top i" of Chmese marble Dragon forms are popular WIth Chmese workmen, and find d place m many of theIr finest pieces There are few pIeces of teakwood that are carved alike, 0\\ mg to mdlvldual mterpretatlOns of the common pattern \\ hlch each workman of a shop IS supposed to follow Form-crl) each famIly had ItS own pattern, and an entIre vIllage \\ auld be de\ oted to the work, each famIly workmg upon a pIece untJl It was completed for the market N ow the artI- <,ans are banded together, some 20 or more belongmg to one <;hop, and the work IS carned on much the same as in any shop, the workmen followmg the common pattern, whIch is "eldom changed, 0\\ mg to the JealOUSIes eXlstmg between the \ allOU" shops Flowers al e found m profusion m all the carvmgs of the ollental countne<;, the sacred lotu" bemg most common among r----~-----~-_._-------th-e -Ch-1l1-e"e-C-ell-\-Ill.g-s, .w-hIl-e -the--che-rry-.blo-<;<-;on-n-ot -in-fre------~ L..ARGlE&T ,JOBBERS ANO MANUFACTURERS OF GLASS Pittsburg Plate Glass IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate 6lass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. q For anything in Builders' Glass, or anythmg m Pamts, Varmshes, Brushes or Pamters' Sundries, address any of our branch warehouses, a hst of whIch is gIven below' NEW YOBx-Budson and Vandam Sts. BOS':1'ON--U-49Sudbu17 st., 1-9 aowker St. CBICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. cmCI1II'NA':1'I-Broadway and Court sts. S':1'.LOUIS-Cor. ':1'enthand Spruce sts. lIaNNEAPOLIS-500-516 S. ':1'hird St. DE':1'BOI'1'-53-59 Lamed st., E. G:RAlIlD:RAPIDS, MlCB-39-41 JlI'.Division st. PI'1'':1'SBVBGB-I0I-103 Wood St. JllllaWAVE::BE,WlS.-492-494 Market St. BOCBES'J:'BB,JlI'.Y.-WUderBIdlf., MaiD ~ Ezchan,.. sts. B.&Ia'J:'DllOBE-310-12-14W. Pntt St. .. - CLEVELAlIlD-143Q-1434 West ':1'hird St. OKABA-1101-1107 Bowa.rd St. S':1'.PAVIa--459-461 Ja.ckson St. A':1':LA.1f'l'AG,A.-30-311-34 S. P170r st. SAVA.1rNAB,GA.-745-749 Wheaton St. K.AJlI'SASCI'.rY-:Pifth and Wyandotte Sts. BIBMDI'GBAllI, A:LA..-llnd Ave. and 29t11st. B1J:P:P.&IaOJl,I'.Y.-372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOElaTlll'--635-637 :Pulton st. • P:BIIaADEL:PB:I.A-1'1tca.1mBldlf., Arch and 11th DAVElIrPOB':1'-410-416Scott st. OK:LA.BOllllAC.I'l'Y, OKLA., 210-212W. :Pirst St. st.. I....- ._ .....I WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 ---------_._._. _. _._---. _. ..._ --- --_.--_.__.._--_. _._-_._---------------.-., II I~-_.... ._---------_._._._--------_._----- quently form" pal t of ]apane"e wOlk The sacred dog of COnfUC1w,IS also found in the work of hIS followers SplendId IllustratlOns of the favorite carvings of both the Chmese and the ]apane"e arc not wanting, and a tabl whose standard IS formed by the cOlIs of two immense ser-pents, to WhICh httle forms, half beast and half human, are clmging, together wIth a table whose decoratlOns are of dragon forms, are splendid examples of the reptile's use, whIle a screen has sohd supports carved in the likeness of dogs of rather belhgerent appearance Half way up the stan-dard" are sm mounted by smaller dogs, while the screen of ,,11k, nchly embrOIdered, 1" framed m a filagree design OccaslOnally the searcher after rare teakwood comes up-on a bIt of Spalll'3h or Portuguese ft.rrlllture, which is espec-ially valuable, as the teak long ago ceased to be exported to Spam and Portugal, and the manufacture of these articles ceased The European designs of these Spalllsh artisans are less mtrioate than the onental pattern", and for that reason are most popular For example, a chaIr m the possession of a Boston collector, built after the style of Charles II, and carved by a Spanish workman, is valued at $400, while an-other chair, fully as old and four times as large, was valued by the same person at only $100, because the carving" of the latter were not so well designed and but indifferently exe-cuted. Indeed, the Spanish designs excel all others for beauty and workmanshIp, which consequently places them highest in intrinsic worth The specimens of Spanish work are, however, rare, and but few are now to be found in America. It is m the smaller artIcles of teakwood that the most exquisite work is wrought. The da1 k wood lends itself to other substances, makmg them more beautiful by contrast, and the wonderful fancies in which it is wrought add their quota to the effect of the whole N early ~all of the teakwood m such artIcles is stained black, gi~fng It a dull effect, hke ebony, although in a few rare pieces the natural brown of the wood may be found, the colors v,trying from heart wood to sap -wood One of the more unique smaller articles is a card re-ceiver of soapstone and teakwood The wood is wrought in a lotus deSIgn, while dragons, birds and leaves are elabo-rately sarved upon the soapstone A canc1le"tIck, which would doubtless be admIred by the connmsseur, consists of three bronze dolphins <,upportlllg a single bronze lotus flower re"ting on a teakwood "tand carved in the form of lotu" .. .. ._ .. DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. LARGEST I "QUALITY" I LINE JI of DOUBLE CANE LEATHER MISSION CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. • • •• T _ ••••• _ • _ - -- -.-------. ---.-- -----.-.- ...... -------------~ _. .._ ... leave'i A small CUllO "uggestIve of the orient IS a bronze incense burner The metal IS chased and the teakwood stan-dard represents elaborately carved pomegranates From Chllla comes a ,ery graceful piece of carving in the form of a standard supporting a punch bowl of genuine Canton chma. The decoratlOns of hte standard are most ap-propnate and suggest the fnut sacred 1.0 Bacchus A simi-lar standard, les" elaborate in design has tiny animals lurk-mg amid the vmes whIch resemble the timid creatures of wood and field The wealth of figures which are combined m the simplest piece of carvmg is really a revelation to the present-day artIst who confines his work to scrolls and vari-eties of complicated hnes for the most part. The age of teakwood is not dIfficult to determine If one i" fairly famihar WIth the wood The carvmgs constitute the hall marks, as well as determine the value of the article, and by the comparison of the work on various pieces, not only can the age be approximately fixed, but the nationahty of the workers as well. Gpon these the collector may be said to rely for his mformation, and they are quite infalhble aIds Strangely enough, though, the patterns themselves are far less useful than the workmanship, for from hand to hand the deSIgns have been spread untIl generally toned down, added to here and there, and taken from as the carver willed, there was httle to show what the ongmal had been save a general semblance in all the work whIch can but be notIced The value placed upon teakwood is very hIgh, though it is true that modern furniture IS far less valued than the antlque An owner of a yacht recently paid $1,000 for teakwood floonng for his yacht, WhICh is by no means an exorbitant pI ice under the CIrcumstances Teak is found m the forests of ea"tern and southern Asia nearly the entire product being under the control of Great Britam, and when some years ago it was found that the trees were rapidly becoming exterminated by the tremendous ex-portatlOns and the carelessness of the men whose business It was to fit the wood for market, the government promptly took the matter into consideratlOn Teakwood was much used in the construction of ,var ve"sels, all(lf"" its loss meant a senous one to the government, wl1i~h cduld find nothing that would so well fill ItS place Its exportation was 1m-mechately forbidden to a certam degree, "0 that the supply wa" practically in the hands of the government Teakwood IS very hard, and is 'iometime'3 wrongly called Jronwood 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN SEND FOR CATALOGUE. New Furniture Dealers. E West IS a new furmture dealer at Independence, Ore E. W. Gilbert is a new furmture dealer at Dev11's Lake, N. Dak. Albert Pechin, formerly of WIchIta, Kan, has opened a new furniture store at Klssimee, Fla The Walnut RIdge Furmture company have opened a new store in the Rhea block, LIttle Rock, Ark. Irving L Howland WIll open a new furmture store on March 1, on Broadway near Pearl street, Long Branch,;'" J The Rhodes-Burford Furmture company, which IS a Ken-tucky corporation, capitahzed at $101,000, has been hcensed to use $25,000 of Its home capItal m estabhshmg a new store in St. Louis, Mo. C M Shannon who has succeeded WIlham Poulson m the undertaking busmess at \Vickenburg, Anz, '" 111put m a stock of furmture. E M. Grady has opened a new furmture store at Colum-bia, S. C, in a bmld1l1g formerly occupied as a salesroom by the county dispensary. J. A Bee and other" have incorporated the Parker~burg Furniture company to open a new store m Parker"burg, \\ Va Capital stock, $10,000 W 11lIam Chnstensen has just opened a new stock of furniture and hardware on the corner of East ThIrteenth and M11ler streets, Portland, Oregon The Ed",ards rurl1lture company, Walter Carr Edward8 manager, have cpened a new store at Eastman, Ga They wJ1l sell on the mstallment plan. A L Harlmon, W H Caldwell and VV. H SmIth, have 1l1corporated the ShelbyvIlle Furmture company, capltahzed at $10,000, to establIsh a new store at Shelbyv11le, Ky George H Booth, Edward J Obertmg, J. F SullIvan, John J SullIvan and Hubert Rarey have incorpOl ated the '\ e\\ Oh1O rurnlture company to establIsh a new "tore in lolumhu'i CapItal stock, $10,000 SOInething That Will Interest Veneer Users. "Blrd's Eye" VValker of ChIcago has another deVIce to lessen woodworkers and cabinet makers troubles. ThIS tIme It b a veneer punch made of Sanderson's tool-annealed steel, tempered by a "ecret process makmg Its edge as hard as a rock ThIS punch w11l cut any knot or defect out of bIrds' eye maple veneer or walnut and other thm veneers and WIll not turn It~ edge 0\ er Dy the aId of thIS punch you can make} our profit'> ,",v\ ell to an amazmg extent because the jJ11nch C11t",011t the \\a'ite and "aves the large sheets of veneer to } 011 tOl thell 0I1gmal P11Ipose Furl1lshed m any SIze, } Oll! optlOn, % lllch to 20 mche'i m dIameter Pnce $398 POl "ale by "Blrd''i Eyt:''' \Yalker exclUSIvely "When m doubt ask \\ alkel " Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dining Room Furniture BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture-Library Desks, Library Tables, Library Bookcases, Combination Book. cases, Etc. Our entire line will be on exhibition in January on the third Hoor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES WEEKLY ARTISAN New Factories. P. C McCall has establtshed a small furnIture factory at F ernandma, Fla. J. T Murphy and others have completed arrangements to mvest $10,000 in e'itabltshlllg a new furmture factory at Texarkana, Tex N. WeIter, formerly of St. Paul, Mmn , ha'i 'itarted oper-atIOns m his new furnIture factory at Centralia, vVash, em-ploying 75 hands The Acme FurnIture Manufactutmg company have com-pleted the butldmg and placed orders for the machinery for their new factory at San Marcos, Tex T G PhIlpot proposes to organIze a company and estab-ltsh a new chaIr factory at Augusta, Ga, If the chamber of commerce of that cIty WIll give him the desired encourage-ment The Egyptian Vault company has been incorporated to e'itablI'ih a plant and manufacture ca'iket'i in RIchmond, Va, CapItal 'itock, $5,000 J M Kain i:" presIdent and prmcipal 'itockholder The Inman-PIerson company recently organized with capItal stock authonzed at $100,000 to $250,000, promIses to e'itablish a new furnIture factory at LOUIsvIlle, Ky The 111mlmU111capItal stock ha", been paId in and more will be paId when needed The plant IS expected to be the largest and be'it eqUIpped south of the OhlO river Chatles W In-man 1'i presIdent of the company and William A PIerson secreta1 y and treasurer ," ". cmu_o .. "-------.-. ------~.------- -'~'-------------------1 IIf III I IfII Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAh ~._ paa._ ••••• • _ --_._-----------------.-- ___.._1 --...-_-_ .I.. 15 ____._....... . -------.--.-------------.---------------------------"1 Furniture Fires. McN amara & Hardlllg, furutture dealers of Bmghamton, "N Y, suffered a loss estimated at $12,000 to $15,000 from fi1e In theIr store recently Insurance, $10,000. The plant of the American Lmoleum company at Lino-leumv11le, S C, was damaged by fire to the extent of about $30,000, recently Insured Some of the employes were m- Jured by Jumpmg from the second story windows. J J Damel & Co, futmture dealers of MJ1lIdgev1lle, Ga, who were burned out recently have settled wIth the insurance compames and 1esumed bUSllless FIre damaged the plant of the J. W·. Lonng & Sons, cablllet makers, \Vorce",ter, Mass, to the extent of $6,000 last Saturday Insured The Tedstrom Furmture company of Pme Bluff, Ark, lost $10,000 by fire on January 28 Insurance $8,000. Carpets Made of Paper. Pont as Holstrom has establIshed, at Halmstad, Sweden, a "'plllnmg m11l for making yarn out of paper Such mills already eXIst m many of the small cities of Germany and France Households throughout the rural dIstricts of these countnes are furmshed with 1ugs and carpets made from this new paper yarn The people m Sweden, especially in the provmces of Ostergotland-; are already makmg carpets wIth paper weft Narrow walls of paper tape are used The plant at Halmstad IS planned to market an enormous output LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF -~ I Circassian, Mahogany, Oak, Poplar If and Gum Veneers. ff I• I I The Co. I I Albro Veneer I Established 1838. CINCINNATI. o. .I.- ..._- ••I 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN '-UBLISHEC EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRI~TION $1 eo ~ER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITEO STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $2 00 PER YEAR. SINGL.E COPIES 5 CENTS PUBI.ICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, A S WHITE, MANAGING EOiTOR Entered as second class matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand Rapids, Michigan under the act of March 3 1879 Those :\1mne"ota I etall fl1r11lt111e dealel" dl e cu td1111\ showl11g those of othel state" ho\'\ to meet mall OldC1 Cl11l petItion They have proved that ~l1ch competItIOn can be 11Ilt successfully and that the fur11lttll e dealers vvho allo\\ the catalogue houses to cut 111to theIr trade to an} great e"tlnt have only themseh es to hlame Thev have demon"tl atul some of the po"slbllttles of co-opelatlUn 111 a \\a\ th~lt "hOllld 111duce those of othel "tate" to tollc)\\ thell e"ample elml adopt their method" 1hell" com entlOn to he held 111Il11111l apolts next Monday and Tuesda}, Febl ualY 7 and 8, v\ III surely be profitable to the member" of the Olgal11Zatlon to every dealer 111 M111nesota and the Dakota" and tho"e 111other '3tate" mIght find It to theIr advantage to attend A good 111all111gh"t I" \aluable to a 1I1elchal1t 111 am kl11d of bus111es" if plOpedy used, partlcularh so to tho"(:' located 111small town" :\1all111g ltsts may be obtamed ea'-lh and qUIckly but they CO'it can 'ildel able money and tho"e pUI chased are not so good, not '30 reIJahle, a" the home l1l'ldL article A good way to get a good h"t 10, to collect thc names and addres"es of tho<;e you kno\v to be de"n abe cn" tomers and others a" you hear of them "\n occao,lOnal tll 11 through your tel ntory wlll enable } ou to ,,\V ell the II'-t and 111 a '3urpnsl11gly short tlm~ WIll have a lal~e h"t dIlCi you WIll know that It IS genu111e-that It ha" not been padded -and when you use It you vi<11;1 he sure of 1esult<; Dec1ar111g that "bu "111es" IS the be"t game m the \\ orld, that It is real fun to do bus111ess for a hV111g and to make the world a better place to ltve 111" Everybodys magazllle tell" "the story of Grand RapId"," to Illu"trate Ih pomt (rlane! Rapids found herself WIth acre" of hard lumbel and no u"e for It. She bUIlt huge factones, and turns out fur11lttll e t01 the world Homes whIch befOl e could not affOl d artl"tlC furniture are beautified, and the measure of lIfe 1"> tullel fOl the present generatIOn, because the manufactUl ero, of Grand Rapids are 111 bus1l1e"s" Grand RapId" appreuate'- the kmdly boost of "Everybodys" and votes It;, thank'3 unal11- mously The retail furl1lture merchants of OhIO v\ III meet dt Toledo on February 15 and devote two days to the con '3lderation of matters of mterest to the retall trade H ~ Kerr of Columbus, is the chaIrman of the commIttee on pro gram A large attendance IS expected OhIO contamE> at least seven hundred retaIlers of furl1lture and kmdl ed good<; and If all were ahve to the1l best mtere"t'3 the hate!" at Toledo would be overcrowded dunn~ the conventIOn \Ianufactul er~ of Grand RapId'S are buslly engaged in mal1111g catalogue" and blue pnnts for wl11ch there IS a con- "ldcI able 111C/ulry 1'lo"peIOuE> 11lanl1facturef'3 are leavl1lg for warmer chm-dte" tl) Pdo,'l thc rC111amdel of the \\mter I)lalu 'l In iactOl \ "upplte" and lumbel repol t a velY ~atJ,taetol} demand fOI good" The belt111g malket ha" not a" yet been affected by the boy coit on heef Tariff Sheets Are Unintelligible. '\t d meetJn~ ot the hou'ie Lon1111lttee on foreIgn and 111tel"tate commerce, at \\ a"h111gton last :\Ionday, the 1'o\'\n- "end bIll \\ hlch 1<;fa \ 01 ed by the admll1l"tratJon wao, taken up fOI dl"CU"'3lon r L Ll11coln, ple'3ldent of the \'"atlOnal Inc1ustnal1lafhc Ledgue aIglled fOI a Lm that would com-ptl the I Jad" tel tell plO"pectlVe shIpper" \\ hat It would cost tr) Ildn"pOlt tlll~ht fl,)m one pomt III the Cnited States to anothel 0\ el thCll ll\\ n or connectlllg hnes \Ir L111coln "ald tl1cl t iJ eCjucn tl} the late::, on charge" quoted by freIght dgenh Hun out to he elroneou" atter the ..,hlpment 1" madc dnd the ,-lllppel would he a""e'ised for much mOle than he hdd e"peltee! to he charged Do not the lallroach fUlnl"h a tallft "heet d" leqUlred ),' a"kee! LhaH man \Lann of the commlttee Oh, } e", 1 eplted \Ir L111coln, 'hut I defy anyone to hnd out from one of tho'3e 'iheeh \\ hat It co"t" to slllp any- "lnng tWl11 an\ plaLe to any" hel e They al e dh"olutely undellphel ahle trJ the U111l1ltldted Ihe avelage raIlroad tallff -heet I~ lu"t ahol\t a'o l11telltgble to the orcltnary shlppel a" the 11 ant pag e ot a lhlne"e nev\ "papel Lv en the freIght 'lgenb ot the road" thdt pnblt"h them ale unable to deCIpher theH hlu og-!v phlC'- ""GoodBacking."' I he \dam~ ~ Eltl11g company--the ' \d-ellte people"- hd \ e "tdl ted theH "pllllg clCh ertl0,111g campaIgn by l""mng a l \\ en t) -pag e tJ ade ma~a/lne entItled "Crood Back1l1g." the na'11C he111g dell\ cd fIom the fact that the !\.dams & Elt111g l'l\l1pan) bad, the lo1,hel - and dealel" v\ho handle theIr good", b} lIbel al ad \ el tlslng and b} ma1l1ta1l1l11g the eAcel-lent qUdht} at theIr product" "Good l3ack1l1g' b about the "Ize of LeslJes or Lolher-. and I">de\ oted largely to descnb II1g the men±'> of H) ISlemc Kab01111ne It IS entlrel) the pro-duct of theIr advertl"111g department and Its appearance "peak" \\ ell tOl the ta"te ancl ablltt) of thell "ad" wnters, althh, em.;ravel'l, jllmtel" dnd prc""men ""Soaking"the Milliners. fe'ltll11On\ of l111lhnel" who have a"ked the Interstate Lum111uce (0111111I">"lOntu (J1 der the expres" compal1les to chan~e thell rule" \\ a" heard by COn1l11l5SlOner J ame" S Har-lan, m ChIcago la"t Saturday F Bode, pre'ildent of the Mll- 11110) Jobbel'" a""oclatlon, "aId he had no objections to the lule" whIch restricted the "17e of cartons, but that the new 1111111111Uw1e1l1~hh Impo"ed by the e'Cpre,,'3 compa11les practl-ldllv doubled the late'l Will Manufacture Woodworking Machinery. r L De Druyne, fOlmerly assOCIated WIth the Valley L!tv II achmel v com pan} , wlll open a shop 111 Grand RapIds "uon and enga'i e 111 the productIOn of woodwork1l1g ma-rl1)] 1<:'1 \ WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 i I Pitcairn Varnish Company Manufacturers of Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality - Our Motto' "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" C. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't. Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J. Ask A-. . . • • • • _ _ _ __ • MOON DESK f COMPANY f IIII•II I !"'-----.-.-.-.-----------.-.--.-.-..--.--------------------.~---.-lI.--------- John \Vlddlcomb compan} Sl1gh FUfllltllre compan} \\ llmarth ~how la"e company Grand Rapld~ Refngelator company, all of (,land Rarnd" The Lent? Table Compdn), X a"h\ Jlle, \[ lch Charlotte '1 able compan}, (hallotte, \I1Ch \lal11~tee "\Tdnufactunng company, \lal11stee, ::\flCh \\ m Heap & Sons, Grdnd Haven, ::\11ch (,rand Rapld~ De~k compan), \Iu~kegon \Ilch \loon De~k compdny, :\Ithkee,on, \hch Bum n, ::\lor"c & COmpdny, ::\luskee,on \11ch Un111" wlck- Bdlke-l ollendcU l ompan.>, \111"kcg on \lICh \\ oodard .rll!nltll!C compan), (}v, 0""0, ::\[lch Roydl ChaIr company, ,'-,turgl", \11ch U L Marble Chall' cOmpall), llcdfOl d, OhIO Buckeye ChaIr company, Ra\ ennd, OhIO Herman Koel11g FUI mtll! t company Cll1cago, III How they cheated the PIg, 111 othel \\ 01 d", vvhat the; th1l1k of the Grand RaplLb \ ewel \\ OIl<::., proce,,~ for dry1J1g lum-ber Then If you want "ome more 1efel ence", addre"s C ::\1 care of \\ eekly Artisan ThIS "PIg bus1J1e~s' 1,., becom1l1g dCCldedly 1l1tere~tmg to many fll! mture manufdctll! el" all over the countr} On anothel page} au WIll find 'lame mIght} mterestmg readmg on the 'Ple," (jue,.,tlOn under the head-mg, "\\ ho reed" Your PIg" " ,. MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN No Change in Excursion Rates. 'L he Trans-contlllental Passenger assoCIation met III Ull- CdgO la"t week and after four day3 of wrangling over the bdSl" of 1educed rate" for speCIal excursIOns and conventIOn" on the Pacific coa"t for the Comlllg season, adjourned Satur-da} mght WIthout makmg any change from last year's fares fhe ~ummer toun,.,t rate to the coast WIll remam at $72 SO for the round tnp from ChIcago, 111 "plte of efforts to advance 1t to $78 OaTh e 1ate" f rOm ChIcago for the large number of conventlOil'i on the coa"t wdl be $62 SO, which was the fare for the Alaska-Yukon-f'aclfic exposItIOn last summer No change wa,., made III home"eeker",' and colom"t rates SA~~D t QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SLICED fAN D MAHOGANY Prices will undoubte ly ad-vance Apr. 1st. Ask for new catalog. . _ ..._-- ---- . . -..., I I I I i - -- .. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN -----------_._-------- -------._------------------._---~ Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. - , OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEL RACK VISES IN USE Price $2.80 to $4.00 25 doz Clamp FIxtures bought by one mlll!ast year We ship on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl~ tlonally. Wnte for ItBt of SteetBar Clamps, Vt88S, Bench Stops stc E. ". S"ElDON &. CO. 283 Madison St. Chicago FROM FACTORY TO FUNERAL .. ------------ ...._------- .. _-------------------- _ .. -- .. Middle-Men's Profits Cut Out of the Business of Burying the Dead_ The undertakert.' trust, if there IS such an organizatIOn, in Chicago is up agamst strong competitIOn furlllshed by the Western Casket and Undertakmg company, the new or-ganization that recently purchased the plant and busmess ot the Western Casket company of that cIty The ne\\ com-pany aims to lower the expense of bUl y mg the dead by deahng dIrect with the people, that IS, by makmg caskets, selling them at pnces about the same as they now charge the undertakel s and furnishing undertakers who conduct funerals for much less than IS charged by men who do not manufacture their caskets and other undertakers supphes They ha\ e a central office and sIxteen branch offices m the cIty and are ready to respond to calls at any time lllght or day. They are running full page advertisements in the daJly and Sunday papers and if reports are reliable they are likely to revolu-tiolllze the undertaking business in the bIg CIty, or, at least, rL~~~~~~~~--H~~~~·l ! 500 Rooms. :: Michigan Boulevard and 22nd Street. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. New Cafes. New Grill Room. Offices and Rooms Redecorated. Absolutely Fire Proof. "YOU WILL LIKE THE LEXINGTON." J. E MONTROSE t . CHARLES McHUGH f ProprIetors. HORACE WIGGINS, Assi.tant Mar. Also operating' Hotel Montrose, Cedar Rapids, la.; Rock House, Rock Island, Ill. ~..- _.--- .--- to cut down the cost of funerals conSIderably. Their plan and methods of busmess IS qUIte clearly outlmed in the fol-lowmg paragraphs chpped from theIr advertlsments which are e\ Idently written by an expert "Dunng the past week we have been pubhshmg in all the papers and in the street cars and elevated railroad cars, edltonals on the proper principles and excessIve charge in the undertakmg busmess We now want to show you how to remedy thIS so you may be guided rightly in the future EconomIsts and I' elfare workers have for years exerted theIr mfluence to reduce the cost of funeral services. They protested agamst a condItion that made it almost impossible for many to gIve their beloved ones a respectable burial The cause they have so long and ably championed has been realILed, the thmg they have worked and hoped for has become a fact "\\'hy pnces have been excessive-the undertaking busi-ness- for business it is-is overdone. There are too many funeral dIrectors This great duplicatIOn of concerns and employees IS wasteful and against economic principles. High pnces are the result To be exact there are 410 licensed L"ndertaker,., m ChIcago each averaging about one funeral a week SIX out of seven days they and their employees are Idle 'v'v hile expenses accumulate These conditions are the cause of pnces be1l1g out of proportIOn to cost of cas-ket and value of services ',\\ hy you should be interested -This subject must be \ le\\ ed phIlosopll1cally It would be eminently unfair to call tIll.., matter to yom attentIOn when you are agitated. Therefore we urge the people of Chicago to study the ob- Ject of our orga11lzation and the benefits that it will bring directly or indIrectly to them The Western Casket and "l'ndertakmg Company sell caskets at $1500 that cannot be bought from retaIl undertakers for less than $3500 to $5000 $75000 WIll buy a sohd bronze eternal casket This repre-sents the maxImum of value 111 casket const! uctlOn This casket Is usually sold at from $120000 to $300000 Corre-spond1l1g reductIOns on caskets of moderate grade. You can buy a casket hom the Western Ca"ket and Undertaking Company at whatever pnce your purse or mclmation permits, but always at les" cost than elsewhere How to commUI1lcate with us -In caSe our services are needed telephone Harrison 4487, at any hour of the day or mght, and one of OUI dIrectors WIll 'v lSlt you and make ar-rangements You WIll be saved the embarrassment of ming-lIng WIth people, when you are ready to select a casket, as an automobIle WIll call for you, conduct you to our Central Office, and return you to your home. The Western Casket dnd 1;ndertakmg Company have confidence in the people of C hILa~o, and belIeve they wIll apprecIate and take advantage of the benefits of the new condItions which they have made pOSSIble , \\' e are the only funeral dIrectors who manufacture casket,., and fur11lshmgs dealmg direct with the people." I .. ------_._._---_._--------_._._-------- WEEKLY ARTISAN ~ .. - .. I THE SHEER ART OF l@~ I till~lb VENEER I I The soundness, whiteness, smoothness and solidity. Here is Bird's Eye Maple indeed! Purity of color is prereqUIsite with us, there-fore our bird's eye is the whitest produced. Best bird's eye that money and brains can put together. Sure cure for a cabinet-maker's blues. Samples sent FREE on request. Write or wire f for yours today. Prices the fairest on record, %c to 3c per ft. The wise one will mail his trial order TODAY. I WALKER VEN~~c~~~ANEL WORKS, I I De/ll. D. Lona DIstance Phone Hyde Park 33. I ...----. . ..-------- . __ . -- .. .. .. .. ....., Would Abolish the Shoddy Mattress. Frank W Cotton, presIdent of the Folding Mattress com-pany of ?\ew Haven, Conn., proposes to take actwn that wIll be pleasmg to Mr. Kindel of Denver and others who have been trying to abolIsh the use of shoddy m the manu-facture of mattresses Mr. Cotton has had a btll prepared which if it becomes a law wIll mforce a heavy penalty for using shoddy for filling mattresses, or 111 upholstery of any kmd, and claims to have assurance that it wIll be passed by the legIslature and he hopes to see It adopted by other states Maryland IS the only state now having such a law and the Maryland law is not stringent enough to suit Mr. Cotton, who gIves hIs reasons for prohibitmg the use of shoddy as follows: "A shoddy mattress looks just as good when new as does one made of the proper materials But it is not in its 19 lack of wearing qualIty that the mattress made of shoddy is objectIOnable A shoddy mattres:" IS one of the dirtiest and most dangerous things in the worl9 Shoddy is made by gnndmg up all sorts of old cloth N,obody knows where the rag pickers get all the cloth they sell to the shoddy mills. It IS not pleasant to thmk about thiS Some of the tags are old clothes, worn by nobody knows whom Old mattresses, old qUilts and beddmg, every sort of thing that IS made of cloth, goes mto the manufacture of shoddy All the sten-hzmg processes in the world would not make these old rags clean In old beddmg and mattreS'ies disease germs flourish profusely. Many times a mattress or quIlt that has been used on the bed of some patient suffering from a malignant di-sease IS thrown on a dump somewhere, being considered unsafe for future use. The rag picker finds It there and soon It finds Its way mto the shoddy mill. It is from stuff like thIS that shoddy IS made mto mattresses that are sold through-out the country. "Shoddy could not be used in a more dangerous manner than when it is made into mattresses A person lying in a bed heats, with his body, the mattress under him. If there are germs there this heat has a wonderful enlivening effect on them. The sleepmg person naturally becomes warm and the pores open, making him particularly susceptible to the germs. "This shows the dangerous Side of the shoddy mattress question The filthy side is Just as unpleasant to contem-plate. A shoddy mattress IS the filthiest thing in the world, containing the dirt of nobody knows how many previous users, white, black and maybe yellow. Diseases of all kinds lurk 111 the shoddy mattress and it is my conviction that it IS up to somebody who has an intimate knowledge of these conditions to make a move to render the manufacture of shoddy mattre'ises illega1." SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ Each Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Loui5 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Retail Dealers" Furniture Association OFFICERS-President, LouIs J Buenger New DIm, Vice President, C Danielson, Cannon FaUs, Treasurer, o A 0 Moen, Peterson Secretary, W L. Grapp, Janesvdle EXECUTIVE COM'\1ITTEE-D F RIchardson Northfield Geo. Kltne, Mankato, W L.llarns MlIlneapohs, o SImon, G encoe M L KlIne, St Peter. BULLETIN No. 97 . In this week's department. we give the secretary's annual report as this will reach our members just about the time the convention is on. This will give those who are not fortunate enough to be there. some idea of what the association is doing. As tIme and tIde walt for no one, I find that anothel year has passed and must say that because of It:-. actn Ity, I hardly realtze that we are now agam assembled m com en-tlOn. The duties and routme of the office reqmre a report m detatl of the work which ha'i been carned on till" \ eal The practical lesson gotten out of thiS ) ear'.., n:peneflce pro\ e" that our as"oclatlOn Will grow only as fa,t a" the dealer I" convmced that our associatIOn bnngs to him the thmgs need-ful to protect hImself agamst busme;,s e\ lIs Just as ,oon as we accompltsh thi'i. we Will hay e the hearty co-operatIOn of all dealers which means an a;,,,oclatlOn of magmtude and power Therefore our ultimate ~ucces" Will hmge upon OUI ablltty to bnng about the'ie conditIOn;, ;,0 are \\ e ~omg to be big enough, broad-mmded enough and blhme.,:o men enough to make thiS an accompltshed fact 'I hat IS the questIOn Our vanous ablhttes naturally make us look upon an) "ubj ect from a different ltght TherefO! e VI' e have found It necessary to follow along the Ime'i of least resistance and adopt the pohcles favored by the maJonty of the member" As the mall order eVil 'ieems to he the predommatm~ faLtOl, we have been obltged to put the gleater amount of our \\ork upon 'iolvmg thl'i ploblem v,r e helteve we al e solvmg It bettel and mOle pi act I cally than any other association and are prepared to demon ;,trate to you at thiS conventIOn that the mall order e\ II need no longer be a source of fear to the member'i of our a;,,,oclatlOn for we "olve thi;, problem m a practIcal \\ a) Ih "tuch mg the lesson" that we hay e blought to thl" com entlOn, \\ e are "urc that you Will 'iee that we are not only furnl"hm~ the ma-tenal With which to meet thiS e\ II but that we hay e ~athered flom different 'iources the best method" of usmg It The best of It all l'i that we are able to do thiS at 'iuch a nommal figure that these as;,oclatlOn help'i are not prohlblt1\ e to e\ en the smalle'it dealel ,"Ai e assume that It b the duty ot our as;,oclatlOn to "oh e these business problems and bnng to om member" the remedy and that l'i a'i far as we can go After that, It de pends upon how well the dealer utlltzes the"e help'i At thiS point, I want to leave a thought that is not gene-lally realized and that l'i that becau'ie of our constant touch With busmess, we do not reahLe \\;hat the WOld bU'ime"-, 1111 plies It ha'i become 'iO much a part of our life that \\;e can hal dly breathe, tm n or touch anythmg without commg in contact With busmes" Ii IS the greate'it occupatIOn that the human mmd IS capable of carrym~ on but It 'ieem'i to he ~reat1y mlsunder'itood and ha'i a record of five fatlm es out of every six bU'imess venture'i 1£ we Will look a ltttle into hi 'itory, we Will see that busI-ne'iS itself has corrected existmg evils lust as soon as the qt1es~ton, '~Doe'i It pay'" came up To emphasize this thought more fully, let me ",ay that ;,lavery was once con- 'iidered a legitimate bU'ime'is but JU'it as 'ioon a'i they found that It did not pay, slaverv dl'iappeared and ~o J could go on glvmg a long list of reform'i \Ye, a., repre'ientatIves of the furniture busmess, are here becau'ie of certam tendencle'i and evil'i that have been croppml2, mto OUI busmess until we are broul2,ht to the stone wall of "elf-mtere~t which make" u;, pause and ask our;,elves. "Doe;, It pal ", I belteve that we are begmlllnl2, to lealtze that the faLto! of bu:omess IS the Important thmg m our hfe Tn the pre'ient day of Clvlli7atlOll, we al e apt to look upon the pIOfe'iSlOn" a" ideal calhn~'i whether that.--PfnfesslOn adminster'i to the comfort of the bodv or the soul but take away the factor of busmess from anyone of these profeSSIOns and there IS nothmg to support It Smce e\ erythmg depends upon bUSI-ness, I hold that It 1'0 the most Important thmg we have to deal \\ Ith Therefol e mstead of allowmg It to be considered a common thmg, It ought to be classed among the best achle\ ement" that the human mmd l'i capable of I belIe\ e that the thmkmg men of today are beginning to realIze thl'i as they never have before and that in the near future. we Will all look upon busmess a'i an accomplish-ment to he conducted by ~clentdic prmclples rather than in the haphazard \'0 a) m whlCh It IS carned on today, You will ah\ a\:o find that he who doe'i not follow the fundamental pI mC'lples ot husme;,,, mu"t pay the penalty and I believe, that \\ e, the furnIture men, are paymg a big pnce along these hne" ThiS bnng" me back to the problem which we have \\ orked so hard on thb year's co-operatmg buymg The report of the buymg committee Will show that the mone, "<lvmg to the member'i thiS year was over $2,500 Hm' e, er thh money savmg IS nothing when you consider that \\ ere It not for thiS method of buymg, we could never hay e gotten the Items needed to meet competItion. This pi 0\ es that co-operatIve buymg enables us to overcome con-ditIons and meet competitIve pnces In this way, It has proved the key to many, many big sales and therefore It IS Impos- -,Ible to estllnate ho\\; valuable this buymg movement has been to U'i thb vear To me, all thiS an'iwers the question, of, "Doe" It pal ,', m the affirmatIve 1£ v\;e ha' e not been takmg advantage of the latest short cut and means of bnngmg our suppltes to U'i, we must not condemm those who are makmg use of their opportumties Therefore, you Will be 'iurpn"ed when J say that the mail order hou;,e'i have a legitImate place m the realms of busi-nes'i- that they have created a new conchtion which has ;,tlmulated the merchants everywhere to be better busmess men m order to protect thenbelve'i I hold that the mail order C\ II ha" been a ble'iSmp- to the mercantile world in-stead of what we commonly call an evil Now do not Jump to conclu"lOns but take thiS a'i I llltend It to be taken Department in Trade Journals. One of the most Important elements III modern busllles", IS proper advertIslllg so why should this associatIOn be an exceptIOn' The trade papels are the only medium III which we can reach those who are interested III our work There-fore, I feel that our poltcy of mallltallllllg a department in the Furlllture Journal and the \Veekly Artisan IS very essen-ttal \¥Ithout thiS aid, I am sure that we would not be as strong today as we are now Local achle\;ement has ItS lllfluences only wlthlll ItS natural surroundlllgs so why not Widen that lllfluence by the use of a medium that Will bnng these assoCIatIOn helps to other'i The more we g"lve, the more we\\; III receive for others Will take our Ideas and work them llltO nuggets of help for us all \¥ e have lllspiration by exposlllg any method" that are a detnment and have tried to CIeate an lllterest along the ltne of good merchandise, ad\ ertl'illlg helps and salesmanship ThiS meetlllg Will 'ihow \\ hethel we. are accompltshlllg thi'i purpose or not The secretary's office can report that a great deal ha" been accompltshed thru these departments and that besides ~ettlllg new members, we have ;,ucceeded III lllteresting those whom we nevel drcamed woule! hecome interested in as'iOCI- WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 ~ _ _---_.-_.-_ _. ---_.-.-------_._-- -----_._._.--._._-------- .. ------ .. • We don't know a better way to show you our finish and upholstering, than to offer you something at a price, which you cannot overlook, or fail to buy, this No. 945 three piece mahogany suite, highly polished, upholstered by good mechanics. We use brass casters, and crate all shipments. ..~I I $25 I•n Sill\. Velour . We furnish same for $2.50 more in good grade leather. MODERN PARLOR FURNITURE CO., I 664·66-68 Division St., CHICAGO, ILL. I •••••••• __ ••• •••• 1 •• _ ••• _ w. _ • a.. . .-------- . . • atlOn methods The buymg commIttee sends thIs depart-ment to our member'S to see If It WIll mterest them to such an extent that they wIll provIde themselve~ WIth It when the subscnptlOn expIres Do not forget that we dealers wIll not have the mfluence that fJahtfull belongs to U'i unle'Ss we gIve the trade press the proper support Certam commerCIal mterests are shapma the present day polICIes that surround the furnIture busmess mstead of the dealer ihunself and gradually we are bemg made to realIze that others are fixmg the pnce~ at whIch we shall sell certam classes of merchan-dlse,- regardle~s of our condltlon'i and "urroundmgs These, however, would "oon be corrected If we, the small dealer~, would only do our part m 'Supportmg the trade papers m-stead of makmg them rel" upon advertlsmg whIch the" now have to m order to be 'iucce~sful I, therefore, feel free to say that It IS the duty of every dealer to be a subscnber of one or more trade papers Advertisin~ Helps. I belIeve the maJonty of merchant-, apprecIate the value of proper advertlsmg \\ hlle many a man may have bUIlt up a succes'iful bthme'is WIthout ad, ertl"mg. It does not prove that the 'iame man could not hay e accomplI'Shed tWIce or three times what he dId If he ad ve,rtlsed nghtly There-fore the report of the advertl"II1O cotl1mlttee "'Ill 'Show that we hay e carned on Ju:ot a'i aggl e,",~ne a campalgl1 along the"e lIne" a~ our funds and abIlIty would admIt Chaptel aftel chap-ter a~ to the be'it way to advel tI~e have been wntten but 'iuflice to 'iay that the a":OOClatlOn ha" adoptfd a polIcy whIch make'i It possIble for U'i to do thmg'i collectIvely that would be out of the nuestlOl1 If attempted mdn Idually DetaIl'i WIll be gIven m the report of the commIttee 011 adverthmg Lellislatioll. Each year of our as"oclatlOl1 'S eXIstence bnng,", to u" thf necesslty of wt:oe and JudlclOu~ legl'ilatlOn ]f vou have kept your ear to the ground, and have watched the work of OUI leglslator'i, yOU no doubt have been made to see that the) can, by wIse or unwIse method'i, make or break mtere~h m-volved If ever there was a tune when our assocIatIOn need-ed a large and actn e legi'ilatn e commIttee, It IS thIS year The next ses~lOn of our state leglslatUl e "'Ill soon be here and a" alwa)" happen~, five tune" a'S much work a'i can be accomplIshed WIll be a'iked of them Therefore, If the small busme"s mtere~ts of the 'itate ,,,ant to correct some of the uncalled for abu'Ses that now eXIst, they mu"t get together earl and frame such propo:oed changes a'S WIll be Just to the bu'Smes~ mtere'its and the people of the "tate 11lsuraRce. ThIs feature of our aSSOCIatIOn work has been allowed to lIe dormant for the past SIX months-prmclpally because of lack of abIlIty to get the proper kmd of solICItor to cover the field J U5t as soon a" thl'S can be accomplIshed, I feel that much good can be done and that It WIN be the mean'S of holdmg together the mem ber'i of our as'iOClatlOn A'i the carrymg of a proper amount of m'iurance I'S an e""entlal de-taIl of every busme'Ss, I hope that the member" of thl'S a'i'SocI-atlon WIll be prepared to gn e at least a portIOn of theIr msurance to our ,",obCltor ",hen he call" (Continued on Page 28) --------_ ...__.--._._._._--------------.., r- IIII No.15 FOX SAWING MACHINE WRITE 44 FOR NEW CATALOG .. FOX MACHINE CO. -.- 1.. . - .I. 185 N FRONT ST''':ET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS L GIll has pUl chased the I11terest of S L OS\\ aId 111 the Oregon CIty (Ore) FurnitUle factory The Henry Schomel company, furnIture dealer,., ChIC-ago, have incorporated. CapItal stock, $20,000 L B. Loofts of Germallla, la, has purchased thc furl11- ture ~tore of Theodore Schroeder, at \Ve"ley. 10\\ a H Crock1l1, furmture dealer of N 01 folk, Va, ha~ let the contract for the erectIOn of a new bUlld1l1g at $50.814 The P. W Mad,.,en F~~rmture company of Salt Lake Clty will expend $10,000 or $12,000 111 remodelIng- theIr store The Standard Furlllture dlstnbutlllg company of ChI-cago has been Illcorporated wIth capItal stock fixed at $2,500 The Assabet Furlllture company, dealers. of ::\lay nard, Mass, expects to go out of busllless, m that to\\ n at least, on May 1. Haynes & Middleton, dealers m furllltUl e, wall paper, , etc., at Pittsfield, Mass, have mcorporated Capital stock, $10,000. The Gold Medal Camp Wis, have increased theIr $300,000. WJ1liam C Hatch, upholsterel of filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy sets $200 The principal office of the Chair company has been moved City, N C. The Pettit Feathel Beddmg company succeed" the \b-bott & Church company III the manufacture of wo\ en \\ Ire bed springs, in Portland, Ore The Goldenberg Furmture company ha" pUlcha"ed the building and ground lea"e of the Epstem FUlmtlll e house at 1307-9 Halsted "treet, Chicag-o EllIott Anderson, furniture dealer on ThIrd "treet, Des M01l1es, Ia, has "ecured better quarters m an adJoilllng bUlld1l1g and WIll enlarge his busllless The Theus FurnIture company, dealers, of Pen,.,acola, Fla, are closing out their stock "at cost" \\ Ith the announce-ment that they wIll d1scont1l1ue busllle"s G Cohen, furniture dealer at 836 ThIrd street, Des Moines, la, announces that he WIll retire from the furnIture trade and engage in the salvape busllless The old firm of Ivins, DeItz & Metzger company, carpet and rug manufacturers, of PhIladelphIa ha,., been Illcorporated as the Hardwick & McGee company CapItal "tock, $4,000.- 000 The manufacturers and Jobbel s of POI tland. Oregon, have dlscontmued thc practice of chargmg for packmg and Furniture company of Raclllc, capItal stock from $60,000 to Columbus, 0, has Liablhties, $341 as- HIgh Pomt Bendmg and from ITI£;h POInt to SIler ", IIII :I II i Don't Burn Your Moulding. Blackened edges so often found in hard-wood MouldIngs Indicate the use of Inferior tools, which fnctlOn and burn because of their fatlure to have proper clearance. The Shimer Reversible and Non- Reversible Cutters are made of the finest tool steel by experienced workmen. In deSign and con-struction they are supenor to anythIng on the market. They cut well and retam their shape untIl worn out. Send us drawmgs or wood samples for estimates on special cutters. Many useful de Signs, with prices, are given in <lurcatalogue. SAMldEL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn. Manufacturers of the Shimer Cutter Heads for Flooring, Ceihng, Sidmg, Doors, Sash, etc. "'-- .... -- .. _. ... --_._._._~~._---- , cartage m I espon"e to a plotest from the retaIl dealers of the ~tate '\ e\\ ben y 1310" & Cowell, manufacturers of furniture and chaIrs, w hose plant at Dunn, ~ C, has been idle for ncarly a yeel!, expect to re"ume operatIOn" about the first of ,larch C R Leland ha,., ,.,old hI" mterest ifI the furlllture busi-nes" of Dunn & Leland, Mader, Cal;- to H W Bean of Alameda, and the busllle"s WIll be conducted under the name of Dunn & Bean 1\ er G 'Jewlen, undertaker of Des Moines, Ia, has pur-cha,., ed the busllless of his competitors, the Thomas-Pierce L:ndertak1l1g company and now has an establIshment on each SIde of the nver The D V\ 01£ company of Trenton, N. J have decided to close out theIr furlllture department and confine their busllless to the clothing trade T~elr furlllture department \\ as establish(ld in 1895 Thomas J Harwell, for the past two years manager for the T C Swan company, Covingtfn, Ga, has purchased C. A Harwell's furniture store in the same town and proposes to enlarge the stock and business Charles Baer & Sons, furnitUl e dealers of York, N ebr , ha\ e ,.,old out to Rademaker & Sons of Crete, Nebr. The y oungel members of the Maer firm expect to engage in the furlllture tI ade at Longmont, Co!. The ::\lanon Iron Bed company, the Spencer Table company and the 0 H Keller Table company have filed a petItion ask1l1g that the XatlOnal Furlllture company of Fort ·Wayne, Ind , be adjudged bankrupt fIT A \Vheelock for five year" vIce pI eSldent and general manager of the ::\Iacomb (Ga) CIty Furlllture and Hardware company, has re"lgned and is succeeded by Miss Margaret H auraban who IS also preSIdent of the company The Dodge FurnIture company. dealers, of Worcester, ::\1as,., ha\ e purchased the stock and good WIll of their com-petItors, the \\ Ly nch Furniture company and wIll use both store" untIl the Ly nch ,.,tock 111 conSIderably reduced The board of trade of KnOXVIlle, Tenn , is try1l1g to se-cure the annual con\ entlOn of the Retail Mantel Dealers of Amenca whIch IS to be held m Apnl Mantel, marble and ,anous hardware Illterest" are represented III the organization ::\lembers of the Columbus (0) FurnIture Dealers asso- CIatIOn WIll charter a speCIal car and go in a body to the annual conventIOn of the state orgalllzatlOn to be held in Toledo on \\ ednesday and Thursday, February 15 and 16 13U1g1ars entered the store of the Glass Furlllture com- ._-_._.-----------------_._.-------. -~ I I II I ..,,,I ,,, ,, II THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater ... Send Jour address and and receive descriptive circular of Glue Heaters. Glne Cookers and Hot Boxes witL pricea. ------------_._._-- _:~~~::~~~~ ....... WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 .., produces on any oak results equal in every respect to those obtained by the old tedious and expensive actual fuming method. This especially prepared material when applied to any oak acts with the acids in the wood and produces that peculiarly beautiful, brown-ish effect known as "Fumed Oak." Nothing affects the finish, which may be thoroughly sandpapered without fear of cutting through. Send for FREE sample. We supply everything in Paint Specialties and Wood Finishing materials. CHICAGO .... • ••• • • •• •• • •• -. • •• __ a •• NEW YORK ......... _ . . .. . .----' pdny of Jackson, Tenn, worked the combmatlOn of the safe and got away wIth somethmg over $100 1ll cash wIthout leaving a clew The store is located near polIce headquarters After bemg m the retail furniture business almost half a century the Comstock-Avery company of Peoria, Ill, have closed out their stock, vacated the store anI turned the keys over to the FIrst NatIonal Bank which bought the building SIx months ago WIllIam R MIller, Alice M Maas, Florence M Vetter and Isabelle M Miller have incorporated the Home Furniture and Carpet company, capItalIzed at $20,000, to take over the business of Vetter Bros & LeWIS of New Albany, whIch was recently acqUIred by Mr Miller. At the annual meetmg of the C S Pame company, Grand RapIds, Mlch, officers were elected as follows' President, Charles S Pame; vice preSIdent, M R BIssell, treasurer, ,VIllIam H Gay, secretary, E H \!VIllIalllo; The reports ~howed the company had a very successful year Cal pet manufacturers m the east made a general ad- \ dnce m pllceo; on Pebrual y 1 Tape;otries were put up 2;1z cenh pel J al d, \\1Ilton velvets 5 cents and 1ugs 50 cents each on the 9:x 12 ba~b Plbre and FdbrIc, the textIle trade Journal of Boston, pI edIcts a fm thel advance before the end of the month All capItal necessary for rebmlding the plant of the DommlOn ChaIr company, Ltd, of Bass River, Nova ScotIa, whIch was destroyed by fire on December 31 has been sub- SCrIbed, malllly by the old stockholders and the work of re-buIldmg is progressing rapidly The los<; by the fire was almost total, with lIght insurance The BIllow-Lupfer company of Columbus, 0, manufac-turers of furniture, furniture supplIes, spring beds, mattresses etc., have filed notice of dIssolution The business will be closed out or sold as a \\,hole and the net proceeds dIvided among the stockholder~ DIssenSIOn among the managers is gIven as the reason for placmg the agairs m liqUIdation. At the postponed annual meetmg of the Jamestown (N Y) Chair company, C Vv Swanson, S. P. Carlson and P. E. Larson were re-elected to the board of directors and Leander Johnson anI C E Jones were elected as new members The dIrectors elected the followmg officers President, S P. Carlson; vice president, Leander Johnson, secretary and treas-urer, C. W. Swanson; superintendent, C E Jones. ~--.....__ ...•.....-------- --------------------- We Manufacture the Larlle.t Line of rOlDlno (nAIDS In the UDlted States, sUltable for Sun day Sc hools, Halls, Steam-ers and all pub"c resorts We also manufacture Brass Trimmed I r 0 n Beds, SprIng Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large variety. Send for Catalogue and Prices to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. AS HLAND, OHIO ..._-- . 1 j ........ 24 "I . IIII I 4. • ~. ,I ,IIII WEEKLY ARTISAN Here is . ..---------------- -----------------------~ , I II III tI III ,f •II ,I , I I IIIII I I f IIIIIII ,I IIII II I '508·"'0 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. I ••••• a.a •.••••• _~ a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN. WIS. No. 592. I. I I I~--_... Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-five years. Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas m fme labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS WHO FEEDS YOUR PIGS? I>, el.v factory hac; its pigs-razor backs, most of them-tccdel" but ne\ e1 fat nOl marketable ] hel c al c steam raters, glue eaters, etc, but the most ra-paclon" at them 10,the lnmber eater, commonly known as the \\ \C; fE DIX III most plants this pig eatc; from 25% to 50% of all the Inmbe1 the OVel-v\Olked managel can bny and gives in return a \ el} low gl ac1c of refuse-fuel. It \ OU \\ 111\\ atch thl~ pig for a week you will discover that all the ieed he gets 1~ the result of poorly dried lumber-Ium-bcr that 1., checked \v al ped, casehardened or honeycombed in the d1} -kIln-knob are dried or baked 30 hard and crooked that a planer tealS them to pieces \\ hen} au hay e decided that a sufficiently large hole has been eaten mto .v0ur bank account, "'rite the Grand Rapids \" cnee1 \Yarks, G1and Rapids, Michigan, and learn how hun-ched., of \\l"e managels ale CHEATING THIS PIG. Holding Off. On account of the antl-"aloon movement m Kent connty \1lclm;an, PhIl Klmgman \\111 not engage actively m the II ellk 0t el ectmg hI" neVI bl11ldmg on ::'\orth D1v1son street. (,I and RapId". untIl the "pllng electton shall be held Be-he> mg that the clo"mg of the "aloons would prove lllJunous to (,1 and Ra pIc!" a" cl fUrl11tul e mdrket, 1\11' Khngman very 1lcttnlalh he"ltate" O\el the m\eo,tment of se\e1al hunched thutl"and (1Jllal" 111 a 1ltulc\mg that \\ auld prO\ e usele"s dnd a total 10"" 1r e h ql11te confident the dl \" \v 111be defeated hem c,eI dnd c"pect" to e1eet the 1ml1chno, 111 tl111e for u"e at the ne"t 1111cl-1m\ te' e"rlO"ltlOn ~----------.... _---. . .. --~ ~fKCt~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~~i~vllt~g I SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES. I , •I~_.---_._----_._-------------....\ I I I I _ -4 CWartiatleoKfoure. II E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS, ALMLEICGHA.N, WEEKLY ARTISAN DEATH OF JOHN WIDDICOMB Prominent Grand Rapids Furniture Manufact-urer a Victim of Heart Disease. John \Viddlcomb, fOI man) ) ears one of the most promment furl11ture manufacturers of Grand RapIds, died suddenl) on Sat-urday, February 5 He \\ as chctat111g to hIs stenogl aphel \\ hen he dropped fro111 111" chaIr <ll1d expIred bcfOle aSCJstance could he summoned The ph} SlCldllS deCIded that hIS death ,\ as due to rheumati"m of the heart He haJ not been 111poor health, though the prevIOus 111ght, feel111g mdl"posed, and not knowmg JOHN WIDDICOMB. From a Photograph Taken by Noble in 1906. just what al1ed him, he consulted a ph} sician and was assm ed that he was not suffering from any sel ious or dangerous <l1lment and was busy as usual Saturday mormng. John Wlddicomb was one of the pioneer furmture manufac-turers of Grand Rapids, and though he had his ups and downs, on the whole he was one of the most successful. He was b0111 111's)facuse, NY, in 1845. His father, George ~\'\!Jdcbcomb, W2S a cabinet maker, who came from England 1111843 and after working 111vanous towns 111N ew York and other states, came to Grand Rapids in 1857 and took a positl{)n with the ~Winchester 25 Bros, who founded the lllstltutlOn now known as the Nelson- Matter Furniture company A year or two later he bought the cabinet "hop that had been estabhshed by the Pullman's. He had four sons, and John, hke the others, went to work in the shop at an early age The four "ons served 111 the civil war and three of them, WIlham, John and Harry, surVIved George J r. cbed as a I esult of hIS service in the army. Aftel the war the three blOthers ectabh"heel a "mdll furni-ture factory on the ea"t side Canal Two yeaF laicr, 111 18Gi, they moved to the IN est SIde anel WIth l' F RIchards, bmlt a factory on the site of the \Viddlcomb l'ur111ture company's plant, the firm being known as \i\!Jddicomb Bras & Richards. In 1873 the firm was incorporated as the Widdicomb Furniture company which prospered until 1893 In the mean time William \Viddi-comb had I etil ed to take the posItIOn of cashier in the Grand RapIds National bank. The panic of 1893 caught the company unprepared for such a contingency, and wiped out all that John Widc!Jcomb had ac-cumulated 111 a quarter of a century. He chd not lose heart or courage however. \iVlth pluck, ability and energy unabated he managed to obtain control of the assets of the Widdicomb Mantel company and the G1cason Wood Ornament company, which hac! also gone do\\ n in the crash, and on their ruins founded the John \Vlddlcomb company, which he built up until It is one of the largest and most prosperous fur111ture making institutIOn in the country In 1901 he acquired the old plant of the Kent Furniture company, which he enlarged and improved as he dId the plant of the Mantel company, hav111g recently com-pleted a large five story bnck addItIOn to the latter plant Only a few months ago he hecame the pnnClpal "tockholder 111the Grand RapIds Hand Screw company and assumed the manage-ment. John vViddicomb \vas a hustler By many he was consid-ered reckless or too much inc1med to plunge and take risks. He had gl eat executive ablhty and an unusual faculty that enabled hU11to keep hunself well informed as to the details of his busi-ness. He had an excellent 1eputatlOn for honesty and integrity and that he de"erved it is attectec1 by the fact that during the later years of his prospelity he paId every dollar of the debts of 189:3, though s{)me of them had been outlawed. Mr. \Vlc1dlcomb for many years was active 111the manage-ment of church and chantable institutIOns and gave generously for their support, particularly to the hospItals. Of late he had taken considerable interest in muniCIpal affairs For two years he had been a member of the Board of Pubhc Works and was frequently suggested as a candIdate for mayor. He leaves a widow, a son and two daughters The daugh-ters, both married, re"lde 111 London, England, and one of them sailed from Liverpool only a few hours before her fathers' death, expecting to viSIt hel palents and that her father would return with her in the spring. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN '""--- --~_._---- ~-. qUIckly, easIly and well, that to use it becomes a pleasure. I The Regina pneumatic cleaner has a large duplex pump, I and IS so constructed that a strong suction is created by both forward and backward stroke of lever. Every movement of ! le\ el 111 eIther chrectlOn draws a current of air forcibly through I the no//le. thtb producll1g contmuous suctIOn which dust and I dIrt cannot resIst After usmg, the dust which has been I collected IS easIly anI qUIckly removed without the necessity I ot remm In!:; any troublesome bolts and screws and without ! ~~I~~:II~~h~;cc~:::;;rs t~o~~r:n t~~e ::acr~:te upside down, as in I The Regma pneumatic cleaner has been designed and is I bemg made by the same skIlled mechamcs who make the I Regma musIc boxes These workmen are fitted by training I and expenence to turn out work of the highest class, and I they take pnde m plOducmg machines which are built "a little I better than seems neces3ary" Every Regina pnleumatic I cleaner I~ fully guaranteed against defects in constructIOn, I matenal and workmanshIp for one year from date of pur- I chase I The Regma pneumatic cleaner weighs but 25 pounds, I cll1d b easIly carned m one hand. It occupies small space 'I when not m use and does the same work as other vacuum I l leanel s costmg several times as much . It is truly "The H ou~ekeepel 's Best Fnend," because it has abolished the I terror~ of "S\\ eepmg day" and enables her to keep her house cIedn wIth the mlmmum of effort. It is almost noiseless in operatIOn and con tams no complicated mechanism to get out of 01 der In using it there is no wear and tear on the carpet, as m the case of broom or carpet sweeper, and the \\ ear thu" sa \ ed, added to the cost of cleaning by the old method-If labor and tIme are worth anythmg-will soon i- . ._._.__. ._._._.~.. . . _4 pay for It HE~E'S THAT ISA BARGAIN No. 537. 28x42 top. Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thiS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thiS and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. New Casters and Cleaners. The Planet company WIth offices m the FlI.ot XatlOnal Bank bUlldmg, Chicago, are puttmg out on the market t\\ 0 deVIces that have proven to be of speCIal mterest and been received With marked fay or by the furl11ture tl ade One of these deVIces IS the Regma pneumatic cleaner for cleanll1g carpets, rugs, hard wood floors, CUItams, drapenes, \valls, up-holstered furmture, etc, by the vacUUm plOcess. ThIS de\ Ice IS a household necessIty whIch meets WIth an Instant demand as soon as seen by every housewIfe The other deVIce IS the mvislble caster which has been termed by the Planet com-pany "Domes of SIlence" These are patented mvis~ble casters that are bright little steel domes which allow all furl11ture to ghde softly, sIlently and smoothly 0\ er carpets or any of floonng The Regina Pneumatic Cleaner. The Regma pneumatic cleaner, as its name indIcates, IS a machine for cleanmg carpets, rugs, hardwood floors, CUl-tams, drapenes, walls and upholstered furnIture by the va-cuum process ThIS process removes dll t and dust-instead of stlrnng them up-and it is so far m ad\ ance of any other cleanmg method known that nothmg can be more certam than that it WIll be ul11versally adopted ThIS cleaner may Justly be considered the most Important 111\ entIOn to the housewife since the advent of the sewing machme It is SImple but substantial in construction, and thoroughly prac-tIcal and efficient in operation. It is so easy to mampulate that the strength of a ten year old chIld is suffiCIent for the task It removes every particle of dust and dut, from the surface and also from the body of the fabnc, and it does this without raismg any dust It thoroughly renovates carpets, rugs, curtains and upholstered furmture without the neces-sity of removing them from the house, and it does this so • The Invisible Caster. "Domes of SIlence" or the invisible caster prevents wear and teal on the carpets Saves all stram on furniture legs, a matter of the utmost Importance where valuable furniture is concerned It \\ III do all the work of casters, and can be used "here It IS Impos..,lble to attached casters. The m\ ISlble casters gIve these advantages to manu-facturers' They can be put on in the shop before the furniture is completed, and used m moving from one workroom to another They vvllI not dlOp off m shipment and be lost. They can be attached to a slender or delicate furniture leg without injury. No tools are needed; a tap of the hammer and they are fil mly attached Castel IS mVI"lble, which harmoni7es WIth the furniture deSIgner's idea of ploper effect, as it allows a scroll or claw foot to rest close to floor. Can be used on a great many <;tyles of furniture, where a ca<;ter could not be used, such as dming room chairs, li-brary and parlor tables, fancy cabinets, mission furniture, etc To the retailers they are desirable because on dining-room chaIrs, they vvill ghde smoothly over any surface or any kind of covering They have proven an immense suc-cess WIth the hotel and restaurant trade for dining room and other fl11niture They can be used on a great deal of furniture that does not come castered which should have a caster of some kind, such as parlor and hbrary tables, parlor cabinets, music cabi-nets, mIssion furnIture of all kinds, willow furniture, piano benches, etc They WIll help selI the furmture and can also be retailed for furl11ture in the home that is not castered, one set sold always bringing are-order. WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 STAINS STANDARD SHADES FLANDERS OAK STAIN STRA TFORD OAK STAIN FUMED OAK STAIN No. 547=0 EARLY ENOLISlf OAK STAIN No. 1719 WEA TlfERED OAK OIL STAIN No. 1725 aOLDEN OAK OIL STAIN No. 1919 MAHOOANY STAIN No. 1017=D No. 1949 No. 1954 NOTE: We desire to call your attention to the above mentioned Stains. They are correct in tone of color, and by the L. Mac. E., IMPROVED METHOD of stain making, are, without a doubt, the BEST working Stains on the market. SEND FOR SAMPLE PANELS, ALSO WORKING SAMPLES. THE LAWRENCE -McFADDENCOMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA A. B. Buren Discusses Salesmen. NIr Buren of Salem, Oregon, attended the COllY ention uf the retal1ers of that state held at Eugene, recently and m dbcussmg sa lesmanship in the furmture trade said "I n tll, funnture bmmess the customer, once sold, did not come baLK for more, but was provided for for a long time Therefore, was necessary to have goods half sold by the tlme the customer got well inside. He '>poke of the work of store arrangement and wmdow dressmg, and asserted the necessity of educating salesmen He also suggested gettmg the best salesmen aval1- able Keep posted on the fine salesmen all around you-not for the purpose of stealmg them from fellow merchants, but that you may know who are worth having If they should qUlt their old employ He ad, ocated the training of salesmen for mdlvidual department,>, and thought much need be done along the 1l11e of tl aming salesmen to meet the customer rather than leay mg the customer to find lHs way to the salesman The p m ,ystem he dbapproved as it tended to sell the "stickers" tc the best customers. He thought salesmen could be tramed to be worth high salanes, and mentIOned case" where good salesmen received $40 and $50 a week for their services The salesman who learns hiS busine3s thoroughly should recelve high pay The high pnced 'ialesman is the cheapest for the store He argued that shavmg prices for fear the customer Will thmk the store the highest priced in town was fooli'ih and there was no danger-the customer cannot tell the difference He spoke of the store, and urged the merchants to greater care in ordering Enmity between salesmen he deplored and spoke of the need for diplomacy He deprecated the fear of mail order houses Will Visit Old Battle Fields. Years ago when war raged between the states, E H. Foote, treasurer of the Grand Rapids Chair company and President of the Imperial Furniture company, made an un-peaceful tour of the southern states He carried a gun and hiS purpose was the presentatIOn of very penetratmg argu-ments in favor of an un divisible union of states He was assisted m thiS campaign (or he assisted others in this cam-paign as you may choose to wnte It) by several hundred thousand men and success was won, although the cost m blood and tl easure was not mconslderable. Mr. Foote has Just undertaken another tour of the southern states Smiles and a warm hand-shake of the conquering kmd are the only "weapons" he carries. He wl1l travel to the old battle fields and towns that he VISited in war times and finally will rest from his J01.uney a short time at Old Point Comfort, Va Wood Drawer Pulls. The 'vVaddell Manufactunng company of Grand Rapids, IS the leader m the manufactunng of all kinds of furniture ornaments in wood, and e,>pecially m wood drawer pulls, 8183 which al e becommg- more popular than ever, smce penod styles have come m. All of the Waddell pulle3 and knobs have the no-kum-Ioose facteners, and this feature alone has become so famous that It adds greatly to the sales The cut shown herewith is one of their latest styles Another will appear in their '"ad" next week. .------- 28 WEE K L Y 1\ R TIS A N ... - _ ..._--------------------- .... ----.., ----_._---_ ..._----------------------.., II HOTELRNORMMANDIE I ! C~~~~o~~r~I~~~T I II I Amencan Plan, $2 50 per I • Day and upwards I II European Plan, $1 00 per I Day and upwards : Hot and Cold Runmng Water , 'I 10 all Rooms I: Rooms wIth Bath extra I A High Grade Cafe. I I Restaurant and Buffet m connechon , I GEORGE FULWELL, : I Proprietor I .. ...- - .- - - -_. .- - .. -. - - - - -- - -_. . - .-.... Minnesota Retail FU1'niture Dealers' Association. (Contmued from page 21 ) Finance. In the bUlld111g up of any busll1e"s or a""oclatIOn, the numelOUS demand'3 for funds to laII) on and '3tart ne\\ \\ork are many and thIS a~soclatlUn 1'0 no e,ceptlUl1 1\ hl1e the actIVIty of the as::,OClatIOl1 ha" alwa\ s hroulSht 111 el1rJu!.;h funds to carryon Its work, } et \\ e hay e not heen abll to accumulate a 1esen e such as \\ e should ha\ e nll~ h pIIIl clpally due to a faIlure upon the part ot :o0111eot om membeI- 111not gIvmg prompt attentIOn to the pa\ ment 01 clues "\s our associatIOn he1 s grow '30 \\ 111the mcomc If each mem-ber WIll do his duty along the:oe 1111e:o, \ OUI officeI' \\ 111h<l\ (' the necessary funds to \\ 01k \\ Ith The condItIOn of OUI finance I~ as follO\\" Balance on hand at tile close of Ia~t meetIn~ Recen E>d f om due" and mpmber qhrp Joseph v\ ,Id & Co, Prorato ~ample room e\.pcn~e~ ReceIVed from Brlls Pa vable ReceIVed from adds In proceedIngs fr om folIo" lllb Ozonet Chemrcal Co MInneapolIS Luger Furnrture Co MInneapolrs \Vhrtcomb & Koble, MInneapolIs Northwestern Cask~t Co MInnE'apo!l~ Bmtliff Manufactunng Co Mll1neapol" J H Ten\ oordeA Mll1nE'apol" M Burg & Sons St Paul Mpls Office & 3chool Furmture Co \]ll1n~apOll Gangelhoff Bros Mll1neapo] l~ Crocker Charr Co Mll1neapolh W B MIller MInneapolrs Thaverse Crty Charr Co 1'ra\ erse Crt\ ;\11c11 Peterson Art rurmture Co rarlb rult Jal1l11..1' ll1fC'tln...., ;; III 00 " 10 , 00 10 00 ) 00 10 00 no 00 J 00 ) 00 J 00 500 00 Orders drawn f,om 1+3 to 1- 0 '" 1 ! \ Follov..rng are the OldeI'" dIa\\l1 143-Frelgl1t on Proceedlne;<;., 100') 144-"" L GrapD Sund OffH'e ('"\.1)8n<..,("<.., 1 0\ P <..,t tge f''\.V! ~ <..,<.., phone telegrams ptl 145-Postage for 1909 proceel11l1!;' 146-vVe'3tern Badge dnd ?\.o\elt\ Co hllges 1)OJ t H1 tnlion ~anuary 2b and 17 147-01ner ':r"joewnter Co MUll1PdPOllS SupplIes ilOIU Felll11dl3 8 to Apnl 7 1909 14S-rrrade PE.XIOtlH cd ro Clu( l-g0 tn appl"~ 01 CL (' )unt of P11ntlns, Proleedmgs 14D-Mll1n Retal1 Fmn Dlalers ""S,, n Pel lamtl tl\. ot 1908 150-D F nrlhardson l'\orthHelu tllP to \lcllllnto J 'flutl\l meptIng 151-D Lreberg JelneS\ Ill< Mll1n One JOUlnetl fOl assoc 1 ctwn 1:J2-P K bmp8v Janes\ tHe FreIght on ] C)O) (0 opel ltn e lnn lnc, pamphlets and prIntmg matt~r 110m 11 'ld0 Pellod\( 11 Co ] 53-J A Henn Postma'-t0r Janes"lle SOO _ c~nt e-1\ ~lop~, 154-0 .1\ 0 ,10en Peterson ~unl L"\.pen'-,es at LOYl\entlon chcllgcs to secretal \ January 28 1!:J,)j 1.:l5-Underwood 'T'~Dwllter ('10 (Onylnf:S papel lob-.;:-'- B Drck Co CIllCU!.{O III P,11" f 1I nllrneo 137-TTnden\ oocl l':\ P~\lrlt~r ('0 !\]ph (0]1\ n1« pap~) r,, --- II ,III1 , I,,I I• I,II I,III ~ . __.__-J' UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead 10 Style, Construction and F,msh. See our Catalogue. Our hne on permanent exhlbl. hon 7th Floor, New Manufact. urers' BUlld1Og,Grand RapIds. 108-1 nden\ ood l, Il~" rlt~r ('0 Mpls carbon paper 1 '-~"';Uq Job Hooms Janes\llle letter heads 11,0- I " Lll Inn g J tnpslllle on~ lournal and d'lY book for 1g09 1'1-1 UIE'1-U ot bngll\lng \Ipls cuts ubed In proceodln~s 1909 ll,_-\Illl(J f)'1\I~ PllntIng Co lVfpls FIlIng- folder" for a~" n 11, -~, ,,~c l Jom nal Ra(!lcal "aseca 8 000 lett~r heads 1tJ4-r R '1\ llll'unson l'~ Co Mpls Sund ~xpense rubber stamps ] I) }_p, mtE'l" ~upph ('0 l\Iplb Dlectros ad\ ertlsmg commIttee 1',1,- '[lll \\ 1\ } u1Jltshmg Co, St Paul Mrnn etchmg of cIrculars .• 1t - ~I tnnesot 1 Cnmmel (lal rederatlOn adml S'-lOn fees and dues tT on1 1 Ull1ItUl e \1en b -\~socuttron l' '-Ileld' Pellodlcal Co Cillcago, III to appl, on proceedrng 1 UH1nt 11)'J-\~'{,t~ln f,e1(h;~ ,,- "\0\ 01t, Co St PaUl, buttons for 1909, :"eptpmb~l 8 to 11 1909 1-0-CIlllds Puhll-ltll1g Co 'IVascra l\1111n _ 300 4 page programs, SeptE>mber meetIng 190 J 300 7 30 2 40 18 99 533 19 75 3 79 31 65 2 50 23 00 30 00 6 00 12 00 $593 82 - 1 q s l In "t1lrh Illg tlll~ 1epol t, yon "hon1d take IlltO conSIderatIOn tllclt 11l baldlH 111~ np last) ear" report, and 111 order to pay "ome 01 the hrlb then cIne, \\ e Illc1uded 11l last} cars' report the total 1ecelpt.., of the Jannary meetIllg, 190), whIch was S)()3 CO \dlllh 11l Iee,ht\ belongs to thIs year ,Ve have been umtl11u,llh 111 debt trom $1DJ 00 to $.50000 everv~ year of our c,htenle but I am glad to be able to report, that If our membll' pen up the11 clue:o promptly a UhlS meet111g, we \\ III be able to pa~ up all expen,e:-, 111C111recl at thI'" meetmg and put our as"ouatlon upon a finance basI:-, that I am sure \\ C \\ ould all lIke to "ee So do not hold back your dues bu L p" ~ It a" ~001l a" PPs~Ih1e, ,,0 that we can accomplish thI" I Ht , 0 (1) Membership. '1 he JollO\\ mg b a :-,tatement of the membershIp of our ""soclatIOn I Cd\ m~ the memher-,lllp m the fo11O\\l11lSstandmg lorll m~mbc r ,IUD \11 reh 1 1gl)9 ,1 ( J11))01 <.., JOinIng c1 11ll1b the \ ell 203 19 222 \If'lnbf'l"l \\ItlHlIe\\ florn LSS )(ldtlon ,1 (111bp1 '" I etHl. (1 f!CJTI1 hU~lnl:-"S'" \1 { InheT '-, I etll <.,pd to [1'1 \ \1 (1111)Pl ':I lh 0pP0cl 1(ll non pa v In0n t ot dne~ 7 q 13 16 1" 00 177 1-t] 3 I otal mell11J~rshrp at thE' begmmng ot tllr;, meetmg 1 f'a\ In .... the membel..,hlP In the follOWIng standIng-lrnl) f'l ..... '\)<11(1 un to date fCll1beJs T>1Id In cHl\dllCC \1-( n11er ~ on(' \ e'1r belnno ,le111 )fY...., t,\ ) \ E--''1J<.., l)Lhind 31 15 127 10(1 0) 4 (10 - I " _ r ) 177 q J 0 'J_ R,,<:posiugof Mail Order House Advertising. 1 he \'01k that brought the lSreatest returns thl~ year, was Wl e,pc ~II1~ ot the cJ\ llcllawn 111u-,tratlOl1" 111the nUll ordel c ILd()~, a~ ha~ lJe~n "lwwn 111 0111 depaltment \\ e h<l\e 111~t c011lmenced to ~athe the matella1 nece""ar} for a cle- J ~ I ) I (I WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 .-._ ....--~ ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel PantJind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlmd for SOc IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLIND, Prop. I ~---- ... ---- .._----_. -----~ clded campdlgn along the~e hnes and wJ1l enldfge the scope of thIs work a" fast as om funds wJ1l a(h111t, as thIs 1'0 one of the most eAtensn e pIece" of work attempted by the as::,OCl-atlOn, and ahvay::, takes se\ eldl months to prepare an article on account of gettmg the matellal, hav111g a pIcture taken and gettl11g the drawl11gs reproduced MontgomelY v\ ard claIms that we are 111fnnging upon copynght laws, when "e dos 0, but from legal advIce gIven us, we are SUie that the gOy el nment "J1l not become a pal tner of any scheme or fraud, and i.lust that vve v..J1llecelve the hearty co-operat1On of om members 111caUY111g on this "ork. That whenever vve dsk for matelldl along these 1111esthat our membels will get It for us promptly Secretary's Office. Because of the actl\ e \vOlk canled on elt this office, the con e"pondence has glOwn to a figttl e that yoU WIll hal dly reah7e If you wel e not 111cloc,e touch wIth It In the last six month", It has lequilcd the dttent10n of one ::,tenoglaphel . The co opelatn e bUy111g \\ork 11d::,also leq111red the employ-ment of a stenogl dpher, and thus" e find the con espondence dnd mall that has left the office, clds"lfied as fol10"1\S' $ 88 12 300 36 00 16500 2c letters, 4106 @ 2c 6c lettu", 50 @ 6c 3c letters. plOceedmgs 1909 @ 3c 1c letters 15346 @ 1c $29311 01 "Inch the a~souatlOn 1M" paul and the co opuatl'. e buym,; committee $202 05 900b ~393 11 1\Iak111g a total of 21,002 pIece" of mdtI led\ 111~ tIm, of-hce S111ce last annual Ci)l1\ entlon Two-thIrds of thl" \\olk has been blOUght ,lbout be-cause of the bUy111g featul e I wnt each membcr to stop d momcnt and u)l1sidcl \\ hat it mean" to cdrry on tIll" v olume of COll ec,pondence, and yet 1 hdve enjoyed Sdme becauc,e It has blOught me in touch WIth men bigger thdn myselt dnd thel ef01 e have gotten an expenence whlCh I am sure vvll1 bnng me pelsonally a larger success in the 111dlvldual StOIe"J depend111g upon me If by chance, we halve made errOIS 01 OmlSc,1On", 1 want to say that they Vvel e not made ll1tentlOnally and wel e plObably the result of the volume and stle~s of wOlk that VIas before us at that time. And behe\ e that hom now on the WOlk of thIS office WIll run s11100thel I aga111 take thIS opportumty to thank 0111 membels who hay e been so thoughtful in sa\ 1110tlll" office any unneces:,alY burden for then hearty co-operat1On and (l1Sposlt1On that has ahvay:, been shov..n. And can leal e you no better WIsh, than the Wish that thIS year WIll be the mO'>t succe'osful yeal yoU have evel enjoyed Yours \ ery truly, \\ L GRAPP, Secretary OHIO RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS Program for Their Sixth Annual Convention to be Held in Toledo. The speth annual convent1On of the Oh1O RetaIl Furmt111 C Dealeu,' as:,oclation wll1 be held in Toledo on Tue:,day and \\ ednesday, February 15 and 16-a week before the meet111°:". of the N at10nal A:>souClition 111Detr01t That the plOceed111g:> wll1 be deCIdedly 1l1terest1l1g and of importance to the members l'i 1l1dlcdted by the program which has been arranged as follows. PROGRA~r. Tuesday February 15, 1 o'clock P. M. Meet111g of the Executlve Committee at headqual tel", Hotel Secor. Reception of appItcat1011s f01 membel ship. Enrollment of members Tuesday, 1:30 P. M. at Hotel Secor. ConventlOn called to order by PresIdent JI W. Morey Address of welcome, Mayor I,Vhltlock of Toledo Responses by Pres H \'1 Morey Reading of Minutes Report of Secl etal y and Tre,i:' t1ler Report of Executive Committee. Rep01 t of SpeCIal Committee Unfinished Business. ApP01l1tment of CommIttees. Announcement as to Question Box Adeh ess-"The Law as Related to Retailers of ft1lnl-ture," C. M Voorhee'>, Oh1O Address-"Denefits to be Del i\ ed flOm Association'>,' \\ tlltam Byrne, Dayton, OhiO Announcements Tuesday Evening, 6:30. Banquet at Hotel Secor. Toastmaster, PI es IT \\ ::\101ey Addl ess-"Pel sonaltt,) 111 Dus1l1e,,:>," Edwal d F 1'1efz, Cll1CdgO, III Addl e'is-"The DealersJ Dcals and Ideal:>," 0 K ,Yhee- 10ckJ Cln eland, Oh1O Toasts by other noted :,peakeh Wednesday, February 16, 1:30 P. M. Addl e:,s-"Fl eight Rates and Claims," V\ aItel B Moore, Da} ton, Ohio Quc:,t1On BOA Opened; Discussions. Report:> of C0111mittees. Electwl1 of Officers Eltcilon of Delegate:, to X at10nal RetaIl DCdler:,' A S'oOCl ailon SeIectlOn of place of next Con \ ent10n "\dJournment The plCo.ent officels of the as"oCldtion ale' PI eSldent, H \V. Morey, l\Iarysvllle Fn o.t \ ice president, Petel Gobrecht, NOl wood Second vIce president, C F Houck, i\k1on Seu etary and Treasul el J C 1\1 Voorhees, Colum hus F"ecuiJ\ e C01l1mlttec- D F Ken, Chanman, Colu1l1hu'o, \\ m Bylne, Dayton, E' \Y Stev,drt, Columhu'>J Geo B \\lC-kens, Lora1l1, \Y F GauettJ Columbus .!\Icmbel of executn e commIttee '\ational RetaIl Furni-tUI e Dealel s' AssoClation-C R Parish, Columhus 30 ------_._---_._-_._._----------- --_._..---" I WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--- -------------_. I A Masterpiece CONGO of Stain-Mahing FINISH (;I;Jhis is a very remarkable and very striking stain prodncing filii on oak an exceedingly beautiful effect that is almost - wierd in its wild, rich color contrast. The pores of the wood are stained an intense, soft black, while the Rakes are very brilliant and clear. In our Congo Oak Finish we offer for the first time a practical stain by which this result can be obtained without special treatment for the Rakes It operates in the same manner as our Golden Oak Stains---simply stain and fill and when the filler is wiped off the Rakes will be found to clear perfectly. Congo Oak Finish is adapted for pianos, den fixtures, Arts & Crafts furniture and high grade fixtures for cafes, etc. Be sure to write for sample panel if in- I terested. ~---- --_. _. --- -- . Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-i\dolph \\ alker, 60 Looml" d, cnue. \tLllltd Ga, $4,000, J B HH~htO\\Cr 46 \\ e"'t Huntel "'tl eet, ~~tLlllta, $7,000; Ella John"on, 1325 \Vmllemac a, enue, Ch1l.ago, Ill. $9,500, Anna Mahler, 1440 ~ \Vood street, Chicago, $8,000, o L Linquist, 3919 N. Fort) -second avenue, Chicago, 83,500, E L Kusler, Charlotte, ~. C , $4,000, VV. W. \;\ att, Jr, Char-lotte, N. C, $3,500, P M Cave, Charlotte, N C, $3000 Luella M Rice, 1340 Clay avenue, N e", York, 'J Y, $8,000, Arthur D. Crane, 15 Lowell place, X ewal k, J\ J, $4500 Sarah Grace Gnmm, 318 E Delaven street, Buftalo, ;.J Y $15,000; F. A Gahrmg, 4537 Helxes stI eet, II mneapohs. Mmn, $4,000; C II Kemptgen, 2511 Logan a\ enue Ifmne apolis, $3,600, 1\1ahlon Y\ ?\ ev. ton, \tlantlC elt,," I. SIrJ- 500; Frank Croft, Atlantic City, 813,000, \\ Ilhdl1l 0 Gldllt:;C AtlantIc CIty, $13,240, Charles \bbey, 7625 ::-,helldan load. Chicago, $6,000, Theodore \\ Irth, [byant avenue and 100tIeth street, MmneapolI'O, ::\Imn , $~,OOO,11 ank S Rush, 425 I[dlel avenue, Columbus, OhIO, $5,500, \ P I'lhott Hill Top, Columbus, OhIO, (bungalo'A) $3,hOO, (:r IT Clldman, Case and De Soto streets, ~t Paul, 1\lmn, $4,500, 1\lls \nna Block VVd1ls, 211 Penns) lvama Stl eet, Buffalo, ~ Y, $-1-,800, C. B Slagle, 801 South Mam street, Llf;itle Rock \1 k , $5,500, Harnet P Keith, 1718 South Oln er a, enue If mne apolis, M111n, $4,400, G R Smith, 3828 llfth d, enue south, Minneapolis, $3,800, Sarah E Yargen, 1 \\ ent) -nmth street and Northwestern avenue, Indlanapoh... Incl, $3,000, Henry Kramichfield, 630 Ea:ot Utica street, Buffalo " Y, $3,-1-50, Fred Lenz, 1552 Niagara stI eet, Buffalo. $:;,500, Cathenne MIller, 1026 Genessee stret, Duffalo, $3,000, Barbala Klem, 170 Duport street, Buffalo, $3,000 \V E Sexton, il1eldrum and St. Paul streets, Detroit, Mich , $3,500, Albert C Glaeser, HHoIcomb street and Gratiot avenue, Detroit, $6,000; Dr Perfected Art Nouveau This is a filler-stain for producing a Ma-hogany finish both on Mahogany and all kinds of woods, enablmg the finisher to stain and fill With one apphcation and by one process. Art Nouveau produces the correct Mahogany color and IS exceedingly powerful, possessing great penetratmg qualities. Art Nouveau is non-fadin~ Art Nouveau dries perfectly. Art Nouveau does not raise the ~rain. Art Nouveau is economical. Write for samples. ..- --- - - _. - ... - . a.a •••• __ .. l nah Harman, 100 Ilal1klm "trtel, Richmond, Va, $3,000, \lll1me Le\\ IS I dCh ,1nd 1,1\ lor streets, Richmond, va, $3,- 000 rl1dge J .:'II \ \ 1l.kham, Delaware, OhIO, $8,800, Dr C. \ "oll.Onk, Deal Lake, .:'Illch , $4,000, Youngs A Olan, Ash-tabula, 0, $3,000, J G Gardner, 271 S Andre'As boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal, $7,500, !\ Blanchard, 216 AlIso street, Los \ngeles, $3,963, James Mason, 1654 Tenth avenue, Drooklyn, '\ Y, $6,500 SebastIano Salerno, 29 Neptune 'itreet, Brooklyn 8:;,000, \xel \Vedberg, 182 Bergen "treet, Brooklyn, $6,000, \Irs Paulme BlOwn, 198 Chartres 'itreet, Houston, Tex, $3,- 000, A T Stearns, 3488 Shenddn road, Chlcago, $18,000, Ava ~braham, 1829 Elster a vcnue, Chicago, $4, Soo, James ;vrartll1 3102 to 3122 1 \vcnt)-'iecond street, N \V, \\ ashll1gton, D l , 575000 ChdI1ec, \\ Kll1g, J r , 1823 to 1833 Ontano place, " \\ \\ a~hll1gton, $22,000, r D .i\1cAuhffe, 221 Thirteenth "treet, S E \\ ashmgton, $15,000, P R BaIrmgton, Cotta a\Cnue and \\ all street, Spokane, \\T ash, 9;13,000, Frank C,lmJTIOlh, Bradbury bUlldll1g, Lo'i Angeles, Cal, $3,gOO \v F Jones, 42 South T\lcLean c,treet, J\iempll1'O, Tenn, $4,500, "\ E Rodwell, 1228 0, erton Park, J\lemplm, $3,000, John E \\ ood, 212 LOI etta street, Pittsburg, Pa, $3,000, A J Sun-stem, 428 Bartlett stI eet, Pittsburg, $3,000, Cha s D Pearsoll, Central a, enue and Twent)-fifth street, Indlanapohs, Ind S6 000, ClIfford F Hall, 3712 McGee street, Kan"as City, :\10 , 5>10.000 J G Damels, 3611 Campbell street, Kansas Clt", $-1-,000,G r: I~c,leete. 3578 \ Irglllla street, Kansas Oty, $S,500, '-,tephen l. L'S"perance, 139 Lyman street, DetlOlt, '\1ICh, S(J/OO henneth lIleen, 5600 Kmg"bnry place, St LOUIS, '\10, S17,000, I, D ,c;pellman, Second and Twenty-fourth street ..., Duluth, lImn, SlO 000, Lloyd Duff, Clarksburg, \V Va, $3,500, L E Anthony, Qumcy, \10, $3,000, John J Shelman, Park and Pnce "tr('~ts, lort Smith, Ark, $3,000; J R Pad-g ett, Ashley and Church streets, Fort Smith, $3,500, J. C WEEKLY ARTISAN Drake, 2715 South Hoove'" street, Los Angeles, Cal, $25,000; R H. Reed, 40 'Valrond sheet, Kansa~ CIty, Mo, $5,000; S. E Dunn, Tulsa, Okla., $3,500' Bertha Summers, 4566 Clay-ton avenue, St LOUIS, Mo, $4,500; C. F. Gelbhart, 3543 Flora court, St LouIs, $7,500; Joseph Hess 2240 Adelaide avenue, St LOUIS, $3,500, A H Bertram, 3908 Connecticut street, St LouIs, $6,000, Edward A. Patter, South Fair street and Oak" avenue, Pasadena, Cal, $25,000; Mrs Daisy Niccum, G and Second streets, San Bernardmo, Cal, $5,500' Ex-Mayor Hazard, Los Angeles, Cal, $18,000; George R Gonlon, post-master, Carlmvllle, Ill, $6,000, H L SIckler, 713 Thirty-third avenue, Seattle, Wash, $4,000, Mrs. A. E Malone, 93 JunIper street, Atlanta, Ga, $6,000, H H Harris, 1274 Steele street, Denver, Colo, $3,
- Date Created:
- 1910-02-05T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:32
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It began publication in 1936. and MAGAZINE ARTHUR S. GUGGENHEIM For him: recognition; for NRFA: expansion. (See page 23) Two dollars a year 20 cents a copy FEBRUARY • 1937 Grand Rapids, M i c h i g a n • * - > l . v-^. UPHOLDING TRADITION QKILLFUL creation of design, superior craftsmanship, restraint in ornament, O are the marks of distinction in the John Widdicomb quality groups. Uphold-ing tradition of three-quarters of a century reputation as leaders in quality, the John Widdicomb Company feature bedroom and dining room furniture in the finest of eighteenth century English and French reproductions. JOHN WIDDICOMB COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS Showrooms at factory, 601 Fifth St. MICHIGAN New York Showrooms, No. 1 Park Ave. We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE N O T I C E • . • • . . • ALL PRICES QUOTED ON ILLUSTRATIVE AND ADVERTISING PAGES IN FINE FURNITURE ARE "NUMBER"—(DOUBLE WHOLE-SALE)— THUS MAKING THE COST TO LEGITIMATE HOME-FURNISHING MERCHANTS ONE-HALF THE QUOTED PRICES, SUBJECT TO REGULAR TERMS. PLEASE REMOVE THIS SLIP • • • UPON OPENING FINE FURNITURE SO THAT THE MAGAZINE MAY BE USED FREELY WITH THE CONSUMING TRADE. DUE TO PRICE INCREASES ANNOUNCED BY MANUFAC-TURERS, PRICES QUOTED ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH-OUT NOTICE. TRUE TRADITIONAL IN DESIGN The Charleston, No. 189 THIS IS FINE FURNITURE OF THE YESTERDAYS, TODAY, AND TOMORROW 'T'HE CHARLESTON bedroom ensemble expresses the true American _L spirit of Southern Colonial and 18th Century furniture. This group con-sists of 17 correlated pieces and is made of Cuban mahogany, one of the rarest and most desirable of all mahoganies. The Charleston is tradition-ally styled with our well known quality construction, hand assembled throughout and exquisitely finished. The Charleston is contemporary with, and rounds out, the GRAND RAPIDS CHAIR COMPANY'S illustrious line of Southern Colonial bed-room and dining room ensembles which have been received with so much favor by dealers throughout the country. Many original CHARLES-TON pieces are today the treasured possessions of the descendants of America's greatest men and women. GRAND RAPIDS CHAIR COMPANY Showrooms at the factory only — Take any Yellow Cab We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE »".:•• ' iV ~ ~ w SUPER BLEACH PICKLED FINISH SUCCESS is en-tirely dependent upon the efficiency of the BLEACHING AGENT — the most impor-tant factor entering into the production of PLATINUM-BLOND Finishes —SUN TAN — HAREWOOD MAHOGANY and WAL-NUT — GREY ONYX WALNUT — etc. SUPER BLEACH insures the Highest De-gree of Bleaching Satisfaction — and be-cause of its proved dependability is en-dorsed by foremost designers and manu-facturers. Outstanding Blond Finishes shown at the January Markets were effect-ed with SUPER BLEACH. Be assured of your ultimate success in the production of All Vogue PICKLED Fin-ishes — insure yourself against bleaching hazards by using SUPER BLEACH. It Successfully and Economically Bleaches All Woods. Manufactured by GRAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHING COMPANY Grand Rapids Michigan FlN£ FURNITUR€ the Homefurnishing Magazine from the Furniture Style Center of America VOLUME 2 1937 NUMBER GEORGE F. MACKENZIE. President PHIL S. JOHNSON. General Manager HOD G. MACKENZIE, Editor VIRGINIA R. ULRICH, Associate •FEBRUARY-Boiling Wake 4 Page Nine 9 Elegance is 1937 Trend, by Rod Mackenzie 10 Floor-Covering Displays 11 The New Vogue for Old Victorian 12 Room Backgrounds, by Phyllis Field Cooper 13 Sales Promotion and Advertising, by Ralph Spangler ... 15 The Sketch Book, by Jack DeYoung 18 Venetians Have Value 20 The Customer's Viewpoint, by Dorothea D. Dunlea 21 Mahogany — From Tree to Table 22 Directs NRFA for 1937 23 Chet Shafer 24 Cutlets, Veneers, Carvings 25 Homefurnishing News and Reviews 26 Associations and their Activitiies 27 New Stores 28 and 29 Journey's End 30 Published monthly by the Furniture Capital Publishing Co., 155 Ottawa Ave., N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Acceptance under the Act of June 5. 1934, authorized April 30, 1936. FINE FURNI-TURE copyright, 1936. Eastern office: R.K.O. Bid., 1270 Sixth Ave.. Room 906, New York City, phone CIRcle 7-4339, S. M. Goldberg, representative. Chicago office: 307 N. Michigan Ave., phone CEXtral 0937-8. Bassler & Weed Co., representatives. Subscription rates: $2 per year in the United States and American Colonies; $3 in Canada and foreign countries; single copies, 20 cents. //' <? appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURNITURE for FEBRUARY, 1937 DURABLE-DECORATIVE Martha Hixon rocker, No. 700 Mahogany $25.90 Walnut $23.90 Thoroughly conversant with what con-stitutes good chair construction, finish and fabrics, the B. R. Smith Chair Company offers a complete line of occasionals, rockers, diners, office chairs and chairs for the bedroom and hall. Unequaled in price and quality, our chairs have frames of solid walnut and mahogany and No-Sag spring construction, insuring durability as well as beauty. 1708 MERCHANDISE MART CHICAGO SMITH INCORPORATED OWENSBORO, KENTUCKY i__ .-_ A; i. :•>: '' ;0o-Bonded by Winnebttgo TEGO-BONDING A NEW STANDARD OF DURABILITY THE furniture trade increasingly realizes the sales advantages in a really durable construction. This is now offered in plywood welded to-gether with Tego Resin Film. Tego plywood, properly made, is com-pletely water and weather resistant. It makes furniture safer and more sala-ble under all conditions of transporta-tion, storage and use. It has been specified for years in leading radio cabinets and is appearing regularly in many lines of furniture. Tego Resin Film is manufactured by The Resinous Products and Chemical Company, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. [ See TEGO-BONDED plywoodl at the American Furniture Mart, I Chicago—Space 321 J RESINOUS PRODUCTS We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURXITURE FINE FUBNITURE THE BOILING WAKE Oldest Manufacturer Speaks I am very glad to receive a copy of your journal, which is very artistically gotten up. I am not at the factory in Kentucky very much, but I hear from them every day, and hope they may see their way clear to give you an announcement occasionally. 1 completed my 64th year in the furniture business on the fourth of November last year, and therefore am now well on my way into my 65th year. I imagine I may be the earliest living furniture manufacturer, and hope that my present good health may con-tinue so that I will at least live as long as any other manufacturer! I have seen a great many changes m the furniture business and believe that, while other lines of business may be earners of fortunes in shorter time than a legitimate furniture manufacturer, the manufacturing of furniture still offers opportunities. I am now acknowledging your kind refer-ence to me and for putting me even in the caricature department of your journal. M. J. M., Owensboro. Ky. 19 Out oi 28 At this writing we have received 28 in-quiries from our last advertisement in your magazine, and 19 of these have so far been turned into orders. Considering everything, this is not bad. This strike thing is throw-ing the monkey wrench into recovery. We are glad for the publicity with the furniture trade you have made possible. J. N. Collins, Jackson, Mich. . «— Canada Bubbles Over I consider FINE FURNITURE a splendidly edited trade journal and certainly should be mighty welcome to manufacturers, retailers and salesmen in the homefurnishing field. All its stuff is meaty and so worthwhile. Its editorial page is splendid and one feels that it is written by an "inspired'' editor— not one that is just "filling a job" each month. We have a Canadian furniture trade pub-lication to which I subscribe, and although they have some good things, it lacks an aggressive and enthusiastic atmosphere. One does not feel that it is contributing very much to the industry. I consider its edi-torial policy weak, because it is biased. For instance. Sometime ago it contained an edi-torial tabooing U. S. imported furniture and the fact that our present government had lowered tariffs, etc. What they might bet-ter have said was — "What's the matter with Canadian furniture manufacturers and their business methods when U. S. furni-ture can be imported into this country for less money than it can be purchased up here? Personally, I cannot see much differ-ence between internal competition (and there exists plenty of the ''cutthroat" vari-ety) in a country and international compe-tition. Let the best man survive. One might as well say that Ford's indus-try was a menace to the other automotive industries because he makes a car at a "price." I contend that there is a place for Ford's productions and also a place for the more expensive makes. All industries would do better to begin educating the public to appreciate the full value of properly made merchandise. The furniture industry has remained the longest in a state of antiquity and it has kept the consumer m the dark as to its products. That is why I'm so delighted to see Grand Rapids manufacturers such as Hol-lis Baker, Robert W. Irwin, the Widdicomb factories, and other makers of fine furniture, "telling their story" to the consumer. When purchasing furniture there is just as much logic in a customer asking for a specific make of bedroom suite as to ask for a particular make of piano, automobile, stove or other household commodity. I con-tend that furniture manufacturers should go even further and even specify the name of the designer. A furniture manufacturer should be proud to put his name '>n his furniture. If he ISII t. then it should not be classed with lurniture worthy of a home. I suppose we will always have borax for borax-minded people to buy. But, certainly if 1 was a dealer, selling to intelligent people. I would honestly avoid having such merchandise in my store. Much better to sit on a soap box temporarily than buy something that is not worthy of the name of furniture. The success ol the furniture industry now lies in EDUCATING the consumer in their commodity. Educated people who know a great deal about a good many things in this world are woefully ignorant of furniture — how it should be made — how to recognize irood design — and so forth. However, 1 know that the editors ot FIXE FURNITURE have this idea m mind and will be the means of making all manufacturers, dealers and retail salesmen conscious of all this, which will ultimately result in success for the industry. P. F. C, Winnipeg, Can. Call It The Best Have been receiving your magazine each month and consider it the best we have ever seen. If our other two stores are not getting it. am sure the}" would want it if called to their attention. C. H. W., Chickasha, Okla. We Cooperate Received a copy ol January FIXE FUR-XITURE in which you have presented Sakh-n off sky's interpretations of modern furniture. Think you have made a nice job of this and warn to thank you for your kind coopera-tion. G. B. B.. New York City. FF Favors Merit Noticed the article in the January issue of FIXE FURNITURE which is in reference to myself and the company. We want you to know we greatly appreciate this great favor and all the merits it pays the company and myself. G. A. S.. Omaha, Neb. From Down Under Christmas greeting and every good wish for the coming year . . . your damn ship-ping strikes are holding up my copies of FIXE FURNITURE . . . Here's wishing FF every success. F. de la M., Sydney. N.S.1A . This, gentle reader, was sent Dec. 7, from Sydney by the merchandising manager ot one of the largest liomefurnishings stores in Australia. For a future issue of FIXTE FUR-NITURE this gentleman promises us an arti-cle describing how furniture merchandising is done "doivn under." Editor. Splendid Stuff I have just received a copy of your last issue. Thank you very much and I congratu-late you on the splendid magazine that you are publishing. I. F. R., Birmingham, Ala. A We Get Response Thank you for your courtesy for running the article regarding our new booklet, ''The Story of American Walnut." We are ex-tremely pleased that you found it conven-ient to give this booklet publicity. Judg-ing from the number of requests which we have received for it, and the many fine let-ters written us, it meets the need for valu-able information regarding the Cabinet Wood of the Ages — W'alnut. D. C, Chicago, 111. A Who's a Sucker? A man is a sucker who doesn't take ad-vantage of your offer of a two-year sub-scription for your magnificent publication FINE FURNITURE at the very nominal fee of $3. Of all the furniture publications that I receive, and I believe I get them all, yours, to me, is the most readable, so what more can anyone expect? Put my three bucks in your till until my subscriptions run out, and then we will put more into the till. J. N. C, New York, N. Y. A Most Informative The January issue of FINE FURNITURE was read with keen interest. I find your publication the most informative in the fur-niture field. Keep it up. B. L., Chicago, 111. 0 On the Nose And you say you're trying to promote "Fine" furniture and the better merchandis-ing of same. How do you account, then, for the advertising used m Ralph Spangler's article in the January issue? Take a look at some of the prices quoted in a few of the ads. In the Bloomingdale ad on page 16 — an entire bedroom ensemble "All for $84''; and, "Solid Maple sets, all six pieces for $69'; or, on the next page, the Spear's "Incomparable Values in Room ensembles for $85." Perhaps you'd call Spear's "Sale of 64 Maple Bed-room Groups at $49" high-class advertising! I dou't. I admit that this guy Spangler may know his stuff, but I'm objecting to the type of ads he uses to illustrate his arguments. Wouldn't it be infinitely better to use imag-inary or hypothetical advertisements and make them examples of what constitutes good, clean advertising, and actually show that we dealers, (some of us, anyway) are honestly trying to grade up our merchan-dising? But you can't convince me that the ads mentioned are promoting high-gradue fur-nishings. Yes, I know the archaic argument about "leaders," etc., but after all, a store's advertising does afford a pretty fair descrip-tion of its character. P. L. T, Omaha, Neb. More in March What's happened to the page of Metro-pohton pieces you were running as a regular feature? I was saving these in a scrap book. H. H. L., Detroit, Mich. for FEBRUARY, 1937 SALES SATISFACTION A[o. 360 Chair, 7\Jo. 82 Maple and Enamel Stainless Porcelain Top Proven popular by the great number of re-orders from dealers, this modernistic porcelain-topped breakfast set, featured exclusively with Tepco tops and Cooper Marvel easy slide leaves, is an outstanding number of the Lewisburg Chair Co. We invite you to inspect the most popularly priced porcelain break-fast suite in the market at our permanent exhibits in the New York Furniture Exchange and at the American Furniture Mart. The new Marvel slide prevents injury to hands, it is not necessary to lift the top, table lea] slides easily and there are no springs to get out of order. AMERICAN FURNITURE MART—SPACE 937 LEWISBURG CHAIR CO. BRIDGEPORT • CONN. We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE i i { t lift '( I ! i VI '• \ \ www-. Htu/te ike ca yeah, of II OPPORTUMfY 1937 will be a big year for furniture merchants. The great forward sweep of national recovery is gaining momentum every day. And with it, the desire to re-plenish and refurnish homes with good furniture is being translated into active, cash-on-the-line demand. That's why the kind of furniture for which the Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition is traditionally famous, is getting the call today. Thousands of progressive deal-ers can substantiate that fact. Right now, a greatly increased business in Grand Rapids exhibited furni-ture is being done on a nation-wide scale. And ac-cording to all reliable indications, this decided trend is bound to continue with greater impetus during 1937. At the January Market in Grand Rapids, dealers found creative styling and quality construction that definitely set the pace, that presented an unprece-dented array of good promotional merchandise . . . furniture that will run your volume sales to new profit peaks during 1937. Attendance at the November mid-season Market in Grand Rapids showed a 100% increase over the cor-responding market for 1935. The January Market followed the pace set in the fall market and showed a 20% increase over 1936. GRRRD RflPIDS FURIUTURE EXPOSITIOn ASSOCIRTIOn FINE ARTS BUILDING Netvest and Most Modern Exhibition Building in Grand Rapids Directly Across the Street from. Pantlind Hotel Y E A R ' R O U N D EX P O S I T I O N S D A Y o r N I G H T Your product shown in the FINE ARTS BUILDING, Grand Rapids, is on display in a "hotel" for merchandise. Constructed for furniture display, it is the only building in Grand Rapids devoted exclusively to furniture exhibits. Floor arrangement, lighting, ventilation and the hightest type of general service is conducted in the interest of the furniture and house-furnishing exhibitors FINE ARTS CORPORATION operating FINE ARTS and PANTLIND EXHIBITION BUILDINGS FINE FURNITURE A HEADQUARTERS FOR BUYERS Nearly half of all Grand Rapids Exhibitors have space in the Waters- Klingman Building where concentration of important lines makes buy-ing easy. Flexible space arrangements combined with personalized service make it Grand Rapids' most popular exhibition building. Con-venient location, complete assortment of decorative homefurnishing merchandise makes the Waters-Klingman Building the headquarters for buyers. EXHIBITORS ALLEN CHAIR CO. AMERICAN AUTO-FELT CORP. ARCADIA FURNITURE CO. BARTON FURNITURE CO. J. BART UPHOLSTERY CO. BECHTOLD BROS. UPH. CO. BOBB FURNITURE CO. BROWER FURNITURE CO. BROWN BROTHERS CO. COCHRAN CHAIR CO. CONANT-BALL COMPANY CUYAHOGA FURNITURE & LAMP CO. DA VIES FURNITURE CO. DOEZEMA FURNITURE CO. DUTCH WOODCRAFT SHOPS EAGLE-OTTAWA LEATHER CO. ESTEY MFG. CO. FALCON MFG. CO. FICKS REED CO. FINE ARTS FURNITURE CO. GRAND LEDGE CHAIR CO. G. R. BEDDING CO. G. R. FANCY FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS LOUNGE CO. GUNN FURNITURE CO. HART MIRROR PLATE CO. HERMAN FURNITURE CO. HERRMANN LAMPS, INC. HOLLAND FURNITURE CO. ICOVE MFG. CO. JAMESTOWN LOUNGE CO. KOZAK STUDIOS KUCHINS FURN. MFG. CO. LENTZ TABLE COMPANY LOEBLEIN, INC. McKIM & COCHRAN FURN. CO. MANISTEE MFG. CO. MENTZER REED COMPANY MURRAY FURNITURE CO. F. A. NICHOLS CO. O'HEARN MFG. CO. A. S. PAYNE, INC. PIAGET-DONNELLY CO. RAND-McNALLY & CO. RED LION FURNITURE CO. RED LION TABLE CO. ROCKFORD CHAIR & FTJRN. CO. SHAW MFG. CO. SKANDIA FURNITURE CO. CHARLES R. SLIGH COMPANY STICKLEY BROS. CORP. THANHARDT-BURGER CORP. U. S. FURN. SHOPS, INC. WARSAW FURN. MFG. CO. WEST MICHIGAN FURN. CO. W. F. WHITNEY CO. WILLIAMS-KIMP FURN. CO. WOLVERINE UPHOLSTERY CO. WOODARD FURNITURE CO. « YOU'LL FIND IT IN^ THE WATERS-KLINGMAN BUILDING" We appreciate your mentioning you saw tins in FIXE FURNITURE r D l o r FEBRUARY, 1937 NINE 'CHUCK" SLIGH— Since its organization three years ago, the Furniture Sales-men's Club of the Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition, has proven one of the greatest stimulants to the successful oper-ation of the Grand Rapids Market. For six consecutive semi-annual seasons this club has been host to the visiting buyers and provided entertainment for them during the evenings of their sojourn in the market. Due to the illness of the -first president-elect, the death of the first vice-president-elect, shortly following the organi-zation meeting in January 1934, Charles R. Sligh, Jr., who was the initial second vice-president, has served as president and directing genius of the organization during three busy years. "Chuck" Sligh has given unstintingly of his time, his rare ability and his means to further the success of the club and the results are evidence of his sane leadership. The club enters its fourth year of existence and activity as one of the dominant organizations of the Grand Rapids Market, with a large paid membership, all obligations paid in full, with substantial reserves available for future activities. This writer has worked side by side in the Salesmen's Club with "Chuck" during his tenure of office, and no one knows better the tireless effort and energy he has put behind this organization to make it the huge success it has become under his able leadership. Every exhibitor, visiting buyer and salesman owes to Sligh a debt of gratitude for the gratifying results he has accomplished. With his retirement as chief executive he still remains on the Board of Directors where his influence will be helpful during the coming year. Edward L. Ransom, who succeeds him as president, has a very definite course charted for the coming year and under his careful direction the Furniture Salesmen's Club should carry on to even greater accomplishments. —P. S. J. ff DEFINITE PLANNING— Affording the merchant of homefurnishings an opportunity to supply his customers an interior decoration service, are the complete room sets presented by several leading man-ufacturers during the recent January market. In supplying a model house or series of rooms, complete with backgrounds, the customer is permitted to visualize how such an ensemble would appear in her own home. It matters little that she purchase the group as it stands on the floor, the main ob- DS RY Though other pages bare the minds Of many men, the credit or The blame I'll bear for what one finds On this, Page Nine.—The Editor. jective being to arouse her interest and desire to possess new, up-to-date furnishings. A model room decorated by one experienced in room arrangement has a two-fold purpose. First, the decorating service, just mentioned; second, it per-mits the dealer to offer the customer, not ready to invest in an entire group, the opportunity of building a step-by-step homefurnishing plan. In fact, leading authorities now advocate the sale of one or two basic items, to be followed with additional pieces, timed to the customer's financial convenience. Supportinng this theory, progressive manufacturers are supplying in conjunction with the actual rooms, descriptive literature, color cards, historical and romantic stones of the merchandise, bolstering this material with national advertising campaigns, promotional programs for local use, sales training manuals for the retail salesmen. All of which is an encourag-ing indication that merchandising is being lifted out of haphazard, purposeless slough into which it sank during the depression. Trite but true: "Definite planning brings defi-nite results." ff SILVER FLOOD CLOUDS— Typical of the courage exhibited by stricken furniture manufacturers located in the Ohio River flood section is this quotation: "We have not lost courage, but it looks like a big job . . . At present the situation seems appalling. But we have faced other difficulties and are facing the future with courage." Such a calamity coming on the heels of potential recovery is sufficient to tax the nerves and heart of any industrialist. This is particularly applicable to furniture producers, who according to statistics slid further down the depression hill than any other industry, and have just recently enjoyed the vision of returning volume. Still, there's a silver lining, for the replacement market in the flooded area will compensate in a substantial measure, both manufacturers and dealers of homefurnishings. Further-more, as is so often the case, business devastated by the frowns of fortune, resume activities with new enthusiasm, new equipment, revamped methods of operation, often moving on to greater success than ever before conceived. Adversity has been known to force advance. ff SK^I STORAGE I MOVING Packing Shipping Phone 9-3293 BLODGETT PACKING & STORAGE CO. 10 FINE FURNITURE The wardrobe vanity made by the Karges Furniture Co., Evansville, Ind. is shown at the American Furniture Mart. Doors open to reveal iull length cheval mirror sided by Eve glass shelves with pro-tective railings. Below, chair No. 1429 in wal-nut is manufactured by the Schoonbeck Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., and is displayed in the Imperial Furniture Co. space. Above, chair No. 271, made by the Michigan Furniture Shops, shown at tho Grand Rapids Chair Co., retails at 375.20. No. 701 chair below is made by the Colonial Manufacturing Co., Zocland, Mich., displayed in the Keeler Building, Grand Rapids. Berkey and Gay chair at the left is No. 2820V2. Shown at the factory showrooms. 1937 TREND IS ELEGANCE by ROD MACKENZIE Editor, FINE FURNITURE PREDOMINATING notes at the January furniture markets were the revival of French styles and the amazing return of American Victorian. Following economic impulses for simplicity in daily living, home-furnishing modes of the past few years have been noteworthy for their paucity of ornamentation. With the return of more prosperous days, the French periods, particularly, with their ormolu mountings, intricate veneered patterns, inlays and elaborate carvings, will undoubtedly lead the way to the adoption of higher decorative schemes in other periods, including simpli-city- loving Modern. Modern "Curves Up." • This latter style has already indicated its willingness to compromise its customary severity and monotony of form with curves, sweeps and in some instances serpentine fronts. A return to exotic woods, bleached finishes, supplemented by tinted tones, increasing consideration in more studied employ-ment of hardware as a decorative note, are elements indicative of Contemporary's challenge to elegance. Provincial Goes to Court • Louis XV and its con-temporary style Provincial, set the pace in the French period revival. In the medium and higher priced ranges exquisite things are being done, forecasting an increased showing of these trends at the next market. Provincial, originally a rural adaptation of the court craftsmen's expressions, made its appearance in the guise of the French Manor house, further substantiating the trend toward added embellishment. And Chippendale Goes Rococco • Even in the Georgian periods can this movement be noted. Chip-pendale, for example, ever a flexible style, is found employing semi-florid Rococco motives, transcending the simpler lines of the Chinese Chippendale produced to combat the modern urge for unornamented surfaces. Bleach—Leather—Borax • Bleached finishes are evi-ident in every known period; leather is appearing with increasing frequency on table tops, case fronts, bed ends and seating pieces; Borax and undefined styles are rapidly being supplanted by thoughtfully developed volume merchandise, possessing more value than at any time since prior to the depression. Interesting developments in homefurnishings are in store for Madame Consumer during 1937 as this extract from a recent John Wanamaker (New York) advertisment indicates: "You won't go slavishly '18th Century' or 'Colonial' this year. Plain imitation of your ancestors is out . . . You'll spike your traditional rooms with color, with bleached woods, with ideas . . . Not a spinning wheel in our Maple House . . . See our use of two wallpapers in one room." 1937 trends will afford innumberable opportunities for the diligent dealer. for FEBRUARY, 1937 11 Upper Right — En-trance aisle of new floor-covering section at Sach's Inc., New York City, features three a t t r a c t i v e and colorful Early American ensem-ble groups with rugs as an effec-tive background. Upper Left — Out-standing new dis-play incorporated in the Ensemble Style Exhibit spon-sored by the In-stitute of Carpet Manufacturers was this panel in which were fitted twelve rolls of plain broadlooms in popular shades. Center Right — Sach's Quality Furniture, Inc., features a pano-rama of ensemble exhibits on the right side of the main aisle in rug and carpet depart-m e n t, with two archways leading into the major dis-play section. On the left side, two rug lines broken up by a long, nar-row ensemble unit, lend variety to the layout. Center Left—Mod-ern ensemble dis-play at Sach's, Inc.. in which high style wall cover-ings, lamps, pic-tures, books, flow-ers, ashtrays show value of accesso-ries in dressing up merchandise. Lower Right—Fea-tured at the En-semble Style Exhi-bit sponsored in the Furniture Mart, Chicago, during January Carpet Openings and Fur-niture Markets, was a ceiling high jacket constructed about column and hall scene cut-out over broadloom backdrop. Panel opens to reveal various carpet samples stored on mechanical rack. • • > ' • • THE NEW VOGUE OLD VICTORIAN ATTICS are being ransacked, sec- . ondhand stores are prospering as designers and manufacturers feverishly seek out furniture exam-ples of that period in American his-tory known as Victorian. Reaching the crest of its surprising revival in the recent January markets, the source of the movement is still somewhat veiled in mystery. One fairly reliable report bases the re-turn of this 19th Century style on the play "Victoria Regina," starring Helen Hayes, launched in 1935. The stage sets excuted with care-ful attention to historical details, furnished the motivation for a dec-orative scheme. Another excuse for the trend is the astounding popularity of Mar-garet Mitchell's "Gone With the Wind." Additional reasons: coro-nation of George VI this spring and the anniversary of Victoria's reign. Illustrated examples herewith are: chair, top left, Charlotte Furniture Co., Charlotte, Mich.; dresser No. 160 above, Sturges-Aulsbrook-Jones, Sturgis, Mich., solid walnut, retail price, 4 pieces, $291.50, davenport and rocker, left, Michigan Furniture Shops, Grand Rapids, $137.60 and $51.10, respectively; mahogany bed, Hermann Miller Co., Zeeland, Mich., four pieces, $589.50; group below by Tomlinson of High Point. f o r F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 3 7 13 ROOM BACKGROUNDS... THEIR IMPORTANCE IN DECORATION by PHYLLIS FIELD COOPER WH\ some homefurnishings salesmen still insist that what Mrs. Buyer already has in her home is of no concern to them, is a mystery to us. They con-tend that to sell one's customers what they want and ask no questions is the best policy — a sort of "order-taking," a lazy man's method of merchandising. In the first place, is Mrs. Buyer always so sure, be she ever so positive at the start, just what she does want? Our experience in selling proves to the contrary. We have known many Mrs. Buyers to alter original plans upon the strength of honest, practical advice from a salesman who understands the principles of interior decoration. In fact, his knowledge in many instances has been the means of selling a great deal more mer-chandise, to the complete satisfaction of the purchaser. Whereas, in the cases of those who have been served by "order-takers," we find much dissatisfaction and incor-rectly decorated homes as a result. Wrong Sales System • "Why didn't that salesman tell me I was making a mistake! I thought I wanted a spinet desk but now since I have been reading up on interior decoration, I find that for my particular living room I should have purchased a Colonial secretary," says one home-maker. And so it continues, with the result that much furniture is still being sold on a basic-ally wrong system, detrimental to all concerned. A salesman cannot know too much about the type of room his customer wishes to furnish, which brings us i -- - - . .--j j HORIZONTALLY STRIPED WALLPAPERS LOWER. HOOM HEIGHT BUT EFFECT ELONGATION OF WALLS AMD ARE ESPECIALLY SUITED TO CONTEMPORARY INTERIORS VERTICALLY STRIPED WALLPAPERS EFFECT GREATER ROOM HEIGHT AND ARE PARTICULAR.L.Y SUITED TO LOW CEIUIN1GED BEDROOMS PAINTED WALLS OR. NEARLY PLAIN WALLPAPERS IN LIGHT HUED TINTS WILL ALWAYS GIVE. THE EFFECT OF SPACIOUSNESS SO ESSENTIAL TO THE CORRECT DECOR.ATIWQ-OF SMALL ROOMS ALL FIGURED WALLPAPERS SHOULD DE SELECTED CAREFULLY AS TO DESIGN , SCALE. OF PATTERN AND COLORS CONSISTENT WITH THE SIZE, EXPOSURE AND CHARACTER. OF A ROOM PANEL MOULDINGS AR.E ONLY SUITABLE "FOR LARGE WALL SPACES AS THEY TEND TO REDUCE. THEIR. SIZE thereby ADDING DECORATIVE INTEREST TO A LARGE ROOM PHYLLIS • FIELD • COOPER.- 1937' y A 9'X-12.' RUG- 22'-O"- A l l ' - 3 " X l&'-O" RUCr 2Z' -O" O THIS RUG- IS TOO SMALL FOR THE SIZE OF THE ROOM AND ITS BORDER. IS TOO CONSPICUOUS FHIS SYMMETRICAL-LY DESIGNED AND INCONSPICU-OUSLY BOK_~ DERE.D RUQ- 15 CORRECT IN 5IZE , DESIGN , AND LOW-KEYED COLOR VALUES FHE SAME LIVING--K.OOM AS IT WOULD APPEAR. IF FULLY CARPETED. effect of SPACIOUSNESS CAR-PETING FROM WALL TO WALL Room backgrounds should be of such character that they enhance, rather than detract, from the decorative charm of upholstery, draperies and all decorative accessories. 14 FINE FURNITURE to our first problem in interior decoration — that of BACKGROUNDS. The walls, ceiling and woodwork as well as the floor and floor coverings are termed "THE MAIN BACKGROUNDS" of all rooms. Since these constitute the greatest area in any room, they are of vital importance to the decorative and environmental success of a room. In correct decorating, the floor and its covering is always the darkest color value in a room. Keeping a floor subdued in both color value and design makes for substantial and restful solidity. No floor or its cover-ing should appear to "advance" — to come up conspic-uously toward one. Tonal Values • The floors of halls, living rooms, din-ing rooms, "dens" or "studies" should be finished in a medium to light brown tone (if they are of wood) — NEVER in a "taffy-colored" or light oak stain. Which of the former tones to use will depend upon the expos-ure of the room — whether it is very light or very dark and dreary. The exceptions to this rule are bathrooms, kitchens, breakfast rooms (if color scheme is very light) and bedrooms. The character of these rooms al-lows one to use all colors in a lighter "key," hence the floors of necessity are usually lighter in tonal value. These same governing principles should also guide one in the selecting of linoleum. "Spreading" Small Rooms • For the small room, only a rug of small scaled symmetrical design should be used and in a size approximating that of the room as nearly as possible, especially if it is a living or dining room. "Spotty" designs are only permissible in large rooms and then should be used discriminately. Avoid rugs having wide, conspicuous borders for small rooms; they tend to reduce their size. That is the chief reason why textured carpeting is so popular for the small home — it tends to make rooms appear larger and is restful to live with. The less a small room is cut up with rectangular lines in the way of mouldings, wide floor space around rugs and wide borders on rugs, the better. No matter how carefully furniture is selected or how correctly it may be arranged, if the walls are of the wrong color for the particular exposure, or papered in a conspicuous, large scaled, riotously colored pattern, the entire ensemble will be decoratively ruined. Such a room can never present a "quiet," reposeful or restful atmosphere. Generally speaking, walls should be very light in tonal value, with the ceiling the lightest value in the whole room. There are, however, exceptions (wood paneled rooms for one), but this rule is always a safe one to follow in the decorating of the average small home. Light walls suggest spaciousness and give greater size to a room, especially if they are plain or very incon-spicuously patterned. The same is true of woodwork — the lighter it is painted in either a harmonizing or contrasting tint, the better. Ivory colored woodwork is the ideal background for either walnut or mahogany furniture. Wall paper Woes • There are probably more mistakes made in decorating through poor choice of wall papers than in any other way. Many a customer dissatisfied with a room, believes that the fault lies with the furni-ture, draperies, or perhaps the rug, when in reality the fault is with the walls—the BACKGROUND—of her ensemble. In such instances, a little diplomatic advice from the earnest, well-informed salesman can often convince a customer that she should make a change in her wall and floor treatments, starting her out on the path of correct decorating. Color Congruence • In the matter of color for room BACKGROUNDS, those tints (for walls) and shades (for rugs) of "warm" hue, derived from red, orange or yellow, are used in rooms with cold and sunless ex-posure. For warm, sunny rooms, tints (for walls) and shades (for floors) of the "cold" type, derived from blue, violet or green, can be successfully used. fj J -_ • _> I 1 — rt :. >'I I > MODEL COTTAGE SELLS IPSWICH MAPLE FEATURING the traditional maple Ipswich Group, made by the Robert W. Irwin Co., Grand Rapids, stores in SO cities throughout the country have set up model display cottages show-ing this assembly of correlated New England pieces. Includes two bedroom groupings, a dining room and breakfast room ensemble, complete grouping of pieces for the living room and en-trance hall, all faithfully reproduced from well-accredited original models of 1730-1790. Particu-lar attention has been given to finish, the honey-colored Maple surfaces showing the smoky patina of the originals; the pieces have the softened atmosphere that comes from long use in well cared for homes. Li • i 'i ' 'ii .iid entrance hall ensembles which are I1 '• .1 i II -•'J different cities throughout the country '! f: "m the Irwin Ipswich group. l o r FEBRUARY, 1937 15 sALES PROMOTION and ADVERTISING by RALPH SPANGLER The second of a series of promotion articles by the sales promotion and advertising manager of the Harbour-Longmire Co., Oklahoma City. Last month he talked on "Group Selling." This month it's — MOST merchants will admit that even the best photographers and artists have difficulty in making a $300 suite look better than a $100 suite in the newspaper. Study the publicity of the most successful stores, and you find few attempts to picture expensive furniture in regu-lar newspaper ads. Yet they all sell good things! How do they do it? Show Them • To sell your higher priced merchandise, you must find some way of persuading the right people to see it! Some few stores have been suc-cessful in presenting their story with good pictures — on better paper than newsprint. Most big mer-chants have tried special displays away from the store — as furnish-ing newly-erected model homes. Probably the most successful meth-od has been to attract people to the store with highly publicized special displays . . . with dramatized "Openings" or store shows. Good Pictures • Rotogravure offers opportunity for the store that Using the rotogravure section of the Chicago News, each Saturday, the John M. Smyth Company does an outstanding job of picturing good furni-ture. Lammert's, St. Louis, are reported to have distributed 25,000 of 24-page supplement by mail and 125,000 by Western Union messenger last August. Excellent picturing. Dark green ink was effectively used instead of conventional brown. 16 FINE FURNITURE Because of the prominence of their models and the unusualness of their show, Harbour-Long-mire's were able to get considerable free public-ity in the news columns to assist these ads in pulling crowds. Kresge's (Newark. N.J.) staged their show during store hours — with the associate editor of "Better Homes and Gardens" as their feature speaker. Sanger's (Dallas) use a unique method of attract-ing the "right" people. can use it. J |ohn M. Smyth does an excellent job m the Chicago Neivs. Lammert's (St. Louis) have been publishing an outstanding rotogravure supplement three to four times a year, which they distribute by mail and messenger direct to the homes of as many as 150,000 of their prospects. Many stores mail some sort of a periodical which permits illustrating their finer things on good paper with fine-screen engravings. Marshall Field's (Chi-cago) issue approximately 200,000 copies of their "Fashions of the Hour" four times a year. It is printed on the same press as "Esquire"—with pictures that rivals the finest national magazine. A number of good syndicated periodicals are in wide use. At Harbour—Longmire's, we use the "Stylist"'— which is published exclusively for members of the Grand Rapids Furniture Guild. It illustrates in color, includes prices — of the exact merchandise which we have in stock. "Home Beautiful" — printed by the publishers of FINE FURNITURE — is one of the best in-expensive syndicated store magazines. But, after all, no picture gives an adequate story of your better things. The only satisfactory presentation is that which enables the right people actually to see your offerings. Store Shows • The most successful plan we have tried is highly dramatized store shows . . . or openings. With the right kind of planning, you will draw a large per cent of the best prospects from the classes you really want to reach. We usually have two . . . some-times three, of these events a year. In the list of mannequins used by Harbour-Longmire were debutantes from the most exclusive families in the city. The men, a bit shy, agreed to model providing their names were omitted from all publicity. The store program is shown below and at the right is a shot of the "bride" on the arm of her "father," descending the stairs to meet the "groom," HOME FURNISHING INSTITUTE f o r FEBRUARY, 1937 17 Our last two shows have been our best. Hoping to reach the same people who would buy clothes from smart ready-to-wear shops, w eused "Style Revues' as our chief attraction. In October, 1936, we had both young men and young-women— every one from the social register—modeling the newest and finest clothes available. A special run-way was built out from the grand staircase, on one side of>our first floor . . . to serve as a stage. The ban-nisters were wrapped in smilax. Gorgeous jars of mums on each landing. Music by an NBC organist on a specially installed electric organ. Public-address sys-tem presided over by our own store broadcaster, who is herself a drawing card. Smartly printed programs. Spotlights. The show opened with lively football music. A real football team (from a local high school) dressed in their playing togs—carried out a giant football, 5 feet in diameter, and set it on the runway. The lights flashed off for a moment — during which the football opened, and a beautiful society girl stepped out — in a costume that was — so the announcer said — the last word in what to wear to the big game. In rapid succession, scene after scene followed . . . prominent young men modeling as well as young wo-men. As a climax, the wedding procession . . . com-plete to the choir boys in their vestments . . . and the flower girls. Long after every available seat and every inch of standing room on the first floor and mezzanine were crowded . . . throngs kept coming. Ushers persuaded thousands of the disappointed to take the elevator to the upper floors to see the displays. It is hard to esti-mate how many we turned away. This spring, we plan as our big attraction, one which will permit two or three shows for each of several nights . . . and by sererving seats, we hope to control the size of our crowds. If Your Appeal Is To the Masses • It is not neces-sary to go to the extremes that we do to attract certain classes; there is another very successful type of opening . . . surprising in its effectiveness. It has been used by store after store — and when properly planned in ad-vance, is certain to get results. It is a "Treasure Hunt." With handbills, or knob-hangers, each bearing a different number — cover only the territory you wish to reach — a limited section each day (to control the size of your crowds). Offer as nice prizes as you think you can afford to the people who match their numbers with the numbers you display on the prizes. Don't be afraid of offering too many prizes. Experience shows that usually only about half are claimed. Place the prizes where they can be found quickly and easily — on each floor. You only want to get the people to your floors. Many of them will not be interested in looking around — and your problem will be one of preventing traffic congestion. Plenty of them will browse around. Department stores — such as Hudson's (Detroit) take the lead with dramatized shows. Kaufmann's (Pitts-burgh) dramatize light. Wolf & Dessauer (Fort Wayne) bring in outside speakers for three afternoons. Breu-nor's (San Francisco) with a model house, and Mar-shall Field's with table settings cash in on the prestige of national magazines. In Spokane, the Crescent bor-rows the FHA exhibit from the San Diego fair. , • J M 1: S WEEK ' • • • : ; ' • : ; . . # • • • ' HUDSON'S ilOUSEWARB » . / . l . i . / r f W i ; ••• HI 1- '" "•• "•'• '•••"'! ":t r - • : • S COME TO U GREAT .••*" AUDITORIUM SHOW j . „„££&&.... *J JfJt-jolv. i i sit l ;••.. ... i . tf- w \ 18 FINE FURNITURE THE SKETCH . . MODERN OFFICE EQUIPMENT REFLECTS THE TRUE INTERPRETATION OF "FUNCTIONALISM" IN the realm of furniture designing the word "func-tional"— particularly during the modern revival — has been the most abused word in the vocabulary. In-congruous, inconsistent and in many cases actually ridiculous interpretations have been executed under the banner of "functionalism." However, in the field of office equipment there is an unfeigned reason for the use of the word "functional." Subjected to a daily battering of hard usage, dura-bility is a prime requisite, and considering the number of hours spent in a modern office, comfort is of equal importance. Successfully combining these two elements with artistic design has been an outstanding accom-plishment of contemporary designers and manufac-turers of office furnishings. Although steel •— flat, tubular and sheet — has been introduced with increasing volume in office equipment, executives desiring individuality in their offices are still demanding equipment executed in wood. In wood fur-nishings, period or contemporary, a man is permitted to reflect his personal tastes, to instill a livableness and convenience blended with an authenticity of decorative treatment. In the modern group illustrated on these pages, de-signed by Jack DeYoung for the Stow-Davis Co., Grand Rapids, is reflected an interpretation of "func-tional modern." Constantly conscious of keeping the decorative feeling restrained and practical, DeYoung has injected a spirit of stability and efficiency that coupled with clean, unobstructed surfaces of bleached striped and burled maples, simple bronze hardware, makes the group readily adaptable to the simplicity of modernly decorated office interiors. The inclusion of a dictograph in the desk, radio, cellarette and golf club compartment in the cabinet is typical of functionalism required in modern offices. IT'S natural that a young man reared in a furniture manufac-turing center, with an aptitude for drawing and acquaintance-ship with men doing things in the furniture world, should drift into some phase of the business. Un-daunted by the doubtful benefits of being born on Friday the 13th, studious, aggressive, fun-loving Jack DeYoung dedicated himself to a professional philosophy that extensive basic study followed by hard work will eventually lead to success. One of the younger school of furniture designers, Jack has come fast. Beginning in the rod room at the Imperial Furniture Co., his first contact with design-ing genius came while working under William Millington at the old Furniture Shops in Grand Rapids. Following this he be-came an undergraduate in Her-man DeVries studio, later asso-ciating with Leo Jiranek. When the latter moved to New York, Jack went along, assumed charge of the detailing office. Last fall he returned to his native city, opened a designing service under his own name. Asserting that drawing is both his vocation and avocation, he admits that on occasions the ripple of a good trout stream has made him exchange a pencil for a flyrod. Personal preferences in-clude a good thick steak, a quar-tet arrangement of "Down by the Old Mill Stream," Johann Strauss' music, "Les Miserables" and Jimmy Walker. JACK DE YOUNG . . . Friday the 13th no barrier. i o r FEBRUARY, 1937 19 20 FINE FURNITURE Above is a roruor oi the drapery section at Man-del Bios., Chicago, show-ing Vi-nctian Blind Dis-play. Bedroom and din-ing room exhibits, Broad-way Department store, Los Angeles, sell S1800 worth of blinds monthly. Kirsch Co., Sturgis, Mich., made the w o o d - s l a t blinds at the loft and the Suiiaire aluminum-slat blinds at the bottom. VENETIANS HAVE VALUE MOST merchants do nothing in the way of pro-moting Venetian blinds, which are enjoying such an unprecedented vogue for use in the home at the present time that they bring considerable volume of business without special attention. That the sale of Venetian.blinds can be even more greatly increased is proven by the recent promotion carried on by the Broadway Department store, Los Angeles, which de-cided to make the public aware of the many extra selling points of Venetians, to build up a preference for trade-marked blinds; sold $1800 worth of .blinds a month as a result. Although the public has a keen interest in them because of decorative possibilities, it is still ignorant of their many practical advantages. Based on their opinion that Venetian blinds are here to stay, the Broadway set them up in the store with decorative drapery treatments; found that their model homes were most effective in really showing the public the decorative possibilities as well as their value as a shading and light controlling device. Focusing attention upon the windows of the house with blinds causes the modern housewife to see the possibilities of enhancing the attractiveness of her home with the proper combi-nation of Venetians and draperies. Venetians heighten the effect of spaciousness where low ceilings, small rooms make them an asset. Hundreds of people visit-ing these model homes were quick to see the advantages of such window treatment for their own houses. The result has been that the Broadway model homes, have greatly stimulated drapery business, at least doubled the sale of blinds, with the public definitely calling for the trade-marked blind which they carry. f o r FEBRUARY, 1937 21 THE CUSTOMER'S VIEWPOINT WE CLASSIFY OUR SALESMEN AND BUY ACCORDINGLY By DOROTHEA D. DUNLEA Starting on the premise that every salesman is expected to classify his customers, using corres-ponding salesmanship, Dorothea Dunlea turns the tables, pigeonholes the salesmen in no un-certain terms into three types, the negative ninny, the disinterested, the alert and courteous. She sets out to buy a rug, definitely indicates the maximum price and color to salesman No. 1. But read on as she reveals her reaction to each . . . QALESMEN may be classified O into three main types: the nega-tive "ninny," the disinterested and the alert and courteous. Taking typical examples of these three types, it is interesting and revealing to learn the customer reaction to each. Starting with the premise that every salesman is expected to class-ify his customer, using correspond-ing salesmanship to sell to the dif-ferent types of patrons, we shall follow the methods of these three salesmen who, unfortunately, are found in the average store. As a customer, we recently de-sired to purchase a brown rug and indicated the maximum price which we wished to pay. The first sales-man, respecting our statement on price, takes us to the section where rugs are within our financial reach. The neat piles of rugs, sorted ac-cording to color as well as to weave, are spread out so that we can plainly see the patterns and color-ings. We are hopeful; surely such foresight on the part of the man-agement is inspiring to our trust. Our confidence is quickly shaken, however, by the salesman's first gesture. Leading us to a pile of bright green rugs, he asks: "How do you like these?" We repeat our wish for brown rugs, and he severely commences to display varying shades of red. Roll-ing back these heavy rugs, he looks expectantly at us for approval. Ex-plaining that we have only a limited amount of time, we start exploring for brown rugs ourselves. The third rug in this group is quite to our liking, having an attractive pattern, and being of apparently good qual-ity, but the pile of the rug seems ridged in various places. "Oh, that will all come out in time," says the salesman. "Are you sure of it?" we query. "Well, I wouldn't want you to be dissatisfied and buy something you don't want," he parries. We explain that the rug is just what we want—if he can only assure us that the rug will lose its crushed appearance, but in the meantime the salesman walks again toward the green rugs without offering any explanation. He suggests at this time that he has a brown rug like the green rug which he showed us first. We become interested and ask to see the shades of brown in which it comes, but the salesman informs us that he can't get it out of the stockroom unless we agree to buy it. Discouraged and disgruntled, we go on to another store m which we find the rugs displayed on swinging arms, resembling the leaves of a book. Here the rugs are not classi-fied as to color, and the salesman begins to hurriedly turn the leaves of the stock. "But there is a brown rug," we say, attempting to catch it as it flies past under the deft fingers of the salesman. "Oh yeah, so it is," he reluctantly turns back to let us have a quick glance. We are somewhat puzzled by this speedy showing until we notice that 22 FINE FURNITURE it is only a half-hour until closing time, and realize that the salesman is darkly suggesting that to "Buy in haste is to repent at leisure." So we decide to go elsewhere in the thirty minutes we have left. The next salesman, arranging his stock for closing, is, nevertheless, cour-teously attentive to our wants and with great zest turns back rug after rug in the brown pile. Several of these rugs also show a ridged effect in the pile, and the salesman agree-ably reassuring, explains that some of the rugs when tightly rolled on poles for packing and shipping have the pile pressed down, but that with use, the ridges disappear. He adds that if we are not entirely satisfied with anything we might purchase, we are welcome to exchange. This salesman jots down the numbers of the rugs which are to our liking as we come across them, and as the pile increases, he removes those rugs in which we are most interested, spreading them out to view. Laying the two we finally decide upon side by side, he aids us in making an ultimate choice, and we leave, just as the store is closing, highly satis-fied with our purchase and with a most friendly feeling for this store and its sales force. The alert and courteous salesman makes the sale due to the fact that he has a number of necessary qual-ities. Briefly, they may be summed up: 1. He classifies the customer as the type who knows what she wants and acts accordingly. 2. He is enthusiastic, interested, appears unhurried in helping the customer to make a choice. 3. He shows his goods to best advantage and is explicit and cour-teous when questioned concerning the merchandise. 4. He makes no negative sugges-tions but presumes the customer comes to buy a rug, therefore he is there to sell it. Window display of Rhodes-Burford Co., Paduach, Ky., during a recent promotion built around Collins and Aikman Corp. Ca-Vel fabrics. The main exhibit was set up inside the store and surrounded by suites cov-ered in Ca-Val materials. CA-VEL stripes, formal designs and irregular patterns are included in the new Collins & Aikman Corp. Ca-Vel fabrics, three of •which are shown here; a jacquard design combination of Heatherstone and other yarns; a satin backedsase jacquard frise in diagonal squares, and a combination of Heatherstone yarns and mohair in an ombre stripe design. MAHOGANY—FROM TREE TO TABLE . V ' ' . • ' ' . . . ' - - ' •- •'../•VvvWV ,'• • • . • • . • % . - - , . * • • • • * *•" * v 1. - - . ^ . J • ' . • * x ' ' . , ' * - , ••• ".. . • . « V . " ••.-• ' v '• ' V '•• «' >? > ujr' V / V*' V-* "K*" -V ONE of the most beautiful and instructive traveling exhibits that has ever been prepared in the lumber industry is a self-illuminated display in the Merchandise Mart of the Mahogany Assn. which tells the story of Mahogany from the majes-tic tree in the tropical jungle to the finest finished furniture shown on the January market. Designed by George N. Lamb, Secretary of the Mahogany Assn., and by the Architectural Decorating Co., the exhibit shows actual leaves, flowers, fruit, seed, bark of the tree; portrays m transparencies the hunt for A'lahogany, the felling of the trees, the transporting of it to sea-board in rainy season floods. Pic-torially, and again illuminated, are shown pictures of the sawmill rip-ping logs into lumber, veneer ma-chines slicing logs into 1/28" thick veneers; an illuminated map shows the sources of A'lahogany, each kind being displayed with the source in-dicated. A full section is devoted to Mahogany finishes, ranging all the way from the currently popular blondes to the "Old World" types; how not to finish the wood is also shown. Various types of joints and plywood construction are exhibited and a section is devoted to carving and inlays, carvings revealing prog-ressive steps in furniture manufac-ture in the actual wood, machines pictured; inlays include table tops and scenic inlay work. Under Fur-niture Periods is an unusual collec-tion of illustrations representative of Mahogany furniture from some twenty furniture styles; an unusual display is a beam end with a gem-like surface mounted on velvet, re-puted to be the oldest Mahogany in the world. It came from a house in Santo Domingo, 1SO9-1SIS. With the closing of the furniture market, the Mahogany Educational Exhibit started on a journey that will take it from coast to coast. f o r F E B R U A R Y . 1937 23 DIRECTS NRFA FOR 1937 NEW NRFA LEADER STRESSES IMPORTANCE OF SMALL MERCHANT —ADVOCATES CASH & CARRYING CHARGE METHOD OF PRICING The man on the cover •THE small dealer never had a bet- 1 ter friend than 'Art' Guggen-heim," wrote a small dealer shortly after Arthur S. Guggenheim had been elected president of the Nation-al Retail Furniture Association last month. Classified as "Big-store-minded" because he is general man-ager of Spear & Co., operating stores in Pittsburgh and New York, this comment pleased Guggenheim more than the scores of congratulatory telegrams, good wishes, backslap-ping of his many friends. In addition to expressing pleasure at Guggenheim's recently acquired honor, the merchant elucidated, told how "Art" has aided scores of deal-ers by loaning them merchandise, securing jobs for sons, offering friendly counsel. In reply, Guggenheim said: "The small store is the one that gets the closest to the buying public. It can create more good will for the indus-try than any other factor in the in-dustry. In addition, NRFA can be more helpful to the typical average size store than it can be to the larger organization, equipped with its own staff for handling research and studying store problems." NRFA'S Backbone • Guggenheim points out that NRFA has most of the larger stores of the country on its roster. "But," he adds, "80% of the membership and 80% of the service goes to the rank and file. I'd like to drive home the fact that NRFA represents the whole trade, not any one part of it." Confrere Guggenheim should know, for as chairman of the Asso-ciation's membership committee for four years, he helped build the or-ganization's strength. During the depression the Association doubled its staff, trebled its correspondence on individual problems, and gener-ally strengthened its services all along the line. It established Mer-chandising and Controllers' Divi-sions; it was active in the NRA, ably representing retail homefur-nishings thought in state and na-tional circles. A-la-Alger • Arthur Guggenheim at 54 can look back pridefully down the ladder of his successful climb to prominence in furniture retailing. Beginning with Spear & Co., oper-ating an elevator when 19 years old, he plugged ahead, achieved success in a manner paralleling one of Horatio Alger's familiar figures; be-came one of the nation's foremost judges of homefurnishing values. ARTHUR S. GUGGENHEIM . . . For small dealer—best friend; ior his store—eight cars. Recent government releases of in-come reports show "Art" doing about as well as anyone in his pro-fession! Okays Carrying Charge • Plan-ning NRFA'S 1937 program, Gug-genheim's pet policy is further ex-tension of the cash and carrying charge method of pricing furniture. Asserting that the carrying charge is the only honest way of running a credit business, Guggenheim says that stores hiding their financing costs make it that much more diffi-cult for the remainder of the stores to operate openly, may even cause unwise and unfair legislation in cer-tain states. First advocated by NRFA in 1927 the policy of add-ing one-half of one per cent a month on unpaid balances after deduction of the down payment, three-quarters of the nation's stores now employ this plan. Publicity • This activity will be ex-panded because NRFA's new leader says: "In the long run, the indus-try will benefit when the public benefits. The fellows closest to the public are the store owners who themselves sell on the floor, con-stantly creating goodwill and better understanding. They're the back-bone of the business." An admirer of ability, Guggen-heim believes in placing credit where it rightfully belongs. A story dating back to the days when furni-ture markets were held at 1319 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, is characteristic. Ability Booster • A youngster, breaking into the selling game, was left in charge of a certain space while the other boys went out for lunch. "If Arthur Guggenheim comes in, show him around," said the sales-man from the Pittsburgh territory. "Take his order, but tell him I'll be back after a while." Presently Guggenheim appeared in the space, prompted by the jokester-salesmen, to trick the cub. Together they went over the line and the young man, unawed by the "Big Buyer," did a really splendid job. Guggenheim meanwhile wrote page after page of orders, ending the supposedly-pseudo purchasing tour by affixing his signature to an eight-car order. "I'll send this order in myself," said Guggenheim as he pocketed it and departed. Returning to the space the Pitts-burgh salesman questioned the youngster, smiled when informed that Guggenheim said he'd place his order by mail. However, when the buyer failed to return, he feared the worst. His joke had boomeranged. Three days later the factory re-ceived Guggenheim's order with a letter congratulating the firm on having such a splendid salesman in their organization. 24 FINE FURNITURE CHET SHAFER "LAZIEST HUMORIST IN THE WOMB" GOES TO FURNITURE MARKET CHET SHAFER . . . " I t ' s a d e a l . . . " Three Rivers, Mich., Feb. 1 (Spl. dispatch t' F I N E FURNITURE). There's been a lot of times in my long career as a battler for truth and principle when I've been IRKED. In my search for fewer harassments of the soul and greater purity of expression I have taken umbrage in large quantities— (and sometimes a pretty low test grade of umbrage, too). But I have nev-er been up on my high hoss like I am since I gave my Magic Lantern Show in the ballroom of the Pant-lind Hotel in Grand Rapids to open this year's FURNITURE SHOW— with TOMMY WALKER as my Lantern Operator No. 1. There Ain't No Justice • And I'll leave it to any reader of this high-class periodical if I'm not justified. I was around there before the furniture buyers and salesmen in-cluding Jack ROBERTS of CON-STANTINE, Mich., — (the Cradle of the Casket Industry — or is it the Casket of the Cradle Industry?) — And I was with PHIL JOHN-SON and we were talking about how to get Mr. HOGAN of HO-GAN'S work in the name of FINE FURNITURE in his introduc-tory address so" this magazine would get some advertising out of it — Table Talk • When who should pop up but F. STUART FOOTE. This feller Foote says he is hav-ing a big luncheon the next day out at the plant of the Imperial Furni-ture Company and — would I come out and say a few wds? Says I: — "I would for a coupla tables." EDCUTTER ROD MACKENZIE Says he:—"It's a deal." So the next day after the speech and the lantern show which rocked the Pantlind Hotel to its foundations that rest on the bones of Joseph Campau — Phil Johnson and I went out to the Imperial Plant. Phil showed me all the swell tables out there and he says: "It's suicide t' bring a woman m this place. She just can't help but buy" — (That's not such a bad advertisement for Imperial). The Wooden Nymph of Pee-Roo • We finally had lunch and I got out my paper to tell a few funny stories to the assemblage when I would be called upon. I had ten stones down including a new one I heard just heard about the wooden nymph on the circus wagon at Pee-Roo, Indi-anny. (Write Edcutter Mackenzie direct if you never heard it.) And then up gets a gentleman from Springfield, Ills — W. L. An-dre, Bressmer Co., and he proceeds As usual, Shafer is wrong. The wooden nymph irom Pe-Roo is no nymph. Further, her right name is Poulettre and she works in the cafe Lion de Beliort. 110 Rue Den-fert Rochereau, Paris. (Advt.) f o r FEBRUARY, 1937 25 to say that he had sold Imperial Tables for 30 years and never had a better seller. Then he calls for a rising accla-mation of Mr. F. Stuart FOOTE. Everybody present got up and I thought Mr. Foote would say a few words and then call on me. But what happened? All Up and 10 to Go • Once he got on his feet there was no stopping him. He went on to say that it was the profits he made off'n the boys that paid for his new building. He said he never put a table on the sales floor that was marked up at less than cost. And after he went on that way a while he closed the meeting and everybody departed — leaving me sitting there with ten priceless stories to tell — (including the one on the Pee-Roo wooden Cir-cus Wagon Nymph) —and nobody to tell them to except my faithful follower — Mr. Johnson. Hands It to Foote • At first I was chagrined. Then my Dutch arose. I met another feller named Schaef-fer from New York. He is the pres-ident of the "OF" club. He can have that distinction. I don't want it. And so I tackled this Foote fel-ler right there. He apologized. He wanted me to stay over 2 more days. He said he was ashamed of himself. But — My Countrymen! — up to this time I have never received a table. Gainful Gambles • After that meeting Phil and I went over to see ED GAMBLE and TED GAM-BLE and GORDON GAMBLE and were they taking orders? — (ADVT) •— but I came home un-placated — and I'm still as sore as a bunion about it. And if I don't get my tables now for all this free advertising, I'll go up and burn the plant of the Imperial Furniture Company — (Advt) — which is so arranged that there is only one door and you can't get out without ED-DIE SOMES (that's Sergeant Somes) —and some of them other salesmen up there knocking you off for a bill of goods. yrs (sgd) CHET SHAFER Grand Diapason of the Guild of Former Pipe Organ and Prop'r of the Travelling Magic Lantern Show that's a Doozy—(ADVT). Write for prices. CUTLETS, VENEERS, CARVINGS IT looks to me as if there is an over-indulgence of furniture with the henna rinse," was one of the more or less confidential comments on new market offerings by a distin-guished visitor at the Chicago and Grand Rapids expositions — Rich-ardson Wright, famed editor of House & Garden, in referring to the vogue for bleached woods. Shrub to Sink • Prominent through-out both markets, were many pro-motions centered around House & Garden's "Ideal House" for 1937. Conceived by brilliant Marian Tay-lor, competent Robert Locker and Margaret Dargan, the House and Garden staff have developed, com-plete from shrub to sink, the ideal house of the year. Several of the houses will be built during the spring by leading contractors in various sections of the country. De-signs, specifications and furnishings will be ready in April — a signal for simultaneous retail promotions in which scores of stores plan to participate, featuring merchandise from leading manufacturers "as selected and approved" by the mag-azine's editors, preceding the market. Cutlets to Carvings • Spark plug of House Eif Garden is Richardson Wright — a leading figure with the horticulturists and epicures as well as with the decorators. In fact, when globe-trotting Hollis Baker naively suggested that"Dick" foretold the trend of furniture styles by the trend in cooking, Wright admitted the accusation. "For," he commented, "when money is scarce meals become less fussy — more attention is given to more carefully and properly serv-ing simple dishes. When times im-prove there is a return to more 'lush repasts'." Wines to Veneers • And while it is a far cry from wines to veneers or cutlets to carvings, nevertheless, as the distinguished editor pointed out, "We find the simple things, nicely done, a trend of the last few years —- but now as there is more money to be spent, you are due to find the use of more ornamentation." Eraser Designing Best • "Another thing, I have found out about the Thrifty to be Smart • "A few years ago it was 'smart to be thrifty'; now I feel that people who really know and appreciate fine furniture will find their guide in a reversal, 'It's thrifty to be smart'." "I see less and less bad design among the markets, especially in Grand Rapids. Taste is improving, and I am glad to see the manufac-turers appreciate it. Yes, indeed, it's thrifty to be smart — there are so many fine, smart things on the market these days." RICHARDSON WRIGHT . . . Accused of forecasting furniture styles by cooking trends. similarity between good designs and beautiful flowers. I can stand at the back entrance of the horticul-tural exhibit in New York and tell who will win the prizes by what the exhibitors throw out. The best de-signing is done with the eraser. It is what is left off, as much or more than what is put on, that makes really fine design." The Great Human Urge • "The in-dustry is in for a great revival. Not only the great upturn in building; but money is coming into new hands. And it is invariable that when this happens one of the first things people spend their money for is beautiful new furnishings to give them a background of tradition and social position. It's a great human urge that sells more high priced furniture than any other incentive." Refers to modern as a leftist movement, explaining that we have yet to find where functionalism ends and charm begins, has a faculty for expressing in cryptic phrase or sen-tence what it would take another person so many paragraphs to ex-pound— that he would probably miss the point. 26 FINE FURNITURE Homefurnishing News and Dent B&G New G.M. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. announces that T. Ashley Dent has been appointed general manager of the company's opera-tions. Few men are better known in the furni-ture industry than T. Ashley Dent, whose ability in furniture sales and production are renowned. "I am happy to confirm the report that the board comfirmed the appointment of Dent as general manager of Berkey & Gey," said Frank D. McKay at the close of the January market. "With the rapid expansion of the reorganized Berkey & Gay Co., which now7 has three plants operating at full capac-ity." T. ASHLEY DENT . . . Knows furniture and how to sell it. The announcement elicited comment from Frank M. Sparks, editor of the Grand Rap-ids Herald, in his inimitable column, ''Reflec-tions of An Editor," as follows: "It was with a great deal of pleasure that I learned my old friend, T. Ashley Dent, is to be made general manager of the Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. I don't know where they could have picked a better man for the job. He knows furniture, how to make it, how to sell it. He knows the manufacturers, the salesmen and the dealers. He always was referred to as one of the half-dozen greatest salesmen in the business." Dent joined the Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. a year ago, soon after its reorganization by Frank D. McKay and Abe Dembinsky, and became metropolitan sales representa-tive of the New York territory. Although Dent will make his home in Grand Rapids, he will continue to give his personal attention to the important eastern territory. The Berkey & Gay New York office at 101 Park Ave. will be directly in charge of B. J. Hannewyk. who will actively serve the New York accounts. Guild's Spring Program Presenting a spring merchandising program for Guild dealers, the Grand Rapids Furni-ture Guild plans to demonstrate to the Amer-ican public that Guild furniture can be ob-tained for no greater expenditure than un-identified furniture. According to Ed Weir, business manager, each Guild manufacturer will concentrate on not more than two suites, thus giving Guild dealers wide selectivity, and a committee has arranged so that there will be no duplication. The program will be presented on nation-wide scale the first week in May by Guild stores through direct mail and newspaper advertising. Six dealer display ads for dealer use, a 16 page offset book presenting the en-tire group, imprinted with dealer's name, for less than three cents each including envel-ope, have been prepared by the Guild. Hill Heads Hastings Co. Controlling interest in the Hastings Table Co., Hastings, Mich., has been acquired by Fred E. Hill, Grand Rapids, recently elected president and manager of the company. The Table company offices, moved to Grand Rap-ids Dec. 1930, when the company was bought by the Widdicomb Furniture Co., were removed to Hastings Feb. 1, 1937. Other new officers of the firm include Ed Simons, vice-president; Fred Hill, Jr., secre-tary; M. H. Houseman, treasurer. "Neva-Wet" Product A new chemical discovery recently put on the market is "Neva-Wet," claimed to ren-der all fabrics, fibres, leathers, water and moisture repellent. Produced by the Neva- Wet Corp. of America, New York, manufac-turers have found that treating materials with the product causes them to be spot, stain, perspiration resistant; makes unfast dves fast. New Baker Catalogue Recent publication of the James Bayne Co. is the 1937 Baker Furniture, Inc., Hol-land. Mich., catalogue of 126 pages illus-trating Baker furniture. The book deals with Period and Contemporary pieces, in-cluding furniture for the living room, dining and bedroom. Divided into three sections, it pictures Baker's Connoisseur, Old World Finish, Milling Road Shop ensembles. Wages Advance 5% A study of five typical operations made by the National Assn. of Furniture Mfrs. showed that wages in the furniture industry have advanced an average of 5% since Sept., 1936, according to Dr. A. P. Haake, managing director, who added that there was a rise in wages of less than 2% aver-age from March to September. Some manu-facturers have advanced wages more than 5%, others plan to make increases as high as 10%, according to the report, which shows that materials have risen even more than labor costs. Says the bulletin, "Many manufacturers are doing what a well-known leader in the Artistic and informative EDWARD H. KOCHTITZKY . . . His leadership will be missed industry has just done in apprising the trade of cost elements ranging from 15% to 46% higher, and the necessity of higher prices in consequence." It was also made known that the Robert W. Irwin Co. quotes increased prices of 15% to 30% in lumber, 46% in veneers used for backing and cross banding, 40% in mirrors, 15% to 20% in upholstery fabrics, as necessitating an advance in their furni-ture prices. KOCHTITZKY—Mount Airy, N. C. One time president of Southern Manufac-turers' Assn., head of the Mount Airy Fur-niture Co., Mount Airy, N. C, Edward H. Kochtitzky died recently after an illness of several weeks. A native of Missouri, Koch-titzky came to Mount Airy when a young man, organized Mount Airy Furniture Co. which expanded from year to year until to-day it is counted one of the leading furni-ture plants in the south. Widely connected in civic, religious and business circles, he was honored by every high office at the command of the community. Kochtitzky, progressive, energetic and fair in business transactions, w"as a beloved character in the furniture industry. His leadership in the activities of S.F.M.A. will be missed. for FEBRUARY, 1937 27 ASSOCIATIONS and their activities No furniture association is too small to gain recognition in the columns of FINE FURNITURE and we urge secretaries of all city and state associations to send us regularly up-to-the-minute news of their activities, FINE FURNITURE will print each month as much of this news as space permits. —The Editor. New C.F.A. Officer Vice-president of the Flint-Bruce Co., Hartford, Conn., George M. Butler was elected treasurer and secretary of the Cen-tury Furniture Associates. A group of 48 first-ranking furniture stores in 16 states, the organization's prime purpose is to effect group buying, large scale purchases enabling individual Century stores to benefit from lower prices. 0 Huhn Heads Assn. Peter Huhn, Furniture Salesmen's Club of Wisconsin, was elected president of the National Wholesale Furniture Salesmen's Assn., at a recent meeting of the board of directors. Other officers include R. J. Luger, first vice-president; Laskar Kahn, second vice-president; C. Gerd, third vice-president; Harold Davis, secretary-treasurer. J. M. Bachrach, retiring president, was elected an honorary director. d G. R. Salesmen's Club Meets Elected president of the Grand Rapids Furniture Salesmen's Club was Edward L. Ransom, Imperial Furniture Co., to suc-ceed Charles R. Sligh, Jr. Jack Cooper, West Michigan Furniture Co., was elected first vice-president, Arthur B. Windsor, Wood-ward Furniture Co., Owosso, second vice-president, Charles F. Campbell, secretary-treasurer, Clark Beiriger, assistant secretary-treasurer. Directors elected for two years are Charles R. Sligh, Jr., Jack Cooper, Law-rence Hill, Charles F. Campbell, E. L. Ran-som, Clark Beiriger. Directors elected for one year are Chester Kiekintveld, Arthur B. Windsor, Arthur Bracket, Carl Fowler, Ted Maris, Nate Bryant. A resolution passed supporting the expo-sition association in its decision to hold only two markets a year, May and November, dropping January, July markets; guaranteed not only its support to the two-market plan but its assistance in advertising and carry-ing out the plan. Frank Stisser, Estey Furniture Co., Owos-so, was appointed chairman of a permanent membership committee, will name his own assistants. The club will make an active campaign to bring into its ranks all the salesmen working in the Grand Rapids market. Charlotte Assn. Meets Elected president of the Charlotte Retail Furniture Dealers Assn., was Harold G. Robinson to succeed Reese Ivey. Other offi-cers elected were A. R. Edwards, manager of Belk's furniture department, vice-presi-dent; C. M. Farriss, Farriss-Payne Furniture Co., secretary-treasurer; O. A. McKeithan, public relations chairman. Orr Heads Furniture Club Former vice-president of the Furniture Club of America, Hunter K. Orr, Coleman Furniture Co. and Pulaski Veneer Corp., was recently elected president of the asso-ciation. Other officers included Gordon Robinson, executive vice-president of the American Furniture Mart, first vice-presi-dent; W. H. Holabird, Holabird Co., second vice-president; William E. McCauley, Jr., of Leath & Co., third vice-president; Law-rence H. Whiting, president of the American Furniture Mart, treasurer; W. C. Gorgas, secretary. Detroit Club Officers Officers elected at the annual meeting of the Detroit Furniture Club recently were: President, Harold E. Sepull; vice-president, James L. Stein; secretary-treasurer, Louis Grabowsky. 1 Weber Heads Jamestown Assn. Elected president of the Jamestown Traveling Salesmen's Assn., whose members are employed almost exclusively in the fur-niture manufacturing industry, was Karl J. Weber to succeed George H. Dudley of Kling Factories, Inc., Mayville. Other offi-cers elected at the annual meeting were, Ernest H. Anderson, vice-president; John C. Shearman, treasurer; Mark N. Berry, secre-tary. Dudley was elected trustee for two years; Alfred E. Jones, Edward J. McGee were appointed members of the furniture market association committee representing traveling salesmen; Albert Anderson, chair-man of the summer outing committee. 0 Assn. Elects Officers Re-named president of Jamestown Furni-ture Market Assn. for 1937 was Earle O. Hultquist, president of the Jamestown Roy-al Upholstery Corp., at the recent annual meeting of the Association. Also elected were Nathan J. Anderson, Empire Case Goods Co., vice-president; Richard L. Swanson, Jamestown Lounge Co., vice-president; Leo J. Heer, executive secretary. Xewly elected members of the board of di-rectors included: Claude W. Butler, Atlas Furniture Co., Floyd C. Pickard, Jamestown Sterling Corp., Chester Helgren, Kling Fac- P. E. Kroehler, Froehler Mfg. Co., (center, ob-serves how o Ca-Vel fabric stands up under grueling punishment of •wear-test machine. He is shown talking it over with E. L. Stites (left), field represent-ative, and R. N. Tand-ler, upholstery sales manager, of Collins & Alkman Corp. tories. Re-elected directors were Waters C. Davis, Davis-Randolph Furniture Co., All-dor M. Nord, Union-National, and directors whose terms have not expired are Frank E. Shearman, Jr., Maddox Table Co., How-ard M. Kay, Star Furniture Co., Axel Eck-berg, Alliance Furniture Co. « NRFA Retains Name Contending that only by changing the title and embracing the whole homefurnish-ings scene could the NRFA really be repre-sentative of the vast industry of which its members are the major retail outlet, Clar-ence Niss of C. Niss & Sons, Milwaukee, roused intense discussion recently. (FINE FURNITURE—Dec.) That the admission of new types of dealers to membership would complicate the functionings of the organiza-tion was an expression frequently heard, although Niss explained that his plan did not call for a drive for membership among electrical dealers for example, or other types of outlets whose interests are often inimical to those of the furniture store. He suggested that plans for membership expansion be carefully studied but that essentially he strove to give the furniture merchant an awareness of the fact that today he is really a homefurnishings merchant. Various objec-tions arose to changing the name of NRFA as Niss suggested, including the opinion that it had acquired considerable value and im-portance, to discard it would be a serious matter. Other speakers opined that the name "furniture store" had been dropped by some of the foremost establishments who were now advertising themselves as home-furnishings centers or homefurnishings de-partment stores; some said that people knew they could obtain other wares m a furniture store besides furniture. As a re-sult of the controversy, the name NRFA was retained; members showed a desire that the body continue its educational and pro-motional work in these fields. fis* 28 FINE FURNITURE N E W STORES FIRM NAME CITY AMERICAN FURN. CO.* Kilgore, Tex. ART FUBN. CO. Canton, Ohio ARTISTIC FURN. CO St. Louis. Mo. BAILY-WAGNER, INC.f Springfield, Mass BERCOVICH 4 SONf Oakland, Cal BISHOP FURN. STOREf Albion, Mich BOETTCHER FURN. CO.f Waterloo, Iowa CERONE FURN. STORE Camden, N. J CHAPMAN FURN. CO.f Florence, Ala COHEN FURNITURE CO.f Charleroi, Pa. (Formerly Woodward Furn. 4 Carpet Co.) COLLIER FURN. CO Duncan, Okla CORLEY FURN. STORE Anson, Tex CROUCH FURN. CO.f Batesville, Ark DIXIE FURN. STOREf Bowling Green. Ohio (Formerly Hill Furn. Co. DRUSS FURN. STORE Galveston, Tex. ECONOMY FURN. STOREf McConnellsville, Ohio FORD FURNITURE CO Gallatin, Tenn. FORT COLLINS FURN. CO.f Greeley, Colo FORT PLAIN FURN. STORE Fort Plain, N. Y FREEMAN FURN. STORE Carrollton, Mo FURNITURE WAREHOUSE Milwaukee, Wis GAMBLE STORE* Kenton, Ohio HARRIS FURN. CO Cheyenne. Wyo. HERMANSTORFER STORE Sigourney, la HERSE 4 SON FURNITURE CO Albion, Neb. HUDGENS FURN. STORE San Angelo. Tex IRVINE FURN. STORE Irvine, Ky IRVINE FURN. STORE Port Arthur, Tex J. 4 J. FURN. CO.f Charlotte, N. C KENT FURNITURE CO. Fitzgerald, Ga KIMBRELL'S FURN. CO.* Charlotte, N. C. S. KOHN 4 SONS CO Cleveland, Ohio LAMPASAS FURN. CO.f Lampasas, Tex LAWRENCE FURN. CO.f Lawrence. Mass. LEON'S FURN. STORE Lebanon, Pa LEWIS FURN. CO. Huntington, W. Va LOUD'S RADIO SERVICE Red Bank, N. J LOVELACE FURN. CO.f Festus. Mo. McCARTY FURN. CO Abilene, Tex. McDANIEL-ERVIN-HINSHAW FURN. CO Durham, N. C STREET AND NUMBER Fourth St. Gano Ave Worthington St.. 13th Street N. Superior St. . 314 4th St Third St. S. Court St. PROPRIETORS . D. C. Newman. . A. Malicord Main St. Main St. 223 N. Main 2322 Market Center St N. Water St. 159 Linden E. Benton St 920 Monroe East 17th Fourth St N. Chadbourne Ave. 610 Proctor 200 S. College 103 E. Pine E. Trade St E. 105th St Third St 540 Essex St 121 N. Eighth 17 Mechanic St. 1141 N. Second St. L. B. Palen . V. Cerone S. S. Chapman L. B. Cohen M. E. Cohen S. M. Cohen DATE OPENED . Nov. 29 . Jan. 17 ... Jan. 4 . Jan. 15 . . . Dec. 3 . . D e c . 7 . . Jan. 15 Nov. 24 ....Jan. 1 . Nov. 19 H. H. Corley . G. W. Shaver, W. H. Hill A. Druss, T. Schrieber . . . S. Cunningham A. Ford, H. Ford W. L. Peterson . L. Chelette, O. Mann R. W. Freeman Emil Bettinger A. P. Henry J. R. Hermanstorfer Carr Hudgens Roy E. Witt E. J. Irvine . H. A. Johnston, F. D. Johnston Hoyle E. H. Hillis, W. E. Kimbrell . W. S. Kohn . Briggs Lebow, Berenson J. A. Lentz, H. Houser S. Kabat V. F. Loud . L. B. McCarty E. W. McDaniel W. H. Ervin W. B. Hinshaw . Jan. 5 Dec. 10 Nov. 13 ..Dec. 1 Nov. 28 Nov. 19 Nov. 11 Jan. 11 Dec. 15 Nov. 25 Nov. 20 Nov. 20 ..Dec. 1 Nov. 19 Dec. 10 Dec. 20 . Jan. 7 Nov. 29 Jan. 17 Nov. 24 Jan. 15 Dec. 12 . Jan. 7 . Dec. 1 Nov. 18 . Jan. 6 Nov. 26 Dec. 18 Dec. 2 Jan. 1 MARTIN FURN. CO.f MAXWELL FURN. STOREf MA YES 4 WILLIAMS MILLERS FURN. STORE MODERN ELECTRIC STORE MONTGOMERY 4 ROWELL FURN .CO.f NOTHEM FURN. STORE PORTAGE RADIO 4 HOME APPLIANCE STORE PUGET SOUND FURN. CO. QUINN FURN. CO.f SCOTTSBLUFF FURNITURE CO RICHMOND FURN. CO. ROBERTS FURN. CO SCHER FURN. CO. SELZER'S FURN. STORE STEINER FURN. CO.f Seattle, Wash Greensburg, Pa Knoxville, Tenn . . . Schenectady, N. Y. . . . . Klamath Falls, Ore. Abilene, Tex . . . . Remsen, la South Bend, Ind ....Tacoma, Wash Burlington, N. C Scottsbluff, Neb ... Richmond, Tex . . . . Adrian, Mich. . . . Jersey City, N. J ... Waterloo, la. . . . . St. Louis, Mo Eight Ave S. Maple Ave ParkRd Nott Terrace 121 S. Ninth 265 Chestnut . 1434 Portage Broadway South Main St. . . .24 W. 17th St 209 N. Main 278 Newark Ave 405 W. 4th St 3409 S. Jefferson E. S. Martin ...W. H. Maxwell A. Mayes, D. Williams C. Miller, W. Miller .. . F. A. Platner E. L. Montgomery, L. Rowell . Joe Nothem . R. C. Hamilton . Ben Slotnick C. Quinn . G. Beaudry H. L. Kartus . G. Roberts, J. Finnegan Dan Scher . . L. Q. Selzer D. Loebel, C. Steiner Jan. 8 . Jan. 7 . Jan. 13 Dec. 10 . Dec. 4 Nov. 30 Nov. 19 Nov. 27 . Dec. 9 Dec. 31 Nov. 19 Nov. 5 Nov. 30 Dec. 10 Feb. 1 Nov. 29 l o r FEBRUARY, 1937 29 STRANGER FURN. CO SWAN FURNITURE STORE SWEENEY FURN. STOREf SWIRE FURN. STORE TATUM FURN. STORE TRI-STATE RADIO SHOPf. UNITED FURN. CO.f VAN SCIVER FURN. CO. . WALT'S RADIO STORE THE WAYNE STORE . WAYNES FURN. CO. WILSON FURN. CO. WITT FURN. CO WOLBACH FURNITURE Annex* Ann Arbor, Mich.. . . Perry. la. Carrollton, Ohio. . . . Albany, N. Y Morton, Tex. Breckenridge, Minn. Seattle, Wash Allentown, Pa . Crosby, Minn Woooster, O Wayne, Ohio Hot Springs, Ark. Irvine, Ky Grand Island, Neb. * Branch store or unit of chain. . Liberty St F. B. Schlesinger R. E. Swan Lisbon St. H. Sweeney 49 S. Pearl St. A. Swire . South Main John Sellen 208 N. Filth Western Ave L. Greenbaum . Hamilton St I. B. Van Sciver, Sr. J. B. Van Sciver, Jr. L. Van Sciver R. Van Sciver W. Hasskamp S. Market St G. W. Spangler A. A. Shamp Hobson Ave. C. W. Wilson R. E. Witt C. J. Dolan t Change of name or address. Nov. Jan. Nov. Dec. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. Feb. Dec. 19 5 12 31 26 18 27 20 19 3 14 , 1 1 1 PEOPLES FURNITURE STORE SHOWS 500% INCREASE NEW business methods, new loca-tion, appropriate advertising, combined with the present better business trend, caused a 500% in-crease in sales at the Peoples Fur-niture Co., San Bernardino, CaL, according to owner Everett Wester-velt. The advertising campaign car-ried on after the store had been moved from a side street into the center of the business district of the city, cost $1,000; WTestervelt consid-ers the amount well-spent, it bring-ing in people from all over the coun-try, creating the wave of business that has continued ever since. Ad-vertising consisted of four-page broadsides distributed to homes in the city; letters mailed out to 4,000 customers; hand bills placed in parked cars; ads run in local papers and in some of the papers in adja-cent towns. Floor-space covers over 20,000 feet in the two floors and balcony, and corner location of the building provides display space on two streets. Window displays are really floor displays in that the latter ex-tend up to the show windows. At night the entire main floor is bright-ly lighted so that passersby can see displays, and floor arrangements are constantly changed. Says Westervelt: "Our customers are enthusiastic over our elimination of regular window displays. It not only allows shoppers to see more merchandise when passing, but when particularly interested in some item, they may enter the store and go directly to it, without having to hunt around for the section of the store where it is stocked." Gas appliances are extensively pushed in the Peoples store, and are displayed on the side-street side on the first floor. It has been said that the company makes a bigger percentage of gas appliance sales to regular customers than any other furniture store in Southern Califor-nia, probably the principle reason being the graduated scale of com-missions which is paid to salesmen as a bonus for selling appliances; 2% commission being received above regular salary on sales made in the store, 5% commission if it is necessary to call on the customer in her home, which must be done on the salesman's own time; 7% is made when salesman secures and sells his own prospect, other than regular store customers. Large credit, business, at least 80% instalment plan, is done by the Peoples Furniture Co., and dur-ing 1935-6 loss on accounts has been less than one-half of 1%. As a fol-low- up on the falling off of pay-ments during the depression period, Westervelt wrote a personal letter to such customers, as follows: "Things have changed greatly for the better for most people in recent months. We find that many custom-ers who were unable to pay their accounts to us while the depression was on are now able to make regu-lar payments again . . . We ask that you give your attention now to the statement enclosed. If you are still unemployed, please call at the office to discuss the matter with us." These letters, followed by tele-phone calls if the customer still failed to settle accounts, have result-ed in 33^4% of old charges being paid off, will undoubtedly result in the payment of more. W7estervelt finds that his trade de-mands medium priced furniture in Monterey, Early California, mod-ern, the latter fast becoming the most popular. Average priced rug amounts to $33.50; best selling gas range is $118.50; other items range in this comparative price level. l l l ' l 4 From side street to main street nets impressive increase 30 FINE FURNITURE C L A S S I F I E D ADS Classified rates: Undisplayed. 5 cents per word. Minimum charge $2. Display rate, $5 per column inch. One inch minimum. Minimum display advertise-ment accepted. 2 inches. Classified charges payable in advance. Ten per cent discount for three or more insertions. Salesman Wanted • Manufacturer of bedroom and dining room furniture in the Grand Rapids district needs representative in southern territory covering the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. Medium priced, well styled and constructed in both traditional and modern motifs, the line is popular and assures a ready sale. Write Box 133, c/o FINE FURNITURE, Grand Rapids, Mich. DESIGNER'S SERVICES • For furniture manufacturers requiring designer's services I can offer experienced qualifications. Am capable of styling a line and following de-signs throu factory production. Box 151. FINE FURNITURE. DESIGNER AND DECORATOR • Desires position with furniture manufacturer want-ing to redesign and improve line, or with Decorative firm or department where ability to design and sketch are essential. 15 years with the Hayden Co., also with Miss Elsie DeWolfe. Box 130, FINE FURNITURE. Subscribe for FINE FURNITURE $2 per year in United States William W. Flusser Furniture Representative 42 East 32nd Street Xew York City Chicago Office —15U E. Erie St. FULL COVERAGE FINE FURNITURE display and class-ified advertisements reach the cream of the retail furniture trade, covering retail furniture and housefurnishing stores, department stores with furni-ture and housefurnishing departments and interior decorators. Reader interests, large distribution and low cost of advertising, distribu-tion considered, make FINE FURNI-TURE a sure fire medium for maximum results. Full information and rates on request. Address Fine Furniture Magazine Grand Rapids Michigan Do you have calls for unusual fur-niture? Are you looking for sales-men, wholesale or retail? FINE FURNITURE'S classified ads bring results. W L KIMERLY — STUDI O — WATERS-KLINGMAN BLQ, R^PIDJS MAILING LISTS POLKS GET OUR FREE REFERENCE OOK^W MAILING I LIST CATALOG Gives counts and prices on accurate guaranteed mailing lists of all classes of business enter-prises in the U. S. Wholesalers—Retailers- Manufacturers by classification and state. Also hundreds of selections of individuals such as professional men, auto owners, income lists, etc. Write today for your copy R.L.POLK&CO. Polk Bldg.—Detroit, Mich. Branches in Principal Cities World's Largest City Directory Publishers Mailing List Compilers. Business Statis-tics. Producers of Direct Mail Advertising. Waste Materials for Fuel A new device, the Conklin Refuse Feed-ing System, designed and built to handle, automatically, sawdust, shavings, sanding dust, hogged waste wood, has been devel-oped and perfected by E. Kennedy Conklin. designer and engineer, Grand Rapids. Ef-fecting a saving of 30% to 40% in fuel bills by proper handling and burning of waste materials, the Conklin Refuse Feeding System has been built with expert care and fine workmanship to withstand long and uninterrupted service, has been found to more than pay for itself in less than a year. One of the largest woodworking manufac-turers in Grand Rapids has instaled this system in his power plant, connected it to two boilers of 650 H.P. with three distrib-utors operating at such satisfactory savings and fine performance that he voluntarily recommends and indorses it 100% to the woodworking industry. Plants which have a very small amount of sawdust or waste wood will find that the Conklin device saves 25% to 30% by keep-ing the air out of the furnace; saving of 40% where there is a quantity of material available. The material is blown from the Cyclone direct to a specially designed storage bin where the air is removed by ventilators, the bin being so designed that the material can-not cake or arc over. Mechanical agitators feed it to the screw conveyor which, in turn, by being directly connected to an automati-cally controlled feeding device, deliver a greater or lesser amount as is required to maintain an even steam boiler pressure. Down spouts from the conveyor are supplied with windows so that the operator can sec that they are feeding, the spouts being fur-nished with adjustable mechanical gates so that one or more boilers may be fed at the same time. They are connected to and mounted on the Conklin distributor which is driven by a one-third H.P. motor and the distributor spreads evenly over the en-tire grate area where the material burns in suspension. Instantaneous comhustion, 100% fuel value are obtained from the waste material. Furnace linings, grates, last much longer; there is no haystacking or piling up of the material on grates; the system regu-lates the feed of material at all times. Pro-duces perfect combustion, lowers stack tem-perature, reduces smoke nuisance to a mini-mum. Waste wood properly hogged, shavings and sawdust have a fuel value of 6000 to 8000 B.T.U. as compared with 12.000 to 14,000 B.T.U. obtained in the better grades of coal. Certainly, the Conklin Refuse Feed-ing System wil pay for itself in less than a vcar. JOURNEY'S END MADSEN—Salt Lake City, Utah H. Harry Madsen, 51, secretary of the P. W. Madsen Furniture Co., leader of Salt Lake City, Utah, fraternal and charitable organizations, died Jan. 14 of pneumonia. DAVIS—South Bend, Ind. L. G. Davis, 38, owner of a furniture store in South Bend, Ind., died Jan. 18 after an emergency operation for appendicitis. LANGFORD—Newberry, S. C. John Julius Langford, 60, connected for 35 years with Newberry furniture business, died Dec. 29. McCORKLE, Greer, S. C. W. D. McCorkle, 62, secretary-treasurer of the Greer Furniture Co., Greer, S. C, died Jan. 7 after three months' illness. DeNEVERS—Woonsocket, R. I. Arsene B. De\Tevers, 62, proprietor of the Boston Furniture Co., Woonsocket, R. I., died Jan. 3, following an illness of five weeks. CALKINS—Pueblo, Colo. Nathan W. Calkins, 71, pioneer Pueblo furniture dealer, president of the Calkins- White Furniture Co., died suddenly Dec. 27. after a heart attack. f o r FEBRUARY, 1937 31 THE BLONDE TREND . . Conceived by the country's leading designers, Estey styles and price ranges offer opportunity to buy quality merchandise at a price. Wide acceptance has proven the merit of Prinzwood in the blonde wood trend and finesse of good design and good craftsmanship has made Estey the leader in modern interpretation. DISPLAYED IN WATERS-KLINGMAN BUILDING ESTEY OWOSSO MANUFACTURING CO. MICHIGAN WHEN WE HAND YOU THIS KEY . "VT OU might as well own the McAlpin. •*• Certainly the hotel is yours from the standpoint of convenience, comfort and service. Everything to contribute to care-free enjoyment of your visit to New York is at your instant beck and call. Combine our friendly, courteous service; large, comfortable rooms; convenient loca-tion and unusual economy; and you will understand why we truthfully say: "There is no greater hotel value in New York." JOHN J. WOELFLE, Manager -ROOMS WITH BATH FROM- ) .50 per day 4 Single i .00 per day *" Double H.50 per day Twin-bedded HOTEL McALPIN "The Centre oi Convenience" BROADWAY AT 34th ST., NEW YORK CITY Credits and (offeclion LYON V MERCANTILE AGENCY AUTHUR S. LYON, General Manager Esl. 1876—Publishers of LYON-RED BOOK The nationally recognized CREDIT AND COLLECTION AGENCY of the FURNITURE INDUSTRY and trades kindred—Carpet—Upholstering—Baby Carriage — Refrigerator — Stove — Housefurnishing and Undertaking HOOK OF RATINGS—CREDIT REPORTS—COLLECTIONS N.w York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Chicago, III. Grand Rapids, Mii-li High Point, N. C. Los Angeles, Cal. - OFFICES 185 Madison Ave. North Motion Industrial Building L2 South 12th St. 6 E. Fourth St. .201 North Wells Street Astotiiition of Commerce Bldg. _ tt'jchovia Hunk BIdg. Ulh St. at Broadway We appreciate your •mentioning you saw this m FINE FURXITURF. 32 FINE FURNITURE Quick heat when you want it, in any room. Warm floors to protect the children from drafts. Handsome appearance adds beauty to any room. Harmonizes with any color scheme. Xo room is ''hard to heat" if you have a Multiglo. Easily car-ried from one room to another. COMPACT—PRACTICAL AUXILIARY HEATER The MULTIGLO electric heater is compact; only IS" high, it weighs 5^4 pounds. Contains six heating elements with convex chromium reflector behind each. The MULTIGLO is the first genuinely practical device ever created for auxiliary heating needs, representing an entirely new departure in room heating devices. Throws heat in not one but in all directions and is guaranteed for two years against defective workmanship or parts. The MULTIGLO can be placed anywhere in the home with no possibility of damage to furniture. Easy to carry to any part of the house, the MLTLTIGLO is simply plugged into a wall socket (voltage circuits are marked on the name plate for your convenience) and immediately cold air is absorbed, heated, diffused, in every direction. This constant diffusion and air replacement causes a natural circulation of healthful warmed air that penetrates every part of the MULTIGLO-heated room. The perfect heater for trailer and the home. Can be used in both. Retail price $16.50 Subject to regular discovints as indicated in this Magazine. Patented and Manufactured by C. T. ELECTRIC CO. Div. J. C. Mfg. Co. JACKSON, MICHIGAN, U.S.A. a££ the, ROOM We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE
- Date Created:
- 1937-02-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 2:2
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and -_. -_ ..._----_._----------~ - ~. Twenty ..Ninth Year-No. to NOVEMBER 25, t908 Semi-M.onthly "Push the Button--and Rest" YQY ~ ~ ~ money out of our nationally advertised Royal Morris Chairs than you can by buying the unknown, unguaranteed kind. Our advertisements in the Saturday Evening Post. Ladies' Home Journal. Everybody's. Munsey's and Cosmopolitan are read by eighteen million people. Royal Morris Chairs are the best selling proposilion in the furniture line today. They are unlike any other because they are either upholstered or with loose cushions, with footrest or without footrest. Write us today for catalogue and proposition for your town. ROYAL CHAIR COMPANY, STURGIS, MICHIGAN I~Our No. 560 Suite will look well on your floor. ASK FOR CATALOG. Aulsbrook & Jones Fumiture Company (Formerly Aulsbtoo.L: & Sturges] STURGIS. . MICHIGAN - I '1 I .j I / r I' ~ --- -------- ---- , , DON'T YOU DO IT ,• •,• Don't You Buy a Single REFRIGERATOR BeforeYou See Our New Styles for 1909. More Than 57 VARIETIES From the Cheapest to the Finest-to Suit Every Taste. We al'e now in our Mammoth New Cement Facto!"1'; lar8'e$t and finest in the world for the manufacture of Refriger ..tora and -can take on a few more em.omen. A beller Refrigerator than the Leonard Cleanable cannot be built at any price. A satisfactory, durable and economical refrigerator cannot be and is not sold for less money by anybody anywhere. There will be a big demand for Leonard Refrigerators next spring and summer. Our advertising has made the Leonard Cleanable known in every town. Next year the advertising will be doubled and the merchant with the Leonard line i. the one that will make the most sales. We sell the car-load trade direct and have jobbers in all the principal cities. If your jobber does not handle tbe Leonard Cleanable, give him the "go by" on refrigerators, write to us and we will refer you to one who does. We publish a booklet which will interest every housekeeper. One that will convince her that the Leonard Cleanable is a good. ice saving, durable and economical refrigerator. h tells the proper use of the refrigerator-how to make it save ice-where it .hould be put and why-how food should be arranged to keep it from .poiling or tainting, and why, al", a lot more. Read this booklet yourself. The Porcelain lining on the Leonard Cleanable is genuine. It isn't a lot of dope baked on the lining as a woman bakes bread. It'. fused on. Grasp that. Fused on. Our ovens are 2500 degrees hot to do it. Read our catalogue. Cet in line. Be a Leonard man, and get the benefit of the excellence of our goods, our prices., our advertising and our long experience in business. We help our customers. We refer aUinquiries to them, we get up ads. for them, mail circulars, supply eleclrotypes, signs, etc., free. Write us at once or to save time fiU out and mail the coupon in the left hand corner. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co., Gran.d Rapida, Mich. Please send me the following: Check here. - _ -- Catalogue and Prices • ..- , _ _ Leonard's BookleL .................-... San1ple of Porcelain Lining• ...- - Sample of Polar Felt. Grand Rapids Refrigerator, CompanYi Clyde Park and Grandville Aves., Grand Rapids, Michf I Name . Addteaa . • - ; MICHIGAN ARTISAN I...r_- ----,---.~- ~ c1319..The Big Building Big every way~~-insize, in scope, in policy, in net gain to both exhibitor and buyer. IT'S THE BIG NOISE OF THE FURNITURE WORLD iIiI Exhibition is absolutely indispensable~~~thedealer demands it~~~butyou must have exhibition of the right sort. That is just the sort we furnish but we've only a few left---no remnants. We will place you in close personal touch with 10,000 dealers every year who come to buy and DO buy. Don't you want them to buy your line? We have no out~of~the~wayspaces. Every lot is on Main St., Broadway or the Public Square. Come in. The Door Pushes Right Open from Outside. Manufacturers' Exhibition Building Co., .1 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago . • 1 • i I l z MICHIGAN ARTISAN iI A Brief Talk to Furniture Makers ORDERS TALK. The furnitureMaker should and willshow where he books the Biggest business and where renting conditions are cheapest and best 50- Watch the World's Greatest Furniture Market Continue to Grow We Know That Its Record of Growth Can't I)e Matched in the World The cut below shows the Four Buildingsin which there are three quarters of a million square feet of floor space which proves Grand Rapids 10 he the GREATEST FURNITURE MARKET IN THE WORLD. WHY not be "A WISE ONE" and get with the "LIVE ONES" when you can? A Brief History of the Rapid Growth of the Four (4) Buildings. (A) The Blodgett Block was built in the year 1888. (B) The Furniture Exhibition Building (Klingman) was built in the year 1898. (C) The Manufacturers' Bldg. was built in the year 1906. (D) The Furniture Exchange Bldg. was built in the year 1908. Does not this continualBuildingof new Buildingsand additions to old ones prove our claim to be the GREATEST FURNITURE MARKET IN THE WORLD. Then on top of this the Manufacturerwho has exhibited "GROWS WITH THE MARKET" and waxes rich and this assertion can be proven by the record:J of those who have exhibited from year to year. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE WORLD'S GREATEST FURNITURE MARKET. IT WILL NEVER STOP GROWING. l • 1 GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 29th Year-No.1 O. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 25, 19.~0:c=;8==. ==~~$1.~00~pe~r Year. Advantages of the Small Retailer. "Goods well displayed are half sold" is a truism, The desire for possession takes SUell strong hold of the observel" that it is hard to resist. There is such a fascination about go.od merchandize, it makes ell1 appeal to every pocket book. In Some of the larg~ cities in addition to the department stores, small retail stores can he found which do a large business. Others blame t(1(: department stores for their loss of trade. In other cities department stores have not made such hcacl\vay. The small retailer has the advantage that personal ser-vice brings. Getting to knO\'/ his customers personally is an invaluable aid to him, causing him to hold their trade and attract many others providing the goods offered arc of the right quality, etc. The small merchant often directs the buying of his customers, advising them what they ought to have. In that way he sometimes falls into a pit hilIlSe1f hy trying to lead buyers in the \vwng direction. By not keep-ing the proper stock for his trade, he loses customers. He fails to supply the demand. His class of trade should help him to decide what qualities of merchandise to buy, what he can sell. To keep salable stock always on hand is the problem he has to solve. The retailer who buys to good advantage \vi11 never be caught with unsalable stock. He ,;\lill have ,t profitable business. Keeping his personal tastes in buying in the background will bring the best results in sal'es. A good all around stock is best. A small assortment of everything is much better than an assortment limited to one or two classes of me:·chandize, neither too cheap or too high priced. If the store has not the articles delnanded by a customer, never allO\v him to go somewhere c1'se to buy -at least make the effort to gct the right thing for him and so hold his trade. This is tl1e \-vay in which the department stores score. They find out what people want and have the ,u;oods on hand at ;l.ttractive prices. The system of buying is l1ighly organized. The merchandize is purchased in the best mar-kets of the .vorld for its selling qualities, ".·.i.thout consider_ ing price, profit or discount. A strict watch is kept on other stores and comparisons made as to prices. The other stores are ,vatching too, they keep informed of each others' do-ll1gs. The small retailer can not hope to compete with the department store with its force of employes organized to conduct buying. The small buyer goes to the big stores to inspect go,ods and prices, often buying a single article for comparison and learning the name of manufacturer. He often undersells the big stores, by getting the same goods at prices that enable him to do so. The country merchant fights catalogue houses by learn-ing who buy outside, what they buy and stocking up with the right goods where his stock falls ShOTt. He can save that trade which otherwise goes to nearby towns. By purchas-ing for cash or short terms only a merchant can make money on goods that other stores never sec.-Saturday Evening Post. Concerning Your Competitor. He needs attention, that competitor of yours. He wallts business as hadly as you do, and the chances are that yOU arc as great a source of trouhle amI worry to him as he is to you. The less yOll are acquainted with your competitor the greater his trouble-making possibilities seem to be. But this same competitor is just like you and other men in business, susceptible to the same influences, and with a good streak running all the way through him. Chances are he'd like to blOW you better, just as yOll would like to know bim better. It is certainly worth your while to know him, and know him well. If both you an(l he are sensible men, a closer acquaintance will save each of you some hours of trouble and worry and much valuable time spent in wondering what the other fellow is likely to do next. Knowing our competitors helps us to see things from their viewpoint, and usually their ways of l'ooking at things are not half bad. They have ambitions, aggressiveness, and faults like the rcst of us, but they are usual1y willing to d.o the fair thing. Your competitor may be a small man, hut even men of small traits, whose minds seem \"'arped, have some good features about them that are worth while cultivating. A business community is like a family to some extent. Every member of it must make somc concssions to promote the spirit of harmony, and the more harmony the more money each will make, and the faster th~iT Du.<;;inessand the business of the town 'vvill grow. Yot{ may think that your competitor is the "black sheep" of the business farnily in yonr trade and the chances are he thinks the same of you. vVhen you meet him again be just a little·:more cordial than you wcre before, and you will see a reciprocation of this feeling- of good fellowship shown the next time you come togetheL @ * @ Importations of Walnut Veneers. The United States imported walnut veneers to Argen-tine in 1907 to the amuont of 33,142 square meters. valued at $3.97'7. Other countries sent larger amounts. France heading the list ,vith 517,274 square meters valued at $@,073. In addition to the foregoing, there \vas imported of oak veneers from France J,9n6 square meters, valued at $240, and from Russia 12,9Hi square meters, valued at $1,550. The consul-general advises that it is almost impossible to state, with even approximate accuracy, what is the amount of business clone annually, as no industrial census bas been taken in Argentina for years. An industrial census of the city of Buenos Aires, however, is in progress, and it is in contemplation to take a simil"ar census of the entire Republic. 1\lost finc furniture, says the consul-general, is imported from France and England at present, hut there is no reason why Our manufacturers should not g-et their share of it un~ less it is the fact that Americans will not pack properly. FulJy 50 per cent of the furniture arriving from the United States comes in a hopeless or badly damaged condition. Even as it is, American office furniture is greatly in fa:vbr. MICHIGAN ARTISAN ----_._----_.~ Hafner Furniture Company ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers No. 5007 Rocker q A very arlistic desagn beautifully executed. h ha5 JUlie wlde ean llDd hand-somely moulded arms· The toP of the back is beautifully carved. The heavily carved kame is of selected northern hiTCh finished in mahoganY and. hiahly palimed. fill-ing mo!a and COlton felt. Sprinll edge seal. CATALOG UPON REQUEST. Samples shown Manufacturers' Furn-iture BxcL.nlle. W.b.oL Ave. and 14tL St., CLical/O. Price, No. 1 Leather, $22. Never Profitable. A decade ago the manufacture of metal beds was under-taken at Richmond, Ind. The stockholders, imbued with civic pride and a desire "to do something for the town," were totally inexperienced in the bu~iness, but exhibited good judgement when they employed a superintendent who, at least knew the difference between a brass bed and a roll top desk. Common sense made hut a short stay with the company, however, and money was lost from tile hour when the whistle was sounded the first time to the ultimate end. The plant changed hands a number of times, after the resig-nation of the superintendent, and incompetence was added to incompetency until downright stuIlidity was enthroned. A young man living in the far west met the daughter of one of the ·stockholders, sojourning in the golden state, and when the period usually devotcd to giggling and the squeez-ing of hands had passed, they turned the usual trick with the aid of a clcrgyman. The young man needed money and as the "root of all evil" is generally acquired more surely by honest labor than by safe Mowing, he was endowed with authority and ordered to Rich1110nd to run the plant. The story of the old woman who ran a hotel is firmly recorded in history, but her system was but froth on the bcer com-pared to that of the young Californian. vVhat he knew about managing a manufacturing business, if written out elabor-ately, would n.ot fill one quarter of a postage stamp, but what he did not know, if duty recorded, would fill a Carnegie library. Row after row with the workmen was followed by strikes. A crowd of ignorant and lustful Huns ·were im-ported and housed in the plant, and then t:le citizens of Richmond talked a peculiar conversation out of their mouths. The Quakers would not stand for it, and in time the gang was shipped elsewhere. But why should the writer linger with the unsavory details? Why should he not terminate the story at once? Richmond, Ind., Nov. 14-Charles E. • Shively, attorney, bought the plant of the Richmond (Ind.) Manufacturing Company today for $97,500. This being about $500 or $600 more than the appraised vat'ue. The order for the sale was over the protest of the ]. F. Wild Banking Company of Indianapolis, holders of Ilreferred stock. This company was not represented at the sale, the bid of Mr. Shively being the only one received. The total obligations of the company are said to be about $120,000. Following the sale a reorganization of the corporation was perfected by the filling of articles of association for the Richmond Manufacturing Company, Richmond; capital, $5,000; directors, Edward F. Claypool, Robert \V. Stimson and James M. Judson. The hyphenated (Ind.) was stricken from the name. @) * @) Jamestown Lounge Co's Latest Catalogue. The Jamestown Lounge Company have recently issued their twentieth catalogue illustrating chairs, rockers and sofas in leather upholstery. The book is handsomely gotten up, consisting of thirty-two pages and cover. The com-pany's trademark "Individuality and Excellence in UphoL stery'! appears on every page. They have arways been in the first rank in producing reliable goods, excellent designs, best qualities and good workmanship. Their leather furni~ ture is always upholstered in "Reliance" leather made espec-ially for their use. @ * @) Increased Rate for Detained Cars. It is stated that the per diem rate for the detention of freight cars will probably be increased from 25 to 35 cents. The matter is ll()'W in the hands .of a commission of which James McCrea, president of the Pennsylvania, is chairman and will present the report at the next meeting of the Amer-ican Railway Association. MICHIGAN ARTISAN --------- ------------_._-_._--, At CHICAGO, 192 MICH. AVE. At GRAND RAPIDS, FURN. EXHIB. BLDG. BUY Charlotte Tables MR. DEALER ALWAYS BEST No. 90B. 26x38. CHARLOTTE ~~~E~TABLES CHARLOTTE MFG. co. CHARLOTTE, MICHIGAN >----------------------.--------------------_-._----------------_-_._._--------_-.-_----------,-~• • Sligh's Select Styles Satisfy Dealers MANY NEW FEATURES ADDED FOR SPRING SEASON. EVERYTHING FOR THE BEDROOM (Medium and Fine Quality). Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand Rapids, Mich. \\Trite for catalogue. I• 5 • 6 MICHIGAN McANICS IN THE CABINET business as usual IN ALL ADMINISTRATIONS and STANDS FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD. In Buffets. In CIlina Closets. In Serving Tables, In Dining Room Suiles. In Music Cabinets, In Record Cabinets (01 Pianola Rolls. Cylinder and Disc Records. No. 387. If YOU never saDg or played a nole in your life. open the door, aM the music will come rillht to you. We will bring out a Line in January that will make every Buyer that seesit say, Boy.s,uyou can have my money." Yourstruly,McAniC$, • MECHANICS FURNITURE COMPANY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS SHEBOYGAN, 'WIS. CHICAGO SHOW ROOM, 1319 Mi,hisan Ave., 3d floor. " , GED. SPRATT & CO. Manufacturers of Chairs and Rockers. A complete line of Oak Diners with quartl!1 sawed veneer backs and seats. A large line of Elm Diners. medium priced. A sdeet line of Ladies' Rockers.. Bent and high arm Rockers with solid seats, veneer roll seats, cob-blerseats and up-holstered leather complete. High Chairs and Children's Rockers. rou 'Will get in on the grou"d floor 'When you buyfrom U5. No. 542 Oak, Solid Seat. Price, $17&::. No,540~ Same as No. 642 on I y Ouartered Oak Veneer seat, $18 &::. No. 542 ARTISAN AN ARTFUL WOMAN. Rooms in a Colonial House Decorated with the Profes-sional's Aid. A woman whose old Colonial house has just been done over without the aid of a decorator has hit upon a scheme of decoration that is a peculiarly effective way to treat square rooms and unbroken lines. Instead of selecting greem, yellows, or mixed colors for the downstairs wall decoration, the entire lower floor was done in different tones of tan, held together and lightened by a warm yellow hall. The sash curtains wc:-e of ecru net, an all-over pattern of medal!ions. These were alike over the lower floor and were edged with a hal£-inch cotton gimp scalloved on one edge The outer curtains were of golden brown velveteen, lined with fawn-colored china silk, trimmed with inch wide dull gold galloon. The portieres all' over t~le lower floor were of golden velour. The floors we~e covered with unbordered rugs of brown and yellow vclvet, while in the different rooms .vere used dull-toned rugs. The hall paper had a large conventional figure in two tones of yellow, and the old-fashioned mahogany furniture was covered in striped golden velour. The library had a two-toned golden tan paper in torch design, and the curtains were of bronze raw silk, with figures 10 dull red and ecru. The old furniture was covered in striped velo.ur like that in the hall; and several armchairs that in their old state seemed quite hopeless took on quite an air when re-covered in an imitation of Japanese embroidery in dull blue, brown, and fawn color. The woodwork of the house, with the exception of the dining room, was painted white, with a coat of enamel to keep it deaner, The balustrade of the stairs was white, with a mahogany rail. The walnut in the dining room was scraped and given a dull finish. A plate rail was added about three feet from the top. The paper to this plate rail' had a huge poppy design in reddish brown, with deep brown foliage on a dull yellow background. Above the rail to the tinted ceiling was a plain irredescent paper in lighter brown and gold. The heavy curtains were an imitation Japanese silk in brown and gold. The old-fashioned carved walnut furnit1.1re, instead of be-ing discarded as out of date, was scraped, given a dull finish, and covered with brown leather. The result was excellent. As the house was very light, the golden brown color scheme was restful and not easily tired of. High lights and stronger colors were given by polished brass "fenders, wood-box, and fire irons; bric-a-brac in old blues, rich reds, and brass stood on the plate rail' and on top of the low w:lite book shelves in the library. The deep yellow of the hall on which the rooms opened took away any sense of sombre-ness. The cost of redecorating was made much less, as the curtains, both thin and heavy, and the p,ortieres were of home manufacture, The furniture was rcscraped at home, reducing the price of doing it over. @ * @ The National Case Goods' Association Dinner. The National Association of Case Goods Manufacturers met in Chicago on Nov. 10 and enjoyed their semi-annual dinner <:t the Auditorium Al11lex. The principal address of the evening was made by H. E. \I\Tiles of Racine, "Vis" chair-man of the National Association of Manufacturers. His suhject was the tariff question and he advocated the appoint-ment of a tariff commission along the lines of the Interstate Commerce Commission. MICHIGAN ARTISAN 7 charged?' and 'Have you an account here?' are not stock phrases which, when they are studying the art of salesman-ship, salesmen are taught to use when in their judgment MR. GLIMMERINGTON PLEASED. When a Salesman Shows He Thinks Mr. G. is a Man of Some Account. "'Is it to be chargrJI?' the salesman says when you lnvc completed your purchase and you are giving your name and address, and really," said Mr. Glimmcrington, "that always sounds pleasant to me, as perhaps it is intended to do. It seems to imply that you are prosperous in appearance, sub-stantial, like a person of means who would have an ac:count there jf he wished and whose account would be welcomed; in fact, it implies a good mally things, all pleasant. 'Is it to be charp;c<1?'he says, and t;lcn you say, with entire calmness, casual like: .; No, I'll pay for it,' and you do, but you walk out of the store \vith a pleased, perhaps even slightl'y exalted, feeling and thinking wdl of the store, and you arc likely to go again and to keep going. "Another form of question is found in the salesma.n's polite inquiry aher you have I-inished your buying and are giving directions [(5 to sending. "'Have yOll an account here?' the salesman wishing to know wheti1er these things arc to he charged or ,vhethcr you desire to pay for them. And this form is pleasant also; it makes me feel for the m01nent like a plutocrat .or at least a man of substance, and it gives me a little glow to thjnk that thc salesman takes me to be one or the other. "_Andthen when I get out into the street again ,vhere the air is cooler I smile a little and wond(~r if 'Is it to be Made by Charlotte Mfg. Co., Charlotte, Mich. they would be cOlh:lttcive to their customers' happiness and to their tendency to call again."-Sun. ,.._._-- ----_._---~ I HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE No. S WOOD LATHE Complete Oulfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dta1er's profit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He call hold a better and more satisiactory trade with his customers. He call manufacture in as good style and finish, and at as low cost as the factories. The local cahinet tuaker bas been forced into only tIle dealer's trade and profit, because of machine manufactured .e;oods of factories. All outfit of Harnes' Patent Foot :and Hand·Power Machinery, reinstates the cabinet maker with advsnta.e;es equal to his competitors. If desired, these machines will be sold on f,riat. The purchaser can have ample time to test them in his own shop and 011 the work he wishes them to do. lJescripli'1J6 catalogv,e and price li8f,jree, No.4 SAW (ready for'cross·cutting) W. f. Ii. JO"N BARNES CO.. 654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. No. 4, SAW (ready for ripping) FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER No, 'I SCROLL SAW -------- ----------_._------' . 8 MICHIGAN ARTISAN The Posse1ius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Company will have a bunch of new patterns of dining tables on exhi-bition at 1319 .Michigan Ave" Chicago, in January. The famous Victor and their pedestal tables and Colonial and mission styles will make this onc of the strongest lines in the country. The old force of salesmen will aU be there and there ,-"ill be something doing every minute during the season. The Palmer Manufacturing Company will have nearly an entl.I"cnew line of library and parlor tables and pedestals for the new year, and "Will" Streng, who bosses the job, says they wHl be entirely different-radical changes in fact. Busi-ness is excellent and the prospects never better. That's the way to talk it. J. C. Vv'idman & Co. have issued a catal'ogue which will be talked about. It contains thirty-two pages and coveT, in which are illustrated seventy-five pices of dining room fttrn-ittue- buffets, china closets, dining and serving tables; twen-ty- four hat racks, nineteen hanging racks with mirrors and four settees to go with them; forty framed mirrors, and a page of the Humphrey sectional bookcases. The cover is printed in brilliant red, indtcative of the red hot line shown inside. The whole line and the boys wilt be on exhibition in Chicago in January, at 1319 Michigan avenue. The Michigan Upholstering Company is making things movc up in good shape. Their fine factory on Lafayette avenue is one of the best in ttte city. A new catalogue will be issued early next year. The Detroit Cabinet Company will have a lot of new styles of fa.ncy furniture for the buyers who visit Grand Rapids in January to admire and buy. Their exhibit is in the Furniture Exhibition Buil'ding, where it has been for many years. The Murphy Chair Company manufactures chairs and settees in hundreds of styles and supply Jealers in all mar- -kets. Their catalogue is a very interesting one. Dealers can obtain copies on application. @ * @ An Incident. A dealer in lurniture living in one of the prosperous towns of Michigan suffered a loss by fire. V\'hcn questioned by a friend in regard to the details 01 his misfortune he stated that the loss amounted to at least $7,000. He expect~d to have a contest with the adjusters, but hoped to rec,over the full amount of his loss. The friend, who possessed know-ledge of the value 01 furniture stocks, mentally noted the • Murphy Chair Co. MANUfACTURERS DETROIT I MICH. A COMPLETE LINE • remark and awaited the outcome of the proceeding with the adjusters. Several weeks later the fricnd met the dealer and asked, "How did you come out with your fire loss?" "First rate; I received $5,000; all that I was entitled to," the owner replied. A few months later a dealer in books and stationery sus-tained damages by smoke and water occasioned by a fire in an opera house adjoining. The friend of the furniture dealer happened in and asked for a magazine. The bookseller handed him a copy of the publicatiOfl desired, its covers and margins still damp with water, "There is no charge for this. It damaged during the fire." The caller, whose custom is to speak in a loud tone of voice} then related the exper-ience of the furniture dealer with the adjusters and the "first rate" settlement achieved, but the bookseller made no com-ment nor did he seem to be interestc"d in the matter. Later he explained that the alljusters upon his own loss were then engaged in ,,,riting out the terms of settlement upon the stationer's 3tock, occupying a desk but a few feet distant from the friend who told the story of the furniture dealer's bad, and later, good fortune. It did not seem timely nor an appropriate subject for discussion. to the booksell'er at that nloment. @ * @ For Sale at Once. The best paying complete House Furnishing business in :Michigan. Old established, good prices, a gold mine for a hustler. Address l'Bargain," care -:\Iiehigan Artisan. 1\ ov. 25th-d. ..-------_._---_.~ PlonffR "anufadurin~ (om,anJ Dlt'rRQI'I, MICH. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts ~ Futt tine ahown only at the factory. • Our famous ROOKWOQD FINISH 8WWS in POPuI.rity ~ day. Nothiu8like it. Write for Picture. and Prices. PAlMER MFG. CO. 115 to 136 PaJn:Ler Ave., DETROIT. :MICH. ManufaCLurers of FANCY TABLES PEDESTALS TABOURETTES for the PARLOR AND LIBRARY Ped"tal No.412. l • MICHIGAN PROMINENT MANUFACTURERS IN MICHIGAN. Nashville. The Lentz Table Company are enjoying an active trade, Their far ,vest orders exceptionally heavy. They have recently br.oug"l-lt out some beautiful patterns in pedestal extension tables, and have a permanent exhibit with Knapp & Tubbs, 190-192 1/fichigan Aye., Cbic;;lgO. Charlotte. The Charlotte J\:[antlfactlll~ing Company v,rill make their customary display in G:-and Rapids in January, and have a permanent exhibit with Knapp & Tubbs, I HlO-192 11ichigan Made by Mechanics Furniture Co., Rockford, Ill. Ave., Chicag·o. They will have a large number of new pat-terns to show and the line will be the best they have ever put on the market. Tbe Charles Bennett Furniture Company also have a per-manent exhibit with Kll:1PP & Tubbs, Chicago. They will add quite a large number of new' patte:-ns of dressers and cJliffonicr.s. Sturgis. The Royal Chair Company are having a heavy trade in theil- famous Royal and :Morris ('.hairs. They will show their full line in Gi-and Rapids in J annary, and it \vill be an exceptionally strong ont'. The Aulsbrook & Jones Furniture Company are prepar-ing for tl-H~ir first exhibit, which wiH he held in the Manu-facturers' Building-, G;·and Rapids, (First floor, Division street front, with Shank & Shelton). They \'>'ill show a choice line of bedroom furnitur(' in mahogony and oak. This old house, since changing its namc from Aulsbrook & Sturges to /\ulsbrook & Jones, !l<lS put on a ncw suit of clothci-i and is going to be rig-ht up in the fir~t rank of the procession. lIL E. Autsbrook, has been manufacturing bednx>ln furniture so wany years that he has got it down pat, whil'e 11r. Joncs ha~ been a tl"aveling salesman and successful furniture merchant and manufacturer pretty nearly since he got out of short pants. ARTISAN 9 \"ionder \vhat the buyers will say when looking through the Buyers' Order Book, they run across the "Grobhiser- Cabinetmakers' Co.?" That is a combination of the Grob- Jliser & Crosby Company of Sturgis and the Cabinetmakers' Company, formerly of Grand Rapids. \Alill Grobbiser went up to Grand Rapids andwitn a check book and a strong right arm siezed it and toted it off to Sturgis, and -not con-tent with that, had to take "Jim" Robinson along with him James seems to be c.ontented in his new location, and while" Grand Rapids loses one of its best citizens and furniture manufacturers, Sturgis is the gainer. However, the combin-ation line \vill be stronger than ever and will be shown in tIle )'lanufacturers' Building in Graud Rapids as usual in January. T11e Stebbins & \Vjlhc1m Furniture Company will make their display in the 1Ianufacturers Building in Grand Rapids in January It will be a strong one. Ann Arbor, Mich. The r.Iichigan Furniture Company has largely increased its force and arc ,vorking more houts than when your cor-respondent ,'>'as last here. A very important addition to the line will be placed on the market in January, in the way of mahogany chamber suites in Colonial and straight lines; also a number of odd dressers in mahogany and some suites and odd pieces in quartered oak. The outlook for next year is much improved and the :vlichigan Furniture Company will be much in evidence. This company has al'ways made good, substantial goods, ,vorth every dollar asked for them, and then soml:':. @ * @ Trade Schools Advocated for Girls. There is a movement in Chicago to establish three tech-nical high schools for girl.:;" similar to the two for boys. E. G. Cooley, superintendent of schools, believes that the plan will meet \vith great success. In a rep.ort he has prepared to submit to the school board, ~vIr. Cooley says: "There is undoubted need of schools for girls similar in general phll1 to the two technical high schools which the board already has provided, and to the third technical high school, which is projetted for the south side." J t is the opinion of the superintendent that a technical high school for girls should be ei-itablished first on the west side, that in time similiar technical high scheals for girls should b(' established on the north and and south sides of the city. • iII II III II STAR CASTER CUP CO. NOF!:TH UNION STREET. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATHNT APPLIED FOR) \Ve ha\'e adopted celluloid as a base for OUT Caster Cups, making the best cur on the market Celluloid is a great improvement;over bases made (j other mateTial. WhetJ. it is necessary to move a piece supported by cups with celluloid hases it can be done with ease, as the bases a.reper-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat and by the use of these cups tahles aTe never marred_ These cups are finished in Golden Oak and \Vhite Maple, finished light. If you will try a sample or-der Of tlu8e goods you will desire to handle tkem in quantities. PRICES: Size 2).[ inches ..... ·$5.50 per hundred. Size 2};( inches .. " .. 4.50 per hundred. '-- ,. 0, b. Grand Rapir1JJ, TRY. A SAMPLE ORDER. --1 .. 10 MICHIGAN ARTISAN 'V\TIN EGAR9S TW'O BIG STORES A GOOD SAMPLE, MICHIGAN •1 I Il I ARTISAN 11 Three Piece Suites in Loose Cushions ca~'tbecom-pared, they are the be~t. !:-argest line~elect from, anC!- 9.ualityand workmanship can't ~ beat. Come and see the line and be convinced. 1 ASSORTMENT We have the STYLES PRICES Leather RockerJine is very large and prices right. Couches from the cheapt:st to the best. jlfnddti(8 DaN'n]!Ort Bed tine il? tllA tatk of ate COUtUr:l1from {)I)a,~t 10 coast; don't fail /0 DiRU ns or write f07' l;'U18 and prtCe8. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. Show Rooms, 3S to 41N. a pita! Avenue . ...------------ ----_._--------------~ A Keynote Sounded. The "Nev,' "\rote in Furnishings" is the title of a book in the Ryerson Public Libral-Y published by \Varings of London, England. The book is a forcnllln(~r of a more com-plete catalogue to be pnbllished later by thc company. Be-sides their retail store and factor.v in London, they own and operate faciories jn Liverpool and Lancaster, employing from 4,000 to 5,000 workers. Complete house furnishing is made easy with their help. l3eginning with such a moderate sum as £200, estimates arc mad(Con designs submitted and the price is inclusive of evcrytJling to be furnished by the company. Furniture of all styles and prices can be supplied by the company. To quote from their catalogne "artistic, well made furnitme is broUgDt within reach of the millions. The rich no longer enjoy exclusively the most beautiful designs in ".'.a..ll coverings, carpets. upholstery and cabinet work." The illustrations indude everything for the hall, drawing-room, library, etc. Designs arc made to suit all tastes. Low prices and quality are the tests. Reproductions of old English, French and Italian pieces are very handsotnc indccd. A bookcase-burealt is an odd name for a hall cabinet. ~lis-sion styles a'"C {luite often used-not as often as the old English and French styles fortunately. A dining room suite upholstered in tapestry with big ann chairs looks out of prace to say the least. "Fumigated" oak is the well knovvn fumed oak of ·which the furniture is made. Other dining suites al'e extremely heavy-sidcboards topheavy with elab-orate carvings in "quaint oak" style. The i1tustrations of I1reI)C~1styles arc better, more graceful. Chairs of malu)gany inlaid arc attrnctivc. Easy chairs arc designated by such titles as "Pcndennis." Charles 1," " Beatrice," J\larquise," "De Vere" and others--cvidently there is something in a name after all. An antique chest of the period of Frnncols I is of carveJ walnut on a stand priced £28. Another is of walnut in Italian style of 16th century. Reproductions of rooms in Louis XVI style are quite \\'hat we expect. In the bedrooms comfort and chcerfulnc,ss are the chief considerations. \Varings make a specialty of "fItted bed-rooms" which have the <ldvantage of "economizing space, minimizing the collection of dust and making large oppor-tunities for artistic treatment." The marble top washstand js greatly in evidence made large enough for two howls and pitchen which seems odd and unusual to Americans. Some heavy old fashioned bureaus of styles in use twenty years ag'o are seen as well as more modern dressing tables. The ·woodell beds are ugly in style, desjgns arc all heavy with 110 curved Jines. 1Jeubles Louis XV by George Remon is the title of an other book d(;voted to illustrations of furniture in Louis XV style. Artistic interiors showing handsome screens, draw-ing- room fUfllitllre, buffets and canopied draped beds arc shown. A triple wardrobe has shelves and drawers, plain panelled frOtlt decorated with festoons of flowers and a shield at the top. The '''''ardrobe seems to be an ever present tlcccssity according to these books and it is strange that coat stretchers can be thought satisfactory substitutes for hooks but such is the case. It is in these details we realize the differcnce between English am1 American ideas. @ * @ Increased Capital and Improvements. C. O. Gingrich, a well ktlOH'll CheJwlis, \Vasn.! grocer has purclwscd the Chehalis Furniture & Manufacturing Co. from F. S. Harmon & Co., the Tacoma wholesale furni-ture merchants. It is expected to increase the capitalization of the concern to $250,000, white over $30,000 will be at once invested in enlargement5 and improvements. Mr, Harmon, upon disposing of his interests at once awarded a contract for the supply of $15,000 worth of the company's products. -- -- ----------------~ 12 MICHIGAN ARTISAN EVANSVILLE I ~ Evansville, Ind ... Nov. lS-Busil1ess with the furniture manuf<.tctlltcrs of Evansville and the surrounding towns show some signs of improvement. "Trade is better since the election," is the way one manufacturer expressed it. "A good many orders ate coming lU from local territory as well' as the southern states." Manufacturers say a great many inquiries have also been received, during the past week or so, which indicate a more healthy state of trade. Dealers who have been holding back orders for the past six or eight months arc now getting busy, as the holidays atc at hand and -they expect to sell more goods than they had the de-mand for a fev.,.months ago." A. F. Karges, president of tlle Karges Furniture Com-pany, has been named on a commlttee by the local Young Men's Christian Association to look into the advlsibitity of starting a Y. IvI. C. A, on the west side, 'where numerous factory employes reside. The Globe Furniture Company, the \\TorId Furniture Company and the Bosse Fumiture. Company have new sam-ples out and catalogues have been ordered. Other enterpris-ing manuf<lcturers here are also getting their annual cata-logues ready. The Evansville Furniture Company have enjoyed a good rUn on their colonial styles of furniture and say they expect to have a fine business next year. The Wisconsin Chair Company, whose plant was moved here from Boyd, Wis., will start to operate about Dec. 15. Tile main factory, shipping room and office will he in one building, while the other two buildings wilt c.omprise the dry kiln and boiler rooms, All' of the buildings with the exception of the boiler and engine rooms arc frame struc_ tures, \Vhen the factory begins operations in Dec;mber it v"'ill represent an investment of about $75,000. The manager of tlle plant, James Drury, has moved his family here from l\Jilwaukee and has taken Up his residence at Howell, Ind. Benjamin Bosse, president of the Evansville noard of Pubtic Safety and at the head of the Globe Furniture Com-panYJ attended the late convention of the National Associ-ation of Case Makers. "Gus" Nonwciler, of the Evansville Furniture Company, has closed a deal for the Byers residence. The appraised value of the property is $12,000 and the home is one of the finest in Evansville, 1Jayor John "'0.1. BoehneJ who, at the general eleetion on Tuesday, Nov. 3, was elected to represent the first Indiana congressional district in congress, has received his com-mission signed by Gov. J. Frank Hanty at Indi.anapolis and will take his oath of office on March 4 next. The c.ongress-man- elect has not yet announced the appointment of his private secretary. The decision of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky that the Owensboro (.Ky.) Seating and Cabinet Company can not collect a $l,ilOO stock subscription from Elmer Miller, brought both good and bad tidings to other citizens of Ow(';nsboro. The several business men who were riding in the same boat with Mr. :"1ilkr, were greatly relieved, while the creditors of the ballkrllpt cabinet company were disap-pointed. The decision cost the latter the sum of $10,250, The suit to enforce collection of the stock subscription of 1'lr. ~'Iiller was in the nature of a test. All of the alleged stock subscriptions, aggregating $10,250, were listed as asset:'> in the bankruptcy schedule of the Owensboro Seating and Cabinet Company, Including these subscriptions the as:S.ets amounted to $58,162 and this deduction wi!( reduce them to $47,912. The liabilities of the company are placed at $68,570. Answering a fluery of :h,lanager John C. Keller, secretary of the Evans\'itle Manufacturers' Association traffic bureau, regarding the new uniform bill of lading, \V, B. Bibble, third vice president of the Rock Island lines, with headquarters at Chicago, has written to the effect that the Rock Isand Rail-road, among some other lines in the western classification territory, would .observe the. tertTls of the uniform bill of lading, but would not now, or subsequently as far a5 he kne,", require the adoption of the regular form of bill. Local furniture manufacturers are very much interested in this decision. Many of the roads in officiat classification territory, east of the Mississippi river and north of the Ohio river, have had the uniform bill in effect since November 1, although granting shippers the privilege of using the old bills res tamped to conform with the uniform bin. W. C. Smith, traveling satesman for the Big Six Car-loading Association, and A. F. Karges, of the Karges Furn- Made by Royal Chair Co., SturgiS, Mich. itu,e Company, left last week for a trip through the south and will go as far as New Oreans, La. They expect tQ be back some time before Christmas. Mr. Smit~l, who was seriously ill of typhoid fever several months ag.o, has com-pfetely regained his health. "Business is coming along an right" said "Gus" Stoltz, of the Stoltz-Schmitt Furniture Company. "\Ve are going after the business and are getting our share of it." Mr. Stoltz is never a quitter and is Olle of the hardest workers in the furniture manufacturing business in Evansville. Several of the desk fa<::tories and furnitme plants at Jasper, Ind., that were forced to run on short time some this fall because of the drouth, have started up on full time again During the dry weather the Patoka river, from which many of the manufacturing plants receive their water supply, went dry in many places and the factories found it almost imp os-sibl" e to get sufficient water. c.w.E. @ * @ "PlainlY Styles. Just now plain effects and ullcarved woods arc in vogue. Solid mahogany and mahogany finished wood in Sheraton and Adam design are in demand for drawing rooms, the very plainest designs leading the others in point of style.-Ex. ------_._----- MICHIGAN • ARTISAN 13 --_.----_._----.~ MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO. ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN No.lflli. No. 10'3. No. 100. Manufacturers of Bedroom Furniture in Oak and A,h. Also Odd Dressers in Birch and Imitation Mahogany. The best goods on the market for the price. Write (or pictures and prices. HOODOO AND LUCK. • How Oscar Hammerstein's Old Chair Averts the III Luck That Pursues Him. Oscar Hammerstein is a firm believer in "luck." \Vhen he opened his grand opera house in Philadelphia he had a fear that h15 hoodoo might get in a lick at him and tele-phoned to }Jew York asking that his old "Andrew Jackson" chair, in which he sits and watches the periormanees of his operas from the wings of the lvlanhattan Opera' House, be sent over to Philadelphia. It was sent and put in place in the '\vings of the new house. The st:tting for the first act of "Carmen" ,vas being made up On the opening night, and .:\'lr. Hammerstein, on the stage of his nev,,-house, was talking with a reporter w:len there carne a sound of crashing timbel- and then a lH:avier sound as something hit the boards. "There's the hoodoo," exc.1'aimed the impressario. "I djdn't know you had one," interjected one of the singers standing tlearhy. "Oh, yes," explained Mr. I-Iammcrstein. "H's Rosie. Don't you know him? He used to manage a Douse in HaL lem for me, and whenever he showed up something happened to me. Recently r gave him a job and he appeared today. T know Rosenthal is on this stage, so that crash means that somebody is hurt." Investigation showed that one of the stage hands :lad fallen from the flies and broken an arm, But the mascot chair was on the job, and nothing else of evil came about. @ * @) A Desk Table Advertised Effectively, \,Vhen \VilliaIll Heynes, the furniture dealer, hotel keeper and manufacturer of Evansville erected a large addition to the hotel Vendome, he purc.hased a quantity of table desks from the Cadillac Cabinet Company and placed them, with the usual articles rctJ.uired )n furnishing the bed room, in the apartments of the hotel. A large quantity of blotters was ordered by the c.ompany and sllpplied to Mr. Heynes for the use of his guests. Upon one side of the blotters the fol-lowing statement is printed: "The c.onvenient writing table in your room is the famous Cadilt"ac make. Inspect the work-manship and general character of our product carefully. Doesn't the desk-table appeal to you as a modern piece of furniture for the modern home? Pen, ink and stationery always clean and handy; table top may be litt.::red with books. papers and what-not, yet you have an unobstrucLd writing sllt"face ready for use at all times, by pulling out the drawer and using the lid," and illustration of No. 55, open suggests. The company requests the user of the blotter to cut ,off the end containing the illustr;Ltion and -send it to "her." H that sort of blotter and the use that is made of it does not promote a Il,1ail order business what would? Per-haps l\h. Heynes shares in the profits realized on the sate of No. 55. @ * @ Should Demand a Recount. \V. G. Tcbault was an independent candidate for mayor at the recent election and received 82 votes .Qut of 25,782. Evidently errors were committed in canvassing the ballots and Tebal1lt should demand a recount. @ * @; Newly Incorporated. The New Castle (Ind.) Cabinet company is the title of a new corporation organized by James S. McQuinn, E. G. :rvlcQuinn and Harry A. Hall. Their capital stock amounts to $10,000. -- -~- ---~--------- --- 14 ESTABLISHED 1880 MICHIGAN ARTISAN PU81,.ISHI!!:D 8'" MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OP'FIC.l!:-I08.110. 112NORTH DIVISiON ST•• GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ENTERED 1/1 THE POSTOFFICE AT GRAND RI\P1D~, MICH., AI 8ECOI'ID CLAn MATTl!R. . A long sUffering manufacturer ,of Evansville, nagged 011t of patience by one of a class of traveling salesmen known as "the-know-it-all" kind, with its ever present "you ought to do" this, or that, had the courage to assert his manhood the ,other day. "Nmv, Bin, you are becoming unbeatable. Go to Europe for six months and try to throw your grouch in the discard. Don't come back till you have learned that advice not sought is never appreciated. If you can't do that put your jaw in a dog muzzle before you come to the office and when on the road anow the lady stenographers to com-pose as well as type'write your letters." "t" "t" In June next when the manufacturers of Evansville will' finally withdraw their lines from St. Louis and Chicago, t:1C Crescent City of the Ohio will assume the dignity and im-portanceof a furniture exposition town. It will' be an open-all-the-time affair, Evansville has good hotels, excel-lent transportation facilities and with the sa.l'able lines man-ufactured to attr<lct the buyers EV<lnsvil1ewill cut more of a figure in the furniture trade than in the years of the past. "to' "t" Andrew Carnegie remarked recently: "Wealth is, in it-self, no ground for honoring a man. It is of value to the community only as it is put to service, and it is only as a man puts to service that which he has, either of wealth or of ability in some line, that he has a right to claim the friend-liness and good witI' of the community." "Andy" has not felt the impulse of the bibl'ical injuncti.on, however, to sell all that he possessed and give the proceeds to the poor. "t" "t" Several manufacturers of Evansville hold stock in various important business enterprises outside of the furniture business. They have not put their profits into "bricks and wheel's" the indispensables of a furniture factory, but keev the hens of fortune busily employed in laying golden eggs in a great many kinds of nests. Those .Hoosicr gentlemen are wise and thrifty. With them the furniture manufactur-ing business is not the sole attraction. "to "to Manufacturers of parlor furniture report that goods made in mahogany are selling much marc freely than similar wares made in domestic woods. 'Twenty-five years ago mahogany was but little used, black walnut having the pre-ference. N.o one possessed of a grain of artistic taste would think -of futntshing a parlor vl'1th black walnut in this year of progress. "t" "to A prominent manufacturer of Indianapol'is is said to have recouped his losses on a year of unsatisfactory business by placing a large sum of money in the hands of a betting agent to be wagered on the result of the presidential election. Funds necessary to pay the workmen were thus provided for a year or two. "t" "t" Congres~ wi1l receive a petition from the manufacturers of furniture that the duties levied on lumber anJ other material's used in the trade be abolished. Congress will follow the usual course in such matters. The petition will be pigeon-holed and forgotten. "to "t" A department store ill Indianapolis is called "The \\Then." "The Which" or "The V\That" would signify as much and be just as inappropriate. "It is never too late to mend" old furniture but most times it is not worth while . @ * @ Morris Loved Persian Cottons. \Villialn Morris had an especial' love for the old printed cottons of Persia, which he said had carried the art as far as possible. He inveighed against modern methods, aniline dyes and roller printing. But the fotlowin,5 description of modern prints in Persia by Consul VV. F. Doty of Tabriz seems to indicate that cOllside.rable tr-Ouble is still taken and adequate skill employed to secure interesting designs and durable colors. The fabric, he says, is suitable for curtains, table and couch covers, alldwall hangings: "The larger pieces arc about 20 fee~ long by 3 feet .or 4 feet wide, others about 6 feet by 6 feet, and many other sizes, The cotton cloth for printing is manufactured at Ispahan, although the foreign product is rather preferred. The de-signs are often exquisite, rep:-esentations of flowers, pea-cocks with spread tail feathers, almonds, the tree of llfe, (with or without leaves,) leopards, elephants, lions, deer, and hunting scenes in which the men are depicted as shooting arrows at 'wild boars or gazelles; war scenes which arc ex-tremely grotesque; large men. on dlsproportionately small horses cleaving one another with great swords, splitting the body in two; important events of the national history, and countless other interesting designs, "In north\vestern Persia these are generaIl"y called 'kalam-kars,' and may be secured sometimes as cheap as $1 per square yard. \'Vhile the name by which they are denomin-ated signifies 'pen work,' a stylus is used only in tracing delicate lines after the main de.<;ignhas been produced by the method of block printing. To another I am indebted for detailed information as to this process. The block is of hard wood, c.ontaining in relief the destgn, which is frequently repeated on the same piece. One block serves for only one color; accordingly many blocks must be us~d in completing the design. Pieces of cotton cloth are first immersed in material eontained in the intestines of sheep; drying and washing follow;' then they are kept for a time in a solution of gall nuts. Afterward they are dried in the sun. uTo secure black coloring fluid old rusty nails are kept for two or three weeks in water, which is occasionallY stir-red; the water is drawn off, a small quantity of castor oil and alum are added and boiled down to a pasty consistency, this applied to the block. For red, some bol Atmenian and 'alum are boiled with gum of the apricot or other trees contained in small muslin bags. The designs are for the most part in black and red. To secure blue, a paste of indigo and water is boiled, and to this are added some potash, lime and grape syrup; blue is generally applied to the cloth hot. The main ingredient for yellow is pomegranate skin hoil"ed with alum. After the application of the colors, the cotton fabric must be washed and spread out in the sun and frequently sprinkled during a month. The above process insures fast colors. When anil'ine dyes are employed, the colors are almost invarably fugitive. Factories in Russia, and to some extent el'sewhere in Europe, are now producing COttOllprints -of Persian designs, and some of these are intro-duced even into Persia. itself. The per~iennes of France .have attained a somewhat wide notoriety." "MICHIGAN ARTISAN 15 ~_._----_. ._-_._--------------- .. II• The Inception and Growth of a Grea't Business Oorporation Illustrated. ( Planl oftbe Challeng-e Refrigerator Company, Grand Haven, Midi.) • 16 MICHIGAN ARTISAN Hafner's Catalogue. The II afner Furniture Company, of Chicago, have issued their '70th semi-annual catalogue of upholstered furni.ture. It is a large handsomely engraved and printed catalogue of G4 pages and cover, and contains nearly 300 ilh.lstratiolls of upholstered furniture, including davenports, sofa beds, couches, lounges, chairs and rockers. Thirty-five successful years of bus-iness is a record very few furniture companies can boa!';t of, and this of itself is a guarantee that goods bearing the Hafner trade mark aloe reliable in every respect. To show their good faith and fair dcal- 111g they say. ';E\'ery piece of goods bears our trade mark, which warrants every article we malltl-ufacturc to give perfect satis(ac-tion. \Ve warrant where otbers promise, and to prove this \ve agree to take back (five days after rcceipt of goods! any ;rtide or articles that arc net entirely saLis-factory in every re.'ipect." Tha.t shO\""s they are not afraid of close inspection and the best kind of evidence of fair dealing~ The hand-some No, 3036 Automatic Davenport Bed illustrated is one of the most luxurious and serviceable beds imaginable, thor.oughly made and guarantec,d to be just exactly as de-scribed in the catalogue. It's a positive bargain, not only to the merchant but to his customer. The proprietor and all his clerks are at the door to receive the CUstomer, furnish him with sandals itl place of his shoes, serve tea in a heautiful garden 111ledwitl1 flowers, fountains <~ndstz.tuary, where all the objects of art are in their proper :5ett~ll~~::.:.ndat departure the proprietor and his clerks again No. 3036 Davenport Bed,. made by Hafner Furnitur,e Co. @ * @ Display of Goods in Japan. The Japanese set us a good example by theiT manner of arranging stocks in their shops. Nothing is cluttered-everything is shown to best a\.tvantage in a place by itself. No. 758 Piano Player Roll Cabinet. Made by Tile Udell Works, Indianapolis, Ind. vVhat a contrast we offer in our stores. Everything is so crowded nothing can be seen distinctly, the front view only showing. The Japanese teach us a lesson in courtesy as. well. assemble and bow him out and ask for a continuance of his patronage. ",",'hat a desire that cre<ltes to buy, buy, buy to the limit of one's purse strings. Such courtesy <lnd attention are all too rare in this country. The idea is worth consider-ing, the lack of courtesy displayed by salesmen is frequently the cause of loss of sales, customers preferring to shop else-where where more careful attention can bc secured. @ * @ Blind Salesman Gives Up Struggle After supporting himself for forty long years \Villiam Nelson, a blind salesman, gave up the struggle and pre-scnted himself to the township trustee in Kokomo, Ind., and asked for admission to the County Farm. Blind from birth, he has never begged a meal or a night's lodging and only fast failing health forced him to ask for aid. He has Laveled the country over and sold merchandise in Cuba and Panama as well. It seems a pity that a man handicapped by blind-ness should be forced to ask for charity in his old age, after keeping the wolf away for forty years. His last earnings, $18, he gave to secure his admission to the home. At sixty-two years of age he is unable to keep up the struggle longer. Without home or family the prospect is anything but chcerful for him and we can all sympathize with him and be thankful for the use of our faculties. @ * @ A Furniture Club Room. The manufacturers of furniture in Grand Rapids will soon occupy their own quarters in the vVeston block. The entire second floor is now being remodeled for their use. No ex-pense will' be spared to make the ro.oms most attractive and homelike. The dining room will' be 24x30 feet with beamed ceiling, red birch finor and panelled wainscoting in black ash. Other rooms will be a reception room of the same size, besides two smaller ones, lounging rOom, baths and other conveniences. The main reception room will be done in oak and wiU be complete ,in all its app,ointments. The association have desired to have such a club for a long time and now will cnjoy these quarters immensely, especially as the Hotel Pantlind kitchens ","ill' be in con-nection and will furnish the means of satisfying all cravings of the inner man. + UJ !:: ~ (/) '> x (/) ~o-J GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY Ii!I ~~-·----l I 100.110.112 nort~ Division ~t.I ~S~ Qrdld~ I MICHIGAN ARTISAN 17 PR ~1 I NT E RS BIN DE R S E N GR A V E R S Michigan Engraving Company :: White Printing Company I Michigan Artisan Company I ~ I 100.110.112 nort~ Division ~t.~ ~ ~ Orand napws OUR BUILDING E N GR A V E RS PRINT E R S B I N D E RS Erected by White Printing Company. Grand Rapid•• 1907. 18 MICHIGAN ARTISAN You Can't Make a Mistake By planning for an Alaska agency for 1909, if you do not now handle the line. Our sales for 1908have far exceeded our expec-tations, and the demand has been strong throughout the season. ALASKA QUALITY is what does it. The lines are complete in styles and linings. The Alaska Refrigerator Co. EXCLUSIVE REFRIGERAiOR MANUFACTURERS, Muskegon - Michigan • While Detroit is not as far advanced as some cities in Michigan in its manual training system, the interest is con-stantly growing and more attention is being given this branch of school work. Although an entire building cannot be devoted and equipped for instruction in manual training, the high school andc1ementary school buildings are being enlarged to ac-commodate pupils who wish to take a course in this branch. One of the points made by the superintendent in a recent report shows the annual cost per pupil, of instruction along this line, from the time he or she enters the fourth grade until the eighth is reached. On the start it is only six cents and gradually works up to forty-five cents. In only two grades, the seventh and eighth, are special teachers em-ployed, the regular grade teachers doing the work in other grades. TABLE OF STATISTICS OF MANUAL TRAINING IN THE DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Grade II Kind of Work Fourth Eighth At present there are twenty-nine manual training centers in the city with the best instructor and facilities for carrying L on the work. Thorough industrial trall111lg is, however, out of the que~tion, as there is not' the necessary equipment nor the time devoted to the subject to rnake it possible. They have no thoroughly equipped machine shops nor foundries and the chief attention being paid to pattern mak-ing, mechanical drawing and in the grades cardboard con-struction, i. e., in fourth and fifth grades. Mechanical draw-ing for mechanics covers the problems met in o~dinary draft-ing room practice. Each pupil provides his own outfit, and learns the use of instruments, lnking, geometrical problems, orthographic projection, isometric drawing, lettering and reading blue prints. In the second course machine designs are included, i. e., dra.wing of machines, screw threads, bolts, nuts, etc. In course three, sheet metal draftings of pipe connections; boiler plates and elbows are made. In the last three courses in drafting lettering, strnctional drafting as detail beam connections, mill construction, trusses for roofs, structural steel girders, building and con- BIG RAPIDS, MIOH. .SIDEBOARDS BUFFETS HALL RACKS In Qua.rtered Oak, Golden and Early English Finish. No. 128. Price $12. 2 off SOdays f. o. b• . Bi(J Rapids. ~---------_._---- stnlction details, moldings, arches, elevation and sectional plans, vertical sections. doors, windows and architectural let-tering are taught in the order given. Shop work will include, for the evening classes as well as the day pupils, carpentry, cabinet making, wood turning, pat-tern making, forging and machine shop practice. The CQurs,e in carpentry covers instruction in the use, cafe and sharpen-ing of ordinary bench tools, construction of such joints as are use in hom,e framing, door and sash building and a study of material as to cost and amount. The pupil will learn. in cabinet making the construction of different joints used and their application in at least one ar- .,..-_._------ OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EXTENSION TABLES ARE BEST MADE BEST FINISHED VALUES All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock, LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH. I•. --- MICHIGAN ARTISAN ._----------------'-. I ticle of furniture, also the structure and characteristics of dif-ferent cabinet woods aDd method of fwishing. In wood turning and pattern making the ordinary pro-cesses are taught, such as spindle, face plate and chuck turn-ing, filling and polishing and the construction of peiHems of simple machine parts and some foundry work in soft metal to demonstra.te the prOCess of making castings. Forging includes the processes in hand forging such as drawing, bending, twisting, riveting, welding, punching and tool steel work, including hardening and tempering. In the machine shop there will be given bench work in chipping and J-iling and all the simple proce%es ordinarily performed on small engine lathes, drills, planers, shapers. milling and grinding machines. The most thorough work is being done in the department of domestic science a,nd art. The aim of the course in do-mestic art is to make the girls more self-reliant and respon-sible and to le<:tdthem to seIf~expression in their vY'ork. The subjccts considered are machine' sewing, including t~H:king, practice sewing, care of machine, etc. They make, besides their underwear, shirt waist suils. sofa pillows and all kinds of practicaJ and fancy sevY·ing; as they advance thcir time is devoted more and more to dressmaking, with c,areful con-sideration of drafting of patterns, measurements. texture of material, devoting some time to the study of wool; silk, cot-ton and linen in regard to culture, manufacture and durabili-ty. Domestic science is intended to give the pupil a knowledge of all food principles in a concerete way, to make them a,c-quainted with the use and tare of kitchen utensils and to cultivate a habit of order and neatness and some amount of skill in using the different contrivances contained in the kitchen. The subject of composition and comparative value of dif-ferent foods is first brought before the pupils in lectures. After this the practical work begins. wllCn the pupil lean)s the proper methods used in preparing and cooking foods. Re-sides cooking, they learn to serve. care for table, linen, silver, glassware and also the duties of a hostess. Canning and preserving of frt.tits come next \vitl) a spe-cial study of molds and bacteria_ No course in nursiug Or laundry work is given, but some instruction in hygiene and sanitation. The object of manual edly the same, unless the ._------_- __ 1 training in all schools student can specialize, is undo11bt-as sufficient time cannot be given the different subjects to make the pupil skillful in all. The benefit derived from this line of instruc-tion then is that they gain a general knowledge of different trades and this accomplishment is as valuable to the lawyer or doctor as to the mechanic, 111that it helps to make val-uable citizens. Given below is an extract from the annual report of the board of education which shows the disciplinary value of manual training: USEFUL HABITS, PROCESSES BV MEAl'<SOF I WHlCH THIl: !lA-BIT IS RESUl.TING HABITS. FORMED. ----- CONDI'rIONS FOR THEIR DE-VELOPMENT BY MEANS OF CON5TRUCTlVt;; EXERCJSXS. Objectifyillg ages. Never ask a class to do what the)· cannot do well. of mental im- Accommodation. Hah- A resulting product refire-it of attacking diffi- senting the mental image cubics. Tt'acbed through the pu-pils very best efiQrt. Occupations givillg oppor- Order and neatness. tunity for actions involv-ing the elements of order and neatness. Successful efforts in reach- Accuracy, or truth, iug accurate results. Prolonged efforts crowned Pcrsevc:mnce. by success. Final Sllcce;;s in the various Self-reliance. exercises. A place lor everytbillg aml everything in its place. An accurate product, Careful progression of the exerdses. Attractive models, interest and accurate work. Acts of service. Habits of ethical COIl- A useful article. the pro-tent. duct of the constructive exerdses. Exercises involving lllUSCU- Muscular control, skill Variety and repetition of lar activity. i technical difficulties. The evening schools of Detroit have equa1, if not super-ior advantages ""vith the day schools. As these evening stu-denls have a definitc end in pursuing certain studies and the. knowledge obtained will be made use of immediately in the positions they hold. All of the shops in different high schools have been thrown open to the evening students this year and so far arc proving very popular. It is an .innova-tion that is being watched with great interest, not only by the teachers but .11..,0by the people of Dettroit. It is safe to Dredict, a,fter a thorough investigation of what is being done in the "City of the Straits," that manual training is bound to become a greater factor in the educa~ tional circles of that city. 19 20 MICHIGAN ARTISAN II The :scason fOT banqueu will aoon be here. Our Banquet Table Top i. just the thing for banquets. , OUR LARGE NEW LINE OF DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and qualify are considered. The prices put ou our goods June 24th are guaranteed through the fall season. Stow 8 Davis Furniture Co. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. City aalel1'Oom. 4th floor. Blodgett Bldg. PRECIOUS ANTIQUES. A Furniture Sale that Never Took Place. "Let's have everything new," he said, when it carne to moving out of the old home. i'I've always thought I'd like the sensation of living in an entirely new house with en-tirely new belongings." "Of course,," she answered, "I'd gladly give th{'.ill Up' if I thought we cO\.11dget enough for them to buy new." They were al)out to emigrate from the old house in Chel-sea to the recently purchased Fbtbush home, and there wa.s thc natural hankering after possessions that should suit the new house. Yet there were family traditions that placed a high value on their furniture. The black 'walnut dining roOOl set with the grapes and the two quajls carved on the side-board, not to mention the thick marble slab and the rickety chairs with the sarre hunch of grapes and the two quails in miniature, but still large el~ottgh to rest on the back of the occupant's neck-family tradition placed its vahle very high. The flaring rosewood chairs with the etagere and the oval centre table-also adorned with a marble slab-were ac~ counted even more valuable in the reckoning of the family treasures. "They ought to bring high prices at an auction," she ob-served. "You see that parlor set's antique, AUllt Mary used to say she bought it in the finest furniture store in New York. It wa,s down in Grand street. She gave it to mother as a wedding present. Then that dining room set ought to bring a lot. That must be rare now." Luckily it is, but no such knowledge of present day taste disturbed the convictions of the family. "If we could only sell it all," she said. "I'd buy mission for the dining room and get everything brocaded with no wood showing for the .parlor. Wouldn't that be lovely in that house?" Under the inspiration of the mission and brocade idea thoughts of the sale developed in all directions. If the fur-ture brought as much as it ought to bring she would have enough money to buy some new pieces for the bedrooms. She priced brocade for the parlor and mission for the din-ing room in half the fUflliture stores in town. As the dis- C"t1ssionof what their possessions might bring grew more def-inite the amount steadily grew larger. "I don't know," she finally said, "but what we might fur-nh:, h the whole house with what we get from the auction sale. We might even get new china and carpets. We must have a new stair carpet." He came uptown early one Saturday afternoon that they • might go to an auctioneer to make arrangements for the sale, but they neve\" got that far. She took him first to see the best mission dining room set she had found anywhere for the money, and it waS so far to the store with the best brocade parlor set to suit her figures that it was 6 o'clock before he had duly inspected them. "We'll go next week," she reassuringly observed. "It isn't as if we weren't sure about the matter. The money's as good as in our pockets and it's only a question of just how much we can have to spend. I've picked out all the other things too, so it won't take us any time, once we!ve got the money." She had been to call on some of the aucti.oneers, and her somewhat flattering description of the treasures she was about to put on the market drew the most encouraging a,ssurances from the gentlemen she talked with, HPeople are back from the country now and ready to buy. Bring along your stuff as soon as possible and yOll won't re-gret it," they told her. Then the. demand for fine antique. furniture was described by the other auctioneers as so great that she began to hesi· tate as to which she wouhl trust with those precious artides that daily became more valuable in her sight. She was dis-posed to hold the auctioneers at a distance, they all seemed so anxious to dispose of her consignments. "You come up next Saturday," she urged as a way out of the dilemma, ;'and weill see which is the \Jest place to look after our things. You know we can't trusl them [Lrst to any ordinary auctioneer. They're too valuable to be auctioned off al1ywhere. Perhaps we alight to put 'em in an art gal-lery, what? Well. we'll go to an auction Saturday anyhow." She already knew the auction rooms well and selected the sale that seemed to her most like her own idea of the atmos-phere she was seeking for the distribution to the public of her Henry Schmit 8 Co- HOPKINS AND HARR1KT STS. Cil'lcinnati, :Ohio makers of Upholstered Furniture £0' LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARV, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM • \[ I CHI G A N ART I SAN 21 ~._-_._---------_._------------_._-~ RICHMOND CHAIR CO., Richmond, Ind. Double Cane Line "Slip Seats"-the latest and best method of double cane seating. Catalogues to the Trade . • h- . _ effects. It was <1.11 advertisement reading "Furniture belong-ing to a gentleman abollt to sail for Europe and recently taken from his n::sidence neal- Fifth avenue and consisting of elegant solid mahogany furniture for parlor, library and bed-rooms, superh antique Adam bedroom set, raxe old Colonial pieces, fine china, silver and articles of vertu, No such re-cherche offering of high articles has been made in years." Tlwt seemed abont the sort of thing she \vanted for her auction; so it was decided that he was to come uptown to lunch on Saturday. Then they were to go together to the auction. ·V.lhether or not their sa.le should be handed over to this particular eC';tabJishmel1t was to depend altogether 0:1 the way he acquitted himself in disposing of th~ stock au hand. "Remember now," she whispered, as they picked their way through the crowding camp chairs until they found a pJa~e in the front of the room; "remember not to say a ..v..ord until 'we have seen how he gets through with these thing's. \Ve don't 1.\rant to commit ourselves too soon." It did not seem to her that the auctioneer remembered hcr particularly, although she- had talked with him several times. He made a bad impression on her othfc'rwise. He seemed flippant and lacking in the seriousness necessary to deal ..v.ltb such valuable things as hers. "I don't think much of him," whispered her husband after a fcw minutes. "1-Ie's too funny." Just then the two men whose business it was to put the articles in vie\v of the spectators placed on the low platfo:·HJ. a chair. She c.lutched his arm. "Jnst like onr dining room set! The very identical thing-" she cried. Then she sat back proudly in her chair to see what wealth a\',,'aited her. The auctioneer glanced at the cata-logue amI then at the exhibit. "Number 67," he 'Ncnt on. "Set of eight walnut chairs, ha11d cnrved "\"lithgame and fruit. "\\'l1at am I offered?" he asked. "Look at this beautiful chair. Kind that mother used to have. vVe hear a great deal about the black walnut period of American art, but it "\vasn't so bad. "That's a bea,utiful chair. Two dollars? \i\rhy, that would he giving it away. Eight of' them-just the thing for somebody going to open a smaH homelike boarding house. "No t1.venty-five t,ent bids-two fifty then. 'Now let nw have another-three dollars! Thafs more like it! Eight of them, just think. and all in good repair, No marc grease spots on the others than there a,re on this. Go see for YOllfse!ves, Three and a half! "Thank you. You got a bargain that time. Eight chairs like that for twenty-eight dollars. Let's see what have we got here no ..v.?" She had nol loosened her grip on his arm. The roou. had aheady begun to swim around her. To think that chairs so like her own treasures that they could not be told apart should have been sold for a sum she thought each separate chair should bring. It was awful. And the one brocade chair cost as much as this lot had brought. uNo. 68. Sideboard with same set." he read from the catalogue. "Now what is the nrst bid on that? Let me have something high to begin with. It's a fine piece. "Been in the ring a long time and a little disfigured, but still good for years to corne. Let me have a good bid. "Is it ten dollars? Four, then? Three, why it's a shame to treat an old timer like this with so little disrespect." The sidebo;nd finally sold for $11 and was removed from thc scene with the a<:compani111ent of a facetious remark from the auctioneer. Then a rosewood centre table "marble top a.lone worth wbnt it brought," sold for $8.50. "\Vllat can he expect to get for such a lot of junk:" asked the ,,,,oman ,,,.,ho sat next to her. "May r see your catalog'ue? It's no use staying here to see people buy stuff like this," The two lUe-ll had lifted down the centre table. An etagere wa.s in view. It was like that they prized as the gem. of their collection. "Come on." she sakI, clutching him by the sleeve, "there's no use to wait any longer." They walked a block after they left the auction rooms without a ·word. She sa"\,;, her visions of the brocade and the mission pieces floating out of her ken. She made no reference to the prices that they had just heard, however, "T guess it's better after all," was what she said, "to keep our own things. Everybody hasn't got 'em for one thing. And thcn nobody b11t you is likely to· care much about 'em. Don't you think so?"-~l';W York Sun. @ * @ The Japanese Cabinet maker draws his saws and planes toward himself, claiming that by so doing he tre-hles the power of the arm. \Vith his supple toes he holds a big piece of wood, allowing the use of both hands in shaping the piece. American cabinet makers often hold a large block of wood and run a saw through it ..y.ith one hand. @ * @ Kot infrequently shrewd buyers size up a proposition by the man who makes it. It makes '''cry little differe-nce how [YO ad an offer sounds, if it isn't backed by a business integ-rity that can be depended upon. r 22 MICHIGAN ARTISAN MICHIGAN ARTISAJ'.Z 23 LIENARD. A Famous Desigr:er, Mcdeler and Carver. By Arthur Kirkpatrick, Grand Rapids Selwol of Furniture Designing. The most prom.inent French modeler, carver and designer since the time of Na,po1eon was P.Lienard (1810-1870). From about 1835 to the time of his death h~ was the favorite designer for tlJC .Parisian architects, goldsmiths, cabinetmak-ers and architectural iron and bronze workers, The restora-tion of the castles of Amboisc, Versailles anI Blcisc ~vcre under his direction, and he also designed a part of the sculp-ture of the Louvre. Unfortunately for this great dcsi'!llCf, he lived in a period of art stagnation. The socia.l ambition.:; of the revolutionists had been crushed by Napoleon and it Viias by ),iapoleoll that t1Je divine right of kings was set at l1<ltlght when he crO\vned himself emperor and his wife em-press of Francc. Later he divorced himself from the empress, thus ignoring the rules of the eburch, and with traditions, customs and social ambitions knocked hititcr and yon, and >\,jth the defeat of I\apokon no mastermind ,vas left strong enough to lTLOulc\ public opinion and set a new pace for the industrial and axt rC\'ivaJ. The ideals of elC people lacked concentration, a condition inviting degradation. It is not surprising therefore that there \\'<1.5 no demand for original designs and that Lienard was called a great imitator. The Renaissa.nce seemed to bc his grcate~:t source of .inspiration, but be ,vas ,vel! versed in the preceding styles, and nsed Barocco. Gothic and Swiss n-:otives, adding enough individ-ual character to make them a vahnble \vork of rderence for carvers and designers. At the industrial .:lrt exhibition in 1849, the mal1t1fattl1rcrs attempted to revive the t::ste of the:: people by placing a number of Liemnd's richly carved huni-ture designs upon exhibition, and \\'cre st\v,~essf111 in restor-ing wood carving· as a decoration upon fin", furniture. No leaf, lizard or rat seemcd too hlt1r.ble to be 1loticed and fltH1 a place in Liellanl's decorative designs. The human figure, trophies of all kinds, shells. fruits ({tld flowers inter-woven ".:ith scrolls ar~d clusters of ivy, oak and acanthus leaves :md the extren~c active attitnde of the domestic arHl wild animals alw<1,Ys added interest and 1ifc to his ornament. He dispbys 8.n extensive knowledge in his cart'ed nllegories; pas5~on <1nd pleasure, peace and ·W'\f. lite and death, com-merce by land and sea, <led the grouping of the. holy symbols of the chllrc11 with flgufes so well chosen and artistically ar-ranged that one sees at a glance that he \"a5 a master of his art. \Vc lnve selected one of Lienard's carved al1«::gories, The Seye'n 'Ruling Passions, showil~g thc amount of meaning that can be represented in Ornall'ent. These figures ~;re well chosen and aect/I-ately placed 2ceorc1ing to evo\lItio11. Down llear the root of human progrcs:.;, and most lowly of them all is Cowardncss depicted with a head which lacks a space lor brains, with useless \\:lngs, long, l<lnky 1imbs. a kind of a devil ~..ith a forked tail which can he bought and sold for miser's g01d whose purse 11e kisses. Upon one of the l()\ver limbs is Lazine::ss fast asleeiJ. .A spider 11;,\.s""voven a wcb sil~ce last be movcd, and a r;tt has nibbled his tail in tv./o, but still he sl11mbers. A lobster's horn tickles his nostril. but neither docs he stil". He is a crouching, s1eepinp; sloth and bcks the voluntary action of the heart bc:canse blood d.oes l~ot ~ven flow ham his broken tail, A little highC'X in the hra,cches of progress "vc fi.nd Vi':.iol1s-ness who is always looking for tremble, facing and inviting a fray and who is represented hy a iigure of action in deadly combat with poisonous ,cra,,,.'ling, squirming lower life, a tiger's body with hams upon his head., and a devil':-, wing. active <Ind alive with bristling sptlrs, 8nd a face vI'herein is mixed defiance, hatred and tragcdy, This \vas a Ttl1ing pas-sion ill cbys 01 old ,,,,'hen men fOllght and risked their lives for a t ifle. A 5 ep higher we find the Glutton who turns his bac.k upon t e others, Jest they should see his food and want to eat, an who is shown as a. dragon ",,""ith a stout short neck, stror~g body, and ,,\'ell nlled mouth and claw, and his eye brighte led by his keen appetite. Hig lcr still is hungry Greed, represented by the uncov-ered b ad of a C~lrr\ivorous vulture sunk into his shoulders and \vith tl e grasping claws of an eagle showing the progressive unattr ctive stride of Ct, steadily :IccumulatinglTI.iser who tnldg-e on througl) a path of thon:s, caring naught for pain or pIe' sure, hut guarding well his bags of gold, T,,\ 0 monkeys in ung-ainly attitud(:, cne looking to the lust 0 thc flesh ;ll~dthe other looking up to the progress and prop~t ,.ation of its kind upon the earth most truthfltlly por-tra, ys Licentiousness. The apple of forbidd::n fruit which ten~pt d Adam's fall has caused a fan for many a man since th<:'.t t n~e. T{.vering above them all is cunning, gaudy, devilish, flat-terin< Fridc who has a footing near the root, 81ld who has grow 1 the greatest and most beautiful of them all is repre- :.;ente I as a story with boastful strnt :md bloated breast, bs- (kck d with jewels from head to tail. She is cunning for her foxe eye and ear, gaudy for her flashy peacock, dev-ilish for hcr folded devil's "\....-ingand Battering because she sCTal he,'; the hack of Greed, A cording to the growth and development of humanity, cow, rdness, and laziness were the chief failings of the tree C\illl ers arid cave dwellers, Later on, we the knights and duelists rcprescllted, and still farther vll, the feast days whe] strong drink and over-eating held sway. Later still, in Europe, \\'e have greed, immorality and the pride of the uling class~s carried to the extreme before the French rcv~lutioo, his practically illustrates conditions up to the present tilr l but these strat,!s in ruling passions witI go on and the dev \opmen'ls of another round are now in sight. There is a t rnpcns<ltion for everylhing, and for every positive there lS negative, al',d lor every night a day, <lnd thus cowardice is , ('iug replaced by bravery <lnd activity is conquering la.zi-nes Viciousness has suffered in the conquest with gen-tlel ess and drunken gluttoness is being subdued by temper-an e, and m.orality now lives where licentiousness used to thr ve. Greed au1 generosity arc in deadly comba.t, with get erosity gaining- 8.t every tllTust and modesty wi.l1 under-ta e to buy pride, and so the ruling p<lssions 01 Lie-nard's tin e may be conquered passions of today, and :sO may the out-gr Wll designs of other days be carried to perfection in ollrs by beautiful lltlDlan characters in the place of the u"" y and grotesque and by ""vea,ving about them emblematic su gestions of the good th<lt they have done. @ * @ Exhibits of "Yankee" Furniture in Germany. American office furnishings in the so-called counting room c hibition which took place in Berlin last week would have s pplied requisite evidence of America's lead in the commer-cOal world. The great exposition ha.ll at the ZoOlogical gar-d n was simply cramped with Yankee made bllsiness appur~ t nancc.s, typewriters, duplicating apparatus, phonographs, a "ldillg n::achin(',s, furniture of all kil1ds, filing cabinets, c8,rd i lc1exes, desk telephones, in fact evcry conceivable sort of 1 bar saving· de\,ice that enables the average American busi- 1 css man to conduct his affairs in ahont a, third of the time e'ltlired in Europe. The few strictly German exhibits were or the 1110st part "irnprovemel1ts" on i\merican originals. @ * @ The best men .and women are th(' product of hard exper-cnc: es. @ * @ After business is the hOUT for funny stories, EVANSVILLE LINES MANUFACTURERS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Corner Wabash Avenue and Fourteenth Street ·The Bockstege /v'i.;.\..l:';:'i,'-'JINEW"SUPERI OR"lINE f~!;fi •_EVANSVILLE_. Just one of the 100 styles of the "New Superior Line" of Extension, Libra.ry, Parlor and Dressing Tables. This table is made with the "Ideal" drop leg. Base is non-dividing, made in 6 ft. to 14 it. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. EV .....1..l.8..V. L-L.E, INOIANA THE WORLD FURNITURB CO (Member of BIg Six ('ar Loadini!" Association) EVANSVILLE INDIANA Manufaeturet. of Folding Bed. (Manlel and Upriaht). Buffet&, HaD Tri:l.el, Cbina, Combination and librarY Bookcase&, Full line of 'amples on exhibition duriD~ the entire yeat', 011 first ,floor of the Manufacture .... Furniture Ex:ehance. cOrJJer Wab .. h Ave. aDd 14th St.•ChiCAK'O-The Metal Furniture Co . ==.====.= EVANSVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF Metal Bedsteads =--== Fuilline 01 Samples on exhibition during the eutire year, on 6rsl floor of the ManufaClure,. F urnitu,e Exchange, corner Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Globe Side Boards and Hall Racks Are the best for the money. Gel our Cala-logue. Mention the Michigan Artisan when writiug. Full line 01 samples on exhibition during the en-tire year, on the firSt floor 01 the Manufacturers F urnitute Exchange, Cor. Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Globe Furniture Company EVANSVILLE, IND. ON SALE IN CHICAGO MANUFACTURERS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Gomer Wabash Avenue and Fourteenth Street The Karges Furniture Co. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Manu(aclurerl of[,er Suites Dressers Wardro[,es ond CI.if[oniers ,. PLAIN OAK QUARTERED OAK AND JMJTATJON QUARTERED OAK Fun line of 8llmples on exhibition during the en-tire Year, on DrSl floor of the Manufadurers' Fumi~ ture E][chan\Ie corner Wa-bash Ave. aDd 14th 5•. , Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets and K. D. Wardrobes. [s all we make but we Iota of them. Get Catalogue and Price•• The Bosse Furniture Co.. EVANSVIli.E, IND. Full line Of samples on exhibition dUl'ing the en/ire year on flrst ,floor of the Manuj'acturm's' Furniture Exchange. corner Wabash A~'e. and HotI/. 8t., Clticago. No Stock complete without the ELi Beds in Mantt:! and Upright. ELI 0 MILLER & Co Evan.. llle. tn.'ono • • Write for cuts and prices ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCEj CHICACO. 26 MICHIGAN ARTISAN [ Moon Desk Co. MUSKEGON. MICH. MANUF"ACTURE.RS OF OFFICE DESKS FOR ALL PURPOSES • I\" 483 . WHY NOT JOIN THE ORDER? • • We've forme~ a new society- "The Order of the Smiling Face ;~. An honored member you may be, For everyone may have a place. The rules say you must never let The corners of your mouth droop down, For by that habit you may get The habit of a sulky frown. If playmates tease you, let your eyes A br<lve and merry twinkle show; For if the a.ngry- tears arise, They're very apt to overflow. If you must practice for an hour, Add if it seem a long, long while, Remember not to pout and glower, But wear a bright and c.heerful smile The fules are simple, as you see; Make up your mind to join today; Put on a smile and you wilt be An active member right away_ @ * @ Department Sto:reBuyers Misunderstood. A business man who had for many years dealt with pur-chasing agents found an entirely dicerent individual in the department store buyer. His attention was first invited to the fact that the department store buyer is very exc1usi...e.., inaccessible, dictatorial and grinding in his transactions. He would examine samples or photos between nine and ten on three days of the week only, and it was not an uncommon experience to find fifty salesmen coo1ing their heels in the corridor leading to the buyer's office, most of whom would be sent away without an interview. Later it dawned upon the complaining gentleman that the department buyer is a mer-chant primarily and that an but one or two hours each day is devoted to the selling of goods. He has a force of assistants to organize and train, and upon his ability as a merchant he must depend for success. If he cannot show satisfactory results in the management of his branch of the business he is granted very little space in advertisements published by his firm and but rarely space in the show windows. The value of a window display is rated entirely 1.1pOnthe amount of • II Fred J. Zimmer 39 E. Bridll"e 51., Grand Rapids, Mich. Mak<!'lof HIGH GRADE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Writt!for OutB and hiee.'!. I~ . ---.i Every Piece Guarlmteed PERFECT. sales it is making from hour to heur. When the offerings of one buyer fail to attract a sufficient volume of trade the window is ?fom?t1y given to another. Under this system the changing of goods placed in the windows may be made five or six tinles in a day. The department buyer has his proportion of the rent to pay, also light, heat, overhead charges, besides he must reckon with the merc.handise mana-ger, not always an j:ndll1gent and peaceful individual. Selling agents should keep these !acts in mind\vhen considering the department buyer. Like the policman in an old comic: opera, his lot «is not a happy onc." @ * .@ The best place to carry a grudge is any place outside of your business. MICHIGAN ARTISAN 27 'lI If you have not received a copy of our last Catalogue you have not received the BEST thing in Dining Room and Library Furniture. WRITE FOR IT. Rockford Chair & Furniture Co. I GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. I ._------------------------------., I • ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. ..._----- : MANUFACTURERS OF II HARDWOOD VLUENMEESRERS & ----"" ~- ..._-~--... IM ~!1?P_!!!!.~eSI SPECIAL TIES: Hotel Pantlind §'l\\{'g'E~&QUAORA. K VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main SI., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA I..._-------- (EuropeanPlan) Rates $1.00 and Up. ------ __ --1. ....__ ..--------- I UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases II... We lead in Style, ConSlrudion and Finish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exb.ibi~ tion 7th Floor I New Manufact_ urers' Building, Grand Rapids. ---- '------------' .... -------- ---------\ Ghairs in the United States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and an public resorts. We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribil in a large variety. Send f~r Catalogue a"d PriCe! ((j K/lUffM/lN MfG. GO. ASHLAND. OHIO 28 MICHIGAN ARTISAN An Er:glish Illustrated Catalogue. During a recent visit to the Ryerson Public Library, Grand Rapids, the w,iter rummaged among the books on furniture and found one published in 1905 in London. It is an illus-tt'ated catalogue issued by JamesShoolbred & Co. of Totten-hame Court Road and it consists of 572 pages devoted to "Complete House Furnishings, Interior Decorations and Household Requisites." Besides their showrooms in Tottellham House the com~ pany have shops for cabinet making, blinds, bedding and upholstery, carpet and planning floors, carpentry and decorat-ing. In the preface the company state that Ilthey have striven to render the book thoroughly up to date and to il-lustrate as wide and diversified a range of articles as possible from the modest appointments of a bachelor's flat to a sumptuously furnished mansion." They are importers of cabinet called a coat cabinet, but resembling a bookcase. These pieces may be handsome in reality, but they don't look it. Such poor drawings cannot show up the goods to ad-vantage. There is another point in-which we excell-in the making of beautiful cuts. There -were a. few good cuts of interiors, but very few. Other illustrations show ugly hall racks, crude looking chairs, awful bookcases, tables badly designed. The roll top desk of American style is imitated, but not well. The drawing room furniture is stiff and andent looking. The dining room chairs are not bad, but the SIdeboards are too heavy and of ugly designs, with flat surfaces, but with elab-orate carvings. Upholstered pieces fm dining room -use, such as couches, arm chairs. etc., are out of place, to say the least. The bedroom furniture is massive, heavy and ugly. Iron bedsteads show lack of variety in style. The drawing j Sketched by Otto Jiranek· carved aid fretted cabinets from the Orient, tables, chairs and settee; from Hindostan. In the iurniture department thclr stock of antiques in-cludes exakJ.ples of Chippendale, Sheraton, Heppelwhite, Georgian, Queen Anne, Jacobean, Tudor and Elizabethan styles, an 3~s.ortmellt of ancient and modern French furni-ture from dlC period of 'Francois I to Louis Seize and the en:pire. The furnishing of hotels, public buildings and the-aters is,'Purst:ed to a great extent. TI;t.e' catalogue itself is poorly illustrated and does not sho'll'! the furniture to advantage. The difference between the English and American styles is plain. The English '·styles of the past are excellent, but the modern are anything Llut beautiful, and it is evident that American styles outclass tlbem. judging by the examples in this catalogue. Seven pLeces of -i111aidhall furniture -include two settees (caned b nebes), hanging hat rack (called hat tail), chair, hall cab-net, hall table (resembling a buffet) and a tall quadrangle room furniture is better, though the stiff "cozy" corner a.r-rangements belie their name. The library furniture is good, writiilg tables are quite attractive. Easy cllairs upholstered in morocco afe inviting looking. The bookcases are awful; the "dwarf" bookcase, unheard of here, is a low case not much differing from the others. Another interesting book is called l'Ancient Furniture and Other Works of Art." It illustrates a collection formed by Vincent J. Robinson, C. 1. E., of Farnham House, Dorset. The illustrations are beautiful, some of the old pieces, such as cupboards or armoires date back to the fourteenth cen-tury and are of Italian make. The armoire was originally a cupboard and was used as a. clothes press and for bedding, but afterwards became a separate piece of furniture. The panels are often elaborately carved and decorated with sculp-tured mouldings. There are quaint old tables, too, and chairs galore. It is a beautiful book, and such a contrast to the other. MICHIGAN ARTISAN ARTISTIC and INEXPENSIVE CATALOGUE COVERS LET US FIGURE ON YOUR PHOTOGRAPHING ENGRAVING and PRINTING at Right Pricu PERFECT PROMPT WORK DEUVERIES COMPLETE CATALOGS MICHIGAN ENGRAVING CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 29 "I 30 MICHIGAN ..------_._--_._-----------, Rockford Desk Co. I Rockford. lUinois • Manufacturen of China Closets Music Cabinets and Ladies' Desks I Fulllin.e on sale with f M. L. Nelson & Co., ! 1411 Mic.higan Ave., Chicago, Ill. : !• I•._--- ._---- ~--_. ---_. ------ SEND FOR OUR CATALOG OF WARDROBES. Chas. Bennett Fumiture CO. CHARLOTTE. MICH. ARTISAN SHE CAUGHT IT . Put away the little scuttle that our darling wants to paint, For she fain would decorate it with devices <.;jtlccrand quaint. Hide the dust pan and the wash tub; and likewise the garden hose. Or ~{ati1da will adorn them with the lily and the rose. When Belinda in the l'norning gets the polished wooden bowl To concoct the morning bread and milk, it vexes much her: soul To behold a wreath of pansies where she fain the bread would slash; So she scrapes it off, because the paint might penetra.te the mash. On the household rolling-pin is tied a pretty yellow bow, And its t\1ies of the valley oft commingle with the dough; \Vhile the new potato masher, and the kettles, and the pots Are magnificent butterflies and Svvect forget-me-nots. All our a.rtkles of furniture, the ancient alld the new, Are resplendent quite with arapery and bows of brightest hue; II I II I :Made by Rockford Chair and Furniture 00., Rockford, lil. In tI,e h()1)se we look about with mingled sarro'.-\' and amaze, For Matilda is affected with tIle decorative craze. @ ;1: @ Woman Designed Furniture. An American teacher, 1'1iss Rden Hyde, is now living in .Japan ano using Life there. as ma.ter-iat for her prints. M.iss IJyJe h"s hn house and studio at Akasaka, where she lives ill ]<lp,\!1f:,:e style, but still retains "all the comforts of home. ' Iuto the little Japanese hOltse, with -its bamboo frame, and walls of sliding screens, ~liss Hyde has intt"oduced the Amer-ican push-button bell, American chairs, (the Japanese prefer' to sit Upon floor mats) and even the unheard of luxury of an open grate fire. By designing most of her furniture herself along Japanese lines and having it lU;'lde by Japanese work-ing men ot\t of their native material, 1\.1issHyde has made a house and 5tudio equally compatible with American ideas of I comfortable living and the Japanese standard of art. @ * @ "If the "boss" did not work harder than his hired hands he would lose his job . MICHIGAN ARTISAN --_._-----------_._-------_._---~ I LADIES' IDEAL DRESSER THEY SELL AT SIGHT Have seven drawers. Jewelry drawers plnsh lined. AU the ladies like them. Don't cost any more than old fashioned dressers. Made In III Prices All from Styles Six and to III Twenty All Dollars Woods SEND fOR BEAUTifUL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. EMPIRE FURNITURE COMPANY JAMESTOWN. NEW YORK 31 ~-------------_•._--_.-----_. by the application of oil stains or polishes. He produces most beautiful effects by laborious, unwearied and persistent hand rubbing. @I * @l Americans use locks and keys everywhere. The Japa-nese do not use them, having no use for the same. A Jap-anese philosopher thinks that our people are so absent mind-ed th",t they help themselves to things belonging to others, hence the locks seem to be necessary. @ * @ To hold a position a man must show signs of liIe. A pull will not carry him very fa,r. @ * @> In trying to get out of a rut many a man drops into a hole. Still the effort is worth trying. @ * @ The man who does llot take pride in his business should look for another occupation. Shavings Used for Decorating Walls. Shavings are converted into beautifully tinted wall papers in Japan. In the Japanese shops the:planes <lre made very 'wide, sometimes eighteen or twenty inches, and when the ,vood is shaved long pieces are taken off. These are pre-pared and tinted in a way that does nbt interfere with their being washable. This cannot be done l,.vithAl11erica,n papers and there is besides a beautiful lustre 'and a design that for beauty cannot be matc11cd, because it is one of nature's. @ * @ A 5uccesstul Japanese wood worker declares that the bea.uty of the grain of cabine,t woods cannot be brought out WHITE PRINTINC CO., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. PRINTERS OF CATALOUES and everything needed by busin~ men 32 MICHIGAN TRIED TO SAVE A COMPETITOR. An Unusual Experience of a Manufacturer. In no branch of manufacturing is there stronger competi-tion than in the refrigera tor business. Efforts to combine the industry in the past have failed and while now aud then a weak participant in the scramble for trade may fan by the wayside, to rise no n:ore, the giants Tush on with never-les-sening vigor. .Mr. 1. J-L Ford. the general manager of the Alaska Refr1gerator Company of Muskegon, related an Un-usual experience to tbe writer a {('.w days ago that is well worth reading. "One of the company's salesmen, '!\Ir. H~flnah, came home from Detroit and stated that he had found a competitor in Detroit who had offered a refrigerutor for $20 that seemed to be as valuable as one the Alaska had sold for $25. 'What can we do with this problem?' he i:lquireJ of the manager. "'Nothing. The larger numher he se1h at his price the sooner he will fail and go out of business,' the astute mana-ger replied. 'Advise the dealers in Detroit to buy as many as they can secure at that price.''' Shortly aftenvard Mr. Ford went to Sturgis, Mich., a.nd sought an interview with the offending maltufacturcr. "I am informed that you are selling refrigerators cheaper than others and I would like to learn how you can afford to do so," he rema.rked. The visited ~ood-naturedly welcomed tl1e visitor and an inspection of the factory and the system em-ployed in its operation fa Hawed. When this had been con-duded the two gentlemen engaged in a heart-ta-hcart talk, l\Jr. Ford giving his competitor n:u<::h sensible advice and • --------~ Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood live., Grand Rapids, Mich. III We are now putting out the best Caster Cups with cork ~ses ever II offeree to thetJ1lde. Tlrese finished ill Goldell Oak alld WhIte Maple in a light finish. These goods are admirable for polished floors and fum-iture rests. They wilt not sweat or mar. I PRICES: Size 23( inches $4.00 per hundred ! Size au inches' , 5.00 per hundrM . Try a Sample Order. F. O.B. (Jrand RapM!I, .... then before taking his depa.rture, he invited the Sturgis roan to visit the Alaska plant at 't\·Iuskegon with his foremen and such other persons as he might choose to select for the journey, "If you shall (',ondude. that what I shall show you does not compensate you for the time and .;xpen3e i.nvolve.d for yottTse1f and associates in making the trip I will rcim-burse you for your expenses," Mr. Ford remarked as he stepped aboard a train running. northward. A few days later the man from Sturgis, ac::cm-panied by several associates in business inspected the great factory of the Alaska company at Muskegon Heights ard Mr. Ford opened up his books and explained his system of operating the' plant. An entire day was given to an inspection of the plant and when the hour for the departure of the visitors arrived they took the train much surprised "nd a g-reat deal wiser than when they' entered tr.e Alaska's office. Mr. Ford was not asked to pay the bills involved. ARTISAN Having contracted their output for prices that the ,refrig-erators could not be produced for, the manufacturers soon went to the wall. @ * @ Sold to a Hair Mattress Factory. There is weeping and wailing and g-nashing of teeth in our midst at this writing, as a great tragedy has visited this man's town. One of our most famous institutions has been wiped out of existence by the crnel hand of fate and the Republican party combined. Deacon Lemuel Stubbs bet his whiskers on Bryan. For many years the Deacon's whiskers have been the pride and joy of this village and formed one of the famous heautv spots of our community. The deacon has spent t.h' best years of his life propagating the alfalfa to which every loyal citizen pointed with pride. Once when he was helping his wife do the weekly washing and accidentally caught his whiskers in the wringer, tearing off a.bouta foot of them, he was swamped with messages of condolence from noted per-sons, among them being Senator Peffer of Kansas and Sena-tor Pettus of Alabama. The deacon was so sure that "Brya.nwas going to be elected this time that he bet what was dearer to him than life~his whiskers. He bet with Wmiam Tibbitts, the latter putting up three 'boxes of red herrin', a neck yoke, a barrel of cr~ck~ ers, two mouse traps, a box of axle grease and three pounds of mixed candy agin' the whiskers. After the returns was all in Deacon Stubbs went down to Tibbitts' store and Tib-bitts cut the whiskers off in his feed cutter. Several of our best c.itizens were present at the sad ceremony, which had many of the aspects of a funeral. The deacon is staying close at home now for fear of catching cold in his chest and is inconsolable. Tibbitts has disposed of the whiskers to a hair mattress factory down to the Rapids at a fancy figure.-Roy K. Moulton in Hoppe,- town Gazette. @ * @ The Co~parison Man. To carry the right goods at the right prices, a great mer-cha. nt in one of the eastern cities employs a "comparison n'an." His ,knowledge of manufacturing ,Iud selling mer-chandise is very exteusive; he knows what is doing in every irrportant factory in the world. A sideboard is placed on sale in a certain department of the store for fifty dollars. The comparison man calls one of his "shoppers" and tells him to go to every competing store in the city and find out who sells the best sideboard for fifty dollars. When detailed descrip-tions of every sideboard offered in the city for the amount named are turned in, the comparison man Quickly learns the capacity of his buyer of sideboards. If the sale is not a judicious one it is suspended. @ '"@ Most the dark. habit. of the failures in business are caused by jumping in Wise business men have acquired the Missouri MICHIGAN ARTISAN ! The Udell "WorKs I I Will beready "fith their new Uneofsample8 in Grand RaPtds only, January, 1909. Exhibit 4th E'llOOrF,urniture Exhibition Building. Complete lines of Library Bookcases Ladies' Desks Sheet Music Cabinets Piano Player Roll Cabi-nets Disc Record Cabinets Cylinder Record Cabinets Medicine Cabinets Commodes Folding Tables You still have time to get some Udell Good Furniture on your floors for the Holiday trade. Late Stock Sheet tells you just what we have. Write for it and Catalog. Dealers don't k e e p Udell Good Furniture, they sell it. No. 1252 Mission Deall. I Height, ol5inches. Width, 45 inches. Depth, 19 inches. I Weathered and Early English Oak. THE UDELL WORfiS, Indiana~olis. I Indiana. •rI luce ..Redmond Chair Co., ltd. BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs, Dining, Odd Rockers and Chairs, Desk and Dresser Chairs, Slipper Chairs, Colonial Parlor Suites Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Birdseye Maple, Birch and Circassian Walnut. We have moved - New Exhibit Location Fourth Floor, East Section, MANUFACTURERS' BUILDING, North Ionia Street, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN. I 33 • • f I L_ 34 ;\lICHIGAN ARTISAN • Advance Hunch The Holland furniture Company Will show Entire New Chamber Furniture Line •In January MADE RIGHT FINISHED RIGHT PRICED RIGHT •• If not designed right it's Brower's fault. j 1 What Kind of a Collector are You? is your answer to this. Of course, you' may take yourself off into a corner and make yourself believe that you are all right, hut to try to convince anybody else would be another branch of the business. r have been working on my collections till I thought that from the way I ,,,,ent after them, r would not have a friend among them, and those whom I did not touch the right string on are not my friends and very often some onc sends. me ''lord that tbey neve:- will buy a dollar's worth from me any more, but they gellcrally come back. But '\vhat made me feel good ·was the other day I ser:ved' notice on a cus-tomer that T \'-'ould garnishee 10 per cent of his wages if fie did not pay up. He on1y owed us $4.;)0, while he owed one of my competitors $14. The othe fellow had told him to t:::ke his time in paying him. H oweve-, be: paid me t1H:n he built and futnl:'ihed <I Made by Globe Furniture Co., Evansville, Ind, house and never even gave tile fellow who was kind enough to tell him to take his time a chance to bid on a single thing in it. Now this is just what some others who have found a soft, warm spot in o\.u hearts are doing to uo; too. Ent I am trying to forget and am making them pay. A certa,in year our credit sales vvere ninety-six per cent of the entire, sales, a measles four per cent for cash sales. This set me to thinking; I :have thought some ever since, but have acted more, and therc are no\v at least ten times as many paying us cash as the,e used to be and we are working hard to get the per ccnt' reversed. I know it can be dotie, and I know further that you don't have to form any combin-ation to do it, either. The:-e is a great deal in the way the trade is handled, too. If dealers have plenty of funds to do a credit business and are ahvays afraid to ask their customers for the money they owe them for fear they '\vould go m'er to their competitor, then just so long will they abuse credit. Very often you -------~------------------------------ --- MICHIGAN ARTISAN 35 ..-- -------------------------------~ I FIVE COMPLETE LINES OF REfRIGERATORS Send for Jle'Z() Catalogue and let "1 !lame JOlt pria. nallen~e ~efri~mtol(0., GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. at Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary Ice Tank. RIGHT PRICES Opalite Lined. Enamel Lined. C h arc 0 a I Filled and Zinc Lined. Zinc Lined with Re-movable Ice Tank. will hear a man say, "\.Vc11. 1 \yould be willing to do so :ll1d so hut the other {cllo-w won't do it." The other fellow be darned; look O~lt for yourself. T started out to make thern pay up 'Uld to collect inter-est on all aCCOtl!ltS over sixty days old. and [ did it. Sonv it i" the custom, ;-md tl'u.o,e \vh~) tTy to get busilless 01\ the offer to carry them etcrn,dly will find tlwt the trade likes busilless pri.nciples and "vi\} not be misled, us t11ey know that in order to loan money you mnst consider interest, and tile old i.deas don't go, Hut tn g-d back to c(Jllecting_ you \vil'L find that everyhody wants to keep their little idea" to them-selves_ To begin \vith, in order to make collections more :,>uc-cessful yon 111.\1sthave a d'i~:tinct ulldcr,;tandillg right from the begil111inJ as to when they expect to pay the account. Then you cai1 go alte]" tllClll \vit11 a reasonable <l1l10Ullt of pLlsh, You can present your bill Oil lh,lt date, <tlHlalw;\ys go at tlJel1l "vith the account w;t1] <111 ai' of confidence that you fully expect nothing- but a settlemCllt of the account, This 15 a go(){1 part of t11e beginning, ,',11(1 tl1('!1 wben tl1ey do turn you <!mvll don't fail to ask them whcn thev will be able to settle the account aud then put it clowlJ and keep a memo-randum of the date and dCHl't fail to go ,Liter him 011 that day, and if ]]c says hc can't pay yon, he has disappointe,l you and you have a right to ask him Ivbell he can pay }-O\1 ,wcl you might jll:.;t as well keep rig-ht after hirn till yon C;ell1 get a settlement. Tf he talks about how much he is going to buy from you, you call ])ut it dO\\·'J] that 1]c don't intend to pay if he call get out of it. Don't bc afraid to keep right after him and get him real mad, if necessary, and then let bim rest for a\vhik al1cl then go at him very calml}- <Ind he \vil] generally pay you. Don't ev;,,'r get it into your head that they don't owe you the min-ute they have your goods; somc people actually arc afraid •f to ask for the mOllcy when it is due_ You can easil'y guess v,'herc tl1ey l<llHl. \Ve bave merchants in nur trade who boast that they !lever go collecting, hut if yOU should go to them you woulJ lIe\-er get any pay either, :;0 it is a stand-off cdl ;trou1ltl. Can you write a good "dun"? \Vell it is a separate line of business. Iris entirely distinct from 211 other branches of the hllsilless, Call you get that fetching effect into it that hrings the doll<:tr from the slow pay .vith little sarcasm? Cau you g-et that in at the right time to make the fenow pay lwc;luse he dou't want to get in an argument with you? Can YOLLtouch th c elastic point in a fellow by getting him inter-c csted in you just enough to want yOLl for ctllythng but a friend'? Can .rOB just n1<lke a fellow feel that hc ought to be ashamed of himself and then ease up on him by teU him that yOlI know he has simply forg'otten to come and pay but that y(.'[l kllew tk\t he is honest and has simply forgotten to come aud pay up hi:'> account, and by the time he is through readill;.!;" the letter he will feel that you are right and he is wrong and hc will -walk right up the next day and pay his ;:\CCOUllt ;:llld be a better friend to yon than ever. '\ nybod:y can write ,I letter that will offend and, perhaps, get a settlement out of a slow pay, but which will make an enemy for them, ,11:'>0. There is nothing in this old fogy saying tl1at you only \Val1t the good trade. T have the courage to say to any l1un ill business that there is not enough of the good trade in the business 'world to keep us all half going, ;..r ow after you have bothered your head about writing a good ;'c!Ull," llO\·V are yOU going to get it read? Have you cver tried registering a few dUllS? \'\Tell among the ignor;tnt clas,-;cs you can rest assured that to have Uncle Sam bring them a lettcr and have them give a receipt, makes them 36 MICHIGAN arge line ow Prices iberal Terms No. '30 K. 5Dx30;dB" higb. No. 54K. MX30:li:4&b"igh. Remem.ber Rowlett Desks are thoroughly welll1lade and absolutely dependable. Send lot Catalog and Pricei. I ROWLETT DESK MFG. CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA, U, S. A. • The ford &.. Johnson Company cmCACO The line includes a very complete assortment of Chairs, Rockers and Settees of all grades. Dining Room Furniture, Mission Furniture, Fibre-Rush Furniture. Reed and Rattan Furniture, Go-Carts and Baby Carriages. No. 805 C 2 Our complete line of samples· Bre displayed In The ford &. Johnson Co. building, 1333-37 Wabash Ave.. Including a special display of "olel furniture. All FurnUure IJea&eraare cordially invited to visit 0u1' bitilding," ARTISAN think and often makes them think it best to pay th~ man who registers the letter and make the other fellow wait. Then it is a good idea to send a letter by s.pecial deliv.eryy too. This makes them think that you are going to take action mighty quick Bnd jf it don't, it won't break yOtlUp aud if you get one out of ten you win. There is a broad question as to w'ho are the best col1cc~ tors as a class, tadies or gentlemen. vVhy don't SOme one tell us. Did yOIl ev~r·'he;ir ,it disti1ssed? \\/ell, haAly; Everybody gets off on'to s,ome bther subjett and leaves this one alone. VVhy,we can't tell, but it is ,certainly one·that owe an interest to as -iNespend our ffiDIley,'for}h-e- pur-pOSe of trying to collect our accounts; and 'it 'wo(11d1?/fnoth~ ing more than right to get each other'sexperierlc(.6n this matter. I wish yoU all would be like me on thispclint' r teel' that if 1 waited to be asked' to give'my bpillioii·t~.atl:would have to wait so long that I would forget what 1wal1ted t(O) •• Made by Globe Furniture 00., Evansville, Ind. sayan this subject, so I will start the thing and yOll can start to thinking. There arc two sides to the question, and you have to give both sexes credit for a great many things that win out. In the first place, a lady cannot collect all your accounts as then: are places where she cannot go to. present a bjH; then there is always about twenty per cent of one's customers who have to he caught here and there, and ,this is hard for a lady to do. A man can stop anybody and ask questions where it might be considered inaPP'fopriate fora lady. to do so, and in this way he would gain considerable time. Then~ also, there are' many things that might be considered in a gentleman collector's favors. But there: are also a :host of them in favor of the ill1!ling qualities of a lady to get the accounts. In the first place, a lady is not near so apt to offend a man and cause you to J'ose them as a customer. Then a man will often feel a delicacy in standing off a lady where he would noti1esitate to st'and off a man. Again, I am certain that they will not ask a lady collector to "knock off" the odd cents 'on the account and the "setting them up" expense is spared also, and this amounts to a great deal if the boss does the collecting. Then SJICHIGAN Write lor .latest catarogiJe. I~~,~--_.~---_. AR TI SAN 37 ____________________ ~ __ __i they will 110! lc:t a lady wnit until they have dOllC everything erse that they have to do bcfo;-e taking up the account, all.::1 in this way the lady gains the time. Kot nearly the amount of explaining is required of a lady and not nearly the amount of kicking is done, either; yet, on the other hand, it is often a good idea if yonI' cus-tomer relieves his mind of anything in the way of dis-pleasure he lTla:y have Oil it and you are not :'i() apt to 10s,,- him as· a Cllstomcr. either. A Se1dOlTl does any g-ood in collecting 11Ow-a-days, but if you tell a man you aTC going to do a thing, do it, and don't disappoint him. 'Vher; yotl tell him you afe going to .sHe hip1, do it on the day you tell him you' are going to do it, if '};OU dOll't you <Ire no better at kcell1l~i' your \Yord than he is. \Vhen you sue a rnan and get judgment, g'o right after, him to get the judgment satisfied. After yO\1 get an exec:ution go right ahead and guarnishee bis '\\'ages and even if it only amOtlnts t{) only a few cents the costs go on each time, and he soon gets tired of paying ~i-\ ()f $-1- costs cach time that his account gets credited with a few ccnts, and besides the employer will soon get tired of being guarl1- isheed and \'-\'ill make them jla:y up or lose their job. You need never abuse a m~Hl asking for all account. It don't do ally good It does make things worse. Yon can 'coax it (Jut or him and get :l setlcrncllt [lod be frielld .,;, but if you abt1sc him he wi1l1'Ilake you wait and tlH~n be sore and do e"erything against you. You must be a good judge of human nature to be a good collector. Study yom subject and act promptly. A short answer may lose, where a, friendly kind \'\-'ord will Wlll. Yet. on the othcrhaud, if a Inan is ~\ mUle you may treat hilli like a mule. Rut there ;ire few mules now-a-days.-Thc Collector. @ ~;. @ A Vocation Bureau. A "voeatoll" .appears to be the latest thing ill the line ot" volunteer philanthropy: Bostoll has had such an institution for some time and now Ne\-v York has copied it. l ts purpose is to fInd what sort of work in the world young men and women are best adapted for by nature and to guide them in the direction that a(;co ds with their respective tastes and talents. It operates in this fashion: A lllullber of people organize themselves into an advisory board and carefully consider the ca;;c of each uncertain or dissatisfied pe~S(Hl that comes be-fore them. A list of ll'j ([llestiolls is asked of each applicant, :ll1d these are so comprehensive that the answers form a most complete al1alytical "story of his life." The queries call for information about the bustless of father, brothcrs and uncles, the hcaltJl, OCCUp;ltjon, resources and diseases of nncestors, the applicant's education, with his best and poorest rec.ords ill studies: he is rcquired to tell about his habits as to bath-ing, fresh ai:', smoking, drugs, about his thou3"ht and actions and :tbout ~lis home environment. i\1l1,Ollg other things, he is asked to describe any Cjuanels he ll1<ly have had, their cau'~e and outeomc. Finally his mind is pre bed as to his tastes and inclinations and the inquisitors learn whether Of not he has :l1lY skill in mechanics or the sciences. Excellent results hnve followed the \vork of the hu:-eau. @ ¥ @ Aulsbrook & Jones Furniture Co. The Au1sbrr:ok & Jones Furnitore Company of Sturgis, ~lich .. will make a nne display in Gr:'llld Rapids in January. They \vi11 uccupy -1-,000 ;;quare feet on the first Hoor of the 1\-Ianufactllrers' Buildiilg, (Division Street front) with Shank & Shelton. This ,\"ill he one of the best exhibits of c1Iamber furniture and sideboards in the market. The suites will be made in mahogany and qUilftered oak and the boards in oak-plain and CJllitrtercd, and the styles, make-up anc1finish will be rig'bt in every particular: @ * @ The masonic fratcrity of Tndiallapolis h8S commenced the erection of a temple. Upward~ of otIC mil1i<m dollars will be illvest('d in the building and furnishing. j 38 MI CHI GA N ART I SAN r Cone All Steel Springs Furniture Trade. Single Are very popular with the Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis. ------------_._-------------' Mich., makers of five distinct lines of refrigerators, have issued catalogues illustrating, describing and pricing the same. Many changes in the styles and improvements in arrangement and construction a=-e noted. A Big Line for Spring. The Luce Furniture company, of Grand R<lpids, manu-factures a very large line of low and medium priced furni-ture for the chamber and dining r.oom. During the faU months their desigllc~s have been employed on new styles and many and \1sd~l pieces will he ready lor exhibition in January, The company is busily engaged in cutting stock fI MUSKEGON VALLEY FURNITURE COMPAN¥ I . I MUSKEGON MICH. , •• : COlomOI 80118S Tall POSI BenS Odd oressers C~iII00iers WordrObeS : [odles' 10ile13 DresSing lobl8S MO~OgOOY JolOid GOOdS i @ * @ Table Attachment for Banquets. The banquet season is in full swing and ·will continue for several months. Banquets are not difficult to handle when the homc, the club or the public house is provided with thc Stow & DaVls Furniture Company's table attach~ 111ent, by the use of \vhich the capacity of an ordinary round top table may be doubled. It is illustrated on anothcr' page. @ * @> Increased Hotel Accommodations. Buyers visiting Grand Rapids in Janhary \vill find largely increased hotel accommodations made since the close of tile July exposition. Proprietor Pantlind has added twenty-five high class rcol11s to the hotel bearing his namc. The He:'ki-mer has doubled the size of its cafe and office and vcry im-portant improvcments aTC in progrcss at the Cody. @> * @ Udell Fine Furniture. A full exhihit of t1)e fine furniturc specialties manufac-tured by the Udell \\lorks, of Indianapolis, will be made in Grand Rapids in January. Manager Cobb, salesmen \\Tilliams, Billings and others will be in attendance. @ * @ New Catalcgues for the Challenge. The Challenge Refrigerator Company of Grand Haven, Line on _ale in Manufac:turera' Building, Grand Rapida. , • MICHIGAN ARTISAN 39 1 I II ill ST. LOUiS, MO. KANSAS ClTY, MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN_" " PEORIA, rlL UNCOLN, ILL, CHICACO, CLL. ~.----- CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 13 t 9 Michigan Ave., Chica.go. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION Warehauaes: "----------"---- Reduced Rates to New York. The merchants' association of. )Jcvv York announces that the trunk line association hns authorized merchants' rates to that city for the spring, 19m), season. The spcci;:d farc-a rate and one-half for' the round trip-\vill be in effect elIde!" the customary certirlcate plan on January 16th to IIHJ1, in-clusive, February 20th to 23<1, inclusive. ),larch {jth to 9th. inclusive, and March 20th to 23d inclusive, with the usual fifteen day retmll limit. 111the spring there will be four series of r<ltes aggregHt-ing sixteen selling {l<1tes. compared \'vitll OIlly tell selliJlg dates in two series in p:-evious years, making an increasc of six days during the coming season 1,,,,hen merchants' r~lte tickets may be pnrchased. The buying season will also bc spread out over a longer period. The gl"eatcr Illltllbcr of dates have heel} obtained to accommodate retail merchants in trades whuse buying scason occurs either carlier or later than the specific dates when rates have hecn in effect in the past. It is felt that this action will result ill increased at-tendance at the merchants' association in :\ew York. @ * @ Rolph Will Represent the Hulse Company. l\lr. \-V. T. Roljlh, president of the Geneva FtJ""niture IHanufacturillg Co., \vhich company h;n'c giv'cn up the m:tll-ufacture of sofa-beds, and in the future will dtovole their attention to the promotion of their patents, 'Nill. com-mencing with the nC\i\; year, handle the line of the E. 1\1'. Hulse Company, of Columbus, Ohio, manufactures of a large line of davenport berb;, couche!', and adjustable arm divans. He ..v..ill cover the territory of the metropolitan district. 2'Je\v Jersey, New York state, Philadelphia, ea~tern Pennsylvania, \Vilmington. Baltimore, \Vashillgtoll. Rieh-mond and t\orfolk, Va. I'dI'. Rolph is widdy known as the patentee of the Rolph automatic davenpwt bed adjustmcnt. largely used by prominellt manufacturers of ria\'el1port be(h in the United States and Canada. \Vith the Hulse liT1(:'.\vhich is a vcry strOl1g one. ),'[r. Rolph will undoubtedly win a great success in his ne\vly ch05,en field el( lahors. @ * @ Sligh's New Styles. The Sligh Furniture Company, of Grand Rapids, will show mally new styles at the opening exposition of tbe coming yea" The company's (ksigners have brought out many new things for the bedroom. in medium and fine quality. The magnifJcent catalogue issued severa! weeks <lgo has brought splendid results to the. company, The Mer-ling Desk Co. Don Cawthra. one of the be"t known desk tuen, "..·ho has been with
- Date Created:
- 1908-11-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 29:10