French Internees Passing Time in a Cell at Rastatt Fortress

This drawing portrays French civilian internees pass their time in conversation, reading, and writing. Most of these men were serving time as hostages to ensure a peaceful occupation of French territory. Life for civilians in the bastion at Rastatt was tedious as civilian prisoners spent a great deal of their time in monotony because they did not have access to the same programs POW's enjoyed in prison camps nor did they have the chance to work outside of their cells.
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Data Provider:
Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Germany, Rastatt, Camp Order, Quarters, Hostages, French Internees, World War 1914-1918, Diplomatic History, European History, Military History, and Political History
No Copyright - United States. Physical ownership of materials: Georges Desson, "A Hostage in Germany," London: Constable, 1917, 91.