Typewritten letter on Woodlawn Cemetery stationery from Percy J. Farrell

Typewritten letter on Woodlawn Cemetery stationery from Percy J. Farrell, assistant secretary of the Woodlawn Cemetery Association to Frances A. Pingree, dated March 31, 1903, concerning her wish to purchase four lots adjacent to those she already owns. An unsigned typewritten response stating that Mrs. Pingree has agreed on the terms, and has sent a $300 payment toward the lots is on the verso. The note reads: Mrs. Hazen S. Pingree, 1020 Woodward Avenue. Detroit, Michigan. Dear Madam: Our Superintendent, Mr. Eurich, informs us that you wish us to reserve for you four lots adjoining the ones you have purchased from us. We therefore take pleasure in granting you the option to purchase at any time within one year from date, lots 150, 165, 153, and 162, in Section 14, Woodlawn Cemetery, at the price of Nine Hundred and Twenty One Dollars ($921.00). Very truly yours, Woodlawn Cemetery Association By Percy J. Farrell, Ass't Secretary. (over) Percy J. Farrell, Ass't Sec'y, Woodlawn Cemetery Detroit, Mich. April 1, 1903 Dear Sir:- Mr. Eurich has no doubt told you of our conversation over telephone this noon relative to the terms of payment of the four lots purchased by Mrs. H.S. Pingree. On her request I am enclosing herewith her check for $300.00, the remainder to be paid in 30, 60 and 90 days, as agreed. If you will kindly mail to her a statement each month of the amount due, she will sent check promptly. Please mail receipt direct to her for the enclosed check and oblige, Yours very truly,
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Cemeteries and Woodlawn Cemetery
Subject Name:
Gilbert, Frances A.
No Copyright - United States