Handwritten copy of a series of resolutions adopted by the Detroit Law Students' Association in honor of the late Senator Jacob Merritt Howard, and presented to his family, as well as the accompanying envelope

Handwritten copy of a series of resolutions adopted by the Detroit Law Students' Association in honor of the late Senator Jacob Merritt Howard, and presented to his family, as well as the accompanying envelope. The document reads: In Memorandum. At a special meeting of the Detroit Law Students' Association, held at these rooms on Wednesday afternoon April 5, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty and All wise Providence to remove from among us the Hon. Jacob M. Howard; therefore, Resolved, that we the members of the Detroit Law Students' Association, sympathize with his afflicted family, the sorrowing public and particularly with the members of the legal profession in the loss of one of its ablest members of the legal profession, who was ever the friend of the student and the young and inexperienced lawyer, and, whose private and public life is worthy to be followed by the scholar, the lawyer and the statesman; and, also Resolved, That the Secretary transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to the family of Mr. Howard. Henry Plass, Jr. President John Don[n]olly Secretary E. T. Niebling Cor. Ser'y"
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Detroit Law Students' Association, Senators, and Representatives
Subject Name:
Howard, Jacob Merritt, Plass, Henry Jr., Donnolly, John, and Niebling, E.T.
No Copyright - United States