- Lot 5, Con. I, Bayham Twp.1
- Lot 6, Con X Dunwich Twp.1
- Lot 66, Con.VIII, Yarmouth Twp.1
- Lot 92, North side of Talbot Rd., Malahide Twp.1
- Lot 94, Malahide Twp.1
- Lot 94, north side Talbot Rd., Malahide Twp.1
- Lot A, Con VII, South Dorchester Twp1
- Lot A, Con. VII, South Dorchester Twp.1
- Lot B, Con VII Aldborough Twp., at Taylor Pond1
- Malahide Township, Springwater Conservation Area 1.3 km NE of Jaffa1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 1, Con I, along Catfish Creek1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 24, Con IV1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 94, north side of Talbot Rd.1
- Malahide Twp., Lot 94, north side of Talbot Road1
- Malhide Township, Conc IV, close to the Yarmouth Township line, 4 km east of Sparta, north of road, at east branch of Catfish Creek.1
- North Kent/Elgin Shoreline.1
- Port Burwell, ca 0.75 km from mouth of Big Otter Creek.1
- Port Stanley, near C.N. railway bridge1
- Southwold Township, Conc South of Talbot Road North Branch. 2 km north of Middlemarch, south of Conrail Tracks.1
- Southwold Township, Lot 15, 2nd Range north of Lake Rd.1