- Bog Creek, northwest of Milford1
- Bogs along Bog Creek, N.W. Milford1
- Brush Creek Canyon State Park, circa 40 miles northeast of Waterloo1
- Buchanan1
- Buena Vista1
- Butler1
- Cedar Bend Park, 3 miles NW of Waverly, near Cedar River1
- Cedar Creek1
- Cedar Hills Sand Prairie.1
- Cliffland east of Ottumwa1
- Clinton (Lyons).1
- Des Moines1
- Dutch Lake1
- Dutch Lake, NE of Homestead Bog at spring1
- E of Freeport1
- E side of lower Gar Lake1
- East edge of Ross Park, Section 15, Buchanan Township1
- East of Church of Shakopee1
- East of Decorah1
- Echo Valley State Park, east of West Union, Around railroad cut and rock ledges.1