- S side of Highway 93, 0.3 mi from inters with Highway 72 (2 mi WSW of Grayling). T27N R04W, Sec. 14 NE1/4 NE1/41
- S. border of Frederick, Sect. 35, R4W, T28N,1
- SW side of Howes Lake. T27N R04W, Sec. 32 SW1/4SE1/41
- SW side of Howes Lake. T27N R04W, Sec. 32 SW1/4 SE1/41
- Shoreline of Lake Margrethe just west of public beach, Camp Grayling (5 miles SW of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 27 SE1/4 SE1/41
- Shupac Lake1
- Shupac Lake.1
- South of Kitchen Rd, 300 ft east of 4th street (Camp Grayling cantonment area - 4 miles SW of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 27 NW1/4 NW1/41
- T25NR1W Sec. 12 SE1/4 Both sides of Brush Road about 1/2 mile W. of Oscoda Co. line.1
- Township 26 North (T26N) Range 3 West (R3W) Section No. - 7 In town; city of Grayling1
- U. S. Highway #27, north of Grayling,1
- Upper Mississippi near Prairie du Chien, Ouisconsin Territory [Coordinates are for Jct Main St & Hwy 27.]1
- W. of Eldorado on M33, 20½ mi. from Roscommon.1
- W1/2 sec. 21, T27N, R4W, ca. 5 mi. SW of Frederic1
- along North Branch Au Sable River, ca. 8 mi. SE of Lovells.1
- along Salt Fork, east of Locke Boston Mountains1
- along the South Branch of AuSable River at roadside park on Chase Bridge Road. South Branch Twp. T25N, R2W, Sec. 22 SE1/41
- at K.P. Lake Public Fishing Site at the S. end of K.P. Lake ca. 3 mi. S.W. of Lovells. Lovells Twp. T28N, R2W, Sec. 33 NE1/41
- at old townsite of Deward, NE1/4 sec. 7, T28N, R4W, ca. 5.5 mi. NW of Frederic.1
- at the corner of Norway and Pine Point Rd. at the RR tracks on S.W. side of Grayling. Grayling Twp. T26N, R3W, Sec. 7 SW1/41