- Marathon Tp., ca. 3 mi. SE of Columbiaville.1
- Marathon Tp., ca. 3 mi. Se of Columbiaville, Flint River along South branch1
- Marathon Twp, ca. 3 mi SE of Columbiaville, along South Branch Flint River1
- Marathon twp., ca. 3 mi. SE of Columbiaville.1
- Mayfield Tp., ca. 6 mi. NE of Lapeer1
- Mayfield Twp. Kresge Environmental Education Center, NE corner Fish Lake & Vernor rds. SE of dining commons; Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Mayfield Twp. Kresge Environmental Education Education Center, NE corner Fish Lake & Vernor rds. NW of Mussing Pond; Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Mayfield Twp. Fish Lake, Kresge Environmental Education Center, NE corner Fish Lake & Vernor Rds. Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Mayfield Twp. Fish Lake, Kresge Environmental Education Center, NE corner of Fish Lake & Vernor Rds. Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Mayfield Twp. Fish Lake, Kresge Environmental Education Center, NE corner of Fish Lake & Vernor rds. Mayfield Twp. Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Mayfield Twp. Kresge Environmental Education Center, NE corner Fish Lake & Vernor rds. Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Mayfield Twp., Kresge Environmental Education Center, NE corner Fish Lake & Vernor Rds. 500 ft in along service road; Sec. 13, T8N, R10E.1
- Metamora1
- Metamora Tp.1
- N of Bass Lakes, Mayfield Tp., ca. 6 mi. NNW of Lapeer.1
- N of Lapeer; Lapeer State Game Area. On southern edge of Sawdel Lake.1
- N. Branch Twp.1
- N. end of Fish Lake, Mayfield Twp., ca. 6 mi. NE of Lapeer.1
- NE of Lapeer, along stream draining lake that is in SE¼ sec 7.1
- NE of Lapeer, in Lapeer Game Area, along June's Lake Rd.1