- Summerby Swamp, 2 mi SE of Moran, on Hwy 1232
- Summerby Swamp, near I-75 & Hwy M-123 jct2
- Swamp around small bog lake NNW of Big Knob2
- Swamp on Rock River Road 0.6 mi from Big Knob Road2
- Thuja swamp on Rock River Road 0.6 mi from Big Knob Road2
- Trout Lake, 1 mi S2
- West of St. Ignace2
- Whitefish L.2
- Woods c. 0.5 mi from US Hwy 2 on Big Knob Road2
- c. 0.5 mi from U.S. Hwy. 2 on Big Knob Road2
- ca. 2½ mi. SE of Moran.2
- ca. 3.5 mi. NW of Epoufette. Along SE side of Sand Lake.2
- ca. 4 mi. S. of Gould City.2
- east of Pte. aux ChÉnes, ca. 9 miles northwest of St. Ignace2
- in Scotty Bay,2
- near Brevort Lake. Dune region between Brevort Lake and Lake Michigan2
- on Mackinac Island2
- south of lighthouse, St. Helena Island.2
- (T.41 N; R.3 W; Sect. 31) Lake Huron, between Evergreen Shores, Rabbit Back1
- 0.2 mi SE of Coffey Corner on M-48.1