- St. Joseph2
- Tuscola2
- Wayne2
- About 10 miles SE of Traverse City. Between Arbutus Lake and Spring Lake.1
- Alger1
- Along Tuttle Marsh Rd.1
- Alpena Twp.1
- Alpena Twp. Norwegian Creek, 200 yards north of Whitefish Bay.1
- Ann Arbor, Fair Grounds.1
- Ann Arbor, established as a weed in garden borders, Scottwood Ave.1
- Ann Arbor. Huron River.1
- Ann Arbor. Near Third Woods.1
- Ann Arbor. Packard Rd. at ent. to Bot. Gardens, U of Michigan.1
- Ann Arbor; from Geddes Ave. to Speechler's Woods.1
- At 300 Evergreen Place, Ann Arbor.1
- At Horserace Rapids, N. side of Paint River, ca. 8 mi SE of Crystal Falls.1
- At N. end of Block lake on Cannonsville Rd.1
- Barry1
- Bay View.1
- Benzonia TWp., top of hill, Thompson Farm.1