- Indiana1
- La Salle1
- Mississippi1
- Monroe Piers1
- Monroe,1
- Pte. MouillÄe State Game Area Clark Island1
- Pte. MouillÄe State Game Area Club area,1
- R6E, T6S, section 36, W.of U.S.23. When due north of an abandoned house on Ida West Road, follow the RR tracks for 100 m until a path on north side1
- Romeo1
- S. Rockwood1
- S. of Dean Rd1
- Section 24, Summerfield Twp., Summerfield Road at New Life Tabernacle.1
- Section 4, Exeter Twp., Capernall Road near Golf Road.1
- Section 5, Exeter Twp., Capernall Road near Colf Road,1
- along Wells Road, Section 30, Ida Twp., Wells Road north of Tunnicliffe Road.1
- along abandoned railroad, Section 4, Ida Twp., Jackman Road south of Ida West Road.1
- along w. side of Bacon Rd. n. of Ida Center Rd., Summerfield Twp. T7S R6E S15 se1/4 of se1/41
- e. of Teal Rd., s. of Lulu Rd., Summerfield Twp. T7S R6E S15 se1/4 of ne1/41
- lane to Lulu Cemetery, S., Lulu Rd., NE1/4, Sect. 17, Ida Twp.,1
- sec. 33, Erie Tp., ca. 3.5 mi. SE of Erie.1