- Mason1
- Montmorency1
- Mouillee State Game Area, Waterman Island Pte.1
- Mr. Bethuel Samples', Urbana1
- Mystery Valley Karst Preserve, central valley.1
- Near Fisher's Lake1
- Oakland1
- Ohio1
- Presque Isle1
- SE1.4 Sect. 27, T42N-R16W. Edge of Beckman Rd.1
- Schoolcraft1
- Sect. 4, Ida twp. Jackamn Rd. south of Ida West Road.1
- Sharon township. Sharon Hollow. Easudes Rd. between Jacob and Sharon Hollow Roads.1
- Shoulder of highway M-28. ca. 1.8 mi. SW of Hulbert Corners.1
- South Fox Island, Sect. 32.1
- South Haven.1
- South Manitou Island, Old Coast Guard Station.1
- South shore of Big Platte Lake, near Weadock property.1
- St. Joseph1
- Summer Island, Along trail south of Summer Harbor.1