- Biologic Reserve, Fontes do Ipiranga State Park1
- Bolivia1
- C.E. Campinas1
- Ca. 11 km from the city, toward Lençóis, close to the entrance of the Florestal Institut Reserve1
- Ca. 37 km from Avaré, along Avaré-Sao Manoel Road1
- Cerrado de Vassununga1
- Close to TV tower1
- Colombia1
- Fazenda dos Baús1
- Grao Mogol1
- Humayta1
- Ibotirama1
- Itapetininga1
- Ituiutaba1
- Jaboticatubas, km 12 along the Lagoa Santa - Conceiçao do Mato Dentro road, Diamantina1
- Jaboticatubas, km 127 along the Lagoa Santa - Conceiçao do Mato Dentro. Diamantina.1
- Jacobina1
- Jundiai1
- Jundiaí1
- Lagoa Santa1