- Bank of upper Lake Takonis, Bohemia Basin, Yakobi Island1
- Biloxi1
- Blake point Isle Royale National Park1
- Bois Blanc Island, near Pt. Detachee, shore of Lake Huron, sec. 11.1
- Chatham1
- Dale Davises place 4.5 miles south of Freeport1
- Dane1
- Harrison1
- Highlands1
- In wet sandy soil that is blackened with organic matter; in marshy area long roadside 19 miles W. of Savannah. Abundant.1
- Jackson1
- Lake Virginia1
- Liberty1
- Mackinac1
- Madison. Grown and still thriving in the Dept. of Botany Greenhouses University of Wisconsin-Madison1
- Near Cat Harbor1
- Near Infantry Road and Cyril Cove. Amchitka Island, Aluetian Chain1
- New Hanover1
- Nome1
- North Carolina1