- South Chicago Area, Clark Junction2
- St. Joseph2
- Washington2
- About 20 km SE of Hillsdale. Trail Rd., S. side.1
- About one mile east of AuSable Point Campground (Twelve Mile Beach).1
- Albany1
- Alcona1
- Aleutian Islands, Adak Island.1
- Aleutian Islands, Atka Island.1
- Aleutian Islands, Nikolski and vicinity, Umnak Island.1
- Aleutian Islands, eastern slopes of Mount Moffett above Andrew Lagoon, Adak Island.1
- Aleutian Islands, vicinity of Naval Base, Massacre Bay, southeastern part of Attu Island.1
- Alleghany1
- Alsek River valley near mi 1021.1
- Ann Arbor1
- Arctic Slope, about 17 km south-southwest of Point Barrow.1
- At Cat Harbor.1
- At the Brant River, 10 km south of mouth on Hudson Bay.1
- Ausable River.1
- Baileys Harbor, Lake Michigan drainage system.1