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- Adirondack Region, Chapel Pond, near St. Huberts2
- Adirondack Region, The Huntington Forest at Newcomb, Panther Mountain1
- Along the north ridge of the Colville River, at Umiat1
- Antrim1
- Behring Strait1
- Big Bend National Park, in Boot Canyon above fire cabin, in rocky valley1
- Black Hills, along North Redwater Creek 7.3 miles east of Taylor Divide 12 miles north northeast of Sundance, bank above stream1
- Black Hills, near Bower Intake on road from Lead to Rochfoed 6 miles south of Lead, on east facing slope1
- Boulder Lake Trail, near McCall1
- Brewster1
- California6
- Cambridge1
- Canada3
- Cantwell Cliff1
- Cherry1
- Chester1
- Crook1
- English Portage1
- Grand Portage Island1
- Harding1