- Big Stone Bay1
- Burt Lake, road through Thuja Swamp1
- California1
- Cass1
- Cass or Van Buren1
- Chatham-Kent1
- City of Menominee1
- City of Menominee, near entrance to Henes Park.1
- City of Port Huron1
- Colorado1
- Crawford1
- Crisp Point1
- Delta1
- Detroit1
- Drummond Island, Drummond Twp. T42N, R5E, Sec.24, NW1/4; at the Drummond Is. Yacht Haven 1/4 mi. NW of village site of Drummond.1
- Dune region between Gulliver Lake and Lake Michigan (9th & 10th dune ridges)1
- E. end of 3rd Sister Lake, Saginaw Forest, Ann Arbor1
- E.S. George Reserve. In Section D-81
- East of Highway US-12.1
- Emmet1