- Essex1
- Fish Point Marsh, T15N R8E, sw 1/4 sec. 141
- G.R. [Grand Rapids] L.S. & M.S.1
- George Reserve, 1.7 miles S.W. Anderson.1
- Georgia1
- Gogebic1
- Grand Traverse1
- Green Twp. T31N, R5E, Sec. 3, N.E.1/4 on the south side of Long Rapids Road about I mile west of Hodgins Rd.1
- Haldimand or Norfolk1
- Hastings1
- Hillman Twp. T31N, R4E, Sec. 16 SE1/4, 1 mi. N. of Pleasant Valley Road on Pine Oaks Road and 1/2 mi. to the east.1
- Hillsdale1
- Holland1
- Holland, [Waukazoo Park]1
- Houghton1
- Houghton Lake Wildlife Research Area (Porter Ranch) ca. 6 km. sw of Houghton Lake.1
- Huron1
- Indian Harbor. [Garden Island]1
- Ingham1
- Iosco1