- AMNICON FALLS STATE PARK, 4.5 miles E-NE of South Range; 6.5 miles SE of Superior2
- Amnicon Falls State Park, 4.5 miles ENE of South Range, 6.5 miles SE of Superior2
- Lyman Lake2
- Missouri River bluffs, just north of Florence (northeast of Omaha)2
- Myrtle Island ACEC/RNA (Area of Critical Environmental Concern/Research Natural Area) in the Umpqua River, Bureau of Land Management property.2
- Pattison State Park, 12 miles south of Superior on Hwy. 352
- Solon Springs2
- Superior Bay, Lake Superior, Wisconsin Point, near Superior2
- Wayside south of Pettison Park, Wisconsin Highway 35 (south of Duluth)2
- AMNICON FALLS STATE PARK, along Amnicon River, 4.5 miles E-NE of South Range; 6.5 miles SE of Superior1
- Along Muir Creek, 11 miles NE Union Creek.1
- Amnicon Falls1
- Amnicon Falls State Park, 4.5 miles E-NE of South Range; 6 5 miles SE of Superior1
- Amnicon Falls State Park, 4.5 miles east-northeast of South Range1
- Amnicon Falls State Park, adjacent to Amnicon River, 4.5 miles east-northeast of South Range, 6.5 miles southeast of Superior1
- Amnicon River; 4.5 miles E-NE of South Range; 6.5 miles SE of Superior; Amnicon Falls State Park1
- Amnicon State Park; 4.5 miles E-NE of South Range; 6.5 miles SE of Superior.1
- Between Amnicon Lake and Co. Hwy. A., 4 miles SE of Pattison Park1
- Between Amnicon Lake and Co. Hwy. A., 4 miles SE. of Pattison Park1
- Between Amnicon Lake and. Co. Hwy. A., 4 miles SE. of Pattison Park1