- Cave Creek Canyon, Chiricahua Mts.1
- Coronado National Forest, road to Sunnyside and gate #7 at Scotia Canyon.1
- East side of Caliuro Mountains along Deer Creek.1
- Graham1
- Little Green Valley along Hwy 260, 12 miles east of Payson, Tonto National Forest, around mile post 263.1
- Meadow Checking Station, North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.1
- Mohave1
- Mt. Graham, southern Ariz.1
- Navajo1
- Navajo Reservation, spring on the west side of Long Canyon, Skeleton Mesa.1
- North side of Lake Mary.1
- On the Kaibab Plateau.1
- Phoenix. Slat River and Central Ave1
- Prescott1
- Rustler Park, Chiricahua Mountains.1
- Sabino Canyon, Santa Catalina Mts.1
- Sabino Canyon.1
- Sacaton.1
- San Francisco Mts, southwest projecting ridge of Agassiz Peak.1
- San Francisco Peaks Area, Lockett Meadow Tank.1