- "Dixie", Punta Gorda, in swampy places1
- Along Belize River1
- Along Belize River & tributaries1
- Antelope Ridge1
- Baker's Pine Ridge1
- Belize River, Little Cocquericot1
- Between El Cayo & Benque Viejo1
- Between Monkey River and Cockscomb, Monkey River1
- Between Monkey River and Cockscomb, Monkey River.1
- Between Rancho Chico and Cockscomb, monkey river1
- Big Creek.1
- Big Fall1
- Big Rock1
- Blue Creek1
- Broken Ridge, 8 mi. NE of Boomtown1
- Ca. 10 km SW of San Ignacio, Chaa Creek Farm1
- Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Road to Natural Arch1
- Chiquibul Forest Reserve; road from Millionario to Las Cuevas1
- Chiquibul Forest Reserve; track to Monkey Tail Branch1
- Clearing on bank of Mopan River1