- Amatenango Del Valle2
- Berriozábal2
- Chamula2
- El Chorreadero 5.6 miles east of Chiapa de Corzo along Mexican Highway 1902
- Escuintla; Escuintla2
- Esperanza2
- Ixtapa2
- Lagos de Montebello National Park, Montane Rain Forest between Lago Tziscao and Dos Lagos2
- Motozintla2
- Siltepec2
- Soyaló2
- A 15 km al NE de Huixtla, camino a ejido J.M. Morelos1
- Acacoyagua or Escuintla1
- Altamirano1
- Amatenango de la Frontera1
- Arriaga1
- At a stream on the paved route (highway 35) to arriaga off route 190, just south of the village of Tierra y Libertad1
- At the ruins of Yaxchilán on the banks of Rio Usumacinta.1
- Batojtic; Tenejapa; on slopes along the Tana Te' River near Sahal K'esh, paraje of Mahben Chauk1
- Berriozabal. Cultivated in a sitio in Berriozabal1