- About 9 mi. from Petaluma to Marshalls1
- Along Bohemian Grove Trail, Muir Woods National Monument.1
- Along Bootjack Trail, Cathedral Grove, Muir Woods National Monument1
- Along Ridgecrest Blvd. Mt. Tamalpais1
- Along stream Gulch one mile into Mt. Tamalpais Park from entrance1
- Along trail between Rock Springs and Laurel Dell1
- Along trail from Rock Springs to Laurel Dell, Mt. Tamalpais1
- Angel Island1
- At end of Redwood Road, Larkspur1
- Black Point1
- Bootjack Trail crossing, Cathedral Grove, Muir Woods National Monument1
- Carson Ridge, Mt Tamalpais.1
- Cypress grove above Bootjack, Mt. Tamalpais1
- Fourteen miles from Petaluma along road to Tomales1
- Head of Big Carson1
- Headland of Point Reyes1
- Inverness, upper Mt. Vision Trail1
- Ledum Swamp on road to Point Reyes.1
- Mostly by Moss Cascade one mile east of Point Reyes Station1
- Mount Tamalpais, Temalpa Trail1