- Cook Harbor, White Bay, Newfoundland5
- Newfoundland, White Bay North District, NW side of Crémaillère Harbour5
- Eddie's Cove West, St. John Bay, St. Barbe, Newfoundland4
- Gambo, Bonavista North4
- Ha-Ha Bay, White Bay4
- NW side of Cremaillere Harbour4
- NW side of Martinique Bay, Conche Harbour4
- Norris Arm, Grand Falls4
- Rencontre West, Burgeo - La Poile4
- Division No. 63
- Division No. 83
- Gambo, Bonavista North, Newfoundland3
- Gorge of Bartlett's River3
- Hampden, White Bay3
- Kitty's Brook, Humber3
- Labrador, Churchill Falls, Bridge Camp area3
- Lake Panchia, Labrador3
- Newfoundland, Cook Harbor, White Bay3
- Piccadilly, Port au Port Peninsula3
- Pushthrough, Fortune Bay and Hermitage, Newfoundland3