- Columbia Icefields, near Athabaska Glacier1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Cook Harbor, White Bay1
- Driftwood Camp, near headwaters of Utukok River, north slope of De Long Mountains, Brooks Range1
- East Oumalik and vicinity1
- Fairbanks1
- Fen at Perry's Bay, Sibley Provincial Park1
- Firth River Basin, near mouth of Mancha Creek1
- Flower's Cove, St. Barbe1
- Franklin District, Melville Island, Purchase Valley, Queen Elizabeth Islands1
- Godthåb District, Kilaersarfik, Ameragdla1
- Grande-Rivière1
- Gubic and vicinity, near the confluence of the Chandler and Colville Rivers1
- H. B. Co. Post, South Bay, Southampton Island1
- Hammond Bay, off US-23 along shore near bio station1
- Head of Hornby Bay, Great Bear Lake1
- Hector1
- Hubbard1
- Labrador, Churchill Falls1
- Labrador, south shore of Hudson Strait, Port Burwell1