- Slope at Tiadaghton.1
- Sproul State Forest, Clendenin Sphagnum Flats. Along headwaters of Clendenin Branch. 2.25 miles & 284 degrees from confluence of Clendenin Branch & Cranberry Run, Howard NW Quad, Noyes Township.1
- St Rt 949, 0.8 mi SE of bridge over Clarion River to Belltown, Heath Twp, Sigel Quad.1
- State Game Land 109, Waterford Quad, Waterford Township.1
- State Game Land 109. Waterford Quad, Waterford Township.1
- State Game Land 143, along spring run just upslope from Game Land Road, 196 degrees & 1.3 miles from Horn Siding crossing of Penn Central tracks, Pittsfield Quad, Pittsfield Twp.1
- State Game Land 197, near base of west embankment of Tamarack Swamp about .5 mile due south of New York state line, Columbus Twp.1
- State Game Land 284, 123 degrees & .45 mile from intersection of US Rt 19 & PA Rt 208.1
- Susquehanna1
- Swimming Dam, ca 2.2 mi south of West Franklin, Barclay Mountain.1
- Tamarack Swamp. 137 degrees & .9 mile from center of Tamarack. Tamarack Quad. Leidy Twp.1
- Tamarack Swamp. Near eastern edge of swamp just south of gas pipeline right of way, 115 degrees & .7 mile from center of Tamarack, Tamarack Quad. Leidy Twp.1
- Tamarack.1
- Tamarack. About .2 mile west of east edge of wetland, .6 mile & 113 degrees from center of Tamarack. Tamarack Quad. Leidy Twp.1
- The Rock 4 miles NNE of State College.1
- Valley Forge.1
- Venango1
- Vicinity of Black Moshannon Lake.1
- Vicinity of the Blue Mountains. Along N. side Trout creek about 1-1/4 miles W. by slightly N. W. of Lehigh Furnace.1
- W of Ridley Creek, 1 1/2 mile NW Media.1