- Evergreen Beach, Presque Isle1
- Evergreen Beach, off US Hwy 23, turn left at Spens Rd, on Lake Huron1
- Evergreen beach S. of Hammond Bay1
- Grace1
- Grace Harbor Rd, at large bridge1
- Grace Harbor, Lake Huron shore1
- Grace Harbor, ca 2 mi W1
- Grand Lake1
- Grand Lake outlet, mouth of, 0.5 mi NW of; Thompsons Harbor State Park1
- Hammond Bay, Coast Guard Station1
- Hammond Bay, NW of Rogers City1
- Hammond Bay, U.S. Lamprey Experiment Station1
- Hammond Bay, US Lamprey Experiment Station1
- Hammond Bay, off US-23 along shore near bio station1
- Hammond Bay, shore of, Lake Huron1
- Hoeft State Park north of Rogers City1
- Into Hammond Bay, west of Coast Guard Station, Ocqueoc Twp.1
- Krakow Twp. T34N, R7E, Sec.16 NE1/4 1/2 mile north U.S.-23 ca. 1 1/2 mi. S.W. mouth of Grand Lake outlet at Thompsons Harbor State Park.1
- Krakow Twp. On E. side of Old State Rd. 800 ft. NE of the Grand Lake Outlet ca. .7 mi. north of Grand Lake.1
- Krakow Twp. T34N, R7E, Sec. 15 NE1/4 ca. 1/4 mile S. of dunes at Thompsons Harbor State Park.1