- Temiscouata2
- Along Cote Angele, 0.6 mi north of its jct with Cote Ezilda, 4.9 mi north of Hwy 148 in Montebello.1
- Along road to Petite Nation Provincial Park (=Cote Ezilda) north of Montebello, 2.8 mi north of Hwy 148. S-facing slope, at jct of Cote Ezilda & another road.1
- Amos, East Abitibi County, 15 miles south in LaMotte Township.1
- Anitcosti Island, mouth of Riviere Jupiter, at Jupiter-la-mer1
- Anticosti Island, Riviere Vaureal.1
- Anticosti Island, Riviere du Brick mouth & up to 1 km upstream.1
- Anticosti Island, western most creek emptying into Havre du Brick.1
- AnticostiIsland, Riviere du Brick mouth & up to 1 km upstream.1
- Au nord du village rivw de la baie dÛªHudson1
- Baie d'Hudson, Vers le milieu de la presqu'ile, au sud d'un lac1
- Baie d'Hudson, Vers le milieu de la presqu'ile, au sud d'un lac.1
- Bank of the St. Lawrence River, St. Paul Island (Nuns' Island), near Montreal.1
- Bic River.1
- Bonaventure1
- Bord marécageux d'un lac au nord du lac Awichi, Ungawa.1
- Brigham's Creek.1
- Bristol Twp, small island near Quebec shore west of CN railway bridge, Lac des Chats, at western fringe of islands near the shore.1
- Bucherville, comté de Chambly, bord argileux de l'̨le Charren.1
- Buckingham.1