- Asia1
- At waterfall on Peterson Creek, 445 mile marker on Alcan Highway1
- Avery1
- Bank of Catherine Creek Highway near Pole Creek, Wallowa Mts., 16 miles SE Union1
- Banks of brook, Wasatch Mts.1
- Barbados1
- Barry1
- Base of Steamboat Mt., outer foothills of Front Range 2 miles NW of Lyons1
- Belleville1
- Blowing Rock, retaining wall on Main Street1
- Blue Lake, in valley of Monte Cristo Creek between North Star Mt. & Quandry Peak, Mosquito Range1
- Bluff above talus on US 410, along Naches River, 11 1/2 miles NW Naches1
- Bluff along creek SW of Lansing1
- Bluffs near Silverton1
- Boniato Heights, Prov. Oriente, near Santiago1
- Brewster1
- Bridge Hill1
- Brooks Range, Endicott Mountains, southwest end of Chandler Lake1
- Brush Creek1
- Buffalo1