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- Aberdeen Lake1
- Abitibi1
- Above Chattooga River, Howe Cove near Highlands1
- Above Peyto Lake1
- Above Savage Camp, Mt. McKinley National Park1
- Above Wiseman, Brooks Range1
- Adak Island1
- Adirondack Mountains, Avallanche Pass.1
- Alberta12
- Aleutians West2
- Alitak1
- Along Fern Lake trail; 4 miles NW of Bear Lake ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK1
- Along Lago Llanquihue at south foot of volcano of Osorno1
- Along McKinley River Trail, Mt. McKinley National Park1
- Along Route 86, 5 miles (by road) south of Keene1
- Along path near Morainw Lake, Banff National Park1
- Along trail to Deer Lake, Olympic National Park1
- Andrew's Bald, Smoky Mountains1
- Annette Island, landing field1
- Aquaforte, Ferryland; Newfoundland1