Western Michigan University Libraries
4783 items
- Notes:
- DeNooyer tow truck in winter with advertising that reads: "DeNooyer Chevrolet Specialized Service Body Shop Kalamazoo." Side of truck bed reads “DeNooyer - Fleckenstein Body Shop Kalamazoo.”
- Date Created:
- 1948-01-06T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- Housed in a modern mat frame with dealer's prospectus on back., Fifteenth-century, Italian bull (literae de gratia) of Pope Sixtus IV (1414-1484) addressed to the clergy of Bonilla Spain. Document refers to benefices recently granted to the parishes of de Ferreros, de Susos and de Agnasal and allows Didacus of Chives and his family to erect funerary monuments in the chapel of the church of St. Michael. Other locations and peoples referenced in the document include the Deacon of Trujilla, Bonilla della Sierra the seat of the archbishop, Salamanca, Plasencia, and bishop of Abula (Avila). Document also references the "Lateranii satuta Concilii" (25th line from bottom). One word on line nine has been deliberately excised., clear papal documentary script (gothic semi-textualis nearing gothico-antiqua); bold display script on first line with elongated letters, and Produced in the papal chancery by the scribe G. Bonattus who provided his signature on the right side of the plica. Dated 6 August 1484 in the document. Behind the plica are two signatures: "A. Trapezuntius," a Curial secretary, and "N. de Gomfredis". On the dorse is an unusual inscription by a member of the papal chancery explaining that although the document is dated 6th August, it was not expedited until the 28th. Pope Sixtus IV died on the 12th of August, 1484, requiring the chancery to produce a mass of associated documents and thus delaying this bull's expedition. Three additional post-contemporary inscriptions on dorse, one is likely an exlibris mark. Acquired from the book-seller Karl W. Hiersemann (1854-1928) of Leipzig by C. L. Ricketts; purchased from Ricketts by Mackus Company, Fairlawn, Ohio and sold to Special Collections, Waldo Library on May 3, 2001.
- Date Created:
- 1484-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- Election leaflet supporting Ernst Thälmann (KPD) for election in the 1932 Reichspresident election. This leaflet was printed during the second round of voting, which took place April 10. It appealed to the members of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (ADGB) or to anyone in an organized union. It tells them to join in the march against capitalism and the imperialistic war by supporting Thälmann.
- Date Created:
- 1932-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- World War II Propaganda Collections
- Notes:
- Germany newspaper printed in Berlin. The front deals with the Battle of Kunersdorf during the Seven Years' War and present military issues. The back page provides varying amounts of information on the Summerfests happening around the area, different information in Berlin that had been posted on advertisement pillars and also, a list of Reichstag delegates for the NSDAP from the various areas.
- Date Created:
- 1932-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- World War II Propaganda Collections
- Notes:
- Nazi Propaganda leaflet dropped on fighting American soldiers. The image of the young daughter on the front pleads to fighting American soldiers who are fathers. The back includes a poem that tells how sad the children and wives are at home while their fathers and husbands are off fighting.
- Date Created:
- [1942 TO 1945]
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- World War II Propaganda Collections
- Notes:
- Nazi propaganda leaflet dropped on American troops. It uses the image of a young girl on the front to encourage fathers to come home. The back warns soldiers that they may never make it home to their wives, sweethearts, mothers, children and all that they will be able to give them will be unbearable grief.
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- World War II Propaganda Collections
- Notes:
- Back of 500 thousand marks polychrome German note. Blue, green, and yellow image of a dragon spitting money (with denomination 500 thousand Marks) into a crowd of people in a city street.
- Date Created:
- 1923-08-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- World War II Propaganda Collections
- Notes:
- NE 44-3, Edition 1, India and Pakistan 1:250,000, and Series (Standard map series designation system) ; AMS U502
- Date Created:
- 1963-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- South Asia Maps
- Notes:
- Genevieve Gilmore hugging a man in front of the stairs to an airplane. Photograph taken at the Kalamazoo County Airport during Walt Disney’s departure from west Michigan.
- Date Created:
- 1964-09-20T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- Civil War era letter, scanned and transcribed for use in United States Civil War Collection.
- Date Created:
- 1863-08-24T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- United States Civil War Collection
- Notes:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. was published by Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY and edited by Father Chrysogonus Waddell from 1966-1999. The journal (at that time a newsletter) began after September 1965 meeting of the Liturgy Commission of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance to report progress in liturgical renewal after Vatican II. The audience and contributors later included secular scholars of the Cistercian liturgy. and Editor's page / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- Conference notes by Thomas Merton: I. Mary our Sister II. Resonare Christum III. The Blessed Virgin compared to the air we breathe: Notes on a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins IV. Psalm 62 / Fr. Thomas Merton -- St. Bernard's second sermon on the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, English translation / Translation, Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- Saint Bernard and the symbols and rites of the Candlemas procession / Sr. Cathérine le Borgne -- Notes of the early Cistercian blessing of candles and Candlemas procession / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- The Ecumenical dimension of monastic life: A conference at the abbey church of Payerne, Switzerland, 28 June 1980 / Dom André Louf
- Date Created:
- 1991-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. Journal of Gethsemani Abbey
- Notes:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. was published by Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY and edited by Father Chrysogonus Waddell from 1966-1999. The journal (at that time a newsletter) began after September 1965 meeting of the Liturgy Commission of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance to report progress in liturgical renewal after Vatican II. The audience and contributors later included secular scholars of the Cistercian liturgy. and Editor's page / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- O antiphons: A local project from Santa Rita Abbey / Sr. Cheryl Chen, Sr. Esther Sawal, Sr. Jean O'Donnell, Sr. Pamela Fletcher -- A homily by Fr. Matthew Kelty, 10 November 1991, the Eve of Veteran's Day / Fr. Matthew Kelty -- The great night of mysteries / Dom Odo Casel -- The twelfth-century Cistercian Office for evangelists / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell
- Date Created:
- 1992-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. Journal of Gethsemani Abbey
- Notes:
- Commentary and edition of hymn collections from the Paraclete including hymns from Peter Abelard’s well-known Hymnarius Paraclithensis (Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, ms 10147-10158). Also used: Chaumont, Bibliothèque rnunicipale, ms. 31; Paris, Bibliothèque National ms. français 14410 (ff. 29r-116v); Epinal, Bibliothèque municipale, ms 235 (anc. 97, ff 194v-199r); Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, ms lat. 1029 A; Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, ms lat. 2040 (f. 56r-v); Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 528 (pp. 285-286); Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, ms Rh. 18 (f. 56r); Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, ms. 21 (f. 124v); Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, ms. 27 (f. 60v); Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, ms. 28 (f. 150rl-2); and Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, ms. 59 (front pastedown). and Preface -- Abbreviations and short titles -- Hymns of the Paraclete: general orientation -- Abelard's hymns at the Paraclete -- The primitive Cistercian hymnary at the Paraclete -- Hymns from Gallican sources at the Paraclete -- Hymn melodies from the Paraclete -- General conclusions -- Addenda. Selected concordance of Abelard's hymns. Notes on select variants of Abelard's hymns.
- Date Created:
- [1987 TO 1989]
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Cistercian liturgy series: no. 8-9 and Cistercian Liturgy Series
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1940-02-29T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1938-05-12T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1935-09-16T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Two clowns act out a comedy routine for a large group of French and Belgian POW's in the prison compound in Stuttgart II. Comedy acts were a welcome diversion for many dispirited Allied prisoners.
- Date Created:
- 1915-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- Aerial view of the prison camp at Ruhleben which housed British and Commonwealth interned civilians during World War I. This drawing shows the race track, grand stands, barracks, casino, tea house, New Town, guard room gates, and hospital, which made up the buildings of the prison camp. The Association constructed a YMCA Hall on the open ground between Barracks II and XI.
- Date Created:
- 1918-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- A group of Polish prisoners pose for a photograph inside the prison at Marmosa-Sziget in1918.
- Date Created:
- 1918-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- These boys are participating in a math class, as suggested by the abacus on the table, in the prison camp at Braunau-in-Boehmen. Association secretaries urged the Austro-Hungarian authorities to segregate young boys from the main POW populations and concentrate them in prisons with schools.
- Date Created:
- 1916-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries