French prisoners transport a shipment of parcels in the town square in Landshut in Bavaria. The town church is in the background of the photograph and the activity has caught the attention of a number of German civilians. The French war prisoners will pull the wagon full of parcels back to the prison camp.
A German sentry stands watch on an elevated guard house platform between the wires at Langensalza. From this vantage point, the guard can see most of the prison compound, even at night. In the background, a few POW's walk through the compound towards their lighted barrack.
This is an example of a 20-Kronen script bank note that was used in the prison camp at Katzenau. This was a relatively large denomination bill and could only be used for purchases inside of the prison camp, a precaution taken by Austrian officials for security purposes.
A Polish band performs in the prison compound at Plan. These Russian prisoners received their musical instruments from the American Red Triangle secretary. Austrian officials supported the establishment of nationalist organizations among the subject peoples of the Russian Empire in support of the Dual Monarchy's post-war goals of a Polish kingdom under Austro-German control.
Russian prisoners line up for their meal outside the camp kitchen at Reichenberg and await the order from the Austrian non-commissioned officer for the soup distribution to begin. Ration distribution was conducted on an individual basis.
The bodies of dead Italian prisoners of war lie on the floor of the morgue in an unidentified Austrian prison camp in preparation for burial. These men died of malnutrition and tuberculosis.
Residential Scenes. People - Daily Life. Woman and child using cupboard and refrigerator. Note: There is a texture on parts of the negative that were not part of the original photograph. This does not minimize the value of the imagery. Client: Trade Development Corp. (Photographic negative)
French and Belgian prisoners of war at Duelmen line up in the morning under the scrutiny of German non-commissioned officers as they prepare to march off to work. The photograph also shows some of the wooden barracks in the prison camp.
French and Belgian prisoners of war line up in the compound at Eichstaett with their soup bowls waiting for their evening dinner ration. The POW's went to the camp kitchen to receive their rations. The photograph also shows one of the stone buildings that made up the prison facility.