Western Michigan University Libraries
4783 items
- Notes:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. was published by Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY and edited by Father Chrysogonus Waddell from 1966-1999. The journal (at that time a newsletter) began after September 1965 meeting of the Liturgy Commission of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance to report progress in liturgical renewal after Vatican II. The audience and contributors later included secular scholars of the Cistercian liturgy. and Editor's page / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- The Rogation Day procession and Mass at Our Lady of the Desert (France) / Br. Guerric Espiau -- The date of the Feast of Easter / Br. André-Etienne Goutagny -- Conference notes by Thomas Merton: The Cistercian Fathers and their monastic theology ‑ Part one: St. Bernard 2. De diligendo Deo / Fr. Thomas Merton -- “Blessed are those who understand the Canticles and sing them” ‑ Bible and liturgy: The Old Testament Canticles at the Office of Lauds / Sr. Etienne Reynaud -- Liturgy and time in the writings of Saint Bernard / Br. Pierre-Yves Emery -- Spiritual reading and the great seventeenth century abbesses and nuns / Sr. Geneviève de la Rochette
- Date Created:
- 1993-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. Journal of Gethsemani Abbey
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1938-06-13T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1935-04-09T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1935-05-29T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- In the homily for the Second Sunday after Epiphany (Dominica II post Aepiphania Domini) in the Second Series of Catholic Homilies, Aelfric explicates the miracle at the marriage feast at Cana, described in the Gospel reading for the day (John 2:1-11).
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- SS (Early English Text Society) ; 5 and Medieval Manuscript Variants in Aelfric of Eynsham's Catholic Homilies
- Notes:
- Aelfric's homily for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Dominica IIII post Pentecosten) in the First Series of Catholic Homilies treats the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin (Luke 15: 1-10) and describes the hierarchy of angels, following the understanding of Gregory the Great.
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- SS (Early English Text Society) ; 17 and Medieval Manuscript Variants in Aelfric of Eynsham's Catholic Homilies
- Notes:
- A German sentry, depicted by his shadow in the snow, intercepts two British internees attempting to scale the fence at the prison camp at Ruhleben. One prisoner, still carrying his satchel, hangs helplessly from the top of a post, while the other sits in the snow.
- Date Created:
- 1917-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- Photograph of the official delegation which attended the inauguration of the first American YMCA hall in a German prison camp. Dignitaries attending the celebration included Dr. Carl Stange of the University of Goettingen (standing in the front row from left to right), Ambassador James W. Gerard of the United States, and Colonel Bogen (commandant of the prison camp). Archibald C. Harte, the American YMCA representative, stands in the front row to the right. Allied prisoners stand in the background in front of the YMCA hall.
- Date Created:
- 1915-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- A British prisoner of war painted this view of the town of Changri and the fortress from the Barracks Field. Art work provided POW's with a pastime during their captivity. Allied prisoners played a variety of sports on the Barracks Field to help them stay in physical shape.
- Date Created:
- 1918-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- This photograph shows the front and back of a banjo made by a British prisoner of war during his incarceration in a Turkish prison camp. The back of the banjo features a picture of a mosque and minaret and has crescent moon and star decorations. Musical instruments were a critical source of entertainment for POW's.
- Date Created:
- 1918-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries