Western Michigan University Libraries
4783 items
- Notes:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. was published by Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY and edited by Father Chrysogonus Waddell from 1966-1999. The journal (at that time a newsletter) began after September 1965 meeting of the Liturgy Commission of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance to report progress in liturgical renewal after Vatican II. The audience and contributors later included secular scholars of the Cistercian liturgy. and Editor's page / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- Sanctity in the Epistles of St Paul, Scripture course: Our Lady of Gethsemani, 1954 ‑ Parts III-V / Fr. Louis (Thomas) Merton -- “Sunday is Reckoned as the Paschal Resurrection,” The celebration and spirituality of Sunday according to the Rule of the Master and the Rule of Benedict / Fr. Alberich Altermatt -- Orientale Lumen, The Light from the East / Excerpts from the Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II - A monastic pilgrimage in Russia / Br. Jean le Digou -- Homily for the fourth Sunday of Lent (year B) in the form of a mystagogic catechesis / Dom Olivier Quenardel -- Two days in a monastery / Pupils of the Lyceé Hulst, Paris
- Date Created:
- 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. Journal of Gethsemani Abbey
- Notes:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. was published by Gethsemani Abbey, Trappist, KY and edited by Father Chrysogonus Waddell from 1966-1999. The journal (at that time a newsletter) began after September 1965 meeting of the Liturgy Commission of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance to report progress in liturgical renewal after Vatican II. The audience and contributors later included secular scholars of the Cistercian liturgy. and Editor's page / Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell -- On hearing great music for the first time / -- Conference notes by Thomas Merton: The Cistercian Fathers and their monastic theology ‑ Part one: St. Bernard III. De Conversione (On Conversion) / Fr. Thomas Merton -- The Holy Spirit and the Liturgy according to Holy Scripture / Fr. A.M. Dubarle -- A reading of Saint Bernard's first sermon for Epiphany / Sr. Edith Scholl -- The universal prayer in the monastic community / Fr. Denis Huerre -- In search of a liturgical chant in French, but based on Gregorian chant / A participant in the Orval Plainsong Colloquy, 1991
- Date Created:
- 1994-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Liturgy O.C.S.O. Journal of Gethsemani Abbey
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1934-06-06T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Transient application card documenting relief requests and authorizations to the destitute by Transient Bureau of Kalamazoo County, under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 1933 - June 1943.
- Date Created:
- 1936-08-03T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Collection:
- Transient Bureau Case Files, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Collection, 1934-1970, A-285 (RG 56-20A) and Kalamazoo Transient Bureau Case Files Collection
- Notes:
- Sketch of three Russian soldiers captured by German troops finishing their lunches.
- Date Created:
- 1916-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- Prisoners compete in a foot race, watched by a large crowd of spectators at Rastatt. Note the sentry box on top of the building which may have been a magazine in the old fortress. Athletic competitions kept the men in shape and provided diversions for the camp population.
- Date Created:
- 1915-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- An exterior photograph of the prison camp at Mainz showing the soccer field and tennis courts. Allied officers could enjoy a wide range of sports during their incarceration at Mainz.
- Date Created:
- 1918-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- The German medical staff conducts inoculations of French prisoners of war in a hospital ward at the prison camp at Meschede. Typhus became the scourge of POW camps and the disease could spread like wild fire in the cramped conditions of the enlisted men's barracks. Prisoners of war from Russia and Romania carried typhus and other infectious diseases into captivity and after the contagion at Wittenberg, German authorities went to great lengths to prevent another outbreak.
- Date Created:
- 1915-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- French POW's prepare a meal under the supervision of German non-commissioned officers at Minden. All of the meals were mass produced in pressure cookers for the camp's inmates. As a result, prisoners dined on a variety of soups and boiled dishes.
- Date Created:
- 1916-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries
- Notes:
- In an effort to supplement the diet at prison camps, prisoners raised chickens, pigs, and rabbits. This water color painting shows the rabbit cages at Muensingen. Rabbits were easy to breed and provided additional protein for POW diets.
- Date Created:
- 1918-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Western Michigan University. Libraries