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- Notes:
- South and west facades taken facing northwest; Two story, gable front and wing, Folk Victorian style house. There is a two story addition to the front (west) facade. Entry porch on north facade with a portico roof, wood supports, and solid wood balustrade. One story addition to the rear. Brick chimney on the south facade. Many four over four windows. Asbestos siding.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- East facade taken facing west; One and a half story, side gabled, Tudor Revival style house. Front gable with cat-slide roof forms entry. Modern windows: one over one, and one beside one. Aluminum awning over entry. Side door with aluminum awning. Concrete block foundation. Aluminum siding. One car, gable front garage with paneled door at rear.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- North and east facade taken facing southwest; Gable front and wing, Folk Victorian style house. Gable section is two stories, and wing is one and a half stories. Fishscale shingles in front gable. Partial width porch with boxed supports, wood balustrade, and small window. Slight break in the slope of the roof where it extends over the porch. Door is multipaned glass. Decorative wood framing around front door. Rectangular bays on east, west, and north facades. The bays are shallow with one over one windows, shed tin roofs, and diagonal wood trim. Addition to east rear. Carriage barn at rear. One concrete hitching post in front of house near street.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- North and west facades taken facing southest; One story, vernacular Colonial Revival style house. Attached one car garage. Eyebrow dormers in roof. Windows are eight lights over eight with louvered shutters. Center entry door with hood roof. Cement stoop with wrought iron railings. Clapboard siding.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- North and east facades taken facing southwest; Two story, hipped roof, Italianate cube. Wide cornice band and wide eaves. Windows are six lights over one. Blue wood shingles on second story. Stone veneer on first story. Full width front porch with hipped roof, and natural wood supports, balustrade, and railing. Lattice under porch. Entry door probably original: multipaned transom with sidelights over wood panels. One and a half story addition to rear. Two car, flat roofed, wood garage at rear.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- South and east facades taken facing northwest; One and a half story, side gabled, vernacular, Tudor Revival style house. Steeply pitched roof with a shed roof dormer. Ribbon of windows in dormer. Large double window on front (south) facade with eight lights over eight. Exterior brick chimney on east facade. Entry obscured by massive shrubs. One story addition to rear. Clapboard siding. Shingle roof. Two car garage added in 1953.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- West facade taken facing east; Two story, gambrel roof, wood barn. Window opening on west facade second story. Ramp to entrance door.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- South and west facades taken facing northeast; One and a half story, gable front and wing, Folk Victorian style house. Rectangular bay on front (west) facade. Enclosed porch on wing section. Brick chimney on south facade. Two over two windows. Additions to the rear. Stone foundation. Aluminum siding. One and a half car, hipped roof garage with vertical siding.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- South and west facadesi taken facing northeast; One and a half story, double gabled, Tudor Revival style house. Projecting gabled entry. Windows are multipaned over one (eight lights over one; and four lights over one). Octagon in upper peak with the initial F. Barn at rear.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes
- Notes:
- North and west facades. Facing southeast.; Transitional Queen Anne/Colonial Revival with full front porch supported by brick piers on a raised stone base. Its pediment cross gables are covered with stucco, as is the second story. Brick vaneer covers the first level, including the bay on the west facade. Wooden course lines delineate levels of stucco, brick and stone. Slight roof overhang , including bracketed porch and bay. Detached garage. The yard's arbor, simple design, and lack of foundation plantings evoke the early twentieth century landscape.
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Saline Historic Homes