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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty ..Eighth Yea.r-No. 3 AUGUST 10. 1907 Semi-Month'" R!IGHT IN FRONT AS USUAL Here is a SANDER that will finish your worh. PERFECTLY This is the famousGillette Roller Beariug Factory Truck-the truck ou which it is said, "One man can move a load of 3000 pounds while with the other trucks it takes three men." This is the truck that is strong where others are weak-the truck that has an unbreakable malleable iron fork. This is the truck YOU are looking for if youwish to invest in rather than waste money on factory trucks. This'machine has a variety of adjustments and will sand WITH THE' GRAIN and require no re-touching by hand, the following: Mirror tr~mes, found, oval, an y shape:; drawer rails, base rails; drawer fronts, serpentine, ogee, rQund; or-,swell, either straight or cross veneered; ogee, round, bevel or straight edges of dresser or table tops. of round, square or scrolled patterns; tablt: rims. dresser posts; veneered rolls or columns; straight ogee or rounded mouldingsj raised surfaces of panels; spirals of table legs; curtain slats for roll top desks; spindle carvings; French table legs; plumbers' wood work; table tops; etc. Ask for Catalog E Gillette Roller Bearing ~o. ORAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN The Lightest Running. Longest Lasting Tl'uc::k I No. 163 Sand Belt Ma.chlne. WrSONU « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R, R., U/?EENSBORO, N. C. ~ The Best Truck-- The Strongest Truck =---------------rg ~- - '--, ,'~ .,' Old Say-ings Varnished Over By Phinishing Phil "A rolling slone gathers no m05S"~but Pbil .ays, "The slone that -stops to gather moss never rolls very far." .There are still a few furniture makers who are too "conservative" ·to make any changes in their finishing departments--the polishing varnishes they have been using are "good enough." "Good enough"! Phil says that isn't true conservatism-it's just shiftless-ness. "Gopd enough" from a manufacturing 8tandpoint~and good enough for the modern furniture buyer's discriminating qe-are two different standards~ don't forget that! There is always something just a little better for finishing your furniture~ until you have triedAndrews' Polishing Varnishes Then you will have found at last-"The Polish That "OldS'.'~ Users of Andrews' Polishing Varnishes do not need to change~because we do all the changing required. We are improving all the time~have been dur-ing our Half Century's Experience in Making Fine Varnishes. We know gums~how to select, how to treat, and how to blend them. We use the finest of imported gums in these Polishing Varnishes and our other raw materials are selected with equal care. Our superior purifying, seasoning, and testing processes are responsible for the advanced quality, uniform evenness, and absolute dependability of Andrews' Polishing Varnishes. They work and rub with notable ease. They do not crack, check, sweat, cloud, or bloom. They finish to stay finished-no rejected pieces coming back to the finisher. Can't you see the economy in labor cost and operative expense? Write us for futher acquaintance with Andrews' Polishing Varnishes. Pratt ~ Lambert Varnish Makers BUffalo Paris Chicago "ambtJrg New York london • . THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO. MARIETTA, OHIO Exponents of the Highest Degree of Perfection and Art in Wood Finishing. "For We Do Make a Finish That Will Please You Fair-" ART NOUVEAU I IThis is our very latest llnd t1~we51produdLon in Ma-hogany l-inishiQK in the fb.m of a Combination Slain-Filler. With AT'I Nouveau' can be produced i~one operation tbe same results thai reQuired four hy the old process. It dries well and can be shellaced and vamished the same day if desired. (Absolutely flUt oolor.) If you intere.ted write ua foY lll!lJnples and full particuli!ll"tI. Good friend, we give you greeting, And now when we have wished thee well. We'n not beguile your time in idle argument. But come at once to the point. We do entreat you, therefore. lend us your ear. While we unfold to you a story-a wondrous tale- Of what we've done for you in Stains and Fillen. For would you give your woods a perfect finish, We must be indispensable to you; And that's no fable, friend. For we do make a finish that will please you fair; Imparting to your wooils all the varied hues And tints of nature, Combined with maflY beauties of shade and Color that largely owe their being to human craft. We importune, you, friend to look well into this. A FEW PRIZE WINNERS Golden OaL: Oil Stainll Early BDRlislt Mission Spartan MaLogany Fumed OaL: Acid Stain Fillers, Surfacers, Etc. andollr Spartan Turps Veneer Presses, all kinds and sizes, No. 2() Ohw Heater. Veneer Presses Glue:Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks,IEtc" Etc. These Specialties are used all Over the World ---.,~=------ Power J:'eed Gloe Spreading Machine, (Patent applied l(lil'.) Single, Double and Combination. CUAS. E. fRANCIS &. BRO•.8 Hand Feed Gloetng Machine (Pat·. pending.) Eight styles and sizes. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies LET US KNOW yOUR. WANTS 419-421 E. Eighth St. CINCINNATI, O. No. 6 Glue Hooter. Do You Want The Originality of our work is one of its chief characteristics. Something Qriginal? I WE BUILD HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE ENGRAVING PRINTING BINDING White Printing Co. 2 to 20 Lyon Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 1 .':, '. 'i , Solved at Last The problem of cutting a complete and perfect miter ready for joining with one cut, has been practically solved: We have accomplished this mechanical triumph by means of a patented fence, by which the two parts to a miter are cut simultaneously, the process producing a counter pressure from both sides of the saw, thus preventing it from vibrating or run~ ning off, thereby insuring a perfect miter, clean cut and ready for joining without the necessity of fitting by hand plane, something never before achieved Its excellent work, and the time that it saves, should com~ mend it to all who have extensive mitering to do. Descriptive Circular Sent on Request. 205·225 West Front Street, Cincin.n.ati.Ohio, US:=.::::=:A:=::. TAe 1YorltlJ Stazubuvl for 1Yootlworki1l!f lfac4inery. -- GRAND RAPI[) PUBLIC LIBRARY ---=.== GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.. AUGUST 10. 1907. $1.00 per Year. What) 1'actoTY Superintendents Say of the Work of the Case I Goods Association's Committee. TIte least sdlcdules prepared and approved by the adrnin-istrado, i committee of the National Association of Case Goods :y'lantffatturcrs of America, some of which have been repnb-lisbcti ~n the 1\lichigan Artisan, arc attracting considerable attentidn and causing of some interesting and instructive disctl~sion in the factories. So far, no severe criticism has been jh1ard, because most men who know enough about the bnsiufss to make their opinions worthy of consideration ap-preciatJ the difftculties encountered by the committee in pre-parink ~chedllles for general application under widely diffen.nt cond~tiJllls, and Olre broad-minided enough to give the com-miltt: 1'e~re(lit for having done really better than .v..a. s expet.ted. It is ig~nerat1y conceded that the publication of lhe schedules wil1 ~er beneficial to many manufacturers; that they will be educ~tipnal at least. They may be of great value to some o[ the t)eginners and may show some of the older ma.nllfacturers why Itl~ey have not been able to make a profit-because they havei f~iled to reckon all the elements in the cost of their pro d'rc~,. "1 don't know that my opinion OIl those schedules would be \iro~th ~nuch,)) said a ..superintend:nt of a widely known GraJld !RapJds factory. ··That comU11ttec figured on low and mediurr grades and their fig"ures cannot be applied to the bet-ter .Jrdde, evell proportionately. 'lv' e make only high grade fl1Tn,t~re and of course, those estimates ·would nol do at all for t15. I used to make the lower grades, however, and the scllel:lt~les are interesting to me. "[f;I \'v'ere to point out any defect in the estimates, I would say ~he committe has placed lhe percentage of waste lumber too ~1igh. Forty per cent is an awful \vaste. I know that the quality of low grade lumber is not 50 good now as it was a fer,v ~ears ago, but it does not seem possible that out of ev-ery ihrlndred dollars' worth of lumber there is forty dollars' was~e.1 It must be discouraging for a man to kno"v ".·.h. en he pay~ ~100 he gets only $60 vmrth. 'lOr the other hand, I think they have figured the cost of labdr :'too 100\r. There are very inv factories that can hold the 11a~bordown to figures given in those schedules. It re-qUi~ esimore labor to ,;\'ork up pooc material than to use the hig,ef grades. For instance, the man who is getting out the tOPI'f(Jr a low grade dres.ger or sideboanl-21 x 42, lve'J1 say-ha; j~~!tdysethree or four, perhaps five, piece.s, while I have to use O1hlytwo or three. He Jlas to rjp three. four or five times an , l~as to dress up three or four joints, \\'hi1e I have only one! 4r two, so you see the proportion of labor mllst be higp ~n low grade goods with the kind of lumber they are llS-ing! n0wadays. Poor lumber adds to the cost of labor in any gralle~of furniture. That's ·why it pays best to use a good gra .1e of lumber. The best l.u111beris usually the cheapest and s me rule applies to labor, in nearly all factories. "'lihe greatest value in those schedules is in the fact that I they v· ...ill set men to thinking and show many manufacturers that they have been selling furnitllre below actual cost and wondering "\-vhythey did not make a profit instead of being compelled to put in n1()r~~capital to keep their factories run-ning, but the man who relies on them entirely without consid-ering the special conditions sllrrounding his business is likely to gel into trouble." "Tbose schedules are aU right," said another Grand Rapids superintendent. "They may not be workable in all factories making ](HV and medium grades-the committee explained tint-but they are made right. I am not making case goods, bllt 1 can see the be,nefits from such estimates, figured down fine, alHI I think it would be a good thing for the chair and table 111ento get out something of that kind. They might show why some table and chair factories arc eating up capital without any profit and induce the managers to stop selling goods below cost. Of course, any manager or su-perintelHlcnt of a factory ought to be able to figure out cost correctly, but it"s a God's facC that some of them have to guess al it, and they are usually bad guessers. "1 don't know about their estimate on the waste ,in lum-her. The amount of waste depends largely on the style or pattern of the piece. Take a plain l'I'1issiolldining chair, for instance. There is ahout nine feet of lumber in it, and very little waste in cutting-perhaps less than ten peT cent. An- (Continued on Page 6.) THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes MAHUFlor::TUNCD OIfi.Y fIlY CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259·63 ELSTONAVE."'Z-16 SLOAN ST. CHI CACO. 4 How to Avoid Car Shortaire. Car shortage, or freight congestion, that annoys mer-chants and has caused numerous clashes between railroads and shippers is discussed by Chicago shippers and railway officials in a symposium of articles in the current number of System. "There is a possible method of increasing the carrying capacity of the railways thirty to forty per cent without the lowed the history of railroads in the United States, may well be alarmed." JOh11M. Glenn, secretary of the Illinois Man\lfaetmers' Association, urges the forming of associations by shippers. He says: "The railroads are strong on associations. They pay a lot of money to keep their various organizations going. \Vhen ·you present your case to a railroad it must go to an purchase of another car or locomotive," writes A. B. Stick-ney, president of the Chicago Great Western. "This can be accomplished," he continues, Uby loading tathe full capacity the cars which the railroads possess. Investigation proves that, aside from coal and ores, the average present loading DINING ROOM. MANCHESTER. E.NGLAND association. the railroads Now, how is the business man going to reach unless by united efforts." Swedes Asked to Go Home. King Oscar is anxious that the hundreds of thousands of BEDROOM. MANCHESTER. ENGLAND of cars does not exceed six.ty-five or seventy per cent of their present capacity." F. A. Delano, president of the vVabash, protests against legislation hostile to the roads. He says: "One of the effects of hostile legislation is to alarm inves-tors in railroad securities. They doubt whether railroads can successfully ,survive the hostility and investors who have fol- Swedes who have emigrated to America shall return to Sweden, and has begun an investigation to determine what .\lfompted his people to leave the fatherland and what would induce them to return. , This investigation is a part of the industrial awakening which is going on in Sweden. The first direct appeal from the crown to men to return to Sweden has been received in Chicago. -~MI9rIG7!N Creditors Running Breuner Company's Business. H. L Smith, secretary of the committee appointed by the <::reditoTSof the J aim Brenner Company of San Francisco, to take charge of the stores in San Francisco and Stockton, Ca1., investigate and report the amounts of assets and liabilities and make recomme11dations as to what action should be taken to protect the interests of all concerned, has sent out the fol-lowing statement to creditors: Gentlemen :~Pursuallt to promise contained in former cir-cular, I desire to advise you that the accountant employed by the ereditors;' .;::ommittee has made the following report as to assets and liabilities of the John Breuner Company of San Francisco: RESOURCES. Values as per face Of Ledger ..$ 3,645.99 207,594.55 29,400.00 Estimated values for closing out purpos(~s. $ 3,645.99 103.797.28 24,500.00 Cash on hand .. Merchandise., . Bills receivable . _.. , . Accounts receivable prior to April 18, 1906 .. Accounts receivable since April 18, 1906 ' . Sundry accounts receivable .. ". New stable on leased ground .. ' . Account receivable Brettner Commercial Co, and 5tock~ holders' liability ., .... ,. Account receivable John Brenner Co. of Stockton and stock-holders' liability , .. New \varehotlse proper-ty on line of S. P. R. R. Co $77,017.69 Subject to mortgage of 22,500.00 14,512.81 2,500.00 73,380.38 3,756.02 7,445.16 62,373.00 919.12 3,000.00 5,677.97 1,892.66 8,503.03 5,865.00 54,517.69 50,000.00 Interest in stOj'e building on Van Ness avenue .. '., '" ... '. . 19,184.95 Uncollected insurance accruing out of the fire of April, 1906.. 6,392.40 Horses, vehicles, harness and stable fixtures '............. 11,743.60 Fixtures Jrl warehouses and stores .... , .... , ... ;. 15,655.00 Accounts due under leases of fur-niture 33,272.75 5,000.00 2,130.00 3,900.00 4,800.00 33,272.75 $494,679.30 LIAlllLITlES. $307,595.80 Accounts payable to San Francisco and California merchandise creditors $ Accounts payble to Eastern merchandise creditors. Bills payable to California and Eastern merchandise creditors ,.. . , .. , . Bllls payable for borrmved money . Due upon sundry local accounts .. Due for rent. ..... 44,557.95 138,688.01 123,011.94 180.100.00 1,818.67 140.00 $488,316.57 So far no proposition of adjustment or settlement has been made by the debtor alld as an altefll;ative to summarily realiz-ing upon the assets the committee will run or operate the business for the time bcinK. as it is upon a paying basis. Respectfully, H. L. SMITH, Secretary. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER &. VENEERS SPECIALTIES : ~t'YJt!'eBQUAR. OAK VEN EERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St" FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 50 PER CENT of the Circulation of Trade Papers tExcepting the Michigan Altisanl IS mailed to manufacturers, designers, shop hands, com= mission men, jobbers of fac-tory supplies and others who do not sell furniture and kin-dred goods. To reach the largest number of retailers use The Michigan Artisan's Mercantile Editions Mailed to Dealers Only. Morton House American " ....Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Pantlind European ......Plan Rates $1.00 &ondUp GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the rantlind for 500 is the fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLlND. Prop. 5 Lignine Carvings Unbreakable tj' Perfect teprodudion of hand carvings. Full depth of grain. Will nol CHIP. CHECK, CRACK nar SHRINK. f:lI Stronger than wood. ~ No waste in your fadory. iI]1 Are applied Ihe same as wood carv-ings, by nailing or gluing. fj No heating oar steaming. Finish with fillet or stain. q Write for sample and catalogue showing Capitals, Heads, Shields, Scrolls, Claws, eleo Condder UGNJNE carvings in your new creation ... ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS CO., 551 West Fort St., Detroit, Mich. 6 ·~1'1.19,HIG7fN (Continued from Page 3.) other diner may have much less lumber in it, but the waste may rUll up to forty per cent or more. It is the same way with other furniture-the amount of waste depends on the pattern. "There's another thing to remember in considering that matter of waste. V\lhen lumber is scarce and high the grades run lower than when there is a good supply. Dnder present conditions 'everything goes.' In some kinds manufacturers are obliged to take anything they (:an get and there are few culls. \Vhen lumber l,vas plenty a.nd prices were low it was graded closely al1d cplls·"lere not salable." Furniture of the Revolutionary Period. In discussing the furniture of the American revolutionary period, a noted decorator said: "A refined and cultured peo-ple made and used the furniture of the revolution, It was a delicate minded, cultured and .sens.ible race, with a very lively sense of the limitations of decoration, as applied to things in daily _USe. Later generations have displaced the French miracles of ugliness, and learned to prefer simple things and are teaching their children the beauty of decoration applied with skill and taste_ The \}.llowtedge that if the fur-niture used was not made in America it was made for Ameri-cans is pleaslng, and there is a feeling that in going back to its use, in collecting it and saving it from dishonor, we are bringing ourselves nearer to the spirit of the old time. Of course, this is but superficial, but we live in a wodd where even superficial influences have weight. It is seldom that one finds a pie('.e-.'of revolutionary furniture to which the words ugly or awkward consistently apply. There was a 'style' in those days, in the homes of well-to-do peoplr, while the rich had the best of everything, Those who were 'not so well off' followed the style of their more fortunate neighbors as closely as they could, but even in the pieces that bc101iged to poor people there is excellence in the model. "There is ah·,rays merit of some kind in the old furniture. It is well shaped, it is useful, it is made of handsome wood, it has excellent mouldings and rich turnings or picturesque carving and its ind1vidllality is not the -least of its recommen~ dations; there are never two pieces exactly alike. J! . no one in those days apparently who made things 'for the trade.' " Kansas "Factory Act" is Held Valid. A decision of great importance to factory Owners was rendered by the supreme court of Kansas on July 16, in the case of I\fax Bloom against the W-estern Furniture Cornpany of Wichita. The case originated in the circuit court at Wi- {:hita, where JUdge Wilson awarded Bloom $.3,500 for the loss of his right hand which was mangled by a planer in the company's factory. The company appealed to the Supreme court, '1ilhich affirmed the judgment and sustained Judge Wil-son's interpretation of the law. Attorneys for Bloom contended that the furniture company was liable for damages because they had not complied with a statute of this state known as the "factory act," which re-quires manufacturers to safely guard their machinery for the purpose of protecting their employes from injury. The de-fense of the furniture company in qoth Courts was that even though they had failed to obey and comply with this law, it was Bloom's fault that he got hurt, because he knew the ma-chine was not guarded and what condition the machine was in when he went to work, and, therefore, they were not to blame and should not have to pay damages for his injury. The supreme court declares that where the manufacturer fails to comply with this law, and one of his employes gets hurt in an unguarded machine, the manufacturer cannot de-fend himself by claiming that the man knew what condition the machine was in, could see it, and, therefore, assumed the risk for allY injury while working on it, but is liable to the employe for any injury he may recctve on account of the ma-chine being unguarded. There llas beell much quibbling in the Kansas courts of this liability question ever since the "factory act" was passed in 1903, but the matter has now been settled by the supreme court and the decision will undo-ubte.tIly have considerable in-fluence in other states. Peaceable Picketing Permitted in Chicago. The employ~s of the Theodore A. Koch Company, man-ufacturers of furniture for barber shops, of Chicago, went out OJ1 a strike a few weeks ago and established a picket on the works. The company soqght the aid of the court to prevent M. A. Schmitt, the business agent. of the Wood Workers' union, from iuterfering with workmen when ap-proaching the shops. Schmitt said that the courts held that labor unious had a right to do "peaceable picketing," and that he had merely told workulen who approached the place that there was a strike in the Koch Company's shops. He said he did not lay hands on anyone. Schmitt argued in his own defense and won his case. Inno.vation Rewarded. No person with a good natural eye for C010f, with hos-pitable thoughts, with love of comfort, and with common sense, ever departed from the conventional way of furnishing a house, for the sake of suiting his house to his own character and likings, without being rewarded by the world's _cheerful acceptance of the innovation. Ten to one, the independent suiter-of-himself w:ilI find his innovation accepted by fashion, or by the good sense of the world, a,nd incorporatcdinto its own syetc111as a new law of the Medes and Persians. Dust and Shavings Equipment. The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company are busily engaged on orders for special apparatus for handling dust and shavings in wood working plants. Hea,,-y contracts have been taken and Manager Verrell reports that the business done during the current year will be the largest in the history of the company. The Hand Screw With "The Saw-Cut Thread" Weare the only manufacturers making Hand Screws with the Saw Cut Thread. No other factory is equipped to furnish them. The machine for cutting the threads is patented, and we own the patent. Spindles threaded in this way rarely strip, consequently last longer than the ordinary makes. Let us send you our catalog. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. Hand Screws, Benches, Trucks, Furniture Clamps. 130 So. Ionia St, Grand Rapids, Mich. The Factory Edition of the ARTISAN is mailed to manufacturers of FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS, RE-FRIGERATORS, CHAIRS, and INTERIOR WOOD WORK. Our Merchants' Mailed to Dealers Only. 8 IMPROVED PROCESS IN MANUFACTURING Golden Oak Stain For some time past, it has been the custom to send out for general use to the Piano and Furniture Manufacturers, a Golden Oak Stain strong enough for the user to reduce it at least 5 to 1. In order to give' this strength. the stain was necessarily of a very heavy body; in fact, it was as heavy when coming from the barrel or can, as molasses in winter time. When thinned out ready for use, it would leave a surplus of Stain remaining on top and in the pores, which, when filled over, mingled with the filler and retarded the drying, causing no end of trouble in shrinking and bulging through the finish, etc. By our IMPROVED PROCESS we have succeededin produc: ing a Stain in bulk form as thin as milk, but stronger than the heavy bodied Stain referred to, which, when reduced 5 or 6 to l-as may be desired-is as thin when applied to the wood as a reducer it-self; being so thin, it immediately disappears into the wood, leaving no surplus stain on top Of in the pores to cause trouble with your filler, and thereby your finish. Try our IMPROVED PROCESS. GOLDEN OAK STAINS No. 1914 No. 1916 No. 1917 No. 1918 THE BARRETT-LINDEMAN CO. in consolidation with 1n[ lAWRrn([ =McfADDrn (0. Philadelphia Chicago ~MI9rIG7}N 9 KNOXVILLE CARVING AND MO ULDING CO. KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Manufacturers of SPINDLE and HAND CARVINGS, ROPE, BEAD and EMBOSSED MOULDINGS, HANDLES, Etc, Write Jor ll:ustrated Circulars and Prices. Dont's For Young Salesmen. Don't think that because the boss has a roll-top desk and a private office that he also has a cinch. The man ".rho car-ries the responsibility is the IUall whose shoulders first grow bent. If the boss has a system for yOll to follow, yoU follow it. Don't try to introduce any variations on your own re-sponsibility. Exercise the same discretion in choosing an employer that the employer uses in choosing a salesman, and then stick to your choice. Tt doesn't pay to recommend inspire any too much confldence. It is a wise salesman who takes pains to know more than he is expected to know about the goods he sells. Study some branch of store work on the side. Learn to make sign cards, to write advertising, to dis-play goods, to handle correspondence. It's a busy man who hasn't time to learn something outside of his routine. The Era Office Supply Company and the E. R. Thompson AN ENGLISH DINING ROOM goods a bit higher than they will stand. A customer fooled that way once won't give you a second chance. Don't tell your story too glibly. The man who rattles off his piece about the goods as if he had said it a thousand times doesn't Printshop of Carthage, Mo., have been consolidated under the control of Mr. Thompson, who proposes to increase the capi-tal stock and enlarge the business, using the old name of Era Office Supply Company. - Order at Once---The Classified White Directory of the Manufacturers of Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Bedding. Interior Finishes and kindred Trades. WHITE PRINTING CO.• Gt'and Rapids. Mich. - 10 EXCELSIOR IS EXPENSIVE. Prices so High That Manufacturers are Looking for Substi-tutes,- Reasons for Recent Advance. Six or eight years ago excelsior was sold at $12 to $16 per ton. Now the prices are $15 to $25 in Grand Rapids and it is still higher in Chicago and other furniture making cities. The cause of the increase is due to the increased cost of labor and material but it does not appear that there has been enough increase in the cost of either labor or material, or both, to justify a raise of 25 to 50 per cent in the product. There has certainly been a niufh larger advance in the price of excelsior than on furniture pr any other product in which labor and wood are the principal elements of cost. Formerly nearly all excelsi~r was made of basswood but as that timber became scarce other woods were substituted and now basswood, elm, tamar ck, maple, hemlock, pine and several other varieties are used. The use of so many different CHALLfNGI: REDUCER A solvent equal to turpe tine in every respect for re-ducing varnish, stains, or an ihing requiring a solvent of turpentine- strength or quality. This solvent is fully fifty p~rcent cheaper than turpen-tine, as it costs less and requir~s less to obtain the same re-sultsj and as a reducer for Oi~lstainsit has no equal. Manufactured and sold anI by GRANDRAPIDS W ODfINIS"ING CO. 55-57 fllsworth 4ve .IGrand Rapids, Mich. I kinds of wood causes great diierence in the quality or real worth of the product and that accounts for the wider range in pnces. The best grade is nown to the trade as "wood wool" and is used mainly for othel' than packing ptlrposes. The cheapest grades are made from pine or poor timber of other varieties :ind some of it is little better than hay or straw for packing purposes. There has been a raise in prices on the best grades of excelsior of $2 to $3 pcr ton recently and the supply IS short at all points. \i\'hile the cost of the cxcelsior used in packing a single piece of furniture is only a trifle, the aggre-gate used by a factory in a ycar forms a considerable item in the expense account. At $20 a ton it is enough to cause manufacturers to take notice. Just now many of them are looking for a substitute-some other material or method of packing that will allow them to use less excelsior-but no-thing in that line seems practical except crating -which at the current cost of lumber is much more expensive than the use of burlaps and excelsior. ""'hen asked to give a reason for the enormous increase in the cost of his product, Frank A. Dale of Dale Brothers excelsior cutters, Grand Rapids said: "That is easy enough. Prices were too low. The cutters did not make a cent for several years; that is they did not make a profit on the whole year's business. It is peculiar business. It goes by 'fits and starts.', The mill may be busy for a few months and then the demand will drop off and we have to shut down. There has been a raise in the price of bolts. They cost us a dollar or two more per cord than they did a few years ago and the supply is short at that. Like furniture lumber they have to be hauled farther every year, but that doesn't bother us so much as the increase in the cost of labor. It is a risky business. If wc have a blaze in the mill there is sure to be a great loss. 1£ it does not wipe out the plant cntirety all the stock on hand is spoiled by water. Still prices are not so L_ very high. We arc g-etting $.16 to $20 now and would make a fair profit if the present demand would hold good the year 'round. "The excelsior cutters have no organization here, at least I have never heard of their having- anything like an organi-zation anywhere-they are working 'eve-ry fellow for himself' and I have never heard any talk of any agreement on priees." ]. W. Fox of thc Fox Excelsior Company, Grand Rapids, said: "Yes, there has been considerable advance in prices in late years. It had to come. Labor costs more and we are paying $4.50 to $5.50 for bolts that we used to get for about,$4 per cord. Yes I know there has been some complaint abdut the quality of our goods, but that comes from those who b~y the cheapest grades. "Some want the very cheapest stuff that we can make a;nd then they arc not satisfied with the quality. Our prices now range from $15 to $25 per ton-$24 to $25 for wood wool. vVe have to use several different kinds of timber and of course it makes different grades. There is a good demand for it now, but with our facilities and those of Dale Brothers, over the rivcr there is no lack of supply. We have another plant in the northern part of the state up near Mackinaw City." "The latest quotation made to us." remarked Thomas F. Garratt, treasurer of the Michigan Chair Company "for fine excelsior is $24 per ton. It is almost impossible to obtain a good grade of this material. Any old rotten wood is considered good enough by the cutters. A sample pad of prairie grass was mailed to us from some point in Wisconsin recently. It appears to be suitable for packing purposes and we shall probably adopt it. Crating lumber is very high. V/e formerly used a good grade of white pine. It cost $7.00 per thousand. The 'price at present is $24. Hemlock costs $18 per thousand, and it is poor stuff at that price." "I don't know of any practical substitute for excelsior, for packing purposes" said Charles A. Buell superintendent of the Valley City Desk Company, Grand Rapids. "I have heard of their trying marsh hay or prairie grass, but I under-stand it is not satisfactory. It may work all right in pads but I do not believe it would do for loose packing. Excelsior is high now. Vl,l e are paying $18 a ton-three or four dollars more than we paid a few years ago. Burlaps are high too. At present cost of excelsior and burlap it would be just about as cheap to crate furniture, but there we are up against it again, for crating lumber is way up. I Suppose the high prices on excelsior are due to the scarcity of timber. That is what the manufacturers say and it is reasonable to believe' Citizens' Telephone 1702.. 10u16 babn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Livingston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN that their material has gone up with the prices on lumber. I notice, however, that they are using almost all kinds of wood and the quality of their product is not so good now as it was a few years ago when timber was more plentiful." John Boult, superintendent of the Luce Furniture Com-pany had examined samples of prairie grass pads for packing and ordered a quantity several months ago, but the order had not been filled. He said the fiber is coarse and strong and was of the opinion that it would make a suitable substitute for excelsior. BAND SAW TENSION. Theoretical and Practical Fitting of Resaw Blades-Proper Means for Securing Expansion. Theoretically, a band saw blade should under all usual con-ditions, n1nintain a practically lixed position 011 the wheel, the teeth projecting over the front edge of the wheeL and the saw maintaining its position '''''itho111ally support on the back edge. that is, without any back thrust wheel or similar mechan-ical device for holding it to its proper position. The means for holding a hand resaw or wide log band s;nN to its position is "tension." In the case of the very narrow saws, which lack a sufficient width to permit of the exercise of tension, the hack thrust wheel is an essential feature of the gllide. "TcnsieJlr" is put in the s:nll,7 by means of the saw "tretcher or roll, or by the use of hammer. \Vith these tools the blade should be so ritted that the extreme edges, that is, the portion of the saw immediately below the roots of the teeth or base ot gullet, and the back edg·e. arc slightly shorter than the ccotral. portions of the blade. For eX;lll1ple, if you call conceive of a band saw being sheared into lwrrow strips, say. 011c-fomth of an inch \.vide, the strips from front and hack of saw wnn\d show slightly longer than the one from the cerl.- tel', or if the entire saw ..v.ere slwarcd into n;,rrow stdps the strip from the center would be the longest and those at either side would graduJlly decrease as you pass toward the edges. The effect of this sort of expansion is that the saw l,as it'.; support on the whc.els, principally on the two edg;f:s and in general practice, has the firmest bearing on the frOllt edge of the wheel, so that the toothed edge ·will be stretched the tightest. the hetter to resist aU cutting strains, and to insure straight cutting. The tensioning or expansion of the central portion oi the blade Illay be accomplished best by lIse of a stretcher. The principle of oper:ttion may be readily understood by likening it to the action of a clothes \"..-rillger,the rolls of the stretcher actually squeo:ing the plate, and as the saw passes through the rolls, the pressure exerted by the rolls may be varied as needful to secure the proper amollnt of expansion. It "vill be readily obvious that by Llsing a strccher, all parts of the saw affected by the pressure will be similarly expanded, as-suming tllat t11e gage of the saw is uniform as a result of its hot rolling and face grinding and polishing, alHl that this t111i-formity of expanslon will. be distinctly superior to the action of, for hammers expand tllC saw only at the con-tact spot and cam10t hy any possibility affect the saw as docs a stretcher. For the degree. of the e.xpal1s1on of the saw, some: usc a straight ed~e, but most operators depend upOn a ten-sion gage, which is ground convex on the segment of a circle 11 Quantity and Quality SOME people look to QUANTITY without regard to QUALITY Others want QUALITY. but can't gel it and QUANTITY at the same time. The fadory that is equipped with the Mattison No.5 Table Leg Machine geu both QUALITY and QUANTlTY. &'th are essential to plO6t~ making these days. Let us send you our pnnted maltet. It may open your eyes-may convince you that your present machines and methods are not up_to_date; that is, unless you already have Mauison machines. C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 FIFTH STREET, BELOIT, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. that will rangc. 111diam.e.ter according to the width of the saw. Thus for a narf(}\V band saw 20 inche.s wide, a com-mon grind fm a tenf'ion gage is all the segment of a 16-foot diameter circle, for a 3-inch saw on a 20-foot, {or a 4-inch saw on a 25-foot, S-inch on a 28-foot, 6-inch au a 30-foot, 8-illch on a 3E-foot, etc. Thus, when the S;l\V is bent np as it lies on the hammering bench, and the tension gage is applied, if the saw has been properly rolled or expanded it will conform to the convexity of the gage, and if not properly expanded, the operato/'s can readily determine what parts of the saw need further treatment to bring ;Jbout the desired uniformity. The blade should be tested with the gage on both thc out-side and inside, and the saw when finished, should shmv alikc on hoth sides. Thc amount or degree of tension will be somewbat variable according to the character of the wood heing sawed, tibl'OtlS woods requiring more tension than hardwood or pine, but the operator must C;1rry no more ten-sion in his sa1Vthan is absolutely necessary, or there will re-sult an ulHlue strain on the edge of the saw that is likely to result ill edge or gullet cracks. Tt ·will be apparent that if the face of the band saw v..lwels were perfectly flat and the S;l\V similarly perfectly flat, the saw v,,'(mJd correspond to an ordinary belt and would crowd UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR SALE CHEAP We ofler lor ~ak our pl~\lItknown as the "PIQUA SCHOOL FURN-TURE WORKS," at PIQUA. OHIO, for kss than ;;o<jfo.f its actual C\)~t, if taken within Ole lIext 60 days, lit which time we will be in position to give complete possessioa of same. The Plant is new and completely equipped with dectric power amI woodworking machines. Will sell with or without the machinery. The Plaot is well adapted for either wood or iroll working. For further particulars, apply to AMERICAN SEATING CO" Manufacturing DepL. 90 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. back 01l the wheel when subjected to the cutting strain. But h,wing the extreme edges of the saw the shortest, they get most of the strain on the wheels and it is practically impos-sihle to force thc saw hack on the wheels because of the fric-tion hct\..veen the sa.v and the wheel.s. The saw c;tn, however, be led by changing the angle of approach to the wheel. Tn order to change the angle of ap-proach it is necessary that the front or back edge of the blade be crmvded sidewise. It is impossible to bend a saw edge-wise in a; straight line by allY thrust that can be applied. TllereIore, "",hatever prevents tbe edges of the blade from heing moved sidewise will tend to prevent the saw from cbanging its position on the whee1s. It requires a very slight change in the angle of approach to make the saw run ahead or back, a great deal, because: the wheels are traveling at so high a speed. For example, notice how a very slight crook edge-wi. se in :l straight line by any thrust that be appli.ed. ________ -"4 12 Old Independent Cabinet Makers. Cabinet making still persists in small shops in this city. The newer race of cabinet makers! indeed, work in the big shops for wages, because the trade 1S ",,;ellpaid and employ-ment is steady, says the New York Sun. Sometimes the boss of such a shop works at the bench beside his men. The small self-employing cabinet makers prefer the independence of their OWl; little hops to being the hired men of others. Their little shops are ill the foreign quarters, in basements or in small ground floor apartments in quiet side streets. As like ;1.'> not, the cflhinct maker and his wife live be- .rIRTI.s~ ¥ $ rri Another of these men is a maker of mahogany cases for tall clocks. Some of them make a particular kind of chair, a towel rack or toy furniture for d.oll houses. These men are seldom young, and often long past 60. They have what the young fellow new to the trade must wait long to get, experience, knowledge of tools, methods and ma-terials and often nice taste. It is these possessions that en-able them to maintain their independence. As often as not, the self-employing cabinet maker is a Frenchman. The old French (IHarter of twenty ago was long a fascinating nest of small trades, the horne of arti- INTERIOR OF .A. COTTAGE AT LETCHWORTH, ENGLAND hind the shop. He usually has 110 assistant of any kind and his stock of materials is small. Now and ag8in he pieks up at auction an old mahogany piece which he repairs and sells to some old customer, but most 01 his work is repairing the furniture of other persons. Sometimes he has a little specialty of his own. One SllCh man has for years made little mahogany footstools which are really prayer stools. They sell cheap because he makes them at odd hours out of scraps too small to go into larger articles: CHOICE BIRD'S EYE Veneers CUT RIGHT. DRIED RIGHT. 'I WHITE WRITE US FOR SAMPLE.~ GRAND RAPIDS VENEER WORKS, ':..~~,'l.:r05, ficers in brass, of die sinkers, eoppeu,miths, 111etalengravers, \voud carvers and cabinet makers. These skilled artis[Jr1s ;Ire scattered 'lOW, along with the other denizens of the quarter. A few of them have gone to the new quarter northwest of Twenty-third strct and Sixth avenue. They have found refuge in the SUburbs and others' in the cross streets of the German quarter. There are a few skilled and self-employing German cabi-net makers, and now and then one comes upon an Italian of t)le craft. It would be pretty hard to find a native Ameri-can in one of these little shops. There an~ cabinet makers even in the Syrian quarter, and here are made many of those showy and flimsy articles of Oriental furniture sold to persons who are not offended by tabourettes and stools inlaid with mother of pearl and clumsy chairs with ~rude carving. There are, however, skilled wood workers among the Syrians who produce beautifully polished and nicely joined cabinets. Here are made expensive hinged and locked boxes for the keeping of cigars and tobacco in large quantities. It is the aim of the self-employing cabinet maker to come as near as he can to earning the ·wages of his trade. Upon such a basis he estimates the price of dOiJlg a particular piece of work. Thus he is able to underbid the cabinet making shops. But he has his dull seasons, and it is a good week for him when Saturday night finds him with six times the day's wages paid to the jomneyman of perhaps a third of hi...year~. HINTS FOR HOUSE FURNISHERS. Proportion in construction is merely the regulatic)11 of the s1J.bdivisions of spaces. It deals also with the amount re-spectively of ornamented and plain surfaces that go to make up the pleasing sum total result. The tendency in decorating is Corner Of a Morning Room, London, Eng. to err rather 011 the side of over-doing than of over-severity. But it should be borne in mind that allY object ·which has its surface covered with decorations is 110t 50 impressive as if part only were embellished and the other part left plain for contrast. The art of proportion consists in determining ex-actly the relati<mshlp (tne. between retlcence and enrichment, that shall caLIse the latter to be appreciated at its full \'alue. Expense and elaboration demand a foil for their value; with-out it they are virtually v·,:astcd. In the 3pplication of color and form of ornament, the bal-ance should be struck on the one ''''hieh is 11cither too strong on the (me hand, nor yet dull .:a::n:d. commonplace on the other. Ground ROtH rooms i.n narrow streets, where opposi.te houses conduce to deaden the light, require brightening as far as possihle; ''''hile rooms in open spaces, especially in the country, in general of a comparatively subtlued color scheme. .::::. The most satisfactory room lS that whieh embodies com-fort and restfulness. House furnishers should ever keep these requisites in mind. .::::. Ornament and color which provides a gentle stimulus to the imagination is agreeable; anything beyond this becomes an annoyance. Large, heavy fumiture is out of place in small rooms. Small, delicate furniture lacks eharacter in large and high rooms. .::::. The satisfactory room is cheerful, l)ut not gaudy. In the selection of colors the aspect of any given room should be considered. A southern or western aspect does not require 13 such warm tones as do rooms.::th::a.t face more sunless quarters, The health and happiness of the occupants of a home are affected by the color scheme .b:y:::w. hich they are surrounded. 3.Jol1otony is wearisome and depressing, while eccentricities in contrasts shock and startle.:::t:h.e beholder. Over severity (extremes) repels; lavishness is vulgar and os tenta tious. Don't Be Too Blunt, Nor Too Smooth. Some business men are blunt in their dealings with cus-tomers; others are polished and suave to a degree. The former may acquire local reputatiolls for their bluntness and command the kind of respect that is evinced when neighbors say, "John is pretty blunt of speech, but you always know just where he stands. He calls a spade a spade and you don't have to think twice to know ·what he means," while of the polished man and the suave it is sometimes said by the unappreciative, 'He is too smooth, too oily, too smart." The blunt mall in business may carry his bluntness too far, just as the suave mall may convey the impression of over-smartness. The happy medium is the thing to strive for-a polite, considerate attitude towards customers and friendly patient treatment of them-11either the bluntness that offends the fastidious nor the "smoothness" that excites suspieion. Men are cast in various 11loldsand their methods naturally cliffer in all. callings, trades and professions. This is well illustrated by the methods employed by different public speakers in quelling interruptions. The blunt method, the method of th('~ dub and the cudgel, was illustrated when a Governor of the State of Illinois answered an interrupter at a public meeting by the exclamination: "Back to the asylum with you!" The method of the polished debater, the method of the rapier rather than of the cudgel, was that employed in the course of a speech by the great orator, John Bright. He was saying, "Personally I do not feel disposed to wage war agalnst these Phiiistines," when an unruly member of his Ellglish audience shouted "IIee-haw!" "If however," :'vIr. Bright continued without a pause, "my friend at the baek of 4rl ~'t> Designed by Clarence R. Hills, Grand Rapids. Mich. the hall will lend me one of his jaws T shall be encouraged to re.consider my attitude, in vi.ew of the hlstoric' success of S;tmpson when provided with a similar weapon." Both of these methods were effective ill quelling opposi-tion. Bluntness ;md polish may both win, but in business the most likely channel to suceess will probably be found by steering a middle course. 14 DISAGREES WITH ROOSEVELT. Magazine Writer Ctiticizes the President's Theory in Regard to Compensation for Accidental Injuries. "\V.W. Baldwin in the current number of the International Magazine picks flaws in President Roosevelt's theory that employers should be required to pay damages for death or injury of employes without compelling the injured employes, their heirs or representatives to resort to litigation, Mr. Baldwin's article is entitled "Regarding Automatic Compen-sation for Accidents." He says: "In bis speech dedicating the Georgia state buihling at the Jamestown Exposition, Presid~nt Roosevelt took occasion to lay down the broad doctrine that all cmp10yers of labor shall he required by law to pay in damages for all injuries incurred by any employe regardless of his own negligence and without the right of the employer to appeal to the courts. His exact language was this: 'There is no sound eCOllomic reason for diStinction between accidents caused by ne~ligellce fllld those which are unavoidable.' Again he said: 'The law should be such that the payment for those accidents will becomc auto-matic instead of beillg a matter for a law suit.' He added: '\Vorkingmcn should reccive a certain definite limited com-pensation for all accidents in industry, irrespective of neg-ligence.' "The theory of this dem:l.1ld of the president, for a sys-tem of 'automatic' compensation for accidents rests upon thc moral ground that emptoyers of labor represent the public and that the damages will bc paid by the community at large in some way he. does not dearly explain. The language of the president in elUcidating this theory was as follo·ws: "\iVhen the employer, the agent of the pUblic, on his O"wn responsibility and for his 0\'\111 profit, in the busiJleSS of serv-ing the public, starts in motion agencies which create risks for others, he should take all the extraordinary risks invol\red: and though the burden will at the moment be his, it will ulti-mately be assumed, as it ought to be, by the general public. Only in this wny can the shock of the accident be diffused, for it ·will be transferred from employer to consumer, for whose benefit all industries are carried 011. From (;very standpoint the change would be a benefit. The community at large should share the burden as well as the benefits of mdustry.'" "He thcn says: Long experience of compensation laws in other countries has demonstl'ated their benefit." and he adds a pointed alld most severe cOlldemnation for "tJle extreme Ul1- wisdom of the railway companies in fighting the constitu-tionality of the national employers' liability law.' "This question of paying in damages for acddents, by an' automatic process, regardless of the fault of the injured party and without opportunity to investigate the facts in court re-g" arding the extent of the injury, or the amount of compensa-tion properly payable, will interest seriously a large number of people. Few farmers of any consequence but are employers of labor, and the very existence of cities is founded upon the relations of employers and workm~n in trade and manufactur-ing pursuits. "Common sense and common judgment recognize a clear moral and economic distinction between accidents caused by negligcnce and those which are unavoidable. * * * * Ac-cidents occur ill multitudes of cases where it would be against sound morals to require the paymcnt" of any damages what-ever._ and the proposition to pay aU damages "automatically," and without right of investigation, is unworkable. Suppose the accident is an unavoidable one, as if the employe standing BENNETT & WITTE lIrANVFACTVRH:RS OF ==LUMBER== For f'Ul'nltul"e Mf1'&••Car BuUdel'S and. Carriage Trade. Sl:~~t:W~~h}ite and Red Oali {Q~~e~: RED and SAP GUM Poplar, Cottonwood, Ash, Elm and Chestnut. A Full Line of Soutbern Hardwoods. Export and Dome"tlc. WRITE EITHER OFFICE. Brand>, Memphi., T..... Main Offi.,e, Cin.,innatl. O. We sell on National Hardwood Lumber AlISOCiati()n inspedioR oilly. under a tree in an interval of his work should be killed by lightning. The President seems to maintain, to use his own language, that all workn:en should receive a certain and de~ finite compensation "for all accidents in industry, irrespective of negligence. The farmer whose employe seeks refuge under the tree js, 3n Mr. Roosevelt's view an agent of the public.. and though the burden will at the moment be his, it will ultimately be assumed, as it ought to be, by the general public. "V'lill this conception of every employer of labor, whether farmer, manufacturer or merchant, as thereby an agent of the public stand ana.lysis? ,~Thy, for instance, is the manufac-turer any more an agent for the public in the matter of ac-cidents to employes than in the far more important matter of wages, or whether employes shall be paid by the piece or by the day? If this doctrine is accepted, if all who own r ESTABLISHED 11358) BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRITE rOR fN/I'ORMATION, ~INISHE.DWOOD SAMPLES, AND LITERATURE. New York 262 Peat} St. BO$ton 520 AtialltK: Ave. P~tt81~~.u:.5lh1 Baltimore 29 S. Hanover St. BERRY BROTHERS, lIMITEO VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT Cbieaga 48-50 Lake St. Cincinnati 420 Main St. St. Louis 112 So.4th 51. San FJ'aJ2.Cnco FACTOR .... WALKERVILLE ONTARIO 668 Howard St. THIS IS THE CAN AND L.ABEL. L _ ·f'~MIPflIG7fN 15 WE WANT YOUR TRADE ON Yellow Poplar and Birch Cross~anding I~·c"WE SHIP THE SAME DAY"~= I wALTER CLARK 535 Michigan Trust Building Citizens Phone 5933 GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN and control industries are to be treated as "public agents," what is private business in this country? "Again, will the idea of what the Presidellt dC11(lll1inates the diffusion of the shock of the accident stand analysis? The 'shock' of the accidcllt inclucles the hill of damages, the burden of 'which, after paymcllt, wi1t, according to the President, "be transferred from employer to consumer.' 'How will it be thus transferred? Can manufacturers and farmers and those ,,,,ho produce, transfer their liabilities generally to their customers: If they can. why should any of them ever fail in business? "The only thinkable way by which the employer can diffuse to the consumer the damage bills which the President proposes to fasten on him by law, is by adding them to the price of ..v..hat he sells. But can the farmer get more than the market price for his corn or his cattle because he has paid damages for accidents to employes? This brings us back again to the question what is private business? "The most casual reader of the President's remarks can-not fail to note that ",,'e are presented ·with a new philosophy. His intimation that it is based upon long experience of com-pensation laws in other countries, is not well fonnded. No other country has a compensation law based upon these ideas or bearing a real semblance to them-that is, making the payment of accident damages "automatic," and without right of investigation in court, and abolishing all distinction be-hveen accidents caused by the employes' O\vn negligence and those which are unavoidable, and justifying such im-position of burdens upon employers on the ground t.hat they are performing a public function." Mr. Baldwin then proceeds to describe the workings of the English {;vVorkmen's Compensation Act" ..vhich has been a ta ..," for ten years. He shows that it does not work au-tomatically in any sense, and declares that while England's law is considered, President Rooseveit's proposition, in comparison, is wild and impracticable. He concludes as follows: "Seldom has the country been morc sharply presented with the issue of what rights are left to the people of the states to manage their 0\"'-11 affairs, such as the relations be-tween employer and employe. The President assumes to deal with it as a great moral question, so great that he ,vould turn the railroads over to the forces of riot and disorder jf they disagree with him, But, as the Chicago Tribune recently pointed out, regarding an inheritance being a great moral agency, the states have ample power to deal with it. "Hul1wnitarian suggestiolls proposed as measures of justice, to compensate and relieve [rom suffering those who arc overtaken by misfortune through accident or disease while at their work, coming from the Prcsident of the United States, are certain to meet ,,, favor from many, regardless of their merits or their practicability, But we live in a government of law and with a legal system perhaps unique hut believcd to he wise, under which the people have not yet conferred upon the government at \Vashington the power to prescribe rule,s for the education of their children, for the fix;ng of their wages, for the descent of their propert.y, or the relations of employer with employe. "The people can manage their own moral and domestic interests at home and through their own chosen agencies better than through a \Vashington bureau, and in ordinary times and under ordinary conditions of public opinion they would, I helieve, resent any proposition for such federal inter-ference with their purely domestic concerns. "They have not, in any state, proposed to make employers of labor automatically liable for every accident that occurs, regardless of the negligence or fault of the person injured without right of legal im'cstigation, and never will, in my juc1gmellt, except under state socialism." Cabinet Hardware --AND-- Factory Supplies New Enllland Flint Paper. Barton Gamet Paper. Double Faced Flint and Garnet Finishing Paper. Brass Butts. Wroullht Steel Butts. Cahinet Locks and Keys. Gold Plated and Gilt Cab. inet Keys~ Bench Vises. Bolts, Washers, Zincs. Wood Screws. Coach Screws. Liquid Glue. Casters. Upholsterer's Tacks. Larlle Dead Burlap Taoks. Wire Brads. Standard Nails. Cement Coated Nails. Elbow Catcbes. Door Catches, etc~, etc~ Our large and complete assortment of general hard-ware is at your service. Correspondence solicited. Inquiries for prices will receive careful and immediate ~ttention. FOSTER, STEVENS & CO. GRANDRAPIDS,MICH. 16 A PARADOX Furniture Manufacturers: You can save at least one-third of the time now required in your finishing room and still maintain or better the quality of the work done by using our Paradox Rubbing Varnish (In three shades-Pale, Light and Medium) Work can be coated every day and last coat rubbed the third day; it dries tough and hard, will not soften up or print in packing. Order a sample barrel subject to your approval and test It. We manufacture a full line of Cabinet Varnishes; they are made upon Honor and sold upon Merit. Our facilities and products are second to none. The Largest Paint and Vamish Works In The World ACME WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS DETROIT MICHIGAN USA C. B. QUIGLEY, MANAGER OF SALES, VARNISH DEPARTMENT 17 igf(apiQs.f\ic~ The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OP Plain and Beveled Mirrors, Polished Plate, Bent Glass, Plate Glass for Desks and Table Tops. CARRARA GLASS a new product Uke polished whit. marble. Our facilities for supplying furniture manufacturers and the trade with everything in Plate Glass, rough or polished, large or small, will be understood when we state that we have nine glass factories, e~tendjng from Pennsylvania to MillSouri, and fifteen Mirror Plants located as follows: New York 608ton Philadelphia. &\lllalo Chicago 8t. LO\1ts Minneapolis Atlanti\ Kokomo. Ind. Ch~cll\na.1i Crystal City. Mo. Ford CUy, Pa. Kansas City. Mo. High N. C. O.... enpo ..t Largest Jobbers of Window Glass Also, our 24 jobbing houses carry heavy stocks in all lines of glass, paints. varnishes ad bruiihes and are located in the cities named below: in the World New York-HudL'lon and Vandam ISts. Cleveland-1430-4 West ~d Street. BbBton---41-49 Sudbury, 1-9 Bowker. sts. Omaha-1608-10-12 Harney Street. Sole distrlbutera of ChicllgO-t42:-452 "","abash Avenue. St. Paul-849-t>1 Minnesota Street. Cincinnati-Broadway and Court Sts. Atlanta, Ga.--SO, 32 and S( S. :Pqor st. PATTON'S SUN PR.OOF PAINTS St. Louis-Cor. 7th and Market Sts. Savannah, Ga.-7(5_749 Wheaton Street. Wire GI~s BCil'stProtection Against Fire ~1inneapoJis--.)OO-516 S. Third St. Kansas City-Fifth and W7andotte ISts. netroit-53-35 La['lled St., E. Birmingham, Ala.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. Gm.nd .Rapids, Mlcb.-S9-4 t N. DIvIsIon Batfalo-S7%-4-8-8 Pearl street. It needs no argument to show what advantages St. Brooklyn-685 and 637 Fulton Street. Plttsburgh-tOt-I03 Wood Street. PhUadelpbia-I'itca1rn BuUdiBS. Areh may be derived from dealing directly with us. l\Iilwaukee, Wi8-492-494 Market St. and Eleventh Sts. Roche8ter, N. Y.-Wilder Building, Maln Davenport-410-US Street. Agent. for the Coulson Patent Corper and Exchange 8ts. Dallas, Texas, 129-131 Camp St. Posh allld Bar •• Baltbnore-2%1-223 W. Pratt Street. The Universal Automatic CARVING MACHINE ==== PERFORMS THE WORK OF ==== 25 HAND CARVERS And does the Work Better than it can Ie Done by Hand MADE BY, Unwn hUOSSlno MACnln[ (0. Indlanapoll .. Indiana Write lor Information. Prlcel Etc. 18 ESTABLISHED 1580 " ~ i_ ' :/ ,~;<:~ ~ ~ ~- ~ - - I"UBI.ISHED II'T MiCHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH O~ I£ACH MONTH 0"'II'ICE-2-20 L.YON ST •• GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ENTERED AS MATTeR OF" THE SECOND CLASS The managers of the Crosby Transportation Company, who run a line of boats across Lake Michigan, refuse to take freight from the boats that run all Grand River or frpm the interurban cars that connect Grand Rapids with points on the lake shore" As a consequence, goods that are to go from Grand Rapids across the lake to Racine, IVlilwaukee, etc., are taken to Chicago by the Goodrich boats and then down the west shore to their destination. Such action on the part of the Crosby Company seems to be unwise and "mighty small business." It causes considerable inconvenience to Grand Rapids shippers, and it is difficult to see where the Crosby managers can expect to gain anything in a financial way, or in popularity or good will by pursuing such a policy. It is said this case cannot be reached by the Interstate Commerce Commission, but the Crosby Transportation Company is '1 corporation-a chartered common carrier-and it seems there should be some 'way to compel them to exchange freight with other common carriers. *J* *1* *1* *J* The superintendent of a large chair factory, isolated as to lo~ation, complained bitterly of his troubles in training and ke'eping factory help. "\Vc are 'located in a small town and its lack of attractions for young men makes it very difficult to hold workrilen. If we take green hands from the farms and train them to do our work, as soon as they become use-ful they gcncrally move to the large, where there is morc in life for their kind." Thc superintendent advises capitalists who call template engaging in the manufacturing busines's to avoid the small towns. Taxes and other expenses connected with the transaction of business are higher ill thc manufacturing centers, but ,these expenditures are more than compcnsated for by the advantages gained in acquiring and keeping skilled help. *'* *1* *1* *1* As a rule manufacturers of kitchen cabinets show very had judgment in the selection of designs. ;vla~lYof the cahi-nets will not "compare in appearance with the ranges or stoves with which they are grouped when in Use. Thc manu-facturers would be well rewarded for their pains and expense if they would pay more attention to this matter. Considerablc progress has been made in the effort to improve the con-struction and finish of kitchen cabinets, but there is still a RTeat deal to be accomplished in this respect. *1* *1* *1* *1* More than two years ago predictions were freely uttered that golden oak would be placed on the shelves 'with sixteenth century, malachite, ere mona, forest green and other finishes of past generations. But it holds on and apparently is as strollg in the estimation of the trade as at any time since its use began. For producing loud, showy effects, especially in emphasizing the flitches of oak veneer, golden oak is un-equaled. "'1* *1* *1* *1* A contractor who has been remarkably successful, treats his workmen a little better than anybody else. He finds that his men'win stretch a point in his favor, and that he can get competent hands when nobody else can. Every employer may do the same and the same results will follow. It takes wisdom, however, as well as ger.crosity, to handle men prop-erly. Too easy treatment is not good, any more than harsh-ness. *J* *1* "'1* *1* The use of veneers continues to grow more general with . the growing- scarcity of timber. It is necessary to introduce veneers that were considered out of the question a few years ago. "",,'here there were ten veneer mills a decade ago there are at present fifty. The manufacturers of veneer cutting and glue spreading machinery are among the busiest of the iron workers of America, a fact which establishes the state-ment in regard to the continued growth in the use of veneers. *1* *14' *1* *J* "Approximately 1,000 buyers had visited that (Grand Rap-ids) market up to that time"-July 24.---:-ChicagoFurniture Journal. Actually, and the facts were in the p05session of the Furniture Journal, more than 1,000 buyers had visited the Grand Rapids market "up to that time." Will the Journal explain why it continues to misrepreseiH the condition of the furniture industry in Grand Rapids? *J* *1* *1* "'1* Manufacturers exhibiting lines in Grand Rapids will re-sent the efforts of the Chicago Semi-Occasional Furniture J oumal to discourage buyers from coming to Grand Rapids by representing that "the end was in sight" during the middle of the season. The end is never in sight in Grand Rapids where the lines are on sale every business day of the year. *'* *1* *1* *1' "",,'hen everything is ,coming to you in the form of orders, do not say "I have no kick coming," but employ the latest slang, "I have no honcy fido grunt to utter." When you find a man who knows every nut in the hridge, do not call him "a wise guy," but a "live wire." *1* *1* *1* *1' Some one has invented a microscope that magnifies 16,000 times. That is ,almost exaggeration enough for the big s.ales stories of some of the furniture salesmen. *1* *1* *1* *1* The fact that the Union Pacific railroad has reduced some of its passenger fares to a cent a mile while, at the same time, fighting- the two-cent law in the courts, indicates that Mr. Harriman recognizes a radical difference between practice and principle. *1* *1* *J* *1* The impotency of the Chicago Semi-Occasional Furniture Journal was demonstrated in its failure to break up the sales in Grand Rapids during the second week of July. *1* *1* *1'" *1* Quite a number of salesmen 'are planning tu take up homes in Grand Rapids in order to' be with their families during the exposition season. A Well Established House. The Chicago \Vood Finishing Company have been en-gaged in tbe manufacture of wood finishing goods more than two decades, amI the quality of their products are so reliable that thc business of the company has been well established almost from the beginning. Stains, fillers, varnishes coaters and cleaners are manufactured on a large scale. Four Dollars per Gallon for Piano Varnish. Very little Zanzibar gum is imported by the makers of varnish in the United States. It is very scarce and expensive. The cost of the gum is nearly one dollar per pound. It is llsed in making varnish for finishing pianos, for which the manufacturer pays $4 per gallon. FOREIGN FURNITURE AND TRIMMINGS. Observations and Experience of an American Manufacturer While on a Tour of Europe. 1T. S. Keeler of the Keeler Brass Company, Gralld Rapids, returned recently after spending three months on the con-tinent of Emopc and i.n the British i.slands. He sailed early in 1hy a11(1joined his family, which had preceded him by several months on the mediterranean trip. Naturally :'..1r. Keele]- gave considerable attention to the furniture trade and that branch of the furniture business in which he is engaged. Vv'hen asked in regard to the manufacture of furniture trim-ings in Europe. he replied: "The tftmmings, mainly of bras>;, are either very high priced and artistic or very poor and cheap. There !:ieemed to be no demand f.or goods of medium quality. The furniture of the rich is made to order and the handles and metal orna-ments \1sed are designed especial1y for the piece or pieces ordered by the customer. French syles prevail largely, ;:tl-though there is a considerable sale for plain English effects. In Cairo, (Egypt) my son ·visited the warehou,Se of a dealer who handles g-oods manufactured in the United States. Glass knobs \-vere used on the cases, hut these were the only ones seen. The drawer handles seen in France and Germany have very long bolts and large nuts, a useless expenditure for metal and labor. In Paris the master patterns are owned by the manufacturer of furniture. \Vhen be needs handles or other trimmings he invites bids from the brass tounders, and to the successful bidder he elltrusts the patterns, tn be re-turned with the c<lsting's ordered.!' 1"1 r. Keeler found nothing of value in the way of patented specialties in furniture trimmings. A peculiarity of the trade noticed in Paris is that up-holstered goods and mattresse" are t"old by one class of exclusively; another class handles furniture for the dining room, still another handles library or bedroom furniture etc. Tn London 1h. Keeler noticed the cabinet makers with push carts carrying a piece or two from warehouse to warehouse in quest of a purchaser. vVhile in Paris Mr. Keeler \Ivitnessed the race for the Grand Prize of $50,000. The "Kings of France" a.nd Den-mark and $2.,0,000 people were present. Betting on the re-sult was generally indulged in and the people were greatly excited. He was pleased with the facility with which the great crowd was handled. Every person using the street cars ,vas provided with a scat, and only a sufl-icient number were admitted to the platform to fdl one car at a time. In Venice Mr. Keller visited the fish market c,arly one morning and \vitnessed the sale of the day's catch by a si-lent anction. The fisherman or his agent exposed his fish for the examination of the buyers and received their bids, which were whispered into his ear as he passed along the line. \h,lhen all had had an opportunity to offer a price, the suc-cessful bidder was indicated by a wave of the hand. The plan satisfies all and on account of its llracticability it might be adopted in other lines of trade. Just imagine Bob Calder, for instance, standing near a big mahogany suite in the wareroom of the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company receiving the whiS-pered bids of \V. A. Barker, Henry Pease, E. C. Lyon, A. \V. Voight and T. L. Foley for the same. Surely, it would make you laugh! , L False and Malicious. "The season in Grand Rapids \vas practically closed on the 24th (July).-Chlcago Furniture Journal, July 25, 1907. On this, the 31st day of July, 1907, the Grand Rapids mar-ket is wide open and the statement of the J oumal is both false and malicious. vVhen a market is closed it is because those who make the market have nothing; to selL There 19 are at least one hundred lines on the floors of the ware-rooms and in the exposition buildings of Grand Rapids at this momcnt and salesmen in attendance to wait upon cus-tomers. The great lines of the Nelson-Matter Furniture Company, the Oriel Cabinet Company, the 'Berkey & Gay Furniture Company, the Imperial Furniture Company, the Luce Furniture Company, the 1'1acey Company, the Gunn Furniture Company, the Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Com-pany, the Royal Furniturc Company, the Grand Rapids Fur-niture Company, the Phoenix Furniture Company, the en-tury FUTniture Company, the Grand Rapids Chair Camp ny, thc IVIichigan Chair Company, the Vliddicomb Furniture C m-pally, the C. S. Paine Company, the Retting Furniture C >m-pany, the IJuskegon Valley Furniture Company, the Gr nd Ledge Chair Company, the Stow & Davis Furniture Camp ny and others of equal prominence afe unbroken and buyers can sec the samples every business day. vVhy shoul<.1 the J ouroal continue to misrepresent the local manufacturers as wel1 as those from out,,:,of-town ho offer theil' goods for sale in Grand Rapids? vVhy shoul it seck to injure the business of these business men? he Jol1rnal attempted to stampede the buyers I\..ho were co ing to Grand Rapids on July 10, when it announced that "the nd was in sight." Later it was cODJpelled to admit that the end was out of sight-very far out of Sig~t. , ! Pacific Purchasing Plan Impr~tical. , Two years ago, ,...h. en fOllr big 'furnitiure stores in os Angeles, Cal.-Barker Brothers, Niles Pease, the Los n-geles Furniture Company and the Fred~rick-Mackic C m-panY-\ V<2re consolidated, under the name pf the Pacific ur-chasing Company, it was announced with Ithe blare of m ny trllInpcts that the furniture bnsiness of th4t city and vlei ity would be concentrated in the stores of thel new company. It was planned to practically eliminate competition, but w en tbe Pease Brothers, the California Furni~ure Company, the Lyon-.YlcKinney Company and Bronson r Co. opened ew stores with fresh stocks, the Pacific Purchasing Comp ny was signally affected. The old stock~ of )hles Pe se, the Los Angeles Furniture Company and the Freder ck- ?\-fackie Company were not easy to dispose 10f, but in due t me the Pease store \'Vas closed. On February 1 next, when the lease of the store occupied by the Frederiick-IVIackie bra ch of the Purchasing Company expires, the second store will be closed. The handling of the large stocks bf the several c m-panies and firms mentioned has not been arl easy undertak ng, and this fact may account for the failure of the Messrs, Ba er and Frederick to attend the mid-summer s1les this year. I , Princess Dressers and Washs~ndS. The princess dresser of today is differdnt in construct'on from the princess dresser of 1886. In that year the ate Colonel Penney of Grand Rapids obtail~ed letters pat nt for a combination dresser and washstand and commen ed the manufac,tu,e, of the same. The corrJbinatiol1 COllSi ed of a zinc-lined tank, a movable dresser to~, bencath whir 1 a wash-bowl was placed and a pail, contain~d in a cabinet, to receive the water from the bowl. The ldresser was c n-structed without drawers in the base, but a toilet and ir-ror and small drawers on the movable case op werc provi ed. The dresser did not sell very w.ell; in fact, fa~led to p~e se the ladies. The gentler sex chd not cOTIfnd('x It of any d-v:. lntage when in use over the old fashioneld washstand, \- pltcber and bowl, and the manufacture of ~he cases was 1S-continued, after the market had reiected[it. Washsta ds without toilets, constructed in the f~rm of I enter tables, c n-taining the tank, bowl and slop pall of tHe regular dres er, were also brought out by Colonel Penney, Ibut failed to c m-mand a market. II 20 VENEERED ROLLS Why Worry with the Roll Question =Leav?e tha=t to 1=15>W. e are prepared to solve it quicker and better be-cause we have the knowledge and equip.- ment. We use nothing but dwltDut in 0 u r cores. Writil!orpriC€s. The fellwoc.k Auto-mobile & Mfg. CO EVANSVILLE, IND. Furmerly the Fellwock RoIL& Panel Co. Nothing changed but the flame. 21 The "Reliable" Kind BoO.tOD New York OFFICES;------------------ Jame5towD High Point Cincinnati Detroit MID.D.eapoli. Associate Offices and Sonded Attorneys St. Loui. OUt"Clamps received GOLD MEDAL at W01"ld'. " ..b.·, St. Lout ... REPORTING FURNITURE. UNDERTAKERS, CARPET HARDWARE AND KINDRED TRADES. COLLEC-TIONS MADR BV AN UNRIVALLED SYSTEM THROUc;H OUR COLLECTION DEPARTMENT •.. wE PR.ODUCE RESULTS WHRRE OTHERS FAIL, W1UTK FOR. PARTICULARS AND YOU WILL SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. Our Complaint and Adjustment Departmeftt Red Drafts Collect 316 Houseman Bultdlrrog, Graftd R.plds. Mlch VJtNEER PRESS (Patented June 30,1903.) CHAIN CLAMP (Patented June 30,llXl3.) CASINET CLAMP. Wood ~ Forming Cutters Graftd Rapids In all Prlrroclpalcities We offer exceptional value in Reversible and One-Way Cutters for Single and Double Spin-dle Shapers. Largest lists v,,"ithlowest prices. Greatest variety to select from. Book free. Address SAMUEL J. SHIMER & SONS MILTON. PENNSYLVANIA. U. S. A. Write for prices and particulars. Black Bros. Machinery CO. MENDOTA, ILL. 5aw and Kn'fl e Fl'itnt'g Mach'lrtery and T00 IS UThne .MBig.nge"s.tda,,n,dd.Best Baldwin. Tuthill ®. Bolton GrarrodRapids. Mich. filers. Setters. Sharpeners. Grinders. S...a..ges. stretchers, Brazing and filing Clamps. KI\\ie Balances. Hammering Tools. Invet~:~ our New 200 page Catalogue for 1907 Free. Bolton Band Saw Filer for Saws h inch up. B. 1. &. B. Shle D. Knile Grinder. Full Automatic:. Wet: or dJy. 22 West Side 36 Inch Band Saw Machine, Gleason Patent Sectional Feed Roll, ===~MANL·FACTlJRED BY========= WEST SIDE IRON WORKS, CRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. We can help you. Time saved and when done leaves are bound (by :rour-self) and indexed b, floors or departments. BARLOW BROS •• Grand RilPid., Mieh. WRITE RIGHT NOW. B. WALTER & CO. WABASH INDIANA M.nufa,ru.o" of T ABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT - R. H. RUPPER l;\?a-~,~'1~ MII.DufadQfef of Machine and Carvlnr Toot.. All lind$ of Woodworking Tool. to order-Shaper Heads. Jointer Head., Spindle Carver Cutter. and evel'}'thing: ill tools. If your DESIGNS au right. people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. <.tlarence 1R.bills DOES IT 163Madison Avenue-eltizens Phone-l983 •. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. -SEE= West Michigan Machine 86 Tool Co" ltd. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. for "IG" GRADE PUNC"ES and DIES. MICHIOAN ENORA VINO CO. Graud Rapids, Mich. BNOI{AVBI{S BY ALL PI{OCBIISBS. A. L. HOLCOMB & CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE OROOVINO SA WS up to 5-16 thick, ---- &epalrlng~~·S.ti8fllction guaranteed. Citizens' Phone 1239. 21 N. Market St••Grand R.aplds. Mich. Liberal inducements are offered to secure a bona fide .PrOPosition eM· ploying not less than forty men. Good dlo.;tributing facilities for finished product. Correspondence is illVited regarding this and other excellent opportunities for furniture, mattr~~l iron bed and other factories along our lines, 8mdfor indulItrlal dellcnpave malter about the Rock 18tand· Frlsco. M. SCHULTER, Industrial Comminioner. Rock 16land-Frisco Lines. 1f44 Frlsc.o Bldg •• ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI. EXCEPTIONAL FACTORY OPPORTUNITY Do yOIl wish, to find an openioR for a CHAIR. FACTORY or would you like to remove to some more favurable location? 1f so, It would repay you to at once request Information about a tine locati()fl in the great timber section of Southeast Missouri along the • WHITE PRINTING CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MiCH. PRINTERS OF CATALOGUES anel ev!irything needed by business men Manufacturers Favor Tariff Revision. Many of the commercial organizations in manufacturing states have appointed special committees to study the sub-ject of tariff revision and in some of them the sentiment is not only strong, but is outspoken. The growth of this :.enti-ment is evidenced by the action of the National Association of ;\-Ia1iufacturcrs in the adoption, at the recent convention of tbl hody helel in New York in May, 19u/, of resolui:lO~:~, calling for immediate tariff revision and for the creation of a permanent tariff commission. The resolutions were recom-mended by the Committee on Tariff and Reciprocity, which made a report giving the result of a canvas of the members, which showed that out of a total of 1,800, 55 per cent were in favor of revision, most of it of a radical kind, one-fifth of that 55 Rer cent desiring only partial revision; that only 20 per· cent 'were radically opposed to revision; that 8 per cent were opposed to it on the ground of expediency, while 17 per cent were indifferent, uninformed, and not entitled to vote. This vote tabulated by industries showed 56 for, and 16 against, revision. This indicates a very remarkable growth in sentiment among manufacturers. The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest and most powerful organization of its kind in the United States. Its membership is made up from almost every State ) in which there are manufacturing industries.-American I ).lonthly Review of Reviews for July. Carving by Machinery. Since the introduction of the first wood carving machine at the Philadelphia exposition thirty years ago, great advances have been made by the builders of carving machinery. The original machine, operated by George Clark, was provided with a few small, simple cutters and nothing more elaborate than a rosette or plain line cutting was attempted. The im-provements to the carving machines of recent years are mainly contained in the machines perfected and placed upon the market by the Union Embossing :Machine Company of .Indianapolis, a corporation that makes improved emboss-ing machines as well. The company wilt cheerfully furnish information in regard to these machines. ..,. Wilt Soon Take Possession. The Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company will Soon take possession of the great plant they have had under construc-tion since the opening of the year. An illustration of the buildings will be published in a later edition of the Artisan. THE CREDIT &UREAU OF THE FURNITURE TRADE The LYON Furniture Agency ROBERT P. LYON, Gen~ral Manater CREDITS and COLLECTIONS Sailed for Europe. \V. H. Andrews, general manager, and F. Vol. Robinson, general superint~ndent of the Pratt & Lambert plants in the United States, sailed on the "Celtic'! July 25 for Europe to visit the London varnish plant of Robert Tngham, Clark & Co" Ltd., their associate house. Send for Their Samples. The Ornamental Products Company of Detroit, 11ich., originators and manufacturers of LIGXINE carvi11gs, un-breakahle. would like to place before you for your considera-tion white working on your new creations such samples of LIGKIKE carvillgs as. may be of interest to you. Vo..rritcfor plan whereby samples can be returned at their expense. New catalogue sent On application. See ad, page 6. A Profitable Investment. A traveling salesman tours his territory in "western ?vlichi-gan \vith an automobile. The house he represents allows him for the use of the nn~about an amount equal to the cost of his car fare if he traveled by rail. The salesman saves a . great deal of time and covers his territory at much less cost than \liould be possible" if he were traveling by rail. In the month of July he drew $50.00 for the use of the car. Fatal Fall From a Bicycle. Richard H. \Vcbher, treasmer of the Austrian Bent \Vood Company of ;'\e\v York, was fatally injured by falling from his wheel while on a cycling tour with a friend in the moun-tains near \Vest Orange, :N. J. He died soon after reaching the Orange ~Jemorial hosptal. More Pennsylvania Capitol Graft. Charles D. JV10ntague of Brooklyn X. Y., an expert on metal furniture. employe.d by the committee investigating the frauds in furnishing Pennsylvania's capitol building. reports Grand Rapids Office. 412-413 Houseman Bldg. GEO. E. GRAVES, Manager CLAPPERTON & OWEN. Counsel THE STANDARD REfERENCE BOOK CAPITAL, CREDIT AND PAY RATINGS CLEARING HOUSE OF TRADE EXPERIENCE THE MOST REUABLE CREDIT REPORTS COLLECTIONS MADE EVERYWHERE PROMPTLY- REUABLY that the state paid $2,012,000 for metal cases of which the actual cost was $412,000. He finds that the cases were not what is considered standard work and says that had they been properly designed for the offices in which they were placed, the c()st could have been cut 30 per cent or to less than $300,000. The cases V-ierefurnished by the Pennsylvania Construction Company in which Congressman H. Burd Cas-sell is the controlling factor. Another Grand Rapids Timber Company. Ch"lTles R. Sligh, J\Tclvin J. Clark and Frank Jewell of Grand Rapids, l\Jich., have incorporated the Clark-Sligh Tim-ber Company, capitalized at $300,000 with $150,000 paid in, for the purpose of buying timber and conducting timbering operations near Everett, vVash. 1v1r.Clark has invested $75,000 1vT1". Sligh $60.000 and Mr. Jev· ...etl $15,000 in the stock of the Company and they are said to have bought some of the best timber lands in the state of vVasbington. BOYNTON eX CO• ,,~ ~~~.~:a:":.::o.",-,,,.:.~.:.,:,.;:.:.: ~v.: ,:tl~ -~~- - ~-- - + Manufacturers of Embossed and Turned Mouldingl, Embgued and Spibdle CarvinlJ8, and Automatic: Tumin .... We also manu-facture a larKe line of Emboaed Orna_ menta for Couc.h Work. SEND FOR CATALOGUE 419-421 W. Fifteenth St .• CmCAGO.llL The LION VARNISH and SHELLAC WORKS KAREL DE LEEUW, Manager. 1475 State St., CHICAGO, ILL. ONE OF OUR SPECIAL TIES LUSTRELESS SPECIAL FINISH FOR MISSION AND FUMED OAK FURNITURE. DOES NOT RETAIN WAX. A QUICK DRYER AND DOES NOT STICK. Samples Furnished on Request. 23 This Machine Ma!kes the Money BY SAVING IT====== It makes a perfect imitation of any open grain because it uses the wood itself to print from, and one operator and a couple of boys can do more work with it than a dozen men with any other so-called machine or pads on the market. That·s why Ie. a money maker. It imitates perfectly PLAIN or QUA" TE"ED OAK. MAHOGANY, WALNUT, ELM, ASH or any other wood with open grain. --- WRITE THE Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich.· MENTION THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN, FOR PRICES AND FULL PARTICULARS. USE A MORTON KILN IT WILL END YDUR DRY KILN TROUBLES Does not warp or check lumber. THE MOST PERFECT MOIST AIR KILN ON THE MARKET. /'IR T I oS' ..:7I..l'1 e ? r. 2 \ Temperature and Moisture R.eadily Controlled in the "ABC·· Moist Air fiiln TRUCKS, CANVAS DOORS, RECORD. ING THERMOMETERS and other sup-plies. Write for catalog H which tells HOW TO DRY LUMBER. MORTON DRY KILN CO. / 10 Spindle Machine AlBo made with ~ •. U. 20 Rod 25 Sp1ndlee. 218 LA SAl.LE: ST" CHICACO. DODDS· NEW GEAR DOVETAILING MACHINE This. little ma~hlne has dODemore to paried tbe drawer work of furniture manufacturers than anything else in the to.rDi~ tore trAde. Fot' fifteen yell,rs it bas made. Perfect-fitting, vel'Ill1n~proof. dove-tllUed stock a pOI'lldbUity. TWi!l bas been accomplished nt reduced COllt, as the mR(lhloe cuts dove~taUs. in gaoglS 'Of from 9 to Z4 at one operation. ALEXANDER DODDS, Grand Rapids, Mioh. Bepnsented by SCHUCHARDT &: SCHUTTE at Berlbl, Vfenns.. Stockholm and St. Petersburg. Bepl'e8ented by ALFRED H. SCHUTTE at Colocne. Bru&- scl&, Liege, P.IloI'is,Milan and Bilbao. THE COLE MFG.CO•• Memphis. Tenn .. say: . "We will state that these Kilns are g-ivtng ,llood service and have come up to all that is claimed for them. We consider them the best kllIt on the market for cypress and oak as the tempeTature nnd moisture is readily controlled. Ogr 01'7 Kiln Catalogue Is No. 166 M-A. Shall we send )l'OU is. cop~? AMERICAN BLOWER COMPANY. Detroit. Mich. NItW YORK CU'-CAGO ATLANTA LONDON 26 STANDARD DRESSER AND COMMODE. Cost· Schedules as Estimated by the Administration Com-mittee of the National Case Goods Association. Herewith are presented more of the cost schedules as pre-pared and published by the Administration Committee of the Nationa1 Case Goods Association. The Michigan Artisan of June 10 gave the schedule of cost for a medium grade side-board with the committee's explanations as to the basis of the estimates, their application etc., and on July 10 the cost Medium Grade Dresser. Swell Top Drawers, Top, 21 x 42. Glass 24 x 30, French Bevel Pattern. schedule for a low grade sideboard, in two sizes was given. The following schedule is for a standard dresser of medium grade, made in plai,n oak or its equivalent: 1. Dresser Base Construction-Post or Pilaster; posts plain or moulded; maximum dimension 1M xl% x 33 inches or equivalent; no blocks; legs bandsawed; ends crosspaneled, or single paneled; partitions between drawers flat or moulded. Veneer dust protector below lower drawer. Paneled back of soft woods. Carvings as illustrated, All outside work well sanded. 2. Drawers-Four flat drawers; top drawers divided; total maximum width of drawers including base 27 inches. viz., drawers 6 inch, 8-inch-B-inch, base 5 inch; maximum length 36 inches, bottoms three ply veneer; hardwood ends, sanded. All drawers well fitted and guided to work perfectly with one hand at either end. 3. Top--Single or double; size 21 x 42; may be band~ sawed and moulded. 4. Trimmings.-Cast brass trimmings; cost not to exceed 50 cents per doz. No. 5 Lig. casters. Screw friction hinges for glass swing. 5. Finish.-Stained and filled; two coats good polishing .7lR22..Tm·1.5'JI.l'l v-arnish; rubbed or rubbed and poHshed; drawers:vamished inside. DRESSER TOILET AND GLASS FRAME. 1. ConstructioTI.-Stock not to exceed 1}8 dressed in thickness; square or open construction; bandsawed and moulded; all stock well sanded. 2. Caryings or ornamentation not to exceed in extent as illustrated. J. Glass.-Frel1ch bevel, first quality, square, 22 x 28 or equi.valent. Two ply veneer on back of glass frame, stained jf desired. 4. Finish.-Stained and filled; two coats good polishing varnish; rubbed, or rubbed and polished. ADDITIONS TO MEDIUM GRADE DRESSER. 1. Add for quarter veneered swell top drawers with top bandsawed to match , , .. "" $ 2. Add for lengthening top and front per inch for plain oak· , " . 3. Add for top and front per inch for quartered oak solid , 4. Add for lengthening top and front per inch for figured veneer , · · .. ·· . Add for deepening drawers each per inch . Add for full quartered veneered front, flat. .. , . Add for full quartered veneered front, under swell top drawers ; , , , . Add for full swell front quartered veneer , Add for blocked legs, full French, sawed 4 sides plain "" "., , . 10. Add for blocked legs, full French, sawed 4 sides plain with carved or simple cIa;"" .. , . 11. Add if made from quartered white oak lumber in place of plain , . Add for figured veneered top " , .. , . Add for figured veneered paneled ends Y<l inch. Add for figured veneered paneled ends %- to 0 inch Add for additional ornamentation, mouldings or carvings as shown . Add for French bevel square, 24 x 30 , , .. Add additional for patterns 22 x 28 or 24 x 30 : Add for Bjrds-eye maple, or mahogany or quar-tered oak in drawer bottoms .. , , . 19. Add for three ply veneer solid back on base, -}8 inch 20. Add for additional coat polishing varnish . DETAILED COST STANDARD DRESSSER FRENCH BEVEL MIRROR. .50 .25 .40 5. 6. 7. .60 .20 .60 8. 9. .50 1.25 .40 .60 12. 13. 14. 15. 1.00 .50 .25 AD .15 .50 .30 16. 17. 18. .20 .40 .25 22x 28 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Made in Plain Oak or Equivalent. Burlaped or crated Lumber, exposed, except back, 50 ft $ 1.60 Inside lumber and back, IS feet.................. .40 Veneers for drawers, back and glass back ,.... .75 Sundry materials , :....... .85 Glass, 22 x 28 first quality , . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 I.abor , 2.35 7. Total cost labor and material. $ 8.45 Selling and administration, 30 per l;;:ent.. .. . .. . .. . .. 2.55 Total cost standard dresser as ilhtstf:lted $ 11.00 Add for burlap or crating, 20 cents. For cost of same dresser., full veneer, with swell top drawers 24 x 30 French bevC'l plate, as illustrated, to cost of labor and materials given above ...................•... $ 8,45 1. Add, for swell top drawers .... ,................. .50 2. Add, for figured veneer top...................... .50 3. Add, for balance quartered veneer front, flat. ..... " .50 4. Add, for figured veneer paneled ends %inc........ '.25 5. Add, for additional carvings .. ,.................... .15 6 .Add, for French bevel, square 24 x30 " .50 ~r;.;9HIG7fN Dayton Duplex pump with connections. Hancock Inspirator with connections. 30' x 60 ft. smoke stack with guy wires. For Price' and Detailed Information address. WE OFFER THE COMPLETE POWER PLANT FOR SALE CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: STURGIS MACHINE CO., STURGIS, MICH. Lane & Bodley full Corliss engine. size 14 x 42 R. H. with all filliogs. Size pulley 2 I' face. 12 It. dia. Tubular boiler. full front, 60' x 16 ft.. with 50-4' Hue,. Brownell feed water heater with connections to engine and boiler. .30 .... .$11.15 .......... 3.35 .$14.50 7. Add, for French bevel, pattern, 24x30. Total cost labor and material,. Selling and administration, 30 per cent. Total cost ;:IS illustrated .... For same dresser, ",-ith full swell front add to above: For swell front....... .$ .25 Additional administration .. .10 Total cost with full swell front. . ... $14.85 For same dresser with full French frout legs add 40 cents for legs and 10 cents a<1mi1115tratiol1, mak-ing total cost.... '" .$15.35 For burlaps add 20 cents. Commode. For a standard medium gradt:: commode, top 18 x 32, as illustrated, made of plain oak or its equivalent, the descrip-tion and schedule of cost, ..v..ith additions, is as follO\vs: 1. Construction-same as medium grade dresser. 2.. Frollb--Flat, ,one drawer 4 inches wide; two doors Medium Grade Commode. Top, 18 x 32. maximum width 12 inches. Base below doors straight or bandsawed. 3. Top-Single or double, Bize 18 x 32; bandsawed and moulded. 4. Splasher Back, 1Y8 stock, bandsa\vcd and moulded; carving as illustrated. 5. Trimmings-To match dresser; No.4 castcrs . 6. Finish-Same as dresser . ADDTTlCJ:\fS AT COST. /\dd for quartered s vcll top drawer $ .251 Add for additional drawer, flat. , . , . " .. .20 Add for combination commode, top drawer straight ~I two side drawers and one door.. .. .. .. .sd Add for solid quartered oak in place of pjlain oak.. .W Add for figured veneer top.. .. ... .3~ Add for figured venccred front, flat.. .2~ Add for figured vcneert?J.l ends, 74 inch .. , . .. .. .. .. .20 S. i\dd for figured veneered ends, ii inch to yf inch.. 30 9. j-\dcl for increased length' of top and front per inch, 'j plain oak.. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .2 10. Add for increased length of tD{l and front per inch quartered oak . _. .2. 11. Add fOTincreased length of top and front, per inch quartered veneer '" " .. .. .. . . .3lD 12. Add for bint's-cye, quartered oak or mahogany i dra\ver bottoms .11] 13. A(ld for solid veneered back, Yii to Y;; inch.. .. ij' 14. j\dd for-blocked posts, 4 sides, bandsawed. plain.. :3 15. Add for blocked posts, 4 sides, bands awed, carved .5 DETAILED COST. I Lumber, 30 feet.. ..... . . .$1.00 Inside lumber and veneer __ __ _.. .45 Labor " 1.6b Sundries _. . .. . .. . .. . .. .45 I Total cost labor and mate';als........... . .... $3.5~ 5. Selling administration, 30 per cent.. 1 O~ '.-+ Total cost base commode, medium grade, as illustra- I Fa' b~e,~ap;" ~he~;I;~~~;;d:add20'ce~;s:" 45i [Sincc these schedules were prepared and submitted biY the committee, there has been a considerable advance in thie cost of nearly all of the materials and trimmings and a sligHt advance in the cost of labor.] I The Helena, Ark, br:nc~'--~~ Ford-Johnson Compan~ wil1 hereafter be known as the Helena ManUfacturing Coni-pany. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. O. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. IMPROVED, EASY and ELEVATORSI QUICK RAISING B~lt. El~etric and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furniture Stores Send for Catalo!{ue and Prices. KIMBALL BROS. CO., 1067 Ni"'h St.. Council Blulls, la, Khnball E.levator Co .• 3;0 Prospect St .• Cleveland. O. I0811th St., Omaha. Neb.; 12{1Cedar St., New York City. aran~Ua~i~sOlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THe L/l.TTiST dC"'ice for halldlillg sha'Z.'jll/2:s (Il1d dust from all 'wood- 7x'orl.:ing machines. Our nillcfccJI '}lcars_ c;rj'tTicl/cc ill this class of '{corle' has broll{:,11t it ll(arcr perfectioll thcw (JlIy other SJ.'stCIll 011 the llwrkct foda)'. Jt '(,'-: 1/0 cxpCrhlICJll, lnlt a dcnwl1 strafed scientific fact, as '((ft' hm/c sC'i.'cral hun-dred ol these systems ill use, alld I/ot (l poor OTieoIlumg the/N. Ollr .4utolllatic Furnace Feed SYS/ClH, as SIU!"ZVllin this cul, -is the 1IIost perfect ',c'orking dC7'icc of all:)'thil1g ill this line. IT/rile for 0111' prices (or cquijnn~lI is. WE MAKE PLAXS AXD DO ALL DETAIL WORK WTTHOCT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. JiXHAUST FANS AND FRES-SURE BUJTYERS ALlVAYS I.V STOCK. OHio. and Fa.ctory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Citizen. Phon.e 1282 BIfl'II, Main 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED~SYSTEM INSIST ON HAVING Morris Wood a Sons' Solid Steel Olue Joint (uffers for there are no other,.,. 1- ju.rt a.I" good." They cut a clean perfect joint always. Never burn owing to the GRADUAL CLEARANCE (made this way only by us), require little grinding, saving time and cutters. No time wasted setting up and cost nO more than other makes. Try a pair and be convinced. Catalogue No. 10 and prices on application. MORRIS WOOD &. SONS Thlrt?_two years at 31&33S. Canal Street. CHICAGO. ILL. Mr. Manufacturer-Do you ever consider what joint gluing coSb ? The sepa(atQrs and wooden wedges, if you use them and many do. are a large item of expr:mse accounts; but this is troall complll'ed to wage ac-counts of workmen who wear them out with a hammer, and then a large per cent of the joinb are failures by the insecurity of thi$ means. RESULT, it has to be done over again, if possible. If you use inde-pendent screw dampt the result is better, but slower. altoliletber too slow. Let us teJl you of something better~ PALMER'S CLAMPS. AU tteel and iron. No wedses, no separators, adjust to any width. damp instantly yet securdy, releases even faster'. Positivdy one~third mote work with one-third less help, In seven sIzes up to 60 inches. any thickness up to 2 inches. 200 factories convinced in 1906. Why not you ill 1907? Although sold by dealers everywnete let us send you p.rti,.I.". 1\. E. Palmer «80m;. Owosso. MiGh. FOREIGN AGENTS: Proiedik Co.• London, EnsJand. Schuchtudt & Schutte,Beilin, Gennany. Johnson's Tally Sheef ----FORI---- HARDWOOD LUMBER NOT LIKE OTHER TALLY SHEETS. C. A. JOHNSON, Marshfield, Wis. "Rotary Style" tor DJ'op Car'l;'iogl'!, EOlboSS\'Jd MouldiDgs, ranel". EMBOSSINC AND DROP CARVINC MACHINES. Macbines for all pnrpolM8, and at prices within the :reach ot all. Every machine b.a.8 our guarantee lliPllnllt brl'-Jllnl8e for one year. "Lateral Style" tor large capacity heavy Cftl"VWgs and Deep EmooRtllnp. We th" Macblne you want at a. I!lattsl:~tory prle". Write toJ' descriptive cireuJarB. A1B1lmake dies :lor all lllIlkes of Ma,. ehInM. 1.1 -tU UNIONr:MBOSSINOM~C"INE CO., Indianapolis. Ind. 29 30 ·§O~Mlf,HIG7}N Pitfalls for Exporting Manufacturers:. Among the pitfalls ·which await the American,· facture, when he starts out f(~r the first time to actLuire for-eign trade is the exclusive agency proposition as set forth by the export commission llOuses, says the Ni:W York Commer-cial. Some export commission houses have been very SLlC-cessful as representatives of certain American manufacturers where they happen to control regular volumes of trade in certain commodities. The fact that the c_ommission house can do a good bminess for the manufacturer in one country docs not, however, mean that it can handle his interests to his own advantage in other countries. After giving exclusive rights to any commission house the manufacturer owes it to himself to ascertain just where the commiSSion house is equipped to do business. It is very doubtful that tbere is a single commission house in New York that is big enough and powerful enough to represent any manufacturer all over the world. Even the largest commission house in New York, 50 far as the territory which it eOvers, is weak in some quarters as compared with much smaller houses which specialize any restricted territories. An illustration of this is furnished in the case of a manu-facturer who sometime ago was induced to grant to one New York houae a contract covering all of continental Europe, Australasia, practically the entire contiilent of Asia, including Japan and the East Indies and South Africa. This contract has been in force for some time, but the manufacturer has thus far received no business whatever from the New York firm, except from British India, where its business has been very good. This is merely a case where the New York firm under-took much more than it could accomplish, possibly with the idea of making a reputation for the extension of its connec-tions. If this the idea the plan failed, for it has made it clear that, although it may be strong in British India, it is far from strong elsewhere. Careful conservatism in the allotment of agencies on the part of the manufacturer is therefore a prime necessity and will relieve him from the embarrassments which hinder rather than help his trade. Left-Handed Sofas Preferred. The Milwaukee Free Press is responsible for this: A {un~i~ ture maftufacturer, who always gives a willing to SU3"Ues-tions from dealers, has received several communications lately ill regard to those "conversation" or letter "5" sofas. "The merchants say," he said, "that their Cllstomers complain that most sofas of that kind are made so that the persons sitting thereon have the right sides of their faces brought to-gether. That, tbey claim, is a mistake. Ninety-nine people out of a hundred are better lookil1g on the left side the right, consequently those twisty sofas, in order to promote the interests of society, ought to be made to bring the left side of the face into view. Acting upon that suggestion we have given orders to turn out a large consignment of left-hand tete-a-tetes, so that hereafter nobody ca.n blame us for broken friendships due to concealment of one's best fea-tures." Important ·Enlargement. The Hot Blast Feather Company of Grand Rapids, Mich., has leased for five years the three story brick building on Front street, just south of Pearl, which will be occupied by the offices and spring department exclusively. This bl1ilding is SOx 110 feet, and will increase the output of the company 40 per cent. \.vhen the offices and spring department are moved to the new building it wlU greatly increase the space devoted to cotton, felt, hair and other mattresses and pillows, and will make this the largest excluslve bedding house in Michigan. Many new machines have been ordered and others will be, and the new building will not only enable them to greatly increase the output, but to make up goods with more economy and take care of their rapidly growing trade more promptly than ever. Square and Swell Fronts. Swell and shaped fronts in case work are much preferred by the people to square fronts. It is undoubtedly owing to this fact that there has not been a larger sale of the English and Mission styles. Tired of Golden Oak. Many buyers, while in Grand Rapids last month expressed themselves as very tired of the golden oak finish. They would drop it if they could, but the finish pleases customers and its use ,~ril1undoubtedly be continued indefinitely. A MAN AND A BOY Working ten hours can put up 175 Cases. It's simply a question of letting the machine do the work, the clamping and squaring, instead of doing it by hand. 'Think it over. THE REVOLVING CASE CLAMP DOES IT. Hand Screws, Benches, Trucks\ Furniture Clamps. 130 So. Ionia St. Grand Rapids, Mich. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. IF YOU PLACE YOUR 'ANNOUNCEMENTS ------ IN THE ------- Mercantile Editions of the Artisan THEY WILL BE READ BY DEALERS IN FURNITURE AND KINDRED GOODS ONLY I REMEMBER THIS POINT I 32 ·:f~MI9pIG7JN $ 7i~~I'{~ ~. The lar~esl Makers of furniture Trimmin~s in t~e \Yorl~ Write us for information in regard to the Pull and Knob . that wonlt come off, and· that costs you noth-ing. Dealers are demanding that they be used on all drawer W 0 r k. It's "No-I(um- Loose" for sure. Grand Rapids Brass Co. Grant:! Rapids, Mich. Slep~enson "f~(0.. South Bend. Ind. Wood Turnings, Turned Moulding, Dowels and Dowel Pins. Catalogue to Manufac-turers on Application. These saws are made from No. 1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. Write UliI for ....... LIst and dillcoont 31-33 S. FRONT ST•• GRAND RAPIDS FOX SAW DADO HEADS GREATEST RANGE SMOOTHEST GROOVES Also Machini& KnlveJ'. Miter Machines. Etc. FASTEST CUT QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST POWI!:.R LEAST TR.OUBLE LONGEST LIFE PItRFECT SAFJ~.TY We'll ,JadJy tell yoU all about It. PERMANJ<:NT ECONOMY FOX MACHINE: CO. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapid., Mtch FOLDING BED FIXTURES Profitable fixtures to use are those which give the least trouble. They are made by Folding Bed Williams in many styles and designs, suitable for every folding bed manufactured. Furniture Cast-ings, Panel Holders, Corner Irons. etc. New ideas and inventions constantly being added to the line. F. B. WILLIAMS 3812 VINCENNES AVE" CHICAQO Manufacturer of Hardware Specialties forthe Furniture Trade. Established 19'i8. --- --- --------------------- -~MICH. ... 7 IG.7•IN MODERN MIRROR PLATE GLASS MANUFACTURE. Methods Employed in America's Up-to-the-Times Plate Glass Plants. The following highly interesting description of the pro-cess of manufacturing plate glass is by William D. Hartupee, chairman of the manufacturing department of the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company: Few people understand the difference betwf'en plate glass and window glass. It is a difference in reflection entirely, which means, if you look at an object through plate glass, at a building, for example, the lines will show true and exact. The openings, vertical and horizontal lines, columns, decora-tions, etc" will appear to you j~1St exactly the same as though no glass .vas interposed hetween the building and your eye. \¥hile, if you look at the same object through a piece of win. dow glass, the lines win not be true, but wavy or broken. The opening witt appear crooked and ont of place. Columns are ::tpt to have a spiral appearance, and e,e whole image is distorted and untrue. To illustrate. again jn~t what we mean, if you suspend a plumb bob from a line, and look at the line through a plate glass windovv', it will appear absolutely verti-cal and- straight; while if you look at it through \'1Tindowglass, it will be wavy' and not vertical. This is expressed by saying that the image of an object seCl1 through -late glass is true and exact, while the imag-e of the same obiect. seen through window glass, is distorted and not exact. This is not due to 33 limestone of the purest-no trace of iron must show in either, for this would give a greenish tinge to his glass, which lUu"t be pure. and crystal-like. No little pieces of alumina or clay must be allowed to creep in to the mixture that is to be melted, for these would cause, on ACCOuntof their difficulty to melt, defects that would mar the appearance of the finished plate. These defects mean little to the win-dow glass manufacturer, and are hardly noticed bylJim, but to the plate g-la58 manufacturer they are important, and in-deed vital. Every material must be sobjected to the most c;J.refol chemical analysis. In order to sho-w the excessive care, the large amount of labor, the risk of breakage in the work dnd handling that attends the manufacture 01 plate glass, a brief outline of its process of manufacture may be interesting. In the first place, the materials that form the basis of glass, are santI, known in chemistry as silicic acid, soda ash, known in chemistry as carbonate of soda, and limestone, known in chemistry as carbonate of lime. Some variations are, made in the above ingredients by some manufacturers, as, for example, ::iubstituting all or part of the carbonate of soda for the sulphate of soda, which is known to the trade as salt cake, and also by the addition of minute quantities of arsenic and carbon to the mixture, to counteract certain im-purities that may be found in any or all <)f the above in-gredients. All the ingredients are. carefuHy weighed, as a druggist would weigh the ingredients of a prescriotinn- Dining Room of Summer HODleat Newport, R. L any chemical difference in the structure of the two glasses, then they are ground very fine and thoroug\\ly mixed and put but is entirely due to the physical characteristics of the two. into a huge crucible or pot preparatory to going into the This physical character of plate glass consists in the two sur- furnace to be melted. faces being perfectly true and parallel to each other-the Mixing of the Materials. the surfaces themselves having been made so by grinding, The mixing of the materials is a very important matter, smoothing and polishing both sides of the glass by skillful and the reason the ing-redients are ground very fine is, to en-workmen on large, delicately adjusted and <lccurate1y work- able us to mix the particles morc initimately together-each iug machines. minute grain of sand wants, and must have, a little grain of The chemicals that entcr into the composition of plate and soda, and one of lime, lying right close up to it when it is window glass are practically the same, atthough the plate subjected to the heat of the furnace, for otherwise it would manufacturer, by reaSOn of wanting his ~lass dearer, of not melt. And the same way with the lime; unless a little more brilliant color, and freer from defects than the window grain of soda lies up next to it, the lime will not be melted. glass manufacturer, will, and docs, select his materials with Did you ever look at a piece of glass and see a little white or the greatest care, and requires that they shall be the. best ob- gray speck imbedded in it? \Vell, that is be~ause a little tainahlc. For eX;J.mple,his sand must be of the \vhitest-his grain of sand, or a little grain of lime, did not get close 34 enough up to a little grain of soda, so as to be influenced by it. The boiling of the mass helps to bring these ingredients closer together, and the perfection of the 0peration consists ih each ingredient being combined with just the right amount of each of the other two ingredients, so aiter the mass is melted in a dear, transparent, crystal colored mass is obtained without any veins, streaks or foreign particles being found in it. If he saying "purified by fire" was ever true of any sub-stance, it is true of plate glass, for it is only by applying the Designed by Otto Jtranek. Grand Rapids, Mich. most intense heats, and violently boiling the materials hour after hour that we can obtain the beautiful dear, flawless glass that has done so much to beautify the world, We could go on and teJJ how we sometimes put a potato at the bottom of the melted mass to cause violent boiling as the gases arise from it, and work their way up through the melted glass; or sometimes stir it with a piece of wood fastened to the end of an iwn rod; or how we get a little piece of clay in the glass, either coming from the side of the pot or drljpping from the cap of the furnace, that our chemicals or heat wj1l not dis-solve, but stays in the glass as a defect, and must be cut out before the finished plate is sent out to he used-or how a few bubbles of air cOllfined in t.he boiling mass will ruin the entire pot of glass. A great many details like the~c could he men-tioned, but would be wearisome to dwell upon, and are only cited to shmN the carc that must he taken l{) get a molten mass of metal suffic.iently pure and free horn imperfections, out of which to manufacture plate glass. Pots in Plate Glass Plants. Now a word about the pots in which the glass is melted; as they play an all-important part in the mam1facture of plate glass. They have to be tried by· fire-not a steady continuous heat, which is not 50 hard to bear, but a Leating to a white, dazzling heat, three thousand degrees hot-hotter than any known thermometer will register: then they are taken ·out of the furnace and emptied of their contents, during which the surrounding air cools them to a dull red; then they are quickly put back into the glowing furnace and heated up again preparatory to receiving anothe&. charge of the mixed ingredients, and repeating the operation day in and day out. Plate glass manufacturers have hunted the world over to find clays out 'of which to make their pots, s'-' that they will stand this terrible test. Such clays have been found in Missouri., in this country, and in Germany and in France, but Ilot anyone clay alone will stand this punishment---'-it takes a mixture of these day!'; from Hiese far separated parts of the world, and they, in their turn, have to be as carefully prepared, mixed ano manipulated as does the batch out of ,.vhich the glass is nn~dc. Three years from the time the clay is taken out of the mine, until it is made into the pot ready to receive the glass mixture, is the least time we give tbe entire operation; and when we can give it four years we like it better and get better results, After the day is mined, it is piled out on the ground and left for a year, for the wind and rain and sunshine to weather it. This meaDS the disintegration and ripening of the clay and the elimination from it of any particles at vegetable tllat~ ter it may have contained. Then it is taken to a mill and washed, to take other ingredients out of it that might shorten its life in the furnace-then it is dried and ground and burnt in blocks and sent to the plate glass maker. He then ·pro-ceeds ·to grind it all ngain into a powder, and then.he·mixes the powdered clay from "\'1issouri with some from Germany, itnd with some from France, adds water, :'nd stirs the mass up, just as a WOmaJl would mix up a batch of bread-only <'- machine does the mixing, and holds many hundreds of pounds. Then when thoroughly mixed, this mass, still like the bread, mllst he kneaded until it is all of a sticky, plastic consistency. ):!al1Y machines have been devised for doing this, but, just as the housewife claims hand made bread is better than machine-made, 50 the plate glafis maker has found that no machine can equal the bare feet in kneading his batch. Now takes place a long period, a year generally, of tramp-ing and \?orking lhe clay back and forth from fifteen to twenty times, and letting it lie, between these workings, in DeSigned by Otto Jiritriek. Grand 'RaPids. :B&Cb. bins to age and ripen. Two years have now passed, and the clay is just ready to be made into a pot. A man starts fifteen pots at once-each day he adds a few inches-building it all up by hand, going round and round the pot, adding little pieces of clay at a time, and 'working and pressing it together with his hands, so that the finished pot is perfectly homogeneous and no crack or parting shows where the secQnd piece of chy is added to the first. It takes fifteen days for this man, with a boy to help him, tf) finish his fifteen pots, or llis average is one pot a day. After the pot has been built Up.. it is damp and wet, so it must be carefully dried jn a room of a certain temperature, and if you dry it too fast, it cracks, and your work 15 all 1ost. In a year, if carefully watched and dried, it will he ready to go to the oven, to be gradually heated up to a bright red heat preparatory to being put into the white hot furnace to re-ceive the glass mixture. Poor pot! After all these years of preparation, its life is but from twenty to twenty~five days ill that terrible heat, and then its work is done. Melting and Casting. The pot, having been put into the furnace and brought up to the necessary high temperature, is filled heaping full with its required batch of silica, soda and lime. .l\vfeltLng reduces the bulk so much that the pot is filled three times before it contaiqs a sufficient charge of nlolten glass. The mixture boils like an effervescent mas,." all alive, and is like liquid water. Then, when the chemical activn has all taken place, it settles dow"n to a quiet mass of molten glass, ready for the next operation. The pot is then liftcd out of the fur-nace by a large electric cranc. The pot, and its contenh, weighing about t"wotOI1S,is carefully skimmed to rcmove ,tny Lmperfection which may rest t1pOn the sndace-then taken by another electric crane to the casting Lthle. This is a large, massive, flat table of iron, about 25 fcet long and 15 feet wide, having as an attachment a heavy iron roller which covers the full width, and can be mcchanically rollcd the entire length of the table, At the side of the table are ad~ justed strips of iron upon which the roller rests, and \vhich permit the production of pbtes of differcJlt thickncsses, as these strips arc thicker or thimlcr. The pnsty or half-fluid glass metal is now poured upon the lable in front of the roller from the melting pot, and the roller quickly passes over it, leaving a sheet of glass of uniform thickness. The euds of the sheet, after it i~ rolled, are slightly rou11ded, as ~t is lln-possible to roll the glass so as to get a pcrfectly square shcet. The heavy rone' is now moved out of tlle way, and thcn, by means of a shnving· tool, th.e rcd hot plate is shoved into an annealing oven. All these stages of the work have to be per-formed quickly by men of long training and experiencc, Annealing ap.d Carrying Glass. The anneaHng oven, into which tlle glass is then placed. may hold from one to threc plates, as the case may be, and for hours it hqs been heatcd so that ..v..hen the glass is put into it, they are both of the same tcmperature. As soon as the glass is in th,e oven, all the openings to it are closed and sealed up-the heat if;,turned off and the glass and oven cnol off together. This cooling process takes several days, and ,vhen the tempe·raturc gets down to that of the surrounding air~ the oven is opened up, the glass pulled out on a flat table, the edges trued up square with a diamond and any defects that can be seen are cut out. The examination of the glass at the ovell mouth is only a preparatory one, to discover such defects as shO\...-on the sUrfa(".e,for the snrface is rough, opaque and wa..y..i.n appearance, and defects in tbe body of the glass cannot he detected. The glass is then raised care-fully 011 its edge, and carried to the grinding and smoothing departments, '.vhere it is put throLlgh the next operation. The carryit}g of plate gbss is a dangerous and delicate operation-twenty men arc required to carry the largest plate, ten men on each side. They have le~tber straps with a handle on each end. The glass is lifted and carried by these straps-one man on each end of the strap. They must step together in perfect unison, stand perfectly straight and go 35 very slowly, or the glass, which towers from six to eight feet above their heads, may break and crash down on th(:m, cuttillg them, often serlously, and many times fai-tlt-ly. Grinding and Smoothing. The machine for grinding the glass is a circular, flat, iron platform, from 24 to 28 feet in diameter, and makes from 20 to Designed By Otto Jirauek, Grand Ra.pids, 25 re\'olutitOIlS per minute. It is perfectly level and $11lOoth, and runs as true as a balance wheel of a watch. The surface of this platform is covered with a thin mixture of plaster of paris; the glass is then laid on this table, pressed into the plaster by men carefully and skltlfully walking over it. The whole top of the grinding table is covered in this way, and wl1cn the pl.aster has set, which it does in a very few minutes, the glass is ready to be ground. The table is then set revolv-ing and large, circular flat discs are lowered on the glass, hay-ing square iron blocks fastened to their under side. These runners, as they are called, revolve in the opposite direction to tl1e table, and sharp sand is fed On. the grinder by a stream of water, which, getting between the glass and ·the iron-shod runner, does the grinding. The first operation is done by very coarse sand, until the glass is ground to a straight, true and e\'en surfacc-then finer and finer grades of sand are used, and at last the grinding operation is finished by the finest 36 flour of emery. This final operation on the grinder is called ~moothing_ The top of this grinding machme is movable, and, when the smoothillg is finished, the machine is stopped and the glass on the table is washed off carefully, for if one grain of sand is left on the glass at this time, that grain of sand will spoil the whole table of glass when it enters the next operation of polishing. The glass, when it leaves the ./ilTindcr, nas a Derfectly straight, true surface, feels like velvet, but is opaque like children's drawing glass. The glass, after being washed and lUspected: for aefects of all descriptions, and still being firmly imbedded in the plaster, is put on the polishing machine, which is a machine much like the grinder; and receives the grinder top-only the polisher has ruunets shod with dozens of circular felt discs which rest on the glass. The material used for polish-ing the glass with these felt discs is rouge, made from sul-phate of iron crystals, which have been bur'IJt and ground to an impalpable powder. Some water is used in this operation, and it takes from three to four hours. Now all this work of grinding, smoohing and polishing has only finished one side-the other side is still rough as when it left the annealing oven. The table top is taken awa)' frem the polisher, the glass carefully raised, all the old plaster taken off the table, everything washed clean, a new bed of plaster spread on the table and the glass carefully turned over and imbedded in the· plaster. Now the side that has been polished is down, and the table top is taken back to the grinder, and the rough side, which is now up, goes through the same operation. of grinding, smoothing and polishing as the first side did. After the second side has b~en polished, the glass is carefully. raised from the polishing table· and taken to the wash rack, where it is carefully cleaned alld then taken to the wareroom, Here it is minutely inspected, every de-fect cut out-defects that the eye of an ordinary man would never detect, arc here, by skillful inspectors, instantly noticed . and corrected. The glass has, during all these operations, been more or less broken. It has had to stand tons upon tons of weight upon it in the grinding and polishing operations. It has had to be lifted, turned over, washed add carried. All these opetations are attended with the risk· of breakage, and entail great loss upon the manufacturer. In the warehouse the glass is cut up for orders, carefully packed in boxes, with sheets of white paper between the plates'to prevent one plate from scratching another in trans-portation, then all carefully packed in straw, and the box is nailed up ready for shipment. Miscellaneous Notes. John K. Herr, mattress maker of Lancaster, Pa., has bought a site for a new plant and made contracts for the building and new machinery. The Portland, OI'C. Mattress and Upholstering Company will expend $30,000 in erecting a factory and warehouse on the water front at South Portland, Railroad officials are not so pessimistic ~s they were dur-ing May and June. Improved conditions of traffic and busi-ness have compelled a change of opinion. The firm of Walker & Linde, furniture and carpet dealers, Philadelphia, Pa., has been dissolved, Me. Walker retiring. The firm was formed 20 years ago and has been very success-ful. The Philadelphia Record says several furniture dealers in that city and vicinity have been swindled recently by an Hagent" who sold them a "wood enamel" that was absolutely worthless. The Chicago Canal and Dock Company is to invest $300,000 in a new warehouse for the Furniture Exposition Company. The building will be located on the North Side between the Michigan slip and the Northwestern railroad tracks. The ground dimensions will be 120x 270 feet, On petition of creditors, the Paducah (Ky.) Furniture Company has been placed in the hands of John Rock as receiver. The liabilities are about $125,000 with assets listed at $130,000. The firm Of Marks & Cohen of Terre Haute, Ind., better known as the Terre Haute Spring and Mattress Company, bas been dissolved. Mr. Marks will continue the business. C D, Pelletier & Company .. manufacturers of office furni-ture and fixtures, Superior, Wis., must rebuild and enlarge their plant to accommodate their rapidly increasing business. The Edwards-Ihrig Company manufacturers of casket furnishings, mattresses and bed springs, Oshkosh, Wis" have decided to move to Milwaukee where they have secured a site for a new plant on Oregon street. Pacific Coast lumbermen 'say they do not object to buy-ing cars for the railroads to carry their product if they can own the cars, but they are opposed to making the im"estment and allowing the railroads to enjoy ownership. The business of the M. L. Nelson Company-furniture commission dealers-of Chicago is to be closed out by the receiver, the creditors having failed to reach an agreement to continue the business. The assets and liabilities are said to be about equal-$125,OOO. An Inexpensive But Good Machine. The Cordesman-Rechtin Company of Cincinnati makes a number of styles of. boring machines. The horizontal post-boring machine illustrated herewith is one of them. It is not an expensive machine, yet so well made, and containing all the desirable features of the other machines that it is very popular aniong the wood workers. The machine consists of a bracket that will attach to a post, wallar to the side of sawing and other machines. The frame has planed dove-tail slide to which table bracket with gibs is fitted. The top side of bracket is planed to receive the sliding table.· Both table and bracket have rise and fall movement by crank handle gear and screw. It is a handy machine and for fuller descrip-tion and price write the Cordesman-Rechtin Company, Pearl and Butler streets, Cincinnati; O. - --- ----------------------- How "Sam" Porter Saved the Firm. "Sam" Porter of New York is possessed of many resources beside his substantial financial responsibl1ity, and
- Date Created:
- 1907-08-10T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:3
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1937-07-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 7, Number 7
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and ~---------------, GRAND RAPIDS l).~RY Twenty-seventh Year-No. 20 APRIL 25, 1907 Semi-Monthly THE MONARCH PUSH BUTTON CHAIR EVERY PATTERN OF OUR WELL KNOWN L I N E OF MORRIS CHAIRS WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH THIS PUSH BUTTON ATTACHMENT. The Monarch is Perfection, Comfort and Utility. Ramsey ~Alton Mfg. Co. PORTLAND, MICH. Note the simple yet abso-ltltely rigid construction. Fully guaranteed and pro-tected by U. S. Letters Patent Nos. 653,452 and 648,715. Will Exhibit on the Ground Floor of the Ashton Building (Formerly Pythian Temple), Grand Rapids, in July, 1907. MICHIGAN HEARSE 8 CARRIAGE CO., MANUfACTURERS Of fiNE Grand Rapids, Mich•• - U. S•• A,=':'" DO YOU KNOW some of the finest Funeral Carll, Ambulance. and Under-taken' Wagon .. are made in Grand Rapids~ DO YOU KNOW the Micbip,n Heane & Carriage Co. have in their employ ", mm:hanics the Wl)r1d produces ~ DO YOU KNOW we spare 110pains nor moneyin theteledion oftbe malerials thai 80 into the con§:ruction of our vehicle&to make tbem leaders aDd !he ~ thai can be produced? DO YOU KNOW the underlaket5 of ChicaKO alone have taken _meen of our vehiclel ,in the pad few moDthl ~ If you are looking for good work combined with Ityle and the right price, write UI today and we will eend half tODe illulltratiooa. ~- -- 1 A Splendid New Line ~~I of Tables We have designed and now show in our new Catalogue a Splendid New Line of Dining Room Tables---the best in the country---no exclusive table house has better medium-priced tables. We have put in new and improved rabIe-making machinery. We have new and exclusive de-signs-- some really popular patterns that sell equal to the best. Our pedestal tables are all equip-ped with the new Seng patent K. D. de-vice, the very latest popular improve-ment. This makes all tops interchange-able, so that any top can be put on any pedestal, to suit any customer, and a very few tables will give you a very large number of different designs. All our five-leg tables, shown in our regular line, are equipped with the famous INVINCIBLE K. D. device, which makes it unnecessary to fasten the legs by screwing bridging to the blocks, so that any retail dealer can set them up in a jiffy with no trouble whatever. Besides our regular line of tables, the beautiful mission patterns in our popular dining room suites may be had separately. We offer you 65 separate and dis-tinct designs, many of them in three different finishes. We challenge comparison with .any medium-priced line of tables in this country. We do not make the cheapest. We do not make the high-est in price. We do make just the line of tables YOU can sell most readily. Won't you let us SHOW you? Northern Furniture Company Sheboygan, Wisconsin I 2 SHELBYVILLE DESK CO. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFICE DESKS Mahogany. and ImitationQyarlered Oak. Plain Oak in Three Grades. SPECIAL FEATURES A SQUARE DEAL Write for lattIt Catalogue. SHELBYVILLE, IND. OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY -Dining Extension Tables Are BeSt Made, 8dt: Finished Values. All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. No. 497 Dining Table TOPt 48x48. Made in Qyartered Oak. Weathered Finish. Nickle Casters. LENTZ TABLE cO. NASHVILLE. MICH. No. 497 Dining Table. Nail's, the Polish that is making Evansville Famous NaJJ's Red SIa, P0Ji9h dril!S inQantly aJld never softens or gUIllS. No ~bJe or offensive odor. Never settles or evaporates A trial order always makes a perrn3neot cus-tomer. Brings QUi the finisb aad aives new life to furniture. This polish is free fram. acid. Can be used by any child. Guar3.llteed to give satisfaction. Sold in I, 2, 5 and 10 gallon aUIll and in barlf'~. also put lip in 2, 3 and 6 oz bottles retailingfor,lOc. lSe and 25c. al\Qwinll:a h"beralprolit to the retailer. Write for prices and ftate quantity wanted. A petfed PolUh and Cleaner for Furniture, Office and Bar Fixtures Pi_N, OI'8'_S, Bicycles, Iron Bed .. Carriages.nd Automobiles. • 'Yc rdC! r,ou to the Crescent FU~lure ~ .. The EvanaviUe De.k Co.,· The Eli D. Miller Foklilla Bed Co;. and the City National BllDk of Evansville. AMERICAN PHARMACAL CO., '0' UPP'. ".~. EvallSville, Ind. Cline's Caster Cup I Thousands in Use I Furniture Dealers need have no more fear. With the use of Cline's Caster Cup one tabJe may be- placed on top of another without injury. Made in two sizes in the follow· ing finishes: Oak, Mahogany and Rosewood. Special pre-pared felt bottom, preventing sweat marks, scratchiug, etc. Price: 2)4 In. per 100. $3.50; 3" In. perlOO. $4.50 We also manufacturethe most reliable Card Holder on the market. Write fol' our new 40 paa-e Catalogue. L. Cline Mfg.Co.••'3.WabaobAve .. Chicago ~ ~df "~'" ' r C i"f:ANTD '-!LJi '" l' PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 7th Year-No, 20, GRAND RAPIDS. MICH,. APRIL 25. 1907, $1.00 per Year. SALARIED SALESMEN BEST. Dry Goods Clerks Must Have More Tact and Ability Than Those in the Furniture Trade. "Those furniture merchants who think they have all the trouble in securing competent salesmen and that their sales-men must be better posted and more intelli'gent than those in other lines of trade, would change their minds if they \'v"ere to get into the dry goods business." said }Iorris Friedman, of M. Friedman & Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., in an inter-view recently. "Of course, there aTC departments in our store where a person with the necessary natural traits may easily hecOl11C a successful salesman. but to get all-around .knmvlcdge of the dry goods business is much more difficult alld requires much more time thall to become well posted in the furniture trade. The truth of that statement is evident enough when you consider the fact that a furniture salesman has to knmv about only a few different articles, while there are hundreds of different articles, with more different styles, makes and qualities in the dry gooc!5 line. "The straigbt salary or commission question is a serious problem. It is difficult to determine which is best. I am inclined to favor the salary plall, though a combination may be advantageous in some cases·. The c.ommi,,-;;,lon plan may tend to increase sales, bllt it has disadvantages. 'VVhen you place salesmen 011 commission they arc quite apt to give the the gTeater part of their attention to the most saleable goods -those that are in great demand and almost sell themselves -'while they neglect the thillgS that need pushing-those that we wish to move promptly. Then they are liable to neglect the stock and fail to do their sbare in keeping it in order and good condition. Many of them watch the door and in that way get a hold of the best customers and thus cause ill-feel-ing and lack of harmony in the force. They soon learn to pick out those who Jre likely to buy largely and th.ey arc apt to neglect, slight or even snub, the small buyers. "The dry goods salesmen must be well posted. There i" no line of trade 'where lack of knowledge, lack of ability to answer questions, etc., counts so much agaillst the house as in the dry goods b"l1sincss. The clerk who becomes confused or shows lack of familiarity with the sh)ck or store frequent-ly spoils a sale and creates distrust in the customer. "Dry goods salesmen not only have to handle ru;:lny more diffe::ent articles than the furniture men, but they bave to meet and deal ''lith many more buyers. It is therefore nec-essary that they should have a much wider knowledge of hu-man nature-they must have more tact and ability. "\!>.l e prefer experienced salesmen, of course, but 'we can-not always find them. When we cannot get them we have to teach novices, 'which requires time C111d experience ct1ld is usually an expensive proposition." Pittsburgs' Enormous Freight Traffic. Great illcrease in the number of cars handled is ShOWllby a cO:llparative report just issued by the Pennsylvania Rail-road con:pauy Oil freight interchange in the Pittsburg yards in 1905 and 1906. The increase in 1906 over 1905 is 'an average of 11,08i cars a month, or 364 a day, equivalent to a gain of 6.3 per cent. The total number of cars handled in the Pittsburg interchange in 1905 was 2,111,376. Tn 1906 the total was 2244216, the increase was due to the improved facilities of the Pitcairn yard and the Brilliant cut-off. "It should he horne in mind," the report says, 'Ithat these figures do not in any way represent the total freight cars going out of Pittsburg as they include only cars which pass thrcmgh the Pittsburg yards, ''lhile they do not include such freight as originates in the Pittsburg district and leaves Pittsbtlt'g without beng transferred from one to another yard. San Francisco Insurance Suits. Under the law of California suits to enforce the payment on an insurance policy must be filed within a year after the lire. The time for filing such suits for losses sustained in the great San Francisco disaster of a year ago, expired, in most cases, on April 18, On that day over 200 hundred suits were started against companies that have neglected or refused to settle. \-\lith tbose filed on the last day, the total of such case.S now pend-ing -in the California courts is over 1900. THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first toaters and Varnishes MANU~Ar:TURCD ONLY BY CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. Z59·63 ELSTONAVE.'" Z-16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACO. 4 ~l'1.19.rIG7jN $ MANAGEMENT OF SALESMEN. Some Interesting Ideas Expressed by Leading Furniture Dealers of Rochester, N. Y. Rochester, April 20.-Few cities can boast of such splen-did furniture stores as are in this third largest city of the Empire State, located in the fertile and wealthy valley of the Genesee. These are busy days with the dealers, but for the Michigan Artisan they cheerfully considered the ques-tions regarding the qualifications and management of sales-men and readily gave their views. None talked more inter-estingly and more to the po'int than H. B. Graves, who con-ducts the largest establishment of its kind in the city, and whose success covers many years. He is regarded as the leader among furniture men in this section of the state. HA man must have experience and knowledge of what he is going to sell," said Mr. Graves. "And the saying that a salesman is born, not made, comes pretty nearly being abso· lutely true. The great essential in a salesman, to my mind, is judgment. He must to a certain extent lead his custom· er and assist in the selection of the article the latter has come to buy, since so few people know much about furniture. For instance, a woman may come to buy a sideboard and she may be satisfied with the appearance of one selling at $25, but who may be well able to afford one at $75, while the cheaper one may be out of harmony with the furniture and decora-tions of her home. A good salesman would learn quickly what the customer really needed. He would effect a sale for $75 instead of $25, and would have the satisfaction of knowing he had sold an article appropriate to the customer's home instead of an inappropriate one, which would not give satisfaction. "The tact and judgment which is essential to the sales-man makes him know when to stop. A good salesman will assist a customer to concentrate his or her attention, while one with less tact will in reality tend to confuse the custom-er. The ability of knowing when to show a customer no more and quickly close the sale is valuable. "A graduate of a normal school came to me a few years ago and asked for a position, and liking his manner and ap-pearance r told him that if he could get a substitute for the school he had engaged to teach I would give him work. When he came r put him out in the shipping room; and they called him 'Professor.' In three months I was able to call him in on the floor as a salesman, and in a comparatively short time r made him one of our buyers. He is now in California, where he holds an important position. He was a natural salesman and a splendid buyer. >lWe have our staff well organized. There is a scrap book .for new suggestions and orders for the salesmen. We have meetings occasionally for the discussion of business and methods and the interchange of'ideas. They help. Occa-sionally, too, we have meetings at which some expert ad-dresses the men, on upholstery, for instance. HEnlivening business in dull times? We_ can stimulate trade to a degree by marking down and cleaning out lines we do not wish to carry any longer. But the advantage is questionable. ~larked down goods create suspicion in many. It is questionable whether it is wise to interfere with the seasons." "We require that our salesmen be keen, clean, gentleman-ly and thoroughly understand their business," said C. F. Schrninke, of G. & C. Schminke, a firm which caters to the best class in the furniture and upholstery trade. "\Ve want him to have absolute confidence in us and have him so conduct himself that we have absolute confidence in him. Right in fine with that we demand that he inspire confidence in our customers. "We pay well and make few Or no. changes. We like best the men who start out to learn the bu~iness with us, and find that every year they become more valuable to us. "We have no idlers. Each man when he comes in of a morning has his room to put in order and there is no time of thE; day in which we expect him to regard himself as an or-nament. "Courtesy we insist upon. We demand of our men that they treat all who enter our store pleasantly and in all ways be obliging and cheerful, whether they khow the person they are talking with has any intention of buying or not. We like to think that our visitors leave us feeling that they have been nicely treated; they are likely to remember it. "There are many ways by which to judge a good sales-man. Appearance counts. So does diligence. By watch-ing your men as they handle different sorts of people, one can judge well. vVhen people, after dealing with a man for a while, come back and ask for him again, we know that -they must have been well treated and that confidence in the man must have been instilled into them. "I think I have suggested our policy in selecting men and in training them. In addition, I will remark that we will lIot have a man who attempts to force an article upon a customer or who will not be honest m every statement he makes to a customer." The firm of Bickford Brothers does business with the best people in Rochester, and A. E. Bickford has ideas about sales· men. "I suppose every firm considers that men trained in its establishment ~re better for it than outsiders," he said, Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Montgomery Iron DISPlay Couch Trucks sent you on approval; If DOt satisfactory they can be returned at no expense to you whatever, while the price asked is but a 1rifIe, com~ pared to Ihe convenience they alford and the economy they represent in lhl!l saving of floor space. Thirly.lwo couches mountl!lCl on the Monlgpmery Iron Display Couch Trucks occupy the same Ooot spaceas twelve dis-playedin the usual manner. Write for 'Catalogue giving 'uB descrip-tion and pri<:ein the different finishes, to-gether with illustrations demomb'aring the use of the Giant Short RailBed.Fastener for Iron Beds. Manufacturedby H. J. MONTGOMERY PATENTEE Silver Creek, New York, U. S. A. Dermis Wire aDd Iron Co., Canadian Manu-factureD. 1...oDdon,· Ont. Oibut there is a limit to that. There is no reason why a man from a strange city cannot come here and make good. It all depends upon t.he man himself, "We like a man to be gentlemanly, polite, neat and oblig-ing. Vie would not think of putting a green salesman at work. Ii' a young man pleased us, we would keep him busy under another with experience till he understood the business fairly well and had learned our methods. Customers ask many questions and, if they arc not answered correctly, and sensibly, lack of confidence results. Above all other things we put courtcsy. That we insist upon. HI have seen many· salesmen make big sales and yet thought they wcre poor workers. We will not have a man hurry through a customer who comes to buy a small and inexpensive article, so that he may attend to another visitor from whom a large _order is sure. r have seen men make a big showing, but noticed that their customers on calling again seldom, if ever, asked for them. "Another thing we are very careful about is that no word against a rival concern is uttered in this store and no criticism ~r;..I9!fHIG7J-N , of any article of theirs is made in the hearing of a customer. We always speak in the most friendly way of our rivals and, apart from all else, it pays. "A lady came into this store yesterday after screens and it appeared as thougb we could not exactly suit her. As she was leaving', she thought a moment and asked a question apparently out of meTe curiosity, regarding' one she had been shown. The salesman hurried back to see it, and returue,'l with the information. She bought that screen, partly, I vlil1 confess, because of the courtesy shown her. As Mr. Bickford was talking one of his salesmen came up and said: "That table sUlts wel1; 1.h. Scbminke saw it and told the lady it was exactly what she needed for her room.' "There," said Mr. Bickford, "that illustrates what I said about a good word for yOllr competitor and a good word fr0n, one. T sold that table myselfj for the lady asked my advice. Mr. Schminke not only has the ple<lsure of having said a good word for a rival, but he has added to the pleasure of a lady in an article which is now hers, and he has pleased us. "It is better to do business that way. It is better to have your men always candid and truthful with your cust,)mers. Treat YOllrmen well·so that they will have reason to be loyal, and you need never fear for the result." 11,'1. L. Garson of Garson & Wood, said that when he need-ed a good salesman he advertised in the newspapers, lookeu over the candidates "\vho called and if he liked their appe<lr. ance, asked for their references and investigated. "1,llledo nOl use any inexperienced men," he said. "Once in a while i! is possible to advance a man from the back room, but only occasionally. Simmer everything down and the best man is the salesman who sells the most and continues to sell the most. That tells the story every time. "It is essential that a salesman in these days shou1d 'knnw a great deal about what he is selling. He must be able to answer all questions of customers. He must plea~e If he pleases and sells, his sales will tell just how much he pleases. You must have discipline. The rules of the house must be preserved. But it is the sales which count. "For any young man who may wish to become a sales-man, I "lIould say: 'Begin at the bottom of the ladder.' But not many of them are willing to do that." The Best "Assistant Salesman." One of the most effective "assistant salesmen" in the fur-niture trade is the invention of Daniel VV'. Tower of the Grand Rapids C:vlicil.) Brass Company. It is called the "N o~ Kum-Loose" knoh or drawer pull and is furnished to man-ufacturers on request at nominal cost, so that any dealer can enjoy its advantages by simply asking for it when giving his orders. The merits of the invention are now quite generally known. As the llame indicates, the knobs are fastened in such a way that it is impossible for them to become loose, a feature that must be highly appreciated by all who have used furniture equipped with old style knobs, and that fact gives the salesman a "talking point" that is always effective. Thus, the "No-Kum-Loose knob assists materially in selling the furniture on which it is used. .7IR!T' I oS' A.I'J c S$t#' 5 The New "PE.RFE.CT" FOLDING CHAIR Comfortable Simple Durable Neat The Acme of Perfection In the line of Folding Chairs. PERFECT COMPACTNESS when folded. \V.RlTE for PR(CES The Peabody School Furniture Co. North Manoheater.. Indiana UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, Confuudion and Finish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exhibi-tion 7th Floor, New Manufact_ urers' Building, Grand Rapids. WE manufacture the larg· est line of FOLDING CHAIRS -in the United States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Stellwers and all Public Resorts. We also ma.nufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs in a larKe variety. . Send fOT Catalocue and PrlCC!1 to Kauffman Mfg. CO. AS"LAND, 0"10 The New Banquet Table Top as wen as OFFICE. DINING and DIRECTORS' TABLES are DU!' apedally. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO.. ~:h.I.~' ""'" Wri~ (or CatalGaue. Get samp!eI of BANQUET TABLE TOP. 6 .~Mlf ..HlG7}N2 MOON DESK CO. MUSKEGON, MICH. OFFICE DESKS SEE OUR NEW TYPEWRITER CABINET. Miniature Beds and Cribs. The h~.'it :t fIrm can do is to Jl<lVe striking win-dow displays, and we know of nothing which attracts more attention than a window of -miniature beds and cribs. They are strictly in your line and make people look to your store for beds aed bedding. The beauty of these little cribs and the amount of pleasure ~t child can derive from one makes them remarkably salable. YOll conld not make a more strik-ing and attractive window t:;splay. Stores that have put these in have had the benefit of the advertising and besides have sold as high as 400 beds in a season. The posts are of 1i-inch steel tube. and the connections arc guanlllteed not The rods are y,j:-inch to break. The spring is a fine weave, weB made, and a perfect imitation of the larger ones. Indeed, the bed is strong enough to hold a child of four. The finish is the best white enamel, two coats, and the legs have casters. l\tattresses are furnished with excelsior or hair, in beau-tiful art tickings and little down pillows in the SHne covering. Length, 30 inches; width, 18 inches; height, 25 inches. :No more attractive toy can he imagined than this new line of doll's beds ami cribs. In every particular they are perfect reproductions of real beds and fini5hed with equal ore. They are made of TInc steel tubing and rods (all of proper propor-tions) put together 'with malleable iron castings, making them smooth and unbreakable. They have woven wire spring bnttonis and are finished in 0e5t white enameL The mountings arc real bra::s vases a11(l caps polished and lacquered, and the legs have tiny casters. The mattresses are filled with hair and covered with art tick-mg. They arc tufted and side stitched. The pillows are filled with satin down and covered with art ticking to match the mattress. The cribs are like the beds with the addition that they have sides which fold down. The finish .is the higllest grade of porcelain enamel, baked on and beautiful tints of green, pink, blue and cream are fur-nished. Many of our readers, we are sure, will be glad to have this line called to their attention. They are made by The Hard 11anufacturing Company, of Buffalo, New York. t'v.1I"IC'. HIGANfl 7IR!T' I.s 7I.L'l t ? $;. COFFINS AND CASKETS. Many People Make Their Own Selections Before They Need Such Furniture. "Do people ever pick out their own coffins? \\.'hy cer-tainly," said an undertaker, talking to the Xcw York Sun, "There have always been people who have kept coffins on hand for themselves, ready for use when required. Dou't you know you read in the papers now and then of some old citizen \vho has just died, off somewhere in some country town, who had had his coffin in hls house for lorty years: Vve were once called upon ourselves to bury a man who had had his own cofnn ready, for I guess, a longer time than that. 'This was a man who at the time of his death had come to have large means aud to be widely known. \\.;hel1 he was young and living in the country there was cut dO\Vll on his home place a hickory tree that he thought vV'ould provide good material for a coffin, and out of some of the planks sawed from this trcc he had fashione.d for hirn.self a c.offin which he stored away in the. garret of the old house. "He had no thought of dying then, but he liked that hiek-ory tree and he wanted to buried in a coffin made from it. "\;Vell, in due time the old gentleman did die, an old man thC11,a11d dying, he indicated his desire to be buried in the old hickory coffin. T0,Jesent Inen up into the country and got it down out of the garret of the old house and brought it here, hut when we had got it here it ,vouldn't do at all, it was far too small. "He was a young man and slender when he had the coJfll1 made, but nOw with the lapse of many years, and ",,"ith his vigorous employment through many of those ycars in great outdoor enterprises, he had comc to be a man of large frame and body alHI thc old cofiin simply wouldn't do. But hi, survivors desired that his wishcs should be respeeted, and thcn we took the old collin apart and used it as a lining lor the burial caskel in \vhich he was buried. And so he '''''as buried in the old hickory coHin after alL "\Ve once had in storage a coffill of hasket construction that \-vas sent to us by a gentleman who brought it from a country in which the burial customs arc different from Ol1r:-,. :dany of the burial caskets s\1ch as we use are of very solid constructioll; some indeed are of metal, as of aluminum, and some ;:Ire metal lined; all calculated to preserve the body [or a long time. But not all of us have the same views about burial, and it was the desire of the owner of the basketwork coffin that when he died he should, as soon as might be, go back to mother earth. "People do nowadays sometimes make their own selection of the sort of casket they would prefer to be buried in; young people sometimes; though most of those making such selec-tion are old. "In old days when everybocly was huried in a coffin there was no such choice; however much they might differ in the materials used in their construction ;l11d ill the quality of their workmanship and finish, all coffins were alike in shape, and a mahogany coffin, for instance, was still simply a ma-hogany coffin. ""No ..\.' three-fourths or more of all the people dying, in the large communities at least, arc buried in caskets, w-hich are very different i.n design and appearance from the old-time coffin, and which are produced in very great \'ariety as to their actual styles, as to the materials used in them .. as to modifications of shape and as to their co~t. "It is a very common thing, if not indeed the prevailing practice, for the survivors 01 the deceased to make a selection of the casket in which the dead shall be buried. Such a se-lection is often made from the illustrated catalogues of the casket manufacturers, or it may be made from among actual caskets displayed in his establishment by the undertaker; or it may be that the undertaker will takc. those n:aking such selection to the warerooms of the casket manufacturer. There caskets may be seen in great variety, but presenting to the eye all appearance different indeed from that which would be presented by an array of an equal number of the old-time coffins, for many of these caskets are of Jine and costly and beautiful materials, as they may also be elaborate in 'v\'ork-mallship, while they are all removed as far as it is possible to make them from the old time coffin in form. ".:\{odcrn burial caskets are now made in such variety as to the woods and other materials used in their construction that it is quite possible, if that should be desired, to sel.eet one that shall harmonize with the lIttings and furnishings 01 the room in which it is placed. The arrangement of the flowers may add to the beauty of their effect. "Funeral flowers have often been photographed, thus tD preserve a remembrance of them. Tt'is now not unheard of to photograph the room containing the casket with the flow~ ers surrounding it. Vihil", the casket may be costly the flowers may be equally so; a blanket of violets, for instance, making a coverlet over the Casket aud reaching on either side to the floor, costil1g,·it may be, $1,000 or more." Richmond Chair CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA Double Cane Line SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS CATALOGUES TO THE TRADE 7 8 HOW FEATHERS ARE MANIPULATED. Cleaned. Sterilized. Deodorized and Sorted by Machinery- The Mixer's Trade. Feather mixing is one of the hardest trades to learn, but when mastered is also one of the best paying methods of earning a jiving. The worker who intends to make this trade his life work must start when he is young, for it takes on an average thirteen years for a man to work up from pil-low filler to feather mixer. Feathers that have been plucked from hens, ducks, turkeys and geese are the only kind of feathers that are used, says the Chicago Tribune. One kind of feathers at a time is placed in the drum, to be beaten and to be sterilized by hot air process. The drum is a large machine, not unlike the washing machines used in laundries. In the center of each machine is an axle with eight beaters fall down into the center of the machine. The cold air blow-ing from the fan deodorizes them, and they leave the machine in a steady stream, flying all over the room, The worker finds himself in what looks like a miniature storm, for the feathers fly around the room as high as the ceiling. An onlooker might well wonder where the sorting comes in of the maze of feathers. It 1S here that the wonderful P:lft of the machine lies, for the air pressure is 50 arranged that the heaviest feathers, which are also the cheapest, will fall precisely into a bin about five feet away from the machine. The next heaviest will fall into a bin fifteen feet away from the machine, and the rest of the seven different grades of feathers will fall accurate-ly in bins that have been provided for them. The down, which is the most expensive, flies around in th'e air the longest but when it comes down it falls into a bin that is placed over seventy-five feet away from the blower. Thus the seven dif- AN ATTRAOTIVE FAMILY ROOM. attached. The beaters make over 200 revolutions per minute bcating the dust Ollt of the feathers and cleaning thcm thor-oughly. A thin screen on the front and back of the machine lets the dust out. This part of the work is the most unhealthy, for the win-dows of the dust room are not allowed to be opened and the dust that comes from the feathers is inhaled by the worker. Many of the drum men contract consumption in a year or more doing this work, and are compelled to give up and seek other empJoyment. The work is not so unhealthy as it was in former years, for the men are now altowed to leave the room while the machine is in operation. After the feathers have been beaten and sterilized in the drum they are placed in the blowing machine to be sorted and to be deodorized by the cold blast. As in the drum the kind of feathers are put in the blower separately. The blow-er is the most simple and yet the most powerful machine that is used in th.e feather business. The machine is built with a large funnel shaped mouth on top, and always placed at one end of a large room" The feathers arc placed in the funnel, through which they fel'cnt g-rades of feathers have been sorted, each kind in a bin and ".Nithout having been touched since leaving the blower. The drum and blower man, after putting in five years at this kilHl of work and also learning the different grades of feathcrs, takes another step. upward in the business and be-comes an assistant to the mixer. His work consists of weighing feathers and learning the different combinations that are used in stuffing pillows. In a few years he probably will know how to mix some of the cOlilbinations, but usually it takes five years of experience before an assistant ean become a mixer. The combination used in the cheapest pillows is hen and turkey feathers. Duck and turkey combination is used in a little better grade of pillows, and the best combination of all is duck and goose feathers. The most expensive filling is made of downy feathers from geese. These combinations have different prices and the mixer must know these prices, and,. when he can, experiment with the various kinds of feathers to try and get a cheaper combination that will last as long as the dearer kind. 9 WEATHERED FINISH. H.& \lV. SPECIAL! ALL OAK. 40 inches long. Seat 18 inches wide. Back 22 inches high. 4 7-foot galvanized chains. 4 galvanized ceiling hooks. Put together with 4 bolts. Shipped K. D. Weight 30 lbs. No tronble to put np. Prompt shipment. 40 in. Swing, Frame 1 inch Stock, 50 in. Swing, Frame 1)4 in. Stock. 66 in. Swing, Frame 1J4 in. Stock. WRITE FOR PRICES. The Harden=Winders rlfg. Co" 1232 E. Long St., Columbus, 0, Electro Newspaper Cut with order for 6 or more· five Complete Lines of Refrigerators at RIG"T PRICES Opalite Lined Enameled Lined Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank Gah'anized Iron Lined Stationary Ice Tank Send fo.- new CATALOGUE and let us name you price Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. 10 FURNITURE AT AUCTION So Popular That Dealers Find Difficulty in Securing Stock. New York Sun.-This is the season when women carrying thick cataloguesRnd showing eager, hopeful looks on their faces are plentiful in the subways, the elevated trains and the trolley cars about 10 a. m. V\I'omen of small means, women of large means are equally represented among them. Alike they are bound for an auction sale. The main difference be-tween them is that the rich are attracted perhaps by the al-luring word "antiques," the others by a job lot of kitchen crockery or brussels carpets 'Ias good as new." \Vhatever their reason, women representing many social circles now rub elbows at the auction sales. The old fashioned woman of good social position, if she went to an auction at all, wore her oldest clothes and her thickest veil and bid by proxy. The up to date woman dons her gladdest clothes and her most becoming complexion veil and does her own bid-ding. Similarly, once upon a time householders hedged at ad-mitting that an admired picture or bit of bric-a-brac or side-offers such a market for auction goods as New York does, and for the reason that such goods are getting to be almost scarce. "To illustrate: This firm alone employs five men who do nothing but travel over the country from Maine to California on the lookout for second hand furniture which they can ship to New York; for uliless an auction house holds frequent sales in the spring and fall it might just as well go out of business. Housekeepers expect these sales and watch out for them. They expect old fashioned furniture and new fash-ioncd stuff, too, and were it not for the men we keep on the road we .vauld fall down badly on the old fashioned article. "Look at that sofa," pointing to a six feet long colonial mahogany example in underclothes, the outer cO',rering hav-ing been torn away. "Look at those chairs," indicating some rush bottoms half a century or so old. "The sofa was found in a barn at Bethlehem, Pa., and bought it for $5. The owner called it rubbish and was glad to get rid of it at that price. The chairs were got from a woman in Connecticut who, when asked if she had any old furniture to sell, led the way to her attic. "Yes, it pays to pay the freight to get them. We must do MADE BY WOODARD FURNITURE 00., OWOSSO, MICH. board or chair came from an auction room. The descendants of these householders announce the purchase at auction of a desirable bit of furniture or ornament with something like pride. "Guess how much it cost me?" responded a New York woman, who is also included among the Newport colony, to an admiring comment on a carved marble statuette. "Fifty dollars," hazarded the vistor, scenting a bargain. "Seven-fifty," announced the owner in great glee. "Five at auction and two-fifty to have the base repaired. Originally it sold probably for $100 or more." In this city there are dozens of apartments-high class apartments at that-the furnishings of which were bought piece by piece at auction and there are many houses in which the best of the furnishings were got in the same way. What is more, the occupants of these apartments and houses are given to boasting of the fact that as an evidence of th~ir skill at get-tin'g the most for the least money. A od the reason morc apart-ments and houses are not furnished with auction goods is that there are not enough auction goods to go round; that is, not enough of the almost new, high grade variety. "There is no city in the world," a deal~r explained, "which it in fact. The supply of high grade second hand furniture is not now equal to the demand for it in this city. In this place alone we sell at this time of year 1,800 lots a week, and a lot means from one to twenty or more pieces. "Where does most of this come from? From Greater Kew York, and the reason we get it is that New York folks are more restless than any other in the world and that New York has a bigger floating population than any other place. Into the sale next week. will go a lot of splendidly made furniture, not showy, but remarkably substantial and good style which was brought to this country from Austria by a man who expected to spend the rest of his life in America. "He and his family set up housekeeping in a fine apart-ment uptown and he· went into business here.. In less than two years he was taken ill, hiS: physician ordered a trip to the old country to restore his health and his furniture was put in, storage for six months, as he thought. It stayed in stor-age nearly six yeaTS, for the man never got well enough to come back, and when he died not long ago word was sent to have the furniture sold at auction. "It's ca!'\es like that and others in which men lose their job and decide to get out of New York that send a lot of furni- ~r;.I9rIG7J-N ture to the auction houses, and also the frequent change from a house to an apartmei1t bcc2.11seof the servant question and for other reasonS. But that is not nearly so frequent now as it was half a dozen years ago, for the reason, I guess, that most of the houses then abandoned were turned into business concerns or were torn down and replaced by oflice buildings. This, of course cuts down our supply of second-hand goods. "Today we have to depend for our suppLy of good, modern furniture on the fickleness and restlessness of the New York people. It is not generally known tbnt many of the richer families have their houses refitted about Ol1ce in two years. "A new style of carving or of \\'ood appears, a new design in the shape of chairs, tables, sofas, cabincts, etc., a revival of one or another period and the mistress sends for ber decor-ator, goes with him over the ncw fashions and then decides to change from Louis XV. to Empire or from Empire to something else; from white and gold settiTigs to settings of natural mahogany or inlaid walnut or polished oak, or any- 11 stiff S0111, I'll wager, and it will fetch at auction perhaps one-half of what it could be now bought for new simply be-cause rose\vood isn't now in the height of style. "As a g'eneral thing, most women who come to an auction expecting to spend $10 leave $20 behind them when they start for home, but for all that there are very few who can be coaxed into bidding on anything modern 'when it gets beyond the bargain point o( view. '·\Vith antiques it is different. No only do Ne"v York \vomcn no\\' come in crowds to every sale of antiques that's going but they plunge more recklessly in their bids than do the nH~l1." No Great Cancellation of Car Orders. A canvass of the railway equipment companies in Chicago shows that the railroads have not cancelled any great number of their orders for new cars and locomotives. It is csti- MADE BY WOODARD FURNITURE CO., OWOSSO, MICH. thing undcr the sun that happens to he in vogue and is dif-ferent frorn what she has. "It goes without saying that manufacturers see to it tbat something differcnt is produced every ycolr. \,rell, once her decision is made, she asks hovv much the decorator will allow on the, discarded furniture, and the decorator scnds for a dealer in auction goods and gets an estimate of \vhat they will bring at auction. ;;Oh, dear, no; the O\"-l1cr of the furniture has nothing to do ..v.ii::h this end of the transaction; she docsn't know and (Iocsn't care what becomes of the goods when they leave her house, whether they land in Harlem or The Bronx or Brooklyn or over in Staten Island. "A beautiful bedroom set of birdseye nnple to be auc-tioned off tomorrow and which has hardly a scratch on it was sent off because the owner got tired of it and wanted a suite of natural chestnut, which, of course-, is ncwcr, and a parlor suite of rosevv'ood we have down stairs was turned out of a Fifth avenue house to make room for one of inlaid dull finished mahogany. Originally the rosewood suite cost a mated that the aggregate of business placed during the past scyeral months win amount to about $60,000,000. A consid-erable part of this equipment has been delivered to the pur-chasers, but nearly all of the companies still have orders enough on hand to fun them full handed for some time. The one great drawback is that of delay in receiving iron and steel. Tn mallY cases the car builders are from 30 to 90 days behind ill the receipt of these essential materials. Apart from this, however, the equipment companies have no reason for worry at the outlook. A Monarch in the Field. The Ramsey-Alton 11amtfaduring- Company of Portland, lVfich.. have placed on the market a new push button Morris chair, that affords the user comfort and ease in operation. The conslruction, which is rigid, yet simple, is protected by letters patent. Every pattcrn of the company will be pro-vided with their push button attachment. Manager Ramsey win exhibit the line in Grand Rapids in the Ashton building in July. 12 Ca()inet Makers In these days of close competition, need the best possible equipment, and this they can have in . . . . BARNES' Hand and Foot POWER Machinery Send for our New Catalogue. w. F. CD. JOHN BARNES CO. Our New nand iIIndFoot Power Circular Saw No.4 The strongest, most powerful. and in every way the best machine of it. kind ever made, for ripping, cross-clltting, bcdng and grooving. 654 Ruby Street. Rochford. Ill. THE GREATEST LINE of the GREATEST MANUFACTURERS --- OF ------- CHAMBER FURNITURE Every Dealer Wants It Because E.verybody Buys It. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich~ Manufacturers of BEDROOM FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY, New SpriOgLine readv- We operate the largeatfactol"Yin tbe world producing chamber furniture. 13 CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION Warehau.e ..: ST. LOUIS, MO. KANSAS CITY. Me. PEORIA, ILL. LINCOLN, ILL. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. CHICAGO, ILL. Educating the Public. =Vlerchants of Laingsburg, Mich., are educating the pub-lic in a '''lay that might be adopted, with beneficial results, by those of other to\'..,11S, They have joined in" the publication and distribution of a card containing a small advertisement of each, information about the religious, commercial and finan-cial institution:; of the town, and the following ten reasons why the people of the community should trade at home: Because: You examine your purchase and are assured of satisfaction before investing your money. Because:-Your home merchant is always ready and will-ing to make right any error or any defective article purchased of him. Because: \Vhen you are sick or for any reason it is neces-sary for you to ask for credit, you can go to the local mer-chant. Could you ask it of a mail order house? Because: If a merchant is "\villing to extend you exedit you should give him the benefit of your cash trade. Because: Your home merchant pays local taxes and ex-erts every effort to build and better your market, thus in-creasing both the value of city and country property. Because: The mail order merchant does not lighten your tax or in any way help the value of your property. Because: The mail order merchant does nothing for the benefit of markets or real estate values. Because: "If yom town is good enough to live in it is good enough to spend your money in."-Governor Folk, of Missouri, Because: The best citizens in your community patronize home industry. Why not be one of the best citi zens? Because: If you will give your home merchants an oppor-tunity to compcte, by bringing your order to him in the quan-tities you buyout of town, he will demonstrate that, quality considered, he will save yOlt money. Concrete in Canada. Reports from Toronto indicate that the Canadians are fully up with the people on this side of the line in the use of concrete as building material. Over there as here, insurance rates and the high price of building materials have been im-portant factors in favor of fireproof building materials. To-day concrete floors and roofs are put on at praetically the cost of wood. The new offices of the Canada Fottrldry Com-pany and the structure for heavy loads recently ercl:Le,'l ror Stauntons, Limited, both in Toronto, are splendid spe':~l1nerJs of fireproof expanded metal construction. The column::, beams, floors and roofs are all concrete, moulded with tem-porary wooden forms, the slab work throughout each being reinforced by three-inch mesh IO-gauge expanded metal, placed near the under side in its right position to take up the tensile strains. In this way a very thin floor plate is all that is required. Reinforced concrete stairs are also a feature of this type of construction, being a combination of the meth-ods employed in panel and beam work. The stairs and ele-vator openings are perfectly cut off by fire proof walls built like the partitions. They are light but of great rigidity. Steel studs of a small section' are secured to the concrete at floor and ceiling, being placed one foot apart, and to these is wired expanded metal lath; mortar gauged with Portland cement is then plastered on both sides, the entire framework of metal being- embedded_ The complete partition is only two inches thick, but being virtually, when set, a stone of that thickness with a backbone of steel, it is exceedingly strong, and absolutely fire proof. The same expedient is resorted to in old buildings of a non-fire proof nature, the wood ceilings being furred down \'lith steel strips. 1v1etallath and plaster form a ceiling that effectually protects the inflammable wood work. In boiler rooms and other places where the fire hazard is extreme, a great reduction in insurance rates is now made for this im-provement. STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIHD FOR) We have adopted celluloid as a base for our Caster Cups, making the best cup 0'" the market. Celluloid is a great impro~ment over bases made of other material. When It Is necessary to move a piece supported by cups with celluloid bases it can be done with ease. as the hases are per-fectly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat. and by the use of these cups tables are never marred. These cups are finished in Golden Oak and White Maple. finished light. If you wit[ try a sample order of these goods you will desire to handle them in quanlitie8. PRICES:S~?e2~ !nches __ ·$5.60 per hundred. Slze 2% Inches 4.50 per hundred. f. o. b. Grand Rapids. TRY A SAMPLE ORlJER. 14 ~MIpHIG7fN NOW THE UNDERWRITERS. An Ohio Grand Jury Gets After an AHeged Insurance Trust. The grand jury at Elyria, Ohio, has indicted members of the Lorain County Cnderwriters' Association for violating what is' known as the Valentine anti-trust law of that state. It is alleged that the as!:iociatioll constitutes a conspiracy to fixed and maintained are exorbitant. In Ohio, as in Michigan and nearly all other states, fire insurance rates are fixed by a board of inspectors composed of experts whose work is used as the basis for rates by all of the "board" companies. TnlVlichigan the Fire Insurance Inspection Bureau is a corporation which makes surveys, maps, etc., fixes rates wbich are used by the "board" com-panies that pay for the service. Of the 125 companies doing business in the state, it is said that over 100 subscribe for, pay for and use the rates and information furnished by the When asked to express an OplnlOn on the probable result of the action taken by the~Ohio grand jury, he declined on ac-count of lack of knowledge as to the workings of the accused association, but explained the operations of the Michigan In-spection Bureau as follows: "There is nothing of a trust nature in its workings. \TI,le must have some basis to go upon and rates must be made by experts. The rates are changed from time to time accord-ing to conditions and while as a rule the rating made by the bureau is found to be equitable, we have in a number of in-stances on personal inspection found certain rates too high. These have been modified even at the risk of being accused of rate cutting. "The business 'would soon be in bad shape if there was not some standard of values to go by and -this standard we secure in this service. The fact that the rates announced can be taken or left as the individual companies see fit and the MADE BY CENTURY FURNITURE CO.•GRAND RAPIDS, :MICH. bureau, which has headquarters in Detroit and branch offices in Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo and Negaunee and agents in many other cities and towns. The Michigan bureau was established nearly twenty years ago by W. E. lIolt, who was then located at Negaunee, Upper Peninsula. At first its operations were confined to :"h. Holt's district, but were soon extended over the Upper Penin-sula and in a few years spread over the entire state. The founder, who is now state agent for the Niagara CompallY. with headquarters at Big Rapids, denies that the organiza-tion is a trust or has any feature of a trust and declares that it is beneficial to both policy holders and the companies. fact that deviation is shown from time to time is evidence there is nothing of the trust nature in our methods of work-ing. "We had a field club in the state composed of state agents and managers which was a splendid organization. We met at intervals for discussion of business matters, but fearing our motives might be misconstrued and that we might be deemed violators of the anti-trust law we disbanded a year ago. The insurance men of this state at least respect the Jaws ill all their bearings and they are not now and never have been in any of their workings contrary to the law in letter or spirit." ESTABLiSHED 1858 BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes THIS IS THE CAN AND LABEL CANADIAN FACTOFlY,WALKERVILU: ONTARIO CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS, SAN FflANCI.8CO. MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRITE FOR INFORMATION, FINISHED WOOD SAMPLES. AND LITERATURE. BERRY BROTHERS. LIMITED VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, i1ALTIMORE:. ESTABL.ISHED 1880 PUeL.15HI!!:D BY MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFF1CI!-2-20 L.YON ST., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ENTERED AS IIIATTER OF THE SECOND CLASS That the mail -order houses threaten the existence of thc single line retailer is plainly evident, but it is not apparent that the means employed to meet their competition 'will effect thc purpose desired. The mail order magnate, \vith orders to place amounting to millions, and ready cash to pay for the same, will ever command the consideration of manu-facturershavinl{ goods to sell, notwithstanding the protests of the little dealers with a fev'I' thousands to distribute, after long time settlements. The little dealers are sturdy fighters for their rights, but the David who is capable of putting the Goliath of the furniture trade out of business has not made his appearance. Their interests can be strengthened by co-operation when their campaign for trade shall be properly directed. *1* *1* *i* *1* Because of the activity of the mail order and premium houses and the surreptitious sales made by the comrr.ission agents, the regular single line retailer has much to contend with. In his fight for the continuance of his business ex-istence he realizes the value of the substantial backing af-forded by those manufacturers who confine their sales to the re,gular trade. Upon this support he must depend for sUccess and he should regard it a$ a duty to himself to make the bur, dens of such manufacturers as light as possible. The de Oller who refrains from making unreasonable complaints and set-tles his accounts promptly ever has the substantial support of the manufacturers. *1* *1* *1* *1* The selling at retail by the commission houses could be stopped hy the retail associations of the several states and the nation. The business is gro-wing in volume and in a number of instances represents the larger part of the sales made by individuals, firms or corporations engaged in dis-posing of furniture and kindred goods. Considerable stocks are carried, catalogues distrihuted broadcast and sales made to whoever w.ill buy. The retailers' associations have over-looked this fC(ltme of the business in their anxiety to grapple with the well entrenched mail order houses. *1* *1* *!* *1* It doesn't pay the head of a house to hamper his buyers. There are many capable men in the furniture trade so over-shadowed alld held under suspicion that it is impossible fnr them to "make good." Given a fair field and a chance to ex-ercise the judgment gained by long experience in their occu-pation they would win sue-cess for their employers and them-selves as ,veil. A buyer's ability cannot be correctly meas-ured by the unfair methods employed by many merchants. Success is beyond their reach because they do not deserve it. *1* *1* *!* *i* Within the past six months hvo furniture factories have been established in the state of J\.fichigan by mail order houses which take the output of several in the state of Illinois, while quite a large number have taken shelter under the wings of the great mail order houses in the eastern states. It is evident that the mail order merchants do lIot purpose retir-ing from business when the regular single line merchants shal1 15 have induced the manufacturers of furniture and kindred goods to confine their sales to legitimate retailers. *1* *1* *1* *1* The Ci11LlJnati Vvr oodworker states that Grand Rapids is the ce11ter of the mail order business. This statement is ullwarranted. \\lhilc it was of some import;!llce a few years ago, the business at present is insignificant. It has been proven that selling a single line of goods by mail is unprofit-able and this fact led to its discontinuance in Grand Rapids. The mail order house that handles everything needed in the home or office is generally successful. *i* *!* *1* *1* :'v1r.Holt in his comments on the Michigan Fire Insurance Inspection Bureau, as given on another page, declares that the rates fixed by the bureau are not eompulsory--..,-tllat the companies may use them or leave them. He might have added that the same rule applies to the insured-that the man who wishes to insure a building or a stock of goods may also pay the rate fixed by tbe bmeau or let it alone. *1* *1* *1* *1* A numher of retailers in Chicago are a{'lvertl5ing the sa\o::; of samples from the Grand Rapids exposition, arid nO com-plaint is heard from the organizations. Th.ere seems to be a difference between tile sale of samples in Grand Rapids and Chicago. Apparently such sales in Grand Rapids are an in-jury to the retailers; in Chicago they are not. *1* *1* *1* *1* "Grand Rapids Furniture" is advertised extensively by many installment houses in New York city, that do not handle the Grand Rapids plOduct. The advertisers eVldently do not agree with Shakespeare. There is something in a name, in their estimation, especially when it is applied to furniture manufactured in Grand Rapids. *j* *1* *1* *1* 1Vlacey of New York is advertising "Adirondack Silver Birch Furniture for summer homes. It is the product of a great north woods factory," the output of which 1hcey says he controls. Macey has been numbered among the dead for many years, but his name "goes marching on." *1* *1* *1* *1" So long as the "depression" is confined to Wall street, the lotteries and the bucket shops, there will be no cause for worry over business conditions. *!* *1* *!* *\* Success is never won by the merchants who attempt to create trade for themselves by destroying tbat of their com-petitors. *1* *1* *1* *1* Window displays are like any other kind of advertising-they must be continued in order to show their worth. "Her Simplicity Reflections." Just ,·".here Secretary Cornell met the very attractive young woman whom he has introduced to the trade in con-nection with his latest booklet is not stated, but if she is a product of Jamestc)\"m, that city bas reason 'to rejoice in her possession. Jamestown is noted for the beauty of its \vomcn ;;tnd the intelligence of its men. Whethh this results from the blending of the sturdy Scandinavian and the highly tensioned American, the writer is not informed;' but the so-journ~ r in Jamestown is ever impressed with the bewitching beauty of the gentle sex and the manliness of the men. Sec-retary Cornell declares that the young woman is "perfectly simple and simply perfcct," and, strange to relate, these quali-ties have been introduced in the Jamestown Lounge Com-pany's specialty, the Simplicity davenport bed. Secretary Cornell witt furnish further information regarding the ar-ticle mentioned and the young beauty that adorns the book-let as well. 16 & Johnson CO. MANUFACTURERS Are you handling Fibre Rush? If not you are missing profit-able and easy sales. Fibre Rush and MaJacca Furniture sellsquick-ly to discriminating trade because of its Lightness, Durability, Artistic effects and its beautiful Color. the FIBRE RUSH GREEN-a soft, natural green that is restful and pleasing to the eye and harmon-izes so well in any place. Stock carried and delivered from any of the following warehouses: The Ford No. 37727> FIBRE RUSH CINCINNATI ATLANTA BOSTON Nothing Like It---"IDEAL" A GOOD LINE TO TIE TO. -60 STYLES-A Reclining Folding Cart I", I SIX DOLLARS I Fully uphol~ered in Moroccolene. Cataletg. Go.caru. Carriagee, F oldina: Carte. Detroit Folding Cart CO. DETROIT, MICH. CHICAGO NEW YORK C. f. SCHMOE,Shelbyville, Ind. No. 160 Plain Oak Front. Heighl 76 Inches. 'as. 4Zx26 inches. Poplar top. Two large drawers in base. o Large cup-board space wit h sliding shelf. 4 spice cans. Plde rack. 50-lb. slidi(lg Iloor bin and 1 bread board, Canopy, '2 cupboard spaces. 2 drawers. 2 tilting sugar bins, 1 large china closet. Finish, Golden oak, gloss or WEll:!'. Brass trim-mings. No. 161 satin Walnut. Same as above. Finish, Natural wood, dull rubbed. GEESE Do Not Grow BETTER FEATHERS and DOWN THAN THESE PILLOWS ARE FILLED WITH. --··-----WRITE THE------- SCHULTZ 8 HIRSCH COMPANY 260.262 S. DESPLAINES ST., CHICAGO, 10' tho 190 1IIlustl"atedCatalogue and Price List. That will tdl yOll all about it. We would like to have you say that you saw this in === the Michigan Artisan. 27 Something DIFfERENT in lCouches No. 155 WOVEN WIRE COUCH $4.00 Net We have made for some time, Couches and Davenports with woven wire tops. Our latest essay in this line is DiffERENT. Made and shipped K. D. Easily set up. 4 trial order will .convince. SMIT" &. DAVIS MfG. CO.,St. Louis. EXCEPTIONAL FACTORY OPPORTUNITY Do you WiHhto find an opening for a CHAIR FACTORY or would you like to remove to some more favorable )ocatioll r 11so, it would repay you to at OlLcerequfOst information about a fille loo:ationin the great timber section of Southeast Missouri along the •Liberal inducements are offered to secure a bona fide proposition em-ploying not less than forty men. Gnarl rli"'tributillg facilities for finished product. Correspondence is invited regarding this and other ~xceUent opportunities for furniture, mattress_ iron bed and other factories along our lInes. Send for industrial descripti1MmaUer a,boutthe Rock b;land- Frisco. M. SCHULTER, Industrial Commissioner, Roek Island-Frisco Lines, 1144 Frisco Bldg., ST. LOUIS! MISSOURI. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD ~~~~i~~ SPECIALTIES : ~t"YFJ'E"~QUAR. OAK VEN EERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St" FORT WAYNE, INDIANA J 18 SIGNS IN THE SOUTH. No Indication of Depression in Any Line of Trade or In-dustry. There seems to be no marked inclination toward retrench-ment in productive activity in the South, according to the :\iJanufacturers' Record of Baltimore, nor in undertakings nat-urally manifesting the increase of wealth in that section. Few, if any, cities there show any relaxation in building operations which have for months been a marked feature of southern de-velopment. During the past month, for instance, permits representing $393.,189, of which $376,964 were for new struc-tures, were granted for llew buildings and improvement at Birmingham, Ala., and similar undertakings represented $1,- 179,717 at vVashington, D. c.; $363,857 at Louisville, Ky.; $247,835 at Dallas, Tex.; $215,844 at NashviJJc, Tenn.; $331,311 at Memphis, Tenn.; $98,160 at Chattanooga, Tenn., and $74,- 175 at Knoxville, Tenn. Another sign of these times, when there is so much talk of a. limitation of railroad energies, is the fact that a car works in the South which has just about completed a con-tract for 850 cars for the New Orleans & Northwestern rail-way, has been given orders for 1,800 cars, including 500 dump-cars for coal and ore for the Illinois Central railroad and 500 flat cars for the Gulf & Ship Island railroad. An order of 100 box cars for the Texas Central railroad, one for 200 stock cars for the St. Louis, BrO\-vnsville & Mexican railway and one for 5,000 tons of stecl rails for the Norfolk & Western railway are among other reported provisions for the future. Equally hopeful are plans for new railroads in the South. Among these, as indicated by charter movements, are the Sa-vannah & Southwestern railroad, to build about 250 miles from Savannah, Ga., to Apalachicola, Fla., and the Gulf; the Kentucky Highlands railroad to build aline about thirty miles long from Frankfort to Versailles and Lexington, Ky.; a lOO-mile extension of the Velasco, Brazos & Northern rail-way from Anchor to Hempstead, Tex., with a 20-mile branch to Houston; the Panhandle Short Line railroad to build 270 miles from Hereford to Stanton, Tex.; the Kansas City, Ok-lahoma & Guif railway to build 110 miles from the northern boundary of Texas to Athens in that state, and ultimately to Galveston; the Brandon & Laurel railway to build 65 miles from Brandon to Laurel, IVliss.; the New Iberia, St. Martins & Northern railroad to build 35 miles from New Iberia to Port Barre, La.; the Macon, Americus & Albany electric railway to operate a line 100 miles long connecting the three Georgia cities named, an electric railway looking to connect Washing-ton, D. c., with Frederick, Md., and Gettysburg, Pa., and two extensions of railroads in \;Vest Virginia. The growth of financial institutions in the South shows . no abatement. During the past four weeks 171 new banks Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICH. A COMPLE.TE LINE. or trust companies have been organized there. This is an average of more than 40 each week, and it shows that the re-markable development of all lines of industry in the South is compelling provision for banking facilities at many interior points, some of which have never before enjoyed them. A large number of these banks are institutions of small capi-tal, which fact demonstrates that people becoming used to avail themselves of banking accommodations and to appre-ciate the convenience and security of the financial institutions. • The Importance of Correct Grading. "Retailers do not realize so fully as the manufacturers the importance of grading a line of goods-especially case work," remarked an experienced salesman. '-"\Vhen there is a break in a line of chamber suites, for instance, its strength is destroyed for a season, or until a new line, properly grad-ed as to prices and quality, shall be brought Ollt. In other lines of goods, chairs, for instance, the effect is not the same. There are always designs in a line of chairs thatwitl sell; the entire line is rarely a failure." It Pays Him. "I figure that advertising pays me $20,000 a year," re-marked -"Stingy Cuss." "vVhat are you talking about? You do not spend a cent in the course of a year for advertising," returned Oldliberal-ity. "No, but the department stores spend stacks of money in advertising my goods," concluded Stingy Cuss." Pioneer Mfg. Co... Rood furniturc Baby Garriaucll Go-Gartll I'IJII line shown on second floor, 13 19 MicLi128D Ave.. CLi-callO. in January. KOOK WOOD and a general lin~ of. ff\N6Y Tf\BLES Write for Cuts and Prices PALMER Manufacturing Co. 115 to 135 Palmer Ave. DETROIT, MICH. Full line shown on second floor, 1319 Michipll Ave., Chicago. in Janua:ry. . J DETROIT FACTORIES. All Busy on Current Orders and Preparing for the Summer Expositions. Detroit, April 23.-1vfore than one thousand building per-mits ,verc issued in Detroit from January 1 to April 15, which means nearly 5,000 for the year, if the present building boom keeps up. That is the best answer to the question, "How is the retail furniture business in Detroit?'" To furt1ish so many new houses, in addition to supplying the regular trade, will call for a large amount of furniture. Detroit is certainly coming to the front. It now claims to be the tenth in popu-lation among the great cities of the United States. The Detroit Folding Cart Company is doing a fine business in supplying the babies (through the dealers) with go-carts and baby carriages. Their "Ideal'" folding and reclining go-cart is an ideal in fact a<; \wH as in mllne. The American Go-Cart Company of this city has gone out of bllsil1ess. The Detroit Folding Cart Company has taken over their list of custon~ers and purchased everything in the line of materials that they could 1.1Se,but will not make any of the American Go-Cart Company's pat-terns, as they have their own distinctive linc. Their No. 154, sho-wn herewith, is certainly a beauty, but there are many more in the line cqually as fine. E\'ery merchant who o::arries baby carriages should have their catalogue. The l\lichigan Upholstering Company will move into their new factory on Lafayette avenue, between Seventh and Eighth streets, in rviay. This is a fine buildillg, 75 x 130 feet, four stories high. It i.s their own building and will enable them to more than dou-ble their output. J. C. \iVidman & Company report trade as very brisk, and all indications are that it will continue so throughollt the year. They will add to their fall line a large number of new pattcrns in standing and hanging hat racks. buffets and china closets, very plain, but neat in design, constructed in the best manner and highly polished, in golden quarter-sawed oak. They will make their usual display at the ex-positions in New York and Chicago in July. The \Volverine Manufacturing Company are mail-ing the finest cata.logue they have ever isslled. It shows a wonderful variety of tables, pedestals and fancy furniture. The Dctroit Cabinet Company is another of the busy concerns. They will make their usual fine exhibit in Grand Rapids in July. The Pioneer l..Ianufacturing Company will add a ntltllber of new patterns in reed chairs and rockers to their display in Chicago in July. Trade is excellent in all lines with this company. The Palmer l\1anufacturillg Company have just finished a very large dry shed for lumber and a new kiln. They are having an excellent trade and \vill make the [Illest display in Chicago in July they have ever attempted at any exhibi-tion. The Posselius Brothers Furniture rVlanufacturing Com-pany are filled up with orders for dining extension tables. Unless there should be a great slump during th~ last half of the year (and there is nothing that points to such a thing) the year 1907 will be a record breaker for them. The Murphy Chair Company are preparing their 1907 cat-alogue. Each year this cOITpany makes an effort to outdo its previous catalogue, so that now :Y!ttrphy catalogues are considered souvenirs among the furniture merchants. 7IR-T I.s ..7:IZ\I ? 'itTfe 19 Japanese Contracts are not Sacred. Curious ,vays the Japanese merchant has of doing busi-ness. A special agent of the United States government who is now in Japan gives some illustrations. The buyer, he says, makes no payment until the arrival of the goods. If in the meantime the market has dropped the Japanese will often go to the American and intimate that he is not pre-pared to stand all the loss and that the American should di-vide the loss with him, though to do so might wipe out the profit on the transaction. As a merchant explained, the Japullese sees nothing wrong in evading the letter of the contract, because when they make a CCl11tractthey don't-at least in their minds-absolutely • No, 154 Made by the D~troit Folding Cart Co. agree to do a certain thing or to make a certain payment, but simply to undertake to try to do it. If there appear certain ohstaclcs in the way of their doillg so, they do not consider themselves bound to proceed with it. Car Famine Slight ly Relieved. Lake navigation having opened at Chicago, the railroads have heen relieved of large amount of grain and package freight and arc able to provide a greater number of cars for other kinds of traffic. 1d11chembarrassment still prevails in the \Vest owing to the shortage. Crating Very Expensive. "Very fe""vdealers realize the cost of the lumber used in crating furniture," remarked E. H. Foote, treasurer of the Grand Rapids Chair Company, "but it averages two and oue-half times more than it cost ten years ago. Beside it is very scarce." 20 LEGS AND FEET OF THE CHAIR. • To the· Expert They Indicate the Period to Which the Fur-niture Belongs. To collectors of old furniture the feet and legs of chairs are full of information, says the New York Sun. Nearly every great maker or period was distinguished by some pecul-iarity in the feet and legs of chairs, which is almost always present, and by which the probable age and maker of a piece of furniture may easily be determined. The very old chairs which date back to the last half of the seventeenth century, with their carved legs and backs, are seldom met with in salesrooms. Such chairs, made of oak or walnut, with leather or cane seats, became common in England about 1660,when Charles II, ascended the throne. When two years later he married Catherine, a Portugese princess, further lux-uries were introduced into England. Among them were cane seated chairs from Holland, with carved turned legs, made in what was known as Flemish or Spanish style. This was quickly adopted by the English, who combined the var-ious details, to suit themselves. A chair of about this per-iod is shown, made of walnut with turned legs and carved feet, the latter in what is called Spanish style. This kind of foot is grooved and turns out, and while it is found on bined with a certain solidity as may be seen in the chair. It wilt be seen that, though this chair is of a later period than the first, the splat is still of about the same form. The fact that most furniture is undated is unfortunate and allows great latitude in guessing at the period in which it was made. Such a chair as this may be called Queen Anne, Dutch, Spoon back or Chippendale, according to the fancy of the owner, the fact being that it was probably made during the first forty years of the eighteenth century. Styles did uot change with a rush; there was no sharp de-marcation between one period and another. Each maker took what he found and then improved or altered it till he had formed a style which was popular and became to a cer-tain extent his. One of the chairs with the ball and claw feet shows a further development of the cabriole leg. The splat shows elementary decoration, being pierced in slats, and the top shows a mOTe gTaceful line, with the ears or continuations of the top which became a marked feature of the great Chippen-dale's chairs. Probably this chair was made prior to his time or it may have been made by a country cabinet maker, either in this country or England, working from Chippen-dale's pattern books, for its proportions 'are bad and the seat is far too narrow for that class of similar chairs which are known by the name of Chippendale, Compare it, for in- I J\lt 100 IX l\ ""\, ,::= I· I ~~~ . lM _-r.<.-.,#~::~-..~~ /' "- Y - - '";;:;:=-,---"- Ir ..... I' ~~~ - -,.---.:::c ,'- -,"?,,'\;'''''''. IT ~ lJ U ""II ~ ~ ~ ij N ~ -H, I( ~r ~ lJ' ! . I 4 .Duteh Fbot. E«ll-and-Paur. Ettl.t·and-Cla S <lnis Ta eor Le . so, ton Le $ de Foo1:. much furniture of this period and later, it is always unmis-takable from its shape and grooving.' This chair also shows the original form of- the back which became popular during the eighteenth century, when the splat (the center panel of the back,) became a feature of the chair, with 'its ornamental carving or other adornment. The chair with the Dutch feet is some years later than the first one. The wood is mahogany and the legs are of the style known as cabriole, though this word originally meant furniture having a stuffed back and had nothing to do with the leg. The Dutch foot is found on all pieces of furniture, but chiefly on chairs and tables. Such legs and feet are on a pretty little table which may be found in General Washing-ton's bedroom at Mount Vernon, and it is generally com- Henry Schmit &. Co. nopklnl ad Harriet SU. Cincinnati. O. UPHOLSTEREO FURNITURE "'. LODGE AND PULPIT. PARLOR LIBRARY. NOTEL AND CLUB 1l00M L stance with the other chair with the ball and claw feet, with its splendid carved knees and with the graceful splat with its intricate ornament. See how much less clumsy this chair is. The heavy cross-bars have been discarded, the splat has been brought down to the frame of the seat instead. of having a bar crossing to the sides of the back. In both cases the wood used is ma-hogany, and about the carving on the knees can be detected the marks of the carving tool, characteristic of the old pieces. Although Chippendale is k!1own chiefly as a maker of ma-hogany furniture, it was a branch of the business in which he was not particularly interested, and in his "Director" the wood is mentioned by him but once as follows: "Six de-signs of chairs for Halls, Passages or Summer-hJuses. They may be made either of mahoga:ny or any other wood and painted and commonly wooden seats." Chippendale liked to work for the "nobility and gentry," and did not care much abollt the solid middle class, who were after all his best patrons, since the nobility 'could not always be relied upon for payment. As a carver for his most bril~ liant and elaborate work he found mahogany too hard a wood. So he chose a close set pine and in this he worked his fanciful designs, gilding or painting them to suit his own taste or that of his customers. Hepplcwhite' and his widow, who succeeded him, worked out a style which, though pleasing and graceful, was by no means as solid and substantial as that of Chippendale. Be-sides the shield shaped back which is so nearly universal in SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOy OF THE CHILDREN. Our new CHILD'S··MISSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Write far Catalogll.e and prices. OUT Line is large and pricea are right. We make CHAIRS fo' GROWN-UPS as well as CHILDREN. GEORGE SPRATT & CO. Sheboygan, Wis. Say you saw this ad ill the Michigan Arti- OUR FAMOUS SPECIALTIES The New 20th Century Box Spring (WITH FlE:MOVABLE COVER) Double Deck Bed Springs, Folding Bed Springs Woyen Wire Mattresses Cots, Couches and Stuffed Mallresses A great variety of styles and construction to ~elect from. Let us know your wants. Will be pleased to furnish catalogues on application. The Luce Furniture Co. INVITES ATTENTiON TO ITS LARGE UNE OF Bed Room and Dining Room Furniture. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Salesroom at Factory Only. 22 .!"~ t;.I9,HIG?}N -MAKING -GOOD "Making good" is a hobby with us-••making good LEATHER FURNITURE for one thing••••the best. "Reliance" Natural Grain Leather is the handsomest and moSt dependable brand of M. B. Furniture Leather manu/adured. but we ask no more for "Reliance" Leather work than many charge for inferior grades. If something cheaper i. wanted. buy our "Oakdale" No. I Natural Grain stock-we are quoting this at .pecial low figure.. The "Oakdale" quality is lully equal to the average market best. Some manufacturers of Leather Furniture use Grain Leather lor the wearing surface and "Split" or "Deep Buff" for band •. back. and trimmings. We condemn thi. practice ·-we use no "Split" Leather •.. no "Deep Buff..... nothing but Natural Grain stock. BIG CATALOG SENT TO DEALERS UPON APPUCATION. JAMESTOWN LOUNGE COMPANY JAMESTOWN. NEW YORK The Woman Who Kicks. Ever meet the woman who kicks? Undoubtedly, if you have been engaged in the business of selling goods for the household. Madame with the strong limb and the trained toe thinks the only proper way to close the door of music cabinet .. a buffet, sideboard or a refriger-ator is to plant a "good swift kick" in its center. A manufacturer of refrigerators relates ~ome of his exper-iences in dealing with fair users of his boxes, one of which will serve for the purpose of this item. Prefacing his state-ment with the remark that he had noticed in many stores salestr.en who kicked the doors of goods they were to customers he proceeded as follows: "A lady living in my home town bought a very good refrigerator of our make from a dealer and a few months later caned our office on the phone and complained that the locks and hinges were out of order. Taking some lock springs and screws I visited the Morton House AmeriClln .....•Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Pantlind European ......Plan Rates $1.00 and Up GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for 50e is the fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop· lady's home and found the box in a very b<ij:l condition. The finish on the doors was ruined; the locks would not close it'ml the hinges w'obbly and insecure. Calling for a screw driver I quickly repaired the damages and when the lady came in to inspect the case I closed the doors gently with my hand. Opening a door, I requested the lady to close it. Raising a foot, she administered a hard kick and the door closed with a slam. Opening the door, I asked the lady to kick it again. The agile foot again performed that duty. Repeatedly I opened the door ~nd requested the lady to 'kick it again. It is only a refrigerator.' The lady kicked and kicked as often <l.S the door was opened, and finally be-coming tired of the exercise, she asked, 'Don't you close it that way?' 'Oh, no,' I replied. 'I close it gently by hanel. My wife trains her servants to use their hands instead. of their feet when closing doors. ){ow, once more, kick it again.', "'I won't do it,' peevishly remarked the lady as she disap-peared, The cause of the defects in the refrigerator had been located. RetaiHng in an Exposition Building, Quite a sensation was caused in Chica~o recently by the local furntiure dealers' association. An agent was employed to ascertain whether goods were sold at retail in the exposi-tion buildings. Several "offenders" were located and posi-tive proof of their indulgence in the retail business obtained, Singularly it appears that none of the occupants of· the Man-ufacturers Exhibition building were among those spotted, and the local association has given the manageinent of that enterprise their approval. What course the association shall take in regard to the offenders remains to be seen. The employment of spotters is unusual in the business of retailing furniture, Perhaps the conditions of the 'trade in Chicago justify the service rendered. CALIFORNIA TRIP FIFTY YEARS AGO. Atchison Stage Line Boasted of Making It in Thirty-five Days. ! I I I "Atchison to California in 35 days; fare only $200 in gold." was the heading of au old handbill, yellm'i with age, ..v..hich a traveler laid upon the counter in a railway ticket office the other clay, says the Kallsas City Journal. It was an adver-tisement of a line of stage coaches that ran from ,'\tchisOll, Karl., to San Francisco, during the gold excitement of years ago. "People seldom stop to think '''''hat their ancestors had to put up \vith fifty years ago," the man said. He was compar-ing the old time table \vitb a modern railroad time table, which told of the luxuries one could have by traveling on that road. No dust, no jarring and all other disagreeable feat-ures eliminated. The old time table '.vas !t douhle sheet of paper, tom and yellow with age. It "vas issued by the Atchison & Califor-nit stage CO;IClJ line ill 1857. The inducements it held forth were in strange COlltC\st "'lith tho~e of the modern railroad advertisen~ent. The stage coach line advertised tbat it had recently refurnished the entire "road" with absolntcly new wagonettes, and it told what kind of coaches they were, how the springs were made and of what strength they were. It even said that the coaches were painted in "the best rnanner possible." The horses that drC'\v the coaches were described, too, as the hest. ~\1l induc(']nent that was held out on the tilLe table to prospective passengers was a stop-over privilege. '·Passen-gers who had paid their entire fare from Atchison or other points to t!Jeir destination," the paper said, "may register witb our agents. A stopover privilege is tbell given for any pbce on the road." Thc time of the stOPOl'C/' was unlimited. Tl,c time table provided that a passellger might resume the journey wheneyer there was an cmpty seat ill tbe stage coach. ;'Vv' c make quickcr time to California than allY other stag-e coach line and at a eheaper rate," the pamphlet stated. Tt went on to say that fot $200 a person could ride. all the way from Atchison, Kan., to the gold fiehls of California. "The distance is 1,8U miles," was stated on the time table. "The longest distance ever attempted by a stage coach line. Atchison to California in 35 days." A hoast was made that there '..vere twelve telegraph sta-tions on the road to California al1d that eating placcs had been established along the road where good meals could be had at the nominal price ,of $3. Every passenger was allmved twen-ty- five pounds of b'aggage, consisting of ''''earing apparel and other necessary baggage. All over that amount must be paid for at a rate of SO cents a pound. It was advertised that the risk On the return trip was very great on account of the al1l0n\1t of gold dust and nuggets be-ing brought back from California. The company employed only the bravest men fully armed, all the time. But it de-clined to cany gold dust unless paid for at the rate of $3 a pOllnd. The cornpany refused to be held responsible for the loss of gold dust by robbers, Indians or other means. The pamphlet also advertised a fast freight line between A tchison and Denver, Colo., iOntwenty days. That Pennsylvania Cobbler's Discovery. Tbat "immensely vahwb1c" discovery of all Altoona, Pa., cobbler whereby coal can be made to perform several times its usual function as a fuel is no longer a deep, d:nk secret, says the New York Commercial. The inventor made the mistake of disclosing his disC'.overy too widely before he had taken precautions to settle its early profits upon himself. And now all Altoona is mixing ashes with its coal and is obtain-ing the desired results-so a newspaper correspondent re-lates. It is very simple. so simple that all that was needed was a hint that it could be accomplished and then anybody could do it. Here is the preparation: "Common salt one pound oxalic acid two ounces, water one gallon. Mix and then moisten a mixture containing one part coal and three ;<'.rts ashes." A better fuel than coal is obtained, it is as-serted. The cbetnical process is of little interest as adding to the advantage of the householder. There is the secret. '\llybody can use it 8nd if it "makes good," the anthracite bills of next 'winter will be a third of what they were previous- THEllHOMES OF OLD VIRGINIA always suggested a certain charm for refined atmos-phere and open welcome. The hall with its tall clock and dig-nified highboy---the Dining Room with its Sheraton Furniture and old silver---the Bedroom with its four posted Beds, were all expressive of· si~ple ideals and homely comfort. We have reproduced a great many of these fine old pieces, where the original models have been adhered to in absolute faithfulness. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. eIncorporated) 34 and 36 West 32d Street Between Broadway and Fifth Avenue An -exceUerrt model for a seIDlible. altr&dive, elfective advertisement. 11is Pkiu, brief and expressive and COIlveys lde1l8 thai wiU stick in the mind~ of the readen. It is coPied from the New Yo[k Sun. ly. After good and sufficient proof of the genuineness of the prescription a public fund should be raised for J oh11 Ell-more, the Altoona cobbler, everybody being asked to contrib-ute except the anthracite coal mine owners and. the coal-car-rymg railroads. Milwaukee Plan to Stimulate Trade. Milwaukee merchants, including the 1110st promit:Jent fur-niture dealers, have an organization which grants a rebate of one-third on round trip railroad fares to out-of-town patrons ,...h.o buy goods to the amount of $25 within a week of the purchase of the ra.ilroad ticket. It is not necessary to spend all of the $25 in one store. It may be distributed among the members of the organization. 23 EVANSVILLE DESK CO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Best Value of Desks On the Market Today. It will pay you to send us an order. WRITE FOR NEW CATALOCUE. No.257. Price $18.50. . Has 4l:l loch Top,S Legs and is Highly Polished. It's One of the "SUPERIOR" T"E BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE co. I:VANSVILU: IND. ftar~es War~ro~es are Good Wardrobes GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RIGHT Write fr;y Catalogue Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILLE, IND. Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards and K. D. Wardrobes. That Please. Send for our 1907 Catalogue Now Ready. The Bosse Furniture CO. EVANSVILLE. IND. The "ELI" fOLDING BEDS ~~~frl~'~Nm No Stock complete without the Eli Beds in Mantel and Upright. EL 0 M &. C Evan.ville. , . ILLER O. Write for cuts aud prices Globe Sideboards ,..------- ARE THE ----,---.., BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY Get Our Catalogue. Mentionthe MICHIGAN ARTISAN when writing. Globe Fumiture Company EVANSVILLE, INDIANA 26 Gents' Chiffoniers We sell the best one in the market. Make them in several patterns and our prices are the lowest. Send for Cuts and Deacription. THEY ARE MONEY MAKERS. Chas. Bennett Furniture Co. CHARLOTTE, MICH. To Simplify Freight Classification. It is exp,ected that before the end of Mayall freight traffic associations will have named committees to act in conjunc-tion with a committee appointed. by the Central Freight As~ sodation in the work of undertaking to formulate a uniform classification that all the associations will be willing b adopt. This movement is in response to notice from the Interstate Commerce Commission that if they did not accomplish some-thing looking to the adoption of a uniform classification the commission would do it for them. The initiative was taken recently by the Central Freight Association. \A/hen uniformity in this regard is est<>btished it will be easier for the uniform bill of lading committee to complete its enormous task. They Promise to be Good. The retailers of Chicago babquetted and talked a few nights ago. Quite a number of commission men and manu-facturers were guests of the association. All made speeches and promised to be good. George Clingman referred to the fact that the sale of goods by reta-il in the exposition build-ings of Grand Rapids had been discontinued. Another Upholstering Factory. The Crisv.rell-Kepler Company, composed of James Cris-well alld Fred Kepler, and capitalized at $10,000, are to estab-lish a factory for the manufacture of high grade upholstered mahogany furniture at the corner of Korth Front and West Leonard streets, Grand Rapids, 1Jich. Mr. Criswell has rep-resented the Dexter Chair Company in this section for some time. lh. Kepler will have charge of the upholstering de-partment. This will make eight upholstering institutions in Grand Rapids, where there were none ten years ago. Now those who make upholstery a prominent feature of their factories are the Retting Furniture Company, Mueller & Slack, Grand Rapids Upholstering Company, the C. S. Paine Company, the Century Furniture Company, Sweet- & Biggs and the Michigan Chair Company, and there are several others wbo do more or less upholstering. New Building for Kragens. The Kragens store to be erected in San Francisco will be completed by I\'ovember 1. The new building 'will be six stories high with a mezzanine floor and basement, located all Market street at the corner of Stevenson street, The entire building will be used for samples. It will be 100 x 170 feet. There will be four elevators and a chute, and a welt on the pre'mises, tanks on the roof and up-to-date fire fighting ap-paratus. A vault in the basement will be thirty feet long. The sho'\v windows wilt be of unusual depth and the plate glass is to run down to within three inches of the sidewalk. Besides furniture, carpets, draperies, household goods, stoves and many other lines will be carried. Selling Samples Unprofitable. In connection with the closing out of his Milwaukee store and the discontinuance of the purchase and sale of Made by Richmond Chair Co., Richmond, Ind samples, Phil Klingman, a veteran of the furniture trade, re-marked: "There is little if any profit to be derived from dealing in samples. The furniture manufacturer could not afford to sell the choice pieces in his line separately and there are many 'hoo-doos' in every collection of 'furniture. Take chairs for the purpose of an illustration, Many lines contain hundreds of patterns, no two of which are alike. ,"Vho among the consumers would buy one dining chair? And what dealer could afford to warehouse a lot of goods, concerning the selling qualities of 50 per cent of which he had serious doubts? The wise dealer will not take such a risk." f I Club House Furniture Must Be Seasonable. Two sets of furniture bave become almost a necessity with New York clubs, says a writer in the Kew York Sun. tn the old days the same hlrniture serveJ winter and summer. \Vhen the weather began to be warm and the windows to be opened ill April or carly I\Iay the stuffed chairs and sofas of the drawing room were covered \"ith striped calico or chintz, and they remained thus l.vith their dusters 011 until October. Men left behind in town by their wives and families felt them-selves at home ,<vith the chintz covercd furniture of the <Jub-house because their Own darkened drawing rooms presented exactly the same aspect. In those days carpets coverillg the clubroom floors clear to the l,vashboards \vere tucked dO\vn, and they came up only twice a year at most to be shaken, and in order that the floor,; might be thoroughly scrubbed. After the spring house-cleaning the carpets were tucked down again, and they staye.d down rill summtr. The dr;rwing rooms with their heavy carpets and their stuffed furniure looked prety hot in July aul August. but such was the ;ljlprovcd arrangetncnt, and it went. Some years ago a fe\·\, clubs adopted the pbn of providing special summer furniture and the practice bas spread. For the heavy winter furniture light cool wid<er chai,s and sohs are substituted. Rugs laid all hardwood floors long ago took the place of the old fashioned carpets for \vinter, and whell the ,vicker furniture comes ill, the rugs come up and go out of the house. The result is a delightfully cool effect. Some club houses have space for the storage of their will-tel' furniture in SU111n:ertime and their summer fLlrniture in \vinter time, hut others hire: space in ~torage warehouses. As to the rugs, they are oftcn SCnt to a cleaner, who cleans and stores them io1' the sumn~er. ,"Vhat happens in the drawing rooms of the clubhouse hap-pens also in the lodgings. If there are heavy articles of furniture in the roon:s they are replaced by wicker, and the carpets .are sent to the c1e;lllcr's for the Slimmer, while a cheap Japanese rug at the bedside and another beside th{~<.,vashstand make the lodging'S comfortable. In some cases slatted doors are hung at the opcning of spri11g in order to keep the bed-rooms cool. :"lo1'e and more clubs have roof gardens. These are de-pressing places all \V-inter long, and evcl~ lip to the middle of 1hy. By that time their potted \'"ine~,have been well started, and men begin to dille on the roof on hot nights alld to sit there and consume cooling drinks until the closing hour arrives. Xovv and then a lodger obtains the privilege of swinging a hammock 011the roof and there he sleeps on hot nights. Difficult to Prevent. "It is a very difficult matter to prevellt the sale of furni-ture in an open-all-the-year exposition by retail," remarked the manager of an exposition building. "So many people find employme,nt in the structure and the -interests represent-ed afe so diversified that it is almost im'possible to prevent an abuse of the privileges granted to leaseholders and their em-ployes. The agent of a line of chairs may have a friend who is selling lllusic cabil1cts or buffets. The former wants a piece or two as a special f<tvor. A lady relative is to marry and lle \vants a cahinet for a gift. The accommodating rep-resentative of the c,-,hinet maker selL> rI music cabinet at the wholesale price. And so it goes. Hundreds of such transactiollS arc inevitable. There is no way to prevent such deals, try as earncstly as wc may." Another Big Department Store for Brooklyn. Ralph Leining'er, J. A. Kohner rind George D. Beattys have organized a cOl'poration to be kno\vll as Darlington & Co., to establish a first class, up-to-date department start': in 27 Brooklyn, K. Y. The capital stock is $1,000,000, and the pro-moters propose to have one oi the finest stores in the coun-try. Another Railroad for "Grand Rapids of the East." Application has been made by the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg of the l\~ew York Central system for a franchise to enter Jamestown, N. Y., by huilding a spur from Falconer. 1£ granted it 'will bring the Lake Shore into clos-e, competition ,,,,ith the Pennsylvania and the Erie. Muskegon Valley Furniture Co. Moskellon Mid.. Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobes Ladies Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods Ladies Desks Music Cabinets Line on sale in New ..vanufae-tU1' 61'8' Bttild· ing, GRAND RAPIDS. The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers _______ Also Manufacturers and E.xportell of ------- ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to all kinds of invalidism, both for house and street use. OVER FORTY DE.SIGNSTO SELECT FROM 28 ~MI9HIG7}-N "The Larkin Idea." Here is a sample of the kind of adverti:,;ing that has built up an enormous business for the Larkin Company. It cer-tainly contains a good argumen.:t, but retail furniture dealers can easily meet it by showing their patrons that they buy di-rect from the 'manufacturers, and thus eliminate two of tbe <imiddlemen" mentioned: Do you know that you are paying an unnecessarj!y large price for a great many things of household use? 1'105tman-ufactured goods are sold to the consumer at from two to four times the cost of production. This is because the goods pas!'> through many hands; from the facto~y to the sales agent; from the sales agent to the wholesaler; from the wholesaler to the retailer; from the retailer to the consumer. Each "middleman" adds his expenses, his losses, his profits, and, request will bring you their premium list, which contains de-scriptions of over 1,200 premiums, and 150 products. Ask for premium Jist 1\'0. 36, and address your postal to the Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Lounge Taxed as W001. A bitter tariff battle over an upholstered lounge was de-c. ided recently by the board of general appraisers in Chicago, adversely to the claims of the importers, James S. Kirk & Co. \Vhen the lounge reached Chicago the collector of customs declared the article is a "manufacture of wool." Duty was ac-cordingly exacted at the rate of 4.4 cents a pound and 55 per cent ad valorem. The lounge was held at the custom house until the importers came fonvard and paid the duty; afterward they filed an appeal with the lower customs tribunal. Kirk MADE BY CENTURY FURNITURE CO.; GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. all, in the end, is piled up in the retail price, and must be paid hy-YOU. There is a way to stop this, a way by which you can pass the middleman by, and get things absolutely at their cost. Every few weeks certain articles of daily use in your home call for an outlay of say twenty dollars. Would you not wel-some sotne idea whereby you could purchase these same ar-ticles for ten dollars? There is such an idea. It is the Larkin idea, the short cut from factory to family; a modern business that has proved a blessing to millions. How tremendous the responSe of th~ people has be~n to the Larkin idea is shown in the single fact that the model es-tablishment has grown from a factory of ],600 square feet in 1875, to an enormous plant of over fifty acres in 1906. To visit Buffalo without seeing the Larkin factories is to miss one of the most interesting industrial sights of the world. One of the best features of the Larkn idea, a thing that has brought happiness to many a home, is the premium ar-rangement. This is so attractively carried out that we would strongly advise' you to become familiar with it, A post-card & Co., alleged that the lounge should be taxed only 35 per cent, the rate applicable to "household furniture comJ;wsed of wood." General Appraiser Lunt, who wrote the decision over-ruling the contention, thinks that the importers failed to sub-stantiate their claim. He says: "The only evidence the importers sublritted is a written description of the lounge accompanied bJr two photographs, but there is nothing in their memorandum to show the rela-tive values of the materials involved in the manufacture of the merchandise, nor is there anything in the record otherwlse to controvert the collector's classification; In the absence of competent evidence, the decision of the collector is presumed to be correct. The protest is overruled." The furniture makers of ancient Rome held Julius Caesar in grateful remembrance on account of an order for 60,000 couches for use by the populace in witnessing the festivities following the return of. the ruler from one of his campaigns of conquest. They were not davenports, adjustable, sanitary nor of the ..S..implicity" pattern. ~MlfpIG7;!-N , 29 C O,T S We make every known style guaranteeing extra good material and workmanship. These cots will cost you no more and yet are standards of excellence. If you use cots it will pay you to drop us a postal today for catalogue. HARD MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Heppelwhitc's chairs, the foot he used, known as the spade foot, is almost as indicative of him and his period. He, too, loved the nobility as patrons, and he had a fav-orite desig'u of three feathers, the Prince of \\rales crest, which he introduced at all times and seasons, and on all pieces of furniture. One form if it is shown in connection with the spade foot chair. \Vhile this chair docs not show his familiar shield shaped back, it exhibits the structural weaknes's \'dlich is present in nearly all of his chairs and which causes one to find 50 many of them now broken and mended. Instead of bringing the back down to the seat, he had a fancy of ending it above the frame and attaching it by two short curved pieces, which often broke llUder the strain of be-ing leaned 011, The legs, too, were oftcwtmduly slender, and in order to counteract this defect he im-'ented the spade foot, which gives an appearance of strength, which the chair docs not have. \Vhile Chippendale relied for most of his ornamentation on his carving, Hepplewhite, Shearer and Sheraton used inlaid work of brass or ..v.oods quite as much as carving, if not more. When carving was used it was often in lower relief than in Chippendale's work, and a popular design was called husk pattern, like the husk of a grain of oats laid out flat. These husks succeeded one another in a line, graduating in size when applied to a chair leg. A chair is shown here with the shield shaped back and husk pattern On both legs and back. Originally, no doubt, this chair was covered with the dainty striped brocade or damask which Hepplewhite g-ives such minute directions about in his books, and which should be u::.ed on his chairs with ab-nndant gilt nails ananf';cd in a pattern. His striped seats and the nails are almost as much a part of this maker's work as his spade foot and shield back. It is a pity when old furniture is restored not to carry out the usage of the maker. It will be seen that in all these. las;t examples the heavy • cross bars for supporting the legs were banished and that the whole effect was lighter and more dainty. The styles in dress had something to do with this, and the- spreading gowns of the ladies and the wide stiff coats of their cavaliers necessitated chairs and seats ovcr which they could flow with-out confinement of arms. By the time Sheraton gave his undivided attention to his books the modes had altered once more. Slender clinging gowns of transparent tissue and cutaway coats were all the rage, so we find many chairs with arms among Sheraton's designs. The one shown here is a simple one, but entirely representative of this maker. It is well proportioned, simple and elegant, and shows the leg which Sheraton was so apt to put on his furniture, vary-ing its length tor a four post bed and suiting it to the con-fined limits of a lady's footstool. The pretty ornament in the back is agreeable to the eye and of sufficient strength. The back legs had an air of more solidity than the incurved ones of Hepplewhite's work. 1\Iany such ch;:lirs found their way over here, some sets which went into the mansions numbering seventy-two. These were for the dining room, and while the greater num-ber were side chairs, there were usually ~t least six arm chairs. This style of chair was often covered with leather, some-times 'with horsehair, '''v'hile those which were a little more' ornate had on the scat brocade, worsted work or velvet, or had cane or rush seats. The prices, which are demanded and obtained for chairs like any of these shown are very high, a set of six in good condition often going into fOUf figures. Chippendale's pieces which have an authentic history, like the original bill, partic-ularly if the piece is one of those made of rosewood or ma-hogany finished with brass, copper or silver mounts, and japanned or gilded, may bring $2,000 or $3,000. A few such piece:; pass through some of the great auction houses in London each year, but they arc hardly ever met with here. White Printing Co. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ====== === 30 ~l'1.19pIG7JN , Unprofitable Piracy. "The light-hearted, neatly dressed young salesman who has taken a course in a school of furniture sketching during his between-seasons vacation and enters upon the piratical practice of sketching the attractive pieces found in the ware-rooms of the dealers Upon whom h~ confers the favor of his presence from time to time, and forwards the same to the very honorable manufacturer he undertakes to represent, not infrequently causes a lot of trouble," remarked the vet era n manufacturer. "This is the way it works out. Our company occa-sionally brings out a piece that looks good in every way. The season opens and it meets the approv-al of the buyers. The first lot cut is cleaned Ollt quickly. The second cut-ting is ordered. In the meantime the young sales-man with the sketch book has noted the p"iece. It Made by Manual TrainiDIl' Department, Grand looks good. Everyone RapidaPublicSchools. has it. He makes a sketch and sends it to the house. On his next trip he finds it on the floors of the trade he calls 011. It must be a great seller. But it isn't. It is a 'hoodoo.' Scracely one of the first lot cut has been disposed of. The originator of the style has the second cutting on hand and 1)0 one wants any part of it, The copying manufacturer enters the market with copies, and the sketching young salesman 'learns a few things.' Perhaps the second and third copying manufac-turer contribute their 'able cfforts' to the unsalables, and assist in loading the market with a hoodoo for the year to come. This is an old lesson, as old as the trade, and yet there never seems to be lacking sketching young salesmen and 'reproducing' manufacturers to learn it." Don't Become a Miefit. There are plenty of misfits in this world. il'1en who would have made good n~echanics have become poor clerks; men who would have made a success of farming are strug-gling along as lawyers 'with a few clients and little income; men who might have been good salesmen are sitting in offices with a physician'S shingle on the door, waiting, waiting for patients who never come. In fact, every trade and profes-sion contains many men who are not fitted for the work they are trying to do but who would be able to do good work somewhere else. It's a pity that we can't adopt the merchant's plan and take all the mistfits of business life and place them where they will do real good, but as this cannot be done, we urge every boy and young man starting out in life not to become a mis-fit, says Spare Moments. If you love tools become a me-chanic. If you lm'e the outdoor life among the fields be-corne a farmer. If you love drawing, become a draftsman. Find out what you lovc best and then follow YOllr inclination if yOll would avoid becoming a misfit. Don't let pride stand in your way. The world has more respect for a good mechanic or a good laborer than it has for a poor clerk or an incompc-tent physician. Some folks will tell yOll that every trade and profession is crowded. So it is, but the crowd is at the bottom of the ladder and not at the top. The mcn who lead in every walk of life are the men who love their work, not the men who have chosen such work because it was considered more respectable than other vocations. Misfits are always unhappy, always growling and grumb-ling at the fate that keeps them down. The man whQ loves the work he has chosen, is contented with his lot, although ambitious for greater things. The man who fits will rise. while the misfit will hover around the bottom of the ladder of succe!';s. Don't become a misfit. Like Trying to Bell the Cat. That IVlontgomcry Ward & Co. are not scared nor dis-couraged on account of the efforts of the national and state associations of retailers of furniture to restrain their opera-tions in selling merchandise is shown by the fact that the linn has under construction a new plant for the distribution of goods covering l1~ore than an ordinary farm and costing mil-liars cf dollars, in the city of Chicago. It is the purpose HOUSEKEEPER ....... Save One-Half the Money You Are Now Payin, for Your feN. Coffees. Dakin, Powder. Splc .... FlaVUiin, Exll'acte. Soaps. Perfumes. and Other Household Supplies. A HANDSOME PRESEIIT GIVEN WITH EVERY ORDER Sample of Advertisements Ueed by Premium Houses. of the company to erect and operate factories when the retail associations shall have succeeded in cutting off the usual source of supplies; in fact, they are now sustaining financial-ly a number of factories operated in the production of goods the firm handles exclusively. Other mail order merchants will 'establish retail stores and carry stocks, if it shall be deter-mined that the vast amount of merchandise contained in their warehouses do not entitle them to membership in the several associations of retailers. How to put the mail order houses out of business seems a more difficult proposition than con-fronted the mice mentioned in the fable about putting a bell on the cat. THE LEXINGTON Mich~n Blvd. & 22<1St CHICAGO, ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. New Management. The furniture dealers' head-quarters. Most con-veniently situated to the furniture display houses. Inler-Slate Hotel CO. OWNl:l:K &. I.'ROPRIETOR E. K. Criley. Pres.; T. M, Criley, V. Pres.; L. H. Firey, Sec-Tleas. QUALIFICATIONS OF SALESMEN. A Few Ideas on the Subject Expressed by Prominent Detroit Merchants. Detroit, April 23.-.'1'hat it requires 110 ordinary amount of ability to be a successful furniture salesman is the emphatic opinion of some of Detroit's most successful dealers-men who, themselves, have risen from the ranks to become the heads of large concerns. "First class salesman arc born, not made," said James Fitzsimmons of Fitzsimmons & Co. "Of course, a n:an must have experience rind it requires years to learn the business, but if a man hasn't the llatural qualifica-tions, he ""ill never make a high-class salt:sman, 110 matter how hard he tries. "1 think that 1 kno ..v.. a good salesman \"'hen I see one, but I can't draw up plans and specifications of all the qualities that he n1115tpossess in order to be successful and advance in his business. But \-ve'll suppose, for example, that you are going out to b11y a piano. You don't know milch about pi- ;mos-·at least most people don't. You go to a store and a clerk shows you the stock But for some reason you don't like the way the man shows his goods and you go to another place, and get into the hands of the right sort of a salesman. He shows you the pianos that afe in stock. They probably aren't a bit better than the olles you saw at the f1rst place, but in SOlIle \vay this salesman ll1~·lkesyOll think that they are. FIe brings out all the good points of the piano that he is try-illg to sell you-·he makes you think that it is exactly what you want, without undue urg-ing or resorting to falsehood or misrepresentation rind before you kllOW it he has sold you a plano. That is the sort of a saleS111r1!tlhat we are all look-ing for and the kind who command the hig-h salaries. And unless a man posseSSes this quality of briJ!ging out the best points of the article lle is trying to sell and convincing people that it is superior to all others, be will never make a s:tlcs-man, but win always remain a mefe clerk. "Of coursc, there are other qualities that the s:lcces'iful salesman must possess. One thing that ,ve insist upon in this store above an others is strict boncsty. i\ salesman who mis-reprcsents goods is treated with no leniency even though he makes :l good s,tlc by his fal'iehood or half-truth. Lea-ving out all other considerations, it is poor business policy. Soon-er or later, the cuStOtllCr is certain to find out he has been deceived and not only will he never patronize you again, but he will tell his friends ;.lcd after a while you will feel the effect. No finn th<lt is not strictly honest call hope to achieve permal1cnt success." "In regard to stimulating business in dull times, it has been my experience that to conduct bargain sales on some special article is the best way. I believe it is better to make 7fT<.-T I..s'.71.2'1 .e 7 r. 31 sales even if you have to sell the articles at actual cost than to sit down ~nd wait for trade to come to you. At least, it keeps you from getting rusty and when people buy articles so cheaply at one of these bargain sales, yOU often obtain their good will and when they want to buy furniture at some later time they are quite likely to remember you." "There is one trait "\vhich the furniture salesman must pos-sess above all others if he is to be successful," said F. M. Adler of vVeil & Co., "and that is adaptability. He must be able tn adapt himself to al1 sorts of peaRle <Iud conditions. You can't lay down ally fixed fules. Of COurse, there are certain qualifications necessary to success in ally business, but it I have one hobhy it is adaptability. People are so dif-ferent that a salesman must be able to size up each and every customer and decide just what is the best way to appeal to him. It is a hard matter to select good furniture salesman, at the best; many times a man whom you think has all the qualities will prove to he an utter failure. But I think that I am safe -in saying that if a man can't adapt himself to nearly all kinds of people and conditions be will prove to be a failure." "My hobby in selecting a furniture salesman is to get one who knows perfectly every article to be found in the store and bow to sell it," said "\V, 1. Owen of Owen & Co. "The furniture business isn't like others, where each salesman sclls the article in his department and knows little or nothing about the others. For this reason we never take on a man who has not had experience. "Those aren't by allY means all the 'qualifications. A man in order to be a good salesman must be hooest and he must have a pleasant way about him that will make -a favor-able impressioll with customers. A man who is gruff, im-polite, inattentive or careless is worse than useless, and I don't know of any business where there is less use for a lazy man. The bcst salesmen ,ve have are the boys who started in as office hoys and gradtw_lly worked their way up. They know c\'crytbing in the store and they kllow aUf ways and methods. ",As to enlivening business in dull times, about the only method that I know of is to make a sale on some special article. That gets people to coming into your store and makes you think that you are doing a lot of business anyway, even if you aren't making much, and then it gets pcople ac- Cjuailded with your store and often they will buy other ar-ticles besides the one that you are making the special price 011. vVe believe that it is a.pretty good way of advertising." Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood I\ve.•Grand Rapids. Mich. Vile ar",- now putting on th~ best Castet Cups with corll bases evn offeree to the trade. These ate finished in Golden Osk and White Maple in a light finish. These goods are admirable for polished flooT!;and fum. iture rests. They wllll10t sweat or mar. PRICES: Size 27.i'inches $4 00 per hundred Size 2M inches····· - 5.00 per hundred Try a Bample Order. F. O.B. Gyand RapidJJ. 32 ·~~MI9fIIG7f-N OUR NEW 1907 LINE OF ALASKA REFRIGERATORS with side ice chamber is made in twenty-one styles, zinc lined, white enamel and porcelain lined. Our catalogue will il'lterestyou. Write for it. THE ALASKA REFRIGERAlOR CO. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers, MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN. Using the Auto as a "Booster." The success of schools established to teach young men how to nm an automobile shows that interest in the "pro-fession" is widespread. During the fall one was organized in connection with a motor company at Buffalo and a part of one factory building was set aside for a class room. Soon inquiries began to pour in and there was no difficulty, after the start had been made, in :filling all the classes. The pros-pective drivers come from all parts of the country, as is shown by the fact that in the class now going through the school two of the men are from North Dakota, three from Virginia, one from Nebraska, one from Georgia and two from Canada. The men are said to be young and bright looking and are of a mentality that enables them to grasp quickly the me-chanical problems involved. Most of them say candidly that their reason for preparing. for this kind of work is that they expect to use it as a stepping stOne to something better as it will throw them irito contact with men wllo will be in a pO-sition to help them . .Notes on Columbus Factories. The Harden-Winders Manufacturing Company have in-corporated with the capital stock fixed at $10,000. The offi~ cers are as follows: President, James Keyes; vice president, C. H. Carpenter; treasurer, Frank Winder~ M. D.; secretary, Wilber Winders; manager, D. T. Winders. They manufac-ture mission furniture, novelties, porch swings, and hall clocks and will show their full line in Chicago in July. To many men there is nothing more enjoyable in a hot day than a good book, a good cigar and a Harden-Winders Porch swing. The E. 1'1. Hulse Company are enjoying their customary good trade. Last year they had a record-breaking business. and barring fires, frosts and frenzied finance, they will set their peg several notches higher during the year 1907. Their new Buckeye Oak for davenports and couches in an eye-open-er. E. M. Hulse will tell you more about it if you give him a chance. The Columbus Couch Company is building up a good busi-ness in couches upholstered in leather and soft goods. Architects- Are Not Good Furniture Designers. Several af the large furniture manufacturing corporations of Grand Rapids are full of orders for hotels, the- contracts for which were secured through retail dealers. In discuss-ing this branch of the furniture manufacturing business re-cently, the superintendent of one of the large plants re-ferred to remarked that much illy designed furniture is used in the equipment of hotels, because proprietors of the same have employed architects to prepare special designs. The average architect is not conscientious in the drafting of de-signs and aims to please his employer rather than to give truthful expression of the art he undertakes to portray. He is usually successful in fitting the furniture to the wall and floor spaces it is intended to occupy, but beyond that reQuire- Made by Century Furniture Co. Grand Rapids. Mich. ment he is seldom successful. While the conscientious man-ufacturer endeavors to carry out the purpose of the <!-rchitect many instances arise in which changes are necessary in or~er that strength and utility shall not be sacrificed. The av-erage hotel keeper, owing to his lack of experience, does not inspect the furniture purchased on his acco,unt as closely and as intelligently as the regular trade buyer" and when he places an order directly with the manufacturer, the opportunity pre_ sents itself for the manufacturer to slight the. construction and finish of the goods ordered. No manufacturer of estab-lished reputation, however, will take advantage of such op_ portunities. Inse! , II To Our Western Patrons NOTE: There has been no change in the management of our CHICAGO FACTORY, the same practical men who have brought it to its present high standard continue in our employ. BE NOT DECEIVED. I WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING FILLER BONE HARD OVER THAT WILL DRY N I G H T The great majority-in fact just about all of the manufacturing trade ask for a filler to be hard dry the day after filling. We can do better than that. USE OUR FILLER AND YOU CANNOT DIG IT OUT OF THE PORES THE ===== NEXT DAY ============== IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR VARNISH TO PENETRATE THE SURFACE IT SANDS OFF IN A POWDER THAT WILL LEAVE YOUR SAND PAPER CLEAN AFTER THE WORK IS DONE. The Barrett-Lindeman Company , IN CONSOLIDATION WITH The l.Jawrence-McFadden Co., Ltd. 61-63-65-67 No. Ashland Ave•• CHICAGO. 1400-2-4 Frankford Ave., PHILADELPHIA. Inset Tha Univarsal Automatic CARVINO MAClflNE ==== IPERFORM$ THE WORK OF 25 HAND CARVERS And does the Work Better than it can be Done by Hand -----~-MADE BY------- Union [n60SSlna MACUlnr (0. Indianapoll .. ,Indiana Write for Inlorm.tion, Prices Etc. The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company MANUFACTURBRS AND JOBBERS 0" Plain and Beveled Mirrors, Bent Glass for China Cabinets, Plate Glass for Desks, Table Tops and Shelves. Our facilities for supplying furniture manufacturers wiJJ be understood when we state that we have 10 Glass factories, extending from Pennsylvania to Missouri; and 13 Mirror plants, located as follows: New York Boston Phlladelpbia Buft'alo ClnciD.natl St. Louie MinneapoUs Atlanta Kokomo, Ind. Ford City, Fa. DJgh PolDt, N. C. Davenport Crystal City, Mo. Also, our 22 iobbint honses carry heavy stocks in all lines of glass, paints, varnishes and brushes and are located in the cities named below: New York-HUdson and Vandam sts. BufI'aJ0-3'l'2-4-e-8 Pearl Street. Buston-41-49 Sudbury, t~9 Bowker. Bts. Brooklyn-636 aod 037 Fulton Street. Cbicag0-442-452 Wabash Avenlie. PbUadelPbla-PltcaJrn BuildJog, Arch Cincinoat1-Broadway and Court Sts. and Eleventh Sts. St. Lout_Cor. 7th and Market Sts. Davenp0ri-410-416 Soott stl"&!t. MinneapoUs-OOO-lilO S. Third St. Clevelwul--149-Gl-6S Seneca Street. Hetl'oit-l5Z-55 Lamed. St., E. OmRha-1608-10-U HaJooey Street. Plttsburgb-l0tal0S Wood Street. St. Paul-349-51 Minoesota Street. MDwaukee. WIs-492-494 Market St. Atlanta, Oa.-30, S2 ItDd 34 S. Pryor St. :Qochestel', N. Y.-Wilder BuIlding, Malo Savannah, Oa.-746-749 Wheaton Street. and Exchan&,e St&. KanS&s CIty-Fifth and Wyandotte Sts. Baltim(l~221-223W. Pl'att Street. Blrmlogham, Ala.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. It needs no argument to show what advantages may be derived from dealing directly with us. AGENTS FOR THE COULSON PATENT CORNEl\. POSTS AND BATS. GLOBE VISE AND TRUCK CO. OAH:e 321 South Divbion St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Mfci, of High Grade Wood Workers Vises AND Faclory Trucks Qualily and Price talk in factory trucks and we can interest you. Will you send us your address and let us write you about tbem? Wntefor PriC68 B. WALTER & CO. M.nuf."u"," of T ABLE SLIDES Exclusively WABASH INDIANA WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT SOM.ETHING NEW WE have perfected a new GOLOU OAK OIL STAIN without the use of asphaltum or acid. This stain is the strongest and most penew trating stain on the market. It entirely pene-trates the wood, leaving no surplus on the sur· face to penetrate with the filler. Samples furnished on application. -- We have over 12different styles of factory and warehouse trucks 'to offer, also a complete Hr,e of woodworking vises and benches. CRAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHINC COMPANY 81S-69 ELLSWORTH AVE., GFiAND RoIlPltlS, MICH. This Machine Makes the Money ========== BY SA VI NG IT ========== It makes aperlectimitation of any open grain because it uses the wood itself to print from, and one operator and a couple of boys can do mOTe work with it than a dozen men with any other so-called machine or pads on the market. That~8 why it·s a money maker. It imitates perfectly PLAIN or QUARTERED OAK,lMAHOGANY. WALNUT. ELM, ASH or any other wood with open grain WRITE; THIt --- Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich. FOR PRICES AND FULL PARTICULARS. MENTION THE MICHICAN ARTISAN. Inset Inset Oran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester Compan} THE LATEST device for handling shavings and dust from all wood-working machines. OUf eighteen years experience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no experiment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hundred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in its line. "'\Vritefor our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRESSURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Offic. and Fa.ctory 0 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Cltb,:en. Phone 1282 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM r, B0YNT0N ex. C0. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Manufacturers of Embollu~d and Turned Moulding., Embossed and Spindle Carvings, and Automatic:: Turnings. We also manu· facture a large line of Em.b'i)~d 0 ..n8' ments for Couch Work. 419·421W.fifteenth St..CmC4GO, ILL. FOLDING BED FIXTURES Profitable fixtures to use are those which give the least trouble. They are made by Folding Bed \iViliiams in many styles and designs, suitable for every folding bed manufactured. Furniture Cast-ings, Panel Holders, Corner Irons, etc. New ideas and inventions constantly being added to the line. F. B. WILLIAMS 3812 VINCENNES AVE" CHICACO Manufacturer.of Hardware Specialties fortheFurniture Trade. Established 1,s78. FOX SAW SMOOTHEST GR,OOVES FASTEST CUT LEAST POWER LONGEST L1FE DADO HEADS GR.EATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TR.OUBLE PERFECT SAFETY Also Machine Knlve.r, Miter Machines. Etc. PERMANENT ECONOMY SAMUEL J. SHIMER &. SONS MILTON. PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. FOX MACHIN£. CO. TOILET SCREWS: 1;£ to 2 inch knobs can be furnished as toilet screws to order only with standard bolt 3,%inches long and patent drive nut and washer. ===. We'lI gladly tell YOU all about It. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapids. hitch Wood Forming Cutters We offer exceptional value in Reversible and One-Way Cutters for Single and Double Spin .. dIe Shapers. Largest lists with lowest prices. Greatest variety to select from. Book free. Address THE KNOB THAT WONT COME OFF NO-KUM-LOOSE WOOD KNOBS Section of "A" GRAND RAPIDS BRASS COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. CUT shows tbe construction of our line of Wood Knobs. The metal nut is clinched into the wood at its front end, pre-venting turning or pulling out. To the back end of the nut is riveted a steel base, having projecting spurs which enter the drawer front. The knobs are held in place by a screw and corru-gated spur washer, which avoids any possi-bility of unscrewing. All goods are smooth-ly sandp
- Date Created:
- 1907-04-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 27:20
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and UBLIC LIBRARY Twenty-Sixth Year~No. 21 emi.Monthly FIFTY C NTS We will mail the Retailers' of the Michigan Artisan to any a dress in the United States during the re ainder of the cunent year. ~Send in your der. ~~---~=~===~-- MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO., Grand Rapid" Mich. :~~~! ,~ \ = THIS PUSH BUTTON distinguishes the ROY AL Morris Chairs from the other kind Six Years of Test Haye Established Its Supremacy. MORRIS CHAIRS -FROM- $6.00 to $30.00 THE"ROYAL PUSt( BUTTON MORRIS CHAIR CATALOGUE UPON APPUCATION, Permanent Salesroom: Fourth Floor. 1411 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO. ILL. The Royal Chair Co., STURGIS, MICH, "WE ARE MAKERS OF CHAIRS" Give us a call or send for our 1906 Cata-logue and be convinced that we manufacture one of the finest and most extensive lines of Dining, Library, Office Chairs and Rockers to be found in the West. OIIice and Factory 237 to 255 N. Green 51. Salesroom 14 I I Michigan Ave. Johnson Chair Company CHICAGO, ILL. The McDougall Idea , McDougall I\itchen Cabinets showing twenty-one new and original designs at prices suited to every class of your trade. are advertised more extensively than any other article of -- -- - -- .._-- - -- -_ ...- furniture on the market to-day. Beginning this month - --- - and continuing throughout the entire season McDougall advertisements will appear in practically all the national magazines and will be read by at least 25,000,000 people. Are you one of the dealers who will enjoy increased business and enlarged profits by this McDougall National Advertising expenditure? If not, you should write to-day for the new handsomely illustrated McDougall Catalog G. P. McDougall &. Son Indianapolis, U. S. A. -••=• \....1 One of our most Elegant Colonial Music Cabinets No. D 1159 40 inches high, 22 inches wide, 16 inches deep. Has 9 compartments. In Solid Mahogany or Circassian Walnut. Price $21.00 This is a perfect Colonial type,···historically accurate and in perfect taste. Cadillac Qgality in every inch of it. Cadillac Cabinet Company Detroit, Michigan =••-• \..1 GRAND RAPIDS PUBLiC LIBRARY 26th Year-No. 22. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., APRIL 25, 1906. $1.00 per Year. Salesmanship-An Art or a "Hold-Up"? "Salesmanship is a bluff, it is i11tuitioll, it is anything from the lowest cunning to the highest art-and a sl1ccessful sates-man may have to nUl the whole gam.ut 01 these possible things in a single day. Noone man vvill be big enough to succeed always by a single method." These arc the ideas of Charles Kerns, who is a sort of analyst on"'hip. 1I~ sat the other day a listener to a sales bargain between a close buyer and a shrc\'v·d salesman, and thus reports the col-loquy: "But I told Semple man, as the customer the talk. "But he hasn't done it," persisted the customer, and Sem-ple ·was caned in. Semple insisted that he had given the cus-tomer the rate named hy the chief sales1TI;\tl,at which the cus-tomer insistcd that the figures meant no rate at all. Certain-ly there was little art in this sale as effected by the chief sales-man himself. There was enough and to spare of cheap re-partee. Several embryo bets were sprung and died natUl'al deaths of bluff. Finally, the salesman turned to Semple and said: "Take another ten per cent off-don't let him out of here without an order-ah, what did I say? Tell-not on VOUf life-take off the five and let It go at that-we can't afford to lose moncy merely to get an order." The customer bought at the five off. Kerns asked whether the ten off would customer had insisted. "Yes," admitted the salesman. "But when I saw his face at the figure it was entirely too much pleased in expression. I knew the figure would bear scaling at least half. And yon sec it did. There's nothing that one could explain in this. It is intuition, and intuition v,-ill lead you almost anywhere at any time to the most vulnerable place in a man to whom you want to self. "For instance, I could tcll of a country customer who eame up here a few months ago bringing his pretty wife. IIe may have figured on what her expenses for the trip would be, but I'll bet you he didn't know that it cost him an even hundred in addition to all that he had figured befO""e starting. "How? She was a vain little thing and was as assertive as possible in everything. He had spotted her, good and plenty, too. She was in that state of vanity toward him and c~erybody else t~lat she couldn't think 01 having one of It'.' slmplest sugg-estlOns p;lssed 11p and overlooked and dO\Vll d. "Do you inUl,gine that T 'wasted any time talking to t e husband? I made a hit with looking to her always- for tile decision and pointing out to her the merits of the goods. Tn ten minutes she was in the position of not letting- him talk when he wanted to, with the net result that her husband paid list prices for everything. "Salesmanship may be an art-when it isn't a hold-up !" to give you the rate," said the sa1cs-stepped into the o[nce, interrupting \\Then he was gone have "galle" if the Well. Informed Salesman. T\.fen and books are the great educators. hegins for most of us after the school master The influence is done. It is then that the mind lS best fitted tn absorb useful knowledge, and he that is receptive to it can easily become what ",...e term a ,Yell-informed man. If yOU have this keen thirst for knowledge it will aid in your setf-development and your busi-ness success as well, says the New York Commercial. In salesmanship it is an investment that makes large re-turns, There is not another calling so full of educatinnal opportunities as this. The \york that lies in your path is ahvays and everywhere an educational process. If you had only an ounce of brains and the faintest desire to use them you could scarcely help developing through your daily exper- Ience into a refined and cultured gentlem'an. Are you dis-posed to grasp or neglect these advantages? As a salesman, much is given to you and much will he ex-pected of you. Let us consider, says the American.Jeweler. You are in daily contact with all kinds of people and have a direct interest in studying their characters. You talk with them and hear their opinions and frequently have occasion to "draw them Ollt" 011 business matters or on topics relating to art, literature or the home. Many of thes~ persons are apt to be scholarly or accomplished; all are more or less friend-ly and communicative. Assuredly, it will be your own fault if you do not learn much from them, and add to your store of knowledge every day. After market. July 1, Grand Rapids will be an open-all"-the-year Sample lines will be intact at all times. THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes CHICAG(rWooii'i:iNlstflNG co. ZSg·63 ELSTONAVE.",Z·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACO. F 4 GOOD FACTORY TRUCKS With u, mean, the best ca,tings are used, all lumber is thoroughly kiln dried, and the work is done hy skilled workmen. Our Catalogue show, a complete line of Clamps, Cabinet Benches, Etc. We have had Fifteen years expenence In building Trucks. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW COMPANY 130 S. Ionia St., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. The New "PERFECT" FOLDING CHAIR PATENTED OCT.:20, 1903. Comfortable Simple Durable Neat The Acme of Perfection in the !if'lC of Folding Chairs. PERFECT CoMPACTNHSS when folded. Hard maple natllnli finish. WRITH POR p..leKS. 'f5h. PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. North Manchester. Indiana Factory Locations There is in the various offices of the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern Railway and Mobile & Ohio Railroad late information regarding a number of first class locations for Furniture, Chair and other Woodworking Fac tories, which will be furnished Manufacturers upon appliea tion. An invitation is extended to all who use wood in their plants to write about the timber supply, good sites and mar-kets available in our territory. Address your nearest agent. M. V. RICHARDS. Land and Industrial Agent, WASHINGTON, O. C. CHAS. S, CHASE. AGe"t, M. A. HAYS, AGent, 622 Chemical Building, St. Loui" Mo. 226 Dearborn St., Chicaa'. III Century Furniture Co. Factory and Sale5foom J 53-159 Canal st., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. INCREASED FAClLITIES DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Of fiNE Parlor and Library Furniture A NEW UNEOF Odd Chairs and Rockers and Reception Chairs Es,cZu.m, and Pure iD De.ien. LARGER LINE ; : i // ~~ AN IN~ER'E~TINacONTlNUATION oi ,he n",.' l'uVlliar \"O\·",t«lt 0. Fum;. 'uro in ,hi, ,i'y', hi,'ucy. TO-MORROW '''gin, tho ,il'h I"eok of On' gnal Free Premium Sale TI,. oppurllmi,." f,,, <hing i, .1"" ""rC,ll Ihi.' we<k., '\110Lltl,"."le.tarled. The promium, ... jn,"~' handsome. Tl,o ro",,,,ioll.; ,~'e .i'L" .' pcM.OLmccd. Ev<ry day '"" m,ny n~w ad<l,'ion' to Ih, alroady I"g-e v.nett<-<- The •• O"e m",'~loll" In lact, ha~d t~ ,c~li" .n' ~pp"ci.te "nl ... )"ou ",c cighl 1L~r<among thorn III jU,t" )'0",,01.1, we ~.<I,i'oU no' '0 co"I"," 11", PREMIUM SALE wj'h anv mho, ""Ie In ltldian'[lo],> f", d'~~"'" ,,,d mo"e ,n'er."i,,£, \0 )"011,\Ve 'old more 1m",,"''' l,." ""eI< ,11",." m ~'" ?«V'~ll'WO,1< '" ",," l'"",O'~ ~m" .. '" ~<l-\l~t>' ,,"' 1-.. Tb, ,.,a.pJe"d'd ,~do"em."t ;'omyou. ~"IIl;' """'.< ...~...... ,' " Everyhody R.eoeivecl a 'ree~ Premium Last' Week lI'e ;n"nd '0 "'''i.1 your.conlin""1 cotllidel1<.U,)"..<deeming ."~')' [lro",i,.~b)" ab· ~olnte \~y~hy tn yn",' mlO'O'l-l:.y m,j'm~g'''!: ~n6 I1nl"I,?'!: Oil":" '" l'''''' 1:.0h.\1. 0,,, "'lero,I> arc rnt1ltt31, ;lnd wo know )'00 1",11 "',,1 yOIl"eh Ol tl", oppOTtllnlt}' 10 OW" hOllse·r"mi'!Jillg," Legitbnate Savings. of One-Fourth. One~Third. One~Halt Our Proposition: Firs. of all: Tho furnitu,., is good, of ;,~"(l>"",e <!6;gn,. oi b-e,t 'ini,il ~nd """. ",,-,cti~II~~1I "L""I"k'j' glL, ..a",,<d. You "k, !to <home.< of g.tttng a poor baTga,n. L\-I,·stand back of e""'~'p,.ce ' Next' Ou,-pri,=,! are .he lowest: . 011r '''0"'' ,,,cee.,.,I,,l h,t,-" in' "taking salo; i. <oll1pam"" .. II 0 i"~'''c L!_W< w,'nl It. Look OI'.r)"wllo", unywhe ... then look h<r<. and, ~".1"l' hOC~1L~l"y, we w,n ""dersell the other 1<110w_ Try u .. Next--Our Premiums: N""" bducc;n ,h. l,i'lOr" 01 "etailing hM j,,,t ,ue!>'" offer been ",.do t.....o.u----an nO'er of ",dt hller,I,')', lit ",ch- val"", oi suoit '1,lend,d p,e,,",,'" V,,,t don'l hvt·to wait lor ,hem, Yo" don', haw l~ g"e" 10.. 'hell', YOII,Ion', haw 10 -:trawf~r;h.m. Tho)" Of" )'0"'" ""'Ih <'''Cry purch ... , R.;l,j rho pcioc. Iv< qllore 1><101". Dnring ,hi, .<ale w' gi"e the follnwi"i:,Premi..m. Absolutely Free: A Hlgh·Oracle Range with every purdruenf $175.00 A Beaulliul SidebOllrd wIth every purcballe 01 150.00 A Handsome Coudl with every purchase of 125,00 "Fine ()ritsser ",Ih nery pUlcbue /It 100.00 A Beaulilul 'hiDII. CI/l~et "lib c\ery tJUrcha~e of 90.00 A Ha.dsome bleu~ion Table wllh every jlurchase of 15,00 A 'oovepieat Kitcheu'abiuet wilh e\'ery purchase of 60,00 A COlY Mnrris Chair wilh ner,. purcba~e 01 ~5.00 A Prelly Parlor Table with every purchase oi 2.5,00 A Handsome Rocker with Hery purchase of 15.00 A BeautifUl Rug- with every purchase of 10,00 AlJd mun}' ,nl.'lll p,,,ni,,,,,,. "'i,h b'(1 "m"",", Buy 1101'0\'";eN<an <a,'. if'''''''''c,; unll 10 (,,,,·\,,1, ,\,,\<'i<tg,hi, ,,(, HDa. AU A raw IJ.LUSTkATION'5 01' THE. LOW PPJ<:INC~ Folding Beds ":;:.F"'''''~ $11.75 I!~",".'d~~. $15.00 ""J,~,~""" ,$21.00 Side/lo...... IL:,~8i~'."".,. ,sl).OO IJ:;: .... -.-.. $11.50 "'.'" ""_Nl' $18,00 D4ven~u ":-:~:'':!r:''..,":'.. $11.75 1.1t.~-=:::: $22.50 ..~ ..~~.": .SJl.O{\ "t.~.:: ..$40.00 "~:-:-=.s;: S55.00 Spie~el's Weathered Mission Dining Doom Svite, $49.50 rw~--"E consider this Dining Room Suite the most ! ,'desirable one th<lt has ever been offered at the price, 'Ve regret that 'E'.-:-:'-. '.'." no newspaper illllstra.tion call adequately portray its uti~tie beautyalld rich -~'-I weathered nrllsh, but this one, «t least, rev'ealsthe hnes. You un imagine, , doul>tlcss, Itow beautlful (he dining room would look wilb these follr pieces ill H. They are beyond ~he pale of criticism both as to style and character of (:ollstrudiot:t. The 5.u<te <.:(lllsis\s o{- Bu fit! .. __. _•... (il inches high, 44, inches wide Dirtillg Table .... , ... 42x42, extends 6 (~et China CabineL _.HI inches bij,lh, 32 inches wide Sel\'ing Table _ ., 4\) inc'hes bigh, :n inches wide II .nd 13East Washington_ Speciol Price. Suite CampIele, $49.50. Terms: $5 Cosh, $4 MiMllbly, SPECIMENS OF GOOD ADVERTISING. Heating Stove, China Oosets $12.00 $18.00 ..",,,., ... :...... ,$11.00 Bookcases. ",,'"'. .. $$129..2550 ...... $20.00 Dre ...... $i.56 ,.$11.00 $16.50 ':':;~H.,,'•• ",.,'" $1.6.; l~o,'~ ;.. ,,,,,. $4.00 ":';~, c.. "" .... , .56.00 ";;Z H, .. ". s.. ,·.. $9.00 "~:~ H"'OO, ",,,,,~ $13.50 Iron Beds O<';':'~''' ••• " $1.65 I~~,,~.""" $3.00 IWlil I",. "N'< $7.57 Similar Rcdoc,;ons Thr<ll1ghoul thc Em:re Siock. 5 ~m ! G..eates • FURNITURE' ",/ Bargain Event ",rJOHNSON' UNusUAL BARGAINS. Cl,While it is possible to find bargain. ill this store every m,;,nth in the twelve, tbe month 01 February offers rmusoM opponunifies. tlThe new spring ~tyle$ are alrea_dy arrivmg. ROOM! ROOM I ROOM I that l~ the problem here, illTherefore, no single ODD PIECE in the store has escaped the stockmen. All are marke<J for a quick sale. ao you may expect IOme very lIIIu,sIl,l bvgaiIU when y~u tom~-and ~ 'WlU I\ot be diuppolnfft!. B.E.SCBOLLE& GO~Z22WalIasb lkt_n A~.....dC-"--. p A Problem Easy to Solve Minuend - 1906 Two factories A and B employing over 500 men. Output in Chamber Suits the largest of any factory in the world. Subtrahend 1869 Started business in the woods. Water power. Twenty em-ployees. Output 30,000 per annum. Difference - 37 YE4RS Of EXPERIENCE. From the Least to the Greatest From the Least Known To the Greatest Renowned From a Small Line To a Large Line To the Best Line To the Greatest Line 1869 Our Line for 1869 was exclusive and created by ourselves. There probably were professional designers those days but we did not know it. The trade was so well satisfied with our creations that we did not change them for five years. bley's Expan- si•on Factory A. Factory 5. Our 1906 Line is also Exclusively made by our own designer. Material, Workmanship, and Finish not equaled for the price. ESTEY MANUF ACTURING COMPANY owosso, MICH., U. S. A. No. 451 Chiffonier. No. 22 Somnoe. No. 818 Dresser. No. 884}{ Dresser. 8 71R.. T I IS,' ...7I..N HORN BROS. MFG. CO. 281 to 291 W. Superior St.. CHICAGO, ILL. MANUFACTURERS OF Chamber SUites, Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers L4D1ES' DRESSING TABLES to match Made in Golden Oak, Genuine Maho~any Ven~ered, Birdseye Maple. White Enamel Highly Pohsbt"d or Dull Finish. We also make 8 line of PRINCESSDRESSERSfrom $13.00 up. In QUDrter-S8wed Oak, Mahogany and Birdseye Maple, Veneered If y~u have not received our Spring Supplement, ask for it. SAMPLES SHOWN BY PECK & HILLS 1319· Michlpn Avenue, and HALL & KNAPP, 187 Michigan Avtnue, Chkago. BEST SELLING LINE of BEDROOM FURNITURE -a. hne good enough for the most exacting and not too good for the average trade requirement. We issue no catalogue. Our salesmen show photos. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. RICttMOND RICHMOND, IND. The Standard line of Double Cane CHAIRS and ROCKERS Mention MICHIGAN ARTISAN 7fR'T' IISJI~ e 7 $# ..,.- Let SPEAR "Feather YOUt NeS):." I .\ Last Week of Spear's Annual February Sale. fflHE LAST WEEK OF THIS SALE will iailly bristlewitb bargain' inFurniture,Carpe~, Stov", and Range, . ., Economical buyers cannot fail to be delighted with the greatly reduced prices and the splendid opportunities to save that we present at this time. The goods are not c.heap, shoddy and undesirable F umiture, but the very best that money will buy; and because these goods are samples and odd pieces we mu:fi dispose of them to make room for new full lot,. We still ofter you the opportunitie' afiorded by our DIGNIFIED CREDIT SYSTEM 'Without any additional charge, Spear's Combination Spear's Sideboard. SPEAR'S SPECIAL CHiFFONIER. Bookcare. ADolLv~,Tw~ A Wd; ",at Do. This Beautiful Side-hoard i, made of fine ",1""1ed colden oak, highly polished and pcrf",tly COn:;lrucle<1. He a large French plate mirror. and. i, a beauliful omomenl for any diniog ""om. Spea" I>'i.::.e Thi. O,iJIonier i, made of either solid 001 or "",hog"nw,d birCh, is we\1 fmi,n.o, stTo!lllly ",adc. has E,·.. I~I):" spaciou, drawers, wdl lrimmed and is an ""- ceplional value. Spear', p~' 11i. Ca..e i, made in golden oak Of mahog. any fmish. highly pol. iohed. con~·..niendy con. >l~t ..d. LUUlifuJly carved and f'lled with French plate mirror. Spear', pric.. A Dollar or Two .Wedr.WilI[)<,. i\DotlatorT ..." .Wedr.WillD~ SPEAR'S IRON BED OUTFIT. SPEAR'S CHINA CLOSET. This China Closet i, a b""utiful ornamenl for any home. Made I 1H:I-',.."..-l1H of highly pol"hed goJd~ (>ilk, filled ",.,th $12.50 cu"·,,,j gla" end.. Spear> pnc.e...... ...... = , I 1:::ii1Beauliful Iroll Bed (cuct:ly ~ like illu'lratiOll) fini,hed in any practical color. br .... Iri~p:neO and .a. """I dw-llhle picoe 01 furniturc; complete with 'lee! 'pring and 41}-Ib ....-.'c::..:"'-_""'t!i~o~::."';.$~.9.50 A Dolkr or I'.xa<~y Tw<>.Week ~~ ~~ WR~ Spear's- Remarkable Davenport Bed. Th .. Davenport i, made either in golden oak or mahogany fini,h. with wide ribbed Corduruy cu,luuns, 'n a "ariety of ,hade" when dO-'ed ma\;.,. a h.<>d,ome. ma,';,." D.~enp~n: when open a lull:"ilt' $2t-J .50 comfu,m6k: Lt:<1. Spear, Price. • . .. I= A dollor ," ''''0 • wed. do SPEAR'S SPECIAL HALL RACK. This H"ll Rad. and Umbrdla"Stand 1$ made -of ,oIid oak, well fini,hed. and a moO! cOllvenient pi""e of f"rn,. ture: i, Ened with a plate m,,.,,,r and bra" drain S3.25 pau; acl:\lal ~alu~ $5 50. Spear'. price ... .... -- w~"'~e particular pride In oIFering you lhis Three--Pi""e Pari", 5uiL u<.h picce i. beautifully ~on-ed and htgblr poIi.W MahogOI/YfuWb. will. k.uliful .oft ~elo~. and;' worth atr l $20.00 $12.50 Spearspo'lCl!' . fNGRAIN.G'\~PETS-Not Ifu, ~hcap kin.!. 22c btll'lual,!Jc> you can dep"nd Upoll. worth 35<- INGRAIN CA.R.PE.T5---E~lr" 'lu~\iti"". wnm. 38c 60<: per yard. Reduced to .. BRUSSELS CARPETS--Over )() choice pal. 49c tern. to choo'e frnm. worth 6S{ " yard .... BRUSSELS CARPETS_ Thi. i< the exira 65c 'lIp<I: """hly Ii"'l ... oally ..,11. at 8-9c a yard VELVET CARPE.TS-Ncwc'" wea"", ~nd qOc tJ"-l'Itml;. wonh $\.1') a yar<l. .. 20% TO 40% OFF ON CARPETS AND RUGS. tremendous lot,. worth 3Sc ISc a yard . 'NGRAIN RUCS-Room "'-e. ,plemlid $3 48 color .. worth $6.00 .•. .. ....... • INGRAIN RUGS-Room me: beaulilul t.498 pattern .. $8.00 qua~ly. ' ~uced to. .. <P,' BRUSSELS RUGS-Room ,ize.· 91;12 $10..50 led, worth $18.50.. ..... . ... " ... VELVET RUGS--R_ "'. ",,, $16 75 lee!, worlh $2:'.00. Re<lur:ed to.•...... , • A DOllAR OR TWO A WEEK WILL 00 YOUR CREDIT'S GOOD. "NUF CEO' SAMPLE OF GOOD ADVERTISING. AN EXPENSIVELY FURNISHED DINlNGROOM SECTION OF DRAWING ROOM AND UBRARY Janesville, Wis. }Ir. Estes, manager ~f the Choate-Hollister Furniture COIl1p;lllY, said: "Our husiness this year is much larger than ever. A1Hl. what is still better. the demand is almost en-tirely for the better grade of tables--so much so that we have entirely discontinued the manufacture of cheap tables. l\[ore than two-thirds of the tables we sell have round tops, which are all the rage nmv. \.\7e will soon bring out a line of high grade dining extension tables in mahogany, n11l-ning up to $100." The Hanson Furniture company will soon commence the erectioll of an addition to their factory that will enable them to increase their output nearly fifty per cent, Hints for the Merchant. A dealer need not carry heavy stocks of staple goods, yet he "hou1<1guard against the e,vi' or evel' bel.1lg out of them. He must always have the staples. It has a bad d-fect on the customer to be told that you are unable to snpply with maple or birch fnrniture. for i.nstance, The manner in which the stock of a store i,<;kept up has much to do with its success or failUl'c. A man may be a good salesman, <l good collectol' and keep his books methodical1y, but if he does not carefully watch the The Greatest Combination on EARTH for cheap and mediun priced Goods. With our facilitieswe can give you prompt shipments. Factories A. and B. amount and conditiOll of his stock he wi11 be almost sure to fail. This one thing has been the cause of more failures than any other business condition. Keep stock continually moving; it soon hecomes offen-sive if allowed to remain still. Tf goods remain unsold from season to season it means that the money invested in them is idle capital, and bring-ing you 110 returns, which if you had it could he used in tak· ing advantage of cash discol111ts or put into staples alld mad,' to earn good inte,'rest. The store sF{o'uld be kept clean; "order is heaven's firsl la\,>,." All stores should be s\vept daily, in the evening, so that the ,dust may settle over night. Mr. Shanahan Purchases a Home. Robert E, Shanahan, lhe secretary and general manager of the -Bisscl1 Carpet Sweeper company, recently purchased an attractive home on East Fulton street, It is in the best residence district of Grand Rapids. The grounds are large, and the house a modern 'structure, has beautiful surround-ings and an inspiring. outlook. 11 RIGHT NOW IS the time to stock up with CEDAR LINED BOX COUCHES for Spring and Summer sale. For real Couch comfort, durable service and all around utility, our Wardrobe Couches beat the world. Dealers willlind that a special advertised, will sell Box Couches. sale, judiciously Try it. Largest Line, hest designs, Solid Dust Proof Bolloms, Climate Top-Lift. Made Moth-proof with odorous Red Cedar lining. Weare advertising our Box Couches in leading magazines. All sales through dealers. This will create a demand. Get ready. SEND FOR CATALOG 17 B. Jamestown Lounge Co., Jamestown, N. Y. ...---------------.- - VALLEY CITY DESK COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. No. 541.· One of our new styles. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFICE TYPEWRITER AND STANDING DESKS Write at once for new Spring Cata-logue. Mailed to deafen oldy. LUCE No. 1'21 BUFFETS possess the Individuality of design and the careful construction which is characteristic of the Grand Rapids product. CATALOGUE UPON REfl..UEST. No' 112 LUCE FURNITURE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. ~J'1J9f1IG7}N 13 "He built better than he knew" is an expression that may well be applied to the originators of Mission furniture.. The ever increasing _popularity of this peculiar style of furniture is undoubtedly due to the realization of home furnishers that Mission furniture embodies that strength and simplicity of construction that is necessary to stand the test of time. No matter how long you have it, there is always that rest inviting appearance about it, and the very plainness of style becomes an accustomed beauty. This spring our purchases of Mission furniture have been larger than any we have previously made. Many shipments have been received. and include pieces in the now so popular fumed or early English finish. This is a rich, chestnut brown. and has a dull wax polished surface. The upholsterings are all in genuine Spanish leather and these harmonize perfectly with the hnish and style of the, frame and general construction. Our stock includes pieces for the library, living room, dining room, or den. These are all built of selected quartered oak, in fumed or weathered hnish. The dining room furniture is ~ speCiany aura-dive, and embtoces many perfectly matched sets in the artistic decotations have been carried out in the construction of the entire set. We want you to walk through and see the many handsome pieces now on display. -~-' -'~, ,-~-- ~--,=;=. ,_. ._- Necessary Odd Pieces A very Illlnd""me Dresser. made 01 "Oilll oal,. two oerpeutlue drawer". bell.<"l t1nt"h. French plde mtrror $12 95 18x36, .. U6 value for only,.. • Solid Oak ChUrnnler, cO'llto.lns Ove large. rboZllY drll;werll, Frencb bevel ml""oT. nnll ~::;~' for. ~~~.~~~~ .•.••...... $8.50 Hat Racl< and Hall SIlt/ee, made ot Bolld oak. F"rimch 'plate mirror, br""" hangllr~. $1500 beautifully pollabed. . . . . • . •• . . • . .. ... . • Oak Cobblllr !kat Rockers. wj~b turne,l splndle". ~~t. ~~r.~~~~,g.t~l~. ~~ .<:~~~O.T..:•,..••..•• $3.00 OL'R TEJt.'IS , ,A,l...."y. ,h~ .am~ IOt-Mnd olIt"y.....- '" f1,1r_l_W_Drilh" ~cf... 1 5O:~Jic: GoodJl IN Cad '10G(1__W...I.lJh8.C.,C'" -----,-, SAMPLES OF GOOD ADVERTISING. • _~ak $14.50 For This CHIFFONIER A repFeseatattve valoe- in tlbs ~s offering of 115 liigh..grade ClIif-foniers- wlde chol,;e of patterns, In OAk and Ma1iog!U1y~mllde to our spedlll on1eI" and bought for spot cash at It big priteeo:neflSo- ~on. 1'hese CbIflotlIC'.~ exreptlooaUy WI bQ\'t frolll selet:ted woods and p~t ' Values That Are Remarkable R_mh.Ir tlm: tlrM' l.!l ONLY ONE STRiCTLY-CASH ~w"ilur~ and e.srpd d168 III' PhrLJd8lphia.. This" d. That's l)IU t'#tJ5011 fDhy (>fd jJrlr= at'e l(Y(Hj!. "::i;IJ • _ _ t.. J WE PAY V- ~r~ FRElGUT SUSQUEHANNA A\'E. AND EMERALD ST. OpeD Monday, Friday aDd S.tnrday EV'p. F:RONT ST., 14 e:STABL.ISH~D 1880 PUBLI$HIfP illY MICHJGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 2STH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE··2-20 LYON ST., GRANO RAPIDS. MICH. ~NTERI!D ...5 MATTER OF THE SEtOND CLASS The science of salesmanship is to be taught in the public schools of Boston. The authorities have not announced the names of the professors who are to fill the chairs in this department. Desiring to co-operate in the effort to make the school successful, the Artisan respectfully presents the names of the following gentleman whose qualifications to fill the se...e.ral chairs ably will be generally acknowledged: Chair of Jolly-Prof. Thomas Crane. Chair of Hypnotism-Prof. Lewis Eldredge. Chair of Psychical Research-Prof. O. B. Starkweather. Chair of Commercial Language-Prof. Charles Cox. Chair of N et Prices~Prof. Robert G. Calder. Chair of Personal Attributes-Prof. J. B. \Vatkins. Chair of Diversions-Prof. Panl F. Markoff. Retailers are anticipating a livelf month of trade, as the "vedding season approaches. Not much confidence is put in the claim of the superstitious that May is an unlucky month for matrimonial ventures by the anxious-to-wed, while June is considered the month of all months by seekers after happiness. Advertisers are raking their brains to bring out matter that will attract favorable consideration of brides and grooms. Last year the Kennedy Furniture company covered the dead walls and bill boards of Chicago with lithograph portraits of "a happy pair," with this couplet: "The bride and groom Are happy today- They have furnished their home In the Kennedy W4y." The efforts of the railroad magnates to introduce a uni-form bill of lading have been continued during the current year. The joint committee of railroad officials and shippers which has been making a heroic struggle to solve the prob-lem, had another meeting of two days' duration. Although no fi"nal conclusion was reached, some further progress to that end was made. Another conference is to be held with-in thirty days. A meeting of the National Case 1\lakers' association will be held in Chicago on the 8th and 9th days of May, when the subject of another advance in prices will be considered. The cost of materials at present is much greater than when the last advance was made, and as the manufacturers observe no prospeCts of modifications in the near future another advance may be necessary in order that goods shaH not be ma(le and sold at a loss. The Artisan was the first to discern the necessity fo;' making Grand Rapids an all~thc-year l11ark~t. Its early ad-vocacy of- the plan did not meet the approval of manufac-turers generallYI but it will soon be put into effect and the judgment of the Artisan approved, "Vork has be~11 commenced upon the factory of the new Globe Parlor Furniture company, in High Point, N. C. 711'<-T 10'71.2'1 • $'" The heavy stocks of chamber furniture purchased before the ad V<.lIlceofprices five months ago, have not been disposed of, and the effect on the approaching fall market season in a problem in which the retailers and the manufacturers are deeply concerned. There is a factory in one of the southern states so poor-ly equipped that the owners never think of locking the doors. Neither the machinery, the goods produced or the supplies used arf' worth stealing. The greatest inventor is the man ,"vho tries to explain his nocturnal whereabouts. There is no question that the miners' higher wage argu-ments tip the scale. The height of a city's pride should not be measured by its tall buildings, Arrangement of Display Windows of First Importance. Ou a recent bright morning the Artisan's representative made an inspection of the furniture store windows of Grand Rapids and was disappointed in not finding something mo:-e than a jumble of furniture in some of them. Others were ar-tistically arranged, the color scheme being harmonious and suited to the purpose for which the furniture was to be used. A toona mahogany bedroom suite looked well with a blue and white rug, wall coverings and draperies. A room done in mission style with dull finished furniture was toned up with a red rug and red burlaps on the walls. Screens with bright colored hunting scenes also helped to brighten up the prevail-ing somber color. Onc window displayed a mahogany bed-room suite very elaborately carved but the effect was spoiled by the discovery of the absence of the proper bed coverings-a cheap fringed coverlet was positively the onty thing on the bed. The most common mistake noted was the aforemen-tioned crowding of the furniture together in !! ~mail space. It is confusing and troublesome for the onlooker to single out a piece of furniture from the conglomerate mass. A few windows were tastefully arranged, pottery and statuary adding to and improving the general effect. ,A; carved high-backed settle decorated with dragons has a hinged seat which can be raised and beneath which wearing apparel can be stored. A chair and table are similarly decorated, A dis-play of gold furniture is made, but it is too crowded to show ...p. well, In one window was a card reading as follows: "Now on Display 1906 Samples Visitors More Than Welcome to America's Furniture Fashion Show." There is one store which is noted for its artistic window displays. At night the windows are brilliantly lighted and one may gaze at a completely furnished parlor, l'ibrary or din-ing room and think how well a ce:·tain piec'e of furniture would look in one's own home. The,n the desire to possess it becomes so strong that a vow is made to have it as soon as possible. Furniture men would all have a larger business if the importance of proper, appropriate and artis-tic window dressing was morc generally recognized and. ef-forts made to improve them as they should be. A windo"w should form a complete picture so that the first glance of the passer-by would lead to a minute and careful' inspection From the window displays a stranger gains either a good or bad impression of a furniture store and all furniture dealers should aim to make the best first impression as "first impres-sions are generally the best" in everything. The Ford a>. Johnson Co. Chairs, Rockers, Settees, Complete Dining Room Suites, Mission Furniture, Children's Go-Carts and Carriages, Reed Comfort Rockers. Our Dining Room Suites include Buffets, China Cabinets, Extension Tables, Side Tables and Chairs, all to match, made in Oak, all finishes; also in Solid Mahogany. SALESROOMS .. Clzicoj[o, New rark, Bostoff, MOff., Cincinnati, 0., Frankfort, Ky., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF "Fiber Rush" and "Malacca" Furniture ALSO No. 3519;.<; GENERAL OFFICES: Sixteenth St.. and Indiana Ave., CHICAGO. i IL ROCKFORD FRAME AND FIXTURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE PARLOR CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS DINING CABINETS HALL SEATS HAT RACKS HALL TREES SHAVING STANDS CHEVAL MIRRORS LADIES' DRESSING TABLES LADIES' DRESSING CHAIRS With Patent Adjustable Fixtures LADIES' WRITING DESKS GRILL CABINETS LAMP STANDS FRAMED MIRRORS 16 ~MlfpIG7!-N 2 "SAT-IS-FI-ED .,TH LIF£" Oho,u. of Thomas &. Co.'s Customer. PAINE FURNITURE CO MaJnEnlranoe, .8 Canal SI.. el, Near Norlh SIal'on MISSION FURNISHINOS MfsBlon Furniture is jdea,l 10r -the Library, Den or Dining Room. This Desk is o'ne of our latest Mis- ~ion Novelties, The two doors enclose divided compartmen ts; the top can be pulled forwarn giving ample' writing sur- j face; th~ swinging candle'sticks are a !L~liIiIilili!iiliiiiitl very ~ffe"ctive innovation. Our price is $15.50 Mlss.lon Desk Ohalr,solld wood seat, lefltber pa.1l811n back .... '4.00 Sideboard, large minor. ebcl', two drawers, closet with donble doon. $20.00 Chlffonnler, five large drawen, w"atl'ered oak· ...• ·, ·.· ..S7.!50 Mission Chair, weathered oak, brood arm~, 8pal11sh loath"r ....lIt." ···· .... ····.8.00 AND DRAPERIES Weathered Oak Bookcase, adjusta.ble Ilhelves,two slidlng do<ms ,. ,.,$17.00 Mission Library Table. five drawe1'1O"".eather.,jl oak.;.····$9.50 ORIENTAL RUeS BABY'S NEW EQUIPAGE ISWAITING FOR HIM HERE WbI:n 1M br,... blawl ".. ,m I,om U1. sunny .ouUl baby will ri<Io: 'broad in hi. own little priv,,,, ,on.,.y""'. 'M brutho.N. r_b.alr of "" .. or.d.., .... W ,:",,<10 • ..,.dahy ol.inlan\ .quipaj;eo this xuoo an<l.<l.oyt~ 'hio '0"'""'''''' oql",t<d lIIdllOt'Y '" i" hlJ!:~'" point 01 p l '&0 \t'. hilh """, "''''ho, ' <hio.king ot Baby'< C.. t, and ou, dioplay ~I :::::, ..U>d ... n ru",,,",,, hot W. in"i.., h.,.. ,"',..{or •• to 0 p.-.hrnlllO<y "« 01 '''' n<W cIal4JIS. T ...... Of< b<aUl'!"l in Th, C... h.", iII"""a"d;. no.. and and mh •• houCh very ble 10 pri<o.1'he bodJ' ioor """ qwtli,y t"'pott .... ,,, ..... "'o..,ly WOV<'n .nd band_ly ro,;"hed Ou. i.tub"lOtiol .. d ily oper.tO<!. Whtn /.014"" the Co'" O«"l'ioo a ."",.1, ,~p""'.blo• .,.•.o. Po, •• rA i•• dju bloo. HandJ... a.. of wh~ am.l, with ..... 1P"""""n<! &p,ing. of bu. qu.lity .... 1. Thi. '1'« .. 1 "pnud .. $9.15. T $,-00 ... 1>--5"" we<kly. , T~." ,ho,,, Go-C.", os ,,·,11., oey ",h" ,ingl •• ni,I......" 0''''' ",. "« ho",. ou,n ........... t yOll' di'po>.1'hrough our .pp... :.d mor.'hly ,h•.,;' ""'Q""' 0' ,nod",i.'''d ,.y;t,", 01 ,"".lIm,", ",d;'. n. now ~r.:~;:,,~k.":.~:n:r'~:,r:~t;~~:~.:n;:,i;;:;;.;:;'~;:~~~~!i~~:;t;.: .«om",""""," that. K'''' "<g.o;,,tion <I" eIf« w- Ow- .5peqaJ Price on This Go-Cart is ~9·7-? 71R'T' I IS JI.l'\I e $ 1:. Rusults Thus Far DrThis Annual March Furniture Sale ArB !!!mrBGBdented in the HistorY.]! The Krauss Fumiture Co. ONLY 18 .DAYS MORE GREAT ;nterest hli:< heen manifested by h"n- ,'drcd5 of PflCpk f;ho know and Want GOOD I. ~ Furnrture, Our Ann\lOll fur",tu'" SALE i. nO evetft..-e'\, pleee .of hif!:h wade . furn;tu,e on ou' luur Im>!e Aoon; is ~ed .~t:7W~. way hdQW the usu,1l PH':". The few 'I' price. quoted below "~flU.1,m"la'e every buyer to ln~nf-""A're<:larlO" of thl~ 1l",,,,,tc5t,,1- " all furniture: .""fe•• Sale wm "ontlnue 18 more day,. ~ -_ .... '~-'.....I •• _ ~CREDIT ~~, ATA40% Saving to You DURINCTHIS Clearane. Sale To qu,<I,ly ""d dod""411y<I... ou, oW" ",ooom Slo<k of Fu.--nl,ure In '""1""0<;00 for .he ""'" ..,.,;,_ 011"... ehoso p,iI:... Tho .. .-ln$. 0.. poolelY • ...., :u:tuaI. Com. in \oday. "THERE'S A REAS.ON" No Rent to Pay-Own Our Own Bulldlna; Pickcrini"s Why Shouldn't We Be Able to Sell Good Goods as Cheap as the Renter Salls Cheap Goods .--: >.. This World Beater a·Piece Parlor Suit fJ $13.50 Your Credit's Good Mahogany trame, velour covering, really worth $18.00, but to start _~ar Spring trade we p~t it'in this week for thirteen fifty. SAMPLES OF GOOD ADVERTISING, This is one of our Famous Non~Dividing Pillar Tables THESE ARE THE ONLY TABLES THAT ARE PERFECT IN CONSTRUCTION ANY DEALER THAT HAS NOT TRIED ONE OF THESE SHOULD NOT FAIL TO ORDER ONE Price = • $21.50 Choate-Hollister Furniture Company JANESVILLE, WIS. Dressers and Chiffoniers TO MATCH CENTURY FURNITURE CO. JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK In QUARTERED OAK, MAHOGANY, BIRDSEYE MAPLE and CURLY BIRCH SEND FOR CATALOGUE 18 Points for Salesmen. A bedstead taken apart and crowded up against a wall, is worth twenty-fIve per cent less in the buyer's eye than the same thing ready for use. You must please the buyer'·s eye. There is many a bookcase 'which appears to better ad-vantage six feet away than it does close by, and it is fre-quently packed in an aisle three feet wiele when it should stand by itself. It is much better to show a small stock, and ~how that stock well, and pack the rest of the stock in the storage rooms, than to attempt to crowd the w.:Jrerooms \'\Iith every-thing, each thing handicapping all others. The average business man, or salesman, has not the slightest idea of interior decoration. He due.s not know how to arrange interior things. It is the business man's business to find some one among his employes, or outside, who understands harmony of ar-rangement and who knovvs how to make everything in the store show to the best advantage. Such a man is inval-uable and should be appreciated J-inancially. 1£ goods \>,Ioul<1sell without salesmen, the nicke1-in-the-slot idea would penneatc retail husiness. Seventy-five per tent of sales are made through the per-sonal magnetism and ability of the salesmen. Relations between employt:r and salesman should bc franl< and cordial. This docs not mean intimacy-a desjrc' te, associate socially. The employer should see that the salesman understands th('. goods more than in a general way. The sal'esman should be elll.:ou,aged to gain technical in-formation. The salesman should remember that he is a, vital factor in the business. ~inety per cent of unsuccessful business owes its failure to the total inability of the salesman. Too much attention has never been given to the quality of salesmanship, and too much .attention never will be given to it. All the advertising in the v\iorld will never sell goods unless there be salesmen to show the goods and speak of their good points and so impress the possible buyer with the necessity of buying that he will buy, an'd buy of that store. One great essential in selling is quality of salesmanshjp. A poorly clothed and unbrushed sort of a salesman cannot he expected to sell mahogany. The principal selling suggestion is in the proper selec-tion of salesmen for their work. Furniture cannot be sold in the warerooms. rnonest piece of furniture can be made to look cdy surrounded. The majority of bliyers ace buyers of fancy. They know their desires-a chair or something else-but it is their faicy which decides them ouany parti~uJaT chair. The corn-well if prop- The successful salesman is the one who understands his customer 'Nell enough to build around the article for sale that which will work upon the customer's present feeling. There is no dishonesty in telling all the good yOU can about a thing, if the thing will substantiate it. It is just as dishonest, so far as business logic is concerned, to under-estimate an article as it is to -overestimate and over-rep-.-esent it. Advertising simply suggests to people that they buy a cer-tain thing or that they come to look at it. Beyond that, Made by Mecbanie& Furniture Co.• Rockford, ID. advertii;ing docs nothing; it docs a vast deal in doing that. Then, everything depends upon the way the article is repre-sented and the ability of the salesman. The man who treats his customers well, who appreciates their trade, who does everything to please every customer, who especially caters to women and arranges everything in his store after their idea of good taste, is the man who does business, and always will do business. 'K C. FOWLER, JR, IF" YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED OUR RUBBING AND POLISHING VARNISHES DETROIT I"ACTORY YOU VET TO LEARN THE OF WHY NOT PUT IT TO FULL POSSIBLITIES OF THE TEST BY GIVING US A HAVE CANADIAN FACTORY THIS TRIA~ CLASS GOODS ORDER? NEW YORK PHlLADEL .. HIA BALTIMORE BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED, VARNISH MANUFACTURERS etolieAGO ST. LOUis CiNCINNATI SAN FRANCiSCO FACTORY AND MAIN OFFICE, DETROIT CANADIAN FACTORY. WALKERVILLE. ONT QUARTER-SAWED INDIANA WHITE OAK VENEERS CHOICE FIGURE " EXTRA. WIDTHS When writing for prices, mention widths required and kind of figure preferred. HOFFMAN »ROTHERS co. Fort Wayne Indiana Mechanics Furniture Co., ---ROCKFORD.ILL.-- Makers of fine and medium Buffets, China Clost:l:s and Serving Tables in Oak. Parlor Cabinets in Mahogany. Music Cabinels in Mahog~ any. Walnut, Oak and Birch. New Catalogue just out. Send for it. No. 104. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Via GRAND TRUNK·LEHIGH VALLEY ROUTE. Two Fast Trains Dally Except Sunday. Daily. Leave Gd Rapids , 2:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m. Ar Philadelphia 3:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar New york :30 p. m. 8:40 p. m. Service unsurpassed. For further information apply at City Office, Morton House Block. ' C. A. JUSTIN. C. P. & T. A. THE ONLY CASTER CUP THAT Will NOT MAR OR SWEAT ANewCaster- CliP, a furniture Protector and a Rest We guarantee perfect satis-faction. We know we have the only perfect C&"ltil!:crup ever made. This cup is ill two sizes, as follows; 2J.' i[lch and 3 inch, and we use -the cork bottom, You know tbe rest ~ SmaJl si:ze, S:!.60 per 100 Large size, 4.60 per 100 Try it and he convinced. F. O. B. Grand Rapids. OUf Concave -Bottom Card Block does not louch the sur-face, but upon the rim. permit-ting a circulation of air under the block, thereby f'rev~nting nwlsture or marks of any kind. This is the only card block of Its kmd on tlIe market. Price $3.00 per 100 Grand Rapids Caster CUPCo., 2 P.. , • .,. A" .• Grand Rapids, Mich. Also can be had at LUSSKY. WHITE & COOLIDGE, 111-113 Lake st.. Chicago SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOy OF THE CHILDREN. Our new CHILD'S MiSSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Wriu for Cataloglu and prices. Our line is large and prices are right. We make CHAIRS (0' GROWN-UPS as well as CHILDREN. GEORGE SPRATT & CO. Sheboygan, Wis. Say )'OU saw thi, ad. in tbe Michigan Arti-san. ROCKFORD UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. Buffets, Bookcases, China Closets We lead in Style, Construction and Finish. SEE OUR CATALOGUE. ------------------------ - Our New"and and foot Power Circular Saw No.4 The strongeSt, most powerful, and in every way the best machine of its kind ever made, for ripping, cross-cutting, boring and grooving. CABINET MAfiERS In theae days of close competition, need the best possible equipment, and this they can have in . . . • BARNES' Hand and Foot Power Machinery Send. fot" our New Catalogue. "W. F. ®. JOHN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby Street. Ill. Smith & Davis Mfg. Co. ST. LOUIS, MO. METAL BEDS . WITH STANDARD REVERSIBLE RAILS MAKERS OF Patent~ July 15, 1904_ No. 704'~. This rail is reversible in the true sense of the word-ean be used either side up and enables the dealer to make one -set of rails answer instead of having two stocks, one of regular, the other inverted. Standard Reversible Rail Pillars, 1 1-16 inches. FiUjng, 3-8 and 5-16 inch. Hearl, S6 inches. Foot) 40 inches. Sizes = 3 feet 6 inches and 4 feet 6 inches. Weight, 67 Ibs. SOLID .. .. RIGID REVERSIBLE N... 328 $Q. 7JI!f All Iron v. J net BEDS THAT DO NOT WIGGLE - ---------------------------- 21 The Rex (Inner Tufted) Mattress. (PATENTED. TRADE MARK REGISTERED.) DEMONSTRATED sa:e ot 00.'[ REX C3.use inc\uiry ~ufu('ietH gut's or: gnJ\\ Jng ann \u'J~ 1"o:I~(,~S as ')lJ~:' has en:::HgeJ- 00 R The :;evonl~ /' do'.;:', ·'tJat tCle inner T ':(',: l\']a:trl>" wi:' lo 'J\\'O ane 0;.1 Hi'", j 1 RIDE \\' I': ',t' '1\; j~.\," ,)' v\.: e ~lHIl:~l, -vI ';u IlCI\ bcuk:,~: ;'fhe 0: '"",r" ,1" <I\'V,: :his Sr1cllc:'I,i MRr'~Tss. ',":'C 'C,'iil\'U' .illl:: .eeJ j;Jg:? buo~,(:';~ to ,W~-;IJt, ern our tcr:1h, nG\~ Don't \\ilit. :\ :0 s1,o\y vOl,r :nterest. Cl:S:OJnt':-S it Ij, :,'('1 ,.~,:' C"l \\' -"f' card ',I I' d,j. An\ :r,:l:g CH/JRLES A. FISHh;R fi CO. 1302 Michiga.n Ave .. CIUCAGO. ILL. PF.ORfd, hI .. ,~T. 1.0l/IS, AI0. l.f.1.'VCOLl"/, nL. klli\',\rEAPOLIS, MfA'.!.V. 22 Sheboygan, Wis. The furniture manufacturers of Sheboygan are a busy lot. \Vhat beer is to Iv[ilwaukee, chairs are to Sheboygan. Tile six large chair factories in Sheboygan turn out more chair:; than arc made in any other western city, while the six fl1l'- niture fa.ctories ha\'e an output that runs well along toward $2,000,000 in value. The largest furniture factory \ove::it of Lake 11icbigan is that of the Northern Furniture company. The,y .employ nearly 1,000 hands and their output is nearly or ·,quite a million dollars a year. Their line is vcry exten~ sive, including chamber and dining room furniture, in oak, mahogany, plain and bird's eye maple, white enamel and birch. The line will be shown in Grand Rapids as usual in July on the second Aoor of the Vilaters building, where it is always visited by many buyers, and sales in car lots are the rule instead of the exception. The Sheboygan Novelty company will soon bring out a numbex of new ladies' desks, combination bookcases and their first line of china closets. This year opened up the best of any year since they have been in business. A new cata- Jogue will he issued the latter part of June or early in July. The Sheboygan Chair company arc famous for the {~X-lencc of their chairs. Lumber, designs, consL'uction and finish are all 1irst class. Their trade mark, which may be found on all their goods, is a guarantee that everything is the best. Georg;e Spratt and company report bU!'iiness as very heavy. Among the newest things brought out is a child's mission rocker. It is simple in design, strong in construction, has a leather seat, and is just the thing to gladden the hearts of the girls and hays. A picture of this rocker put to its b~st use may be seen in their advertisement tl1is month. Don't Be Too Cautious. The best advice a merchant can give to a young man who enters his employ to learn the business or art of selling goods, is: "Don't be afraid of making mistakes." The man ..\.'ho never made a mistake neve, amounted to anything. This point finds striking illustration in the story told by Success of the late E. D. Jordan, the millionaire drygoodsman of Boston. One day he inquired of one of his lieutenants: ;;'VVhat sort of a fellow is Smith 7" ';The best sort," replied the lieutenant. "I am glad to hear that," said IVIr. Jordan. "Be has had charge of this department for ten years, I believe." "Yes, sir, and he ha~ made a great record. He has never made a mistake." "Eh? Hlhat's that? Discharge him at oncc." "Sir?" stammered the surprised subordinate. "No, on second thought," continued Mr. Jordan .• "you needn't discharge him right away. I'll give him another chance. Send him in to me," ,~rhen Smith showed up he said to him in substance: 'ff don't like men who never lllakc mistakes. What I need here is a progressive man-one with plenty of pu."h and enterprise. Now, a man who is full of zeal 'for me and primed with ambi· tion for himself is sure to make a mistake now and then, "The man who never blunders is too' cautious, too slow to be wo:th much. 1 have had a statement made out showing me the percentage of increase or decrease in the business of each department. Your department is the only one that causes me any tUlcasiness. I find the reason to be that you are too infernally cautious. You never make any mistakes," No. 22$ Ccmbfnatlon Case. Convincing Arguments they might business. may be easily written, and and might not bring us your We know of a better method, that is sure and easier and more one con-vIDcmg. Here it IS ! Send us your trial order and we will let the goods make the argu-ments and do the convincing. WE KNOW. THE RESUUT. Bet~rSend in that order right now -rhen YOUwill know the result. S"BOYGAN NOVELTYCO., Bookcases, Combination Cases, Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinecs. We JtJJicily/)ur inljllirks. SHfBOYGAN. - - WISCONSIN Patents that "old THE Posselius Bros. Furniture Mauufacturing Company, of Detroit, Mich., would have everyoue in the furniture trade to understand that their patents on their famous Victor Extension 'fables are valid, and that they are determined to protect their rights against all infringements. 'fhe order of the United States given herewith is self explanatory. At a s&ss10n of t.he Circuit Oourt of the United Statell for the Eaete:m n18tr1(:\ of Mlehl~an (tOntinued and held. pUl"!Iuant to adjolll"rUllont, at the District Court ROOlll, 1.1'1 t.he c.1.ty of Detroit, on Monday, the Elr.hth day of JalUlary. in the yo!!.!"one thousand nino ~ndNd and I31x. Present. the Honorable Henry A. Swan, D~~trict JUdge. CHARLES W. MUNZ and POSSEL!US BROTHERS FURtlITUPR !AA.'4UFA(:TIJRING COMPANY I Compll'!llnantB In Equity .. No.3ij73 v. LINnow BROTHERS - EF.~RS COMPANY. Dofendant. This C8.lHlllcomlnr; on for he£\rln~ on this (lay, on ;>lea<llnt:8 Ilnd proora, it is ol"del"'ad, adjudged and dar:l"eed, that United Statsa Lettera Putent No. 548,449. ~rant8d October 22, _1895 to ChlllrloB W. Fun:::, 1s II [';ood llnd valid patent. and the exclt;sive riGht s tha:~ein are vElBted in the cOr.lplainonts. '!'hat the ll~t!lnsiorl tllblll8 ]{lade anu sold by the defendant. liktl the sanple offered in IlvioJellce, ~Ilrl"inf:1l claim ana of said patent. I'. is further oruel'ed, adjwJl1ed (\n<.1l1ecreod that the said dl'feJ1Uante. their cOl,nsellcrs,! attorne~'8, oclir.lto'rs, flgel"ts. sel""'fnT\t.aand workmen, bo, ::md they ore each and every one of t.heM per1'6ttlally enjoined 1'1'01'1t~e m::t'.ufll<,:ture, $.lEl O!"use of tn'o]tls. emhodying in their stl"lH~tll)""etllt1 inventl.on of' tho hereinbefol"'e I'Illn~i(med !latent. Tt ia further orde:"ed. lldjuur:ed and decreod that the conplalnanlS :"ecove~ a~a nat. the said defendant the costs to be taxed, and t.hat the said COf'lplninanta have execution thel'ef,!ro, One of Many Patterns in Q!artered Oak POLISHED === BUffET No.2 Prlce:$14. Ask for ourCATALOGUE. CHARLES BENNETT FURNITURE CO. CHARLOTfE. MICH. 000 DRESSERS and BUFFETS, WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY OWOSSO, MICH. Have you received our 1906 catalogue' If nol. you should send for il by first mail. It shows Ihe besl values in medium priced bedroom furniture, in all the fancy woods and finishes. WOODARD FURNITURE CO. 23 KARGES WARDROBES ARE GOOD WARDROBES OOODSTYLES CONSTRUCTION FINISH Prices right WRITE FOR C .... A.LOGUE nARor~ fUKnnUK[ co. EVANSVILLE INDIANA In writing mention Michigan Artisan GLOBE SIDEBOARDS are the BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY GET OUR CATALOGUE. Mention the Michigall Artisan when writing. GLOBE FURNTURECOMPANV EVANSVILLE, INDIANA BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. NO. 10. DRESSING TABLE. TOP 2Ox40. FRENCH PLATE 22x28. SELECT QUARTERED OAK, RUBBED AND POLISHED. Makers of the "SUPERIOR" Extension, Parlor and libralY Tables NEW CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED-GET ONE 1858 1906 E. Q. SMIT" C"AIR ===COMPANY=== MANUfOACTURERS OF WOOD, DOlJBLE CANE. CANE. COBBLER TlJfUD LEATUf:R AND VENEER SEAT CUAIRS AND ROCKERS No.145 Reception Rocker Veneered Rolled Seat Quartered Oak Finished Golden Office and Warerooms, Cor. Third and Division Sts. Factory and Supply Mill, Foot of Oak S1. -----EVANSVILLE,IND.----- MAKE MONEY MR- DEALER BY SELLING THE Dossr KITCHEN CABINETS CUPBOAROS SAFES and WARDROBES Best Goods lowest Prices BOSSE FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind. The "ELI" fOLDING BEDS ~~~f~t~'~Nm No Stock couqJkte without the El( Be<.l~ill MalJtd ;J.lId Upright ELI 0 MILLER & Co Evan .. I1I•• • • \-"rile for cuts and pnces hansville Furniture Co., EVlImville. Ind. MalilIlllCturers oj the "Celebrated Flowered White Oak Goods," BEDROOM SUITES CHrFFONJERS ODD DRESSERS WASH STANDS "The Line with the Finish" Somethin\l Entireh New Goods shown at Chica-go. lll., at No. 13Hl Michigan A\'e., ld floor aud also at Ollr factory sal es-room at Evans-ville, Ind. New Catalogue just issued. We Manufacture Trade Expanders Write for our New Cala/ague. Manistee Manufacturing Company MANISTEE • • MICH. Sideboards. Dressers. Buffets. Chiffoniers. and Commodes in MAHOGANY OAK. MANUFACTURERS OF No. 305 Our line contains nearly One Hundred Patterns. "GET WISE" to it. No. 310 50Complete Lines of Refrigerators at RIG"T PRICES Opatite Lined Enameled Lined Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank Galvanized Iron Lined Stationary Ice Tank Send for new C4 TALOGUE and let us name you price Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HAYEN, MICH., U. S. d .. HEAVY MiD EXPENSIVE FURNISH[~GS NEAT AND INEXPENSIVE Koenig &. Gamer furniture CO. MANUFACTURERS OF VICTORIA, COMBINI\T10N, UPRIGnT and MI\NTfL folding Beds Odd Dressers, Princess Dressers, Napoleon Beds in Qnartered Oak, Mahogany and Bird's Eye Maple. Our full line shown on 3d floor, 1319 Michigan I\ve. . Office and Warehou5e 266 to 272 N. Green St .• Chicago, III. Factory No. 22 to 48 Pratt Sh"eet Catalogue ready Ma Ill. Send for it and me7llion the Artisan. "This Trade Mark Guarantees the best." No. 526. No. 525. Our Oak and Mahogany DINING EXTENSION TABLES Are Best Made. Best Finiahed. Best Values. AU Mad~ from ThorouahlY Seuoned Stoclt No. 465 Dining Table T QP541:>4, Made in Quartered Oak and Mahogany, ~ull Pol~ iehed. N'tekel Cuters .•• ..• LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN Goods Bearing This Trade Mark are Profit Getters for You. SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, BUffETS. BOOKCASES, HAll RACKS. Blue Prints for the ask.lng. WE manufacture the larg~ e&t line of FOLDING CHAIRS in the Utlited States, suitable tor Sunday Schools, Halls! Steamers and all PUblic Resorts. . . . . We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds~ Cots and Cribs. in a lar~e variety, . . . Send for Cat.lope and Prlcel to Kauffman Mfg. CO. ASULAND, OUIO THE NEW BANQUET TABLE TOP as well as Stow & Davis Furniture Co. Grand Rapid" Mich. Write fm CatalO!ilUe. Get 1IaPlp!es of BANQUET TABLE TOP Oflic~1 and Directors' Tables are our spe<:ialty «Rotary Style" for Drop Carvings, E.mbossed Mouldinll's. Panels. Etc. ~MBOSSING and DROP CARVIIIIG MIlCUIIIIES Machi~ for all PUfJ)0f.e5, and Ilt prices within the reach of all. Every Machine haft Ollf i:uaranlee !lgainsl breakage for oDe yellr. "Lateral Style" for urKeCapacity He81'Y Carving5 and Deep EDlbowini'i W" ha ...e the Machine you wanl a1 a 9.aQsfaclnry pnctL Wrile for descriptive circulus; Also mak" dies for all makes of Machine!. UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO" Indianapolis, Ind, Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Pantlind European ......rlan Rates $1.00 and Up The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for SOc is the FINEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop. 30 urge Illustrated Catalogue JhiJWJwhole line. Ask for Ca/alogu! "A." Go-Carts and Baby Carriages To show our line is to show the best This Folding Reclining Go-Cart is representative Of the most popular kind this season. Wheels are 12 inches in diameter; rubber tired. Springs front and rear, nutless axles. Dash and Back adjustable. We manufacture four other sizes of Go·Carts in many designs, also a large line of handsottfe Baby Carriages. American Go-Cart Company Detroit, Mich. No. 898 The Murphy Chair company have just completed a cement smokestack, 110 feet high. It is the [lfst one built of cement in this city,. James E. Inglis, president of the American Blower com-pany, was elected president of the Detroit Hoard of Commerce on the 10th inst. Mr. Inglis is one of the most active mem· bers of the board, and under his admil1stration nothing will be left undone that \vill add to the growth and grory of Detroit. The Posselius Brothers Furniture ]\1anufacturing company havc donc a larger volume of business so far this year than in any previous year in their history. The big factory is operated up to the limit, and they have more orders on their books at this time than some so-called large table factories could 611 in a year. The first lot of their new round top extension tab1e1'ihave just come· out of the fac-tory and bid fair to become as popular as their famous Vic-tor extension tables. The \Volverine Manufacturing company and Cadillac Cab-inet company are having a fine trade. They will add a g··cat many new patten~s of tables, pedestals and fancy cabinet ltOOKWOOD and a general litle of fftN6Y TftBLES Write for Cuts and Prices PALMER Manufacturing Co. 1015to 1035 Palmer Ave. DETROIT, MICH. ware to their fall lille, which is shown in Chicago and Ncw York at the summer and ~...i.n.ter exhibitions. The Pioneer .:\lanufacturing company have done a record breaking business so far this year. Sales of reed and rattan rockers, chihlren's carriages and go-carts J~ave been veri heavy all of this S(;aSOll. The Palmer 11allufacturing company is another of the busy ones. \Vill Streng, the presid,ent of the company, said the demand for their finest tables, including their well known Rookwood finished goods, is very heavy. The old house of Smith-Day and company, so well knOWll in Detroit for nearly thirty yea:'"5,has vacated their premises at Sixth and Congress streets and moved to Indianapolis, and been merged into the Indianapolis branch of the firm. The business. of the American Go-Cart company is very heavy this year, not only in go-carts and children's carriages, but in reed and rattan rockers as well. lt is said that there is a fine opening in Detroit for a good medium priced chamber suite and case goods factory. The city is growing su fast that the retail merchants would find it a great convenience to be able to telephone such a factory every day for goods. Pioneer Mfg. Co... DETROIT, MIen. Reoo furnIture Babu GarrlaDllS Go-Garu Ideas of a Furniture Salesman About the Way to Furnish a Flat For $200. A furniture salesman employed in a slo,·c In an eastern city, gives an il1teresting account of how t(, furnish a flat for $200, which young couples contemplating matrimony and whose mean sare limited, will find" of great help. The salesman starts in \I'litll the suvposition that the young man's salary is $12 a ""eek, out of ·which $2 or $3 is paid the furniture mall. The furniture purchased includes tile fol-lowing for a suite of [lve rooms: "Tv"ellty dollars for a r;lnge. A couch for $8 is a good thing for the kitchell. Two or three chairs and a table whiclt arc Hot expensive arc 50011 chosen. The little thin{l;s I \vill' lwt sJlcak of now; we will consi(le~· only the larger pieces of in ··niture. T .Ols of the little things you will have given to you, yOll know. vVhat do you send out cards fo:·: "The chamber is generally planned for next. Some per-sons prefer the iron bcd, others like the entire wood set. Though it is more expensive to buy the wood chairs and the bed of iJ"(m it is frequently done. It is expensive hecause we seldom have cali for an old w(iod bed and taking it out of the ~ct is <:l loss to us, T should advise yon to get two or three chairs amI a rocker for yOur chamber and you can use one 01' t.,,,,o(If tho:.;e chairs in :your spat-e room vv·hen yoU have WE ARE THE Largest Manufacturer of Chamber Suites in the WORLD $12.50 to $80.00, Elm, Ash, Oak and Mahogany. company, You can get a cheap b<.:1, but a good one, fur this room, anu it call be fitted up for a night or two from other rooms, so it will be inexpensive. You really ought to have a spare bedroom because you will have lots of c,l.lls from relatives when yOll arc a bride. They arc illtercsted ill your housekeeping. You do 110t need a sidehoard for your dining room right :l"\Nay, but W(~ can "how yon \\ :~ood one if YOUW,Ult it. \Ve can put straw matting dOWlJ if t:lC Hoor does nul look we11, nr, if it is polished, an art square would bc pretty. \Ve rarely sell \vhok c.Z\rpet~to t<lt+ <\o\\"n The matting IF the plain JIon]", with or withotlt rugs, is quill' correct. as well as heing the ll10re heallllfllJ. YOtl will only buy fOll" dining room chairs fit Ilr5t. They all do. B1lt yOlll- husband will return for two more after l1l;ir,-iage. You ·will han; lots of company, SUiH1;lyS. "The parlor comes next and it is always the hardest to furnish. .Now that entire suit over there would he just what a 1"n<l11 won1.d like, but women ahvays ask fat' odd arti-cles, a chair of one kind, a sofa of another. They always fig-llrc the cost of ftlrnishing a parlor too low. There's a nice Wi.llD'>\'chalr {or the cornel". and those two rncke:·s wnul(l look well with it, and that couch. If the room is large enough, have a table, but don't put it in the center; have it at 31 Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICn A COMPLE.TE LINE. lhe side. 1\ car the door is a good place, as it can be used then for cards. The pictures you buy depend on the amount of money you want to put into them. They can be pur-chased now and then as you get prosperous. Don't forget a .:\'1onis chair. Tbat is seen in the outfit of every average bride. Of course, therc are odds and ends of other things but you call buy them at rates to suit the general furnishings. Among those littl..;; things, 1 know thcfC are many important ones." Then the salesman began to rumirmte and J~is thOtlghts were expressed in this ",-ise: ;'Funny, how, when a girl and fcJkl\v come here before maHtage, he 15 willing to let her helve her own way in ('very thing. Piece set, instelld of suite. hecause she ",-anted it; stove like her mother's, rug instead of tbe caq)et he. \vanted. "Funnier, wIlen they come back afterwards and she hasn't a word to say. ITe gets what he wants then, all right, and he IV()ll't \.lay much for it, either. He is saving. Nothing like marriage to make a man save. That's the secret of more fortuues than a few. To sell goods to an engaged couple, and then to the same ones after they have been married a couple of years or even a shorter time, is like making sales to two different parties. They \-V<:Int a different class of goods, and they have entirely different tempers. All you've got 'to do is to :;uit the girl heforehand. Afterward it's different." Should Earn More Than He Receives. It may not be right to set up certain rules as to how a 'l salesman shall make a sale of goods, but it is entirely cor-rect to require that if he sells he must do so at a certain price. T-low he docs it is characteristic to himself and must he ldt vcry largely to him, but that it s11all done, and with certain results, is something that an employer has a perfect right to require. ).:!o husiness mal1 SllOUld keep in 11is employ a salesman W"lto does not earn more than he receives. It should be ev-ery ·salesman's aim to serve the best interests of his employer ;ud tlH~best servi.ce can only he g"iven when a s;llesman has his employer's il1tercsts at heart. Fcv\' saksmel1 work from this standpoint, but it is the 01l1y true one to work frolll. The rapid prom.otlon of the s'llesman who is not afraid to work, \\"110 is c()llstantly suggesting wbere sm;lll leaks may be stopped. expenses lessened, business extended, is ample testimony to prove the trtltl1 of tl11S rule-a sal.esman of this st.amp is worth <:I dozen of those whose main aim seems to be to put in so many hours for so many dollars. Furnished to Dealers Gratuitously. An excellent line of medium and low~p~-iceds;deboards. buffets, dressers, chiffoniers and commodes is illustrated in the new catalogtw of the )"h11istc:e (1)fich.) MallUfacturing company. ------------ - ATLAS fURNITURE COMPANY JAMESTOWN, N. Y DRESSERS CHIFFONIERS ALL WOODS The A. C. NORQUIST CO. =======JAMESTOWN, N.Y.======= MANUFACTURERS OF DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS In Plain and !!I.!!artertd Oak, Mahogany Imd Birduye,. PERMANENT EXHIBITS - AT Chicago and New York Brief Mention. The James D. Bennett co~npany (It Loui'sville, Ky" I;an' been declared illvolulltary hallkrl1rt.~. A,",Sct:; arc $12.0C", liabilities $16,000. The creditor!; uf the C01l1P,-1I1Y \\'cre the Made by the Northern Furniture Company, Sheboygan, Wis. filers of the suit. Their charge was that certain creditors had been shown the prc[e)"cllce in th(: payment of claims. Of the one tIwusalld men employed by the Xorthern l'm-niture company of Sheboygan, "\,Vis., seven hundred work in the furniture factory and the remainder in the mills of the company. Thomas \,Vard will open a first class ir:rnitlSC S~OH: ill Sioux City, 1a. ConDor Brothers llave 0l)(:ned a new fX,I\\tl.\--e store in Johnson City, Tenn. Alonzo Smith has ,",old his furniture :-;tc<:.k in Cmmcil Grove, Ia., -and ""ill locate in Salina, Kall. John Heely succeeds Bcdy & Fis;;('\ in Le':'b·.-~~. 1;1. Fankhoner & Grinstead have bought the IVlarioll (Ind.) \Vrccka!-':e & FlIrllitnre cornpany. G. C. Countr:y11lan is clusing- out his LUrJdl1"C bIlSill<'SS in ~ew London, la. \V. H. Russell succeeds nliss & Xyc ill .:'\nv DeMo ·d, 1!ass. Frallk ),1. Sunday has purcb;l.~ed the fUt-nitllrc allrl U1J(ler~ laking buslne~"" of Lucas \:Vcbhcimer III Fort \V,l~':l~:, Ind. An Explanation Due, A. B. L\,-IcCallof the Peck & Hills Fl1r1liturc COlll.pany has been sojournillg in Old flJcxico since Fehru;\ry looking after the eOH\pany's extensive interests t11(~H:. '·i\l ae" -wrole in-terestingly to his friends on the 27th ult., about a fishing trip on Tampico Ray, in which he relates that he captured tl:lree tarpons weighing respectively 105, 103 and 83 pounds, but that they -Y,,",crenot cx~eptionally large. The optics of "..\-Iac's" friends bulged oot some when they perused the contents of his letter, the query in their minds being whether or not "1\1ac" had been tempted to write them a fairy flsh story. Another matter of mudl douht to them was, how wa" it possible for "l\tac" to get such heavy \veights nut of tbe briny deep ullless he was equipped 'with a derrick. 33 Sturgis, Mich. Sturgi;; has four furniture factories. The Ji. st (f theje In ag-c is the Aulsbrook '& Sturges plant, wbich jias been turning out a good line of low and medium priced fur:1't·.~rl: for nventy years or more. The next is the Grobhiscr lv__ Croshy Furniture eompally, mallu[;)eturers of dining, cxtell- :-iOll. parlor, lihrary aud directors' tables. This is one of th . largest coucerns in the state in this line of goods. The l1e::t was the Royal Chair compal1y, manufacturers of thc famoj~ Royal and l{eg-a] 1-Iorris chairs. Under the \'.'alchful ca-(~ and persoll<d dil·celion of !vlr. YValtoll this compallY has grU\\'ll to be OIl(; of the larR"est in the country rnanufactu-ing :Vlol--Tischairs. Every reader of the !\ rtisan is familia:· ,,<th tlIe lady and push bUlton, a,~ .c;hown in their advertisement. Trade has been very large this year. They exhibit ill Chi-cago ill July and January. Last hut not lea5t is the fllle lIelV fom story brick factory of the Stebbins Manufadu,-jllg COlltll,l1ly, which carne tn Sturgis from Lake View, ~lich. ~1r. Srebbins is the sole man;lger in this busi,ie"s ,11lc\ will himself tll table,; (')"Chlsivdy, discontinuin!,--! lno',{- cases and writing desks. Great care is taken in packing· ailli "hipping goods. A sllipnH:l1t to J:(alam;lZ()(), thiTty-six mile-; al~<ly, is packed and crated with as much care as if it -wcr.:: g-oillg to 1'\ew York or San Francisco. New Catalogue of Peck & Hills. The Peck & 1--1 ills ]-;'urnitl1rc company have recently is~ sued Olle of tl1e Jiuest and most comprehensive catalogues ever gotten out by any of the furniture companies in the trade. The catalogue numbers almost 6eO pages, {:11Jbracing information in detail of the great array of goods handled by this company and illustrating everything needed in a fur-niture store at manufacturers' lowest prices. The covers an~ of strongest linen paper, the front including a flne design, bearing the words: "The "\Vorld is our lVlarket. 1906 Made by lhe Norlh("rn Furniture Cmnpany, Sheboygan. Wis. \Vholcsale Furniture. Dependable Lines at Factor}' Prices. Peek & Hills Furniture company, Chicago. The Great Central lVlarket. ellequal1ed FacilitiC',J3 for Loading Mixed Cars." 34 THE IMPOSSIBLE IN ANTIQUES. Things Women Demand From Dealers in Old Furniture-and Get. "Purchasers of antique furniture <:.ould avoid being de-ceived in many cases if they took the trouble to inform them-selves concerning what they intend to buy," said a dealer who tries to be conscientious. "'An instance of the common lack oj knowledge came to my attetltion the other day. "A woman was willing to pay any price I demanded for a genuine old corner cabinet with glass doors. It had to be absolutely genuine, ,hO\"lever. "I had two beautiful old cabinets, just the kind she want-::,J. They were also antiques in every particular but one. They had formerly had solid wooden doors, just as all cabinets of that early period had. "Corner cabinets, as well as those made for glass and china now, originally served only to keep food in, They were like the ordinary pantry or closet of today, Naturally such cabinets were heavy and clumsy com-pared with those with glass doors. In all cases the glass doors have been put in later to make cabinets correspond to modern taste. Corner cabinets can never be very old, because they were not in use ulltil a comparatively late period in colonial history. The earlier colonial houses were all supplied with cabinets built into the corners of the ro0111. So it is impossible to get a cabinet of this shape that is as old as the first of the American made furniture. "I told the lady all of this, which was, of course, quite new to her. I don't think she believed it because she went away without buyjng my cabinets, although they were exact-ly "whdt she was looking fOL "Now, i.f I had shown them to her without explaining that the doors were originally of wood shoe"':ould pr·)bably hayt' i'ought them "m1TI,cdi:l,ely" Dealers soon learn that excessive honesty on their part is Made by Eatey MllDufachlrillg Co., Owosao. Mich. not necessary. Their patrons do not want to know too much. It embarrasses them to reveal their ignorance. They like to be left in the happy impression that they know it alL ··..1 have sold so-called colonial bookcases for years," said one dealer, "and in all' that time I have rarely come across a regular bookcase of the kind that stands on the floor. "The bookcases were all built to sit on the tops of desks, in accordance with the fashion of that period. We put small legs on them and sell them. "If I told that to the women who come to buy not half of them "would take the bookcases. If I told them how these Our Dry Houses. A and B. Have a capacity of over one·half miUion feet of lumber giving fUs a large stock of thoroughly dry lumber at all times. No furniture plant in the world has the lumber dry-ing facilities that we have. Good lumber makes good furniture at' ESTEY'S bookcases were made it would not give them any assurance 8nd it would lose a customer for me. So I keep still. "1 do not mention either the fact that the desks to which these bookcases were attached have new tops when the trans· formation is made. It is more for the sake of the women than my own profit that I do not mention these facts."-Ex. PopUlarity of Rugs for House Furnishing. "There are ten houses furnished with rugs to every house with carpets in Kansas City," said the head of the rug depart-ment of a furniture and carpet company in that city. "i\, decade ago just the converse existed, At that time rugs were scarcely salable, no matter how cheap in price. Com-mon sense more than anything else has caused the rug to risc in popularity. It is generally conceded by all handlers of rugs that the rug has come to stay. In my opinion the chief reason for the rug baving supplantccl the carpet is the san-itary reason. As rugs are not tacked down they are easily removed, and are consequently cleaned much more often than carpets. One would naturally SUppOSethat the latter reason ,,·,:ouldbe the most important. It is not, though, because the difference between the cost of a rug and the cost of a carpet is small when taking into consideration the additional ex-pense of a hardwood floor The most popular rttg of to-day is \vhat is known as the Wilton rug. The \Vilton is a plain rug of modest design and is moderate in price. The next best sellers are the Oriental rugs. They are much more costly than vVittons. To the prosperity and rapid growth of the town is due their popular-ity. "It is the tendency of late to have rugs made larger, tlnts causing the floor margin to be narro~Ter, t account for this by the fact that housewives then have less of the wood floor to dust."-Ex. Office Building Complet.ed. The Bissell Carpet Sweeper company are ab9ut tooecupy the large new addition recently made to their plant. Early Purchasers of The Northern Line Are attracted by the success attained in selling this popular line. The High Quality of Construction Large Variety of Patterns No. 5555 f]In many popular finishes are the features finding special favor. f]We have anticipated your wants which enables us to fill orders promptly. I I, t Northern Furniture Company SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Manuf<2((uren r:/ BED ROOM, DINING ROOM KITCHEN FURNITURE. Get the Catalogue. No. 5547 36 ~MlprIG7JN THE LEXINGTON Michisll.D Blvd. & 22d St CHICAGO. ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout, New Management. The furniture dealers' head- Quarters. Most con-venienUy situated to t he furniture display houses. Inler-State Hotel CO. OWNKR & PROPRIKTOR E. K. Criley_ Pres,; T. M. CrBey, V. I,'res.; L.H. Firey, Sec-Treas. Chicago. April 25.-Many of the Ch:c:\go ft:r:litu:-e man-ufacturers arc ;\s husy this month as they have been in J al1U-ary, February ~:lld 1\larch; while some others \\'hose t ";\dc in large part comes from the east, have had a falling off ill their volume of business on account of the millers' strib'. The prevailing opiniotl seems to he that tile conditions in the east ate temporary and \vill not he prolonged to any l1otal!le extent. Karl Stccnberg, one of Chicago's ,,,ell kno\vn t:"avclillg furniture saleslilen, died April 2, after a ten' days' illness from pneumonia at his home, 542 North Sacramento :~\'enl:C. The deceased was a native of Norway and came b the Unite; States in 1884" 1Ir. Steenberg was about forty-three yca:'s of age, and of sixteen years ill the furniture business the past fourteen years havc been spent 8S a tra\'eling represeu-tati\ Te in tbe middle ",'cst for the Kational Parlor Fll:-nituj C company. 1Irs. Stcenberg and three children are left to mourn his loss. The funeral was held h0111 tht: family home April 5, and the interment took place at 1\1cunt Olivet cemetery. th. Steenberg was highly estel't11ei] hy the Natiollal Parlor FUTnitlce company al~d w: s a 'H~~H{,l' salesman among all 'W ith ,vhom he came in '.::ont<.:ct. The Columbia Feather company, 95-97 Indiana street, Ch'- cago, are making ex~ensive improvements ;'n:1 C;) lI·res ;t their factory. The entire building ha::; been ll" sed so that all six floors win now he used illSt,,~\d of focr. Electric: power will be tlse'd instead of steam power t1JroL1'~'houtth' plant :'llld the first floor has been fitted up for the IJfic:-> and show room. The front of the bUilding- h,:s beel1 Ile·.\'!y painted and when completed will give the Columbia Feather c01ppany one of the linest plants of its kind in Chic;:\go. Secretary-Treastlrer C. Davis of the COllrey-])a\'is l\'lallufacturing' company, Shelbyville, Ind., was in Chicago April 17-18. ll-Ir. Davis says his corllp,llly are as busy now as ;at any time since the :61"stof the year. The Central 11anufacturing company of Chicago arc fllll-ning on a ten hour schedule. This condition has been k<.~l)t up, Secretary Xormain states, for the l)(.~st t·.\,o ln~llt!s, the regular schedule being nine hours. The Niemann Table company .. Seventy-seventh Pnd Cot-tage Grove avenue, are having their plant taxed to the utmost capacity in order to meet the hig volume of bcsincss the ;:company is having. IMPROVED OPEN BOLSTER ROLL Shipl'ed one dozen in a case, K. D. flat. Covered in white muslin, $11.00. Covered in colored sarine, $12 00, The Best Open Bolster Roll on the market. TRY A BOX. The Sanilal} feather Co. 249·255 S. Canal $' (,;.HIGACO. o. c. S. O;SC11and company report trade on their line of desks as bcin:{ satisfactory this seaSOll. The demand seems to come from all sections . .\:lc/\ nsh, Dwyer and cumpany ar<~issuing a 4CO-pag'e cat- ;lloguc M this wrifng which will make its app::-a:·,-nce in the furniture t:ade :tday 10. The catalogue win be fnlly as large and substantial in as was the Olle of 1905. A feature of IVlcAl1Sh,Dwyer ~~ud company's line this yC~l1" lies in the fact that the bulk of the ease goods they are supplying the trade "vith will come from thcir Eve factories at T_~noir, K C. Cuts and printed matter covering fully the tines manufactured by the Lenoir factories will be shown in the new catalogue. President R. H. Hufford of the Wholesale Furniture Ex- Iiibition Building company, 1323' Michigan ;,venue, visi;ed Evansville and several neighboring cities on April 19, 20, 21. The Heywood & \~lakefield company repo:t their trade such that they find it an impossibiHy to l,eell up on orders. They are having an cspeciall'y heavy trade <La ca:'- Reduce Your StockII FOUNDED 1888 at a good profit or sell en-tire stock at cost. "TnE NEW.IDEA MEN" 460 Monon BI'd'g CHICAGO SALES MANAGERS WRITE FOR TER.MS. riages, the demand being !>"l.1ch that the comJl<llly has been compelled to turn do-wn orders. One of the latest ilJdu,stries to join the ranks of Chicago\; furniture factories is the 'vVest Chicago Chair company, 63- 71 Milwaukee avenue. The officcr~ are: President, Georf{e V/. Brown; vice president and treasurer, 110/. 1. Bunker; sec~ rctary, Ernest Bunker. The company's plant is at present turning out 100 cbairs per day, ;:tnd the litle manufactured consists of upholstered rockers, tables ~llld :11orris chairs. The company's catalogue states they are presenting to the trade a sm~dl line of well constructed, artistically designed tables, J\'lorris chairs 'lnd upholstered rockers, which will" en-able them to give the trade better prices and prompt deliv-eries. The goods are in oak and the compa.ny is enjoying au excellent trade on thesc goods ever since they started their manufacture, the trade being from <lll sections and not con-fined to any particular section of the United States. Manager Reggio of the Clemetsen company, Chicago, re-ports trade on their well known "Clemeo" desks as being very satisfactory_ j\ll sections seem to unite in the demand for the Clemco goods. MaInger Colbeck of Oh1brich & Golbeck says: ;'Busi-ness "with LIS up to )""f:trch1 was very good, but sillce that time on· account 0[ t11.('. coal' strike has dropped nff. \Ve have qu.ite a large trade in the east and the strike has made the dealers cautious about placing o;-dcrs. I hdicyc the c;,nd.i-tions. however, are only temporary." The Cash Buyers' Union Insolvent. The Cash Buyers' Gnion I·'irst Xational Co-Opnat\\"c Society of Chicago is illSo1velll. The attorney of the COill-p; my informed Judge Bethea that a syndicate of business men v.·ishcr! to purchase the company for $500,COO. The C0\11"t approved the plan. Ull::[er the arrangements made ill court hids are to be advertised Ior for the sale of the ;]sset~ of the company within fourteen days. Luce Line Well Advanced. Secretary A. S. Goodman of the Luce Furniture company, Grand Rapids, informed thc /\ rtisan recently t.hat the com-pany's new line is well adV<lllCedand t.hat it will contain man;: new and valuable features when the season opcns in Juno::. The past season has been a very prosperous one for the corn-p; lt1y. A Substantial Contract. "Manufacturers of Grand Rapids llave t!lken thc ccmtract. through a Chicago (kaler, [or the furnishing of a llCW addi-tion, containing 400 rootH, to the Auditorinm Anne,;_ Chi-cago. H ig-h grade goods will bc used. Merit Wins. The success of the Xo-Kum-Loosc To'V\'c;"Patent fasten-ers, manufactured by the Gralld Rapids Brass company, is based solely on mcrit. Their merit consists in their practic-ahility, as they absolutely prevent the glass, brass or ""ooden knob",. c1ra\ver pulls alld toilet screws from getting loosened, I1!HI marring the furniture. This was never accomplished until' Daniel VV, Tower, president of the Grand Rapids Brass cornp;l11y, invented tbis device. Tt is such a thorough success in en~ry way, coupled ,"vith the fact that no additional cost is put onto the furniture trimmings that it is no wonder the sales are steadily illcreasing for all goods so lltted up. Merit wins, as it deserves to. Ordered Furniture For a New Hotel in Cincinnati. Orders for furniture for the new' Hamlin Hotel in Cin-cinnati were placed by the manager, James Clyde, who was recently in Grand Rapids for the purpose. Twenty thousand dollaL3 will he expended. The hotel win have 200 rooms, and plans afe outlined for an addition. 37 I THE UNION DAVENPORT BED I OUR LATEST AND BEST PRODUCTION ----=~-- Its operation is simplicity itself. Is strong and serviceable. Makes an excellent appearance with its handsome cushions. Has high grade spiral springs throughout, and spring edge all around. A PERFECT PARLOR BED Without being moved from the wall opens into a perfect bed. Send for descriptive matter and prices. We want you to handle this excellent article. UNION WIRE MATTRESS 00. 187-188 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO Metal Beds, Woven Wire Mattresses, An Steel Springs and Metallic Conches. 38 Sells Goods in Ten Counties. E. M. Austin and C. E. Shrader are engaged in the busi-ness of selling goods under the name of Austin's department store in the little inland town of Litchfield" in the state of IllinQis. They employ between $15,OtJOand $20,COQ in their business, a sum much larger than is considered necessary to All our goods are of the Estey Standard Quality None on earth equals them for the price. Thirty-seven year!:=making Cheap and Medium Priced Furniture. Ad-dress a Posta) Card. ESTEY. Owosso. Mich. For Catalogue to Trade Only. conduct a husncss !;t1ch as they are engaged in when the lo-cation is in a town of 6,000 people. "Vhile Litchfield's six thousand are not engaged in very heavy enterprises, they arc all industrious, thrifty tot, and Austin and his partner seem to be the best of the bunch. The house of Austin does not con~ fine its businc% ramifications to Litchfield and its immediate suburbs, but· ten of the wealthy counties of southern Illinois containing thirty good villages and cities, receive its atten-tion. The house uses printers' ink very liberally, using the newspaper3 and a. number of large illustrated circulars in making their establishment known to the people. An im-mense volume of business is transacted. ;;One. who knows;' or- presumes to know, declares that the capital of the house is tUrJlCd over every sixty clays. Litchfield looks good to Austin and Shrader at present, but these gentlemen keep in mind the fact that many of the great merchants of Chi~ cago, New York, Cincinnati and Philadelphia commenced their business careers in a small' way in towns of much le~s importance than Litchfield. The big cities will look good to them in time. Fret Work Although not much used at present, there is a great deal of artistic worth it! fret work. A fret js a form produced by wearing away, or cutting away, some portions of the material so as to leave other portions in relief. The parts removed are usually CtIt away by a band S:'l'W stretched in a frame to keep it perfectly tant, that is worked either with the hand or fixed in a machine, which, by means of a treadle, is made to work up and down with considerable rapidity. The saw being vcry narrow, the most intricate shapes may be cut out with ease, and to reach many of the spaces to be cut away, it is necessary to start by gimblctting a hole through which the saw c<\n be passed. Fret work was formerly used for piano fronts. For chair backs it could be used to good advantage. Each one might be different in detail and yet with certain generat traits, so as to give the appearance of oneness when the pieces are seen together. Keep Pegging Away! This world is a world full of pitfalls and snares, Of Lilliput pleasures and Gulliver cares, \Vith people more ready to curse than bless, \~iith little to cheer you and much to depress; But the best thing to do is-believe 111e, I pray~ Face your duty, be brave, and keep pegging away! The pitiful creatures of envy, indeed, ,~rjl1jeer or wiJJ carp if you fail or succeed; There are those without number who lack not the will To give you a kick once you've started down-hill. Don't let them disturb you; don't mind what they say; Turn your eyes to the light and keep pegging away! Devotion to duty a lever will prove ""'herewith yOll can myriad obstacles move. You may find that life's gold overmatches the dross In striking your balance of profit and loss. Be steadfast and patient, be hopeful and gay, To business attend and keep pegging away! vVith the honey of life must some 'wormwood be mixed, As the daintiest rose by a thorn is transfixed; But the honey's more sweet from the leaven of gall, And the rose rudely pierced the most fragrant of all. You'}] find your reward great and lasting, some day, If, strong in your faith, you keep pegging away! To Enlarge Their Factory. The Colonjal 1Janufacturing company of Zeeland, Mich., let the contract on April 13th for the erection of a three-story, ;;L" shaped brick factory, the center building to be built at once, and to be 112 x 60 feet in size. The two wings to be added witt be erected later, and each will be the same in di- Made by Estey MllQUfaClurl.oi- Co.. OwOSllO. Mich. the center building. Manager John Spyker says the factory will be of mill' constr-uction and equipped with all of the latest improvements. The main building will be ready for the compa.ny to look after tIle fall trade. 39 TYPIFIES the highest standard of excellence in Carpet Sweeper mechanism, and this claim is abundantly ju;;tified by its superior saleability. It is very easy to make claims, but to have them su~ported by {aus, is quite another thing. One rbing is certain, you can't deceive the public by reckLess, unsupported claims, and we therefore realite dlar unless the Bissell were all we represented it to be, we would soon hear from this in the way of dimisbed business. The facts tore, the Bissell has achieved more than we have ever claimed tor it in an auvertlse-ment, aod its eJ<tensive and constantly growing sale throughout the world, wherever carpets or rugs are used, is a visible and p<lsitive proof of its recognized superiority. The Bissell has maintained the leadership for thirty years, and is the one only carpet sweeper that has ever been advertised extensi\"ely to the consumer, or that has ever been sold under il sound, sincere price maintenance system. "CYCO" BEARING "I Prize my . Bissell Sweeper" "Beyond any labor saving device In my home." BISSELL CARPET SWEEPER CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. (Largest Sweeper Makers in the World.) Branches: NF.w YORK, TORONTO, LON~ON, PARJS. SAVE FREIGHT Why go west for CASE GOODS when the BU RT line will satisfy the bulk of the trade demands of the average dealer, without necessitating delays in shipping. ChaMber Suits. Sideboards. Chltfonlers. Dressers and Toilets. Write for Cataloaue. BURT BROS., 2000 S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 40 7f R.'T' IIS' .7l.Z'\I « 2 re TRANSFER POOL CARS FOR PACIFIC COAST OVERLAND FREIGHT COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAUFORNIA. make a specialty of distributing pool cars 01 all kinds and PART! CULARL Y. furniture, carpets, linoleum and interior finish. References, Bradstreet's or Dun's and any hank in San Francisco, and the trade. Carloaderin Chicago Carload';"in Grand Rapids J. W. Welling,633 So. JeffersonStreet Gelock TransferCompany, 108 So. Ionia Street. TEAMING FORWARDING STORAGE RESPONSIBILITY. Listlessness, Lack of Ambition, and Lack of Interest Charac-teristics of Salesmen. Responsibility is necessary in the furniture store, not only in heads of departments, but in the minor positions. Thos:? stores, in which the head of the house, or the manager, take.~ the entire load, you will tind generally equipped with a fwee of salesmen V1;hoare looking for six o'clock, and whose sales arc carried just beyond the discharging point. Some one salesman is the best and st'lyS so. The other.; trail along without much ambition, other than to sell enough to hold the job. The department stores rep:'cscnt this c1a.~sand it is a no-torious fact that the majority of such stores do not pay in The average salesman in the average department store ha.o; the shivers every time he sees the cash girl' coming v.ith ;1 pink slip, which in most of such stores .is the discharge calo' The average buyer of the average department store h:cs the same shivers as his contract expi:·es. The'e seems to he a lack of taking anything for granted there. In the regular storc you meet the head sometimes. He knows you, and you feel he. has your measure. As long ~iS you feel that you fit the measure you neglect to worry ove' your job, amI not worrying, you call sell better. The <l"epartment store represents more than anything in the busincss world, an entire lack of responsibility outside the heads of departments and their superiors. The rank and hIe don't care ahurr<lh for anything pertain-ing to the welfare of the store other than what pertains t-, their immediate welfare. If a key falls from a dresser No. 507 Dining Table. Ma4. by Lenlz Table Co .• Ndlville, Mich. their furniture department as they shonld. In no regular iUrIliture stores will yon find such under the surface listless-ness, lack of amhition and irresponsibility as in the furniture end of the big department stores. The sal"esmen are automatons, and know it. They are hired on that understanding, and seldom give to tlleir employers the best that is in them. They seldom feel identifled with the interests of the house, as the people '''lht) control them are so far removed from them as to' be in sonl.C cases actual strangers. dra'wcr it lays where it fell', if a caster is loose or broken it can remain so. It is 110 concern of theirs and makes not im-pression on them. A salesman may sell a bill of goods to a dead heat, knowing l1im to be such, but if his sale passes the credit office, where they may not susp~ct the: dead beat, it is entirely satisfactory to him. If the firm loses the ac-count he, if he is all old hand, eare:.s less than if he is a new-tamer; knowing the ropes he has nothing to fear. T have sold goods in a small installment house, in a large installment house, in a department store, and in a high grade • cash store. Tn the small installrnent store we were all re-sponslhle, in the large store \'Ve were more or less responsible The llllyer watched tl1e sa1es~ had his stand bys among the salesmen, The head of the finn knew liS all, knew how bard it was to sell sometimes, itH\,e(l ahout the sales "'<C', did not make, looking for the flaw, and made us feel we \vere doing him an injustice not to put forth ollr bcst elIorts at <111 times. The high gTade c<lsh store had its responsibilities.' Thi,,; man did such a thing, that man sonH~ other thing. They all sold goods and they had a good time selling them. But in the deparbnent store the '1Nho]c thing was a grind from eight ontil six with the t\Vellt)' minutes lonch out. Tbe only standard of selling was that set hy the high salesman, Thc buyer was a gnod enough felloV\', but he wore goose l1esh lllOS,t (){ the time. llis immelliate superior wc\s a gen-eral office man. who never showed himself in the furniture department, ,vhile if any of the firm headed that ,'vay, word \vauld he passed ahead of him, and immediateJy the people Mad" by Rockford Fram" al1d Fixture Co., Rockford. Ill. would ~'i llger up as they called it. Tiley g·elle·ally succeed·· cd in fooling him. except whell hc would snap (In them [rom the t'lev;\tor alld growl if he found one of them sitting- down. The lack of personal responsibility, and the general sub-jection showed me clearly why the a:verage furniture depart-lllent of the hig stores is seldom a profit winner to any large extent. There are several ways of making salesmen and store peo-ple responsihlc. Olle way is to put the salesmell on the salary and com-mission b;lSis and sold their hustle determine their pay_ This, £01· any store, is a good metllOu, provided always a fair way is devised of getting the c11stomer to the salesman without fal"oritism. The l11etilOd of rotation cannot be ex-celled [or faimess as it gives, everyone the same chanec in the long nlll Tf there <Ire six salesman numbered from one to six the first customer goes to number one, the second to number tlvo, etc. [f thc salesman called on is not at his desk, lhe ne.xt 111 lurn prCSc11t gets the cha11ce. Of course, 41 tlle Cl1:'itomer calling for a particular salesman gets him with-nut affecting- his turn, if he is jresent when it comes. H.e-sjJOllSihility may be carried further hy giving to each sales-man some part of tile stock to keep in order, and report upon. He should be. held to strict account by the buyer for the con-dition of the stock, action of drawe,:"s, clean glass. loss of keys, dusty fabrics, and general artistic appearance. The furniture cleaners, dusters, repairers shoul(l know that they are expected to car:-y out his suggestions and the result will he a well arrang·ed; well or(Lerc(l, and easy working stock. The huyer or manager to be sure must see that each man does jnsticc to his stock. Tile actual selling is not by any means al1 tbere is tn sell- Illg. The carelessness of some helper or repair man will often he responsible for the loss of a sa\'c, rather than the illcxpcrtness of a salesman, and it should be in the powc:r of a S<lkSt11;J.n to l"emcl\Y such an occurrence in the future. Thc shipping cud of ,IllY furniture business entails a great deal of responsibility. The customer doc~ ,;ot judge the (inn by what the salesman says of the article, when he sells it, hut by the appearance and condition when delivered, con~ sequently a careless shipper or delivery man can pl.ay h:tvoc with a star salesman, and the star salesman should have ",ume l1lC;ll\" of t:,ltin:J hack the applecart. The buyer has alt this at his disposal quite as much in the dep,lTtillent store as in the regular store, neve,thelr:ss it is the exception to find one who on takillg cllarge o.f a furniture department does 110t lose his personality or even his identity. It io> the: duty 01 the tlepartment store buyers to do .iu;'l-tice to themsclves and keep furniture where it he\"ongs. The furniture salesman is a hi:;{her g-rade man than the cOllnte:' jumper, the ribbon man, or the dapper chap in tlIe Rents' [llfllishing, allCl it is up to cyery buyer in the busincss to keep him high grade and I",ss of an aut0111aton. A woman buying a ne~~ktie for her husband needs no advice. T f a d(~Her in the slot could he d~\"\~ed to deFver the rig-ht s',:,,\!:: aild pattern it would serve the purpose. '\:citheT dot'S she need adv:ce when she b~:'ys cut glass, or' crocker)', or cloth. In such C;l,~CS her kno.vlcd.Q'c will n;-t,'ll !'.tltl"lln that of tl:e :;alesm:ln. Hut - when it is fumiture, call the chetol'. Is this 111ahog-nllY? Is that vcnce:'ecl? \\1ith ,"'chat is the daven-port lilled, hair or moss? \Vhich ,vea:'s b('st, binI's, e:le maple or cudy birch, ;llld a thousand nthc:' ql1estion~ to he jJ:operly answe~ed by the responsible man who knows and knows he knows, and shows that he knows, lts ;\ r'11an'3 hnsiness. ])()l]'t let anyone d:op you into :1 slDt. A Stamp Tax Proposed to be Levied on Convict Made Goods. A hill is pending before the congress of the t:"nited States to prohibit the purchasc of furniture made by convict labor hy th<: :;:!;eneral governm(',nt. The FtlTlllture .~ssoci<\ti()l1 of America has urged the house of repr(':selltati,'~s to amend thc bill by adding a stamp tax of twenty-five per cent ad val- Ol"('lll on all goods made or partly made in prisons, and sold in competition \vith the product of free labor. The amendment proposed \\ auld serve a good purpose, but the ovcrloading of the orig'inal bill m,ly cause the loss of the measurc. If the \l1"()01otet"s of the measure to prohibit the purcha~_e of con-vict made furniture are wise they will 119t accept the amend· ment. By asking too much in thc first instance, they may not gain anything. The proposition to impose a stamp tax nll eOl1vict made goods should h,~ p:-esented in a bill pre· pared sote\y for that purpose. C. L. Ross, v.rho succeeded the Hatt Polish com,lany, i,:; continuing the business LInder the llQl11e of the Grand Rapids l'urniture Polish company. 42 MAHOGANY IN NEGRO CABINS. But Collectors in Georgia Now Have to Take to tl\e Swamps to Find It. Several of the curio shops in Savannah are kept by colored men. They have attained considerable sagacity in the pur-chase of antiques, especially of old mahogany furniture, and There is a Standard for everything and the standard for Cheap and Medium Priced Fumiture is the ESTEY STANDARD If you have not got it on your floors, write lor catalogue, do it now. , they talk as glibly of Sheraton, Chippendale and colonial styles, inlay and veneer as their white competitors. "V'/her(' do you reckon I find most of the old mahogany?" asked one of these dealers, pausing in the work of preparing a Queen Anne bedstead for the polish. "In the negro cabins. Not the shanties in or near Savannah, nor those on the main travelled roads. All that furniture was picked up long agr). H!'\ ow we have to take to the swamps to find it. I fre-qucntly leave my "\vife in charge of the shop whilc I go off on J. collecting trip for several days. I walkacToss tlle woods and fields, and find a litde old shanty somewhere off in a pine clearing, wllere the children may have but one garment apiece and sleep every night in a mahogany bed. "Once I happened at such a cabin just in time to keep a cJawfoot bedstead from destruction. It was a chilly evening in spring, there was no fire\vood at hand, and the man of the house was just taking one of the posts ofa splendid coloni.11 hed, which was in disuse in :1 shed, to the chopping block. A moment later if would have heen on top of the crackling, fat, pine kindlings in the smoky fireplace. "The darkies know nothil1g of the value of mahogany. It came to thcm from their friends or the plantation aW1H'~S who put it away for ne,ver pieces of walnut and maple.' It went out of fashion and so into the attics or the quarte s. though the servants came into possession of most of it whell the old homes 'were broken up after the war, "Any of this generation of ncgroes would rather have <111 up-ta-date dresser of pine wood brightly varnished or a white iron bedstead. I have sometimes exchanged new fllr-nitul" e with them for the old pieces which collectors p:-ize. That is always very satisfactory to the darky, although a dol-lar or two of ready mOlley wilt buy anything in his house. "That is why the negro can secure the real old stuff down here better than a white man. He understands the manners of the cabin and can live with the people. Even if a white man succeeds in finding them in the marshes, the darkies would be distrustful and not likety to show him hospitality. "It amuses me to see collectors from the north come down here, hire a carriage or a machine and dash out on the country roads after old furniture and other curios. All that territory has been covered long ago. "Indeed, although Savannah is full of old mahogany, and porcelain, there is very little of it for sale, and what there is. tlle OWJlerSknow how to value. I count, however, that I make about 700 percent on the p;eees that I pick up in the negro cabins in the interior."-Ex. Chicago Undertakers' Restrictions. Organized Jabor is making rapid progress. The Chicago federation of Jahor has opened war on the Chicago under-takers' association and hostilities have been declared. The other day, the Chicago federation ador;ted the foll'owing rules, which are now in force in the metropolis: "N a union man shall purchase a non-union casket, or assist in paying for a JlOll-lmion casket for a member of llis family or a friend. "No union man shall act as pall-bearer at a funeral where a non-union casket is used. "vVhere the services of an undertaker are needed by a friend of a union man, it is his duty to tell the members of the bereaved family how to secure a union casket." From Carpets to Rugs. That American tastes cnange quickly and that American manufaetlliers are enterprising and quickly catcr to the changing wants of the trade is again demonstrated in the al-most phenomenal change from carpets in the roll to carpets n~ady made, properly called rugs, which has taken place in the past two or three years. Americans have discovered that carp~ts are unwieldy and unsanitary, and So the use of rugs is becoming more gen-eral every year. Carpets have had their day and it has been it long one, originating in Persia. Hut rugs have been found Made hy Estey Manufacturing Co., OwOllllO, Mich. to be more convenient, practical and, last but not least, their beauty, especinlly that of the Oriental article, appeals to us all. The only thing to be said against their use is their ten-dency to slip on the polished floor. G. R. ~ I. fLYERS BE:TWE:E:N Grand Rapids and Chicago To Grand Rapids ------'----,--------- Lv. CHICAGO 8:45 A. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 1 :50 P. M. Lv. CHICAGO. ~ihUSt~:at~E~x. Sun 1.15 P. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS ......•.... , " ., .• 5.50 P. M. Buffet Parlor Car Lv. CHICAGCJ, r:tbCSt~:~WE~x. Sun 5.30 P. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS 10.25 P. M. Parlor and Dining Car Lv. CHICAGO, Nibcijt~~~~Dta~i:l:y 11.55 Night Ar. GRAND RAPIDS 6.45 A. M. Electric Lighted Sleeping Car Phone Michlg.n Cettob'alCity Ticket Office for Re..eryatioDliIo 119 Adam. Street To Chicago ROBBINS TABLE COMPANY owosso, MICHIGAN Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun 7.10 A. M. Ar. CHICAGO 12.35 Noon Buff.t Parlor Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun , .. 12.01 Noon Ar. CHICAGO 4.50 P. M. Parlor and Dloln.ll: Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Daily 11.50 Night Ar. CBICAGO 7.15 A. M. Electric Lighted Sleepind Ca.r -----'====== Phone Union Station for Reservatlona No. 402. Leaves stored in top. 1906 CATALOG MAILED ON REQUEST No. 301. Center column does not divide. 44 The Refrigerator Season will be here very soon. If you have not yet received a sel of our CAT ALOGUE.S and PRICES for 1906 a postal card will bring them to you by return mail. We make a full line of Zinc-Lined, White Enamel, and Opallte Lined, and Porcelain Lined Refrigerators of any size desirable. THE ALASKA: REFRIGERATOR CO. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacluren, New York Office, 35 Warren St. MUSKEGON, MICH. Cur ~.:Iu3kegon Lec"\.er. Muskegon has been ve:"y generous in the c1istributicn of bountie>; to industries induced to locate in our city. No OIL' ilas objected during the twenty years it has been pursued, but the legality of the bond issues is undergoing a t~st of the COIn-ts at the instance of one of the benefic.iaries. The value of these issues to Musk:;>gon cannot he estimated, and our people earnestly hope tha.t the is;;.ucs \vill be prollOllIH::eJ valld by the con:t of last resort. OUT manufacturers are making extensive preparations for the cm:ning season of trade. Extensive lilles of salable goods are in course of preparatioll, and when the buyers ar-rive in Graud R;lpids jn July they will find many good and useful pieces among the Muskegon exhibits_ The Muske-gOIl Valley Furnitore and the 11-'100nDesk compZll}' will oc-cnpy spaces in the new lIvlanllfacturers' building. "Vith the resumption of daily service b~twcen the lake lWI'b, our manufacturers will ship a great part of their out-put hy \,ater. Goods shipped th~-ott:~h Chicago «iHl \lil-waukee are handled exjeditiously_ l\iluskegnn continHes its g;-owth in l'nallllfactllriug Cllt"' prise and 8c1'eral new industries will add to the impo:-UlllcC 01 the city. OVER FORTY DESICNS TO SELECT FROM The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks, Extra Large Chiffoniers Alto Manufacture-IS and E;lJ,>QTten. of ------- ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to all kinds of invalidism. both for house and street use. The pleasure l-esorts in the vicinity of ou, city attract thousands of sojourners annually, and with the approach of warm 'weather their arrival is anticipated with pleasure by those 'who are bellcntfd by their prcsence. Made to Last. A very substantial line of office desks is made by the Valley City Desk company, Grand Rapids. It contains about 100 patterns in various sizcs and woods_ The prices range from low to medium. Nothing· is lacking in the work-manship of the goods nor the materials used in their COllstruc~ tioll. Concerned in Regard to Accounts. ~Thile fhe mrullli;ldurcrs have contributed liberally for the relief of the sufferers from earthquakes and confiagration~ in California, considerable anxiety .is naturally felt 011account of the claims due for goods furnished in the past to jobbers and retailers of fn:-niturc. The manufacturers of Grand Rap-ids have shipped vcry large quantities of furniture to the coast, that wealthy sccCon of our country taking a large per-centage of fine gOO(h. \Vhat the settlements wilt amount to is problematical. Muskegon Valley Fumiture Co. ----- MUSKEGON, MICH. ------ Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobes Ladies' Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods ... Trade Notes. F. \\1. Hart is abuut to upen a furniture store in l\lcdical Lake, Wash. He will also conduct all undertaking business. C. S. \Veakley and comp;ii1y, Harrisburg. Pa., will retire from business as soon as their stock can be sold. The Clarkston ([daho) Fnrnitmc & Undertaking C0111- pftny's store was damaged $5,000 by water. The furnibJre stock of the HUlltcr l'l1rlJitllre C0111pall.y, Indianapolis, was sold by the receiver for $8,2.10. The\Villis Smith-Crall company of Korfolk. Va" ""ill close out their Gruuby street sloTt.: and concentrate tbci r business in the main store which will he enlarged to double the prescllt capacity. ;\hout $55.00 wOl'lh of furniture \vill he sold from the Grallby slrect slO'"e. The Coonell _Furniture company of Spokane, \V:1sh .. have begun th(: erection of a large stOlle building. Tietje & Cllrist have urgallized a business ill :\cw York THE. HA.WKEY'f. KITCHEN CA&lNET Original fealures. DesiJ!ll. finis}) and cabinet work the best on earth. Prices range from $3.00 to $52.50. Exclusive sale gh'en. Sold to deal en; onl\'. Price is a j!;()od~alesman. Qnality is a better one. ¥le ha\'e them both. Catalogue on application. Union Furniture Co., BURLINGTON, IOWA for the purpose of importing' fnrl1iture, carpets, rugs and uil cloths. Capital is $50,000. J. H. l\loserip succeeds .-\. :\. r':';1\,{:11 as tllt: \\wniluH' \)\\Y ('1' of Heyman's stnre in Grand Rapids. The Shepard Cox Furniture company, D;:llas, Tex" 11:\\-( changed the name to the DcnlOll Furniture C,)lllp:1lJy. The ::'1'1 e),'iichael & Hig-lcy company of Buffalo arc new dealers, A. r >. Higley, formeyly ol tl,cF'eoplc's l'urniture cumpany, having formed a pa.rtnership with C. Y. l\lc.\-lichad. B. H. COl1nat of Atla.nta, Ga., E. Rtlbillsleill of ~1aCOl1 Jllc1 others eontcmplZltc establishing a cllair factory ill Algier.s. Tenn. C. 3J. Coon, C. F. Rieken and II. \V. Lind.cl1ldll have or-ganized the Standard Furniture company and opened a stock of furniture at 135 Gratiot avenue, Detroit, :\ilich. 1h. Lin-deman, who was formerly with Janl.cs Fitzsommlns and com-pany, if the huyer for the COmp'll1}". Their building is 30 x 110 and containsfonr floors, The furniture dealers in Oklahoma and ,lndian territories met at Shawnee on April 2G and orgallied an association. 45 No. 533 A A desirable combination desk at a low price. 12 pigeon hole boxes with quartered oak fronts, card index drawer with follow block attachment, leiter file drawer with index. Plenty of room on writing bed. Type. writer shelf when in position for use, 26 inches high, standard height. SELECTED QUARTER SAWED WHITE OAK 60 Inches long: 32 Inclles wide; 50 Inches high; weight. 355 Ibs. MOON DESK CO. MUSKEGON, MICH. A receiver has been appointed for the Bazaar Furniture company, Atlanta, Ga.; the liabilities of the company are $4,342.76, assets, $3,900. S. ROSCllbcrger, proprietor of the Hub Furniture company, YoungstO\vn, 0., will sell out his business, The store of l\-fessrs. Lamm, T"andkammer & Hohmann, Made by Estey MaoufacturiogCa., OW0550. Mich. retail dealers ill furniture, was opened for business recently in ,\Tankato, 7\Iinll. Four floors arc occnpied. Furnished the Hotel Belmont. The Berkey & Gay Furnitnre c::J1npany milnufactu:-ed the IU;-llitnrc supplied by "\V. & J. Sloane for the new notcl Bel-mont ill Nev\,' York. The order called for high grade goods ,wd amounted to a large sum. ---------------------_._- - 46 OUf Evansville Letter. The Fcllwock Roll' & Panel company are operating their ne"'· ...plant to its full capacity all orders for roller veneer stock. The big factory of the Bockstcge Purniture company is the scene of great activity. Manager ]ou:-dan states that Chamber Suites Sideboards Chiffioners Toilet Tables Buffets Odd Dresser Sommones ALL OF THE ESTEY STANDARD QUALITY CATALOGUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. th~ orders for "superior" tables <IfC satisfactory in volume. "Ed." Sm.ith, the business getter of the E. Q. Smith Chair company, keeps the plants of the company in full operation. Good goods at fair prices secure the orders. The Globe Furniture company is one of the most success-ful of the many furniture manufacturing corporations of Evansville. Their line of sideboards, hall trees, chamber suites and buffets contains many desirable patterns. ivlany applications are received by the Karges Furniture company daily for the new catalogue of the company. It Where the Minister Belonged. The Rev. \V. H. Morrison of Brockton, 1'1ass., formerly of Manchester, N. B., where he enjoyed a long and success· ful pastorate, is a bit of a humorist, and enjoys a joke, wheth-er on himself or another. His manner and sympathetic characteristics make him in much request at funerals, and -it is related that on one occasion it so ha-ppcned that the hacks allotted to the mourners were all filled; so the minister rode to the cemetery on a hearse with the driver. On returning M!\.nufactll~ by Manistee Manufactllring CompaJly, Manistee, Midi. from the grave he \vas driven to his home on the same un-conventional C01lveyance. His wife met him at the door, and, somewhat indignant at the apparently unusual proceed-ing, and not noticing that it was a hearse the clergyman was riding on, exclaimed, ",Villialll, what did you ride Up there for? \Vhy didn't you get inside, where you belong?" The Retting Furniture Company Busy on Orders For Lodge Furniture. The Retting Furniture company do a large business in lodge furniture through the furniture dealers. Among orders recently shipped are some to the Elk lodges in Portland, Ore., Roanoke, Va., and the Elks' club in McKeesport, Fa. Ma~ MADE IN EVANSVILLE. The beds shown below are laken from Ihe line of the Evansvi1le, Ind., Metal Bed Company. No· 66. Price $5.00. No. 203. Price $4.50. shO\vs a choice line of dressers, chamber suites, chiffoniers, dressing tables and v;ardrobes. In the manufacture of folding beds, the Eli D. Miller com-pany ranks high. A fine catalogue gives the dealer a very good idea of the merits of their work. The Evansville Furniture company not only manufac-tures a very large line of bedroom furniture, but are engaged J.'lrgely in the fUrJliture (rade. The pages of their catalogue if spread out, would cover an acre of ground. sonic lodges in Hart, Mich., Alameda, Cal., San Francisco, aud New Castle, Pa., have purchased furniture for their use. At the present time the Retting company are at work on orders for Elk lodges in Evansville, Ind., the Elk lodge and club room jn Manistee, Mich_, a lodge in Hoboken, N. J., and the Elk lodge and club in Sacramento, Cal. Other orders now in are for the Odd Fellows' Hall, vVarren, 0., the Eagles, Countil Bluffs, la., :Masons in Anomosa, J a., Knight~ of Co-lumbus in Painesville, 0., and a number of others. VALLEY CITY DESK COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. G======;--o A complete office outfit in one Desk. Quarter-sawed Oak. Liberal dimensions-35 in. deep, 50 inches high, in three different lengths. Letter files alphabetically arranged in pedestal. Underneath, a large drawer for ledgers, etc. C<trd index drawer with ball bearing follower, drawers and finished wood pigeon hole boxes. Our new Spring Catalogue showing fun line of Office and Typewriter Desks mailed on request to dealers only. (l D No. 541. One of our new styles. -~====DA VENPORT BEDS~·====='C----- We make the BEST and LARGEST line of DAVENPORT BEDS in America. Styles and workmanship cannot be equaled; prices the very lowest. Every dealer should see them at our show rooms in our city or write for our Catalogue. We make a line that guarantees satisfaction. DAVENPORT BED CATALOGUE READY TO MAIL ON REQUEST DAVENPORT BED CATALOGVE READY TO MAIL ON REQUEST THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis,Ind. Permanent Show Rooms_ 37 to 41 N. Capital Ave. • 48 furniture Polish We offer a polish guaranteed "=~~~~~,=,,,,~'" to produce a BRILLIANT altld PERMANENT lustre on any finished wood. A dealer's trade builder, ~end for sample M gross, $3.75. Our SUPERIOR REPA.IR fiNIS" never fails to remove burlap mark!> and mars; and, used with crystal shellac and a set of our colors, (aniline, to match any finish) will repair deep scratches and jams, and reproduce the C'Tiginalfinish, at once. A boon to factory or .store. Repair outfit, complete, with colors, one quart $3.25 finish, and instructions for use .........•. SEND fOR SAMPLES. Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Co. 5 HOLLISTER !:rr. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. HOW MANY CALLS FOR INVALIDS' CHAIRS DID YOU HAVE LAST YEAR? Do You Know Where 10 Get Them? We Manufacture the Largest and beSit line of these goods on the market. We furnish you catalogues free. Write us today. THE INVALID APPLIANCE CO. 629-631 N. Halsted St., CHICAGO. • FOUR TRAINS TO Af¥O FROM CHICAGO Lv Gd. Rapids 7:10am ArChieago 1:15pm Lv Gd. Rapids 12:05 nn Ar Cbicago 4:50pm Lv Gd. Rapids .:25 pm Ar ChJcaco 10:SSpm Lv Gd. Rapids 11:30pm daily At Cbicago 6:55 am Pullman Sleeper, Opeh 9:00 pm on 11:30pm train every day. Cafe service on all day trains. Servict: a 111. carte. Pete Marquette parle;tr cats on aU day trains. Rate reduced to 50 cents. TltREE TRAINS D E T R 0 I T TO AND f'ROM Leave GrandRapids 7:10am. Arrive Detroit 11:55:tm Leave Grand Rapids 11:15 am daily AmveDetroit 3:15 I»D Leave Grand Rapids 5:20 pm Arrive Detroit 10:1)5pm Meal. served a 1. carte on trains leaving Grand Rapids at 11:25 am and 5;~ pm. hre Marquette Parlor Canon aU tralbll i seat rate, 2:5 cents. "ALL OVER MICHIGAN" H. ). GRAY, DtSTIUCT PAUSNG_ .. AGENT, PHONE of of 68· Grand Rapids. Mich. Growth of the Carpet Industry. An increase in the carpet and rug industry uf the United States is shown in a preliminary summary compiled by the census bureau fo: the year ended December 31. 1904, as com-pared with 1900, the year of taking the twelfth ccnsu". There were in 1904 139 establishments, <.:n incre<~se of ti~"e ver cent Made by Century F urnitur(; Co • Crand Rapids. Mich. over 19DO. The capital invested increased hventy eight per cent, the amount being stated as $56,781,074. Other figures given are as fotlows: Number of salaried officials, clerks, etc., 1,023; salaries, $1,393,691; wag-eeamers, 33,220; wages, $13,724,233; value of products, $61,586,433. These statistics are for carpets and rugs other than rag. P1ac,ed Heavy Orders. John Builder, the chief of the cont-acting department hr l\larshall Field and company and "Vll.H. Russell of the H. S. Pogue company, spent a week in Grand Rapids w:th the O"NIl ers of hotels in the course of erection in Chica3"o and Cind:l' nati, placing orde:'s .for furniture. Factory Operated at Night. The J\' e1son-:.\Iatter FUTlliture COmpaJly of Grand Rapids IS so well provided with orders as to re~jttire the operation of their factory until a latc hour of the night. Object to the Neg:-ces. It is said by well informed persons that the ca~:se uf th'~ lockotlt of workmen in the facto ies of "High Point, N. c.. was the refusal of the ·white men employed to work with 'lC-grof.~ Soperating machines and doing bench work. They had no objection to the employment of blacks as helpe:-s and yard men. The lockout could not have occu··red at a time more favorable than the present, and the manufacturers ,-tre confi-dent of Willl1illg. "opkbtJ aad "."Iet SU. Cincinnati, 0, Menry Schmit So Co. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE PO' WDoE AND PULPIT. PARLOR LIBRARY. HOTEL AND CLUB !tooM THE WILLIAMSPORT SUN. FREE EXHIBITION Products and Premiums of .£iTr.ldn Cq.. Buffalo, N. Y. Y, M, C. A, FOURTH STREET Aplil9 to 21, inclusive Open daily from 9 3.. m. to 6 p. m., also Monday and Saturday everll!lg5. The gen:eral publi<::.especially all La;kin cuslomffi. are cordially invited to visit Ih~ handsome display of '000 Larkin Ptemiul!l5. Ilnd 311 the Larkin Products. The e:thibitionwillinterestyou. f·h.!r.ti~ed5 of people in this city are prontins: by FJ.c~o~y-to-F arniiy deaiing; $10.00 worth of Larkin Prociuct, and a SIO.OO frelnilJm~both. fOf $10.00 •. Y01.l ,ave money and furIllih your home without co,t SOUVENIR TO LAD,ES A Soap Boiler Invades William:q:ort. Larkin, the soap boiler of Buffalo, inv8dcd the business 49 community of vViltiamsport, Pa" recently, making -his'p~es-ence known by the a.bove advertisement. THE • lm!ml WestEn~Furnitllre&~ar~et~O, ~ MAKES THE BEST SOAP OFFER This Iron and Brass Bed or This Morris Chair Or <l fine McKinley Rocker, an 18x40 French Plate Mirror, a "i;o;:-foot Extension Table, a Couch or an Oak Chiffor!ier shipped from the Larkin Factory AN D your choice of any $10,00 assortment of Larkin Soap $8.98. WE THROW THE SOAP IN. ""''''EN VOU COME ""O' ...T D'OW" TO PACTS, T"ERE IS NO "OAF "ACTORV_oF "ER~t1"'NT EIT"'ER~T""'T CA" BE...r TI'lE wUT END FURNITURE ':0'11 ""QQ" A"o pn,cES. lOO~ AT THE AeOIrE OFFE" pon 'NHANCE. WE BEAT nit lJF .. CTURER~ ON "''''£1'' OW" PIIIlPtl<ll'f\oN "NI> '1nT" ."... £\11. OW"~. ..." ''','1 "'ENU1N~ '-"'""" EO",.. m" WHOl " ""'AIr "NO "' ...Vii THE OOOIlE IN OUR eTORE Fon voun 1... "E'erION. SEE -w,,,oow- 019pL"" "PREMIUM" BUVE"s, WHV 9""0 "':>u" MONEY OllT OF TOWN WHEN WE OFHR TO 5hV£ VOU '1.~1 ON" '10.00 OEAL ON TtlE " .... " '''!NTICAL G0008? wE ~RO: "OT 'N TI-lE 80~p 8ue'''EG5, BlJT MA~E nus OFFERTO pRovo T"AT ..aME PEOPLE HA'IE ~EE" FOOUGHLV8ENO'NG T"E,R GCoo MO"EV OUT OF TOWN W'T." THE BEL'E" THAT THEV ARE GETT'N" A FREE "FREM'U"'." JlJST THINK ~ MINUT'I:. NO ONE COU~O "O'VE'" OOOOBAWAY FOR '0 OR 20 YEARB AND STlll.cOME OUT A ""l~'ONA'RE. IN "'l~ "FACToRY TO HOM"E~ OEAlS. T...ERE'B .. N0t'!'Y CONs,oE"AT'ON. YOU'VE NOT'CED T"AT HAVEN'T"vom "RE"'U", SOAP FACTORIES AIl.E i<lOT IN BUS'NESS FOR THEIR HI!'.A~TH. THEY ARE '10 eus,Nns TO "~"'E MONEV AND OUR OFFER WH'CH SAV," 'IOU .',11:2 PROvES IT. 'F Sf"'''''- pEO"'U WANT A """EN'O'" WE ARE pREPA"EO TO O'VE IT TO THEM 'N THE SHAPE OF lARK'" SOAP, 8lJT CANOIO~V, VOU ARE PAv',.o FOR E"ERV PREMIUM V<JU<JET.ST'~l WE aFAT THE" FACTORY TO HOME OEAl" BY $1.(12. West End Furniture and Carpet Company, LINCK BLOCK, NEAR PARK HOTEL. The vVe,st End Fl11"lliture & Cnpet company of tile same city, immediately prepared to resist this ;nvas:on of their trade territory, and published the above announcement. Little old \Villiamsport was badly torn up at the end of two weeks and the Larkin outfit looked like the bull that tried to toss the ;'Black Diamond" express off the track. 50 -~MICHIG7IN 1\' i Ilemovea Shipping Mark" Mars, Scratches. Stain •. Cleans, Fills In and polishes. MICnlGAN ARTISAN CO. Grand Rapld:l, Mich. Double daily train service to New Orleans. Send -for a free descriptive booklet. Connects with Southern Pacific Steamship leaving every Wednesday afternoon for Havana. Send for free <.illustrated folder on Cuba. Through tick~ ..rates, ete., of I. C. R. R. agents and those ..~nnecting linea. A. H. HANSON,PASS.,TRAFFIQ MOR., CHICAQO. 6. O. HATCH, OINl!ltALfASS.. AQI"NT,CHICl'AOO. fOR 50 CENTS \Ve will mail the Retail Edition of the Michigan Arti-san to any address in the United States during the remai!1- der of the current year. Remit with order .. .. \ \ INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. American Go-Cart Co , .. , , , , 30 ' Alaska Refrigerator Co 44 Atlas Furniture Co 32 Barnes Co., W. F. & J , . ,20 Bennett, Chas., Furniture Co 23 Berry Bros , _ , 18 Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. . 39 Bockstege Furniture Co....... . .. 24 Burt Brothers .39 Bosse Furniture Co .. _ 25 Century Furn. Co., Grand Rapids 4 Century Furn. Co., Jamestown 17 Cadillac Cabinet Co , 2 Challenge Refrigerator Co 26 Choate-Hollister Furniture Co 26 Chicago Wood Finishing Co 3 Estey Mfg. Co ... 6-7-11-31-34-38-42-46 Evansville Furniture Co 2S Evansville M,etal Bed Co 24 Fisher & Co .• C. A... . . . . . . . .. . 21 Ford & Johnson Co _ 15 010 be Furniture Co , 24 Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co 19 Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Co .. 48 G. R. & I. Railway. . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Grand Rapids Hand Screw Co , 4 Grand Trunk Railway 19 Hassler Co., Owen C _. . . . .50 Hoffman Brothers Co........ . .19 Horn Brothers Mfg. Co , 8 Illinois Central , .. 50 Invalid Appliance Co ,48 Ihter-State Hotel Co, 36 Jamestown Lounge Co 11 Johnson Ghair Co Cover Karges Furniture Co 24 Kauffman Mfg. Co , 29 Ko,enig & Gamer Furniture Co 28 Lentz Table Co., , 28 Luce Furniture Co , 12 Manistee Manufacturing Co 26 McDougall & Son, G. P 1 Madden, Son & Co 47 Manufa~turers' Exhibition Bldg. Co , Cover Mechanics Furniture Co 19 Michigan Artisan Co 50 Miller Co. .. 25 Miscellaneous , 50 Moon D,esk Co 45 Morton House , 29 Murphy Chair Co , 31 Muskegon Valley Furniture Co 44 National Furniture Co 29 Nelson-Matter Co Cover Norquist & Co., A. C ; 32 Northern Fumiture Co 35 Overland Freight Transfer Co 40 Palmer Mlg.Co 30 Peabody School Furniture Co. . . . .. 4 , Pere Marquette Railway , 48 Pioneer Mfg. Co , 30 Posselius Bros. Furniture Mfg. Co .. 23 Richmond Chair Co , . . . . . . .. .. 8 Robbins Table Co .43 Rockford Frame & Fixture Co 15 Rockford Union Furniture Co ; .. 19 Royal Chair Co Cover Sanitary Feather Co., .. , ,35 Sargent Mfg. Co 44 Sheboygan Chair Co., 28 Sheboygan Nov,elty Co 22 Sligh Furniture Co ,... 8 Smith Chair Co 25 Smith & Davis Mfg. Co 20 Schmidt & Co., Henry , , 48 Southern Railway Co , . . . . .. 4 Spratt & Co., Geo 19 Stow & Davis Furn. Co , .. , ,29 The New Idea M"" 36 Union Embossing Machine Co 29 Union Furniture Co .45 Union Wire Mattress Co .. , 37 Valley City Desk Co 12-47 Woodard Furniture Co 23 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED-FURNITURE SALESMAN OF ABILITY. Good salanr for the right man. Must in-vest $Ui.OOOto $20,000 In established busi-ness doing $800.000 a year on $100.000 capi-tal. Address, C. L. Baxter, Seattle, Wash. 4-26 it. W.'lNTED-AN .EXPERIENCED SALES-MAN For Michigan, Indiana. Illinois and Wiscon· sin, to handle the best line of sideboards and buffets made on earth. Address F. S. Gibson, Chairman Greenville Manufacturers Co.• Greenville, Mich. 4-25-5-10. Good Commission. On side line of furniture specialties. Big sellers for holiday trade. Address Clair MUI1eon,Clinton, Iowa. 9-26 tf. The Chicago Exhibition ----======================~1319 MICHl GAN AVEN UE ==============~~~ Lines on Permanent Display. Ready for Business Every Business Day. Preparations going on for July. Much less space available than any previous season. "Nothing doin" for any manufacturer who lingers. Manufacturers' Exhibition Building Co. Chicago, Illinois. F ,n ,.' • ..- 1 • l - GRAND RAPIDS
- Date Created:
- 1906-04-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 26:20
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY Twenty-seventh Yea.r-No. 18 MARCt! 25, 1907 Semi-Monthly THE MONARCH PUSH BUTTON CHAIR EVERY PATTERN OF OUR WELL KNOWN L I N E OF MORRIS CHAIRS WILL BE E QUI P P E D WITH THIS PUSH BUTTON ATTACHMENT. The Monarch is Perfection, Comfort and Utility. Ramsey -Alton Mfg. Co. :\otc the ,simple yet abso-lutelyrigid construction. Fully guaranteed and pro-tected by .D, S. Letttrs P<ltent Nos, 653,452 a11d PORTL'IND, MICH. 648.715. Will Exhibit on the Ground Floor of the Ashton Building (Formerly Pythian Te:nple), Grand Rapids, in July, 1907. A SHERATON DRAWING ROOM. ""' MAKING GOOD "!v'laking good" is a hobby with us---:making good LEATHER FURNITURE for one thing,--the best. "Reliance" Natural Grain .Leather--is the handsomest and -most dependable brand of M. B. Fumiture Leather manufactured, but we ask no more for ··'Reliance" Leather work than many charge for inferior grades. If something cheaper is wanted, buy our "Oakdale" No. I Natural Grain stock~~~we are quoting this at speCial low figures. The "Oakdale" quality is fully equal to the average market best. Some manufacturers of Leather F umiture use Grain Leather for the wearing surface and "Split" or "Deep Buff' for hands, backs and trimmings. We condemn this practice ~-~"We me no "Split" Leather-·~no "Deep Buil"~-nothing but Natural Crain stock. ElG CAT Aloe SENT TO DEALERS UPON APPUCATIO!". JAMESTOWN LOUNGE COMPANY JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK Woodard furniture Co. OWOSSO, MICHIGAN· OUR 1907 LINE of Mahogany, Circassian Walnut, BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE, Quarter Sawed Oak, Curly Birch BEDROOM fURNITURE is the sensation in the Furniture Market today. It's the kind the best merchants everywhere are buying. If you are not onto this, get next quick. If you say you saw this in the Michigan Artisan we will let you into a get rich scheme that beats anything you ever saw. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 1 The Ford & Johnson Company "EVERYTHING IN CHAIRS" When in Chicago do not fail to see our immense display at our salesrooms, 1435·37 Wabash Ave. Many new patterns. l06CI Solid Mahoa-any. ==== SEEOUR==== Complete Dining Room Snites•.Oak and Solid Mahogany. Chair, and Rockers··All Kinds. Mission F urniture--AII Finishes. Children's Go-Carts and Carriages. Reed and Rattan Rockers. Fib,e Rush and Malacea-- The Ideal F urnitu'e, ===GENERAL OFFICES=== Sixteenth St. and Indiana Ave., Chicago. =~=~-SALESROOMS~- CHICAGO BOSTON, MASS. ATLANTA. GA. 1433-35-37 Wabash Ave. 90 Canal St. Marietlaand Bartow Slg. NEW YORK 202 Canal St. CJNClNNATI, O. FRANKFORT, KY. 47 E. Sixth St, 106C7 Solid Mahogany. THE GREATEST LINE of the GREATEST MANUFACTURERS --------- OF --- CHAMBER FUR;NITURE Every Dealer Wants It Because Everybody Buys It. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. Manufacturers of BEDROOM FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY. New Spring Line ready. We operate the largestfactory in the world producing chamber furniture. L pe 2 Beautiful Bedroom Suites In our new catalogue we are showing a number of beautiful bedroom suites. With our enormous variety of styles and designs, (for example, one dresser case is provided with seven different styles of mirror, and each is made up in four different finishes, making a total of 28 different designs to choose from), it is very easy to make up bedroom suites to please any and every customer that might come into your store. Our new catalogue is now ready showing hundreds and even thousands of hand-some and new designs. We have more white and birdseye maple than any other manufacturer in the .United States. No one else can give you the splendid grading of price that we offer, from the lowest to the highest. Elegant simplicity is the popular rage in furniture this year. We have always been leaders in high grade simplicity, and now we are enjoying a total business far in excess of that done by any one of our competitors. You had betterget [amdzar with our new linejust as quick as possible. There is money in itforyou. Send for our NEW CATALOGUE. Northern' Furniture Company SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN L . GRAND RAPICS PUBLIC LIBRARY ~,-; .. 27th Year-No. 18. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., MARCH 25, 1907. $1.00 per Year. HOW TO "GINGER UP" THE SALESMEN. D. M. Wegner's Interesting Response to a Hypothetical Question Propounded by the Artisan. "Suppose yoUr force of salesmen had become indifferent and careless, showing a lack of energy and ambition, what means ",vould you use to put 'ginger' into them, wake them up and cause them to put forth their best efforts to increase your business? The hypothetical question was put to D. 1'1. \A/egner, of \Vegner Brothers, prominent household in-stallment dealers of Grand Rapids, Mich" by a representa-tive of the Artisan. "\Vc11, I don't know," was the response. "I \vish yOlt would go anJ interview somebody who does know and then tell us just how to do it-we may want to know just what to do in such a case some of these days." Mr. \Vegner did not drop the suhject, however. Contin-uing, he said: "Many salesmen need urging at times, some of them quite frequenl1y. Sometimes the best salesman may falloff in his ,,,,ark He may not kno"\v or notice it hims('.1£, but his employers notice it. In such a case, if the man is of Ole right 50rt, all that i5 necessary is to call his attentioll to the fact. vVhen the force shows lack of ambition, and it is necessary to brace them up, the placing of a new man among them will have the desired effect, if the newcomer is able to set a good pace. As they do not like to be outdone by a new man, his presence stimulates them to greater exertion. "Our men are all on the salary system. \ATethink that better than the commission plan, because when we pay a man a straight salary he will recognize our right to ask him to do other things than sell goods, and it is frequently to our advantage to have him do so. vVhen a lllan is work-ing on commission he can not be expected to give attention to anything except selling goods. However, we encourage our men to increase their sales. v\Then we hire them they understand that they are expected to seH a certain 8.mount. Lf they exceed the amount agreed upon they arc allowed a commission upon the excess or, perhaps ttpon the total of their sales. Sometimes we agree upon an incrtase ill salary when a man has shown his ability to maintain a cer-tain average, and sometimes we ~dlow a commission or make an increase in salary without any previous agreement. Any of these plans will serve to 'ginger up' the force if they are the right kind of men. 'It is a difficult matter to secure capable. efficient sales-men in such a business as we arc conducting. It is not like a department store, where you can place a man behind a certain connter and it don't matter whether he knows any-thing about any other department or not. Here the sales-man must have good common sense, and possess a large fund of general knowledge. He must know all about furni-ture, and must be well posted on carpets, curtains, stoves, ranges, baby cabs and all kin{ls of household utensils, and then-he must know how to use his knowledge and ability." Asked as to the method used by his house for keeping '1- account of stock, 1fr. \Vegner said: "-It is very simple. Our stock account is ke.Pt just as carefully and accurately as our ca,sh book. Vie use the card system, and "\~otk it so perfectly that we can take a complete and correct inven-tOty at any hour. As the stock comes in each pattern is given a card on which the number of pieces are noted. As sales are made they' are deducted and the card shows the number of pieces in stock at any dme. ';\Ve have. no particular system for checking deliveries," said Mr. \Vegner, when that subject was mentioned. "We never require a receipt for goods. If required to prove delivery we would have to depend on the shipping clerk and the men on the wagon, but we have had no trouble of that kind-nothing worse than leaving goods at the wrong door or with the wrong person where the house was occupied by more than one family, and such mistakes are easily cor-rected." The state authorities have been investigating the Nebraska Retail Lumbermen's Association on the charge of maintaining a trust, but after three long hearings, have been ullable to uncover anything tending to substantiate the charge. The matter has not been closed, however. Steam in a ket.tle is as useful as reading about sUccess without action. THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE M.OST SATISFACTORY first toaters and Varnishes /JIIANUFAr:rURCt1 ONLY UY CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. ZS9·63 ELSJ[)N AVE'NDZ-16 SLOA.N ST. CHICACO. 4 ·:f'~MICHIG.7IN " 7 i THIS PUSH BUTTON distinguishesthe "ROYAL" Morris Chairs from the other kind MORRIS CHAIRS ·-~FROM-~ $6.00 to $30.00 CATALOGUE UPON APPLICATION Royal Chair CO. STURGIS, MICH. Story of the Factory Lights. The lights of a hundred windows blinked in the early evening as a crowded ferryboat cut its way the Eas.t River, says the New York Sun. The building which loomed like a big shadow save for the lights was a factory. A Long Islander remarked to a friend: "\Ve are going home, but think of the people who are still at work in that factory. I cross on this ferry five days in the week, and generally about this hour, and r never look at the lights in those windows without a feeling of sadness for those who are detained there." "I understand your feeling," replied the friend, "but I chance to know something about the concern that operates that factory which may cause you to think better of it." , "One of the stockholders, who, by the way, is not oftcn seen about the factory, established a custom a good .many years ago which -is st-ill in vogue. Every s-ingle man or woman, for both are employed there, who has been in the concern more than a year is presented by this stockholder when he or she marries with a complete set of household iurnitttre. "The furniture is new and placed in the flat or house to be occupied by the newly ri1arried before the ceremony takes place. 1 happen to know of more than twenty~five couples that have b~en beneficiaries of this stockholder's kindness. "That is not all. \II/hen a baby is born to any couple this oM stockholder places a sum of mo'ney in a savings hank, to the credit of the firstborn, to draw interest, until the ehild becomes of age, Then the money, principal and interest, is paid to the grownup. "On the occasion of the birth of the child its mother is preseJ?-ted with a sewing machine if she has none, and if she has, ~~ith some other article to help her in her work So you see, that building contains something besides hard labqrand late hours, Six Years of Telt Have THE"ROYAL' PUSHBUTfON MORRIS CHAIR I" ElltablisLed Supremacy "Every employee who has not been benefited, knows that he or she has some incentive to stay there at work a little later than you and I stay in our offices." When it Pays to Break the Lamps. I have no intcrest in the sale of electric lights or fixtures or any kind of illuminating apparatus for that matter, but from a carefUl examination of the question I have come to the conclusion that the benefit to workman and work is greatest where incandescent lamps are renewed when their lighting efficiency falls say 25 per cent, says a writer for Woodcraft. Where the supply of current is generated in the shop plant and not at an outside source of energy, it can easily be seen whether the voltage is kept normal or not. A higher pressure rapidly drives off the carbon particles from the filament and these coat the inside of the glass globe with a black deposit that makes the lamp very inef-ficient. The high preS-SUTegives a good light for a short time only and after -that the illumination falls off for the reasons given. The filaments also break more readily under the high voltage conditions. As a matter of fact a lamp sbou19 not be used until the filament breaks. When the light becomes inefficient for the workman, it pays to break the lamp anyway, Morocco is not attractive to the seller of furniture. The natives sleep on the floors or on the stones in the streets. They would not know how to use spring beds, and but few have chairs. Brass pans upon short legs answcr the pUrposes ofa table. Some of the legs are beautifulJy carved. "Central" did not have much sympathy for the subscriber who complained that he had been -at the 'phone ten minutes; "That is nothing," she sweetly murmured. "I have been here all day." 5 REX r::::~]MATTRESS CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION Warehoul!eS: ST. WUIS. MO. KANSAS CITY, MO PEORIA. ILL. LINCOLN, lLL MINNEAPOUS, MINN. CHICAGO. ILL. SYSTEMS MAY BE EXPENSIVE When Followed Too Closely They Tend to Cut Out or Decrease Dividends. Vv'hile talking with John Mowat, the veteran superin~ tendenL of the Grand Rapids, (Mieh.) Chair factory, recently, a representative of the l\Jjehigan j\rtiSall asked him to de-scribe his system for keeping account of supplies and mater-ials. such as glue, varnish, trimmings, fixtures, etc. "V'le havn't any system of that kind" was the reply, and Mr. Mowat continued. "You remind me of a young man who went into a table company a few years ago. He was to manage the concern and proposed to have it well organized. Before he started in he came to me and confidently informed me that he wished to ask a question. He said that I could answer his query or not, just as I pleased. I thanked him for that privilege, and he said: 'I want to get at your system for figuring cost, or get yOU to recommend a good system.' "I answered that man just as I have you~1 told him we had no system for figuring cost. \Vhen he asked for my opinion as to the best system, I told him the best way to get at the cost of a piece of furniture was to guess at it. He was surprised of course, but I assured him it was all right, and that it all depended 011 the guess-that if he proved a good guesser his factory would pay dividends; if not he would probably have occasion to become acquainted with the sheriff. "Of course I overdrew or exaggerated the matter a little. \Ve have to figure cost closely, but we do not need an elaborate system, and I think a man who does not thoroughly understand the business would do better to guess than to use too much system. At any rate the young man who insisted on having a system for his table factory failed in about two years. "1'1Iere's too much system in many factories. loVe do not think it necessary to have any deftnite system for keep-ing track of supplies, Our glue comes jll, a certnin number of barrels, twice a month. The varnish is bought on C011- tract, and ordered ,...hen wanted. The foremen who use these and ?ther materials in their departments help them-selves, and it is vcry seldom that we have to caution a man about wasting materials. "Systems are all right, they may be necessary, but I think that in many cases they cOst more than they saVe. At any rate I have noticed that as a rule the factories that pay the largest dividends .are those that have the least red tape in their management. K a system of rules, records, reports and dlC like will insure success. They may help a little under certain conditions, but they are more liable to have an opposite effect." An incident tending to corroborate Mr. Mowat's state-ments as to the policy of the Chair Company, is recalled by Grand Rapids furniture men. It is related that a few years ago after the company' had put out a new line of b0.okcases, E. H. Foote, president alid general manager, sald to the superintendent: "John yOU made a mistake on the cost of those book-cases. \!Ve are not making as much as we figured on them; you must have figured the cost too low." "\\Tell, I'll look it over," said Mr. Mowat, "and if it's wrong I'll change it." "Never mind," said ll'1r. Foote, "I can fix it easier. "I'll just change the selling price." Edison as a Prophet. Thomas A. Edison recently announced his retirement f/"Om the busine;<;s of invention. It appears that as a pastime he has taken up prophecy. In a recent interview he de-scribes. our large cities 'one hundred years hence. He says they wdl be free from smoke and steam and that the chim-ney will be a thing of the past, while the waste of coal and other fuel ~'ill be stopped throu~h the use of electrieity, generated dlrect from the fuel Without the aid of engine, boiler or dynamo. In factories each machine witI have its individual motor. Houses will be heated electriea11y and most of the cities' noises will cease. Skyscrapers will be ul1i\'ersal in the business section, and the streets will be bridged over at different heights to facilitate transit from one side to the other. He estimates that buildings will then average thirty stories in height, and the greater number will be constructed of concrete and steel. Such buildings, he says. will stand a thousand years or longer. His new battery, he says, ·will make electricity porta hIe for street vehides or airships, An irritated manufacturer declares that the legislature should make legal provision whereby the minds of the de-signers of furniture could be sent to an asylum twice each year for readjustment. Perhaps he has been the testimony of the experts in the Thaw triaL A new black stain for producing Circassian mahogany is Rppropriately called "Pittsburg." 6 A Fine Catalogue. The De.troit Folding Cart Company's 19{}7catalogu~ of Ideal folding go-carts and baby carriages is as handsome as'it is useful to the dealer in baby carriages and go-carts. The front cover contains an illustration of a stork pushing an Ideal go-cart in which is a little child all smiles c.ntl hap· piness. The book contains forty~eight pages of illustrations and descriptive matter, there being fifty-live cuts of go-carts and carriages, and thirteen cuts of parasols. The variety is sufficiently large to meet a'll de'mands. The cut shoV(n here-with gives one an idea of what the catalogue contains. These go-carts are manufactured under their own patents, taken out in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. The Ideal line is made up to gratify all desires; a variety of small street car folders, medium folders and three-quarter sleep-ing folders, that remain closed when folded, and do not have to be locked. The sleeping go-carts, in both three-quarter and full size, have adjustable backs and dashes. Other illustrations from this catalogue will be shown in future numbers of the Artisan. Bargain Day in a South Dakota Town. Merchants at Milbank, S. D., recently conducted a unique bargain day, and the result of their experiment passed beyond the expectations of the most sanguine and enthusiastic mem~ bers of the organization which originated the clever idea. The merchants offered prizes to the farmers bringing the biggest load of people to town. One of the dealers hung up a cash prize of $50 for the farmer who brought the most people on one vehicle. Other merchants offered goods worth $50 or more for the same thing. The farmers were not slow to seize the opportunity to make some easy money.' They began 'arriving in town before the sun rose. Blocks of ten and fifteen were brought in, and they were considered large, but later in the day the loads were made up from to fifty and seventy-five people. One farmer capped the climax by bringing to town 142 persons. The offer of prizes certainly had the desired effect. One of the Milbank papers describes the scene enacted there on the great day, saying that at about 1o'clock Gust Angerhofer drove up to Schneider & Ne'1son's with a load of fourteen persons. He was shortly followed by August Woette with a load numbering sixty persons. A little while later came the load that knocked the persimmons from the bush, that of Berner Bros. & Trapp-the load numbering by actual count 142 men, women, children and babies. The rig which brought this big loa.d was constructed from three sets of bobs, upon which was built a platform from thr-ee-inch planks measuring thirty-four feet long and twelve feet wide. Across the front end for the driver was a full 1ength wagon· box. As the rig was coming along the road the rear bob Droke and the end dragged on the ground and spilled a lot of folks, or the load would have numbered over 200 souls. Many cities in Minnesota, as well as the Dakotas, are adopting schemes similar to the aIle mentioned above for the furtherance of their business radius. The merchants know that farmers living at greater distances are attracted to the town wide awake enough to go after the business, and, after the first visit, they are likely to come again. Trouble for Organized Undertakers. John Knight, an undertaker and embalmer of Spokane, Wash., is fighting the Funeral Directors' Association of that state. He accuses the undertakers of the state of having banded together, forming a virtual trust, their object being to extort exorbitant prices faT thelr work and to crowd out competition. Also claims that the embalmers' bill, recently introduced in the state legislature, is the work of members of the association and that it will work incalculable harm to both the non-association undertaker and the public. "There is an unwritten law among association under-takers that they must get a certain price for certain articles," says Mr. Knight. "They do not have a printed list that I know of, but their prices are usually very high. "Some time ago an undertaker in this city took a dead man off a train. He charged $1,800 to bury him. I know that it did not cost him over $150. "A casket sold here for $200 costs the undertaker about $100. These undertakers are fairly fleecing the people all the time." As a reason for refusing to act with the state associ-ation Mr. Knight mentions first, the restrictions put Upon the members, especially the rule that prohibits them from advertising. He is also dissatisfied with the embalmers' law, and charges favoritism in its enforcement. Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks sent you on approval j) If not satisfactory they can he returnedat no expense to you whatever, while the price asked is but a trifle, com~ pared to the convenience they alfotd and the economy they represent in ,the saving of 8.001 ~ace. Tbirty-two couches mounted on the MontgomeryIron Display Couch Trucks occupy tbe same floor tpace as. twelve dis-played in the usualmanner. Write for catalogue givingfull descrip-tion and price in the dilferenl finishes, to-gether with iIIustrati0D3 demonstrating the use of Ihe Giani: Short Rail Bed Fastener for Iron Beds. Manufacturedby H. J. MONTGOMERY PATHNTJ<S Silver Creek, New York, U. S. A. DeniW Wire and Iron Co.• CaaadJau MaI1U-factuten. Lmdon, Onl. Altruistic Advice to Merchants. We shou"ld not lose sight of the truism that "example is stronger than precept." Retail dealers should all be on good terms with each other, says the St. Paul Trade. They should do even more than this-they should plug for each other's interests, notwithstanding some of them may be handling the same line of goods. Talk for each other; never miss an opportunity of saying a good word for your fellow merchant, send customers to each other, teU your customers what a nice satisfactory coat your wife purchased of your dry goods merchant up the street; or what a lovely bracelet she purchased of your 'local jeweler, or what nice, fresh groceries John Jones always keeps at reasonable prices; or what an elegant range you purchased for your wife at your hardware store, how nicely -it bakes, and how much better and more economical it is, in the end, to pay a little more and get a good reliable article than to get anything cheap in the furniture line thinking to save a few When you all get to pulling together as you should, each patronizing and boosting the other; when yOll stop howling abollt the catalogue house evil and instead go right after the business with every fair, honest, legitimate and up-to-date method at your command, buying as low as possible and selling on as close a margin as is consistent with good busj·· ne5S principks, \ve think, if you will take pains to look into the matter, yoU will find that th<-re will be a decided falling off In the receipts at your raihvay station, of cata-logue house goods. Carpet Manufacturers Form a Selling Pool. A majority of the ingrain carpet manufacturers in Phila-delph. 1. and Vicinity have signed an agreement to consolidate their :interests and form a selling pool with "V. & J. Sloane of New York as the selling agents. 1'1aurice E, Masland was chairman of the committee appointed to carry out the scheme and he reports that nearly all of the manufacturers have "signed up':' and he expects all the others to do so. lt is declared that for several years the manufacturer:. of ingrains have had good reason to be dissatisfied with the condition of their business, and they see no way tl):mprove the situation except by going into a selling pool. The pro-posed pIan will enable them to dispense with their travdin; salesmen and reduce the cost of marketing their products from sixtecn to about three per cent. -VV, & J. Sloane were selected as !)elling agents becausl' they have branch houses in many cities, east and wesc. They are to guarantee all ':LCCQunts.They are expected l:) inve~t about $2,500,000 in the enterprisc, and it is promrsc,I tlIa retailers will be allowed to share in the saving efiectcil by the arrangemenc, New Use for Table Tops. The story of the detection of the smuggling of saccha-rine in hollow table tops is told :in an action by the King's counsel against Lewis Aarons, Isaac Spilberg and Morris ::'a60n, a'll living in the East End of London. In June last it was discovered that Aarons had imported from Rotterdam under a false name what were apparently half manufactured round table tops. Suspicion being aroused, Aarons' premises were raided and saccharine was found to the amount of 200 pounds, worth $1,000, packed in the table tops, which were hollow. The Metropolitan Grille and Mantel Company, to man-ufacture grills, mantels and fret work, has been organized in Brooklyn, NY., by Jacob Kl:inkowstein and others. Capital, $1,000. Gilbert McElveen, manager of the McElveen Furniture Company, Pittsburg, Pa., died recently in Naples, Italy-a victim of tuberculosis. 7IRTIS'7I~ . 7 f; &ii MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER &. VENEERS SPECIAL TIES: ~1."\''1?E'gQUAORA.K VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA The New Banquet Table Top III well as OFFICE, DINING and DIRECTORS' TABLES ,aft QUI:' .l;Jecialty. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO., ~~~ .... Write for Catalogue. Get $/Impks of BANQUET TABLE TOP. WE manufacture the larg~ est line of FOLDING CHAIRS in the United States) suitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all Public Resort'. We also manufacture BraslS Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cob and Cribs in a 1arlte variety. . Send for Catalocu_ and Prices to Kauffman MfS. CO, "'S"LAMP. 0"10 EXCEPTIONAL FACTORY OPPORTUNITY Do you wish to find an opening for a CHAlK FACTORY or would you like to remove to somE: more favorable locahon ? If so, it would repay rou to at once :reqUf'st infoTmatiOIl about a fine location in thegre9t timber section ol Southeast Missouri along the ... Liberal inducements are offered to secure 9 bona fide proposition em-ploying not less than forty men. Good di-<uibutin& facilities lor finished ptoduu. CorrespOildenc~ is invited regarding thIS and other excellent opportunities [or furl1iture, mattress. iron bed and other factories along our Hnes. SendfQrindltstriat descriptive mo,tleraoaut the Rock lstand- Prisco. M. SCHULTER. Industrial Commissioner, Rock hiland-Frisco Lines, 1t44 Fri$CO a,da., ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI, 7 8 Upham Manufacturing -Co. MARSHFIELD, WISCONSIN Never have we offered a line that compares with our present productions. Very low prices. Prompt Shipments. THE LINE WITH BUT LITTLE COMPETITION Send for catalog illustrating the greatest variety of· designs made under one roof. Suites Wardrobes Chiffoniers 277 SIDEBOARD • Dressers Sideboards Buffets, Etc. SALESROOM: 1323 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO. 1918 DRESSER 9 FROM THE LINE Of THE UPHAM MANUFACTURING CO•• MARSHFIELD. WIS. , l ._ 10 ~MICHIG.7·"lNc a 0;71:RTI.52'JmLN ~- five Complete Lines of Refrigerators Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. at Opalite Lined Enameled Lined Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank Gakanized Iron Lined Stationary Ice Tank Send for new C!\ U,l.OGUf. iIIlnd let us nilme yo .. price Our New nand and root Power Clroular Sill" No.4 The strongest, most powerful, and in every way the best machine of iu: kind ever made, for ripping, . c:ross-cutting, OOrioc and grooving. Cabinet Makers In these days of close competition, need the best possible equipment, and this they can have in • . . . BARNES' Hand and Foot POWER Machinery Send for our New Catalogne. "W. F. ®. JOHN BARNES co. 654 ~uby Street, ~ochford, Ill. -~ EXPENSIVE CASKETS. How Funerals Furnish Evidence of the Prevailing Pros-perity of the Country. "The prosperity of the country is in no m;lllllec more dearly shown than in its present day expenditures for funer-als" says an undertaket', to the New York Sun. "YVe are se:Uing now a greater number than ever before of the more expensive kinds of burial caskets, and among these a larger !lumber than ever of caskets of the more elabopte and costly forms of construction. "The most expensive sort of burial casket now to be found in stock is one that sells for $2,2;'50; a mahogany casket this, elaborately carved and beautifully trimmed with costly materials. J'he sate of such a casket ,,,,ould not be considered a remarkab1e incident in the trade. "There are now sold large numbers of hurial caskets at $200, $300 and $400 each; these ;{re carved caskets of oak or mahogany. Then there are various sorts of caskets that arc cloth covered, silk covered or plush covered; these each to be found in various colors and shades of colors, as well as in white and in black, and many of which are costly; and among these various sorts of more expensive caskets that I have described-of ,...o..od, or cloth or plush covered-the sale of a casket at $1,000 ,.,..ould not be unusual. "You understand that fewer and fewer people are now-adays buried in the old style coffin, which has now been in great measure supp'lanted by the modern burial casket; and T can think of no change in our customs that has been kinckr to us than this new way. "The olel time, once universally used coffin was the verv symbol of death; the burial casket is as different from th~ coffin in shape and appearance and finish as it is possible to make it. Vie may not forget its use, but the caske::t does not inspire the old time coffin's dread, and it may of itself be beautiful. It may not lessen, but it may soften our sorrow. "By no means all of the burial caskets sold are expensive, in fact the great majority of them are caskets of compara-tively moderate cost; but, as I have said, we sell a greater number than ever of the more expensive kinds, and among these a greater number than ever of caskets of elaborate and costly character. "TJle expenditure of the money that some of these cask-ets cost, to be put in the ground, would doubtless seem to many people a ","'asteful extravagance, but I think there is another view to be taken of it. If a man of large means should want to huy a casket not suited to his circumstances I should persuade him to buy a suitable one, if I could, just as if a man of limited means should come to me and want 1I to buy a costly casket I should dissuade him if I could, but I know of no reason why a man with ample means desiring to buy a costly and beautiful casket should not buy one in accordance with his inclinations, and I should regard this as neither extravagant nor ostentatious, but simply as a mani-festation of his 'love for his dead. "There is !>till another view that may be taken of the subject of costly burial caskets, this being one that perhaps may never have occurred to you, The $2,250 casket of which I spoke to yOU occupies seven months in the building; it is something that can not be made by machinery or in a hurry, and in the course of its construction it will have given more or less employment to a score or more of persons, including men and women, to whom, in the form of wages, a large part of the money that will finally be received for- it is p'ai.:1out in advance. ;;Somc of this money goes thus to the men who got out the log from the forests whence it came, and some to the men on the vessel that brought it to this country. Here some part of the money is paid to the sawyers who saw the log and some part of it to the cabinetmakers who fashion the casket into its first form. ';For the carving alone, all hand work and requiring months for the labor, there is paid out $600. The casket is fastened together with brass screws and copper nails-some· thing to the makers of these; it has a copper inner lining-some of the money for the casket goes to the coppersmith. The varnisher and the rubber must be paid; and some of the money goes to the weavers of the silk with which the casket is lineel, and some goes to the casket's upholsterer, as other parts go to still others whose labor may b~ required upon it. "In fact if we were to go back to the miners who mined the metals which, in finished forms, are contained in it, and to those engaged in the original processes of production of all its other various materials, and to those who in various ways took part in assembling them, we should find that not a bare score of people, but a hundred, or maybe more, were in some way concerned in it, and viewed in that light we might not look upon the amount paid for the costly casket as an expenditure of extravagance. "And for that matter, as to the distribution of the amounts paid for them, the same would hold true as to all caskets, whether costly or inexpensive, in greater or less degree; as it 'would hold, indeed, as to all funeral expenses of whatever nature; for it must be clear upon a moment's reflection that, however deeply we ourselves may mourn our own dead, to the exclusion of all things else, yet none of us can die and have a Christian burial without thereby con-tributing in some measure to the means of existence of many still surviving." CJlNAblJlN F"JlCTORY,WALKERVILLE ONTARIO CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO. BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRITE TODAY FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES. FINISHED SAMPLES ON REQUEsT. BERRY BROTHERS. LIMITED VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIII, BALTIMOflE. 12 BAMBOO FURNITURE. Growth of the Material and How It is Worked to Produce Pleasing Effects. Bamboo is a tree-like plant belonging to the grass family. It is hollow with a very shiny surface. Its growth is very rapid, having been known to sometimes grow two and one-half feet in a day. Transplanting is necessary to obtain good bamboo. A healthy root is planted and four ODD CHAIRS. or five inches is left above ground. The crop of shoots is destroyed for three successive years, then the fourth crop is allowed to grow. Many kinds of bamboo arc imported from the tropics, as well as from Japan, for the manufacturer of furniture. There is the natural pine color mottled with brown; the very dark brown, flecked with green and green marked with the natural pine color.' A very small species of red, much like some of our red willow, is used for stems in low reHef. Still other species are used for flowers, buds and leaves. Many Americans have practically failed in the manu-facture of bamboo furniture because of the ram-shackle method' of making joints. As soon as the furniture is sub-jected to heat, it straightway falls to pieces, demanding re-gluing or even wiring to keep in place. Y. Nagatomo came to America from Japan, several years ago, landing at Seattle, where he hired himself out to a certain bamboo manufacturer. Not being satisfied with the quality of the work done, he decided to go into business for himself. He also decided to make furniture that would stay together, so established himself in Tacoma. Thoroughly familiar with bamboo and its possibilities, and having been a designer in Japan, he bunt up a most flourishing business. His first reformation was to fill the hollow stem with hard wood, for several inches each side of where a joint was to be made, thus making a perfectly solid joint to be screwed or bored into without splitting. His arrangement of tiny shelves and corners for brie-a-brac, bespeaks the Japanese artist. Each tiny shelf is often panelled at the back with Japanese Matting, with a natural floral design worked out in low relief upon it with cut and carved leaves, buds and blossoms of bamboo. At a distance, this low relief looks like some beautiful oriental embroidery. Mr. Nagatomo fills orders in any part of the United States. He still designs for firms in Japan, and always has time to explain the quality and strength of his wares. MABEL WOOD. Lumbermen Plead "Not Guilty," Nearly two hundred members attended the fifteenth annual meeting of the National Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Association held at Washington, D. C. last week. The annual report of President Lewis showed that the past year was one of great prosperity to the lumber industry of the United States. He referred to recent' charges made in Con-gress to the effect that the association was a trust and a monopoly. "To the charge that we form a lumber trust," he said, 'Iwe plead not guilty," MUSIC CABINET. LADIES' DESK-BAMBOO. PLANT STAND. BOOKCASE. BOOKCASE. HANGING HAT RACK. BAMBOO DESK.. CORNER CHAIR. 13 L"'ORNERCURIO CASE. LADIES' DESK. BAMBOO FURNITURE DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED BY Y. NAGATOMA. TACOMA, WASH. 14 OUR NEW 1907 LINE ,OF ALASKA REFRIGERATORS with side ice chamber is made in twenty-one styles, zinc lined, white enamel and porcelain lined. Our cataloguewill interestyou. Write for it. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR CO. Exclusive Refriger$lOf Manufacturers. MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN. EASY MARK AND MR GROUCH. Both Must be Endured but Neither is an Absolute -Necessity, This world seems to be made up of all sorts of classes of people, ranging from the easy mark at one end of the line to the chronic kicker at the other. Of the two extremes it is hard to tell which is the worst, the genuine easy mark or the everlasting kicker, says the Merchants' JournaL Of course Easy Mark is agreeable. He never gets in anybody's way, or if he does he is ready to apologize and get out at once. People get onto him right away. They understand that he can be worked and they work him; work him to a fare-you-well The butcher knows that Easy Mark won't roaf if he gets a tough piece of meat when he ordered tender-loin. Somebody has to get the poor meats, and Easy Mark is the most pleasant customer to deal with. The grocer understands that he can put off inferior vegetables on Easy Uark and that good-natured man will stand for it, The hired man also understands that if he neglects his work Easy Mark will let it go without saying anything about it. If there is a job left over that the hired man ought to have done, Easy Mark will go and attend to it himself. So it goes. They all hand "lemons" to the excessively good-natured man. Men come to him to get him to sign notes with them and then let him pay the notes. After he has been stuck for their debts, they never even thank him for his accommodation. Easy Mark never gets rich. It isn't in the nature of things that he should. He is probably indus-trious and saving so far as his personal expenses are con-cerned and mak<is a good deal of money, but there are plenty looking for chances to get it away from him, . But then Easy Mark has this much compensation: He is gen~ eraIIy conceded to be a good man. He hasn't any enemies to speak of, People are even ready to hand him honors that don't cost them anything and mean work for him. For example, if there is a public function of some sort there is- a·' lot of work to do. Easy Mark is universally selected as one of a committee to do that work. He goes uncomplainingly and Joes it. He works like a dray horse for nothing. He turns the ice cream freezer all day before the night of the church festival. There were other members of the com-mittee on refreshments but they slid out and left the matter to Easy Mark. They know he will do it and not kick about it. In fact they get a fool idea somehow that he really enjoys doing that sort of business. All the way through life Easy Mark has to pull on the short end of the double-tree, but when he finally dies the papers say that he was a splendid neighbor. On the other extreme there is Grouch, the kicker. Grouch was born kicking and he keeps it up until they caTTy him out to the cemetery. You can bet there is nobody getting any the best of Grouch if he knows it; and he is always look-ing for it. v\rhen he cats at a hotel he makes the waiters jump sideways. He commences to grumble right away as soon as he goes to bat and keeps it up. Of course the waiters hate him and talk mean about him when they get 011t in the kitchen, but you bet they wait on him. If they don't do that there· will be something doing right away and a good deal. of it. He grumbles. at the gas man and he grumbles at the plumber. Furthermore, while the gas man and the plumber say things about Grouch that ought to make his ears burn, they do get a move on them and tend to his work and let Mr. Easy Mark's work wait. Grouch has a chronic row with every merchant he does business with. He grumbles about the kind of meat the grocer gives him, and rather than have him chewing the rag continually the butcher picks out the best pieces for him. The merchants hate him; the clerks despise him, but they all wait on him. They have to or have a row. Grouch generally has a kick to register with the city council, and oftentimes he is right: He keeps jawing and prodding the city officials and does make them give more attention to the duties they were e'1ected to perform. Grouch does some good; in fact he does a good deal of good, but he is mighty disagreeable. Everybody cusses him and he is pointed out as the meanest man in the town. When he dies everybody says that it is a good thing that he is gone and that he will make trouble, no matter whether he lands in heaven or the other place. As between Grouch who grumbles at everything and quarrels with everyboqy, and Easy Mark who never complains about anything and lets everybody impose on him, it is better perhaps to be Easy Mark, but there is no use to be either. There is no use to be grumbling and chewing the linen continually and treat-ing everybody as if they were trying to do you up; and neither, on the other hand, is it well to let everybody make a .foot mat of yOU. There is a time to be good natured and a time to kick. There is a time to let disagreeable things pass and then there are times when it is the proper thing to get up and roar. If nobody kicked the world would be run by dead beats and grafters and honest men would have no chance whatever. The really good citizen is the one who is nearly always good natured; who doesn't do much grum-bling but who can make things sizz if the occasion really demands it. He Loved Her Not. Before the furniture show window. Lover-"What! Steal that davenport for you. It is not an easy undertaking." Swcetheart-"You wouldn't mind spending three years in prison if you should be caught, to please me?" Thomas M. Buckley, furniture dealer, Le Roy, New York, has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. COST MARK SYSTEM. Various Methods Used by Merchants to Conceal Their Margins of Profits. Speaking of old fashioneJ cost marks, says a writer ill the Jewelers' Circular, a majorky of the cost marking systems now in use are impracticable,! being either unwieldy or too easy to solve. I The first systems were b~sed on the use of words con-tajnillg ten lett"",rs, no two like, each letter representing ~ num~ra1. Probably the mo t venerable of the words still III use IS: Vl ASH Iii N G T 0 X 12345167890 somewhat less tasilY decipherable by the cu,- l!;IVE UP 567890 I BYE AlfD KOST 123 4~6 7890 Such markes as these arb no secret if one sets himself to pick them out. Usually ad that is necessary is to .find out what several of the ten letter1 are, and then fix upon the ones most likely to represent 1,1 ;'; and O. Such secret cost marks can be figured out in j1thisway in five minutes ~ome-times. Other merchants use tbe letters in this way: ABCDiEFGHIJ 1234$67890 I Another, tom~r, is: DONT 1 2 3 4 Another one is: follows: ZYXW1vUTSRQ 1 2 3 4 15 6 7 8 9 0 Still other systems take ~vE',rysecond letter in the alpba- , bet or every third letter, be~jnning at either end. The crowning argument! against these 1iystems is that all betray the fact that they ~re cost marks. B I X on a tag can mean nothing but costj What does it matter? ynly this, that the more the cus-tomer's mind is diverted fr0im thoughts of what the article costs the dealer, the more lrikely he is to be favorably im-pressed with the article its~lf. The solution of the pro~lem lies in using a cost mark which will appear to be somrthing else. An ideal cost mark is the one that has an easil1 remembered key; that may be transmitted by voice; that isl so simple in form as to minim-ize chances of error in writ~;ng and reading, and that is not 'what it seems. The following is such a onc: "1 2 3 4." To use it: 1 doubles tHe figures placed after it, 2 adds 50 per cent to the figures placed after it, 3 deducts a third. 4 deducts a half. The cost mark key is always the initial letter. To i[Justratc its US!; In marking the cost on~an article costing 60 cents, one may write it in f011r ways 130,240, 390,4120--as the initial 1 means to double the folle -iug figures, the initial 2 means to add 50 per cent to the foIl wing figures, the initial 3 means to deduct a third from the t~l1owing figures, etc., thus: 130 (2x30) is -60; 240 (40 plus sb per cent) is 60; 390 (90 minus a third) is 60, and 4120 (12: minus a half is 6D)_ In writing the cost on he goods under this system the abbreviation "No." or the s'gn - is placed before the cost. Thus the customer is led t believe that it is the number of the article instead of the c st mark. This makes it a great advantage in a conversatio between the clerk and the man-ager or proprietor before a customer. For instance, the custo er is protesting against the price. The clerk may think a reduction wise, and that it will be granted by the manager, ilir he may desire the manager's indorsement of the price. I Or, as 71RTIoS.7U'J 2 • 7 .. • 15 Thc manager does not have to examine the tag or ask its price to learn the cost. He simply asks; "What number is it?" The letter or hieroglyphic system wou-Id not permit this simplicity in such a case. The writer in the Jewelers' Circular has failed to men-tion a cost mark that was very popular twenty-fivc or thirty years ago, and is still uscd by many merchants, being rarely deciphered by buyers. It is madc out of a double cross, such as the children use in playing "tit-tat~tow-three in a row." The cross is made. like this: The character is then marked in this way: 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Thus a key for the cost mark is formed. Then it is broken up :md the nine digits are expressed as follows: r LI L ::J 0 C -, n L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 More Trouble for Country Merchanu. The Farmers' Union in Mississippi has inaugurated a new price system that may prove a stumhling block fer country merchants. The idea is to send to m,;:mher~ of the union bulletins giving the maximum price they should be charged for any commodity. These will be issued a::: oiten as changes in prices occur. It is planned to have the members keep the conte.nt8 of these circulars secret, and to force the coltll!:ry merchants to cut off a considerable portion of what ':he:, have b~en charging, in the form of what the Farmers' Onion calls "e_,<- cessive profits." STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLlKD FOR) 'Ve baveadopted celluloJd as II base for our Caster Cups. making the best cup 0....the markel. Celluloid is a great improvement over bases wade of other w!lterial. When it is necessary to wove a pif'ce supported by cups with celluloid ba~es it can be done wlth ease, as the bases are per-feetly smooth. Celluloid does not sweat, and by the use of these cups tables art! never marred. These cups are finlshed in Golden Oak and ,"Villte Maple, finished light. l.f you; will try ~ sample order of tlwle goods yo'l(.-will desire to handle them tn 'luanlitus. PRICES: Size i3{ inches $5.50 per hundred. Sb:e 27.1'itlcbes 4.50 per hundred. f. o. b. Grand Rapids. TRY A SAMPLE ORDER. 16 Sellers Sample Good Always. Try Order NQ.46. Sinlile Con •• $Z.OONet. GENUINE TEMPERED ALL STEEL WIRE MATTRESSES MANUFACTURED BY $2 SMITH CD. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis, Mo. MAIL ORDERS TO ftit(~en (abinds of OualilJ Sell at sight. and make a greater profit than other lines of kitch"" cab-inets. Send for catalogue. Th. BEST 01 QUALITY I•• lust mODey. We haore doubled our capacit)' And will be better IIble to lake care of our trad" thaa before. We lolicit your palroDqe. C. F. SCHMOE & CO. SHELBYVILLE, IND. SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOY OF THE CHILDREN. Our new CHILD'S MISSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Wriu fir CAtalogiaand prim. Our" llne is larie and prices are right. We make CHAIRS 10, GROWN-UPS as well as CHlLDREN. GEORGE SPRATT & CO. Sheboygan, Wis. Say you saw Ikis ad intbe Mithiglitt drti-san. MUST HAVE "ALL-ROUND" SALESMEN. An Installment House Can Not Be Run on the Depart-ment System. After the interview \'v"jth 1-Ir. \'Vegner, which appears else"."here in this number of the Artisan, the reporter called all Herbert G. Hefferan, manager for Heyman"s, the big installment house all Canal street, Grand Rapids, 1\1ich., and asked him fOT an expression of his ideas on the subjects disCllssccl by 11t. 'vVegncr. "That's a big proposition," said :)1r. Hefferan. "The best salesmen never need much urging, but many of them become listless or get a tired fcding at times and it is difficult to brace them up. Personal encouragement or careful criticisl1l will do it sometimes, but I think a better way is to have a meeting of the whole force to consider the matter of pushing sales and asking each one to express his opinion, and make suggestions. If the purpose is to pressure on a certain man the discussion can easily be turned to his particular ,\ 17 -feel that they are pretty wel1 acquainted with him and have no misgivings about asking questions. V\lhen they arc ready to look at a bedroom suite they must be taken up to the next floor; up again for the dining room furniture, and still further for the parlor goods. It will not do to introduce them to a new man in each departmrent or on each floor. They w·il1 not enjoy making a new acquaintance at each step. They may like the first man, they might not like the next one and before they get through they may meet one who displeases them to such an extent as to spoil the sale. "\Ve have tried the department plan for assigning sales-men. and it won't work. 'ATealso tried the placing of each man all a certain floor, but it was a failure. We have cut the store into four geJleral divisions. with a man to have general supervision of each, and that is as far as we have been able to use the depa.rtment plan. Each and every man must have the range of the ,,,ho1,(:house, and he must not only have the manners, tact aIld ability necessary for a good salesman, bt1t he must possess ~neral knowledge, and specific information that will enahle him to handle anything A Beautiful Napoleon Foot Bed No. 842 From the Line of the Hard Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ddects or short comings, and if he is good for anything he will take the hint and try his hest to get into the game. ·"\Vc never have to break in what you would call 'green-horns' in an establishment like this. Vo/eshould have experi-enced salesmen, btlt we are not always able to get them. \Ve can get able and experienced furniture salesmen, carpet men, _~tove experts or curtain and drapery salesmen, but in an installment house, all those should be combined in one and it is difficult to find such men. "The best we can do is to get a man \"ho has been SllC-cessfu1 in one of those lines, and anow him to leam the others by experience, and it takes time to do it. No matter how good a man may be, on furniture for instance, he [s liable. to fall down when he goes jllto the stove or some other line. It will not do to assign each man to a certain depart-ment and keep him out of all others. Each must be an <111- around man, and in addition to being a good salesman he must be well up on everything in the house. «You see it is this way: A lady or perhaps a happy couple come in to buy an outl-it. They start in with the kitchen furniture. They select a stove, and by that time they are we1l pleased with the salesman who is serving them that his customers may want-he must be able to tell them anytbil1g they want to know or that we want them to know about the goods. You can readily understand why it is difficult to become it successful salesman in an installment hOllse. "Vile do not use the card system in our stock account we have the stock ledger in which the goods are entered ,""hen they come in, and they are checked out from the sales slips by the ofl-i.ce force. The sy~tem works very well, at least we never have any difficulty in finding out just what we llaVC in stock without gojng olit of the office." How to Handle "Kickers." /\ "kick" is always a- "boost" if you treat it right. The customer who comes into your store and kicks because she is dissatisfied with a purchase is a benefit to your store. It puts yOll on to the fact so that you can rectify the evil. Satisfy her right _then and there. and invite kickers to come in and make their complaints. Satisfy a customer who is dissatisfied and immediately yOll have. made a friend who will always have a good word for yOUr store. 18 ·f'~MICHI..G. .77IN • EST A.BLISHED 1880 ,;!~, , , ' I I I \ , , .::..i~, \ '- I;? ,..~f.;, ,,,,,::~ ,-~~, ~ ~ -""""'!!O ~ _ c _ PUeL.ISHI!!:D 8V MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH O......ICe:-2-20 LYON ST .• GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Vienna, Austria, appears to be leading all other cities in the matter of municipa1 ownership. For several yeats the city has owned the gas, water, lighting and street rail-way plants, and now proposes to take the undertaking and the brewery business out of private hands. With that pur-pose -in view the municipality has just paid half a million dollars for the business and equipments of two undertaking companies which had, practically, a monopoly of the busi-ness and has also established the largest and best equipped brewery in the city. Whether. the authorities had the under-taking business in view when they built the brewery is not stated, but many will believe that the beer will tend to boost the volume of business in the undertaking line. *1* *)* *1* *!* Quite a "rumpus" was stirred up by the newspapers of Michigan recently on account of the purchase outside of the state of $600.00 worth of furniture by a committee of the house of representatives, Jor use in the chamber of that body. The committee journeyed to Chicago and indulged in a round of "sight-seeing" a,nd fcasting that cos.t the state nearly as much as the furniture. A lot of leather covered d<lvenports, purchased at a cost of $30.00 each, will last until the close of the session if handled carefully. The capitol building at Lansing is now well supplied with folding beds and davenports. These were undoubtedly needed. The occupants of the capitol are a sleepy lot. *r* *1* *r* *1* The retail merchants' organizations seem to be making headway in their campaign against the mail order houses. They are forming anti-parcels post clubs in rural sections, with a view of applying pressure to congressmen, and have thus enlisted the aid of many county newspapers. They are also encouraged by the conversion of two prominent dallies, the Chicago Journal, which gave evidence of its change of heart by a severe attack on the parcels post proposition, and the 1\Jinneapolis Tribune, which announces that here-alter all advertisements for mai1 order business will be barred from its columns. *1* *1* *r* *1* Manufacturers of bedding claim that seventy-flve per cent of their orders are furnished by dealers in dry goods. This condition is not creditable to dealers in furniture. There is no reason why the regular dealer in furniture should not handle every article needed in furnishing a bedroom. By his failure to do so he neglects a fine opportunity to add to his income. There arc nice margins in the sale of bbnkets, sheets, pillow cases, and kindred goods and there is no reason why the dea1er in furniture should not share more largely in this trade. '1* *r* '1* *1* Judge Hunt of San Francisco has decided that the earth- Quake -clause in an insurance policy relieves the company only when the building is completely destroyed before the fire starts-that when fire destroys a building that has been only part tally wrecked by the earthquake the company is certainly liable for what the building was worth after being damaged by the shock. That seems to be a sensible de-cision. *1* *1* *1* *1* Will there be another advance in the prices of furniture before the fall season of trade opens? Ask the manufac~ turer, In turn the manufacturer will ask the lumber man, the glass bevelers and the railroad magnates, and finally the manufacturers' association. *'* *1* *1' *1* Advances in prices made by the furniture manufacturers last faU seem small when compared with the action of the wagon makers who at the meeting of the national associ-ation in Chicago,- recently, ordered a raise of 50 per cent, to take effect on April 15. *1* *1* *1* 'r* To "ginger 'I1~J' salesmen: Increase their pay with every additional thousand to their sales over the corresponding quarter of last year, .and reduce it in the same proportion with loss of sales for a corresponding amount for the same period. *1* *r* *1* *,* Complaints of the scarcity of cars are still heard in all Quarters, and thc present selling season promises to be pro-longed. The goods mostly in demand are used in furnishing summer homes. Buyers are Quite impatient over the delays. *'* *r* *1* *1* Salesmen who would increase the number and size of their orders must never misrepresent the goods they sell. The temptation to pervert or stretch the truth should ever be throttled. By selling the customer what he wants he call be depended upon to buy what the honest dealer has to sell. *1' *1* *1* *1' If you must relate your "talc of woe," hire a hall. Don't impose upon the time and patience of those who are so unfortunate as to be ass-ociated or are compelled to come in contact with you. ** '$* .* Why not visit the expositions in July Mr. Stay-at-Home Buyer? You would learn many valuable lessons about the business of buying and selling merchandise that never dawned on your mind. ** ** *:4< Sanderson, of Phi1adelphia, is the most notorious dealer in furniture in the United States, but no one envies him his notoriety. ** ** ** The salesman who wastes his substance feels like a mil-lionaire for a night and a fool for a week. "'* ** *'" Close shots don't count in hilliards or business. Only those that hit the- mark are effective. >i:>i: ** ~" The conversation of grumblers and knockers is flot so pleasant as the howling of the wind. Evidence of Prosperity. As an indication of the enormous business being trans-acted by the railroads, A. H. Smith, general manager of the New York Central, tells how that railroad recently broke all records for the number of loaded cars handled in one day. The record was broken by 1,312 loaded cars. A total of 31,440 cars were handled between New York and Buffalo-more than 23,000 being loaded. These cars would make a train 246 miles long. In addition to the freight trains, 1,000 passenger trains were moved, making a total passenger train 75 miles long. An army of 49,7M men were required to handle these trains, exclusive of clerks, accountants and men employed on construction work. In operating them for 24 hours by the manual controlled signals, there were approximately 500,000 signal indications to be read and obeyed. J Bricklayers Opposing Use of Cement. The industrial world is interested in a contest between brick and cement as materials for construction that is now going forward. Cement is yielding more and morc to the demands of C011struction and fast becoming a formidable rival of brick and stone in all classes of work in which they were once used exclusively. It has also entered the field of street paving. There is still some prejudice against con-struction entirely of concrete, and for smaller dwellings in particular the rule is to build foundations and basement walls of concrete and the superstructure of hrick a5 yielding more readily to the approved lines of architectural beauty. But the architects are fast leaming to blend concrete into artistic forms. The principal objection to cement from the view point of the workman is thilt it can be laid by unskilled Jabor, while the bricklayer of today ranks with the best paid work-men in the country, drawing from $5 to $7 for a day of eight hottrs. Cement blocks, a rival of brick distinct from the monolithic concrete, are beillg used now for the erection of smal1 homes. These arc said to be jn many ways the equal of those built of brick or stone, but they arc erected with cheaper labor and so cost less money, says the St. Joe News. In some parts of the country the bricklayers and brick manufacturers are themselves against the groWillg use of cement, but the wisdom of their course is open to debate. Since they have begun to build fourteen-story sky-scrapers ,vholly of cement and independent of brick or brick-layers, it would seem that the favoritism for it as a building material has gone beyond the point where thc attempt of the opponents to stop its use at the ground line can he suc-cessful. Says Demonstrations Are Useful. "\Vell that's a hard question to answer," said H. C. Smith, l\lanager of \i\linegar Bros. Canal street store, Grand Rapids, l\1kh., when asked to talk on the matter discussed by 1vlr. \Vegner on another page in this number of the Arti~ san. ""V hen a salesman bec.omes indifferent or careless in his ..Y. ork, and fails to brace up after having his attention called to the matter, it is time to let him go and try another. A little talk. however, will generally cause a man to mend his ways and do his best, unless he is looking for a change. 19 SHELBYVILLE DESK CO. MANCFACTURERS OF OFFICE DESKS Mahogany, and Imitabon Qyartered Oak, Plain Oak in Three Grades. I SPECIAL I"EATURES A SQUARE DEAL Write for late!t Catalogue. SH ELBYVI LLE, IND. "Demonstrations by experts from the factories also have a good effect on the salesmen. We have them frequently. Just now we are having experts demonstrating the merits, advantages and possibilities of OUT gas stoves in both stores, and the salesmen will certainly gain much information that may be used to advantage in dealing with customers. "Of course demonstrators can not do much in the fur-niture departments, but it is a good thing for salesmen to talk with expert finishers, upholsterers, etc., from the fac-tories. A man never learns too much ahout the goods. To know all about how an article is made makes it easier to gain the confidence of a customer." Michigan to Tax Catalogue Business. State Senator Kane, of J\H. Pleasant, proposes to have the IVlichigan legislature enact a law that will require cata-loguemail order houses to pay taxes or take out licenses for doing business in that state. He has had a conference with the state attorney general, who is said to have expressed the opinion that such a law can be enacted, and enforced, but details as to how it can be applied to concerns whose headquarters are outside of the state have not been described. That the l;nv is expected to hit the big maj] order houses of Chicago is apparent from Senator Kane's declaration that it is not right to allow such concerns as Montgomery Ward & Company, and Sears, Roebuck & Company to draw tens of thousands of dollars from the people of Michigan with- OLlt paying even a cent for the support of the state govern- Inent." That l\1ichigan senator who proposes to levy a tax on those who fill mail orders from his state has tackled a doubtful proposition. A law for that purpose, in order to be valid, would have to cover all kinds of business, and would apply to the man who sells lumber as well as to those who sell soap and low grade furniture, and it is difficult to see how the tax could be collected. It would seem to be easier, and perhaps more effective, to tax those who give the orders than to collect from those who fill them. In other words, make it a tariff measure for the protection of 1Iichigan dealers, and then the scheme would appear in its true nature-so ridiculous that its sponsor would dis-own it. 20 The Luce Fumiture Co. INVlTES ATTENTION TO ITS LARGE u~ OF I Bed Room and Dini~ Room Furniture. ! GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Salesroom at Factory Only. Something DiffERENT in Couches No. 155 WOVEN WIRE COUC" $4.00 Net We have made for some time, Couches and Davenports with woven wire tops. Our latest essay in this line is DIffERENT. Made and shipped K. D. Easily set up. "trial order will convince. SMII" L DAVISMfG. CO.,St. Louis. THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK. No Probability of Hard Times, But it May Be Well to "Touch Wood~' Occasionally. Account<:\nts have unusual opportunities for accurate observation of business tendencies, and their opinions are entitled to respect. Professor Joseph French Johnson, dean of the Kew York University School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, has secured from leading public accountants of several important commercial centers a symposium 011 the business outlook, which appears in the official organ of the American Association of Public Accountants, The Journal of Accountancy, edited by Professor Johnson, and in all editorial prelude to the symposium he says: "\\,!hen a man is in abounding health and begins to boast that his stomach can dissolve nails, rarebits and ground glass., the French proverb warns him to "touch wood" in humble propitiation of the fates. If a man is so confident that he fails to make this acknowledgement of hi" dependence UpOll a superior power, wise men shake their heads and predict his collapse. "During the last six months the statistics of this country's trade and industry have reached such astonishing totals that thoughtful men are beginning to fear lest people get over-confident. Never before during a prosperous period has there been so much talk about panics and crises as there is at the present time. James J. Hill, president of the Great >Iorthern Railway, is full of foreboding for all sections of the country and all industries except his own. NIr. Stuyve-sant Fish, fonner president of the Illinois Central, has pre-dicted hard times in 1'.:107and 1908. Even John D. Rockfelter has taken the public into his confidence and declared that there is likely to be much suffering and involuntary i.dleness during the coming year. Cassandra is evi.dently in the sad-dle and is megaphoning her dire prophecies throughout the land. "In view of this condition of affairs The Journal of Accountancy believed it wise to appeal to its constitutents for a calm and sane expression of opinion with regard to the outlook. Of all businc"s men accountants are the least likely to lose their heads in any speculative furor. Their training and occupation compel them to be sane, fair and conservative, It is as bad for an accountant to underestimate the assets and prospects of a client as it is to o\rcrestimate them. He knows that the client is entitled to the exact truth, and that it is his business to discover and state the truth. The Journal, therefore, has a great deal of respect for the opinions and conclusions which repre'sentative accountants have expressed in the symposium published in this number, and it is glad to note that their message to the business world is on the whole one of encouragement. Several of them have dis~ covered reasons why business men and bankers should pro-ceed ,..·.ith extra caution, but nOlle of them seems to think that the present period of prosperify is destined to be fol-lowed by immediate or disastrous reaction. "\Vhen we analyze the reasons upon which current pes-simism is based, we find more occasion for cht;er than for despair. Money is tight, the rate of interest is high, b~lllk reserves arc low, to be sure, but those are inevitably the phe-nomena of good times. "Vhat is the quality of the loans and discounts? That is the vital question, and with respect to it we have little evidence one way or the other. Railroads and other corporations cannot borrow the capital they need and must, therefore, retrench and forego certain contemplated improvements and extension. That situation is also the pro-dud of good times and does not furnish the slightest reason for believing that railroads will do less business this year than last. But wages have risen and cut into profits. So have prices risen and the railroads appear to be doing things that arc equivalent to an advance of rates. The administra- 21 tion, by attacking business interests, especially the railroads, has destroyed confidence and given enterprise a fatal check. That argument is urged by interests who want the people to let them do as they please and do it in the dark. The Inter-state Commerce Commi:;sion may possess undue power, yet no fair man expects that it will exercise that power unduly 01" unjustly. "But the situation is critical and Roosevelt is liable any day to thrO\",,-a bomb that will rip things up. Quite so, but the President is a very shrewd and practical man, and no man or corporation doing business on the square is afraid of him. President Roosevelt and Governor Hughes of the state of New York will dOUbtless do unexpected things this year; but we are certain they will not wittingly do anything to injure the material interests of the people they represent. Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Park wood Ave., Grand Rapids. Mich. ""'~ are now putting 011 the best Casler Cups with ~or" bases evof'r offeree; to the trade. iht:se aTe fillished in Golden Oak and White Maple )n a light finish. These goods are admirable for polished floors and funl-lture rests. T hey will not sweat or mar. . PRICES: Size 2U inches $4.00 per hundred Size 2%"inches······ 5.00 per hundred Try a Sample Order. F. O. B. Grand Rapids. "The worst that can he said -..",ithregard to the busii\ess outlook is this: \Ve have had three years of ripping pros-perity, and experience warns us that a change is due. That, however, docs not mean failure, panic and distress. More likely it means mere1y a patlse for adjustment to the new con-ditions. ~Tages and salaries must be brought up to the higher price-level of the necessaries and comforts of life. New capital must be created before ncw enterprises can be undertaken. New gold must be mined before bank reserves can support larger credits. These are facts that cannot be denied, but they predict merely a breathing-spe[J, not a panic. Nevertheless, as we sny jt, it is well to "touch wood." An Antique Hunter's Lucky Strike. A \'\ioman who makes a fad of collecting antique furni-ture and old blue china had a peculiar experience recently. She lives in' one of the larger interior cities of York State, and when a man from New England came to town with a fine collection of old mahogany she, was among the first to inspect his stock, which contained a grandfather's clock that struck her fancy from first sight. It was a fine old specimen of Colonial furniturc and it somehow appealed particularly Lo her, but the price was more than she felt she could afford. The first day she didn't buy it, but went home to think it over, with the result tha.t the following mnrning she purchased the coveted article. After its arr:val at her home she began investigating the ncw purchase, when what was her surprise to discover that tIle name pajnted inside the clock was that of her own great-grandfather, who had lived in Roxbury, Mass. He was not the maker, but the former owner, as she afterward discovered, and now she doesn't wonder that she was so closely drawn to the old timepiece. 22 TABLES OR TEN-CENT COUNTERS. Yankee Ingenuity Ignores Precedent and Makes for Progress of the Nation. American business men are never bound by precedent, and to this bet the United States largely owes its. present position as the greatest business nation of the world. A short time ago a consignment of street Celrs was made in East St. Louis for use at Los Angeles, Cd. The usual custom is to load new rolling stock of this kind on flatcars for ship-ment. "\A/hy not run them out to Los Angeles on their own wheels?" suggested the venturesome spirit of Ingenuity. "Such a thing has never been done," replied cautious Prece-dent." "That's 110 reason why it can't be done.." replied Ingenuity, and the cars were made ready. They were fitted with a temporary equipment of couplers and air brakes, and a train of twenty-four cars and a caboose was started. Oilers rode in the caboosc to watch for hot boxes and the scheduled sp.eed of fifteen miles an hour was maintained. c This was the first instance in which street cars have been run on a railroad track. Mak~.ts of American' agricultural imp.lements have been more aggressive than almost any other dass of Americans in pushing their wares into foreign markets. One Illinois concern sent a man to Asia Minor with instructions to stay there until he opened the market. Catalogues, samples, much talking-nothing could over-come the precedent of two or three thousand ycars of plough-ing with bullocks and a crooked stick. After three years of failure the Illinois man got it into his head that these Asiat-ics were closely related" to the inhabitants of his Qcighboring state of Missouri and would have to be shown. He showed them. He rented a piece of ground and divided it in half. One side he ploughed with an lliinois plough, harrowed it with an Illinois harrow and planted twenty pounds at wheat with an Illinois wheat drill. The other half was ploughed with native bullocks and a crooked stick, wasn't harrowed at all, and was planted with sixty-six 'pounds of wheat sowed broadcast. Everybody waited for the harvest. Thc Illinois half produced a 10 per cent g~eater yie1d! and the Asiatics were reminded that less than one-third as much had been sowed on it. After that Asia Minor became a good market for Illinois agricultural machinery. Americans like to buy East Indian rugs, but the native designs have not proved entirely pleasing to Yankee tastes. Therefore a company of American carpet makers went to India! bought ten large factories employing 15,000 workmen, and began the business of making Indian rugs with Ameri-can designs. The material used! the dyes and the methods of weaving areal! Indian. Last year $400,000 worth of rugs were made in these American factories in India and" sent to the home market in this country. Que day last summer two business friends were chatting at a club in a manufacturing town in the Middle West. One of these men was a manufacturer of furniture and the other was a huyer for a cha~n of tcn cent stores located in pros-peroustowns in the Mississippi Valley. The furniture manufacturer was lamenting the fact that the dun season was upon him, that many of his expert work-tilen whom he would have to layoff woulddri{t away where he could not locate them when the rush came on a few months later. The buyer scenteu a business opportunity, and asked the other if he would be wiliing to turn out stuff at cost in order to keep his organization intact. The manufacturer said he would, and they figured all over "the back of the bill of fare. Result: An order for several tra"inloads of little stand tables which were sold at 10 cents apiece in the various stores of the buyer's combi-nation. \iVith the multiplication of inventors and inventions came an increase in the problem of how to manufacture small articles without the forced expense o,f erecting a fac-tory especially for the purpose. Some' factories took in jobs, but this method often proved unsatisfactory to an in-vcntor who wished his model to havc more attention than that generally paid to a side line. So necessity has again borne a c.hild. A specialty fac-tory in Rhode Island has a plant equipped with a'll kinds of machinery. The concern makes nothing foritseH, but merety sits by a.nd waits for customers. It wilt undertake on a 'moment's ,notice the manufacture of anything from a campaign button to an airship model. Steel Box Cars in Favor. Experiments with steel baggage and passenger cars hav-log proved entirely successful, attention is now being given to experiments that are expected to result in perfecting the steel box car. It is understood that some of the biggest railroad systems, induding the Pennsylvania, New York Cen-tral and Rock Is'land soon will make contracts for a large number of such equipment. The new box .car weighs 37,800 pounds, or about twelve -per cent less than the standard box car u~ed on the Harriman lines. The strength is such that property can be much better protected in transit, and that in turn will permit of more speed" The venture is made by men who have spent years in this industry, and who be-lieve that the time is not far distant when there will be no wood construction in any freight train. Thi5 may even come about in advance of the solid steel passenger train, as badly as that is thought needed. Don't Fight the Fads. There is a general moral in the story of a retail hard-wareman in a medlum-sized city of Ohio who cursed the automobiles and dedared he would have nothing to do with them. The owners and drivers put on an extra spurt when-ever they saw him, so as to kick all the dust they could into his eyes. There was another hardwa"reman in the same line who stocked up on automobile accessories, made friends with the owners and sold thcm all the goods he could. The moral is to be found in the two balance sheets at the end of the year. Expressed in words, it is like this. Don't fight the fads. Sell what the, people wart. American Furniture in Mexico. There arc several furniture factories in Mo terey, Mex-ico, but they are all small and there is said to be an excellent demand for American furniture in that part of the country. The people there are prosperous, and morc pro ress\ve than thos"e in any other section of Mexico. Many of them are wealthy, and they demand the best and most ad ern out-fits for their homes and offices. There are se erathouses in Monterey that handle Amcrican furniture exc usive(y, and they are reported as having an enormoustrad in roll":top desks, sectional bookcases. file cases and high rade chairs. Keep On Keepin' On. lf the day looks kinder gloomy An, your chances kinder slim, If the situation's pttzzlin' And the prospects awful grim An' perplexities keep pressin,' Till all hope is nearly gone, J us' bristle up, and grit your teet An' keep on keepin' on, 23 GEESE Do Not Grow BETTER FEATH RS and DOWN THAN THESE PILLO S ARE FILLED WITH. _ WRIT THE ------- SCHULTZ 8 HI~SCH COMPANY 260-262 S. DESPLAINEg ST., CHICAGO, 10' ,~. 190 7 Illustrated Catalogue an~ Price List. That. will tell yOll all about il. We would 1ikr 10 have you say that you saw this in === the Michigan Artisan.: No, 160 Plain Oak Front. Height 76 inches. Base 421126 inches. The White Directory Poplar top. Two large drawersin base. Largecup-board space with sliding shelf. 4 spice cans. Plate rack. 5°li~~~bi'~id~~~ 1 bread board. Canopy, 2 cllpboard spaces. 2 drawers. 2 tilting sugar biTls, 1 large china closet, Finish, Golden oak, gloss or wax. Brass trim-mings. CONTAINS A CAREFULLY COMPILED LIST OF MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS, INTERIOR FINISHES AND KINDRED INDUSTRIES Now Ready. Send inyour order. No. 161 Satin Walnut. Same as above. Finish, Natural wood, dull mbbed. WHITE. PRINTING COMPANY PRINTE1S, ENGRAVERS, PUBLISHERS, BINDERS 2-20 LYON ST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. C. f. SC"MOE, Shelbyville, Ind. The New UNION FURNITURE CO. "PE.RFE.CT" FOLDING CHAIR ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases Comfortable Durable Simple Neat The Acme of Perfection in the line DE Foldil:lg Chairs. PERFECT COMPACTNESS wh~n folded. We lead in Style, Confuudion and Finish. See our Catalogue. OUT line on permanent exhibi. tion 7th Floor, New Manufact. urers' Building, Grand Rapids. WRITE fOT PIHCHS The Peabody School Furniture Co. North Manche.ter. • • Indiana GLOBE SIDEBOARDS .--------- ARE THE ------------: BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY GET OUR CATALOGUE. Menti.. the MICHIGAN ARTISAN when writing. Globe Furniture No.257. Price $18.50. Has 48 Inch Top,S Legs and is Highly Polished. It's One of the "SUPERIOR" There are many more, all Peaches, Pie and Puddin~. Send for Catalogue and get a taste. THE BOCKSTEGE fURNITURE CO. EI/4NSI/ILLE IND. Company EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Kar~es War~ro~es are Good Wardrobes GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RIGHT Write for Catalogue Karges Furni!urs CompanJ. EVANSVILLE •. IND. --..-- MAKE MONEY MR. DEALER BY SELLING THE D055r KITCHEN CABINETS CUPBOARDS SAFES and WARDROBES Best Goods lowest Prices The "Ell" fO No S<ock LOING BEDS 4RE E LI 0 complete without the Er E PROFrTR~I~N"D I eds in Mant 1 " ERS • MILLE R &. Co • and Upd,ht. • EWVn!t'De: .f.o..rmeut."sanJdndlparnicaos IlVANSVILLIlDIlSK CO. Manni.c(m you to send us an order. Write E DESK S on ethfSe t~ll[lHtkheet BEdST VALUE OF or neweatalollUe• to ay. It will pay FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind. 26 ~MI9 ..HIG?1N , NEW NEBRASKA IDEA. Legislative Scheme to Stimulate Cash Imports Supported by Business Interests. Men with great bank accounts, or plenty of idle money, on which they object to paying taxes, may be accommo~ dated in Nebraska in a very short time if an act now before the Legislature is passed, which is entitled "an act to create a board of immigration, industry and commerce and defining its duties,providing for the appointment of advisory secre-taries, and defining their Qualifications and compensations." The intent of the bill is plain on its face, the idea being to offer to men of wealth from the outside world who have large sums of idle money in hank an opportunity to bring it to Nebraska, place it in hanks -for safety and not be in fear of paying a large tax on it. In fact, under the provision of this law, there will be no tax whatever, although it is not put in just that way. The board created is composed of the governor, treas-urer of state and attorney-general, together with such advis-ory secretaries as shall be appointed from time to time. Any man who comes to Nebraska may declare himself to be a citizen of the state, so far as the provisions of the law arc concerned, and thereupon seek and secure appointment of advisory secretary on this board. Upon being appointed his compensation will be equal to the amount .of taxes he may pay on his deposits in banks, and will be paid to him promptly on presentation of tax receipts. He may secure the benefits and protection of this law when he enters the state and declares his residence, although sueh declaration does not make him a voter until he has 1ived in Nebraska the constitutional six months. The bill is, well supported by industrial and commercial bodies of the state, who argue that ~ew Jersey has invited the trusts, that Texas has passed bountiful exemption laws, and that South, Dakota has hid for the divorce immigration and why should not Nebraska secure the ready cash? Received a Shove. From the Furniture vVorld.-The White-McCarthy Fur-niture Company is now seven weeks old. Charles G. White is president, C. A, McCarthy, secretary, while Walter Crow is the rematnmg stockholder. The firm commenced bus-iness just in time to 't-ateh the convention trade and received a splendid "shove." Mr. Ctow will soon head a corps of salesmen upon the road while Mr. 'VVhite will have charge of the Chicago office, Char'les G. White, secretary of the Manufacturers' Ex- "hibition Building Company, resigned once more, a few weeks ago, but it is now rumored he will be re-elected just the same at the April meeting. Joseph S. Myers will in all prob-ability be asked to remain in the executive chair. Manages the Sales; Not the Factory. ]. W. Flesh has not severed his connecdon with the Cron-Kills Company, but has added to his duties and respon-sibilities the management of the sales department of the L. C. and W. L. Cron Company. Bedroom Suite No. 14~8 Made by Nelson·Matter FurnitW'e Company. Grand Rapida, Mich. How to Measure Men. A subordinate; was speaking to the boss about another subordinate. "He: isn't much good," he said. ",""That's the matter with him?": asked the boss. "I don't know," said the subordinate, "but there is something about him that doesn't seem just right." I He had nothi*g to gain by making this statement and he would have gaiined nothing had he left it unsaid. But it started the boss tHinking. He began to watch the man who had been the subject of the conversation. He found that he went about his work quietly and patiently, that he I was neat in his manner, that he always was on time, and ,never broke his neck to get out ahead of the others when quitting time came. He could see nothing remarkable in the I way he worked, hut, on the other hand, there Was nothing iabout his work that was slipshod or badly donc. ' So the boss w~nt to the man who had told him that he didn't like the m~n's work, and he asked him again if he could point out a~y specific defect. "I can't" the lather confessed, ;;but I still have that fee'lillg." I "The trouble,"'1 sai.d the boss kindly, "is not with what you were looking at but with the way you looked. You did not want that man to please you particularly. True, you had nothing agai.wst him. You simply were indifferent to him. That is the wrong way to size up men. An experience of thirty-five years has taught me that if you "vant to see the best in a manijand want to get the best out of him the thing to do is to qxpect it. Remember this." Too manv merl size up other men as beneath themselves or as inferio; to tllemselves. Too many men bring -in ver-dicts against othe~ men without first getting all the evi-dence. Clothes, little mannerisms, the state of the judge's digestion, whether! or not the world has been good to h1m :~~el~~\~I~~neS;e~:'i~:~:nhg~:~ee~e~~il:t:hOe ~re~ce'ption that Judgments of f man's ability based upon such accidents and ulterior thingsl as clothing, manner, or the like are bad judgments. They ~r('. no worse intrinsically than judgments made upon the mall's ability, but made with a wcjudiced or an -indifferent eye. Kothing is truer than that we get what we give. This app~(es to our impressions of others. 'Nork-ers who expect their fellow-workers to be good workers wiI! be surprised at the number of times that their impres-sions are confirmed by the event. Those who gq through life looking for defects, turn-ing a thing over tal pick flaws in the back, surveying this or that with glances that are born of distrust or dislike, such folk are not capable of coming to judicious and sane con-clusions about any~ody cIsc. If they afe employed in posi-tious in which some of their work consists in the estimating of other men they are worse than a passive badness. They are actual, living drawbacks to the success of their employers' business. For they: do not use charity. They do not allow for the personal equation. To everything they bring the hard and fast rule and that is no method to use in measur-ing men. The ""vise know this. The foolish are forced to learn it sooner or later. 1'he Call of the Farm. ';Oh, I knor the grass is budding And I "1'ant to watch it bud, To see the I polecats dam the creeks Vv'ith dams of sticks and mud; To watch the grapenuts ripen, and To hive the bumble bee- For it's Spring Lake and the frog farm I kllOW is calling me. PAUL F. MARKOFF, Los Angeles, Cal., March 17, '07. FURNlTURE POLlSH We offer a polish guaranteed to produce a BRILLIANT and PERMANENT lustre on any finished wood. A dealer's trade builder. Send for sample J4 gross, $3.75. Our Superior Repair Finish never fails to remove burlap marks and mars; and, used with crystal shellac and a set of our colors, [aniline, to match any finish] will repair deep scratches and jams, and reproduce the original finish, at once. A boon to factory or store. Repair outfit complete, with colors, one $3 25 quart finish, and instructions for use, • Send for Samples. Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Co. 20 S. Fuller St•• Graftd R.aplds. Mich. AutoDlaUc: Phone 8226. Thousands In Use Furniture Dealers need have no more fear. With the use of Cline's Caster Cup one table may be placed on top of another without injury. Made in two sizes in the follow-ing finishes: Oak, Mahogany and Rosewood. Special pre-pared feet bottom} preventing sweat marks, scratching, etc. Price: 2]4 in. per 100. $3.50, 3Yain. periOD. $4.50 We also manufacture the mOlt reliable Card HoMer on the market. Write for our uew 40 palre Catalogue. L. Cline Mfg.Co.• 1239W.b •• hAve .• Chicago Hall's, the Polish that is making Evansville Famous NaII's Red Star PolM!. dries iJUtantly and never :lOltens or IifUntS. No dillBereeab!e Of offensive odor. Never settles or evaPOfltes. A lrial order always make. a pennanent cus-tome[. Bn~ out the 6uMb and llil'eS new life to fumitun'!. Thil polPb is free from acid. Can be used by any chlJd. Guaranteed to give satisfa&on. Sold in I; 2, 5 aDd 10 aaIIOn....m.and in bartelso also put up in 2. 3.and 6 oz, bottleI retaifmllfor 10c, 15c and25c. nIIowio(/ a IibetaJ prODt to the retailer. Write· for pnces and ~ate quantity wanted. A per[ed Polish and Cleaner for Furniture,' Office and Bar Fis.ture •• Piano., Ollrau •• Bicycle., Iron Bed .. Carriuel and Automobile •• We refer you to the Crescent Fumiture Co.• The EVlll6villeDesk Co•• The Eli D. MiUer Folding Bed Co:, and lhe City National Bank of EvaMVille. AMERICAN PHARMACAL CO" ~,. '''ST .T., Evansville, Ind. Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Pantlind European ......Plan Rates $1.00 and Up GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Tho Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for 500 is the fINEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop. 27 28 A SAMPLE OF THE BIG MICHIGAN LINE "IDEAL" THIS FINE HOOD GO-CART COMPLETE· FOR $20.50 MANY OTHER STYLES. SOME LESS IN PRICE. SOME MORE. OUR FAMOUS SPECIALTIES The New 20th Cenlury Box Spring (WITH F1E:N1QIo'ABL£CO\l£Fl) Double Deck Bed Springs, Folding Bed Springs Woven Wire Mattresses Cots, Couches and Stuffed Mattresses A great v'lriety of styles and construction to select from. Let us know your wants. Will be pleased to furnish catalogues on application. WE MAKE A FULL UNE OF FOLDING CARTS. GO·CARTS AND BABY CARRIAGES. If you have nor reccived a Catalog' we will be pleased 10 ,mail same upon requeu. Detroit Folding Cart CO. DETROIT, MICHIGAN The Ford & Johnson Co. MANUFACTURERS Are you handling Fibre Rush? If not you are missing profit-able and easy sales. Fibre Rush and Malacca Furniture sells quick-ly to discriminating trade because of its Lightness, Durability, Artistic effects and its beautiful Color, the FIBRE RUSH GREEN-a soft, natural green that is restful and pleasing to the eye and harmon-izes so we'll in any place. No. 3772}i FIBRE RUSH Stock carried and delivered from any of the following warehouses: CHICAGO CINCINNATI ATLANTA NEW YORK BOSTON PERCENTAGE AS A SPUR. Effect of a Conversation Overheard by an Employer in the Theater. /\. lesson which I learned from one of my c-Jerks about two years ago ha!i resulted in a great increase in the profits of my retail business, and incidentally a raise in his own salary and in the pay of every other salesman in the house, says Sheridan H. Grallalll, in System, the "Magazine of Business." It was one of those lessons which come by chancc-T overheard him talking to a friend in the theater; for I sat just behind them. "Vvorking pretty hard now, Bert?" asked the other man. " Not a bit of it," answered my salesman; "just loafing and waiting for the end of the year. The Christmas stock is all .in, hut the people can't see their own advantage nor 29 year opens, and if I have sold $20,000 worth of goods by December 31, next year's sales will be figured on that basis, no matter whether I have gained this year just enough or four times enough to warrant my $100 increase in salary. ")1" 0 man who is wise will make his work for next year harder when he has no hope of extra reward this year. Why should I add two or three thousand dollars needlessly to the amount which I must sell next year?" "\i\lhy man, that's all wrong," was the answer. "There ought to be some way of encouraging you fellows to work hard all the time, to keep your sales up through dull seasons and rush season, and make every single year a 'long step ahead of the previous one." That conversation set me to thinking. r didn't hear or see much of the play, but I got a good many hundred times the worth of my ticket in the ide~s that salesman and his companion had given me, If the increase in a clerk's salary Front View of a Grand Rapids (Mich,) Retail Furniture House. the humanity to the clerks in buying early, so the holiday trade will a.ll come with a tllsh, and then we can let the green extra crew handle most of it." "But I should think you would be hustling to make a good record and get a raise of wages the first of January," said his friend. "Don't worry, my SOl1," responded the clerk. "That's all fixed. T figured the first of October that I'd increased my sales enough beyon.:1 the first nine months of last year to entitle me to our conventional raise. So now I'm just resting on my oars. No use making the amount much larger. "You see we don't get all increase in proportion to the gains we actually make. If we raise our last year's sales by a certain percentage we arc entitled to an increase. "I've been in this place six years and my sa1ary has been raised $100 a year regularly. That's the rule for a· profitable salesman in our store." "But don't you get a bigger raise jf yOU deserve more?" queried the stranger. "'1 should think yOU would be paid a certain percentage of your sales." "No, I suppose that's the basis the rule originally fol-low, ed, but now we get a stereotyped raise or none at all. "At first I tried every year to make my sales show a greater proportionate increase than they ever had before. Now T am too wise for that, and so is every salesmall who has been in the store very long. "For the gains of one year arc: forgotten when the next is theoretically based on his sales, why shouldn't it be actually? \.~lhy should a limit be set to his progress? Since then we have been paying salesmen an actual per-centage of their sales, with the result that their efforts do not cease October first or on any other date. They know that the size of their salary for next year depends on ellery dollar they sell. If at the end of the year a man has sold more than he has been paid for, he gE',tsa Christmas present of the balance. So his efforts affect not only next year's salary, but this year's. The new system has worked so well that we a·re elab": orating it. J..len are more willing to work for a pres'ent reward than for one that will be postponed six months or a year. So we have begun to compare each man's monthly sales with the average sales in that department during the corresponding month of last year. If ten men in the dress goods department sold $30,000 worth of goods last November, then the standard sale for each man in that department in November of this year is $3,000. Any man who sells more than this amount is help-ing to raise the standard of the store, and he finds his pay envelope correspondingly thicker at the e:nd of the month. This plan is too new for me to give figures on its results, but I know that our salesmen work harder, our customers go away better pleased with the service, and our sales are increased. Vv'e pay rriore money to the salesmen, but bear in mind that it is only a percentage of our ine-reased receipts. 30 ·~~MIPjIIG7JN Large Profits in Fire Sales. That immense profits may be made out of so-called fire sales was demonstrated in Grand Rapids, Mich. not long since. A department store was badly scorched. The mana-gers had no difficulty in showing that the loss exceeded the insurance and arc said to have received all that could have been collected on the policies even if the stock had been com-pletely destroyed. After, the insurance had been adjusted at $118,000, a "fire sale" was inaugurated. Preparations for disposing of the damaged goods had been started immedi-ately after the firemen _had the flames under, control. There had been no such saJc. "in the city for a long time, and it was a great success, many of the goods being-.dispi::i.sed6{at prices higher than they were marked before thefirc. It is told that the managers, finding that they could not supply the demand for "damaged" goods took stock that had not been touched by smoke or water, trumbled it about and turned the hosc on it to give it the appearance of having been damaged, and then marked up the prices. They also finance' and magazine writer: At the time I was selling a new "code" book, says the writer. 1 knew Mr. Lawson was one of the heaviest private users of the wire in the country, and believed I could interest him beeaus,e the code would save him money. Getting through his secretary all right, I found myself ushered into ?vIr. Lawson's private office. He sat at his heavy rich desk in the midst of many papers and the still more multitudinous decorations and brie-a-brae that filled his office. My opening talk brought not a word from Mr. Lawson; only a nod. He evidently was listening to what I was say-ing and appreciated it, although his, eyes were fixed on some pap'ers on. his desk. 1 went on to the' next section of m'y, talk. showing how valuable this thing would be'to him. Still not a word; only a 'second nod. There was only one ,thing left to say or do-to make my stereotyped ending of the interview, which consisted of fill- Made by Lentz Ta.ble Co., Nashville, M1ch sent abroad and picked up wherever they could be found, over $50,000 worth of all kinds of stale, she1f worn goods, wet them a little, put them -in w-ith the "fire" goods, ani disposed of them at much marc than the usual profits on clean stock As an instance of the profits realized, it is told that a sideboard, only little damaged, that had been selling at $25 was put out in the morning with a notice that the highest bid received during the day would take it. An hour or two later it was marked "first bid $10." The sccond bid was $15, and then they ran up to $20, $25, $30, and it was actually sold for $35, cash down, before noon. Other prices of furniture purposely slightly marred were offered on the same plan and nearly all were sold at figures higher than were asked for them before the fire. The managers are said to have made profits, almost equal to the amount of their insurance, out of their "fire" sale. Surely therc arc great possibi.lities in a fire sale when conditions are favorable. Signed Without a Word. The following story is told of Thomas W. Lawson, the famous carnation connoisseur; speculator, enemy of 'high ing out a contract and in a suggestive manner slipping it along the desk. Mr. Lawson saw it coming. He reached for it and signed his name, handed it back to me, and turned his attention again to the papers on his desk. Absolutely not a word had he said. He had not opened his lips. I the peculiar position of having interviewed Mr. Lawson, gotten his order and yet not knowing the sound of his voice. "opklna .. d " .. riel SII. Cincinnati, O. "eRry Schmit &. Co. M~SOIl' UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE '02 LODGE AND PULPIT. PARLOR L18RAJlY. HOTEL AND CLUB II.OOM The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers ------ Aha Manufactureq and Exporters of _ ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to all kinds of invalidism. both for house and street use. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM Total Wealth of the United States. The total estimate of the valuation of the national wealth in 1904 was $107,104,192,410, according to a special report issued by the census bureau on wealth, debt, and tax-ation, which represents an increase in the four-year period from 1900 to 1904 of $18,586,885,635. This advance has no parallcl in the history of the United States, except in the decade from 1850 to 18M. In 1850, when the first estimates of tbe national wealth were made, the figures were only $7,135,780,228. The most potent cause for the increase from 1900 to 1904, it is stated, was the reaction from the low prices of the period of depres-sion from 1893 to 1896. The annual increase of wealth per family from 1890 to 1904 was $182. The various forms into which the nation's wealth is divided, with their valuatiotls, arc as follows: Real property and improvemellts taxed. Real property and improvements exempt. Live stock. Farm implements and machinery. J\Hg. machinery, tools and implements. Gold and silver coin and bullion .. Railroads and their equipment .. Street railways. Telegraph systems. Telephone systems. Pullman and private cars. Shipping and canals .. Privately OW11Cd water works. .$55,510,228.057 6,S31,244.,57'O 4,073,791,736 8H,989.8Hil 3,297,7;)4,180 1,998,003,303 11,244,752.000 2,219,966.000 227,400,000 ;}85,840,000 123,000,000 846,489,804 275.000,000 31 Musket;!on Valley Furniture Co. Mu.l<e~on MicL••• Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobes Ladies Toaets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods Ladies Desks Music Cabinets Privately mNned light and power stations .. Agricultural products . lVhnufactured products. Imported merchandise. Mining products. Clothing and personal adornments. Furniture, carriages and kindred property. Line on sale in New jlfanujac-lurers' BltUd-ing, GRANE RAPIDS. 562,851,105 1,899,379,652 7,409,291,668 495,543,685 408,066,787 2,500,000,000 5,750,000,000 The total public indebtedness of the Continental United States in 1902 was $2,789,990,120, and the total per capita indebtedness was $35.50. The total indebtedness of the national government for the same year was $925,011,637', and the per capita indebtedness was $11.27. Japanese Genius Masters Bamboo. A few years ago an attempt was made by factories in the East to make furniture out of an imitation of bamboo. They turned American woods into the desired dimensions and then smoked, stained and po1ished them untl} they re-sembled the tropical product. The experiment was a fail-ure, however. The designs were faulty and pieces were so small that it required great skill to make perfect joints, and the furniture would not hang together. An effort to use gelluine bamboo was also tried without ;tnything like satis-factory success. Other Americans have tried to make bam-boo furniture, with indifferent results, but, as shown by an illustrated article in this issue of the Artisan, there is one American factofY that seems to be entirely successful in that line. It is oWl1ed and managed by a Japanese, who is an expert in designing and also in manipulating the material. White Printing Co. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS =========IGRAND RAPIDSM, ICH.,=======~ COMPLETE 32 $25.00 for this Complete Suite Mirror 10x30. Top 20x42. Top ISx30.. Choice of Weathered or Early English finish. Let us send you a sample. You will uot be disappointed. 6 or 8 ft. 45 Incb top. CHARLES BENNETT FURNITURE CO. ~atalo'u, on "qu"t. CHARLOTTE, MICHIGAN PUTTY AND PAPIER·MACHE MAHOGANY. More About the Graft in Furnishing Pennsylvania's Capitol Building. The committee appointed by Governor Stuart to make fur-ther investigation of the frauds perpetrated in the erection anJ furnishing of Pennsylvania's capitol building has progressed far enough to show that the graft was much more extensive than'was supposed when the methods of John \V. Sanderson and others were exposed last fall. It is reported that astoundw ing discoveries have followed each other with such rapidity that the investigators are dazed with the enormity and variety of swindles connected with the construction and furnishing of thc capitol. It is now believed that whcn the investigation is com-pleted it will be found that not a single item among the tho1Jsands that" make up the total of $31,000,000 that has been expended on the building will be found unpadded by the thieves who participated in the gigantic robbery_ The substitution of papier-mache for mahogany and of birch for oak affords an idea of the character of the work of the builders. It was testified by John 'F. Wilt, of the firm of \Vilt & Sons, subcontractors under George F. Payne & Co., who worked in conjunction with Sanderson & Co. in furnishing the capitol, that he sold two rostrums to Payne & Co. for $2,060. For these rostrums the state paid $35,144 for the one in the state senate rODm and $55,604.80 for the one in the house caucus rOom, a total of $90,748.80, or $88,688.80 more than the price paid by the subcontractor. It was also developed through the witness that while he had furnished "designed woodwork" in fourteen rooms of the capitol for $28,724, Sanderson & Company had co'llected $155,369.60 for the same work from the state. Mr. Wilt testified that he had an understanding with Architect Huston that a great deal of finished woodwork which he furnished' should be putty composition. It is in imitation mahogany and cost fifty per cent less than mahogany. The latter had been charged for, however. Murray Gibson of the firm of John Gibson & Sons, of Philadelphia, who was an unsuccessful bidder against Sand-erson for painting and decorating the capitol" testified that the cost to the state was $1.990 cents a foqt more under the Sanderson contract than it would have been if the work had been done under his bid. Thermostatic apparatus for heating, which cost the Scott -Engineering Company, Philadelphia, $18,645, was explained by Robert Scott, a member of the firm, subcontractors under Sanderson. The state paid Sanderson $39,408 for the work. It has been discovered by counsel for the capitol investi-gating commission that the total cost for "monumental art bronze, standards, chandeliers and brackets" in the capitol is $2,258,955.96, instead of $2,049,522.96, the figures given in the j\),int statement of ex-Governor Pennypacker and Auditor Genera1 Snyder. The increase is due to the discovery of $137,600 charged by John H. Sanderson for "modeling and sculpture work with patterns," and $71,833 for "additions and alterations in the electrical equipment of the building." Besides charging by the pound for the chandeliers, Sand-erson is said to have also obtained $100 per foot for making each model. In "the senate this model cost $13,300, which was based on "square measurement," both breadth and height of fixtures being taken. The General Specialty Company and Metal Art Com-pany, of Philadelphia, who were unable to meet financial obligations have settled with their creditors, paying 20 per cent cash and the remainder in notes running thirty, sixty and ninety days. - -- -- --~~~-~~- To Our Western Patrons NOTE: There has been no change in the management of our CHICAGO FACTORY.. the same practical men who have brought it to its present high standard continue in our employ. BE NOT DECEIVED. I WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING I FILTLHATEWiRll DRY BONE HARD OVENRI G H T The great majority-in fact just about all 01 the manufacturing trade ask for a filler to be hard dry the day after filling. We can do better than that. USE OUR FILLER AND YOU CANNOT DIG IT OUT OF THE PORES THE ============= NEXT DAY ============== IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR VARNISH TO PENETRATE THE SURFACE IT SANDS OFF IN A POWDER THAT WILL LEAVE YOUR SAND PAPER CLEAN AFTER THE WORK IS DONE. The Barrett-Lindeman Company IN CONSOLIDATION WITH The IJawrence-McFadden Co., Ltd. 61·63·65·6N1o. Ashland Ave., CHICAGO. 1400-2-F4rankford Ave., PHILADELPHIA. Inset .~MI9rIG7!N The Universal Automatic CARVING MAClllNE ==== 'PE~FORMS THE WORK OF 25 HAND CARVERS And does the Work Better than it can be Done b~ Hand -------MADE BY-~----- UnIOn [noosslno M'(Dlnt (0. Indiana poll .. Indiafta Write lor Information. Price. Etc. Plain and Beveled Mirrors, Bent Glass for China Cabinets, Plate Glass for Desks, Table Tops and Shelves. The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company MANUf"ACTURIU:S AND JOBBERS 011' OUf facilities for supplying furniture manufacturers will be understood when we state that we have 10 Glass factories, from Pennsylvania to Missouri; and 13 Mirror plants, located as follows: It needs no argument to show what advantages may be derived from dealing directly with us. New York .Boston Philadelpblu. Buffalo Cinciooatl St. Louis Minneapolb. Atlanta :Kokomo, Ind. Ford City. Fa. IDgb Point, N. C. J)a,venpori Crystal City. Mo. Also, our Z2jobbing houses cartY heavy stocks in aU lines of glass, paints, varnishes aDd brushes and are located in tbe cities named below: New l"ork-HudlWn and Vandam St8. Butfalo-3'12-4-6aB Pearl Street. B08ton--U-49 Sudbury, 1-9 Bow;ker. Sts. Brwklyn.--635 and 637 Fulton Street. Chleag0-442-4.52 WabaBh Avenue. PbUadelphJa-Pitcalrn BullilIng, Arch Cincinnati-Broadway and Court St.. and Ele,,_th 8t8. St. Lottl-eor. 7th and Market St8. Davenport-410.416 Scott Street. MtnneapoUs---300-tiilO S. Third st. CleveIand--149-51~58 Seneca St1'eet. Detrott-Il3"-lJO Larned St., E. Omaha-1608-10-12l Harney Street. Plttsburgh-IOI-103 Wood Street. St. PauI-lW9~51 Mimle8o$a. street. Milwaukee, Wis-l92-494 Market St. Atlanta, Oa.--30, 82 and 8018. Pryor St. &chester, N. Y.-Wilder Buildlna', Main Savannah, Ga.--';'74lli-749Wbeatou Street. and ::Exebange Sts. Kansas City--F:Itth 8Qd Wyandotte 8ts. BaItimore-221-223 W. Pratt Street. Birmingham, Ala.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. extending AGENTS FOR THE COULSON PATItNT CORNER POSTS AND BATS. WABASH INDIANA GLOBE VISE AND TRUCK CO. Offic::e321 South Divi.ion St .. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Mfrs. of High Grade Wood Workers Vises AND Factory Trucks Qilallt~ and Price talk in factory trucks and . we can Joter-est you. Will yOU send 11S your address and let us write you about them? Writ~for Prices B. WALTER & CO. Mon.fa"."" of T ABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PR1CES AND DISCOUNT SOM.ETHING NEW WE have perfected a new GOLDEN 04K OIL STAIN without the use of asphaltum or add. This stain is the strongest and most penea trating stain on the market. It entirely penea trates the wood, leaving no surplus on the sur-face to penetrate with the filJer. Samples furnished on application. ORAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHINC COMPANY Sl5arlS E:Ll$WOATH AilE .. OMAND RAPIDS. MICH. We have over 12different styles of factory and warehouse trucks to offer, also a compLete lir.e of and bencMs. This Machine Makes the Money ========== BY SA VI NG IT ========== It makes a per/ect imitation of any open grain because it uses tbe wood itself to print from, and one operntor and a couple of boys can do more work with it than a dozen men with any other so-called machine or pads on the market. That's why it·s a money maker. It imitates perfectly PLAIN or QUARTERED OAK.1MAHOGANY.WALNUT. ELM. ASH or any other wood wUh open grain WRITE 'tHE ~-- -------.-.~ PosseJius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich. FOR PRICES AND FULL PARTICULARS. MENTION THE MiCHie AN ARTISAN. Inset Inset Oran~Da~i~sBlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anl THE LATEST device for handling shavings and dust from at! wood-working machines. OUf eighteen years experience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no experiment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hundred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. OUf Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in its line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS ANDPRESSVRE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Office and Factory: 20&-210 Canal Street GKAND KAPIDS. MICH. CltlzeD. Pbone 1283 Sell. Main 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM • BOYNTON &. CO. ~ ~ -=-- = ! : ..:~!.-':.~t-=-":Cl:.!TO:"~t'I:.:.;I':'~:":.:.:"':.:.:.:.:..:.::~~o~ ~~~ ~~~ ~-~- -~-- SEND FOR CATALOGUE Manufacturers of Emb~ •• ed and Tumed MouIdinKll, Embo81ed and Spindle Carvings, and Automatic Turnings. We also manu_ facture a large Hne of Embo.ed Oma. menb for Couch Work. 419-421 W. FIfteenth St., CHICJl.GO.ILL FOLDING BED FIXTURES Profitable fixtures to use are those which give the least trouble. They are made by Folding Bed Williams in many styles and designs, suitable for every folding bed manufactured. Furniture Cast-ings, Panel Holders, Corner Irons, etc. New ideas and inventions constantly being added to the line. F', B. WILLIAMS 3812 VINCENNES AVE., CHICACO Manniacturer.oi Hardware Specialties tor tb", Furniture Trade. Established 1~78. 7IRTl.5'A1"I ~ .. 1 7"+ ~ Inset FOX SAW SMOOTHEST GR.OOVES FASTEST CUT LEAST POWER LONGEST LlFE We'll IIiladly lid) YOU all about It. DADO HEADS GREATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT ..E.A.ST TROUBLE PERFECT SAFETY Also Machine KolveJ'. MiteI' Machines. Etc. PERMAKENT ECONOMY FOX MACHIN~ CO. We offer exceptional value in Reversible and One-Way Cutters for Single and Double Spin-dle Shapers. Largest lists with lowest prices. Greatest variety to select from. Book free. Address SAMUEL J. SHIMER & SONS MILTON. rENNSYLYANIA, U. S. A. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapids. Mlch Wood Forming Cutters THE KNOB THAT WONT COME OFF NO·KUM·lOOSE WOOD KNOBS 2 inch "A" The face of knob" A" is veneered with specially selected fancy stock, same as used in making cross band veneers, presenting a beautiful and attractive appearance wben finished. TOILET SCREWS: Hi to 2 inch knobs can be furnisbed as toilet screws to order only with standard bolt 3~ incbes long and patent drive nut and washer. Section of "A" GRANO RAPIDS BRASS COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. CUT shows tbe construction of our line of Wood Knobs. Tbe metal nut is clinched into tbe wood at its front end",pre-venting turning or pulling out. To tbe back end of the nut is riveted a steel base, having projecting spurs wbich enter tbe drawer front. The knobs are beld in place by a screw and corrU-gated spur washer, which avoids any possi-bility of unscrewing. All goods are smootb-ly sandpapered, and shipped only in tbe White. Regular screws furnisbed will take drawer fronts % to l}i thick, lon~er screWs to order. Stock knobs will be kept in mabogany only. Otber woods to order. Inset Johnson's Tally Sheet ---I'"OR:---- HARDWOOD LUMBER NOT LIKE OTHER TALLY SHEETS. C. A. JOUNSON, Marshfield, Wis. "Rotary Style" for Drop Carving"" EmbOl!l8ed Mouldings, Panels.. EMBOSSING AND DROP CARVINC MACHINES. Machine8 10J' all pOrpll8eS, Rnd at prlceg within the reach of aU. Every machtne.luuio our guarantee against bl'l'lokage for one Y"l?ar. "Lateral Style" for lal"ge capacity heaVy Carvinp and Deep EwboBBJngs. We have the Mtulblne you want at R satisfactory price. Write for detHlrlptive Also make dies for aU :makes of Ma-chines. UNION I:MIIOSSING, MACHINI: CO., IndianapolIs, Ind. 7IR.TI.s'~ & 9 ...e INSIST ON HAVING MorrisWoo~3 Sons'Soli~Stetl Olue~int (utters for there are no otber., U Ju.... t a.r &ood." They cut a clean perfect joint always. Never burn owing to the GRADUAL CLEARANCE (made this way only by us), require little grinding, saving time and cutters. No time wasted setting up and cost no more than other makes. Try a pair and be convinced. Catalogue No. 10 and prices on application. MORRIS WOOD&. SONS Thlrt:r-two years at 31-33 S. 'Canal Street ..CHJCAGO,ILL. P. H. ~eddinger Carving Worlis (Formerty Cincinnati Oat'Ving Works of Oincinnati, 0.) CARVINGS and FURmTURE ORN AME'NTS of all kinds. EVANSVILLE. IND. By sending me a small order I will convince you that I am the man who can make your carvings. ONE TRIAL WILL DO THE BUSINESS. - -- ------------------------- Inset Ou.r Clamps received GOLD MEDAL at World'. Fatr, St. Loute. Write l<>rprices and particulars, Black Bros. Machinery Go. MEN"DO,.A. ILL. V!tNEER PRESS (Patented June 30, 1903.) CHAIN CLAMP (Patented June 30,1903.) CABINET CLAMP. 60.ton New York ----- -------------OFl'ICESi-------~--------- Jamestown High Point Clnolnnatl Detroit Grand Rapids Chicago St. Louie Mlnneal)oU. A.saclate OfftceB ..nd Bonded AUorneya in all Princ.lJ)al clUe. The Furniture Agency WE PRODUCH:RESULTS WHERE OTHERS FAIL WRITE FOR :P ... tlTlcuL AND YOU WILL SEN'tl us Y OU"R B'(ISINE:';OS. Our Complaint and Adjustment Departm.ent Red Draft. Collect. H. J. DANHOf. Mlchigo.n Mo.nager. "No-Kurn-loose" Mission Knob This is the latest style in Mission Knobs. It is made in plain and quartered oak, and takes the same finish as the drawers it is designed to go on. We make a toilet screw to match. We also make the uNo-Kum-Loose" Knobs in birch, maple, walnut and mahogany in many sizes and styles, and carry in stock a full line of Quartered Oak, Walnnt and Mac.ogany. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) WADDELL MANUFACTURING CO., GRANDRAPIDS,MICH. SAY yOU SAW THiS AD IN THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN, MARCH 10TH EDITION. New 200 page Catalogue for 1906 Free. B. T. &. B. Shle O. Krl.lfeG. rit\ Full Automatic. Wet Of dry Saw and Knife Fitting Machinery and Tools [~n""Br1.~·~I.~~~,~J~1 Baldwin. Tuthill ®. Bolton Grand Ilaplds. Mich. . Filers, Selters,$, Grinders, Swaaes, Stretchers, Brazing and Filing Clamtls, Knife Balances, Hammerinl:l Tools. lnves~~~~ our Bolton Band Saw Filer for Saws 7i inch UD. PALMER'S Patent Gluing Clamps USE A MORTON KILN IT WILL END YOUR DRY KILN TROUBLES Does not warp or check lumber. THE MOST PERFECT MOIST AIR KILN ON THE MARKET. At'e tb. most aucoe .. lul Piling Clamp. Made For tbe followlog reason. They clamp in1!itantlly any widthotdtmenslon stock, no ad-justing clamps to fit the work, the7 book .• toDee to tbe desired width. ~~d iustelttly-throw out the level.' R.Dd. t;Qke the.m aft'. Tb"" work .cao be removed as fast as it can be haDdled. 410 the ~a.mP hi placed OVel' the work and 10$& Into the .0006 below it, the dl.'@w is alike on-booth skies. prevents all lipringing 11.0matter bow wide the stGck may h. Impollldble fol' them to slip; the wedge has S6lTRted edge and canoot be moved when clamp is closed, hammer all YOQlike. VnJindtedpowel'; great strength and dumbUlty; malleable :Iron and steel; the kmu:kle Joints are socket joints, not rivef;s. AltboO#h tlre best they cost yon less" For further iDtGl"DlBttonuk for catalope N(II"4. TRUC~S, CANVAS DOORS, RECORD-JNG TaERM:OMETERS alld other sup-plies. Write for catalog H which tells HOW TO .DRY LUM:IlER. MORTON DRY KILN CO. 218 LA SALLE ST.,CHICACO~ A. E. Palmer. Owos.o. Mich. Duplicate Orders Attest Satisfaction Regarding their "A B C" MOIST AIR KILN THE AMERICAN LUMBER co.. Albuquerque, N. M., write .. II *..* * The receipt by you of a duplicate order from us is evidence of our satisfaction with the Kiln. and we believe the fact of Qur havinl'f placed duplicate order with you is as strong a testimonial as one could givet and you may use this letter assllch." Shan we .end YOUour Catalofllue No. 166 !II A? AMERICAN BLOWER COMPANY, DetroIt, MIch. NEW YOR.K CHICAGO ATLANTA LONDON AMERICANS IN CUBA. Pouring Millions Into the Island and Will Soon Control All Its Industries. (Written for the 1\-fichigan Artisan by John D. Case, secretary of the Sligh Furniture Company, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who recently rctuf11cd from a few weeks sojourn in the "I s]and Republic.") The island of Cuba has attracted the attention of many of our people in the past few years as indicated by the large numher of tourists ,,,,ho make that place their objective point. That they are charmed with the beautiful climate and foreign character of the island is evidenced by the crowded condition of the steamers sailing to Havana, and the hotels which can't increase fast enough to accommodate them. That mally are impressed with the future possibilities of the island is evidenced by the investment of over $160,000,000 by citizens of our o\..-n COllntry in the past few years; why not, when ten acrcs of good land there, costing thirty dollars per acre, will yield as large a revenue as 100 acres of land here, costing $100 per acre? Think of it for a minute! )Jo frost, no irri-g, nion, no fertilization. \..-hat a comhination! This does not apply to all lands, as there are good lands and poor lands there, just as there are here. Sugar and tobacco have been the principal products of the island, but in the past fc"\vyears many acres have been planted to citrus, fruits and vegetables by luneric8ns. The latter crop has proved to be very profitable. The former takes abollt tive years to begin bearing \vell, and iLs success is not yet assured, but the prospects are very encouraging. The few orchards that have reached the bearing period have produced the finest quality of fruit in large quantities, and are held at $750 or more per acre. The future value of lands must be determined by their productiveness, and from all indications that value is soon going to be mallY times greater than at present. The transportation problem is being solved very satis-factorily. 1\ ew lilies of steamers are being added from XC\.v York City to the different ports of the island, so that fruit and vegetables can be shipped to that port at less expense (including the duty), and in much shorter time than from California; another advantage is that Lhe season is earlier in Cuba than in any state of our Ilnioll, and the early products bring the best prices. The exports for the past year in fruits and vegetables have illcreased very materially. 879,000 crates of pineapples, 300,000 cocoanuts. 700,000 crates of oranges were shipped in the month of January, besides oLher products of which I have tlO statistics. Around Santo Domingo, about 150 miles east of Hav"na, arc located seventy Americans, a'll from Michigan, who own property in that vicinity; we visited many of them, espccially the Santa Clara Fruit and Cotton Company, v'''ho have over 200 acres planted to citrus fruits which will hegin bearing in a year or two. and if nothing unforcseen happens. they will certainly reap a rich re\"iard from their investment. At Ceballos. a few miles further east. is a citrus fruit plantation of 30,000 acres, partly under cultivation; the trees are just beginning' to hear fruit, and the owners predict from the present crop that in a short time they will be shipping over 1,000.000 boxes every year; if yon know what oranges are worth, fignre that out. The tendency of the new settlers is to\'..'anls the cast, on the main line of railroad running to Santiago. There are the virgin lands of 10\.vprices, capable of producing crops of great value. The cOllntry along· the railroad eastward is rolling, and in places hilly and mountainous, especially as you approach Sanitago. Comparativel:y small tracts are yet under cultivation. I ~- 33 '!v'e saw numerous tracts of timber by the way as we journeyed eastward. The trees average small, but are very sa'lable, being in demand for fence posts, raiIroad ties, tobacco poles, cigar boxes, building material and furniture. Mahog-any and cedar are the most valuable woods, but many of the other native woods have a beautiful grain and are. capable of taking a fine finish like the majuga. Then there are the lignum vitae, acana, jiqui, cottonwood, logwood and jaguey, all indigenous to that country. The better timber lands are further back from the liTle of railroad, though we saw a number of saw mills, mostly rlln by American capital, that are said to be doing a profitable business right on the main road. Some of the large tracts of timber in the interior can be bought at very low figures at the present time, the land being worth the purchase price after the timber has been removed. That means an invest-ment for the future or large capital to extend railroads to carry out the lumber. The principal mineral products thus far developed are iron ore, of good quality, copper and manganese. American capital is developing a gold mine near Holguin, on quite an extensive scale. and the managers an; confident that they will be richly rewarded for their labors. The question of what will be the future mode of govern-ment for the island is the all important subject
- Date Created:
- 1907-03-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 27:18
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and 7 ~ ~II,/: "'1 ~" J. J' , / .~ ./ -1,( ' ...7. A. ~ ~ GRpAuNnD~~~~RAP1?;) } GHA~ J) RAPIDS •.MICH., APRIL 9, 1910 SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY The Largest Manufacturersof CHAMBER FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY IN THE WORLD Catalogue to Prospective Customers. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN .... . 5 •••••••••• --- ••• I LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY I III II ,,I II ,I I If I I II I I• I• IIII I I -,I I I •t I IIII I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. III I t III ,, I,I I I, I IIIIIIII II .I Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING ' Catalogues to Dealers Ooly. and CHAMBER FURNITURE. I ..- - .. - . .. - _ .. _. --------- ---- ..... ~ Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and Tuna Mahogany BIrd' j EYf Maplf BIrch !Z.u4rurfd Oak and Clrc4jjllJn Walnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS' BUILDING, North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICUIGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES,J. EDGAR FOSTER. 30th Year-No. 41 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• APRIL 9.1910 Issued WeekI,. RAILROAD RATE BILL AMENDMENTS Comluittee Agrees to Impose Additional Restrictions on Traffic Agree- Iuents and Also on the Consolidation of Lines. All manufacturers and shIppers are more or less interested m the so-called "aclmI111stration rate bIll" a resume of the prOVISIOns of whIch was gIven m the \lVeekly Artisan last week During thIS week three Important amenc1ments have been offered m the senate and a~ they have the endorsement of the commIttee on mter~tate and foreIgn commerce they are expected to be adopted Indeed they have been accepted with a view of assullng the passage of the bdl All are in the nature of conceS<;lOns to the opponents of the measure. One of the amendments mserts the words "Subject to the approval of the Interstate Commerce CommIssion" m hne 22, page 13 of sectIOn 7, whIch will have the effect of requmng the approval of the commission to every traffic agreement befO! e It WIll be effectIve The pendl11g bIll only reqUIred the fillmg of such an agreement WIth the commIs-sion Another of the proposed amendments strikes out the conc1udmg sentence of section 12 which sectIon m general authonzes the acquistIOn of one radroad of another road, provlc1ed the acqUIring road owns not less than 50 per cent of the stock of a road to be acquired subject to the approval of the court of commerce The words proposed to be strick-en out are 1ll the prOVISOand as follows In making the determmation herein provided for the court shall take mto conSIderation the effect of such pro-posed acqtu<;ltlOn upon the due observance and effec tJve en-forcement of all the laws of the U111ted States and the relatIve importance of any benefit to the public interest and of any effect upon competItIOn resulting from such acquis- ItIon The third amendment inserts in the same section the word, "lawfully" as qua1Jfymg the word "owns" to make It incumbent upon the road seekmg to acquire another road that it shall "lawfully" own not less than 50 per cent of the stock of the roac1 to be acquired The adml111stratlOn raIlroad bIll WIll be taken up in the house as <;oon as the naval appropriation bill is disposed of Chanman Mann of the hou~e mterstate and foreIgn com-merce commIttee, has secured the adoptlOn of a resolution to thIS effect It provides that general debate be germane to the blll-a rather unusual propOSItion and that the bill shall be privdeged as are appropriation bills, that is, it remains the unfinished business and may be called up at any timfl there IS nothing else in the way. The resolution was adopted without much argument The Democrats dId not seem dIsposed to interpose any ob- JectIOns Representative Adamson of Georgia, the senior minority member of the interstate and foreign commerce commIttee, made a bnef talk to the effect that the adITI1l11stra-tlOn bill, as mtroduced by Mr Townsend, was entirely ob-nixious to the Democrats, but he said, the minority members of the committee had succeeded in amending it materially and they hoped to be able to accomplish more when the measure was read in the house for the amendment under the five minute rule As a result of the action by the house, the bIll probably will be taken up sometime during the coming week. Senator Crawford of South Dakota spoke in favor of the admmistration's bill last Tuesday He expressed the opinion that the court of commerce provision would not be Justified unless it has JunsdictlOn over cases to annul orders by the boards of raIlway commissioners of the several states and offered an amendment glvmg this increased jurisdiction to the court. This amendment has not been considered by the committee. Tanning Company Enlarges Their Plant. The Dahm & KIefer Tannmg company have been making a specialty of goat and sheep skms for upholstered furniture and thIS product of theIr tannery, at Grand RapIds, MichIgan, has been so well receIved and successful, that It crowded their capacity and they have found It necessary to gIVe that depart-ment of theIr tannery more room. They have just added another floor to theIr tannery to accommodate their growmg trade, and wJ11 now be able to take better care of trade m this Ime than ever before They color the skins m a great variety of shades and colors, and show a very attractive assortment of which they furnIsh sample pads, to those interested. l'4r Dahm and Mr. Keifer are both experienced and well known leather men, and they are enthUSIastic over the results they are havmg _n the production of these skins and the manner m which many of the foremost upholstenng houses have come-to use them. The salesroom in Chicago IS at 204 Lake street, where all mail should be addressed WEEKLY ARTISAN WANTS 66NEW OLD" FURNITURE Cleveland"s Shrewd Millionaire Hotel Proprietor Displays His Esthetic Taste. W R Holden IS one of the many wealth, men of Cleve-land, OhIO Among his most \ aluable po,;;"e":,lOn,,, are the Hotel Ho11enden and the Cleveland PlamJealer, one of the oldest dai1Jes m the :,tate The methods by which :\Ir Hol-den amas<;ed his wealth and the po!Jcle:, Ihe pur,;;ues 111 mal1iagmg It are frequently dbcu,;;sed by the gue"b at his hotel, particulaJly by tray el1l1g sale"men \\ ho heal anJ tell all k1l1ds of stones about his cal eer, some of \\ hlch are based on facts whJ1e others are more or less imagmary What they consider his succe<;s 111 hfe IS attnbuted to quah-ties 111hiS character which \ ary with the per<;onal opmlOns of those who are faml!Jal with hI" method", Some call It luck, others pi efer to credIt hun \\ lth "hre\\ dne"s, keennhs. foresight or 1I1tUltlOn, \\ hJ1e a few al e kmd enough to de-clare that It IS nothmg more or le"s than hard v\ ork and natural abi1Jty Years ago HoLlen \\ a" a :\1Jc11H;an peda~ogue. poor as most of them are, and not credIted \\lth an} great abIllh as a teache1 The most generalh accepted \ el ';;10n at the ,;;t01\ of hiS start in the w01ld of wealth runs about hke thb He went down to Cleyeland m farther east, It cloes not matter where, and fe11111 WIth men who had put conSIderable money into a Colm aJo m111111gpro] ect, and were "orely dl,;;satlsfied With theIr mvestment He tiled to console them .U1d <;uc ceeded 111domg so to such an extent that they ",ent llll11 to Colorado to mvestlgate and I epDrt as to the actual l-onl11- tlon and prospects of their property \\ hen he returned hIS reports were not Opt1S1111,;;tICat all and the "toLkholc1el';; \\ ere -------._. _. _. -----_._-----_._---_._------.,.." r I.. WABASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA Manufacturers ot TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT .. ..- !~ discouraged IIe could not give them any hope for getting the11 money back, much less, could he promise them any-thmg m the way of diVidends The investors were in the Jumps and the matter was allowed to rest for a few montths. In the meantime ~1r Holden had managed to raise a httle money and purchased nearly all the <;hare::. at ten or fifteen cents on the dollar ?\o sooner had he secured the stock than it began to lIse 111value but It was not for sale The mine "panned out" great-even much better than Mr Holden ex-pected- and in the course of a year or two he had become a nlllllOmare So much fm hiS start. Another story about ';\Ir Holden IS of particular inter-est to fur111tUle men The fur111ture m the Hotel Hollenden was made by the Phoe111x Furniture company of Grand RapIds t\\Cnty-five years ago It IS of the solid substantial ty pe that \\ as popular at that tIme and is not much the \\ ol::.e for hay mg been used for a quarter of a century -\bout a yeal alSO tJhe tax a"sessol" deCIded that It was valu-able and \'\ as dsses:,ed too low, so they boosted ItS taxable \ alue to the e,tent of several thousand dollars Mr. Hol-den prote:,ted vigorously agamst paymg taxes on the old furmture declanng that It was nothmg less than robbery, and at hI';; sugge"tlOn three fur111ture men were asked to e,amme the fll1111ture and detel mme ItS actual value. They 1 eported that the hlll11ture while m fan cond~tlon was old, of a sty Ie long "mce discarded and that It was really worth httle or nothmg As a result Mr Holden's taxes on the ." FOUR NEW TRADE MARK REGISTERED PRODUCTIONS BAR 0 N IA LOA K S T A I N in acid and oil, F LAN D E RS 0 A K S T A I N in aGid and oil. S M 0 KED 0 A K S T A I N in acid and oil, EARLY ENGLISH OAK STAI N in acid and oil. Send for finished samples, free. Ad-el-ite Fillers and Stains have long held first place in the estimation of Furniture Manufacturers and Master Painters. In addition to the reg-ular colors the above shades offer unusually beautiful and novel effects. The Ad-el-ite People CHICAGO-NEW YORK • Everythmg in Pamt SpeCIaltiesand Wood Fmishing materials. FIllers that fill. Stams that satIsfy " WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------_._-_._--------------------------- 5 WE MAKE REFRIGERATORS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES Zinc Lined. Porcelain Lined. White Enamel Lined. Opal-Glass Lined. You can increase your Refrigerator Sales by putting In a line of the "Alaskas." Write for our handsome catalogue and price lists. The Alaska Refrigerator Company ExcluSIve Refngerator Manufacturers Muskegon, Michigan New York Offlce, 369Broadway, L E. Moon, Manager f I -..II .h.._..._--_._------------------------------_.---_._---------- hotel furniture, mc;tead of bClI1g raised 100 or 200 per cent were considerably reduced The sequel to the furmture story IS now belllg 1 elated III furnIture cIrcle" 1\1r ITolden h bUlldang a largc addltlOn to the Hotel Hollenden, and hc \\ ant<-, furnIture for the new room" and department'-, He doe" not care for Sheraton, HepplewhIte, LoUIS XV] or all) of the popular perIod ~tyleb He wants It Just hke the old furnIture, III style, materIal, con'itructlOn, fi11lsh and general appearance He ha" not suc-ceeded m placmg the order, but wIll probably be able to do so, though the ('new old" furmture may be qUIte expenSIve The patterns, desIgnb, etc, used b) the Phoe11lx company twenty-five years ago were long S1l1ce burned, but the de- SIgner could copy the old pIeces qUIte eaSIly, hence It IS qUIte certalll that the addItIon to the Hotel Hollenden WIll be supplIed with "new old" furmtUI e that wIll harmolllze perfectly with that m the olel part of the house In that event what wIll the asse~sors thInk or do about the valu ation? What wIll the experts sa} Jf asked to fix the value of the "new old" furnIture? WIll they decIde that beIllg out of fashion It 1S worthless? Perhaps they may reach the con-clus1~ n that the reproductIoll'i m the old ~tyle are not only valuable but that they have restored the value of the furlll-ture that has stood the weal, tear and hard knocks of twenty-five years. At any rate many furnIture men WIll be mterested in notlllg the effect of Mr Holden's plan By c1mgmg to the old style, whatever be hIS motIve, he may bnng It mto popu-lar favor and cause many manufacturers to use It for a few years at least New Factories. J S Mc ,1aster & Co ha \ e ~tarted theIr new excelsIOr factory at Rutland, Vt Col Hagan and Mr DlI1gu" dre promotmg a new furni-ture factory at Dungannen, Tenn fhe HelD & 'Vood Carpet company arc new manufac-turers of carpeL> and rugb III Lowell, Mass The manufacture of mattress felts IS d new industry successfully launched by Joseph R I'racId and Thomas \iVood 111::Ylanchester, N. H The Dumeer Pobsh company have esta,bltshed a factory at South Farms, Conn They make the Dumeer furniture pobsh and a dustless duster James H Hooper, Henry I Greenblat and Jacob Maurer have 111corporatecI the l\Iarblette Garden Furl11ture company to establtsh a factory In Yonkel s, N Y Capltal stock, $10,000 .. ....... _. - . .., "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and other; will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY , H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. P.... .. 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN --------------_.-._._--- .".. ....._- -----------.-_-_-.e_-.-. -_.-_-_-.. .. Lentz Big Six No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687. 60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. II IIi II I I---_. _._.-._.. ....----_._-_._.__._------ ..I. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Ii Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE. MICHIGAltt •• • __ • • __ ._ a ••• _____ not provided by law to any per'3on 1l1formatlOn obta1l1ed by hun 111 the dlschalge of this officIal duty or to divulge OF make knO\\n 111 an) manner not provided by law any docu-ment recel\ cd e\ J(lence taken or report made under this '3ectlOll eAcept upon the "peclal ,1Irection of the President; an,l an) offen">e aga1l1~t the foreg01l1g PlovlslOn "hall be a misdemeanor and he pU1l1c;hed by a fine not exceed1l1g one thou"and dollar,,> or 111lpnSOnment not exceeding one year or hoth. at the (lI'-oCletlOn of the court" The two palagraphs, on their face, appeal to conflict-one ">aY1l1gthat these cor-poratIon return" shall be open to 1l1"pectlOn 111 the internal-re\ enue comml-,c;lonel'" office "a" publIc document"," and and the othel fOlblJdmg "anv officer or employe of the l~l1lteel State,,>' to dl\ ulge an) of the 1l1formation "except up-on the "peclal clIrectlOn of the Preqdent," but the latter para!.;raph ma111fe"th has reference to divulging any of the 111formatlon before It has been filed "a" a pubhc document" 111 \\ ashington-as, for 1l1stance, disclosures hy an internal revenue collector or by any attache of his office, for a report of this sort cannot at one and the same time be open to in-spection a" a regular publIc document and still he examin-able only by the President's directIon The Gillett amend-ment, If finall." enacted will simply repeal the clause that makes the report,.., "subject to examinatIOn as public elocu-ments" <\nother amendment offered by Senator Hale of Maine and alread." passed by the senate, pi oVldes that reports of RESTRICTING PUBLICITY Obnoxious Clause in the Corporation Income Tux Law to Be Amended. The hou"e ot I epl e-,entatl\ e" b} a eleci '-01 \ e \ ate has adopted an amendment to the obnOxlOtb publICity clause m the corporatIon 1I1come tax law. that, If pas'ied by the senate will go a long way toward correctmg what 1'-0 cOnSl(lel ed a glanng defect and VICIOUSprOVl">lOl1111 the la\\ The amend-ment passed by the hou'-oe was wntten and offered 1)\ Repre-sentative Gillett of .l\Ia%achu"etts It \)rO\ Ide" that reL turns made by corporatIOns under the terms of the la\\ a'-oIt now stands shall be made publtc only on the order uf the PreSident of the Untted State", "111 accordance \\ Ith rule~ anJ regulatlOns to be prescnbed b." the secretar} of the trea'3ury and approved by the President" The law now prOVides that \\hen the a""essmenb ,hall have been made on the corporations. a" directed the re-turns together With any correctIOn thereof that may have been made by the commiSSIOner shall be filed in the office of the commissioner of internal revenue 'and shall consti-tute public records and be open to 1l1SpectlOn a<; such . the "\el y next paragraph of the sectIOn. ho\\ e"\er-paraQ,ra ph seven-reads as follows "It "hall be unla\\ ful for am col-lector, agent. clerk or other officer or emplo} e of the t-11lted States to divulge or make known 111 an} manner \\ hate\ Cl ...." Pitcairn Varnish Company I pIII ~anufacturers of Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality Our ~otto: "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" c. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't. Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J. ........ ... ._._._._. . _._._._. • .. . -.6... WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 corporatIOns made under the law shall be made public only when called for by resolutlOn of the <;enate or house or upon the order of the Pre<;ldent, that IS, were the President to re-fue;; e an appbcatlOn for glvmg publicity to a corporatIOn re-port, the applIcant might go to Congress and get authonty for the pubhClty Jeslred, Probably there will have to be some compromise amendment framed by a conference com-mittee from each chamber, but the "pubhcity clau"e" will al-mo" t unCjue~tlOnably be mOchfied at this session of Congress Meantlme, the Supreme court 111 a Vermont case brought under the law IS considering the very pomt of objection from bhe outset urged by many newspapers-that where a firm and a corporatIOn are m busmess competitIOn the firm can learn all the company's trade secrete;; while the latter has no such pnvllege as to the firm's busmess And possibly the court may declare the "publiCity clause" to be uncon"ti-tutlOnal before Congress acts on it-especially as adJourn-ment IS not expected untIl June or July No Profit in Government Contracts. ::\llchlgan ArtIsan, Grand Rapids, Mich, Gentlemen: Learnmg that the war department is about to issue proposals for sohd mahogany furmture for the officers quarters, it oc-cure;; to us that the furmture manufacturers ought to be warned by the experience of those who handled some of this contract work in the past A year ago when business was quiet a great many manufacturer~ went after this contract The Luce FurnitUl e company of Grand Rapids and ourselves wet\:e awarded part, and the Batley-Jones company of Jame<;- towl~~\part, and several other manufacturer~, the Grand Ledge ancl some Brooklyn and Philadelphia factories, and we are not betra) mg any secret when we say that all of them doubt- Ie"., lo"t money The feel1l1g exists among those familiar v\ Ith the c('ncb tlO11S that It is worse than folly for us to go after such a clas<; of work Without a good margm of profit We Lad to put up a bond in the American Surety com-pany of $91,000 to carry out a contract of about $20,000, and the gover111'1ent had the nght to reject them on the open market and charge us up with the difference \Ve beheve Without an exreptlOn every factory that handled some of this contract lost money, and it was a Job worth fully 50 per cent profit, with the 00ther and the danger and the worry. Every-thing is higher today than formerly Would it not be well for you to comment on the conditIOns editorially? A quartermaster captam came to us and said that Uncle Sam had appropnated $1,000,000 to buy furniture and he bought it at $600,O()o The way that he expre"sed It was that the furniture manufacturers were --- fools for domg this A manager of the contract department of one of the big stores I emarked the other day that there wasn't a fur111ture manufacturer m the United States that he knew of that wa~ rich I do not know that thl., \'0111 do any good, but It might, for j au to comment on It Your truly, THE WHITE Mebane, \T C, Mar. 29, 1910 FUR.:-rlTURE CO, J S White, Treas .. ----.------. ---.-.-.----.-----------'1 IMPROVED, EASY AND ELEVATO RS QUICK RAISINC Belt, Electnc and Hand Power. The Best Hand Powet' fat' Fut'mtut'e Stores Send for Catalogue and Pnces. ~ KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St .. Council Bluffs, la.' Kimball EleTator Co .. 3:l3 Prospect St., Cleveland,O., 10811th St., Omaha, Neh., 128 Cedar St , New York City. " - "----------------_._._._---------~..,- -, DO YOU WANT# the PRETTIEST, BEST and MOST popu- L.A-R LEATHER FOR FURNITURE. ANY COLOR. WILL NOT CRACK. I I GOAT and SHEEP : SKINS If so buy our Write for sample pads of colors. DAHM & KIEFER TANNING CO. TANNERIES CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CHICACO,ILL. 204 lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. ,',-- ------------- ._....-.---- -------------~ '.. The above cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No.1, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. OUrs 1S the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our llst) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way Is the best. A post card will bring It, catalog included. Don't delay, but write today. AI E. PALMER &. SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Representatives: The Frojectile Co., London, Eng-land: bchuchardt & Schutte, Berlm, Germany; Alfred H. Schutte, Cologne, Faris, Bl'I1lIsels, Liege, Milan, Turin, Bal'4lelona, and Bllboa. --... ...-_-------------------------- -- - 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN RETAIL • FURNITURE ADVERTISING Condncted by H. H. STALKER. Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to Offer Any SnggestioDflJ and Helps Which They Believe Will Be of Benefit to Others. This Department Aims to Be of Practical Service. Help Us to Make It So. ....,,\ I know an engraving house catering to furnIture men, and furnishmg many wIth good stock cutss, that last :\1ay doubled theIr business on a "June Bnde Sale" full page bor-der design Scores of furniture dealers used effectl\ e full page "ads" m going after the June bnde busmess These "ads" ran anywhere from May 10 to June 1 and captured a lot of business There are many weddmgs in June, and these young folks must have homes eqt1lpped for housekeepmg The furniture man that appeals most allunngly to these people will naturally get the bulk of the business It b "orth gOln!{ after, not only on account of Itself, but because It mal lead to a life time account Then there are those who are plannmg on fall" eddmgs or en a year from June A !lttle artful persuasIOn and sug-gestion may deCIde some of them to marr) no" and ;tart living at once, and that's Just what you" ant N OW, I'm gomg to gl\ e you an Idea for a full page ad\ er-tisement, and I hope a large number of you wIll work It up and "cash in on it," for T beile\ e It can be made very effective Supposmg we head It, "June Bndes and Groom.., Will Find Pleasure and Profit m \Yan,lering DO\\ n Our Aisles of Fine Furmture" Then hay e your engra\ er put the headmg mto pIcture form, sho"l'.mg "everal ro\\:, of furniture of all kmds, dIVIded by ahles, say three, down which are coming young couples eagerly absorbed m "hat they see I would not try to hay e any particular pIeces stand out Make the cut thIS tune what I call an "atmosphenc pIcture . Let It breathe the spint of the head1l1g and produce an all around, complete effect, instead of try1l1g to feature any particular pieces Throw m all the descnptlOn and pnces and talk you want and enumerate the thmgs they ,,111 be sure to need. I thmk a good way to layout thIS "ad" \\ould be to have the head set m, say 48 pomt upper and lower case way across the top It will make two, maybe three lmes Then an mtroductlOn of seven or eIght !lnes of 18 pomt Then reserve a space the width of a newspaper column on the i . IIIII IIII II II extreme nght and left of the page for descnptlOn, prices and talk Confine your pIcture to the space left, of course leav-mg room at the bottom for a conspIcuous name plate and address :\0\\ I gue:,s that's fairly clear Anyway, your en-gra\ er \\111 understand the Idea, and the pnnter wIll catch too It might be a good plan to cut thIS column out and maIl with your order to engraver so he wIll get the Idea. The MIchigan Englavmg company, Grand RapId;;, MICh, "1'.111take care of ) au mcely on this I heard a lecture the other mght on "Art in Advertls- 1I1g" 111u<;trateJ WIth some very pat examples, which lent a great deal of force to the talk It was most 1I1terestmg and ll1'itructive I have WIshed smce that all my readers mIght have heard It, for It was a breeder of new ideas The lec-turel "ent on to sa) that the most forceful way to attract attentIOn to \ OUI plOpositlOn by ll1u..,tratlOn was to center on some feature and play it up strong He explamed the psychology of the effect of such an Illustration on the read~f. makmg the pomt that It \'vas much eaSIer for the ey~/and 111md to take In one pOInt at a time Of course he bq.~ed hIS argument on ~111g1epropOSItIOns, urging that Irrelevant mat-ter and pIcture; be kept out But the idea is applicable to us m one partIcular That IS that it is a mIghty good plan at tImes to break away from talk111g about furniture as a whole and sho\"', ing a dozen or more cuts, and get right down to brass tacks on some one particular thing, remembenng that there are 365 day; 111a year and plenty of time and space to talk about other things later It would be a good plan for some of Y011 to try this Suppose you cut out runmng bIg space occasKfnally, and run Instead, some nice clean-cut five inch double columns "ads" contain1l1g one slick cut and a few pat sales points Keep this up for a month or so and see what happens. I'll hazard a gue"s that results wouldn't be so bad but what friends would say, "Jones feels pretty good lately, doesn't he?" Some people are so tlreles<; that they become positIvely tIresome Waddell Manufacturing Grand Rapids. Michigar. --~~------_.._--_._---~ CO. II This is one of our Latest Designs in Drawer Pulls. Watch This Space for Others The largest manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings in Wood in the world. Write us for Samples and Prices. Made in Oak, Walnut, M!hogany, Birch and all Furniture Woods. a- • • .,.;,_. ._. .__ . - /# / ,r a,. . ... I - WEEKLY ARTISAN A Few Moments with W. J. Calder. One of the great mercantile establishments of San Fran- CISCOIS that of the D N & E Walter company A heavy Jobbmg, Importing, manufacturing and retail busIness is car-ned on An idea of the amount of busmess done i" furnished in the statement that the sales of carpets, rugs and mattmgs alone amounts to $2,000,000 annually The furmture de-partment IS under the management of W. J Calder, formerly of Grand Rapids, and occupies 120,000 feet of floor space Leadmg manufactunng hou.3es are represented on the floors and the stock on hand when the writer inspected It demon- '3trated the fact that wise discretion and intelligent appre-cIation of the trade of San Francisco had been exercised m the selectIOn of stock. The goods dIsplayed were mainly of medIum and fine quality, although there was a sufficIent stock of low-priced stock to meet the requirements of a firm not seekmg e.3pecially low-priced trade. The buildlllg m which the house furnishing store is located i'3 a modern one, it having been erected by the Walter company ."mce the "tremble" of three years ago. All the fine SUItes are dIS-played in rooms constructed and decorated especially for the purpose. If Mr. Calder desires to ",how a mahogany suite m a green setting a rug in which that color predommates IS placed on the floor, and the reversIble and quickly adjustable panels used in the screens which supply the walls of the rooms are changed when necessary to produce the effect de-sired. A suite requiring a setting of blue, white or other colors to bring out its beauties effectively, is quickly pro-vIded by a change in the panels. "Ninety per cent of the oak we sell is fumed," Mr Calder remarked "We keep a small stock of golden oak on hand, for WhICh there IS a mode-rate call, but nothing in weathered" The company manu- --~-----~-_._-----------------.., III II ,I , I,I ,, I,I I " factures cOD'3Iderable furniture upon order An additional warehouse to contain 100,000 "quare feet of floor space, wIll be erected soon The \Valters have been engaged m bU.3i-ness m San FranCI'3CO over fifty years. It Brings the People to Their Store. The John Breuner company of San FrancIsco, have opened a free hou.3e rentmg agency m their store Owners of houses, apartments or flats are permItted to file lists of their proper-ties'" Ith the agency wherre renters may obtam the keys of buildings and such information in regard to propertIes as they desIre Landlords are saved the exorbItant rentmg fee;, charged by real estate agents and the Breuner company keeps 111 close touch with the great army of home renter.3 Each Net SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis $2~ $2~ Each Net 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN / 10 SPINDLE MACHINE ALS€l MADE WITH 12, 15, 20 AND 25 SPINDLES DODDS' NEW GEAR DOVETAILING MACHINE ThIS lIttle machine has done more to perfect the drawer work of furnl ture manufacturers than anything else m tbe furniture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fitting, vermm-proof, dovetaded stock a pOSSI bllIty. This bas been accomplIshed at reduced cost, as the machme cuts dove-tails m gangs of from 9 to 24 at one operatIOn It's what others see about your busmess rather than what you say about It, that counts m the cash drawer It's the thnll of enthUSiasm and the true nng of truth you feel and hear back of the cold type that makes you buy the thmg advertised ALEXANDER DODDS CO" GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Representedby Schuchart & Schuue at Berhn. V,enna. Stockholm and St PetersburR Representedby Alfred H Schuue at CaloRne.Bru-u. ueRe. Pa",. Mden and Bdboa RepresentedIn Great Bnban and by the Ohver Maclunery Co. F. S Thom_n. Milt., 20).203 Dcalllllate.Manchdter. En,Iand Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-E. R. Johnson, 1312 Morse avenue, ChIcago, $5,000; F. M. Walter, 2727 Fletcher street, ChIcago, $3,800, Albin Peterson, 1730 ·Winona Sheet, ChIcago, $5,000, C H Radcliff, 5401 Wayne avenue, Chicago, $7,000, }\!~rs. H ::v1 Spraker, 62 West roorty-FIfth sheet, New York, $JO,OOO, Gladys E. BruneI, 115 West Forty-Second street, ~ew York, $6,500; Benjamin Benenson, 407 East 153d street, New York, $45,000; Fred Wagner, Beaubem street and GratIOt avenue, De-troit, Mich., $4,000; Joseph Buckley, Fourth and Charlotte streets, Detroit, $5,000; Anthony TheIsen, CharlevOIX and Goethe streets, Detroit, $4,250; James Hl. Brown, 211 'Edl'30n street, Detroit, $7,500; Carroll S. Brown, 219 EdIson street, Detroit, $4,000; Henry Peabody, Midbury and John R 'Streeh Detroit, $9,500; C. R. Lambert, 25 Owen street, Detroit, $tl,- 000; C. S. Gilbert, 104 Clairmount street, Detroit, $4,000; W L. Blackburn, Boulevard and Second streets, Detroit, $8,000; C. S. Vaughn, FIscher street and Gratiot avenue, Detroit, $8,- 500; Matthew B Whittelsey, 109 Rowena street, Detroit, $9,- 000; L. B. Taylor, 1404 Forest avenue, jEvanston, Ill., $6,000, Goerge S. Ford, 140-J: Elinor Place, Evanston, $6,000; J. L Flannery, 822 Judson avenue, Evanston, $6,000; A. P. Cote, 2402 Central Boulevard, Omaha, Nebr., $3,000; E. L. Cain, 1517 South Eighth avenue, Omaha, $2,500; Fred Hamilton, 608 South Thirty-eighth street, Omaha, $18,000; Frank '.;Y. Bacon 432 North Thirty-eighth avenue, Omaha, $7,500; Benjamm Grab, Elm and Forty-sixth streets, Milwaukee, Wis, $4,500; B. T. Van Trees, 3927 Cornelius street, Indianapolis, Ind., $11,- 500; Mrs. C. E Summersett, 1015 Bryan street, Columbia, S c., $3,000; A. E. Hofer, 1812 East Fifty-eighth street, Kansas City, Mo, $3,000; Fred Danz, 1637 Kemington stt eet, Kansas CIty, $3,500; John S. Webber, 3877 Fifty-ninth street, Kansas City, $3,000; George C. Hall, 6808 Cleveland street, Kansa~ City, $3,000; S. H. Everett, 10830 Magnolia street, Cleveland, 0., $18,000; Edward Becker, 676 Parkwood avenue, Cleve-l.. wu, $5,000; John KIlroy, 10010 Parkgate street, Cleveland, $3,500; Charles Lalsy, 7801 Lorain avenue, Cleveland, $5,000; Mrs. Anna Gregg, 3410 Maple avenue south, Los Angeles, Cal, $9,800; WIlham J. HIll, 1525 Marcus avenue, St. LotUs, .:\10, $3,500; Harry Quest, 4221 College avenue, St. LotUs, Mo., $3,500; Mrs Bettha Zlegahn, Hewitt street and Snelling ave-nue, St. Paul, M mn, $4,200; Mrs Marie Basting, Sherburne and Grotto streeb, St. Paul, $4,500; Fred R. Ross, Gilpm and ThIrd streets, Denver, Col., $10,000; J. L. Day, Vine and Twen-ty- mnth streets, Denver, $3,000; J. R. Day, 3455 Shenandoah avenue, St LotUs, Mo., $4,000; E. C. Clostermeyer, 4124 Con-necttcut avenue, St LOUIS, $5,500; Emeha Wis'smann, 4237 Russell avenue, St LotUS, $6,000; Mma MIller, 233'1 Tennessee avenue, St. LOUIS,$9,000; Kathenne PasqtUer, 5967 Van Versen avenue, St LoUls, $5,500; Ehzabeth Schneider, 5134 Portland Place, St. Louts, $21,000; Joe M Walker, PonCe de Leon avenue, Atlanta, Ga, $9,000; Fred Walter, Krug Park Place, St Joseph, Mo, $4,500; J J Lahey, 2269 E. Nineteenth street, Brooklyn, N. Y., $10,000; M. Solomon, 105 Ellery street, Brook-l) n, $7,000, F Elermann, 63 Ridgwood avenue, Brooklyn, $4,500; G. L. Beer, 914 Broadway, Brooklyn, $6,500; Charles Boeswald, 2030 Alta avenue, LOUlsville, Ky, $3,000; Mrs. Ahce Elliott, 121 Bayly street, LOlllsvil!e, $4,000; W. E. Seymour, :!14 West Newell street, Syracuse, N. Y, $5,500; James Mullm, .f38 East Washmgton street, Syracuse, $5,000; H. H. Benson, 229 West Brighton avenue, Syracuse, $6,000; F. H. Ladendorf, 112 East Cormng avenue, Syracuse, $4,500; George Frey, 981 Island avenue, Milwaukee, WIS, $3,800; George J. Markey, Texas and Wentworth streets, 1V\ilwaukee, $4,800; Mrs. Marie '\ HIcks, 1798 Wclshmgton ~treet, PIttsburg, Pa, $4,000; Mis~ \ _._.a_a._ _ .__ __ . FOX SAW DADO HEADS SMOOTHEST GR.OOVES FASTEST CUT LEAST POWER. LONGEST LIFE GR.EATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TROUBLE PER.FECT SAFETY We'll iladly tell you all about it. Also Machine Knlve..., Miter Machines, Etc. PERMANENT ECONOMY FOX MACHINE CO. 185 N. Front Street, ... -.- .._.~._.---...Grand Rapids, Mlch • •• aa. _ ... ROLLSI For Bed Caps, Case Goods, Table Legs and many other purposes; in Gum, Mahogany and Quartered Oak Veneers. The Fellwock Auto & MfJ!. CO. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA WEEKLY Mary McConegly, 614 Forty-fifth street, Pittsburg, $4,000; IE. J. Kreitzburg, 5908 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Pa., $6,000; John W. Shisler, 2331 Mifflin street, Philadelphia, $19,600; Robert A. Smythe, 1216 East Fifteenth street, Atlanta, Ga, $8,- 000; J. H. Jackson, Sixth avenue and Kline street, Abeldeen, S. Dak., $12,000; A. Eynon, Belmont and Madison avenues, Youngstown, Ohio, $12,000; Andrew Higgins, 228 Falls ave-nue, Youngstown, $3,000; Fred R. Moody, 417 FaIrgreen ave-nue, Youngstown, $4,500; Alis H. Kelsey, Lincoln and Ellsworth streets, Denver, Co1., $7,000; James Doyle, West Grove and Twenty-second streets, Denver, $4,500; Mrs. Stelle M. Starr, Sunset Place, Los Angeles, Ca1.,$8,000; 1. T. Etheridge, Wood-land avenue and Third street, 'Winston-Salem, N. c., $3,500; H. L. Cobbs, 15 Windsor street, Atlanta, Ga, $3,750; A. S. Merritt, 623 Thirty-seventh avenue, Seattle, Wash., $3,000; O. J. Johnson, 4714 Eighteenth avenue, Seattle, $3,500; Henry S. DeForest, 433 State street, Schenectady, N. Y., $4,000; John Zruszoski, Crane street and Second avenue, Schenectady, $5,500; Mrs. M. Olmstead, 1155 North Broad street, Knoxville, Tenn., $3,000; Fred S. Colebrook, 101 Euclid avenue, Sracuse, N. Y., $5,000; G. B. Out, 303 West Ostrander avenue, Syracuse, $3,- 000; D. L. Court, 400 Walnut avenue, Syracuse, $3,000; O. D. Baughman, 113 Garden street, Bellingham, Wash., $3,50; Mrs. Barbara Wuest, Seminole street and University avenue, Cin-cinnati, 0., $6,000; Mrs. Emma A. Towsley, Ludlow and Brookline avenues, Cincinnati, $7,500; Mrs. Fred Seeburger, Seventeenth street and Washington avenue, Terre Haute, Ind, $5,000; Frank H. Chisholm, 304 Auburn avenue, Buffalo, N. Y., $3,500; Wellington Salt, 402 East street, Buffalo, $3,600. Miscellaneous Buildings-The Swedlsh Baptists of Du-luth, Mmn., are bUllding a church at a cost of $20,000. The Arlmgton hotel of Santa Barbara, the first tOUlist hotel in south-ern California, which was burned last fall, is to be rebuilt at a cost of $300,000. A. M. Birkel will erect a fine 150-room hotel at Bakersfield, Ca1. The first Congregational Soclety of Riverside, Cal., has adopted plans for a new church to cost $100,000 "Nat" Goodwin has purchased 1200 acres of or-ange land near Rlverside, Ca1.,on which he will erect a chateau, on plans suggested by Mrs. Goodwin, at an estimated cost of $18,000. The Sisters of St. Joseph are erecting a new school buildmg in San DIego, Ca1.,at a cost of $125,000. The Meth-odlsts of San Luis Obispo, Cal, are bUIldmg a new church at a cost of $36,000, exclusive of seat1l1g. Managers of the Gem theatre of Albuquerque, N. Mex, will rebUIld their house at a cost of $30,000. The Beaulah Baptist Society of Atlanta, Ga., wIll bmld a new church at a cost of $35,000. The Scottish Rite Masons are bUIlding a temple in East St. Louis, Ill, to cost $75,000. The Odd Fellows of East St Louis are to build a temple at a cost of $45,000. Death of Charles M. Freed. Charles M. Freed, for many years head of the Freed Furni-ture and Carpet company of Salt Lake City, Utah, died on March 24, aged 67 years. He was a natIve of Bohemia, came to America when 13 years of age and went west in 1889 with the intention of entering the mining business, but soon aban-doned that idea and established a small furniture store in Salt Lake City, declaring his belief that the town would become the metropolis of the mountain region. He was a quiet, and unassuming man but remarkably enterprising and energetic, constantly improving his stock and business methods. His trade kept pace with the growth of the town and he leaves one of the most prosperous stores in the country, which passes to his widow and children-three sons and a daughter. He was an Elk and a member of the Knights of Pythias and was highly honored and esteemed in both orders. ARTISAN '" . I :No. 592. Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. 6RO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. .. -- . ... ____ ~ •• - • •• • III __ • _ .... __ • 31-33 S. Front Sf., ORANDRAPIDS, MIen. SEND FOR ...-.__ ._--- I These saws are made from No.1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. Write UtI tor PrIce IMt &lid dlIGOUDt ~-----_._---- Manufaduren of Embo.. ed and TumedMoulcl. inca. Embo... ed and Spindle Carvin... and Automatic Turnin.a. We a110 manu-ladure a large me 01 Embo .. ed Ornamenta for Couch Work. .256-.258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILl. , . ..------------------------- 11 .. ., --_ ... I . " 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN WALTER CLARK VENEER GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMPANY Yau can always get IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 1~8", 1~20", 1~24" and 1~28" R. C. BIRCH 1~16", 1~20", 1~24", and 1~28" POPLAR 1~20", 1~24" and 3~ 16" GUM Direct from our Grand Rapids Warehouses. We solicit your trade. 1~20" R. C. PLAIN OAK SENSIBI~E REVISION OF RULES Shippers Will Not Be Charged for Large Cars When Smaller Ones Are Ordered. The official classification commIttee of the Amencan Traffic association have made a reVISIOn of rule )Jo 27 whIch will remove the cause of many compla111ts and save annoy-ance and expense for many .shippers. The sectIOns of the revised rules which are of especial mterest read as follows (c) Owing to the limited number of cars mer 36 feet six inches in length, carners cannot undertake to furm"h such cars unless they are readily available. (d) If a shipper orrders a car less than 40 feet, ..,IX inches in length and the carrier is unable to furnIsh such a car, and furnishes a longer car than ordered, but not exceed ing 40 feet, SIX inches 111length, the minimum weIght shall be that fixed for the car ordered, except when the 10ad111g c<lipacity of the car furnished IS used, the mimmum weIght shall be that fixed for the car furnished (e) When car.s exceeding 40 feet, SIX mche" in length are furnished anJ used, the mlmmum carload weIght shall be that fixed for the car furnIshed, regardless of the length of the car ordered by the shipper. With the announcement of the reviSIOn of the rule the committee has issued a CIrcular which makes these state-ments: "When shippers order cars of .speCIfic length theIr at tention should be called to the prOVISIons of rule 27 111odel that they may fully understand the duty and oblIgatIOns of the carrier, as well as the shippers' privilege or nghts when accepted and loading cars of greater length than ordered "Cars more than 40 feet, SIX l11ches in length, should not be turl11shed III place of shorter cars avaIlable for those ordered In the e\ ent that shIppers order cars of specific lengths, \\ hlch are not readIly avaIlable and the only readIly d \ allable cars more than 40 feet, SIX inches in length, ship-pers' attentIOn "hould be directed to that provislOn of the rule \\ hlch prescnbes the mil1lmum car load weights as applI-cable to the cars furl1lshed irre,pectIve of the length" of the cars ordered "When under the provisions of section (D). A longer cal than ordere~l IS furnished the following notation must be made by agent on the bill of lading and way bill: 'Car feet.. ... inches in length ordered by shipper and car. feet in length furnished under the pro- \ bIOns of sectIOn D Rule 27, Official Classification' "\iVhen shIppers order cars of speCIfic length and accept cars more than 40 feet six inches in length on the basis of the 111111imumweight applicable thereto, the following nota-tion must be made by the agent on the bIll of lading and way bill: 'ShIpper ordered car feet.. 111ches, 111length and accepted car .. . feet. . inches in length with under standmg that mmi111um of car accepted will apply' "Agents shall keep a record of all instances where ship-pers order cars of speCIfic length and accept car longer than .:1-0 feet, six inches in length, such record to clearly indicate that the attentIOn of shippers was directed to the prOVIsions of paragraph (E) of rule 27." The revision made and the regulations establIshed are in re,ponse to a long tIme gnevance of shippers and are ex pected to obVIate complaints caused by carners furnishing cars longer than \\ere applIed for because of the fact of the WEEKLY ~._-_._._.-._...-._-_._-_._. ---_.-._._._._._._.-.~---- III iI II~ .......... UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead m Style, Conftrudton and Fimsh. See our Catalogue. Our Ime on permanent exhlbi-bon 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUlldmg, Grand Rapids. II ."" '3IZe wanted, and the charging for the minimums of the larger car instead of those ordered. If the instructions gIven to agents, yardmasters and employes upon whom the duty and responsibility of placing cars for loadIng are observed carefully, there will be no occasion for the claims that the cars employed were of a dimension or capacity of which the shipper had no knowledge. It is understood that whenever possible, the carrier'3 In-tend to furnish shippers with the particular cars for whIch application is made, but if they are not available, and cars of other dimensions are supplied, the shipper will be fully advised as to the charges which will accrue on such cars A Terrible Night in a Pullman. The weary, overheated occupants of a Pullman sleepel running west on the Rock Island railroad had just entered the snoring stage of a troubled sleep, when the train halted at Bu-reau Junction and the doors were thrown open. A chorus of female voices approached and when the leader entered the car she called out in loud tones, "Porter, oh Porter, where are you?" "I say, our berths are lower five and seven," one lovely loud-spoken damsel declared. "Why, JulIa, you are mistaken. The numbers are five and nIne." "The agent (lId not mark the numbers on the card," I e- JOIned the woman named Julia. By this time the occupants of the car had awakened and rubb1l1g their eyes, grumbled about the disturbance. "Oh Harry 1 Harry' Bring baby to me. 'Muver's'darling' "You were very nice Harry, to stay with us untIl 2 o'clock 111 the mornll1g whIle waiting for this train," remarked 'Muver ' "I thank you very much." "Yes, Harry, I hope you will visit us when you come out west again" "Yes, Harry, come out to Dry Run, Kansas, and see the warships," suggested the furniture salesman m lower fifteen "Oh Hal ry, shut up You are disturbing all the people in the car," abjured the varnish salesman from between the curta1l1'3 of lower eight. "Oh, you," remarked Harry, and subsided. "Must 'muv-er's' darlIng go to the baggage car? Go along with the porter, dear. Good night, dear." "For the sake of the Old Nick, what do you think about It neighbors?" remarked the man in lower eleven. "'Muver's' darling is a dog." "Harry went over to Juarez, Mexico, last summer and bought a lot of genuine Mexican IndIan pottery," remarked the occu-pant of lower five. "When he opened the stuff in Bureau he found it decorated with the trade mark of a firm in East Liver-pool, Ohio." ARTISAN 13 .~ '",I IIII IIII II SAMldEL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn. I Manufacturers of the Shimer Cutter Heads for Flooring, Ceiling, I SidIng, Doors, Sash, etc. ~... . . Don't Bum Your Moulding. Blackened edges so often found in hard-wood Mouldings indicate the use of inferior tools, which friction and burn because of their failure to have proper clearance. The Shimer Reversible and Non- Reversible Cutters are made of the finest tool steel by experienced workmen. In deSIgn and con-struction they are superior to anythIng on the market. They cut well and retaIn their shape until worn out. Send us drawings or wood samples for estimates on special cutters. Many useful de SIgns, with prices, are given in our catalogue. "Herause nut yourself," advised the German occupant of upper thirteen. "Oh, Harry, the tram is moving. Don't be carried away with us." "Oh, you Robinson girls," Harry ventured to utter. "Embrace the ladies first, Harry," advised lower two "Do it now," chimed in number four "Do It right," echoed number fourteen. "Give our love to 'popper' and 'mommer', Harry dear, pleaded Jeannette. "The man in the moon is winking at you, Hal ry. Do It now," number sixteen exclaimed. "Come out to 'Peblo' next May, Harry. I will give you a ticket to witness the balloon ascenSIOn, free," said the Colo-radoan. Harry stood the gaff well and departed amid the roars of laughter that filled the car. One of the young ladies seemed sad when Harry waived a farewell salute from the platform. But on the morning following the handsome and unusually at-tentive young Pullman conductor seemed to fill the vacancy oc-casioned by the violent pdrt111g WIth the good natured and pa-tient Harry. Judgll1g from the pI esent condItIOns of the lin"eed 011 trade the country needs more flax farmers or more trust in-vestigation. .. . ---- _._._._--_._----- 1I We Manufacture the Larl!elt Line of .. rOlDlno (nAIDS In the UnIted States, SUItable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all publIc resorts We also manufacture Brass TrImmed I r 0 n Beds, Spring Beds, Cot. and CrIb. In a large variety. Send for Catalogue and Prtces to I~.... . KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO rI 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN Complete lines of samples are displayed at 1411Michigan Ave .. Chicago, and in the Furniture Exhibition Building, Evansville, THE KARGES FURNITURE co. Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes,Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chifforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K. D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, in ImItation golden oak, plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright F oldmg Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, Chma Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak, imItation quartered oak, and solId quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chiffoniers in lInitation quartered oak, imitation mahogany, and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor, LIbrary, DmIng and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cnbs, Wire Spnngs and Cots Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association. • • Made b~ The Karges FUrtllture Co • WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 •III III III•• IIt •I I•• I• II I, IIIIII III II I II "-- ~ . • • -4 Made bj World Furlllture Company. Made by Bosse Furniture Company. Made by Bockstege Furlllture:Co. Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co. 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBl.iSHED EVERY SATURDAY av THII: MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SU.SCRI~TION SI eo ~ER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES SZ 00 PER YEAR. SINGI-E CO~IE. 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NOI'lTH DIVISION ST, GRANO RAPIDS, MICH, A. S WHITE, MANAGING EDITOR Entered ... aecond class matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand RapId., MIchIgan under the act of March 3, 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVEE I-EVY Manufacturers as well as retadels of furniture should undertake an educational campaIgn at once to check the growth in the demand for "bUIlt-ill' and "knock-dolWn" furniture-the kind that "any woman of fifteen or bov of ten can set up and finish in his or her home "Ithout th; aid of a cabinet maker." Especially 111 the mIddle \,('.o,t and on the Pacific coast has an inCl ease in the demand for this stuff been noticed, and that it has seriously affectecl legIti-mate trade there is proof in abundance. "BUllt-m furmture" originated with the archItects, and they are pushll1g the fad for all it is V\; orth. It is bUIlt by carpenters, and IS .-ery in-ferior to the work of trallled cabll1etmakel rs The people need only to be shown the difference between factory bUIlt furniture and the illy-designed loosely jOlllted and mcon-venient stuff of the archItect and the carpenter to gIve the preference to the former HIdeous looking budt III beds, tables that may be hinged to the wall as III a Pullman car, bookcases, chma cabinets, buffets, wall cabmets, cupboards and many other articles may be seen bUIlt mto apartment houses and bungalows, in many cities of the we"t and the fad is spreading to smaller places The apartment house owner tries to make his propel ty mOl e I entable than the ordinary house by building in much of the furl1lture needed by a tenant, going to the extreme of fUlnishmg rugs for the floors, curtams for the windows and mirrors for the walls Knock-down stuff IS advertised very largely 111 the maga-zmes and a heavy trade established The stuff IS of little, if any value LegItimate manufactm ers and 1 etallel s should not silently permit the growth of thi" trade to undermine theIr mdustly and render their stocks and plants practi-cally worthless. Nowadays, to man} people, an advel tlsement IS hke the mdex to a book. They can look thlough the mdex and find what they want. If Jour advertisement IS of the same kmd It WIll be of such a convemence to people that they WIll use It: and you need never say that advertismg IS worthle"s to VOll If you went to a man and said to him: "My name is John SI;llth, and I keep staple and fancy groceries," that would be adver-tising, we presume. Then he would say, "Have you any soap, and if so, what kind and how much do you charge for it' Your reply is, "My name IS John SmIth and I keep staple and fancy groceries." He would grow dIsgusted before long. It is the same way with advertiSing in a newspaper or trade journal. AdvertIsements should not be confined to routll1e matters or everyday topics They should talk to readers 111 an entertaining manner. }lr ,Vhite of j\Iebane, N. C, whose communication ap-pears on another page is probably right in the conclusion that there IS little or no profit for furniture manufacturer" 111 government contracts. He is wrong, however, in hIS be-lief that all the manufacturers who had such contracts dur- Ing the past year "lost money on the job." The Grand RapIds manufacturers who had a large share of the busll1e'iS declare that they worked out about even. They dId not make much profit direct, but the work came in the dull season and by increase the volume of business helped to carry the overhead expenses of the factory. The Grand Rapids manufacturers had no trouble making the goods to meet the requirements of the contract. The idea of a school for the teaching of merchandIsmg excites a considerable amount of derision today. There was a tIme when scientific farming was sneered at by farmers, who thought agricultural schools were a waste of money of the state Today SCIentific farming is recognized by almost everybody as \V lse and advantageous. The day will come when scientific merchandIsing wJlI be taught in full, possibly in schools de-voted exclusively with that subject. Why not? We must have merchants and salesmen as well as bankers, bookkeepers and craftemen. Schools for teaching merchandising will fol~ 10>\ the manual training schools. One of the greatest failings of the average man is lack of patience He is in a hurry and if he does not get results 1l1stantly he is ready to give up. This IS not so much because he is famt-hearted as it is because he is Impatient. Patience l'i one of the finest quahtles a man may possess. It is not to be confounded with laziness. The greatest successes have been dttall1ed by men who possessed a patience which was suffi- Clent to stand for dIscouragement and apparent lack of inter-e<; t and dullness. PreSIdent Taft says railroad and traffic managers should be consulted m regard to laws affectll1g their business, the same as bankers are consulted when financial legislation is bemg conSIdered. The same rule should be applied to manu-tacturers, merchants and workingmen, but no class of men hould be allowed to dictate or control legislation affecting theIr trade busll1ess or vocation. The foreign trade in automobiles now amounts to more than a milhon dollars a month and that is little when compared with the domestic trade The enormous, rapid growth of the auto business must have a telling effect on nearly all lines of trade Many a man has Il1vested money in a "benzine wagon" that but for the popular craze would have been used m buying furniture The raIlroad paS'ienger assoCIatIOns are trying to get to- ~ether on rates fOI com entlOns, reUllIons, faIrs, home-coming gatherings, etc. WhIle they are at it they should try to ar-range some praCtlcal way to gIant reduced rates to Grand RapIds, New York and Chicago during the furniture sales seasons ,\ Ith the Steel Trust, the Sugar trust and the big railroad "} 'items advancing wages, the pessimists must take back seats. I f congress would fix up that rate bill and the corporation tax la\V and adjourn the entire country would be assured a pros-perous summer. It 1'3 pleasll1g to note that no furniture dealers are mixed up In the graft and corruption that has been exposed at Al-han} Washmgton, PIttsburg and other cities. WEEKLY ARTISAN New York Notes and Personals. New YOJ k, Apnl 7 -Manufacturers here are falrly busy with bl15l11esswell up to the average. Parlor furniture is in very good demand as well as all spring and summer lines for porches and outdoors. Wholesalers are doing enough to keep busy and the retaIleI s are doing d moderate amount of bUSI-ness. The H Acltman Company has been incorporated to manu-facture and deal in furniture, with a capital of $6,000. The company is headed by Louis C. Neuberger, Henry Jackson and Herman Altman. The Moller & Schumann company of Brooklyn, making furniture and finishing materials, has built a large new ware-house and new brick chimney and will have 16 fires going. They are putting on the market a new product, a white enam-el for the interior of refrigerators, which has no odor and ap-pears like opalite glass. It dries very hard and has a fine gloss. S. Baumann & Co, have opened their new furniture store at Eighth avenue and Forty-sixth street, which is a five story buildmg, 50 x 100 feet in size. The first floor is done in white, with a white metal ceiling, massive white pillars and handsome show windows to take in the entire first and second story. The first floor will be devoted to mission furniture and novel-ties and for the office. The third floor will be used for parlor furniture; the fourth floor for bed room furniture and the fifth floor for dImng room and library furniture. It is one of the largest and finest retail furniture stores here. Jacob Kraft of Brooklyn, who was recently discharged from bankruptcy, has opened a new retail furniture store at 1580 Broadway, Manhattan, and another at 551 Court 'Street, Brooklyn. Antonio Monaco, doing business as the Madison Furniture House, in Hoboken, N. J., is to retire from business soon. Van Dalfsen & Stone of Newberg, N. Y., have taken an-other floor and enlarged their business at 17 Water street. The Cahoon Furniture & Novelty company, which moved from Charliet street, Brooklyn, to West Hoboken, N. J, has had some financial trouble, but has secured extensions and is expected to pull through all right. The Liberty Furniture company is working a full force. It has added new machinery to its plant. A ,Veston Smith is not representing the Wolverine Man-ufacturing company in the New York district any more. H. K. T. Wright will take out the line of the Hardesty MfLl1ufactunng company of Canal Dover, Ohio, which makes mission furniture, opera chairs, etc. H. Franken has left Price & Rosenbaum's upholstery depart-ment of Brooklyn, and is now with Cohen Bros, of J ackson- VIlle, Fla J F. Phelps, late with the Goerke company of Newark, N. J, has succeeded Mr. Franklin. The H. B. Drake company, manufacturers of office furni-ture, of this city, has leased property on East Forty-mnth street, Bayonne, N J, and will build a one story factory 160 x 160 feet in size and will keep fifty hands employed. Their busi-ness has shown a great improvement recently. Louis Gottesman of 86 Forsyth street, making spring beds, has incorporated his business. T. J. Venable, late with the R. II. White company of Bos-ton, has joined the contracting and interior decorating staff of the Simpson-Crawford company of this city, on Sixth avenue The Western Chair company, jobbers at 513 Hudson street, Manhattan, has moved to 160 Grand street, Brooklyn. Gluck Bros, manufacturing drop leaf kitchen and card tables, are very busy at their factory on Manjer street, and are also operating a branch factory in Philadelphia. Selig Voit will sell Voit Bros.' upholstered furniture line 17 Muskegon, Mich., May 28, '07. Mr. Geo. T. Hancock, 116 West 84th St., New York, N. Y. Dear Sir: Referring to our conversation with you while you were in our city looking over the dry kilns installed by us under the Grand Rapids Veneer Works system and plans, we wish to confirm our statements to you, that the first lumber through the kiln when it was green, having just been completed in winter weather, was 4-4 white oak, which came out thoroughly dry in seven days, and in better condition than what we had been getting out of a hot blast kiln where we had been allowing three weeks and over for kiln drying, and since then we have been taking out all kinds of lumber, 4-4 maple and 4-4 plain and quartered oak in seven days, and the stock is softer and works easier than any we ever had in our factory. Weare pleased to state further that the kiln has fulfilled every representation made by the Grand Rapids Veneer Works and is entirely satisfactory in every respect. If we were to install another kiln, or half a dozen, at [he _present writing, they would all be of the Grand Rapids Veneer Works system. If we can be of further service to you, command us. Yours truly, MOON DESK CO. in New York and Mayer VOlt will take Pennsylvania and New England. The Hale & Kilburn company has been showing some up to date lines at the warehouse, 33 Union Square West, of dav-enports, sofas, couch beds, commodes, etc. They will move the warerooms to larger quarters at 39 Union Square. J. B. Greenhut of the Siegel-Cooper company, presented a G. A. R. hall to Peoria, Ill., his old home. The New York Sample Furniture company has enlarged ib quarters by taking half of an adjoining floor and have now 30,000 square feet of space. Freman Fraim, who was with Colie & Son, is now with the New York Sample Furniture company. R. R. Mitchell & Co., manufacturers of bedding supplies and dealers in curled hair, has moved its factory to 608 East Eighteenth street and 609 East Seventeenth street and put in the latest machinery. This is the plant vacated by the Kindel Bed company. The warerooms of the Mitchell company have been moved to 38 East Twentieth street. Mr. Siegel, late with the National Parlor Suite company, has gone into the retail business at 126 Clinton street, under the firm name of Siegel & Rubenstein. The Wickes-Hoskins company, wholesale dealers in office furniture at 354 Broadway, is in financial trouble, owing 700 creditors $160,772, with assets estimated at $133,592. An Effective Advertising Device. The Eastern Outfitting company, dealers in house furn-ishing goods in San Francisco recently purchased a large number of electric clocks and placed the same on walls of buildings in all sections of the city, where they may be 3een by pedestnans The clocks furlllsh accurate time and valu-able advertr'iing for the firm 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN ...- ~ ••_. • --'9.. ~II I I E. H. SHELDON 0 CO. I 328 N. May 5t., Chicago. t .--~ ... . 30 000 Sheldon Steel Rack • Vises The locatIOn of the den is really the prImal condItion. It must be removed from that part of the house where the work of the day is carrried on and where the children ramp and play, for if it is not qui~t and peaceful, it is not a den, but a mere apology for one. It falls to the housewife's lot ofttimes to select the room \\ I11Ch shall be used as a den, as well as to aid in choosing the furnish111gs, and it is then that her tact will have its best opportunity for Llisplaying Itself If she but pauses to think what this WIll mean, she will forget the absolute necessity of using that little back room with its fireplace, for a second spare bedroom, or a sewing room, and will cheerfully relin-quish it for the den The result nine times out of ten will mean that John stays away from the club seven nights out of the week, and his morn111g gruffness will lose itself inside of a week. Once the room is selected, and a fireplace added if it be not in possession of one already, the furniture should be selected mo"t carefully Better the parlor have one treasure . - .., t Patent Malleable Clamp Fixture. E H SHELDON & CO Chlcal(o 111 Gentlemen -We are pleased to ,tate that the /') dozen Clamp FIxtures whIch we bought of you a httle over a year ago are glVlnR' excellent se"VlCt> "Ve are well satIsfied WIth them and shall he pleased to remember you whenever we want anythmg addItIOnal III thIS Ime Yours trulv SIOUXCIty Iowa CURTIS SASH & DOOR CO ~--_.-_. Sold on approval and an unLon dltlOnal money back guarantee SHELDON'S STEEL BAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Indestructible. We solICIt pnvllege of sendmg samples and our complete catalogue ------- . .. . ..-------------- j .--,~._---------------------------------------._._-_._-----._-----,.. I IIII I! IIII I II IIII I The Den and Its Furnishings. There are times in the lIfe of every man when he deSIres a quiet spot where, undisturbed by the household rout111e, he may concentrate his thoughts upon some perplexing sub-ject, or throwing all thoughts aside, dream day dreams 111 company with his pipe and his open fire The fulfillment of these desires is found in the den, the popularIty of whIch among the masculine sex is limited to no single class or caste. Theoretically speaking, these dens may be dIVIded 111to two classes, those of the rich, which are fine in archItectural points, are finished productions of the decorator, and tho"e which represent careful thought and economy guided b} the 111dividual tastes of the owner. \iVhile we all delIght 111the luxury and magnificence of the first, the second appeals to us personally, carrying with it not the thoughts of nnlImIted wealth, but of real comfort and enjo} ment To the Idtter also we look for the touch of OrIginalIty, of redl gel1llb \\ hlCh limited means so often serves to call forth No. 1711 ---_ .. . - .. No. 1705-1705 New designs in the Louis XVI Style. WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. • a. • a • a •• •• _ WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 -----------~~..---- - - - ..._-~ I I :fK1:A~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~~~~vllt~5 ! SEND SAMPLES. ORA WINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES. II III ,I ,IIIII I I,, ,IIIII II ._--------------_.. .I.-.. rI I,I II , IIjI , I I STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted cellulOid as a base for our Caster Cups, making the best cup on the market. CellulOid IS a great Improvement over bases made of other matenal When It ISnecessary to move a piece supported by cups wIth cellulOid bases It can be done wIth ease, as the bases are per-fectly smooth CellulOid does not sweat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred These cups are fimshed In Golden Oak and WhIte Maple; finished light If you wtll t1'1la samp!t ordtr of thtlt goods you Wit! dtstrt to hand!, thtm tn quantttt88 PRICES: Size 2U Inches $5.50 per hundred. SIze 23( Inches . 4.50 per hundred. fob Grand Rapids TRY A SAJlPLE ORJ)ER ~-..... less, than the den lack any of that cozy atmosphere whIch makes it dear to its owner's heart. There is no neeiJ for elaborate decorations or color schemes; indeed the plainer and more serviceable the furni-ture used and the less obtrusive the colors, the better the den will be liked by its owner. Beauty appeals to a man as to a woman, though in a different way, and the room which would be to the good housewife a perfect bower, would be utterly condemned by her hU'3band There is no place in his den for the rockers, little tables and bric-a-brac which Je-llght a woman's heart, and she must remember this when "electing the furniture for the den To begin with, the floor and wall are the first consider-ations. Hardwood floors and plain dark hangings are the rule in any den, but the rugs are of course a matter of taste In one Jen, which was that of a huntsman, the rugs were of fur, while the settees had robes of fur flung over them; trophies of the chase were everywhere, and the three really good pictures in the room were of the hunt. In a unique little den which was in the upper story, or loft of the barn, the rug was an arts and crafts and occupied the center of the floor, which was oiled The remainder of the room contained artist's matt:!rials and some furniture which was the work of the owner. For the orJinary den, the housewife will find one large rug better than several small ones, and the darker colors are always preferable. The oriental rugs look well in such a room, and wear well. One little woman tacked down the rug in the center of the room very carefully, explaining apologetically to a friend' "WJ1lIam catches hIS feet in It, ["HOFFMA·N---;RO~H~~~_·C~:--' FT. WAYNE, IND. I HARDWOOD LUMBER / I II.. SA~~D } QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SLICED AND MAHOGANY ---_._--------------------..1 ----_. ------------- ---_._._---~----, • • __ aa. •• ,II ._-----.4 CWartiatteowfnoer. rI E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS , ALMLEICGHA.N. and kicks! It up, or tumbles over it, and he is apt to use som~ "trong e:ApreSSlOns to rellei e hI!:>feell11gs, so I am fastening it down for him." It is for this very reason that the small rugs lying promiscuously about the room are objectionable, for "Wil-liam" is not the only man who kicks up or stumbles over the rugs. A good easy chair 1'3an indispenslble part of the furn-ishings of the den, and the table of medium size, as well a13 the bookc'age, may well be counted another. The table should occupy the center of the room, and should be large enough to hold a goodly number of books and papers wIth writing materials also Even then, a smaller table will not be founJ amiss, for the tables in a den have a way of be-coming piled up and running over with a ma'3S of literature and papers, that wIll fill the soul of the neat housewife with horror. Passing of a Word. In certain quarters there seems to be a tendency to drop the word "solicitor," and use either "representative" or "sales-man" To many persons, perhaps, the difference in terms does not seem of much Importance, but who ever has a due regard for exactness and the suggestive effect of a word, and will consider the etymological and accumulated meaning of the words in question, will wonder why astute sales-managers have not long ago relegated the word "solicitor" to that lin-guistic cemetery where now reposes that other age-worn term. "vVe beg to advise "-W. B. \i\farren, in Colliers. r--------------------------------------l II I, III ,,II , IIII I I... THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your addre.. and and receiYe de.criptiye CIrcular oE Glue Heater •• Glue Coof<er. and Hot Boxeo with prices. Grand Rapid., Mich. I f.. The Weatherly Co. 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--~------~------_._---------_._-_._-_.~._----~------~-_-..-.-----~----~----- I ACCURACY, DURABILITY, ECONOMY Three most important requisites in case construction. We absolutely guarantee our method of construction to be stronger and less expensive than all others. Let us tell you about it. I III III ..-._._~------~-----~-----_--.----~----_._-----_._._._---------------_ ... No. 181 Multiple Square Chisel Mortlser. Ash for Catalog "J" •••••••• we •••• _ ••••••• WYSONO « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C. Care of Furniture and Woodwork. Supposing the woodworking of one's house to be sound and clean, as things go, the ordinary maid's idea of cleaning is to "give a good rub up" or to use some kind of pohshmg paste or liquid. After this treatment the furniture \\ 111 look bright for awhile unless one should peer into the corners and find the white dust hiding in crevices and portiom of molding or carved work. All rubbing and polishing are labor in the wrong place unless the first process of cleaning has been thoroughly car-ried out. There are many ways of doing this Some hou ,e-keepers use cold tea, vinegar and water in equal parts. Either application is good, although my preference is for the cold tea, which seems to cleanse more effectually than anythmg else. Whatever is used, it must not be swabbed all over the piece of furniture as if a ship's deck were being treated to its morning bath, but with soft, clean cloths, dampened \\ Ith the tea or whatever is used, and then rubbed all 0\ er the surface and dried carefully at once. The crevices and cran-nies are best reached by a tiny pad of cotton on the end of an orange stick or an old penholder. If there is much dirt to vanquish, it means very hard work, much rubbing, much renewing of the tea water. Thus free the article from dirt and greasiness and subsequent polishing will be an easier task and the final result a very great satisfaction Sltght scratches may be removed by being anointed with linseed oil (boiled) at night and then rubbed next day with linseed oil and turpentine in equal proportions If they are very deep they require professional treatment. When the surface has not been scratched, but bruised or indented, the bruised part can be dampened with warm water first, and then a pad of brown paper folded many times, so that it conducts heat only slowly to the wood below, is laid on the part to be restored, the paper being soaked thoroughl) in warm water before application Now comes the critical part of the operation, for an iron, warm, but decidedly not hot, must be held over the damp paper The pressure must not be hard, but the iron should be kept in position until all moisture has been evaporated If this is done directly a bruise is observed, one application is almost sure to Iaise the surface of the wood up again, but old bruises require sev el al treatments. Immediate removal of ink stains is the obvious filst aid to the injured wood, but there are stains of this natUle that are never detected until they have attained a good old age, and then they need careful management A small quantlt) of niter applied With a camel's hair brush will remove very obstinate and hardened ink stains Six drops of the lllter to a teaspoonful of water is suffiCIent, apphed until the ink has dlssolv ed and disappeared. Then rub the place With a damp cloth and pohsh with a soft duster. vVhen time for housecleaning IS at hand and the house-wife finds her leather chairs, for example, in need of reno-vation and yet does not feel that she can afford to spend much money, she may make them look ever so much better by using the whites of eggs. Beat them well, remove all the dirt and dust possible from the chairs and rub the egg in good; when it dries go over the whole with soft, clean cloths, and the change will be very e\ ident To clean Japanese matting and 11110leums use bran water which is made by taking two handfuls of bran and boiling it in a gallon of water. After this has boiled twenty minutes strain and cleanse the matting or lmoleum with a flannel cloth wet \Vlth the bran water yiVipe immediately With a dry cloth. 011 alone does not really clean anything, it polishes for a short whl1e, but in the end it makes matters worse; but a mixture of one part of turpentine to two parts of oil really makes a \\ onderfully good pohsh, It removes scratches and even dents \\ III many times disappear; it may be mixed and kept in a bottle to be used as occasion requires Vlllegar-just hot vinegar-applied to paint spots on window glass will usually take them off without any trouble or scraping Painted WOOdWOlk should never be cleaned with ammonia; It eats off the polish of the paint; but make a mixture of three quarts of hot water, with soap enough to make a good lather; add three tablespoonfuls of turpentine and two of ml1k, and you will find the wood look as If it were freshly pamted instead of the dull, hfeless appearance usually noted after soap and water. \A.'hen \ er) much soiled, all wickel furniture may be I enovated by first taking off every pal ticle of the pamt With soap and water in which a little soda has been dissolved; then the piece may be stained or just revarnished to good effect Oxahc acid is a Virulent pOlson, but a solutIOn is very useful to the housewife Four ounces 111half a pint of watel will remove stains and dark spots, only the place must be \\ ashed at once in warm \\ atel to remove the acid --~---------..., IIIII II II I. •• ,~ .. • __ ••••••• __ ••••• 1.1 _ If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. (tlarence lR. bills DOES IT 163Madison Avenue-CItizens Phone 1983. GRAND RAPIDS. UICH ...._ ... ----_ .. WEEKLY ARTISAN Philadelphia Brevities. PhIladelphIa, Apnl 7-The trade here is moving along at a very good pace All the manufacturers and wholesalers 'ieem busy and are not complaming much With few ex-ceptIOns this year WIll be as big as any in the past, with the profits probably smaller, yet on the whole satisfactory The hIgh price of materials has of course cut into the profits con-siderably Some advances have been made in furniture, more on the higher grades, than on the cheaper goods, but the increase noted IS much less than the advanced cost of manu-facturing. Smith Bros. & Pierce, 310 Spruce street, are quite busy on "orco" elastic felt mattresses. The Manufacturers' club have taken the old Bellevue Hotel bUIlding at Broad and ,1\1alnut streets, and will re-model It for a club house L D. Shreve of Union City, Pa, will build a large table plant, covel ing several acres of glOund near his chail factory The new buIldin~ wIll be of concrete construction, cost $300,000, and employ 500 men William Rogers of the J R Bunting Beddmg company has taken the third floor of the MIller buIlding at 254 South American street, for a wareroom. Edward Duncan is now with William Wright at Nine-teenth and South streets. Herman Silverstein has moved from Hammond and Orthodox streets to 4258 Frankford avenue and is carrying a large line of furniture S Bowman, furniture dealer of 336 North Second street, has opened up a new store at 621 South street in charge of A H Goorland William Koehle, an old furniture dealer, has taken a position with the Van SClver company of Camden, N J. B Levin, formerly proprietor of the Greater New York Metallic Bedstead company has been dIscharged from bank-ruptcy. Thompson the manufacturer of Wood finIshes. has opened a down town office in the Bulletin buIldmg and has a very large sale for his products Porclltte IS made for re-fngerators. It is claimed it wIll not cnack or peel and comes m all colors. The American Sal11tary Mattress company, SIxteenth and Huntmgton streets have moved to a larger plant at 209 Thirty-second street. The bus111ess had grown beyond the capaCIty of the old quarters. T. Steinmitz, receIver for Boris Levin, Bons Lev111 & Co, Woodstown 'Metallic Bedstead .company and the Greater New York ~Ietalltc Bedstead company WIll practi-cally have nothmg to dlstnbute for the credItors ..---~-'--- III II I 21 ------------ -- .- ..-. ........ ., I Henry Schmit tJ Co. HOPK:INS AND HARRIET STS. Cincinnati, OLio makers of Upholstered Furniture for LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM III .." I~_.--------------------_._------~ The EmpIre Door and Tnm company, wood workers, has been incorporated with a capital of $40,000, by WIlliam Biggart of Bloomfield, N. J, and John Biggart of the Bronx, New York City. The firm will do business in New York William H. Gosnell has been on a selling trip to New York and through New Jersey. His daughter Miss Gosnell travels to Baltimore, Washington and South New Jersey points, handling parlor suites and couches. Stone & Moffat have moved from Sixteenth and Federal streets, to larger quarters at Fifteenth streets. "Sandy" Blanton has taken the Hall & Lyon 1111efor PhIladelphia and Trenton. He is assisted by Peter C Lee who also sells for the Southern Furniture company. The Lyon Furniture Agency will move from Walnut place to 608 Chestnut street. Jackson Bros store at 38 South Eighth street was sold sometime ago to Snellenburg Bros. The Jackson's wIll 111 the future devote their time to their Washington store Philip Gazon as the Michigan Furniture company is 111 financial trouble. His assets are reported at $38,400 and ha-bIlities at $18,000, with 105 creditors. Emil Cohn, formerly buyer for George Kelly, has agam taken that position, succeeding Jack Talleman. H D Dougherty & Co, is a new furniture manufactur-mg concern in North Philadelphia. Harry Sanderson has succeeded John H Sanderson and wIll locate the furnIture business farther uptown. The Bernstein Manufacturing company of Third street and Alleghany avenue, making metal beds, are adding an-other story to the factory and to the foundry and putting up a new finishmg bUIld1l1g to cost $40,000. This firm's growth has been very rapid. They have been consistent advertisers. A federal law now in effect makes It unlawful not only to pass counterfeit com, but to retain it If you have it in jour posseSSIOn, you must gIve It up, nottfymg the federal authorities of It. It IS unlawful to collect bogus money. ------------------- •• ------ ••• _ •• __ ------ __ awe •• _-. __ ••• OFFICES: CINCINNATI--Second National Sank Sulldlng. NEW YORK--346 Sroadwa:v. SOSTON--18 Tremont St. CHICAGO--14th St. and Wabash A...... GRAND RAPIDS--Houseman Sida. JAMESTOWN, N. Y.--Chadakoln Blda. HIGH POINT, N. C.--N. C. Savings Sank Sidg. The most satisfactory and up-to-date Credit Service embracing the FURNITURE, CARPET, COFFIN and ALLiED LINES. . ~ The most accurate and reliable R.eference Book Published. Originators of the "Tracer and Clearing House System:' -- - ---- ---------- _ •• --- - sa •• aa •••• III I II --~ I..-------------------_._------ CollectionService Unsurpassed-Send for Book of Red Drafts. L__ 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN •----_._.--._._._._~-----------,--------------------------. f II II , II ,I I I I IIII I '" NO.OTHER , SANDER No. 111 Patented Sand aelt MachIne. WYSONO « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO,...N. ...C. .. ...1 FASHION IN HOME DECORATIONS The Classic Adam Style Now Popular in Wall Paper Designs. To an ever-widening circle of wealthy citl7ens, \\ ho-,e thoughts and aspirations are largely centered upon "oeial functions and the endless round of 1eceptions, entel td1l1- ments and soirees thereby entailed, the decoration of the home is a subj ect of perennial interest No matter what the cost may be, those who are ambitious to retain promment positions among the leaders of fashIOnable slclety mtl~t not lag behind the times in things pertaming to the adornment of the home. To do so would be almost as reprehensible a.., to appear at a funtion in apparel of an antiquated type As a result, the professional decorator IS commIssIOned at intervals to bring the interior arrangements of the home into line with the latest development of ornamental art Really fine furniture is bamshed to the garret or otherWIse disposed of, rich damask is stripped from the walls, elabo-rate draperies and portieres are displaced, elegant frescomg is obliterated. But the idea of replacing the furmture and decorations thus removed with others of greater artistic value, plays little or no part m the proceedings The \\ ark of renovation is usually ordered on the pI inciple that one may as well be out of the world as out of fashion The owner of the mansion may take his famJly for,a European trip while the alterations are m progress Later they re-turn and admire, also congratulate themselves upon the modish, up-to-date interior of the residence Unfortunately it often happens that the work of mterior decoration does not require, for the dIsplacement of orna-ment that is good, something that is more refined and artis-tic as well as newer. Too often it merely represents change for the sake of change and under such condItIOns, the evane-scent fad of the hour is sure of consideration, and, most likely, adoption. The whole field of decorative art, from Rameses to Roosevelt, or from ancient Assyrian to modern mission, with every conceivable variatIOn and recomposition has, in this way, been exploited as a passmg fancy ever since the days when designers and decorators di"covered that it was easier and cheaper to pJlfer the ideas and work of predecessors than to Cleate equally meritorious ornament of their own. At present the trend of fashion is in the direction of the historic styles of the seventeenth, eighteenth and early nine-teenth centuries. The beautiful ornament of Louis the XIVth, that of Louis XVIth and the Empire period are also much used. makes it possible to dispense with hand sanding. Our No.i71 Sander produces a fmish on flat surfaces, irregular shapes and mouldings that would be spoiled by hand retouching. Ask for Cataio, HE" In addItion to these, one of the most refined and grace-ful styles now popular i.s that of the classic "Adam" period, a style which, for quiet elegance, refinement of form and n:quislte rendering of detail is surpassed by no other. To A mellrans It i" doubly interesting and attractive because Adam Style as Used m Wall Paper of the mfluence which, along with the Georgian, it exerted on the Colonial architecture and ornament of our forefathers. The creators of this style, Robert and James Adam, were the sons of a talented Scottish architect, WiIIiam Adam, of Maryburgh, officially known as the "King's Mason." With Robert and James were associated two other brothers, Wil-liam and J ahn. Robert, however, was the recognized genius WEEKLY ARTISAN of the family. He was born in the town of Kircaldy, in 1728. After spending several years in Italy, studying the clas-sic art of that country, he returned to Britain and became associated in business with his brother James In a few years they became famous as the architects and decorators of numerous public buildings and private residences. Highly as their work was esteemed. it has not escaped criticism James Ferguson, author or "History of Architecture" writes: 'Their great merit, if merit it be, is that they stamped their work with a certain amount of originality, which, had it been of a better quality might have done something to emancipate art from its trammels." In spite of criticism, the fact re-mains that their buildings, notably the interiors, are gene-rally beautifully proportioned, while the decorative features and the furniture, which they also designed to insure the unity of the whole, are the acme of delicate grace and refine-ment. As such, the work of Robert and James Adam is appreciated more highly today than ever before, While easily outclassing contemporaries, the Adam brothers were alive to the importance of securing the most talented assistants obtainable. We find among the employes of the firm such names as Angelira Kauffman, Pergolosi, Zucci, and others. The work of these men, however, con-si" ted in the execution of detail. The broad, comprehensive plan of building, interior decoration and furnishing was con-ceived by Rand J. Adams and they alone are entitled to the honor of results. About 1773 they published the first of three famous volume"> on "Architecture, Interior Decoration and Furni-ture " These books cover practically every phase of the subject-building plans, wall and ceiling decoration, all kinds of furniture, mantelpieces, mirrors, clocks, carpets, draperies, upholstery fabrics, etc. It is worthy of note that in the pre-face to this work they do not claim originality for their style, as that word is often interpreted. They say: "We have been able to seize with some degree of success the beautiful spirit of antiquity and transfer it with novelty and vanety through all our numerous works." A modest claim, indeed, but the results obtained were original, even though the makers derived their inspiration from the work of men whose bones had been mingling with the dust of mother earth for nigh two thousand years. The Adam style has often been described as English Empire Its relationship to Louis the XVlth ornament has also been spoken of. It is true that the influences which broua-ht about the Empire style in France and the Adam b • style in Great Britain were at work during the same penod yet, while each derived its inspiration from the same source, the Empire style is more massive and pretentious in form-ation than the Adam, as might be expected from a style which was created for the purpose of adding luster to the name of the Little Corporal Compared with the beautiful designs of the Louis XVlth period, the influence of which on the work of R. and J. Adam is apparent, the Adam style is more distinctly classical and is almost devoid of the dainty floral forms so charactenstic of the elegant French style. In surface decoration, ceiling, wall or panel, the central figure in an Adam design is generally a circle, oval, medal-lion, octagon, hexagon, parallelogram, lozenge, sunburst or fan shape. The surroundings details consist of scrolls, wreaths, festoons, garlands, ribbons, chains, rosettes, urns, husk, paterae, etc. The ovals, hexagons and geometrical centerpieces are often embellished with mythological figures and groups, such as are found in Pompeiian wall decoration. To recapitulate, the leading characteristics of the Adam 23 ............... ,•I•I I I -----------------------~ Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-five years. Write for our complete catalog, It shows many new ideas in fine labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS 1508-1510 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. e...__,_._. _ -----,-_._.-.---------.-....1.. style may be summed up as follows: Extreme delicacy and refinement of form, exquisite symmetry of design and per-fectly rendered details. The accompanying original design illustrates one phase of the Adam style A senes of patterns would be required to demonstrate the various ornamental details made use of by the Adam brothers Designs like the illustration are used for the fashionable, one color, silk wall covering, known as taffeta damask. During the past four or five years hotels and residences have adopted this form of interior decoration. The pattern is formed by weaving the bnllIant silk warp threads loosely over a dull background of the same color. These two effects in combination, produce a soft but rich contrast, pleasing in the extreme The width of the pattern 1epeat is twelve and a half inches The design is equally suitable for the better class of wall paper. Western Imagination. Oregon Tradesman-The Gunn Sectional Bookcase com-pany of Grand Rapids, Mich., is preparing to locate a fac-tory here, and has made preliminary arrangements for the purchase of a large tract on the Portland peninsula. The plans call for an expenditure of something like $250,000. The company is anxious to have a factory in the timber country and has selected Portland as the one best fitted for its pur-poses in every respect. When the foregoing paragraph was mentioned to John P. Homiler, manager of the Gunn Furniture company, he declared it was news to him. "There's nothing 111 it," he said. "It's the product of some westerner's imagination." 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN y--------_ •.••• --------------------------------. • •• _.. .---------- ••••• ----------~ , THE LYON FURNITURE AGENCY I CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS ROBERT P LYON, Ceneral Manager SOUTH CAROLINA RETAILERS Proliram for Their Fourth Annual Convention to Be Held Next Week. The fourth annual convention of the South Carolllla RetaIl Furmture Dealers' association IS to be held at Spartan-burg, next week Wednesday and Thursday-Apnl 13 and 14 The call for the convention is in the form of a greetlllg sIgned by 0 M. Heard as president and A 'vV. Lltschgi, secretary and treasurer, which reads as follows' "Our annual convention meets at Spartanburg on \pnl 13th and 14th, we want you to come. We expect to have the largest attendance and the best meeting we have e, er had. there IS nothing that you can do that wl1l aid you as much in building up your business as your attendance upon thh meeting. We want you to come, for if you come once } ou will always attend. The meetings are interesting and lll-structive, we have arranged a programme for this meetl11g with a list of speakers that any body of men would be .le-lIghted to have address them. "If you will come to this meeting you '" III lea' e It \\ Ith higher ideals, a stronger determination and better fitted to make your business a success. You will always be glad} ou came, for in addition to all the good things you '" 111 get from the association, you will have the opportulllty of at-tending the Concerts of the "South Atlantic Music FestIval" So meet with us on April 13th and 14th \Ve want to make this the best meeting we have ever held, we want you to see what the furniture dealers can do by co-operatIOn Come to the convention, bring your competItors and yOU ,"Ill go back home better fitted, and thereby better prepared to make more money out of your business "Look thiS programme over and you WIll beglll to ap1)rc-ciate what is in store for every Jealer in thiS state The time and money spent III attending this com entlOn wl1l be the best investment you can possibly make \Ye are look1l1g tor you." THE PROGRAM FIRST DAY, \\ EDKESDAY, APRIL THIRTEENTH Afternoon Session. 1 Openlllg of the ConventIOn by 0 }I Heard. PreSl- (In Chamber of Commerce.) Addrerss of Welcome-A W Smith or ~rr \Vood D. H. Traxler, Tlmminsvl1le, S C We1coming Address-C P Hammond, Spal tan bUH;, dent 2 3 4. S C. 5 (j Recess FIfteen ~11l1utes Reading of the Mlllute" PresIdent's Address 7. ADDRESS-"Relations Between Manufacturer and Retailer"-S. L. Davis, Secretary and Treasurer Southern Chair company. 8 Report of Secretary and Treasurer. 9 "What Benefits are to be Derived from Membersll1p in the Association."-E. G Cook, Columbia, S C. 10 (Announcement as to Question Box) Report of Exe-cutive Committee 11 A.pplication for Membership and Payment of Dues Evening Session. Adjournment to Converse College to concert musical festival SECOND DAY THURSDAY. APRIL FOURTEENTH Morning Session, 9 o'clock. 1 Communications and Testimonials received 2. Opening of Question Box. Discussions 3. Travelmg Men's Hour: Talk-C. A. Smith, High Point, N C, G F Jenkins, Winston-Salem, N C. and S G Ring, Kernersville, N. C. 4 Report of Special Committees. 5 ADDRESS-"What the Trade Paper can do for the Dealer"-A. T. Thoits, Editor Grand Rapids Furniture Re-cord 6 Unfinished Business. 7 ADDRESS-O. H. L. Wernicke, President The :YIacey company, Grand Rapids, Mich. 8 New Business. 9 "Freight Rates and Claims."-C. J Field, Secretary Case Workers' association of North Carolina 10 PAPER-J. M. Van Metre, Columbia, S C. 11 OffiCial Photograph Afternoon Session. 1 ADDRESS-"Manufacturers vs. Retailers' assocI-ation "-Fred N Tate, President North Carolina Case Work-er,;' association. 2. PAPER-"How Should we Regard the Corporation tax "-A. W. Litschgi, Jr. Informal Talks by Visiting Members of the North Caro-lina Retail Dealers' association. 3. Election of Officers 4 Selection of Place of Meeting 5 Installation of Officers. 6 Adjournment. Evening Session. Grand Banquet, 11 P. M, Spartan Inn 11 F Ansell, Governor of South Carolina. Howard B Carhsle, state senator from Spartanburg r' (\ Truesdale, etc , ,;peakers OF THE: THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. New York Grand Rapids Philadelphia Iloston Clnclnllatl Chicago 5t LouiS Jamestown High Point IMPROVED METHODS WEALSOREPORTTHEPRINCIPALDRYGOOOS GRAND RAPIDSOFFICE,412.413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND GENtRAL STORES. C C NEVERS, Michitan M.anater Capltal, Crewt and Pay Rahngs Clearmt House Df Trade Experience The Most Rehable Credit Reports. I RAPID COLLECTIONS. t ..---- --- _. - - .....---------------------_._-_. __._-_._----_._---------------------..-...~.. WEEKLY ARTISAN Knew It W8S 16Madein Grand Rapids:' A lady livIng in Los Angeles, after havIng planned, erec-ted and furni"hed a handsome bungalow, on one of the hIll", overlookIng the sea In the Hollywood dIstnct, h"tened wIth pleasure to the utterances of a party of fnends, praIsing her skill, taste and Judgement in the creation of a heautIful home A fine buffet, m the dmmg room deserved and receIved espe-cial attentIOn and the o~ ner prouJly remarked It wa'i "made m Grand RapIds" One of the party pretended to doubt the truth of the <,tatement, when the lady pulled the pIece away from the wall and 1 e\ ealed on the back of the case thb m"cnptlOn MADE BY THE LUCE FURXITUR£ COJIF"1"\ }', GRASD RAPIDS, MICH Cabll1et Work by P Peter'ion Stammg by Robert Owen FIllmg by John Fopma. Varmshmg by Albert Tllumer Poh <,hl11gby Isaac Crane. The proof wa", consIdered sufficient anJ the party con-gratulated the owner on account of her possession of a piece of Grand RapIds furnIture of uncommon merit. In thIS connection when the fact IS considered that much poor furnIture is sold under mIsrepresentation as to its ori-gl11, why would it not pay manufacturers of establtshed repu-tatIOn to authenticate theIr gooJ', by some such mean" as the foregomg suggests Welcome the Bar~~ain Hunter. We have notIced that when some of the trade magazme Writers ~ ant to ",ay a partIcularly wlthenng and bhstenng thmg about certain class of customers, they call them "chronic bargam hunters" says the Merchants' Journal. A man who IS <.,uppo"ed to watch the papers for low pnces, to go where he can buy a hat or an overcoat cheapest, or a woman who attends the specIal sales and stocks up when she has a chance, at low prices, IS classed a'i a "chromc bargam hunter.·' The way some of the merchants talk about them, one would thmk that a chromc bargal11 hunter was a sort of a thIef or 'ihopbfter Don't be too hand on the bargam hunter Don't call hIm names There are a great many of them. He COni>tltute<.,a very large proportiOn of humamty The chances are that you are one yourself. The man who Isn't a chronic bargain hunter IS generally comldered as afflicted with an ingrowing surplus of money whIch he needs to have extracted, or else he is mentally defiCIent. Every man of sense tries to get as much as possIble for hIS money The merchant '" ho can "buy close" is a chronic bargal11 hunter The man who pIcks up real estate when he can find somethl11g that looks as though It was worth more than the price is a chromc bargal11 hunter. Every body to ."...-. ------••-••-••-••----.---.-.-.- I • • ••• ....-. .. ... .-..4.!. 25 Built WIth double arbors, sliding table and equipped complete with taper pin guages carefully graduated. This machine represents the height in saw bench con-struction. It is designed and built to reduce the cost of sawing stock. Write uS for descriptive Informallon. CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS OF GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I.._ ... - .. ---- - --- --------------- whom money means anythl11g IS a chromc bargam hunter. Some men'", abIlIty to find bargams may run In the hne of buying hats and SUltS when they are offered cheap, and some other man's abilIty a'i a chromc bargam hunter may be mani-fested m hIS skill m buymg lO-story busl11ess blocks, but they are all bargal11 hunters If the merchant offers goods at speCIal pnces, he expects the public to come and buy He would be bItterly disap-pol11ted If they didn't The chromc bargall1 hunter, If he comes with h1s money in hIS hand, ought to be Just a~ welcome as any one else. To the abo, e 111lgJhtbe added a rem111der that the bargam hunter or the man WIll IS keenly mterested 111 making the weekly or monthly salary go a~ far as possible, generally pays hIS bIlls. The one who IS careless about his purchases, buys what he needs regardless of the pnce, often eIther mtends beat-ing hIS debts or unwIttIngly gets 111to a financial hole from ""111Chhe IS unable to extncate hl111'ielf " Trouble l'i the 1110Stobbg111g th111g 111the world It WIll never dodge the people w\ho are looking for it ..~ An ounce of pen ent1l)n IS a good antIdote for remorse ..... ~ A. L. HOLCOMB & CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE QROOVINQ SA WS DADO SAWS Citizens' Phone 1239 27 N. Market St .. GraDd Rapids. Mich. t.. ••• ... . - ..._. ... .. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN Drying Furniture Stock If the information contained in this book would save you a carload of oak a year, would it not be worth reading through? Not a common catalog, but a book of information, containing practical suggestions really valuable to men interested in lumber drying. A complete treatise on Forced and Nat-ur.. l Circulation Kilns (progressive and apartment types) with details of equipment. A book you ought to have. Sent postpaid to any address. Where shall we mail your copy? AMERICAN BLO')/ER CoMPANY ---- DETROIT. FIlCH ----- U S. A. Manufacturers of "ABC" low speed; low power exhaust fans. "ABC' 'roller bear-ing trucks, trans-fer cars and flexi-ble doors. L"Detroit" Return Steam Traps. FOREIGN TRADE IN AUTOMOBILES Develops to a Million Dollars Per Month in Five Years. Thc forclgn tradc of the UnIted States 111 automobIles now amounts to a 11111lIondolars a month, or twelve 1111lllOndollar~ per annum, of whIch sum about four mIllIOn are Imports and eIght mIllIon, exports Ten year~ ago the trade m automobIles \\a~ not of suffiCIent value to JustIfy the Bureau of StatIstIcs of the Depdrtment of Commerce and Labor m mak1l1g a separate rccord of elthel the Imporh or exports, the few automobile, entermg or leavll1g the country be1l1g lI1cludecl under the mIs-cellaneous da"s of "All other artIcles" In July 1901, however, the Bureau began to record the exports, whIch m the fiscal ) ear 1902 amounted to about one mIllIon dollal s, and smce that tune the ,alue of automobIles and parts thereof exported to foreIgn countnes has been m round terms thIrty mIllIon dollars, of whIch total about twenty-five mIllIons has developed 111 the hve years endmg WIth December 1909, V\lth a prospect that the fiscal year 1910 WIll show an export record of fully eIght mIllIOn dollars In Imports the record was not established untIl July 1905, \\ hen the total of automobIles and parts thereof Imported amounted to four mlilron dollar~, 111the fiscal years 1906 and rn 1907 over five mIllIOn, but fallmg below that figure m succeed-mg yeal s, makmg the total ImportatIOn for the five years endll1g December 1 ()Ol) for whIch a record eXIsts about eIghteen 11111- lIon dollal s of automobIles and parts thereof. . The shIpments of automobIles ,rnd pal ts thereof to Alaska, HawaII and Porto RICO are not II1cluded m the figures quoted dbove, but amount, 111the past fi, e years, to doout tv\ 0 mIllIOn dollars, makmg the totdl \ alue of the automobrle pa'osll1g 111and out of porb of the ll11ted States 111 the past fi\ e year", about forty-five mIllIOn c!ollar.., O[ he Import~ ale cIuefly flom ['rance, Haly, Germany, and the Cl11ted KIngdom, and the exports to practIcally every eoun-tf) 111the world, though the largest number go to Canada, the C111ted Kll1gdom, :;\lexlOo and Australra 1he number sent to Canadd 111 the fiscal year 1909 was 1,230, valued at $1,457,121, to England 590 machmes, valued at $1,693.914, to France 209 macIl1nes, valud at $643,692, to :Ylexlco 200 :Ylachmes, valued at $282,462, and to Austraha 127 machmes, valued at $81,426 The prices of those sent to iGuropean countnes are, as a rule, hIgher than that of the machmes sent to Canada, MeXICO and -\.ustralIa. the average pnce of those sent to France bel11g over $'1,000 each, accordmg to the pnces and numbers of machines reported to the Bureau of StatIstIcs, tho~e to England average nearly $3,000 a pIece, those to Canada about $1,200 and Mex- ICO about $1.400 each, and those to Australra less than $650 each. The total number of automobIles expO! ted m the fiscal year 1909 wa~, according to the Bureau of StatIstIcs' figures, 3,184, valued at $5,387,021, an average value of about $1,700 for a machme, and the number imported 1,624, valued at $2,- ')05,191, shov\l11g dlso an average of about $1,700 for each machl11e The dlstnbutIon of automobIles extends to all parts of the world, the number of countnes named by the Bureau of StatIstIcs as destll1atlon of automobiles exported m the fiscal \ ear 1909 bel11g not less than 50, and l11cIudrng IndIa, Chl11a, Dutch East IndIes, Japan, Canary Islands, Egypt, French and Ijntl'oh -\.fnca. South -\.mencan countne'l Central Amencan ::,tate~, ,\ est IndIa Island'l, GIbraltar, and Portugal The figures for the calender year are larger and "how aha hIgher pnces, the number of machl11es exported in the calendar year 19CfJ bel11g 3,686, and the stated value be1l1g $6,889,031. an average of nearly $1,900, these figures mcludmg only the shlp- WEEKLY ARTISAN These Specialties are used all Over the World '" II II• III IIt tII t II •I I• II II t •1 V.neer Pre ••••. d,ffer.nt kind. and .iz.. (P.te.ted) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Healers Trucks, Elc., Etc. 27 ~- Hand Feed Gluein .. Machine (Pal~nl penmna.) Many .tyle. and .ize •. _ ....., II III II I I I II Wood· Working Machinery and Supplies Power Feed Glue Spreadinc MachIne. Sin..le. Double and Combination. (Patented) (Size. 12 in. to 84 in wide.) LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS No 20 Glue Heater. CHAt E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 Glue Heater. . ._---------------------------_._._~ ments of machmes to fOIelgn countnes, and not mcludmg the shipments to our noncontiguous tern tory, or the parts of ma. chines whIch are included m the grand total stated below in comparing our own exports of automobIles with those of othel countries. France lead<; the wodd a" an exporter oj automobIles, WIth the United States "econd m rank. StatIstics compiled from the offiCIal publicatIOn of the countne<; named show that the ex-ports of vehIcles of thl<; cla"s m the latest yea r for whIch detaIls are at hand were from l'rance, in 1908, $25,5(;9,000; the L'mted States, in the calendar }eal 1909, $8,6GI,397, the Umted Kmgdom, in 1909, $7,610,2fi7, Italy, m 1908, 15,533,000, and Germany, 111 1908, $,1,031,000 Cost of Living. From "Good FIxtures," publibhe~1 by the Seng company, ChlCago-"When the farmer gets enough for hIS produce to enable hIm to mdulge in some of the luxunes of modern Ii\- mg, when wage-earners and salaried people get paId enough, so that they can afford to eat the farm products wlthont stintmg themselves, and to mdulge m some of the luxuries of modern Irving-buying good furnIture, for example, when the masters of finance capItalize theIr propertIes at two or three tIme<; theIr real value, and force dIVIdends on the m-flated valuations by ehmmatmg the competitIve element, and when general business has to support this scheme of thmg<;-then we have a government commission to "investI-gate" the hIgh co"t of hvmg and we have to II"ten to the explanation<; of a lot of speCIal pleaders who are chiefly con-cerned in mamtaming theIr own position at the apex of the indu<;trial pyramid. JIm HIlI of the Great ~01thern call<; it rightly enough, the "co<;t of l11gh hving" and advI<.,e" frugalIty-on the part of "the people," mmd you BIll Brown of the VanderbIlt system echoes that sentI-ment and would have the farmer produce more, so that the prIce of food would be les<;, <;0 that labor could exist without increased wages, presumably ~othing much was <;aid about the cost of hvmg until the farmer began to prosper and capltahze hIS business and people WIth fixed mcomcs began to clamor for more of the proceeds of theIr labor m order that they might mamtam theil accustomed scale of hVIng ~ ot an unreasonable am-bition conSIderIng the prospenty of the country General Busmess wants the farmers to prosper, and workIngmen of all degrees to have steady Jobs at good wages They are the spenders And there IS enough prosperity for all 1£ it is equitably dlstnbuted Possibly high finance will have to get along with-a re-duced percentage of profit-with less "graft," not to Ibe the har"her word In thi<; great country and 111 thl<; day and age, StraIght BusIne<;<; and "ll1gh hving" are not IncompatIble \'Ve can all h\ e If we all hve nght The accent IS on the all, Mr Aldnch Drying Hemlock. Here IS an InterestIng testlmomal regardIng the drYIng of hemlock. It's worth reaelmg, as hemlock IS one of the most cltfficult woodb to elry: Amher<;t, Nova ScotIa, Nov 2, 1908. Granel RapIds Veneer Works, Granel Rapids, MICh Dear SIr .-In further reference to the hemlock lumber that we kIln dried in our kIlns The hemlock was I" thIck and green when we got It, and then was stuck on sticks in our yard for about three months, and put In our kIln for 48 hours, comIng out a" mce and dryas could be WIshed for. The stock was mce and straIght and none of It showed any checks In the dryIng We never were able to kIln dry hemlock in any of our old style kilm. Gum-wood IS another wood that we always have trouble WIth to kIln dry, but WIth your new process we can take gum-wood out of the kIln In 120 hours and every boarJ straight and true and WIthout an) checking Vve might also say that the kilns SInce bell1g fitted up with your process are giving us entIre sah<;faction They have ful-filled every repre<;entation made by you. We dry all kmels of lumber and thicknes<; up to 3" and we have no trouble now WIth the "tock checkmg or ''<arpmg, thus makmg a savmg m lumber as well as the tIme In clJymg Yours truly, RHODES, CURRY & CO, LImIted, C L Suess man, Secy ... We can help you. Time saved and when done leaves are bound (by your-self) and mdexed by Roors or departments. BARLOW BROS.• Grand Rapid •• Mich. ...-.-.-.-----_._._._. Wnt. RtyhtNow .i. _. _._- --- -... ....- ... 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association OFFICERS-PreSIdent, J R. Taylor, Lake Benton Mtnn, Vice President, D R Thompson, Rockford, Mmn , Treasurer, B A Schoeneberger, Perham, Mlnn , Secretary, W L Grapp, Janesville Mlnn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-ChaIrman Geo Kletn, Mankato Mmn a SImons, Glencoe, Mmn, W. L HarrIs \1mneapohs, Mmn C Daluelson, Cannon Falls. BULLETIN No. 105. that the assocatlOn has to deal wIth and "tIll make d "modI pl0fit So do your ~hare and help us make good 1y\ U,,111g up the llumbel ot suites that are llOW com111g thru f01 us 1'h1'->"lute wIll be turllbheel to our members for $1885 ThIS 1" a httle more than vve \\ ere furn-lo;; h111gthem for as glass and lumber hay each ancerJ 111 co"t Do not lay thb bulletm aSIde, thmk111g yOU \\ III order "ome a httle later but "end us your order now so that we can "hO\\ thIS factorv that our bUS111ess is worrth \\ hIle Send all orders to the secretary, JanesvIlle, ~1111n J he "llltc" (,rdel eel dt com cntlOn \\ 111 be 1 eaJ) for dehvery 111 a iu\ da\" \\ e hdd thl" "urte made e"peclall) f01 OUI purpo:oe:o One hunch ed at thcm al e made up for u:oe and V\ e want every membcr to put thl" ~ulte on the flOO1 :00 a:o to protect themselves aga111"t thl" p11d"e of l Ol11petltlon Thl:o :OUIte IS ..,oLl by l\Iontgomery Wdrd fOI SlO<); 1\\ the tlme \OU pal the heIght, a httle o;;ettll1g-up and a httle tor dell\ el111g, \ ou \\ III "trll be able to meet the hardest proP0:Oltlon WEEKLY ARTISAN AN ADVERSE VIEW OF CO-OPERATION A Paper Read at the Annual Convention Held .in Minneapolis February 7 and 8. Mr PresIdent and Brother r'urmture Dealers We have assembled here from all parts of thl" grand state of ours for the purpose I may say of touchmg elbow"" exchangmg vIews anJ dlscus"mg the vanous methods, and to try If pos",ible to Improve our conJltlOn as retaIl furnIture dealers Now, m the first place, I wIsh to say that as I am only a country dealer, the same no doubt as a great many of you who are here today, I shall confine my remarks to you who are furl1l-ture dealers m the ",maller towns As I am not a pubhc speaker and have not the faculty of expressmg my thoughts m an oratoncal manner, I have Jotted down a few Ideas as they occur to me m regard to thIs co-operatIve buying plan I do not wbh to go on record as bell1g a kIcker or a knocker, but I wIsh to sImply state before thIS conventIOn my VIews on thIS questIOn a3 It OCCUI"to me from a general busmess stand pomt As there are always two sides to every que"tlOn to be con"ldered, I deem It adVIsable to thoroughly study and weIgh both "Ides and look for a place to hght before we Jump too far In the fir",t place, as I understand It, we are attempting to fight the catalog house eVIl by combmmg or rather co-operatmg m the matter of buymg. \Ve employ a set of them, or a commIttee as we term them, to go down south m some other state to negotI-ate for and buy m carload lots a lot of the cheapest, trashIest goods that can be found on the market-good" that are made of cheap matenal and by cheap, unskIlled Idbor They are ;,hlpped to our state and dlstllbuted among the vanou.;; dealers to be palmed off onto our customers and fnend". Why do we do thIs? SImply to try to impress upon the mmds of our customers, who are our best fnends, that we can sell goods as cheap a3 the catalog houses ;\Jaw, gentlemen, I want to ask you, a" a body of intelhgent busmess men, IS It nght that we should tIy to educate our customer" to buy cheap artIcles Just because It IS made cheap and I" not worth the money that they pay for It" Should we not rather try to educate the trade to buy good" that wIll not only gIve them value receIved but WIll ;,atbfy and please them I am "ure that I would rather have one satIsfied customer than a dozen who are dIssatIsfied wIth the goods that I sold them Gentlemen, I want to aJmlt that I am opposed to this present plan of co-operatIve Imymg for vanous rea;,ons, a few of whICh I WIll state for the purpose of your consIderatIOn In the first place It IS assumed that we are all domg busmess wIth the de",lre of makmg a legItImate profit on our good3 Now our success depends entIrely I mIght sayan our ablhty to command the trade In our re~pectlve commumtles, and 111 order to accomplIsh thIS enel we must put forth every effort to please and to command the respect of the people upon whom our busmess Jepends In order to do thIS It appear3 to me that we should at all tIme", sell them a good <;ubstan-tIal class of goods, m the second place we should endeavor to persuade or educate the people, espeCIally those hvmg m the farmmg commumtIe"" to buy a better class of goods, where there IS a better profit for the dealer and satIsfactIOn for the purchaser-goods that we can recommend and stand back of and make goo;} on-good", that have the guarantee of the factory behmd them The largest portlOn of my patrons al e farmers wh.o as a cla.;;s are the greatest catalog house buyers. I have been workmg along the hnes sug-gested and find that It IS bnngmg good results Our farm-ers today are prosperous and theIr surroundmgs demand a 29 better class of goods, and we have only to get him into our store and show hIm the latest, most up-ta-date ;,tyles to mduce hIm to buy a pIece or two Once they buy a pIece of good stuff they wIll return for more to match It, and will keep on coming untIl they have theIr homes cosIly furnIshed. Of course we stIll have a few of the ",a-called catalog house fiends m every commumty, but that c1as", as a rule are not a deSIrable clas" of customers to deal with As a general thmg we finJ that theIr credIt is not any too good and they are always lookmg for bargams, and If you don't throw off the profit on the goods they want thev WIll not take them, unless you sell them on tIme. Now, the most Important reason why I am opposed to the co-openatIve buymg plan 1.0 thIS I am heartIly opp.)sed to boycottmg our home mdustnes Weare CItIzens of the best state m the unIOn and should be proud of our home mdustnes and help 111 every way 111 our power to encourage and buIld up and mamtam them, and never seek to cnpple or destroy them I w1.oh to ;,ay nght here that our home manufacturer", are Our be'lt friends and we should go hand m hanJ wIth them I have always found them ready and wl1l1l1g to lend me a helpmg hand and why should I go back on them? Weare today hvmg m the grandest and most prosperous ;,tate 111 the umon and I am proud of It \lYe have "ome of the most up-to-date factones m the world m our own state and m our own CItIes that are capable of manufactunng all of the good", that we need and If we all patrol1lzed them as we should they no doubt could furnIsh us our good., cheaper than they Jo now TheIr busmes'l IS conducted along the "ame 11l1es as ours, they have got to have the patronage that belongs to them 111 order to make theIr bUSI-ness pay. Now, gentlemen, I am at a los., to see why I should buy my goods a thousand mIles from home when we can buy better goods nght here at home for the same money that It costs us to lay those southern goods down 111 our stores Another rea"on why I am not 111 favor of thIS co-oper-atIve buymg busmes, 1.0 thIS, I do not thmk It adVIsable to tax thIS as;,oCIatIOn or It;, members for the purpose of de-fl aYl11g the expenses of thIS buymg commIttee or for rnam-taml11g a d1;,play room I prefer to do my own bUYl11gand when I find that I am not capable of so dOl11g I shall quit the busl11ess I have tned both plan" and I find that the old way SUlts me be"t \;\Ie talk about the catalogue house evIl Are we not dOl11g our country a greater harm by not patro-mzmg our home factones than the catalogue house;, are dOIng? I am heartIly m favor of co-operatlOn but we should co-operate WIth our own manufacturers who are domg more toward the up-buIldmg of the country and cIty than any other class of people m our gland state Furthermore, I do not thmk It a credIt to our association at large to be advocatmg and advertbmg this co-operative buymg plan m our trade papers under the head of the Min-ne" ota RetaIl Furniture Dealers' associatIOn. If there are those who WIsh to co-operate for the purpose of buymg a lot of that cheap Tohn stuff they should co-operate under a dIfferent name. The object of our aSSOCIatIOn, as I understand it, is for the purpose of meetll1g together once or twice a year to get acquall1ted, talk shop and to obtall1 from one another all the knowledge, lllformatlOn and pOlllters we can get as to the best methods of handllllg the busmess at a profit, and for the upbUlldll1g and protectIOn of the busmess in which we are engaged, and not for the purpose of retardmg the progress of the commu11lty m whIch we llve but rather to use our influence for Its upbul1dmg. ' C F French Discussion. o A 0 Moen-"I am no speaker but I have listened to the paper read by Mr French WIth a great deal of inter-est I can not help but feel that Mr. French has not stopped 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN DO inform himself as to the eXlstmg condltlOns m connectlOn with the bUYlllg comlttee because he has made statements which I, as treasurer, know are not true As your trea'iurer. I have never paid out one cent of expen'ie caused b) the bu)- 1I1g committee I also take exception to the reterence he makes to buying trash "It Ishould not take much of a fur11lture man to "ee a" he goe:> over these samples that the maJonty of the lllles repre-sented here are standard hnes such as tho'ie made 111 Rock-ford, Grand Rapids and III fact, some of the be"t lllle" 111 the market As to the members not bemg 10) al to our home manufacturer'i, wlll say that I happen to kno" that OUI buymg committee has tned and tned to get \\ hat the) need m this market but have always found that the' could not get 1t Now that we are gettlllg v,hat "e neerl to meet a pha"e of compehtlOn which I'> not at all of om l11aklll~. \\ e are "omc-times accused of gettmg plunder I \\oulJ hke to a"k \Ir French where he can buy that smte over there m the mall order corner, made a" good and fi11lshed as good as that h, for what the assoclatlOn l'i furmshmg It So I could go on but I feel that the sample'i here wlll 'ipeak for thenheh e" I would hke to hear some one el"e e"pl es" an 0p11110n along these lines' C Da11lelson of Gannon Falls, "\fmn _li\\ e tllerl to make terms with our home manufacturer" time dl1(1 tIme again I have been on the floor e, er "mce can, entlOn opened and I find that our fnend .:\1r French ha:" )U"t come l'rom the tone of hiS paper, I am afraid that he ha" not taken tIme to see the hnes repl esented here or he "ould not call the"e sample& plunder of cheap goods I \\Pould hke tu hdve the pleasure of showmg 1\1r French the vanou.., line" repl e-sented upon thiS floor "In regard to the eApenses of the buy mg commIttee. \\ III say that I have been one of them and hay e been gl\ mg m) services Without any pay beSIdes standlllg m) ov, n eApen,e" but I do not know whether I am gomg to do It am more It this IS the thanb we are gettmg ,. ANTIQUES FOR THE CHILDREN Great Demand for Miniature Furniture Made by a Pair of Veteran Toy Makers. Of the numerous toymakers who once" orked m lImghanl, "Ma% , only two-George \V Feanng, aged 72, and Lonng .:\1 Cushmg, aged 70-are still engaged 111 the busmess .:\111 } ear-mg ha'i been thus employed for about 25 year", dnd "\11 Cushmg's record IS not far behmd Long ago an endles~ vanety of toys was produced, SdyS the 13o~ton Globe. but dunng recent years both these makers have confined themseh e:" large-ly to the constructIOn of hand-made dntlque to) furmture A minature old-tnne bucket. for whIch Hmgham "a" famou'i, IS fa'ihlOned "tlll to some extent by l\1r Feanng, tal It IS very populaJr With the chlldren Mr. Feanng was an expert bucketmaker and follo,,", ed thiS v, ark for thirty years. In fact, It was while employed at \VIlder's bucket shop that he first began to try hiS hand at toy bmldmg dunng hiS spare moments. .:\1r Cushmg 'vas also a bucket-maker and the two men were often employ ed at the same bench. "In those days," said Mr Feanng, "It seemed a~ If every other house was a bucket shop, but as 111 the case of other 111- dustnes, ""'hen machllles came III to use and the bucket.., could be made more quickly and cheaply b) them, hand"ork was dnven out. Mr Fearmg owns sevel al sets of the old tools which cannot now be duphcated. Mr Feanng and Mr Cushmg are members of the Hmg-ham !\rts and Crafts sOCIety Their work IS always on exhibi-tIOn and throughout the summer months I" the center of an admmng throng of out-of-town 'Isltor.., Very frequently stranger" go to the homes of the two toy makers, where each has hiS workloom Little c1111dren are among their most enthusiastiC admirers, anJ ,ery often the "ame httle 'Isltors Will seek them out yeal dfter yeal The demand for the toy furlllture IS far greater than eIther Cdll ..,upph Each man works entlrely without assistance, and e\ en to) plOduced IS noted for the unvalying accuracy as to detenl of constluctlOn .:\11 Cushmg.., furmture i.., alway" made m imitation of mahogan), "hde \tr ] eal1l1g ..,ometlmes Lhe" the Flemish oak, chern and other "tams, althongh hiS fourpost bedsteads, bur-eau". lowboy sand desb al e of the mahogany type The tiny desks are copied elfter pattern.., m me from the middle of the seventeenth centnry. The bureaus With their quamt brass handles are always fa, antes" Ith the children, and are modeled after vanous styles One IS a very fine speclman of the furmtllle m the heavy style fd..,hlOnable dw 1l1£;the fir..,t qndrtel of the mneteenth century. If there h an) mtncate carV1l1g on the old-time furniture med d~ models It I" duplicated In Its mmutest cletall by these two clever to) makers The settle I" always of mterest, as lt was the fir"t form of the long sedt "hlch IS found m the earhest 1l1ventone" m thiS country, and still earher m England It I'> "aId that the ..,ettle ofteneslt "een m Amenca is of "Imple comtructlOn, usually of pme and pamtecl It was made to stand by the great fireplace to keep the drafts out and the hea t m "I th ItS tall back In keepmg ,\ Ith hiS settles, Mr. Feanng also makes wan-del tull) constructed fireplace, With pot, cane and andirons Each tmy bnck I.., cut out With a kmfe. There are mahogany tables of vanous patterns, mcluding a tea table of l'no and a Dutch "tand of the same period. DUrIll£; the elghteellth centnry tables were a coman article of turmture "Ith top" of square, oval and round and feet of the cLm -elml-ball type (hllthen dre always dehghted with the cradles of 1687, \\ Ith open top, which these toymakers produce to fit the tiniest doll, 01 the v can be had measunng sixteen inches on the inside The chairs are numerou" and begm With the duphcates of the old Gov Carver chair, the Wmdsor and the Dutch, fol-lowed by the Ch1ppenddle, Hepplewhite and Sheraton styles. The GovernOl Can er chalf IS ten mche" high whl1e others measure nIne mche'i One piece of furmture which a cl111d invanably insists on hav1I1g once she sees It 1S a beautifully constructed mahogany grandfather s clock. \\ hlch IS conSidered one of Mr Fearing's best e'(amples It stands twelve inches high and is patterned after a clock of 1770. Furniture Fires. Otto Hll'lt's furmture store at Mamto, Ill, was burneJ on March 29 Lo'iS $5,500, msurance, $2,800 Geiger Bras furniture store at Ashley, Ill, wa'i burned on March 30 vvlvh a loss of $3,500, partially insured. The Bra" n FUlnltUle company of Syracuse, NY, lost $-!-,OOO or $5,000 by fire 111 their warehouse. Fully lllsureJ A Bradfield, furniture dealer and undertaker of Mecca, Tnd, was burned out recently Loss $1,500; lllsurance $1,- 000 The furniture and undertakmg estabhshment of B F. Burke at Carnegie, Okla. was destroyed by fire on March 9 Xa lllsurance operations, making a lme of medIUm pnced dinmg room fllI11ltllre Fred A \/Vright, furniture manufacturer and dealer of 157 Fulton street, Boston, has filed a voluntary petitIOn In bankruptcy. LiabIltties, $13,000, assets, $3,300 N Schoen & Son, wholesale and retaIl furnIture dealers at OrtonvIlle, Mmn, have incorporated under the name of the N Sohoen & Son company CapItal stock, $100,000. ::\1 Kroos & Son have succeeded A W. Ramm in the furnIture and undertakmg busmess at Sheboygan, WIS Mr. Ramm WIll engage in the undertaking business m Milwaukee. Ash & Lynch who recently purchased the stock and
- Date Created:
- 1910-04-09T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:41
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GR~D RAPIDS PUBLIC 111illARY GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• JUNE 18. 1910 weara iginntors ....l•.l.n.nroor rs ORGANIZED 1872 FLOOR SPACE 175,000 SQ FT. GRAND RAPIDS CIIAIR COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS BSTABLISHED 18'72 HIGH GRADE GOODS AT MEDIUM PRICES --------A COMPLETELINE OF------- SIDEBOARDS MUSIC CABINETS HALL GLASSES BUFFETS BOOKCASES HALL TABLES SERVING TABLES HALL RACKS DEN CABINETS CHINA CLOSETS HALL SEATS HOUSE DESKS LIBRARY TABLES CEDAR LINED CHESTS OUR LINE READY FRIDAY, JUNE 24th, 1910 GOODSSHOWNAT FACTORYONLY (TA"" TAYLOB Sr. CAn Non,." To TnAns AVE.) FURNITURE THAT BUILDS BUSINESS. It's the service a store renders a community that determines its value and reputation. A store whose highest ideals are expressed in the desire for profit, is not of real or lasting benefit. If the ideals embody, primarily, quality in merchandise, a reasonable and proper profit is expected by the purchaser and can be secured. Any furniture dealer who sells Berkey & Gay furniture renders a real service to his community-the beauty and quality bring a satisfaction that lingers in the mind of the customer, Ion g after the price is forgotten. There is a "good will" in the name of Berkey & Gay, which any retailer secures, who handles the line. The standing of thIS Company as the oldest and largest manufacturers con-tmuously of hIgh grade furnIture m Amenca, has been attamed only after 50 years of unmterrupted operation. Our extensive magazme advertlsmg is lllcreasmg this knowledge on the part of the consumer The exclusive agency for our product IS a valuable acqui-sitIon for any store. OUR SHOW ROOMS WILL BE READY FOR INSPECTION JUNE 24th. BERKEY & GAY FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. -------------------------- WEEKLY ARTISAN ~-.._----_ ..••.•........... ------_._---_._-_ ..------_._-------~ .-~ 1883 MIC"IGAN C"AIR COMPANY 1910 GR1\ NOR 1\ P IDS, M Ie" I G1\ N -, C" 4 I RS c" 4 I RS I CU41RS I "Michigan's Foremost Chair Factory." For the coming season we would respectfullycall attention to our DINING ROOM CHAIRS, unex· celled in variety of attractive patterns, matching and harmonizing all designsin Sideboards and Buffets. CHAMBER and SUITE CHAIRS to fill all needs in woods,stylesand finishes. We refer to the foregoing staples with especial emphasis. Our FANCY ROCKERS, Hall and Desk Chairs, Cafe and Odd Chairs in almost endless variety, will look good to the Trade thisseason. The designs are excellent. Qyalityand pricealwaysassured. Better and Best. Factory warerooms at your disposal, on the opening day, June 24th, 1910, and for the season. REPRESENTATIVE SALESMEN: SOUTH W. R. Penny WEST Chas B. Parmenter Robt ]. Calder H. M. Story EAST Chas. H. Cox Robt. E. Walton .. . ...... .... 1 ,._ •••••••• __ a ••• a ••• ••• a •• • _ rI I I ROYAL FURNITURE CO. I IIII II•t IIII , IIII III I I, III I II I 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN , ••• , ••• -- ••• ---- • - 1IIII II GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Dining Library Bedroom Suites HALL CLOCKS In "Colonial" Style \~ ~ LNew Adaptations ~ FACTORY SALESROOM Ready for Inspection June 24, 1910 Shown at I IIt t I• III I I ,,_._,_._ __..._. ..._. ._. .__._-.---·-----------'i WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 WEEKLY ARTISAN .. . ._--------------------_.~, I LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY II, II II IIII •• II ,,f •,,, · GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING I and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. ~..... .. _. ----_. _..~----------~ Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and Tuna Mahogany BIrd' J Eye Maple BIrch !Zullrtered Oak and C,rCIlJJlan Willnut l Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 30th Year-No. 51 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., JUNE 18. 1910 Issued Weekly HOME LIFE AND HABITS OF THE CHINESE They Care More for Coolness in Summer Than for Warmth in Winter and Use But Little Furniture. Chma I" now rapIdly changmg RaIlway s, telcgraph and newspapers are moder111zmg It. It IS worth capturIng a glImpse of the home lIfe that has remamed unchanged smce the tIme of ChrIst, If not of ConfucIUs, before It dIsappears omtecl by the coobtove, 011 heater, kerosene ldmp dnd collaps- Ible fUImtme The WrIter lIVed in Ch111d many ) ears and had unu'3ual opportUnItIes of mtlmate acquamtance WIth the home lIfe, both of the country poor and the cIty rIch The Chinese do not use much furnIture TheIr home lIfe and habIts do not requIre It In theIr IIbranes and fre-quently theIr IIvmg rooms the most promment thmg IS the opIUm couch, as mseparable a feature of a gentleman's home a" the armchaIrs and cigars of an Amencan den Perhaps It must dl"appear now before the prohIbItion campaIgn whIch IS being waged from Pekm, or it WIll remam under the inno-cent guise of a reclIn111g readmg table. as "orne mnocent globetrotters have descnbed it OpIUm as u"ed m the ordmary cItIzen's prIvate house IS con"ldered no more a vIce than tobacco WIth Amellcan" It IS the custom, that IS all The host waves you to the couch for a perfunctory whiff Just as Americans begm by offering a guest a cIgar or dnnk Chmese books are lIke Amencan magazmes, paper bound and stapled with thread Consequently they are pIled flat on the shelve" mstead of standmg upnght This fact may offer a temporary resIstance to one of the vVestern mnovatIons, the sectional "ty Ie of bookcase, but already educated Chmese are begmnmg to read EnglIsh and to exhIbIt m the place of the ConfUCIan claSSICS text book" on phy slOlogy and mter-na tlOnal law Chme ,e wn tmg IS done with a pam t bru sh on b lottmg paper or nce flImsy It never smudges The Ink "tIcks whIch are rubbed on a slate as i\mericans rub a cvlmder of shavmg soap on theIr chms, are aromatIc and beautIfully stamped WIth dragons and trademarks The wntmg, whether scholarly or runnmg IS a thmg of beauty, a fa"cmatmg exer- CIse, and very qUIck 1\evertheless the Amencan typewrIter WIth the EnglIsh alphabet, IS now found on many a shupan's desk I Chmese, even of the hlghe'lt cla;-,s. go half nake,J mdoors in summer, and theIr chalf" often have marble seats They understand the art of keepmg rooms cool, but they have I never troubled to ma'3tcI the art of heat1l1g room". except I I 1 __ - in the north, where you sleep on a stone couch full of burn-ing charcoal In the Yangtse provmces, where the wmter is the same as m our mIddle or northern states, the customary heating was only one or two tray" of charcoal balls standing on trI-pods The real heatmg IS all done by the clothes; layer on layer of fine Imens and SIlks and furs, WIth felt shoes The enterpn"e of the Standard OIl company 1;-' placmg 011 heaters in the homes of the rIch now The educated Chmaman is a vIrtuoso His bric-a-brac, consIstIng of Chine'3e porcelam and bronze only, becomes a famIly heIrloom, to part with whIch is lIttle short of ancestral sacnlege K evertheless they are partmg WIth it Rus"lans first. then French, then English, and lastly AmerIcans who are too easIly satisfied with imitatIOns, offer hIgh pnces for these helrloom'3, the antIquity of whIch is authentIcated by famIly catalogues, Illustrated m colors by hand The Chine"e, 'begmnmg to yield to the manIa br in-novation, '3urrender these antIques for the prIce of modern furnIture, motor boats, acetylene gas plants, etc The time is not far dIstant when they will come down to roadmaking, and then what a boom there wIll be m automobIles 1 Chmese home hfe, however, can never be comprehended untIl you penetrate theIr kitchens ThIS IS a privilege ac-corded to few foreIgn men, because the women of the house are hkely to be encountered there You would not, however, know If they were ml"tresses or servants RIch Chinese are more or les'3 polygamou" The real or number one wlte ceases to be ornamental and mIght sometImes be mistaken br the charwoman Your host WIll not enhghtem yeiu, naturally Anyhow, by the etIquette of the language, he would mtroduce even hIS best wife m terms of singular deprecatIOn Ch1l1e"e cookmg ranges are mvanably built m of plas-tered brIck or concrete an..1 m a large house there may be two or three v\ hat surpnses the foreIgner IS the apparent absence of flues SometImes there i" a flue, the chImney going only part way up the wall, but often there IS none because the only fuel u"ed IS, practIcally dry straw or charcoal Fuel has long been the great dome'3tic problem of China, all wood having been cut off centures ago and coal mining bemg undeveloped. Coal imported from abroaJ has long been m use among 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN -----..., III , I I,I I II I II IIIIIII I,II ... ..__ .- _ _-- _ . THE ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS Muskegon MlCh, Oct 20 1908 The McCasket RegIster Co, Alliance OhlO Gentlemen Your favor of the 19th regardmg kIlns Let u~ say to you first that our old dry kIln was ot the Sturte,ant Blast S,stem WhICh we remodeled usmg only the outsIde "ails not mcreasmg the soace caoaclty of the kIln "nd after lll~talllllg- the Grand RapIds Veneer Works system of dry kIlns m the same bUlldmg "e found the followmg 1st-We mcreased the capacIty of the kIln 7" pel cent 01 m other words dned the same number of feet ot lumber m one fourth of the tIme beSIdes havmg soft, straIght and thoroughly dned lumber to work 'together WIth ha,mg the knowledge based on facts lUst what condItIOn our lumber "as m and bemg treated at three dIfferent perIOds <'lunng each da} 01 can be taken more or less as the operator deSIres From the~e records we are able to answer your questIOns as tl1P' aTe aSMld FIrst-From 5 per cent to 10 per cent tl11s ho" e,er depends greatly on condItIOn of lumber When entenng kIlr If lumber IS of good quality clean and straIght a percentage WIll be less But take many mstances where vour lumber IS crooked and warped, WIth thIS class of lumber you could sa\ E at least 10 to 25 per cent for It IS a fact that we ha\ e taken Sap Gum 4-4 thIck badly warred, and tWIsted out of shape "hen enterIng kIln and have brought thIS lumber out perfectlv straIght and dry ThIS also applies to oak and ash and other lumberb whIch we ha' e treated WIth equal satIsfactory results Second-ThIs IS a hard matter to accurately Slate but thIS matter has come up from tIme to tIme WIth US 'l'he superm tendent and foreman of the maclllne room claIm a sa, mg of 40 to 50 per cent ThIS however IS based practlcall, on theIr Judgement, not from facts as we have no way of ao;;:certalnlng It ThIrd-ThIs to be answered m percentage from only estl mated bases on facts whIch many condItIOns enter mto ,Ve havmg onl} one man lookmg after thIS work m our plant who has other dutIes to perform at the same tIme and formerly It took one man all hIS tIme and an aSSIstant part of hIS tIme Our estImate of savmg to us IS 50 per cent Fourth-We ha' e never up to thIS tIme smce mstallmg kIln reached more than 75 per cent of the capaclt" of our kIln dally and we are now drymg 75 per cent more lumber m t'le same length of tIme You WIll of course take mto conSIdeI atIOn that there are many condItIons entermg mto the questIOns you have asked about and "hlch you should consldel ,eI' carefully m makmg companson of capaclt} of kIlns 'l'he WrIter was for fifteen years m the heatmg and po" er plant eqUlppmg busmess and ha,mg come mto contacl WIth man} processes of dry kllnmg We adopted the Grand RapIds Veneer Co's kIln as m our Judgement bemg equal to the I)est So faT It has sen ed us very satIsfactonl' and no doubt" III sen e 'ou equally well We have a system of keepmg track of temperature lI1cl relatIve humIdIty tests etc, WIth our loIn WhICh the "'Itel adopted for our bUSIness here and has pro, ed In n1cllly 111'3tanre<;;; a valuable record of facts WhICh we "'ll gladl} send 'ou a copy of should } ou be mterested There are a good many thmgs to be sard abeut dr} krlns makmg comparIson etc but not" Ishmg to go mto long tedIOUS mmute Ideas unless you want further data and trustmg the above WIll serve "hat you deSIre to know Yours very truly BRO,V'J\E :YIORSE CO R H Browne Pres and 1 reas .- --_._._-_._..~- _. _._.---------------- .... I I II II,, II ..- - .. THIS OUGHT TO SATISFY THE MOST SKEPTICAL, SEE ARTICLE HEADED "INVESTIGATING' IN ANOTHER COLUMN. GRANO RAPIDS VENEER WORKS CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. foreIgners, but Chinese houses had no sto\ es ':>Ultable for Its use American cast Iron ranges are now feelIng theIr way m, and coal will be abundant as 'iocm as the raIlway anatomy is complete Another change yet to come l'i the plpln~ of water throughout central Chma; there IS pI actIcally no 'Iater 'oup-ply above the le,'el of the hou'ies It 1:0 all lIfted from the rivers and carned mto the cItIes daIl} by hundreds of coolIes, who fill the stone cIsterns or earthenware ranges of each house at a rate not much exceedmg ten cenh a month There wa'i a tremendou'i outcry amon~ the ri, er boatmen when 'iteam launches were admItted to mland water'i, but the m-stall at ion of tanks and pIping would inVIte a revolutvm Worthless VacuuIU Cleaners. From a mechamcal standpOInt the vacuum cleanel has reached a stag-e of the ndiculous, and ItS evolutIOn only plOves what Barnum announced to the world year'i ago, namely, that the public loves to be humbug-ged The cleaner, one of the greatest labor-savmg and sanitary devices ever mvented for the use of the hotel operator, IS now fearfully and wonder-fully made and sold to a confiding public at a price WIthin the reach of all, for there are "vacuum" cleaners to be had for less than ten dollars Some of the machmes now offered are no better than to) 'i, utterly worthless; they only serve to add so much junk to the worthless stuff you find in your home on moving day, and the manufacturer's sale aim IS to make a sudden fortune. c\J, ertIsements of these worthless, even silly, devices are found 111 the lead1l1g magaLines, and housewives are inviegled mto pal t1l1g- with theIr money through schemes little better than dOli nnght frauds A man II ith any< mechanical understanding can see at a glance at the pictures that some of the machines advertIsed are II orthless It should be unnecessary to say that a prac-tIcal hotel man WIll certainly not be deluded by these cheap de,lce'i, an,! if he does experiment WIth one, it should not mItIgate aga1l1st hIS later gett1l1g a genU1l1e vacuum cleaner, of whIch there al e a number on the market It reqLures power to produce a ,acuum It requires well made and accurately adjusted machmery to produce a vO-cuum and It I equll C'i matenal anJ workmanship that cost money to make ct cleanel that is durable and lasting, as well as effiCIent at the start -The Hotel "" orld Southern Factories Consolidated. The ConsolIdated FurnIture "Yorks, capitalIzed at $300,- 000 WIth .sO per cent paId 111, have been 1I1corporated to take over the as'ieb and bus1l1ess of five prosperous dIvidend-pay-ing compames and consolIdate them in a new plant at Alta- ,Ista, Va The Lynchburg Lounge company of Lynchburg, Va , the Snow Da'iket company, of HIgh Point, ~ C; ann No. 1705 Pull Made by Grand RapId6 Brass Co., Grand RapIds, MlCh the HIgh Pomt Upholstenng company of High Point, are three of the five concerns to goo mto the new company which 1'0 officered as follows President, A. T. Quick, of Lynch-burg; vIce president, P. V. KIrkman, of Hig-h Point, secre-tary, R G. Evans of Altavista Directors-A. T Quick, P. V. Kirkman, T. V Els0111, W B Lilwood and Dr. W. J. Quick. "Volk on the factory building is to begin at once on a sIte of 2 one-half acres fronting on the Virg1l1ian railway The bUlld1l1g II 111 be two stones, 200 by 400 feet, and w111be ready to OCCUpyby September I The city also donated three acres 111 bUJldmg- lots on which the company WIll erect houses and sell or lease to employes on the building and loan association plan The companies that hay e been absorbed wIll take n1Jst of theIr employes to Altavista Better be sure that you know how to run your own bus1l1ess before you beg1l1 to cntlclze your neighbor's methods WEEKLY ARTISAN First Courses in Forest Prohlems. Madison, Wis., June 15.-The first course of mstruction in wood technology and the mechanical engmeering of wood work-ing plants ever offered at the University of Wisconsin are an-nounced for the coming year, as a result of the co-operatlOn of the college of engineering with the new Umted States forest products laboratory at the university. The three phases of the problem of saving timbers and us-ing all the present waste from the lumbenng and wood manu-facturing industnes WIll be considered 111the new lectures and laboratory practIce by the students, 111c1udll1gspecial study of the phYSIcal and chemical propertIes of wood; of preserving and utl1lz111g not only the timbers but the stumps, small branches, bark, sawdust and all the waste bits; and of the mechanical means of transformll1g standl11g tImbers into commercial pro-ducts. Four courses in wood dlstillatlOn, wood preservation, the chemical constItuents, and the phYt<lcal properties of wood WIll be gIven by the staff of government experts in charge of the laboratory A fifth course in \" ood manufactunng machinery Will be given by Prof. Robert M Keown of the engineenng c-ol-lege. In the coures of the properties of wood, the study WIll be mainly of the elementary structure of dIfferent species and its effects on the value of woods for use in various arts and indus-tnes Methods of testmg woods and conditionmg them will also be shown in the laboratory demonstrations. The course Will be given dunng the first half of the first semester The chemical constItuents and fibers of wood, with refer-ence to the uses made of the material in art and industry, will form the subject matter of the course to be given the second half of the first semester. Hardwood and softwood will be studied and compared a~ to their use 111chstill111g alcohol and producmg turpent111e and other materials in a course to be given 111the first half of the second semester. All of the basic principles, as well as the pro-cesses and products of such distIllations Will be taught, and the students will have an opportunity to make a personal study of the government's investigations in ways and means of using all the waste products of logging, lumbering and wood manufacturing, amounting altogether to two-thirds of every tree cut down. How to save timbers, especially those in mines and on the water from animal and fungous pests, will be the problem on which a course in wood preservation will work. The students will compare the resistance of different woods, their fibers and the conditions of deterioration, and Will be sh-own the (hfferem I preservative processes in the laboratory, including both those in w11ich the timbers are given surface applications and thl>"(; III which the aseptics are forced into the fibers. All the machinery and methods used in logging and in V\oJ,l L1dnufacture With the designing of wood working plants 'A ill be t1.uf,"ht by Prof Keown dunng the second semester in hiS cot,r~" ('n wood manufacturing machinery. In addition, advanced research work may be done by stu-clents who are preparul fel,- it in the government laboratory 11n- (ler the sup;:'-vision d the experts in charge. Bean Cluh Organized. Lovers of baked beans as "bean porridge hot" as many men or women were taught to smg in chIldhod's sunny hour, have organized the Bean Club of America Waldo E Buck is the Chief Kidney Bean, E B. Caldwell, Lima Bean Bag Holder and A S 'White, White Bean Scnbendl Every lady or gentleman of good moral character, who will obltgate him or herself to use the bean pots provided by the chief kidney bean after paying the express charges of the same and the clubs' recipe for cooking beans is eligible for membership r-.-_---.-~n_--_.__.._. -----'_._._.~.~._-.--~----. Quality Attractive Designs Low Prices No. 159. Oak, finished golden. Leatherette Chase Leather $7.25 8.60 Are embraced in the long line of rockers, Morris Chairs, Turkish Rockers and Mission pieces that will be shown at our July Exhibits. 4th floor, 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. 2nd floor, Furniture Exchange Bldg. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Catalog ready July 15th, 1910. Traverse City Chair Co., TRAVERSE CITY, MICH. t- . .~ ~ ... ..~ ~-- ..... -- . 7 ..- -.., 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN How Trade Papers Help Salesmen. '\n ongmal and aggres~Ive advertIser recenth paId the fo\- 10w1l1g tnbute to the trade press "In 111) ~tOlI.' are ~Il:;n' that read, 'It matter~ not wlMt your bU~1l1e~sh I have tnnc to h~tl.'n Consequently the travehng salesman ha~ a standlllg mVltatlon to come mto thIs store He can have a chat WIth me on bUSInCSS if he wants to I WIll hsten to what he has to sa) "The men at the head of each department \\ III treat the travelmg man WIth Just as much respect a~ I do But It I don t know the house he represents, as least b) reputatIOn, \\ h) then hIS task IS harder than If I had knm\n somethm~ of 111sfirm "Now, I read trade papers a~ I read newspaper,,-to get the news The local ne\\ spapers gn c me the ne\\ s ot 111\ cIt, and the \\ orld In \\ hlch I hvl.' I am much mtel e~ted m both But I make my hvmg sellmg \\ eanng apparel to men and I hale d hvely mterest 111\\ hatever helps to bnng m 111) hvmg-and C"\.il a, "So I take a number of trade papcrs and read them from cover to cover to get the news of the varlOm branches that con-stItute my stock And that s one of the way s I leal n about the manufacturers, whose salesmen come to sell me a httle bIll of goods "If the manufacturer's advertbements hay I.' IJ1Jpres~ed me hIS salesman ~ets a careful heanng for I want to know more of the story the trade paper ad started to tell ., Shre\\ d merchant tl11s It's safe to qv he'" sure to ~uc-ceed Now what a golden opportu111t) for the ,a\e~l11dn \\ ho calls on thIS merchant to plant the httle "seed at /'< ijOiW! o/' peal The "field" ha~ been plO\\ ed and harrowed b, trade papel advertls111g, the salesman\ calls and fertIh7ers and \\ atel awl It hc's \\ Ise he'll leave behmcl hIm. be~ides some hUll.' acll erth1l1g speCIalty, the seed whIch WIll ,prout 111toa harvest of 1corders Bunching the Vacations. Seng company of ChIcago has sent out to Ib patron~ a let ter in whIch It ~ays \Ve WIll close down our factO!) fO! a pe-riod of t\\ a weeks begmnmg Satl11day noon Tnl) nand enchng :'\londay morn111g A.ugn"t b Dunng thh tllne no \\ 01 k \\ III he done-no shIpment made-and the \\ atdmlan \\ 111 hay l ;,011.' charge of office and works ThIS l~ an attempt to mI111mlZI.'b\ bunching the annoY111g con~equences of ' the vacatlOn habIt" "HeretofOle we have tnned the vacatlOn~ of our office torce and men m the mechamcal departments so as to dlStllblltC the COIl'vemenccs ;\io\'. 111stead of takm~ Oul tlOub\e on the 111stall-mcnt plan we are gomg to try to dIscount It hy 10caltz1l1~ lt As thl~ new plan mvolves the mterests of our lusiomer~ \v t-are sendmg thIS notIce m ample tn11e for them to place theIr or-der, accordmgly." Very tIuly ) OUI'. T:m:: SC\C Co\[p \ \ \ Frank J C;enCi Pre~ Grand Rapids Manufacturers. At the annual meetIng of the Grand RapIds f tll111ttllI.' l1an-ufacturers' ASSOCIatIOn, helrl in the Glllld 100m la~t \Ionday mght the follo\'. mg dlrector~ wel e elected "\ S Goodman, Ralph P Tletsort, DaVId H. Drown Bert Hathaway and F Stuart Foote The chrectors W1\\ elect the offiCI.'Is late I It IS understood that ~lr Goodman wIll be re-elected preSIdent The aSSOCIatIOnhas deCIded to enlarge the scope at the lar loadmg dlvlsIOn, WhICh vva;, Olga111zed early m the ~plmg, and to make it more valuable to the members Hereafter ~hlpments ongmatmg with membel s of the a~soCIat10n WIll be loaded m mixed cars WIthout expense to the customer, hut the usual chargc wIll contmue to be made on 10ad111g for outSIde shIpper;,. The car loadmg dlvlslOn ha~ proven a great succe~s, and It has the cordIal approval of the raIlroads, wlth whom the ft1f11lture 11lan-ufacturers endeavor to co-operate The value of the car load-mg bllSmes~ has more than doubled smce the assoCIatlOn took It 0\ er Foreign Trade in ~Iay. I'oreIgn trade dunng the Month of MillY ;,howed smaller Im-ports than m any month smce !\ugust of last) ear and larger ex-porh than m J\lay of any year WIth the smgle exceptlOn of 1907 The total Imports for the month, were $119,929,608, agamst $13 >,9~3 3(l9 m Apnl and $162,999,435 m March of the present year The eAport~ of the month were $131,U:J,+28, aga111~t $123')22,178 m May, 1909, $113,610,378 ll1 May, 1908, and $134,- ?'59,S(J8 m :'\ra, 1907 the smgle year whIch shows a hIgher rec- 01d ot lla\ e\ports than the one Ju~t announced The excess of e\l){)rt~ O\er 1l11porb for the month of ::Way, 1910, IS $11.215,820, agall1~t $?,2(l'2,2+J m Mil) of last year The total Imports fO! the eleven months endmg wlth .1Iay, 1910, were $1,+J8,16}),302 and the total imports for the eleven months' penod $178,989,G7() The exports for the eleven months endll1g WIth May 1910, ex-ceed those of the correspondmg months of last year by $11,367.- 663. Oilar Brothers. -\ large busmess has been established in house fUlI1bhmg ~oocb at Indlanapohs by Ollar Brothers, in a comparatIvely short tlme '-.,0 ~reat has been the grow th of theIr busmess that they 1M ve Iecend} taken several lofts adJ0111lng their store m \\ hlch to ,tore and chsplay gom!;, TheIr locatIon on East \Vashmgton street j;, a very good one and the blllldll1gs are convement and pleasant OIlelr nrother~, although young men, have had el WIde e::,vellence 111 mel chanch~ll1g household goods and have earned ~tllCeSS by deservmg It. George H Ollar IS the Vel) effiCIent presldent of the IndIana RetaIl I, urmture Dealers' AssoclatlOn Getting Ready for the Opening. -\mong the early arnvals of oUblde 1111es111Grand Rapld~ al c the IIa\ hew of :'\I11wauhee, and the Onnoco, from Colu111bu~, 1m\ \\ hlch \\111 show m the :'\Ianufacturers' bUlldmg and the C. II :'\IedlcllS ]me, from New York, m the FurmtUl e Exchange Every dely there are other Ime~ arnvmg and the cartll1g com-pames al I.' havmg all they can do and wIll have tIll after the openmg of the season, and before the next edltlOn of the \IV eekly \rtI,an appears, nearly all the exhIbIts WIll be Ieady for 111 "pectlOn Retailers of Indiana Will Meet. [he RetaIl rurmtlll e Dealel s' !\ssoClatlOn of the state of 1n-chana WI]] meet lJ1 elnnnal conventIon at 1nchanapoh" on June m and lontmuc several days Presldent George H Ollar is plepanng a program ot mterestmg features for the occaSIOn. The procpelh mchcate a large attendance of dealer~ Addressed by the Governor. Governor "Tom" Marshall of Indiana VISIted the gl eat plant of the T D Laycock Manufactunng company at Inchanapolts, relentl) and dmed WIth the offiCIals and employes of the com-pany Governor Marshall dehvered a shDrt address Three hundl ed and seventy-five were seated at table,;. Shipped Their Samples. The 1Jdell \1\1orks of Incllanapolts have shIpped theIr ;,amples to Grand Rapld~, there to be placedm the Klmgman buIlding for mspectlOn of the July market buyers. The 1mI.' contains 250 pieces WEEKLY ARTISAN Porch Furniture. Furniture for piazzas must be carefully chosen lest plO-portion shall be oyerlooked. For example, porches that are not wide cannot ha\ e the same weight in chairs and other seats that may be placed on broad piazzas, because the floor would seem crowded and heavy. Therefore, while there are extremely neat and comfO! table sets of porch furl1Jtul e which wdl la"t for years notwlthstandll1g wind and weather, they neverthele;:;s mu"t be a\olded except for houses that have piazzas at least 12 feet wide Fortunately f01 the average house dweller there al e artistic chalfs and benches wl1lch, though !lght In effect al e strong- and comfO! table; anJ a cane finish IS bemg used as never before for out of doors Thel e are some Austlian pieces, the cane Vi, 0\ en in dia-monds and points of dlffel ent colors, which are pretty enough to be drawn II1to the hVll1g room when occasslOn re(IUlres and light enough to mahe moving not clJfficult BesHles the usual "Side" and arm chairs. there are long lecllJ1JJlg m Jc1els, Made by Mechamcs Furniture Co, Rockford, Ill. whose foot pieces s!lde 111 and out, and whose backs al e arranged on the same method as the Morris K othll1g could be more comfortable for an afternoon nap, and th( yare decorative The! e are aha I echnmg chairs made III one piece and stllctly a "chaise longue" They are pretty anJ comfortable, but take more loom than those \Vhlch shut in Another different and comfortable type of chair has a bamboo frame and stuffed seat, With bamboo arms, and the backs of tightly stretched, heavy cam as Theo,e fold, so that when not reqUIred they take httle space Tables to match all hll1ds of porch furl1Jture can be bought, and whde for artistiC effect one may hke those wlllch are rounel, square deSigns are more ea sdy managed where space IS limited Also to be recommended for out of door use are small tables WIth plall1 wood tops shaped hke tnangles, for these can be tucked IIlto COJ ners by the rallIs, and are u"eful. Demand for Dodds' Machines. PreSident Dodds of the Alexander Dodds cOlllpany re-pOI ts an excellent elemand for their woodworklllg machll1ery Among their late shipment" Vi, ere a dovetaller to Rochester, N. Y., another to New York City and sevelal saw tables and other machines, while In dovetaJ! bits they have never had so large a demand as at present, which IS an indication that the manufacturers al e or expect to be busy. ....- • - • - •• - - - - •• - - - •••• - - _. • • • • - - •• • • - •• - • - ••• -1 Buchanan Cabinet Co. BUCHANAN, MICH. Makers of Baraains in Kitchen Cabinets, Cabinets and Desks. Not the lowest price, but the BEST for the money. Send for our Catalogue and be convinced. ~----------.....-- -------------- .._._-~I ..,.---------------------- ..... - - ..- - .- ...- .... I TUE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS aRE BRUD aND PROfIT WINNERS I ELi-rt"iVI'i'LL.'E'Rm,&u,CO. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Wnte for cut. and pnces. ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANGE, EVANSVILLE. ~--_._ ---- -- ----- _a .•• _ 9 ... .. 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN "IIII OBJECTIONS TO THE USE OF MAHOGA~Y. Written for the Michigan AI·tisan by the Late David W. Kendall in August. 1881. Ed Artisan-The mahogany monomanIac come- befO! e the pu(bllc as often as some art critic conJLlIe.., up a nc\\ ab-surdIty about the mag-mficence of thai vvood, or a.., otten ;Ie, pub1Jc Journals, havmg no other use for thclr "pdCC, grant hllll admisslOn to their columns He alway s be'" ads the scanty supply of black walnut as one of the reason.., \\ In llMhogany must come into general use, and CO\\ arclh 111S111uate:o, that walnut may be very much ovell ated after all fhell acln1ll atlOn is based upon the fu1o,o111c terms of prahe and tJtled surroundlllgs wlllch accompamed ltS fir"t 111trodul t1l1n In England, by Dr Glbbons, and undel the PdtlC IMgC ot the Duchess of Buckmgham 111 1720 1\0 ,Ioubt labOllllg undel the deluslon that the language useel to descnbe the c JIm 0 at (old) mahogany necessarily constitute It the eidel ot the two woods, whereas black walnut was kno\'. n and used a.., far back as European hlStOly extends, v\hlJe the nch colors that recommend mahogany as the heIr apparent III all C0l11111g furniture, accordlllg to thelr Judgement, have scarcely np'-l1ed as yet, in the two ong-Illal bureaus whIch were made at the wood one hundred and Slxty years ago, thus barely entltlmg It to that re",pect due to old age, eSipeClally m regard to ltS color Because af the twadd1Jng sentIment "0 \\ Idelv db-en'ln-atee! under the g-Ulse of art cntIcis111 on the "g~~nd nch' "deep" colors of (old) mahogany, dunng the paot fe\v ,ears, many expensive attempts have been made b) tI ade manu-facturers to llltroduce furmture madc of thls wood, pdI tIcu-larly since the decline of mahog<tny ,eneel ed goods, but 'v nh nothlllg like encouraging results, not "0 111uch, hem e, el. be-cause of the cost, as of mdJfIerence fOJ the goode, The"c eA-periments were frequently lepeated 111the belief that there \vas somethlllg III the color of the \\ ood that mIght ultImately bring lt mto general favor, because of the contlllual harplllg by art cntIcs on the grand, nch colors of (old) mahogam but the great public stili contmued to feel lllclItterent to\\ arc! this wooden ldol of the mahog-any \\ OJshlpers Of course, there are and ah\ a) s WIll be, a fel\ e:xpen- Slve artJcles made out of it, but for general u:oe, as 1:0, the cae,c WIth black walnut, mahogany IS not the comlllg matenal fUl furniture, even though lts cost 'vas the same dncl the \\ oocb were full of lt Mahogany, 1Jke other woods, has it-, proper place and uses, whlch tIme and eXJpenence has demonstrated, yet these mahogany idolaters never wJ!1 be happy untJ! the parlor, "Itting room, the hblary and even the chamber IS furnIshed , . DO YOU WANT the PRETTIEST, BEST and MOST POPU-L- AR LEATHER FOR FURNITURE. ANY COLOR. WILL NOT CRACK. If so buy our I GOAT and SHEEP I SKINS Write for sample pads of colors. DAHM & KIEFER TANNING CO. TANNERIES CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CHICACO, ILL. 204 lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. ~----------------__________ • A \\ lth a vvood the preclommant red and orange shades of WhlCh neces"anh plOcluce ll1harmony in the highest degree, and then assumed mtJmacy of colors prompts them to recommend even the bastal d or bay wood fOJ such general use which lS "tIll more oppreSSIve to the SIght Usually, lhJwever, thelr tune of admlratlOn IS pltchecl m the key of nch, dark (old) mahcgan), \v]llch, of course, becomes dark in tlme, and takes on rich "hades of van dyke wlth great age, but who is there among ltS aclmners wh,') can afford to wear out the balance of theIr naturdl 11\ PS ( lloflllg a mahogany chamber Sl1lte The beautlf111 poh"h whIch mahogany takes lS one of lts populal qua1Jtle~ (whkh lS also trne of maple, and costs less), but \\hat a fm;htful state of total deplavlty must these hIgh art gladuates of the Ruskll1 and Eastlake schools have fallen mto The latter, e-,peclally, permIts 110thlllg 1ll the way of filll"h except 011 an.J elbo\\ grease, Just enough to rub the p.----- .------ .- -_._---_._-- ._--------------_._-------------- ACCURACY, DURABILITY, ECONOMY 1 Three most important requisites in case construction. We absolutely guarantee our method of construction to be stronger and less expensive than all others. Let us tell you about it. No. 181 Multiple Square Chisel MorU"e., WYSONO « MILBS CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., GREENSBORO, N. C. ..-.-_ ... ~ Ash for Catalog "J" .--- WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dining Room Furniture BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture- Library Desks, Library Tables, Library Bookcases, Combination Book· cases, Etc. Our entire line will be on exhibition in July on the third Hoor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. dust and dIl t nicely mto the pore" of the wood, the labor of which he thmks might be 1mposed upon the overtaxed house servants or upon anyone knowmg the least albout mak-mg furmture. Yet vvith such high alt treatment, where polish IS an abommatlOn, there 1S no doubt but VI hat the profound darkness so highly admi1 ed m malwgany may be reaJdy ob-tained without reference to Its age, and the wonderful nch-ness so captnatll1g to the future publIc eye may be seen 111 the attractn e appearance of a red barn, painted, say, about the time mahogany was first dlsco\ ered Buoyancy and resistance to water 1S another of the 11lgh art ments of thiS commg "'ood for furmture uses, which antl-albsonbent glue, ,eneer and cloth covermgs, but m furmture, no paramount benefit can be aniIclpated from the floatmg capacity of Its "ood, a~ pallO! frames anJ marble top tables ale not generally mtended to operate as lIfe preseners. \\T,hen mahogany fur11lture first came mto anythmg lIke general use, (If 1t ever (lId) the age of chnalry and muscular development had not qUite appeared Stl ong nen es predom-inated among the purchasels of such goods, hence they were more or less proof agam"ot nenryious attacks lIkely to ensue from seeing mahogany furmtUl e all over the house But 1t IS different now. The people generally are not, er} robust, and there al e sufficient causes for nen ou scam plamts m tht> present age, Without adding mahogany to them The pract1cal manufacturers and earnest ad, ocates of mahogany no doubt belIeve that 1t Will ere long become che31per than black walnut, becduse of the rapld consumptlOn and total disappearance of the latter from am upland forests, forgetting that the large remammg supply of that timber 1S no more d1fficult to reach than mahogany IS, (without add-mg the expense of tl ansportatJon), low bottomed being the pnnclpal obstructIOn m both ca;,e;" whlle the advocation, the mterest of high art imagme that the nch, deep color of ma-hogany W1!l ultimately bnng 1t mto such general favor as to d1splace walnut, providmg the price of e1ther becomes equal forgetting that not all the vanetles of wooJ termed ma-hogany possess the nch shades of van dyke, blended with I ed and orange common only to the most eApensive kinds called San Dommgo, none of them posse;,smg this rare beauty when newly dressed, that the nch old mahogany ImplIes, and that age alone can Impart to them, but always presentmg that pamful mharmony of color m a roOll11,which m effect bears the same relatlOn to the nervous system of the human family that a red shawl does to the mad bull- 'Vood Chopper _ It Does the Work. The Lentz Table company of N"ashv1lle, J\I1ch, have the 1eputatlOn of makmg as good ext en '\lOn talbles as any com-pan} in the counby, and a great deal better than many They have been in th1S bus1I1ess at least 25 years, and If any-th1l1g goes wrong, Lou Lent7 IS quick to find 1t out. They know that to make good talbles they must have thoroughly dned lumber and that the only way to get 1t 1S to have the best kilns that money can buy; therefdre when they say that the Granel RapiJs Veneer system of dry1l1g lumber 1, all nght, they know what they are talking about Nashv111e, Mich, 9-14-1909 Grand Rapids Veneel \\' arks, Grand RapiJs, Mlch , Gen-tlemen ReplY1l1g to yours of the 13th, we do not keep re-ports on the bIn any more, 1t does the work and we let 1t go at that, hence vve are unable to send you the cards, as we dId not fill them out Respectfully, Lentz Table Company, L E Lentz. yo- ., I \II IIi I III ....I Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Pel' Set SOc. Sheldon Steel Rack Vises Sold on approval and an uncon· dltlOnal money baek guarantee SHELDON'S STEEL BAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Indestructible. We sohelt pnvllege of sendmg samples and P8Itent Malleable Clamp Fixture. our complete catalogne E H SHELDON & CO ,Ch1~aRo Ill. Gentlemen -We are pleased to state that the 25 dozen Clamp FIxtures whIch we bOulht of you a httle over a year ago are glvlnj{ excellent se"'Vlce We are well satIsfied with them and shall be pleased to remember you whenever we want anythmg addItIonal III th1s hne Yoms truly SIOUXCIty, Iowa. CURTIS SASH & DOOR CO. E. H. SHELDON & CO. 328 N. May St•• Chicago. I I .. ·----_·_~~-------_·_·_·_-_· - ...••••• -.---.---.-.----.-.-.-.-.----.-.--~-------.------ .... 12 .. I I WEEKLY ARTISAN -" OBERBECK I• Red Gum Furniture A Special Feature A line that will be a revelation to the furniture trade-rnarking a period of evolution in the use of furniture woods. Bea utiful Rich Classy in figure in color in effect Exquisite and delightful effects resulting from INLA YING with foreign woods. Substantial Durable Perlllanent (Guaranteed) (Guaranteed) (Guaranteed) The OBERBECK PRODUCTS also contain the largest line of CIRCASSIAN WALNUT BEDROOM FURNITURE in the world and a most varied assortment of MAHOGANY and OAK. Perfect in DE~ TAIL, STRENGTH and QUALITY. Reproductions of ALL PERIODS. F ulliine of complete suites, including chairs and rockers! on displa y at our exhibits: Chicago Grand Rapids, Mich. Manufacturers' Exhibition Bldg, 1319 Michigan Avenue, 3rd floor. Klingman Building, 2nd floor, S. P. Porter & Son in charge WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. BED ROOM FURNITURE .-------. J WEEKLY ARTISAN " . ....._-------- ~_._.~._---------...- IIII •II II I I IIII• I I .., IIIII I •IIIIII •••• I II IIII•I II II•I , IIII IIItt tt I I,!I ,, ,III IIII I,III ,II II III I •I,IIII•• I, I• I ....•I 14 OLD STORIES RETOLD. WEEKLY ARTISAN Paragraphs Copied From the Michigan Artisan for August. 1881. Poplar furmture 1S populdl 111Baltllnorc Old gold is the faJvonte color 111upholster} B V05burg w1ll erect a warehouse 1ll J 01111 "on, ;-, \ Leo Goldsm1th ha5 opened a stock of furmture \D 1uc-son, Anzona Allen & fllaxwell ha\ e taken po"se,,-:lOn of a ne\\ ,inl L m LewIston, Me R Delmel & Bra", ChlLago, ha\ e mOl ed to ne\\ qUdl iel" on Lake street Milton S Pnce has erected an addltlOn to hb sto! C 111 Syracuse, N. Y. An advance in pnce~ fOI look111g gla-:, platc::> of ten PCI cent has been made George \V Gay of the Belke} & Ga, IUlnltulL liJlJ]- jany is in New York N Jacobson of ChIcago, has 5ued ~ Bambergel for $500, due on account D Aude & Bra of St LOlliS, bUl ned ant I ecenth Lo'-" $17,000, fully msured \V R Bus" of the Buss Machllle \\ orks and :\11"" :,algLn1 were married I ecently N 1chols Brothers of \Vestm111lster, Mass, lost thell chall factory by fire recently Shaw, Aplin & Co WIll exhllbit parlor sUlte-: at thc Mechanics' fair in Boston Baumann Brothers ha' e leased a new bU1lding In \\ c'-t Fourteenth street, New York L C Stowe of the Grand RapIds FurnltUle compam 10 fishing in Northern MIchigan L. Bruie Holabird 1S makmg hI" fils1 tIll' fOI thc I n Albro company of Cincinnati C D D'Arcus has resigned the supellntendency of the Grand Rap1ds Chair company. Orin A Ward of the New England FUllliture company spent his vacation at Petoskey Ristine & May are prepanng to manufact11l c 125,000 bedsteads annually in Atlanta, Ga Wemyss Brothers and F J\I Holmes of Boston ha' e advanced prices on chamlber suites A company wIth $50,000 capital has been organized to erect a furniture factory at \Vhitesboro, N Y The St Louis Furniture \Vorkers AssoClatlOn \vIII el ecl a factory at Twentieth and Sahsbury streets R R Chadwick has purchased John J ohn"on's Intere"t in the firm of Mallette & Raymond, ChIcago F Rahn of Ch1cago has compromIsed hIs debt" fOI 20 per cent and resumed the manufacture of fu! llIture J H Beasley, travelmg salesman, has retlred from thc employ of the MItchell Furniture company, Cmcinnatl PhillIp N onweller, of the EvansvJ1le (Ind) FUr11ltUl e company, paid his first vIsit to Grand Rapids recently. H G McDowell, representing the Stockwell. Belknap company has returned from a trip through the northwest Grand RapId", pelsonals El~as Skinnel, of the Ne'" England Fur11lture company, is sojourning at Vineland. N ] Thomp'ion & Bergerson, manufacturers of Chicago, who::>e factory was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago, have resumed business In Baltimore cabmet makel s al e paid flom $10 00 to $1200, machme operators from $1200 to $1500 and packers $9 00 per week. • 0U :C (,) '~i ..s.:.: .r..: ~ '"'0 .=...' ~~ U ':l eo! . • ti cO ~ =' ~ 0 So 'l) flit s:: II 'C) CO (e; 0 ~ ll. Q) C") Z • () c:> '"' - ~ ..... .0.. $.f e I.f.). c:> ~ ~ ... CO ~ [om S :\[o"e1} 01 the Bel key & Gay Furlllture company ha -: I etllln ed flOl11 (Jo",hen, Ind , whel e he secured a contract fOI furlllsh111g the new Haskell hou~e E L Young, for many years a deSIgner of fancy furni-tm e III the employ of H W. Jenkllls & Sons. BaltllTIOre, has engaged ,'Ith Hess & Co 111New York Deacon ;-,Ichols, who has made honest furniture and dll ected the musIc III hIS church at Portsmouth, 0 , during the past thil ty-five years was a recent visitor 111Garnd RapIds l\Ir Fuller, buyer for J H Wait & Son, Portsmouth, 0 , 13 H Soper of Oshko"h, Wis, 1\11' Phelps of Phelps and Bradbireet, Mmneapolts, D 'IV Huntsman of Alleghany, Pa ; \\ Illtal11 Stllkler. Palo, III ; l\lr Gtllette of GIllette & Pratt, 1oledo, D 'IV Guernsey of Guermey & Jones, St LouIs; \\ \\ Conant of Conant Brothers, Toledo, A J MIller of Savannah, Ga ; Mr ·Wallace of Wallace & Frazee, Ashland, 0, R R Davl". Galveston; John C Book and DIN. Toneo, -'\ustm, Texa'i, :\fr Keville of Kansas City, Jacob Hetz, \luskegon, Mlch , G \V Knapp, Jackson, J. Lentz, Nash-I VIlle, :\iIich ,C P Page, Monmouth, III , 0 P Reed. Laredo, Texas, :\11' John V{lrtz and John A Colby of Chicago; Mr \lendall of \Vheeltng, 'IV. F Damon of Kenton, 0, and Ell1est FeIge of Sag111aw were amonlS the buyers who placed orcler~ 111(,rand RapIds dUrIng the past month (Not one of 1he men mentioned above is now in the tlade and a majorIty ,Jf thc nUl11hel hdve dIed-Ed \rtlsan) The I egl~ tellng of all rel110\ als of famlltes or business houbes i" fa' 01 ed b} bus111es, men m a number of cltles 111 l\llchlgan 01dll1ance'i V\ 111 he pa'ised requtrlng owners of movlllg 1\ aguns or automobiles to report all removab WEEKLY ARTISAN Moved to Avoid Congested Conditions. K ew York, June 9 -Three furniture firms of consIder-able stand111g 111the trade, ha\ e remo\ ed from l\fanhattan, N evv York CIty, to South Brooklyn \\ hICh sectIOn of the metro-polI" IS con"Ideled by expert" the best development of all 111the matter of economIC 'ill1pp111g advantages and general faCIlItIes for the convenience of manufactunng merchants and \\holesaler'i The firm'i who have tIansfened theIr plants to the new dI'itllct are The Englander Sprl11g Bed company, The Amencan Couch company, and }\Iax Englander, manu-facturer of uphol"terecl furnIture I\t pre"ent the"e concerns ale located at the cornel of Seventh avenue and N111eteenth street, Manhattan In then new quarters they wIll occupy an aggregate of nearly 42,000 ,quare feet of floor 'ipace in \\hat i" kno\\n as Model Bush 10ft bUlldmg No 4. ] hI" "tructure IS one of the large chaIn of "IX story bUIld111g" whIch con tam m el 350,000 square feet of floor "pace each They are pal t of the most modern commercIal development In )Jew York and thetr usefulness corre.sponds to the tendency of scores of merchants to leave the crowded cIty sectIOns Ul fay or of locatIon" which on the one hand, are not 'iuffenng from the conge"tIon eVIls of all large CItIes and, on the other, Ulake It pOSSIble fOJ manufacturers and whole- "dler" to send theIr goods from then vel y doO! s to any part ot the country or worlel wIthout 111termediary trucking In ellscu""mg hI'i rea"ons for mov111g the three factory estab-lI" hments referred to above Mr Max Englander, \\ ho hold" a controll111g mterest 111them, made thIS statement "It IS my firm opl1110n that the example of tho"e manu-facturer" and wholesalers who have moved to the Du"h Ter-mmal company'" plant WIll be followed by many othels, e"peclall} 111 111y trade In N e\\ York CIty 1 abo pI edlLt that wherever a simIlar aggregatIOn of shlppmg facIlities will be called 111to lIfe 111any other city it wIll quickly attract large manufacturer'i The furniture men of the country are prob-ably the greate"t sufferer'i from the freIght and trucking evtl" which prevaIl 111large Amencan cltIe" Our shipments are invanably bulky and the cost and trouble of sending them from the old-tIme wholesale .sectIOns to the various freight depots and steamshlppers IS actually appall111g" The Hammock Cradle. A sub"titute for baby''i cradle ha" been 111vented by a Tennessee man 111 the fOIm of a hammock, adapted to be hung over the parents' bed Thi'i hammock is so designed that It combines perfect safety and is wlth111 easy reach of the mother If baby needs attentIOn The body portion of the hammock IS a boat-shaped affaIr of some fleXIble matenal and laces together at the end A hood "helters the head of the devIce and a belt passes around it and serves the double purpose of keepl11g the infant from fallIng out and keeping his covers on Ropes are attached to each end of the ham-mock and their other extremIties fastened to hooks in the opposite walls Thus 'iuspended the hammock S\\ ings over the bed in full view of the chIld''i parents, who can rock it as they lIe abe,l and with much less trouble than it takes to rock the ordl11ary cradle When not in use the hammock takes up no more room than the "pace requireJ to hang It on a hook in the closet The business men of Sagl11aw, MICh , wIll send a petItIOn to congress askl11g for early and favorable action on the parcels post bIll 15 THE L. Mac E. VARNISHES BLUE RIBBON RUBBING and POLISHING VARNISH, QUAKER CITY COACH VARNISH-CABINET FLOWING VARNISH, WHITE MAPLE RUBBING and POLISHING VARNISHES; WHITE MAPLE GLOSS VARNISHES-WHITE REED FLOWING VARNISHES, FLAT ALL VARNISH and ALL DULL FINISH-JAPANS, Etc. DIPPING VARNISHES NOTE-Our many years of practIcal expenence wIth the Furniture, Piano and kindred lInes of manufacture enable us to know just the kind and quality of varnIshes demanded. Also the fact that our strong corps of salesmen have an already establIshed trade with this class of customers through visiting them with fillers and stains, makes it possible for us to sell varnishes without additional ex-pense to us, which advantage we are disposed to give to our customers in quality. Send us aTrial Order. THE LAWRENCE-McFADDEN COMPANY Philadelphia 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~U.LIIHI:O EVERT SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY -------~-------_ .. ~----- SUIISCPlIP'TION $1 80 P'EI'! YEAI'! ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHEI'! COUNTI'!'ES $2 00 P'EPIYEAR. SINGLE COP'IE. 5 CENTS. PUBL.ICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NO",TH DIVISION ST. GFlAND RA,"IDS, MICH. A S WHITE, MANAGING EDITOl'! Entered as aecond class matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand RapIds MIchIgan under the act of March 3, 1879 CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE E LEVY A letter from Berlm ~tate~ that the \1 tl-an _ Illllmate friend "Bill" Hohenzollel n fincL the bu "me-~ ot bo--mg' ell1 empire somewhat tedIOUS and pm po~e~ addl11~ a !lttle \ arlet} to his dal1y occupatIOn by engagmg' m the hotel busme,,~ "BIll" WIll erect a bIg hou,;e m Bellm elnd ftlll11sh It \\ Ithout regard to Vvhat It may C)"t the people of C.rtlll1am ITel\- ing ever in view the \\ elfal c of Ite; fllend ' DIll' the \lll"Zln takes advanta~e of thl" ,KCel"l(1n to mlolm 111"IIohCl1/ulllln-ship that he would make no 1111"take If hl ~hould 11l1jJloy "Bob" Calder to place thl ordelb fll hllnlttne fOI hI" Cella-vanSal}. "Bob," )eal" pd"t, h,l" "el\ec1 the Cnl of RU""I,I, the Kmg of Spa1l1, the Sult,lll o± Zulu and othel - \l1< 'll l)j less incompetent Inlel" dbh and \\el1 and he h,h al~) ~,1tJ-fled the clavings f01 fme fll!J11tme \\Ith \\h lh tlJe td11l0n-l\ Iesdames Yale, L)dla Pmkha11l, "Xat" (Tuud\\1l1 (lth) Emma Goldman and Dr MalY \\ dIkel, \Hle a±t1Jued \" a special list in the busllle,;s of fll! J11shl1l~ hutel" ho\\ c\ el, "Bob" has never had an equal One David Rank1l1 (\'\ho is bmli upon plell1~ -.,l1lJllal to the Arab of poesy, Abou Ben Adam) of C;t LOUI", ,0 L:n es his fellow men and the "kIds" of 111"fello\\ men that he hd-handed 0\ er a f01 tune of :;;3.000 000 to d hUZll d ot l 111111)1to be useJ in teelc111ng bo) '; the mlchel11llal al h Dl"l-2.11I11l.., scul ptUI e, modeling, \\ ood and 11 on \\ 01k and olhll U"etu 1 trade" wl11 be taught Probably l\Tr Rankm had no Idea ot the height and sIze of the monumellt he el ected to pI e"en e his memory vvhen he ±t11 ned m el hIS Cel~h and ,;ough t th ~ seclUSIOn of three httle 100111Sm el a glClClfj store, thel e tl pass his remain111g JelyS frugally upon an 111loml that \\ ould not suffice to keep an automobIle 111lunn111g orcICl It IS .1 monument that WIll ne\ er be fi11l"hed Thousand,,) It unbOln v\lll contnbute thel eo.tee111andlme to ItS ahead) n',lgl11tl cent proportion-., That the l\lerchants' aSSocIatIOn of '\ e\\ York IS an effecttve orga11lzation is shoVvn by the anangement 01 ,,])Cclal lallroad lates to that cIty annoUllced on another page ot thl" edItIOn of the vVeekly Al tisan The announlement .1ga111 suggests the q11e,;tion why shouldn't the men \\ ho \ lSlt GlancI Rapids dming the fUlUltule ,;ales seasons have the benefit of specIal rate,,? If thel e is any \ II tue in the "bIg anc! bttle 01 long and short haul prinCIple apphed to freIght rates, It ,;hould be apphed to pa,;senger lates abo and such apphcaUon \\ ouLl gn e Grand RapIds and all othel CItIes the ach antages nmv en-joyed by New York DUlIng 1909 the hfe inb11rdnce compa11les collected $10,- 000,000 a" pI em1Um, 111:\1111ne"otd and paid losses amount111g to about $4,000,000 "~bout the same I a tto between pI em1Um '0 and losses pI ev all" 111other states, whIch ploves that there 10.a \\ Ide mal gin of glObS profit in the 11fe 111surance business awl condItIOn ~ al e SImIlar 111the fire insurance bUS111ess In b11"me% <;0 well e"tahhshecl, b11re and steady as insurance, It cloe., not "eem I easonable that the ""ale., depal tment" and )\ uhlacl e""pln"l" ,11Ould ab<'Olb 60 per lent of the gross lell Illng" \mong thl many free enterta111menb prm Idecl for the merd1clnb of InJlana during theIr 1ecent 1el11110n at Indlan-elpuhs Vva" a roof garden concert, when musIc composed e"peuall} for the occasIOn was <,1111gand played The fhol11a, n Lay cock Man11fact1111112, company of that cIty pulled off a great ,;t1.1ntwhen It pnnted and c1lbtnbuted freely the mU';lc of the day IncIJentally the thou"ands of s111ger" leel1ned sometl11ng abo11t the product of the Thoma" B I a) lOlk ,Ianufactunng company I rl he people, \\ ho ulttmately pay the freIght rates, should thank the manufact11rers,' merchants' anJ shIppers' assocI-atIOns for hav1l1g called a halt 111the raIlroad program As a result of the contt ovel ~y there WIll be a shght advance 111 flelght late", plOba1)ly not l110re than ten per cent on the a\ elage TIut f()1 p10te,;ts made by the manufactUl111g and l11e1lanUIe O1ga11lLatlOns the adv.1nce would have been at least il11l ty per lellt ] he Pd ~~elgl of a postell savUlgs bl11 "eems absured The llOlhl and the senate have passed dJfrerent bllb, b11t the chtterenCl~ all' not so great that they can not be eaSIly "Ironed nut' b\ the confel ence commIttee to \\ ham they ha\ e been I efe1l ed 1hl plo"pecb for the parcels po"t bIlls al e not so 10'0\ It 1" mOl e than doubtful that defiUlte actIOn on that me.1"UI e \\ 111be taken dUring the present se"bion of c mgress DunnLi the month of },Iarch 1910, wholesale pnces for hou:-.ehold commoJlttes were hIgher than any tlll1e 111the pI e-ced111g tv\ en tv ye.11s accord111g to a repOl 1. of the natIOnal Ll1)()1 bUI e.1U That oU2,ht L) "lttle the ploposed creattOn of .1 lelliti l0l11111l""llJn The 111formatton the commiSSIOn would ~eek t01 h .1heac!v 111 the 1.Ib01 bmeau d\adable to Congre"" and the pre"lden t ] he Commel Clal 1'1 aveler'<; club of Spnngfield, Ma:-.s, 111 a book J11"t b"ueJ, states that the commercIal travele1s of the l:l11ted State,; n1111Jber 3,000,000 An Important omISSIOn, ho\\ e\ e1, In th}" connectIOn 111a ,;tatement of the actual num-bel of salesman, of near salesmen and of occ.1slonal sale"men, emblaced 111the club's enumeratIOn A. telegl am from \\ ash111gton btates that more small bl1ls are needed The eJltor of the Arttsan has entertaIned a su<;plclon dUl111~ the pel,;t ten years th.1t more small bIlls \\ ere needed e"peuellly on the days when the butcher, the gl Olel, the m111111e1and the launc!Jyman "mght to obtain theIr due" ::YIanagel s of the HarrIman I alhoad" eVIdently expect that the raIlroad bl11 \\ III be fixed up all right or at least, that It \\ 111not 111terfere \'\ Ith bUS111e% to any mate1 ial extent Last Iionday the\ placed orders for eIghty-five locomotives to be deln ered 111October and November WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 Reproduced from a ChIcago Paper of Sunday, June 12, 1910 11 WEEKLY ARTISAN New Variety of Saw Bench. Here is type "F," the \ ery latest vanety saw bench made by the CI escent l\lldcihme \Yorks, Grand RapIds, \llch Ii is the finest machme m ltS c1a"" on the malket today 1t 1" constructed wIth the table ralsmg and lowelmg to "eeUI e thl cltfferent heights of the saw blade abo\ e the table ",mtale m order that the arbor yoke may be statlOnaly, pen11lttlng belt-mg from above and below the floor as desIred The base I" extremely heavy and ha., a lan~e beanng alta on the floor Thl" floor bealmg doe" nut mtel fel e \\ Ith the '1 he Ldble 1-' 38 x 44 \\ Ith extenslOn It is extremely well Ilbbed, \ er} thllk, glound off true and handsomely finished The table ttlts to 45 degree'o on heavy, durable, semI-machined lunge" 1he degree of tIlt IS accurately regIstered by gl adu-dted "e~ment and pomte1 '1 he table IS qtllckly and eastly t1lttCl b} a cut gea1 and 1alk mechamsm convemently hcated on flont of machine A lock 1'-, provIded for rapIdly c1amp-mg the tIlted table It 1:0 qUlcker and ea:'i1er than the old style "ll e\\ and nut method The 1a1s111g and lowenng of the t,lble 1'-, dllomph-,hed b} the large hand wheel on the front feet The yoke IS bolted to the top o± ba"e b} mean" 01 10m cap screws ThIS permIts ad]ustlllg the) oke to allm\ fOI an} weanng out or altgnment that may OCCU1m the boxes Th'e arbor IS made of 1 and 5-16 mches ground cruuble steel seasoned The pulley IS 4Y;; A 5y;; lllches tmned III "Ide and outsIde and grooved means provIde for tmnmg up elhl play. The al bar IS left suffiCIently long to pen11lt the use at a bonng attachment at any tllne The boxes are full 6 mche.., m length lmed with best babbItt hand scraped to fit anc1.self otl-mg from ample reservOJrs Threaded end of arhor 1., left long enough to arccommodate a 2 inch dado head HARDWOOD LUMBER SAWED AltO SLICED II } QUARTERED OAK {VENEERS I AND MAHOGANY I .I. II• . .- _._---_._.-- ---_._-_._--------- .. 01 ba.,e, the .,hatt u1 \\hlch entels the base at an angle and opelates a pall at steel bevel gea1s whIch eastly and qtllckly I alse OJ 10" el the table The table yoke IS extremely stIff and ttavels III planed WdY WIth a glbb take up This provides means fOJ lockmg The table surface IS graduated to 24 muhes 1he gauge.., are fOUl m numbe1, two cut off gauges, one plam llppme, gduge and one t1ltlllg npplllg gduge. The ttltmg may be used on eIther SIde of the saw blade ThIS gauge IS prm 1ded WIth means to faclhtate the easy and ac- CUIate tllimg' of fence '1 hIS fence may be shd to front or 1 eal .,Ides uf tahle tor u"e Ul elther p0':lltlOn --- .-- .., BEST BOAT SERVICE BETWEEN All state rooms are outslde and have runmng water, electric lights and call bells. For berth reservations call on or address R. C. DaVIS,G. P. A , docks foot of Michigan Ave., Chicago, or P. Robbins, G. A., 91 Monroe St , Grand Rapids. ...I WEEKLY ARTISAN "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" •••• a ••••• aa_... aaa .. BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Ra~road Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Allo Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19 ....I Red GUIll as a Furniture Wood. During the past year a gn:\at deal has been "ald and written on the merits of red gum as a furniture wood It has received many favorable comments, it is true, too, that some few adverse cntlcisms have becn made, but such c,an only come from those who have had no experience wIth the Vvood after the plesent day method of treatment and cUl1ng has been given it Such treatment rcnders It as fit to go 111to furniture of the highest gnaJe as any other foreIgn or domes-tic wood known to manUfacturers, and thIS without any ex-aggeration Elsewhere 111thIS is::,ue are cut::, shOWing some of the bedroom furDltUl e made by the Oberbeck Brothers Manufacturing company of Grand RapId::" \iVIS The'ie cuts give but a slight Idea of the beautiful effects to be ploduced by the use of red gum The rare'it effect'i can be obtained by fUlDl'ih1l1g the wood 111 its natural fiDl'ih; thIS brings out the soft Siatin tone, the exquIsIte lights and shadows, and enhance'i a rcally beautiful fig ure, reta1l1ing all of its own delicate t111ting and blend1l1g of shade of colors In the fullest sense, beauty and nchness exist 111 furnitUl e produced in this wood Clean and classy. thIS line of red gum bedroom furniture imprcsses one profoundly by its nght to go into hIgh grade furDlture Its strength and durabilIty can no long-er be questIOned It ha" all that is necessary-all that any other high grade wood has--and rIght now dnd for some time to come ItS populallty is assured. Under the proper methods of CUrIng such as the Ober-beck Brothers Manu£acturing company have in process, the na tural tendency of gum to warp, twist and crack on the ene]" Vv hIle drylllg has been ehmlnated entIrely The gum comes flom the kilns flat and commel clally dry, thus Increas- 1I1g its 'itrength and beauty by rea 'ion of letain111g all of Its OIlginal hfe and fiber Re"t ac,surec1 that sufficient time has been gIven to its CUrIng awl treatUlent to make it eUl111ently fit to serve the purpose £01 wI11ch It IS intended In 01der to more clearly demon'itrate this condItion and estabhsh it as a fact the Oberlbeck Brothers l\lanufacturing company guaran-tce each and every piece of their red guUl furniture and hold themselve'i responSIble £01 any deviatIOn UI the slightest way from the al)Ove. Careful and eAhau"tn e 'itudy, long cxpcllence and ex-perImenting 111the handlUlg of gum and the exceedingly great care and pains they gIve to the CUrIng thereof put them 1I1to a pOSItion to know whereof they speak There is absolutely no doubt about the worthine'is of red gum In rIchness of color and beautiful blend111g I eel gum far surpasses all other native woods and makes the k1l1d of furn1ture that creates a demand for itself No.9-Porch ChaIr Large size. Oak Seat. Green or MISSlOnFtnISh. Weight, 20 pounds No. lO-Porch Rocker Large SIze Oak Seat Green or MIsslOn FinIsh. Weight 21% pounds No. l1-Porch Settee Seat 40 Inches long 17% Inches deep Oak Seat Green or MISSlOnfinIsh Weight, 32 pounds RICHMOND CHAIR COMPANY, RICHMOND,INDIANA 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN -- - ..__ .._~ Special Reduced Rates to New York. 1\1clchants' I educed I atee., to ~ e\\ YOlk. City from '1'1 unk. Lme and Central pae.,sengel terlltolles ha\ e heen authOll7ul for the fall. 1910, meetmg'3 of the \Ielchant:-,' i\ssoclatlOn ot New York The special I ate wl11 be a fare and one-half fOi the round tllp, being granteJ on the cel tlficate plan 1 he lates wl11 be effeLtl\ e from each terntol} on sixteen "elhn~ date", arranged 111 foUl e.,ellee.,of fOUl ead1, ae.,follcl\\.., Trunk Lmc 1ellltOl}-]uh IG-l<) \u~u..,t 13-1(J, \u~uc.,t 27-30 and Scptunhel 10-13 J Iltel n cla\ I cturn 1111l1t Central Pac.,e.,enger '1 ellltOl}-Jul} 9-12, ruly 23-26, August 6-9 and '\ugue.,t 20-23 rlllll t} da\ return limit The e.,tate.., of \"e" YOlk l'enne.,d\a1l1a. \"e\\ ]er-e\, Dela-ware, :\Iaryland. a lal ~e pal t ot \\ ee.,t \ 1T~mra. \ Ir~ll11cl nOI th of anJ on the Ime of the Che'3apeake &. OhIO rail" ay, and the Dhtnct of ColumbIa, IS a lOugh geogl apll1cal <1ee.,cllp-tion of Trunk LlI1e terlltOl} The late does not appl} fl0l11 pomb less than 100 n11lee.,h om \" ew lork lIt} The Central Pa.,e.,en~el ae.,e.,ouatlOn hae., jUIl"c1rLtlol1 ()\ II pomts wee.,t of (but not mduchng) Durtalo \ la~ctl a 1 all., Made by Rockford Frame and Fixture Co • Rockford. III SuspensIOn Dndge and Salamanca, 1\ Y . Plthbuig and \lle-ghany, Pa , Bellalle anJ \Ianetta, 0 , \\ hec1mg, Chaile'3ton and II untmgton, \V. Va. and POll1ts on and north of the OhIO nver and eae.,t of the ::\11Se.,he.,IPPInver, and "CJuth ot an imagmary Ime from Keokuk, Ia, to Chicago, 111, mcludmg Cmcinnatl, Lomsvl1le, all towns m Kentucky on the Che"a-peake & OhIO Ral1way, St LOUl". Keokuk, Chicago, e.,outhel n peum'3ula of l\I1chlgan, and Canadian t~wns on the IfJ<J11gan Central railroaJ and the Vvabash railroad The ::V1erchants' associatIOn of \ew YOlk leJuceel fale circular, which wl11 he b'3ued the lattel pal t of thIS month, WIll also announce that elunng the present Summer Season Tounsts' Fares somewhat lower than the -;\ferchants' fare and cJne-half on the certificate plan. wl11 be m effect to 1\, e" York from portl me., of Centlal pa"senger terntOly, pnnupally the western '3eetlOn. the I eturn 111111ton the tickets bemg tl11rty days The Circular ,,111 suggest that merchant" m Central passenger terntory commg to K ew York consult theIr ticket agent to learn If the Summer Tounsts' fare has been authorized from their town and, If so, If It is less in amount than the merchants' rate The plan inauguratej by The Merchants' assocIatiOn of New York last season, \V hereby only one viSit to ItS offices is ....... --._- III THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dining Room furniture, Reed and Rat tan furniture. Special Order furm-ture, etc. A complete hne of sam-ple_ are di_played in The Ford 8 John_on BUlldlDl!, 1433-31 Wabash Ave •• in-c1udlnl! a special display of Hotel Furniture. III .. , . ... All furmture dealers are cordially invited to visit our bttilding. ..I. I cquued to secure the l ertlfica te \\ hlch ne\\ 1 illo\\ eeI nece"saly validation of the return tnp plan proved so popular, will again be Investigate and Be Wise. The Wisest man III all the world, KlI1g Solomon, said, \\ lth all thy g-ett1l1g, get wisdom" Much study IS a wean-nes" 01 the flesh, ancl of the mak1l1g of books there IS no end' ~olomon \\ a'3 the wOlleI's ~reat Investigator Thel e \\ a" noth1l1~ on the eal th nor III the heavens that he dId not \\ an t to kno\\ In these days, when men al e 1I11ltat1l1g the bIrds; when thev arc talklllg through the aIr as well as fly lll~ through It, when husllless competitIOn b ,0 sharp, and lll- \ entlOns so numerous that a man may take hiS mornlllg paper whIle eatlllg hIS bleakfast and find he IS a back number, al-though when he \\ent to bed the night before he thought he wac., 111 the forefront of the Illle, it IS well to be constantly 111\ e"tlgatlllg and as St Paul says "prm e all things" ThiS lIttle talk to the WIse readers of the V'{eekly Artisan I" suggested b} the letters of mqmry sent out by the Mc Cashay Reg-Istel company of AllIance, OhIO. to several nartles whv are USlllg the GranJ Raplc1s Veneer \Vorks new proces, dl y kiln sIn thi s letter they ask First-What per cent of lumber is saved on account of the normal thickness being mainta111ed and the absence of "arpmg? Second-\Vhat increa"ed output, expressed in per cent, IS obta1l1eel in the machme room as well as the cabinet room, because of the lumber worklllg more easl1y? Thlrd- \\ hat uercent savlllg IS obtamed III keeplllg saws and kmves 111 proper worklllg- condition? Fourth-What percent is saved 111 the expense of the drvlllg process III the kIln) For the answer to some of these questIOns look up the Grand Rapids Veneer company's "ad" 111 this issue of the Weekly Artisan WEEKLY ARTISAN The Santa Fe"s TimbeI' Experiment. Smce the mstallation of the pumpmg plant on the San DiegUIto Ranch, owned by the Santa Fe raIlroad. rapId pro-gress in the growth of the eucalyptus trees has been made on the PacIfic Coa:ot Several varietIes of the sugar gum planted three years ago have reached a height of 18 to 20 feet and from 15 to 16 inches in circumference The sugar gum i", bemg grown exclusIvely for tIC makmg purposes The com-pany expects to allow the trees to grow 20 years before they are cut It i" saIJ the sugal gum wIll defy the ravages of tIme, as fence posts that have becn m the ground for 15 years show no sign of decay Other varietIes, such as the blue and red gum, will he used for fcnce posts, fircwood and othel needs of a great raIllOad The San Dieguito Ranch compnses 8,600 acres It IS one of the hlstonc spots of the country, lying in the valley of San DiegUIto Rrver, five mIles east of Del Mar Several years ago it was purchased by the raIlroad company wIth the hlea of establIshing a mammoth nursery ::\luch of the land was rough, hIlly and overgrown wIth greasewood The ground was first cleared, han owed and then prepared for planting. Three years ago the first seedlIngs vvere set out The company smce then has planted 500 acres a year The seedlmgs are set out eIght feet apal t m rows and the rows five feet apart ThIS proVIdes for the planting of 1,100 trees to the acre. vVhen about SI},. yea I s old many of the trees wIll be thinned out. At that age the trees so cut out WIll yIeld three or four good fence posts to the tree. WIth leavmgs for fire-wood; bnngmg m conSIderable reveune The th111ning process w1II be kept up untll about 200 tree;;; are left on each aCI e of ground, whIch means several thou-sand tIes when they are e, entually cut 01 dmary tIes now a1 e 21 worth about $1 each Twcnty yeals from now they wiII be worth a great deal more Eucalyptus culture demonstrates that saplings wlII grovv from old tree stumps. ThIS provides for a second crop to be grown more qUIckly than the first The blue gum is expected to make a yearly growth of from 12 to 15 feet a year dunng the first few years The Santa Fe started in to grow the trees WIthout irn-gation, and so far has been successful beyond expectations HoweveI, to insure a more rapId growth recently a large pumpmg plant has been m stalled. Will Take a Day Off. Members of the C1l1c1l1natI FurnitUI e Exchange wlll en-joy theIr twelfth annual outing on June 25 They have char-tered the river steamer Kentucky, whIch WIll leave at 8 '30 m the morning and reach Glen Park at 11 o'clock Dinner wIll be served 1n the grove at the park and the afternoon WIll be spent with such games. c;ports and recreatIOns ac; may please the participants The boat will leave on the return tnp at 7 o'clock and reach home about 9 30 The committee 111 charge of the affair is composed of Henry Hoffeld, J E. Dulweber, Paul Schirmer, H. A Lloyd, F H Uchtman and John Wolf. The "Hello" Business. There are now in the whole WOIld very nearly as many messages sent by telephone as by letter; and, there are thlrty-tvvO tImes as many telephone calI-, ac; telegram" In the United States the telephone hac; grown to be the big brother of the telegraph It has six tImes the net earn1l1gs and eIght times the wire, and It tran"mlts as many messagec; as the combined total of telegI ams, letterc; and raIlroad passengers CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools. you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothing but Quality tools. the first cost of which is considerable. but which will make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machines flood. ing the country. Oliver Tools Save Labor "Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No. 11 W,ll take a saw up to 20' dIameler Arbor bell IS 6' WIde SendforCatalog "B" fordataon Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Work. and General Office. at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH .. U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES-Ohver Macbmery Co .. Hudnon Tenmnal. 50 Church St. New York. Ohver Maclunery Co. FIrst Nallonal Bank BwldIns. Clucago. Ill. Ohver Machmery Co • PaCl6c BUlldms. Scalde. Wash. Oltver Maclunery Co .201.203 Dean,gate. Manchester. Ens " Time "OLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36Inche •• Made with or wilhoul motor dnve Metal table 36"x30" Wdl take 18" under 1h e SUlde- bits 45 dellJ"eea one way and 7 degrees the other way Car-ne. a laW up to 1%1' WIde_ OutsIde beanns to lower wheel .haft when not motor dnven WeIsha 1800 lb. when ready 10 sh,p .. Tempers .. I I 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN New Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences- Phlladelphla, Pa -John F ReIchart, Sha vv-mut and RIdge avenue, $9,000, P H Kell}, l\1ldvale avenue anJ ThIrty-fifth street, $23,000, R S Van Cleave, Land,,- downe avenue and lelton stleet, $l-1-,lJOO,\VIlham P \1uench, Broad street and Seventy-first av enue, ~7,500 MOIIIS Bhden, 20S6 Clearfield street, $6,200 New YOlk Clty-Mrs H ~1cCarthv, 215 \Yest EH;htv-seventh street, $25,000, John VIOlante, 367 Ea,t 181st "tied, $40,000, Edward Hawle}, nab} Ion L I S)O 000 \\ 111Jam Lechnyr, S46 Brook a\ enue, the Bran", $1-1-000 \\ Rocke-feller. 5 East FIfty-fourth "treet, $16 -1-00 T \ \ C I0"" ;27 Fifth avenue, $5,000 l\frs G L Dodge 689 llfth a\ enUl, $5,000, \1 llham II H yele, 66 Ea" t ~ 111etv-fil" t "tl cd S8000 ChIcago-James Lvons, 394-!- \\e,t \10111 le ~t1let, S2' 000, Ida SmIth. :;040 i\gatlte avenue $4,000, Cl H I humaml0 2960 Michlgdn a\ enue, $8,000, l\lrs Emma L} l11ILek -+810 c,t Lawlence avenue, $20.000, John R Rabelt"on 100-+2 Led\lit street, $9,000, H L Hutchens, 1301 Ro"dale a\ enue ::;4000 Ernest Hoehmc, 4507 La\HenCe a\ enue S3 ;00 \ugu-,t \\ olt, 351 Fullerston Parkway, $1'=;,000 Mllwaukee-Mrs E Sle~ffled, C,1),.th,md Llo) d "t! eet" $3,500, Mrs H \1 lese, fhlrty-n11lth and Chell\ ~treets, $6,- '])0000, George F C01llgdn, 346 Lafayette street, $8,000; Jacob Ha""111gel, Eleventh avenue and South EIghteenth stleet, $7,000, Valent111e Mahret, 844 1ft Prospect avenue, 9;8,500, R A Heller, 827 De Graw avenue, $8,000, Vllo A Galanti, 163 :-1alvern street, $3,500, Henry F Schuelke, 9 Gene\ a street, $4,000, Mrs LOUIse Powell, 25 Vernon ave-nue, $5,000, Dav Id Elm, Avon and Pesch1l1e avenues, $8,000 Ehzabeth, N J -Jacob A Slem, Jackson avenue and Tulta "tleet, $S,OOO Omaha, )'\ elbr -Edward Johnson, Mason anel Thlrty-hbt streets, S20,000, C P Traver, 113 North Thirty-first avenue, $18.000, L D Wllhs, 1136 Palk avenue, $14,000; I aura f\ AtchIson, 3:;03 \Voolworth avenue, $4,500, S B Dov Ie, Cahfor111a an~l ThIrty-eIghth streets, $8,000, E F, ITO\\ e PaCIfic and Twcnty-111nth streets, $10,000; Mrs Em-ma Boland, 913 '\ orth lorty-first street, $3,000 Indlanapohs, Ind- \V R RIley, 1819 Orleans street, $3,000, G C Jose, Hoyt and )'\elson streets, $3,000; F, J Hay, HIghland dllve near Ruckle street, $3,500; Clara B. \\ al d, 2101 HIghland place, $3,500; Mabel GIllum, Linwood anJ \\ ash111gton streets, $3,500; Harvey Ingram, Garfield (It 1\ e and Shelh) street, $3,000 Svracuse, ;\ Y -John Ripke, 210 Greenway avenue, $4,- Made by Northern Furmture Co. Sheboygan, WIS, 000; W 111iam Schll11dt, ThIrty-fifth and Llo} d st! eets $-+'=;00, Frank Raasch. Clarke and v\ nght st! eets, $3,500, 0 J Stuer-wald Brown anJ Forty-first Stl eets, $4, SOO, MI S L Ruehl, 410 FoUl th avenue, $4,000 DetrOlt~Frank VVItch off, L1I1coln and l\111wa ukee stl eets, $4,500, Frank \V Palk, 417 Grummond street, $6,200,. John Sweet, 618 Fourth stl eet, $4,000, Feltrty Barku111e, lort stJ eet and Boulevard, $5,000, Geollge C L Lam ence, 300 C,tanley street, $:;,600; GeOlge J l\1111er,Stanley and \\ 111"lov, ~t!cets, DetrOIt, $3,250, George VV Croshy, 411 Tl1l111ct11 e,tleet $-+000, F E Schultz, Cass and Columhla stl eet", $7, SOO J R Black wood, Bouleval d near Cass street $12,000, \nna vlouhlman Seyburn street and Kercheval avenue, $4.000, vldl \ S L) nch Mt Eltot and Hastings street, $S,OOO St LoUls-W A Frantz, 0150 :-lcPher~()l1 a\ enue, $4,800 A L Morgens, 3929 Magnolta avenue, $10,000, James R DaVIS, 5234 Cote Bnllianlte, $3.500, George Tomehe, 3914 North N mth street, $4,900, vV T Murph), 1624 Clara ave-nue, $6,000, r R Rice, 4069 Ohve street, $7,000, \ndrev\ DlIemeyer, 3615 North Twentieth street. $4,500 , John J ans-sen, 5200 Flon"sant avenue, $8,500, Dorothy Engleman, 8306 LUCIlle avenue, $6,000 Newark, N J -Morns Lltvinoff, 164 II a\\ thO! ne a\ enue, 000 Charle~ I 111kel, 007 Stolp avenue, $3,500, Ella M Tup-pel 11:; Eln1\\ood avenue, $4,500, Dr N. :l\Iulvey, 502 vVest (Tenc ""ee :,treet, $3,000 Salt Lake CIty, Utah-M, A. Reyser, 1404 East First South street, $10,000, Tda Berkner, 343 South FIrst West "tl eet, $6,000, ::\lrs B H Hunt, 478 H street, $3,000 Seattle, \Vash - J ]7 Stelte, 2026 \Vest Seventy-eIghth stl eet, $3,000, Max VVIllars, 4226 Seventh avenue, south, $3,- OOJ, \ L O~horn, 4028 Pa"adena place, $3,000, MIS, Martha Ro~" 120+ Howell "treet, $4,000 Kal1~as CIty, \10 -J 0 VVade, 4636 Tenace street, $8,- 000, \\ eh \Vlthers, Jr, 410 East] 11lrty-seventh street, $7,- ;00 \ E Tlhlmas, 32-1-1l\fontgall :-.treet, $7,000, BenJa111111 ~helc1011,3308 Coleman avenue, $3,500 \lohlle, Ala -Helen Shamberg. Hel cule" and Llvoak <.,treeh, $3,000, vIrs 11 Mornson, Maryland and WIlkl11son "tl eeh, $3 :;00, \1 F Bolton, 394 Kentucky street. $4,000 Eugene, Ore -L H StraHan, Pearl and SIxteenth streets, $3,000, Ii t\ Soults, Fourteenth and Mtll streets, $3.000, \llsse" ELand M L Hendricks, Nl11th and Oak stl eets, $13250 James vValter", 202 Seventh street, $4,000 Oklahoma CIt}, Okla - T J Hawk, 1405 V\T est Thirty· WEEKLY ARTISAN 2J eighth street, $5,000, F A Caldwell, 1213 West Twenty-first street, $4,000 Little Rock, Ark - \N J Cotton, 400 Johnson street, $3,- 000, George C Naylor, 2815 HIgh street, $3,500 Wheellng, W Va - \1rs lVIary Reuchler, 154 Market street, $3,000 Denver, Col-H L Hoffman, 1120 Race stJ eet, $4,000; Alexander Scott, 783 Columbine street, $'),000 ,rrs Saclte Spaldmg, South Pearl and Cedar streets, $ ),500, l\Irs n Habletzel, 421 J osephme stJ eet, $3,000 N orhlk, Va -COl nella Sulll\ an, 608 Graydon avenue, $4,000, V\'allace Lail d, 720 \\ estm er a\Cnue, $7,000 Topeka, Kan -Stanley l\IedlIcott, 1226 F11lJ1lore street, $4,000, Henry CRoat, 1125 Gal field street, $3,000, l\Irs Anna V\Tmans, 709 Bramer street, $3,000 Fort \;\ ayne, 1nd-\Vanen SmItley, 1518 Fast Crelght J11 avenue, $3,500; FI ank C\1n111S011,1208 T\ uttman avenue, $3000 Utica, NY-John L Dorsey, 51 \Yatson place, $4,200, DommlC Salerno, Blandma and Mlllgate streets, $6,000, Cy nl Roberts, 21 Culver avenue, $3,000 E Paso, Tex -Mark\1s Samuels, Kansas and RlO Grande streets, $7,000 RIchmond, Va -Vngmla II Hubbard, Clay anJ ThirtJeth street, $4,000, 0 J DaVIS, 518 Chaffin street, $3,600, \Y ] G11man, 227 Grace street, $3,000 HaIIlsbUlg, Pa-George \\ V\ 11son, 1317 Velnon street, $3,000; BIshop James H DaI1mgton, 321 N 01 th Front street, $4,000 WichIta, Kan - \ndrew \Val e, 63 South Topeka avenue, $3,000, J C San, 630 ElIzabeth street, $3,000 Dallas, Tex -B F Hmson, 317 Tenth street, $4,000, Mrs LIZZIe :l\IcCart, 725 South Ervay street, $3,000, Dr A C CJlllespie, 188 Cole avenue, $3,600, M L Dabney, 505 Colum-bIa avenue, $3,000 Evanston, J1l-An11le EScott, 1025 RIdge avenue, $6,- 000; A D OrVIS, 821 Judson avenue, $4,000 Peoria, Ill-Dr S H0!1wit7, 480 South Bourland street, $6,700, Frank Hem7, 185 t'nn erslty avenue, $3,650; John T Moran, Elmwood avenue, LTplands, $4,000; Dr. J. P Mahan, 303 North Elizabeth street, $3,150 Miscellaneous Buildings.- 11: J "Walsh is bUIlding a theatre to cost $40,000 on Ken:oingston dvemle, PhIladelphia, Pa The FIrst Baptist SOCIety of Seattle, vYa~h , are bUlldmg a church to cost $150,000 Seattle, vVash, IS building a manual tramUlg school at a cost of $165,000 LIttle Rock, Ark, IS buIldmg an addltJon to the Robert E Lee school at a cost of $28.000 Rev Rabanus Thill has charge of the erection ,f a church in SIOUX CIty, 1a, at a cost of $75,000 The Elks of Hal risburg, Pa, are erectmg a temple that will cost $60,000 The Rock Creek Baptnt church, \Vashmgton, DC, is bemg remodeled at a cost of $20,000. Always Prosperous. Buchanan, Mlch • June 15 -Manager RIchards of the Buchanan Cabinet company repOl ts thIS year's business as the best ever. He IS getting out a number of new patterns m desks and kitchen cabinets, for the fall trade He is also gomg to put up a large wal ehouse on the SIde-track of the Mlc111gan Central RaIlroaJ, whIch rUllS from the main track a quartel of a mIle avvay to the factOly so that cars may be loaded from the warehouse and save all cartmg ThIS com-pany has one of the best bUllt anJ mO:ot com e111ent1y arranged fur111tUl e factones in the country and ha" enJoyed an un-broken pro,pellty frOJ1l the first Jay 0f ItS eXIstence But don't forget the WEATHER. This new Porch Furniture is for OUT -door use; and ordinary MISSION FINISHED PORCH FURNITURE GROWS IN PUBLIC FAVOR MARIETTA PAINT AND COLOR CO. MARIETTA, OHIO Also grows the demand for those popular effects, WEATHER-ED OAK, MISSION BROWNS, MOSS GREENS, DULL BLACKS, SOFT REDS, etc. Effects not difficult to produce for mere display; or for ordinary in-door use. stains are not adapted to outdoor wear. AURORA PORCH STAINS are specially made to meet the new need. They combine the transparent beauty of high grade stain with the weather-resisting qualities of first class paint. Practical. Can be used either with brush or dipping tank. To facilitate prompt attention, address Desk NO.3. 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association OFFICERS-PresIdent, J R. Taylor, Lake Benton, Mmn , VIce-PresIdent, D R Thompson, Rockford, MlIIn , Treasurer, B A Schoeneberger, Perbam, Mmn , Secretary, W L Grapp, JanesvIlle, Mmn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-ChaIrman, Geo Klem, Mankato, Mmn, 0 SImons, Glencoe, Mmn, W. L Harns Minneapolis, Minn ,C Daluelsoll, Cannon Falls BULLETIN No. 146. ANALYZING ANOTHER TRADE EVIL Is It a Golden Pot at the End of a Rainbow or Is It Scientific Business Methods? Weare feadul that the readel s of our department may think because we are contmually plctunn~ the darkest sIde of bU~Iness condItIOns, that we are aitogethel too pe"sll11lstlc In our ideas On the contI ary, we belre\ e m 0]'tlm1o>m and we chensh all hopes for' a bnght dnd prosperou" tutule In the commercIal worlJ Had It not been for that true SpUIt at optimism, we woulJ tIme and tIme agaIn. have become tIred in our efforts to create better business condItIOns Long a~o would we have ceased In our endeavor to arouse the IndIffer-ent and do-not-care merchant to the real condItIons of affall 0 and to the lurkIng danger that surrounds hIm and hIS bUSI-ness However, we are stIll optImIstIc and the officer::, at OUI as'SociatIOn belreve that It IS OUI duty to expose anvthmg commg to notIce, that mIght have a detnmental effect on the prosperity of our members Now that we have soh ed the mall ordel ploblem to the satIsfactIOn of the maJonty of our members, and n)\\ that \\ e can truly say and are assUled that \\e can \\1ll III al1\ phclSe of this sort of competItIOn, we belre\ e It our Jnt\ iJ tUI n our attentIon to the next great pI'!blem that confront-, u~ and whIch appears a ten tImes greater menance to the fUI nltUl e husJness. \Ve mean the soap, tea, gi ocel y and kll1clred club eVIl., We hal dly belreve that there 15 a smgle 1e'lcler of tll1 s department, who has not felt tll1S phase of competItIOn more or less, espeCIally dunng the last SIX months You are surpnsed that your old customers begm to lose, that old tIme loyalty that they have always g1\en yOU and now you find that every once In a whIle, a pIece or two of fur111ture goes Into theIr home And yOU mal \ el why It 15 so. You are stIll more surpnsed when you learn that those 111ce pIeces of furl11tul e ha\ e blought WIth It, to } Oul UIC;- tamer $10 of other \ alue, such as soap, tea", coffee.,. etc When you lealn that, It begIns to smk 111, \\hele It hurts, because If you study thI'S problem cartfull}, and WIth-out preJudIce. you WIll be made to real17e, that they are really gettIng more value for theIr money, than you cauld hay e gIven them Is It any wonJer that they dre more Inclll1ed to trade with other~, when they can get a $20 \ alue, whIle} au on the other hand only gn e them $10 worth of frlll11ture They may be yrlUI bec;t fnendc;, but the facts remams that fnend ShIp cea'Se'S as SO,J11a" they dl 'SCO\er that theIr money does not go as far In your store, a" In others If you have haJ your ear to the ground and 1£ vou hay e been espeCIally watchful. you WIll have notIced the mcreas- Ing number of magaZInE 'ads" anJ the Increas111g force af SolICItors In your commu111ty, 'Spread1l1g the gospel of $20 of value for $10 As a con"equence, we find a contInudl "tream of thIS class of good" and merchandIse findlllg ItS way 111to all towns, large and small In many place", the"e club" number by the hundreds and there IS scarcely a commlmlt} that has not come wlth111 the scope of the"e club" Our reaJers who may not happen to be 111(lose touch WIth the soap clubs may ImagIne that we are ovelestImatIng thIS evIl For theIr benefit, we WIll say that sooner or later you WIll lrsten to statements lIke thIS "I can buy thIS, that. or the other thIng, for whIch you are askmg me $10, and I can ~et enou~h teas, soaps, coffees and e"tracts to last m} famIly for several weeks, and not be out any more than you are a"k111g- me" Lei''S carryon the analysis a lIttle further Say you are "h0\\ mg- an AllwIn CollapSIble go-cart The cart IS all ng-ht. lu"t the thlllg wanted and pOSSIbly, to make it more certaIn. } au Intorm the customer, that today you WIll sell the g-o-cart at a bargam and you name the pnce that this artIcle usually carnes However, your customer, who is reading soap-dub lIterature, cannot see It that way and probably \\ 111 exclaIm "\Yhy, Mr, don't you know that I can get an \lh\ m cart and filled WIth soaps and coffees for about that "ame pnce?" On the other hand, your customer may not be so bold as to offel hiS opmIOn so freely on a subject, that he kn,JWs \\ 111 hm t your fee ltngs and he tells you that he will think It 0\ el and oee vOU later As he leaves your store pOSSIbly ne\ el to appeal dgd111, he has had, at the expen"e of the mer-chant, one of the most practIcal lessons of the value to him of the soap club methods that could hay e been taught him, d11c1\\ hlch he I'S not \ ery apt to forget soon "ow 11 these condItIOns are true and we challenge any-boJ} to pro\ e It otherWIse, how IS It that such conditIOns hay e CIept mto the melcantrle world? Let me tell you some-thmg- \To matter \\hat kInd of a pro pOSItron you'le exploitmg, do not forget that unless you make good, you WIll be a faIlure Doe"n't the phenomenal growth of the Larkm concern prove that thev are makmg good? If you WIll stop to look into thIS problem as bu smess men should, } ou WIll probably be made to realtze that thel e must be some fundamental prinCIple hack of It all Let thIS thought smk Jeep mto your mmd \\ hrle thus far, \\ e have been gIV111g-the greater part of OUI tIme m ')oh m~ the mall order problem, yet we have not neglected thI~ end df onr \\ork and have been workmg to find a \\ a} to C01rect th1o. evrl or rather to pnt onr members 111 a pOSItIOn, ')--1 a') to protect themselves, for the last three vear~ "\s officer" of thIS aSSOCIatIon we deeply deplore the fact that the Jobbels of our country have allowed these ~Lheme" to gam snch a footholJ as they have attained and \\ hether the} \\111 e\ el be able to remedy thIS, only the future can tell '\0 don1Jt \ ou ask the questIOn what has made it pOSSIble fOl the"" ~()ap and glocery clubs to assume such power~ ~othmg more or less than the cutting out the waste m gettmg the supplv and "econd theIr method of carrying on hu "mess \Ve the small dealers of the country can not con-tmne to hold our place In the mercantrle world If we contmuc to buy m the round-abont way, that IS generally thru agents. Of course we mUot not foro-et that these soap and grocery club., hay e selected a lrne of merchandIse that carries a long ]Yofit TI11t th1s doe~ not alter condItIOns If our patrons al e 111 the habIt at paymg 10, 15, 25 cents for a standard e'(t! act pel f11me, tOIlet al trde or washsoap, and we all know that the a\elage home pa)" from 25 to 35 cents for theIr teas and coffee", It \\ III make no dIfference to them whether that artIcle carne" a lon~ profit or not. They do not know nor do they care what the profit IS, on such articles as long as they are standard, 01 a" long as they have to pay that whenever they b11y It SO IS It al1\ \\ onder m this day of high lning when the WEEKLY ARTISAN average housewife must do everythmg she can to economIze that she becomes an easy vIctIm to any scheme or pollcy that WIll bnng to herself the necessary al tIcles that he must have m her househdld and at the same tIme can fur111~h her home wIth many artIcles that she never could dream of havmg otherwise. Of course not, she IS 100k111g at the dollars as every good housewIfe should. So If you really want to get at the bottom of thIS, lust look around m your commulllty and you wIll not have to go far before you wIll see many a mce artIcle of furmture, rugs or ornaments which has been secured thru this soap and grocery club medJUm Weare aware of the critIcIsm that we are '3ubJect to and to the "ba-haw" that certam mterests wIll brmg up because we have expressed ourselves thus and because we intImate that the prIncIpal thmg that makes thIs method possIble 1'3 thru the natural old tIme busmess method, the Jobber, etc But brother dealers, to these cntlclsms we would ask, '" hy IS it that a mercantlle firm can give twenty dollars worth for ten (don't think for a minute that they are not domg it) unles'3 they are able to get theIr source of supply at a figure that we the small dealers, little dream of For If they dId not they certamly could not make the profit they do thus bringmg to life the big problem we arc now facmg We have gone far enoug'll into thIs problem to find that if we can do as they Jo, that we can gIve $20 value for $10 and stIll make clear profit upon every $10 you receive We beheve we have given you enough to thmk about this week and while we hold out that there is an ample rem-edy for thIS eVIl yet we are fearful that the remedy for It is such that it will create a still stronger oppositJOn than has our co-operative plan If this remedy hes, however, In the ,,:cope of scientific busmess method, then It wIll \'\1m, no mattel who it hits, and who ever creates a new conchtJOn for those whom thIS may effect wlll have to finJ the way to make it po~slble for these soap and grocery clubs to eXIst The last thought we wish to leave you is that we the small merchants everywhere have had no part m the makmg of these conditions and while we have Illustrated the effects of this evll upon the furniture business, yet it does not stop there, because they use every kmd of an article that goes mto the home for general, or for personal use So we ask our readers to g-et a Larkm's book, study Its pages daily as we are domg and remember what we have saId and we are sure you will say WIth us that thIS ev II IS the naughtiest problem that the small merchant of thIS country encounters Yours truly, THE CO::\L\lITTEE OK THE SOAP CLUB EVIL Association Advertising Helps. (See Palle 26.) A member writes "I llke your system of advertlsmg, be-cause I have found that it is so very, very hare! to get tIllS kind of descriptIve matter set up properly m a small coun-try pnntmg office. N111e times out of ten, If they are not watched closely, they wlll use type for descriptIve matter about five times as large as necessary I11'3tead of pUtt111g wnting at the side, they cut 111the rmddle and descnptJOn below and by the time I am through WIth the ad, the space alone, has generally cost me as much as your units cost me TherefOl e I am very enthusiastic over thIS ASSOCIation help and hope that our members will support thIS movement, so that It will grow and give us everyth111g we need along this hne. I prepared a large circular, newspaper SIze, lay111g It out, prIcing them and by US111gthe U111tsystem, It took only forty minutes to prepare it If I had undertook to have wntten up this myself, It would have taken me almost a day to do It It not only saved me my valuable tIme, but I find that I can get my cIrcular pnnted for Just half what I used to I have thus saved 111this one instance more than my assocI-ation expenses cost me 111the last two years" If one of our members could do thIS why can't the others? ThIs only goes to show the value of our aSSOCIation advertlS111g helps, and It will work for you just as well, If you gIve It a chance But remember, you have got to do your part Use them ADVERTISING COMMITTEE '------------------------- ........ _ ..-.- ..., The Hff and Hff Line BuffetS?1 -Tile -L-in-e-T-h-a-t .E_v_e.r...y._b-o-d-y Buys Seasonable Furniture for the Dining Room. Music Room, Parlor, Boudoir, Dressing Room, Hall and Bath Room. Chma Closet 866 Fullline shown in the Furniture Exhibition Building, Grand Rapids, also in Chicago and New York. Send for our New Catalogue No. 38. Rockford Frame and Fixture Co. Rockford Illinois ~ -_ . 2S 26 Minnesota Retail 1'13-700-6 "'A n eat bttle rock er made at "hlte oak wIth cob hler - seat fhlS cbaIr has rod ded arm' and bolt and nut construct Ion whele the arms fasten to ~r: rsta I stretcber I that runs under the seat Embosslllg IS verv deep and clean cut. turnIngs are smooth and 1t IS In ('very way a deSIrable rocker A very fine lookIng chair at a low prICe UnIt wIth type 40c Cut wIthout type 25c Price of Hocker to members $M.EF BOW·BACK KITCHEN CHAIR F18 No. 35 T b 1 S b a w-back kItchen chaIr, IS made of bard wood bas fou r turn ed spmdles In the back, It also has two StIE'tl hers all around bot-tom makIng It solId, and not apt to come apart as chans fre-quently do 1.' hIS chaIr has a nIce, deep, rIch, golden oak fill1sh. Note seat IS saddle f]lHSh. Also t"ke notIce of the turned spIndles In back of chair. Usually 1'1 Ibow-back chaIr~ tbe spIndles In back are stralgbt. TbiS Is an exceptIOnal bargalU I Unlt wIth type 40c Cut wIthout t, pe 25c Price of ChaIr to members $ .EF Genuine No. 1 Leather Seated Arm Chair FI3-No. 161l-5L. ThIS neat htt! e arm chaIr, ....J..ust the thmg for read mg ard takmg comf rtwhenycu ale tIrEd It has a genUIne No.1 lea the r sea t French front legs stn:tcher under-neat. h chaIr bot-tern. ard In evuy ',r:.ya goed, sub-slaptml chaIr. If you ",II put thIS on the floor WIth a Eample the mall or ler chaIr, you WIll be convinced I at once that you are gettIng a g;reat bargaIn, and a cOllfortable. up-to-date cha r t) Elt In. Price at our sto::"o 1J nIt WIth type 40c Cut WIthout type 25c Price of arm chaIr to members Price of dmer to match $E.XP $M.RO WEEKLY ARTISAN Dealers" Association BULLETIN No. 146. Advertising Helps. COBBLER-SEATED SOLID OAK ROCKCR' F13 No. 750 -b T hIs cob b Ier-seat rock-er m a de wltn bolt construc-tlOnwhere the arm fastens to b a c k of post Has turn spm-dIes thru-out. Note the rod runmng under ~eat ThIS gIves It a very rIgId con-structlon. FJnl'ih and everythmg "bout thIS are of the, ery best. A very comfortable chair Solid Oak Arm Rocker FI3-N 0.3453 -6. ThIS "t-tracilve & neat arm rocker 1 S made of sol- Id oak and has pohsh fimsh WIth a quartered back. ThIS chair is a good large SlZa rocker. and con~ struchon 181 of the very best. Is m golden oak fimsh Turn I sp i n dIe s throughou t Made es-peCIally for heavy peo-ple. Avery fine looking chair at a very low PrIce.· Don't I mISS It. Here is your good chance to buy an ex-tremely valuable chaIr at a low prIce. Price at our store 1 nit \ It] l\]lp Hie ( 1 t "1 thou t t \ pe ( PI] e ot PO(h ..el t) l1H111lJel"-, $M.FF Pmt ",tll type 40c Cut "Ithout t\pe 25c FIH e of Rocker to menlherr., $X.Ml' HIGH-BACK DINING-CHAIR Fl"'\u 2") Agooc1 l\ltrhen or dln- Ind' room chal1 e "( t r at" strOll,"" made of wcll- ~oa,'"onedelm ha~ golden oak hm,1l NotIce top sl"t 1'i ,ery rIchl V dccOl"ted an (' hd" fdncy turneec "pmdlc, stretch-er" Mound bol-tom m"ke It a ,ery strong dnd subst"ntlal evel y d"y chall good for h.1rd U"-G but It docs not 'hm\ Jt as someUother cllcap LhdllS do ~lde PO'-lts are o;,tron~ and neMly tUl ned 'cat slOoped out and ...,}l'lpcd m tldn~ It a 'Lry conlfort'lblc Slttlllg ehall WeIght about lOjJounrls BROAD BACK ROCKER 1mt "Jtll l,pe 40c (ut \\lthout t\pe 25c PIlre of ChaIr to mcn1bers $ .PE F 18 No 218-3-4 ThiS rICh-looklllg rock e r, made 0 f h a r d wood. fimshed , In the beautIful AmerIcan quartered oak Has three he"vy spIndles under e" c h drm Arm.., "'e fastened to back PO&t by extra heavy screw and are also notched out A heavy spmdle under the arms, pas~E'd thru the heavy ~eat, makes It rIgId 'I'h", handsome rocker IS worth tWICe what WE' ale a"klllg for It. THESE SPLENDID Umt WIth type 40c Cut WIthout t;\ pe 25c Price of Rocker to members.. $ .FF These chall~ are made of 'elected oak, upholstered >11th genume No 1 leather, qu"rter sawed back, rIch golden gloss fimsh. se"t mort l'ed and scr, >led togeth-er back legs bo !ted to 'eat makwg ,ery llgid conslructlOn "WeIght about 15lbs :B nil s 7 has an eleg"nt]y shaped scat and'" Ju,t tl 0 r ght Lllghu to -be very comfortable StrIctly h1g!J-g 2,(0 C c)- Ity Newestc.eSJgn Sears Roebuck prICe at fBCl,::Y"Y ('5 F181ght lOv C'vvtlngand::ol s~ ~0 Os Price at @Ul' storeD 1 13 ~o 1 11 IL BEAUTIFUL LEATHER BliCK AND LEATHER SEAT DIP/ER 1 mt WIth type 40c Cut Without type 25c Price of chairs to mE'mbel s each $M.RQ 1 uNo 17,))- bub ThlS bl'JutJful bo" seatflontdln-er, J S made WIth genulnr leather bJck and blat I, mad, ot white OJk .• r,n,sh,d In golden o<.1k or P] e In I ...h oak. Full Sl~- cd chaIr wt about 17 Ibs The fimsh and constructIon are the best, and the up-holstering u,t ani plIable 'IIY a sct ofthesechalls d find out tl,eIr real ,aIue 'Iheyareof he ven best to 1)e haC' In thiS killd of L <1Jr Umt "Ith type 40c Cut Wllhout npe 25c Price of chairs to members Pll( e of arm chaIr to match $A.OX $E.XP SEND ALL ORDERS TO THE SECRETARY, JANESVILLE, MINN. WEEKLY ARTISAN A LIVE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING TOWN I Shultz &. "irsch Company All Establishments Have Prospered at Shelbyville, Indiana. NEW LINES TO BE EXHIBITED IN GRAND RAPIDS AND CHICAGO A Model Factory Erected by the C. H. Campbell Furniture Company. 1\ ~tranger arnving 111a prom111ent CIty of the golde,l \\ c"t asked a passer on the street for directIOn to the CIty hall "You walk two blocks east, then turn to the nght and w411, to tIlt' bridge. After you have crossed the nver turn to th9 left and walk one block. You can't help but 1\1~SS It," the ~ownsman replied. I The wnter had a ellfferent expellence 111ShelbyvlllF F111d-ing himself out of the beaten path he asked of a rdident di-rection to the factory of the Davls- Birely Table Fompany. "Walk north one square, then walk westward on~ SqUdle The build111gs and yards cover three or foulr aCl-CJ You couldn't miss It if you tnee!." The townsman spoke in enthusiastic, appreciative terms He thought it was a ~ne th111g for Shelbyville to possess a plant so large as that of t~e Davis- Blrely Table company. HIS pride in the factory and hiS home town is creditable to his 111telhgence. And there are ma.ny more 111Shelbyville hke him. I While the subject of furmture factories is unde~ consid-eration, the new factory of the C. H Campbell Furniture com-pany should be remembered It is located in the western fac-tory district of Shelbyville upon a broad plateau overlooking the city. Mr. Campbell spent much time 111the study of fac-tory constructIOn and eqUIpment and when his plans were per-fected, the work of erection proceeded under hiS personal direc-tion. The ma111 factory conta111S 75,000 square feet of floor "pace-the factory recently vacated contained 32,000. The dry bIns have a capacity of 200,000 feet of lumber-the capac-ity of the old kiln is 100,000. The bUIldings are substantially constructed of bnck, provided with spnnkler:'>, a mammoth ele-vator, an electric generator and all conveniences needed for rap- Id and economical operation The machinery is motor dnven .. . --- ---- .._. ----- --------.--.-----.~ STAR,o~H~~:~"~T ~~:'.p:sO~P ANY I (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted celluloid as a hase for our Caster Cups, makmg the hest cup on the market. CellulOld IS a great Improvement over bases made of other matenal When It ISnecessary to move a piece supported by cups with cellulOid bases It can be done with ease, as the bases are per fectly smooth CellulOld does not sweat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred These cups are timshed m Golden Oak and White Maple, timsbed ltght If you Will trll a sample order of the,e good, you WIll dtslrt to handlt them In quantltlts PRICES: Size 2~ Inches .. $5.50 per hundred. Size 2~ mches. 4.50 per hundred. ~_f.ob.._._G-rand Rapid,... _.. ... ....TRT.A SAJlPLll ORDER 27 ..--_..- ----------r ManUfacturers of HIGH GRADE BEDDING fEATHERS, fEATHER PILLOWS, DOWNS, ETC. UPHOLSTERED BOX SPRINGS and CURLED HAIR MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY III 1300-1308 Fulton St., ElIl~c;:~~rst, CHICAGO I... •• __ •••• a •••• ... and the dust remov111g apparatus effinent ~Il goods shipped, whether in car lots or open freight, are loaded on C\ sid111g and the open freight shipments are sorted at the depot There IS no cartage expense to be met Mr. Campbell commenced the manufacture of hat racks twenty years ago, in a modest way, but hiS bus111ess grew rap- Idl) as the result of £;ood workmanship, good deSigns and the employment of fair methods 111the transaction of buslDcs:,>. Hall furmture was added 111later years and at present, With a man-ufacturing capaCIty more than double that of the old plant, he is add111g a l111eof desks for ladles 1\1r Campbell Will ex-hibit a full line of hall furniture and desks 111Grand Rapids and his l111eof hat racks at 1319 ]V:I1chlgan avenue, Chicago The Conrey-DaVIS Furmture company have completed a very successful year of business and prepal ed many new pat-terns of extension table" and novelties for thc faIl season of trdde which Will be found on sale 111Chicago and Grand Rapids The company wJ11Issue a caidlog 111the near future The DavI~-Bllely Table company Will exhibit between five and six huneh ed pattern:'> 111 the KI111gman build111g, Grand Rapids, and at 1319 J\Ilchlgan avcnue, Chicago The l111e of hbrary table~ I" almost entirely new, and deslgnel Elchelsdoefer has made lt the greatest sinde of hiS hfe It numbers 1;,\"0 hundred patterns, in oak, mahogany and walnut An extensive line of miSSIOn work will be a feature of the exhibit In parlor, cham-ber and hall tables there vnll be a great vanety of styles and a Wide range of prices ThiS great estabhshment was developed by its present own-er:'> from a modest foundation laid upwards of twenty-five years ago and It is I ecogl11zed as one of the most important in the country. The D. L. Conrey Furniture company will exhibit their ex-cellent line at Chicago and Grand Rapids as usual. II I I I.. 28 \\ EEKLY ARTISAN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------_.--.--------------~ rI II Diners, BanquetTops, Office Tables, Directors' Tables and Bankers' Suites complete Stow & Davis Tables Possess in-dividuality--- That sterlmgquahtyth'lt appeals to buyers every-where. Even the novice appreciates the exquisite601shon our tables-the expert can see that the materials,workmanship,and thousand and one detailsof constructionare right- right by the rigidGrand Rapids standard of excellenceIII fur01turemakmg. Let us prove this to you at our exhibit,4th floor, Blodgett Bldg., of ------------------------------------- STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY GR~~~fc~~DS. ..------ FURNITURE FACTORY METHODS. Some Interestin2 Ohservations hy a 'Vriter for the Woodworker. "1herc 11cl\been C011'iH]e1,\bk \,ud1\1 thl \\ uud-\\ llku " lol umn\ about cl01l1£;\pec1,tl k1 H], ot \\ 01k ,me] "U111l \ tl \ 111 aemous c1ev1ce~have heen 11lnst1ated f10111tnne to tnne I hb "eAchange of 1de,\\ ,mc1 ne\\ \\ 1l,lkleo 1, \ el \ hend111,d tu ])()th young dnd old 1 have been \\a1t111£;anA1m~h t01 \Oml 01 the 11101e able \\ nte1 s to :;:;1\e t1'- el bt u "h up on the iUr111tm, idCto \ 'UUjlct but a, mo,t ot them "eem to hay e otbe1 fi"h to t1\ 1 \\ 111endeavor to p01nt out ,0111e of tbe 11100tC0111monell 01" C" Ft1l1g 111present-d,\\ methods In the hrst plel! e 1\1tho age oj l0111IKtJtl J11 It I" ,11bo]utch nele~san to be eqmppee] \\ Ith muckrn mall1111el\ and LIllhtl~" for hanclhng the V\01k and even \\ Ith these th111g, elt b,ll1 I thc n1ctnufactm el cannot expect 10 meet \\ Ith 111ulh Ulle'-, un1c" the1 e IS a practIcal" ,tem oj d0111g l111n2," dml It h ,1])C111tItll, 0) stem ancl the conehllOn, perta11111u:;thel eto th,lt 1 \\ hh to con fine m) remark, Probably 111the meehul1l ane] lheap c1a,,,e, of £m mtm C the keenest compet1tlOn e"lsh ,Inel hel e the \e1 \ Iceo oj d pI ac1Jc.l1 ancl S) stematlc foreman al e a nece"lt\ Thu e ,1.1 C a £;rlat many factones malone; medltlm ,me! lhe,lp ft1lnJ( llll \1111ch 11C po\\cssed of f01emcn \\ho are nel1hel 1Jl,1c1Jl,tl nm "\,,tt1l1eltlC th1~ be111g eV1dencee! b) the de2,lCe of ,nccee, thc, hen e 0]) td111ed \OW let us cOn\lclel the lea\on:o fO! tl1C\e manu[dl tUl er:o se1ect111gsneh men In the fil st place the) cannot secm e a man 111 thlll 0\\ n \]- C1111tyfor the \\ dges the) offe1 and the eOl1l!ttIJn\ the\ l11'hl on, so the) ae!vert1~e for a . \\Ork111g [Oleman, ane! a:o ,nch an OFFICE OF CITY CLERK. Wichita, Kansas, June 3rd, 1910. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk up to 9:00 A. M., on June 20th, 1910, for furnishing seats for the Forum. Plans and specifications for seating said Forum can be had at the office of the City Clerk. Bidders will be required to submit sample chairs prior to date of opening bids. Bidders will be required to enclose a certified check in the amount of $500.00 as a guarantee of good faith. Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Wm. Sence, City Clerk. -_. _. ------------_._-----.---~~ .._ ..__ .~I dch (rt1 ~ement cloe' not appeal ,er) 111V1t111gto the 1110Stable ,md ]JlOfillent men 11 1he fur1111ure bU\1l1ess, the result IS they cn2,age the be't they can ~eU1re for the wages etc, usually get t111~ d man not elt all SUIted to he job-but they seldom ac-kllCl\\ lecl2,e theu m1,take untIl dftCl the) are out of busmess. "0 douht the~e manufacturerc :otdrt out Vv Ith really good in-tentlOn, but one trouble 1\ they do not reahze how Important I Ie,tlh good 101lm,111 hand 111fix111g hiS remunerat10n they do not ,j', ,I lule attach 111uch value to hIS mechdmcal gemus or l "ecnt1\ e db1htll s but ,ll e ~O\ erned largely by the amount of altnal Idb01 he h able to pel form thmk111g tl1dt b1a111Sare re-c, t Ired o,lh 111the offile eml of the bu:ome:o\ ()cl,l~lOnalh "ulh manager\ have the good fortune to se-lUI e a I ealh £;ooe! mdn bLlt the) :ooon attach so 111dny stnngs to him he 1\ unable to accomphsh very much m the way of re-t01111 ane! soon 10,eo 111te1e\t m the work One reason IS, they lan110t keep from lmttmg nt the ~ V\ ant to know the whys and \\ hel eto! e" ot e, en move he makes N 0\\, there are scores of lIttle th111g, a jOi emall does thelt requll e longer to explant to a man \\ ho b not d mee hamc than It takes to do them, beSIdes, It IS ,en annO\ 1112,to the foreman \nothel I ed\On IS If he IS hIred b) the month or year, they l111a£;111theey al e be111£;robbed If he has a few hont s to himself 111 the \\ a\ of ,1 ::"aturc1ay afternoon or a hohday, dnd they con-lOct ,dl mannel of schemes to have a job f01 hIm on such occa- ,10lJ, that he ldnnot vel y \\ ell refuse to do Kow, thIS method ot £;Citl 12, \\ 01k out of a good foreman IS to be condemned, for he \1 III soon 1eah7c that mechamcal sk111,md good eel Y1CeSare not elP]JleClated and ell the fir~t opporlu11lty WIll depart for a more lOJ1[;e111dlsltuatlOn Let m nO\\ lons111er what the concht1Ons should be in the 1110cler1 fnr11lture factm) for the busmess to be a success The fil ~t 11l1pO! tant lh111g IS to have each employe's dutIes defined, f(11 t]J1, 1~an age of ,peuahsts There should be no overlapping of anlhollt, the hedd\ of clIfferent depal tments should know \\ hat h expectee! of them, and be' responsIble to the owners for all \\ 01k donc unclel their superv l\lOn ~ll m del s to the dIffer-ent dep,lllmenh \hould come duect from the office For in- \t,mce, "hen a job IS billed to lhe mach111e department, each sub-seCluel1t clepclrtment \houlcl reCe1ye a copy of the order. ThIS a\ Ole!\ the nelcs~li\ of one foreman hav111g to gIve orders to ,molher \\ l11ch h "en apt to Cduse hU11to become OffiC1OUSand then, b\ credte £ncl1011 fhe l1ext 1mportdnt thmg 1s d good ~ystem m each depart-ment dnd111 orde1 to dccomph~h thiS the hedcl of each department reCjUlleo the co operat1On of the office for It i~necessary that the offile keep 111touch WIth the dIfferent c!epdrtments, and Y1Ce ver,d It IS Impos\lble to lay clOWI1an) hard and fast rules in ll£;ard to the detall\ of the system eldopted, as fac1ht1es and con-chtlOlF are so c!lfferent, ane! what may be a success 111 one place WEEKLY ARTISAN The PROUDFIT P 8 BINDER for Blue Prints9 Photos and PhotoJ!ravures has been adopted with success by the following firms and many others WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED" IF YOU WilL SEND US A SAMPLE: SET OF YOUR BLUE PRINTS WE WILL INSERT THEM IN ONE OF OUR COVERS AND SUBMIT FOR YOUR APPROVAL Wolverine Brass Works, Grand Rapids GIand Rapids Brass Wks, Grand Rapids. MIChigan Chair Co , Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids Chatr Co , Grand Rapids Berkey & Gay Furniture Co., Grand Rapids Century Furniture Co Grand Rapids Imperial Furniture Co , Grand Rapids Royal Furniture Co , Grand Rapids. Phoenix Furniture Co , Grand Rapids. 29 John O. Raab Chair Co , Grand Rapids Hastmgs Cabinet Co., Hastmgs, Mlch Barber Bros Chair Co , Hastmgs, Mlch Grand Rapids Bookcase Co , Hastmus Wolverine MIg Co, Oetrolt. The Sikes Co , Philadelphia, Pa The H Lauter Co , Indianapolis, Ind Langslow·Fowler Co., Rochester, N. Y. Galiia Furniture Co , Galilopolis, O. THE PROUDFIT LOOSE LEAF CO.9 8 AND 10 LYON ST., CRANO RAPIDS9 MICH. would be a failure 111ail0ther, howevcl, the deaI111t;'Jof the office With the cllffel ent depal t'11ent, may be the same Il1 ,dl cases A pnntecl fOIl11of convement ~Ize to file may be used to good advantage Il1 makmg out the 0\ del~, and all mformatlOn either regular or ~peoal, should be pl,unl) 'Hltten on the order In adchtlOn to thiS, each department should have a lecord book, and all 01 der:", on bemg I ecelved, ~hou1d be entered and dated-v, hen commenced and when completed-and after the completIOn of the Job the ongmal oreIer should be returned to the offi e Thh \\ ill 111form the office that the Job m que,tlon ha:" paosed thlough a certam department rj here should aho be a monthly or seml-monthl) hst made out m the office, of the l?,ood, 111stock andm proces:", ,md a COP) glVen to the head of each department He can then ~ee for him-self what lob:" al e low on the h:"t, and get them under v\ay With-out any mconvenence of 1I1terference With the other liv01 k 111 plO-ces:". Tl11s ~Olt of hst ~erve~ a double pm pose Tt aVOids the necesslt) of fthh orders, wluch are a cletnment to any good s, ,- tem, and the 1I1convemence of not hav1l1l2,"good~ 111 ctock to fill orders pi omptly A~ to the work1l1g out of tl11s k1l1d of system, \\ e ,'VIII ."tart at the begmnmg, ~ay at the 'breakmg-out corner In the ma-ch1l1e department It may not seem to some aver) lmpOi tant Job, or yet reqmre vel y much consideratIOn on the part of the foreman Thl', however, IS a mistake, for the breakmg-out cornel IS I eally the controllmg lever to the 'v hole department, for thl~ reason If the Ie are several Jobs of one kmd sent out 111:"uc-ceSSIOn, thel e IS sure to be a com;e~tlOn at ,ome mach1l1e" ,'Vl11le othel' hetve hardly enotH;h to do A Juchclom selectIOn of lob~ 111 the corner WIll aVOid thl:" 1l11l1ece"sar) conge~tlOn and keep the \\ 01 k 11lce1ybalanced, abo reduce the tendency to mix th111gs up It IS a common practJce 111 ~ome shops to do a little work on ne'lily every Job 111 the department, the whole affaIr bemg clone some,'Vhat on the m~tallment plan 1hiS sort of a :"ystem IS a 10,el of tJme, bewles makm£; It vel) chfficu1t to keep tab on the -~--~--~-_.,---------- -- y\ork c\ much better ,\ a) I, to complete each Job beLll e stal t-mg another-although some foremen con,lclel It a ga111 to do sU111larpal t, 01 chffel ent lobs at the one settmg of the machme. I d{)J1't approve of thIS \Vay ,£01 :"everal rea,on" \lZ (1) The chfficulty of gettmg ,llcur,lte tune on the Job, 111 case of keepmg LOSt, (2) the tendency to lSet the chfferent Jobs l111xed up, (3) the extra amount of hanrl1mg neces,al" ,l~ very often trucks have to be pal t1) unloaded to gd ett the part~ wanted It IS also goo,l pohc) to have a certa1J1 W,IYto do the chfferent parb of the yyork, and always do It that wa), as the men become prohuent and can handle their worh. to much bettel advantage Death of Thomas Madden. On Tue"clay mOf11mg, June l-±, Thomas .Madden. the founder of the home of Thomas :i\f adden Son & Co, (111corporated) ched at hl~ home m Inlhanapohs, aftel an Illne~s extend1l1g ovel sev-eral \V eek ~ ::\Ir :\radden was born m Ireland and came With Ius parent~ to c\menca as a youth and :"ettled \VIth 1m parent:" at DelphI \t the outbreak of the CIVil ,'Val he enli,ted 111a volunteer regiment and rendered gallant and conspicuoUS sel- ,ice, su~tammg very pamful wounds 111bdtt1e, necessltatmg hiS 1etlrement fwm the arm) Captalll ;\Iadclen engaged m the manufacture of pador furmture With 1\1 Clun~ at InJlcll1apo h: m 1878, and after ,everal years of successful busmess ''Vlth-dre,\ and e:"tabhshed the firm of rl homas .i\Iadden & Son Latel hIS :"ons-m-la\\, "Mr O'Conner and Mr. O'Relll), \\ ele admitted to partnership and stlll later the firm took on the corpOi ate form m which the lalge and profitable bus1l1ess of the house I, con-ducted Capt Madden selVed hl~ ot) \l1 ~everal offiCial capacltJe" councllman, pre~ldent of the public wOlk~ board and as a clerk of ::'IIallon count), and 111all hI s busmess transactIOns acctll acy and pi omptnc" predom11lated He was hIghly e,teemed m lll~ ot) and ,tate, no man 111 hl~ l?,cneratlOn commanclms; s:reai.el respect and esteem TIe \\ a, b-l-) eal, of age ... - I ------------ ..._-.- .... --------- -.~.-_.-_------.-. --_.-- THE LYON FURNITURE AGENCY CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS ROBERT P LYON, Ceneral Manager THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU OF THE FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. IMPROVED METHODS WE ALSO REPORT THE PRINCIPAL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL STORES. CapItal, Credl! and Pay Rahngs Cleanng Honse of Trade Expenence The Most RelIable Credit Reports. RAPID COLLECTIONS. New York Grand RapIds Philadelphia Iloston Cincinnati ChIcago St LOUIS Jamestown High POint ~-----------_... --- . ------ GRAND RAtOIDSOFFICE 412-413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING C C NEVERS MIChIgan Manager - .. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS OFFICES: CINCINNATI--Second National Bank Building. NEW YORK--346 Broadw ..,.. BOSTON--18 Tremont St. CHICAGe--14th St. a.d Wabash A••• GRAND RAPIDS -Houseman Bldg. JAMESTOWN, N. Y.--Ch ..d..koln Bldll· HIGH POINT, N. C.--N. C. Savings Bank Bldg. The most satisfactory and up-to-date Credit Service embracing the FURNITURE, CARPET, COFFIN and ALLIED LINES. The most a.ccurate and reliable Reference Book Published. Originators of the "Tracer and Clearing House System," The TaylO1 lurl11tme COmpdn} of IIomton, Tex, Ius added pIanos to its stock. G M fhomas, furl11ture dealel of \Vllhston, N Dak, has sold out to Champ10n & :Meyers The Colhns Brothers Undertakmg compan}, capltahzed at $1 0,000, l~ a new corporatlOn 111Seattle, Wash The vVolff & Roth lurniture company, dealel s of Ehza-beth, N J, has 111COploratecl. Capital stocl, $50,000 The Black & Blacl company, funeral directors, is a ne" corporatIOn, capltahzed at $20,000, m Columbns, Oh1O The Hampton-:M111tle lml11tm e compan), dealers 01 \\ lCel bury, Conn, has been 111corporated Capital stock, $20,0(;(1 James Connelly, ""ho now has a furl11ture store at Sank Center, Mmn l~ pi epdlmg to open another at St Cloud, ~1111n J o11n R \dal1J~ & Co I hardwal e dealers ancI ship chandleh of H()n~ton, Tn: , \\III add a furmtm e depal tment to then bmi-ness The East End lurnitnre compan), 111anntactn1 e1~ of POIh mouth, Oh1O, l1<1sl11creasecl Its capital stock from $30,000 to $50,000 The Read SbOl0 (Mass) Chall company has added bab) walkers, meny go-rounds, shoo-flies and hobby hor~es to Its 1111e of products. The Tucker, Hanks & Danghdnll lurmtm e compam of Oklahoma CltV, Okla, has mCl cased Its capItal stock fJ om $25,- 000 to $80,000. R S Hershey, for 35 years a furmture dealel sand umle1 taker of Bloomington, Ill, has tm ned the bl1Sme"s over to hh son John Hel shey The htlgat10n bet\\ een 13 \ Klpp and the Kiel Furmture company, ovel the sale and transfer of a Mllwankee furmtm e factory, has resnlted 111favor of Mr KIPP John Sbff, who fOlmedy conducted a lalge furmtme stOle IJ1 St Paul, 1\1111n, has pmchased the furnitm c department in Burke's general Store at Central City, N ebr McCadden & McI1wee of Baltlmore amI othel credltm ~ have filed a petlt10n m bankruptcy gamst the bchelbergel & Gray company, fml11ture dealers of Tampa, Fla COInel1l1s Delury, fm niture dealel of Danbury, Conn II ho recently purchased the Marshall block m which 111, ,t01 e 10 cated, WIll bmld a lalge addltlon to the bmldmg S SlIver, furmture dealer of Duluth, l\~111n, \\ a" fined ~G and costs recently for obstlnctmg the SIdewall In flont of 111~ store by dIsplay lng a davenport and a few chail s J olm F. GIlmore has sold his stock of fml11ture at 1 11Jal1Zl. 111., to the \V J Saffell compan} l\Jr GllmOle 11111£;0 tu 1),111- Vlll, TI1, \\ here he WIll engage 111the undel tak11l~ lm~ll1e" r-------------- I I The Lindholm lurmture company of San FranCiSco, Cal, ,lga111~t \\ hom crecl!tors recently filed a petit10n \n bankruptcy, hZlve filed schedules showmg habilities $42,503, assets $39,344. Loms N. Hart whose fUl111ture store in Fall RIver, Mass., \\ as "evel ely damaged by fire recently, has made an assignment to O,car D. Thomas as trustee LiabIlities about $3,000; a~- ~et, ~1,000 Ludv\dg Bros. & Chapman, house furmsher" of St Louis, \10 have 111corporated their business under the name of the Lm]\\ l~ Bro~ & Chapman House Furnishmg company CapItal ,lock $+0,000 1he Rosenthal Fl11111tnre tcompany WIll occupy the bU1ldl11g recentl) vacated by the Rhodes-Haverty company in Fort Worth, Texas The new tenants WIll 1emodel the bmlding to accom-modate ,1 lalgely mcreased stock. The Dmghamton (N Y.) Lounge company, of which F, E f'1 oehler 1S pi esident and general manager, has let the con-i! act fm a four ~tory addition to theIr plant. The new bmlc1- 111g\\ 111front on three streets and WIll cost $25,000. -\fter negotiat1Ons extend111g over ten years F. W Schneck, house furnIsher of MIlwaukee, has purchased from his sister-in-law a stllp of land twenty-five feet WIde, adJol11ing his store on Thll d stl eet It cost hIm $55,000-$2,200 per foot frontage. The \Veeks Furmture company of Woonsocket, R. 1., whIch failed recently, has been reorganized with adchtional capItal an(l three Boston men on the boal d of dIrectors Arthur L. Lougie of the He) wood Brothers & Wakefield company IS preSIdent ot the ne\\ company. 1he deal by whIch the Booth Manufacturing company of :\Iuskegon, 1\JIch, was to move Its plant to Waukesha, Wis, has been declared off, the Bus1l1ess Men's club of \iVaukesha hav111~ faded to raIse the bonm of $12,500 that had been prom-hed fhe company makes a lme of office furniture. It IS estImated that the Gold Coast and Ashanti could ,,\1P-ph GO,843 logs of mahogany and cedar a year If the mternal commU111cat1On were better. With mechanical haulage, such as tl actlOn engmes and hght tramwa} s, the output could be m- C1easeel to "ome 250,000 logs per annum without depleting the natm Zll 1eserves. Cl eelttor, 1,:;\.C filed a petJtlOn m bankruptcy again:"t -'am-uel Mlller hUllture dealer, of 1883 ThIrd avenue, N. Y., alle~- mg that he has made preferentJal payments and surreptitiously 1emovcd a pm hon of hIS stock. MIller, who began hb \Je\\ YOlk busl11es~ last November, was formerly president oj tll" (hlcaC;o CJ eeltt company Hi s liabl ltties are placed at '1i~,000. \\ lth assets estllnated at $l,GOO ------------- -- ------------ ... ... . .--.. -- - ... -., CollectionService Unsurpasud-Send for Book of Red Drafts. ~-- . ------ - -- - - ,-- - ~I WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 New Factories. Kronlund & Schnabel have begun operations m their new mattress factory at Supenor, W1S. H. B Goodloe 1S buymg equipment for a new table factory that he 1S estabbshmg at Roanoke, Va. Frederick and Ida M. Rossow and Dav1d H111 have 111cor-porated the Puget Sound Veneer Works, to estabbsh a plant at Tacoma, Wash. Capital stock, $5,000 Otto F. Ring, Joseph Z. Klenka and Edward J. Smejkal have incorporated the Western Couch company, capitabzed at $1,500, to establish a factory in Ch1cago. The United States Barbers' Furniture ManufactUl ing com-pany has purchased a slte and w1ll erect a $50,000 factory on OhlO street and Western avenue, Ch1cago. The Pead C1ty Furlllture company of Jamestown, NY, cap1tahzed at $5,000, has been mC01pOl ated to estabbsh a new factory 111that C1ty. C. J , J. \V. and Emma M. Lmdback are the mcorporators. The Asbestos Table Mat company of St. LoUls, Mo, has been 111corpOlated by A L DevOlgne and others, to manufacture asbestos mats They will estabhsh a plant 111St. Lotus. Capi-tal stock, $3,000, pmd 111. The ratepayers of the town of Lake Megantlc, Ont, have voted a bonus of $10,000 to the Megantic Furlllture company, for the estabhshment of a furlllture factory. The company must payout $10,000 dunng the first year and 111ncrease the amount $5,000 per year for ten years. Someth111g new in the bne of mattresses 1S prom1sed by the Oxford L111en Mattres~ company, incorporated w1th $600,000 cap1tal stock, to estabbsh a plant at Portland, Me. Clarence E. Eaton, T. L. Croteau, Albert F. Jones and B J\I M\axwell, all of Portland, are the promoters. The Union Parlor Furlllture company, capitalized at $50,- ~i----------------------- II I I W. F. & JOHN BARNES co. _____ . JI Our New Hand and Foot Power Circular Saw No.4 fhe strongest most powerful, and III every way the best machme of Its kmd ever made, for npplOg I cross-cuttIng bonng and groOVing 000, has been incorporated to estabhsh a new factory in New Orleans, La The stock 1S owned by John Corbera, August H :\1!:,se and vV1lliam Corbera, who also control the Ul110n Furni-ture company of 529 Baronne street. Fitting Up Their Show Rooms. The Century company, Grand Rap1ds, are pUtt111g the final touches on the show rooms 111their new factory blllld-ing, corner of Wealthy avenue and South Ioma street, and w1ll install the1r new line of samples during the commg week The work of removing machinery, stock, etc, from the old plant to the new will begin as soon as the samples are com-pleted The Hot-Blast Feather company, who, heretofore, have shown the1r line in the Furniture Exchange and other exhl-b1tion build111gs, are fittmg up show rooms m the factory near the west end of Pearl street bndgc where they WIll he 1eady for the buyers at the opening of the season Furniture Fires. J. B. Cummins of Hartsville, Ind, lost $1,230 by fire 111 his undertaking estabbshment. Insured. M. J. Fitzpatnck, dealer 111 antique furlllture in Baltlmore, Md., lost about $1,500 by fire 111 h1s store. No 111surance The furniture store of H. D. Kaplan, M'lcon, Ga., was dam-aged to the extent of about $2,000 on June 7. Well 111sured. F1re in the finishing department and warerooms of the Union Furniture company, Rockford, Ill., on June 8, caused a loss esti-mated at $75,000 to $80,000, which is fuly covered by insur-ance- a blanket policy of $200,000 on stock, machinery and build111gs The burned buildings will be rebUllt at once. Cabinet Makers In these days of close competItion, need the best pOSSIble eqUIpment, and thiS they can have in BARNES' HAND AND FOOT POWER MACHINERY Send for Our New Catalogue. 654 RUby Street. Rockford. Illinois .. 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN .-. --- --------------------"1 1 Miscellaneous Advertisements. FOR SALE. One Possehus Bros. Furmture Mfg. Co, 36-mch Grammg Machme complete in good condition. Has two Quartered Oak rolls and one Mahogany roll. Cost $500, Will be sold for $200. The E. M. Hulse Co, Columbus, O. 6 18-25 WANTED. Furniture men to learn furniture designing, rod making and stock billing by mall. Our course of instructlOn is just the thing for superintendents, foremen and factory men who wish to increase their knowledge and salary. Grand Rapids School of Designing, Dept. L., Grand Rapids, Mich. Arthur Kirkpatrick, Instructor and Designer. 4-9 e.o.w. tf POSITION WANTED. A practical man is open for a posItion as Manager or Super-intendent of Parlor Furniture, Case Goods or Lodge and Spe- Cial Furniture Factory. Correspondence inVited from new manufacturers and firms contemplating changes. Address "Noble" care Weekly Artisan. 6-18 6-25 7-2 • FOR SALE. A nice clean stock of Crockery in a !lve West Michigan town of 10,000 population. Would also rent store if desired. Address "See" care Weekly Artisan. 5-28tf. WANTED. An up-to-da
- Date Created:
- 1910-06-18T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:51
508. Skilled Crafstman
- Description:
- Skilled Craftsman is a publication of the Lansing Building Trades Council. See also Lansing Industrial News. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1973 TO 1985]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
509. The Inner City Times
- Description:
- The Inner City Times is a publication from Lansing. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1968 TO 1969]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection
510. Durant's Standard
- Description:
- Durant's Standard is a publication of Durant Family Registry, for collectors of Durant automobiles. Container lists are updated as we add new titles and issues to the collection.
- Date Created:
- [1995 TO 1998]
- Data Provider:
- Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
- Collection:
- Local History Newspapers and Periodicals Collection