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- Weekly Artisan; 1910-01-01
Weekly Artisan; 1910-01-01
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and // GRAND RAPlr:
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----------_._-------- --_._~----_._-_._. ---
II Great Improvements in Refrigerators for 191 0
The largest and finest refrIgerator factory In the world It IS only 111such a factory that the best good" can
be made for the least money, and ordel s promptly filled
ThIs mammoth plant IS at ) our service for the askIng Send for our 1910 catalogue
vVe make nearly everythIng that "e use The Porcela1l1 Enamel for L1l11l1gs-the T1l1necl \\ 11e Shelves-the
Locks-the II111ges-the \\'ater Coolers-the ne\\ deslgn~ and fi111shes are all made In thIs wonderful factory
Our assortment IS enormous, rangIng tram the, en cheapest to the finest
And best of all we help) au e;ell the goode;' The' Leonard Cleanable" reputatIOn IS beh1l1d them
Our magaLlne ad, el tle;l11g and our store sel11l1\?,plans \\ 111 bl1l1~ ,ou mal1\ customers
..::.::.:.:..... .. ••• c. •• • . . . ..: :-..:.:..
Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler. Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator.
~ .
Our Specialties ~for 1910 will be
as follows and we shall have
an immense quantity of each
from which to supply you.
Drawer Bottoms and Glass Backs
in Gum, Poplar and Basswood.
Crossbanding and Backing
in Poplar, Birch and Gum.
Quartered and Plain Oak Veneer
Sawed, Sliced and Rotary Cut.
Irish Glue
Imported and Always in Stock.
We wish you a Happy and Properous
New rear and while thanking you
for the trade you have given us
we solicit your further inquiries.
Walter Clark Veneer CO.
Every dealer should see this different line before placing Spring orders. Nothing ever shown like it before.
New Designs. New Finishes. Exclusive Laycock Ideas.
You will want this line. It will create a sensation in your town.
1910. The
Laycock Brass
Beds have a
reputation for
Q!ality. We
will show in
January a hun-dred
patterns 10
brass, from the
most ornate and
decorative to
the more severe
and classic
models of Mis-sion
and Colon-ial
LAYCOCK'S No. 545-Square Steel Tubing; 2 Inch Posts.
finish. You can get these only of the T. B. Laycock Mfg. Co. You need them for Spring.
you. This line not shown in any Market.
ISH (Mahog-any
and Golden
Oak) is the only
wood finish.
The only
wood finish
on Metal
Beds that has
stood the test.
Laycock Beds
in wood fin-ishes
were the
success of the
Fall Season.
Beautiful soft
toned, dull Ma-hogany;
polished, flaky,
Golden Oak
Our prices will surprise
FURNITURE DEALERS invited to inspect our line at Factory.
The T. B. Laycock Mfg.
Catalog sent on request.
Indianapolis, Indiana
-~---_._._-_._------------------ • _. ••• • - - ••• - • - - -1
Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately?
Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion.
Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids.
~--_..._--_ ..- --------------------~-------------------------------------_.-----
••• •••• ._ ••• a __ a ••• ~---------------------------
New Line
Loose Mattress
Davenport Beds
If you are interested in a
I in Janual'Y at 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, 6th Floor, or 37 to 41 North Capitol Ave., INDIANAPOLIS, IND.
Davenport Beds
New Line
Make application for Catalogue No. 28.
THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis,Ind. I ...--------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ..- .. .----------....
-- ..
.. .~
1l.f. I {
30th Year-No. 27 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• JANUARY 1. 1910 Issued Weekly
A Little Book That Should Be
Studied by Employers
of Factories.
The Fldehty and Casualty company of New York have
sent out to theIr pohcy holders and others a pamphlet or
book of nearly 200 pages that ought to be of mterest to all
employers and espeCIally to the owners and managers of mllls
and factones The book IS entitled "The PI eventron of In-dustna1
Accidents" and ItS purpose IS to furnIsh adv Ice and
mformatron that may benefit both the pohcy-holders and the
msurance company The mtroductron IS devoted to stailstlcs
relatn e to industl ial aCCIdents and the loss that they Impose
upon employers and employees The cau<;es of aCCIdents
classIfied accordmg to German reports are gIven, from whIch
It appears that 42 per cent are due to ordmary nsk and 58
per cent to lack of skill, carelessness, faulty factory equip-ments,
etc, and are considered preventable The total num-ber
of factory accidents in the United States IS estimated at
30,000 to 35,000 per annum, of which at lea<;t a thIrd al e con-sidered
preventable The book IS chvlded into several chap-ters
The first, devoted to "Care on the Part of Emp10yels
and Employes," reads as follows
"Not only the safety of workmen, but the maximum out-put
of the plant, are promoted by makmg the phySIcal SUl-rounchngs
of the workmen as comfortable as possIble Plenty
of hght, good aIr, safety, and comfort pay m a financIal sense
Statistics show that the greatest numbel of aCCIdents occur
dUl mg the months of dnTIlmshmg hght Dn ty wmdo" <;and
insuffiCIent artificial IlluminatIOn often make condItions much
worse than they need be Great Improvement m 11lummation
may be had by whltewashmg the walls of a dalk room at least
once a year. ThIS a1<;0sa, es much on the cost of artlfical Illu
Consldelatlons of economy often lead to the overclOwd-mg
of machmery, that i<;, too many 111achmes are placed m a
grven space The WIdth of the passageways between the
machines is thus reduced to the point of danger Any undue
CUItallment of space mterferes WIth the proper handlmg of
the Ulach111es and adds to the risk and probablllty of aCCIdent,
owmg to the operator bemg exposed to contact with gears,
pulleys, belts, and other moving pal ts, for even where guards
are provIded in fullest measure, it is ral ely possible to eh-minate
absolutely all danger Space should not be held of
more value than safety.
Shppery floors constitute an element of danger, especIally
in conJlll1ctIOn WIth unguarded mach111ery And even where
and Employees in
a Shppely floor IS not m plOAlmlty to an unguarded.machllle,
It may cause a had fall, resultmg m senous llljuries ThIS
IS hke1y to he the ca:oe where vvork111en are engaged in carrymg
hea, y matenal
JVlany aCCIdents, and, ery often those of a senous nature,
are due to the u;norance of the workmen New hands are
put to "olk on dangerous machme" WIthout proper prell1nin-ary
tramlng or :ouffiClent m"tluctlOns, new hands should never-thele<;
s wOlk WIth and under the mstructlOn of expenenced
hands until there can be no questIOn of theIr competency
All wOlkmen should be carefully mstructed, m language they
can understand, the proper and safe way to do theIr work
"EspeCial care should be cxcensed m the case of mlnol s
employed as opel atn es on dangerous machmes. Some ma-cll1nes
al e too dangerous e, er to allow a young person to
operate them The monotonous nature of the vvork, so con-tlary
to the natUla1 active plOpensliles of the young, wlll lead
to a moment of thoughtles"ness m the operator, and that to
a grave aCCIdent
"The Importance of thIS fedture cannot be overestimated
In Germany "out of 45,971 aCCIdents noted in the mdustna1
aCCIdent statistics for 1897, there were 9,363 caused by the
'ImproVIdence 01 mattentron of the workmen,' 533 cases by
'frivolous beha, lor,' 2,422 case<; by actmg m contladictlOn to
mstluctlOns,' 861 ca"es on account of 'non-use of eXIsting de-vIces
for protectIOn,' and 220 cases by 'unsuitable clothmg' "
Probably m the case of Amencan workmen the consequences
of lack of dlsclphne are an even mal e prolific source of accI-dents
Under the condItions the employer is warranted in
mak111g stnct ru1e<; £;0\ elnmg the employes in hIS plant In
fact, It 1<;hl<; cIuty to cIa so Dv the mamtenance of dlsclphne,
to whIch pU111tn e measures are added where necessary,
many aCCIdents may be pIe, ented DIsobedIence of orders
<;hould not be tolerated
"Ragged sleeve ends, loose cravats, and coats or overalls
not properly buttoned often catch on movmg parts of ma-
Chmely and cause serious and fatal aCCIdents It IS a wise
precautIOn In many classes of \\ ark to roll the sleeves of all
garments up ahoye the elbows Female operatives with flow
mg hair 01 loose blald<; are constantly in danger from moving
he1ts and spmcIles and revolvmg shafts They should be re-qUIred
to wear the haIr as close to the head as possible The
\1orkmg dres,,; of females should be a<; cIosefitting and SImple
.,..----------------_._.---- -------------------_._---_._-_ .
The season
for banquets
is here.
Get a stock
of our
Table Tops
so as to be
ready to
supply the
...... --...,
Our Large New Line of
are the best on the American market
when prices and quality are considered.
c.ty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg.
as IS practicable rlO\v ll1g ;,lee\ es and l()n~ at)lon :o>tllngOl
are especlall) to he a\ mdcd
"Very often v\ 01 kl11en \\111 obJed. to thl nse of "dle~naJ(l~
provIded, c1almlll~ that the\ 111te1±cIl \\ ah (jnantlt\ oj ont-put
and ;'0 cnt elm\ n theIr ealll1ng" 1hI', b lIh.eh to be th e
case partlcularh "Ith plece-\\ork By the e:Aeru"e ut a lIttle
lllge11tllty, howevel the guard may often be adapted to pel-form
It;, function and) et not lllterfere wlth the speed ot the
WOlk ::\0 guard shonld he condemnecl "lmpl y becanse the
workmen at the ontset object to It" nse Rathel thlS "hould
lead to furthel "tnd) of the mattel and l11ochfic,IUon ot t]H
~nald to '3111tthe londltlOns
"Fatigue leads to cal eles"ne"", and lon~ honl" of lahOl
wIthout I e;,t are re"ponslble fOl l11an\ acudlnt" (h lrlook1ll~
workmen should be avOIded \\ hel e\ el jlos"lble \ contJl1noth
supply of pure aIr IS no doubt of gleater ImpOltancc trol11 the
..,tandpOlnt of mamtenance of health than It I" tl( 111 the "tand
pomt of pI ev entJon of aCCldent, bnt the t\\ 0 dl e I elate c1
\Vhate\er lowers thc \ltalIh ot the \\Orkl11dll. deuea"e" hI',
alertness and watchfnlness to a\ Old aCCldent T mjlllre all
ga"es, vapor". dust, and "moke thcI efOl e all ml1case the
chance" of aCClc1ent. Jl1 adchtloll to 1l11pelll11lg the health 01
\\There\ el p(J-,"lble, lt I', ach I;,able to jll0hlblt ab:o>oluteh
.... ----------------- _._._._._.-._._--_. __ .~.~.~._._._._._----------.-.-.-. -.-.-.~--'
the dnnkll1g of 1I1toxlcant;, dunng workmg hours No man
nnc1el the mf1uence of hquor, even shghtly so, should be per-l111ttcd
to I ema1ll III the \\ 01 k", much less to wOlk Kor should
d l11,1l1"hosc nel\e" have been rendcred unsteady by the
hahltlldl use of alcohol or h) a recent c1ebauch be permitted
to operate dangerou" machmery, or to carryon dangerous
\\ 01 k He endanger;, not only hIS own hfe, but also the ltves
of others
\Vhether aCCldenb are frequent or unfrequent WIll de-pend
111no small measure npon the character of the super-
\ 1"10n and management If those m pOSItIOns of authonty are
lal etnl and plndent, thelr conduct \\111 be reflected 111the con-duct
of the workmcn, who WIll tend to be careful and prudent
also L ncon SCIOUS ImItatIOn I;' one of the strong est force"
tha t mold men TmltatlOn grow" 111tOhabIt. Managers, super-
1lltcndents, foremen. and others 111 authonty then, should be
person s of e'(pedence and gl\ en to exercls111g a high degree
of ldl e m all that the) do The ntmost care ..,hould be taken
111"electll1~ them
'The educatIOn (·f the w01h.mgmen m proper and safe
pI actICes \\ 111 be promoted h) the postmg of pnnted rules re-
~al c11ll~ the thmRs thn should a\ Old d01l1g, and the pre-lantlon,-
thC\ shonld take to a\ Old aCCIdents In the case of
e,,]wualh dangeJ(lll" machll1es, It IS ac1vbable to furmsh the
No. 70
"SLIP SEATS" - the
latest and best method of
double seatIng.
Catalogues to the Trade.
-------. ------ . -_.. .. . .... ----1
----- .. . ...
____ 4 _ ---------------------_._--.-..~..,
January, 1910.
Furniture Exhibition Bldg.,
Fourth Floor.
The UDELL Line
Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets,
Ladies' Desks, Commodes,
Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables,
Piano Player Roll Cabinets.
A Lme whIch IS well worth gomg to see A Lme that you
should have a complete catalog of [he fact that you have not our
catalog can onlybe rectIfied by wntmg for your copy to day
INDIANAPOLIS, IND. -~~_-.--------
operatn e,; ,\ Ith 'SpeCIal rule" and instructIOns relatIve Ito
theIr opel atlOn It I" al"o pal tIcularly ImpOl tant to warn
workmen of dan£;el" not apparent e.. cept to expenencecl and
mtellIgent men, and to "how them how such dangers may be
"Regula! and frequent Il1spect!ons by cOlppetent men
should be made of all the way", works, machmery, and ap-plIances,
:'0 that defects and unsafe condItions may be dl:'-
covered promptly and remedIed
"The furthel care and precautlOns reqw"Ite to be taken
for the pre, entIOn of aCCIdent::, are set fOl th m the "ub"e-quent
chapter~, along WIth the descllptlOn of the proper de-sIgn
and constructIOn of \ allOUS applIance:, used m mdustnal
works, of the safety de\ Ices regarded by u" as sUItable and
effiCIent, and of the use of 'Such de,lces
, "othmg of COlll.,e h a complete 'Substitute for aIel tnes"
and watchfulness m operatmg dangerons machmery, ne\ er-theless
there are numerous safetv de,Ices that are effiCIent
aIds m the ple\ ent10n of aCCIdent,; The expen,;e of man} of
these de,Ice" I" but tllfImg m compan"on WIth the secunt}
they affOl d And e\ en \\ hel e the e"pen se IS consIderable,
the} WIll as a Iule be found to pay £01 themseh e:, m the long
rnn "
the FldelIt} and Ca"ualt} company, 103 Cedal street, ~ew
YVJ1lIam Ro\\ e IS a new furl1lture dealer at Montfort, \\ IS.
"l he safety de\ Ices treated of al e grouped under the
folloy\ m£; head" ~team TIOllers, Jngme." Flcctncal \ppaI-atn
s, Ele\ aim s, 1 he 1,actOl} and \\ oocl- \\ orkm£; Machmel y
and each I:, gl\ en tledtment at lenlSth. WIth l1lImerOlb lllus
tratIOn'S CopIes of the hook may be obtamed b} addressing
Made by the Mamstee Manufacturmg Co. Mamstee, MICh.
..'_._._._._------_.---- --_.~---,-~--
The Proof of the Chair is the Use of It
There are higher priced Chaus on the market, but
NONE BETTER. Our full lme on exhibitIOn on
the hrst Boor Nor t h H a IfF urniture ExhibitIOn
In charge of H J. RINGOLD. E B. SPENCER, P. M. ELLISS. and
---------- ......----- --------- - . -
" • ••• •• • •• - -- • -----~ -yo .~. __ • __ • __ •• _.-_. _._. --_ •• --._-----._.
I This Cut Represents I
I Keil-Anway CO. No. 115 I I
I : I
! I • ! I
I! I, I ,
I •
I, I•
I , I , I ! I
I '
I I A better Cushion Chair is not to be found 10 any exhibit. II I Our full line will be seen during the January season on the first
floor, north half, furniture Exhibition BUilding,in charge of H. J.
'I,' Ringold, E. B. Spencer, P. M. Ellis, and Col. J. N. Murray. I
To miss seeing this line is to miss the opportunity to put
money in your bank. I I
'-.... - .... - ..- ~ .. .. _. ..._ .. -_ .... ~_..
Line \
6th Floor 1319 Michigan
New York Furniture Exchange
•••• ••• • •••• - ••• - ..---- .--...&
============ 0 F - ---=------=-----=----=---= --= -- ---=-=
China Closets and Buffets, Parlor Cabinets, Music
Cabinets, Hall Seats, Hall Trees, Hat Racks, Shaving
Stands, Framed Mirrors, Dressing Tables and Chairs
(With Patent Adjustable fixtures)
Furniture Exhibition Building
Furn. Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St.
Specialties in all kinds of Mirrors, unexcelled in style and finish.
Any shape Mirror can be had, or chair to match any table in
our line. Either high or low base chair.
Holiday Trade Was Good and Business in All
Lines Is Steadily Improving.
New York ,Dec 29 -The hohday tl ade here has been
very good, the furnIture stOt es were well patro11lLCd and the
busmess done was about equal to that of any other year
The demand for good furniture has shown an Improvement hut
cheap and moderate priced stock has been selhng strong
Business IS Improvmg m all l111es of trade, the people are
more steadIly employed, wages are not 111gh, but the workmg
class have been bUyIng 111neatly the usual quantltIes The
hIgh pnce of hV111g, food, rent, etc , has plobably to a certa111
extent cut off theIr bUyIng powel 111 other l111es, but the
conc!ltIOn IS soon readjusted so that It IS not felt to any
mal ked degree
Gimbel Bros new store gOIng up at Sixth avenue, thlrty-second
and ThIrty-thIrd streets, IS progre"s111~ rapldlv and
the total cost, mdud111g stock WIll amount to $17,000,000 Thc
C01nerstone was recently laId by Jacob GImbel before 125
PhIladelphIa and New York guests and he said, "This store
WIll be a tnbute to the new plOff-,sIOn, merchandIsIng, the
last of the five great profeSSIOns, law, medlcme, theology,
iournalism and merchandI'i111g A great modern store helps
more than anyone influence to develop a country's manufac-tures
It IS a great U11lVerslty for the it ai11lng of charactel s,
the development of talent and 111stIIl111gof honesty and 11))-
lIght deahng 111the mInds of those who come mto bus111ess
relatIOns v,Ith it
"ThIS congress of stores IS to become one of the 111Stltu-tlons
of the uty, one of the sounes of CIVICpnde to dll New
Yorkers \ \ e appreuate hIghly the v" ek011le that has been
eAtended to LIS by other merchants of thIS city. and I take
pllde in using that welcome to illustIate the fact that whIle
other profeSSIOns hay e JealOUSIes, merchand1Smg. though it
has its rn allles, is freest from 1ancors "
Afetr the C01ner stone had been laId a luncheon was giv cn
at the vValdod-A"toria
Among the hmldings, to be elected soon that vvIll requue
some fur11lture al e the following St Pll1lhps church will
buIld a new edIfice at 210 \V 134th street, an dnnex to the
pubhc school number 132, on Wadsworth avenue, to cost
$105,000; the E\ angehcal Lutheran Church of St Matthew
WIll erect a new church bmld111g on Wash111gton HeIghts,
the New York Post Graduate MedIcal SchOOl and Hospital
WIll spend $1,000,000 111 buildmgs at Second avenue and
Twentleth street and there wIll be additions built to the
Meilopolitan Museum of Arts to cost $500,000 each year, to
cover a pel iod of ten yeals
GI eellfield & Freednun, mdnu±actureI'i of bed springs,
wele bmned out at 680 Flushmg avenue, Blooklyn N. Y
Alfred G. J Muller & company, cabmetmakers, 506 East
1\ Ineteenth street are in finanCIal tlOuble Their liabihtles are
$17,000 distributed among 56 CIedItors
A H Koteman, wholesale fur11ltm e, 15 VV Twenty-fourth
stl eet, talks of enlarg111g his warelooms by takmg another
lal ge 10ft and if he does WIll have one of the larg est and best
saleslooms m the CIty
Simpson & Crawford have the fmmtm e conil act f01 the
new hotel Clinton at East Orange, N J
The Grand Rapids Fur11lture compdny have Joined hands
with the FIfth a\ enue associatIOn, orga11lzed for the improve-ment
of Fifth avenue
Frank W Randall, furnIture dealer, has leased the new
twelve story and ba'3ement bLllldmg at 136 \V FIfty-second
street, for 20 yea1 S IIe WIll occupy three floors hImself and
use the balance as a fur11lture exchange or exhibitIOn rooms
There wIll be d pubhc hall 111 the center and all arrangements
for USIng It a" d dlstnLmtmg centle f01 the trade It IS in a
good locatIon as busme-,s 1<, g0111g up that vvay farther every
year The bmldmg vvIll be completed ~ug 1, 1910 and WIll be
modern and fireploof
The Amellcan Bamboo}; ur11lture company IS a new con-celn
to manufacture bamhoo and Ieed furnIture, at 2405 Ful-ton
street, BlOoklyn, WIth a capItal of $5,000 J Look IS
preSIdent of the company
The follovv 111gfur11lture men vvere entertd111ed by GImbel
Bros at theIr COInel stone laymg \1 Ilha11l Gygel of the
Lmcoln };urmtm e company, Gustave A Kuemmel1e of Bod-enstme
& Kuemme~le of PhIladelphIa, \\ Ilham Gay of Berkey
& Gay, Charles 1\ Bldck of the Onel Cab111et company, \NIl-ham
II Iddlcomb, Charles R Shgh and Ralph P Tietsort of
Grand RapIds, A D SIkes of the SIkes ChaIr company, Buf-falo,
" Y, Adolph Karpen of S Karpen & Bra and Clay-ton
BaIley of the TIaIlpy-J ones company
Butlel Bros, 49') Broadway, wholesale household goods,
have added fm nlture to theIr hnes and WIll handle large
amounts as they do a hIg busmess
Charles G Lane, one of the oldest manufacturers of furn-
Made by Shelton and Snyder Furmture Co , Grand RapIds, MlCh
Itm e on lowel Fulton street, dIed recently at 105 Adelphi
street, BrOOklyn
Ford & Johnson are 111 then nev, wal ehouse on Twenty-
SIxth street
Stearns & Foster wIll be 111the furlllture expOSItIon on
the hfth floor, Depew place sIde, Hubbald, Eldredge &
l\Itller wIll be on the fIfth floor, Lex111gton avenue SIde IAI1I-ham
Howe WIll be on the fifth floor, WIth the Cowenango and
Conant lines
Space 111the e'CposltIOl1 lull IS at a premIum and some
films have been offered a 2S per cent, ad\dnce on what they
pay 111ordel to get 111 rl he show wIll be open 111tIme and
WIll be the best ever held
Isadore BnnlJaum of the detL111ct BIrnbaum company has
opened another store 111the same locatIOn
B. B Zippert, WIth the Henmann },ur11lture company and
:-Jew York Desk and Dming Room Fur1l1ture company, as
credIt man and treasurer, IS 75 years old
J & MOlds" 111gIS the name of a new pIcture and car-pet
firm at 1056 Broadway
The Hudson & Kdne company of Amenca, hdve been 111-
corporated to deal in upholstely mdtenals, with a capItal of
$25,000, headed by ~I :Newman and H Payben of Brooklyn.
Many a glll who looks hke a peach IS really a lemon in
di sgm se
No. 355. Top 22x42. Glass 24x30.
We f\re Making
f\ LOT Of
In Colonial
and Mission
Dinino Room
Our new supplement is now ready
to mail. Let us have your inquiries.
1 I
I I ! I
I~-------------------------------------_._--------~--------------------------------------~ I
We can Interest you If you wIll call at 1319
MIchIgan Ave., 6th floor, where our full lIne IS
shown the year round
Suggestions That. If Prope1'ly Heeded. ~lay Pl."e-vpnt
Annoyance and Unpleasant Results.
~tlalll all varl11sh, lubblllg Ol TIl11"h1l1g le~alclless of the
maker'" name It IS a preLauttonal \ meast1l c dncl that ~ \\ hat
I" needed 111the varl11sh 100111
Spots of knovvn or unkno\'vn (l] 1~ln ma) 111"ome Cdse" be
1el110ved and 111others made less (11stmct by mal stenmg \\ Ith
a 111lXtt1le of equal parts of ra\\ l1l1seed oJ! tUl pentme and
pure gram alcohol ~ ppl) \\ Ith a soft cloth, and \v hen the
"pot" are obltterated, or removed a" fal a~ pO-''olble Iuh ovel
Itghtly WIth a clean pIece of blott111g papel Thl" I" not an
111fallthle emedy, hut 111man} cases It wIll effect a cure
The varl11"h room should hay c plenty of eftectn e \ eutl
latton And It should have faclltttes for eltY111gthe dlr 111cac,e
an 0\ er supply of mOIsture b present "'IfOlsture conclens111g
upon a "arl11sh not thoroughly hdl d cau c,e" the "arl11sh to
bloom RapId change of temperatt1le. 01 the pre"ence of fcttd
fumes ale also qUltc Itkely to cause the val111c,h to bloom It
IS lare that wash1l1g the "UtfdCC \\ 111 cure a \\ell dc\ elopcd
case of varl11sh bloom111~
FIre checks 111a reccntl} \ arlllshecl sutface are not Infre
quently caused by the sudden drop of the temperatUl e l1l the
varnIsh room, thus chJ!ltng thc \ arl11sh, and forCIng It to con-tract
to the extent of devclop1l1g the fine, thread-ltke fissure"
characten"ttc of thIS form of surface ttactures Permlttmg
the varl11sh to become thorou~hl} df}, lec,ulfacmf?, and re
\ al nish111g WIll effect a cure
Despltc the adVIce sometllllc" cheetfulh (?,"l\cn, do not
attempt to change the qualttv 01 Lharactel of \ our \ al Ulsh
b) mlxll1g or thml11nc, It \\ Ith lll1'oced 011. turpentIne 01 am
No 157. Top 20x33. Glass 14x24.
othe1 thl11nlllc, mcd1ll11l l se the val111sh sit alght as rc-
CU\ eel flom thc maker, and then hold hIm stnctly re:opon:olblc
f01 Its qualtt}, \\ 01kmg ell} mg and othel propertle"
l~a1111"h the "urface rubbed upon varnish the same day~
\\ Ithm a fe\\ hours, In fact~of the final rubbIng II hel e an
mtel \ al of "e\ eral hours, or the 111ght hours, al e allowed to
clclp"l heh\ een the rubbmg of thc \ ar111sh dnd revarlllshlnc,- a
,llfficlent c,cum ur p01sonuu" "uhc,tance IS sure to accummuldte
to mJl11c or 1 endl[ \ Old the follOWIng coat of \ arl11sh A lIght
ruhblng of the surface offels a cheap and eftectlVc preventtve
of var111sh mbhaps due to the above partIcular condltlOn of the
OccasI011dll} the fOl ce of clrcum"tances compel rubbmg
the \ arl11sh hefore It IS thoroughly hal d, whIch, of course,
ought ne\ el to bc done \Vhen thIS I ubblng take" place the
pumIce stone flour I" Itkely to be lSlound l11to the sutface
unttl It shows a mtlky appearance To eltmmate thIS wash
the rnbbm(?," pad free of all pUl111ce stone flol11. and then wet-tmg
It up well WIth clean \\ater, "water rub" thc \ arl11sh unttl
all traces of the pll1111CCstone (ltsappeal
A..ll first c1a"s \ all11shel s recoc,-nize the value, 01 I athcr
the necc"stty of \\ ashm(?," the SUlfdce ab'iolutely clean of all
"edllnent, dust and uthel mattcI ll1 pleparatlOn for thc suc-ceedm~
coat of \ arnlsh
Around all moldmgs, CUIV111g and edc,-e" the wash tool
should he carefully used m connectIOn WIth plcnty of wate
\\ ashm(?," IS e\ en more Important than dustmg and both are
Clmte lI1dl"penslhle, a" the premIer \ armshers Wll1 tell you
\ pI aLtlLe uf dustmg and cleanmg the sm face observ ed
h, "ome finhhcl" con'ol'its of fir"t g0l11g 0\ el the surface m
a \ CI \ thOl ou~h \\ d \ \\ 1th the duster, aHel WhlCh, \\ lth a
pel fectl) clcan pIece of "Ilk, It 1'0\\ Iped carefully over for the
~ I_~._- _.. ~ ~__....••. _._ .~ . ,~_. ~~ __~~ __~ __ I The Herhimer Hotel I
I. GRAN~R~P:~;~~NMICH. II RunnIng hot and cold
I YVater, tel e p h 0 n e Old En Rll.sh,. • .!dl~... :.: : -.
clothes closet electrIc ~ ••'2c.;,.:l,~,,'",> C) siolf. ll.n)\.. ".: : •• I light steam heat etc '~h-1J2- ..... _T" C 1 AI'''' t " • In each room 0 onley. -\",oJ' es •• •
. . .... Immaculate tIled de Sen.ler., l~ C~rtt!... • •
tached tnd p r 1 \ ate ', .tt..-.. ..
baths 6 a. m. >V ]0, It v'· • • i"
ArtIstIC and pel fecth Table J HO:~' D:,~;er' •• I
appoInted Bilhald Hall 530 \08 pm. dally at •
I Lonnglllg Den Buber • Shop Ete ')0 cents. I., Take sout~:::~S~e~t~~?s~~b~=~Oc~r~~~ ~n~~ or Grand I
I Trunk stations. Five Main car lines reach the door. • :
J I CHICAGO NEW YORK TORONTO i ~-- - . _.--. ------ ..- " ~~_._.-._.---.--_._------------. .. ..-- . .. - -..
pUlpose of L,'tch1ng up all e'X1'Stmg fl( LU1lcnt 'Suhstances
Then 1mmed1ately apply the v,lrl11sh
\vOld all fussy operdtlOns about the vallllsh room vVork
1n thh dpartment a" you would m any other one about the
))a111t "hop-that IS, m a pelfectly bus1ne'-,,,-ltke ",ay The
nu\ou", fuss) J<lckln-thebo:x. "Olt of man ha'o ne\el yet
))lmed n01 lS he ltkeh to prme a successful ,a11Jhhel The
\ al rl1"h 1(Jom 10, no sau cd 1101 my stenous pl,\( e Lrv e flesh
and-blood men al e IH)(1 to mhab1t It Only by aLtlng and
"orkmg and thmk111f; mal atlOnal way, and usmg the best
p(Jss1ble '01011 and putt111g a.,lde all th1S palaver about mag1c
,lnd tlp-toe antICS, may we hope to aCh1e\ e succe'Ss 111the val
111sh room -The Hub
··Bright Spot of Fort Wayne."
1he Inchana I'111111ture Company of Fort II ayne has Just
taken posse,slOn of then handsome ne\\ store at 121-3 Ea"t
,- \lam street, \\ h1ch 1" "a1d to be the large'ot butld1l1~ m the
, state nov\ occup1ed 1n retdtl fur111ture dealers The nev ~;-
J bUlld1l1g ha'o Sl:x.stOlle" and ba'Sement, stone and bnck front,
conCI ete floors and b eqUIpped w1th all modern conve11lences
It I" cons1dered fireproof, e\ en the wmdow frames being of
metal It b ltghted b) 0\ er 1,400 forty watt Tungston lamps
,lnd hac, se\ e1al featurec, that arc not found 1n an) other
bl1lld1l1£.; 111 the Clt) 1here are 300 elect11c ltghb on the
ft ant of the bl1lld1l1g dnd on the roof the word "Ind1ana"
appears In electnc letters 18 feet 111 heIght The llghts
hay e caused the b1111d1l1gto be called "The J3l1ght Spot of
F01t \1 ayne"
Need not be moved from
the wall
Protects covering by turn·
: InU cushions.
': Is so simple and ean a
child can operate It.
Has roomy wardrobe box
under seat.
Comprises three articles
for the price of one
Is htted with felted cotton
Has LuxuriOus Turkish
Is always ready WIth bed·
ding In proper place.
Is absolutely safe-cannot
close accidentally.
Saves rent by saving space
An Undertakers' Experience.
An tAuted ,lnd md1gnant w011lan hurned 111to the office
of d p10mment undertaker 111Grand Rap1d" and breathles'Sly
exc1a1med ' You (ltd not bury my husband my ne1ghbors say
:>GU b1111Ul d c,tunc and "h1pped my hu"hand to a medIcal
"Yon nelghbIls '-,a:> 'So, eh? vVe v."lll not dISCUS'S that
mattel Lome w1th me tu the cemetery and 'oee about 1t I
~h<111exhume the body and charge you $10 00 add1tlOnal for
my sen lees You w1ll have to pay the grave d1ggers, too."
the undertaker rephed
La1Ill1g a hack the undertaker rode w1th the ",oman to the
bundl sp(A of her husband and set the dIggers to work The
casket \Va'o uncm ered afte1 a half hOl11''S shove11l1g and the
undertaker descended mto the eAcavdtlOn to loosen the COyer
of the Ld"ket Calltng the woman to \\J1tne~s the proceed1l1g
the cm er v\a" 1emo\ ed when an unbearable stench filled the
ell r
'Does tl1dt smell ltke a stone)" the undertaker dsked.
"Oh, no, cover 1t up qUlck QUlck"
The story of the c,eml-annual 1\ ew Y01 k e:x.poslt1on IS <l
h1»tOl \ of cont111ued and growmg succe'3'3 In the 38th, to be
open f om Januar) 17 to l~ehrudfy 5, two hundred and fifty
manufacture1 s vv111e'Xhlb1t the he.,t and the newe'3t 111fU1n-
Lots of v\omen feel that they would r,lthe1 d} e th,ln hay e
gray hailS
(llnamenh and plenty of t1Jtlll upon the fUl111tme they han-dled
and It \\a, d qUC.,tlO11"hethel the dedle1o, would permit
the substltutJo11 of the ne\\ Olnament fm carvll1gs J\11
h.endall hdd fdlth 111the p1actlCdl \ alue of the 01 nament, :'Ill
Ga\, alwdys COnc,elVatl\e, wa" e;omcv\hat doubtful of Its bell1g
\Vhlle tlavelmg to\'-.a1d ~e\\ tOll,. t;-'.~l1n,:eah ago, the \\or1h), \\hlle '\Jl Bennett ancl othtrs tXplee;sed themselve"
late Tulms Berkey notIced a ne\\ et11c1a t t.r~i1ie: ;lia:ln t:!4cor'" • ll~ i.a\ or of glVlllg it a tIlal C nderh111 wae; engaged and
atlo~ on the ce1hniS of the coach III \\ 111ch.i~~.~\'a~ ricr;ng"'Ev~A f·# :'.~t~:hti¥ten wel e fitted up III the factory f~r hle; me
qUlck to 1ecogl1lze the \ a1ue of a11\ thll~ bta~t'idI:d'rf~ :l1se:ful.. The (h1~H;'ent \\ ae; apphed by the ue;e of stenclls and blUshes
::\lr Berke\ at once deueled that the n~\; o{l1·a·h'\·e'1~:~ciu.lr€b~.:: It e,htGliui :{dc,e1111Jlethe pa111tecl \Vork turned out under the
utll1zed Ul the manufdctUle of tUIl11LUle \\hl1e lookl1lQ tOI i1:tli1(~·bf·~·coiteH!.e fl11l111Ule." at \1 Jlhame;port, Grand Rapids,
the name of the h1111dCl of the LOele11hL tOUl1el el meted pIeltL 01 111.,e\ eldl tem ne; loedted m the ~e\\ Engldnd states A
flOm whIch he leal nul thdt It \\ dC, hUllt 111 the .,hups of the 1ll1e of pel fectly pld111 :,l11te" \\ as hrought out by the compdny
i'Jew York Lentra1 Ral1road at C,chenectcld}, Xew YOlk and upon the panels of the becJe,tead:, and the flonts of the
\Vhen the conductor passed through the coach a few mom- c1rawe1 s, upon mahogany stamed back grounds, Underhill
ents later::'lff Berkey asked and lecel\ eel a stop-over check applJed the ornament The figures used wele branches of
for Schenectady By makm~ mdn} mqmnes::\11 Berke} apple blossom-;, fern" and maple led\ es In the vanous t111tS,
leal ned that the chIef decOl ato1 m the employ of the com- It'sult1l1~ from the touch of frost In the fall months of the
pany was a man named LncleJ11l11 GOIng to the home of } ear The eftect \~as satle;fymg and beautlful The com-the
man afte1 the c!oc,e of the clav., \\ork, \11 Berkey tllecI pan} adveltlsed the lme exten:::'lvely as the "apple blossom
to learn the plOce.,,, <:'mplo\ ed to ploeluce the 01 nament, offel- lIne" ancl heavy sales vvel e made UnderhIll soon became
1l1g a substantlal ll1ducement fOl the same Emplo} e., ot the ellssatlsfied \vl111e labollng unclel the SUsplcion that employes
rallroads a-; a lule are uncle1palcl. anel \It l ndelhl1l had long of the compal1\ \\e1e endea\oring- to acqmre hIe; art Com-been
d1;,satlsfied \\ Ith the II a~es palcl 111111 b\ the lorporatlOn petmg manllfactm el c, anx10US to learn the secret of the deco-
He c1oo,ecl the clI:,cuse;lon h) ft ankh :,tetilng thelt Il the Berkey 1ailve process ot! el cd h1111employment and m a short t1111e
& Gay Furl1ltme C0111pany \\ould pa, hI111 a stdted "um and he enteled the emplm of the \1cCord & B1adfield Furmture
pe1111lt hl111 to clo llle; \\Olk 1'1 a seuet chamhC'l he \\ould (ol11pam The \llclchLol11b I mmture company developed
entel then el11plm p10Le.,see; fm ploduc1l1~ l-neleJ11111 clLCOlelted Stl1tes and the
1\11 Berke\ eont111llul 111" lCJmllU to \n\ YoI1~, but tll1ee corpOlatlO11e; supplIed the cle111elnel.,of the market fOJ a
upon hI;' retm;1 to (11 cll1cl RapId c, hc called \J 1 Ga \,:\It \ Cell OJ tv\ 0 The Lnele1hlll proLesses 1equll ed cone;lde1 able
Holt, 1\11 Kendall,:\J 1 BLnnett and othel head" of depal1 more tl111e than 1;' necessary to fil11s11a smte in the usual vvay,
mente; tog ethel and submItted the PIOpo"It1On fOl then con and the bu~mcs" d1d not prove so remune1 eltive as had been
slderatlOn In those day " the tJade dcmanc!ul hand Lell\ ed e "pected
Story of the Underhill Decorations and Berkey &
Gay's --Apple Blossom I.ine,'·
This is one of our
popular Hotel chairs.
Our chairs are found
in all the leading
Hotels in the country.
The line includes a
very complete assort-ment
of chairs, rock-ers
and settees of all
grades; Dllll11g Room
ft11111tllre, Reed and
Rat t a 11 furniture,
Special Order furni-ture,
A complete line of sam-ples
are dIsplayed In The
Ford 8 Johnson BUilding,
1433·37 Wa&ash Ave., In-cludlnl!
a speCIal display of
Hotel Furmture.
• ••• _..l
All !urmture dealers are cordzalty mvzted
to visit our building.
..----_. -------------
New Furniture Dealers .
S M Po~t \\ 111open a new fUfl11ture store 111 Morristown,
5 Dak
C 'IV. Spen cer 1\ ill open a new furniture store m Rut-land,
De:'l1arsh & Ca-;avant are nev, furl1lture dealers at Her-
1'1l11er. Y Y
C E ]\1el tz lS to open d fm nl1m e St01 e at Nemaha, Iowa,
on J anual y 10
A..ngle BIos a1 e ne\\ fm11ltm e dealers and undertakers
111Tampa Fla
Depo<;t & Osborn ha\ e opened a new ft.1111lture store at
rdg-ev~ood, III
John Bntler has em;-aged 111 the retaIl furmture business
elt RIverside, Cal
'\ C Pm\elc, hac, opened a new f1l111lture stOle at \Vhite
1\.\\ el JundlOn. Yt
The :\J c \J Ichdcl 111cldcn company dl e nc\'-. ftl1 nlture deal-
(1 s 111 \helnathy, S Dak
Roth & Co, fI0111 Stdnford Ill, are to open a new
fUll11tme e;tole at ::\IoOle, ::\1011t
The ~e\\polt FUl11ltUle company ale plOprietors of a
ne\\ ..,tole 1ecentlv opened at XevvpOlt, 1\ a:::,h
DavId F Healey ha" opened a new ~tore ill Taunton,
\Idse; , unclel the name of the \ntJquc Fml11tme Lompany
GeOlge C Smlth h plepdllng- to open a ldl~e fur11lture
store m a four-story blllldll1l:; at 220 II est Fa\ eUe street,
Baltl11101e, Md
Dr "\Y L D1ckel son, sIlent pal tllel 111 thp firm of Fay &
Dld~ehon at Long Beach, Cal, has sold his ranch and 1eSI-denLt
nea1 Ontallo, Cal for $15,000 He wlll move to Long
];each ,llld the film \\ 111add a furmtul e de pal tmel1t to then
Fine Furniture Woods.
Gland RapIds and \Ve"tern J\Ilchlgan Ius long been fam-ous
for the manufacture of fine ±url11ture Thel e are nearly
fifty fl11l11tl11e factories m Gl and Rdpld s usmg fine woods
whJle Hastmg", .KashvJlle, Charlotte, Holland, ~turgls, Ben-ton
Harbor, Muskegon, BIg RapIds, \Ial11stee, Traver'le Clt),
Lansmg, Grand Ledge, Owosso and Corunna are all m the
Grand RapIds dlStllCt, and all have flom one to a half dozen
furl11tl11e factolles, consequently \\ est :\Ilchlgan IS the great-est
market m the wodd for fine ftl1111tl11e lumber and veneers
ThIs prehmmary leads to the mattel of fUr111shmg supphes
and m thIs connectIOn the \\1 eekly \1 tlsan IS plea 'led to note
that lTpteglOve & Beckvvlth, of "e\\ l' O1k and Gland RapIds
al e among the greatest Imp01 tel" and manufacturel" of fine
fur111tl11e lumber 111thl'l couni!) TheIr Grand RapIds office,
manufacturers or thell buyers selecting what they want Mr.
BeckWIth for tvventy or mOl e ) ears has been selling these
goods 111the west, and his pohcy has been to gIve hIs custom-ers
the very best goods at reasonable prices and so retam not
anI) theIr respect but confIdence 111hIS Judgement and fail
deahng, and 111thIs way has seen hIS busmess grow steadJly
from year to year untJl the name of Uptegrove & BeckWIth
has become the standard for cverythmg that is best 111fur111-
ture lumber and veneers
Furniture Fires.
John DavIdson, fl11nitule dealer of Guelph, Ont, lost hl'l
entire stock by fire I ecently. Lo'ls $14,000; fully 111sured
The I-I1ggmbotham hardware furl11ture St01 e In Dubhn,
Tex, was bl11ned out on December 24 Loss, $4,000, partially
O'ReJlly & Son, furniture and crocker) dealers of Medina,
N Y suffered a los3 of $2,000 by fire on December 22, Fully
John McGee's furl11ture store m Fhnt a suburb of Fall
RIver, Mass, was badly damaged by fire on December 24
Lo"s fully Insured.
The fl11111tUle stOle of Andelson & vVander, Red Lake,
2\1:111nwas totally de'ltroyed by iiI e on December 23 Loss
$7,500, insl11 anCe $5,000
The plant 111c1ud111gstock on hand, of the NatIOnal Ad-
Justable Chall company at Greenfield, Ind, was burned on
December 23 Loss $6,500, 111Sl11anCe$3,000
The Rhodes lurl11ture company's store on K111g street,
Charle'lton, S C, was almost totally destroyed by fire re-cently
The loss wa'l partIally cm ered by m'lurancc
J D Oclel, fl11l11ture dealel of Lee's SummIt, near Kan-sas
CIty, Mo, lost about $2,500 m a fire that destroyed the
best part of the busmess sectIOn of the VIllage on December
23 Mr Ocker's loss IS fully covered by msurance
The plant of LudWIg Zodlkow, manufacturer of parlor
fUll11ture on the East SIde, .Kew YO! k, was destroyed m a
fire on December 23, that caused a total loss of $250,000 Mr.
Zodlkow's loss 13 about $110,000, pal tially msured
Edward B Jordan & company's cabmet fact01y m Brook-
I) n, N. Y., was damaged to the extent of $90,000 by fire on
December 18, and two employe'l lost theIr hves by suffocatIOn.
The blaze IS supposed to have started from a cIgarette care-lessly
dropped In the shipping department
Made by Stebbms-Wllhelm Furmture Co, SturgIs, MICh.
at 22 Pearl street WIth vvarehouse and yards at Court and
ShaVVll1Ul avenue ale In chan~'e of John 13 BeckWIth who vvlth
an able corpe; of a"slstants, IS prepaled to supply the tlade
WIth the vel y chOIcest African, MeXIcan and Cuban mahog
any lumbe1 and veneers, the ch01cec;t of Clrcae;slan walnut and
quarter-~awed oak, and m fact, everythmg that IS best m fine
fl11nltUle and plano lumber and veneers So well known to the
manufactUl el s hae; thIS become that one may step mto theIr
storage rooms any day, and almost at any hour, and find
..... ------------------------
Grand Rapids
January, 1910,
3rd Floor,
R. E Moon,
F M Barton,
D. L McLeod,
In charge
._--_. ------.,II
Six Styles of Double Flat Top Desks.
._---- . .- .__._._--_._.-.__ ._. .------------------ I4
~------_.--------._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ t
Our nultiple Square Chisel llortiser
.. - ,II
Makes the Strongest,
most economical and
most accurate case
construction possible.
It is entirely automatic.
It clamps, mortises and
releases, completing the
post in less time than the
material can be clamped
on other machines.
We also manufacture special
patented Sanding and Mortising
Machines that are proving extreme-ly
profitable to chair manufacturers.
Ask for CAT ALOe HE"
•,,-----------------._----_._--- -------- •• •• _ ••• _ a ••• I ...... -- ---------- - - - - .----------_._---..-. _ .......
The Home-Like Herkimer.
'\ l"ltllJg lepresentatl\c, ot the t11l11ltt11L tlade to the (,1111c1
Rapld, market c1W111gthe Jcll1Ual\ e'.hdllt!on ill It a 1\ "C,l") 1
of the year \\ 111find that the Herl'llllel hotel trJo cl, fil t (Ll',
Made by Mamstee Manufacturmg Co , Mamstee, MlCh
accommodatIOns \vlth the hIghest (lc:glee of L0111f01t 11110pop
ular hostelry concluded on the European plan ,1ft01 els the 11M'.1
mum of comfOl t at the m111lmUm of co,t and IS eql11pped \1 lth
attractlve, hght, alry, tastefully furnIshed rooms provIded \\ lth
dedI lL 11gb!.'>,,teclm hedt, clothes dosets, hot ,1l1d cold run11lng
\\ atel telephones, fire escapes, restful beds, etc Some new feat
ure<., "hlch have Just been llJstalIed con,lst of d perfectly ap
p0111ted bl1hal d room m chal ge of John Thomp'on a 10une;lllg
c1Lll barber shop aud pubhc tOllets. '\ ne\\ Oth F1ectllc ele
\ ator IS abo bemg put m The cafe has Fnghsh, \11os1On alld
C olo111al r00ms and the CUbllle 1<.,of the best The Herklmer
1 ,1 ,elect hotel t01 transient and permdnent guest,. qmet h,l111e
hke chcen, ,ome\\ hat dIfferent and 111 some p:trt1cll1ars ql11te
\ mqne It IS the latest of modern hotels m Grand Rdplds and
tv el \ detaIl looked afte1 a~ to fil1l.,h, artlst1~ tredtment of clecor-
,tt1On", model ate 1ates, cal efnl management l he cafe snpphes
the ]Jab on of the Herk1mel WIth good fooel, properly Laake!
,lm! IV ell sel \ ed all at model ate pnces The regnletr serVIce
Dr the Late IS 110m 6 a m to] 1 P 111 ,md a let Cdlte at all
honr~ C lnb breakfasts, c1nb 1nncheon5, etc lIve COUf.,e t:lbL
c1hotl dmnel, Sundays mc1nded, from '5 00 to R 0 do~k, at ')0
Architects Fail on Furniture.
\.s a rnle c\lcllltech fall d" desH:;ners of fUl nlttll e 1hel
"eem to be no more quallfiecl to deSIgn fn'1llture C01rectly
than a mll1111el to pro(luce a (hes:o ~tllt fOl a gent1emdn Thl'
<:;1 eat \elam Brothers \\ e1e arc1lltects, but they employ eel
expenenced deSIgners to draw the fl1rl11ttll e that won the11
tame There 1~ a fad for "bUllt In furl11ture," promoted b}
the archItect, that 1<.,spreadmg rapldly The mcompetency of
the des1Rnel" IS demonstrated at a glance at the c. bt11lt 111
tnr11ltl11e" seen Jll many house, Retalle1 s of fnr1llture would
--en e thelr best 1I1telec,t<.,by teadllng the puhhc the dJfierence
l)e1\\ een fur1lltnre dec,lgned and built by manufacturers tra111ed
ancl skilled 111 that mdustry and fUll11ture c1eslgnecl by arc1ll-tects
and bullt by carpenters
Special Rates to New York.
The customaly merchants rate" to New York flom the
trunk l111eand central pa"'"engel terntones hay e been author-
Ized fO! the "'pl111g, 1910, meet111gs of the },[erchants' AssoCIa-tIOn
of 1'\evv Y OJ k Tho specIal fare, effectIve undel the cer-tIficate
rlcll1, \\ III be a I ate and one-half for the lOund tnp
Thel e wJ11 be sIxteen sell111g date", arranged 111four ::,ene"
of f0111 each, to accommodate mel chants 111the vanous trades
who de"11 e to v 1'3lt the '\ ev\ York market
1he selhng dates al e as follows Trunk L111eTernto! v-
JanUclf} IS-18, Inclu'01\e, rebluary 19-22, 111cluslve, Ma~ch
S 8, 111c1u"'1\e, },Ial ch 1<)22. Inclu"lve-all wIth a fifteen day
letull1 lunIt
Cenilall'a..,,,en:sel lerl1to.y-Jal1ual} 15-18, Inc!u"l\e
1 ehlUdr} S-8, Il1clu"1\ e, I, ebrual y 1C) 22, 111c1us1\e },lal ch 5 8
IIlC!JI..,1\L-all \\Ith a thIrty day return lumt
I he trunk 1111eten It01 y, roughly descnbed, 111cludes the
..,tdte.., of J\ew York, Penn,,}lva1l1a, New Jersey, Delaware.
.!\ [dl} land, a lanse pa' t of \ V e"t " Irg111la, V Irg111la north of and
0'1 the 1111eof the Chesapeake & OhIO raIlway, and the dlstnct
of ColumbIa In thl" "ectlOn the rates does not apply from
pc 111t"Ie"" than olle hundred mJ1es from X ew York
CentIal Pa""engel i\,,"oclatlOn ]un"dlctlon IS be"t de-
",cl1hed a" follo\\" POInts \\C"t of (but not ll1c1udmg) Buf-falo,
NIagara rail", Su"penslOn Bl1dge and Salamanca, ~ \ ,
Plthburg and Alleghany, Pa , BellaIre and Manetta, 0
\\ heelll1g, ChaJleston and HuntIngton, \V Va , and pOInt" on
and north of the OhIO 11\ el and edst of the MI::''3I''''lppl r1\ U,
and "outh of an Imag111ary 1ll1e flom Keokuk, Ia . to ChIcago,
Incluchng C111Cll1natl, LGuI'3vllle, all to\\ ns 111 Kentuckv 011
the Che::,apeake & OhIO lalh\ a} , St Lows , Keokuk , Chlcao~o
Southern Penll1,ula of l\Ilchlgan and Canadwn tm\ n" on thc
\111111gall Cenilal rculroad and the \Vaba"h raIlroad
The 1\[erchdnt" AS'3oclai!on call" speual attentIOn to the
plan to be Inaugurated WIth the Spnng, 1910, meetll1gs, whele
by bu} e,,, takll1g advantage of the rate" to N nv York wJ11
On1) be lequired to nuke one tl1P (lI1,tead of t\\O as hereto
fore) to the a"soclatlOn s offices for the vall datIOn of the
I eturn trip certIficate The ob] ect of the new plan 1'3 stIlI
further to mll1lmlZe the '3hght mCOnvemence In the lo"s of tune
ditendant upon the use of merchants' rates To canv thl'3
plan mto effect, the aSSOCIatIOn's reSIdent member" v;IlI be
"upphed a ne\\ and speCIal IdentIficatIOn card One of these,
plOpeI1y filled out and SIgned, must be obtall1ed by edch
bUyer 111 1\ ew York, plIO! to reglstenng at the aSSOCIatIOn'"
office" If the IdentIficatIOn and the return tny certIficate are
le:sulal 111every lespect, the laitel WIll at once be valIdated,
aftel whIch the return transportatIOn called for by he \ ah-
'" ~ ' I~" '-~ " II I"II !
I I,
I I \ l
II \ I
\1 I \ ~
\ 11
'<:.--~ --
( """ 160
dated certIficate \vIlI be sold vvlth111 the return hmlt b) the
local tIcket agent on the day 01 one day 111ad\ ance of the
buyer'" depal ture from New YOI k
Arrangements have also been perfected whereby all the
local tIcket office" and depots wJ11 make the deSIred Pullman
reservatIOns for a merchant shOWIng a vahdated return tnp
Out-of-town merchants are urged to obta111 the identI-ficatIOn
card from a reSIdent member ancl VISIt the aSSOCIatIOn's
cffices as soon a" pOSSIble after al nval In town, thereby glv111g
tIme 111whIch to secure the correctIOn of any pdtent el ror 111
the I eturn tnp certIficate, a" well a'3 affO! cl111g opportul11t)
promptly to obta111 Pullman' e"enatlOn" fOl the return tnp,
ahel the cel tIficate ha'3 been valIclcttecl
Line of Loose Cushions.
The Kell-Anway Company hay e a 1111eof loo"e cu"hlOn::,
fo, seat" and backs of loc:Zer", that wIll be sure to please
every bu) er who sees them, the cut herewltll '3hows a good
specImen of thIS lIne The \\ hole 1111ewIll be exhIbIted 111
Grand RapIds on the fil "t floO!, north half of the FurnIture
EAhlbltlon buIldll1g, formedy occupIed b} the Mueller &
Slack company The Ked-Anwav company are rapldl}
com111g to the flont a" one of Grand RapIds leadmg uphol<;ter-
111g concel ns, and thell 11l1e of samples wIll lZreatly add to
their trade and reputatIOn
The best way to manage a husband I::' to select one who
doe'3n't need managing.
..---. ... ----~I,II
I ~ ,I
I.-- ..... --------~I
National Company
Manufacturers of HIgh Grade
in Selected Quarter Sawed Oak and
Our fullime Will be on exhibition
on the 4th Floor, North Half,
Library Dining Room
CbiRa Cabinet 186.
---- -~ ~- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- --- --- ~- --- -- -- ---
Entered as second class matter Jnly 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand Raplds Mlchlgan
nnder the act of March 3 1879
T""o decades ago a neatly dlessed, 1I1telhgent young
Inshman alfnecl1l1 Gland RapIds Calf)1I1g a roll of govelll-ment
1ssne:o that \\ auld fill a length of ::,tm eplpe and an-nounced
that he v, as the prcs1dent of the Dnluth FU1mtl11 e
company of \Vest Dulnih, \lmn He trankl) stated that h1S
ob] ect was the employment of the best desIgner, the best
superintendent and the best foremen employ ed 111 the factones
of Grand Raplch 1he clas::, of men he deslfed to confer \\Ith
we1 e mamly under contract, but not to be uefeatcd m 111'0
purpose he engaged \\ H Redmond la competent "upenn-tendent),
\\ C Horner \\ho had j11',i entereu upon hIS career
as a deSIgner and a numbel of other", \\ ho 1110\ ed to \\ (::,t
Duluth and entered npon their dutle." \1 r Hornel jJlOducecl
many "ol1gmal" desH; 11s and the tI ac1e kno\\ " \\ hat ha ppCI1"
when sprout1l1l:; gen111s 11peno, al'd IS I cach for jJJ(.J.,1I1£; 1 he
goods were not 111such dcmand 111 the \\ e:ot as to I eqUlre the
operatIOn of the factOl) ovel tl1l1e and the companv deuded to
dump the stuft on poor old, patlel,t, lon£;-snftellll£; \e\\ l.Olk
To save expense 111 Shlpp111£;, the £;'00c1" \\ 11 e loaded on a
vessel and se\ eral \veeks latel I eached the docks ot X e\\ 1. ark
\\1 hen the packmg had been taken olf thel e \\ el e rev ealed fea-tures
111constructIOn, the deslgnel h',l-d not planned :\Iam of
the panels had assumed conca\ e shape" Bed lalls \\ ele a"
clooked as a rall fence and the aId of a CI0\\ bar or a stick oj
dynamIte was necessary to opel1 the cha\\ els The onh
parts of the pIece.., that had not taken on ne\\ ."hapes \\ ere the
casters and the ml1 ror plates The backel ot the entellJll "e ,I
wealthy S\\ echsh ~entle1l1an, \\ ho 0\\ ned the £;round on \\ hlch
\Vest Dulnth \\ as located gay e the ) onnl:; I1lsh son 111-la\\
other employment and the factory \\ as closed fore\ el
The po..,tal defiClt of nearly $18,000,000 1" dne mamh tL)
carry 111g mal.;a71n es as second cIa ss maHer and to the enOl-mous
cost of the rurdl free dehven sel \ Ice Thel e are 0\ el
forty thousand f, ee rural deh\ ery route." and the cost of
ma1l1ta111111trthem IS 0\ el $28,000,000 per annum \\ Ithout the
nllal servIce the postal department \\ould o,hO\\ a ]JlOfit of
$10,000,000 pel) ear From tll1S It appeal;:, that the rural h ee
deln eq busllless has been overdone It has surely been
extended be) ond the necessity line In many localIties and It
IS probahle that some of the routes wlll be consolIdated III
order to cut down the total e"pense The sen Ice hO\\ e\ e1
IS not hkel) to be CUItalled Rural f1 ee deln el \ plea.,es thl
people and It will be extended until It reaches pI actlcalh all at
them The postal department Will contlllue to do bU::,llle::,s at
a loss unless the defiCit can be made good b\ ralslllg the
rates on second class matter, by chang111g the clas..,lficatlOn
01 by cutting down the rates paid to the ral1roads for carrying
Conslderahle uneaS111ess eXists III n)USlneSs circles on
account of the threats of orga11lzed employ es of the railroad
corporatIOns to stnke for hIgher wages Conferences of the
partIes III lllterest held to adjust the matter of a new scale
falled of an agreement It is reported that the government
al bltratlOn board \\ III he called upon to settle the dlfferences
\\ lth the e'\:pectatlon that a I esuIt lIke that which followed the
'-tuke of the coal mlller" a few) ears ago will be reached A..
stllke at this ilme \\ auld affect all l111es of business disas-i1ou
'01) Buyers of fur11ltl11e WIll safeguard their hest lllter-e"
ts b) ordenng goods lIberally for early shipment
The popular da\ enport bed \\ as manufactured 111Grand
Rapids tv\ enty-fi\ e years ago It was not named 111honor of
:\I1 Da\ enport, of Boston, the gentleman who 1S cred1ted
\\ Ith the responslblhty for the success of the bed III recent
\ ears The first of the da\ enport patterns was manufactured
b) S L Km~ hut the people preferred the upright folder at
that time and the r"ml.; Davcnp01 t did not sell well. It was
placed on the market and thoronghly advertbed, but the up-nght
was too \\ ell grounded III the favor of the public to
permIt success for the da\ enport
The orders, rules and I egulatlOns I elatlve to collection of
the corporatIOn lllcome tax, promulgated by the internal
levenue department are so comphcated that they form good
l:;rot111d f01 a suspIcIon that some of the \Vashington authon-tic"
are tl \ mg to make the tax more obnOXIOUS than is 1eally
nece"sal \ Thel e \\ 111be no I eason for surprise 1f the law is
amended hcf01 e the supreme court has a chance to pass upon
It,, \ ahd1t), and the amendment may result 111postponement
of the fil st collectIOn f01 a year
Puce card holdel" III ."e\ eral forms have been sold suc-
(essfull) dunng recent years These useful little al ticles
"el \ e the purpo"e" of the retader best when placed behind the
cloor~ of chllla closets, buffets, parlO1 cablllets and lIke goods
Retdllel s compla111 that chl1dl en frequently m1X them when
\\ Ithm thel1 reach The ca1 d holders seldom fall to attract
the attention of httle people when placed on the tops of tables,
(11e."Sel" 01 commodes
The Grand Tnanon at \ el sa1lles, F1 ance, 1S to be re-st01
ed The Fl ench al tIsts who are leadmg the movement
e"pect to place the1r 01 cler for genullle French furmture for
t he palace \\ Ith manufacturel s of Grand Rapids
The l111es are 111 place on the floors; the factory cafes are
'-tocked for the "eason. the sale"men and a conSIderable num-
1)el ot bll\elS have annec! and the Gland Rapid.., market 1S
t01ll1alh opened
'1 he annual dlllner to SOjOlU11lng pail ons of the Grand
RapIds Chall COmpdn\ wlll be served today
The bluffer puts up a good front to compensate for hIS
Llck of backing.
Look out for the fellow whose record won't bear looking
James W Campbell of Germantown, NY, has patented
a knockdown desk
The Pass ChaIr and} ur11lture company of \ntwel p, ).J
Y, has been mCOlpOlated
E. PElley, furmture dealer of :\hlskogee, Okla, has
sold out to A S Lannmg
John F11ndall of ChIcago has been granted a patent on a
combmation couch and chaIr
H n Arnold of New Brtlam, Conn, has been granted a
patent on an e:l.tenslOn bed
VlclOl A. Olson. fUlmture dealer of Yankton, S Dak,
has sold out to P C Nehon
Guthne & J ennmgs have purchased the furnIture busmess
of Haynes Bro:" at \Vhlttles, Va
L D Buffmgton, furmture and hardware dealel at Bok-oshe,
Okla, has made an assIgnment
Joseph H Hl:"cock of Mmneapo11s has secured a patent
on a knock-dov' n wal drobe and cupboard
The Kmg Furniture company of \Varren, Ohio, have
mcreased the capItal stock from $60,000 to $85,000
J. T. MartIn &Co, ftllmture dealels of Sulphlll, Okla,
have been declared bankrupt on a voluntalY petltlOn.
D. C Slxbey ""ho has been X eIA- England manager for
the Lyon Furmture Agency retlres from that posItion today
Henry F Kesel, furnIture dealer of Rochester, N. Y, has
made an assIgnment to V\! 19bel t Irank as trustee for lhs
The North Texas Furniture and Coffin company of WI-chita
Falls, Tex, has suspended opelatlOns and given notice
of dIssolution.
The Mls<;lOn Fl1l11ltUle company of Dayton, OhlO, has
been placed m the hands of a I ecelver on a petItion filed by
local credItors
The Cream City Bedcbng company, capltahzed at $150,-
000. has been incOl porated "lth offices at Houghton, J\Iich ,
and Milwaukee, \VlS
Luckey, Platt & Co, genelal dealels of PoughkeepsIe, N
Y, al e blllldmg an addltlOn vcdllch will enable them to enlarge
their furmture department
Fred Reinsmlth, furmture dealer and undel taker of Allen-town,
Pa, IS el ectmg a ne"" three-story bnck bUlldll1g that
he WIll occupy in February
The A Leath Fl1111ltlll e cornpany of Rockford, Ill, has
dropped the WOld "ftlr11lture" out of the name and IS now
called the A Leath company
The bU1ldmg permIts Issued In Boston dunng the past
thI ee months have e'(ceeded an) sllmlar penoel m the past
ten years m both nUUlber anel cost
The Charles J Anderson company, cabmetmakers of
\Vebster avel1L1e, New York, have been adjudged banktupt,
Llabllttles, $9,509, as:"eh, e"tllnated, $7,250
The Bronson Desk company, Los Angeles, Cal, has
moved into a ne" seven story bUllchng on Seventh street
Their lease IS for ten years at a total lental of $141,000
J H Fl aser has boulSht the mterest of hIS partner E.
T Houghton, deceased, m the firm of Houghton & Fraser
fur111ture manufacturers and upholsterers, Springfield, Mass,
and WIll contUlue the busmess under the name of J H Fraser
& Co.
The Amellcan 1'oldUlg Bed company of Sheboygan, \Vis ,
are completmg lmprovemenb that WIll Ulore than double
theIr capaCIty and ,,111 add dll1mlS room furmture to their
11ne of products.
W J MacInnes who for a number of years was the treas-urer
of the Gunu FUlmture com pan) and m chalge of the
company's advertlsmg campaIgn, ha:o recently been engaged
by the General MotOl s company, for work m the advertIsmg
Samuel H. Frumpkm and Samuel Rmlin, domg a retaIl
furlllture business under the name of the BerkshIre Furmtm e
company, 111 PIttsfield, Mass, hay e made an aSSIgnment to
theIr landlord Corneltus \V \I\Tnght, whose stock they bought
two veals ago LIabIlItIes, $15,000, assets, about $7,000
F ,y [<'lench, fmmellj 11ujer for BroV\n, Thompson &
Co of HaltfOld, Conn, and latel WIth L DImond & Sons of
PI OV ldence, R I, WIll sell the lInes of the \lValt FurnIture
company of Portsmouth, 0, the EmpJre Couch company of
::\Ied 111a, NY, and the C H Campbell Furniture company
of ShelbYVIlle, Ind , 111the :.'\e,,, England terntory dUlmg the
comlllg season
An agreement has been recalled between the Belknap
Hardware & Manufactunng company, of Loubvllle, Ky, and
the Standard Furlllture company, of NashVIlle, Tenn, that
the salesman of the fil st concern travellllg in teIrltory more
accessIble to KashVIlle than LoUlsv llle, WIll sell fllrllltUl e
duect from Nasl1Vllle, and that all tld' ehng men of the Hard-ware
company WIll can y '" Ith them the Standard Furnitm e
company's catalogue
Twelve stockholders In the Standard Chair company,
EvanSVIlle, Ind, ,,,,ho purchased $15,000 worth of stock from
Robert A ReItz, pnor to the filll1g of a bankruptcy petltion
1ll federal court by that company are entItled to the return of
their money accord111~ to a I uhng of Judge Anderson of In-chanarolls
Y\ hich upholds the deCISIOn of Phelps Darby, referee
m bankl uptcy, 1endered se, eral months ago Relt7, when
he sold the stock owned all of the outstandlllg stock e'(cept
two shares.
May Mean Higher Price fOJ.· Coal.
Rumors of a gIgantIc comb111atlOn of bitummous coal
compal1les opelating 111 Mdryland, ·VVest Virg111la, Pennsyl-vallla,
Kentucky and OhIO 1ll which the Consolidation Coal Co
v\ ill play a leadmg part, has been reVIved dunng the past
week WIth an advance of 6 pomts m the pnce of ConsohdatlOn
Coal shares on the Baltullore Stock Exchange BeSIdes the
ConsohdatlOn Coal company, the PIttsburgh Coal company,
vvhlch also holds a large area of coal land, the Berwll1d &
\Vhlte company, the JamIson Coal & Coke company, and the
holcltngs of J. S & \V S Kuhns of PIttsburgh are saId to be
among the properties WhICh vvlll be taken over
These reports "" el e strengthened at a meeting of the
du ectors of the Georges Creek Coal & Iron company, when
an offel made by the] amlson Coal & Coke company of Penn-sylvallla
to buy the Geolges Creek company was accepted,
subj ect to ratificatIOn by the du ectors The price offered was
$150 a share, payable partly 111 cash and the rema111der m
There has been consldel able quiet buymg of coal lands
In \V cst VirgInia, Pennsyh ania and Kentucky 1ecently, and
agents of the promoters of the coal comb111atlOn have been
for months obtall1111g optlOns on coal lands III those state",
Henry Clay Fnck IS saId to be one of the movlllg spmts
111the coal deal, and allted WIth him are saId to be U111ted
States and Standard OIl interests For months, It IS saId, J\Ir
Fnck and his aSSOCIates have been qUletly bUY111gthe stock of
the PIttsburgh concern, though checked In theil attempt to
obtalll a ma]onty by the refusal of the Scott and Taylor
estates to part WIth theIr holdmgs
".-_ . .4
Here is III•
a Rocker
a seller.
Write for
the price.
8 CO.
I No. 592 I
~i----------------------------------------------~ : I : I ~~~A~B·:AsRGAIN I I I
4I I'
4• •I
I l
------ -- -- ----._._---_. ------------------------~I
No. 537. 28x42 top
Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross
Band Rim, Polished, $7.50
You can't make money faster than by buymg thIs fine lIbrary
Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and
other good thmgs we have to show you.
1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH.
"a .
Business Interests of the Country at the Mercy
of l\-Iorgan. Rockefeller. the Guggcnheims
and a Few Othel·s.
The follO\'vmg quotdtJOn" ale not fr0111 \Ir Bnan, n01
110111the speeehe'i 01 \\ lItmg'i oi Jel ry SImpo,on, Sam Car),
[om \\ ato,on, Gen \\ ea\ eI, Senator Peffer O! a,l) other Pop-ulbt
but the, 'itate idC±:' and call attentIOn to conchtlOn" that
11111"tbe recog1117ecl a" a 'ienou" menace to the busIlles,; mter
c"h or the countr), by all thou15hfulleaclel" 1hey elle from
,\ 11 celltunal that 1ecently appealcel III \\ hat I" c;entl alh con-
"ddccl d Lon"enatne pelpel-the DebOlt \C\\'l
laPltetl 1" the hfe blood of 1)11'i111e", It 1'0 also an ele-
111tnt \\ llIch hke hre 111<1) be a c;ooel 'iet'vant emel a ternble
lll,htcr Franc1'o Bacon once "atd "]\Ien 111great place dIe
thrIce sel \ anh-"eI \ e\11tsot the '00\ el clgn 01 "tate, 'iel \ el11t"of
tclme dnd o,eI\ ant:, of bUo,ll1e'i"" But rt IS the Lammon a111bI-t10n
of "men 111gr cat place" to play the master There IS \\ ar-
Idnt then fOl general \ IgIlance lf not appI ehen"lOll at the
-,pectacle no\\ on \ le\'v lD the financlal \'vorld \\ hen J Plel
pont \[ (lr~an, the Rocketellel", the Guggenhelms, the \ dnelel-bllh
I nck CleO!£;e r I3dkel and "c\ eral other financler" at
the hi "t magnltudc seem to be poolIng thell strength of capttal,
the 1e"t of the \\ mId 1t1st1t1ctn ely calls to mmd both the \ 01-
tllnc and the PO\\ er of such an alhance of wealth It. means
that not only the nchc'lt dnd ablest finanCler'i of the \\0 ld are
lJl etllrance, hut that the 1t1iet e'its \'vhlch the) com 01, banklD15,
tlansporatIon, mlt1ln£;, pettoleum dndlIfe ll1'3urance asset'i e11e
hem£; hrought ll1to a 'i111gle cont'ol
\n dg~regatlOn of 'iuch powel can be a 1111ghtv 111fhlence
I(ll tUlthellng the £;cnelal \\elfale, OJ It can hc a" cLlI1£?,eroll"
,1" ,1 mael do£?" If 1t "hOlllel he tncllneel to 111bChlef Tn genetal
It llld, be saId iha i ther e e11e two pnnclpal \\ a \ s of mdk111g
monn Qne \\ a\ l'i b) useful sel \ Ice to one" fellow men the
elthel 1'0 by la)111£?,onc " tcllow 111enunder fOlced tubutc [he
fil "t method I" a llttlc '010\\, but Ii IS a noble ewd plal'ie\vorth)
td<.,lwlll \\ Inch gn h el fall e(jIll\ alent, fOJ all sen Ice and makes
c \ Lt \ man happlel 1 he .,econd method I" CjUIcker It he" 111
\\ cut to tal~e ad\ antd[?,e of the dlstre%ed, and, \\ hen 111en try
to conduct themsel\ tS ,,0 dI'icleeth that they avOId the orell
l1al \ mIshaps ancl plttalh of hU'3lnc'" lIft the "ccond fashlOn
of malon£?, money 1'3 ll) pI cpal e tl dp" \. hlch \\ 111catch hath
the \\ an ancl the UI1\\ al \
J he ca'ilt"t and "\llC"t of "llch Laps IS a money pa111C
Such a cnSI" bnng" to hl'3 knee" C\ClY man "ho ha'i been
clCln£?,husme"'i on cledlt, anel those \\ho he 1n \\eut can take
U"t!l\ of thelr fellov\ men on dlctatonal term" This Olga111-
/dtj(J11 ot lapltal reachee, mto the b1g-est bank'3 of the natlOn
,11](111 Cdn dlllelte thul poltCles It can order a 1 ecluctlO11 of
loan" to the ex,ent of hundreds of m1lhons and tlm" preclp1tate
"uch a sCldmblc fe)! money that men V\ III pay any pnce to ..,a\ C
theII cred1t lInn the men \\lth leach cd'ih, helc1111leserve for
"uLh a monH nt can 1eap 111a \\ eek, ploilt'i of e"tOl tlon that
1he\ could not s.;a1hel In )eaI'i hy Oldlnal) bU"ll1c",'i Thue 1"
ell1\,n, a tClllptatIon fOl <1 powetful man 01 01 ~al1lZatlOn of
men to tryout theIr powel The temptatIOn 1'0 not alwayS
hene\ alent
Such an organ1L:atlol1 could b) mere decree eIther mdke
money plentIful 01 so ...caree a'Oto caU'ie dl"a-,ter The money
"uppl\ I'i ploportlOned to the blb111C'S need::, of the natIon
llIuch d" the hreeul "upph I" ]llO]1Olttoned to the mouth" of
tlw pOOl ()ne Ce111call',t hungel anel hard'ihlp by merely
holdln£; up el "mall ploportlon of the supply of bread A
l11onC\ panIc c;(n he hlou£?,ht ahout 0\ e' l1Ight that WIll stan e
d thou'3anc1 ll1elu"tlles Into a shut-down and \\ 111compel thou
-----------~--------------------------~ III
If •II
Lentz Big Six
No. 694, 48 in. top.
No. 687, 60 in. top.
Others 54 m. top.
8 Foot Duostyles
Lentz Table Co.
<"tncl<,of mel1 \vho hay e pled~ed \ aluahle collatel al ,,<, <,ecullt)
f01 loal'<', to dcln er the collateral 0\ er to the nlel1 behmd the
panIC a<, the pI Ice of soh el1ey and busme<,s honor
'These men hay e more power than 1S good for man, f01
\Vlth 1t comes grave 1esponslbI11ty \Vhat the1r purpose may be
It lS ImpOS'31ble to dn me, at the present moment, hut that
aggregallon of wealth, and bal1kmg power must Lertaml)'
command aHenllon \V hen the congl ess undertake'3 to 1ev Oltl
UOI1Ize our CUll ency and hankllll:; S) stems Perhap" that !<,Ode
of the pl11poses hack of the mone\ mel ~el LookIn£; ,It !t 111
the h~ht of the p,I'3t and wIth the common uncle I sLll1cllng c [
hU111"n nature, the genelal effect mlht be <'ll"i'luon and
"ppl ehenslOn It I" not well f01 an} n"tIon that a few men
<'h"ll be posses<,ecl of <,uLh finanC'lal pm\ er that the) can decree
prchpenty or hal d llme<; WIth ab'3olute authont}, and take
then toll of eIther conclltlOns "
Had to Ask the Girl.
"Hello, ::\Jr John'" WhaP The combmallon? \\ "It a
mmute tIll I thmk I have It Turn to the nght three tImes
ane! '3top at 20 Then left pass 20 t\\ Ice and "top at S3 Back
to the fllSht to 10 and the left to 7 "
The abo\ e mes<;age wa s phoned trom the bOA office of a
10Lal theall e hv a young lady \\ ho had been Lalled out bv an
~------------------------- ----------------..,III
II ..
I fob &rand l.'apu18 ..-------- ---------
We have adopted cellulOId as a base for our Caster Cups makmg the
best cup 011 the market CellulOId IS a great unprovement over bases
m1.de of other matenal When It IS necessary to move a pIece supported
bv cups WIth celluloId bases It can be done WIth ease, as the bases are per
fectly smooth CellulOid does not sweat and by the use of these cups
tables are never marred These cups are fimshed m Golden Oak and
WhIte Maple fimshed ltght If you w,ll try a sample order of these
!lood8 ?Iouwzll des,re to handle tn-m ,n quant,lte8
PRICES: Size 2}i !nehes $5.50 per hundred.
Size 2){ mches 4.50 per hundred.
ado! uncle! the CllCUmstallce" which "how that a fOlgetful man
"honlcl 'Ilvva) s Call} the combmatIon of hIS safe J1l ]11" lIl"Ic1e
pocket accordmg to a story that comes from Flmt, the Mlclll-gan
~uto CIty
The man at the other end of the phone IS m blbmes" m
Lapeer, l\Tlch, and the ) otmg lady 1S his bookkeeper She
Made by the Udell Works, Indlanapol1s, Ind
had been £;Iven a :,hoPPl1lg holIday and came to Flmt to "I<,lt
1 elatlve<, Her employel declared he could run the place
Without hel for a day, and he managed to do <'0 untIl the m!d-dIe
of the aftelnoon vvhen he had occasIon to go to the "afe
He foulld the thmg locked good and lIght and the mOle he
tned to remember the combmatIon the farther he got from It
Reahzmg that he must open the safe In order to Lon-
<,ummate a busmess deal he finally called up the parents of
the young lady and from them learned whom she was VI'3ltmg
Then he glued hImself to long distance and the faIr cnstodlan
of the combmatlOn of the safe was traced through hel relatIves
to the theatre and when the box office was appealed to one
of the actors was asked to announce to the auchence that 1\11S"
SO and So was wanted at the phone She 1emarked ahel she
hung up the recen er that the next tIme '3he left Lapeer she
vvould paste the combmatlOn on the safe above the door
~linnesota Retail
orB leERS-PresIdent LoUIs J Buenger Ne\\ Llm VIce PresIdent C DanIelson, Cannon Falls, Treasurer, o " 0 \!oen Peterson Secretan W ! Grapp JanesvIlle
E-XECL [Iv E CO\!\!! fTEE D F RILhardson 1\00thfield Geo RIme, Mankato W L Harns Mmneapohs, o SlltlOn.., G encoe .1\1 L KlIne St Peter
We Hope That Members of Our Association Have Had th.. Best Year's Business They Ever En-joyed
and Our Eal.·nest Wish Is That the Year Starting Today May Be Still Better--And
We Promise You Better Service Through the Conling Year.
At least the Cll1!stmas rush ,llld hustle IS 0\ er 1\ e enJO) ed a
good Chnstmas trade and hope yon dId the ~,nne But 'ipeakmg at
trade rem1l1ds us of the old, old proble111 \\ hlch \\ e h l' e been try 1l1g
to solve ,,0 long-the mall ordcl plob1em \\ e dl e Ielat1l1g some ct
our expellences here for thc benefit of the dSSocl"tlOn The firot
two al tlcles ,\ Il1ch we \\ lote to e:>..pose nnll o1(lel hathe method"
blought fortll tv\O letters \\l11Cll \\e publtsh hele '\ ou have ,dl hnrd
the old but tI ue Sd) mg, 'The l11t bll d Hutto" ' ,nd theoe lettcl'
show that we ha,e nude somc "ooc1 she to ,t the mlll O1Ull hou,e
When a blg coneeln v\lth hundrLlh ot clell,,, ll1d cmpll\ c, 1\Lc- thL
trouble and tlmc to keep 111touch \\ Ith I lntlc 'SOCIltlln ItLe 0\11'
It means that we dl e accompltsh1l1g 'i0111eth111g 1hh ou"ht to \\ lLe
up the small dealer vvho has compardtn c1), lots ot tllne ,111d1l1tel
k111d and 1111bt lted In Ib tl ue proportIOns By slow, ldbonou'i
\\ 01k \\ e 11'1\ e 11l1a11jworked out ,l system by \\ hlch we Cdn supply
oUt members \\ Ith the mel chdndlse \\ hlch thev need to meet the
edt,tlog can petItIOn
fl e ne"\.t thll1g to be W 01ked out IS a system of self protectIOn
II h"t h l, tlan5pll((1 In the last sIxty dayo makes the cartoon IUUS
tnte 1 helc \llj ,pphc,b1c to our conchtlOn lIe are not la,\yers,
but Jl slIce ,nd cummnn sense would say that Uncle Sam never 111
tendec1 t h l\C 111~copjll,;ht "0 con,tlued as to help anythll1g whIch
h h the e 1111IIk" ol II ll1d IV l do not In e In MISSOUri, but we
W oulel hLc to he sho\\ n \\ h) hus111ess mcn ha, e no light to plotect
t!Jemsch es q 111Stflcludulent method, IVe Will take our chances
III ,In '-Ir l1~ht legltlmdte competItion If a competitor has fore-lhou,
iht, bl,lns d'ld ablhty to get merchandIse for le~s than we can,
tl1 It h hh "oael f01 tunc and we Cdn S IV nothl11g aga111st It NeIther
\\ ould ',\ e \\ bh to fO! we are not ~o narl ow 111111dedthat we cannot
cld1111resupellO! bus111ess ablhty
\\ e ,ue clh\d\ S ready to 1001, dt dll 'Ides of a questIOn and do
not \\ ,nt to nunp at hasty conclUSions but everyone must draw the
1111esome\\ bel e and ',\ e (11aw It on deceptIve competitIOn It would
be reall} 111telcstlll~ to takc one of the 111,1101 del catalogs ,md see
ho\\ many 0\ el drclwn plchn es could be found We behevc therc IS
1 le"ltnrnte pletce fO! the 111all ordel house Som.e one must ~up-ply
al tlclcs \\ hlch ,ne not kept 111stoeL 111 IUt al dIStrictS, but goods
must be I epresented clS they I eall) are
The mdll ordel house IS hke some gIgantIc octopu~ whIch, not
content "'Iih reachlllg evelY ,Illage lS gOl11g I11tO the large CItIes
vVe beheve that the) mU'it ha,e started 111 bus111ess WIth tbe motto
"Get busl11ess honeoth It ) ou can-but get It" Judgl11g from theu
Illustl dtlOns they seem to be "gettIng Ii" The C<lftoon expl esses
It e"\.,ctl)
1 he ,n1'111dealel gets hiS gooels from the Jobbcl and the Jobber
~cb hiS flam the n1'1nl1hcturer By the tune the Jobber dnd manu
LlcturCl ha, e made then profit and the I etall dedler has ,ldeled hIS
bl1sl11ess and legItimate expenseo, he IS not able to compete \\Ith a
hlln ,\ hlch cuts out all these expense" It IS thIS condItIOn whIch
est hun tn such \11 c"\.tent thdt he wIll bc T ohnn, on the Spot" for
anythl11g whIch \\ III help hl1n to protect ()) unprm e hIS blbllleos
Perhap~ ~ome of ) ou ·wIll SlY th"t yOU do not ',\ ,lilt to !?,et mIxed
Up ln any troublc Nuthcr do "e II e all ha\c enou!?,h iloublc
',\ lthout hunting f01 It, but ',\ hen It IS pla1l11y ,hO\\ n tInt the mal!
order house IS I11J111111ygoul blhl11ess, wh,t then) 'Jo man ever be-came
pr0111111entwlthont makJn~ cnemles "'-11people of "tlon~ chal
tctCI lnvc enemIes and thIS apphes to hlms " \\ ell as 111<:n VIc
bdlc, e In e, ery one tcndlll,s to IllS 0\\ n busllless but \\ hcn , com-petito!
uses doubtful methods to get tradc which llghttull} belong"
to yoU, don't j au thl11k It thcn becomes your busll1c"o to e:>..po"ethc
methods employed? Don t ) au thl11k yon 0',\ e thl" much to ) OUI
self and your fellow dealers? "~o man hveth to hlm"elf alone,"
md If all of us were to attel,d stnctl} to our 0\\ n bUol11eso wlth no
thought of anyone else, thIS would bc a very cllsa!?,"e1eab1e \\ arid
ThIS IS a frec country but no man 01 fil111 Ins I ll~ht to do that
whIch 111Jurcs anothcl
The succes,ful busllless man IS not sLll centued lfe 111U,t be
brold 111111dedenough to seek methods \\ Inch \\l!1 benefit nnt hb
bUSl11CSSalonc, but hIS busl11ess In "cnCl t1 OUI aSooclatlOn h In
a pOSItIOn to help our membels meet and bcat "ny catalog pllce t rat
IS brought to them, provldl11g thc Item 111 competItIOn h the s lme
make;, the ('\I"tcuce of nl.lll 01 del hUlI<,es pos'lhlc IlllS I, thc SIt
uatlOn \\ 111ch\\ c mu~t 1 UJl((h J llh I" thc kq to tllC m,lll ordel
ploblem If \\e Cll! fwd some \\d) oi CUttIU,!,oui the"e,2;o bct\\ee11s
the rest IS edSY f01 \\ C Cdn turnhh hI"h class goods
No film C111 do a "uccc"ful bUSI11CS""Inch doc" \ )t Slthf} It-cu"
tomel" L\Idently thIs h d fact w,11ch thc m"II O1du house
nevel heald or else has long '>1nce f01gottcn 1 he Chdl1CL".11 e t1nt
they would not beheve It If they dId hCul It tOI they "eem to t1 rne,
but sueh succes~ cannot be pu m lllcnt Of course It IS not S) es-sential
fOl them to remembel thIS Item '1'0 It IS for the home de 11el
for theIr clbtomers al e sCdttered .111 0, er SE'\er 11 states and kIck,
com111g from ;,0 far al e not, el} effectn e 10 be 51\1e, "ort'e of the11
customers dl e "atl"hed becalhe they In, ene, el compared th\1
goods WIth those of the hon'c de leI If, ou \\ Ish to plotect ,OUI
ll1terests, It 1" } 01\1 bu"lne" to 111 lkc them ,ee tlll' dlffel' n,c By
lbl11g the Illlbtr,ltlOns ,\Illch \\e fUlll1SI], }OU Cll! do tllls \\JtllOut
sayl11g too much
We Inust d\Old mdkl11g ,t ltUl1lnh \1111ch \\ L C ln110t p1<p.c
lHlHth,,,ntl'II1'llJ ctr('I &- (!lu.
~~{~,e~N;~~CA~,"G%O;;:a::K,ANS .....S CITY ~~:rlt;T:;~~~1l:S~;ESS
December 2nd, '09.
Mr. W. L. Grapp,
Secretary, Minnes~ta
Retall Furniture Dealers
Janesville, Minnesota.
Dear Slr'-
We have before us advertisements of yours taken from the
Weekly Artisan of Grand Raplds, Michigan, whereln you quote re-productions
of our catalogue quotations, offering the Ckts of
said quotatiors, together with our descriptive matter, at certain
Our catalogue is copyrighted. Your aets are clearly vlola-tlcns
of our rlghts under the copyright laws; and our pkrpose i~
writi~g is to demand that you immediately withdraw the obJectIon-able
quotations, ~oti~ying us to that effect, Or we shall commence
proceedings to protect ourselves by injunction and also seek tre
othar remedies that exist.
Your immediate acknowledgement of thls communIcatIon , together
wit~ siuniflcatlon of your intent to comply herewith is requested.
We register thls letter that we may Obtain your receipt for
the same.
Yours very truly,
Kccp yOUl C)es open and yOUl mouth shut until you see something
'lnd then get 1I1dlsputable proof o£ It
In clOS111gtblS drtlclL \\ C S,ly aga111 th'lt the I nnedy t01 thIS
condItIOn of aff'lIrs IS to cut out tbe middle men, do busmess dHecth
WIth the fact01Y and buy 111large Cjuantltlcs We ha\e statcd some
plalll fdLts hele and 1e,n e you to rcad between the hnes and dra\V
\ our 0\\ n I11fereneeo IVe lrust that" (' ha, e suggested some ['ood
thoughb to ) OU \\ hich you \\ 111'lct upon and then gT\ e the dSSOCI-atlOn
the benefit of your cxpenence If yOU have different or better
suggestIOns of your own, let us h 1\ e them The time Ins come
"hen It IS a C'lse of 'root ho~ 01 dlC \\Ith ns \5 su~gested by the
r ct us ,dl SllIt 1910 I1ght by 1e,ul\ lIlg to '\\ Ille thl11gs \\ 01 th
leadlllg 01 do t1l1ngs wOlth \\Iltln>.; about tIll', cOlmng }llr \1 IltC
,ome al tides, send In some su~"est1ons tell \1S "hat yOU h we done
IE } ou knew how much the StCIet,lry dppl lUdle, a httle help dnd
how It encoUl ages hnn \\ e ,ll e SUI e you ,\ uuld '111 m 111,w;eto con
tI1bute somethmg Vve "'ould hke 10 heal flom nCI) 111cmbel of
the assouatlOn sooncI or later-soono we hope
Hcrc" Ith are reproduced letters I eceIVcd h 0111 '\fonU;omel'
\'\Tard & Co, that should be of 111tele"t to membels of om as,OCIl
tIOll They show, at least, that OUI "ork has bcen and 1S cffectn e
They should also be Instl uctlve for they shO\\ t hit the mlll 01de I
housc, deem It necessary to kcep III close toueh WIth dc, c10pments
that may affect theIr busl'1ess and dl e ready It all times to protect
the11 I11terests If such a polIcy 15 good for '1 concern of ,;uch mag;
mtude as Montgomery Ward & Co, It 11111stbe good fOi smdller
concern~ and indIVIdual dealers The letter show that OUI hten
ture has been effective, e1,e the mall order houses would h"ve I?-
nored It-they would 1l0t have consldercd worth while an efIol t to
head It off or counteract Its effect
We do not entertain the Idea that \"e hd' e thrown a bomb Into
the mall order houses nor laId a m1l1e under them, but WIll say that
our ammUl1ltlOn has not been exhau,ted and \\ e expect to gIve thcm
.1 fe" mOle effcetlve shots In the medn time If ,mv member has
any suggestions to make as to the 10admlS or ainllng of our guns,
\\C \\ould plc'lsed to heal flom him
Gn C ns ) OUI l(1cd<, 011 the
HOUle ~ferchants Are Your Best Friends.
1he gl cat mall OHler lWlbC IS not thc fllcnd of the fal mel, nOI
anyone else, a" t pI dends to be It cannot sell goods, on thc el,
er do-e at I ates lover than the 1etaller can offel the S'lme (juaht)
"h;n'the Item of freIght IS conSIdered ThIS ha" been demonstrated
mal c than once, and can be demonstl dted at any time If the custo
mer \\111 take 11l~ catalog pnee dnd the cost of tlanspol tmg 'lnd com
pal e the total WIth thc home mel chdnt's pnce fhe caLJ10g house
IS und",r hedvY eApense for advCl tlsmg Thb eAj)ense mnst comc
out of the plofits Can It ,1ffonl to meet these glCdt lchCltlsmg IJ111,
'lnd ,dso dcltv(l the gooeh ,old b) the retdllel) Dc SIde<, tl11s, It h
undel 1111111ense expense f01 ontldy" III <,tock, tc\"(S, scll il](" cllHl othel
Item" \\ hlch the leLnle! doe" 110t ha' c to melt Ob,IOU,1y Its c"
pen;,es al e enormous I ompal cd \\ Ith thc I etadu s b111 In adchtlOll
::tiHullfgoJnI'll! 1IlJar'i'l & <!Tu.
~~:~H~~C~~~EK~':":q::;1IMGR ORIG;1!-::;'ORS
(j~r.{~.'.:..~~EEs:s~~":.,,§ C~TALOGU.E BUSINESS
1I01lT,J f<QRk • ...,,~ Sf¢<" <!!lttrugrr.
December 2, 1909.
Mlchlgan ArtIsan Co.,
Publ l-shers,
20 Lyon Street,
Grand RapidS, Mich.
We have before us two recent Issues of your
paper contalnlng the advertIsements or the Mlnnesota Retall
FurnIture Dealers ASSOclatlon.
Ou!" AttoY7'ev advlse.e us trat these ad.rertJ.se ..
mG'1ts are clearly nolatJ.ons of oU.r "'Ights under the
copy ..:rig11t laws. Our cat1llogue is copyrIghted and no
inf'!"actions such as these WIll be permitted by us V'lthout
recourse to oUx' remedIes.
Our purpose in wrltlng .t0U 15 to dena'1d that you
witndraN from your col..lmns such of.f'e'1d1ng matter referred to;
and It is also proper that .IOU correct your rYl'lstake by In-serting
1n the next lssue of"-your paps'>" a statenent, to
occupy a place of' equal promlnence as the OrigInal matter,
to t~e efrect tl1at It is not your purpose to offend agaInst
tre rlghts of otners and that Montgomery Ward & Co.'s
catalogue beIng copyrig'1ted, further quotatlons of the
8dvertlsements of the MiTl.nesota Retall FUl"nitul"e Dealers
ASSOClat:l.On that copy the cuts ana descrlptlve matter of'
our catalogue wlll be withd""'awn.
It 1S OUl"purpose to follO\t this matter closelj
by conflscatlon of future ed1tions of your pap-er, If necessary,
and other remedIes wlll be SQught to protect out" rights against
such vlolat~ons.
Your i'l'lmediate :reply is requested.
We reg~ster thlS letter that we may secure you!"
l'6ceJ.pt for the same.
You:r-a very trl.41y,
Vlce ..Pres't. &: Cen'l. }!.gr.
It takes the pdtron's moncy dnd does hlm no favors The retatlel
WIll, If 1equested, lend one of hI, rehdble customers a sum of money
tor a few day~ Vv III the catalog house do thIS? The retaIler
,hows hI" goods before one buys The catalog hOl1;,e does not
1 he retdllel s reputatIOn IS bchmd e\ ( I) Selle be makes The cata
log- hou"e IS beyond the llldl\ Iclu,t! u itlChm L he ret,111er pdyS thc
Ll1111eJalmost as much tOI hI, ploduLe ,IS the ftnner lMy, the IC
t'l11el £01 l11s purchascs The Cat llob l'ouse cannot do tll1", 'lnd
\\ ould not If 1t could Tn short, Jt I' .1 cut thlOdt Insiltutlon con
ducted by shl ewd 111enwho ,ll c out £01 the monq ,md nothmg c1se
fhe sooncr these facts cHe dpprecldtcd the bettel the people who
now deal WIth them WIll be betie! off The mall ordel houses do
not sell any cheaper than }am home mel clnnt but they do destroy
} OUI home town
lvely good (ltlZen vvho IS oppoocJ to the ev1]" of Cdj)ltdl, com
merc1al and mdu~tllal concentl atlOn m the III ge CIties, and the bUIld
me; up of Illegal busll1esscs that work a>salllst the 111terec,ts ot the
ma"ses, should calmly consldel the fach tInt every system of buSI-ness
that depletes a sectIOn of country of the wca1th It produces
'itrengthens the so called capltalbtlc powers One of the most bane-ful
systems that at pr",sent IS work111g ,lgamst the llltere,;ts of the
smaller CitIes or dra1l1111g\\ ea1th from 'lgncultura1 cOmmU11ltles, IS
the box car plan of domg bUSIness From rural tovvns 111the west
from 40 to SO per cent of the trade goes to the"e concerns H
thIS trade were confined to the home to\\ nIts bu,lness wouJd be Im-mec1ldtely
doubled-employment gIven to more people, the protts
accrumg from mercdntlle bus111ess \\ ould seek mvestment, and WIth
In a few years the populatIOn of the 10wn V\ auld be more than
doubled and ItS o-rowth be commensurate WIth mdu'itnes that would
gn e the people ~mploymc)1t (Copvnghted hy D IV Reid)
Thh 1S the time of the yea I to pay} our dues
Conducted by H. H. STALKER.
Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to Offer Any Suggestions
and Helps Which They Believe ~~ill Be of Benefit to Others. This Department
Aims to Be of Practical Service. Help Us to Make It So.
\\ hen 11101e tl111e and tllOlH:;ht 1~ "pent on cup, <l1HlIt"
allangement, thue v"dl he a mOle cheeliul pa, mlnt ot thl
monthly bIll<, fur space 'II, hen mOl e tl11111ture dealel s Lome
to 1eahze that the money the} 1m est 111ach el tb111g can he
made to produce an actual steady profit Ju",t the "ame a<;
money 111vested 111 stock etc, they ",111 gIVe It the same
11IE Bl;Ft'Al0 rOtlI'lrn %"1>.D\1. DrIT'"\[PLr I) 1'1,",
A Crowning Effort in Grand Value Giving!
No 1
thought and ;:,tudy that they do the othel Too man} conslClu
money laId out mad, ertls111g a~ "50 much money thlO\,n
away," and they look sour and grouchy at the, er} mentIOn
of the \Vord Then attitude 15 plamly 1eflected m the" t} Ie of
copy they run I wlll not say that the man Vv ho pI epa! ed the
"ad" marked No lIS of thIS c1a<;s, but I am compelled to ;:,tate
that he certamly \Vas not gettmg hIS mone\'" \\ 01 th
That "ad" 15 a bIg one and co"t a !Soocl lotmd sum no
doubt } et, !t 15 entIrely U111n\Itmg I am confinmg m) ClltI-lh11l
ot thl t\\() ~peumen" c;ho\,n thIS \\ eek entnely to ap-
)llal,ll1ll ,111(1 nut to lUP\ f01 \,ll1le good copy IS a vItal
nCClS,,!t,. d "Uong st1\km~ lll\ lt111g layout l~ cel tamly of
tundamental ImpOl tance 1he Items and cuts m "ad" No 1
"ho,,, that \ er} httle care 01 chscretlOll wac; u~ed 111makmg up
The anangcment 1~ Jumbled, you can only follow the sugges-
No 2.
tIUlh \\ lth chfficlllty Thoe 15 no attcmpt at da~51fic<ltlon 01
1 eaclableness
\0\\ tUln to \0 2 Thele appears at the top a "vcll
\\ 01 decl openIng paragraph and then follow" 111 ('rde , each
Item b, It,,elf, the article the ac1vertJ~er \\ l~hcc; } au to notIce
One "ad' "as "thrown together" the othel carefully. "klilfully
pLiIlned r do not kno\\ the re"ults from eIther of these "peCl-men,
hut I c1 f;amble that;\Jo :2 finIshed way 111the lead It
IS a regrettable fact that there are more furmtUl e 'ads" lIke
'\0 1 th.l11hke 1\0 2 The bettelmcnt of yom "ad:o' lS bound
to be a matter of study You spend hours l!1 plannIng your
PU1(J1d~C~, } au go hundredc, of 111l1e<;to market 111Oldel to
pUL,onalh <;elect the be:ot ftul11tme for yOUI customer'3, you
pnde } our:oelf on } am fine Judgment and on your c'\:cellent
~tock, you 2.range your floor dhplays v,Ith lale taste and
'3kIlI and then you go dehberately to work and knock lt III the
head ,\ lth ahomlllable CUb, poor copy and eye-confusml:; dls-pLn
lOU 111U,;tdo one of t\'lO thmgs Hue a man ,,,ho can
\\ lIte the k1l1d of "ad,," that get the bU'3lllee,<;01 do lt yom-
,;elt If yon do do It \ oUhelf, l.;lve yom "elf Ume to pl.1n cal e
Julh Do lt 11Ie,hts If nece,;"aly It WIll pay Ad, ertJ"111g
1C,1l t mellC} thlo\'ln aV\a}-It lsn't an expense It'" .1n mvest-ment
and "hould so be tteated on the books You can make
It pay three, fom, flYe, or twenty-fi, e per cent accordl!1lS to
vvhat you put In It
Co-operation is Necessary.
Jt ha,; been saId that "competIt1c n I'; the hfe of t ade,"
r "ho llrlhke to change It to "co operatIon Ie, the hfe of trade"
lbe m.1ttcr of healty co opuatlOn betvveen manufacLtller and
Ittallel I'; .1 \iltal one ~ot all manufaltmer:o ale n,lt!onal
,1ChCItt"eI s StIll e,0111Ca1 e and .111al e deeply llltel e~tcd In
L,tell1g the e,0()(15th.lt ,au ptllcha,;e of them, move \'ltb Idj)ldl-t}
rboe,C' V\ho ad\ ertle,e natton.1lly al e affOl dll1g } ou a ~plell
cllClopportulllty fOJ tr.1d1l1e, on the pl e,;tIge they create and l!1
m} Judgment the dealer who 0\ ellooh or IS mdiffel ent to
theIr efforts m hI'3 hehalf 1'3 hlmdll1g hImself to 0pp01 tU1l1t}
\\ hen a plece of fur1l1ture 1:0 trade-marked and adverilsed, It
111U"tstand or fall by that lClentJficatlOn and few lf any manu-facturer<;
would have the tementy to attempt to foist an un-
\\ 01 th, artIcle upon the dlscnmmatmg publIc Every reput-
<lble magaLlne protects 1t'3 1eaders flOm aelvertIsll1g frauels
TI1l1'; ,ear b} } ear the confidence of the pubhc IS beIng lSamed,
,ear b) } ear the demand for ad, ertI:oed goods 1<;bemg m
\. 1 ea,;ed, \ ear by \ eal It becomes eaSIer for dealers to ,;ell
them \\ hen vou Identify} our store WIth vvell known, adver-tlc,
ed hnes of furnIture, you are but addIng to your reputatIon
for relIabllIty-and thai',; a mI~hty 1mportdnt considel atton
\nd so I S.1Y, make good U'3e of all thI'; publicity Use the
dealer',; help,; prepared at great cost of tIme and money Do
mOl C Don't merely accept them Ask for them Suggest
how they may be made more profitable for both you and the
manufacturel The manufacturer lS trying hard to help you-glve
h1111credlt fOI that, but he could help you mOl e mtellI-f5ently
If you would warm up to hIm W nte hlm once 111d
'" ll1le, sugge<;t, cntlclse, anyth111g to increase effICiency Don't
';tand off, don't doubt, don t let him have to coax Take hlm
at hIS word Jom hands \\ Ith hIm 111the common aIm of
to - • _. • I
. ~
,;elhng more fur111ture \Alhen he hands you a "lemon" It 13
tIme enough to stIffen But untll he does-and he won't-pItch
m and co-opel ate not to help hIm make money, but to
help yourself Pull together 111the traces (o-operate-It<;
Make Your "Ads" Distinctive.
You meet a man on the "treet He Ie, ordInary Ordll1aly
In dre,;s, carnage, depOJ t111e11t Hence you never noilce h1111
You meet .1nothel You notice He h.1S a dI'-,tll1ctton, a new
~t) Ie, a manner all of hI'3 own You do not know hlm, but
you 1 ecog11lze hIm easIly agall1 on the clOwded ,;tI eets He
IS not flashIly dressed He lS dlglllfied 111actIOn Yet, he
stands out, he is conspicuous
i\ow hken your "ads" to the..,e tw otypes of men \Vhlch
1'0 yours hke ~ And whIch, thll1k } au, should they be hke?
Thel e 1" but one answel to that ljUestIOn, of course Yes,
make) our "ads" dIst!nctn e \lake them cal ry VOlll per,;on-ahty,
the Splllt, the atmo,;phere of your ,.,t01e There are man}
wa}:o of dOl11g thls-di,;tmct!ve types, b01 ders, l111u,;ual dI<;-
pIa} s, etc, and a partIcular style of copv But the one I
want to dwell on here IS named cuts A ten-dollar blll wlll
hu} the draw111g, angInal ZInc etchll1ge, and electrotype~ for
pel 1, 2, 3 and 4 column advert!sments
\n} good eng1aver will be glad to submIt d1"tlllctlVe
desllrns of your name and address, for yOlll approval ; design
of th1:o nahn e used consIstently e1ther at the top or bottom
preferably at the bottom, of your "ads," wIll soon cause them
to be IdentIfied qUlckl}-slllgled out from the mass of ordll1ar}
"ads" ThIS lS a very valuable feature m advertIsll1g and IS
lf common use among the larger advert! sel s 111 all lInes e,;e
a name plate cut It lL,one of tho,;e lIttle thll1g~, but It pays
...----------------------------_._--_._. --_.-----------_._-~--~---------~
BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other.
SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work.
Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture
and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own mterests by using it. Also
Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams.
H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
..- .. . _. -_._------ -~------- ------ ..l
~--~_. ---~_._-~---~-------_._-----~
I Metallic Folding Bed Co. Jefferson and 21 st Streets, I CHICAGO
Record of a Few Minutes Spent in the Lobby of
the Morton House.
"Car load" \Jolle} entered and was wal ml} f;reeteel by
II Parker Robm<;,on "Cal load" expl e')sed doubts" ahout
the expected activity of the JanUdr) fl1Jl11tme SCelson \!fan\'
buyers had ,Islted the l11ell1ufactmll1g- Ceutels c1Ul1l1gthe past
')Ixty clays and JVII .Molle) v, as undel the lUlpl eS,)lOn tl1dt
they had stocked up qUlte fully
"But thel e were no 'Jobs' on the mall<et' d thll d membel
of the part) remarked
"Perhaps not, hut there I" ne, er a time when a bin el can
not hu) regulal "tack" was the rej0111del
MorIey had not .,een the nevv t:;1l11100m and \\ a" led to
its entldnce dnc1 tmned loo-,e
"Sam' Cld} , the attolney of KC\\d)~O, ')bolled m dl1d
asked questlOn') about Holsapple, Icade1 of the "d1Y" Side of
the local option campaIgn If there IS a flaw 111 the 1ecorel of
the man "Sam" wanted It How \\ as Hobapple paid:J Had
he heen bounced from a church) \ \ hat does he look hke and
what is his st}le? Thele 1" more cltunkenne"s 111Newaygo
county than bef01 e the people \ oted to aboltsh the saloons
Empty bottles we1e found e\ erywhele, they mlght be found
under the cushlOns of the church pews for all he knew The
ltquor IS shipped 111from ChIcago, Grand RapIds and other
points There are no prosecution", and there WIll not be
under the present occupancy of the plOsecutor's office
It was suggested that prosecut1l1g attorne\" occasIOnally
prosecute to acqUIt as \'\ ell as to C011\ ICt (Sam' admitted
that it was true "I tell you the place to teach tempelance
IS at the fireside begmn111g \\ 1th the chllch en The appetites
>.- -
of gl 0\\ n people Cdll not bc 1eg uldted by leglslatlOn," "Sam"
1emarked dnd thel1 II en t out to I emspect the new gllll room
\\ S Emer) lame 111 "I am look111g for Rush Hewitt"
hL I emdlked, . and 1 "uppo,e he I" m the gnll room "
\Tanagel Rathbone Wd" remmded thdt a young woman
had called up the \Jol ton House a few hours earher and
\I anted to talk \I Ith "Rush}omt ' },Ir Rathbone could not
uanslate the lemalk It mlght have been a lequest from the
'Ot111£; lach to \[1 Rathbone to 'Rush 1t," or put her into
Lom el "atwnal umnectlOn \!11th Rush E H e\'\ Itt, or It mlght
ha, e heen a 1equL~t for per111I"-,lOn to 111')pect the gnllloom
II L1\ Itt 1\ a~ ~ull1moned to the \\ 11t dnd d few moments later
<- \1lLl ~ ed flom thL hooth ,veal111g hi" he"t Sunclay-go-w-meet-
11l~-aIld-"ltt111g up \llth-the-glll "mtle He found Emery In
the gnllioom
\Jana!:;er Rathbonc, who ne\ er finds fault with anythmg
01 anvhoch gleatlv ap]JIO\ ed a -,ug-g-est1on that colleges be
estahltshLCI to teal h ladltS ho,y to use the telephone Observ-
Cl s of the g 1111 ]Jdttrl1117111i:; gender al e ft equently amused by
\\ Itnessmg the eft orb of \!I omen to make themselves under-
"tood b} talkmg 0\ el, ul,del or acro"" the transmittel
Emel \ I eturned \!11th a sm11e that wa" msplred in the
gnll room and pi oceeded to I elate how he had prospe1 ed in
I eg-alml1g Ilj"t boclth stl ength by taking plenty of exerClse
111the open all DLl1111t;the afternoon he had removed several
tons of lce from the loof of hi" house With an ax and shovel,
and \I hl1e ChOpp111gdose to the telephone hne had aCCidentally
-"e, el ed It \ man from the eAchalH:;e called and repall ed the
In e,lk and then I epOl ted to the company's office that "a d--n
fool had cut It 11lt\\ 0 \\ lth an aA' and then Emery st~rtecl back
tn find He\lltt \l1l(J had UlteJed the g-nlll0om
fhc ,oung 111el11 \1110 u"c-, Clt;dlettC<;' and "edts hlll1Self
]11 thL WH\ e!co111LlJl e"enLe of the young "oman who attend')
the tdephone hooths entel eel and blowed smoke mto her face
TIb ldcl\. of ~oocl hreecltng \\ a" plamly eVident and the stories
he poUted 111tOhe1 1111\\ Illing ears were to her pa111fully dls-
,gU-.,t111g The yOU11t; \loman I" the proud possessor of a
( steady".
, ~
~ew ]1actories.
GeOlgL <\ A"hley and Arthm J Johnson ale estabhshing
a cabmet fad01 I 111'\ ashua, N IT
C 0 Ira s"elhal th manufactm er of heels and bedd111g, of
\lbany, '\ \ \\111 estahhsh a blanch factory at \Vayneshoro,
Fa under the name of the IIasse1barth 13edchng company
J II Parham, Claude Smith, J H Kuhlman, C ]\if Pre.,-
ton and J B Cantrell have incorporated the Chattanooga
Chair compan} and \I III estabh"h a factory in 01 near Chatta-nooga,
Tenn Capital "tock, $25,000
The Independent Refn~elator co l1lp elllY, cd]Jltaltzed at
~150,OOO ha-, been Olganued to e"tablish a factory and manu-
Llcture refllgelat01,) In Plttsbuus, Pa, T A. \Veb"ter, S A
'II cClm g, J I , J elO111e A Mtllet. c:; 1\1 Dunbar and T E
Renton, Jr, are the incorporatols
The Gross-Bro\l n l\Janufactunng company, I ecently or-g-
anized with capital stock fi"ed at $50,000, wlll establish a
factOly at Galesburg, Ill, and 111anufacture a combined refn-t;
erator and ice-ci eam freeTer invented and patented by C
TI 13rO\\ n of \Vate1100, Iowa
The Stlel1111 Plano company I ecently orga111Led, has taken
out a permit f01 the el ection of a factory building on Ylc-
Klssock avenue, St Louis, Mo The building is to be of brick
five stone') hl~h and Will cost $27,000 ThiS It 13 sald, will be
the first blllld111g ever erected for the manufacture of pianos
\\ est of the :2IIls"i"c;lppi livel The company proposes to
start w1th a force of 120 skilled workmen and to have their
plOduct in the hands of dealels hy the first of May
Whatever IS BEST In Design---W e have it.
Whatever IS BEST In Lumber and Fine Cabinet Woods---We have it.
Whatever IS BEST In Construction--- W e have it.
Whatever IS BEST In Fine Finishes--- We have it.
Whatever IS RIGHT In Price---We have it.
Shelton & Snyder Furniture Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan
Qur fulilme on exhibition on the FIrSt Floor of Manufacturers BUlldmg [west front], Grand Rapids, in charge
of John Shank, East, Chas. G. White, Central; ]. R. Shelton, West.
Also Tables for Office, Parlor,
Bedroom, Den. Sewing
Cabinets, Tabourettes.
"all furniture
All in Latest, Popular Sty les
New Catalogue
February 1st
1st Floor Manufacturers'
John Shank }
John Shelton In charge
No 496. Quartered Oak, Mahogany.
Finds Old Gold. Rose and Green the Preyailing
Colors in Fashionable De('orations.
It \\a" a 11 enchIf1ed '-,anta Lldu'O that came to the ~nJ\\ n
up people of \ew york thl" Lhn..,tma.., ..,ea"on "'a)" d \\Iltel
111 the Sun TIe wa" plObabl) ga bed In a I OUh ,,\ f uhtuml
and he cert,nnl) cal ncel umfectlon.., \11,1<ll111 1',11h ,11HIlld(\
lent of I o~e"
Xat to be I'rench "0 fal as the po""e""lOn ot 'Om h tiling'"
goe" It not trul) to Il\e 111 \lanhattdn thl" \\111tel ])1,t\\It1£;
room" andll\l11g room" newl) con\ertedlnto lople" 01 rnglhh
apal tmenh dcmand ornamenh of ", mpathetlc chal adu ,\\ld
Frame "upplle" the..,e By dddptdtlOn ,1I1d htne"" to ..,u lotmd
111g'Othey ale I:.nglI..,h too, appropllate allkl to an \dam ell;].\\
111g 1( om d Cll1ppendale 11\ Ing loom ,111dd Louh X\ T bou-dOIr
Dl"tlngUl"ll1ng COI01" 111 the"e lontectlOn,; trom Pall'O dIe
a dellcdte deddlo,e, d dull te,1 £;leen and old gold 01 tall1l"hed
gold, a" It I" calleel The"e soH old COI01'0 blend exqUlslteh
and cony e\ an ImpI e,,"lOn of antIljUlt) 1t IS a" though one
opened a dam upon ..,ome cham bel of the pa "t and dl "c!o"ed
d11lt'; po"..,e';';lon", a lIttle fadecl 1)\ tlml hnt tl e"h m 10\ elIne""
and no\ el to d geneldtlon nl1<1ccu"to1l1ed to It'; fCl11l1"matell,d"
and use"
Only UI object-, made for Colol1lal 100m" ale clear and
"ome\\ hat bll£;ht co 101'0 found Tn e\ el \ othel m"tance all
the hue" are ,;oft and old and to the "ea-,on ne\\ The\ hdr-mOl1lze
perfectly wIth room" fitted aild furl1l"hed 111 old
mahogany and £;ra\ C'llca""lan \\alnnt-the ta..,hlOnahle \\ood"
at pI e"ent-and \\ It h the I e\ 1\ ,d of old 1l1atellals and color"
In hangllJg" of "Ilk. \ eh et ,md 1)locack
SanLI Clan" ha" dhCCl\ CIed tl1<1tC\ e' \ thmg m ,1 boudon
mu"t match. flom thc blOcade CO\elcd ",pllJclle le~~ed che..,t of
dra\\ CI", \\Ith Ib ,,\\ ellIn<; fI ont. httlL £;Ia"s knob" and £;old
glmp tnmmllJg", to the maUlCIll e "et and \ eIl glO\ e. handkel
clllet or COlldl hox \\hlch le"t nl,on It \\ hat \\ould \falle
~nt0111ette hay e thought of a sUlall \\ atel coolLr ';\\ athecl III
old blocade and topped 1)\ ,I l I cnlh pnnt I e"tlll<; upon ,1
what not) One h 111chncd to fann the \\ atel cooler more
"Illted III SILe to othel contents r t h preth enough ancl
T'rench) enotH;h to hold any thlll~
Bandon altlcle" alc \\Ieathed amI pCl\\cll,ed O\el \\Ith
loses ()ne expecb to findllJ the deadlo"e" at 1rench EmpIre
the elu"l\e tJagldme that heleng" to faded ro,;e lea\cs '-,1l1,dl
and compact and made of "ott tattet,1 "Jlk ()J dull fi11l"hul
"atJn dIe the"c lo"e" rl he\ alc ah\a\" oi the onl ()"~ Unt
and ';lllgle shdde of green and are m1l1gled \\ lth fohage and
looseh tv'lsted "tUll" of the £;1een "Ilk, \\ hlch h clho \hC'd 111
~,-----------------_.~--------------------------~, , I I UNION FURNITURE CO. :
I •
I China Closets !•
Buffets :I
Bookcases :I
-- ... --~
We lead m Style, Con~ruchon
and Fmlsh. See our Catalogue.
Our lme on permanent exhlbl-lton
7th Floor, New Manufact-urers'
BUlldmg. Grand RapIds.
bdll<l". putiI11~", loop'" ho\\ " dnd td'>"elled U1 knotted cnd" 111
\ dllOU" 1I1ethods of decoratIon
\mencans \\Ill sel7e upon rIbbon as a matenal of \\hlch
the"l \\ I eath" and "Pld) ", clu"tel'O and tSarland" of lose:,> 1I1a)
be la"hlOned The Sclme effect Cdnllot be produced 111 an)-
thm~ L'Ccept the "oft bId" "Jlken loops and loo"e fold" em-
1'10\ ed1)\ the 1 I ench The"e al e cleverly run through meshes
ot ~()Id lac e and canght down upon foa1l1y bands of old lace
111gl cl\ hh 1\ 01 \ 'l11d ueam) t\l1lS
l pon ,I un I ecth appo\l1ted dressmg table wIll be
1\ I eathed trav" bo'Ce", C,I:'>e~,"tands for hatp1l1" and halrpm:'>.
le\\ tl ho"e" dnd hang1l1tS ohJecb for contam1l1g artIcles of
the imlet ,dl coy el ed WIth the same brocade \l1 ro<;e, green,
11e"h COlOl, old 1\ 0\) 01 "ome Sl1ndar unnsual and faded hue,
pel hap" ellllched \\ Ith t1l1) spnng s of flowel'O or "mall WIeath s
ot these emhlOldeled upon the heavy sIlk Hand mlrrOI,
hrn "he" and ImHeh 1\ III he u)v el eel \\ Ith thc "a1l1e matenal
01 \\ III be 111 old £;llt ('1 1 eal ~old \\ Ith Howel s and French
"crolh\ ork upon them
Photoglaph flame" too WIll appear \l1 thIS medIum, shaped
to conta1l1 one 01 1110re pIctures and tend1l1g to oval forms
and gracefnl pI OpOltIuns
It I" npon largel obJech, "uch as the catchall, waste
bdsket 01 tahle and tdll 'Otand for Idrge flowers that flounce'O
ot lace appeal I he dog ba"ket, for 1I1"tance, has such a
flounce depend111g trom a wreath of rose" Rose colored SIlk
flu"he" through the lace and tIacene" of tmsel mesh and
gleams ot gold glmp m1l1gle WIth green lopes and soft pIllk
bow" to make ihe dog s "leep1l1g couch a bIt of art
rl hat doti basket and \\aste ba"ket mav not boa"t of dll
the decoration" e'Cpended upon the basket" r The clothes ham
pel I" lO\ eled \\ Ith 11ench blOcaded "Ilk decorated \\Ith gold
lace and e:>,Jl1blb a realI, I ench pr1l1t 111 the lovehest "epla t1l1t"
0\ el the top On "tand and mantel are va"e" CO\ cred too
\\Ith flol\eled blocclde and cdged wlth narrow glmp Some
,Irc fm thel ac!olned WIth slde loop" of gold 01 traJl1l1g spngs
of lo"es
In tll1s \\a\ e of }'Iench decOlatlOn.., tor \mellcan h01l1e"
the talll1shed gIlt pIcture frame IS made to sen e many a pur-pose
be"lde" ihat of fram1l1g a PICtlll e In '>mall size" It
"upphe" a bOl del fOl hand mIn 01", tI a)" and box iOps. \l1
lal g e tOl m" the PlLtlll e frame become.., the SUppOl t of a table
,111d taholll eite top cl cah111et and d han~mg gla"s, to '>d\
nothmg of It" thCS a" "mgle or fold1l1g "CIeen hames and an
edge to the bIg dressmg tahle and desk trays now m \ ogne
The French cahmet ha.., the appearance of a hl0cade cov
el ed hat bo" of c!Jmen..,lon" sllltdh1e fOl umt,l1111ng a modl"hl)
bl~ bll111med l11gh CO\el ed hat Ih round top con Sl"is ot a
1 I ench tmt mounted upon 1)'ocade dnd surrounded bv a
"ub"tdntlcll ~Ilt pIcture framc 0
It" "Ides dl e dotted \V Ith gIlt loops 01 Uny knob", a" one
pled"e" \\ hlLh \\ hen pulled drav'v out sectIOns of the SIdes and
dhc!o"e small dra \\ er" of dIfferent shapes and "17e" and doors
tha t opcn l1]JOll shal1o\\ sheh e,; 'I hl "e cahmeh are fittecl
\\ Ith111 to sel \ c n1cllllfold n"e" ,1l1d al e monnted upon ~racefnl
"p111dle legs enccl..,ed In "Ilk or \ elv et \\ Ith the 1I1C\Itahle tonch
of <;old glm]J
To mIrrors enclosed 111j)ICtlll e frames IS often added a
deep, thIck putt of ..,at111of the prey al1111gcolOl 111 the boudOlr' ~
decOl dtlOn"
Dles"mg table ancl clesk tIa\s whIch are covelecl by glass
I ecommend themseh e" to some per"on" who are able to wIpe
the gld"" e\ el \ dd\ \\;Ithout 111Jlllmg the appearance of the
heantIful I Iem h em bl Oldel\ 01 flO\\ ered hrocade whICh form"
the bottom of the tl a)
Cu ..,hlOn CO\ers 111 a loom "npphed WIth French fabnc
artIcles must I epeat the fabnc Indeed to be 111 the lead of thIS
fashIOn one mu"t hd\ e d bedloom to hallllonlze wIth the
boudoIr and a bed spread over wIth a gorgeous coverlet of old
lOse "atm lattIced wIth bands of gold lace set \ ery far apart
and laId on 111wavy hnes Sm h a cm erIet IS bOl dered WIth
cream cololed lace applIed upon a hroad band of gold and
bIrds of whIte shaded 111 dehcate co10r:-, are worked upon the
\ alance, whde ~pra) s of "mall flower" enn,h the large top
of the "pread
One glance at a French pnnt of ",ome beauty 111the C01l1 t
of LotH" XVI framed In sIlk Io"e" and hanglllg be"Ide the
dressIll£; table atta,hed to a COJnucopIa COvered WIth brocade
and", I eathed around the top WIth "Il11dar ro..,e"
"\\ h) the cornucopla~" one a"ks Sh-h I \\ Ithm Its
depth" hIde a pall of ctH1IllR lron~ and the"e WIll be vvlped
upon the "heeL-, of "oft papel concealed at the back of the
1'rench heaut) '" hame
It 1" Ju,;t pO""Ible that a vvOll1dn may deSIre a loom 1ll
"traw color or hght blue In"tead of the ptevaIlmg old rose "Ith
Its gI een and ~I1t accompd111ment In such a case the artIcle"
to be CO\ered arc done up m brocade WIth gIlt and lace t11m-mmg",
or what 1" mal e fashIOnable the sIlk IS embrOIdered
O\eI \\Ith tll1Y \\reath" and clusters of flowers wOIked 111
Iahed 1'lench andllbbon embrOlc!elv
1, IOlll haIr blush to veIl and ",pon£;e Cd"e e\ erythlllg
mu"t ha\ e the same embloldered coy eI, and these are as cost1)
a" the) are love I) Model n luxury has evolved an endless
number of ~mall acce"sones to room,; and these no", take on
a beaut) of form and embelh"hment ne\ el seen In New York
SUIted to othel rooms than the boudOIr are the Lams XVI
and EmpIre tables of decorated ::;dt WIth large tops formed
of a wreath of meda1holl portI alt,; of the 10) al famIly and
beautIes of the Flench comt In the tIme" of the Loms and of
K dpoleon. These tables al e InuIt to conform WIth the dIffer-ent
styles of the old and new empIres and are nch 111 coloring
and graceful 111 form
Hal m011l7111gWIth these are fernenes as large as a small
dmner table set wlth111 a broad gIlt band decorated WIth fig-tl1
es be10ng111g to the };rench penod III vogue The band IS
somet1lne.., of wlOught l)1as~ and alway s mounted upon gIlt
or bras" leg" 111table effect One seem" to gaze upon an
ornate table heaped WIth fern.., or flower.., Instead of upon a
hollow 1eceptacle fOl sUpply111Q, earth to one and water to the
In real gold and gilt, 111qua111t deSIgns and colors reVIved
111 table", al e, draw111g 100m bnc-a-brac and faIence generally
thI" sea"on ha" 1I1troduLed a flood of re\ Ivals of the past that
are planned m a happy medIUm of COIOI and "ty Ie which
enable" the po"sessor to employ them m either a French roOm
or an EnglIsh one of the pre"ent mode, IV 11lch has a subtle
French es"ence m the dehcac) and gracefulness of all its
ll1tenOJ treatment and furmshmgs
Kaiser a Furniture Connoisseur.
F erdmand LlI1ke, ,l famou" al t and deCal atn e furl11tUl C
manufactUl el of the Place \ endome and the Faubourg St
';'ntolne, Pans, recently returned from Berlm whIther he had
been summoned by the KaIser, V\ ho had remarked m BerlIn
the exhIbItIOn of Mr Lmke'.., \v ork and had expressed a WIsh
to meet the Pans deSIgner In partIcular the KaIser was taken
WIth speCImen" of LotHS Xl V, LOUIS XV and LoUls XVI
styles, of whIch he has some notable pieces hImself ~Ir
Linke 1eports that the Kalsel showed aver) 1l1tlmate know-ledge
of the cabmetmaker\ art and <l mce dI"cnmmatlOn of
artIstIc values
Are very popular with the Furniture Trade.
No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net.
We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs.
SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis
Oc __
Made by
PosselJus Bras
MEln ufacturIng
DetrOlt, MICh
Rockford Chair and
Furniture Co.
Dining Room Furniture
Library Furniture-Library Desks, Library
Tables, Library Bookcases, Combination Book-cases,
Our entire hne will be on exhibition in January
on the third floor of the Blodgett Building,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Without It There Is Little Chance for Success in
~lanufacturing Furnihue.
Inexpellenced 111dJ\Iduah al e sometImes boldly Imposed
upon when engagmg 111 the manufacture of fur11lture. Havwg
nothmg but ca::,h and a double ue"ll e-to help the town they
lnc 111 and to acqUIre lalge (hvldends upon their mve"tments
-they ,t1 e ca"tly phIcked by un "crupulous tI aclesmen Vi! hen
thc \lu~kegon "alley FU111lture C01l1pdny orgalll7ed f()! the
pUI pose of engag 1I1f; 111the manufd( ture of fur11ltUl e, an ad-vertIsement
wa::, pubhshed In the tI dele papers offellng em-ployment
to a supenntendent \s u"ual a number of rephes
were recen ed from men whose expenence 111 the bus111ess
dId not extend beyond the knowledge acqUlred whIle working
upon the bench of a cabll1etmakel, a filllsher or the operation
of a s11l1p1evvooel cuttm::; machme Possessed of monumental
assurance and a ready, \ olummoth flo,,- of langauge many of
thls cIa ss of lI1d1\ Iduab ha \ e ;:,ecUled l:;ooel pOSItIons, to be
lost In a short tIme on account of thell mcompeteney \Vhen
the bU"lne"" of mannfdcttll111g fUr11ltule \vas started 111the
"outhern "tate::, a few} eals ago, 11ldlly lI1compeient:o from the
north secured good posltlOn" at lI1gh POlnt, ThomaSVIlle,
:\H Alry and other town::, of North Caroll11a, Vlrgmla and
GeOlgJa HandIcapped by the lack of expenence m manu-factnre
and With mcompetent help It 10,surpllsl11g m spIte of
the large number of fallures, thdt so many manufacturers
SUl\ 1\ ed the tllal of then mental dnd finanCial resotll ce'S
<'\11 111expellencec! and lncompetent ::,upenntendent \\a"
eng-aged by the manager of the 11('\\I} orgdn17ed :\1u"kegon
Valle} FunJlture Co, a gentleman b) the wa), whose know-ledge
of the busl11e"" of mal1ufactunng fur11lture Wd" ac
qUIred vvhlle keepml.S a set of books for a blewery Un-
"crupulous agent" of "upply houses vl::'lted the '-,upellnten-dent
and proceeded to unload thClr "cats and dog,," upon the
company at fancy pnces
Se\ eral }'ears before the company engaged In busmess
the mIrror plates almost excIusJ\ ely u::,ed 111 dre~::,ers meas-ured
about 30 x 60 111ches, whlle the "lZe'3 ~eneral1y used when
the :Vruskegon Valley Furmture company engaged ltS super-
I11tendent were IV hat \Vas known as landscapes, the plates
were not so high but V\ Ider than the 30 x 60''S used in the toi-lets
of French dres'Ser~ "\ lan;e number of these odd sind
plates and many other arilcIes fully as valuable 1\ ere un-loaded
upon the company and when B N Bal11es succeeded
the I11competent supenntendent a year later he faced d most
cltfficult problem-how to com ert the lt1l1k 111tOcash 1 :i\1r
Barnes 1" an ll1gcmou" man-a salesman as well as a manu-fact111el,
and finall} dIsposed of the plates b} buddIng speClal
al tlcles of furmt111 e fOl barbel "hop", saloon::, and hke places
of busll1e;:,s Yeal s of tune VI' ere 1 eqmred to clean out the
New York Markets.
New York, Dec 31-The u"ual hohclay "Cd::'OIl dullne;:,s
ha::, pre\dlled thl" week 111all the malket" Hut are of "peLlal
mtelest to f111111t111emUl Even the lumber tIade 1<., reported
as dull, but ad\ lees from lntenol POl11ts ImlJcate I11creas111g
firmness wlth an expectatIon of a n::,e 111 price;:, early 111the
new} ear, though the snow over the northern states l11::,ures
a larger supply of logs than has been cut 111 any w111ter S111ce
Tmpentine is steady on hght bus111ess wlthout change
111quotatIOns here notwlthstandl11g a rise of a cent at Savan-nah
The figures are 57 @ 57Y;; here, 54 @ 54~ at Savannah
The trade 111 shellac 1" stIlI confined to samll ]obbll1g
order" T N 111 bags IS quoted dt 155':; 0), 16 cents, case::, 16
@ lOA, bleached, 16 @ 17 cent'S, ktln dl1ed, 21 (ij; 22, DC,
24 @ 25
Varnish gum~ are 111 fair demand wlthout change" in
The demand fOl 11l1'3eedOIl b light, but pnces are firm, a
concl!tlOn that tends to confirm the Idea that the recent ad-
\ ance wa" due more to speculatIOn tlun to a shortage l!l the
~upply of fldx"eed Consumel" arc not I11chned to buy at
curtent pllCes which lange fr0111 69 @ 70 fOJ "estern law up
to 72 @ 73 for cIty double hOlled
There I" d fau" demand for goat skJn;, and pnces are firm,
espeCIally for Lat111 Amencans, 1\1- eXlcan fronilers are sttll
quoted at 34 cents, Buenos Ayre", 42 @ 45, Paytas, 42 (iiJ 43,
HaytIens, 50 @ 51 Curacaos, 51 @ 52Y;;
Cordage of all kll1ds IS strong In sympathy, slight ad-vances
m rdW matellals, but pnces have not been changed
materially IndIa twine Nos ..J-Y;;to 6 1'3 quoted at 8Y;; @
9 cents, light 9 @ 9Y;;; fine No 18, 11 @ 12;1;;. B C TW111e,
No 18, 16 @ 16Y;; cents
QuotatIons on sheet 71l1C rema1l1 unchanged at $8 pel
100 pound::, fob Peru, Ill, "ith 8 per cent dIscount and
extras unchanged
NIckel, In large lots is quoted at 48 @ 50 cents, less than
ton lots, 55 @ 60
Changes by Which the Capable Artistic Decorator Makes Great Improvements in the
Appearance of the Rooms.
( By Ekin Wallick in The Ladies' Home Journal. )
I'the I1llhtl Ilion on the
lelt the 111111lture ,t1
though ,uh"t,wtlal I" POOl
III deSIgn 1he "Ideb )<!td
dnd eha11, e,11] be lmprm cd
by the remm al 01 the urna
ment, as shown on the light
The uppet portIOn 01 the
'ldeboard IS ehsearded and
the oblong m1110r l' 1e
framed and hung on the \\all
'\ cabllletma~el \\ III be able
to substItute the tdpellng;
Sheraton lcg;s tor tho,c 10\ 11l
erly used The chan s ,l\ e \ e
,tamed. a \\ aluul brown the
'3ame a" the SIdeboard and a
tapestn cm eong \- u-ed 1\1
-tedd 01 the nmtatlOn leathel
~ paneled effect IS ploduced
by fir,t cOvenng the \Vall
\\\th unbledched musltn
\\ ood stnps are placed about
two feet apart, fOIm1l1g pan-e!,
whIch are pa1l1ted whIte
O~lhe left the hVlng
room 1'3 crowded wIth
mappropnate fur11lture
The gnlle over the door and
the .,howy chma lamp on the
un<;ubstantlal center table
"hem lack ot ta,te The
oppo,lle IlhhtratlOn ~ho\\ s
the plb,lblhtIL' 01 the Sdme
loom If ta"tc and e!Iscnmma
tJOn are u,ed The mantel
I' deprn ed of ItS machme-caned
ornament ,Ind 1<;pamt
eel an n or} tone end the
tiles \l e e t1umlllec1 1 he
gnlle 1" lemoHd 110m ILe
c1oof\\ d} ,Ine! lhe pOItlere-dre
hung II um ,I bras, pole
'" small eLI\enport b on onc
~1c1eof the rrJ()m ,t nght ,lll
gle, to the jJ1 epLlee 1hel I
h nu Ittempt dt eltaped hdng
11lg, dt the \\ 111(10\\" [he
pld1l1e, IIC hung \\Ith lell!
enee t,) the 'ILe o! thl \\ tll
FOR d bedlO0111 wlllch
suffel s 110111<I nU111bel
of odd ,llld ends of
hnl11ture, a" lhe one on thl
left shm\ s, the follm\lllg
change<; \\eIL ,ugge~ted
The 11111101dnd superstruc
ture 01 the bureau wel e re
moved, new legs added and
the body of the bUIedU was
used as a chest of dra" ers
The mlrrOl \\ a <;then framed
111 dark oak The <IIehItec
turdl ped11uenb of the bed
were remm ed and the 11Igh
headboard \\as cut do\\n to
the level of the footboard
'\ SImple valance treatment
111 cretonne v. as used at the
w1l1do\\ s In place ot the
cheap combmatlon de~k and
bookshelve~ a "nt1l1g table
\\ as substituted The wood
work was pa111ted whIte, and
a Fl ench stnped paper was
used below the pIcture raIl
Buildings That Will Need Furniture.
Residences-Bert Badgley, 1339-41 Glendale avenue, ChI-cago,
$7,;00, J DRoop, 1444 BIrchwood avenue, ChIcago,
$5,000, VI ank Vander Ploeg, 262 West 104th place, ChICago,
$8,000, \largal et Jacob~, 4034 ~ \Iozart a\ enue, ChIcago,
:[:6,000, Emma 1\ :\Ieyer'3, Irv111g street and ThIrty -second
a \ enue, Dem er, Col , $4,400, (TIant McA \ Oy, :\[arshfield, \ \ IS ,
$3,750, L :U :\lcCloud, )JoIfolk, Va, $3,600 C :\! Hunt,
:ZOOO South EIghteenth street, L111coln, '\ ehr, 5;3,000 FI eel
1loldel 381; \\ ee,t 11m teenth "tl eet, LIttle Rock, \1 k , $12,-
000, Dr D (Jlaham, Central d\enUe and Dnstole,tleet, Duluth
:\1111n, $8,000, John"\ Lagd, 436 Chene e,treet, DetrOIt, :\TICh
$4,000, \\ Ilhd11l If art, 1174 BlOOkl) n e,treet, DetrOIt, $16000
The \II%eS Cha11lbe, Canfield and C011111Ssh eets, Deh OIt,
$4,700, John Owen, GratIOt a\ enue dnd ChIppewa st1 eet, De-trOIt
$6,000, \\ P Scott, 130ulevard and Shady Lane, DetrOIt,
$6,500, J A l'erguson, 700 \Yae,hmgton street, Denver, Colo,
$7,500; S \\ SullIvan, 33 AIYItIe street, Atlanta, Ga, $3,500;
\\ Ilha11l Lennox, East St '.'Iam street dnd Nevada a\ enue,
Colorado Spnngs, Colo, $10,000, E J i\ ewcomb, 402 NIchol"
a\ enue, K \\ \\ aslungton, DC, $4,000, II A KIte, 1222
Kenyon street, X \Y \Yash1l1gton, $30,000, :\1ary ~ KeefeI,
2727 Thirteenth street, X E V\ ash1l1gton, $3,500; Wilford
Harns, 3612 Cl1l1ton aevnue, Mmneapohs, Mllln, $14,000,
Helen J Holmboe, 2210 Tvventy-first street, M111neapohs, $8,-
800, ::\lrs Ella T PI endergast, 3543 Humboldt avenue south,
\Imneapoh3, $4,000, F G Cole, 2918 Columbua a\ e, :YI111l1-
apohs, $3,000 , Rudolph HantL'3ch, SIxteenth and TIOga streets,
PhIladelphIa, Pa, $8,000, :\Iorn'3 Levelson, CreIghton street
and Parkslde a\ enue, PhIlacIelphla, $21,200, Elmer H J ohn-
"on, 309 Orangewood avenue, PIttsburg Pa, $4,000, KIrk D
BIgham, 312 LaBelle street, PIttsburg, $3,600, Mr" L B
Langford, 536 CapItol avenue, ;'\!tantd, Ga, $3,300, Judge
Cotteral, 51h Cleveland dvenue, Guthne, Ukla, $3,500, Charles
Sny der,624 \Ye"t ?\ ohle "treet, Guthne, $3,000, Rn erslde, Cal ,
$4,000, 1\11'3 \\ ROdne, T and Twenty-Second streets, Sacra-mento,
Cal, $10,000, J D \\ arfield, 1831 Kenwood aveuue,
$; 000 A. () Treganza, 614 East SIxth sheet, South, Salt Lake
LIt}, Ctdh, $14,000, c\ S Ellck<;on, 1258 East FIrst street,
south, Salt Lake Clt}, $7,500, 11 ank Sh and, 408 ThIrd street,
Duluth, 1\lmn , $4,000, C C Todd, San Antonio, Tex, $3,800,
A A Franke FI edellck and 1\ewbern "treets, :\IIlwaukee,
\\ IS , $5,000, ':\Irs JennIe S GaUl e}, 728 Che"tnut street, St
LoUIS, :vIo , $6,000, :\fI s ::\1argael t Hanselman, Eureka street
and Haberman a\ enue, PIttsburg, Pa, $4,200, Isabella S
\nderson, 200 Osgood stI eet, PIttsburg, Pa , $4,000; Sarah H
Kennedy, BerkshIre and QueensbOlo streets, PIttsburg, $4,500,
\lISS Lena Feeock, 16;5 Garfield boulevard, ChIcago, $7,800
\VIll A Peans, 3021 K111gman street, Des :\IOlnes, Iowa,
$3,800, H J Howc, 2911 K111gmdn street, Des M0111es, $4,000,
Leorgae M PIlmer, 9;9 '1 wenty-fire,t "trect, De'3 M0111C."$16,-
000, C T Rathke, Cannon }lIll Park, Spokane, \Yash , $4,500,
::\1 J FltLpatnck, 10014 Ostend dvenue, Cleveland, OhIO, $4,-
000, Carl Sward, HawthOl ne and \Nalsh streets, St Paul,
M111n, $4,000, J\' P Holmberg, Ashland avenue and Dewey
street, St Paul, $5,500, X elIte B Rob111son, Snellmg street
dnd Portland avenue, St Paul, $3,000, Georgc McDonald,
)J ewell street dnd Park Front, J\IIlwaukee, \\ 1<,, $5,000, T L
SmIth, Hadley and ThIrty-second streets, ::\lilwaukee, $10,000
WIlham DIehl, Maple and ThIrtIeth streets, Erie, Pa, $3,600,
AJfred Brelsford, 121 East Blake ayenue, Columbus, OhIO,
$3,000, W L RecI, 77 \Varren stret, Columbus, $6,500, John
Henry Craven::" ColonIal avenue, Dallas, Tex, $3,400, Charles
\Voods, 151 Beckley avenue, Dallas, $3,000, Mrs Patton,
Hollywood, Cal, $12,500; A \\T Redman, ·West Adams
Heights, Los Angeles, Cal, $20,000; G L Summers, Holly-
II ood, Cal, $5,500, H I Stuart, San Rafael HeIghts, Pasa-
...----------------- --- ---------_._-----.,
----_ ...
4-. _
CWartiatleogfuoer. \I E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS, AL~fStN.
- --- ------------ -- -- -- -- ---._- ._--~
elena Cal, $8,000 l hal lee, \ Chatham, R1\ erslde a\ enue,
Jacksomille, Ila, $3500, John Koehler, }ern and ::YIobIle
streets, New Orlean." Ld, $31,000, H J Carey, Morgan
boulevard and Orlean" street, \ew Orleane" $-+,000, ~-\ J Roe,
216 \Vest Kennedy street, :='yracu"e \ Y, $7,500, E E Eu?
Lard, 112 Onondaga st! eet Syracuse, $5,000, "IV r Bacon,
11111101"and \ ermont e,treet<;, 1nchanapohe, 1nd, 5;6,000 G II
Baird, Dalrd-.to\\ n, Cal, bungalo\v, $5,000
Miscellaneous Bmldmgs-1 he '\Iernt Pldce .:\! ethodl"t'3
of Indlanapolh, Ind, arc bUIld111g d church to co"t $30,000
The '3chool board of :\1l11neapoh" Ie, constructmg an adchtIOn
to the Bl elmer "chool at d coe,t of $74,000 \ fiftv thousand
dollar court house 1e, bel11~ blllit at Deml11g, ~ :\Iex The
13aptI"t., of 1'o111ond, Cal, haye adopted plane, for d church to
lOst $50,000 Chne,tlan SuentIsts V\ III buIld a church 111Clg-den,
L"tah to co"t $35,000 Samuel K ewhouse IS to bUIld a
theatre 111Ogdcn, Utah at a cost of $230,000 Trustees for
the Carne~Ie hbrar} to be erected at EI Cent, 0, Cal, are
dCh ert1s1110 for b1ds OJ] the constrnctIOn of the blllld111g '1 he
Pasadena b(Cal) Realty company V\ 111mvcst $60,000 to $75,-
000 111a theatre bUIldmg The Los Angele" (Cal) AthletiC
Club ha\ e adopted pldm for then dub home buildl11g whIch
IS to cost $650,000 The lrl110n League Club of Los Angeles,
Cal haye started the comtructIOn of theIr ne wbmldl11g
whI~h 1<;to cost half a mIlhon dolalrs The CIty hall at San
Pedro, Cal , is to be remodeled at a cost of $26,000
It's when he 10, up agamst it that a man 11eally feels
I A High Grade Cafe.
t Restaurant and Buffet 10 connectmD I GEORGE FULWELL, I II ME""" '0' Proprietor. I
.• -.__AG<.;;Y -H't.--------------- __ - .. -~
Near Woodward Avenue
Amencan Plan. $2.50 per
Day and upwards.
European Plan, $1 00 per
Day and upwards
Hot and Cold Runmng Water
In all Rooms.
Rooms WIth Bath extra.
· ....- .....-...- ..._._---_._-_._----~
Miscellaneous Advertiselllents.
Commission men for the states Michigan, Iowa, Missoun,
Nebraska and Kansas. also for the western states or Pa-cific
coast, to carry our li
- Date Created:
- 1910-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:27
- Subject Topic:
- Periodicals and Furniture Industry
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- © Grand Rapids Public Library. All Rights Reserved.
- URL:
- http://cdm16055.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16055coll20/id/150