Mourning Pendant, 1795

It is difficult to read the inscription on the monument but it appears to be Halston while some say it is Balstun.These mourning lockets and other mourning pieces are particularly popular from 1750-1820.These memorialized the deceased and generally included a lock of their hair. This piece also seems to include the hair of a living family member as well.Sometimes the hair of the dead was dissolved and used to help paint the memorial scene.This image includes weeping willow trees, which were often associated with mourning, and the angel who signifies everlasting life.These sepia images were most often painted on ivory disks, but if that was too expensive for the family images were painted on thick parchment card instead.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and The Henry Ford
Digital Dress Collection
United States
Subject Topic:
Pendants (Jewelry), Mourning jewelry, and Jewelry
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