This 2-page letter was handwritten in black ink on slightly yellowed paper by John Samuel Foley, Bishop of Detroit

This 2-page letter was handwritten in black ink on slightly yellowed paper by John Samuel Foley, Bishop of Detroit. The paper is printed with light red lines and shows the letterhead of the Episcopal Residence in the upper left corner. On the second page, the embossed seal of the diocese can be seen. The paper also has the watermark, "Abstract Bond." The text of the letter has been transcribed as follows: "Detroit, Mich. Dec. 31 1900 At the request of His Honor, William C. Maybury, Mayor of Detroit, Michigan, I the undersigned furnish the following statistics of the Catholic Church in the diocese of Detroit on this the last day of the century. The diocese was established by the Holy See on March 8, 1833. The first bishop, Frederick Resé, D.D. was consecrated Oct. 6. 1833, died Dec. 19, 1871. Rt. Rev. Peter Paul Lefevre, Bishop of Zela, coadjutor and administrator of Detroit, consecrated Nov. 22, 1841, died March 4, 1869. Rt. Rev. Henry C. Borgess, D.D. cons. Apr. 24. 1870, resigned, Apr. 16. 1887, died May 3, 1890. Rt. Rev. John S. Foley, D.D. cons. Nov. 4, 1888, present Bishop. In the diocese there 218 priests - 44 Regulars - 174 Seculars. 198 Churches and missions and 36 stations and 15 chapels - 1 seminary for ecclesiastical students (Polish), 155 in number. Students in various seminaries - 32. Colleges and academies for boys, 3. Students 400. Academies for young ladies, 4. Students 470. Parishes and missions with schools 64. Pupils 17,500. Orphan Asylums 5. Orphans 500. Industrial School - 1. Inmates 12. House of the Good Shepherd -1. Inmates over 400. St. Mary's Home for Working Girls - 1. Inmates 40. Hospitals 4. Home for Aged Poor 1. Inmates 250. Catholic Population for Diocese - about 200,000. If this should be preserved and opened at the close of the 20th century, let it [be] presented to the then Bishop of Detroit and I beg of said bishop to offer a prayer to Almighty God for the eternal repose of the undersigned, his predecessors, and all the clergy and people of the diocese of Detroit. John Samuel Foley Bishop of Detroit Fred. J. Baumgartner Chancellor and Sec'y"
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Diocese of Detroit, Roman Catholic Church, and 1901 Time Capsule
Subject Name:
Foley, John Samuel and Foley, John Samuel
No Copyright - United States