Women's gray kid high laced shoes from the 1920s

Woman's gray kid high laced shoes. Chunky heels. Label: Wm. E. Hintz, 1520 Broadway, Detroit, Mich. Hintz was listed as a custom shoemaker in the 1923 City directory. Came with gray moire "toe-fillers" to keep the shoe in shape. One gray moire zipper shoe bag with black silk separator for each shoe. Note: Broadway St. was called Miami until 1907. In 1920 all street numbers in the city were changed, and 1520 was among those new numbers.
The original materials from this collection are held at the Detroit Historical Society. Additional related items that were not photographed are also available.
Date Issued:
[1920 TO 1925]
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and Detroit Historical Society
Digital Dress Collection
Detroit, Michigan
Subject Topic:
Footwear, Clothing and dress, History, and Shoes
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