Polly Gilbert to Hopey Willcox, June 20, 183-

Worthy and Affectionate Sister I have seen your worthy friend Mrs. Burbank She gave me some account of your feble State of health which causes me so much anxiety of mind that I am induced to give you a little advice first let it be your studdy with Gods Asistance to regain your health you must try try to reconcile your self to your Situation believeing that God has wise purposes to accomplish in every event of his providence I hope that you and Brother Liman unite every day at the throne of Grace Pleading with god that he would bless and diret means for your recovery I wish you to converce with your fer sitian and see what he says about your comeing down here this month and staying until Polly thare returns an if you are not able at present wait a little while and if your husband thinks it is not possible for him to come I do think that Brother Luther would come with you in the fall and if my health should be as good as it is now I would go back with you in the spreng though I did not expect to util a year from next spring Converse with mother and other friends upon this subject and act agreeable to your own Judgment I expect that you have heard that Amanda would leave holm soon but I expet that she will live with me 2 or 3 years She feels very anxious about you wishes you to come here if it is consistent our family is not quite so large and wee have not so large a dairy this summer I have received great benefit when know a petite from a powder of rheubarb and a very little epicac taken once a day and it will sicken you the least to take it Just before gowing to bed I do think it would restore the tone of your sumach unless you are pregnant and that I think will not be the case while you are in such feble health another weakness Mrs B said you was afflicted with which is very distressing and affets the hole system and which nothing can remove without careful ness rideing in a wagon or on horse bac will be a benefit to you if you have strength do not fail of gowing to mothers often I mentioned to Mrs B concerning a stay which I think will help you if you will attend to it and give up work the shew make hen riesor roots must be loded in urein then strained, the stay filed with dry wool and then soaked in the liquor until it becomes warm you must ware it an our and then wash it and put it in the liquor again this is to be aplied when you are distressed with a baring do use I want your husband to write as soon as you receive this and let me know the state of your health and how it is B gets holm and if your health is any biter write I do feel concerned about you, perhaps you will say that sister P has lost all delicacy I answer no I have onely lost my pride God made us poor females and he will prepare us for all that wee have to pass through if wee put our trust in him gladly would I visit you this summer if I could when I have leand of your poor helth I thought it like my own, but it is much poorer my apetite is very good and I think if I had a known in may that your health was so poor, that I should have come thare. This spring though it would have ben very difficult if your health is no better I shall try to come and see you next may if possible give my love to all my friends but if you can read this you read not let any one see it do write your self as soon as you are able I remain your affectionate sister Polly Gilbert June the 20
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Lyman George Willcox Papers
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