Women's two-piece suit of gray / black light-weight serge from the mid '20s or early '30s

Woman's two-piece suit of gray / black light-weight serge has a long jacket with a round neck, and a yoke of three curved strips with three black button closures having bound buttonholes. The rest of the jacket hangs open. The long sleeves each have a matching band and black button at the cuff. The lining is black silk.. The skirt which has no waistband has a dropped waist, and the same yoke effect. The lower part of the knee-length skirt is cut on this bias. Label (jacket): " Lillian Inc., 1230 Washington Blvd., Detroit Exclusive Fashions" (Lillian's was later reorganized as Walter's)
The original materials from this collection are held at the Detroit Historical Society. Additional related items that were not photographed are also available.
Date Issued:
[1926 TO 1930]
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and Detroit Historical Society
Digital Dress Collection
Detroit, Michigan
Subject Topic:
Outerwear, Clothing and dress, History, and Suits (Clothing)
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