Handwritten letter from Father Gabriel Richard to Major Jonathon Kearsley, dated March 5th, 1824

Handwritten letter from Father Gabriel Richard to Major Jonathon Kearsley, dated March 5th, 1824. The letter reads: Washington March 5th, 1824 Major Kearsley Dear Sir, I have received your favor of the 4th Jan. in its time i.e. about 4 weeks after its date. Immediately I have sent your letter to Whitney in his way to Detroit. I have understood by a letter that he writes me from New York, that he has left New York for Hudson on the 1st March. At Hudson then he will receive your letter. When he gives me any communication in reference to you, I will have the [...] to it. I have the honor to be your obed'. affectionate servant. Gabriel Richard P.S. turn over -- I have called, on Mr. Crawford once and on Mr. Jones his Chief Clerk 3 times in relation to the reports forwarded by you and Mr. Woodbridge. Yesterday Mr. Jones informed me that he had 4 Clerks employed in making two transcripts of them. Mr. Crawford had decided that it was not in order to send the originals altho Mr. Rankin the chairman of the Com. of pub. L. with whom y had a conference upon the subject did tell me that to save time as the [?] was much advanced he thought it would do to have only the original, especially as he was informed that yr. report was very voluminous as soon it will come before the com. of p. L. I will do all in my power to urge a quick decision to confirm your report.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Land Office, Committee on Public Lands, Representatives, and Congress
Subject Name:
Richard, Gabriel, Kearsley, Jonathan, and Woodbridge, William
No Copyright - United States