Weekly Artisan; 1909-07-31

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• JULY 31. 1909 -" .-...--~-------_._------------ --------------_. _. -- ------~ GRAND RAPIDS CRESCENT THE WORLD'S BEST SAW BENCH Send for Catalog Double Revolving Arbors. A massive bearing adjacent to the saws. The door permits accesslbihty. Guaranteed to eliminate mistakes and inaccuracies and to reduce the cost of sawing stock to a minimum. THE CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS, Builders, 40 So. Front St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. a,..-- •• _-- •••• - . ...... A BIT OF INDUSTRIAL HISTORY Are You Running an 1860 or a 1910 Plant? ··Detrolt" Return Trap. PATENTED. In 1860 cottonseed removed from the boll by gInnIng was garbage-thrown away. By 1870 gInners managed to conVInce some people that cottonseed was good fertilizer. By 1880 It was consIdered good cattle food and III 1890 It was being used as a table food. By not utIlIzlllg all the cottonseed III 1900 (one year) twenty-six milhon dollars that someone could have had, was thrown away. The city of Glasgow, Scotland, gets 9,000 horse-power every day-free-by catching and util- IZIngfurnace gases formerly wasted. The steel corporatIOn WIlllIght the town of Gary, Ind., and run all street cars with energy that would otherWIse be wasted and belched out of furnace stacks. If you use steam for heatIng and dryIng and you allow any condensatIOn to go to waste-you are losing money. Put all your condensation back Into the boiler wIthout pumpIng-and hotter than a pump wIth hft-with "DETROIT" General OffIces: Automatic- Return Steam Traps Manufactured and Guaranteed by AMERICAN BWWER COMPANY "SIROCCO" Works: DETROIT, MICH. and TROY, N. Y DETROIT, MICH. TRADf MARK SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a caster yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three sizes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something different from the regular bar pulls, GRAND RAPIDS BRASS I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. co. • ,----------_. -- _. -_._._. -_._-_....._.-.------- .-..-.-. -.---- .... ., I j " __ ------ - . " _--_ --.., II The Posselius Bros. Furniture Mfg. Co. DETROIT, MICHIGAN WEEKLY ARTISAN WE ARE MAKING THE FINEST DISPLAY OF DINING EXTENSION TABLES EVER OFFERED by us at our display rooms, 2d floor, Manufacturers' Exhibition Building, 13 19 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. All of our pedestal tables are fitted with the famous DUO-STYLE LOCKS Representatives---Frank A. Kuney, J. O. Kemp, H. J. Armstrong. ~--- .-----.. . - --- _. .. ...-- ..-- -- .... - .. ....--- _.._..._- ---. --- ---_._-----' 1 ARTHUR S WHITE. PreSIdent. ALVAH BROWN, V,eePreSldent HARRY C WHITE. See'y Trea. I " :=;RANr' RAPH)~ ppnLIC LiBR,ny THE NEW YORK MARKET offers to you, the Furniture Manufacturer, the largest consuming population on this continent. Over six million: five million additional within six hours ride by rail. Total, eleven million of the largest wage earners and the most liberal spenders on earth. An opportunity to exhibit in this great market now open to all in the new home of the New York Furniture Exchange containing 1,380,000 square feet of floor space and ready for occupancy December 1, 1909. The most accessible location in New York for both resident and visiting buyers. Lexington Avenue to Depew Place, 46th to 48th Streets. Part of the new Grand Central Station group. The plan of extension so long contemplated by the New York Furniture Exchange is now realized and an invitation has been extended to kindred lines to use space in the new building. The additional buyers thus attracted will be largely to the mterest of the furniture manufacturer, as many buyers in these kindred lines are also dealers in furniture. This is the time to secure a favorable location as a larger amount of space has already been contracted for than was available in the old building. MAKE LEASES NOW Remember first come, first served. Address, Chas. E. Spratt, Secretary, NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE LeXIngton Avenue and 43d Street, NEW YORK. l r .THE---SIG---WHITE ----sHoil I I oI l.-------------------------- .. _ .. __ - -- ._ . ! 4 , I I• II I I We Furnish Every Article of Printing I I Needed by Business Men. I III •I II II II III III I• I• II III II I I• I: II •I II I I : t I I I : I I I : I I I II II I I • I I I •I tI I~ --_._._,! , I I I I I II II I I :------------- ----. -_.----_ •. ----" . -j WHITE PRINTING COMPANY 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. THE BIG WHITE SHOP WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 NEW YORK'S NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Covering the entire blocks from Lexington Avenue to Depew Place. 46th to 48th Streets Each building 200 x 275 feet in size and 12 stories high 1,300,000 Square Feet or Nearly 28 Acres Floor Space THE LARGEST AREA WHOLLY DEVOTED TO WHOLESALE SALESROOMS IN THE WORLD WILL BE READY FOR OCCUPANCYDECEMBER Ist~ 1910 Applications for space should be made to CHAS. E. SPRATT~ Secretary NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE ~- -~----------, 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~, --------... .... -- _____ • __ a ••• .., !. IIII III ! II ,If• III IIIIII II THE LueE LINE Many New Patterns m Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furmture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids lu(e furniture (0. ~~~~·~As BARGAIN ,,_.---~._--- --------------- ---------._-_. -- --- _._-_ .. -~, I I I II III!IIIIIIII II I II ~--- No. 537. 28x42 top. Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 co. ,--~ . ~ --i", ..,,, ~-------------~ You can't make money faster than by buymg this fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of this and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave" DETROIT MICH. ... I.,..--_.--- ._--------- ----...._----~ IF IT'S THE BEST REFRIGERATOR I IT'S AN ALASKA I II WRITE FOR CATALOG. Over 850,000 Alaska refrigerators sold sin c e I 878. DeSirable features of an Alaska Refrigerator: Small consumption of Ice. Maximum amount of cold, dry air. Absolutely sanitary pro-vision chamber. Simplicity of operation. Perfect preservation of food. We sell to dealers only. The Alaska Refrigerator Co. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers. MUSKEGON, MICH. L E. Moon, New York Manager, 35 Warren St., New York CIty. .... . - ... " II .-- " GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 30th Year-No.5 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., JULY 31,1909 Issued Weekly TIMBER SUPPLY OF THE UNITED STATES Latest and Most Reliable Information That the Government Authorities Are Able to Furnish on the Subject. Thorough readmg of Forest ~ervlCe CIrcular ~ 0 160 on "The TImber Supply of the Cmted :"tates,' whIch was hnefly mentlOned m the "eekly ArtIsan of la"t Saturday, "hovvs that It I" one of the most Intere"tmg clocument" yet Issued by the NatIonal Department of Agnculture and It fur-l11shes mformatIon that mu"t be of conSIderable Importance not only the lumbermen and ovvners of tImber lands but abo to manufacttuels, bwlders and other buyer" add consumers of forest products The Cllcular was prepared by ASSIstant Forester R S Kellogg, who IS knovvn as a competent sta-tIstIcIan and one of the most relIable employes of the bu-reau of forestry The CIrcular IS based on reports and sta-tIstIcs collected for the year 1907, but as changes then noted are known to have contmued through 1908, they may be con- 'ildered ql11te apphcable to present conrhtlOn" :Mr Rockwell make" the followmg e"tImates on the 'itumpage of the pnnClpal lumber wood" Douglas Fir--The total stand of Dougla" fir, the bulk of VI hleh 1" m Oregon and ,Vashlllgton, I" probaby not lcs'> than 525 bIllIOn feet It 1" the pnnclpal tImber tIee of the PacIfic coa"t, I" abundant 111 Idaho and JVlontana, and oc-cur" m some quantIty throughout much of the Rocky moun-tam regIOn The annual cut now 1" about 434 bllhon feet The output of Douglas fir WIll mCIease rapIdly m the near future If the market conchtlOns are "uch as to encourage operatlOn" m the many large holdmg" of v irgm tImber m Oregon and \Vashmgton Yellow Pine-The total stand of yellow pme In the Southern states may be 350 bllllOn feet The cut m 1907 wa" about 13 bllhon feet Many of the large operator" say that they WIll cut out theIr 3upphes wlthm the next fifteen year" at the pI esent rate of 'iaVlmg The center of yellow p1l1e plOducton has mOved westward rapIdly In recent years GeorgIa was leadmg state 111 HJOO, WIth nearly 12 per cent of the total output of yellow pme lumber, whle 111 1907 It ranked n1l1th, wIth an absolute decrease m cut of nearly 500 mllhon feet over 1900 In 1907 Low"lana ranked first, wIth nearly 18 per cent of the total, Texa" second, wIth more than 16 per cent, and MIS"ISSIPPI tlllrd, wIth nraI1y 13 per cent White Pine-The total stand of whIte p1l1e and Norvvay pme m the Eastern and Lake State'i IS perhaps 75 bIllIon feet The greatest whIte p1l1e productlOn m the Lake States \\ as m 1890, when the output was over 80 bll110n feet \\ Ith few exceptIOns the decrease has been steady smce that tIme, The cut m 1907 was 2Yz bll110n feet m the Lake States and 4,192,708,000 feet In all state'>, whIch mcluc1ed a small quantIty of whIte pme m Idaho, Montana and Wa'ihmgton Hardwoods-The total amount of hardwood tImber IS extremely dIfficult to estImate, and the scattered and mIxed character of growth makes It stlll more clIfficult to estImate the stumpage of anyone speCIes The compleXIty of hard-wood "tands 1" well shown by the result of a careful study of the forests of eastern Kentucky recently made by the Forest SerVIce 111 cooperatlOn WIth the state The average percentage of each speCIes m that reglOn IS about as follow'i \Vhlte oak, 20, chestnut oak, 18, beech, 15, maple, 13, black oak, 10, che"tnut, 6, yellow poplar, 6, hIckory, 4, bas "wood, 2, a'ih, cucumber, locu"t, pme, hemlock, walnut, black gum and cherry combmed, 6 Taken as a vvhole, the hardwood "tumpage of the Umted States I" probahly not les" than 500 hlllIon feet The total hardwood lumber cut 1111907 was 9% bllhon feet Of thl", the oaks supplIed 40 per cent, maple, 10 per cent, }eHow poplar, 79 per cent, red e,um, 7 S per cent, chestnut, 7 1 per cent, and the numerous other hanlwood" "malleI amount" The lumber cut m 1907 "how'i a total of 40,256,000,000 feet, boal d measure Yellow p111ewas 111the lead WIth 33 pet cent of the total, Douglas fir ranked "econd wtth 12 per cent, whIte p111e thIrd, 10 4, oak fourth, 92 and hemlock fifth WIth 84 per cent, whIle SJpruce and we"tern p1l1e fur-m'ihed 43 and 38 per cent respectIvely The:-,e seven al e the only woods of whIch more than a bIllIOn feet was cut Taken together they furlll"h more than four-fifths of the an-nual lumber supply The soft wood" furl11"h about tl1ree-quarters and the hard woods one quarter of the total annual cut, the e'itlmate" bemg 77 and 23 per cent lespectlVely DUlmg the 'ieven vear", 1900 to 1907, the cut of yellow pme 1l1ereased about 37 per cent, v, e"tern pme 62 per ce it, cyple"s 53 pel cent, leclwood 58 per cent, and Douglas fir 173 per cent 1hese 111erease" fal more than countel bal-anced the decrea"e of nearly 46 per cent 111 whIte p1l1e On the other hand, the cut of the two lead1l1g hardwoocl'i, oak and yellow popular, decreased 1b per cent and 22 per cent, (j WEEKLY ARTISAN --~---------------~ I I I ~---- I IIIII II• IIIII IIIII I•• III• •I IIfI II IIIIII II,III I ------------------------------------ SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY Many New Features Added for the Fall Season Everything for the Bedroom [ Med,um and FlUe Quahty J Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand Rapids. M.ch III II I II II I: II ..._--------------------_._._-_._._~_._--- ------- ------------------------ .... WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, MIch. \\ ere Imported trom Canada Of the dome"tlc pulpwood. near) three-fiUh" was "pruce and almost one-fifth hemlock. :\Io"t of the remamdel wa,; poplar, with small quantltle-, of :-.e\eral other v\ oods :\ early as much spruce I'; uc;ed for pulp as for lumber respectlvely durmg thl" period Remarkable mcrease" tool place m the output of some of the mll10r harch\ ooch the gam m maple, for lI1"tal1ce, bemg 48 per cent, m red gum 142 per cent, and 111 che"tnut 216 per cent The lumber cut by Aates m HiDi sho\\ s that \\ a~hmgton which ranked first, supplied C) -Ie per cent ot the total LOUlslana came second, wIth 74 per cent. Texas third, \v Ith 5 =) per cent, ]\fIS..,I"SIPPI foUl th, with 5 2 per cent, and \\ lscon ';111 fifth, with 5 per cent These five states are the only one,; which cut 2 bll110n or more feet of lumber In 1907, and. taken together, they furlllsh nearly one tlllrd of the total productIOn A table gl\ mg the lumber productIOn b} state" trom 1880 to 1907 111du"lve, show'> that 111 that period \hchlgan produced 96 btlllOn feet or about an eighth of the total pro-duct of the entire country \\ l,;con,;m furnl,;hed 72 btllton and Penn"ylvallla 56 btlhon feet The cut ot all these "tate ... I" now decrea'>ll1g, though the falhng off ha" b"en most strlk-mg In Michigan, \V here the output In 1907 wa" Ie"" than 2 billton feet for the fir"t time m nearly forty years The changes shown to have taken place m the relatl\ e lumber procluctlOn of ten of the leading "tates are ,;urprl~lng In 1880 these "tate" furlllshed 538 per cent of the total cut. and 111 1907, 524 per cent, practically equal proportIOns. but the changes which have occurred m the output of mcllvlclual ,;tate,> are most slglllficant Michigan, for exam pIe, fur-l11,; hed 23 per cent of the total m 1880, and onl} 45 per cent In 1907 LOUI"lana suppled only 0 7 per cent of the total 1111880, and 7 4 per cent m 1907 \\ a"hmgton cut anI} 0 q per cent of the total m 1880, and 94 per ccnt m 1907 The reports "how that more than 2 mtlhon cord" of pulp-wood wa'3 used m 1907, and, m additIOn, '3ome 925,COO cord'3 _e.:\Ian} a gIrl WIll k11lt her brows who won't darn a-s-toc-km-g-~ ,II IIII I MUSKEGON VAllEY FURNITURE COMPANY MUSKEGON MICH .... COiomnl 8UlleS lUll POSI BedS ann Dressers cnlllomers WornrolleS tonles' TOilels DreS8111U Tomes MohOgony IOlmn Goons WRITE FOR CATALOG WEEKLY ARTISAN SUITE No. 1084 BY SUGH FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH 7 ed and eql11pped than came the financial cataclysm of '9) The 011el had bl11ldll1g, eql11pment and matenal debts outstandll1g to the amount of $'2<) j UOO The crec!Jtor~ were anxlOUS amI some of them hopele~" The\ had httle confidence that the young man could e\ el pull out tl0111 under the load They wuggesteel a CQ,11- pI 01111 ~e at ')() (enh )'Ir mack rephed that he dlcl not want to compr0111lse-all that he asked for was time \fter many con-ference~ )'lr Black s plan \\ as adopted He was authonzed to l'i'iue 'I per cent mortgage bonds covenng the plant to the an,ollnt of $130,000 anel to meet hIs obhgatlOns half cash and half boreJ-ThIS agleement was reached m October and Mr Black took to the load to 'iell goods In DO days he had booked orders to the amount of $100,000 In January he began paymg off and the more he pald the less anxIous became the crechtors, and the les, mSlstant for theIr money Defore the exp1ratlOn of the five year penod ),11 Black had to faIrly beg some of them to take theIr Inane) that the bonels mIght be retlled :-,mce the pa11lC of D3 the Onel s hIStal y ha'i been unevent-ful The bIg ll1st1tut!On has been 'itecld11y pro~perous Its force of JOO or mOl e hands has always had V\ark to do, V\lth few la) off, even m the dullest penods and no uhut elm\ ll'i, and l\1r Black h the same, strong forceful, energetic fellow he was a quarter of a centUf} ago \\ hen he still had hIS spur'i to wm, un~pcJ1led by prospenty and except m yeal s no older than \\ hen he first became a GI and RapIds man MR. BLACK'S SILVER ANNIVERSARY Early Ups and Downs of the- Oriel Cabinet COIupany Changed to Steady Growth and Prosperity by His Ability and Energy. ThIS season marks Chades W, mack'i SlIver an11lVe1- sary as a Grand RapIds fur11lture man J\Ir Black toda) I" at the head of one of the blggest and best knov\n e,tabh~h-ments of Its k1l1d m the country He has a hne that "ell-, Itself He IS prosperous, and It he Isn't happ}. he ought to be But It wa" not always ,,0 WIth ::\Ir Black The "uc-cess he has won L the good ±rmt of a long and hard fight Mr Black used to be a fur111ture salesman tray ehng out of C1l1C1l1nat1 He V\ as a good salesman He could sell the goods and the salary he was rece1v111g was suhstan-tlal For seveTal reasons, however, he was ch"contentecl He wanted to settle do-wn. ,Vhere the One1 plant now stands on upller Canal "t1eet, med to be a couple of old frame factory buhchn~s The} had been used a" a fanmng mlll factor} V\hlch che! not pro,,- per, and v\ere owned by Geo ,,\ Gay The Onel Cah111et Company V\a~ orgamzed by 1Ir Gay, Barve) T T101hctP ' and Juhus Berkey, and the management was placed 111 the hands of Geo Clay, who had been an officer 111the lTll1tecl States navy The compan} began 0loel atlOns 1'1 18'31) 1\10- dUClng a hne of fancy fur11lture, pIa} ed e\ en the fiI -,t \ ear. showed a profit of 50 per cent the second and \\ ent broke the thIrd, and then It rema111ed Idle for a year )'Ir Black s travels brought hlln to Grand RapIds occa"lOnally, and he knew of the One!'s conc1JtlOn He knew )'Ir Gay and a" a salesman Mr Gay knew hIm, and after a \\ hde the} got to-gether 111 dlscussmg the future of the Onel )'lr Black finally made a proposItion to take the management It \\ a~ rejected and a counter proposItion \\ as made. \v 11lch 111the spnng of '84 Mr Black accepted It was on a baSIS at sal-ary about half of what he had been recen In~ as a !la\ el 111g salesman, and a "halt' ot the prohts, \\ ah a contract covenng a penod of years \lr Black \\ as then a ) oune; man, and for that matteI, IS a young man <;t111 He \\ a" only a couple of ) ears beyond thIrty, but he had Idea", en terpnse and tremendou'i energy The proposlhon he tackled was one whIch today he would plObabl) pas,,; up a~ hopeless, but he went at It WIth a determl11at!On to \\ In ,111d he dId WI11. The old factory bUlld111gs \\ ere m bad 1epall and neglected There were debt'i galore, -,ome of them at ~ pel cent and allms1stent for payI11Jents ender:\1 r Black s management the Onel soon began to make progress The debts \\ ere paId A new and larger factory bmldmg was added to the plant The fu-ture seemed full of promIse and prospenty And then came the big fire. On the 111ght of June 15, 1890 the Onel was "wlped off the face of the earth" But l\Ir Black and hIS ab1hty re-mamed The second mormng afte1 the fire and whIle the Hum were shll smoking Mr Black leased the old Luce factory then vacant, now occupIed by the Grand RapIds Showcase Compan} Be made hurry tnps to ChIcago, Cmcmnat1 and N e\\ York to buy back as many pieces of the old Onel Ime as he could find He had these goods sent back WIth a rush and \\ he'1 the -,ea"un openedm July he had samples to show the buyers and the buyers admIred hIS pluck and to encourage hun bought more freely than ever The Onel contmued busmess as though the bIg fre \Va" but an accident As soon as pOSSIble after the fire pIau" were made for a ne\\ factory, to be of bnck, m every \\ a} modern and of ample capa cIty for the company's future needs The present bUlldmg, one of the largest 111the cIty was erected Scarcely had It been fimsh- Everybody Busy at Owosso. OWO'iSO )'hch Jul} 30 -Owosso IS on the verge of a build-mg boom, accord111g to the report of the manager of the leadmg hotel, who tells the \\ eekly Arhsan that he contemplates add1tlOns and Improvements to the hotel, but cannot get contractors to do the \\ ork on account of the orders already on hand The bIg automobIle truck factor} IS overrun WIth orders, the managers have bought up all the lancl avaIlable m the v1clmty and WIll \V Ithui a year employ a thousand men, The furUlture manufacturers are dll busy Manager Charles E R1g1e) of the Estey Company raId the ,,;tory that was tele- ~raphed to the Pre<;0 from th1'i cIty that they had 'ihut down after bm 1l1~ the easte1 n 1l1tere~t'i \\ a" enhrely \\ 1thout foundatIOn, as the facto! y had not been 'ihut down for a clay, and there was no 1l1tent!On to ~hllt clown On the contrary they have shIpped more goods th1" } ea1 than la"t, and WIll on or before January next have a complete new Ime of chamber fllrmture, larger and better than ever The Woodard F Ufmture Company have Issued theIr fall catalogue, and are havmg a good bus1l1ess The Owosso Casket 'Works are mstalhng a new 150 horse power engme The RobbUls Table Company is hav1l1g a good trade m ex-ten~ 10n tables The Robbm'i extemlOn table IS a good table, and sells well all ove1 the mIddle west Experts in Their Line. The Grand Raplds Blow PIpe and Dust Arrester Com-pan) are V\01kll1g on a very large order for the BUlck Auto-moblle Co. of F1Jnt, l\11ch They have completed a Job f01 the \1 Ulphv Chall company of DetrOlt, and that company 1<;thoroughly satisfied WIth the wOlk done ThIS company IS one of the most rehable Ul the country and any work en-trusted to them IS sure to be done nght WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 Fast Freight to the Far West. The openmg of the Pacific coa"t exten"lOn of the ChIca-go :\IIlwaukee & St Paul road, "eem" hkely to reduce the freIght time between the Ea"t and the \Ve"t even more than ha" been ("j)('clcd The exten'3lOn I'i not yet fully cumpletecl but the ~t Paull" already makIng records thdt cau"e othel road" to take notice dnd whIch force them to Improve the11 thlough traIn "chedule" or lose bu"mes" Among the rec-ord" that ha'. e attracted attentIon are the,;,e' Carload of paper laId down m Seattle on the thl1 teenth day follOWIng the waybtll111g on the coa"t of MexIco, carload of automobdes dF' hvel ed m Tacoma 12 day'3 after leavIng Hartford, Conn a carload of "oaD from Fhtladelphla and a Cdr of wIre from Trenton. ); J. dehvered at Se3.ttle In 10 da)" from date of shIpment. a car of push carb from J\IIchigan to Tacoma In 10 days \\ Ith the open111g of the extensIon and the estabhshment of a transconLnental serVIce over ItS own ratls, the St P du1 IS operatmg fast freIghts on a schedule of 176 hours from ChIcago and 144 hO,tr'i from Mmneapohs and St Paul to Tacoma the tral11'i In the fiht m"tance gomg around 1l1'itead of through the lI,I1l1ne"ota tran"fer, and thu" aV01dlng de-lays of hom one to three days The service of th11teen days from far ea'3tern p01nts to Fuget Sound 1S surpn"mg to shippers Rivals of the St Paul a'i'iert that 1f through passenger tram'i were be111g operated, the'ie record'3 could not he made, but the futUl e wtll determine that In the meantime 1t IS true that freight trams have the ach antage of a cleal nght of way all the way from the :\I1s"oun RIver, and the St Paul's repre'3entatIve" promIse that the pas'3enger 'iel VIce when put on "hall not mterfere WIth the through freIght trams Actors Sought Membership. Dunng the late conventIOn of the NatIOnal Travelers ASSOCIatIOn held m ChIcago, actor'i sought membershIp on the repre'ientatlOn that they were travehng salesmen for amusement merchandise The News '3ays "Actor'i go about the country exchangIng for money revamped jokes, song" 11l1'3teady on theIr feet and other th1l1g'3 calculated to amu'3e and enterta111 We do not know how theIr plea will be taken, but If they are l111'iUCCes"ful m 'iecunng the recog-mtlOn they a"k, affihatlOn mIght be made by takmg the sales nC'l1 mtl) the ac1or,,' umon The "ale"man ha" to be a nat-ural horn actor or else he ha" no bu"me"s on the lOad He 111U'3tgo from town to town unloachng hI" Joke" dnd "ome artIcle of merchanclI"e that he carne" a" a "HIe hne He deal" In one-lllght "tand" and gIdnd "tand play" The com-ul) come" when he I" "e1l1l1g the gouel" The tragedy dp-pear" when the btll come" III for merchanchse that the buyel chdn't want but bought whtle merrtly laughmg at the 'iale,,- man'" Jokes In "ome "mall village'i the comlllg or a 'iale'i-man 1" a'i much of an event as the arnval of a theatncal troupe Let these two great educatIOnal forces umte and comb111e theIr Joke'3, so that the country mav have amu"e-n'ent\ loILh "Inlen The Chateau Laurier. The George A, Fuller Company of 1\ew Y01k. known as the mO'3t exten'3IVe bUlld111g contractors on the A,mencan contment. have been the awarded the contract for conQruct111g the Chdteau Launer. the gredt Lotel that 1" to be bUllt by the Grand Trunk Ratlway Compan), m Ottawa Ont The bUlldmg wtll cost $1,- 500,000 '" Ithout the furnIture dnd fixture'3 It IS to be completed by the first of October, 1910 to • •I,,IIII -----.,II III IIII II II, 35% OFF LIST $16 ORDER A SAMPLE STACK YOU'LL NEVER REGRET IT The Humphre)-Wld man SectIonal Construe tlOn has dust proof parlltlons, Iron shelf support'3 and a two Inch deeper case than others DEALERS' PROFIT 5.5% LIne on sale In Furmture Ex-change, Grand RapIds; Manufact. urers' Exh,(ntlOn BUlldmg, Ch,- cago and Furniture Exchange, New York. ,, II I HUM!.~~EY-WIDMAN BO~~~~!~,CO, I I ~~~ALOCUE MICH IGAN I ........... - .. ----_. ..~ No. IO.F. Ouartered Oak. ..----- I -----_._._._._. ------..-.-.._-" •I I II III I FOLDING BEDS ARE BREAD AND THE "ELI" PROfIT WINNERS , No Stock complete WIthout the Eh Beds ID Mantel and Uprtght I ELI D. MILLER &, CO. i EVANSVILLE. INDIANA I I . " '"' nte for cuts and pnces ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. the 1-+11 b1111clll1g 1 he Plymouth company have had a faIrly sat htactOJ) season, he states ~ecretar) VI ~ Brohn of the ~kandia FurnIture Company \\ ac 111 ChIcago 1\ eclne~clay to spend the day, accompallled b) :-,upeIll1tendent ~\\ enson of the same company " II Burkhardt tl easurer ot the Stomps-Burkhardt Furlll-tl11e Company and Pre Ident R I Burkhardt of the Burkhardt ! urm1ure Compan), left Thursday for Dayton after spend1l1g the J ul) ~edson m ChIcago The seacon has been very satIsfactory f01 both Imes :\Ianager Charle~ Elmendorf of the ::Ylanstee :vI:anufactunng lOll1pam lett " ednesday fOJ hIS home m J\Ialllstee, 1\1Ich , on the "lteamel Jl1m01~ 1 hI~ J ul) has been the best we have had 111 1hl ee sea~ons SdICIIIr Elmendorf "I dm lookmg for a good tall bu~mess and beheve condItIOns are Ill1provmg steadIly , n S Dextel, trave1mg representatIve 111 the east for the J ohn- ,on lhall Compcl11Yand the Clemtsen Company wIll leave about -\u~u ~t ] Oth fOJ hIS reg ular fall tnp C F Krueg er the mIddle states representative for the J ohn- ~on Chall Company, leaves :Vlonday for hIS regular fall trip. Ed Stahl of the same company wdl start on hIS first tnp 111the ~outh ~ugust 10 Jake Hetz \\ ho has been lookmg after the Hafner Furni-tl11e Company s e"\.hlbit at the Peck & HIlls bU11d111gstdte, the Hatner Ime has had the be~t July season 111ItS hIstory The ::.-atIOnal Parlor Furlllture Company have done a larger \ oll11ne of busme~s thl sea'on than man) July 111 theIr hlstorv cl11d\\ dl have engagements wIth theIr customers at ]Jll :\IIehigan d\ emle up to -\ugu~t 'I PreSIdent J o,eph Dennel SdY~It IS very tOl tunate that the' have recently mcrea~ed theIr factor) capacIty \01 t) \)er cent :\11 Dennel \\ 111spend hIS vacdtlon at the end Of cacb \\ eek In hI~ bIg \Vmston ~IX car a ld Mr R Delmel wIll on dC aunt of pressure of bU~111essal,o take short outll1g~ at the \\ eek end" \ Ice Pre'-Ident Jerome Delmel, who has al 0 been a a \11\ busy man thIS Jul) WIll spend from Fnday to :\londay at I ox Lake \ \ IS and be found at the factory h~reafter b~tween "ea~Oll~ The exodus of the ~e11m~ fOlce of the "\atIOnal ParlOl I urmture Company WIll soon he on H arr) \Verthelmer starts ne"\.t "eek tor Long Island wl'ere he bd' recently erected a sum-met home IIr \1 erthelmer WIll spend two weeks there fish1l1g all(lle~tll1g up and WIll then start 0 It f~r hiS first fall tnp through hI~ territory m the middle west John D 1 aacs Clt) salesman left ~aturday for Petoskey and WIll also take a triP down the Great lakes 0 ~ Bakel, who LOvers Cahforllla WIll leave 111 about two \\ eeb \Ndham ~utton goe, next week to II[Ih, aukee dnd after that for hIS triP to the copper country and northwest E " '\ e\\ comb the Southern repre~entatlve goes next week to ,tart on a three month ~ trIp Harry Egan lett Saturdav fOl OhIO E \\ Daubel leave ~ugust 5 for :\Ia~kmac Island where he \\ III spend t\\ 0 week~ alld then stal t for \Ilssourl ami the l111d-dIe \\ e~t Ro' L l1aker \\ ho hds been spenclmg hIS tIme dUring Tuh bet\\ een (Jr dnd Rapids and ChIcago WIll leave abCJut the mid-dle of next \\ eek for 1m territory on the PaCIfic Coast II P Keeney, the well known Southern tray eler, ,,111 lea\ e Saturclav for hIS home m EvansvIlle, Ind He WIll start a httle later on hlS regular fall triP F T f'arne" of the E T Barnes & Company, \\ ho CO\er" the PaCIfic coast for the SkandIa FUrIllture company, left Tue"cla) for the \\ est John \ Fhck of the Buckeye ChaIr company, left \N ed-nesda) for hIS home m Cleveland, 0, after spendmg July LETTER FROM THE CHICAGO MARKET Well Known Traveling Salesman a Victim of the White Plague..·Personal Notes and Furniture News. ChIcago, July 30 - The ~udden death of LOl11~Le\y, sales-man for the Wls-::onsm Chalr Company and the" est :\IlchH?,an Furlllture Company, occurred \Vednesday afternoon at Den\ er Colo Mr Levy had been spendmg the season "lth the III~LOn-sm ChaIr Company s exhlblt at U1D IIlchlgan a\ enue an(l lett for the west last Saturday lor foUl teen) ears he had he en con nected WIth the vVIsconsm Uldir Company and hl~ "uc1dell deml-e proved a great shock to the othel membel ~ of the sellll1g torce He was 43 years of age and unmal rled and \\ as I egarded as a genume good fellow by all of hIS d.o~oclate, tho I~h he had been a sufferer for several yeals from tuberculo~ls and three \eal' ~go spent some tIme 111~l1zona follow111g a severe slege of "Ichne,' Of late he has been 111fdlrl) good health He \\ 111be bUrle l otl Kansas City, :\10 , where he had been makmg hIS home L);ml Roth, travehng repl e~entatIve on the PaCIfic Co.!"t i I the Udell Works, Rettmg F urllltUl e Company, RO\ al l hall C)11 pany and the SturgIS Steel Go-Cart Compam ~pent thl~ "eel 11 ChIcago He has been 111Gl and Raplds dmmg- the month ,1,'d leaves for the coast next week The Peck & HIlls Fut mture Company s ne" 330 pclge Cdt :ogue WIll be out thIS week and IS the best the compam ha' e\ (1 put out One-hundred and twel1tv pound enameled papel In, bpen used and much colored \\ ork forms a teatm e The CO\' ' , al e colored 111 mahogany and the front 1s adorne(l "lth the co!" rany's well known trade mark "Peck & Hdls FUrll1ture lompa1l\ Chlcago-Dependable L1I1es, 190()-1910 ' H 1\1 Davls, trave1111g representative fOl the K111del Bed Company, who has been acsl~t111g 111lookmg atter the I"\. IlHlel l' hlblt 111the 1-+11 Bmld111g, ,\ 111Stdl tout -\ug-uq 1() on a tllP to Pltt~burg and the South :\fr Davls fonnerh tlavelc(lm the}~ l,t and South but on 111s I eturn ,\111 therea Hel ha' e tht mld( lie ,tdte, a~ hIS territory mc1uchng Chlcago He" 111al~o 1etam 1'lttsb111g as hlS Cho\\ 111gthere has ah\ a, s been regarded b\ the k111del lO'11 pany as phenomenal J C. K111del of the 1'.111delBed Com pam lett ld't Tue,da' for Toronto, Can, where he ,,111 111spectthe ne" tacton the com pan) has been erect111g trom there :\Ir K111clel~oes t1 IIash- 111gton, DC, and r... ew York City He wlll return about \ug-ust 10 Secretary Robel t Lmn ot the l\.ocktOl d Chan &. I Ull11tUIc Company spent \v ednesda, m Chlcetgo H A ~wanson who ha' been spend111g Juh 111look111g ,1 ticl the ~kancha lLle at vn~) '\I1chigan avenue left Thl11 da} for l\Illwaukee and from there \\ 111go to hlS home 111Red \\ lllg 1Imn , to spend Sunday '\ ext week:\Ir S" anson ,,111 take a httle OUt111gand WIll VIslt ::'II111nedpohs Duluth and DetrOIt ~ftel that he wIll start out on hIS reguldr fall triP 'BIlly" Hurst of the \Volverlne-Cadl11ac Imes leaves ::'at-urday WIth hIS fal1111yon the Steamer ~ orthland for Pomt \ux Pms and 11ackmac to spend a week and after return111g to DetlO1t wJ115tart on h15 regular fall t11P to the coa 1 "Chuck" \,~hdman of J C \'\lIdman &. Co left T'rld,,\ tn' hIS home m DetrOIt to spend a week and after that WIll start on a trIp through the larger CIties of OhIO Kentuckv and Xew York The \VIdman hnes have had a very satlsfacton ~ea'-on C W Jones, secretalY of the luller-\\ dnen COmpdn\ ::\hlwaukee, \Vl~ , left Weclnesda\ for ,IIh,aukee etfter ~pend1l1g the season 111ChJcago J'Ir Jones states the) have had a vel) £ucessful season C H. Lenhart of the Plymouth Chalr Company Plymouth, WIS, left Friday for Plymouth after havmg spent the season at WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 ._~ 4~ ·~·_·_---_---------_---_"" .... . ..... -... .. ...... ...,I II III I• I E~-~'!!@-~~_~=- I,,I I II• ,• III I,• ,I I II• II ,~----~_._----- III ,I , II-I I, I No. 57-Flat Arm Rocker. I II ----_. --------- -'" -----~ Richmond Tablet Arm Chair RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seating. Catalogues to the Trade. No. 100 ----_._-_._-_. on the e1ghth floor of 1319 ~I1ch1gan avenue Mr Fhck says the season has been one of the best III the company's h1story R A L111c1seyof the Stearns-Foster company, suffered a severe attack of congestlOn of the lungs recently but has fully recovered Paul E Denny of the H 1\1 Thayer company, left for Ene, Pa, on Tuesday, and w1l1 go on the road for h1S rel:;u-lar fall tnp September 1 Mr Denny traveh the terntory west of the M1SSlSS1PPI vValter Langley of the Herzog '\rt Furmture company, left for Grand RapIds Tuesday mght after slJenet111gthe sea- 'ion w1th the Herzog exh1b1t on the fifth floor of 1319 1\f Ichl-gan avenue Secretary-Treasurer Albert Kahn of the Root FurnIture company, has been "pendmg the July season on the eIghth floor of 1319 ~Tlchlgan avenue and left \vednesday for \Yest Baden, Ind, to spend ten days takmg the bath'3 of that noted re~ort Secretary-Treasurer Charles SpIegel of the SpIegel Fur-n tUl c compan}. left for Shelbyvllle, Incl. \1\' eclnesday 11lght ~lr ~plegel sayS the July "eason I" the bcst hIS company ever had but thought mo"t of theIr bU"111c", wa'3 done 111the first t\\ 0 weeks -\1 G Stewart, the Shelbyv111e tray ehng representatl\ e. left Thursday for h1S home 111Chana 111 He expects to start out at once on hIS fall tnp He has recently purcha'3ed d thoroughbred Cockerel Spamel to accompany hIS on some of hI" hunt111g tnps E -\ Bowman, travehng for the Skand1a FurnIture com-pany 111 the m1ddle west, left Ch1cago Thursday and w111 start on h1S fall tnp next week J C New'3om, salesmanager for George L Lamb, leaves Saturday fOl Napanee, Ind. after spendng the season w1th the Lamb exhIbIt at 1319 Mlch1gan avenue ~lr J'\ewsom Ifeports a faIrly satl'3factory season DaVId P Owen. Pac1fic coast representatlve for the Burkhardt FW11lture company and the Stomps-Burkhardt lUl11lture company, left \IVedne"day for a 'l"lt to ~I111neap-ohs and atter spend111g a few days the1 e w1l1 start out on hIS tnp through the fall season J Swart Lee and Geon;e \\ Corley of the Yeal:;er Fur-l1lture company. w1l1 lea' e SatUl da} for their homes Mr Lee goes to Rockport, Ont, to spend a week, aftel wh1ch he WIll ~tart on h1S fall tnp through the m1ddle we"t ::VI. Corley w1l1 spend a week at -\t.lanta and then "tart for h1' tnp to the coast A J Burrus coast lepresentatlve for the Emnch FUl- 11lture company, the Inchanapohs ChaIr ~lanufactunng com-pany, Hawks FurUlture company and others, left Tuesday for the far west Charles V Baker, travellllg 111OhlO, l'ennsylva11la and the East for the Emnch Furmture company, and Indianapo-lIs Cha1r ~Ianufaetunng company, left Monday for h1'3 fall tnp vV J ::\IcCormlck, travelIng for the IndIanapolIs Chall Manufaetunng com1pan} and Emnch Fnrmture compan}, 111the south. left \IVedne"day to start on hIS fall trip ~Ir l\IcCormlCk say" he has done a splendId J uly busines~ 111 the Chicago market \\T H \1\' aechter of the 1'\orthern Furmture compan), spent se, eral days thIs week 111the ChIcago market He reports a satl5factory July season for hIS company Ed Mersman of the ::\lersman Bros '-Brandts company, Cehna, 0 . left for hIS home 111the Buckeye state on Thur'3- day C 0 J one" of the Empire FurnIture company, J ame'3- town X Y spent '3everal day" 111ChIcago thIs week E A Dalberg, travelIng 111OhlO, Inchana and ~llch1gan. left \\ ednesc1ay to spend a week at Frankfort, :;\llch, WIth hIS famll) From there Mr Dalberg WIll leave for hIS home 111Toledo, and later WIll start out on hIS reguar fall tnp A L Beebe, travehng sale"man 111the we"t for the Peck & Hllis Furl1lture company, IS reJOlc111g over the advent of a n111e-ancl-a-half-pound glrl 111h1S home DA~HOF Building a Factory. H J Helmer'3, of the Helmers Manufacturng Company, manufacturers of and Jobbers 111furmture III Leavenworth awl Kansas CIty, arnved III Grand RapIds on July 26, and spent sev-eral days III placlllg orders for goods The company manufac-ture" cheap furnIture on a large scale in Leavenworth and 1Spre-panng to Increase theIr bUSIness at that place by the erectlOl1 of a four-story bnck factory 326 feet long and 186 WIde The Helmer" company IS one of the olde"t engaged III the furnIture bUSllless 111the lVI!ssoun Valley TheIr wholesale busIne,,~ amounb to many hundreds of thousancb of dollars annually 12 \\ EEh.L\ t\RTISA:t\ HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO No. 3130 COUCH-Size 30 mches wide and 75 mches long A beautiful design, of gen-erous dimensIOns Heavy hard\\ ood frame elaborately decorated with can mgs and mould- !Dgs The t\\O !Dch half round mouldmg that extends along the lower edge is finished cross-banded Large wmged cla",foot legs. Amencan golden gramed quarter sa",ed oak fimsh The upholstenng IS plam "'Ith ruffled sides. This couch is double stuffed with stitched spring edges 1he filling IS of tow and cotton felt top Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel sprmg constructIOn, havmg 28 spnngs in the seat and 9 III the head. ShIpped K D legs oft and \\ elghs ahout 12: Ibs. Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers CATALOG UPON REQUEST Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No.1 Leather $25.00 Bank Insurance Company Ruled Out. The latest development m the co ltroverS\ 0\ el bank 1ll~11l-ance IS reported from Kansav, v.here the attorn e) gene Ial of the ctate holds that the msurance sup:cnl'temlent ma\ use hIS dl~- cretlOn m refusmg permlSOlOn to an\ comlnn\ deslnng to tl an, act bank guarant\ l11SUranle The compam aimed at lone Il cently orga11lzed b\ the natlOndl banks to guarantee th'1\ depo, ItS so that they may meet the competitIOn of banks \\ hose depo,lh are guaranteed by the state The state bdnkers fear that some of the natunal bank-- \1l tel esteell1ld) offer Irore than 3 per cent mtere t on e!epo~lts 11nt would mterfere with the success at the state ba,1k, \\ hlch dl e hmlted by law to 3 per cent hence the) \\ ant the bank l11"nrance company barree! out of the state ] he attorney general deddre~ thdt the lel\\ glH, the lIb 11 dl1Ce~uplnntenelE'nt \\ Ide ,\Uth01lt) ,\~ to the pohul' dn \1l,Uf,tnIL company may I'sue and If thl propo~ed bank g l1dldnt \ LOllllMn\ ohouldls~ue d polK) to a bdnk pd\lllg 0\11 ; pel Lent \1ltlrl~t thL ~tate law havmg hxed l pel Lcnt ,\, thl 111111tthh 0 lId bl h \1 Illegal and the contract LO'dd be fOi bElden The opmlOn holds that the m~ur,ll1ce supenntendent I~ I hal g-eel with the duty of detell11111lng \\ hat LO1Qltutes sate and tall bank guardnty mSUlanLe. and that he should refu~e to ,dl(m ,\11\ other kmd of msul ance to be Is'ued Plain Signatures. Much annoyance and perturbatIOn of splnts might be ,a\ ed If people generally would sign their name~ plamh If the\ al e unable to do so they should use a rubbel otamp or a X mark duh attested A promment bus mess firm m '\ ew York uses a lme on their letter heads which reads "Please wnte signature plamly " In explaming the necessity for usmg thiS request a member of the him ~al'l \\ e are tired of the careless way the averdge man signs I"s ndme 101 example look at a page of a register m an) hotel I Will eat m) hat If a man can be found who can read one-half of the names \\ Iitten thereon These very men are fussy as to the -,pelhl'g Df then names and take It as a pel sonal shght that their ,1gndtl1l es ~hould not be Iecogmzed no matte I how poorly wntten I here IS onh one man of all I ever met who took my cntlclsm of 111',signature good naturedl) He \\ a~ the president of a large con' pan) and \\ as obhged to Sig 1 many papers offiCially One Important paper came back so aboml11abl} slgnecl that the next tU11e hi" signature WdS requested It was accompamed by a per- ,onal note askmg for a more dlstmct one The document came back beautIfully ~Igned, tDgether With a httle note m which he said he dleln t blame me for ,10t wantl11g to accept as hiS officldl sIgnature 'd fe\\ bttle ~cratche~ that looked hke a lall fence run-lllng" north ,l1ld ~outh I had to ldug-h, d~ thl" WdS a first-rate de~u IptlOn of 111~'1~I1<ltlllc ., Lentz Table Plant Betterments. \ a~hvillc J\ItLh J ul) :!()~ [he LentL Tdble ComlHny have Ju~t completed a tv. o-~tory ad(ht1On, 3Uxl() for storage and fi11lsh-lllg also a new bllLk bOiler hou"e. +Ux35. With a new 1')()horse PO\\ er Ene botler dnd a complete spnnkler system thro'lghout [he entire factor) I~ also fitted out With steam plpl11g for heatmg 111Lold weathel and the mdchl11e room IS fitted up With the Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust \rre~tel sy"tem They have abo purchased two ne\\ ::\Ioore belt sa'1der~ The factory IS one of the best fitted table plants m the co mtry. ancl the manager are able to I11crease their output 337'3 per cent A new cdtalogue has lust been recel\ ed from the pnnter and copies of It may be had tor the askl11g Dusl11es~ IS good With thiS company Their trade IS reach111g out 111 all cllrectlOns, and IS especially heavy on the PaCific Coast WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 ~--------..- III No 1133% ._--~~------_._--------------------~-- Muskegon, Mich. ~---------------------~-- Some Interesting Figul.·es on "Big Business!' A belated report has J nst been Is"ued by the \Vest111g-house Electnc and ;\Ianufactunng company It IS fOI the year enchng :\Iarch 31, 1909, but IS 111terestl11g becau..,e It show" how the great concern was affected by the depres- SIon of 1907-08, and 111dIcates that no busl11ess corporatIon IS large enough to be exempt fr0111 the bad effects of even ;,hort penods of depreSSIOn Dunng the year covered by thIS report the conwany and Its SubsldIanes turned out man-ufactured goods InvOlcecl at $20,606,592, the factory cost of whIch was $19,955,808, leavl11g a manufactunng gross profit of only $650,784 Bus111ess cannot be done on such a nar-row marg111, only a tnfle over 3 per cent, and there was a net defiCIt of operatIOns of $918,683 The net surplus of March 31, 1908, of $11,972,997, ",as cut down to $8,980,335, and thIS decrease of $2,992,662 was made up of the loss from opera-tIons of $918,683 already noted, expense" amount111g to $460,- 490 connected wIth the readjustment of the debt, $265,883 for receIver" and attorneys' fees and allowances for depI eCI-atlOn 0+ assets and plant amount111g to $1,347,605 PresIdent George \/\ est111ghouse, addreSSIng the report to the "tockholders, says "The company receIved from stockholders, merchandIse and other credltOls, subscnptIons to capItal stock at pal a1110unt111g to $12,778,825, to 5 per cent convertIble bonds at \pal amount111g to $3,586,000 and to four, five, SIx and 15 year notes, $1,392,150, mak111g a total of new capItal raIsed at par by the sale of stock and secuntIes of $17,756,975 fHDFFM-A--N----;;OTHER~--CO~: I FT. WAYNE, IND. I I I HARDWOOD LUMBER III •II I! .. I SA~~D l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS I SLICED fAN D MAHOGANY I,,_._-~--_._-_._.----------_. __._. _..__._._._-----'" IN EVERY MARKET UNDER THE SUN THERE IS A READY SALE FOR MOON DESKS •III II III , _ •• ._..t No 1132%-5'i lIlches long 32 Inches WIde 43 lllches high WeIght, 310 pounds No. 1133%-60 Inches long 32 Inches WIde, 43 lIlches hIgn WeIght, ~20 pounds Quarter sawed WhIte Oak WIltIng beel 3 1,lv, bUllt up SIX pIgeon hole hoxes Pnvdte compartment WIth lock Card mdex drawer Center drawer WIth lock Roll top sweep arms tIp top and" ntIng bed 1)<:mcbes thIck Square edge constructiOn See the Line in the Manufacturer.' Budding, Grand Rap.d •. MOON DESK COMPANY Your offiCIal" estImate that the plants of the company have an annual output of $50,000,000. and that the cash capItal prOVIded as above IS ample for conductmg a busmess of that mag111tude vVhtle there has been a deClded llnprovement 111 the bns1l1ess of the company SInce the begm111ng of the year, It has not yet nearly reached normal proportions, although the outlook and 111qullles 111dIcate that 111the near future the full capaCIty of your works WIll be reqUlred to meet the de-mand The baldnce sheet sho", s asset-, amounbng to $84,- 885,471, of whIch $11,833,055 IS cash on hand or on depOSIt" The deClded Improvement noted by MI V{e"tmghouse 111March IS known to have contmued and hIS predIctIOn as to 111crease m the demand for the company's products IS 11kely to be fulfilled before the end of the current year New York Trains on Time. The latest bulletm on passenger tram serVIce Issued by the New York Pub11c SerVIce CommISSIOn. shows that of 58,- 197 trams run m the state dunng the month of June, 94 per cent were run to destmatlOn on schedule tIme ThIS record IS the hIghest yet attamed durlllg the 14 months the commIS-SIon has been collect1l1g and compIlmg thIS ll1fOrmatIOn. The hIghest record prevIOUS to thIS was that of March and Apnl when a record of 92 per cent was attamed The Lack-awanna leads the 11st WIth 98 per cent of It<-,trams on tIme WIse IS the man, who knowmg little, says less. ~--- ..-._-_._ ..~.----------------- ROCKFORD, ILL. -. ----~ I China Closets Buffets Bookcases UNION FURNITURE CO. We lead m Style, Conftmdion and F.msh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhlbl-bon 7th Floor, New Manufact. urers BUlldmg,Grand Rapids. II " - _._----- --_ ..- ... - • --_ •• - • - •• __ • _. •• .a MISCELLANEOllS NOTES AND NEWS. \ F Myers has solel hI furmtm e hu"mes-, at 1,ankakee 111 to 0 n Obell111 The Rex :!\1attress Company ot LI1coln III \\ 1111l'0\ e (hell manufactunng buslt1e"s to vv aterloo, 10'\ a The Yates Furmtm e Com pan) have filed a, tlc1e ot 1l1eOl pOl atlon wIth $100,000 capItal stock at ::\1001eWl11e. \ C The Conneaut \ eneel Company have filed articles of 111COl-poratlon The Bnll Brothers & Co have p11lchased the bn..,111C"'o''t the \lrlwankee Home Furl11sh111gCompany The Pa~aclena Synchcate IS planl11ne, to erect a hotel (0 co"t $250.000. 111 Los ~ne,ele5 The Chase & \ \ est rurmture compal1\ ot Dh \ [Olm ~ Iowa, ha\ e, 111CI ea~ecl theIr capItal stock to Sl;O 000 The 1fonumental PIcture } rame Compal1\ ot Baltm 11 c \Iel are nO\\ In the hands of Arthur ~ Platz. rcccn el C; P HaRett of the E1111na "2\ Y Table Company h,I" 1e-turned to l11shome aftel spend1l1~ the month 1.1the \\ e"t Knaus Brothers & ~1W111e\\ 111 move theIr manufae tm 111e.. bUS111essfrom Pan~h to \\ atervhet, " Y S D Meyer:, at \Iachson. \\ IS recenth attended the L'IL mtl1l e "ales 111 ChIcago and Grand RapIds H VV FIlll has retired from the firm of \]cCaltel t-.. Co dealers 111 furmture m \1 lClclleto\\n " Y James Carver ha'i "olel hIS furmture 'itOIe 111Bakel ~field L al to R Llbbe) fhe Chnsta111 Church ,,",OClet) \\ 111erect a c11\\Ich 111 "'an DIego. Cal, to co"t $.)0,000 J\Irs A r Bergan WIll erect a modern hotel 111\\ Ilm111e,ton Lal Samuel Behler, for man) ) ear'i a deale 1 111 tnI11ltlll c 111 Portland Ore, dIed 1ece 1tly, aged "IAt) -t\\ 0 J "\lexander has been app0111ted receIve 1 to! the hIm ot D\ '- & Detlofsen, dealers lt1 furl11ture m Seattle \\' \\ He\, Itt has chscont111ued the sale of tm l1ltlll e at Eo C[Lllam.\Vash J H Thnft 1M'"1 etlI III trom the hIm of Ro\\land~ rhl1tt & Hartman, Coq1\\le Oreg.on J 1\1 Rustad of Luvere \I111n spent the past \\ eek 111Chlca go bUY111gfurmture for hIS store T,'e \\IllI'i-Brookmer rur11lture Company. of FOIt "'dlth. 'uk. I'cl\e 111creased then fleor space by the addItIOn of a 1 om -Ox120 feet 111 'ilZe CI ,1' 1c H Robllhl!l a elealel m furlllture 111 1'1 J\'d ' cc l{ ] 1:0 the dIrector of " Camp ::\TeetJ19 ~S'iO~latlOn nm\ llOkllllQ. meetmg~ at Douglass m that state The Harry J \loore Company of San rrancl..,co (,1 open eel theIr neVI. store on July 16 \ large nl1mbel ot people m- ,pected the store and 1ts contents Harr) \V mg, formerly of Wme; Brothers, l'ort Scott, KdS . has taken charge of the drapery department of the George \t\ :\Iarston Store 111~an DIego. Cal Proceed1l1gs 11 banll uptcy have been commcncul ae,a111st the Allen I, urnlture Companv of Buffalo, '\ Y, by the '-lIkes Lhalr Company and others X J Beaver. has been engaged by the Duncan-Schell lurlll-ture Company of Keokuk, Iowa, as manage1 of then decoratmg department The M r\ Gott'ite1l1 Furmture Company have filed artic1e~ of l11corporatlOn at Seattle, Vva0h The capItal stock amounts to $3,000. A church WIll be erected m Los Angeles by the P1 esb\ tenan Society to cost $20,000 ; one at RIversIde for the Chnstlan Chu1 ch \, III co 1 :-:;5,000 Both of these SOCIet1esw1ll buy new furnI:!'l e 11]0 Ulne\-IJam, [UlnltUIe Company WIll erect a bnck bU1lu-me; dlHI OCCUP\the ,a me 111 the transactwn of the1r busmess, for "altonl \11Z The \Iagnet 1 11l111t1e1l Company, of ::\IcKee'iport. Pa, hd' 'old the bmld111g occuplecl 111 the tran,aLtlOn of theIr busmess, for £1()10eo \\ orl ha bee,1 re:,umed 111 the plant of the Central Furm tllfC COmpdl1\ Rocktord, 111 after t\\ 0 \\ eeks shut down f.or re pall" j he Lentel Hal d\\ are and l' u1mture Company of Center, j e,a" Ie enth OJga11lzed by \Y :\lorgan, v\' L ~orns and N [) \tk111 h capitalrLed fOJ $13,000 £'dtm Ll11c k ma,1ager of the vVest End lurmture Company 111 \ \ 11l1clmspmt Pa 1~ pa smg the mIlls ummer at h1S cottage 111 the \d11 onc1ack \founta1l1' L C; \IcK11lght & Company, manufacturers of chaIr ma Ch111el) In (rardnel, ::\Iass, al e operatmg the1r factory full capaut) for the hrst tIme 111'i1A 1110nths The Hast111~'i (~![lch) Table company repOl ts that the1r t1 acle to date at the current ..,ea'ion 15 far ahead of the cor-responcl1l1g pe110d last year ~ \\ & C E Steer WIll erect a bmlchng to be u<;ed 111 the tran~actlOn ut the1r furmture bU'i1l1e'is 111 BaltImore, to cO:ot $10,000 \1ac Cle,lr) -\ \ alhn & Crouse, manufactm el s of rugs and ca1pd' 111~m'itel dam X Y, have 111U eased theIr capItal stock trom £1 000000 to $2,000,000 1he Goodman-1'loyd FurnIture Company, of Altm. Okla, \\a~ 111colporated on July IS by B R Floyd and others The1r capItal stock amounts to $13,000 rhe lIl,dnett-Chl'im Furmture Company, of Danvllle, Ya has been re-orgam7ecl ::\1 0 Xel'on, J C Jordan and J (, (,I aveh ha\ e an 111terest 111the bU'>111ess \ H J acohs has sued the Shannon Fl1rmture Compa! \ 01 (olumbu, () for an alleged breach ot a five year employm">' t conti act 1\ II 'loper \\ 1"0 ha~ been engaged 111 the furl11ture and un- (lelt,llnng bmmes, 111Oshkosh, Vhs. smce 1835, d1ed on July 19th [he bU'imess \\ 111be contmued by hL v\Ife and son \Ir and \h" John Hulst and daughters Grace and Helen ;Hve 1etnrned from Colorado Spllngs. Denver and other ]1l <1,«., '11 ColorN'o whele the) spent two weeks Mr Hulst 1Sthe man- 'c,eI of llie \ alley CIty l\lach'l1e Works. \\ B \fo~e, & ::'on of vVashmgton, have been awarded the contract for 'iupplymg bmlchng-s of the Ul11ted States government m all pal ts of the countr), w1th book cases and sectwnal fil111g de\ 1ces \ F SmIth, pre~Ident of the NatIonal Furl11ture Company. of ilIount ~lry, \Z C, wa:, elected recently t.o represent the state of \" orth CarolIna m the management of the ),T orth Carol111a 1all road, leased and operated by the Southern Ratlway. fhe ::,tandard Fur11lture House w111erect a SIx-story bul1d-mg. boxl J'l feet 111Slze on the SIte of the store now occupIed, 111 ~pokal1e, \\ ashmgton The sum of $60,000 WIll be 111vested 111 the 'itructlll e The ?\ ehrbass Casket Company. of Fond du Lac, \VIS., have changed the1r name to the Northern Casket Company, and elected a new board of officers of wh1ch vv m Mauthe IS pres1dent and general manager, and H R Potter. ,eeretary and treasurer. H C rlanzhelm of the Franzhe1m Furl1lture Company, \Vheelmg, West Vlrg111a, spent the Clllrent week 111Grand Rapids plac111g orders for hIS ne", store, m course of erectlOn, at 1226 ~lain street, adjoining the old store occup1ed by the company. The new bUlld111gw111be of bnck and SIX stones high. WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. \\ lIght Dr other~ & 1<ICl, dealels m furmture m Pamona, Cal , \\ III move mto a larger ~tore, when the qual tel s now oc-cupIed by the firm \\ 111be occupIed by the Rusco Funutnre Com-pany The Futrell Furmture company of Albuquerque, X 1\1, dlstnbuted beautlful plaques to hundreds of ladles who called at then store on July 22d Rrefreshments wel e also served The company have 1I1augurated a pre-Inventory sale John T Stanford and S P Reed have purchased a ~tock of furmture of E H Rayner m Lex111gton, Ky, and WIll contipue the busmess nndel the firm name of the Reed-Stanford Furn1- ture Company. Lester D Freed, vIce presldent of the Freed Furmture and Carpet Company, who was taken III durmg hIS stay 111 ChIcago, hurneclly returned to Salt Lake Crty and underwent an operatIOn m the hospItal, whIch was successful and the patIent IS slowly Icgalmng hb strength \loses Blumenthal, reported to be a wholesale dealel 111fur-mt\ 1l e m ChICago, has been sued for $10.000 damages by one of the fifteen .:vlay S1111ths,whose names appealS m the cIty dlre:tor) Blumenthal says he IS unable to lo-::ate the lady who seeks h1', money Mart111 Johnson, son of "Yohnny Yohnson," of the Rock-ford NatIOnal FurnIture company, spent part of hIS vacatlO 1 m Grand RapIds ThIS was hIS first VISIt to Gland RapIds and he was much Impressed WIth the cIty He holds an 1111- portant pOSItIOn 111 the Rockford postoffice The Orchard & \iVllhelm company have filed artlcles of 1I1corporatlOn, WIth a capItal stock of $100,000 The 111C01- porators are E W DIxon, presIdent, Charles 1\1 VVdhelm, vIce presIdent, and Frank E \Vl1helm, secretary and tl eas-urer, all of Omaha The Haberer Furmture Company of LOWVIlle, NY, held theIr annual meetIng on July 22d, and elected H N Haberer, J H "Voad, and Carl Jonas, dIrectors Subsequently H ~ Haberer was elected preSIdent, J. H Wood, vIce preSIdent and treasurer, and Carl Jonas, secretary VIr Haberer has gamed control of the corporatIOn by purchas111g a maJor- J Gordon Parish, of the C R PalIsh Company, upon re-tUlmng to hIS home m Columbus, Oh1O, on July 23, dlscU'ised the exhIbIts m Grand RapIds and ChIcago, and stated that the dIsplays of furniture were larger and better than ever before, and that in his opinion the orders for goods were nearly as large m volume as those during the mIdsummer exposition of 1907 The Nat10nal Pythlan Samtonum Assoclat1On, of Los vega", " ::'It, WIll estabhsh a sanatcnum, for \\ hlch capItal stock has been sub"cnbed to the amount of $1,000,000 Among the chrec-tors are Dr 1,ranC1S T B Fest, of Las V ega~, George M Hanson of CalaIS, Me and Charles F Gasley of Santa Fe, N M Con- "lderable furmture WIll be reqmred for thIS mstltutlOn. The manufacturers of ShelbyVIlle, Ind, are very much pleased WIth the sales made dunng the current eXposItIOn month in GI and RapIds and Chllago The manager of one factor) stated before leav111g Gl and RapldJ that he had receIved, up to that tIme, ordel, of suffiCIent volume to keep the plant rnnmng \"Ith a full force dunng the rema1l1c1er of the cnrrent year Among the I e:'>ldences to be erected and furmshed by wealth) Cahformans are the followl11g By Mrs Jesse E. Forden, Lot11<; M Coil, Walter Erkes, Dr De FOIe,t Howry, ~1rs Ohve L Bab-son, Mrs, J Yan Dyne, of LOJ Angeles, B L. RIchards. A. L. Phllhps, C B BaIley, F J SChl111tzof Pasadena, lIrs Florenc~ G Damels, Dr J B Saxby, A Sch111dler and Mrs J Bodlcka of Santa Barbara C K Montgomery, buyer for 11 Megary & Son of \Vll-m111gton, Del, returned to hIS home on July 22d, after p1ac111g hea,) oreler" for goods wlth exlllhltors 111Grand RapIds and ChIcago Dunng hIS stay 111 the western market;" he met many buyers of furmture, all of whom are 100km~ for a general hft111g up of the trade EvelY one laId m large supphes of goods l\fr Montgomery states that the Colom-al styles are preferred by the people of \NJ1mmgton Robert C Lmd, \V A Brolm. J P Lundell and D R Peterson have purchased a controllmg mtel est 111the Rockford (Ill ) Desk Company O<;car BergqUIst, the secretary and man-ager of the company dunng the past ten years, has letlred The Rockfold Desk Company IS one of the oldest furmture manl1tac- 1l1g corporatIOn, 111 that cIty and haJ been noted for the excel-lence of ItS product The COmpall) \\111 cont111ue to operate the factory under the old name tor the pI esent :Mr. Bro1111IS no\\ preSIdent, l\1r Lundell, vIce preSIdent and N els \Vall, seCl etary and tl eaSl1rer He Had It. "Have you anything in the way of a carpet beater?" in-qUlred the department store patron. "We have," replied the floorwalker. "Take the elevator to the seventeenth floor, and you'll find some rugs at $29.98 that beat any carpet you ever saw." Lont111ueIS 111ehLdteclh\ the plac111g of an order for] ,30 new pas- "lngel coaLhe, for the ",anta } e rodd 1hIS I~ the first large orelc r to! pa",en~er LeUS that has been placed ~111ce1907 It was booked b\ the I'clll111anlOmpalT\ clul1ng the: past" eek and s1l1lllar olClers dre c'-poeted soon frem other loa 's 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBL.ISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR IN AL.L COUNTRIES OF THE POSTAL. UNION $1 50 PER YEAR TO OTHER COUNTRIES. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 10a-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP'DS, MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR hntered d.S second c1a~s matter July), 19lJ9 at the post ofhce at Gr nu. RapIds \IIdlI~dn undel the act at March:) 1879 1[(111 t e aJ1nOl111Lementsnotlceel e1,e\\ hel e 111thIS eehtl( n It appear~ the practIcable speecllnl11t for steam pa~~engel tlallh 111' been reached and that rallro,ld managels, both ea,t and \\ est ,'r nGW gIvlllg theIr attentlCn to 111cleasl'1g the ~peed ot tl eH~h tr,lln~ 1he mO\ ement \\ 111 p1c:ase mel ehanh and othu ~hIPP"I" to many of wloom tIme 111the movement ot tl eIght h ot mOle 111 pOltance tl an epILk pas~enger ~elVlce [he a\eld£;e ~poed ot through passtnger traIns ha0 been mC1eased plobabh {(lor {) pel Lent ll1 the pa t ten years and there 1s no rea ,on \\ 11\ a hke III crease can not be made m the speed of ta,t tl elghh unle,,, It be the stram on the ralls dnel road beds 1 hat 1eason \\ J11 not "t,md however Ihe fa~t trelghts II III be pop llal-the) \\ III bemht nearly all kmds ot bl1sme~~ except that of the C"pl e." LOmpall1c'- anel If the tracks v\ 111 not stand the ~tram the) \\ 111be recon-structed \\ hl1e mfl rmatIOn of mtercst a'1d 1111pOtalnLe b trequentll found m the consulal repO! h, the ~teltcmenh made ;}nd the lon elnsIOns reachtd are not all\ a) ~ Iehable :::'ometl111l0the\ seem to have been made \\dthout elue 1 eganl to tads and LO,lChtlCJ!l'and those relat111g to OppOltumtIe~ tor 1 lU ea\l11~ e"pOl h ot \merJf ,1l1 goods are freq lenth Lxaggerated Ol o\eJClra\\n lo! Jl1"tanll Consul John'-on cf S\\ anse;} \\ ales, a' \\ 111 be ~cen b) a qnotatlon from hl~ report, VI hleh appears on another page, thl11k~ he ha, elh covered an opportU11lty for Amencan fur11lture exporters to Jl1- crea~e thell traele but fur11lture manufacturers \\ ho have 111vestl gated the mattel knO\\ tlBt tl'e demanLI tol an) kl11d at \111elllcln made furmture 111IIales l~ haldl) \\Olth con Idel111g 'Ir John-son's comphment to \mencan manutaLturer~ WIll be apprcLlclted of course, bnt few of them WIll act on hl~ ~ugge~tlOn 111 regarcl to eAtenelll1g then trade m ::,wansea rlhe offic:er~ of the ~atlonal Tlaveler~ c\s~oclatIOn wele lll- ~tl ucted dW111g then conventIOn 111ChIcago recently, 'to 1111tlate a system of rehef to the ~tate of Inellana by presentIng to the Inter ,c.,tate C0111,'1e[l'e C011111c1~1Ion passenger 1ate e!IscnmmatlOn b) the Penn-ylvama raIlroad between 111lhanapohs and Chlca~o and I ort Wd) ne and ChILago and cont111ue \\ ark on the ca~e untIl rehef h seClll eel' ThIS partICLllar alIment of the ctate ot 1ndldna \va not eAplallled, but the com1110l1\vealth seems to have a gnev-an~ e aga111~t the Pennsylvamd 1al1road Pel haps the '" atIOnal rravelel s i\SSOClatlOnneeds a nlan capable of \\ Iltmg 1esolutlOn~ Lompl ehenslveJ) Numerou S order for new frclght cal sand IOLomotIVes placed llurIng the pact few 1110nths fl11l11shed pOSItIve proof ot Improve-ment 111genel al busmess condltlOns That the Improvement IS to 1hose \\ ho read thc al tLle on the tImber ~upply of the Ll11ted ~tate., IIhll'1 appears on anothel page, WIll realhly understand \\ 11\ the pnLe ot oak tImber ha gone upwarel m the pact few ) eal ~ 1he\ knO\\ that comumptlO 1 has steadIly mcreased and that the stumpage has been rapIdly concentrated m the hands of I,ll ~e holders and the natIonal foresters report that the annual lllt hl- eleelea,ecllh per cent smce 1900 1h~ '\ atlenal 1'1 av eler~ \ csouatlOn adopted a resolutlOn (lcp10d 19 m lch leglslatI01 now favonng that class of (0'11merce kno\\ 11 as mall order housec Rather a111ble;uoU~b lt the anllTIl1S h appal ent If -ul or del houses ~ell liBPY ml1lrons of dollar, \\ ( rth ot g, lOelS\\ It1101t the aId of travelmg ~aleslPe'1 rJ he Iron malket I~ generally con"ldere 1 thc mo-.t Ie-hable bU,,1l1ess barometer Pnce" of Iron and "teel have been nsmg tor "e\ eral \veeks A n:01l1g barometer mean., talr \\ eathel Thel dore It IS safe to predIct "unsh1l1e for the bU~1l1es, \\ orld 1- <- \\ CItIes WIll e11\) ChIcago the reputatIOn that IS bc-mg, ..,n en It bv the ne,v spapers when they declare' '1arhors the heaclquarter" of the "Vice Trust" Prof. Zueblin on Money-Grubbing. PlOt Chades luebl1l1, formerly of ChIcago UIuver:Olty, now a reSIdent of Boston, addressmg an a"semblage at Chau-tauqud, " Y, the other day, denounced modern busmess mln a" ehctatOls of the natlOn's government anel a menace to pu bItc mOl aI::. 'The ~\\ a) of the bUSIness man," he sald, " IS well 111gb Lomplete He IS the master of 111dustry, be controls the means of SUbSl~tenee and commumcatIOn he ~Ubsldlzes edu-catI() n 'll1d al t 111hIS own WhUTISICal fashIon, he carnes the jll eSlClent and the supreme court, he shapes the moral code I he decalogue has been supplanteel by the b,l~Ine,~ man\ htlog) - "'Busmess 15 busmess,' 'Stand pat,' and 'I want IV hat I vvant when I want It.' " Plof Zuebl111 IS a raehcal By many he IS conSIdered an U111ed-,011able extremIst, but he IS frank and earnest as he IS broad mmded enough to analyze both SIdes of a "ub]ect, he usually sncceeds In convlncmg hIS hearers that hIS views are about nght He deplores the devotIon of busmess men to money makmg and warns them that as a whole they are pursu111g a dangerous pohcy-dangerou" not only to the country but to themselves "II e need a prophet today hke Carlyle," he declares, . to proclaIm the lmqmty and futilIty of the phIlosophy of every man for hImself and the deVIl take the hmdmost, and to announce the dIscovery of a nobler hell than that of not makIng money" He ascnbes the great 111fluence and power ot busme~~ men of brams but contends that they do not use then brams to the best advantage-that they wa"te bram power and energy 111the pursmt of wealth that should be u~ed to brIng better results to the possessors and to the world And there al e man) bU'iiness men who wIll endorse hIS Ideas, espeCIally \V hen he contends that bus1l1e:os men should take theIr noses fJ om theIr grIndstones long enough to look about and conSIder the neceSSIty for cultivating theIr brams and usmg theIr talents 111better fields than that of money mak1l1g WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 ._-_._--_._._-----_.-_._._._._.-._._-_.--_._._.- . We will have the nght styles at the right pnces and made to give satIsfactIOn, Don't miss coming to see the hne, it will pay you. Couches Parlor Leather Furniture Rockers T T . " Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis, Ind. ......... .._. .. .----._._--_._-----.-.-..-._. .._..-.-•-.•-.-.~•.-.-.--_..-. ----_._.~----._-----I~ Reminders of Days Long Past. The Lady's PIctOrIal, commentmg on the exhloltlOn of ant1- que" to be opened m London soon, anrwunces that a number of 111111laturechma sets and odd pIeces", III appear among tll(> exhI-bIts and says. "ThIs hlhputlan chma had an ongm that IS perhap" not gen-erally known The leadmg chma makers a century or t\'~() ago were m the habIt of sendmg It as presents to the clllldren of theIr best customers "It IS qmte pos"lble that a collectIOn of hlhputlan fur111ture wIll be exhIbIted at the same tIme These tmy pIeces are as com-plete m all detaIls as furnIture of the normal SIze, but they are no larger than the things you would expect to findm a first rate doll's house. "They were made ongl11ally not for the delectatIOn of the young but as samples for the young man who traveled the prov-mces m the mterest of some firm of fur11lture makers 111 London In those days there were no leVIathan catalogues profusely Illus-trated, and a Journey from a remote country dlstnct to the show-room" 111 London wa" a formIdable undertakmg before we had rall", ays and motor cars" vVhlle readmg the fOJegomg paragl aphs some of the older fur11lture manufactt1l er~ wdl recall the days when they made mm-lature reproductlOl1'i of theIr goods for the use of theIr trave11l1g salesmen They were made complete 111 every detaIl, perfect re-productlOn~ of matenal, pattern, constructIOn and fi111sh,and the) "t1lted the purpose for whIch they were 1I1tended so well that -;ales-men who had carned them found "ome dIfficulty 111 conv1I1cmg dealer" that photographs were "equally as good," and It wa" "everal years after photography had been put to commercial use before the salesmen were able to get along WIthout the lIttle sam-ples. ElIas Matter, one of the founders of the Nelson-Matter Com-pany, GI and RapIds, IS '>aId to have been the first fur11lture man-ufacturer to eqmp hIS ~ale"men WIth photographIC samples and thus save the expense of mak1l1g the ml11latures, but he did not really ongmate the Idea WhIle 111 Jackson. Mlch, he met a man who was takmg orders for baby carnages uS1l1g photographs a:'> samples and on reachmg home he ImmedIately engaged a photo-grapher and set hIm to work makmg pIctures to be carned by the Nelson & Matter salesmen It IS probable that some of the Immature samples formerly carned by salesmen may be found 111 the nooks, corners or cubby holes of Grand RapIds factones If ,,0 they mIght form a deSIr-able addItIOn to the London exhlbltlon or make an 1I1terest1l1g con-tI ast by be1l1g brought out, rubbed up and shown here WIth the productlOns of today Death of Martin N. Moyer. A WIdely-known character m the fur111ture trade, Martm N. Moyer, (hed m ChIcago on July 23 ::,VrrMoyer formerly reSIded 111 Grand RapIds and represented the PhOe111:AFurmture Company twenty-five years ago m the we"t Later he took up the work for the Berkey & Gay Fur11lture Company m the same terrItory. I, old-mg beds were 111 great demand and after retmng from the em-ploy of the Berkey & Gay FurnIture Company he Jomed Mr HIl-dreth, of ChIcago, m orga11lzmg the W1I1dsor Fold1l1g Bed Com-pany HIgh grade foldmg hed" were manufactured and sold "uccessfully by the company dUrIng a number of years When the comIc paper" destroyed the sale of the foldmg bed the com-pany took up the manufacture of ca"e work Among the Immed- Iate mourner" of hI" loss are a WIfe and two "ons, the latter are engaged 111 the fUrl1ltUl e busmess The fellow who doesn't cut any Ice IS a good bIt of a frost. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN MADE BY GRAND RAPIDS FANCY FURNITURE CO GRAND RAPIDS, MICH .--------------------------------- - - WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 ,....------------------------- .. ----------- IIII II II II I II• I• •I• I• •II I II IIII~------ ---., The McMullen Machinery Co. G R ::\lc11 ullen, presIdent of the ::\1c 2\1ullen \lachme1) compan), 58 South lama "tr eet. Oppo"Ite the Umon statlOn, Grand RapId", wa" fm ten year~ WIth the lox Machme com-pany, dunng WhICh tUlle he traveled all 0\ er the country sellmg theIr goods to furnIture manufacturers and all sort" of wood workmg concerns In January la"t, he decIded TABLES I II• I•• II II•I• •I• II I•I•IIII -----------------~ OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EX TENSION ARE BEST MADE FINISHED VALUES that the tUlle was npe for establIshmg a StOIe for completely fittlllg out wood worklllg planb of all klllds TIll" he dId. and he IS enabled to fit up any kllld of a factory WIth all machlllery, tools, shaftlllg, hangers and everythIng necessary to start productIon He selected Grand RapIds fm hIS head-quarters because It IS the metropolIs of western :\11ch1gan, WIth better ~h1ppmg facllItles than any other CIty m the state. Orders may be telephoned III from any Clty III Western J'vI1ch- 19an and be shIpped the same day "\Then one conSIders that there are nearly one hundred passenger trams arnvmg and departmg every day, beSIdes and lllterurbans, It IS easy to see why Mr McMullen chose Grand RapIds as Our Catalogue and Prices prove this statement. Yours for the asking. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICH All Made From Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. ... ---------------------------------_.---- hIS base of ope1ahons HIS foreSIght III domg so h attc ...ted by the fact that hI:o bu"meo;s IS grow1l1g every month He WIll be glad to open C01respondence WIth anyone In the states of .MIchIgan, OhIO, IndIana IllInOIS 01 W 1sconsm, at any tIme and prove that he can make It advantageous to trade WIth the Mc:;\lullen Mach1l1ery company. New Factories. The manufactUl e of chaIrs IS a new 111dustry in Batesville, Ind , commenced by the Batew1Ile ChaIr Company Chas ] Austm and othel shave orga11lzed the Cleveland, () Swmg ChaIr Company, WIth $20,000 capItal stock . .1\1 Hadley Cox and ,pthers have orga11lzed the Independent Ball Beanng Shade Roller Company, III Naugatuck, Conn. The K111gPlano Company recently orga11lzed at Butler, Ind, Ie;capItalIzed for $,),000 TheIr bU"111essoffice WIll be 111ChIcago Charles.5 111lnel and others of Bmghamton, NY, have or-ga11lzed the MI"slOn Furmture Company, WIth $10,000 capItal ,tacK [{ D SmIth, of f\ ewton, and I D Adams of "Walton have orga11l7ed the SmIth-Adams & GIbbs Company, of Boston, Mass \\ 1th $'50,000 capItal stock to manufacture and deal 111furnIture The C alIfoI11la } ur11lture Company, recently IUcorporated at '\bcnleen, \\ ash, b} capltalI~t:o fr am Cahfor11la, has leased the plant of the \bercleen Box Company and the manufacture of fur- 1lltl1re "1"11b1e1 l1ndeitaken as soon a" the fact01Y can be made read} for that pUl po"e The capItal stock of the company IS $50,000 Leonard & Son. Detroit. H R Leonard of Leo.1arcl & Son, dealer 111furmture nove1- tIe" and bnc-a-bi ac 111DetrOIt, J\I1ch , possesses a wonderful mem-or) It I, sal(l by those \\ ho have put hIm to the te"t that he can stand 111the center or other pOSItIOn 111the store and call out the pnce mal k on the tag of eve 1) artlcle w1th111hIS SIght When the fact IS conSIdered that the pllces 1ange h om fifty cents to many hundreds of dol1ar~ the value of the test WIll be understood and apprecIated ]\11 Leonard s son, associated in the firm, is also saId to pos"ess a very retentIVe memory The man who can make a dollar go furthest can't always make It come quickest. To have his memory kept green a man must be true blue. - -- - - - ~~- - --------------- .... Conducted by 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN RETAIL FURNI'l~URE ADVERTISING A DEPARTMENT OF HELPS FOR THE ADVERTISER -- - --- ---------------- ---------- - - --- - ------------- Chief of the ~dvertisina Department, Furniture City Entiravinll Company MARLIN L. BAKER ~ome suggestions along the 1111eof lay out ma\ help ~0l11e "ad' \\ nter, who at pre~ent n1dY be WOI kll1g 111the dark ror tl- 1ustratlOn I will use one of our regular vveek1y ",elvice "ads ' The layout IS noth111g more than a work1l1g plan for ,our pnnter to follow Suppose the space for the next ad IS "t\\ o-co1-10 Select a sUItable cut Get a proof of It and paste It \\ here} ou th111k It will show up best ::\ow dr dw the bOIder If parallel rule~ are to be used mark It on YOUl1a}out, and 1l1dlcate on the margm the Beautiful New Buffets I~IOTHINCADOI BCAVTV'~ size and style rule deSired Pnnt 111all headhnes to be set m chs-play Do not wnte copy on the layout sheet U:oe separate sheets for copy and ahoays 'WItte on one stde onl)' Use paper of umform size Some "ad" men wnte on scraps of paper, backs of envelopes or anythmg that happens to be handy Leave plenty of space between hnes, because you may Wish to m~ert a \\ ord or "entence For each separate descnptlOn accompa11led by Illustration, use a separate sheet of paper Don t put matter pertam1l1g to chfferent arttcles on the same copy sheet Mark all spaces m the layout \\ lth eIther nUl11bei or letter andl11ark each copy sheet correspond-mgh 1\\ the u~e ot a 1a}out you ale enabled to see more clearly ho\\ \ am "ad \\111 appear \\ hen pnnted and It also lets the com-positor kno\\ hO\\ }OU\\ loh It displayed Don't specify styles and 'Ize~ of t\ pe unless }OU 1uve a thorough knowledge of that sub- Je~t T} pe h not made of rubber and can not be squeezed or ev pamled to fit space The pnnter know~ best what size type to nee, ]udg1l1g tram the amount of COP} you furmsh 1he stud) of t} pe, the pomt system and printers phrase~ i" \ a1udble to any \\ nter of COpy Cultivate the acquamtance of AM S· d "I have traded at Wmegar's for the last twenty an a1 years and I always .attend theIr sales. for my expertence has been the ~oods are always better than they advertIse \Ve feel proud of that customer There are thousands of others who feel the same way We want you to come 10 and we 11 assure you that the mall was Justtfled 1rI "har h... sa d bur }DU II have tD come soon for thL Imes are bemg rapidly sold out BIg Reduell"os"" Odd Dre>Sers 115mB The Home Out/liters 8S~87·8QCanal St Cor Erie }our printer He wtl1 be glad to enltghten you upon the subJt'ct -the more yOU knO\\ about pnnt shop ways the better It Will be: f01 both) au and hUTI In the layout for the double ten-111ch "dd" the proof IS pasted 111the upper right hand ltmlt, With the heachng set 111three hnes "ate the hbera1 white spdce used throughout the enttre "ad." 1':0 matter 111what part of the paper thiS "ad" IS placed, It Will stand out regard1es:o of the surround111g matter White space IS mighty valuable when properly used Good "ads" are composed of three th111gs-a ltttle white mat- WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 ter, a ltttle black matter and a lot of Gray Matter The better you handle these elements the better results you'll get and-1l\ re~ults you're after every time, The "b-col-18' announcement of W1l1egdr~, Grdnd RapIds, J\1Jch , l~ a good one-much better than the average furmture ad-vertb1l1ent Plenty of prLe" and descnptlOn~ dnd good cut~ dre u"ed However, there l~ much room for Improvement typogrd-phlLally lIdt! the two Iron bed cut~ dnd matter been transposed WIth the kitchen cab1l1et cut and the cnb cut transposed WIth Its Beautiful New Buffets ~~ , ~ 'If ~ OTHING ADDS BEAUTY N to your home like a new buffet Take for mstance the buffet Il-lustrated above, place It m your dlllmg room, decorate It tastefully with a few pieces of handsome Chllla, Don't you thmk you would be mighty proud of your dmlllg room? We thmk su. We have buffets hke thIS one bUllt of solid Oak beauuful flaky gram fimshed Golden or $ Early Enghsh priced as low as _ Others that are larger and a httle more 'elaborate In constructIOn and deslgn beautIful, solid Quartered ~:r~so;oGenume Mahogany, pncC'd up $ _ Remem ber our stock of hIgh grade Dlllmg Tables IS unexcelled for beauty and quality. It's a pleasure to show you. N"me and Addrus descnptlOn, the couch where the SlIver set and go cart are, and the two sll verware cuts where the couch IS, the rocker and the sa11ltary couch would have had proper placmg That arrangement would have added much to thIS announ~ement's appearance The refngerator dIsplay IS rather :otnkmg and was no doubt read by a number mterested m sav1l1g on Ice bdls The whIte "pace 1l1slde the Clrcle border and below the matter should have been used for pnces Sub-head1l1gs for each article, snudar to the "Dlg ReductlOn~ on Odd Dressers, ' "hould have been usecl-more \dllte ~pace mSlde the rule b01del would have made a gl edt 1111- provement m the dIsplay and a better headmg nl1ght have been selected. !\pp~arance has much to do WIth commanebng attentlOn !\ gooel. \\ ell ebspla) eel. open "ad' WIll capture more redelers than cne filled to the lmllt WIth no thought of al rangement Both ma) contam the same "elltng argument, but the well-arranged "ad ' wl1l sell more (("ooe\t>-lrore people WIll rcadlt Railroad Managers Not a Bad Lot. The commercIal club of Portland, Ore, gave a luncheon recently In honor of J C Stubbs, VIce pres'dent of the South-ern P dcJfic raIlroad and traffic ebrector of the Harnman l111e, In the cour"e of a short adeb ess the guest of honor 'i1ld "rhe obJ ect, the InItial object, of the ong1l1al and everv othel transcont111ental raIlroad \\ as to reach the PacIfic, the reglon that was known as a productIve and a frmtful reglOn, one whIch promIsed a return UDon the Investment I don't beheve that m commumtIes hke tho"e that dre established on the PacIfic coast, theIr ultimate happIness or ultimate progre~" depend" wholly on the carner, 1 do beheve, however, the productIvene~~, the earlllng P0\\ er of the car-ners depends upon the commu111ty and lt~ progress That IS to come from the 111herent ge11lus of the people, theIr power Gf prodllctlOn "Men 111the rallroad service do more, gauged by the compensatlOn they receIve, than doe" the average success-ful merchant or bus111e"s man We work because we can't help It We work because we want the esteem of our fel-lows We work because we want to be helpful We work because we must If we are g0111g to be men When you feel mchned to be dlsappomted WIth respect to some of the thmg'3 that rallroads do and beheve that rallroad officers are not smcere and hone"t m theIr endeavors to promote the mtere~ts dependent upon the l111e, the particular officer or officers you may be cntICls111g may be Just as honest and earnest 111the pursUlt of what you deSIre a" you are your-self, although It may be apparent for the time be111g, at least, hiS VJews do not harm011lze WIth yours ,. Row Over a Telephone. Towers & Bennett, retal1ers of second hand furlllture m l\Imneapohs, recently engaged 111a legal squabble over the use of a telephone number Towers sold hIS busmess to Dennett and when Towers prepared to go mto busmess again WIth hIS old telephone number Bennett protested long and loudly Bennett wOn out and wlll use Towers' old number It IS not beIng down, It'S be111gdown and out that I" fatal THE COZY CORNER. "Hal Here's a cozy corner "Ouch! wlfie has fixed up' I'll try It " headl" What's thIS hit my "Great Scotti There goes ten "Pshaw' Here comes the whole "Well, thiS lSn t so bad when dollars' worth'" shootIng match down'" It'S cleared out' ' 22 WEEKLY -\RTISA)J ~---_..... - --_..... II "THE ----------- ...... .~ III BETTER M A K E" 'VE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROO~I and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH FALTORY AND ~ALESROOM :17 CANAL STREET CATALOGUES TO DEALER~ O;,,\,HEAVY PLATE PAPER NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE COMPANY II I III IIII..I. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. I.. ----...... _--_... . WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 MADE BY WARREN TABLE WORKS WARREN, PA. New Dealers in Furniture. 1he Home 1Ulmtnre Company recent1) cngal;'ec1 111l~n,111CS" 11 Oklahoma Clt) [be \ddms Jurmttll e ,t01 e recently commenced hU~111(,S,m Ta\ 10rsvl11e, 1\ C Cha" ,;\ ~peal I, prepdnng to open d new stock of tUlmture III Dee :\lo111es Iowa I ayden & ~e11l1 bave opened a stock of fm mtm e dnd bard- \\~l1e m Iron ElVer, \11ch 1yrw KIlmer, of Readmg \\1111open a new furmtUl c '-tm e ll1 a remodeled gram V\drehol1se at I[)elstown, Pa J ame" J 01 clan and other~ of '\ ev\ Y01 k hay e I11corporated the Thomas F :\leagel CompallY v,lth $::0000 capItal to deal 1,1 fl1rmture John l\J angan and other, of -too Ea ,t lJth street, I\e\\ York, have orgamzecl the :\Iangan- Batte; Compan), v,Ith $10,000 capItal, to ~e11furmture. The Clayton, (Y ::\1 ) Lance notes that James Ryan has opened a furmtUl e ,tore on II all ~tJeeL 111 that VIllage, and wIse-ly remarks that "the e~tablIshment \\ III be ven convenIent for tho"le contemplatmg hou~e keep1l1g That statement I, probabl) true Hal C Turner. f01 mam year~ manag-el for the Harnm.;ton (\\' \ a) MIIhng Com pan) has I e~lQ.ned dnd hOllght out flU111- ture department, of tv, 0 harel\\ are stores 111 that tOll n He \\ III consolIdate hl"l p Ircha,e, and open a ne\\ e"c11blve furmtnre ~torc (T G hnne) who recently I etll ed from the Greenhe1d- Talbot-hnnc) Company of "a,hvllle 1'e11n, \\111 orgal1lze a company anel engage 111 the fur111ture bl1Sll1e"~ 111 that lIty He has had twenty years expellence m manufacturing and "e1hng furl1lture Furniture Losses by :Fire. 1 (rraffman, a dealer 111 f111111ture.111 1\ I11Iam,b'lr~,::\ Y, wa~ e1amaged by fire on July 21 ~to1berg- &-- Parks \vere damag-ed to the amount of $130 00 by a £11e 111 the11 factor) at 1 aledo, OhIO, 0.1 J ul) 1b -1he Dlehl-SchJ11mg f'ur111ture Company lost $30,000 by the tIre that destroyed the11 fdctor) m PhIlhpsburg, N J , on July 19 vVIlhcul1 r Patte I s furl1lture ware house 111Plll1adelphla was damaged by file to the amount of $10000 on Ju!) 2;0 1he :\Ial vel Furl11ture LOmpdny of lama, i\I1ch, suffered a 10"," of $15,000 or $::0 000 b) J1re 111the factory last 1ue"clay In,ured The \mellcan 1"111mture Company of \t1anta, Ga \Va" clam aged by fire on J l1ly 22 to the amount of $2 000 . w111'::hIS pal th covered by 1I1surance The '\mencan Cdb1l1et ::\Janufactnnng Company and tl;e l ur tIS BrothelS Veneer ,Yorks, 111ChIcago, \\ere damaged by fire to the amonnt of $10,000 on Jul) 24th The loss of the Umtec! ~tate" iur1l1ture Company b\ fIre 111 ChIcago, recently ha~ been settled for $30500, a htt1e over seventy five per cent of the amount of the p01lcles The 111,urance com-pa111e, ral,ecl a que,tlOn a;, to ownel,hlp. the concern hav1I1g 111- corporatec! WIthout notice to the unden\ nter~ The amount of 111- ~urance c1aullecl by the furnIture company \\,1'0 $38,700 Chal1es H Leonard has succeeded 'a well 111 -ecU1111g tencl11t, for hIS (Hta\va street ft11l11ture eAhlbltlOn bl11lc1lng that 1w IS th1l1k1l12,of oftenng space 111 hIS ;\larket street b1111clmg£01 the "ame purpose The happIest way to correct mIstakes 1S to do so hefore they happen ------------------------------. 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ Each Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis Gorden and Satterwhite Pleased. R A Gordon and J L Satten\ll1te at the \mellLd.n Furmture Company, Atlanta, Ga. ha\ e returned to thelr homes and are tellIng theIr :nend:o of the \\ onc1ers the\ s~m and the ex,penence:o the) enjoy ed dunng thell "ta\ III Grand Ra,plds and ChIcago Lnder the e,):otem emplm ed III the Amencan Furl1lture company s "tore the buy 111g at good" IS looked after as carefully a" the selltng of the "ame \1 I Gordon declanng that In order to sell nght good" mu"t be bought nght J\Ir Gordon wI"ely contlnue:o "The con servatIve buyer ""ho fSoes dIrect to the bl£i factone" and pro-tects hIs own Interest" can al\\a) " gnc hI" ltte,tomer" ,111 ad-vantage III pnce, style and quahty that an 111dl"cnm111ate dne! mexpenenced ]Iuyer alway" find" Impo""lble Our pur-cha" e:o dunng the t11p, \\111 edlp"e anv \\ e ha\ e e\ el mde!c hoth 111 quantIty. qualIty ane! \ aluc dl1<1wIthout <loubt we are gomg to be III a pO"ltlOn to offel au! cu"tomel" hettel \ alues and better good" for ha\ mg ma(le thl" tnp' .!VIr Gordon pree,enh a \ el} gooe! argument 111fa \ (1 of market bUY111g Thinks There is an Opening in Wales. Jesse H. Johncon, lTl1lted State" Consul at Swan:oea, \\ ale". th111ks he has found an OppOltumty to lJ1c.rease exports of ~mcll-can furmture He reports as follows "Among multlfanous local mdustnes here there are some fac-tones that manufacture furmture The valIOUS p1("<(S are 1111 ported mto Swa 1sea and put together here ready for the market There is no country 111the worlel that can manufacture furmture completed or 111 parts so favorably as the Ul1ltecl SCates, and doubt-less Amencan manufacturers would find thIs populous dlstnct a very good market .I. he steamshIp commumcatlon between here and the L mtee! State0 I" very good, and there are man} old-estab- Ihhed and thorDughl) reItable local firms who would help to aug-ment the already good connectIOn of e:Aporters of Amencan furlll-ture Dunng an Il1tervlew WIth some of the local furmture deal-er, and upholsterers I found that there IS a ellstmct Dpenmg here tor ~l11encan chaIr tops anel chaIr legs made of beech wood. and aCCO,l1pan)111gthIS al tlc1e are the names of firms who would be plea"eel to receIve quotatIOns for these artIcle"" The addl esses mentioned by the Consul may be obtall1ed by ac1dre< Il1g the Bureau of Manufactures at vVashll1gton East Also Has Fast Freight Trains. There IS no rea "on fO! "urpn"e m the announcement that freIght trdll1" are now Iun from the ~tlanttc to the PaCIfic coast u! tl1ll teen cld) ". when It I" known that "ome of the ea -,tel n I oa<l" ha\ e been engagee! 111 d speed w dr for two month" 01 more The Ene e,tarted the :otnfe by putting on fa"t frelRht" between ~ew York and ChIcago and cut the tune from '\ ew York dnd Phtladelphla to Buffalo more than eIght hoUl" Other road" were oblIged to compete and the re- "ult \"a" a shortel1lng of the "chedule" nearly 25 per cent The Lac'<:awanna dId not take actIon untIl the other roade, had dpparentlv done theIr best. but la:ot Sunday It announced d ne"" fa"t freIght that beab all other" between New York and Buffalo by more than three hours The Penn:o} lvanta, the \Vaba"h and the DaltuTIore & OhIO are saId to be pr~panng to put on fa"t freIghts to con-nect ""Ith the 5t Pau!'" new westeln servIce Some men do not need a waste basket so long as they have a desk WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 CAMPBELL'S "'WONDER BOILER" An Invention That PJ'omises to Revolutionize Present Methods of Steam Heating. George P Campbell, of Schenectady, NY, has mvented a de\ Ice that will be an enemy to the cOdl dealer, If the 0p1l110nS of experts who have exam1l1ed and te"tcel It are correct It IS a new fashIOned bOiler so con'3tructed as to produce a maximum amount of evaporatIOn With a m1l11- mum consunwtlon of fuel ~I r Campbell does not posc as an llnentor It 1'3 another case where neces'Slty appears as the mother of 1I1ventlon Dunng the cold spells last WlmeT the steam heat1l1g apparatus m hiS residence ehd not work satlsfactonly, though It was supposed to be of the best type and constructIOn vVhen members of the famdy had to go to beel 111order to aVOid suffenng from cold, ::'IIr Campbei' began to study the '3ubJect of steam heat111g Someth1l1g that he had read about evaporation convmced lum that the makers of steam heatmg bOilers hael kept away from the ver} pomt thc} should have worked on to obtam the best result" He started 111 to expenment along thiS Ime and the result IS th~ "wonder bOiler" as It has been named by some steam sharps who have quahfied as ex,pert" The bOIler IS shaped like a peg top It stands about eight feet high and 1'3 60 mche" 111 diameter at ItS fullest Circumference, which IS Just above the top of the firebox, where the steam dome I" situated The steam dome IS 19 mches high 111the center and "lopes downward to form the top of the toplike bOIler The firebox I" perfectly round and IS 111 the center of the boder It IS only 15 1I1ches 111diameter and stands 37 mches hIgh All about the firebox IS a water-leg, the space for the water bemg three mches between the outer walls of the fire box and the mner Vv alls of the ga" chamber The base IS formed of the ash Pit, With a feed door 794 b} 10% mches, and a draft The top of the gas chamber IS covered to form the bot-tom of the steam dome Thc surface of thIS bottom contam" 19% feet of water area The water 111thiS IS kept at three 111ches depth ThiS laq:(e evaporat111g area 1'\ one of the fcature" of the boder The othel feature 1'\ the circulatIOn of ga"es, and It IS on thIS that the 111ventor''\ apphcatlOn for a patent was allowed. The capaCity of the bOIler I" 16 and a half gallon" an hour wtlhout forcmg A firc can be started m the fm nace and In two 111111ute"two pound'3 pre<.,- r-PIONEER" t MAnUt AnURlnO (OMPAnl -.---.-.-.-".----i~ I I ! I I I I II I II I DETROIT, MICR. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts W Full hne shown only at the factory. Indianapolis Illinois and New York Sts, 6 Blocks horn Umon Depot 2 Blocks from Interurban ~tatlOn 250Rooms All OutSIde, WIth Flle Escape 1elephone In Iwery Room. European Plan Rat" 75c to $2 00 Per D ty Dlnmg Room III ConnectlOll ~peclal Hates to Famihes and Permanent Guests Ladles 1ravelIng Alone w111 FInd ThIS a Very DeSIrable StoppIng Place GEO. R. BENTON Lessee and Manager II ..--- . ....I sure of steam can be had-enough to heat the whole house 1he weather has not btlen severe smce Mr Campbell completed IllS expenmental boder last A,pnl, con"3equently It cannot be cletermmed to a certamty Just how much fuel may be sayed, but at no time S111ce the fir"t tnal m Aplll has It been nece'\sary to bUl n more than one small hod of coal every 24 hour" The fire can be damped as low as de-sln~ el and m two m111utes a two pound pre'isure of steam can be made [he bOiler IS made of .Ys mch cast 11 on amI 15 covel ed With asbe'itos .l\Ir Campbell has had no cld1iculty m orgalllz111g a com-pany WIth ample capital to manufacture hiS 111ventlOn which wdl soon be placed on the market, 111Sl7es smtable for dwell 1l1gs and large hUlldmg <., Using the Tariff as a Scale, The K ew York Cordage Company I" sendmg out cards to consumers, predlctmg higher pnces for tv\ me because "the sen-ate has placed a duty of 1Y;; cents a pound on raw Jute aGd the house IS hkely to concul" The house has not con(:urred, how ever, and the N ew York market reports do not 1l1dlcate any 1l1cli-nation on the part of buyer~ to antiCipate an advance in pnces The Trust's "Scare" Will not boo"t ItS bu:omess to an) great ex-tent It has been said that Cleellt I" lIke a levolver under one's pIllow-the greate"3t comfOi t when not needed. Lots of enell:;y 1<.,wcl"teel 111 mak111g fools of ourselves ..... -----------------_._._ •..••...•.. ... Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Park wood Ave,. Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting out the bebt Ld~ler Cups WIth cork bases tver offeree to the trade. These are timshed m Golden Oak and White Maple m a lIght fimsh These goods are admirable for pollshed floors and fnrn- Iture rests They will not sweat or mar. PRICES: SIze 27.(mches... $4 00 per hundred SIze 2;li mrhes 5 00 per hundred Try a Sample Order FOB. Grand Raptds . - _.. --. ..--- --.. ...- _.. . .~ ....-. .. .., - - - ... - -_. .. ... - - -- . ....-~ 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN Upon the receipt of a request from any responsible dealer, cata-logues illustrating, pricing and describing the Quick Selling Lines of the Big Six Car Loading Association will be forwarded. These lines are for sale in the Evansville Furniture Exchange. THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes. Chlffomers, Odd Dressers. Chlfforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of KItchen Cabinets, K D. Wardrobes. Cupboards and Safes. in Jrnitatlon golden oak. plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright F oldmg Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, China Closets. Combination Book and LIbrary Cases THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards In plam oak. imItation quartered oak. and sohd quartered oak. Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers. Beds and Chlffomers In Jrnltatlon quartered oak. ImItation mahogany. and Imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the' Supenor" Line of Parlor, LIbrary, Dlnmg and Dressmg Tables. Made by The Karges Furmture Co The Big Six Manufacturers of Evansville possess unequalled facil-ities for shipping goods promptly. All have sidings in or adjoining their factories and cars can be dispatched direct over the great rail-road systems of the East, South and West . ... _ •••• _ •••• I ••••••••• ••• ••• •••• ea. a. • ••••••• __ " THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "HygIene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. Cnbs, Wife Spnng, and Cots. WEEKLY ARTISAN Made b) Bockstege FurnItm e Co Made by Globe Furmtme Co Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co Made b) Bosse FurnIture Co. ~------------------------ .. . .... ---- - .... - - ... .. - --------- a •• __ a __ ••• ~ 27 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN MADE BY HOLLAND FURNITURE COMPANY HOLLAND. MICH. New York Market Reports. New Yark, July 30 -~Ial ket reports In which furniture makers-and dealers to a less extent- are Intere~ted have been firm and steady this week General bUSiness conclitlOns which are of more Interest than current mdrket quotations al e descnbed b) a well kno" n commercial authonty as follows "l\1:ldsummer trade C011(lit1Onsare suffiCiently gratIfymg to support the feeling of optl1111sm\\ hlch spreads throughout the lines of actIvity \Vlcler demand~ for money lI1dlcate that blh\l1e,,~ generally revives under renewed VlgOl and confidence dnd It I~ not surpnslng that prepal atlOns for the future are ~ub"tantlated by many heavy demand" mvoh lI1g 11101 e dra\\ m~ upon capaClt) of the leading mdustne~ Adclit10nal constructIOn IS pushed fOl-ward In Iron and steel makmg Ti'urnace product1On e2>.hlblts further recovery, With better pnce~ ruling. and tonnage" booked for future delivenes assure steady output~ extendmg mto next year ., Turpentine IS firm wlth a gain of about a cent per gallon In pnces both here and at Savannah The figures here for Immed- Iate delIvery are 51 @ 510 cents. There IS no Improvement In the demand for lInseed 011 The market IS steady but exceedingly dull City raw In five barrel lots I~ quoted at 61 @ 62 cents, Single bOIled a cent higher and doubled bOIled two cents above the raw Western raw 60@61 Calcutta, '75 cents The shellac market IS featureless as It has been for several weeks T N In cases IS quoted at 14@140 cents, bnght orange grades, 17@19, fancy shades, 20@22, cliamond 1. 25@ 26 Bleached, l(l@160 cents, kiln dned, 20@21 cents The burlap market IS stIll lifeless, consumers are not buymg except for Immediate necessity and dealers can not be Induced to place order for future dehvery. Prices are well maintained. hO\\ ever-3 10 tor eight ounce and -t 50 for 100 ounce goods vVeakness IS reported m the Calcutta market " Cordage IS firm, oWing to a shght advance m raw matenals, but pnces, except for heavy rope have not changed dunng the \\ eek n C t\\ Ine X0 18 IS quoted at 16 cents per pound, India twme. Xos 150 to (), 7)i@7;/z, lIght, 8@8;4, fine Xo 18, 11 cents Goat skIw are dull With light receipts and small sales Bogo-ta~ dnd Ha) tIens have been sold m small lote dunng the week dt ),\ cent~ Pd)ta~ at -+ l, 1feXlcan at 42, vVest Indian at 50 a,1d Hla71lIan at b6@7,) cents Lumber contmues firm With small advances reported fronl se\ eral pomte;. Leather I~ dull owmg to the uncertainty dS to act10n of C01'- l!re,s on the pendmg tanff bill. With the Majority. Tom Cooper of Ottumwa, Iowa, spent the current week in Grand Rapids A few hours after hb arnval the representative of a \\ ell known corporatIOn, maBufactunng chamber SUite", met hU11 andmtroduced the subject of trade Without delay "I have bought the SlIgh line," Tom remarked "Then) ou are a dead one," the salesman reJomed. . \Vhy, what do you mean? Explam," contmued Tom \\ arml) 'vVhy, you are With the maJonty " The PIOneer Manufactunng Company and other creditors have filed a petItIOn askll1g that the Ul11ted States Furniture Com-pany, Chicago, be adjudged bank! upt It Will be remembered that the Umted States Company suffered a heavy loss by fire re-cently WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 Only Stragglers Coming Now. The Grand RapIds l111d-~ummer sales-season closes today, though many of the exhIbIts wIll be mal11tamed I11defimtely DUl-mg thIs week only twenty-seven buyers have arnved makmg the total for the season 1058 whIch IS not up to the hIghest record Others wIll arnve dunng the comm~ week and later, but the record for the season wIll sta~1d at the figure gIven above Fol-lowmg IS the lIst reglvtered smce last Saturday R G 1<uller, Savannah, III D E LmclqUlst, Keokuk, Ia \V H Lape, CoffeyvIlle Furmture Company, Coffey\ Ill" Kas W C Watkms, Sekell & Watkms, Grand Ledge, ::\1:lch A L KIrtland, KIrtland Bros, Lake VIew, Mlch H FeIge, Jr, H FeIge & Son, Sagmaw, Mlch L Epstem, Lasalle & Kwh Company, Toledo, Oh10 George E Best, Bergen, ~ Y D C !\tl<l.1~," assar, l\lIch A H VIlle, Hoffman & \ Ille, Korfolk, Neb J C Cooper, W H Cooper & Son, Ottumwa, Ta Challes H Thuner, Thuner I, urmture and Carpet ( ompJ.ny, ::,t LChlh Mo C D DOlns, Dor!1s-Heyman lurmtm e Company, Phoe 11X, \!1Z I 1\1 Cuschner, Standard hlrl1lture Company, Spokane, \Vash C \V Freed, 1<reed FUlmture Company, Salt Lake LIt) J olm M i\llen, J :l\I Allen & Co , KnoxvIlle, Tenn. L 1\t1c1\lanus, McManus & Co , :l\Iacon, Ga F J Keller, OtIS Desk Company, ChIcago ,Ill H C I"ranzhelm, H C. Franzhelm Company, Wheelmg, W va \a H F Stattman, H C. Franzhelm Company, \lVheelmg \IV, A T Ohon, Olson MercantIle Company, Streator, III J S Bunce, 1\Ilddletown, Ct ~. S Wnght, Greenwood Furmture Company, Greenwood, MIss J R WIllIams, Clement & WIllIams, MIlwaukee, Wis Charles \VIllIams, WIllIams & vlorgan. UtIca, N Y H J ::\felson, Lauerman Drothers, Mannette, WIS L P Peck, Peck & Co , San Antol1lo, Tex Car Builders Are Busy. Press dIspatches report that car bUlldmg concerns m all parts of the country now have more order 0 than they ~an promptly fill Among the orders a::, placed dunng the past week I~ one by the K ew York Central for 2,000 box cars to be bUIlt for carrymg furl1lture and automobIles TlIe Buffalo, Rochester & Pltbburg has placed an order for 1,000 steel cars, The Boston & ::\1:ame has ordered ten locomotIves from the Amencan LocomotIve Company and the Dfnver, N orthwe:otern & PacIfic two, The Doston & ;\Iame, the .Mlssoun, Oklahoma & Gulf, the Great Northern and Northern PacIfic have each ordered 1,000 freIght cars It b reported that the 8,000 freIght cars for whIch the BaltI-more & OhIO IS m the market wIll be mcrea::,ed to 10,000 and that a large amount of passenger equIpment WIll be ordered m adclI-tIon Knew Where to Scratch. A conventIOn of travelIng salesmen IS 111progress 111ChI-cago Story tell111g prevaIls Here IS a sample "DId I ever tell you fellows," 111qUlred Fredenc L Gross, preSIdent of the orgamzatlOn, "of a lIttle boy I once knew? He went to school 111our town and was called down about mne tImes a day for scratch111g hIS head, whether or not he was 111 doubt about a problem hnally the teacher spoke up It had been gettmg on her nerve') for "ome tIme She ::,ald, 'John, why In the wOlld do you cont111ually ::,cratch your head 111that way?' "'\Vell,' replIed John cheedully, 'I'm the only one that knows where It Itche') , " The Holcomb Saw Works. A L Holcomb & Company, 27 North Market ::,treet. GI and RapId'), m adclItlOn to manufactunng hIgh grade band "aw::, and grom mg saw", carry one of the large::,t and best a"sorted stock" of Circular "aw" and emelY wheel" m the ::,tate They are prepared to ship promptly at any tIme They have recently put In some addItIonal machmery and are also domg repaIr work The man who permIts hIS pleasure to mterfere wIth hiS bus111ess may reach the point where he won't have any of eIther Most of us try to forget the mean thmgs we know about ourselves Clothe::, don't make the man arms wears baggy trousers ::\1:any a fellow wIth a coat of ~ _ _- -.. ..----------- _--~--------------------------_.. . . _ .. I The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. ....." Our Large New Line of .IIIII III III ----~r ~ __...t.. DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW [( Df\VIS FUltNITUltG GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I'--._---_._---_._------_. ---_._--- --' ....- .- . .. .. .-- - - - - - - - City Sale.room, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN r--'SHG~ByviiLE.-----· ...--------.------------------------~ DESK CO. II I, II ! I I ~ .~ .~.~ ~_. _1 SHELBYVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE, FURNITURE - Write for latest catalogue DO NOT LIKE THE BONUS METHOD Halifax Citizens Do Not Want to Buy Factories and Are Testing the Matter in the Courts. Judgmg from the comments m their ne\\ --paper,; the pea pie of Haltfax, N S, do not take k111cll) to the Idea ot "e-cunng facione" by pa) 111ga bonus or grantmi2, "peClal pn\ I leges 110111 tho,;e same comment-, It appeal'; that the honu" method I'; not so popular amon~ the hu ,me,;" men ot that prov111ce a" It I:' 111the :,tate" 1he clt\ councl1 ha" 1u"t completed a deal "'Ith the --\nder--on Cha'r Company at \ al-mouth, 1\ S, whereby the Ander:,on plant I, to be rem')\ ed to Haltfax The term" of the deal and the arguments u"ecl agamst It are clearly 111chcated by the follow111g comment'> made by one of the CIty paper,; and republtshed on the fil"t page of another m black faced type enclosed wIth a border "The CIty IS to get ItS Sacred \1\ hlte Eephant' [he \n-derson ChaIr factory I'; to be forced on the cItIzen,; ot Halt-fax- whether they Itke It or not \'; a matter of fact, thele IS very ltttle dO'ubt that they do "\ 0'1' ltke It, hut the Clt) Counctl th111ks It know:, be:,t One or tvv0 actn e hut ml,- gUIded gentlemen 111the cIty are bound to bn Ig the -\nder- :,on ChaIr company here If the) hay e (ltke A.rtemus liard '; magnammous offer to put down the war hy saCnfiC111!?; hI'; WIfe's relatIons) to ,;aerdice the Intere:,ts of the ratepa) er,; to do It ThIs chaIr factory mu,;t be ,;tarted by the Clt) or the thousand and one other place:, Impenou,;lv calltne,- out for the Ander:,on" may among them ,;ucceecl 11, teanng them from our clutches In order to "tart thIS company the CIty CounCIl has determ111ed to gIve a" ay (for that IS vlrtuall) what It amount,; to) the most valuahle manufaetunng "Ite 111 the CIty, conslstmg of nearly four acres contIguous to a raIl-road sld111g The Anderson ChaIr company gets thl" for $1,050 The CIty paId that for It twenty yean ago, an,l ha,; been carrY111g It all thl:, tlP1e, apparently, walttng for some k111cllycltsposed per,;ons to come and take It off theIr hands Thl'; 111dustry "loved of the God,;" 111the CIty Counctl (by the same token WIll It "dIe young?") IS also to receIve exemptton from taxatIOn for ten year,; and the mlmmum water rates, and th1', \\hl1e the late of taxatIon I" gOIng- up and 111orcler to keep It belm\ t\\ 0 dollar" "ome aldel men have to reSOlt to the ,;ubterfu~e of e:,tlmatmg adcltttonal revenue" from :,uch ,;ourcc:, as fine:, upon the IlltClt pen eyor:, of ltquor and unfortunate,; on the upper "treets' V, hat would the"e geneI'ou" aldermen do \\ Ith then own money, If they are so bountttul WIth what belongs to other people' , The ut) pres" has succeeded 111lettmg "ome lt2,"ht 111011 the tran"actlon, howey er, and a" a result of the Crlttclsm of the propo"ltlOn arou,;ed, a "ltght gam accI ue" tll the cItIzens -\lthough tho--e aldermen engaged m pu"hmg thl" transac-tIon through the Counctl hay e not been deterl ed from theIr tatuou:, com"e, the) ha\ e been compelled to make the Ander- "on ChaIr factor) people execute a bond f01 hve thousand dollar,; concurrentl) WIth the deed Thl'; I" "ubstltuted fGr the extraordmary course agreed upon before the Dally 1'cho hegan to present the true m", ardne,;s of thIS IJdrgaln to the CitIzen:" vlZ, to deed the land to the company at once fOJ $1 050, and enter 111tOan agreement 'aftel wards I The company mayor ma) not make good m the llumberle,;s a\ e-nue,; of 1l1du"try on '" hlch It propo~es to embark, but as h) p-notl'; t-, It" member,; ought to make a fortune anywhere , \ny way) ou take It the \nder,;on comlJany has made a mIghty able deal WIth the CIty, almost anyone would bp glad to forfeIt $'),000 for the sake of getting hold of that pIece of property Fn e thou'3ancl dollars 1ll fact, IS a cheap pllce for the property If the Clt\ really mu,;t get nd of the pr('1) ert) \\hy not a,celtam It" value by askIng tenders for It)" -\'i the counul wa" not dl:,po"ed to heed the prote"t" the "klLker,;' \\ ent to the cour1:" m the name of the people and a'iked for an InjunctIOn to stop the deal, and" ere grante I a temporary re"tra111mg order prohlbltl11g the mayor ft om ';Ie;nmg the contract pendIng a heanng of the ca,;e on It,; ments The corporatIOn counCIl of Haltfax claIm" that the deal IS legal, and entIrely wlth111 the authOrity of the councl1, but nearly all other attorney" m the prov mClal capItal chsa-gree WIth hIm and precltct that the outcome ot the case WIll he a decI:,lOn that wl1l prohIbIt munIU\'Jaltttc" from u,;mg the bonu" method" that are qmte common 111some of the ",;tate" , WEEKLY ARTISAN 'A~Cr8)tcJflJ~' "'"'-~ v ..,.,.11 ..",0'.....,. J Mr Dealer You don't have to" talk" your No wonder people want Royal Chairs-no wonder they • , head off to sell Royal ChaIrs. won't take any other. Read whatC. F. Jackson, Norwalk, You don t have to .. waste" time on "rubber-necks." OhIO, wrote us: We send custO'l1ersto your store convinced-ready to buy. ••We cannot •..,l1 any othe,. chai,..r he,.e. Good ad'CJe,.ti.rine and Gs;~s~~:l1•• Chai:. f;you, Our I A dL me,.,t ha'CJe 14d :=~gr~lld••; a.lona uVer.'Slng;1" "R3oya0~ oc,.acc!(~e,.-ja:Ck~se~e~~~eg,:.r.·:· ve. is a tremendous selling force. 2S Million THE FUSH BUTTON A. E. Millett, Amada, MICh., bays. people are readmgour advertisements every KIND "'you,. Chai,..r a,.e ,.apid-fi,.e .relle,..r. month they appear We use such papers Send la.rt o,.de,. quick..·· as Saturday Evenmg Post, Ladles' Home Wehelp youmother waysas well Drop Journal, Woman's Home Compamon Cos- usa lme today-get our "busmessboomml?" mopolltan, LIterary DIgest, Munsey's: Suc- proPosItIOn-It'sa !lve WIrethat gets the cess Review of ReVIews Everybody's trade-makes your store popular. McClure's and many oth~rs.' CO., • Sturgis, Mich. ----_._~~_._---~ I OUR LINE OF CHINA CLOSETS, BUFFETS AND BOOKCASES ~...._--_._--_ .._ .._-------------------------------- IIIIIIII I III IS MORE COMPLETE AND UP.TO.DATE THAN EVER BEFORE. SAMPLES SHOWN IN CHICAGO ONLY, 1319 MICHIGAN AVENUE, MANUFACT-URERS' EXHIBITION BUILDING, IN CHARGE OF F. P. FISHER, N. P. NELSON, AND FRED LUGER. I ~-R_ OCKFORD STJ\~!2~~!?FsURNIT._U~R~E--C-_O.._I--- ..---------..-.._..._-_......-.._..--_.--------._._._.~~-----_._-----_. 31 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN y,o •• IIIj I ........ . ...-- ---_._._._._. -_._. -------~ II I I I•IIIII I THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leadmg Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dming Room furlllture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. IIIII III II II II,I • .... A complete Ime of sam-plea ue d,splayed in Tbe Ford fs Jobnson BUlldmg, 1433-37 Waliasb Ave., 18- c1udmg a speCIal d.splay of Hotel FurnIture. ~Jll fUl mture dealers are cordwlly t1tvlted to visit our bUIlding. •II II ~._.-..-.-.----------------------"' Sterling· Welch Furniture Department. The Sterhng v\ ekh Con pany of Cleveland cald to be the leachng merchants m the terntory lymg between ::\ew Yark and Chicago, transactll1g busll1ess to the amount of many mllhons an-nually, took possesSIOn of a large. modern b1111dmgerected espel-lally for the use of their furl11ture department ate" \\ eeks a~o and With the faclhtles so provided "Ill tdke a leachng pOSitIOn m the house furlllshmg good" busmess of that City m the Immechate future The company has an abundance of capital and tI ansacts a vast bus111ess 111 a modern and remunerative S\ tem The Michigan Star's New Catalogue. The Michigan ::-,tar } urlllture LOmpdny LeeldllCl \lllh have Issued a handsome twenty IMge catdlogl1c of \\ 111lh 25(,0 Will be sent out to the t1 ade \u~n~t 1() The lover~ dl e of hght green, the p,lge~ m enameled papel dncl Illn~tI ated With many half tones The \lllhlgan ~tal I 11111ltnre LOmpdl1\ hdvl alway s been leacIer~ 111blrcI ~-ey e mdplc on \\ hi h they dre n J\\ havmg a big trade \11 of their precIncts ell e P'1t ont III b11d ~ eye maple, mahogany and quartered oak The lOmpan\ ha" been e~tabhshed smce 1905 and Manager- Trca~urel J E f lcnbad ~ states their busmess the past SI'( month" has been double that 01 the correspondll1g pellod a year ago Wouldn't Pay Five Cents. Commentmg on the offer of a big bonus by the l1tILe\l~ of Halifax, Nova Scotia, to the !'\nderson I ur11lture com pany, the Chatham, (Can) \\orId say~, "l\ewca"tle palC1 ~everal thousand dollars for the pnvtlege of havmg th", fac-tory m the town a fevv yeal", and \\ouldn't pay h,e cent-, to get It back A factory that cannot be run wlthont a bonus should not be run at all" Alaska Refngerator Company Bockstege FurnIture Company, The Bosse FurnIture Company, The Crescent Machme Works Ell D Miller & Company Ford & Johnson Company Globe FurnIture Company, The Grand Rapids Caster Cup Company Hafner FurnIture Company Humphrey-Widman Bookcase Company Hoffman Brothers Compary Hotel Lmden Karges FurnIture Company, The Luce Furmture Company Lentz Table Company Metal FurnIture Company, The Michigan Engraving Company Miller & Company, Eli D. Miscellaneous Moon Desk Company Muskegon Valley FurnIture Company Nelson-Matter FurnIture Company New York FurnIture Exchange Palmer Manufactunng Company PIOneer ManufacturlPg Companay Richmond Chalr Company Royal Chair Company Rockford Standard FurnIture Company Shelbyville Desk Company Sheboygan Chair Company Smith & DaVIS Manufactunng Company Stow & DaVIS FurnIture Company S1Igh FurnIture Company The Possellus Brothers ManufactUring Company Thos Madden, Sons & Company Umon FurnIture Company (Rockfoyd) White Printmg Company World FurnIture Company, The 4 26-27 26-27 Cover 9 32 26-27 25 12 9 13 25 2627 4 19 26-27 2 9 24 13 6 22 3 4 25 11 31 31 30 15 24 29 6 1 17 13 Cover 26-27 ----------_. -----_.----_._-----..~ II I ..... . Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indiana and Illmois to sell our Suites, Dressers, Chiffon-lers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKim & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shippmg facIlities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. To handle a lme of ExtenSIOn Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Terntory desired: Address Koenig FurnIture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. LOUIS,Mo. Ii ;III ... -- - - -- -- - ---- ----~- WANTED. A good cabinet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabmets. Address B. S., care Michigan Artisan. 6-10-2t. WANTED-POSITION AS MANAGER. A practical busmess man, familiar with the manufacturing of bed room furmture and who has a few thousand dollars to invest; can assume charge of one of the best furniture plants in the South. If interested, address "Business," Box 853, Greensboro, N. C. 6-10-4t .......
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Periodicals and Furniture Industry
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