1979 University of Michigan Football Team

<div><p><b>Back Row: </b> ass't coaches Ron Vanderlinden, Bob Thornbladh, Milan Vooletich, Paul Schudel, Dennis Brown, Jack Harbaugh, Bill McCartney, Jerry Hanlon, Don Nehlen, Tirrel Burton, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Fritz Seyferth, Jim Kozlowski</p><p><b>9th Row: </b> student manager Tom Anderson, trainer Russ Miller, eqp. manager Jon Falk, Curtis Antrum, Bill Jacoby, Ethington, Robin Koschalk, Scott Roberts, Mike Korowin, Ali Haji-Sheik, Anthony Carter, Chip Pederson, Roger Gaudette, Bob Patek</p><p><b>8th Row: </b> Jerry Burgei, Jeff Cohen, Duke Hayes, John Brown, Jim Herrman, Joe Mosketti, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Bill Bonnell, Paul Girgash, Ken Gear, John Lott, Ricky Davis, Nate Davis</p><p><b>7th Row: </b> Karl Tech, Doug Agnew, Rich Hewlett, Steve O'Donnell, Craig Dunaway, Jerald Ingram, Winfred Carraway, Mike Cade, Jimbo Davis, Keith Bostic, Larry Ricks, Brad Fischer, Kevin Ssmith</p><p><b>6th Row: </b> Brian Carpenter, Vince Shaw, Tom Neal, Dave Brewster, Sanford Washington, Fred Brockington, Mike Lemirande, Rich Strenger, Norm Betts, Tony Kelsie, Mike Petsch, Mike Czarnote, Kevin Longe, Marion Body</p><p><b>5th Row: </b> Jeff Reeves, Jim Paciorek, Butch Woolfolk, Cedric Coles, Tom Garrity, Mark Warth, Ed Muransky, Bubba Paris, Chuck Rowland, Robert Thompson, Zeke Wallace, Gary Lee, Jeff Felten</p><p><b>4th Row: </b> Brad Bates, Jim Breaugh, Oliver Johnson, Fred Motley, Kelly Keough, John Prepolec, Tony Osbun, Dan Kwiatkowski, Chuck Christian, Greg Wunderli, Tom Wandersleben, Mike Kligis, Bryan Virgil, Frank Raiford</p><p><b>3rd Row: </b> Tom Moss, Stan Edwards, Dave Nicolau, Stu Harris, Ben Needham, Kurt Becker, Chuck Hetts, Mike Trgovac, andy Cannavino, Rodney Feaster, B.J. Dickey, Alan Mitchell, Tony Jackson, Irvin Johnson</p><p><b>2nd Row: </b> James Humphries, Gary Quinn, Dan Murray, Tony Leoni, John Wangler, Gary Weber, Mel Owens, George Lilja, Mike Leoni, Lawrence Reid, Roosevelt Smith, David Payne, Tom Keller, Jay Allen</p><p><b>Front Row: </b> Gerald Diggs, Mark Braman, Mike Jolly, John Powers, co-capt. Ron Smpkins, co-capt. John Arbeznik, Curtis Greer, Dale Keitz, Ralph Clayton, Chris Godfrey, Doug Marsh, Mike Harden, coach Bo Schembechler</p></div>
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Bentley Historical Library
Bentley Image Bank, Bentley Historical Library
Subject Topic:
University of Michigan--Football; University of Michigan--Sports
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