Monroe Street view

Looking north on Canal Street from Pearl Street. Several businesses can be seen on Pearl Street: Ben. Franklin Fast Job Presses; John Bole Card & Job Printing; Grand Rapids Savings Bank; Houseman & Mainzer; Holden & Aspinwall Fire Insurance; E. B. Goodrich Fire Insurance; Clark & Clark Grocers and M. M. Monroe &Co. On Canal Street you can see: L. J. Rindge & Co. Boots & Shoes, Valley City Shoes, Dr. Camp's office, The Daily Times. Fuller & Co. Window Glass can be seen on the left. Several horse-drawn wagons are in the streets. Streetcar tracks can be seen in the middle of the roads. Ca. 1877
Data Provider:
Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
Subject Topic:
Buildings, Business enterprises, and Carts & wagons
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