Patience and Impatience

Trade card from the Michigan Stove Company advertising Garland Stoves and Ranges. A lithograph on the recto depicts an elderly woman in a bonnet running a comb through the hair of a red-haired girl that is sitting on her lap. The card's title, "Patience and Impatience," is printed across the bottom of the recto. The Garland Stoves and Ranges logo is featured in the upper left corner of the recto. An advertisement for Garland Stoves and Ranges, stressing the importance of buying genuine Garland products, is on the verso. Stamped at the bottom of the verso is text reading "Sold By Geo. J. Schaefer & Bro., Dundee, Mich."
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Michigan Stove Company, Stoves, and Garland Stoves and Ranges
Card, Trade
No Copyright - United States