Certificate appointing Charles Trowbridge to the position of Notary Public in and for the County of Wayne, signed by Lewis Cass, Governor, and William Woodbridge, Secretary, in 1826

Certificate appointing Charles Trowbridge to the position of Notary Public in and for the County of Wayne, signed by Lewis Cass, Governor, and William Woodbridge, Secretary, in 1826. The document is stamped with the great seal of the Michigan Territory. "Lewis Cass, Governor in and over the Territory of Michigan, To all to whome these Presents may come, Greeting: Know Ye, That, reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity and ability of Charles Trowbridge Esquire I have nominated, and by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council of the said Territory have appointed him a Notary Public in and of the County of Wayne And I do hereby authorize and empower him to execute and fulfill the duties of that office according to the law: To have and to hold the said Office, with all the rights, privileges, and emoluments thereunto belonging, during the pleasure of the Governor of the said Territory, for the time being. In Testimony whereof, I have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of the said Territory to be hereunto affixed. Given under my Hand, at Detroit, this Twenty ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Twenty Six and of the Independence of the United States of America the Fifty first. By the Governor: Lewis Cass Wm. Woodbridge Secretary of Michigan Territory." The verso contains handwritten declarations from Charles Trowbridge and James Abbots and J. Kearsley, Justices of the Peace, reading as follows: "Territory of Michigan County of Wayne: I Charles C. Trowbridge, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of a Notary Public for the County of Wayne, during my continuance in this office, according to the best of my abilities, so help me God. C. Trowbridge Be it known that on the 30th November 1826, before me the undersigned Justice of the Peace for the County of Wayne, personally appeared Charles C. Trowbridge above named, and in my presence took and subscribed the foregoing oath. James Abbots Justice of the Peace Territory of Michigan County of Wayne: I Charles C. Trowbridge do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States so help me God. C. Trowbridge Sworn and Subscribed before me Dec. 14 1826 J. Kearsley Justice of the Peace Wayne County I Charles C. Trowbridge do solemnly swear that I will without favor or partiality, honestly, diligently and faithfully discharge the duties of a notary public, to the best of my skill and ability, so help me God. C Trowbridge Sworn to & Subscribed before me Dec. 14 1826 J. Kearsley Justice of the Peace Wayne County"
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Notary Public, County of Wayne, and Wayne County
Subject Name:
Trowbridge, Charles Christopher, Cass, Lewis, Woodbridge, William, Abbot, James Jr., and Kearsley, Jonathan
No Copyright - United States